Monday, January 16, 2012

Men who "learn" not to degrade women

I found this quote from an anon commenter on the last post and I thought it was relevant.

What do you guys think of Jay-Z's recent announcement?

Jay-Z has vowed to never use derogatory terms for women in his music again following the birth of his daughter, Blue Ivy Carter.

The rapper, who welcomed his first child with wife Beyoncé last weekend, has stated in a poem to celebrate the birth of baby Blue Ivy that he will drop the use of 'b*tch' - revealing that his degradation of women in his songs "has passed."

"Before I got in the game, made a change, and got rich/ I didn't think hard about using the word b*tch/ I rapped, I flipped it, I sold it, I lived it/ Now with my daughter in this world I curse those that give it. I never realized while on the fast track that I’d give riddance to the word bitch, to leave her innocence in tact."

The hip-hop icon continued:

"No man will degrade her, or call her name. I'm so focused on your future, the degradation has passed. I wish you wealth, health and insight. Forever young you may pass. Blue Ivy Carter, my angel."

I personally think of this as a start, but only that. He still has a lot of work to do. We see this with men a lot. They have a daughter and all of a sudden they don't like to see women degraded. There are two problems I see with this immediately.

One: Didn't his wife count as a woman who shouldn't be degraded? Or wasn't she "innocent" enough? He seemed to think it was all right for "non-innocent" women to be degraded.

And OK fine, it is good that he can see it from a different perspective now that he has a daughter and maybe he will extend this feeling to all women. I hope so. I hope he can continue to learn.

But the second problem is that it is still about HIM. It took him personally experiencing the feeling of "this is too close to me now and I don't want it to happen" in order for him to change.

Or as another anonymous commenter said on this blog,

I don't understand, Why does something dramatic have to happen in someone's life before they decide "Oh, yeah I gotta stop being this way because I don't want some one to mess with mine in the future."

Men should respect women not because the disrespect upsets men, but because it oppresses women. At least that is what I believe in cases like that.

However I still want to say that it is a good start and in my own opinion, if he continues to learn more about oppression and misogyny, then maybe he will come to realize this. I have hope.

We didn't hear a word like this from Gerard Way, Lindsey Way, or Frank Iero when they had daughters. Not one of them came forward and said "I never thought about how women were treated until I had a daughter, now I think I'll stop degrading them." So also in my opinion, Jay-Z is way ahead of them. MSI and MCR are still in the dark ages.

Also, I wish all of you a happy and healthy new year and the best of luck in 2012.


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Anonymous said...

At the moment I cannot differentiate between those who hold political power and those who hold financial/ corporate power.


At this point in time, a Neuromancer type future where multinational corporations interests supersede the government and the judiciary is not that unbelievable. It's also profoundly scary.

Anonymous said...

That I believe 6:28.

Anonymous said...

I somehow doubt he's that thick 6:39. I just don't he's so "caring" and "nice".

Anonymous said...

^don't think

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

It's weird, so much of what Gibson wrote about (warned about, in some ways,) is coming true. Neuromancer,"cyberspace" (his term) and Idoru, too, which you now have in the Vocaloids (and before them, Gorillaz.)

Part of the reason I loved Pattern Recognition so much was because I was in an extremely similar situation!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That's right Kapunua! What makes Gibson so fascinating as an author is his ability to see a pattern or trend well before it's actually cemented or apparent.

Anonymous said...

Even if he writes it within a fictional context.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps some of those rock star idolizers should read Idoru. Might make them question what is real and what is fantasy.

Anonymous said...

"But the things that bother Rez are not the things that bother most people. Is something different here, in the very nature of reality? Or is it that something violently new is about to happen? It's possible the idoru is as real as she wants or needs to be--or as real as Rez desires."

- William Gibson

Anonymous said...

But Mayo wrote/writes really well. Whoever that person is, they are a writer/poet or something of that ilk. Be it either amateur or semi professional

If you ask me they're a bit of a whinger.

I don't like this Mayo person at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Mayo either. He deliberately set about to fool people, most of whom were extremely worried about Gerard at the time. Later, when it became obvious that the blog was turning into a very unhealthy place, and that many of the women who visited there were developing potentially harmful obsessions with it (and him), he should have set the record straight. At the very least he should have tried to stop some of the vitriol and downright cruelty that went on there.

But no, he couldn't give up the adulation. I think Mayo is a narcissistic creep.

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't have thought Mayo was such a creep if you had been part of it.

Anonymous said...

Mayo cares about the Lovelies who were and are still loyal to him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Loyal to him?

Do you have any idea how crazy that makes you sound? It's like listening to one of those religious fundamentalist crazies. You might as well have capitalized the H in him. :/

Are you for real or are you just trolling?

Anonymous said...

People like 7:42 make me concerned.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Mayo either. He deliberately set about to fool people, most of whom were extremely worried about Gerard at the time.

Exactly, in my opinion he was playing one big mind game and still is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hate the term "lovelies". I think it's demeaning and smacks of condescension.

Anonymous said...

It may sound demeaning, condescending and all kinds of negative, but he never said it like that to any of them. And not to sound like a nutter, but if you weren't there it's not right of you to imply you know better than people who were. Even Kapunua speaks more politely of Mayo. Given how her opinion is generally taken around here, I would think her regard for Mayo would mean something. Mayo wasn't perfect. He wasn't even nice sometimes. But whomever that blogger was, he did behave like he cared about people for the most part. And people cared about him. No matter what happened between others, or what Mayo did or didn't do to help that along, rock star or plumber, there seemed to be genuine care between Mayo and his "Lovelies". It wasn't always ugly. That came later.

Anonymous said...

Believe what you want 11:14, we are speaking amongst ourselves and some of us don't see it the way you do.

Anonymous said...

I still consider the term demeaning.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "ourselves"? This blog is supposed to be open to anyone who wants to comment. I followed Mayo's for some time. Why am I not allowed to share my take on things too? Talk about condescending, 11:57. I wasn't trying to start anything. No need to be so defensive. Forget it.

Anonymous said...

It means that we were speaking amongst ourselves with our owns thoughts and opinions until you came here with your but if you weren't there it's not right of you to imply you know better than people who were So what does that mean? We can't have our own opinions?? You think that just because you participated in the blog you hold the definitive answer to what the blog owner meant?

Anonymous said...

No one suggested at any time you couldn't participate on this blog and post your own opinion, which you have.

Just don't expect it to be the only opinion about the subject.

Anonymous said...

Even Kapunua speaks more politely of Mayo.

Kap was treated very badly there!

Anonymous said...

Do you have any idea how crazy that makes you sound? It's like listening to one of those religious fundamentalist crazies. You might as well have capitalized the H in him. :/

He must be their Great Kahuna.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

Mayo's wasn't always Creep Central; it used to be fun, like a game. I said quite a few times that I wouldn't have talked to Mayo if I thought it was Gerard, because I didn't want to be talking to him. But I did (and do) think it was someone involved. Not that it mattered.

Mayo was nice to me when other people were being cruel, and that always counts for something to me. I'm easy. It's why I gave Frank Iero so many chances: because he was personally nice to me both times when I met him. That goes a loooong way with me and can blind me to other flaws. Like JGL. He was so much sweeter to me than he had to be, he went out of his way to spare me a few minutes, to act friendly, and he remembered my name from Hitrecord and some of the work I did for him. If he started saying racist / misogynistic things, I'd feel extra disappointed. That's just how it is.

And that's part of why I thought Mayo was okay - because he was nice to me when I was having a rough time, and when a lot of the crazies there were being cruel and outright sociopathic towards me.

That said, it is LONG past over. I had always hoped that Mayo's would last maybe a year or two, and then he'd say, "Okay, here's who I am, nice knowing you." I really thought there would be an endgame, you know? Like in Clue.

But now I think he's just never going to give it up, and I really have to wonder why.

(Although, all the comments are filled there, so maybe it is over. Still, a "anyway, this is who I am" post would have been nice.)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kapunua, I know Mayo was kind to you when your dog died and that he often spoke to you and sometimes changed his profile in reference to things you said. Later on, though, when the other posters (I won't call them "lovelies" because their behavior was anything but) got really nasty with you (and others), he did absolutely nothing to try and put a stop to it. I felt that he was attempting to be "above it all" in order to seem more Gerard-like. I also felt he should have stepped in and said, "Hey, you guys are acting like assholes."

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

I think the reason Mayo went away is because of the way Kapunua and her friends were treated. I think he got disgusted with the so-called lovelies, but he didn't want to say it.

Anonymous said...

I felt that he was attempting to be "above it all" in order to seem more Gerard-like

"Gerard-like." LOL!

Anonymous said...

In the end everyone got nasty.

Anonymous said...

The nastiness wasn't the point. We were talking about the term "Lovelies." Let's not give the past any more attention than it deserves. A new subject to discuss would be welcome.

Anonymous said...

It was the point 8:25, and it was very sad that it degenerated that way.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I still consider the term "lovelies" demeaning.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

I also felt he should have stepped in and said, "Hey, you guys are acting like assholes."

What do you think?

I semi agree with that, but OTOH no one really said anything, ever - or not much, anyway. And they weren't really obliged to, either. I think a lot of people were thinking "ignore it and they'll stop."

Anonymous said...

It never happened on this blog and the few times someone started people have stepped in and stopped it.

Anonymous said...

We were talking about the term "Lovelies."

The term gives me the impression of someone wanting to pat you on the head like you're some puppy dog.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how anyone with a strong self esteem would find the term flattering.

Anonymous said...

Kapunua I remember you liked J rock have you heard any K pop? The online station I listen to plays it all the time. The boys in those bands are so well dressed and sooo pretty! Their music is not bad either, especially some of house type mixes which they seem to do well.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where isVv?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw a book today called "How to Kill a Rockstar". The characters are Eliza and Paul which reminded me of 'Emma' and 'Paul'. OT as can be but it was funny while skimming through it.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

1:53, I haven't, but I keep hearing from some of my friends how K Rock is really, really good lately. SO maybe I'll give it a whirl!

Anonymous said...

you're my heart
heart breaker

you're my heart
heart breaker

no way

no way

Lynn said...

I don't like Mayo either. He deliberately set about to fool people, most of whom were extremely worried about Gerard at the time.

Mayo is probably the reason why my tax refund is delayed! Damn you Mayo! Is anyone else having trouble getting their refund on time?

kapunua said...

666! ^_^

Anonymous said...

I just tried to like that comment, I think I've been on FB too much.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

I do the same thing. It's kind of scary sometimes; I almost forget how to express myself. In real life now, when something pleases me I'm like, "LIKE. LIKE." :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like Mayo either. He deliberately set about to fool people, most of whom were extremely worried about Gerard at the time.

Mayo is probably the reason why my tax refund is delayed! Damn you Mayo! Is anyone else having trouble getting their refund on time?

Fools people and delays tax returns? He must be really dangerous.

I wouldn't mess with him ^_~

Anonymous said...

Don't blame Mayo. Blame Obama. Everything else is his fault.

Anonymous said...

i'm only commenting because i can only see 200 comments

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So is Mayo's really over?

Anonymous said...

Mayo went away because certain people couldn't admit when they were wrong. He took up for both sides on more the one occasion. He took up for the side most you consider the wrong side more than he did the side you considered to be right. Only, you didn't notice it.

Mayo didn't like cruelty. He didn't like Kapuna's cruelty to her sisters.

Anonymous said...

Mayo took up for fairness. One size fits all. The goose and the gander. No double standards.
That was my quote at Mayo's early on. I'm glad Mayo and SS both liked it so much. It's still where I stand. I believe it's still where they stand too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy @ 1:24 & 1:27 ^_~

Anonymous said...

Mayo was also smart enough to see through the embellishments and lies. He was mature enough not to be manipulated by them. He recognized the biggest bully in the schoolyard. No matter how many times that bully went crying to teacher about all the other kids being mean to her. He saw that the other kids where only pushing back after being pushed one too many times by the know it all bully.

It was then that he washed his hands of the bully and let her go cry to other teachers who weren't paying attention to what was happening on the playground. Mayo still has his job. The others were fired. The bully expelled.

Anonymous said...

I'm not Wendy or Mya though I know you would love to think so 1:35?

Who are you? Care to tell us that while you are accusing others?

Should I name names of who I think you might be? I know who you're not.

Anonymous said...

I'm not MJ, Amy an OP or any of the other usual suspects either.

Anonymous said...

It must be Jessika.

Anonymous said...

Hi FimbleStar @ 1:45. Those classes are paying off.

Anonymous said...

Fimble couldn't spell Wnedy's name right if her life depended on it. That's probably one of the terrible twosome.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

So is Mayo's really over?

Nope. Just on hiatus while he vacations in the South for the winter.

Anonymous said...

What a load of baloney 1:43.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If we're being totally fair... Mya actually is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Wise Man #1: We were led by a star.

Brian's mother: Led by a bottle, more like.

Anonymous said...

Would that be Mya or Mayo? or both?

Anonymous said...

So, one of the last things Mayo changed his profile to related to a comment Kapunua made about a William Gibson novel. I never saw him speak to Wendy, Amy, the OPs, or Mya, but he spoke to Kapunua often. Unless, of course, you're talking about the Anon comments that certain people were so sure was Mayo. Lol.

Cracks me up when the not-so-lovelies try to rewrite things to suit themselves.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about who Mayo talked to and who he/she didn't? It's not as if it matters one tiny bit.

"Oh, a big faker talked more to somebody else than he did to me. Wah."

"He liked me more!"

"No, he liked me more!"

JFC, what a bunch of sad, pathetic bitches.

Anonymous said...

I know, it's so silly to be so concerned about what an anonymous blogger may or may not think about you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some of these people still think Mayo is their favorite rockstar. LMAO.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

It is silly to care who likes who. I always thought so. Is it nice to be liked? Sure it is! Is it worth what people did over there? I mean, really?

Never. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hi FimbleStar @ 1:45. Those classes are paying off

Still getting pissy because Frank doesn't talk to you OP?

Anonymous said...

It is silly to care who likes who. I always thought so. Is it nice to be liked? Sure it is! Is it worth what people did over there? I mean, really?

I get the impression that these people feel validated by the idea of an imaginary rockstar favoring them.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

ANYway. It looks like that blog is done with, thankfully. So that's all in the past now. :)

kapunua said...

Y'all, today would have been my Dad's birthday. If you have a Tumblr (or even if you don't!) please have a listen to him singing My Way. If I could get lots of listens on this, that would be so awesome. What better way to honor my Dad than to share his music? :)

And it's awesome. I promise the end will give you chills!

MissTottenham said...

Hiya guys, how are you all?

That said, it is LONG past over. I had always hoped that Mayo's would last maybe a year or two, and then he'd say, "Okay, here's who I am, nice knowing you." I really thought there would be an endgame, you know? Like in Clue.

But now I think he's just never going to give it up, and I really have to wonder why.

(Although, all the comments are filled there, so maybe it is over. Still, a "anyway, this is who I am" post would have been nice.)

I know what you mean K, I think it kind of feels a bit wrong not having a definite ending. Like the unveiling at the end of Agatha Christie whodunnits.

Thanks K for sharing the link to your dad singing. What a voice, the high note at the end sends a shiver down your spine in a good way. Amazing.

Pixie said...

So MSI are giving tickets away to all their shows. You would have to pay me to go to one of them!

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

Thank you so much, Misty! :) I'm glad you listened and enjoyed it. ^_^ That's the best.

INORITE? An actual ending to that crazy saga would have been nice. Instead of just a sad little fizzle and no answers.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Miss T how are you going?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

INORITE? An actual ending to that crazy saga would have been nice. Instead of just a sad little fizzle and no answers

Oh well I don't think it's that important anymore, you know who it's not.

kapunua said...

I always knew who it wasn't. It's not like a "well if it's not him, then it doesn't matter!" deal. That's fangirl talk right there. A real identity would have been nice.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MSI are giving away tickets to their shows? Why am I not surprised.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I always knew who it wasn't. It's not like a "well if it's not him, then it doesn't matter!" deal. That's fangirl talk right there. A real identity would have been nice

Do you honestly think that anyone connected to them would come out and say who they are? Don't think so.

Anonymous said...

I always knew who it wasn't. It's not like a "well if it's not him, then it doesn't matter!" deal. That's fangirl talk right there. A real identity would have been nice

It doesn't matter who the blogger owner is. What matters is how people treated each other there, and in my opinion it appeared at times like a viper pit.

Anonymous said...

I would much rather be hurt with the truth than be placated by a falsity.

Siobhan said...

Isn't it hilarious to find out that Chantal Claret has a tumblr and reblogged a post about Chris Brown.
Of course, it is always easy to speak out against a woman beater who you're not friends/acquaintances with but if a man from your own circle of friends/acquaintances is threatening a woman to beat her to death it is a totally different thing. #lolgetoveritbitchitsonlyajoke

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows it's okay to threaten to kill a woman when the motivation is defending the honor of your skank racist wife!

Anonymous said...

So MSI are giving away tickets? LMAO. I bet Jessicka is going to get one.

Pixie said...

I think ChantalClaret is supporting MSI, nothing like keeping it in the family....

Anonymous said...

Jessicka will be at the LA show. A bunch of racists partying together.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Gerard can attend, get drunk and threaten to hit girls while calling them 'cunts'.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

Isn't it hilarious to find out that Chantal Claret has a tumblr and reblogged a post about Chris Brown.
Of course, it is always easy to speak out against a woman beater who you're not friends/acquaintances with but if a man from your own circle of friends/acquaintances is threatening a woman to beat her to death it is a totally different thing.

Their hypocrisy is overwhelming. It's pure hipster racism / sexism. "IT'S ONLY OKAY WHEN I DO IT."

kapunua said...

Do you happen to have a link to that numbnuts' tumblr? I'd actually like to say something about that.

Anonymous said...

Well 'Chanty' seems to be fine with her husband and his band's racism so I guess she's fine with excusing the white guy's misogyny but attacking the black man.

Siobhan said...


I will be posting about this hypocrisy, too.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

Awesome, thanks. Just made a post.

Anonymous said...

Please stop trying to shut down Mayo's. You have your place of hate, let us have our place of love. Stop it. Truce.

Anonymous said...

Um, excuse me, but how are we at this blog in any way, shape, or form involved in "shutting down" Mayo's? The last time I looked, Mayo himself/herself had stopped posting blogs, so shouldn't you be blaming him/her?

Get a grip, won't you?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You have your place of hate, let us have our place of love. Stop it. Truce.

Yeah, Mayo's is full of love and geese and rainbows. Kumbaya.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Mayo's is full of love and geese and rainbows. Kumbaya.

I love this comment. ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Go home.

Anonymous said...

who you talking to?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...!/Jessicka/status/173981270928408576

Where are all my lady boy friends? Tweet tweet!

I seem to remember MCR getting into some trouble for using that term. That is NOT okay to throw about, just as a racial slur is NOT okay to use. Jesus Christ, these people!

Anonymous said...

Even Gerard agreed it was offensive (back before he started calling people 'cunts'). I guess we now have proof that Jessiska is a bigoted idiot, like her racist chum. Can you imagine if she'd tweeted "all my N*ggas!"? What makes it okay to use 'Ladyboy', when she clearly isn't one? Fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

A sociopath sees the world on his or her own terms, as a place of high drama, thrills & willing enablers. Maturity lifts the veil of BS.

So now being offended by trashy racist and misogynist scum like Lindsey is 'high drama'. I didn't know we weren't allowed to be offended by people threatening to hit us and calling us sexist slurs? If we are, we're being 'dramatic'. And to be mature, I guess you have to take slurs being thrown at you, and threats being made? And racial slurs too? And jokes about thousands of dead Japanese people? Huh, okay.

Go back to sucking Gerard and his wife's ass, Jessicka.

Anonymous said...

She's such a fucking idiot. Maybe the use of hateful phrases is rubbing off on her from the Racist Bassist.

Anonymous said...

Ten bucks she plays the 'But I'm an equal rights advocate so I can use it because some of my best friends call themselves it!!!!11!' as her excuse.

Anonymous said...

She needs to apologize and not use it again.

Anonymous said...

Why does Otto West spring to mind when someone mentions her?

Anonymous said...

Didn't you guys know? She's an ~artist, so she can use whatever slurs and hateful terms she wants! Just like her 'panty shot' friend.

Anonymous said...

These people aren't going to change who they are, or stop behaving as they have because a blog full of people are opposed and keep saying as much. All this seems to be accomplishing is giving these people the attention they seem to want.

Anonymous said...

What is with the comments now???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Someone appears to have a perfunctory understanding of sociopathic behavior imo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

China's 1 one child policy.

Some examples of the more offensive slogans currently in use include:

"If you don't receive the tubal ligation surgery by the deadline, your house will be demolished!"

"We would rather scrape your womb than allow you to have a second child!"

"Kill all your family members if you don't follow the rule!"


"Once you get captured, an immediate tubal ligation will be done; Should you escape, we'll hunt you down; If you attempt a suicide, we'll offer you either the rope or a bottle of poison."

Thoughts on forced abortion and sterilization of women in China?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think they should cut men's balls off instead.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

That is so hideous!

Anonymous said...

That is hideous. Kid Rock won't be performing Born Free at any rally for Chinese dictators.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I see Jessicka still hasn't apologized for throwing around a transphobic slur. What an impressive woman!

Anonymous said...


MissTottenham said...

Hiya guys, how are you all?

Anonymous said...
Hey, Miss T how are you going?

February 24, 2012 5:14 PM

Hiya Anon, sorry it's a week late but I'm good thanks. How are you? I'm enjoying a day off. I think we should have every Friday off. Working weeks should me a more managable 4 days, don't you agree?

Anonymous said...
Didn't you guys know? She's an ~artist, so she can use whatever slurs and hateful terms she wants! Just like her 'panty shot' friend.

I think people can get away with too much offensive stuff in the name of art.

Well, off to enjoy my day off. Thanks for keeping me entertained guys. Great reading your comments.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Question for the faux feminist Jessicka: are you blaming Emilie calling out MSI on the fact that she wants to hook up with Gerard?

Why have you still not apologized for throwing around transphobic slurs on twitter?

Are you going to see MSI in LA?

Anonymous said...

Jessicka is going. She'll be the coward in the corner, trying not to be photographed, listening to the band's racist, I mean greatest, hits.

Anonymous said...

Wendy, your bitterness is quite disturbing.

Anonymous said...

WTF 2:13? Get over your obsession, hatred and delusions.

Anonymous said...

Wendy and Jessicka are bitter about being happy, successful and in love. Must suck to be them. lulz

Anonymous said...

Copyright? LOL:p

Anonymous said...

It must suck to be Lyndsey too. Having so many fans and supporters.
So many young women who look up to her & are inspired by her. How horrible of her to tell young girls that they can be whatever they want to be. Telling young girls that it does take more than musical talent. Letting them know they have to bbring it to the stage. All of it. The sex appeal, the entertainer, the musician, the background singer.
How horrible of Lyndsey giving real and accurate advice to those who want to follow in her footsteps.

Anonymous said...

3:51 doesn't seem to understand copyright laws. This might help even the thickest of the thick.

The Mystery Behind the copyroght

Written By Christopher B. Skvarka

Nowadays the Internet is a wide-open source for information, entertainment, and communication. Many people believe that anything and everything go in cyberspace. I believed that myself, until becoming more informed. Sometimes, in a quest for knowledge and entertainment Internet users cross over a hidden line. Without proper knowledge, users unintentionally break the copyright laws that govern the Internet. Many myths have caused people to believe copyright laws do not apply to the Internet. However, copyright laws are in effect in today's cyberspace.
One of the biggest mistakes that people believe is that if a work has no copyright notice, it is not copyrighted. The correct form of a copyright notice is "Copyright or © (date) by (author/owner)" (Templeton 1). Many people believe that if this notice is absent, they can post, use, or take any work on the Internet. Although no name can be copyrighted, the owner's work is (Templeton 2). In fact, everything from April 1, 1989 is copyrighted by the owner or author whether is has a notice or not. Most nations follow the same rules set up by the Berne copyright convention (Templeton 1). The Berne convention created uniform laws for worldwide works (Lussier 1). One of these laws was everything created privately and originally after April 1, 1989 is copyrighted. All Internet users must assume that the work is copyrighted, unless otherwise specified by the author.

Many works on the Internet are available for public use. However, the author of the work must have explicitly granted it to public domain. If a work is in public domain, granted by saying "I grant this to the public domain," anybody who stumbles upon it can use, take, or copy without giving credit to the owner (Templeton 1). Although, frequently a user can contact the author of the work and be granted permission to use it (Templeton 4). I did that through electronic-mail and received positive results. Requesting permission is not hard. Most times the owner quickly grants a user access and respects him or her more for asking. The author granted me a background graphic that I have since put into a page I have created ( Often, access to works on the Internet is granted easily and can avoid costly legal matters.
So how does that apply to Internet users? Internet users cannot scan material from periodicals and post them on the Internet. Users cannot transfer graphics or works, without the knowledge of the owner, and post them somewhere else on the Internet (Templeton 1). Technically, no one can post electronic-mail, wholly. A user can refer to a statement in an electronic-mail just as in any research paper. These acts can be prosecuted in a civil court, because "copyright law is civil law" (Templeton 3). The owner can sue for damages to his or her works, if major enough. These laws can be frightening, but often, nothing can be done about violations, because they happen every day. Copyright law on the Internet is a new region for the court system, though ten copies with a value of $2,500 were made a felony in the United States. To be safe, Internet users should just ask first to insure everyone's safety.

Anonymous said...

Wendy, your bitterness towards the Porchies is disturbing.

Let it go. Move the fuck on.

Do you "get" it? ^_~

Anonymous said...

It must suck to be Lyndsey too. Having so many fans and supporters.
So many young women who look up to her & are inspired by her.

No, it must suck because all of her so called "supporters" want to boink her husband.

Anonymous said...

So many young women who look up to her & are inspired by her

Remember the pics that were posted over here Of young girls that where dressed like Lindsey and most of them had a poster of Gerard on the wall in the background? I don't think most of them were inspired by her, they were mostly bat-shit crazy.

Anonymous said...

Anon616, I know you lurk. Your comments @ 7's were pathetic. The bitterness you have towards them is not healthy. Seek help woman!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like the skank racist wife got some ratty fake hair extensions. Wonder who paid for those? At least she's gone back to her 'career' as a rape-promoting fake bass playing idiot instead of trying to pretend to be an artist!

Anonymous said...

It's a shame they didn't play 'Five Year Old Panty Shot'. I would love to hear Jessicka 'feminist' Addams explain that one! But they did play 'Pussy all Night', 'Bitches' and 'Faggot'. Perhaps Jessicka can explain those while trying to keep a straight face and tell us her friend is an ~inspiration to little girls!

Anonymous said...

One misogynist apologises for his bullshit. Now we need one from Gerard for the 'Cunt' and 'Smashedface' bullshit. And one from Lindsey for her gross tsunami comment and songs usng racist slurs and mocking child rape.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh's "apology" was pretty much a non-apology. He reiterated his previous point while making excuses for the language he used. "Oh, it was a joke that went too far, and I apologize for the language, but I stand by the points I was making," (paraphrased) is not acceptable to me.

Anonymous said...

I remember Gerard saying he wanted to bring Bandit to see her Mom play live. I wonder if he will, and if MSI will play 'Panty Shot' that night? Or one of their other rape-motif heavy tracks.

Anonymous said...

Idiot can't even do her trademark backbend anymore without falling over. What exactly is her 'talent'? Making fun of dead Japanese children? Using racist slurs? What is she good for?

Anonymous said...

6:17, I have been reading the latest research that correlates abusive language directed at women with a spike in domestic violence towards women. And this crosses every class: well to do, middle and working class.

I couldn't trust anyone male or female that thinks it's appropriate to address you in such terms.

Anonymous said...

I sure wouldn't trust Gerard, regardless of how he behaved towards me. A man who threatens to hit women will one day end up hitting a woman, and usually it's a woman close to him. Watch and wait. With his pissy anger issues towards women, it's just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wendy was just taking shots at Kapu on Seven's blog a few weeks ago. But what else is new.

Anonymous said...

That was a very unfortunate case 12:56 but I wasn't referring to this person in particular, more to do with the link between men's attitudes towards women and the trend towards escalating domestic violence.

Anonymous said...

People constantly mention this Jessika person however I think you should familiarize yourselves with an American sociologist by the name of Jackson Katz.

This is a man who is a prominent anti-sexist activist. He goes to leading Universities, the military and sports clubs to educate men on having respectful relationships with women and promoting gender equality. You can read about his thoughts here

I believe that people like him are the ones that really make a difference.

Anonymous said...

I don't think MSI played Panty Shot at their shows.

Anonymous said...

Has she had fillers as well as hair extensions? Her face looks really puffy and strange.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LynZ's face does looks bigger. Maybe she's put on weight?

Anonymous said...

Who cares if she's put on weight. Why the hell does that matter? Maybe it means she's taking better care of herself. This would be a good thing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She really looks like she is happy and has moved on from ass wipe. Good for her.

Anonymous said...

So The Used is going to be on Warped Tour. This pretty rad! I really hate Warped (mainly because of weather purposes), but I will go to see The Used and Taking Back Sunday! I wanna meet Bert so bad. Last year I met Fred M. (former Taking Back Sunday) and I was so scared to talk to him, but he is seriously one of THE coolest dudes ever, someone you could hang with all day and really enjoy it :-)

Anonymous said...

Lindsey has a serious case of filler-face going on at the moment. It's a shame she can't spend as much money making her ugly racist personality better!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey has a serious case of filler-face going on at the moment.


Anonymous said...

What is wrong ?

Anonymous said...

So hypocritical since Eliza has had everything done including a tit job.

Anonymous said...

I think there is far too much pressure now to look "perfect" and young imo.

Anonymous said...

I personally see nothing wrong with plastic surgery, so long as it's done for the right reasons and people don't go overboard with it. It's not a fountain of youth and should not be regarded as such, nor should it be done to please someone else (say, a boyfriend or spouse). Otherwise, I say go for it. Just get a good plastic surgeon.

I've had some plastic surgery myself and it drastically improved both my appearance and my self-confidence. More power to Eliza and any other woman who can afford it.

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