I apologize for the influx of disgusting comments on this blog. As much as I hate to delete comments and I don't usually do so, I would have deleted that one really bad one if I'd caught it before it got quoted here and there.
Two things. First thing: Yes to anyone who wants to quote anything I say anywhere else. Please do. I know that the guys in MCR aren't blind to what their fans are thinking, and I think it's right to know about our concerns regarding things like them embracing (and flaunting) a band with lyrics the likes of which Gerard has railed against for years, about how Gerard has been acting with out of character diva fits, acting all "DON'T YOU WANT TO GET WITH ME" and throwing his own vomit onto his fans in the audience, (none of those have to do with the band's anti-homophobia message and past stage antics, as has been suggested), and about how things are changing with them in general. If it reaches them, so much the better. So feel free to quote anything I say anywhere. And if you agree with the second post of mine, with all the MSI lyrics vs. the things that Gerard has sermonized about for so long, quote that anywhere you want, too.
Second thing: Also, the crazies are accusing me of saying certain things and then deleting or editing them. The only time I edit anything I say is if I need to fix a careless spelling mistake or something, or to add something I might have forgotten. I don't regret anything I've said.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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No you don't regret anything you've said Verita. That's why you're in so much shit now. You undermine, demean and categorize people who don't see things your way. What the hell did you expect to happen?
The only reason I'm here is because Blackheart13 made a thread telling us of death threats you've received. Please point me in the direction of this behavior so I can do my best to stop it.
It's fucked up to have so many people against you, isn't it? It's fucked up to be judged by your actions and yes, the words you claim to have said and not said. (I won't get into that)
There was never anything wrong with your opinions. I have experienced first hand how you disrespectfully insult people who have a separate point of view from yours. -_- You can deny it all you want. Maybe I'm a fan-girl to you but I am NOT a liar.
You can be stubborn in the way you treat people who give you less than a pat on the back for what you're blogging about; but you can't complain when they return the unfriendly favor.
Yes, it's wrong that it's gotten this out of hand and I'm sorry you have to deal with what you are looking to have Gerard deal with in the future. You are unapologetic as am I. All I want from you are the links to the disgusting NON-mcrmy behavior that is being dealt against you. "Never resort to violence.", Gerard Way.
O and once a fellow buzznet member told me that Gerard spit on her at a show. Before I jumped to conclusions I asked why and she said it was just the effect of all the p's and t's in the lyrics. Before jumping to the worst of the situation try and investigate on those probable positive points. Links please?
Link to what? I deleted those anonymous comments because there was no need for them.
And don't worry your silly little head over me. I'm not in any "shit", I'm actually very glad that I have the attention of so many people, and that so many people see what I see. That's very gratifying. Even the terrorized little fangirls who want nothing more than to shut me down for speaking out against what seems hypocritical to me is gratifying. It lets me know I'm doing something right.
I'm sure that this has gotten back to the band, or it will at some point. I know that people who know them lurk. I've heard from them.
The moment I stop pissing people off... or however that quote goes. Heh.
And I'm sure that's not the only reason you're here anyway.
Wrong again Verita. You truly are sick aren't you? I offer to relieve you of stress you are bitching and blogging about as are ONE of your so called friends on buzznet and look at yourself. You STILL make me sick. I pity you. Never again will I give you the shadow of the doubt and I'm here because this FAN-GIRL isn't the bitch you thought. But o I can be. But don't worry, you have enough to deal with as I can see. Oh and yes! I am sure the band caught wind of this and are laughing up a storm right now. Thanks for the jokes. ;)
Shut you down? Now why would they want to do that? You are the grade A example of where people can let out their frustration after a hard day of ACTUAL work.
F.Y.I- I wanted the link to the death threats that touched you so much that you actually blogged about it. O well. Have fun...
Pride will get you everywhere and all by yourself. ;)
O and there's no attention like hate is there? I'll ask Gerard next time I see him...
well said Voluptuosity... as always.
wwell said volutusity! you are a true amry leader!! Let her know just how we feel when people hate somethig we love and hold dear...
you ahve it coming to you verata, you are a fuckin lier and stupid ugly bitch, you are jus tsooo jealous you cant get over it can you. you can't hide your wanton of Gerard Way so you lash out. Or maybe it is Little Jimmy that get's you off huhhhh?? OH YEAH Panty shot turns you on thats why you hate it so much. Hahaaaahhhh. Or maybe it is Lynz that you want or allof them. But yo uare a ugly fucken loser and Voluptouosity knows it and calls you on it.
ride the subway you stupid whore maybe some one will cop a feel and you can shut the FUCK up about Gerard Way
Yes well said Voluptouosity! You are right about her as allways.
I AGREE, do not back down MCARMY!!
I cannot believe how out of hand this has gotten.
Some of you come here and accuse Verita of being a 'cult leader', but then you chant "long live the MCRmy"? If you're going to accuse someone of doing something, it's a VERY good idea to make sure that you're not doing the same thing yourself.
Voluptuosity, are you threatening repercussions from Gerard? Or from yourself? Because to be quite honest, I can't see either one happening.
No one knows for sure if the death threats against Verita are coming from BN or INO forums. It's obvious that said threats are written by someone very young, but there is no blanket blame for any particular group. So back off and breathe, will you?
you ahve it coming to you verata, you are a fuckin lier and stupid ugly bitch, you are jus tsooo jealous you cant get over it can you.
Voluptuosity, THIS is what you're backing?? And you have the nerve to rag on Verita for speaking her opinion? At least verita's posts are well-written.
Note to anonymous posters: Posts with the following words or phrases will not be taken seriously by ANYONE:
fucken (I love that one)
If you can't speak coherently, go somewhere else. Or grow the fuck up -- I don't really care which.
Thank you Sister Midnite, as always. :) You make a lot of sense, but sadly I think your sense is lost on these people.
Voluptuosity, I can see that you think anyone who can see Gerard Way for what he is instead of being blinded by his rockstarness is "sick" in your mind. You'll grow out of that one day, if you're lucky.
I'm still not sure what you mean when you say "in so much shit" and that you want the "link" to the death threats. They were posted on my blog, they were stupid and pointless, I deleted them. I hate deleting things and I hardly ever do it but death threats are going too far. Still, no big deal, believe me, I don't honestly believe some little teeny wearing a MyChem t shirt and eyeliner is going to come to my house and kill me.
I'm curious as to what you thought you were going to do about it. You really do fancy yourself some sort of army leader, huh? That's pretty funny.
You're not going to give me "the shadow of the doubt"? LOL, OK, whatever that means. You're kind of incoherent, but that's to be expected.
I personally agree with many of the things you've said, but even if I didn't, I would defend your right to say them. What so many people on here don't seem to understand is that the Gerard they think they know (although at this point I'm not sure he exists) is supposedly an advocate of free speech as well.
I can't help but laugh at someone who would post a bunch of rambling, barely coherent rants and then insist that she's made some "point" that negates everything you've said. In reality, all she - oh, hell, let's just say it, Voluptuosity - has succeeded in doing is wagging her online finger in your face. Then she gets some barely literate fangirls to follow her up with "MCRMY!!11one!" solidarity. Ooohhh. Scary. Too bad that doesn't actually prove anything, other than the fact that she's obviously never participated in a real debate where you have to back up your opinions with logic.
It's funny, because even though Gerard Way might be an advocate of free speech, he used his free speech to call out bands who were using their right to free speech to write lyrics that he deemed irresponsible.
Now he's taking a band with lyrics so much worse than any band he ever alluded to out on tour with him and purposely exposing his young fans to them.
So I wonder, why is it Gerard's right to call out bands that he thinks are too vulgar for children, but it's not my right to call him on his hypocrisy concerning the same?
Oh wait, I know why. FANGIRLS.
I don't get it either. Honestly, I think the man is just fumbling in the dark right now and, truth be told, always has been. We're just now seeing it.
Unfortunately, fangirls who practice "Gerardism" think that speaking out against Gerard Almighty is nothing short of blasphemy.
Its because they have no sense of humor. Most of the other bands I have been a fangirl of, have had fans with sense of humor. When someone in the band did something stupid not only did we talk about it but we made fun of it. ( but that was before the internet was big.) No we can't control the person but that doesn't mean we can't be worried about them. That also means that we don't have to baby them when they do something wrong.
Voluptuosity: Just because you met Gerard for a brief moment at a singing doesn't make him your best friend so stop speaking of him like you have known him for years! You sound like a fool! And while your at it, please stop handing people a black rose. It's stupid and nobody wants your idiotic imaginary gifts. Grow the fuck up.
And you repeaditly claim that Verita only has 2 or 3 people who share her opinion. No no my dear, i beg to differ! We just do not feel the need to reply to your repetitive psycho babble. Unlike your 'followers' we can see that Verita is doing a fine job standing on her own two feet! Unlike them, WE are mature enough to know that calling others harsh names is a pointless way of defending our point of view.
-Although i must admit that we do find it amusing that you constantly make a blubbering ass of yourself, it is quite entertaining. You really should learn how to keep your mouth shut.-
Every morning I wake up and peruse this blog just to see the wonderful, illogical rants made by volupuosity and her cohorts the Buzznet MCRmy. What I find so amusing is that this so called "army" behave like the religious police against the "evil" Verita in the cult of "Gerard". Funny thing, this so called army, to the best of my knowledge was created to spread publicity and sell more records in a cost effective way. A rather ingenuous way of marketing, wrap up a so called "message" and convince gullible young people to distribute it. If you really want to do something useful go join the many worthy charities and groups out there and contribute. You don't need to stroke his ego. His a big boy and can look after himself.
You know what Verita? Delete my comments, all of them. You and your cult state of mind limits your perception.
Anyone who felt the need to jump in to what was meant to be a considerate gesture can go look in the mirror at the ass you just made of yourselves.
War? I am no leader and never sought out to be. If people are behind me that's their decision.
Blackheart13 said people were making their own blogs where they were making death threats against Verita (since you missed that part) Verita blogged and boo hoo'd about it. So when I come here to help stop the idiocy, what do I get?
You people are too obsessed over nothing. You think all this talk and blogging will effect Gerard? He's dealt with worse. You are no messiah Verita and I suggest you knock yourself down a few notches since no one else seems to snap you into reality.
I PLAINLY STATED I never had a problem with your opinions. I came here as a considerate individual regardless of what happened before and you act like a foolish, wounded, rabid dog! But I get it! You don't like me. I don't like you either ESPECIALLY after seeing how much of a child you are.
Anyone here who has insulted me because you feel this is some reenactment of the movie 300, get a life. You're up every morning reading my psycho babble? That's your UNEDUCATED opinion and if you have such a problem with me then FACE OFF! I haven't contributed anything to buzznet for a week now, so stop thinking about me so much.
I don't need this shit. Never have I seen someone act out so much because people didn't agree with her. THIS is what some of YOU are backing? *sigh*
I'm going to tell people to stop messaging me about this place because I'm not going to contribute to your only source of entertainment.
Acting like I am best friends with Gerard? hahahaha O please. If you all are so wise then why in the hell can't you spot sarcasm when you see it? That statement was pointing out the fact that Gerard knows better than anyone about hate and people trying to bring him down. Meaning what? Verita's attempts will barely stir a ripple. What a waste...
How people behave and choose to comment is beyond anyones control. Verita's blogs are the perfect example of that. I came here to try and put a stop to violent behavior. Why? Obviously because people seem to look up to me. No one deserves death/rape threats and what not. Even after this comment I wonder how you will all find a way to trash me then. Someone told me to grow the fuck up? I'm grown enough to not go under any anonymous identity. So where's the maturity in that. YOU grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your words. Once again... I feel sick. *pukes in the blog*
p.s Handing out black roses show character. It's a great thing to have. Why don't you try some instead of cleaning the ass of some self indulged punk?
I do agree with a lot of what verita has said, but i also agree with a lot of things voluptuosity has said. I think that Verita, you need to stop worrying about Gerard and just stand back for a moment and not worry about what (or who) he chooses to do. You might not agree with a lot of what he's done, and you might not like the stuff which people have been posting about him and the band members of MCR. But firstly, it is his life and secondly MCR is a very popular band, of course their fanbase is going to get out of hand and post things.
Just don't worry too much, and then you will see nature take its course and you will stop getting death threats etc :D.
Don't feel like i'm personally attacking you, because I'm not. You are just as entitled to your opinion as I am of mine, so even if you disregard what I have said, I don't really mind. My opinion is out there and whether you choose to see it is up to you.
How is it possible that Voluptuosity can use so many words yet manage to say so little - and make so little sense? She claims that she came here to be considerate (?) and that she has no problems with Veritavenom's opinions. Okay. Then she proceeds to compare Verita to (among other things) a rabid dog, a child, and someone with a cult mentality. And she has the nerve to accuse commenters here of insulting her?
Hate to throw my education and maturity around, Voluptuosity, but it looks to me like someone is projecting her own undesirable traits and hostilities onto others.
Oh, and a P.S.
That "get a life" argument was the funniest damn thing I've heard all day.
Voluptuosity is insane. She's been attacking Verita from day one. What was this "considerate gesture" she was going to do? Call off her "army"? or some shit? What an idiot.
Wow! You people really can't read. Voluptupsity was asking for the links to the hate blogs against verita that BLACKHEART13 told people about on buzznet. Verita kinda spit in V's face and V didn't take kindly to that. Really! Open your eyes. How is she insane. She came trying to be helpful after hearing about fucked up behavior on behalf of buzznet and Verita acted like a bitch. Stop trying to make V out to be a bad person cuz she's not.
Attacking Verita from day one? How? Because she voiced her opinion on things? I know about veritas post on buzznet and Volup didn't attack Verita until Verita attacked everyone. So uh, get your facts straight.
Please, what did Voluptuousity think she was going to do? And she didn't come here acting nice at all, she came here acting like an asshole. "Do my best to stop the behavior"? How the fuck would she do that? Calling off her attackers? Give me a fucking break.
Words like "that's why you're in so much shit" don't sound very nice. You know what this all sounds like to me? "You deserve death threats but I am so magnanimous that I will put them to a stop for you, you should be thanking me."
Verita, you should have just told her to fuck off with her condescending stance.
"Obviously because people seem to look up to me. "
HAHAHAAAA! Oh, fucking please.
this is not the first blog i have read confronting Gerard. I have reason to beleive that the other blog (entitled Life On The Real Scene)is written by one of the band members or a very close friend or a tech. However it is refreshing to see another one pop up becuase it proves to me that there are more then 4 or 5 people who see the faults in Gerard Way.
Hearing that Gerard had begin to use again has turned me off towards the band in a slight moment. However, i do realize that this is only one person and not the entire band, and therefore my attitude toward the band should be based on the ideals of one man.
Having followed the band since they began, I am a little surprised in Gerard's flip floping (please pardon the political term) on his own ideals. If he had find information that had sickened him to some exstint that would be one thing.
As to the idea that Frank is the only one listening that is not of big surprise to me. Becuase one must realize that Mikey is having probelms,and for the other two band members i am sure that they have their own probelms keeping them very busy.
It'll be nice to see if Frank will out Gerard on his renewed choice of lifestyle. I sincerly hope so.
However i find the truth of everyting that you have said to be so refreshing. It is indeed a real treat to find the blogs out there who are not afraid of stripping everything down until you see the plain absolute truth.
Happy Bloggings
To the anon who said that we "people can't read":
Actually, we read (and comprehend)quite well - something that maybe you should work on. We're even capable of reading between the lines, so somehow, amidst Voluptuosity's rambling insults, we picked up on her silly little attempt to make herself look like someone who has influence among MCR fans - and we didn't buy it.
Just because she said she came here to help, doesn't make it so.
Volup came here acting like an asshole? Well ofcourse she did. Do you not know of the history between her and verita. The whole thing was between Volup and verita so mind your fucking business. Volup has her own reasons for disliking verita so leave Volup out of it. O and I think Volup hinting about this place is what brought the shit here in the first place so her asking people to leave would have done some good. Verita knows why Volup acts a way to her so leave it between them. Volup didn't insult anyone other than volup so leave them to it.
Volup didnt insult anyone other than VERITA so leave volup alone. sorry, typo.
A lot of people are turning away from MCR because the man who set himself up on the pedestal ended up being a fake. Everyone makes mistakes. But there's a difference between being human, making mistakes, and acting out like an asshole. Especially the kind of asshole you said you would never ever be.
As much as it pains me to say it, I have to agree that, in my opinion, Gerard is a fake. I'm a transplanted Jersey girl and I've been a fan since Bullets, so this is very, very hard for me. But like the anon said, he put himself on his pedestal with his words and actions, so if he falls off it, he has no one to blame but himself.
Oh, and a side note to the anon who said that Volup (or whatever the hell you called her) didn't insult anyone but Verita, read again. She used the term "you people" and said that commenters who defended Verita had made "asses" of themselves. So she insulted me. And by the way, since you're so busy telling people to stay out of this, why don't you follow your own advice? Hmm?
Volup didnt insult anyone other than VERITA so leave volup alone. sorry, typo.
Excuse me, but you are mistaken, go back through her comments and see that she insults anyone who agrees that vv should have the right to speak her opinion on her blog.
wow, some of the "anonymous" posts bring to light the problems with schools in the U.S. Do they not teach spelling, have dictionaries? Do the computers these people use not have spell check? It's ridiculous. They can SPEW but they can't SPELL! It would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.
You said that you came here to put a stop to violence but yet you tell a girl on BN to "go cut herself." Do you not see how you contradict yourself? Do you even know what you are saying anymore? It would not surprise me one bit if the reason you have not posted on BN recently is because you were kicked off due to this UNACCEPTABLE comment.
You think that WE are the obsessed ones but all you could think about is getting a photo with Gerard when you met him? Why not just be there to meet the man you say you love so much?
You also need to learn that people in the public eye HAVE to say certain things, such as 'it seems unfair that i know nothing about my fans.' That DOES NOT mean he wants all of us to write him biographies about ourselves you dumb bitch! What is he supposed to say? "Buy my records and leave me alone?" That wouldn't be very business savy now would it? I can assure you that one of two things happened to the shit you gave him. Either him and Lyn-z got into that car and laughed until they cried over you pathetic attempt to tell him about yourself OR you SHOULD H
AVE stuck around after he left to inspect the trash cans in the area to retrive your papers so you would have something to wipe your ass with later!
Last but not least, you say that handing out black roses shows character? Huh? How? What it shows is that you spend to much time behind your computer living in LaLa Land. Maybe it is YOU that needs to go look in the mirror and figure out who you really are because it is obvious that all you have seen lately is your blurred reflection in your computer screen. I am not a immature little girl who needs to "face off" with you. Who says shit like that? I can just see you standing there with your chest all puffed out looking like a rabid weight lifter that injected to mant steroids into his ass this morning, ready to fight me with your sensless PSHCHO BABBLE on the other side of this screen. You silly little girl. Don't worry yourself about who i am, that is unimportant. I can guarentee one thing, you would freak if you knew who your were talking to right now. Maybe even shit yourself or want a photo. You know who i am, you have seen me before.
I can just see you standing there with your chest all puffed out looking like a rabid weight lifter that injected to mant steroids into his ass this morning
I am sorry but I had to laugh at that comment. I'm still reeling with laughter to be exact. If voluptuosity was obsessed with getting a photo taken with Gerard, it could explain why she thought Verita's words were offensive, because they were "offending" the "almighty" Gerard and she had to defend him at all costs. I must give thanks to you anonymous post because after reading you comment, you really made my day much better :)
interesting...very interesting
You guys have some real issues. Voluptuosity was obsessed with getting a picture of Gerard holding a "No myspace sign" to protect little girls from rape/confusion and all the stuff you already know about. What the hell is wrong with you all?
She didn't disagree with verita because of her opinions. She disagreed with verita because Verita refused to see anyones positive opinions towards the my chem being dead thread. It's obvious a few of you had your personal grudges against voluptuosity before this ever escalated and why you are still sitting here talking about her is crazy.
Why is it okay for verita to ignore people who aren't supporting her cause on BN but it's NOT okay for voluptuosity to call her out on it? Why is it okay for verita to refer to everyone who doesn't see things her way as blind sheep, text book fan girls and idol worshipers but it's not okay for Voluptuosity to take offense to that?
Voluptuosity saw through Verita and I can see Voluptuosity was right about this running much deeper than Verita let on. You sit here and say horrible things about her because she's perceptive. You people need to stop this hatred.
O and to the one who said Voluptuosity has seen you before, who cares? You are taking things way up the ass. I doubt Voluptuosity would even remember you. I hope Voluptuosity also doesn't regret anything she's said because it's true. This is disgusting and plain evil.
Verita crucifies Gerard for supporting violent lyrics? Well, look at what Verita supports now. And why? Because Voluptuosity gave you a run for your money. You played it so cool for nearly 40 pages and then the truth came out. You think you're better than everyone else. I'm not a Gerard ass/dick sucker as you said on BN. You got frustrated because your ammo ran out. Which is why you haven't been back, right?
You think people were agreeing with you before Voluptuosity stepped in? People were simply arguing with one another as you stood by and only intercepted to tell them they were incorrect about something. You also stepped in when I guess you saw your plans were in danger. You also took the time to address those who AGREED WITH YOU.
And stop holding Voluptuosity to things she said. She's not Gerard and doesn't have to impress anyone. She's not Verita and trying to get people to see her as some Priest of Alter Perception. She did say something that was completely hilarious before. She said Verita is fixed on turning everyone GEEMO. hahahaha That's exactly what you are Verita. You sit at home and stare at pictures of Gerard over and over. Then you watch videos of Gerard over and over. You try to read his aura from 1000 miles away and tell people there is fact to your visions? Get serious.
To those here who are ragging on Voluptuosity because she gave Verita a hard time, you're more pathetic than I thought. You say such inaccurate things about a woman you don't know because she's not on good terms with your saint Verita. How third grade are you people? You don't know Voluptuosity or Gerard and you come here to pretend you do.
Voluptuosity isn't the one who started a chaotic thread on BN an had people aimlessly fighting with one another. The majority of that thread was bickering anyway. Get over it. You lost the BN battle and you're just trying to blame someone for it. No one needed Voluptuosity to interfere for people to have their OWN separate opinions. (meaning not your opinion Verita)
That thread is still getting replies and none of them are praising you. If you were so used to people agreeing with you then perhaps you should have stayed here. BN and Voluptuosity is all for freedom of expression. She said she didn't have a problem with your opinions, just your arrogance. How she acted towards you was just her returning the favor of how you smugly acted towards those who didn't support your opinions. She addressed everyones opinions and all you did was insult her intelligence. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves for behaving the way you are.
Taking sides with people and against people so you can release your own rages. Find some independence for goodness sake. I can easily see who you Verita supporters are by simply following the majority of the replies on BN. Get over the fact that your foul attempt to turn fans against Gerard were stomped out. How old are you people? Jeez!
Voluptuosity called verita those things BEFORE verita basically spit in her face. I for one think it is very mature to put bad bread aside and think of the bigger picture. Voluptuosity didn't accept the violent counter commenting on BN against Gerard so why would she accept it against Verita? She tried to do what she felt she was obligated to do because back on BN people have been calling this the "Verita/Voluptusity War". Know where her points originate from before claiming they make no sense.
Voluptuosity obviously knows how out of hand things can get BECAUSE of the remark she made. So why the hell not try and stop the BN posters who saw that and most likely took it as reason to take it even further? You people are so narrow minded against people you hate. Seriously, try to be a good person for 5 of the 10 minutes you type and you'll see things differently.
To the anon poster above, you completely missed the point of what has been argued throughout this saga, and you still believe that people can be swayed by an opinion being expressed. Back to the us and them argument. What a joke.
I missed what?! That you are all ripping a girl to shreds because she gave Verita a hard time? That she doesn't like the way Verita does things and speaks up on it? That she gave back what has been dealt against her and BN members since BEFORE this saga? I understand. If Verita doesn't type it you just don't get it. Understood...
You know what? I've seen the end of all the other blogs here and they all end with someone telling whoever is here representing the buzznet mcrmy to move on... hmmm... It seems Voluptuosity was right about mcrmy fans sticking together. That is a whole lot better than having them tear each other down as Verita attempted to. *sigh* I suggest you all forget about Voluptuosity and the BN experience and get back to whatever you were doing.
p.s Voluptuosity may have not shown the sympathy she was here to give in her words but fact is fact. Verita is also stuck in her stubborn ways and receives no scolding. You people really need to examine yourselves. Verita and Voluptuosity were both wrong in their own way. Hand out the brutality as it should. Stop abusing someones good name. I am from BN and Voluptuosity never acted such a way towards anyone before Verita. I guess Verita just brings that out in her. Leave it be.
I'm totally shocked at what I've read here today. I can't beleive that one man has caused so much trouble.
It's unbelievable isn't it magic pie? That is why I prefer to stay away from these online arguments.
These arguments are futile and unproductive. Voluop and her supporters? as you so called mention have to stop defending a person whose sole intention is not to spread some well intended message (he is not some deity)but to make music and sell records. This is his business and form of employment. If the things being said are inappropriate, let HIM come out and defend himself. And you know, he'll never do that because all the controversy is good for the band to maintain their place in the public, to keep sales. He is just a rockstar, no more no less.
To the anon who addressed me:
Don't assume that I am coming into this blind. I read both Verita and Volupuosity's comments to one another on buzznet long before I decided to comment here. My opinion still stands. From where I'm sitting, it looks as though Verita states her opinions calmly and rationally while Voluptuosity is the one who loses her cool. I have never seen Verita "spit in Voluptuosity's face," as you put it. If you have specific examples of this, please provide a link. Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't believe you.
Also, where exactly did this argument become "violent" except in the context of crazed Gerard worshippers hurling death threats and wishing rape against Verita? Once again, link, please?
This isn't a popularity contest. I don't care how much you may like Voluptuosity or admire her blind loyalty to Gerard. I personally have nothing against the girl (other than her obvious lack of debating skills). If she wants to place so much faith in him, that's her choice and I defend her right to express it. Unfortunately, many of us have lost that faith and there's nothing she can do to change that. We are as entitled to our opinions as she is to hers. We aren't the ones being closed-minded here.
Voluptuosity stopped by here once before because she had been put on to the fact that Verita and her friends were talking about her. These blogs aren't meant to bash her, are they? Verita could have easily asked people to refrain from mentioning her name and stick to the issues, if Verita WEREN'T trying to join unwanted attention to herself. As a result Voluptuosity would have never dropped by.
Her second visit was a considerate one. No, you don't like her attitude about things and no it wasn't all "howdy do neighbor". The fact of the matter is that people were told that members from buzznet had made their OWN BLOGS HATING AGAINST VERITA. Voluptuosity took it upon herself to get the links to these blogs as to put a stop to them.
You people laugh about how she says people look up to her? It's true. People come to her all the time and thank her repeatedly for what she does in the forum. People ask if she could start certain threads. There is even a new topic thanking her for including everyone on her meet'n'greet with Gerard. Being you people don't even partake in anything other than the Gerard Way forum, your opinions on Voluptuosity's stance there is invalid, no?
Why she felt to make such an unexpected, considerate gesture for Verita? You'll have to ask her.
I've seen the words exchanged here and on BN as well. I think Voluptuosity took extreme offense to the fact that Verita is reluctant to take anyones POSITIVE input on subject matters under consideration. Which would be why the phrase "cult state of mind" has been posted more than once, no? Or would you prefer pig headed?
You speak of freedom of opinion. Well, having multiple people put in their ANTI-MY CHEM IS DEAD points and Verita NOT addressing their 2 cents BECAUSE she believes them to be invalid is wrong, hurtful and would piss me off as well.
If someone offered an effective hand in rendering me death threat-less I would say thanks but no thanks IF I denied. Verita used the phrase "silly little head" and was rude to her in the way ONLY verita knows how. Don't pretend not to see it. Verita knows how to push the buttons of the "fan girl" she believes Voluptuosity of being, so try and look at it from Voluptuosity's perspective.
The girl has repeatedly said it's okay for Verita to go about blogging about this but labeling those as puppets, idol worshipers and what not is offensive, no? NO, Verita never said those things before Voluptuosity lost her cool but Verita's attitude towards the non-topic supporters said enough. Voluptuosity saw that and called it out. Much like Verita does against Gerard, no?
I understand it's hard to see any wrong in your hero, Verita but offensive is offensive whether it's taken from the person with you or against you.
Have you seen the run of this blog in particular. Calling someone names and expressing hatred towards one another and people you don't know is what I call violent. O but maybe since you enjoy seeing a certain name talked down upon you aren't acknowledging it. You think all the hate against Voluptuosity is just because she isn't on your side? Well, you're wrong. This argument started because Voluptuosity heard of unjust activity against someone she doesn't particularly like herself.
How you all go from seeing how considerate she is to shitting on her name is beyond me. She's not the only one who doesn't agree with Verita. Somehow this turns into a Gerard/Voluptuosity hate center. Do you really think it makes sense for her to start the run of the comments with, "Where are the threats. I want to help." to people saying God awful and untrue things about her is right? So many times have I hear cries from you here of being adults and mature. Where is the maturity in speaking so foully about someone because they were trying to help?
I see the fascination doesn't stop at Gerard here and I'm glad it didn't get out of hand on BN. This is a disgusting way for people to behave.
O and someone or 2 have mentioned Voluptuosity telling verita to cut herself. Verita takes nothing seriously other than her own words and the words of her supporters. So please drop it. Verita is phased by no fan-girl as she put it. Anyone on BN could spot the arrogance of Verita and tell words AGAINST her cause fall on deaf ears. Verita is big enough to presume and blaspheme about Gerard's pictures and video moments. She should be big enough to take things in one ear and out the other.
p.s Her lack in debating skills is stronger than playing doll with someones persona. You, Verita and a few of your accomplices came into BN on a mission. So please don't pretend you were willing to believe anything other than what Verita is convincing you of. It's a bit late for that I think...
LOL, it doesn't matter if Verita was going to take it seriously or not, she still said it, which makes her a hypocrite. Hey, just like her idol.
"Trying to help" my fucking ass, she was being a bitch by pretending she had all this power over some kind of MCRmy. She needs to get over herself, she's not Gerard's general or war leader.
"Blaspheme" about Gerard? Blaspheme? Way to give yourself away. OMG you are fucking crazy.
Voluptuosity has repeatedly said you are entitled to your opinion as well. But looking down on people for not having the same as yours (as verita did) is disrespectful.
We are not all text book fan girls who worship Gerard and blindly avoid negative convo's about the band. Like I said, Voluptuosity didn't like the chaos Verita was set on causing after seeing the non-direction the argument was going in.
There are people whose lives evolve around this band and are too unstable to take such opinions as just hear say.
Why would Verita see the jeapordy taking place and ignore it? Because she doesn't care. She doesn't care for Gerard. She doesn't care for his fans. Voluptuosity has always been somewhat of a peace keeping healthy producer on buzznet and I can understand why she took things so personally. She's even picketed against those penis threads that some of you have mentioned.
I think it's wrong to try and convert fans against Gerard for PERSONAL reasons. Based on mere speculation and the fact that Verita obviously has a score to settle. What other reason would she put so much effort into slandering Gerard's name?
If you wish to support a future bottle throwing Mcr concert goer then that's your business. Just keep people who have ACTUAL good intentions for people OTHER than themselves out of the trash pit.
@ anonymous
It is blasphemy in the eyes of the majority of the kids on BN and the hate towards Verita was bound to happen regardless. I have this gift for looking at things from different points of views. You should try it. About that power trip you claim Voluptuosity has? Maybe read what I posted afterwards.
2 anonymous who said Vol is Gerards war leader...
She didn't come here for Gerard or did you miss that?
Woah! lol You guys are sick. I would act a bitch to Verita too. She thinks everyone is beneath her. O please! People were talking shit about Voluptuosity on an earlier blog so WHY EXACTLY WOULD VOLUPTUOSITY NOT ACT A WAY? Get with it folks. Voluptuosity wouldn't even know about this place if people kept her name off of their keyboards. I guess it's okay to talk about her behind her back but it's wrong for her not to like it. lol You make me laugh. WHAT AN IDIOT!
Not everyone here is attacking Voluptuosity or Buzznet. We're behind Verita because of he right to post whatever she wants on HER blog.
ONCE AGAIN, if people don't like it, then don't read it.
Don't support gossip about anyone OTHER than Gerard like you're so into and you won't have to read my comments. Got it? Tell Verita to stop talking about and supporting talk about BN members and maybe they won't come by here.
1) I have no heroes, other than my maternal grandmother.
2) I have never said that I agree with everything that Verita has said, only that she has made some valid points.
My main criticism with Voluptuosity is that she argues with emotion as opposed to logic, which effectively nullifies whatever point she's trying to make. Most of her rants come off like a playground argument where the person who talks the most and the loudest wins.
There are no winners or losers here. Just opinions.
Voluptuousity said "I find some kind of humorous pleasure out of sharing the same hate blog page as Gerard."
Hate blog page? You are so full of shit you squeak when you go aroudn the corner.
And you only WISH you were as "important" as Gerard. The only reason people are even discussng you here is because you showed up here, you and your sniveling little fangirly squeebots.
You just called the opinion you support logic. hmmmm.. okay? They can be morphed and molded into logic when Verita gets through with them of course. But I see you are much like Verita. You are stuck on making Gerard out to be the worse he can. Go ahead, fine. O and just because you have a problem with Voluptuosity doesn't make it okay for you all to trash her so much. Maybe learn a lesson from her trying to help Verita. I'm done here. You all went from up Gerard's ass to Verita's ass. That's all it is. Have fun and bring pine on your next visit...
2 the anonymous hate ranter
People were talking about Voluptupsity WHICH IS WHY SHE SHOWED UP. It seems you showed up in a blog posted way after her original visit. She never came here to stop the blogging. wtf is wrong with you? Shouldn't you be watching that last bit of t.v before your bed time?
On the Frank huh? blog @ ANON HATE GIRL
Anonymous said...
Verita, that poster on buzznet who is continually twisting and misinterpreting what people are trying to say on that forum for her own personal agenda, (that is to lock the thread) is the worst kind of obsessive fan there is. If I were the band I would try to smash the messiah complex to prevent developing more of these sheep. But it looks like someone is already trying to do this.
September 17, 2007 5:37 PM
veritavenom said...
Which poster would that be? Because it looks like there are a few of them with that mindset.
September 17, 2007 6:51 PM
marthajones said...
Maybe the other out come of this whole thing will be Buzznet getting its act together. For a place that is supposed to be for fans to express themselves they sure don't allow them to. Unless your certain people.
September 17, 2007 7:43 PM
Anonymous said...
To Verita, I was referring to the lovely miss Voluptuosity. For her, everyone's opinion is valid as long as it is in accordance with her's. Don't ever criticize St Gerard.
September 17, 2007 8:08 PM
Anonymous said...
OMG! You actually said her name?
I thought I was obsessed with Gerard but she is beyond! In her mind, Gerard is God. But yeah, she basically has taken over the Gerard Way forum and has formed her own little MCRmy over there.
September 18, 2007 3:14 PM
marthajones said...
Its that look at me Gerard I stood up for you when everyone else was putting you down. She is trying to get good in with him by showing what a good fan she is. I think she took over that forum because no one else was running it and she is but one of seven I think on the MCR forum who run it. Why be a little fish in a big pond when you can be a big fish in a small pond.
September 18, 2007 7:23 PM
Now will you shut up?
And LONG LIVE THE MCRMY. You will NOT shut us out.
I saw the argument between Verita and Voluptuosity. I think Volup. reasons were very logical. The majority of them were based on band info. Being that you see the band as dead it makes sense why you wouldn't find her debating half any good. Your head is already set against the band. Why would you find her argument logical? *sigh* Don't answer. I don't care...
To the anon who addressed me:
Did you even read what I wrote in my last comment? I did not call my opinion logic. The gist of the comment was that opinions are just opinions and are not meant to be argued.
I refuse to be dragged into an argument where there is none.
Ever find it hard to know that sometimes the one's closest to you are the first to stab you in the back? You brought this on yourself. Boo-hoo-hoo.
Voluptuosity may be on drugs herself? She thinks she is the leader of a fake army, speaks as if she is a friend to Gerard, hands out imaginary black roses to people over the Internet, and worships a Drunk Cocaine snorting God that not only lies to all his fans but even worse to himself. It is time for a reality check.
Never stop believing in someone you like.
Anonymous said...
Never stop believing in someone you like.
Sounds like good advice... just ask Sadie G (aka Susan Atkins).
"He represented a God to me that was so beautiful that I'd do anything for him.
I'd do anything for God.
Even murder, if I believed it was right.
How could it not be right if it is done with love?
I have no remorse for doing what was right to me.
I have no guilt in me."
haha This is my last run here folks. Theses people aren't here to discuss Voluptuosity. They are here to discuss Gerard. If you have aproblem with Voluptuosity take it up with her.
O and I know exactly what Voluptuosity thinks and it's awesome!
voluptuosity: 09/28/2007 1:41 PM
lol First off they're not fans. They're border line haters and a bunch of moms who want to blame the band for whatever is wrong with their kids. They're are close minded and believe their opinions to be the only logical explanation for Gerard's behavior. They make me sick and the feeling is mutual. I've heard about them spitting shit about me on that blog and it's all really flattering but seriously... I'm no Gerard Way. I'm not a member of the band. I'm just me. The hate is never going to stop and I think we should all just leave it be. They get off on people stopping by there and giving them a hard time. It gives them the attention that they want and in result they believe the attention we give them verifies whether or not it gets back to the band. They're are all so over dramatic and under the influence. LOL As someone once said before, FUCK THEM!
She doesn't think she's a war leader and you guys can stop saying that. Continue with the run of these discussions and be safe.
You stupid teenies have been saying for days that this was your "last time here." You need to face it, you are the ones eho keep bringing up Voluotuousity, when in fact Verita never had much to say to or about her. Volup. just wants it all to be about her. She is getting off on the attention. Making threads about herself and calling everyone who calls her on that a "hater".
Believe me, Volup is loving every bit of this, she likes thinking she is being persecuted in the name of her idol.
Ok, You deleted several of my comments on your initial thread. I never said one threatening or ugly thing. I also explained my anonymity because I didn’t want to bother signing up. But I am not afraid to tell you who I am:
You judge someone you don’t know based on speculation and rumors. Do you have the right to voice your opinion? sure! Do you have a right to judge people you don’t know based on things you believe are true? If it floats your boat... but it isn't cool.
And let me just contradict one thing you said:
"throwing his own vomit onto his fans in the audience" I was at that show. Front and center barricade. Gerard got overheated and threw up. He went to the back of the stage and got down on his hands and knees. He obviously felt like he was chocking and pulled his neck scarf off. He tossed that into the audience. I'm sure he didn’t realize he had gotten spittle on it. And I can almost bet my ass, it will show up on eBay eventually. So he didn’t throw vomit on the audience.
You have made your feelings clear over loosing someone you feel is lost and has changed. But what I don’t understand is why you are trying to rally people to join in your disgust. I had even stopped bothering posting or reading your drivel because you delete things that make valid points against your arguments. You claim you don’t but you do. Again, there was nothing in my posts that could have been construed as threatening or ugly in nature.
I honestly do believe that if you genuinely cared for Gerard as you say you do. You wouldn’t be trying to rally support to get him replaced in mcr. You would be stating in a nicer manner your concerns. And don’t try the tough love thing with me. Because your posts are very detrimental and ugly.
Judge not less you be judged.
I know he isn’t perfect. But if he really was in a frail state then these kinds of actions from people who claim to care for him would not be helpful.
I also think it is upsetting that people have went as far as death threats or threats of violence. I can debate with you until there is no tomorrow and maybe be very angry at things you say. But I will never go that route.
And I honestly believe that when Volup ask for the links of threats she genuinely wanted to do something about it. But you basically cyber spit in her face.
Because she still sees a human. She still sees a man she respects and doesn’t buy into the negative hype, that doesn’t make her less worthy.
That being said. I am a terrible speller. I type really fast as well and that doesn’t help. So if you want to attack me for something off topic. Such as my horrible spelling. Let me beat you to the punch. We all have our akilies heel and I freely admit that is mine.
Oh and, "honestly"? We know that's you, Voluptuousity.
Hi again Volup, anon@6:30. You can't get enough of coming here, can you? LOL, you are one sad, pathetic little person. That's so funny you gave yourself away, it was Volup who was beng made fun of because of her spelling, you basically just said it was you.
You're an idiot.
And if Verita was deleting your post why didn't she delete all of them that were negative? Which is all you and your teeny followers have posted anyway? No, you are just too stupid to realize that maybe your post didn't go through. UR DOING IT WRONG.
God you people are idiots. I don't know how you get by in life.
and pulled his neck scarf off. He tossed that into the audience. I'm sure he didn’t realize he had gotten spittle on it. And I can almost bet my ass, it will show up on eBay eventually.
That is absolutely disgusting.
Who in their right mind would want it? What next, someone follows him into the bathroom to steal his piss??
Judge not less you be judged.
Thanks for the Bible lesson.
But what if we really don't care what you have to say?
PS - Tell your lovely Buzznet queen that this is no hate thread. She's not important enough to warrant one.
No I am Ravenblackhardt! You can visit my page at buzznet. I have always said I was a horrible speller. Hate to burst your bubble.
I just saw how when the topic tends to lean away from support of your side... you pick apart people on a personal level.
I honestly dont see how you would think we were the same person. Our writing style is completely different.
So anonymously adamant... you were completely wrong. I am not volup. I didnt give anything away. You who amongst the haters and lovers of gossip who are so sure you are right about everything involving a man you don't know... were wrong again!
If you dont believe it is me and not volup.... feel free to message me at buzznet and ask me!
I actually do think I have an acct here from a long time ago, but I never log into it. So I didn't feel the need to create a new acct.
by the way:
"No, you are just too stupid to realize that maybe your post didn't go through. UR DOING IT WRONG"
It was up and people posted after it. I have it saved with the time and date every post i made.
And teeny? hardly! I will be 40 next month. I just have respect for peoples privacy. I dont judge him, or his choices. He is an artist and I enjoy his work. His private life is not my business.
"That is absolutely disgusting.
Who in their right mind would want it? What next, someone follows him into the bathroom to steal his piss??"
it is disgusting. But i have seen people selling half empty water bottles and cigarette butts... supposedly gerards on ebay!
It is sick. But people sell and people buy it. That was my point.
"Don't worry yourself about who I am, that is unimportant. I can guarentee one thing, you would freak if you knew who your were talking to right now. Maybe even shit yourself or want a photo. You know who i am, you have seen me before."
Hmm for someone who doesn’t want her to worry about who they are, you seem pretty smug about going on about who it is that you are. I don't believe you are anybody anyone would shit themselves over really! I could almost "guarentee" it (I thought you guys were bashing my spelling)
and to easincrucem
This is where verita cyber spit in volups face:
Volup said: "The only reason I'm here is because Blackheart13 made a thread telling us of death threats you've received. Please point me in the direction of this behavior so I can do my best to stop it."
She didn’t say she could. But would do her best. As would I. Even if she could do nothing, she was willing to let people know she felt those type of posts are unacceptable. There is no need for those types of actions.
and Veritas response was:
"And don't worry your silly little head over me." and "And I'm sure that's not the only reason you're here anyway."
Sister Midnite, Volupuosity can not be held responsible for someone else calling people names. So because they agree that they still enjoy mcr as a band that means that everything they do and say would be backing of each other? That doesn’t hold any water!
If you and I agreed that the sky was blue, but I called the person that disagreed a stupid bitch... would that make you responsible for my words? Or assume you supported them? Come on you are muddying the waters here!
And again, Voluptuosity was brought up in the initial thread and was told about it. Had her name not been mentioned you could have had your little hate heyday without so much as a peep from her. But even when she throws her hands up and leaves the thread... you still continue to discuss her. So who is the one that is actually obsessed here?
She has done nothing besides not hate the person you seem to hate. So is it your goal to bitch slap everyone into believing what you do based on the rumors you have picked out of the corners of cyberspace and ran with?
And to the person that sarcastically appreciated my "bible lesson" that was not meant to be a religious comment. It is something you should live by. You are judging someone, that one you don’t know, and two you have no right to.
He gets on stage and gives you a show. Go see it or don't but he doesn't sell tickets to his life.
Good bad or ugly it isn’t your concern! Don't like them? Stop buying their stuff. Simple as that!
Honestly it doesn’t matter how much we say that makes perfect sense. You are hell bent on hating and bashing and we can't change that.. so enjoy yourself...
So now I will follow the advice of one of my favorite quotes...
"Never argue with the ignorant, they will only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
hate on!
Just to let you know voluptuosity hasn't been back here recently and she hasn't made any anon postings. And no, lol, this isn't voluptuosity.
Let's focus instead on Veritas blog.
I'm with one of the earlier anon's.
I will continue to read Verita's blog because I agree with much of what she says.
If you're looking for an argument, R, you won't get one from me. Feel free to put as many words & labels on us as you wish -- you continue to assume that we care.
To Anon who keeps addressing me:
You consider this a spit in the face? "And don't worry your silly little head over me." and "And I'm sure that's not the only reason you're here anyway."
What kind of fantasy world do you live in? If you honestly consider that to be a hate-filled insult, you might want to invest in a plastic bubble to insulate yourself from the real world.
And as far as your attention seeking friend is concerned, she provided some amusing entertainment for a while, but... *yawns* Bored now.
Wrong. I do not stand in lines at comic book stores.
To the whole BN gang if you don't like what we say or do here , why are you here. You guys have BN so go back there.
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