Monday, September 24, 2007

"I still can't get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for everyone."

A few thoughts on Gerard that sort of correlate with my second post and people who are empty, and who are easily led. Does it ever seem to anyone else like Gerard isn't really the leader he seems to be? (Well I mean aside from the obvious, the recent dumping of the "morals" and "responsibility" he always sermonized about onstage in order to take a hate-spewing band on tour with them and expose them to their young fans... the same ones he used to try to protect. Aside from that.)

What I mean is how often he seems to change his mind based on what other people are saying or doing. First of all he seems to change his mind about huge life decisions at the drop of a hat. Leave his girlfriend of 6 years over the phone for no obvious reason while she was already ill, a few months later hook up with the next girl that was in the vicinity. (Seems like all you have to do to get engaged or married to Gerard Way is be around him a few times.) The rumors then were that she asked him to get married. But Gerard wanted to get married, he said so in a few interviews. He makes a big deal out of his age all the time. (Even when he was doing older interviews. Look at the one with Bert. "I'm 27 so I'm pretty old." And the "what turns you on" interview. "Well, I'm not that young anymore, so...." He's hung up on his age in the biggest way to begin with.) I can't even count how many times he's said that he was old, or too old, or felt like he should be doing some such thing by a certain age.

Then recently he said he wanted to drop "I'm Not Okay" from their setlist because he felt like he had outgrown it and he wanted "peace and quiet" these days. O-kayyy... They ended up not dropping it after all which is good, but I wonder what made him make that decision. Could be be that he started acting like he was 12 again? Could it be that he's still "not okay"?

Then an anonymous letter, or really a few of them, come along calling out Eliza for being a bitch and for using him. The next thing you know, his engagement is off. It looked like he actually took the ring off between songs during a concert. (By all accounts it was on for the first half of the concert and gone for the last half, leading to speculation that maybe it had somehow slipped off his finger during the show.) A very sudden decision, very quickly after someone "told" him that Eliza was wrong for him.

Next thing you know, Gerard is looking for a place to settle down and he decides on Portland because he says he loves it there. In the past he's made a big deal out of saying that he didn't want to be one of those people who died in the same place they were born, that's what "Kill All Your Friends" was about. He wanted, he needed to get out of New Jersey to truly begin his life. One definitely got the feeling that he did NOT want to stay there for many different reasons. He was out of that state, he said he felt no ties to it. He moved his stuff out of his parent's house and then his parents up and sold the house.

A month later, "SO IN LOVE" with the next girl in his vicinity. A few weeks after his announcement that he was "in love" they're married. And now? Now it's all great to just stay in New Jersey, because that's where she lives.

All of a sudden, the things he's been so passionate about, they change, too. He no longer cares about sending a positive message to his young fans. The inspiring speeches, they stop. Because you see, all of a sudden they are not "cool" to say anymore. That humble, helpful person, he doesn't fit in with the new hardcore crowd he has to impress, the crowd that talks about what is between a five year old's legs and who light their pubes on fire on stage. That guy who had a positive message, he's uncool now. He has to go, and he's replaced with an onstage diva covered in hickies, with his hand down his pants half the time, having an uncharacteristic fit of anger here, throwing his puke into the audience there etc. Being a badass, fitting in with the rest of the badasses.

Does Gerard ever make any decisions based on what he feels? Of does he just make decisions based on what the people he's trying to impress feel?

It's sad to see people be led around like that, very lost and desperate. What's sadder is having nothing inside, being so empty that you fill your heart with what other people want. You live your life according to what other people think you should be doing at a certain time. This is weird because he also always talks so much about finding yourself, being your own person etc. As if he knows that he's not actually doing those things.

Yet even though he's so easily led by people he's currently into, he's probably stubborn to the last if people who have known him for years try to call him out on it once the decision has been made for him. I know a lot of people like this. They'll base their decisions on whoever means the most to them at the time (whoever they want to impress) and then everyone else takes a backseat. Everyone else's opinions stop mattering to them. People they used to value, they now think are out to get them or out to destroy the life they're trying to build up with their new fascination. They say things like "Why does it bother you that I'm happy?" and "Can't you let me live my life?" when they're really living someone else's. The people who have always been there for them, all of a sudden they are the bad guys. And the more those caring people push them, the more stubborn they get. They will stay in a relationship, a location, a job, a situation or what have you, even after they are sick of it and want out, JUST to prove a point. Just to prove that they were not wrong, to prove that they are living their own lives.

There was another successful rock star who was easily led and then stubbornly pushed people away until the ugly end, too. Someone who was a sponge for other people, someone who spoke of having empathy to a fault, so much so that it was maybe all he had. Do I need to name who it was?


Farting In The Shadows said...

Love is powerful. Instead of assuming that he's so desperate to get married that he'd put an end to his dreams, consider this: maybe they're in love. Take a gander at a blog. You might be enlightened.

veritavenom said...

For one thing, true, lasting love does not develop over a period of six weeks. Anyone who makes decisions based on that kind of infatuation is either desperate (which Gerard has proven over and over again by his quotes and his actions), emotionally immature, or a celebrity. Or all of the above, in this case.

And secondly, your screen name is "farting in the shadows" so therefore, I'm sorry, I can't quite take you seriously.

Farting In The Shadows said...

Who are you to judge lasting love? Haven't you heard, haven't you seen? Maybe it was a thought-out decision. How is that so impossible? Are we following the same goddamn band?

And come on, have a sense of humor. I can't take you seriously because you have no proof of anything. But I'm still listening to you, hoping that you can say something I can agree with.

I don't think you're very likely to accept me or my opinion. But I can have my say, no?

veritavenom said...

I have heard and seen, many, many times. I'm just hearing and seeing again, the same old lame story. And everyone judges everything. No one has proof. No one has proof that everything is fine, either, yet I'm getting death threats over saying that I don't think everything is fine.

Of course you're allowed your say, if you weren't I would be one of those people who bans and deletes.

Anonymous said...

I support you and your blog, keep on blogging, you tell nothing but the truth

Farting In The Shadows said...

I don't know that seeing love in the air in those wedding pics is proof, but it's gotta be worth something. I guess it's up to you. "You" "speak" "nothing" "but" "the" "truth".

elena said...

So many of the thing you said in this blog are the truth. He said in an interview he broke up with his girlfriend of 6 years and that it had been like a "marriage". That was during the making of Black Parade. Then suddenly he's everywhere with Eliza. Then in Feb he's engaged wearing a ring. But alas in June its off (not long after he stated that he was indeed engaged) Okay now it's July and PR. Next interview "I'm not engaged but I've got an awesome girlfriend right now". Wow, Sept 3 comes and he's married. This sound normal to people? Sorry but this sound like a guy who's really searching for someone cause he IS afraid to walk this earth alone. I'll be the first to admit I'm older so I've got a different outlook on things. Hell I've lived longer so I've seen more. Yeah, maybe just maybe he found the love of his life. That would be quite a stroke of luck. He should play the lottery with that kind of luck. Honestly I hope he really did fall in love and is happy. But why is he losing himself in the process. If it's really love and everything’s okay then why the sudden change in his beliefs? Would MCR have ever considered taking MSI on tour with them before? I'm not trashing that band but listen to their lyrics. Lots of shit that MCR was always against. But now it doesn't matter? How do the rest of the band members feel? Does that matter? I love MCR but I feel like I'm losing them. I feel like I'm losing them because Gerard has lost himself.

Anonymous said...

She speaks HER VERSION of the truth and what keeps her up at night so please stop suckling at someones day dreams. Everyone has their opinion of Gerard but don't stop at one opinion. *sigh*

veritavenom said...

Anon, thanks, and Elena, too. IF you want to know about how I feel about MCR taking MSI on tour with them, see a few posts below. I think it'd destructive and hypocritical. THey sold out bad.

Farting, I don't see any love at all in those "wedding" pics. I also didn't see any in any pics of them together. They look staged, to be honest, and in the "wedding" one Gerard looks, to quote someone on Mayo's blog "cooked out of his skull."

And I didn't see any love in the way Gerard acted all through PR. I saw immaturity and uncharacteristic anger and vulgarity.

JocelynHolly said...

Maybe it is true love, maybe Gerard has found "the one", but then tell me why does it look like his smile is forced(faked) in his 'wedding' pictures?

sister midnite said...

Farting in the Shadows, you mention true love many times. Have you ever been in love? Or are you still waiting for your first crack at it? Many of us are a lot older, and have been through the whole relationship roller coaster. Seven weeks? Please. I've had colds that have lasted longer.

I have absolutely no problem admitting that it was me who said that he looks cooked out of his skull in the so-called 'wedding' photos. If that's happiness, what does insanity look like? (cue BN and INO FANatics)

FITS, you're entitled to your opinion, as is everyone else. But please don't ask for proof from others unless you have proof to offer.

Death threats, Verita? Are you serious??

Sorry, stupid question. I can see it all to clearly. Whatever they say, you know that some of us are on your side.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to see My Chem in December, and as the mother of a teenage girl who is attending the gig with her friends, I am so glad that circa survive will be the support act not msi. I don't know if I could sit through such rubbish like "make me cum" and stupid mf, satirical or not. You can make your own mind up, but these lyrics do desensitize people and almost make their intent acceptable. As a mature fan of MCR, I do think Gerard, (not the other members, I really don't think they had much of a say.) has sold out.

ergoproxy said...

If he has found true love then why not just be together and enjoy it, see what develops. It is the jump from girlfriend to marriage that concerns me. It isn't something that needed to be done and his behaviour change concerned me. I too will be seeing them live for the first time and am very glad I won't need to sit through MSI (thank God that's only a few dates)
It's the speed that smacks of desperation, especially when there is no longer a stigma to living together.

oh and death threats ??? Please...exactly what would they do?

Daisychains said...

veritavenom, I agree with everything you say. I don't know what to add. Is it ok if I quote you on other webpages? I also agree with everyone who said taking MSI on tour is selling out.

I want the sane Gerard back.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to wrap my mind around the fact he left his long term girlfriend while seriously ill. That, for me, is deplorable. Obviously this guy integrates the personality traits of his partners. His long term girl appears to have been well balanced, when he was with Eliza he appeared to identify with her "crew" and distanced himself from fans, now with Lindsey at PR he became adolescent and sexually intense (funny the msi lyrics seem to reflect the same qualities. We really don't know who he is because he doesn't know himself.

Anonymous said...

You guys are way too obsessed...

Anonymous said...

I have two pictures in my head when I read this blog. Firstly the movie
" Some kind of monster" made about Metallica, their therapy sessions, and the near demise of the band, and secondly the book "A picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde about a man who compromises everything for something elusive.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You guys are way too obsessed...

September 25, 2007 2:02 AM

And yet, here you are, reading and commenting as well?

ergoproxy said...

aha someone else is reminded of Dorian Gray.. I thought perhaps it was just me
and as for being obsessed, have you considered that some of us due to whatever circumstances, such as geographical isolation, may not have others to discuss this with at school,college etc ?
That perhaps this just allows a connection and sharing of thoughts?

And by the way I am very much old enough to make my own decisions without requiring VV or any other blogger to feed them to me, and I find it insulting that that could be suggested. I am capable of reading multiple blogs and forums and choose when and where I comment, and I don't use the same name.
and I don't know if you recall the hatred expressed towards Eliza at INO and Buzznet, so don't go all high and mighty now.
I wish Gerard happiness, (and I don't want him, I have a lovely man of my own thank you,) so why does that make it wrong for me to express an opinion as to whether I think he's making appropriate decisions and behaving in sane fashion ? I am happy to be proven wrong, but merely saying "I think he looks happy" won't be enough.
I am prepeared to wait and see, and I hope the blogging continues, as it is a free world and if you disagree, just click that little x in the top right corner of your screen.

Anonymous said...

fuck u verita Y dont' u go die! Go get raped pertend it is gerard..... oh yes gerard dont stop!!! i mean NOOOo don't touch me there!!! hahahahaa bc u know u want it fucken loser. and i'm not from buzznet u stupid whore i found your pathetic link at a different sight. GO DIE

Anonymous said...

ah such eloquence overwhelms me !
except it's "pretend" dearest.

your concise and amusing turn of phrase is such a welcome change from all the well thought out logical discussion.

and your use of capitals for emphasis ...oh so endearing !
your conservation of keystrokes ..using one letter to represent an entire word ! ..your parents must be so proud.

I can barely type this reply, I am so deeply moved by your sentiments.

( oh and FYI - it's "fucking" or perhaps "fuckin" but never "fucken"
but I'll forgive you this time)

That other site ( oops another tiny error of yours) must be overjoyed each time you grace it with your presence..
perhaps one should decide to remain there?
just a suggestion.

freddycharles said...

Ha! I cannot help but wonder the age of someone who would choose to post anything under the name "farting in the shadows"! I LOVE your response to that "person" Verita! That was my smile for the day.
I have to say, of all the assumptions and observations regarding Gee as of late, for some reason, it was his throwing of the vomit covered scarf into the crowd that really signaled a departure from his former self. This was before he decided to take MSI on tour I believe. I agree, when takes a closer look at MSI, the lyrics, the NAMES (Jimmy Urine?), and lets not forget the total lack of really leaves me cold. I have said before, I was happy to take my kids to a MCR concert...because despite the language, the message was a good one and one they were maybe more likely to listen to because of the language ironically. I would think twice before taking them to one now. Even if they aren't with MSI...will he still be acting to "impress" her and her band with the hands down the pants, psuedomasturbation of a microphone? C'mon! That CRAP is not even unique! I expected more and better of him.

Love Child said...

fuck u verita Y dont' u go die! Go get raped pertend it is gerard..... oh yes gerard dont stop!!! i mean NOOOo don't touch me there!!! hahahahaa bc u know u want it fucken loser. and i'm not from buzznet u stupid whore i found your pathetic link at a different sight. GO DIE

So elegant, so mature, so...Idiotic.

Verita, you're an anonymous poster. Stand up, speak your mind and disable comments or something. Don;t ever stop blogging or let people get to you.

Anonymous said...

I'm utterly bewildered by all of you who seem to think Gerard doing sexual things on stage is something new and some kind of indication of the EVIL INFLUENCE his wife is having on him. He has been doing things like that on stage for YEARS. If you're going to try and find proof that he's changing, at least find something that has, you know. Changed.

Anonymous said...

Anon at September 24, 2007 9:43 PM:

Hooray! I'm not alone! As another mother of a teenager, I totally agree with you!

And to the Blogger: Keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

Reading and commenting for the purpose of removing that stick up all of your asses. I don't read anything Verita writes all the way through. I know what she's out for. At least you admit how obsessed you are. And I thought Buzznet was bad...

Anonymous said...

Stacey granted he used to stroke himself occasionally and kiss on stage but the antics of PR seemed almost like a competition between himself and jimmy urine. We found out how he likes to masturbate, he showed us with his mic, and he told us that he sucks way more dick than someone else. Shock value tricks eh? It's almost like he was trying to earn msi's approval to impress her.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 1.27 so your not obsessed? Then don't visit here or read these blogs.

Anonymous said...

fuck u verita Y dont' u go die! Go get raped pertend it is gerard..... oh yes gerard dont stop!!! i mean NOOOo don't touch me there!!! hahahahaa bc u know u want it fucken loser. and i'm not from buzznet u stupid whore i found your pathetic link at a different sight. GO DIE

My, my, my. The rabid fangirls just get more eloquent and mature with each new comment. /sarcasm. I think they need to pay more attention in english class than they do to people with different opinions than themselves. Maybe take a debate class and learn how to have a dialouge that doesn't include the phrase "go die".
VV I love you and I love your blog, please don't ever stop writing.

Anonymous said...

I see what is being said here. You all believe that Gerard isn't behaving as the role model/adult that one should when under such observation. Well all I can say is this, did it ever occur to you that the man Gerard sought out to be is just what he's wanted?

Did it ever cross your mind that his adulthood is his own liking?

This man has struggled with his own issues for years. Before the band. He does whatever he thinks is best for him. All his decisions don't fall under public consideration, why? Because he's NOT President Bush.

You are determined to find the missing answers. I think the only thing you are missing is understanding. Understand that this man deserves to live his life as HIS life. Making this man YOUR life is unhealthy. Making the music your life is the best way to go. Life inspiring melodies with sincere passion and consideration for the underdogs of life who try withstanding toughest trials.

Did you ever think that without Verita making him out to be the bastard of the world, that he's entitled to have go down his own path?

He's not going to make everyone happy and just because you're not happy doesn't give you the right to discriminate against him.

Adults you say? *sigh* I have never seen such immature behavior. I won't be coming back and hope you all come to your humane senses. Love your kids without promoting hate towards anyone...famous or not.


Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me how we know that Gerard left Kat while she was ill?

I've only heard this here.

Is she still ill?

Anonymous said...

Common insider knowledge, "Kat" became very sick and Gerard left her. Yes, she is still very sick. WHy did he ditch her, cowardice? Cheating with Eliza? Wanting fame more than wanting to take care of someone, too much of a burden? Who knows, maybe he just fell out of love with her and it was bad, bad timing. Either way, the way he left her was totally crass.

More power to "Kat" for moving on and staying strong.

Anonymous said...

But I wonder about something I read somewhere else....
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
And Hallelujah To The One In Our Bones

I dream about you all the time.
I know it's because I feel guilty but would you really even want me to?
Does he ever dream of you, too?
I know you would want him to be cared for and happy but I don't think he's really in love.
How could he be?
How could he forget you that fast?
Now he's talking marriage?

I dream that you're alive but everyone knows you're sick.
It's known you're sick but there is never anything physically wrong with you, you just sometimes tire easily.
And he's always married to both of you and everyone knows but you.
He's already replaced you and you're still there.
And I can't even tell you.
We have to keep it a secret.
It tears me up.

And in my dreams you're alive and you're crying.

I miss you every day.

Is Kat sick or has she left us?

Anonymous said...

"Kat" is alive. What's that from?

resurrected wreck said...

30, old? Hell, I'm nearly 40 and I don't feel old, I still feel like I'm learning.

Someone should tell Gerard there isn't a script for life, or an instruction booklet that lists one by one each thing a person should accomplish for every year lived. Marry at this age, have kids at this age, be established in your career at this age, and so on. And you don't have to expect yourself to be the first one in your family to marry just because you're the oldest. My sister is younger than me and has been married twice. I haven't been married once. There's a very simple reason for this: I've never met anyone I've wanted to spend the rest of my life with. That will happen in it's own sweet time. Or maybe it won't and I'll stay single. I'm fine with either option. What I'm not fine with is getting myself stuck with someone out of fear of loneliness or being looked down on by people around me. That would not be fair to me, or to the person I "settled" for.

If people who didn't know me made assumptions about my life based on my age and gender, they'd be wrong 99% of the time. But that's life for you. No script. You make it up as you go along.

ergoproxy said...

can someone please point out to me when VV has made gerard out to be "the bastard of the world"?
I honestly have read the blogs and comment s she's made and just don't see it. I see questions and concerns and theories but nowhere "this man is an asshole and I hate him and everything he stands for and I want everyone who reads this to follow me and hate him too"
Just wondering if I missed that somewhere.

veritavenom said...

To be honest, I do hate what he stands for now. Because now all he stands for is shifting one's values to fit in with a certain crowd. I should have begun to notice this behavior when the whole World's Most Hated shit started to go down, but he seemed like the victim in that. In retrospect I can see how he was being hypocritical then, too. He spoke out against the clique mentality then goes and gets himself engaged into a clique. Ridiculous.

Gerard is nothing more than a follower, and that makes me sad, for him and for the people who want to follow him.

Anonymous said...


She doesn't have to say he is the bastard of the world to see that's how she feels. Calling him a hypocrite who no longer cares for his fans says enough. Blogging about how his decisions rule in the fans non-favor as he selfishly thinks of himself says enough. Presuming he is a drug addict that is incapable of leading the same band he has led for 5 yrs. says enough. It's called summing up the words. Try it and see what happens why don't you. As for the other quotes? You can find them in the rest of her blogs IF she hasn't deleted them and I believe some of them stemmed from buzznet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You don't know anything about what he stands for Verita. He's his own man after the show is over. Get used to it! So what if he was wrong about getting married. IT'S CALLED DIVORCE. Get over it. :/

Anonymous said...

Resurrected, I am just like you. 34 (soon to be 35! ^_^ ) single, happy with it. DOn't care if it never happens, as long as I am having fun, making a difference, still laughing and having adventures.

If more people saw how easy it was to not live by the blueprint of society, people would save so much time, heartache, even money and other resources.

Anonymous said...

It's called summing up the words. Try it and see what happens why don't you.

But if you add two and two and come up with five like you have, that doesn't make it the right answer.

sister midnite said...

Once again, Verita is EXPRESSING HER OPINION. Which she is 100% entitled to do. This is why all this warring is going on -- people are turning her opinions and observations into cold, hard facts.

Anon @ 9:24 PM:

Calling him a hypocrite who no longer cares for his fans says enough.

Do you have visual proof that he cares? No? Didn't think so.

Why will you people not see the difference between opinion and fact? You all keep screaming that VV is bad-mouthing your hero, when all she has done is express her thoughts and point of view. If she (or anyone, for that matter) wants to call him a slimy purple space alien, none of you have the right to try & stop her.

For the last time, if you DO NOT LIKE what she has to say, then DON'T READ IT and GO AWAY. Or is that too difficult of a concept to get through your dense little skulls??

Anonymous said...


Verita brought this on herself so maybe relax a little...

Anonymous said...

Hello verita,
I just wanted to say that I have been reading some of the comments from your latest blog. I'm sorry if I have done more harm than good mentioning the death threats and everything.

I basically was saying that some people in the MCRMY were taking things too far. Which is part of the reason why I wrote the thread "Why I'm leaving the GW/MCR forums" on BN.

I did not mean to cause any trouble but my name has come up a few times in certain people's comments.

I really wish there was a way to end all of this drama but I just don't know what else to say about it all. I don't always agree with everything you say but I respect your right to have your own opinion. Especially on your own blog.

Unknown said...

Love and marriage is two different things. In love have some freedom but after marriage you will lost all freedom I'm sure. hire a barman