Sunday, October 21, 2007

Getting hit where it hurts

Today I have a few things to blog about. First thing.

Slow ticket sales in Luxembourg and "technical problems" (probably meaning slow ticket sales) in Zurich. (Because otherwise why would they move it to such a dramatically smaller venue?)

I know that a lot of fans were going to skip the Europe shows because of MSI. Some because they just didn't like them, but I heard a LOT of people saying about how they didn't want to support a band with such a gross message or because they even didn't want to support MCR because of their sellout behavior. This is EXTREME. This band has played for 30 thousand people. They booked huge venues. To change venues costs money. To go down in size so dramatically is a HUGE loss. One of those venues only holds about a thousand people.

I knew that a lot of the fans were speaking up but I didn't realize that so many are speaking up where it really counts. Not opening their wallets, not turning out to support the band. Maybe, MAYBE, they will get the message when the dough stops rolling in. Although on th eother hand they have already made so much, possibly they don't care about the losses this time.

The other thing I was noticing was Gerard's recent comment about marriage. Married life is fuckin' amazing. Especially being in a relationship that I only thought could be a fictional thing. It's like knowing that there's always somebody out there, and that's something I've never known.

This makes a lot of alarm bells go off in my head. First of all, there's no way that any of his former girl/boyfriends aren't going to read this and feel like he's taking a cheap shot at them. Gerard knows that. He's saying, "all of my past relationships were never there for me". He used to say he was such a private person, and he used to seem so nice. This "nice" person is going so far out of his way to really hurt someone from his past. Why would someone who is supposed to be so "private" and so "nice" stoop to something like that? For one reason. He's trying to make a point to someone. And when you say something like this with the sole purpose of hurting someone, that's your only agenda, and what you'rr saying rings false. If his outspoken "happiness" rings so false and is just for show... is just to prove a point to someone in his past.... what does that say about the rest of the "relationship"? It looks like he's using her just as much as she's using him. (Remember my last entry, with people out of nowhere saying that Lyn Z is taking credit for "backing" MCR in the early days. These people are looking more and more desperate.)

It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you're a 12 year old fan or 112. Anyone with a brain can see how this is affecting the actual band we used to love. The only people who are all squealing and "happy for Gerard" are the ass-kissing fans who want to be deluded. The rest of us can see how this is having a huge negative impact on MCR, who they used to be, what they always said they stood for. And now it's costing them their HUGE arenas and probably a lot of money. They have gone from playing to tens of thousands of people, to playing to 1000.

"Slow ticket sales" says it all.


JocelynHolly said...

The first thing that came to my mind when I heard about the arena changes was "What does the band have to say about this?". Obviously, something is up, and its not technicalities. In a way, I feel really bad for the band. This band means a lot to them, and when their fans refuse to show up and support them, that has definitely got to hurt. In a way, it's kind of like and "I told you so" thing to. I know that a number of people have voiced their opinions about My Chemical Romance taking Mindless Self Indulge on tour with them, but they haven't listened. It's clear that the only reason MSI is joining them on tour is because Gerard recently got married to Lyn-Z. This leads to the second half. If I were one of Gerard's ex's, that comment that he made in RS magazine would fucking hurt like a bitch. He was with Kat for 6 years? How could he say "It's like knowing that there's always somebody out there, and that's something I've never known." when she was with him when My Chemical Romance was nothing? She supported him, she was with him when he was in the dumps. He said he wanted to keep his private life private. Obviously this is not working out lately. I feel bad for the guy. Day by day, he is fitting into the rockstar persona that he hated. I feel bad because he is fooling himself.

Anonymous said...

Verita, I missed you. That is what I wanted to say at first, and second, I informed my readers last night that the marriage is not going so well as everyone thought it was. We may see it coming to an end soon.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention, Gerard's problems had started this past summer during his relationship with Eliza, and his problems right now are all connected to Kat.

elena said...

Anyone starting to think that with slow ticket sales comes no more singles off Black Parade? Look how long it's been since Teenagers. I know Gerard has said there will be two more with him directing the videos no less but I don't think so.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Didn't Britney Spears say married life was amazing or awesome right before she ended hers.

Anonymous said...

He is the emo Britney. Let's all hope that when the sham marriage ends he goes back to his old self.

resurrected wreck said...

I thought about cancelling my ticket order when I found out MSI would be opening for MCR at the London show on Nov. 15th. I booked my tickets in advance in good faith that the opening band, while maybe not being one that I would love, would at least be one that wouldn't fly in the face of everything I've come to love MCR for.

*shrugs* I'm still going to the show, but I'm not looking forward to it with the same amount of excitement I had been before things started to go really weird in the MCR camp.

Anonymous said...

Yes, "slow ticket sales" speaks volumes about something a hell of a lot more than it appears to! It has now become clearly A FACT that they are taking MSI on tour with them because Gerard wants to be around his new wife reguardless of saying "F-YOU" to not only their fans but to the message they have worked so hard to preach for so many years! I think the future regrets thay will have about doing this afterwards will be detramental to them as a band. It's a sad day for us all.

sister midnite said...

Great blog, VV, as always.
Things with MCR are going to get a lot worse before they get better, IF they get better. I wonder if any of their fans* will still be around to see it?

*Fans: not the ass-kissing, fawning kind who follow blindly out of lack of maturity, or sheep mentality.

Farting In The Shadows said...

Two Europe shows say something - but connecting it all to MSI is a bit foolish. For starters, most people don't refuse to buy tickets based on the fact that they dislike the opening band. Also, if they're able to fill venues considerably well in other countries, two shows aren't incredibly significant.

I know I'm not a fortune teller, so all I can say is, we'll just have to wait and see.

And as for your little "kiss-ass" comment: I cannot see what isn't there, and I have yet to see proof of anything you've said on here.

capture this void said...

I forgot to mention, Gerard's problems had started this past summer during his relationship with Eliza, and his problems right now are all connected to Kat.

Someone on Mayo's previous blog said something along the lines of that. Kat, I mean. How he's upset that she's moved on and doesn't know how to cope with that.

It makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If he will be possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

Anonymous said...

We really don't know anything about his previous long term relationship. We have heard rumors. He did mention in the past that one was basically similar in style to a marriage and that it was for a six year duration.

That shows me that some deep emotions resided there.

From what I gather, he is a very intense person, and feels things very strongly. When a person with this sort of temperament is trying to hurt someone through gestures like this, it implies that the other party may have aggrieved him in some way, how we will never know.

But we can see that when he retaliates it is always tens times worse, and he may know that it could be to his detriment, but the satisfaction is always in the making of the point, and the pain that ensues.

This current relationship appears a means to an end.

Anonymous said...

He could be taking a shot at Eliza, not caring that he is including "Kat" in his mean-hearted generalization about his relationships too. He treated Eliza really awfully after he broke up with her, the way he acted on stage waving his ringless hand around and making cracks like "wash that man right outta my hair." Maybe she hurt him. But he's hurting her back in a big way. I agree about this "marriage" being a means to an end.

That's sad because they are using each other. There's no love in that.

sister midnite said...

FITS, my ass-kissing comment meant only that some of us fans don't worship the ground he walks on. You've been to INO and BN; you've seen the way most of the posts are, "ZOMG, I LUV U GEE!!!1111!!!! I WNT TO HAV YUR BB'S!!111!!!"

In case you haven't noticed yet, none of us here want to sleep with him. We're merely concerned about some of his recent decisions. If you don't like it, why are you still here???

MissTottenham said...

It's the other band members I feel sorry for.

They are never anything but professional onstage, friendly to fans off it and genuinely want to be taking the band seriously.

Gerards behaviour is causing repercussions for the lot of them one way or another. Why the hell should they suffer while he plays his childish games.

Gerard needs to wake up and realise that his actions affect the lot of them.

Anonymous said...

First of all, the last comment was pretty stereotypical. Dont think that just because some people dont think Gerard is some asshole and MCR is selling out means they are kissing their ass because unlike some people, if the music is still enjoyable to our ears, then everything else doesn't matter.

Second of all:
Dont jump to conclusion and say that the slow ticket sales is the result of MSI. Both these countries have very small populations (Luxembourg only has 480,222 as of June, 2007). I would be quite surprised if they sold out in a huge arena in such a small country. I highly doubt their are many MCR fans in Luxembourg anyways for such a huge arena to sellout.
Yes, maybe perhaps one or two people dropped out even though i find that pretty stupid considering they only play a small part in the show.

Considering Gerard's comment,i personally dont give a fuck. If it really was an attempt to hurt past girlfriends, well then its between both of him and his past.

Plus, smaller arena means a more intimate gig, whoever is going to these shows are lucky bastards

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone think that we want to have his babies=/ i for one dont want to have anyones babies but my own.
Just so i dont get any hate comments, im not against anyone, or with anyone. Just posted what i feel, but the whole thing about slow tickets sales dues to small population isnt an opinion, its the real reason why. I know a couple people that live in these parts of the world and they really are in the middle of nowhere. very small countries

Anonymous said...

No way. The band and the tour managers, the people who set up those tours at least, wouldn't have made that mistake. They obviously HAVE big arenas so they get huge turnouts for some things, and the people who set up this tour obviously expected huge turnouts for this. There are a LOT of people talking about skipping their show because they don't want MSI to get their money.

VV is right. People are talking by closing their wallets. That's the only way to do it.

Anonymous said...

Okay, if thats what you believe than sure. Im just telling you the facts. Yes the managers plan everything but that deosnt mean everything they plan out is always accurate. How can you predict the amount of people attending a show? Unless you were God, i think not.
Like i said, i bet a couple people dropped out but not in the amounts VV is suggesting. These are foreign countries, they probably have no clue as to who MSI is or have even heard of them.

Its been a long time since theyve had a small gig, so frankly, i dont care for the reason behind slow ticket sales.

Anonymous said...

Verita, I must say that you are my hero. Everything I read on here, everything you say - it is like I'm reading my own thoughts.

I just wanted to say thank you and keep posting. Because unlike many MCR fans, you know what you're talking about.

Love + support to you.


Anonymous said...

Anon @ 12:50-

Yes the managers plan everything but that deosnt mean everything they plan out is always accurate. How can you predict the amount of people attending a show? Unless you were God, i think not.

1. In an ideal situation, the performer (MCR) decides, along with the personal manager (Schechter)that it is time to tour. They decide when the tour should be. Other issues like what parts of the country to play, what venues, what size of the venues, etc. are roughed out. The manager (Schechter) will turn around and contact a Booking Agent who will then arrange the performances. The Booking Agent and the Manager (with some input from the artist) will come to an agreement on the price of the show. The Booking Agent will then get in contact with a Promoter in order to line up dates. The promoter will then contact venues to see what dates are available at that particular venue and this continues until multiple venues are contacted. The Booking agent begins to connect the dots, so to speak, of the tour, and the promoters are notified of any definite dates the artist can not have at that particular venue. When the tour itinerary is somewhat set in stone, the Booking Agent approaches the manager for approval. If they approve, the agent begins to issue CONTRACTS with the promoter (such as LiveNation). The promoter will sign CONTRACTS with the venue.

^^^All of that is taken from a book entitled The Recording Industry, Second Edition, written by Geoffrey Hull.^^^

So, yes it is always accurate. They don't go through a trial and error until they find the right fit. It's accurate on the first try, or they are obligated to void a contract with multiple "institutions."

How can you predict the amount off people attending a show?
Booking agents will look at artists who are on the same level with the artist they are working for. They will see how well those artists did with selling all their tickets at a certain venue, and use that information to see if the artist they are working for will do the same. If perhaps they are wrong (ie. scheduling a date at a larger venue that seats 5,000 when they know that the artist they are working for will not sell that many tickets), they'll probably be with out a job, because they probably just cost the Big Man they work for a slew of money.
Agents also look at how well the artist is being promoted in a certain area. Is there a good fan following in the area? How are sales for a certain artist's merch? How well is this artist liked here? It's more detailed than you're thinking Anon.

They (meaning the Warner/Reprise, MCR, the manager, and on down the line) will lose a hell of a lot of money from backing out of a larger venue. You'll obviously see more money rolling in if you play a larger venue. Well, they aren't now, so they'll sell less tickets which equals less money for everyone involved.

So, in short. It's a business. You don't make screw-ups. It's highly calculated and highly structured. You don't just on a whim decide you want to play a more intimate setting because that's the experience you want to give your fans especially when this European tour route was probably set up nearly 6 months ago. You can do that if you want to lose money and possibly a recording contract. There's lots of red tape to go through.

/end rant

Anonymous said...

That's super informative, Mustard. Thanks for that insight.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome Kapunua. If you're interested in such affairs, you should consider purchasing the book. Very good information.

To the anon I ripped:
I apologize for doing so, but your "facts" were not factual. And in general, people needed to know what actually takes place anyway. So that post was for everyone.

sister midnite said...

Mustard, you ROCK. ^_^
Thanks for all the info, it's always great to learn new stuff!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Okay, if thats what you believe than fine. Im not here to throw my thoughts down anyones throat and i never asked anyone in here to believe me and frankly, i couldnt care less what you believe.
Basically, this is why i dont come in to any of these conversation, because if one person says something it gets jumped down.

Your right, everything is precisely planned. Every little single detail is planned and measured tot he point whre barely any mistakes are made. But do you actually think more than 500 or so people would drop out in a FOREIGN country where English is not spoken and no one has probably ever heard of MSI or have any fucking clue what they stand for or what they sing about.

I think not. Dont even bother to argue with me on that. Its common sense.

Im oh so sorry my stupidity is upsetting some of you. Tons of things upset me but this is not the place to rant about them all.

Anonymous said...

I'm not here to argue with you Anon. I was simply stating the actual truth of the matter.

What I posted was not my opinion. It was a book fact, a tested trend. Not some off-the-wall, pull it out of my ass comment. It is truth.

And to add, I never even brought MSI into my explanation. I never once stated that the change in venue was because the residents of Luxembourg refused to see a show with MSI. No one will ever know why there was a change.

To further add to your counter-argument, Luxembourg is one of the richest countries in the world. Most homes probably have computer/internet access. They probably have some general knowledge of who MSI is. But that is not the point.

The point of my post was to show you and the rest of the readers that the process is highly calculated. I wasn't calling you out on your "stupidity." I was showing you your error. Maybe you learned something from my post. Maybe you didn't. But it was not my intent to make you think you were stupid.

Anonymous said...

The "stupid" comment wasnt referring to you, but to someone else.
Luxembourg IS the richest country in the world so their is positively a computer in every home. But, considering MSI is not a popular band or well known, not even in the US, i doubt many people in Luxembourg know them even with the help of computers and technology.

And my referring to MSI was going back to what VV was originally claming, i know you werent bringing them into the convo.

And i wasnt negating your claim that the process is highly calculated. That i know and im positive is true but i highly doubt the reason is because of MSI.

Perhaps their is a reason, but we wont ever know.

Anonymous said...

Well anon, maybe the people in Luxembourg with the internet access found out about MSI the same way many people did, after Gee and Lynz got together and the news was all over the forums. I live here in the US and I had never heard of MSI until people on the boards started talking about them.

Anonymous said...

*shrugs* sure whatever. They probably have clue of them but i doubt they understand what their music means, unless they are very fluent in English but i wouldnt know. Im not from some foreign country am i.

Whatever, i have no idea whats the true cause behind the slow ticket sales and i dont care to know, so if its because of MSI, okay, i can accept that. It doesn't bother me nor do i care.

P.S- Ass kissing is not my thing, i have better things to do than kiss someones ass. I could be eating icecream rather than ass kissing

capture this void said...

I miss you.

Anonymous said...

I'll return with another post soon. :)

Anonymous said...

taken from

DISENCHANTED!!! My BFF and I live in Mass....we took a 3 1/2 hour train ride to Newark on Thursday spent $550 on tickets (that's each ticket) and saw them at the Bon Jovi show at the Prudential on 10/25...opening night. MCR played for like 30 minutes!!! Things seemed really weird in a way...first of all, it was an older (30-50 yr) crowd, mostly there for Bon Jovi. Most seats were empty while MCR played as people were in beer lines. There was no Ferarding, no inspirational words from closeness amongst anyone. At one point, I dodged the ticket people to get wicked close to the stage and was like 10 feet away from Gerard and he looked so SKINNY. I mean he's gotten thin, but I met him at PR 8/24/07 and also saw him at umbrella academy signing 9/20, and I mean WAY skinnier. Only a handful of people were actually up and dancing and singing....I felt horrible for them because it was their home and it was kind of insulting! Here's the kicker. Yesterday, (friday) we came home by train back to Mass all excited because we had tickets for this Maine show and were so looking forward to calling in sick to work to go for a 5 hour road trip to Maine, staying overnight, and seeing them again...twice in 2 days, how cool is that? And we were going to get backstage too! And then we get this e-mail that the show has been cancelled????? The lady at Riot Squad Management who we're in contact with who hooks us up with backstage connections said in an email to us last night "my apologies for the cancellation." WTF??? HERE'S THE KICKER!!! Even though there is an "illness" my friend called the Prudential and they still opened 10/26 for Bon Jovi??? WTF???? Is it possible that in a pinch they could have found someone to do drums for that show? (We heard it was Bob who is sick by the way...actually we heard "illness" and "injured.") Or, as my friend speculates, apparently the Arena in Maine only holds 2000 people and at the $28 dollar ticket price, that would mean that at a sold out show, they'd make only $56,000, and apparently the show wasn't close to being sold out. Now I totally hate to even think this, but did they cancel because the show wouldn't bring in enough money and it wouldn't be 'worth it' to them? I hate to think that these wonderful guys could even stoop to that level. But what else could it be? If it really was an illness or injury, how could they have opened for Bon Jovi last night? Also, the next scheduled show that would have been after Maine was for 10/30, 3 days later in Bratislava....that's a hike, wouldn't they have canelled that too, maybe along with a couple of shows? We don't know what to think....Remember the black parade tour how they got sick and cancelled so many shows? Is something going on with our favorite band? What do you think? Any words of inspiration or encouragement? We're heartbroken....we were going to have so much fun and right now we're at work thinking how in less than 11 hours we should have been hopping in the car and starting our trip! And now we can't call in sick for work.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people?? Everyone here and on BN and INO act as though all these rumors and speculations are the gospel, when indeed they are just that-RUMORS!!! Why is everyone mourning the loss of a person they know nothing about?? All this nonsence about 'oh, all this mess going down in the MCR camp' and 'I feel sorry for the other member being dragged into this shit'-there is NO mess going down in the MCR camp, the mess is only happening on the internet groups who insist on lamenting and gossiping about people they don't even know, making up rumors and theories based on nothing but jealously and resentment. All screams of bitterness because Gerard got married-big fuckin deal ya know? Everyone talks as though MCR are in real trouble, just because they don't like the fact that someone met someone they actually love. Let me ask this-how many of you would actually be bothered about them taking MSI on tour if LynZ and Gerard hadn't got married? NOBODY!! Noone would give a shit right? I think you all need to realise that you've taken a regular guy and built him up to god-like status in your minds to the point where you all actually believe it's true, and when he doesn't act the way you expect him to then you all go crazy. Lighten up, they're a band, and if you really pin so much on 5 people who make music then you need to be searching for something else in your lives to fill that void because it's not fucking healthy. You all act as though you were promised the world, like Gerard was akin to Moses and was going to lead you to the promised land-horseshit. It's hilarious how everyone is so up in arms about all this. So they cancelled a show-so what? They've been on tour for fuckin ever, I think they're intitled to cancel a show for whatever reason they want-and I personally can think of no better reason to do so than to spend time with your the person you love that you barely get to see. The band are HUMAN, they're are not immortal-and living upto all of your ridiculously high standards is an impossible task. So you've supported them for years right, and they owe you right? WRONG-they've given you all music to love and to relate to and thats all they ever set out to do.
And all this shit about open letters and trying to get the band or The Used to read them is truly pathetic-do you think for one second that they care?? I can guarentee that they do not. They have thousands upon thousands of real fans who appreciate them for what they are all about-the music. Fans who don't bitch and gossip about their private lives as though they own the copyrights. Like I said-all this rubbish about not liking MSI's lyrics is rubbish-it's nothing to do with that and you all know it.

Apologies for the colorful language-but you all had it coming.

Anonymous said...

Let me ask this-how many of you would actually be bothered about them taking MSI on tour if LynZ and Gerard hadn't got married? NOBODY!! Noone would give a shit right?

You're 100% wrong, like most of the fan-kiddies in denial. I'm sure that all of you would love to believe and have convinced yourselves that it's about people being jealous. I didn't see this kind of worry, or at least not as much, when Gerard announced his engagement to Eliza. No one batted an eye when he was with Kat.

What's funny is how some of the people who were whining about Eliza are the ones berating others now when they show concern or disappointment about what is going on with MCR.

You all act as though you were promised the world, like Gerard was akin to Moses and was going to lead you to the promised land-

Gerard was the one who was acting like he wanted to save the world, tbh.

Like I said-all this rubbish about not liking MSI's lyrics is rubbish-it's nothing to do with that and you all know it.

You're an idiot, but please by all means, keep believing what you want. Just, while you're believing that, GTFO and go back to playing with your barbies, OK?

Anonymous said...

I'M the idiot? You're the one writting open letters to people you don't even know who qquite frankly couldn't give a funk about you and your pathetic non-existant theories bourne out of nothing but spite. And yes, I saw plenty of drama over Eliza-the main the difference being that he didn't actually MARRY her did he? And the satirical lyrics of MSI give people like you the perfect thing to latch onto in order to vent your jealousy and spite. You all fell on MSI lke vultures, deperate to hold onto anything you could do belittle his relationship to make yourselves feel better about the fact that he got married.

And the so called 'fan-kiddies' are not in denial, quite simply because there's nothing to be in denial about. All they want to do is listen to music that they like and go to see a good show-whats so wrong with that?? Why should people be berated for wanting to enjoy the music for what it is instead of getting into the whole politics of someone's private life. Not everyone has invested so much of themselves into this band, and you only have yourself to blame for that.

And married life is very different to just being in a relationship with someone. You're taking his comments about never feeling like there was anyone out there for him before to be a snide comment to his exes (one of which is Eliza, who noone could stand before and now everyone is up in arms on her behalf), when I believe that you're displacing your own feelings on rejection onto them to cover your own back.

So yes, I'll go back to playing with my barbie dolls, and you can go back to spitting out your dummy over someone you don't even know.

Anonymous said...

Verita Venom just..... go die, just go die!! You KNOW we are rite!! WE WILL SUCEED OVER YOU!!! Mcr will NEVER fall they dont' need so called FANS like you so just go die. Horribl. Instead of hurting Gerard like this.

Anonymous said...

I love you anons who are standing up to this attack on Gerards life. MCARMY ATTACK!!!! bring down the blog!!! Dont let her words got to you. ATTACK!!

Anonymous said...

do you really think that mcr really want fans like you. think about it. you dont go around saying just go and die. think about it in the real world. are you that stupid.

Anonymous said...

YOU are that stupid.The fans know that everything is great and MSI is a great band, they are only getting this hate cause of the marriage. youg uy's woudlnt have even HEARD of them if not for Gerard so, and YES, Gerard DOES want us as fans. he doesn't want YOU.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If the fans know that MSi is great and everything else is great why do you need to stop these blogs?

Anonymous said...

boo woo do you really think i care. i like the music like you do but i do not like msi music. am i really bothered he got married nope i dont think so. really that would just be a bit sad wouldnt it if i was bothered about that. i am bothered about singing about underage sex but hey that is my opinions and i am not forcing them on anyone. please when someone tells someone else to go and die do you think that is a good example to show other people. NO. its small minded people like you who think that the mcrmy is the greastest but in fact it is a group of fans that like a band. so you could call everyone who like mcr part of the mcrmy but not all of us want people to die becuase they have different point of views. that is called maturity and freedom of speech. please think about what you say before you say it PLEASE
see you can put your views accross by still using MANNERS

gnothi seauton said...


Unfortunately you seem to attract the more ' vocal ' stream of anons.

Anons, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion but please converse in an appropriate manner.

I have no opinion on the venue changes, it is odd though.

Anon, I have no problem with who Gerard is with or who they take on tour, something that I have discussed at length elsewhere. My concern is and always will be that Gerard looks ill and there is something decidedly out of sorts with the dynamic of the band.

MJ - I quite agree, why are they trying to shut down VV? Curioser and curioser?

VV - good luck.

Anonymous said...

To the outraged Anon who doesn't have enough cojones to actually sign a name to their outburst:

Everyone talks as though MCR are in real trouble, just because they don't like the fact that someone met someone they actually love. Let me ask this-how many of you would actually be bothered about them taking MSI on tour if LynZ and Gerard hadn't got married? NOBODY!! Noone would give a shit right?

Let's get something straight here, dude. I couldn't be fucking happier that Gerard has found someone, as far as we know, he's in love with. I do not delve into the personal lives of these guys. That shit's up to them. It isn't my place to say, "That girl's not right for you." Who the hell am I to say that? I have absolutely no qualms with Lyn-Z because I DO NOT KNOW HER. I have not problem with Gerard being with her. I hope he's found happiness. If he hasn't, then he'll learn and grow from that.

The problem lies with the two distinctly different messages that are displayed. One the exudes postitivity, the other negativity. They clash. The messages don't align and people are in arms about that. NOT BECAUSE LYN-Z IS THE EFFIN' BASSIST OF THE BAND. They could be taking any band out on tour that has the same message to share, and we'd all still be in the same boat. The problem is not with his wife. The problem is with the message.

I think you all need to realise that you've taken a regular guy and built him up to god-like status in your minds to the point where you all actually believe it's true, and when he doesn't act the way you expect him to then you all go crazy.

I can only account for myself here, but I've not put any sort of burden on Gerard or the other members of the band. If they feel they are in the awe-powerful postition of God, then they're the ones that have placed themselves there, not I. They make music that I love with all of my heart and that's all I expect from them. I expect them to hold true to the values they've preached, and walk the walk, not just talk the talk. I've had no one in my life to do that and I respect them for having such beliefs. I want to be the person that can say what she means, and the believe in it. I model myself after the standard they have set.

So they cancelled a show-so what? They've been on tour for fuckin ever, I think they're intitled to cancel a show for whatever reason they want-and I personally can think of no better reason to do so than to spend time with your the person you love that you barely get to see.

Let me preface this by saying that no one in the fandom knows why they canceled the show in Maine. It could have been for any reason. I seriously doubt it was because of MONEY, GIRLS, OR BEING TIRED. Sure they've been touring forever. If they had not wanted to play that date, they wouldn't have scheduled it to begin with. And I completely disagree with your mindset that if Gerard wants to CANCEL A SHOW THAT INVOLVES FOUR OTHER MEMBERS AS WELL, along with a slew of personnel and management and on down the line, that's a cheap shot because you're fucking with other people's lives, not just your own. I don't think he'd do that.

You coming here is futile. You're not going to change the minds of anyone by your post. Everyone that didn't agree with taking MSI out on tour is still going to disagree. The ones that didn't mind are still not going to mind. There's no real way of ending this, but to each his own.

Anonymous said...

They could be taking any band out on tour that has the same message to share, and we'd all still be in the same boat. The problem is not with his wife. The problem is with the message.
If they feel they are in the awe-powerful postition of God, then they're the ones that have placed themselves there, not I. They make music that I love with all of my heart and that's all I expect from them. I expect them to hold true to the values they've preached, and walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

I never asked for your opinion, I just got it and I get it. I've come to expect the standards you have set...
She says live up to your first impression (Come on, just say it),
Well my best side was your worst invention (Come on, just say it),

Anonymous said...

Oh Kapunua, I love you dearly. And I'm so sorry your keyboard is broken. But, are you in agreeance?

A 'y' for yes or an 'n' for no will suffice. I'll try to guess what you mean from there. I have the hardest time gathering what Adam tries to put across in the first place :)

Anonymous said...

*is stupid*

I totally see what you're saying, or what Adam's saying ;) It takes me a few seconds to comprehend things. That dude's got lyrics for everything imaginable. Adam is love.

Anonymous said...


Adam is love.

Anonymous said...

To all those silly anons from MCRmy.

Of course he wants you as fans! He just loves this shit.

He loves this because after all, your undying support just shoves more money in his pocket, so he can enjoy his corvette and cloud image panels on his kitchen ceiling.

He is no different to any other rock dude. Hey, this is just his way to earn an income.

Anonymous said...

He has cloud image panels on his kitchen ceiling?

This gives me the perfect opportunity to go:

What the Eff?

He's so weird sometimes. I can see him frolicking through the kitchen singing songs from the Sound of Music.

Jennicula said...

Verita, I am a fan of MCR and not of MSI. I don't give a shit who any of they guys marry. I don't like MSI's message. I think it is diametricly opposite of MCR's message.

I am one of many who will not purchase a ticket to see MCR/MSI combination, but would happily see MCR on their own.

I support what you have to say, and keep on saying it. I've got your back, sister!

bittersweetheart said...

Let me ask this-how many of you would actually be bothered about them taking MSI on tour if LynZ and Gerard hadn't got married? NOBODY!! Noone would give a shit right?

Wrong. I would still give a shit. MSI's message is a complete 180 of MCR's message. Regardless of the marriage, I would still be questioning them taking a band on tour with them that represents everything they used to stand against.

Anonymous said...
Verita Venom just..... go die, just go die!!

I'm sorry but that is cracking me up, I can't stop laughing. *ahem* Well isn't that the most intelligent way to disagree with someone's opinion. And after a beginning like that, you honestly expect people to take you seriouly and actually listen to anything you have to say?

You KNOW we are rite!! WE WILL SUCEED OVER YOU!!!

Ooh, capital letters and horrible spelling, yeah, this looks like it may be a very factual and well thought out argument. Rite? Are you planning some religious ceremony? And when you say 'suceed' - oh sorry, 'SUCEED,' what are you implying? ;)

Mcr will NEVER fall they dont' need so called FANS like you so just go die.

Oh, my, really? Yes, I'm sure they would be so proud to have "fans" like yourself that go around telling other fans to 'just go die.' /sarcasm

And to this anon (not sure if there is one or unfortunately more than one):

YOU are that stupid.The fans know that everything is great and MSI is a great band, they are only getting this hate cause of the marriage. youg uy's woudlnt have even HEARD of them if not for Gerard so, and YES, Gerard DOES want us as fans. he doesn't want YOU.

Oh, so you are speaking for every single MCR fan. Interesting, considering that I am a fan and I don't think that MSI is a great band, so you're not speaking for me or my friends (and I'm quite certain many other fans). I think they are quite awful, in my opinion. And actually, anonymous, I have heard of MSI before the PR fiasco, and I disliked them back then and I still do. Gerard and LynZ getting married has nothing to do with my opinion on MSI. As far as who Gerard wants as fans, he wants whoever will buy the records and the merch and tickets. He doesn't care if you suddenly became a passionate MSI fan since he married the bassist or not, or go around randomly attacking people anonymously on the internet to 'bring them down.'

Geez, VV, some days it feels like a playground on these blogs "your stoopid!" "Nu uh, your stoopid, doodyhead!" I will join jennicula in watching your back.

Anonymous said...

People like you, the haters, are the reason, Gerard doesn't want to meet his fans any more. ThaNKS ASSHOLES...

Anonymous said...

Who are you addressing that to Anon? Curiosity has gotten the best of me.

sister midnite said...

Yet another random Anon said:
People like you, the haters, are the reason, Gerard doesn't want to meet his fans any more. ThaNKS ASSHOLES...

Firstly, dear, we're not haters. We just refuse to kiss his ass like so many of the so-called "fans" do.

Gerard hasn't been meeting fans because he's used to all the ass-kissing. He most likely doesn't need more of it.

If you fan-kiddies hate VV's blog so much, why do you keep coming back here? Do you really think that you have the ability to change anyone's mind with bad grammar, "go die" and "MCRmy rulz!!!111!!!"?

AsleepNotDead said...

There's always more behind an insult than people realise. Rewind.

YouMustThinkImJoking said...

What i want to know is, why this bothers Verita so badly, that she practically writes an essay about it. Hmmm. Kinda pathetic, to be fair. Boo bloody hoo xD

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