Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bad taste and lack of class all around

Which is worse?

Gerard and Lindsey posing (embarrassingly badly) as JFK and Jackie O, with Gerard looking like, as someone once said "a druggie nodding off in someone's car" and Lindsey looking petulant and bored.... and otherwise totally blank? In an attempt to try to be "edgy" and apparently to sell Gerard's book they pulled this stunt and told people "suck it, it's art". I wonder if they would feel as "edgy" about "art" if it was someone making fun of one of their tragedies? Say someone posing as Gerard's deceased grandmother. (Oh wait, they already exploited that in Helena)...

OR, Frank Iero who always spoke out against hate speech, using the word "n*gga" and defending it. "In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context.[1] Presently, the word n*gga is used more liberally among younger members of all races and ethnicities in the United States, although its use by persons not of African descent is still widely viewed as unacceptable and hostile, even when used without intentional prejudice." Just think of the outcry when Eliza said that word? But you can bet the same people who turned against her will think Frank is just "being funny".

It's a shame because even for a while after Gerard turned into a walking douche bag I still personally thought maybe Frank wasn't one.

Oh well, I guess the whole band is pretty similar.


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Anonymous said...

Eliza met him Nintedo Fusion Fall '04. She was responsible for the green roots (remember he thanked her from stage) and that hideous drop of blood whatever at Warped. I think she put herself in the right place at the right time and Gerard wasn't that hard to get to. From her story her line was, What color are your underwear? or something like that. I can agree that Gerard turned out arrogant, pompous and many other adjectives but he was never as stupid as that MySpace was written. I think she wan't to convince her friends at home in Iowa that she landed him. I don't think they actually got together until Warped, which was right around when the girls that helped her set up her tent ran around to a few forums and told everyone she was his gf because that was the idea they got from her. Still funny how he writes a novel on himself for Lynz but all but talked in circles to never mention her in the least.

Anonymous said...

And, sorry if it's so old news it doesn't matter but remember the Warped diary he wrote for whatever magazine about how he didn't want to leave old GF and their unpainted walls. It just kinda went downhill from there, I guess.

Anonymous said...

If Gerard was drunk, I could see him being that stupid.

Anonymous said...

Also, the girls that told their story to the sites combined with the article on Eliza cutting hair at Warped and how you could get an appt through her MySpace was how people found her. I guess the aren't many Elizas from Iowa.

Anonymous said...

5:01 Sober since Japan was the story.

Anonymous said...

Still funny how he writes a novel on himself for Lynz but all but talked in circles to never mention her in the least.

I think it's funny how Lindsey never mentions him except in passing. When asked how her family was on her twitter, she responded:

@Brerard_ we are awesome! i wake up everyday excited to see my family and everyday its more so. did you just throw up in your mouth? i did.

That almost made me think she was making fun of Gerard and all his "my beautiful wife" comments.

Anonymous said...

5:01 Sober since Japan was the story.

But when was Japan? Wasn't that at the first of 2005? Is that when the myspace entries stopped?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, you're right. Japan was in the summer. But I never really believed he quit cold turkey anyway.

Anonymous said...

"I think it's funny how Lindsey never mentions him except in passing. When asked how her family was on her twitter, she responded:

@Brerard_ we are awesome! i wake up everyday excited to see my family and everyday its more so. did you just throw up in your mouth? i did.

That almost made me think she was making fun of Gerard and all his "my beautiful wife" comments."

Shit. Never thought of it that way. That almost makes me feel bad for him. Is he doing it to reassure himself? Or because she makes him feel like he should? Because that's just mean, lol, either way. Either he really is blindly in love with her or wants people to think he is.

As much as he's made me feel upset and mislead, I do hope that if he genuinely is happy with her then she feels the same. That tweet about her missing msi so bad gave me an uneasy feeling of her up and leaving to go be the backbend girl again and leaving Gerard behind to get over it.

Anonymous said...

Did Eliza really think people wouldn't check Ryan Seacrest's actual twitter page to see if he really did say that?

Here's a thought- maybe she made up that he flirted with her backstage too. It's not like anyone except her and him could verify that, and I don't think Ryan will respond to Eliza anytime soon.

Or even still, maybe she's lying about going further in Idol? With all the faking and lying she's done, I don't know what to believe anymore.

Anonymous said...

See seems to be a devoted mother, so I don't think she would abruptly leave him and the baby. Maybe take Bandit with her, though. Let Chantal and Frances watch her while she's on stage.

Now that's a scary thought.

Anonymous said...

*She seems

Anonymous said...

Lynz didn't even have to make that comment unless to make a point. She could've just said they were all doing great. Way to be subtle Lynz.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lindsey is getting tired of being Gerard's "assistant" in the creation of their child. Seriously, if my husband said he wanted to thank me for helping him create our children after I carried them for nine months I think I'd be half-inclined to throttle him.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought that Lindsey probably fell for Gerard's bullshit just like we did. He probably totally recreated himself in order to be the man of her dreams. Eventually the charade has to wear thin.

I don't think he has a sincere bone in his body.

Anonymous said...

I just hope he sincerely loves his daughter.

Laura said...

I interpreted the RT as a joke Eliza made when Ryan never responded to her tweet, like she was taking the piss and that's why she added the "hahaaha" at the end.


Laura said...

I interpreted the RT as a joke Eliza made when Ryan never responded to her tweet, like she was taking the piss and that's why she added the "hahaaha" at the end.


Laura said...

Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

I interpreted the RT as a joke Eliza made when Ryan never responded to her tweet, like she was taking the piss and that's why she added the "hahaaha" at the end.

That's how I interpreted it too. She didn't actually type Ryan's username in correctly (with capitals) and she used a lowercase r & t. It's obviously meant to be a joke.

Besides, why would Ryan say that Chicago isn't the same without her when she's still in Chicago and he's not?

Anonymous said...

i dont think she knows what RT means. I scroll down and found several of her rt to her friends and i bet she thinks rt is the same as sending messages to someone.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right. I think maybe she thinks it's sending somebody a second message.

Anonymous said...

If she was advancing in Idol, wouldn't she be in LA? Or do they take breaks and go back and forth? IDK how Idol works.

Anonymous said...

"Re-met" suggests they knew each other before and hadn't seen each other in a long time. That theory of her being close with MSI sounds more believable now.

Anonymous said...

*close with MSI for longer than we thought

Anonymous said...

She might have been close to Morningwood instead. They are more popular in the music scene then MSI.

Anonymous said...

Well exactly, I see no reason why she couldn't or wouldn't take the baby with her. I'm not sure how devoted a mother I think she seems though. I'm not saying she's not, but I don't think you can judge someones motherning capabilities by twitter. If you read my twitter you'd be hard pressed to know I even have a kid just coz it's not something I talk about there.

I don't think she comes across as devoted to anything she isn't trying to show off. I'm sure she loves their baby, I just do wonder if she loves being a mother more than she misses 'performing'.

Anonymous said...

And, sorry if it's so old news it doesn't matter but remember the Warped diary he wrote for whatever magazine about how he didn't want to leave old GF and their unpainted walls. It just kinda went downhill from there, I guess

I do not remember this. Link anyone?

Anonymous said...

Different anon here. I don't have the link but was this the thing where he was talking about the cadaver green walls? Who could forget that?

Anonymous said...


Cadavar green? Nooo. Not seen that ):

Anonymous said...

She might have been close to Morningwood instead. They are more popular in the music scene then MSI.

Yes maybe Frances had seen Morningwood in concert before, and got the chance to go backstage etc. So she "re-met" Chantal this time last year. And it seems they have remained in close contact from there on, what with Chantal moving to LA and all.

That means that Chantal never made it to MSI's sweet 16 gig they did for Frances.

And why am I analysing this shit? Fuck knows!

Anonymous said...

Different anon here. I don't have the link but was this the thing where he was talking about the cadaver green walls? Who could forget that?

Yep that's the one.
1.30, I'm sure someone will find it for you. I have no time now.

Also even if Eliza and GW got together at Nintendo Fusion '04. She definitely met him first in '03, before he ever got clean and sober. In the Emma and Paul story she said that he was wasted and smelt really bad! I think she said she could smell him approaching her before she saw him, or something like that. Nice!

I'll try to find that Emma and Paul story later, and the Cadaver green interview one if no one else posts it before.

Anonymous said...

TOC was early 2005. Summersonic/Japan was end of summer 2004.
I think all that was after that was a holiday concert in CA for the year.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right whoever said Eliza doesn't know what a RT is. I think she's using it incorrectly.

Anonymous said...

"That means that Chantal never made it to MSI's sweet 16 gig they did for Frances."

Actually no. They had the party in early September. I read an article about it. There's a picture of Chantal, Gerard with red hair, and Steve and Kitty's significant others at the party.

Laura said...

I thought that pic was from dragoncon?

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's what I was thinking too.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I think that pic was from Dragoncon also. But Frances did have a party on 3rd Sept last year and MSI and their partners were there.

This is from Lucinda's (Steve Righ?'s partner) twitter.

6.09 may be referring to a different pic. The hair color etc would have been the same as it was right after Dragoncon.

Anonymous said...

Wow she's psychic

Anonymous said...

OK re the Emma and Paul thing. I found it and roughly re read it. God it's awful! LOL! Anyway she did meet him for the first time when he was drinking.

Emma stood at the merch area looking over Black Pajama Party t-shirts. At this time the lead singer happened to stumble up. He gave Emma the once over as her heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach. He pointed at one of the shirts and said to her,? You should get that one? I designed it.? Emma's reply was, ? I don't thin I am tough enough for that one.? He said, ? You look like you are?. Get that one in an extra small.? He was piss drunk and very smelly. She didn't get a shirt that night and she most defiantly was not and had never been and extra small, ever. She thought about the small exchange and wondered if she had just been hit on. She hadn't been hit on in a long time.

And 4.46 you were right about the rest of it.

Anonymous said...

I thought she said her first line was 'fancy getting together later to fornicate?'

I am actually serious by the way, I'm not being sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, her first line was something like, "Would you like to go fornicate and have premarital sex?" Which, incidentally mean the same thing, stupid Eliza.

Gerard actually quoted that as being the most memorable come-on line he'd gotten in a magazine article once.

Anonymous said...

God yes, it was:

Hi, my name is Emma?. And I was wondering if you would like to fornicate and engage in premarital sexual relations?? He looked down and chuckled a nervous laugh.


Gerard actually quoted that as being the most memorable come-on line he'd gotten in a magazine article once.

Yes, I remember reading that.

Anonymous said...



Lynn said...

The night before she was to see him for the first time in months he dropped the bomb. Paul told Emma he had a girlfriend and that he never wanted her to think that he had ill intentions towards her. He didn't want to come across as a creep. Hum, she was perplexed, she had always assumed he was gay.

Even Eliza thought he was gay. I think she has a thing for gay guys.

Lynn said...

A crew member asked where Paul was and Emma told him Paul was on the phone with his girlfriend. He laughed and said, "His girlfriend... yea right...

Gerard should of told her he was calling his "girlfriend" from Canada. LOL!

Anonymous said...

"I think she has a thing for gay guys."

you talking about ryan seacrest? LMAO

Anonymous said...

After Lucinda's comment I'm convinced that little miss B was planned all along by Lindsey and Gerard.

Anonymous said...

What comment?

Anonymous said...

Oh you mean this?

Lynn said...

I was talking about Adam Lambert but i guess Ryan Seacrest would fit in that catagory too! LOL!

Lynn said...

Adam Lambert is everyting Gerard isn't. Honest and a good singer. Plus he does his makeup way better than Gerard. ^_~

Laura said...

lol lol lol...

I was reading through some ONTD MCR post and I thought I would share this gem with you:

"People still listen to my chemical romance?

"Why do you listen to Lady Caca? At least MCR don't use autotune and tons of fancy effects in the studio. So ignorant."


Anonymous said...

Anyone who can't tell that TBPID has been overdubbed to hell and back doesn't have a lot of right to be calling someone else ignorant. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Some of the threads on those ONTD posts are a riot.

This one is a favorite. :D

Laura said...

Haha. That spongebob girl is the one who made the comment later on in that post.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of the people on there are just taking the piss and the MCR stans are too naive to realize it. Like the one who said that MCR speaks to her soul. That had to be a joke.

Anonymous said...

What is a stan?

Anonymous said...

From Urban Dictionary

1. Stan

Based on the central character in the Eminem song of the same name, a "stan" is an overzealous maniacal fan for any celebrity or athlete.

Anonymous said...

Or, you could consider it a portmanteau of the words "stalker fan". St an. Stan.

Probably where Eminem got the name from originally.

Anonymous said...

ummm, has anyone seen this?

From Frances's twitter

"@OMGItsKellyAnn- don't use the word slut to describe a woman. its disgusting. cunt, fine. slut, not acceptable."

Anonymous said...

Oh and she wants a sleeve. Could she be any more desperate to be Lindsey?

lazy Siobhan (nsi) said...

From Frances's twitter

"@OMGItsKellyAnn- don't use the word slut to describe a woman. its disgusting. cunt, fine. slut, not acceptable."

This is a fucking joke, right?
Please tell me it is!

Anonymous said...

Silly girl. But the biggest idiot is the she admires; LynZ.

Anonymous said...

^one -- oops

Elegant Decay said...

Um. Wow. maybe someone should twitter her calling her a cunt? I mean, if it's what she prefers...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Frances is alright with people calling women bitches, hos & whores because that's MSI terminology.

Why is she fine with MSI using whores & hos and but isn't okay with slut? It because the first two are being payed and the slut isn't? Are the people fucking for monetary gain more acceptable to her?

Anyway, I think she knows she fucked up - she's deleted it.

Anonymous said...

Neither words are acceptable in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Me niether. I'm just pointing out how moronic she is.

Anonymous said...

Yup, it's gone. That was quick. Things like that make me wonder if she reads here, but then I remind myself how slim the chances of that are. She probably got a lot of backlash on Twitter so she deleted it, but it's suspicious that she deletes it so soon after it's posted here.

Anonymous said...

Yup, it's gone. That was quick. Things like that make me wonder if she reads here, but then I remind myself how slim the chances of that are. She probably got a lot of backlash on Twitter so she deleted it, but it's suspicious that she deletes it so soon after it's posted here.

Who knows how many people read this blog, saw her brainless tweet posted here and then went to Twitter to give her a piece of their minds.
What a stupid piece of shit she is. Kurt would be so proud.
Well, maybe that meth-faced braindead mother of hers uses the word cunt as a term of endearment towards her?

Anonymous said...

I think from now on I'll just refer to Frances as That Cunt. Seeing as how she likes it so much...

Anonymous said...

I just don't know what's going on with female teenagers today?
I mean I have to admit that when I was in my teens I also had a tape of '2 Live Crew' and Ice-T's band 'Bodycount' and they had very sexist lyrics. Well, of course I didn't always understand what they were singing about but I noticed that it was always about having sex with women in one way or another.
The thing is that even back then when somebody - and it didn't matter if that person was male or female - called me a cunt I went up to them and kicked their fucking asses.

I just can't understand why today's girls don't seem to mind?

What is it that makes today's girls and women so eager to degrade themselves and seem to think of themselves as less worth than men?
It's a mystery to me and it scares the shit out of me.
If those girls are our future then our future is doomed!

Anonymous said...

I don't think most young girls feel that way. The girls who make good grades in school and who want to have a future and who don't spend all their time on twitter hoping some asshole rawksta will talk to them would kick your ass if you called them 'cunt'. I think bands like MCR just attract girls with low self-esteem to begin with. Who else would credit a band with 'saving my life'?

A girl with self-esteem doesn't need 'saving.'

Laura said...

I agree. I don't think the MCR fanbase is a great representation of young girls today. I'm still in high school and I would never think it's okay to call someone a cunt or stand for it if someone called me one. There's just something about the fanbase. They claim they stand for things like feminism and push for equality, but in practice, they do the exact opposite. Just like their heroes.

Anonymous said...

There's just something about the fanbase. They claim they stand for things like feminism and push for equality, but in practice, they do the exact opposite. Just like their heroes.

Those kids are confused. They see themselves as rebellious because they wear black and shop at Hot Topic and are 'different from everyone else', but in reality, most of them are kind of the same. They give up one kind of conformity for another. They all have to think alike, dress alike, like the same's a hive-mind kind of thing. I just hope they grow out of it eventually.

Anonymous said...

I'm not only speaking about MCR's fanbase or even American teenagers.
I see it everywhere on the internet. It's disturbing.

resurrected wreck said...

"@OMGItsKellyAnn- don't use the word slut to describe a woman. its disgusting. cunt, fine. slut, not acceptable."

There are no words to describe what I think about this. Was she serious?

resurrected wreck said...

I think bands like MCR just attract girls with low self-esteem to begin with. Who else would credit a band with 'saving my life'?

A girl with self-esteem doesn't need 'saving.'

Good point.

Anonymous said...

Dead blog is dead.

Anonymous said...

It's taking a break :)

Anonymous said...

Clearly September 5, 2009 11:29 AM, you have forgotten the trama of high school.

Being of a hive-mind keeps you out of the spotlight. If you aren't one of the "chosen," who can handle and/or manipulate the position, then drawing attention to yourself will more likely than not, bring torment and pain to you. It is incredibly sad that teen's are like that still. But things won't change until someone with social influence decides to do something about it.

Unfortunately, people that seemed to be interested in making positive change, now seem to be into making matters worse. For exmaple, MCR so deeply associating and emulating MSI. The latter band of which, seems to be only for mocking and devoring EVERY civil right people died to provide for humanity, including a few people are still fighting for (Gay Rights, etc). If these kind of people are Frances' and the fans most powerful (or admired) influence, then what more would you expect from her or them? I would be amazed if any of them can still manage a shred of individual thought.

I hope they find someone better (and actually responsible) to look up to, too. The sooner the better. But given Frances' current situation, if they are the people she most relies on, thinking outside of 'their' box, will probably do little to help her. It's very sad if you think about it from her side.

Anonymous said...

Clearly September 5, 2009 11:29 AM, you have forgotten the trama of high school.

I admit, it's been a long time since I was in high school, but I haven't forgotten it.

I suppose things were different back then or maybe I was just different, but although I wasn't exactly the most popular kid, I had a good group of friends, all of whom were individuals. We didn't look alike nor think alike, nor did we want to. We were good students who knew we had to study and get into college in order to make something of our lives, despite sometimes feeling alienated from our parents and teachers and ignored by the boys we had crushes on.

Although I wasn't best friends with my parents or anything like that, I always knew I could count on them if I had a problem. I never felt like I had to look to a rock band of all places for guidance.

The parents of these kids who are so desperate for role models must be failing miserably. Problem is, their chosen role models are probably even worse.

happyXamp said...

Howdy ladies and germs missed ya all!
First school started up then my internet broke....I was very sad not to be able to talk to you all!

Apparently Frank can't even spell... although i shouldn't be talking

theoldcoot: 08/29/2009 3:04 AM
Don't be pissed. They had a serious pain in the butt making snide remarks, mostly to Frank, for hours yesterday. When he tweeted that I did an @ Franklero search and it sent my blood pressure through the roof.
Doesn't seem to have done much blocking, and he didn't block me for reminding him there ate two t's in shitty. That boy has the makings of a fine curmudgeon. I'm proud of him.

but their talking about the massive blockathon on BN which speaking of which i got blocked for three hours and was then unblocked.

happyXamp said...

awesomedeath: 08/29/2009 10:04 AM
I found Frank´s decision to block assholes perfectly fine, Gerard had to block ppl who offended his loved ones, because they are famous they do not NOT have to take anybody´s shit! Put yourself in their shoes when people critizes you, your wife, your life, your ideas or opinios. Frank and everybody else has the right to do whatever they feel comfortable with!!!

yea......i don't agree with this..

happyXamp said...

venom621: 09/05/2009 12:54 AM
anotherway said:
I just wish people would get a perspective on their Tweets.It saddens me that the pathetic ex-fans (who reside on various Hater sites) spend their time just waiting for the next MCR band-member quote to rip to shreds.What a sad existence some people lead.If someone in a band pissed me off to that extent, TWO YEARS AGO FFS (G @ Pro Rev) I hope to God I wouldnt be sad enough to still be bleating on about it all this time after the event.Its one thing chit-chatting in general to people you like, about a Band you like, on a friendly forum like this...but to spend your life Hating on people that you dont even have to acknowledge is a very sad, pathetic waste of valuable time. One life - spent carping on in Hate. I pity them.

I havent posted in ages. Anyway, what you just said reminds of a certain blogger who's still going strong with the MCR hate. Its pathetic really, that she cant move on.

is that a jab at us, VV, or me?? I leave it to you to decide

Anonymous said...

I don't really care who those fools are jabbing at. All I know is that they're a lunatic stan (Voluptuosity) an "old coot" and a delusional 50-something year old who have taken over a BN forum about a Mall Rat Teenie Band (to the exclusion of most of the other fans - you'll notice nobody really wants to talk to them because, let's face it, they're just weird as fuck) and they have the actual audacity to say that somebody else has a sad existence?

Puh-lease. We're here having fun making fun of MCR. They're the ones taking them so seriously.

Anonymous said...

Its one thing chit-chatting in general to people you like, about a Band you like, on a friendly forum like this...


The GESTAPO of the MCRyans thinks that their forum is a friendly place?

Anonymous said...

Nothing about MCR is friendly anymore. None of the sites, boards or journals are welcoming. You have to watch everything you say because criticism of these guys is just not allowed.

Why would anybody want to belong to any of them? Who likes being told what to do?

Anonymous said...

Why would anybody want to belong to any of them?.

Because they love to bully and have power over others I'd assume.

Who likes being told what to do?.

People who are afraid to think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

From Brian's Twitter:

The new USED rules.

3:24 PM Sep 4th from Twittelator

And looks like Worm said this in response:

@iamjustbrian some of their other stuff was good too just couldnt say it

7:54 AM Sep 5th from web in reply to iamjustbrian

Do you think Gerard refused to let MCR's employees say good things about The Used?

Anonymous said...

Do any of the MCR guys ever tweet with Brian?

Anonymous said...

Do you think Gerard refused to let MCR's employees say good things about The Used?

Absolutely yes I do.

I think Bert (and the rest of The Used) got GW sussed a long time ago. Aside from any personal connection GW and Bert may have had, I think Bert just sussed that he was an egotistical asshole. Maybe he got there first because they were so close, who knows?

Anonymous said...

Do any of the MCR guys ever tweet with Brian?

not that i've seen.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many other people have had a falling out with MCR since the beginning.

So far, Bert's been the only one with the balls to actually talk about it.

I would love to hear Brian's story.

Anonymous said...

Is that stupid shit and attention whore Worm not Geetard's bodyguard (HA!) anymore?
Why is he publically talking to Brian if he allegedly fell out with MCR?
Why can he now say things about The Used which he probably couldn't or wasn't allowed to in the past?

Anonymous said...

Worm's working for some other band right now. And apparently, he's still on friendly terms with both Brian and the members of MCR.

He recently tweeted Lindsey about seeing the baby while he's in LA this month.

He doesn't talk to the MCR guys very often though.

Anonymous said...

Okay, how weird is it that Worm is following Lindsey and Brian, but he's not following any of the MCR guys?

Anonymous said...

Just so you guys know, the fight between mcr and the used doesn't stop there. Apparently members of good charlotte took mcr's side and they once boycotted the used for that.But i guess GC and The used are okay with each other now because a few days ago benji madden tweeted this:

even tho Bert has been slightly discurtious in the past, i will be buying the Used record tomorrow. heard a couple really good trax.

10:20 PM Aug 31st from mobile web

Anonymous said...

So I wonder if Gerard tried anything to derail The Used's career? Nothing would surprise me about him at this point.

Anonymous said...

Mikey seems to suck up to the Maddens but I've never really seen Gerard do that. He only seems to be sucking up to people in the comic book world these days. Or other pseudo-intellectual artsy types like Amanda Palmer. He makes me want to puke.

Sept 5 11:27 PM said...

Exactly September 6, 2009 9:40 AM. We can't blame the kids. We blame the people who are Supposed To Be responsible for them, but aren't. Thus we end up with lost and desperate kids (in a variety of ages) looking for someone to take their parent's place, kids like Frances, kids that become fans of whatever or whomever is available.

I apologize if I offended you or seemed harsh with you 9:40AM, that was not my intention. I work with children. I see it all everyday. Nothing has improved, everything has gotten worse. It would be wonderful if things had stayed they way they were when you were in school. But things really, really are not like that for most kids now. It is amazingly sad and very disturbing. We can only hope they someday find what they need inside themselves.

Anonymous said...

Mall Rat Teenie Band

Sorry, but I just had to laugh at that description.

resurrected wreck said...

but their talking about the massive blockathon on BN which speaking of which i got blocked for three hours and was then unblocked.

Block is the new black.

happyXamp said...

lol RW.

Anonymous said...

This is a better pic of Lindsey's sister Amy.

Anonymous said...

Is that Lynz in that picture and her sister has red hair, or is that her sister? I think I remember her mentioning her sister having tats too, but maybe I just imagined that. If that's her sister and not Lynz, they look scarily similar.

Anonymous said...

No offence Anon, it's scary that people know her last name to be able to find her on FB. I take you heard about it from an MSI/MCR obsessive.

Can't make out if that's Amy and someone else or Lindsey and Amy. It looks more like Lindsey and Chantel then anything. What kind of person would add put a picture of their "celebrity" sister in their FB profile pic? That screams LOOK AT ME!!!! Do you think Amy is jealous of Lindsey's attention and is using her to get some of her own? Or do you think they both have an overwhelming need to gain attention for themsleves? Like a family of attention whores?

Anonymous said...

In my mind, any woman who gets a sleeve of tatts, is definitely drawing attention to themselves.

Anonymous said...

I would say it's rather creepy to be posting Lindsey's sister's FB page, but then, the woman did pose with Lindsey for the profile pic so she must want attention.

She and Lindsey don't look much alike.

Anonymous said...

What made Lindsey think that shirt was a good idea? The print clashes with her sleeve to the point that it makes my head hurt to look at it. Good grief. That's worse than wearing plaid with stripes.

Anonymous said...

It's just a blouse. It's probably the most tasteful thing I've ever seen LynZ in. Who cares if it clashes. It's not trashwear. Good on her for trying.

Anonymous said...

The pic doesn't look very recent

new anon said...

1:41 this the way I see things; she must have an interest in fashion if she went and purchased an YSL, patent leather downtown shopper for herself.

And tattoos do tend to clash with any form of clothing apart from punkish and rockish styles.

Maybe she is proud of her ink. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't want to be pigeonholed in a certain look, but I do take into account everyone is different.

lazy Siobhan (nsi) said...

Well, she really looks ridiculous in that blouse.
You should be aware of the fact that you're not able to wear anything anymore when you're getting multiple colored tattoos.
I had the feeling as if I was looking at one of those 3-D pictures where you have to squint to see that 3-D effect.

happyXamp said...

holy shit that was a busy pattern

Anonymous said...

Speaking for myself, I wouldn't want to be pigeonholed in a certain look, but I do take into account everyone is different.

Well, if Lindsey didn't want to be pigeonholed in a certain look, she should have thought of that before she went and got a brightly colored CHICKEN SLEEVE tattooed on her arm. They call it a sleeve for a reason. It's like permanent clothing.

Just because she decides she wants to wear something different, that damn chicken isn't going away.

She needs to stick to long sleeves if she's going to wear busy prints.

Anonymous said...

It's just a blouse. It's probably the most tasteful thing I've ever seen LynZ in. Who cares if it clashes. It's not trashwear. Good on her for trying.

You're joking, right? Tasteful kind of flew right out the window the day Lindsey decided she wanted a poultry themed arm.

Anonymous said...

So according to Frances' twitter, she now wants to be a graphic novelist?

Anonymous said...

"Well, if Lindsey didn't want to be pigeonholed in a certain look, she should have thought of that before she went and got a brightly colored CHICKEN SLEEVE tattooed on her arm."

she was prolly drunk or high when she got it. not excusing it, just saying.

happyXamp said...

i was told by a tattoo artist that you can't get tattoos drunk or high... I think it had something to do with blood flow

Anonymous said...

So according to Frances' twitter, she now wants to be a graphic novelist?

I think she just wants to be Gerard. Or have a job that would fit in with their "scene".

That shirt - no comment.

aliciawayWhat a successful suprise party tonight. Happy bday @msi and well done @chantalclaret . Hugs to u both!!! Come hang with the piglet soon!

Did anyone else vomit in their mouth? What kind of person wishes a 40 year old pervet a happy birthday?

happyXamp said...

the people who wished the perv a happy bday where also the people who wished Lynz and GW a happy aniversary... apparently she wasn't with him on it? the only way you could seperate me from my spouse on that day would be if he had to travel for work or was in surgery...

happyXamp said...

apparently MCR did a cover of a band called Blur... they did Song 2.. As much as i hate GW i thought it was a good cover. any thoughts??

The cover was for something called Radio 1 live lounge

Anonymous said...

I like the cover of Song 2, although it can't hold a candle to the original.

The band was supposed to do another cover for that show, but they canceled out on them at the last minute because of a disagreement about the cover Gerard wanted to do. If I remember correctly, the host was very angry about it and did a show titled "My Chemical Toilet" that day instead.

I'm not sure about the timeline but I think it was during the period after PR when Gerard thought he was the Second Coming.

Anonymous said...

My Chemical Toilet?

That's what I'll call them from now on.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oops, I signed in the wrong account, lol.

i was told by a tattoo artist that you can't get tattoos drunk or high... I think it had something to do with blood flow

Yeah, usually a tattoo artist will not ink a person who's been drunk because tattooing thins out the blood and causes excessive bleeding.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about the timeline but I think it was during the period after PR when Gerard thought he was the Second Coming.

Yep, correct.

It was a few months after PR when MCR were in the UK. Basically the artists selected to do Live Lounge (on Radio One with Jo Wiley) have a set choice of covers they can choose. Speculation was that GW wanted to do the Desolation Row cover? It was declined because it wasn't on the list and they pulled out because they hadn't prepared for any other songs. Jo Wiley was very disappointed. And I think "My Chemical Toilet" appeared as a result of that.

Jo Wiley had MCR on her show a few years earlier doing Song 2 by Blur. And they were very good. She appeared to be a fan and really liked them.

I think they fucked up by not performing a song from the set list. Or assuming they were big enough not to have to. It is a big honour for bands to do The Live Lounge. They thought they were bigger...but they aren't.

Anonymous said...

oops sorry typo alert...Jo Whiley.

Apologies. I knew it looked wrong!

Anonymous said...

Ray Toro seems to be direct messaging the Urines.

happyXamp said...

twitter must be slow today........JU's bday is a trending topic.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's only a matter of time until the pictures of JU's birthday bash start appearing on twitter and BN. No doubt Gerard and Lindsey will be prominently featured.

I think Frances is in NYC, so she'll me MIA. Oh well. I'm sure they'll find a way to capitalize on Little Miss Rock Royalty's Happy Birthday Wishes, though.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't surprise me if the whole band was there. They appear to be good chums with MSI.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pics of Mr & Mrs Stoopid. Maybe we'll get shots of his hand on her ass this time.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pics of Mr & Mrs Stoopid. Maybe we'll get shots of his hand on her ass this time.

Or maybe they'll switch things up and she'll have her hand on his sock.

Lynn said...

She would probably be better off grabbing his sock. More to hold on to. It's hard to hold on to a flat ass. LOL!

happyXamp said...

am i the only one that finds it odd that their doing the Soundwave tour before touring the US?? most bands do a tour of their home country first i thought..

Anonymous said...

MCR only played maybe 4 shows in the US after TBP came out before taking off for Europe. Then they came back home and played a few more shows here, then went to Japan and Australia before touring most of the US. I remember this because I was really anxious to see the Black Parade Tour, but by the time they finally got around to my part of the country (about 6 months after the release of the record) I was tired of it already.

happyXamp said...

that doesn't make a lot of sense to me to be honest.. I mean other bands don't do that.. promotional appearances maybe.. Cause i undestand that they need to tell other people in other countries.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they do it because they're bigger in the UK than they are here. But then again, maybe they're bigger in the UK than here because they give them first priority.

I do know that they did tons of tour dates here in the US and people in the UK were complaining about it, but what they don't seem to understand is that the UK is tiny compared to the US.

MCR didn't make it to a venue where I could see them until April 2006, and I still would have had to drive 200 miles to see them because that's as close as they got to me. People in England have no idea what that's like.

Anonymous said...

*April 2007

Anonymous said...

I knew people from the UK who got to see them 5 or 6 times before I even got to see them once. The gigs they played in the US in 2006 were in very large cities. The south and midwest were pretty much screwed because that's the last place they came.

Not that I care anymore...

Anonymous said...

Frances wants to be a graphic novelist? Well, I'm sure Dark Horse will give her a job.

Pete Wentz has a comic. Gerard Way has a comic. It's only a matter of time before Lindsey is doing the Banana Man comic. Who else, I wonder. The Maddens? Lindsay Lohan? Oh, I know. RPattz and KStew. Maybe the people on Gossip Girl.

Soon the whole comic book industry will be full of celeb comics and comics will probably suck as bad as TV does these days.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is up in arms about Disney buying Marvel. Maybe it's just a sign of things to come.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean there's going to be a JoBros comic? Hannah Montana? High School Musical?

It's probably going to turn into a status symbol. Celebrities with comics. Celebrity kids with comics.

Rumer Willis will have a comic. Blanket Jackson will have a comic. Hell, even Suri Cruise will probably have a comic.

Anonymous said...

They'll have American Idol, the Comic Book Edition. They'll have draw-offs. Competitions to see who can come up with the quirkiest rip-off of Doom Patrol and X-Men. The winner will receive an internship with Dark Horse to help Geetard work on Umbrella Academy.

Anonymous said...

"Gerald Who?"

Anonymous said...

"Gerald Who?"

You know, the guy who inspired Kurt Cobain's kid to become a graphic novelist. Gerald Wave or something like that.

He used to be in some obscure-ass rock band, but now he's a consultant for comic-book based Reality TV shows.

Anonymous said...

I for one can't wait to see what Mr. & Mrs. Stoopid have planned for the picture from Mr. Piss's birthday bash. Their pathetic attempts to shock and create internet buzz always amaze me.

Let's see...

They can't do the Ronald McDonald hair (already been done), they can't exploit Frances (everybody already knows their buds with Kurt's kid and she's in NY), Gerard can't get married (he already is) and surely Lindsey isn't pregnant again already. They've already pulled the hand on the boob. Gerard's kind of big on hair, but he's already cut it and bleached it...maybe he will make good on the threat to shave his head, but then what will he do when the record comes out?

Let's just hope there are no naked pictures.

Anonymous said...

*they're buds with Kurt's kid.

Anonymous said...

but then what will he do when the record comes out?

Sex tape.

Anonymous said...

and surely Lindsey isn't pregnant again already.

Maybe she is. Didn't he mention something about six kids?

Anonymous said...

The only thing I've ever seen Gerard say about having kids is that he didn't really want one until he met Lindsey and then he knew she was the only person he could have a kid with. Even then he didn't say he wanted one.

I think the six kids thing is something somebody made up. Besides, I don't think Lindsey is a six kids kind of woman. She's too old for that at this point. She'd have to have, like, one a year and that would totally fuck up her figure. She seems too vain for that to me.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny about Worm replying to Brian about not being able to say anything about The Used or I guess at least anything good. I can actually picture everyone having to walk on eggshells so as not to upset Gerard.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that'll rile the MCR fangirls that follow the both of them. Isn't it a MCRy rule to hate The Used. I'd like to hear both of their honest opinions on MCR's music.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ray Toro seems to be direct messaging the Urines.

September 7, 2009 2:21 PM

Being a novice on Twitter, how do you know that?

Anonymous said...

This is My Chemical Toilet's new music video.
Gerard's dancing style is fierce, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Aha, the Mindless Chemicals romancey dancey. Very hxc.

Lynn said...

LOL Siobhan!!! I could see Gerard doing that dance and loving it. Frank, Ray and Bob not so much! I think no matter how punk and badass Gerard thinks he is, you can't take the "broadway" out of him. HaHaHaHa!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering that too 1:55.

Lynn said...

Anonymous said...
Ray Toro seems to be direct messaging the Urines.

September 7, 2009 2:21 PM

Being a novice on Twitter, how do you know that?

I know nothing about twitter but if Ray twittered Jimmy happy birthday, wouldn't it show up on Ray's twitter? Feel free to shoot me if i'm wrong :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, by "direct message" I thought you meant privately messaging him, which is why I was confused. No worries.

Anonymous said...

I can actually picture everyone having to walk on eggshells so as not to upset Gerard.

What a prima donna.

Anonymous said...

I think they're in for a huge wake-up call when they see what's left of their fans for the new record. I know buzznet would give the whole "They don't need fans like you" argument, but really, they do if they want to make a living. I don't think it will be as big as they've seen in the past. Gerard may be able to profit from his comic goings on but many fans of that are from the band. I just get the feeling it will be a whole new world when they get back out. It will be interesting to see what happens anyhow.

Anonymous said...

I really do think MCR is trying to weed out their fanbase. I think they want rid themselves of the embarrassing teenies. At the same time, they seem to have it in their heads that they're this big band who can fill stadiums and command huge fees for shows. I don't think they understand that without the teenies they'll be starting over from scratch. The new record is probably going to see them filling smaller venues that the Black Parade and Revenge tours.

They might even have to swallow their pride and open for some big acts like FOB and Paramore have done.

I don't see Gerard doing that though. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. I'm afraid at the rate that fans are jumping ship (and no new ones are signing on) there's not going to be any cake left for the poor bastard.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Proofread fail. :(

I think they want *to rid themselves of the embarrassing teenies.

The new record is probably going to see them filling smaller venues *than the Black Parade and Revenge tours.

Anonymous said...

I know the record company can demand whatever they want but what big band will want them? I think Green Day tolerated them and I think Linkin Park was embarrassed by them. Who would willingly put themselves in the spot to be the next poor suckers to make nice in front of the press and smile through a whole tour of that?

Anonymous said...

They're burning bridges all along the way and they either don't realize it or don't care. They probably think that they are still the shit and are able to wrap everyone around their finger.
When you use their appearances at the MTV VMAs as an indicator for their success in the music business it all went down after 'Revenge'.
With Revenge they performed in the main show and were even nominated for MTV awards and with TBP they performed before the show began and weren't nominated the year after.
I'm wondering if there will be a surprise performance of them at this year's VMAs to create a stir about their new album?

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if there will be a surprise performance of them at this year's VMAs to create a stir about their new album?

I doubt it. MTV knows a sinking ship when they see it. They probably also saw that horrible disgrace that was the EMA performance of Teenagers that made everyone's ears bleed.

Anonymous said...

is there still video up of teenagers at the ema awards? i could use a good laugh, especially remembering how the tard said they just came there to put on a 'good show'. lol.

worst live performance ever.

Anonymous said...

When they were at the VMAs for TBP it was just out and Warner was trying to make it out to be the next big thing. I think it fell far short of expectations and all the videos after TPB weren't much to speak of. I don't even see what they have left to build upon to create any sort of buzz for a new album.

Anonymous said...

I can't say what it is that has made many people so bitter about this band but it sure seems like they have a lot of folks that won't mind watching them fall on their face.

Anonymous said...

MCR convinced a lot of people that a group of guys could be in a rock band and still remain good, decent people. They gave young girls hope that there were actually good guys out there, not just in music, but in the world in general.

When they showed their true colors it was more than just betrayal by some guys in a rock band. I think they took away a lot of innocence and the belief that the world could be a good place.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody ever ask Gerard what happened to the other two singles he said were going to come off of TBP and why they didn't let him make and direct a video for Mama?

I thought it was really weird how he said that was going to happen in a couple of interviews and then it just never materialized.

Anonymous said...

Gerard has a habit of talking out of his ass. I would not believe anything he says.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, is Gerard (or any of the band members) racist? I've heard that for quite some time but was just too afraid to ask.

Anonymous said...

Other than Frank's n*gga remark on twitter, I've never seen any indication that the members of MCR are racist.

I think people think MSI are racists, and therefore that MCR is racist by association, but I don't really think that holds up.

As much as I hate MSI, I just think they enjoy being offensive, much the same way that 12 year old boys do. It's more about immaturity than racism with them, which I suppose makes MCR immature by association.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:58. That's basically what I think about them, I was just never able to put it into words. That, and everyone here will deny MSI are anything but racist. Seems kind of like BN at times.

I bet now the band wishes they would have accepted the Twilight deal.

Word on the street is that Desolation Row is nominated for a VMA. There was a post on chemicalromance about it but I could count the number of responses on two hands.

Anonymous said...

happyXamp said...

Nicole Richie had her baby.. it was a boy. James Sparrow Midnight Madden according to Perez

Anonymous said...

Desolation Row didn't get nominated for a VMA, it was nominated for a Scream Award for best song from a horror/sci-fi/fantasy film.

I'm thinking Paramore's Decode will win it because it's from Twilight.

happyXamp said...

shouldn't be nominated for anything

Anonymous said...

shouldn't be nominated for anything

I agree, but it's the Scream Awards (lol) and they had to nominate the only original recording from the Watchmen Soundtrack because it's Watchmen.

I still don't think it will win because even the fanboys who loved Watchmen didn't love DR. Comic and Sci-Fi fanboys will probably vote for New Divide by Linkin Park from Transformers and all the Twitards will come out to vote for Decode.

Besides, it's Spike TV. Ew.

happyXamp said...

i don't have it so it doesn't matter... My parents don't believe in cable and that kind of crap

Anonymous said...

like they deny it's existence?

happyXamp said...

No my parents beleive that there's to much trash tv on it

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Gerard will be a presenter at the Scream Awards this year. I still get a laugh out of those pictures of him with his pants tucked into his boots. He looked so ridiculous.

I also wonder how Watchmen will do. Last year they made such a big deal out of it but critics hated it and it didn't do nearly as well at the box office as expected.

But, this is Spike TV and The Scream Awards, so Watchmen could do well. Star Trek was a lot better though.

Anonymous said...

No my parents beleive that there's to much trash tv on it

Lol, they're right. Like, for example, The Spike TV Scream Awards.

Anonymous said...

Spike TV, home of low brow male targeted shows about cars and tits. Gerard must love it.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be kind of funny if DR wins a Scream Award.

No VMAs or Grammys for you, MCR. But you can have a Kerrang Award or two and a Spike TV award. LULZ.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be kind of funny if DR wins a Scream Award.

Well if it does, it's only because the MCR fangirls voted for it. Something tells me the guys who watch Spike TV aren't that keen on voting for that goofy looking guy who wore his pants tucked into his boots with a three piece suit to the awards last year. In fact, he probably scared the hell out of them.

Anonymous said...

About MCR being racist:

I remember reading a post on a fansite a few months ago where the writer said about Eliza claimed that Gerard doesn't like black and Asian people.Unfortunately for Eliza, the words get out among their circle which may be the reason why Gerard broke up with her. IDK if its true or not, but for some reason there are a few evidences that support that.

# 1 : First, there's a few pictures of Gerard during revenge era where he was talking to 3 black guys. Someone said there's something weird with the guys since they were dressed up in a fangirlish way - black mcr t shirt, eye make up, holding signs and all, unlike what other guys did when they attend a concert. And for some reason the pictures look like a publicity stint to support MCR's "anti racism" propaganda.

# 2: I know a concert promoter who said that MCR caused a little bit of problem during Taste Of Chaos in 2005 when one of the band member got pretty drunk and said something racist to Howard Jones of Killswitch Engage. Funny thing is I found two more posts related to this on the internet a few years back (one on yahoo answers and the other on a fansite). As I was still a fan of MCR at that time, I try to defend MCR by saying he could've been mistaken but weird thing is Frank left the tour due to "illness" and was replaced throughout the tour.I'm not saying Frank did that, but at this point, I just don't know what to believe anymore.

# 3: Then came another "against racism" publicity stint in Vietnam.MCR was the first American band that played in Vietnam since the war in the 70s, and as part of their tour, they have to walk around the country's capital while being photographed by local journalists.Naive fans said those pictures prove that MCR is like an ambassador of peace or something. *barfs* But little did they know that mcr was guarded by bodyguards and government agents (yes, agents) during that little city tour they did. Dya think they want to walk around a foreign asian city on their own? I checked with fans from other Asian countries, and except for fans from Japan, everyone said that MCR doesn't even go out to meet them, and in some countries like Indonesia they don't even have a signing - all for "security reasons".

well, sorry for my long rant, but when someone said about mcr being racist, some old rumors kinda came back to me. And now i guess they're not so much of a rumor anymore. :(

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Gerard will be a presenter at the Scream Awards this year. I still get a laugh out of those pictures of him with his pants tucked into his boots. He looked so ridiculous.

I bet he thought he was the shit when he came up to the show wearing that outfit until someone mistaken him for a waiter.I guessed it must've embarassed him to the bone since he stops wearing any kind of power suit after that.

Anonymous said...

I think it was Lyn-z's idea to dress him up like that. Is it just me but does anyone else noticed that since he met her, he took a dive with his image - he wore that Hawaiian shirt she bought for him everywhere, wearing buttons with her face on it, red hair, jeans torn way too near to his dick,etc..

7.03 said...

*when he came to the show

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine moved here from NJ and she told me that there was a lot of racism against blacks there, particularly in areas where there are few blacks (like Belleville, where MCR are from).

Whether or not this affected the guys from MCR we have no way of knowing, but after everything else, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that they're a bunch of racists.

Anonymous said...

Back when the band first started out, Gerard didn't seem to care all that much about his appearance until the band started wearing the suits during the Helena era. But he never looked as ragged or rough as he does now. Maybe he just doesn't care about his appearance now that he's married. A lot of guys do that.

Anonymous said...

NJ is pretty famous for being one of the most racist state in the US anyway.Must be related to the redneck mentality of those white trash.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised if MCR is racist to begin with. They're from Jersey after all. I have a black friend who loves "white people music" like Coldplay, Green Day and stuff, but he hates MCR simply because they came from Jersey.

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