Anyone who has The Used friended on MySpace, or anyone who is able to get this message out to Bert or anyone in the band, if you agree with this message and like the way it was written, please feel free to copy this and email it or PM it. DO NOT POST IT PUBLICLY ON THEIR MYSPACE IN THE COMMENTS. We don't want Mayo's blog to get more overrun than it already is. This message is JUST for Bert and / or the band. So if you have them friended, message them. If you want to change the wording, you can do that. If you want to add or subtract anything, go for it. Include the link to the blog. We only want Bert to be aware of it.
Dear Bert,
This letter is addressed to you because even though we are well aware that you're not the entire band, you still are the "mouth" of the band and when it comes to the main point of what we're getting at, you'll see why we chose to address you specifically. We hope you're getting this message a million times, but you only need to read it once.
We've all come over from the My Chemical Romance fan camp and before you jump to any conclusions about us, let's get this out of the way, many of us are coming to see things the same way you do, at least where Gerard is concerned. You called him out on your last album. The writer of this email is not ashamed to say that at first she was skeptical of your message. The image that Gerard presented was one of heroism, honesty, sincerity, and inspiration. But now many of us can see that this image is fading and the truth is coming out.
We're sure you've witnessed Gerard's declining and erratic behavior over the last few months. In case you missed it, highlights include but are not limited to: Gerard seriously attacking Frank on stage, Gerard puking on stage and throwing it at the fans, showing up to concerts and interviews covered in ridiculous sharpie messages and neck-to-thigh hickies, making comments about being "wasted" or wanting the audience to get wasted, his sudden "marriage", and his decision to drag his "wife's" "band" on tour with them, in direct oppostion to the message he's been sermonizing like a regular preacher for about six years.
Some of us are concerned about Gerard. Some of us think he is going down a dangerous road. Some people still care. Some don't, and are just fed up with him. Some are confused. All of us are frustrated.
We get what you are saying.
We don't expect you to come along and save the day or anything, but we thought you might like to know that some of us agree with you, and some of us value your input and your history with Gerard. You're a voice of reason to those of us who have eyes and who can see what is going on. It looks like you were on the right track all along.
We'd love to know what you think of that blog, we'd love your input, but we appreciate the fact that you're busy so we don't actually expect it. We just thought you might like to be aware.
Sorry for doubting you,
The Fans (of both bands)
Saturday, October 6, 2007
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No offense but come on, your going to go to Bert and complain to him about something that you "think" is going on
yet you have no proof of it actually being true.
I think Bert has more important issues to worry about than your concern for Gerard's supposed "issues"
I agree with VV. Bert still has a lot to say about Gerard so it seems like he does care. Even if he just gets a laugh out of it, cool!
You call on the help of a pure soul; one who retains strong feelings when those of others have long since died from abuse or neglect. Not one to talk much about himself, he doesn't brag about his "empathy" and "compassion", although he possesses those qualities in spades, while a certain other person merely feigns them. Truth be told, I'm not certain that other person has ever experienced a real feeling in his life, with the exception of the fear which seems to drive and control him.
Will he answer your call? I suppose it depends on whether or not he has a way back. Hopefully, all the bridges have yet to be burned.
Veritavenom I adore you !
Welcome to my bandwagon !
I've been saying for weeks that Bert needs to join the team, you just have the guts to ask him!
The simple fact that he is calling Gerard out yet not revealing any details leads me to believe that he doesn't want to burn all his bridges.
He obviously has residual feelings for him, otherwise he wouldn't waste so much energy on him.
You only have to worry that a person has no feelings for you when they are indifferent to you and that is definitely not the case with Bert.
I called Bert out to play on Mayo's blog, lets see if our combined efforts have any affect!
The writing style of the Anon @ 10:53 seems quite familiar, does it not?
LOL!! this has got to be your stupidest message yet. And the "Sorry for doubting you" dramatic, LOL. Im sure Bert will be touched. Since when is Gerard writing on himself considered "erratic behavior"? He's been doing that since the band started.
Yes, he has been doing it for a while. However, I don't recall Gerard ever writing "BEER TOWN" in big bold letters on his knuckles, do you?
^so what, It doesn't mean that he's drinking agin. Gerard has always written a bunch of crazy shit on himself like the word "Cunt" for example. Writing "Beer Town" on his fingers doesn't = erratic behavior.
I don't want to demean what you are discussing but the writing is the least important aspect.
Everything that is happening can be put down to reverting back to punk roots if you narrow it down.
My main concern, and always my main concern, is that Gerard looks ill.
And he is assaulting fellow band members which is something that is COMPLETELY out of character.
I am actually going to see Bert in two weeks at Taste of Chaos.
Verita would I be able to copy this letter to see if I can pass it to him. I don't know how successful I'II be, but I will try.
"I am actually going to see Bert in two weeks at Taste of Chaos.
Verita would I be able to copy this letter to see if I can pass it to him. I don't know how successful I'II be, but I will try."
Please do.
I think this is a neat idea but then, I think that The Used is pretty neat and so is Bert. Even though he's a crazy mofo. I have a MySpace account but I don't have them friended. Maybe I will, though, and will send this.
Well since no one on Mayo's blog seems to care maybe you will Verita. Everyone' so concerned over anonymous blogs when Adam Lazarra who is actually Gerard's friend and writes in a REAL blog that we know it is his, and witnessed all the shit of PR first hand, actually made a blog that seemsm like it could be about Gerard. Why isn't this bigger news.
""oh dont start that again..."
i know better.
you arent stupid...
("oh dont start that again...")
now are you?
"THE WORST THING for these kids to know is that i am..."
....hush little baby
dont play dirty
gonna play nice
(golly, gee.. stutter, stumble... false, false, negative...)
all reassured and well,
you had your warning...
who cares about the why
when when when
left with a choice to choose...
i say focus on the task at hand..
what again was the worst tha-a-a-ng?
i have been here since from the start
since from the start my friend...
i have just begun to speak...
i have just begun...
everything i ever left out
will all be laid out... time "
What do you think Verita?
If I were Bert, I would tell Gerard to go to hell. Gerard simply used his "friendship" with Bert as a stepping stone to further his own career, much the same way as LynZ is now using Gerard. Then, when Bert was no longer needed and possibly a liability to Gerard's newfound sobriety (which, by the way, he milked for everything it was worth), Gerard dropped him like a hot potato. So much for friendship. I am reminded of the old cliché, "What goes around, comes around." I wonder how Gerard will feel when he receives similar treatment from his new "wife"?
Verita, you don't have to friend the band on MySpace in order to send them a message. I just copied your email and sent it to them with the header, "We think Bert should know" or something like that.
Did anyone else do this? I think Verita's right, it might have a better chance of getting to him if a lot of people send it.
If you read my blog, you'll know I called bullshit on TBC's claim that Gee was drunk in Illinois recently.
And the fact that you'd call on Bert, of all people, seems foolish.
Are you STILL here?
lmao. honestly.
I'm sure you're not used to everyone here not kissing your ass the way it is at INO. Go back there. Every thing's fine and dandy over there right? There's no chance in hell that Gerard has relapsed or ever will relapse at all.
farting in the shadows, explain to me how two videos taken from very far away disprove what TBC saw up close? You were NOT there, so you can't say what she did or didn't see that night. And you know you appear as if you just like to argue the opposing view whether it's right or wrong, just to argue. I bet I could say the sky is blue and you would argue that it is not, am I right?
Meh, I don't bother reading Farting's blog. I don't like denial so. Why bother.
I got curious, so I looked at it. You are right about the denial, blah.
Many people believe this to be Gerard's blog:
It may or may not be, there is evidence either way, but we do know that he's aware of it and he reads it.
How do you know this?
Many people believe this to be Gerard's blog
We don'tknow. Some of us believe it to be his. No one is certain, except maybe BleedingChaos.
^Nevermind what I just said ME. I missed your last part. I don't know who said what you quoted, but I'm not sure how they'd know for certain Gerard reads these blogs. I'm still trying to decide if I believe all these blogs hold any truth!
Because some of you ae following Adam Lazzara's apparent reference to Gerard in his blog, I should point out something that I missed but that an anonymouse pointed out.
Adam says, so whats to say about the 9-0-3...
noone knows...
9-03 was Gerard's "wedding" date. Bear in mind it was also the last date of PR, so who knows what else went on then. It could possibly reference some other occurrence. But I doubt it, not with the reference to "golly, gee, stutter, stumble" etc.
The more I think about it, the more convinced I become that Adam witnessed something Not Good going on with one of his friends during that time.
There's no chance in hell that Gerard has relapsed or ever will relapse at all.
I'm not saying it's impossible for Gee to relapse. I'm just saying he isn't relapsing right now. The only person I know of who hasn't said they've had the time of their life at that show seems to be TBC.
And I have yet to see drunk Gerard in concert for myself. Unless you count Life On The Murder scene, which is all stuff from 3 years ago.
The only person I know of who hasn't said they've had the time of their life at that show seems to be TBC.
Well, now you have another person to add to your list. At my PR, he was drunk, believe me or not, I know what I saw. It was the deep sorrow in his eyes that broke my heart. He played the set like he just wanted it over in a hurry. Personally, I was grateful to Linkin Park for saving the disappointing night for me.
The only person I know of who hasn't said they've had the time of their life at that show seems to be TBC.
I saw them, and Bad Things were definitely going on.
I also saw Gerard get on a bus that had what looked like a bottle of vodka in the window. Maybe it wasn't his, but he definitely got onto that bus. And he clearly wasn't very happy when he was getting onto it, either. Dude looked like something major had just gone down.
You seem to be the only person around these parts who makes really sweeping, general statements about "truth." Even Verita, who everyone accuses of being heavy-handed, doesn't do that. Verita and Chaos and the rest, they seem very clear on this being their opinion. You're always going on about "TRUTH" as if you can be any more certain than anyone else.
Just saying.
You also keep looking for "Drunk Gerard" like he was back in the early days. Did it ever occur to you that alcoholics don't drink to get drunk after a certain point? Well, guess what, they don't. They drink to get by.
Drunk, not drunk.
This battle keeps going on and it wont end, will it?
How about this, how about we leave it alone.
We have absolutely no valid proof that he is drinking again.
(sorry, but your accounts of seeing him drunk doesnt count as proof)
and we have no proof that he's sober either.
So can we just end it.
Frankly, its getting annoying.
To Farting in the Shadows:
Are you talking about the concert in Tinley Park? If you are, I know several people who came away from that show more than a little confused because of Gerard's "mumbling," "staggering," and "incoherent rambling." This was batted around on MCR communities for several days afterwards, but the mods and certain members of those communities used their "contacts" to "debunk" the nasty rumors. Although, the funny thing was, like you, none of the people denying the odd behavior were actually there. Oddly enough, those very same people were the ones minimizing the incident that took place between Frank and Gerard at DTE a little more than a week before.
Maybe in those videos, Gerard didn't appear to be acting all that strangely, but remember, they're just brief clips. Also, most people only have the drunk footage from LOTMS to compare them to. I've seen Gerard play drunk before (back in the days before he got sober) and it wasn't always the "killed so many plants" Gerard or the one who lost his pants onstage. Sometimes he was just rambling and a bit incoherent.
Believe me when I say that I'm not trying to pick on you because of your faith in Gerard. Honestly, I know where you're coming from because at one time I believed in him too. But I've just seen too many changes in him (with my own eyes) and heard too many stories (from people I trust) to keep on believing blindly.
Vv, you should look on Mayo's blog to where there's a post of a video of Gerard saying he wants to see MORE violence from the audience.
VV you saw this shit coming a mile away. I commend you.
Whoever wrote this is a fucking idiot. seriously.
Whoever wrote this is a fucking idiot. seriously.
And you're NOT an idiot for posting this, Stephanie?
Grow up, little girl. Just because you don't agree, nobody's given you the right to call anyone an idiot.
All of you demanding proof, do you have any kind of proof to offer to the contrary? And please, don't give me that "he looks so happy" bullshit. Jeffrey Dahmer looked happy, too; whole lot of good it did him, right?
Can you prove that everything is fine? Didn't think so.
sister midnight, you rock!
your absolutely fucking right.
I cant prove anything is fine.
I cant prove anything is wrong either.
We cant prove anything and frankly, i dont want to.
He's fucked up, he's happy, he's drunk, he's sober, he's gay, he's straight, he's a loser, he's an angel
All i know is that he's a human being and thats all i need to know
why would anyone want to involve bert? he is scum
Could farting in the shadows please just go away? Why bother reading and posting...honestly, your blood pressure must go up every time you are on here. For the sake of your own health, stick to buzznet.
I agree completly with freddycharles. Why would anyone subject themselves to that much stress everyday? In fact that's why I stopped chatting on the BN forums, it felt like beating my head against a brick repeatedly (and I felt like some posters wanted to hit me over the head with a brick). Thankfully I found these blogs and all of you awesome people and I finally felt like I fit in. I may even get an account here soon.
What can you do when the liar believes his own bullshit?
Delusional fuckers think they have vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals
Nothing to do but wait this shit out and hope the fall doesn't kill him
What can you do when the liar believes his own bullshit?
Call his stupid ass on it.
Someone needs to. Can't keep enabling him all his life, it's no good for anyone.
Please be Bert McCracken.
^Probably isn't. But whoever it is, they've written one of the most straightforward comments I have yet to read in the cryptic circus these blogs are becoming. And for that I say a big hurrah!
VV, I support you. You should check Mayo's new post and since people read your blog you might want to consider including the letter from Kapuna that she posted to the band. You might agree with her. You dont' have to post it but maybe.
Anonymous at 8.29 pm
The problem is how do you know when you've left it too late, and the fall does kill them.
Sometimes people want help sorting things out , they just don't know how to ask.
God, this is a somber discussion.
Some motherfuckers you just can't reach
Too late, too early, it doesn't matter because you can only bang your head up against the same brick wall so many times, you know what I'm saying?
The dude doesn't want help. Yeah maybe somewhere deep down he knows he doesn't have his shit together but he won't admit it til he hits rock bottom.
^Hits it again, you mean? Ho wmany times can you hit it and still keep coming up? I get what you're saying, though. Like the lyrics Verita posted a while back, "banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall."
I like you, anon. I'm gonna give you hickies and draw on myself with a sharpie. You up for an inexplicable, ridiculous wedding?
^^Haha good on Kapunua!
anon at 5:42pm - if you could help him, would you? Or is there too much water under the bridge?
Can someone post the link to Adam's blog? Thanks
I thought you might be interested in this comment that was just posted on the Mayo blog.
Anonymous said...
I can't say much here because I don't want to get myself or anyone else into trouble, but I do know that Bert at least knows about the Kurt Cobain blog that Verita wrote. From what I've heard, everyone in The Used's camp knows about it. In fact, I heard that Bert made a joke about how dying his hair dark again must be working because now people are comparing Gerard to KB instead of him.
My point is, if he's read the Kurt blog, he probably read the one addressed to him. Would he go so far as to post there? Bert's a strange and wonderful creature. I suppose anything's possible.
October 11, 2007 8:02 AM
Yeah. I would.
That's cool if it's true. I've gained a lot of respect for Bert for having the balls to tell the truth.
Funny, anon. ;)
Okay, on a snowballs's chance that Bert actually does lurk here (and if not, at least I've gotten it off my chest)- Mr McCracken, this one's for you:
We've all had our eyes opened to how Gerard's treated people, now & in the past. I've never been able to understand how people he's wronged (and, let's face it, there are some; we've all wronged someone at some point in our lives) could keep so silent about it. Former bandmates, former lovers. Not a word from any of them. But you, of all people, I would have expected to speak up. The dude's got your balls in a sling & he's been strutting across stages with it, and still you say nothing. Who is this little mofo that people keep letting him get away with this shit? Some kind of rock & roll mafia don? What exactly is it that he has on you?
Some kind of rock & roll mafia don? What exactly is it that he has on you?
I saw this, and I think we can all use a chuckle:
Some kind of rock & roll mafia don.
Let's not forget Eliza's sudden and mysterious disappearance. Despite the occasional fangirl "sighting" (which I never take seriously) and the one picture from Ashley's bridal shower (where she looked like she was in disguise) the girl seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
I've often wondered just where Mikey got those bootleg Disney videos he got in trouble for selling when he was fifteen. Also, Frank's grandpa's "refrigeration" business?
They do come from Jersey, after all.
^ oh please!
come out and play, quinn.
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