Monday, November 8, 2010

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :D

I've been made aware of someone on LiveJournal using the name "VeritaVenom" to post MCR fics.

I want to make clear that, not only is this person NOT me, but that it's likely a troll with an ax to grind. You have to admit that having an MCR fan with this name is a bit too much to be coincidence.

I hope you all realize by now that I'm definitely not one for writing or even reading fics, and I have nothing whatsoever to do with those bands or their fandom. Aside from the fact, obviously, that this blog is A Big Deal in the minds of their fans.

I am flattered and surprised that this blog has become big enough to be something of a legend. I'm a little gratified that it still inspires people like you guys and apparently upsets enough fangirls/boys that we are still in their headspace.

VertiaVenom, meaning THIS blog, the real VeritaVenom, (not the shabby LJ fangirl copy), the original... is not even me.

It's YOU. VeritaVenom is you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The art of defending racism

Someone sent me a great link in my inbox today that I want to share with you all. These are a lot of the excuses we hear from the MSICR camp and defenders...

The Art of Defending Racism

Saying or doing something racist will come naturally to you- but defending it? You’ll want to use one of the following tactics. ...

Tactical options:

A. It’s not that serious

1. We didn’t know better (and we never will)
2. You’re too sensitive
3. It’s not a big deal because it’s just (a movie, a song, a book, words, etc.)
4. Why should we care? (You don't matter anyway)

B. But!

7. We’re not discriminating AS MUCH (as other people/as we used to), isn’t that good?!? Give me a cookie.

C. Dismissal!

1. You’re oppressing me by making me be “PC”
2. You’re too stupid to be in this conversation and everything you say doesn’t matter
3. Racism is over now
4. If we don’t talk about it, it’ll magically go away
5. Under my definition- it’s not racist
6. You’re too angry/You’re being irrational

Denial of impact:

Denial of impact involves a person avoiding thinking about or understanding the harms their behavior have caused to themselves or others. By doing this, that person is able to avoid feeling a sense of guilt and it can prevent that person from developing remorse or empathy for others.

This is a really old link but it's pretty good and it reminded me of some of what people say here in defense of these people.

I think the same thing goes for misogyny and homophobia presented in these lyrics, comments and lifestyles too.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Oh my God, I had a whole post typed out and Blogger crashed and deleted it without saving a draft.

I forgot most of what I wrote so I have to start over.

I notice some of you talking about Laura Slessinger and her use of the N- Bomb recently. I saw some of the fall-out from that in the news too. And it made me think about what gets said to a lot of you sometimes.

We see a lot of MSICR fans saying that MSICR have the first amendment right to use whatever language they want and we have no right to stop them. I think once even Lyn-Z made a comment about "Thank God for the first amendment" when talking about her band's lyrics.

But I have always thought, no one is TRYING to take away their right to use hate speech. We have the right to our opinion too when it comes to lyrics that are racist, homophobic and misogynist.

This article about Laura Slessinger and the first amendment said a lot of what needs to be said here too.

These are the parts I wanted to quote.

The First Amendment protects us from the government, and not from other Americans who disagree with what we have to say. “Congress shall make no law” — the first five words of the First Amendment — say it all: No government body can limit our rights to speak out. In this case, there’s no government action, just public outrage and pressure.

Boycotts are also protected by the First Amendment. Dr. Laura complains about being “bullied” by those who might pressure her radio affiliates or advertisers, but boycotts are a time-honored use of the First Amendment to address perceived wrongs and have played a role in virtually every social movement in American history.

But the whole article is really good.

MSICR are allowed to use hate speech in their lyrics. MSICR fans are allowed to listen to those lyrics and interpret them any way they want. They can think they are about something else, if they want to. You interpret things however it makes sense to you.

YOU are also allowed to hate those lyrics, take them at face value (which the bands themselves always say), and to boycott them if you want..... forever if that's what you want.

There will always be arguments as long as there are lyrics, tweets, concerts and interviews with that kind of speech. There will be disagreements no matter what. But disagreeing is NOT the same thing as squashing someone else's rights.

I really thought that article said it better than I could have.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To clear something up

I believe this blog is more about the people here who come to chat than it is about some stupid sexist band. But, I like the fact that there is a place for everyone to vent about these particular sexists bands, as well as other issues that might be on your mind. I think this blog has grown a lot.

In the past few months we've seen another celebrity lose it and start screaming racist and sexist things (Mel Gibson) and there was some discussion about that too. I personally don't see too much of a difference between Mel Gibson screaming the N word and talking about rape and "bitches" MSI screaming the N word and talking about rape and "bitches". Hate speech is hate speech. Except Mel Gibson seriously wants to hurt people and MSI just seem to think it's funny. It still creates an atmosphere that welcomes hate and violence towards women, by laughing about it and thinking it's so funny.

One thing I want to say here is that I believe the regulars here are too smart to honestly believe that Gerard Way's hair color or other random things has anything to do with pregnancy. I see a lot of trolls coming in pretending to be "someone from VVs" and putting forward these ridiculous theories. I think they're trying to make people here look like they are illogical.

And I know that many people here have spoken out against calling them "fat" or "ugly". So many of you have posted over and over again how you don't care about that. You call people out on their behavior, and things they can help, things they do on purpose..... not how they look. That's what I like about this place.

But from what I can see a lot of the trolls keep bringing those things up, trying to reduce this blog to their level. I said it before and I'm saying it again. The regulars here are not like that and probably know what you're up to.

If you don't like it here, that's fine, you can stay at all your other blogs. Or you can enter into an intelligent conversation. But if all you have to offer is "LOL hair color = pregnancy" or "LOL that woman is FAT" then just know, officially, this blog doesn't welcome that and neither do the regulars.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I've got some bad news for you sunshine...

"Pink" isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel, but they sent us along as a surrogate band... We're gonna find out where you fans really stand!

You know the rest, sing along LOL.

It's really hard to define this blog sometimes. My investment in MCR is over and has been over for years now. But I like the people on this blog and I like that there is a place for you to come and vent about anything. There is not much to report on a band no one really holds an interest in any more. But some people are just realizing the disappointment.

And for the people who have been here since the beginning, it is still a good place to laugh at people who let you down and turned into, well kind of like the end of "The Wall." The best thing to do is keep laughing.

Another thing I like is all the feminist links, thoughts, rants etc that go on here. Fighting against misogyny is empowering... isn't it?

I guess what I'm saying is this blog has evolved and is not restricted to talking about a washed up bunch of confused, testosterone driven man-children and we can discuss anything we want. Have a link on feminism or civil rights, or just want to rant.... Feel free!

Friday, April 30, 2010


Recently we've had some trouble with a troll from a certain other blog, and people have been asking me to disable anon comments or install a tracker. I haven't even had a tracker or disabled anons. Anons are an important part of this blog because not everyone wants to use a name. And I try to respect everyone's privacy so I really don't want to use a tracker.

I think we need to ignore trolls from that blog. We have faced worse trolls before, from BN and other places such as that. Places like that are mostly the same, BN, 4Chan, that other blog, and they churn out mostly the same kind of people. When you ignore them they go away.

The "I think you're bothering someone I know" ploy is lame and probably false. If their blog is having a problem, then it's not our fault or our problem. That place has always been a train-wreck, all of a sudden someone wants to blame it on the folks here.

"I WILL DISRUPT YOU!!!!!1111111111trolltroll"

OH NO! Disrupt us, really? You're going to come in here and say mean things to people? Oh no please don't, whatever will we do.

Ignore it and it will go away. And if it doesn't go away - ignore it anyway. :)

We've had worse trolls than this one so hang in there guys. :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Women's rights! Real feminism...

Women's Rights at

I thought you all might like this web page. I guess this isn't much of an MCR related post (they bore me to tears) but maybe it is, seeing as MCR have done a 180 (to quote a person who recently posted here) especially on feminism. (Also obviously on racism, homophobia etc...)

Next time you're getting mad at Lyn-Z because of her talking about how it's OK for chicks not to be really talented, how her flashing her panties is an inspiration to female musicians, or you're getting mad because of how Gerard treated his female fans, you can visit this page and see that there are people out there still fighting this kind of behavior!

Monday, March 15, 2010

I hear the C-word loving drummer left / got fired.

I bet the fangirls are going crazy. Are they upset, or are they trying to make the remaining members look like a victim? How long until the ex-member is a bad guy.

Many bands replace drummers right and left anyway. It kind of shows the fakeness of rockbands pretending to be "bestest friends for life". Why do they perpetuate the image that they are BFFs and some kind of posse? I think with most bands it comes down to money and image. Probably no one more-so than with MCR which is more or less a corporate machine anymore.

Maybe the drummer didn't fit into their new LA "we're the only real band" image, or maybe Gerard had a hissy fit over something and threw him out too (like the first drummer.)

Does anyone care, other than to think it's kind of funny?

Pointing and laughing when time permits....

Friday, February 5, 2010

My favorite quote...

Too bad bass guitars can't get polyps from being used wrong.

Thanks for that, anon. Made me laugh.