Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The truth

You know, the truth is, I worry. I don't know just why, but it beats the hell out of self-involvement, right? In a way. Or maybe it IS self-involvement.

I took my name from two things, one being a sort of Harry Potter geek and wanting to use "verita" because I feel like telling the truth, MY truth, (insofar as opinion and speculation with a sprinkle of just being, well, around... can ever be truth) and venom because the truth can be poisonous.

I used to be a different name amidst all of this and anyone who assumed that I somehow knew things assumed correctly.


Yeah. So. Midnight.


Anonymous said...

So verita, are you planning on writing another blog anytime soon? I do hope so. I enjoyed reading your other blogs.

Anonymous said...

VERITAVENOM, I don't understand how anyone can agree with you, when you obviously have a problem with Gerard's love choice. You were careful but the truth came out. You can't say this is not about the marriage and then display such aggrovation when you said the following,

(It's pretty well known that Gerard is a desperate, dependent person who would have married Leona Helmsley if she'd been within a few feet of him when he decided he was too scared to end the tour and go home without a significant other to occupy his time.)

Don't be misled by some freaks broken heart. I suggest that if any of you TRULY care for Gerard you find another leader.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
VERITAVENOM, I don't understand how anyone can agree with you, when you obviously have a problem with Gerard's love choice. You were careful but the truth came out. You can't say this is not about the marriage and then display such aggrovation when you said the following,

(It's pretty well known that Gerard is a desperate, dependent person who would have married Leona Helmsley if she'd been within a few feet of him when he decided he was too scared to end the tour and go home without a significant other to occupy his time.)

September 21, 2007 10:04 PM

& you just figured that out now?
Obviously Lyn-Z isn't a good choice for Gerard. If it doesn't make sense to you... Too bad.

Anonymous said...

Boi. What the hell am I doing here? It's 2016

Anonymous said...

I wonder what you think about her now....

Anon said...

She made a lot of good points. Some commentators, too, but the rest? Crazy conspiracy theories. I just found this blog (i wasnt a part of the killjoy scene or whatever just a fan of bullets back in 04-05) and i am in waaay too deep with these comments. Weight gain with gerard and frank? Sympathy weight gain from their wives pregnancies ofc.
Those mom commentators must be in their 50s or 60s rn? Those teenie fans? Mid-twenties prob.
Go VV for telling it like it is. I still enjoy my chem from time to time and im trying to get concert tixs for the reunion show but yeah she (and some other commentators) made good points. Made me mad/sad at first but i recently found out gee had an eating disorder during danger days. That made me sad so im cool with them now.

I wonder where she is lol

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I have 0 sympathy for that lying bitch Eliza Cuts and I will continue to support Gerard Way for as long as I live. Eliza is just a stupid attention whore who wants to defame Gerard.