Monday, October 29, 2007

"The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it ..."

So, aside from the sellout factor of promoting MSI's message about how hysterical porn of five year old girls is, what else is going on with the band I used to admire? This.

My Chemical Cop-Out
Band cancels Alfond appearance 2 days before show...

David Dauphinee
At this point, Student Entertainment is viewing the idea of rebooking the band as a bad one, and many are considering it foolish to put that kind of money back on the line for behavior that is looking, at this point, to be a habit masquerading as an act of God.
In the meantime, Student Entertainment is consumed with the lengthy process of refunding the thousands of tickets already sold.
"The point is to continue to do bigger shows than before," Mitchell said. "We're just going to be extremely hesitant to book My Chemical Romance ever again, or even anyone that works under their same management company, for that matter."

Aside from all of the other negativity that is surrounding them lately, MCR is starting to get a reputation as an untrustworthy act to book.

They really left a lot of people up in the air with this one. Didn't they used to tell people why they had to cancel shows? Why all the sudden secrecy? It's not a matter of simply refunding tickets to some people. Some people made extensive travel plans and spent money on flights, buses, trains and hotels. They deserve a little more than the silent treatment from the band. At least I think so.

One rumor going around from anonymous sources is that this was also a Gerard thing, that he wanted to get to England a day early to be with his wife. But I don't really buy anonymous sources, at least most of the time. I hope it's not true and definitely there isn't any proof. Honestly though I would put nothing past him anymore. I just really hope this isn't true.

There were rumors that there was an illness in the band or that Bob broke his arm. Hello, the band played another concert before the canceled one, but after the announcement of the cancellation. How can you know two days in advance that you're going to be sick on a certain day? If I tried that at my job I'd get fired. "I'll be at the office Monday and Tuesday. But on Wednesday I'm going to come down with the flu." Yeah, right.

If something bad did happen to force this cancellation, we don't need details or anything like that. If it's personal, no one needs to know. A simple "we had a personal crisis" would suffice. Anything other than "see ya, suckers" which is what it looks like now.

When did these problems start and where do they originate? A lot of people blame Lyn Z but I think it started before then. Gerard was starting to say stupid things on stage and act like a privileged diva back in the Eliza days, telling the audience that he knew they wanted to get with him but "that seat's already taken" and spending time singing to her instead of to the audience, who paid for him to sing to them. What someone else was saying (another anon but I heard this in other places too), was that he used to push fans away while he was with Eliza, too. If she was around he would get all pissy and once again Frank was left to deal with the masses. But you can't really blame the girls he's with for his behavior, he chooses to act the way he does.

Even if I hate and disagree with MSI's message and think that it's a total sellout for MCR to give them a platform to preach it to the 13 year olds to go to see them, you can't blame MSI for that either. They are getting money, they are getting paid to do what they do, no matter how stupid their act is. Who would turn that down? No one. You have to put the blame where it belongs.

And if no one's to blame for this cancellation, then they should come out and say something, at least. We don't need personal details, anything aside from freezing the fans out will do.

P.S. Rumor also has it that Bert McCracken has been calling out MCR on stage again, a lot more than usual. There are some youtube clips of it. Funny thing, Bert and Quinn have been trying to tell us for a long time that we should be questioning this whole scenario. Finally people are starting to listen to them!


Anonymous said...

Wow VV. I hadn't seen the article you posted from

Striking to say the least. Their reputation has now been put to the forefront, and they're going to have to do some major damage control with that one. I'd say we'll start hearing some things from Brian on behalf of the band, and later things from Riot Squad. They'll have to do something or their whole roster will be put in a bad light.

I'm not entirely sure about what's going on. Mostly I'm confused. They probably intended for confusion to ensue after cancelling. I do think some sort of explanation is in order for the University of Maine and the ticket purchasers who had planned on attending. I don't wish, as you stated, for their explanation to be detailed, just more elabortative than what's been given thus far.

As for the rumors of the cancellation, I do not think Gerard, and ONLY Gerard, would cancel this show just to head on over to Europe. I'm not sure about the contractual obligatory crap, but there's probably a clause stating that they aren't, on the spur of the moment, legally able to cancel a date without just cause. I don't think "I'm going to go see my wife across the pond and I'll see the rest of the guys there" is going to cut it in a contract. I know people have stated that Gerard has stooped so low that anything is possible at this point. I just choose to belief he has more heart than that.

I have no comment for the Eliza debacle or the current situation with Lyn-Z. None of my business how he conducts his private life, and same goes for the rest of them.

As far as Bert is concerned, I think it's very unprofessional to be onstage and call out any band on their downfalls and their tribulations. I don't think any dirty laundry should be aired by either of the bands. That should be kept behind closed doors.

But, in Bert's defense, I understand that he probably got the shaft of a good relationship. It sucks and there's probably bad blood that will always remain between them. But, that's between them. I, for one, don't want to know how much they hate each other. I can only hope that they work through their problems and maybe one day, that friendship will return and their difficulties will be resolved. That's what I hope.

Anonymous said...

As for the rumors of the cancellation, I do not think Gerard, and ONLY Gerard, would cancel this show just to head on over to Europe.

This didn't come across as I had intended. What I mean is I do not believe that it would be just Gerard's decision to cancel a date. There are four others as well, not to mention the promotor and agent and whatnot that have to be consulted. I know Gerard's the Big Man on Campus, but I don't believe he has that much power to pull that many strings simply for his own personal benefit.

That's what I meant.

veritavenom said...

"I'd say we'll start hearing some things from Brian on behalf of the band, and later things from Riot Squad. They'll have to do something or their whole roster will be put in a bad light."

I agree, but the sooner the better. The longer they wait on this the worse they're going to look. They should probably know that so the big question is how bad is this that they're willing to risk their reputation?

"I know people have stated that Gerard has stooped so low that anything is possible at this point. I just choose to belief he has more heart than that."

I'd like to believe that too. But he doesn't make it easy.

"I have no comment for the Eliza debacle or the current situation with Lyn-Z. None of my business how he conducts his private life, and same goes for the rest of them."

When his private life becomes an issue in how he does the business of making and selling music, you almost have to pay attention to it. Gerard wants people to. If he didn't want people making a big deal out of it, he would keep it out of the spotlight.

"As far as Bert is concerned, I think it's very unprofessional to be onstage and call out any band on their downfalls and their tribulations. I don't think any dirty laundry should be aired by either of the bands. That should be kept behind closed doors."

If that's the case, then should Gerard be airing his own laundry on stage? Should his stage show consist of, first shoutouts constantly to Eliza, now shoutouts to his wife and shout downs to Eliza? (Before you ask, that day he took off his ring he made a HUGE deal about it on stage and spent abotu a week singing songs about "wash that man right outta my hair" and stuff). If we're going to blame Bert for bringing personal relationship stuff onto the stage, we have to blame Gerard too.

"But, in Bert's defense, I understand that he probably got the shaft of a good relationship. "

To me it looks like he got used (no pun intended) and then hurt very badly. He probably doesn't know how else to deal with it. That's not anger speaking when he's shouting Gerard down and it's not jealousy. He's just hurt and I can't blame him for that.

Also it's hard to look at someone lying and lying, while everyone else is lining up to kiss their ass. He is probably frustrated knowing something no one else knows. Knowing the truth but not being able to just out with it could drive you crazy. I'd want people to know, too.

Anonymous said...

If that's the case, then should Gerard be airing his own laundry on stage? Should his stage show consist of, first shoutouts constantly to Eliza, now shoutouts to his wife and shout downs to Eliza? (Before you ask, that day he took off his ring he made a HUGE deal about it on stage and spent abotu a week singing songs about "wash that man right outta my hair" and stuff). If we're going to blame Bert for bringing personal relationship stuff onto the stage, we have to blame Gerard too.

I COMPLETELY AGREE. Gerard is at as much fault for "airing dirty laundry" about Eliza as Bert is for doing it to Gerard/MCR. I, not for one moment, never thought that the comments made on stage by Gerard in Norway were professional. It was tacky. In their business, the stage should be strictly for displaying their music, not their personal lives. I don't care to hear about it; I came for the music.

When his private life becomes an issue in how he does the business of making and selling music, you almost have to pay attention to it.

I can agree with this to a certain extent. The taking MSI on tour is a pretty big thing. I do not agree with them "sharing the stage" so to speak. Their messages are entirely different. MCR supporting them doesn't make sense to me, especially after years of preaching the things they preached. Do I think that MSI got on the bill because of Gerard and Lyn-Z's relationship? Yes, for right now I believe that until Reprise says otherwise. That is the only personal matter I've ever thought about with these guys because it is a direct influence on the band, their music, and their message.

To me it looks like he got used (no pun intended) and then hurt very badly. He probably doesn't know how else to deal with it.

But, he did deal with it. Lies for the Liars pretty much cemented the fact, for me at least, that Bert wasn't happy with Gerard. Okay, I get it. To me, there was no reason for Bert to continually get onstage and hound the audience to not listen to MCR, to call the band out on whatever happened between them. I still think it's a very unprofessional way to go about it. I completely understand that it's hurt talking and not anger when he's up there speaking his mind. I completely understand that. I've been very hurt in my own personal life with friends. There's a pain there that doesn't seem to heal itself. But, again, I do not think it's fitting for it to be discussed onstage.

All of that holds true for Gerard/MCR as well. To me, this whole Bert/Gerard thing is done with I think as far as the fans are concerned. Gerard has said his peace, Bert has said his. I think the rest needs to be worked out between the two of them.

Anonymous said...

We dont know why they canceled the show, so we cant really make conclusions, but you're right, the band should at least make a simple statement, not detailed, just simple as to why they did so.
I highly doubt they would cancel a show just because Gerard wanted to be with his wife, not very logical, but it would be nice for some explanation.
I have a feeling its either a personal problem, or all this touring is tiring out the band.

Hmmm, patience really. Thats all i can say about this matter.
So im just going to sit here and wait for something and not conclude or make up anything for now. Their management sucks balls so i'm not expecting anything so soon.

Whatever happened with Gerard's past relationships have affected his future. Not saying, bad or good, because only Gerard himself knows that and we shouldnt judge him, but whatever happened with Eliza/Bert or whoever else must have been a significant factor in his life. Its for him to deal with and no one else.


Anonymous said...

Verita, you know I am in agreement. And I've also got your back, sistah!

Anon, ^ I would agree with the "Gerard's personal life" sentiment, except that he's spent the last, oh, five or so months flaunting his personal life and rubbing people's faces in it. He kinda makes it hart to ignore because he's an attention whore like that, and it detracts and distracts from the music.

sister midnite said...

Hi, VV. I'll just echo what Kapunua said - it's Monday, and I'm having a difficult time typing today.

PS - My boots & I are on your side. :)

resurrected wreck said...

The latest (and, in my opinion, most logical) rumour regarding the cancellation is that it had something to do with Gerard having trouble with his voice. Maybe he needed to rest it before they set out on the European & Australian parts of their tour. But, even if that proves to be true, they do owe an explanation. If I called in to work and said I wasn't coming in, they'd rightfully want to know why. And it's extremely unfair to the fans in Maine to remain so silent on it, expecially given that MCR have cancelled on them twice this year. These days, I never believe an MCR show I'm attending is going to go ahead until I actually see the band up on stage. They really are beginning to appear as very unreliable.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

From a review of last nights show on buzznet:

Lindsey was watching him and while he was on stage..he was waving her and she looked very happy:o) You'd have to see that....hehe....We also sang Happy Birthday to Frankie what was really great!!!!

am not sure but I couldn't see Bobo:( I think it wasn't him who played:( so he is still sicky! We've made a lots of awesome pics but security made us to delete all the MCR pics:( but still we got awesome shots and vids of MSI :)

Before Gerard started to sing "Cancer" he went to Lindsey and kissed her.......It was awesome. These guys are really so in love that it makes your heart jump:-)

Also Gee and Lindsey are having a day off in Vienna today! :o) Lindsey is very scared btw...:( since she married Gerard many kids are haunting her like the crew told me:

As if the sharpie notes and unicorn tees from PR weren't enough, now he's kissing her in the middle of the show and waving at her -- what a joke this band has been turned into, I feel so bad for the other guys. I think they should rename this tour - The Gee and LynZ are soooooooooooo in love tour.

capture this void said...

Yes to everything you just said.

Anonymous said...

I think you're awesome. I love MCR, but I totally agree to everything you are saying. They're just...different now. Sadly.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Who cares if Gerard waved to Lyn-z from the the stage, whats the big deal? And why feel sorry for the the other guys in the band? Maybe it doesn't bother them!

Anonymous said...

From their myspace blog:

"Hi, it's Bob. We are very sorry about canceling our recent show in Maine. I have been having many problems with my wrists over the past few years. They have been getting worse but I kept playing. I have seen many doctors to get some relief so I wouldn't have to stop playing. I guess I pushed it too hard this time. During our show at Maxwell's I got a golf ball-sized lump in my wrist, I started to not only have pain, but lose control and feeling in my fingers. I went through a process to control the swelling and attempted to play the show with Bon Jovi the next day. The Bon Jovi show was really bad for me - I was dropping sticks and could barely hit my drums. After that show we decided I had to go get immediate treatment. I had to leave the tour. Being the stubborn person I am, I made a last minute decision to give it another shot on the second Bon Jovi show. It didn't work, we had to cut the set in half. We have a fill in now as I am getting treatment - he learned the songs in one day. We will try our hardest to make the show up to you when the specialists give me the okay. Thanks for understanding."

Anonymous said...

VV-as much as I love MCR, I have to agree with you. The mechanics of the band and completely out of wack. I watched LOTMS last night and the difference (in a negative way) was asounding. I miss the old MCR :(. I still love them but want them to get back to how they were-when their music meant something. I was gutted that they weren't on Radio One-because they didn't want to do the cover offered? WTF!!?? What about the fans?

capture this void said...

Wave? More like a make-out session. On stage in front of fans that paid to watch you sing for THEM not his so-called true love.

I would have been pissed.

VV, where are you, love? I never see you post anymore.

Anonymous said...

Just read a review of the show in Newcastle last night. The fan said:

"The show kicked off great, with an amazingly entertaining performance from Mindless Self Indulgence. The parents who had brought their kids to see MCR were shitting their pants, every time the word "motherf*cker" was screamed."

Another fan commented about how "awful" the crowd was. Also, Gerard remarked that this was the last time they'd be touring the UK for years (before their "break").

After reading this, I feel quite certain that it is MCR's intent to rid themselves of their "teenie" fanbase. If you think about it, it's the only thing that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Frank is off tour for a while... for personal reasons.
Any ideas, anyone?

Anonymous said...

He obviously can't deal with being around Gerard now. With all the drugs and everything.

Anonymous said...

Also, I hope you're going to make some kind of mention of how you were incorrect about the cancellation? Obviously you couldn't know what really happened until Bob's blog, but it'd be nice to see someone recognize where jumping to conclusions gets you.

Anonymous said...

He obviously can't deal with being around Gerard now. With all the drugs and everything.

November 14, 2007 12:12 AM

And...this was uncalled for.
Pretty insensitive to say the very least.

Farting In The Shadows said...

As if the sharpie notes and unicorn tees from PR weren't enough, now he's kissing her in the middle of the show and waving at her -- what a joke this band has been turned into, I feel so bad for the other guys. I think they should rename this tour - The Gee and LynZ are soooooooooooo in love tour.

He's not allowed to kiss his own wife? Billie Joe and Adrienne Armstrong kiss each other in public, and no one seems to mind that. But no, Gerard can only kiss Frank onstage. The fact that he waves to her is only acknowledging her existence. Something tells me all of you would love to see MSI disappear off the face of the planet. >.<

capture this void said...

I wouldn't mind that.

Anonymous said...

mustardisbetter: I was kidding. The internet is unfortunately less than ideal for conveying sarcasm.

JocelynHolly said...

Hey VV!
Just popping in to say hello, and ask how you were doing!

All my love;

Anonymous said...

He's not allowed to kiss his own wife? Billie Joe and Adrienne Armstrong kiss each other in public, and no one seems to mind that. But no, Gerard can only kiss Frank onstage. The fact that he waves to her is only acknowledging her existence. Something tells me all of you would love to see MSI disappear off the face of the planet. >.<

Gee, Farting, I wondered if you had left for good, guess we're not so lucky. I'm glad you brought up Billie Joe, he is the consummate professional onstage. No doubt about Billie loves his wife, but tell me something. Have you ever heard of Billie kissing Adrienne during a concert onstage? Or singing only to her during the majority of the concert? Or constantly waving to her while he is performing? No. Of course not. He knows that the fans that paid their hard earned money to be there didn't come to watch him make googly eyes at his wife, they came for the music and live performance of that music. I get the feeling that you are the type of fan to say, "Their personal lives don't matter, it's all about the music." Well that statement works both ways. How can it be about the music when he is constantly dragging his personal life onto the stage with him and making out with it before continuing the show? I will say, however that in light of recent concerts he appears to have gotten that message, I just hope it continues the way it is now. As for MSI disappearing off the face of the earth, I wouldn't care either way. I just want them to stop sharing a stage and a tour with MCR. Other than that I don't think about them at all. As for you, well...

capture this void said...

"This song is about sucking dick for Cocaine."

"I wanna hear you all fuck yourselves."

LOL. Yeah, he hasn't changed AT ALL. Verita, a new post please?

Anonymous said...
