Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bad taste and lack of class all around

Which is worse?

Gerard and Lindsey posing (embarrassingly badly) as JFK and Jackie O, with Gerard looking like, as someone once said "a druggie nodding off in someone's car" and Lindsey looking petulant and bored.... and otherwise totally blank? In an attempt to try to be "edgy" and apparently to sell Gerard's book they pulled this stunt and told people "suck it, it's art". I wonder if they would feel as "edgy" about "art" if it was someone making fun of one of their tragedies? Say someone posing as Gerard's deceased grandmother. (Oh wait, they already exploited that in Helena)...

OR, Frank Iero who always spoke out against hate speech, using the word "n*gga" and defending it. "In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context.[1] Presently, the word n*gga is used more liberally among younger members of all races and ethnicities in the United States, although its use by persons not of African descent is still widely viewed as unacceptable and hostile, even when used without intentional prejudice." Just think of the outcry when Eliza said that word? But you can bet the same people who turned against her will think Frank is just "being funny".

It's a shame because even for a while after Gerard turned into a walking douche bag I still personally thought maybe Frank wasn't one.

Oh well, I guess the whole band is pretty similar.


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Anonymous said...

Poor girl.

Taylor, that is. Not Lindsey.

Tiger Lily said...

mm not sure but i think that taylor/kanye moment on the vma's was planned. wont be the first time..

Tiger Lily said...

haha truth hurts ,someone tweeted this to frances

@Gofackadawg are you famous for anything other than riding off your parents backs?
about 8 hours ago from mobile web

and her reply was

@JustFeckinEef yes I'm the worlds first pregnant man! Oh wait......
about 8 hours ago from web in reply to JustFeckinEef

@Gofackadawg well you sure LOOK like a pregnant man but pardon my humble opinion miss.spawn of 2 junkies
about 7 hours ago from mobile web


Anonymous said...

Kanye seems to know how to play the game; act like a complete prick in public to generate some publicity.

Anonymous said...

As much as I dislike the behavior of Frances on twitter, she is still a young girl and I think people are being unnecessarily cruel to her. Seventeen year olds still get highly effected by things.

seamusrabbit said...

To Siobhan
I'm no good at copying quotes and pasting so ill just rant on.
I am v annoyed at yesterday, having to justify myself to you. I always thought I lived in a democracy (UK), and you do too. So I can talk to whoever I want and follow whoever I want on Twitter, (if you noticed I follow Lindsey too)! Just because I like MCR doesnt mean I have to like Lindsey and MSI and vice versa.
Can we please be OK about this now cos I have to go to work! HAHA

Anonymous said...

But...this blog is about how all of MCR are assholes and did a complete 180 on their message. I guess I don't get how you can post here and still like or respect MCR as people.

Anonymous said...

Don't see what the big deal is 11:46. It's a place for a variety of opinions.

Anonymous said...

To Siobhan
I'm no good at copying quotes and pasting so ill just rant on.
I am v annoyed at yesterday, having to justify myself to you. I always thought I lived in a democracy (UK), and you do too. So I can talk to whoever I want and follow whoever I want on Twitter, (if you noticed I follow Lindsey too)! Just because I like MCR doesnt mean I have to like Lindsey and MSI and vice versa.
Can we please be OK about this now cos I have to go to work! HAHA

Well, I was already okay with this yesterday but since you brought it up again and als mentioned the word democracy; I think I'm also allowed to say what I want and I was just asking a question.
When that n***a incident with Frank occurred I was on his Twitter site and there I saw Frank tweeting you back. I just remembered your name from here and wondered if you were one of those people who come here and rant about how shitty MCR are only to go to BN or Twitter and 'secretly' kiss their asses.
I just don't understand your reasoning.
Why do you follow Lindsey if you feel so annoyed by her? And why is it that you hate her and MSI but still condone Gerard's actions? How can you seperate the two from each other?

Of course, you don't have to answer this, but I think I'm allowed to ask.

Anonymous said...

I find it kind of odd that Lindsey dissed Pete Wentz (by way of Bronx Mowgli) in her twitter, although Mikey is such good buds with him.

I doubt Pete gives a shit and he probably won't even hear about it, but what was the point of that? Does she hope to win cool points by dissing Pete?

I don't like him either, but I think celebrities should refrain from saying bad things about one another. It's just tacky.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lindsey thinks Bronx isn't good enough for Bandit because of Ashlee? Maybe she thinks Ashlee is a no-talent bimbo who can't really sing and lip-syncs to a pre-recorded track...

Oh wait.

Anonymous said...

Do you really buy Ray's "too busy to tweet" thing? Most bands I've seen are doing all they can to stay in touch with fans. With new bands coming up everyday and leaked albums I would think you would try to hold on to the fans loyalty. They probably think everything will just fall in their laps being the gods they are and all.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't think there's all that much good stuff to tweet about. I get the feeling the band isn't all in agreement about the direction of the material on the new record.

The band members don't really seem (from their twitters) to be on that close terms with one another. With Brian being gone it wouldn't surprise me if they break up after this record is done.

seamusrabbit said...

To Siobhan,
I have never been on here and said shitty things about MCR (apart from Mikeys bald spot!)
to be perfectly honest with you I dont know why I follow Lindsey, I suppose its just to see what crap she says next (A bit like car crash TV).
I cant condone some of Gerards actions, I dont know much about what happened at PR, but I am still a fan of their music, would I go to another concert? Dunno!
Sorry for being shitty with you I am PMSing tho!!! haha
Can we be best buddies now? *hugs*

Anonymous said...

If you only knew....

Anonymous said...

Seamusrabbit, of course we can be buddies. Like I said before, I was just curious and I can totally understand the 'car crash' thing. It can be pretty addicting. I guess that's also the reason why most of us here are still sticking around. ^_^

Well, let's hope for the next 'car crash' to come, meaning the release of their new album! ;-D

Anonymous said...

Slightly off topic but I watched Twilight for the first time today and I surprised myself because actually I really liked it.

The fangirls had put me off with the whole RPattz thing..

Anonymous said...

I read an article from Rocksound a long time ago, had msi in and they asked what lindsey thought of Gerard's comics. She said something like she thought that were good but I'm not into shit like that.
Nice and supportive :/. I can find the exact quote later. Still have the mag.

An dd i only just caught up and saw this this
Hilarious. I wish someone would twitter it around with the saying about Gerard thinking girls should think better of themselves. Jesus, he looks like he's just loving it there. Are there more of those? Apart from the one that was posted with it.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that's a photoshopped picture right?

People, please let's not make ourselves look stupid. We don't have to find every little ridiculous thing about these two and turn them into the worst thing in the world. Cats in the yard, photoshopped pictures, gaining weight, having stretchmarks, beign ugly.... Those are every day things that happen to EVERYONE.

These two dickheads are stupid enough and do enough things in bad taste so that we don't have to pick every little thing. It lowers us to their level.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you only knew....

Knew what, Anon? I don't get it. :(

Oh, Kanye West is an inconsiderate moron. Poor Taylor. If that was me, and I'd worked so hard to achieve something to have rewards of my hard work taken from me, I'd cry.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that's a photoshopped picture right?

No it's not.

9:46 - there is another on of him standing in the group. I think it was posted on the previous page.

Anonymous said...

That picture of Gerard holding the camera was taken elsewhere and gets photoshopped into everything. He might have been with those people but that picture is from something else.

Anonymous said...

That picture is not photoshopped. I remember when it surfaced back during the sumer of 06. Gerard was doing publicity pictures with Buckcherry (who is also on Warner) and there are several pictures of him with those people.

It might have been photoshopped into other situtations, but the one posted here was the original.

Oh, and you might want to stop worrying so much about us looking "stupid." This is just a blog. Who do you think is reading it? Those idiots on Buzznet? The people on Mayo? We couldn't look as idiotic or deranged as them if we put forth an all-out effort.

Anonymous said...

I just find it hard to take anything that comes from these people on twitter as anything other than self-promotion.

I wholeheartedly agree.

Also I agree re that Buckcherry photo. That was the original, and then that part with GW and the camera was photoshopped onto subsequent photos.

Anonymous said...

OK I stand corrected. OTOH I stand by what I said when I was saying that some people here jump on every little thing and it is stupid and pointless. They provide us with enough bad taste. How important is it to sit here and say how awful they are because they tweet about cats in their yard? I tweet about pointless stuff too. You can't get on their case for stuff everyone does. Aging, stretch marks, twittering about cats.

But their "music" and lyrics, which are the lowest of the low, their hypocrisy, their (probable) drug use, naming their kid something idiotic, and doing tasteless and nasty pictures and saying "suck it" is enough material.

Anonymous said...

Gerard looks so pleased with himself in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Cool 1.31.
I do agree.

Anonymous said...

I watched a video of the 'Kanye West' incident at the VMAs and I felt so sorry for Taylor Swift. She just stood there for ages looking as though she wanted the ground to swallow her up. Bless her, it must have been so embarassing for her. I would have been mortified if something like that happened to me.

Kanye West is such a dickhead. I remember at the MOBO awardsone year when he was giving an exceptance speech and people were talking. He got in such a strop and started saying that everyone was being 'disrespectful'. He didn't exactly act respectfully when he did that to Taylor Swift.

I liked her video, it was cute and Beyonce's video was just a bunch of women dancing around in a circle. Hardly groundbreaking.

Anonymous said...

Kanye West is the biggest douchebag.

Anonymous said...

Did any of you happen to catch any of the pics or a video clip of Pete Wentz chatting up Kanye and sharing his giant bottle of Hennessy with him? You know that if Gerard and Mikey had been there, they would have been right there, schmoozing with him as well.

But alas, poor MCR. They haven't been invited back to the VMAs since they performed TBP at the opening in 06.

I know the band felt cheated when they didn't win anything with Helena and Gerard was probably heartbroken when GOY didn't get nominated the next year. But in 07 when WTTBP and FLW were completely snubbed, you know he was livid. It must bug the hell out of him to see bands like FOB and Paramore get nominations when his band has been consistently overlooked since 2005.

I don't feel sorry for him, though. He made me sick sucking up to P Diddy and those other rappers. And the Brinks Truck was one of the most over-the-top stunts I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

lyn-z when she was kid

Anonymous said...

I get the impression that Pete wasn't or still isn't thrilled with his dad role. I see lots of pics of Ashlee with Bronx, but hardly any of Pete and Bronx, or all three of them.

That being said, even Bronx is a better name than Bandit. A lot of kids of music artists end up leading normal lives, especially if the artist isn't that well known, like Gerard. I could see Bronx working out for him in the real world. Bandit, even for a girl, not so much.

I also don't buy the "too busy" excuse either, at least from Ray. Ironically, the only one I would accept that from right now is Gerard. Busy and probably sleep deprived with the baby, and of course his uber fab comic. ::cough::
But once, or maybe I should say IF they go on tour, even he won't have that excuse. But of course he'll have had a bad flight, or is tired from the show, or is just having an off-night. Anything to get him out of having to meet the people who line his wallet.

Anonymous said...

And Mikey using a publicity shot of him as his twitter icon is really strange to me.

Anonymous said...

That being said, even Bronx is a better name than Bandit.

I agree. Without the Mowgli added on, Bronx is not a bad name for a boy at all. It's rather rugged sounding. If nothing else, at least it's not a common name for a dog, unlike Bandit.

I think names are important. They're kind of like the self-fulfilling prophecy, you know? You give a kid a trashy name like Bambi and they'll probably live up to it and become a stripper or a Playboy Playmate.

Something tells me Bandit will grow up to be hell on wheels. She'll probably be a total brat even as a small child what with that name, combined with Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Chantal as role models.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Auntie Frances.

Anonymous said...

You know one of Bandit's earliest words is going to be "Fuck, fucker or fucking."

Anonymous said...

Apparently Mikey's not all that busy. His contribution to the recording process must be pretty minuscule.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey looks like a happy kid in that picture. But then, she didn't have to go through her childhood saddled with a name like Bandit...

Anonymous said...

She probably had to carry the burden of it being misspelled as "Lindsay" a lot.

Anonymous said...

Did Lindsey delete her tweet about Bandit marrying Bronx over her "dead body?"

Maybe Pete's fans came out in force to defend little Bronx. Pete has way more followers (and fans) than her lame husband does.

But wait...doesn't she make her own rules? Why didn't she just tell them all to "suck it"?

Anonymous said...

I don't like FOB, but I've seen them live a couple of times and they're a better band than MCR. Their lyrics are catchy and clever and Patrick has a great voice. He actually sings the songs and doesn't rely on the audience to do it for him.

Patrick looks like a chubby little guy, but he's actually in much better shape than Gerard. At least it seems that way onstage because he doesn't get out of breath the way Gerard does.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, has anybody seen anyone with an MSI related name following Lindsey on twitter? I've seen tons of MCR song reference names and frankielovers and whatnot. Does MSI actually have any fans of their own?

Anonymous said...

Patrick was originally the drummer for FOB but they found out he had a great voice so they made him singer. So he didn't even have any formal training, though he's probably had some lessons since then.

Anonymous said...

I've seen a few users with MSI lyric names, and a few with "Righ" on the end of their name.

Anonymous said...

Is there any word at all on when MSI is going to do a new record or a new tour? Or is Jimmy just planning to live off Chantal the way Lindsey seems to be living off Gerard?

And what about Steve and Kitty?

Anonymous said...

I scanned a message board and it looks like they're taking a hiatus Steve and Lindsey becoming parents, and from what I know of they'd been touring non stop since PR, and probably before that.

Anonymous said...

*hiatus. Steve and Lindsey

Anonymous said...

I quite like FOB and I think Patrick has an awesome voice. He isn't all pretty either; I mean he has those weird sideburns and he's kinda chubby.

I think pete wentz writes the lyrics for FOB songs but they are a lot cleverer than MCR's.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about this hiatus thing. I mean, shouldn't they be in the UK capitalizing on all those Kerrang articles?

If they wait too long, MCR's not going to have any more coattails for them to ride.

Anonymous said...

I saw FOB opening for Blink-182 last month and they were really good. They also seemed to be making a decent impression on Blink's fans. I like that they didn't think they were too big to be opening for another band.

The same with Paramore. It was a smart move for them to open for No Doubt. I've heard a lot of people say they hadn't heard of them until they saw them open for No Doubt but that they were impressed by Hayley's voice and onstage energy. (I still don't like Paramore though.)

Anonymous said...

Paramore are okay but I like Hayley's voice and I think it's cool that she's pretty young.

I used to love No Doubt... Gwen Sefani was so much better then, she had the coolest dress sense ever..

Anonymous said...

Paramore are okay but I like Hayley's voice and I think it's cool that she's pretty young.

I think Hayley has a gorgeous voice. It's just underutilized at this stage in her career. But she is still so very young and so is Paramore. I think they have the potential to go far.

Did anybody hear their acoustic cover of Kings of Leon's Use Somebody? I know that song has been played a lot, but it's a really gorgeous song and it's been covered by a lot of people but Hayley's is the best. Not as good as Caleb, but still very, very good.

Anonymous said...

I love the Live Lounge sessions that Radio One do. 30STM covered Stronger by Kanye West and it's soooo fucking good. It sounds so different and Jared's voice is gorgeous.

I'm listening to Paramore covering Use Somebody and I think it shows off her voice really well. She's young so her voice will probably get even better as she gets older.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody hear their acoustic cover of Kings of Leon's Use Somebody?


Anonymous said...

I love the Radio 1 covers too. They always manage to somehow match artist with song in a way that's different and compelling.

And isn't Jared's voice amazing? I'm not a huge fan of 30STM's music (kinda bland) but his voice is incredible, especially live. If they'd just improve their songwriting a bit I could love them.

Anonymous said...


Here you go.

Anonymous said...

You have to admire her for tackling that. KoL songs can't be easy to cover because Caleb has such a distinctive and soulful voice.

Anonymous said...

30STM's Live Lounge cover. So amazing!

Anonymous said...

I love accoustic versions of 30STM songs, it's like listening to a completely different song.

I find 30STM really refreshing. There's something about them that really appeals to me, I dunno what it is though.

Anonymous said...

I adore that version of Stronger. It blows me away.

Anonymous said...

You have to admire her for tackling that. KoL songs can't be easy to cover because Caleb has such a distinctive and soulful voice.

I know, especially because it was written for a guy's voice too.

Anonymous said...

I love accoustic versions of 30STM songs, it's like listening to a completely different song.

I think I would enjoy them more if they were acoustic.

Jared is such a sweetheart. I don't care what anybody says about him. I met him at TOC and he was far and away the nicest musician I've ever met. He took the time to actually talk to us and make eye contact. He seemed genuinely grateful for the people who had come to see them. Maybe I caught him on a good night, but he was a doll.

Anonymous said...

I've never met him but loads of people have said he's really sweet.

It would be nice if more musicians treated their fans like that.

Anonymous said...

It would be great if more bands treated their fans that way. I realize they can't always feel great after a show and fans shouldn't expect too much from them. But when they do go out of their way like Jared did that night, it's magical.

happyXamp said...

the MOB is starting its own twitter account... their hoping to get More responses from the douches

Anonymous said...

The MOB?

Anonymous said...

Yeah exactly, there's no need for people to be rude. Manners don't cost anything.

Anonymous said...

What's the MOB?

happyXamp said...

sorry that's what i call the people on Buzznet

Anonymous said...

aah lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh God. Which ones? VoluptuAssity, I presume. Probably AnotherCrazyWay and SomeRidiculousOldCoot, right?

Anonymous said...

What kind of responses do they think they'll get? "Thanks for being true fans. Here are some backstage passes."?

I hope they get blocked for being Mottzy. Which they fucking really are.

Anonymous said...

What's the point of that? Just because they all club together it doesn't mean they're going to get more responses.

Anonymous said...

They're all kind of touched in the head, so the things they do aren't going to make sense to anyone but them.

Anonymous said...

Met Jared too. Great guy.

Anonymous said...

Jared's almost too good-looking. I'm a little uneasy around men who are prettier than I am. :(

happyXamp said...

yep it was VOlup's idea actually

Anonymous said...

Why is it so important for them to get replies from the members of the band? They're just people, and not terribly nice or bright people either.

I don't understand this hero worship stuff. "Oh, Mikey talked to me! Frank blocked me!" WTF? Who cares?

I got hit in the head with one of Frank's water bottles at Pro Rev. I bent down to pick it up and about twenty girls were suddenly trying to take the damn thing away from me. I didn't let them have it (out of principle) but as I was leaving the venue, I gave it to a little kid in an MCR t-shirt. What did I need with a used water bottle?

Jeez, but MCR fans are crazy.

Anonymous said...

LOL at the hair!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is seriously tragic. Sooner or later he has to accept he is balding.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone in the band at least tell him how ridiculous that roostery thing sticking out in the back of his head looks? Or could it be he's trying to look like a chicken because of Lindsey's obvious poultry fetish?

All joking aside, though, his voice sounded horrible. He was okay for the intro, but by the time he got to "We'll carry on," he was so off-key it made my ears hurt.

My little brother has perfect pitch and he was like, "What are you listening to? Please turn it off. It hurts."

Anonymous said...

Watching that Summer Sonic thing was painful! That dead animal flailing around on the back of his head was pretty funny though. Yeesh, they sounded like shit. All of them! I've always wished Ray would just not sing the back up because he seems to be as off key as Gerard most of the time and it doubles the ear ache. I just dont see how this next album will do much. I don't see how it can.

Anonymous said...

- If you only knew....
September 14, 2009 8:51 AM

Was a reply to this, 8:51?
- The band members don't really seem (from their twitters) to be on that close terms with one another. With Brian being gone it wouldn't surprise me if they break up after this record is done.

Anonymous said...

That song, that whole album really was meant for tons of production and video. They just can't pull it off live. I think that's what they realized when they ditched the band uniforms. They = everyone but Gerard. He probably still thought it was fanfuckingtastic.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is that thing on the back of his fucking head? Does it live? Is it Uncle Fester being aroused? Is Susan actually Uncle Fester's daughter??????

Some people here said that there wasn't much of a crowd anymore when NIN ended their set. I think there are still a lot of people. Was it that much more when NIN played? Are there also clips of NIN somewhere so that we can compare?

Anonymous said...

Gee whiz, that clip was just soooooooo exciting!

Anonymous said...

Is it Uncle Fester being aroused?

Erect hair. Love it ^_^

Anonymous said...

Some people here said that there wasn't much of a crowd anymore when NIN ended their set. I think there are still a lot of people.

The stadium was filled when NIN played. If you look up into the stands, you'll see they're virtually empty. Yeah, there are still lots of people, but they're all down on the floor. Usually, for a festival like that, the stadium will be filled to the rafters for the headlining band.

Anonymous said...

I want to know how MCR weaseled their way in front of NIN. This tour is supposed to be NIN's last, and some has been emo pop rock band got put higher in the set?

Anonymous said...

^^I asked the same thing before. Some people may think NIN are has-beens but MCR are never-weres.

Anonymous said...

^^I asked the same thing before. Some people may think NIN are has-beens but MCR are never-weres.

Very true.

Anonymous said...

I want to know how MCR weaseled their way in front of NIN.

They probably refused to book the show unless they were guaranteed the headlining spot. From that ridiculous asking price they had up on that college booking site (which didn't generate any bookings, lol) it appears that they think they're a lot bigger than they really are.

Japan must have been an eye-opener for them.

Anonymous said...

Just like NIN/JA tour, NIN will see the sun set while they play. Trent told the organiser that he wanted to play in that order, and that NIN would beat the **** out of My Chemical Romance.

I've got that from a NIN forum.

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned above about Gerard being annoyed about not winning at the VMA's in 2005 with Helena or something, and I just wondered what has MCR won exactly? I remember seeing them do teenagers at that award show a few years back, but i don't think they won anything then. Have they won anything at the vma's or ema's or anything significant? I think they've won kerrang awards but is that it?

Anonymous said...

Guess proper NIN fans will go to see Aphex Twin after NIN ;-).


I guess we are not the only ones who think that MCR sucks donkey balls.

Anonymous said...

They won the equivalent of a Japanese VMA, but other than that, I can't think of a thing.

Anonymous said...

Read the second paragraph below the picture.

Anonymous said...

I think that they were nominated for a grammy once, I don't know if that's true though.

Anonymous said...

MCR won an NME award for Best International band in 07 and a TRL (LOL) award for Band who Actually Plays Instruments.

I didn't think they won the Japanese MTV award, but I could be wrong.

It cracks me up how they always are listed as being "Grammy Nominated" when the only thing they were nominated for was the Limited Edition packaging for TBP. None of their music has been nominated for a Grammy.

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing them do teenagers at that award show a few years back, but i don't think they won anything then.

Gerard acted like a total dick at that Awards show. He told reporters he would rather have been home with his wife. Of course, that was probably because they didn't win anything. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Gerard acted like a total dick at that Awards show. He told reporters he would rather have been home with his wife. Of course, that was probably because they didn't win anything. Lol.

Well, they have a history in behaving like assholes in Germany. I hope that this pathetic 'performance' was their last one here.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! If the MC actually said that, that's incredible. Lucky for MCR they don't understand Japanese.

Anonymous said...

I think they won a Kerrang award in 07 for best International Band. I think, don't quote me on it.

Anonymous said...

Gerard acted like a total dick at that Awards show. He told reporters he would rather have been home with his wife. Of course, that was probably because they didn't win anything. Lol.

Didn't Gerard go on some rant about how they were not "cool" and that they weren't going to wear neon clothes and make electronic music or something crazy like that at that awards ceremony? I know he did someplace. It was kind of out of left field, just like that "pointy shoe motherfuckers" rant.

Maybe he has hallucinations or something. He sees pointy shoe elves in neon clothes hiding behind every corner pointing and laughing at him to electronic music or something. He needs help.

Anonymous said...

Aren't MSI classed as electronic punk...?

Anonymous said...

I think MSI classifies themselves as everything including the kitchen sink, but electronic is in there somewhere.

I do vaguely remember Gerard saying something about not being cool and making electronic music, but I think maybe it was earlier than the EMAs. Probably before he met the wifey and was converted to their (for lack of a better word) music.

Anonymous said...

Gerard acted like a total dick at that Awards show. He told reporters he would rather have been home with his wife.

Maybe we'll get luck and Gerard will decide that he just can't bear to be away from the wifey and child and he'll retire from the music biz. I'd love it if he just went away and took MCR and MSI with him.

happyXamp said...

the idiots over at BN are talking about who Susan should marry.

this is from Volup
I don't know who any of those people are, what they look like e.t.c. Don't care to. The whole idea of planned marriage was always stupid. I don't care what she said, about her or Bandit other than her well being. None of them play in MCR, so none of them matter to me. Sorry to sound a way but I'm in a mood. Has nothing to do with you. As far as I'm concerned, Lyn-z and Bandit are apart of Gerard's personal life and that's not now or never has been on my 'interest radar'.

Peace and chicken grease. xD

i'm sure it isn't..

although if anyone else reads that thread I would just like to state that I think Harlow is a beautiful name and i also like Sparrow

Anonymous said...

I love the name Harlow. Sparrow would be okay if it was a girl's name, I think, but not for a boy. It calls to mind the image of a very delicate bird.

Anonymous said...

Sparrow makes me think of Captain Jack Sparrow, lol. Harlow is a gorgeous name, I agree.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who any of those people are, what they look like e.t.c. Don't care to. The whole idea of planned marriage was always stupid. I don't care what she said, about her or Bandit other than her well being. None of them play in MCR, so none of them matter to me.

First of all, how can she not know who Brandon Flowers is? And she doesn't know who the Maddens or Nicole Ritchie are?

And that whole business of them not mattering unless they're in MCR? That's just kinda psycho.

Anonymous said...

Sparrow reminds me of Captain Jack too, but I think it would have been better if they'd made it his middle name.

At least he has a decent middle name.

Anonymous said...

Lol, Brandon Flowers probably wouldn't let his kid within 500 yards of Gerard, Lindsey or any of that bunch.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Gerard a Killers fan?

Brandon Flowers has the most awesome name in the world.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard used to be a Killers fan, but I'm not so sure anymore. I remember him making a crack about "ironic mustaches" once that seemed to be a direct dig at Brandon.

My theory is that Gerard wanted to be friends with Brandon and wanted Brandon to say he was an MCR fan, but when that didn't happen Gerard got his ickle feelings hurt.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Gerard probably just made the crack about mustaches because he can't grow one.

Anonymous said...

I do remember that Brandon talked some shit about "emo bands" and "pop punk bands" back around the time TBP came out. He specifically mentioned Fall Out Boy, but I don't remember him mentioning MCR. Still, since most people put FOB and MCR in the same category, I think Gerard took it personally. It wasn't long after that that Gerard made his "emo is shit" speech.

I don't think Brandon cares for Gerard, despite what some idiotic fansites would have you believe.

Anonymous said...

Gerard can say what he likes about emo but if you ask anyone to name an emo band they're more than likely going to say MCR. He might not want the band to be classed as emo, but the media has already done that for them.

Anonymous said...

Gerard really doesn't make any sense at all. He writes songs like Cancer (which was specifically designed to be a tear-jerker) and Mama (where he fakes crying at the end during concerts) and he expects people to just buy his "we're not emo" line?

He wants to make up his own rules as he goes along and if something changes his mind, he'll just make up a revisionist history. And then he just expects us all to fall for it.

Anonymous said...

I think having Liza Minelli on Mama was a weird idea... I heard it was because Gerard's Grandma was a fan of hers or something but I still think it was a bit odd.

Anonymous said...

aww, I wanted him to fall...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think Gerard was just trying to generate publicity by getting Liza to sing on the record. I doubt it had anything to do with his grandmother (other than him taking the opportunity to exploit the poor dead woman again).

You'd think if he had so much love and respect for his grandma and the things she loved and respected, he would have refrained from posing for that horrid and offensive JFK picture.

I remember him mentioning the JFK assassination when he first talked about Dallas and he said something about how his grandmother was a JFK fan. I'm sure she would have been appalled had she lived to see him exploit his death.

Anonymous said...

Lol @Gerard with that red thing on his head. Eliza's work, no doubt. I wonder if that was her yelling "bring him back, bring him back."

Anonymous said...

Lindsey probably just said the thing about marrying Bandit off to Gunner Flowers because she thinks the names sound cool together. Bandit and Gunner Flowers. *shudders*

Lindsey's all about 'cool names.' I bet when Bandit is older, her mom will be spelling it B&it.

Anonymous said...

B&it! lmao! That's almost as bad as sk8er boi, hahaha.

I hate it when people put numbers in words instead of letters.

Lol @Gerard with that red thing on his head. Eliza's work, no doubt. I wonder if that was her yelling "bring him back, bring him back."

I wondered if it was her too.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Lindsey deleted her tweet about Bandit marrying Bronx Mowgli over her dead body.

WTF? Doesn't she make her own rules? Since when have either of the Ways been concerned about offending anyone? I wonder if it got back to Pete.

Anonymous said...

Sk8r boi. Lol. If GerRd and LynZ have a baby brother for B&it, maybe they can name him Sk8r. ;D

Anonymous said...

That's how I'm going to write Bandit from now on; B&IT. lol!

Anonymous said...

That's how I'm going to write Bandit from now on; B&IT. lol!

I think I will too. :D

Anonymous said...

I never noticed this, but I Don't Love You is an almost exact copy of Yellow by Coldplay.

Anonymous said...

Pardon me 5:53 PM, but we don't know dick about what Way's grandmother would have thought of his JFK photo op. She may have found his ignorance about doing such a thing, amusing. She was his family after all. She knew him better than any of us.

This line of yours: "(other than him taking the opportunity to exploit the poor dead woman again)" is just about as offensive to me, as Gerard's photo.

Was not that 'poor dead woman' one of the key factor's for MCR getting off the ground in the first place? Does no one else recall EACH of the band members saying that very fact numerous times, even after she had passed?

You can rip apart any foolish thing Gerard and company have done. There is plenty to bitch and point at, but leave their fucking family out of your reasoning. Reach for what is already there. Don't go proclaiming bullshit you can't prove to back up your complaint. It just makes you look like an asshole. Which ironically would make you look just like him, Righ?

Anonymous said...

Jumping to conclusions again 10:22?

Anonymous said...

Just like 5:53.

12:34 AM said...

Not 5:53.

12:34 AM said...

*shakes head*

Anonymous said...

I never understood why people say that *shakes head* What if you're brain falls out? :(

5:53 said...

Excuse me, 10:22, but Gerard has taken every opportunity he possibly could to exploit his grandmother's passing.

Did you ever go to one of his shows where he told you to look up at the ceiling and say, "I see you Grandma!"? Well, I did. And I can certainly tell you that I DID NOT see his Grandma floating around anywhere in the vicinity, and I found it horribly tacky. Did you hear him say, "This is for you, Grandma!" at the VMA's after the band's performance? I did, and it seemed to me (and others I have talked to) like he was trying to garner sympathy and the "awww" factor to make himself appear more likable on national TV. Again, I found that tacky. I also read and heard him mention the woman in virtually every interview he did in 2005 and probably half of 2006.

Gerard has said a lot of idiotic things in interviews and he has practically made a career of contradicting himself. So excuse me if I don't believe everything that comes out of his mouth -- even if it pertains to something that should be sacred to him like his grandmother's passing.

No, I don't know how his grandmother would have felt about the JFK picture without the opportunity to ask her. However, judging from the way my mother and other people who lived through the incident reacted to it, and knowing (well, hearing Gerard say -- you can't really believe anything he says) that his grandmother was a life-long democrat and a Kennedy fan, I think there is a pretty strong possibility that she would have had objections. Family doesn't always agree with everything you do, you know. Mine certainly doesn't. Does yours?

You may not feel that he exploited his dead grandmother with Helena and all of his "grandma this and grandma that" shenanigans, but I have never seen anyone in the public eye go on about the loss of a loved one as much as Gerard did. He made sure to mention her as often as he could for over a year.

Frank lost both of his grandmothers in less than a year. Did he do endless interviews about that? No. (I'm just using Frank as an example, not comparing him to Gerard; I think they're both assholes.) Most people aren't really all that comfortable talking publicly about a loss that affects them deeply.

If my opinion offends you, I'm sorry, but I stand by it. At least I took the time to explain my position and didn't just tell you to "suck it."

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, 10:22, but Gerard has taken every opportunity he possibly could to exploit his grandmother's passing.

Did you ever go to one of his shows where he told you to look up at the ceiling and say, "I see you Grandma!"? Well, I did. And I can certainly tell you that I DID NOT see his Grandma floating around anywhere in the vicinity, and I found it horribly tacky. Did you hear him say, "This is for you, Grandma!" at the VMA's after the band's performance? I did, and it seemed to me (and others I have talked to) like he was trying to garner sympathy and the "awww" factor to make himself appear more likable on national TV. Again, I found that tacky. I also read and heard him mention the woman in virtually every interview he did in 2005 and probably half of 2006.

Gerard has said a lot of idiotic things in interviews and he has practically made a career of contradicting himself. So excuse me if I don't believe everything that comes out of his mouth -- even if it pertains to something that should be sacred to him like his grandmother's passing.

No, I don't know how his grandmother would have felt about the JFK picture without the opportunity to ask her. However, judging from the way my mother and other people who lived through the incident reacted to it, and knowing (well, hearing Gerard say -- you can't really believe anything he says) that his grandmother was a life-long democrat and a Kennedy fan, I think there is a pretty strong possibility that she would have had objections. Family doesn't always agree with everything you do, you know. Mine certainly doesn't. Does yours?

You may not feel that he exploited his dead grandmother with Helena and all of his "grandma this and grandma that" shenanigans, but I have never seen anyone in the public eye go on about the loss of a loved one as much as Gerard did. He made sure to mention her as often as he could for over a year.

Frank lost both of his grandmothers in less than a year. Did he do endless interviews about that? No. (I'm just using Frank as an example, not comparing him to Gerard; I think they're both assholes.) Most people aren't really all that comfortable talking publicly about a loss that affects them deeply.

If my opinion offends you, I'm sorry, but I stand by it. At least I took the time to explain my position and didn't just tell you to "suck it."


Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a link to the bio I wrote or the wmhc website?
about 18 hours ago from TwitterFon
from askheychris

just finished a song about...... and no one will like it but me. i am comfortable with that.
8:55 PM Sep 14th from web
from eliza

How is this not past it's prime?

Anonymous said...

Did the WMHC website finally get taken down? Lol. It was good for some laughs. Especially the biographies of people who tried to pass themselves off as role models when they hadn't done anything with their lives.

So what is heychris up to these days? And do any of these fools still communicate with each other?

Anonymous said...

Everything connected with MCR is kind of a joke, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I just read the BN thread about making a twitter account to try and get responses from the band. They're talking about how intelligent they (those morons on BN) are. LMFAO!

I hope VoluptuLunacy is the one who writes the twitters. I can't wait to see her trying to sound intelligent by misusing big words that she doesn't understand the meaning of. And maybe AnotherFullofShitWay will throw in mention of how she worked with Queen. Oh, this is going to be EPIC!

Anonymous said...

@ChristopherDXS Why you gotta bring up old shit??
about 19 hours ago from web in reply to ChristopherDXS

You left out the best part, Fruity's reply to Chris.

And while we're on the subject you'd think someone would let Eliza know what a RT is.

Anonymous said...

I don't have the patience to follow BN but is it that they're trying to seperate themselves from
other fans by claiming to be more intelligent, to get some sort of personal recognition from the band?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think that's what they're doing. They've decided that they're better fans than other people because the respect the band and they want to give them "positive reinforcement" and to ask "intelligent questions"...all in hopes of getting responses.

In other words, they're psycho stalkers who want recognition from the band and they're trying to justify that in their own meager little minds.


Anonymous said...

*they respect the band

my y key doesn't want to work today. :(

Anonymous said...

I don't see where it looks like the band gives a damn about their fans anymore. I'm sure they've had some bad experiences but I think in their business the good comes with the bad. I also don't think people take twitter all that seriously, not as a place to impress. Isn't it the point of having short messages to be light and easy? If they're expecting VIP passes sent their way, I hope they aren't holding their breaths. They should just hope to not get blocked. Gerard and Frank have that hXc block habit.

Anonymous said...

So Volup hasn't gotten a reply from her hero? She does work her butt off defending him over on BN. I guess he hasn't heard.

Anonymous said...

Mr G Way is too busy to read tweets. He is a rawkstah, daddy, and husband to an amazing wife, ya know.

Anonymous said...

It almost looks like they're all too busy to do anything. It's not like they're even trying to keep people interested. Maybe they want it all to fade away and start again but I don't see how they can. Maybe they don't like the direction it all went in. Maybe the anon from earlier was right and there's a lot going on within the band and you won't hear from them again.

Anonymous said...

lol, doesn't the whole 'we're better fans than you' mindset sort of go against MCR's 'ethic' anyway?

Wasn't it supposed to be about everyone being equal and against 'being popular'? There's a certain pecking order in the fandom it seems and to me that goes against everything MCR were supposed to stand for.

Saying that, MCR don't believe their own shit anymore so why should anyone else?

Anonymous said...

Ages ago Ray said something about not agreeing with old fans thinking they were better than newer fans. It must've been around Not Okay / Helena. Now it's better vs. inferior fans. They should just be happy to have any fans at this point.

Anonymous said...

Gerard used to make sweeping speeches about being against music elitism, fans who think they're better than other fans, etc.

But that was before he started hanging out with MSI and people like Frances who trash people like Miley Cyrus in interviews (Lindsey) and on their twitters (Frances).

I hope Lindsey caught hell from FOB fans over what she said about Bronx Mowgli. I also hope that Mikey's "best bud" Pete got wind of it.

Fake, arrogant pieces of shit. The whole lot of them.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Lindsey also trashed Hayley Williams from Paramore. MSI is known for trashing other bands and artists.

I don't like Miley Cyrus or any of those Disney people, but for another artist or even Frances to say bad things about them publicly is just wrong. It's no better than the things Kasabian and Marilyn Manson said about Gerard and MCR.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I miss all the anon insiders that used to troll around LJ. They were probably all various forms of Miss E and it probably did more harm than good for MCR but it was at least more amusing than what MCR actually blogs about.

Anonymous said...

MCR would be better off if the twitter phenomenon had never come to pass. I'd rather know nothing about a band than to know they're just boring, kind of stupid assholes who sit around and try to think up clever things to say but fail miserably.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I miss all the anon insiders that used to troll around LJ.

Those were the days, weren't they? Did you ever go onto anonquestions for all of the epic fights over WMHC? Now that community is dead, along with pretty much every MCR related community. Nobody but the avid fangirls who get their panties all in a wad if anybody so much as criticizes the band or acts too much like a fangirl. Lol, you have to walk a pretty fine line to be an MCR fan now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's right "insiders"


Anonymous said...

I find "insiders" to be very sad people. Who cares if you "know" what's going on in the lives of a group of people who just happen to have made a few records? Especially when they turn out to be phonies and asshats like this lot?

I don't know why people want to meet them, get twitter responses from them or claim to have inside information. I'd just as soon stay away from people of their ilk.

Anonymous said...

So what is heychris up to these days? And do any of these fools still communicate with each other?

Chris "follows" Gerard, Mikey, Frances and Meghan.

I've seen Mikey and Frances talk to him, but that's about it.

I find it wierd that he doesn't follow Eliza and Miss E. He implied on his radio show that he'd fallen out with both Sarah's and Alicia on his radio show because of the way they had treated Eliza.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Chris decided that being friends with Rawkstas was more conducive to promoting the bullshit he calls his "writing" than being friends with a no-name hairdresser.

He needs to go find some new Rawkstas though. Something tells me MCR's 15 minutes are up.

Anonymous said...

Chris and J* had some issues too, So he and Elissa aren't friendly anymore because she lives with / tour manages him.

Anonymous said...

Ah, that's why Miss E is following everyone but Chris.

J*'s an asshole.

Anonymous said...

Miss E was crazy to put all of her eggs in J*'s basket. He's poison. I know a ton of people who stopped listening to Alkaline Trio because Matt Skiba collaborated with him. He's one of the most hated people I know. He makes it his mission in life to offend as many people as he possibly can.

Anonymous said...

His lyrics are just him being as vulgar as he can in 3 and a half minute over ripped off samples. Not so deep and not even so offensive just idek. Maybe he would get along well with Jimmy Urine.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that MCR could have done that would have been even stupider than throwing in their lot with MSI would have been to hook up with J*...

I look for the GWay/J* collaboration any day now.

Anonymous said...

Now that I read that back, substitute shocking for offensive. I chose the wrong word.

Anonymous said...

hahaha Picture Gerard prancing singing "I got that boom boom pow" with J*'s signature lisp.

Anonymous said...

Eliza's twitter:
do you wanna be a smart girl or a pretty girl? you better choose now.
about 2 hours ago from txt

Did she mangle a threat to beat someone up or am I not getting it? Not that I understand much of what she's trying to say anyhow.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Eliza isn't either. Neither is Lindsey for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I hope VoluptuLunacy is the one who writes the twitters. I can't wait to see her trying to sound intelligent by misusing big words that she doesn't understand the meaning of.

If she does do the tweeting, I can see them getting blocked straight away. That girl has a natural habit of talking to people like the shit she's just scrapped off her shoe, she does nothing but fight and intimidate people and I doubt that will sit well with MCR.

Anonymous said...

Eliza's twitter:
do you wanna be a smart girl or a pretty girl? you better choose now.
about 2 hours ago from txt

Did she mangle a threat to beat someone up or am I not getting it? Not that I understand much of what she's trying to say anyhow.

I think she's trying to tell girls that they should choose between being either smart or pretty because they can't be both. Which is bull because Cindy Crawford and Geena Davis are both really beautiful women and are in MENSA. Even none celebrities like our very own Kapnuna is a beautiful yet intelligent woman.

I think it might also be a jab at people who call her dumb. As in "I might be dumb, but at least I'm pretty" and she does tend to gravite towards the more superficial things in life.

Anonymous said...

I would hope that it's too dimwitted, even for Eliza, to say you can't be smart and pretty.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Eliza, Emmaline Pankhurst will be turning in her grave.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Eliza, Emmaline Pankhurst will be turning in her grave.

I imagine she would if that was Eliza's true meaning of her comment.

Anonymous said...

found this

I don't know if anyone knows this person or has read this before? Anyway I've just stumbled across it and I was wondering what people think?

Anonymous said...

uhm . . . what's it supposed to be? it looks like it's written by a female. reading further and assuming it's what you were getting at maybe it's from a mistress of gerard's?

Anonymous said...

"be warned, she lurks the boards. "

??? she as in lindsey, or eliza, or?

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I thought it might be referring to Eliza after that anonymous post on INO said she 'trawls' MCR fansites.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone who had a crush on GW wrote it? But Eliza got in there first? I dunno..

Anonymous said...

I think it's been well proven that Eliza can't type with correct grammar. I don't think this is her.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't either.

On the profile it says they're from Australia.

resurrected wreck said...

I can't believe Lindsey deleted her tweet about Bandit marrying Bronx Mowgli over her dead body.

Was she talking literally or figuratively, I wonder? Sounds like a great wedding pic idea to me, and totally in keeping with the - ahem - artistic tastes of her parents.

Anonymous said...

Was she talking literally or figuratively, I wonder? Sounds like a great wedding pic idea to me, and totally in keeping with the - ahem - artistic tastes of her parents.

Oh my God. I have to remember not to come here when I'm eating because I nearly choked!

I can see those wedding pictures now. Lindsey dressed as Helena with B&it and Bronx kissing over her in he coffin.

Anonymous said...

There'll have to be blood splattered somewhere, they have a thing for that.

happyXamp said...

Anotherway explains her self

– moved to London at 17, worked at EMI, the Queen office- toured the whole wide world with them, lucky enough to see them live over 250 times. Met everyone I wanted to meet in the Rock world. Next worked for the Management of Def Leppard, AC/DC, Scorpions, Metallica, Michael Schenker, Van Halen, the list is endless. Spent 12 mad years wrapped in the music business, then met my husband; moved to the West Country in the UK, married, 4 kids – now work in a Medical Centre- nothing at all to do with the music business anymore, but still have friends involved in music – some of them know MCR: I don’t know MCR, although I’ve been introduced to them privately because of contacts from my past. I occasionally pass on Fan views for PR purposes to Warner.
That’s as far as my involvement with the Band goes.

Besides she's already accused me of copying and pasting what she says.....

Anonymous said...

Kapunua? Mother, please. She has you brainwashed over here too.

Anonymous said...

Kapunua hasn't brainwashed anyone.

Lindsey gets "feminist".

@Chibi_sama just sensitive to anything that perpetuates girl on girl hate. that "im better than your gf and heres why shtict is nonsense.

Coming from someone else, I might believe them, but not her.

And she can't help herself from doing what MSI do best - slagging other people off:

@Chibi_sama misery business, paramore. girlfriend, avril levigne. you belong with me, taylor swift. same song, no?

Entire MSI back catalogue, same song, no?

And this just wanted to make me hurl

i know this is late. caught a rerun. lady gaga is my new fucking hero. her performance made the hairs on my arm stand up. "this is for god and for the gays" i heart you...

Who the Hell likes Lady Gaga?! She's completely vile.

@natargello gotcha. i suppose i dig her politics, social commentary and zest for fashion more than her music anyway. im delighted she exists

There's nothing political about being a bitch and saying whatever you want. It's not social commentary either. I think I don't even need to explain about fashion.

Anonymous said...

I happen to like Lady G, though Lynz and her band do nothing for me.

Anonymous said...

It seems that Lindsey is just going to jump on anything that's considered avant garde, although Lady Gaga seems very contrived to me. I'm quite certain that she probably wouldn't give either Lindsey or her mister the time of day.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so let me get this straight. The entire music industry, from Pink to 50 Cent to Nathan from Kings of Leon were all furious for what Kanye West did at the VMAs, but from the things Lindsey just said on her twitter, she seems to support it? Even President Obama called Kanye a jack-ass.

If she thinks that the video of the year should win all of the categories, then why even have other categories?

My God, but she's an idiot. I will be so glad when she and her idiotic band fades back into the darkness from which they came -- which shouldn't be too much longer. Thank God.

Anonymous said...

I can somewhat agree with Lindsey's sentiments about the girl on girl hate in Misery Business and Girlfriend (am not familiar with the Taylor Swift song), but I don't particularly care for the message in Beyonce's song either. Most of the music that's really popular today is about sexualizing women, which kind of leads to the idea that girls have that they have to compete for men, which in turn leads to songs like Misery Business and Girlfriend.

So it's kind of a chicken and egg thing. I just wish that women would stop thinking that the ultimate goal in their lives is to attract and catch a man. It seems to me like Lindsey and Gerard did a lot to perpetrate that with their whirlwind PR romance and all of the Eliza drama.

They need to learn to separate their personal lives from their professional ones. Oh wait. Then Lindsey really wouldn't have much of a professional life without the publicity she got from marrying Gerard, now would she?

Although that's not going to last long. MCR is on their way out.

Anonymous said...

Why is Lindsey even commenting on pop music at all?

Anonymous said...

Aren't most MSI songs about girl-hate? Except really m ore violent girl hate.

Anonymous said...

They're about calling girls bitches and whores and about telling then to get down on their knees where they belong, which I guess is just fine with Lindsey. But you know, writing a song about thinking that you'd be a better match for the guy you have a crush on than his girlfriend (which is all the Taylor Swift song is about and isn't as anti-the-other-girl as the Paramore or Avril song) is anti-feminist to her.

Yeah, I'd like to sse girls stop singing nothing but love songs, but if you ask me, love songs are a lot better than the tripe MSI spews.

Anonymous said...

I had to say something to her.

your_sweet_insanity said...

"I won't take no for an answer you fucking bitch"
Never Wanted to Dance by MSI.

Nice lyrics.

veritavenom said...

This new round of stupidity from this crew got itself a new post.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you people need to get yourselves a life, this is pretty pathetic reading how much time and effort you all put into this, you hate the band? ok, great, deal with it and move on, for people who hate a band so much, you spend an awful lot of time talking about them.

Anonymous said...

I honestly have more respect for Marilyn Manson. He handled the criticism for the Coma White video so much more maturely, not to mention he actually EXPLAINED why they were depicting JFK's assassination (and the video is actually tasteful compared to that insult Gerard and lyn-Z call "art")

I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but shoving just how "edgy" you are in other peoples' faces after they've already expressed that they're offended is disrespectful.

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