Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bad taste and lack of class all around

Which is worse?

Gerard and Lindsey posing (embarrassingly badly) as JFK and Jackie O, with Gerard looking like, as someone once said "a druggie nodding off in someone's car" and Lindsey looking petulant and bored.... and otherwise totally blank? In an attempt to try to be "edgy" and apparently to sell Gerard's book they pulled this stunt and told people "suck it, it's art". I wonder if they would feel as "edgy" about "art" if it was someone making fun of one of their tragedies? Say someone posing as Gerard's deceased grandmother. (Oh wait, they already exploited that in Helena)...

OR, Frank Iero who always spoke out against hate speech, using the word "n*gga" and defending it. "In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context.[1] Presently, the word n*gga is used more liberally among younger members of all races and ethnicities in the United States, although its use by persons not of African descent is still widely viewed as unacceptable and hostile, even when used without intentional prejudice." Just think of the outcry when Eliza said that word? But you can bet the same people who turned against her will think Frank is just "being funny".

It's a shame because even for a while after Gerard turned into a walking douche bag I still personally thought maybe Frank wasn't one.

Oh well, I guess the whole band is pretty similar.


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Anonymous said...

I twittered this to Lindsey.

"@lynzway I'm interested to know what the artistic merit of the Dallas photo is. And I'm not being sarcastic, I really would like to know."

Doubt she saw it but worth a try.

Jordan said...

I think Frank has been a bit of a douche lately :\ I don't know.. I thought he and Bob and Ray were the only sane ones left, but now I guess only Bob and Ray are.

Jordan said...

"Seriously, you people need to get yourselves a life, this is pretty pathetic reading how much time and effort you all put into this, you hate the band? ok, great, deal with it and move on, for people who hate a band so much, you spend an awful lot of time talking about them."

Yeah I think it is really pointless to just say how much you hate them. Not really a productive hobby. This place is very negative and I'm just so entertained by all your hate.

Ronnie said...

hmm... I'd like to see you guys actually SAY IT TO THEM. Yes lets huddle in the corner and make plans that will never happen.

OR you can actually DO what you say you're going to do.

Not taking sides, Gerard looks like a girl, I have hella fuckin' pictures of him with makeup and pink bandanas, but come on. You call Frank spineless when you're not even going to do anything but cry and be all negative about how you want them to go away forever.

Anonymous said...

Satire requires wit.

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