Tuesday, October 2, 2007

"Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee..."

A few people out there are still talking about when Gerard attacked Frank on stage, and it's no surprise that this is still a big subject for most people. I see a lot of people playing it down by saying, "If FRANK had done it to Gerard, no one would bat an eye, why would Frank get away with it and not Gerard? Frank does that stuff all the time!" The answer is precisely because he does that kind of stuff all the time. It amuses and amazes me that people can't or refuse to see that. It is in Frank's character to do random, crazy things like that, though you can tell that even when he hurts someone, he's usually not being malicious about it. When Gerard did it, it was totally out of character. I'm sure if Gerard had a history of that kind of stuff, no one would have cared. But the fact is that he just snapped. You have to wonder what could cause that kind of sudden, erratic and violent behavior.

Another big issue is him puking on stage and then throwing it into the audience. If that's not a senseless, disgusting and also out of character thing for sober Gerard to do, then I don't know what is.

Watch both of those videos on youtube. Watch them again. And again. Keep those images burned into your brain, because when this all blows itself to hell, those are going to be the images that everyone will look back on as the defining moments. Those will be the two onstage incidents that most people will say, "I should have seen this coming".

Some people are thinking, maybe hoping, that a big "fandom intervention" might get Gerard's attention. However this could backfire. He strikes me as the kind of guy who would do the wrong things even more just to prove a point. That is also childish but I see it in him. It's like he never grew up emotionally. If you think about all the years he spent hiding and drinking, you can see how he would be emotionally stunted. And ever since he first got sober, he has relied on other people. This also kept him a child. And it's not changing even now.I also think he not so secretly wants to be more like Frank, and at the same time is pushing him away. He's still that jealous, fascinated, hurt little boy who feels like he's on the outside of everything.

I have a feeling the other band members are aware of Gerard's problems, but remember, they are all adults now, and I think people have a way of just giving up. Sometimes it doesn't matter how close you are to someone, when they start to drag you down you have a tendency to turn your back. We'd all like to think they would support him through anything, but they all have their own lives to lead, and loved ones to look after. After a while dealing with someone's childish nonsense, especially when they refuse help over and over again, you start to say, "to hell with this, I have better things to do". I'm afraid that's where they might be now.

Some rumors are just rumors. But some are rumors because they are actually true. Like no one can (or is willing to) prove that any of the things we're hearing are true, no one can disprove it, either.

So as far as rumors go, here's what we have.

1) Gerard is back to drinking. His behavior supports this "rumor".

2) Gerard is an emotional child. This isn't a rumor, but an opinion based on observation. He is a desperate person who clings to whoever is convenient. You have to wonder what kind of person would take advantage of that kind of desperation and what their movites would be.

3) Gerard left "Kat" while she had cancer. Again, this is a rumor, although people who claim to know him insist that this is true.

4) Jimmy Urine was seen by a concert-goer buying cocaine from fans after a show, while Donna Way was in the vicinity, no less. This is the band that MCR have decided to take on tour with them, and what most of us do know about addicts is that when they are in recovery, they cut all ties to people who are still using. I believe the blogger who said that Jimmy Urine is still using, because it was such an off-handed comment out of the blue, made by someone with seemingly NO personal investment in this.

5) Gerard is lying to Lyn Z about how long he was with "Kat". Why? Who the hell knows. But that is another rumor going around.

6) Jimy Urine has made racist remarks outside of his nasty-ass lyrics. I'd like to see an actual source on this one before I buy it wholesale, but to be honest it would NOT surprise me if it was true. Remember this is the band that MCR have chosen to support by putting them onstage before them.

7) Frank Iero is sending anonymous messages to the fans. The things he is hinting are not encouraging. Well, not so sure about that one, but it is a rumor, so I thought I'd list it.

Law of averages and the fact that a lot of these are personal observations from people who either know / claim to know the band or have no personal investment and therefore no motivation to write this stuff suggests that at least some of this is true.

And if even one of those items is true, then this ship is sinking pretty goddamn fast, with Gerard holding everyone emotionally captive on board.

Watch those youtube clips of him attacking Frank and of him throwing his vomit at the kids in the pit. Commit those to memory because you will see them replayed when this all goes to hell.


resurrected wreck said...

Watching the video of that onstage fight still makes me nauseous. It actually shocked me. That was the moment I knew something was really wrong.

Anonymous said...

I was at the show where Gerard attacked Frank, and let me tell you, it looked a lot more brutal live than on video. It was definately not fake, nor was it in Gerard's character.

I hope the rest of the band members can save themselves before the ship goes under, because personally, I have lost faith in their captain.

freddycharles said...

Ah, tragique, I was supposed to be at that show and in the end, did not make it...I really cannot STAND DTE anyway...

Anonymous said...

I don't want to get anyone in trouble or anything, but did any of you read noncomplacent's (I don't think that's how he/she spelled it) post? It was talking about how none of the band members have come forward to congratulate Gerard on his wedding or the release of his comic book. I had noticed that myself and thought it was a bit weird. That really does seem like they've given up on him, doesn't it? Although I suppose he's too busy smashing beer bottles with his new buddies these days to care.

Anonymous said...

^none of his band members? Ray was at his wedding standing right next to Gerard with a huge grin on his face.

And this is absurd, how would anybody know if the other band members didn't congratulate Gerard on the release of his comic book??

Anonymous said...

^ The post referred to how there is no mention in the media or on MCR's official website of band members wishing Gerard well or congratulating him. Except for Gerard, the band has been completely silent ever since Project Rev.

I'll reserve comment on Ray and his huge grin and wild-looking eyes at the wedding.

veritavenom said...

Just to let you know, I have deleted one comment from here. It was spam about visiting some cresent something site, it wasn't even in English.

Anonymous said...

It does seem that whenever something important with one of the band members occurs, there is mention of it on the site (case in point, Mikey getting married)

It's odd that no one has said anything about Gerard's comic book when he is a huge fan, and had always wanted to do something in the field.

I highly doubt his new 'friends' have unwrap their lips from their beer bottles long enough to say congrats either.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I agree with everything here. When they decided to take MSI on the road with them, it was the death of their message.

The band MSI themselves and their habits will be the beginning of the slower death of Gerard Way himself.

Goodbye, dear Gerard. You meant something once. You could have meant something again.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Verita, it does appear that a certain part of him did not emotionally mature, and this is very common in people who suffer from clinical depression from an early age. Its almost as if parts of their personality do not integrate and they may appear as different people at different times. At this particular time, too much attention and power within this industry has emotionally regressed him to somewhat of functional adult/toddler. He never really had the emotional coping skills to keep level, and I suspect in the past, a particular relationship kept him somewhat balanced, despite his self destructive tendencies, but when she became ill she could no longer concentrate on him and hence it's demise.
And what do all toddlers do? They go against who they consider stronger to prove their separate identity, but they are terrified by their own power, cry out for control and usually act out. It appears he is crying out for boundaries in life, but unfortunately as an adult you have make them for yourself.

nimble soles said...

Just thought you might be interested...

MSI's website now says they'll be supporting MCR on all the European tour dates now, even the ones in the UK.

Too bad. I have a friend in England who'll be looking to sell her ticket now.

Anonymous said...

^that truly sucks.

Its strange how MSI have a big news post on their website announcing their tour with MCR, yet MCR's news page is strangely silent on anything MSI-related. Perhaps concerned it might put people off?

resurrected wreck said...

MSI's website now says they'll be supporting MCR on all the European tour dates now, even the ones in the UK.

I can't even begin to explain how pissed off I am about that. I bought my UK MCR tickets in good faith that they would choose a supporting band who would, if not proclaim the same message, at least not spit in the face of it.

I feel a little sick.

Anonymous said...

That post by that noncomplasant chick was bullshit and that's why she deleted it. Then she tried to acted like she works for the band or something. Yeah right. It was probably you, LyingVenom, trying to get more attention for yourself. You said the record company was getting threads on forums like INO shut down and fans who are calling all these assine rumors out to be bullshit are working for them. Like MCR needs to pay fans to defend them against idiots like you. Why didn't anyone shut down the MCR is dead thread on BN? Because it's bullshit, that's why. Gerard married someone else and you'll never have him. Get the fuck over it.


nimble soles said...

First of all, I know better than to argue with trolls, so this is not directed at a certain anonymous person who practices caps lock abuse - I only wish to make a point.

I've been on lj for a couple of years now and I belong to several MCR-related communities. I can say with absolute certainty that during the time the Eliza fiasco was going on, threads that contained negative posts about Gerard were shut down by the mod of mcrumorcontrol. That very same mod has since been treated to meet and greet passes at every MCR show she's been to (and she's been to quite a few). Also, even though I'm not a member of zomgmcrrumors, I know people who were kicked out of that community for disagreeing with one of the mods about Gerard's sobriety. That same mod and some of the members always shut down anyone who brings up the drinking or the drugs.

Damage control by the record company? Sounds like it to me.

Anonymous said...

Olivia was their dog, you asshole. Shows how much you know.

And where did V.V. say that the record company was getting threads shut down?

Oh, wait, it's coming to me. You're an asshole.

Anonymous said...

One of the biggest things that went down with the whole Eliza thing was the bribing, like easincrucem said. Posts about Eliza were deleted in return for meet and greet passes, not only on LJ but other places as well.

If Gerard knew about this, then he's a different Gerard than we used to think and he has been different for LONGER than this current fiasco. But most people thought that Gerard knew nothing of it.

I don't know what to think. Either way he's a total hypocrite NOW so that's all that matters.

sister midnite said...

Anon @ 6:52 PM, you're my new friend!

Gotta love how everyone is crediting anything bad they hear or read to VV.

For the umpteenth time, BN Anon's: If you don't like what you read, GO BACK TO BUZZNET. Or at the very least, STFU!!!

Anonymous said...

Gerard married someone else and you'll never have him. Get the fuck over it.

I think it's you who needs to "Get the fuck over it," since it seems that is all you care about.That has nothing to do with this.


Wrong! Everyone who is a "real fan" knows that Olivia was a dog. Oh wait, let me put that in your BN speak for you:
Go back to your forum and stay there, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I may I add, the whole "he's married you'll never have him," is getting really old. I for one, never wanted him in the first place. 1)I'm married, 2)he's not my type and 3)he's too young for me. And even if those three factors did not exist I still wouldn't want him. In fact I think LynZ has her hands full with that one. True she's getting a lot out of it at the moment, but soon she's going to realize that she has bitten off way more than she can chew.

Anonymous said...

i cant find the video can someone give me a link

this is something i want to see