What's going on at those signings? Not hearing a lot, just seeing some videos of Gerard and the bassist from that band looking very smug as they leave together.
But some people are innocently and unknowingly observing things. Anyone who has ever known a coke addict (or has been one) just felt that familiar tightening in their chest.
The text for anyone who doesn't want to click. it was weird...he took a bathroom break before he signed my comic
when he came back though he was all excited and extremely nice...
I'll bet.
Friday, September 21, 2007
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The most informative you'll find...
Well everyone has their own take on things. Some observe things that others miss. It depends on the lens that you view things from. The above link is written from a fangirl point of view.
Yeah, textbook fangirl, shaking and trembling before the great Gerard Way, squealing as she leaves etc. And then telling people she thinks he's just human. Cause that's not how you act around people you don't pretty much worship.
"The most informative" LOL. When you're seeing everything through Gerard Coloured Glasses, yeah, that's not too "informative."
You guys need to read these excellent stories of fans meeting Gerard at the Newbury signing, and if you scroll down somebody sneaked a shot of Gerard and posted the picture. Somebody also gave him a giant turtle, the stuffed animal kind.
Veritavenom, I suppose if you were face to face with Gerard you would look the other way then?
Don't pretend to be so dense to human nature. She admires him as do lots of people and once upon a time so did you.
Text book fan girls ask Gerard to sign their shirts. The buzznet user you despise so much included everyone on her journey. Sounds like one hell of a beautiful, caring individual to me.
But I guess since her detailed description of the days events gave you no ammunition for your Gerard Way crucification, you would look past the beauty of it all.
Gerard Way has done nothing wrong and any legal/illegal drug use that you fathom is going on makes you a disgusting, evil, OBSESSIVE, HATE-girl, don't you think?
Or are you so deeply concerned about the well being of the thousands of MCR fans that you don't know and have no respect for?
Why are you so concerned with how people look at Gerard Way?
You still have failed to answer my question from your other blog... Eliza, is that you?
Are you telling me that Gerard might have been snorting during the bathroom break? Mcrmada, what gives you the right to out front attack veritavenom like the way you did just because she shows a bit of concern? Most of us are adults here, we do not see the current situations the same way as you or any other "fan" who are too blind to see the truth about Gerard's condition. If you claim that you care much about him or the band, where is your concern? Because I do not see it. I see another "fan" blatantly jumping on another just because she actually shows real feelings. I seen Gerard's strange behavior firsthand, with a friend attending with me. I seen them many times before and I never, ever seen the odd behavior until the day I went to PR. Do not attack her or anyone else just because we all show concern. Compare to most of the mindless zombies who wants to pretend that they are "happy for Gerard" which is complete bullshit, we see things the way we see them; we do not turn the blind eye and pretend that Gerard is okay. He is not. Pay attention!
Maybe Gerard just went to go take a PISS !! for god sake.
Only a fangirl would call someone "disgusting and evil "for thinking that Gerard might be slipping again. That sounds like something a religious freak would say when someone insulted their god. The same kind of outrage.
Wait, why are we even listening to these whining, puling, blind-sheep fangirls again? They are worthless. Keep telling the truth, VV, the truth as you see it and as other people around you see it. With their eyes open. Lies, even Gerard's own lies, will be the death of him.
The fangirls are in for a big letdown but maybe they need to learn in order to grow up.
So just because she doesn't hate Gerard as some of you do, she is a fan girl?
Because she doesn't take what you see as inspiring need to know info. she worships him?
Ever occur to you that you may be wrong?
Don't put down people who aren't helping you to the top of your game. I hear she DESTROYED your attempts on buzznet by the way.
Aside from the fact that she gave you a ruin for your money, she is a sweet and considerate, intelligent individual.
Anyone who can't see that is not to be trusted in the perception department, don't ya think?
Your perception of this girl is probably 10 percent of who she is. Same for your perception of Gerard. Dig deep enough and you will find the pit fall of your wicked ways.
Don't put down people who aren't helping you to the top of your game.
Oh, do you mean like calling people disgusting and evil because they see things differently from you? Pot, kettle etc.
I hear she DESTROYED your attempts on buzznet by the way.
Actually most people there were agreeing with me. And pretty much all of the adults who knew their way around life. But if by "destroyed" you meant "ranted like a mindless idiot frothing at the mouth over Gerard Way" then you'd be right, though.
I don't understand what all your whining is about mcrmada. People are blogging because of their genuine concern for his mental health, which a huge proportion of MCR fans are choosing to ignore, because they don't want to believe he has faults like everyone else. I AM concerned for the wellbeing of MCR fans if they have been lead to believe an illusion. Do you know first hand if he's never done anything wrong? Saying he would never do this,or he is just so wonderful etc is totally unrealistic. Human beings are multi-faceted. All of us have good and bad sides. Only some of us choose to function on the more negative aspects of our personalities. And what, if you can conceive for one minute that he has been hiding behind a veneer of happiness and has serious problems, are we to say it's his life and be complicit with the parody. What if he is becomes aware the the majority see the trickery and this effects the band's future, it just might encourage him to get the assistance he requires. The rock world has claimed too many sensitive souls already. What you see as crucification I see as a reawakening.
AHEM! I didn't call veritavenom, disgusting and evil for thinking Gerard was slipping again. I called veritavenom that because obviously veritavenom got off on watching people in chaos.
Veritavenom finds pleasure in causing chaotic and disorderly behavior. I have been apart of buzznet for almost a year now and it is the only access I have to the mcrmy. When people make threads and see it is getting out of hand and hurtful to one another they close it BECAUSE it is getting out of hand. Because they have concern for one another.
Veritavenoms invasion on buzznet was not a happy one. I'm sorry if I think it's better when people get along and should have trust in their own opinions.
Fangirl? LMAO You know what? I guess I really hurt some feelings back there. I must have for you to say such an off point thing. But being you don't know me it's natural for you to pull w/e makes you feel better out your well laid ass.
I own no mcr shirts. I didn't particularly take a liking to any of the designs for official mcr shirts so I don't have one.
I have no mcr posters. Just the music. I haven't listened to my Mcr c.d's in a week. I haven't read the special edition "Black Parade" context all the way through. I've seen the d.v.d once and have a wide selection of various music and bands in my collection.
Just because I wasn't on the negative side of the argument doesn't mean I am a fangirl. I stepped into a discussion that was turning into a war zone. I gave them the half that veritavenom didn't. ALL my defenses were band based facts which is more than I can say of what's going on here.
Do as you please but be prepared to suffer the discomfort that goes with it and DON'T think you know me...
Being concerned for his mental health and admitting he should be replaced are 2 different things. Where has veritavenom stated that Gerard should seek rehab? Where has she showed any nurturing concern for his well being? She hates the man and wants supporters. Know what you're backing before you fall over.
I'm sorry if I think it's better when people get along
You should be sorry. That's dangerous, follower mentality.
and should have trust in their own opinions.
Except when they don't agree with yours, obviously.
You don't need T shirts to be a raving fangirl. All you need is raving fangirlishness and you have it in abundance.
Voluptuosity I have to ask, what do you have against verita? No matter if you do not like to read her opinions, no one is putting a gun to your head to read her blogs. Remember these words: Free will and choice. I do not have nothing against mcrmada so she can post what she likes as far as I'm concerned, but you must realize that some of us are indeed concern for Gerard's well being.
~sigh~ The point being is this- Gerard is a man and may make mistakes . Trying to get people to forget the positive and good he has done is just fucked up. Why are you obsessed with someone you value so little? If Gerard is having a hard time then time will tell. Gerard has family and friends around him that are looking out for him. All the bitching and speculating in the world won't get you any closer to your goals. Get a life!
@ verita: So I'm a hippie because I think people who most likely come from depressive backgrounds (meaning they listen to mcr) should have a better time with one another? I felt that way before ANY FUCKING BAND SO WATCH YOUR MOUTH. You are the only religous freak here. Did I not say Gerard was just normal a guy? Yeah, I did. I'm not the one who gets steamed whenever someone doesn't agree with me. People rose questions and I answered them. Simple... The moment you called Gerard, Britney Spears is the second you revealed how off of a person you really are.
@ bleedingchaos- Know it or not. People look to me for w/e reason on buzznet. Someone let me know that this PERSON needs to be put to a stop. Why they told me? I don't know. Will I make that my responsibility? I don't have to. This will be over all on its own. And if PEOPLE want to mention my name with the amount of friends I apparently have looking out for me then they shouldn't go under the name anonymous, should they. You wanna say something to me? SAY IT TO MY FACE. I'M NOT FUCKING GERARD WAY!
Verita got a high out of having people agree with her? Well you know what? I have been having people agree with me for 90% of my buzz career. It took REAL AUTHENTIC me to do that. NOT some "shock hooking" of a rumour... looks like MSI has taken a toll on you, huh? You think Gerard is dealing then think it. Don't call people who choose to NOT look beyond the drawn curtains of Gerard obsessed. I'm not the one who made a day to day life out of typing about another persons probable future.
VERITAVENOM, I don't understand how anyone can agree with you, when you obviously have a problem with Gerard's love choice. You were careful but the truth came out. You can't say this is not about the marriage and then display such aggrovation when you said the following,
(It's pretty well known that Gerard is a desperate, dependent person who would have married Leona Helmsley if she'd been within a few feet of him when he decided he was too scared to end the tour and go home without a significant other to occupy his time.)
Don't be misled by some freaks broken heart. I suggest that if any of you TRULY care for Gerard you find another leader.
Voluptuosity, please do not take this as an insult but 90% of your apparent "support" comes from a group of 13-16 year old hormonous girls who trample all over a site called buzznet where they lack a large amount of life experience because of their age. Do you really want to have a group of kids who cannot think for themselves become your followers? I admire people who can *actually* speak the truth without being feared of prosecution, even from a faction of teenage girls. One other mistake a poster has made is the fact that they assume Gerard's friends and family are going to be there to catch him when he falls from grace, so to speak. I am sorry but situations similiar to that are much more complicated because there is always a high risk that someone he loves will lose faith or support in him because his stubborness or unwillingness is preventing him from seeking the help that he so desperately needs. People who cannot continue to endure their loved ones' pain or suffering has a chance of giving up entirely; they lose the will to fight.
actually, alot of those girls on Buzznet that support Voluptuosity are 20 or older.
I don't need a leader, that's why I come here. I'm allowed to have an opinion of my own without being called names.
You say that veritavenom doesn't want to hear an opinion that isn't her own, than why are your post still up?
bleedingchaos, believe it or not there are mcr fans on buzznet who are over 21. Hell, that's the age range My Chem is for anyway. They don't have time for street teams and such. They have work, pressure, experience.
Milleann is the oldest on the site and she is my friend. The majority of my friends are females and their age reads 100. LOL Never tell, I guess. ;) My close friends are married and so on. I know kids are there and since when does age have to do with intelligence?
I was intelligent at a very young age as a matter of fact. I don't care to fight with anyone but when people belittle Mcr and I raise them up from the crumble it would seem as if I was a fangirl as verita put it. But I am a grown ass woman who has had dealt with more than some 40 year olds have.
I'm not going to indulge in this anymore. I would just appreciate if people kept my name out of this. It's obvious some of you are from buzznet. And it really hurt when someone said that I thought I was better than everyone. That I'm trying to prove to Gerard that I'm the better fan. By defending him on the internet that he would know better than to sink too deep into?
Anyway, like someone said, I think it's better for you to find another leader. Check the end comments of verita's other blogs to see why...
vertiavenom believe it or not Voluptuosity contacted me by message way before you showed up on buzznet. She wanted to start a thread called, "Ever Disagree With The Band". Calling her a fan girl is far from it. She looks at things from all angles maybe she just doesn't take a liking to your particular choice of approach... She's 23 and that wasn't call 4.
Anonymous said...
I don't need a leader, that's why I come here. I'm allowed to have an opinion of my own without being called names.
You say that veritavenom doesn't want to hear an opinion that isn't her own, than why are your post still up?
HEY FUCK HEAD? LMFAO Were you in on the mCr iz dead on buZZ? Your preshus veritavenom said we were all sucking Gerard's dick. Said we were obsessive and other shit. Fuck that. Name calling was already apart of this so get it right.
If you don't need someone to follow then get off the net and do something. Post are up cuz its the only jesture this whacko has to prove she's not an obsessive BEOTCH. Get real!!
I'm not going to indulge in this anymore. I would just appreciate if people kept my name out of this. It's obvious some of you are from buzznet. And it really hurt when someone said that I thought I was better than everyone. That I'm trying to prove to Gerard that I'm the better fan. By defending him on the internet that he would know better than to sink too deep into?
Did people tell you that you were better than everyone else? I am not sure if those kinds of comments stem from this site, but that right there is the main reason why I steer clear from the forums on buzznet. It is clear that some of the fans lack the emotional maturity to act their own age, but instead they act and bicker like children. I have more peace of mind knowing that I can express my opinions here without worrying about being persecuted by kids half my age. I cannot even comment about the leadership quip because technically, that is not the main focus of why I am here. Frankly, I do not care about that sort of nonsense. My main focus is of the band itself and Gerard's state of mind. That is all. If people want to bicker against each other, that is fine, but I try not to involve myself with that kind of baggage considering it only makes matters worse. Let by gones be by gones. Forgive and forget.
Maybe she'd forgive if someONE apologized. What does BN have 2 do with this.? Verita asked for the name and didn't tell them 2 leave her out of it.
Which poster would that be? Because it looks like there are a few of them with that mindset.
September 17, 2007 6:51 PM
marthajones said...
Maybe the other out come of this whole thing will be Buzznet getting its act together. For a place that is supposed to be for fans to express themselves they sure don't allow them to. Unless your certain people.
September 17, 2007 7:43 PM
Anonymous said...
To Verita, I was referring to the lovely miss Voluptuosity. For her, everyone's opinion is valid as long as it is in accordance with her's. Don't ever criticize St Gerard.
September 17, 2007 8:08 PM
Anonymous said...
OMG! You actually said her name?
I thought I was obsessed with Gerard but she is beyond! In her mind, Gerard is God. But yeah, she basically has taken over the Gerard Way forum and has formed her own little MCRmy over there.
September 18, 2007 3:14 PM
marthajones said...
Its that look at me Gerard I stood up for you when everyone else was putting you down. She is trying to get good in with him by showing what a good fan she is. I think she took over that forum because no one else was running it and she is but one of seven I think on the MCR forum who run it. Why be a little fish in a big pond when you can be a big fish in a small pond.
September 18, 2007 7:23 PM
Sound like jealusee to me. O_0
CHAOS! that was from the frank huh? blog. leave Bn FANS out of this if Gee is all u care 4 FUCK HEADS. LMFAO
I'm way older than 20 and older than millian for that matter and a resident of buzznet and I'm sure several of you know who I am, I just didn't bother to sign up for an acct. And I agree with Voluptuosity.
From my point of view I seriously doubt your "concern" for Gerard is more than jealousy that he isnt with you or at least still on the market for you to fantasize about.
I am not saying I know anything about Gerard's personal affairs. I dont believe he is doing any drugs or alchohol but can I state that for a fact? No. Is it my business... no.
He is just a man, he is a BIG BOY if he would fall off the wagon it would have to be his choice to get back on. He has family and friends around him. That really know what is goin on and not what they heard from a friend that said they know a friend that heard from a guy that works at a venue that knows a crew member that said... etc etc...
He has people to lean on and support him if he gets in a bad way and again... his life is not your concern.
Just stop.
Gerard chose to get married, for those of you that want to call Voluptuosity a fangirl for being excited when she met him for the first time.... that is just assinine! She didnt jump in his lap and scream she wanted to have his baby... she was excited. I was too the first time I met him. I have met him 3 times.
Hes a cool guy. Not one time did he seem under the influence. He was articulate and sweet.
No one is bringing the band down.
They are going to take a break, till 2009. Gerard can spend time with Lynz, Frank can get married, Mikey can spend more time with Alicia, maybe Bob and Ray will take the big step with their GF's who knows.
It is their life!
Do I care about them as people?
Sure I do. Is it my right to speculate about if they are being good boys or not and smear it all over the world wide web? Not really... you say it is your right to state yoru oppinions... sure it is...
but what your doing, just isnt cool... if you really did care about him you would keep your speculation to yourself and have a little faith that he is a big boy.
If he makes a mistake, and he will because he is human, then it is his business and a million fairweather fans shouldnt be wagging their fingers at him!
Gerard does not deserve people sticking up for him. He knows he is making stupid decisions, he does not need encouragement.
He knows his inner sadness will be read if he takes the sunglasses off.
Veritavenom and the bleeding chaos, you are both so very close to the truth.
LOL you're an idiot.
I'm not the one who gets steamed whenever someone doesn't agree with me.
Like I said. LOL, you are an idiot.
Oh heaven forbid if the man left to go to the bathroom.
Maybe he, oh, I don't know... HAD TO GO TO THE DAMN BATHROOM?
"Gerard does not deserve people sticking up for him. He knows he is making stupid decisions, he does not need encouragement."
Oh really. And if you were ever being ganged up on because things looked a little off, you wouldnt deserve it either i suppose!
Again this is quite ammusing watching some of you judge him as if you know him. You dont. You are not part of his life. You do not spend personal quality time with him. You base your feelings on speculation and rumor and work yourself into frenzies and then make even more rumors.
"He knows his inner sadness will be read if he takes the sunglasses off."
Ya know even if that were true. Do you really think that stomping him personally over the internet is helping that?
Really what do you think you are accomplishing. Do you think as a handfull of fans that hes going to think to himself... you know what... their right... I am making SUCH a mistake.
You dont know him, why would he take advice from you? Or any of the guys, why would they take advice from people that feed off rumors, even if they had one little speck of truth in them somewhere that someone misconstrued and it made a mountain out of a molehill.
They wouldnt. It just makes them loose respect for fans in general. They feel invaded, and intruded upon. They can have no privacy. To even struggle on their own if they did have a problem.
They are burdened by people like you who will pick apart and analyze the smallest thing and make it a huge conspiracy of sorts and it doesnt even concern you.
No wonder they are so closed off. So private. Because when the smallest thing leaks out, people like you feed on it and try to speculate what every little thing means until you make it into something that it isnt.
Bottom line. Even if it was... it isnt your business.
I thought we didn't delete posts here?
Then you tell me what happened to mine that was posted at:
September 21, 2007 7:52 PM
it was after
anonymous at September 21, 2007 7:50 PM
and before mcrmada at
September 21, 2007 8:04 PM
Oh but you dont censor posts!
I guess my point made to much sence in deflating your bs to let stand!
Anonymous said...
LOL you're an idiot.
I'm not the one who gets steamed whenever someone doesn't agree with me.
Like I said. LOL, you are an idiot.
She's not an idiot.
I however think it's the most idiotic thing one can do to have an opinion about an argument that has nothing to do with you.
She has taken her leave and you should have some respect.
Get back to making Gerard a coke head and making yourselves out to be the only sane people on the planet. Capeesh?
I just don't understand why people are coming out of the woodwork to attack veritavenom NOW. She has been posting her blog here for over a month! She has her opinion, you obviously have yours. Why are trying to bully her into seeing your side.
If you don't agree with what she is saying, be like LOVEWOMAN and start your own blog! That simple.
As far as people being jealous or hating Gerard, that is NOT TRUE!
BTW, you have as much proof as we do.
Try posting it again. I haven't deleted a thing; nothing is censored here. I like watching you all freak out, even though I'm sad for you that you worship someone so hard and are in denial.
Who cares if they don't respect the fans? I don't. I don't need the respect of people who sell out, of people who say they stand for one thing and then do the opposite of it.
And guess what? Some people posting on these blogs DO know Gerard. At least two of them know him closely.
And by the way, no, I won't "have respect" for Voluptuousity." She's a follower who knows she's about to be left behind, soon she'll have to find another idol to worship anyway.
I would never judge a person if i did not know them.
You people sticking up for him do not know him. And i stress this. you do not know what happens behind closed doors.
Not everything is always as perfect as you may want to think. So why put your comment out there and stick up for him? He is just laughing at you.
'Veritavenom' and 'The bleeding Chaos' are closer to the truth than you may think.
blackheart13 said...
I just don't understand why people are coming out of the woodwork to attack veritavenom NOW. She has been posting her blog here for over a month!
Maybe your friend should have stayed away from buzznet. She thought she was some messiah of enlightenment and all she is showing fans whose perception is NOT altered by a fascination with Gerard's personal life, is that she is an obsessive and angry Gerard Way hater.
She does not care for him, the band or the fans. She has said NOTHING in relation to hoping he is okay.
She hates the man for her own RUMOR BASED reasons and needs to know that the mcrmy is NOT behind her.
Gerard doesn't deserve finding out that a few "SUPPOSED FANS" think he is what you make him out to be. Your actions will reflect on the mcrmy as a whole. This is why my My Chemical Romance Hall Of Fan Fame community is going up...to separate the fake posers from the respectable mcrmy.
Blackheart13, if you care so much for his well being then make sure the one who represents such a vulgar cause (which you are supporting) feels the same way as you...
@Being1, You can believe that Gerard is in danger but the one behind this behaves as if she has a death wish for this man. Pay closer attention.
Danger? I do not believe i implied that. Gerard has changed. The people here 'sticking up' for him are doing him no favours. Making him think he is fine and everyone is cheering him on.
For example, Gerard throws up on stage. Crowd cheer him on. He throws his own vomit into crowd. He is not himself.
"True fans." "Fake fans." "Haters." "Posers." "Teenies." "Jealous." Etc.
Did I accidently wind up on buzznet again?
These ludicris accusations are why I will never visit that ridiculous site again. Please all of you visitors from BN, go away. Take your asinine lables and blind loyalty and go back to BN to continue your discussions of Gee's crotch or whatever shallow topic you have moved onto. You are not going to bully anyone here into believing your opinion over our own.
mcrmada said...
@Being1, You can believe that Gerard is in danger but the one behind this behaves as if she has a death wish for this man. Pay closer attention.
I think you need to pay closer attention. No one here has a death wish for him, just the opposite. We are concerned about the death wish he seems to have for himself. Open your eyes.
@Being1, Like I said, it's okay for you to feel he is a danger to himself or not himself but veritavenom has displayed nothing of authentic concern for him.
She despises the man for not living up to HER expectations of him. I have seen verita for more than this blog and perhaps if you looked at verita without the fact that you have a FEW points in common you would see what's there.
Having a FEW points in common with verita doesn't make it okay to support a cause that is meant to erase Gerard Way...
Anonymous said...
mcrmada said...
@Being1, You can believe that Gerard is in danger but the one behind this behaves as if she has a death wish for this man. Pay closer attention.
I think you need to pay closer attention. No one here has a death wish for him, just the opposite. We are concerned about the death wish he seems to have for himself. Open your eyes.
As are all of his fans. But applauding a blogger whose approach is nothing but steamed hatred towards Gerard makes you out to be the bad guy as well, don't ya think?
mcrmada said:
As are all of his fans. But applauding a blogger whose approach is nothing but steamed hatred towards Gerard makes you out to be the bad guy as well, don't ya think?
This blog is not about hatred, if it were, I wouldn't be here I would at buzznet with you.
So what would make me a 'good guy' in your eyes? Being an enabler like yourself and turning a blind eye to any signs to anything that may be wrong? Keeping my concern for a man who has meant so much to me to myself and instead joining in on conversations about how big his crotch is or how cute his and Lyz matching shirts are? Please...
I myself don't do any mingling on buzznet and I see no harm in a bunch of kids who suffer from their own forms of depression having a little fun.
Perhaps if you read the comment I left on verita's new, "Not hate, not love, just poison" blog that would answer your question.
But he basically needs fans who don't throw him under the truck of judgment. Fans who don't "point a finger at him" as someone here said. He needs people who worry regardless and not in light of any new found exaggerated discoveries.
Doing so is giving him reason to stray even further into himself.
Love is better given at all times not at a sign of trouble where you can find reason to call him a "mess up". Sounds like the parents we all had and hated at one time or another, doesn't it?
Okay well you know what? I've had about all I can take of THIS bullshit. I was at that signing. I spoke to both Gerard and Lyn-Z at length. They walked right past me as they were leaving. They weren't being "smug" they were smiling at fans and saying goodbye to them.
As far as the intimation about G doing drugs in the bathroom - are you fucking for real, Dude? Did it ever occur to you that he was sitting in the same place for three hours' straight, sipping coffee, trying to hold the shit in and then maybe just um...had to go take a damn PISS?
wtf is wrong with you people? Where does this determination come from to place Gerard in such a negative light, and now poor Lyn-Z too? And who are your sources? Random, faceless, internet people?
For every idiot teenie that attended that signing with me and saw fit to come up with baseless accusations about what they thought they saw, you have me, who saw nothing but two very nice, respectful, honest (yes honest!) and humble, regular, down-to-earth people supporting one another at a major event in one of their lives, like couples you know, DO?
This shit has to stop. You have zero proof of what you are contending, you are ceaselessly attacking a man's character (and now his wife's too, just for having the audacity to be married to him,) and you are selfishly seeking to tarnish the image those whom he has helped to feel better about themselves have of him.
Oh btw I too teared up before I met him. I'm 39 years old. I'm a professional person and a mother. I did this not because I am a "textbook fangirl," but because his words have touched me and it was an honor to meet him. There is a difference between respect and worship, Little Girl.
Oh something else you may want to inform yourself about: you don't sniff crack, you smoke it.
Oh something else you may want to inform yourself about: you don't sniff crack, you smoke it.
I guess you would know...
Yeah.. Everytime i see someone go to the bathroom, them taking crack is the first thing on my mind.
Yeah.. Everytime i see someone go to the bathroom, them taking crack is the first thing on my mind.
Anonymous said...
Yeah.. Everytime i see someone go to the bathroom, them taking crack is the first thing on my mind.
September 22, 2007 4:55 PM
Who the fuck said anything about crack, much less sniffing it?
Maybe you people should lay off sniffing glue.
I believe that VV and Bleeding Chaos know things that other people WANT to miss. This shit scares me TBH.
And fangirlishness knows no age boundaries, dear.
"Oh something else you may want to inform yourself about: you don't sniff crack, you smoke it."
LMAO who said anything about sniffing crack? Maybe you are "sniffing" crack... not the drug kind. Actually you are, your head is so far up Gerard's ass anyway.
You can wonder no more. Here's what he did on his break,
Did you get that? LOL
WHy are you writing shit three times? He smoked a cigarette, how does that prove that everything is fine? VV is right, you guys are in denial.
So why don't u marry him? LMAO How many times R u gonna say "U guys are in denial! OMGoddiedskfjdsf
Shut the fuck up already.
Duh, may behave childishly but I believe he's right.
Verita, you are ignorant for not accepting all other possibilities. You very much have a cult like mentality.
Good luck to you and your followers but I think anyone and everyone who is independent enough to make their own decisions should get on with themselves.
Don't be corrupted by this individuals poisonous initiatives. Farewell...
I'm a cult leader now? Awesome!
God, you guys are ridiculous. It's funny how you act, but it's sad at the same time.
Ha Ha Ha
careless comments reveal who you really are amongest the buzznet nazi
command your own lower ranking fandom and let others make their statements, (right or wrong)
veritavenom; may i suggest the no anon comment button
Why don't all you BN girlies fuck off. Go back to Buzznet and talk about his crotch. Noone wants you here.
Oh boy.
Well I would know whether or not crack is sniffed or smoked because I like...READ. You know, actual like BOOKS, not just Buzznet blogs.
Um, so in your people's minds, anyone who has anything positive to say about Gerard must "have their head up his ass?"
And what would you know about age boundaries, Little Girl? You sound like a bitter, jealous little shrew whose favorite toy broke.
What EXACTLY do you people think you have to contribute to society here? "Oohhhh look look look, someone on buzznet saw Gerard go to the bathroom, therefore validating my claim that I'm right and he is on drugs again. Now everyone pay attention to and herald me as the new hero."
Seriously, get some help. If anyone's a fangirl, it's you, Honey, because you clearly have no better way to pass your time then to overanalzyze the actions of Gerard Way.
Anon, YOU were the one who was talking about "sniffing crack", not I. Hey, here's something fun for you to do. Read all of my posts and tell me one instance where I used either word.
That should keep you occupied for a while. :) Have fun with that, now! I'll be over here leading my cult.
"Anon, YOU were the one who was talking about "sniffing crack", not I. Hey, here's something fun for you to do. Read all of my posts and tell me one instance where I used either word."
Well okay you got me there - I was referred here by other sources. Crack gets mentioned someplace, I know that much.
"I'll be over here leading my cult."
You say this is jest, but is that not, in fact, what you're doing? Drumming up support for your "position?" Now do we want to have a real debate here or just pick apart little details like what word I used?
Now do we want to have a real debate here or just pick apart little details like what word I used?
There is no debate. I know what I know. You see it differently. Oh well. You can either accept that I'm going to tell it like I see it and walk away, or you can come here and wank over it. It's your choice, because like I said, I find people who worship the ground that Gerard walks on to be both funny and kind of pathetic at the same time.
Picking you apart for the words you used? Well yeah. You're saying that I wrote something I never did. Actually, you said it a few times, so I'm wondering where you got that from, because I never once said either thing. So now all you have is "WELL OMGS you hate Gerard and you're being a CULT LEADER!!!111"
You are ridiculous. Go sniff someone's crack.
"I know what I know. You see it differently." Sweetheart, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW? Were you at that signing? Did you have little spies following him into the bathroom, what? I was there, I spoke to them both, so I don't have to "see it differently," it is what is, and your accusations are ridiculous.
"WELL OMGS you hate Gerard and you're being a CULT LEADER!!!111"
Okay, so you asked me who said the thing about crack and I told you I'm not quite sure who started THAT, but I do know you imply SOMETHING in your blog, so own up to what you say, Miss Brave? While we're on that subject, where did you get the above quote from? You sure as hell didn't see it in any of MY posts, so, a bit defensive, Dear?
"You are ridiculous. Go sniff someone's crack." LMAO aw did I hit a nerve, Sweet Pea?
Hit a nerve with what? You never actually said anything. I proved you wrong, you admitted it, so, yeah. No nerve hitting. I just think you're ridiculous, that's all.
"Hit a nerve with what? You never actually said anything. I proved you wrong, you admitted it, so, yeah. No nerve hitting. I just think you're ridiculous, that's all."
wtf are you TALKING about, Dude? Proved me wrong with WHAT? Still hung up on the fact that people took your comments to use the phrase "snorting crack?" You implied something close enough to that, Dude.
And what EXACTLY about me is so ridiculous to you? Because you're pretty ridiculous to me, too, but do elaborate, please, I'm very interested.
I have taken your comments point by point and defied you to back them up. You have failed to do so, but continue to rely on mindless insults. This proves nothing at all except that you are an immature girl with no identity outside of the net.
You want to make blanket accusations against people, you need to be prepared to defend your position with actual facts. Just a tip, Little One. Boy, would I hate to see things come back and bite you in the ass. NOT.
It's amazing how verita thinks she is actually getting somewhere with a mere 2 or 3 companions. I guess the majority of these replies shows how far this whole thing will go, doesn't it? Not very far. You 3 or 4 like sitting here and pulling what ifs out of your ass uninterrupted? Then go about it and STAY AWAY FROM BUZZNET...unless you're confident enough to take on the mcr forums this time, Verita. ;)Being that you're not, you won't be missed.
O and if so many people were agreeing with you on BN then where are all the replies in your favor, your highness? ...by highness I am of course referring to "PUT THAT PIPE DOWN!"
As for the rest of you on her side, I am saddened to see your lack of intelligence and respect. You all wish to call out Gerard Way like some monster? Well, mcrmada put it quite nicely. He doesn't need anyone coming at him with pitchforks and slit wrist (VERITA) He needs to know that he has friends who TRULY care for him and TRULY wish him well, ya know like Voluptuosity.
No one here has the right to say how the situation should be handled IF there is a situation at all. Somewhere you got it fixated that you know what is best for a man you never met?!! GET A LIFE. MAKE SOME REAL FRIENDS. Let go of the Gerard you were never going to have IN THE FIRST PLACE. Live and let live. Get another hobby. Get another fav. band. Let kids support whoever the hell they want.
Barney touched little kids and still gets support. Gerard MAY make mistakes in life and thats more acceptable then how some famous individuals ACTUALLY fuck up.
You've cried so much over this that you want to get him back. Well, I highly suggest you seek some therapy since you feel the musical therapy of MCR is no longer of any value. Please do, before it's too late.
You speak of fan girl this and fan girl that. What would you call someone as obsessed over what Gerard does and doesn't do as much as you are, Verita?
If any of you are really veritas friends, then maybe provide some of that age old advice she so obviously needs and you claim to have.
You truly do hate this man because the way you behave is not at all in the message of the music. Or do you think acting like some mighty, proud, vain, over zealous, diva brings you closer to the Gerard you CLAIM to hate so? Hmmm...sounds like you wish to mirror the "supposed persona" of this man even without seeing it. *sigh*
ANYONE HERE REPRESENTING THE BUZZNET MCRMY PULL OUT!. Let's leave these 3 to their warped reality...
"And guess what? Some people posting on these blogs DO know Gerard. At least two of them know him closely."
Proof? Motive? No? Then STFU
I smile after I use the toilet seat, there's nothing wrong with that. Plus he was seating there for so long. Are you a famous person? 'No.' Do you sign more than 50 items? 'No.' No you don't.
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