Monday, October 29, 2007
"The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it ..."
My Chemical Cop-Out
Band cancels Alfond appearance 2 days before show...
David Dauphinee
At this point, Student Entertainment is viewing the idea of rebooking the band as a bad one, and many are considering it foolish to put that kind of money back on the line for behavior that is looking, at this point, to be a habit masquerading as an act of God.
In the meantime, Student Entertainment is consumed with the lengthy process of refunding the thousands of tickets already sold.
"The point is to continue to do bigger shows than before," Mitchell said. "We're just going to be extremely hesitant to book My Chemical Romance ever again, or even anyone that works under their same management company, for that matter."
Aside from all of the other negativity that is surrounding them lately, MCR is starting to get a reputation as an untrustworthy act to book.
They really left a lot of people up in the air with this one. Didn't they used to tell people why they had to cancel shows? Why all the sudden secrecy? It's not a matter of simply refunding tickets to some people. Some people made extensive travel plans and spent money on flights, buses, trains and hotels. They deserve a little more than the silent treatment from the band. At least I think so.
One rumor going around from anonymous sources is that this was also a Gerard thing, that he wanted to get to England a day early to be with his wife. But I don't really buy anonymous sources, at least most of the time. I hope it's not true and definitely there isn't any proof. Honestly though I would put nothing past him anymore. I just really hope this isn't true.
There were rumors that there was an illness in the band or that Bob broke his arm. Hello, the band played another concert before the canceled one, but after the announcement of the cancellation. How can you know two days in advance that you're going to be sick on a certain day? If I tried that at my job I'd get fired. "I'll be at the office Monday and Tuesday. But on Wednesday I'm going to come down with the flu." Yeah, right.
If something bad did happen to force this cancellation, we don't need details or anything like that. If it's personal, no one needs to know. A simple "we had a personal crisis" would suffice. Anything other than "see ya, suckers" which is what it looks like now.
When did these problems start and where do they originate? A lot of people blame Lyn Z but I think it started before then. Gerard was starting to say stupid things on stage and act like a privileged diva back in the Eliza days, telling the audience that he knew they wanted to get with him but "that seat's already taken" and spending time singing to her instead of to the audience, who paid for him to sing to them. What someone else was saying (another anon but I heard this in other places too), was that he used to push fans away while he was with Eliza, too. If she was around he would get all pissy and once again Frank was left to deal with the masses. But you can't really blame the girls he's with for his behavior, he chooses to act the way he does.
Even if I hate and disagree with MSI's message and think that it's a total sellout for MCR to give them a platform to preach it to the 13 year olds to go to see them, you can't blame MSI for that either. They are getting money, they are getting paid to do what they do, no matter how stupid their act is. Who would turn that down? No one. You have to put the blame where it belongs.
And if no one's to blame for this cancellation, then they should come out and say something, at least. We don't need personal details, anything aside from freezing the fans out will do.
P.S. Rumor also has it that Bert McCracken has been calling out MCR on stage again, a lot more than usual. There are some youtube clips of it. Funny thing, Bert and Quinn have been trying to tell us for a long time that we should be questioning this whole scenario. Finally people are starting to listen to them!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Getting hit where it hurts
Slow ticket sales in Luxembourg and "technical problems" (probably meaning slow ticket sales) in Zurich. (Because otherwise why would they move it to such a dramatically smaller venue?)
I know that a lot of fans were going to skip the Europe shows because of MSI. Some because they just didn't like them, but I heard a LOT of people saying about how they didn't want to support a band with such a gross message or because they even didn't want to support MCR because of their sellout behavior. This is EXTREME. This band has played for 30 thousand people. They booked huge venues. To change venues costs money. To go down in size so dramatically is a HUGE loss. One of those venues only holds about a thousand people.
I knew that a lot of the fans were speaking up but I didn't realize that so many are speaking up where it really counts. Not opening their wallets, not turning out to support the band. Maybe, MAYBE, they will get the message when the dough stops rolling in. Although on th eother hand they have already made so much, possibly they don't care about the losses this time.
The other thing I was noticing was Gerard's recent comment about marriage. Married life is fuckin' amazing. Especially being in a relationship that I only thought could be a fictional thing. It's like knowing that there's always somebody out there, and that's something I've never known.
This makes a lot of alarm bells go off in my head. First of all, there's no way that any of his former girl/boyfriends aren't going to read this and feel like he's taking a cheap shot at them. Gerard knows that. He's saying, "all of my past relationships were never there for me". He used to say he was such a private person, and he used to seem so nice. This "nice" person is going so far out of his way to really hurt someone from his past. Why would someone who is supposed to be so "private" and so "nice" stoop to something like that? For one reason. He's trying to make a point to someone. And when you say something like this with the sole purpose of hurting someone, that's your only agenda, and what you'rr saying rings false. If his outspoken "happiness" rings so false and is just for show... is just to prove a point to someone in his past.... what does that say about the rest of the "relationship"? It looks like he's using her just as much as she's using him. (Remember my last entry, with people out of nowhere saying that Lyn Z is taking credit for "backing" MCR in the early days. These people are looking more and more desperate.)
It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you're a 12 year old fan or 112. Anyone with a brain can see how this is affecting the actual band we used to love. The only people who are all squealing and "happy for Gerard" are the ass-kissing fans who want to be deluded. The rest of us can see how this is having a huge negative impact on MCR, who they used to be, what they always said they stood for. And now it's costing them their HUGE arenas and probably a lot of money. They have gone from playing to tens of thousands of people, to playing to 1000.
"Slow ticket sales" says it all.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
"I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy..."
I have some catching up to do.
First things first. From a comment on Love Man's blog, from Buzznet, and from INO. Apparently Lyn Z has supported MRC from the start.
I met Lyn Z last night in London! Without doubt the sweetest girl ever. Shes just lovely and so kind to fans.
We talked about Gerard and she said theyve known each other for four years. Just wanted to quash rumours that they knew eachother for like a month before getting married... I reckon their love was blossoming a long time ago. And also she told me it was her who pushed for MCR to support MSI back in the day because she thought they were so great. So she helped them on their way.
Okay I'll go back to lurking now.'
This rings of desperation and backtracking. I heard tons of times that she wasn't even with MSI when MCR did some shows with them. And even if she was, they didn't do a lot of shows together. It sounds to me like both she and Gerard are reading the backlash concerning this new tour and are trying very hard to make it seem like all is well, like she had some kind of a hand in promoting MCR, that she "helped them on their way" (implying maybe that it's OK if MCR returns the favor for her band?) Which the drooling fangirls are buying wholesale. But to me, it sounds desperate and pathetic. Much like the guy she just married.
I think what bothers me most about this is how stupid they both seem to think we all are. THe sad part is that most fans really are buying this, and like I said, as long as the bands get their money, that's all that matters to them. But I'm insulted that they think we would all just go with this.
What else do I have to catch up on? I've been lurking around some blogs and talking to some of the commenters there. Apparently a few days ago Adam Lazzara from Taking Back Sunday wrote a blog that sounds like it could have been about Gerard. This is the link. The important part seems to be this part.
"what's opposite of valor?
what's another word for...
"oh dont start that again..."
i know better.
you arent stupid...
("oh dont start that again...")
now are you?
"THE WORST THING for these kids to know is that i am..."
....hush little baby
dont play dirty
gonna play nice
(golly, gee.. stutter, stumble... false, false, negative...)
all reassured and well,
you had your warning...
who cares about the why
when when when
left with a choice to choose...
i say focus on the task at hand..
what again was the worst tha-a-a-ng?
i have been here since from the start
since from the start my friend...
i have just begun to speak...
i have just begun...
everything i ever left out
will all be laid out... time ...."
A few people thought that the 9-0-3 comment was about Gerard's wedding date, but it is also apparently the area code where Adam lives. Some people pointed out that it was hyphenated where "516" wasn't, but also remember that it was the last day of Project Revolution. It doesn't have to mean anything in reference to Gerard, but "Golly, gee" seems like it might. If that's the case, then it seems like "the worst thing would be for these kids to know is that I am..." might go back to Gerard, too. What would be the worst thing? It seems like if this is true, Adam might have seen some of the behavior that a lot of us are seeing.
Another rumor is that my letter to Bert as well as my comparison of Gerard to Kurt Cobain has gotten back to The Used camp. I doubt everything but I hope that's true. Has anyone with access to any of these people thought of just asking them after a concert or something? On the other hand, they would probably have to deny it anyway.
Another thing going around is a letter by commenter Kapunua on Mayo's blog. It's a little bit like what I was saying (Kapunua wrote to me and asked if she could use the quote of Gerard's where he talks about responsibility in lyrics..... (Like I said, nobody has to ask me if they can post anything I write. You can post it anywhere...) She followed it with an open letter to MCR. I was going to quote the whole thing here, but it looks like I don't have to. It is on Bleeding Chaos's blog, it's on Buzznet, it apparently went on the band's myspace too. The funny thing is how people are agreeing with it when it's pretty much the same thing I said that got people freaked out. Maybe she has a better way with words or maybe people are just starting to open their eyes.
Either way, the band will never answer that question, because they have truly sold us out. Or if they do answer, it will be some stock answer thought up by their PR people in advance. They'll make some kind of comment about MSI's lyrics being satire or something, and will brush off any questions about why they never thought any other bands with lyrics that Gerard objected to were satire also. We don't have an answer coming, because they don't care. They're making their millions and Gerard gets to drag his wife's band along and no one is allowed to talk to them about it.
This is what MCR has become.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
An open message to Bert
Dear Bert,
This letter is addressed to you because even though we are well aware that you're not the entire band, you still are the "mouth" of the band and when it comes to the main point of what we're getting at, you'll see why we chose to address you specifically. We hope you're getting this message a million times, but you only need to read it once.
We've all come over from the My Chemical Romance fan camp and before you jump to any conclusions about us, let's get this out of the way, many of us are coming to see things the same way you do, at least where Gerard is concerned. You called him out on your last album. The writer of this email is not ashamed to say that at first she was skeptical of your message. The image that Gerard presented was one of heroism, honesty, sincerity, and inspiration. But now many of us can see that this image is fading and the truth is coming out.
We're sure you've witnessed Gerard's declining and erratic behavior over the last few months. In case you missed it, highlights include but are not limited to: Gerard seriously attacking Frank on stage, Gerard puking on stage and throwing it at the fans, showing up to concerts and interviews covered in ridiculous sharpie messages and neck-to-thigh hickies, making comments about being "wasted" or wanting the audience to get wasted, his sudden "marriage", and his decision to drag his "wife's" "band" on tour with them, in direct oppostion to the message he's been sermonizing like a regular preacher for about six years.
Some of us are concerned about Gerard. Some of us think he is going down a dangerous road. Some people still care. Some don't, and are just fed up with him. Some are confused. All of us are frustrated.
We get what you are saying.
We don't expect you to come along and save the day or anything, but we thought you might like to know that some of us agree with you, and some of us value your input and your history with Gerard. You're a voice of reason to those of us who have eyes and who can see what is going on. It looks like you were on the right track all along.
We'd love to know what you think of that blog, we'd love your input, but we appreciate the fact that you're busy so we don't actually expect it. We just thought you might like to be aware.
Sorry for doubting you,
The Fans (of both bands)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Open message to Gerard Way
If you have the time and you think this is right, please copy and post this anywhere you think is suitable, anywhere you think Gerard might get it. Just feel free to post it anywhere, you don't even have to ask me.
According to MSI's page (as someone said on my most recent blog) MSI is supporting MCR on ALL Eurpoean dates now. Sorry to those of you who thought you wouldn't have to deal with that.
With that in mind, I know Gerard at least lurks the internet so I'm going to offer some advice. Speaking as someone who has watched another go through this.
Gerard, when you are in Europe "partying" (in your words) with your "wife" and her HXC "friends" instead of being with the people who have held onto you for the past six years, remember this. Drugs may be cut differently in Europe and they may be a different purity level from what you're now used to.
Start slow, if possible have someone with you stay sober for the night (not likely I know), KEEP YOUR CELL PHONE ON and have your true friends keep theirs on. Have your passport and other ID with you at all times.
Your message died when you decided to bring this hateful, anti-feminism/anti-acceptance band on tour with you and introduce them to your young audience. But that doesn't mean that you have to die with it.
Good luck.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
"Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee..."
Another big issue is him puking on stage and then throwing it into the audience. If that's not a senseless, disgusting and also out of character thing for sober Gerard to do, then I don't know what is.
Watch both of those videos on youtube. Watch them again. And again. Keep those images burned into your brain, because when this all blows itself to hell, those are going to be the images that everyone will look back on as the defining moments. Those will be the two onstage incidents that most people will say, "I should have seen this coming".
Some people are thinking, maybe hoping, that a big "fandom intervention" might get Gerard's attention. However this could backfire. He strikes me as the kind of guy who would do the wrong things even more just to prove a point. That is also childish but I see it in him. It's like he never grew up emotionally. If you think about all the years he spent hiding and drinking, you can see how he would be emotionally stunted. And ever since he first got sober, he has relied on other people. This also kept him a child. And it's not changing even now.I also think he not so secretly wants to be more like Frank, and at the same time is pushing him away. He's still that jealous, fascinated, hurt little boy who feels like he's on the outside of everything.
I have a feeling the other band members are aware of Gerard's problems, but remember, they are all adults now, and I think people have a way of just giving up. Sometimes it doesn't matter how close you are to someone, when they start to drag you down you have a tendency to turn your back. We'd all like to think they would support him through anything, but they all have their own lives to lead, and loved ones to look after. After a while dealing with someone's childish nonsense, especially when they refuse help over and over again, you start to say, "to hell with this, I have better things to do". I'm afraid that's where they might be now.
Some rumors are just rumors. But some are rumors because they are actually true. Like no one can (or is willing to) prove that any of the things we're hearing are true, no one can disprove it, either.
So as far as rumors go, here's what we have.
1) Gerard is back to drinking. His behavior supports this "rumor".
2) Gerard is an emotional child. This isn't a rumor, but an opinion based on observation. He is a desperate person who clings to whoever is convenient. You have to wonder what kind of person would take advantage of that kind of desperation and what their movites would be.
3) Gerard left "Kat" while she had cancer. Again, this is a rumor, although people who claim to know him insist that this is true.
4) Jimmy Urine was seen by a concert-goer buying cocaine from fans after a show, while Donna Way was in the vicinity, no less. This is the band that MCR have decided to take on tour with them, and what most of us do know about addicts is that when they are in recovery, they cut all ties to people who are still using. I believe the blogger who said that Jimmy Urine is still using, because it was such an off-handed comment out of the blue, made by someone with seemingly NO personal investment in this.
5) Gerard is lying to Lyn Z about how long he was with "Kat". Why? Who the hell knows. But that is another rumor going around.
6) Jimy Urine has made racist remarks outside of his nasty-ass lyrics. I'd like to see an actual source on this one before I buy it wholesale, but to be honest it would NOT surprise me if it was true. Remember this is the band that MCR have chosen to support by putting them onstage before them.
7) Frank Iero is sending anonymous messages to the fans. The things he is hinting are not encouraging. Well, not so sure about that one, but it is a rumor, so I thought I'd list it.
Law of averages and the fact that a lot of these are personal observations from people who either know / claim to know the band or have no personal investment and therefore no motivation to write this stuff suggests that at least some of this is true.
And if even one of those items is true, then this ship is sinking pretty goddamn fast, with Gerard holding everyone emotionally captive on board.
Watch those youtube clips of him attacking Frank and of him throwing his vomit at the kids in the pit. Commit those to memory because you will see them replayed when this all goes to hell.