"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"
It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.
(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).
Just because he dated a feminist doesn't have to mean he is one himself. And I'm not that interested in Nirvana to know their lyrics by heart. Would you kindly give examples, anon?
I have known amazing feminists who are men. It is sexist to believe a man can not inherently be a feminist, and if anything, such a belief only prevents any possibility of equality in men and women.
Plus, why are we bashing Kurt Cobain, anyways? That isn't what this site is for.
A man can claim to be a feminist, but I don't think most of them truly understand it. Quoted for truth, anon! They always claim to be for women's rights but when their little willy starts talking to them they forget all about it. I for one think that there's no such thing as a male feminist. That term is a contradiction in itself.
“Yeah, all Isms feed off one another but at the top of the food chain is still the white, corporate, macho, strong ox male. Not redeemable as far as I’m concerned. I mean, classism is determined by sexism because the male decides whether all other isms still exists. Its up to men. I’m just saying that people can’t deny any ism or think that some are more or less subordinate except for sexism… I still think that in order to expand on all other isms, sexism has to be blown wide open…but there are thousands of green minds, young gullable 15 year old boys out there just starting to fall into the grain of what they’ve been told of what a man is supposed to be and there are plenty of tools to use. The most effective tool is entertainment”
Men can be feminist just as women can be sexist. Also i don't think anyone is bashing Kurt. I think some people don't know a lot about him or just can see how a man who said he believe in equality for woman could be with someone who represents the opposite.
Have you guys actually seen the bands like Bikini Kill that were the hardcore feminists at the time? The opposite of wholesome. It was what the whole movement was about, and that was what Kurt and Courtney were part of. (She wasn't just a stripper, that was before she was in a band).
My point is, at that time, that was what the feminist movement WAS. You may not agree with it, but that doesn't change that that was how the people that participated in it acted. So, I don't think it really was a contradiction.
I don't think that men can be feminists, at least heterosexual men because their sexuality always comes in their way. I mean, where do you start to define feminism. Many people/feminists see boys/men who watch porn and/or 'read' porn magazines as sexist. What about men who enjoy the objectification of women in general, whether it is in a movie, magazine or a music video, for their own sexual pleasure? Are they sexist, or not? Can they be feminists?
I don't think embracing the sexual objectification of women is feminist. Some people think by removing the stigma attached to such practice is "empowering" to women, but I disagree.
It does not promote equality between the sexes, it only divides them further.
Then, according to your own logic, equality for women is impossible because (heterosexual) men will never view women as their equal - feminism is futile.
Well, I listened to L7 back then and the girls kicked ass. I don't know about Bikini Kill. Also, I don't know what feminist movement you are talking about, anon?
Embracing a woman's sexuality is on thing. Defining her by it is another.
That's why I don't see how a woman who makes a living based on her sexuality (strippers, porn stars, or girls who parade onstage in a mini-skirt while pretending to play an instrument) can view herself as a feminist.
Some people think by removing the stigma attached to such practice is "empowering" to women, but I disagree.
I think it is meant to work the way blacks took back the N-word, or some gays have tried to take back "fag".
The idea behind it is that if you use it under your own terms, and use it with the knowledge of it's past and it's implications, that you can "retrain" society into seeing it in a different light. Therefore, loosing the stigma and changing the meaning.
But, that kind of thing takes generations because kids have to be taught differently.
Objectification will never be empowering to women. No matter what the perception of those who do it. It's not the same thing as calling a black person "nigga". It would be like thinking black people are only good for doing physical labor and playing basketball.
Embracing a woman's sexuality is on thing. Defining her by it is another.
That's why I don't see how a woman who makes a living based on her sexuality (strippers, porn stars, or girls who parade onstage in a mini-skirt while pretending to play an instrument) can view herself as a feminist.
I wouldn't call that using their sexuality I would call that using sex. Sex ans asexuality are two different things. That people often confuse with each other.
As far as the hardcore feminist movement goes that wasn't what being a feminist was all about. That was a small portion of the movement an extreme one that came about because those women were dealing with the sexist ideology of the scene they were in. Unfortunately because of that there are a lot of people who thing that you are aggressive with sex and wear a short skirt it makes you a feminist.
Some people think by removing the stigma attached to such practice is "empowering" to women, but I disagree.
I think it is meant to work the way blacks took back the N-word, or some gays have tried to take back "fag".
The idea behind it is that if you use it under your own terms, and use it with the knowledge of it's past and it's implications, that you can "retrain" society into seeing it in a different light. Therefore, loosing the stigma and changing the meaning.
But, that kind of thing takes generations because kids have to be taught differently.
December 9, 2008 9:59 AM
The problem with doing that are the people who would use it to demean you can now freely say things and not be called out on it.
People to often think by making something negative image or word their own it will kill the negative part of it. But it doesn't because most people don't think about what it means to use the word or image. All it really does it set the fight for equality back a giant step.
That was a small portion of the movement an extreme one that came about because those women were dealing with the sexist ideology of the scene they were in. Unfortunately because of that there are a lot of people who thing that you are aggressive with sex and wear a short skirt it makes you a feminist.
Yes, that's true. But, if you look negatively upon a woman who is wearing a short skirt, than YOU are the one that is defining her by her sexuality. There are a thousand reasons for wearing a skirt, but YOU are the one focusing on the sexual. A women's worth should not be determined by something as shallow as what clothing she chooses to wear, no one's should. It is a person's actions that matter - how they treat the people around them and how they react to the world.
Yes, that's true. But, if you look negatively upon a woman who is wearing a short skirt, than YOU are the one that is defining her by her sexuality. There are a thousand reasons for wearing a skirt, but YOU are the one focusing on the sexual. A women's worth should not be determined by something as shallow as what clothing she chooses to wear, no one's should. It is a person's actions that matter - how they treat the people around them and how they react to the world.
I don't simple base my reaction to a person based on the short skirt. I also watch how they carry themselves. But you also can not deny that what you wear does say a lot about who you are. People even unintentially pick cloths that will speak volumes about what kind of person they are. If you are emo you dress a certain way same for rappers, punks, business people and sluts.
But anon, I think men and women can be equal but as long as the male sexuality counts more than the female one it's not going to happen.
As long as women use sex to get in life women and men will never be seen a equals. For women it is far to easy to fall back on the whole slut/sex kitten image to get what they want.
It is the same with all groups of people who are treated like second class citizens. You have to prove that you are more than that stereotype.
Women should not use their sexuality to get ahead in life but they also should not deny it. Female sexuality is quasi obsolete. Here in Germany you get to see naked women almost the whole day but if you want to see a dick you'll have to wait til after midnight. I don't mind a naked woman in a magazine or in a movie if I see a naked man next to her. Full frontal dick!
Siobhan - It isn't like that here in the US. You don't see naked men, but you don't see naked women either. Sexuality, along with the human body, is seen as a taboo here. Maybe that is why we differ in our opinions?
So, I'm just curious, how do you believe women SHOULD act regarding sexuality. (I'm speaking to anyone willing to answer me here)
Are you okay with them being sexual as long as they don't talk about it? Or show it? Where do you draw the line?
I am not saying women should be prudes who don't enjoy sex. I am also not saying they should be covered head to toe. But I also don't think there is a need for anyone male or female to run around screaming about who and how they had sex with.
There are no rally good examples for women on how to be sexy with out out running into the whore thing. You are either mother Teresa or the whore of Babylon and we have yet to find an in between place. Until that day all we can do is fight about the image you are giving off.
Personally, I love sex. I consider myself to be a very sexual person. I like men and they like me. I'm not above wearing a tight or low cut sweater or a short skirt when it's appropriate to do so.
However, I do not use my sexuality to get ahead in my job and I expect to be valued for my abilities in the workplace, not the way I look.
Here in Germany you get to see naked women almost the whole day but if you want to see a dick you'll have to wait til after midnight. Same in England, Fisch. I hate going to the magazine self and gettin 50 pairs of breasts in my face.
You should be able to wear it tight and low but when that is all you are. when you act like noting more than a blow up doll and think that you have done something empowering or inspirational is where I have the problem.
I think the problem or the fear is that if a woman behaves in a way that may be demeaning to women many men will think that all women are sluts. You're not seen as an idividual by many men and many women know that. A woman's behavior concerning her sexuality mostly affects not only her but all women. I think that's why women easily call others sluts and thereby want to disassociate themselves from them by saying that. I think it doesn't necessarily mean that they hate them but that they are afraid that their own sexuality will not be seen individually anymore.
Siobhan I was thinking of saying that i but I couldn't find the correct words.
I know that on several occasions when talking about sex with a male friend he told me that he knew I would do certain things in bed because his girlfriend had done them.
A few things about Kurt Cobain. There were a few famous men and "rock stars" who preached equality for women, and feminism. John Lennon was actually one of them. He was a flawed person like most of us are, and he did leave his first wife and never took care of his son Julian, but he was obviously hugely influential and used his influence to change the world. One of his most taboo songs is a fascinating and deeply feminist song.
All the things that Gerard said about racism and sexism, Kurt Cobain said first, almost word for word. I have no idea how Gerard ever thought that some of us wouldn't remember Kurt saying that, unless he knew from the start that his fanbase would be made up almost entirely of twelve year olds. However, there were a few of us adults who were music fans and were taken in by what he had to say. We are old enough to remember Kurt saying those things first.
Gerard, I think, thought he was going to be the Second Coming of Kurt Cobain.
The Riot Grrl movement was huge and Hole was NOT part of that movement, no matter how much they and Kurt wanted to convince themselves that they were. Kurt was very naive and he was a huge druggie. You should hear Dave Grohl talk about how Courtney Love tricked Kurt at the time. He pretty much loathed her on sight, because he got her, and Kurt didn't.
Kurt defied his feminist leanings by hooking up with such a piece of anti-feminist trash, but I don't think he realized it.
And the biggest difference between how I felt about Kurt and how I now feel about Gerard was that, to my knowledge, Kurt never sold out his female fanbase because of who he was banging. You would never in a million years have heard Kurt telling a crowd of a few thousand young girls to simulate an orgasm for him. Kurt and his fans had a touchy relationship at best, but he never once treated his female fanbase like whores.
And while I'm at it, here is a website you all might like. I linked to it a few days ago but I think there are more people now. Heartless Bitches.
Are you sick of people who have confused objectifying women as sex symbols with female "empowerment"?
Are you tired of the walking wounded moping around expecting that the world owes them something because they are victims?
Are you sick of lazy women who use emotional and sexual manipulation to get what they want instead of using their own brains and muscles?
Are you fed up with women who feel they HAVE to be in a "Relationship" in order to be whole, and will sacrifice their self-esteem and personal growth in order to avoid being on their own?
Are you tired of men and women who are emotional children, and won't accept responsibility for their actions or behavior?
^Precisely. There was, in first and second-wave feminism, the idea that women should only work and should have equal rights to men.
Third Wave feminism--wherein a woman is allowed to be as sexual as she wants, in any way she chooses--is a backlash against that. It says that yes, women require equality in all aspects of life, with the added benefit of retaining her sexuality. However since it is a backlash, and the nature of backlashes is to go to the opposite extreme, Third Wave also asks that a woman be allowed to be any sort of creature she chooses. Which is a good thing. Some women, however, choose to be bimbos.
Many Third Wavers ask that bimbos be viewed just like non-bimbos, and that their choice to be a bimbo be respected. The way I see it is that there are two flaws with this. One: The rest of the world doesn't care if you believe you have the right to be a bimbo and still get respect. The rest of the world calls it like they see it. And two: Women who aren't bimbos might kind of resent being on the same level as bimbos.
I suspect that when Lindsey talks haltingly of "feminism," she's thinking of Third Wave Feminism; the "take back your sexuality" wave.
However, since she freely admits that she can't play her damn instrument, and it's obvious that her entire career sprouts from her husband's ever-flapping mouth, she needs to keep her yap shut about feminism, and just keep on doing her little backbends there.
I see what you're saying, Kapunua. I understand that a women who uses sex to get ahead won't be seen as a feminist, but I don't think that gives anyone the right to disrespect her, still.
I'm speaking generally, 12:27, no about Lyn-z specifically.
And about Lyn-z, I agree that MSI's lyrics are disgraceful and disrespectful, and I think her association with them is despicable. But that is judging Lyn-z based on her association with a talentless shock rock group. Which is perfectly okay, because that is judging her on her work (or lack thereof). Does that make sense?
Eliza Cuts: So have you every heard of Worlds Most Hated? Jon Rivera: I have. You're terrorists right? Eliza Cuts: Which one of us do you hate the most? Jon Rivera: I can't hate you because you're the only person who will dance with me. So...I hate Sarah Dope, because she is small. And I don't trust small people. They just always seem like they're up to something. She can also kill more zombies than me in Dead Rising. Eliza Cuts: Well, thank you very much for the interview. It was a smashing good time. Hit me up with your myspace and web addy real quick. Jon Rivera: Sorry, my internet crashed. My last answer was "running around at night...knocking things off the cupboard. Casting spells and such." Eliza Cuts: Its okay. What’s the heartbreak myspace and web addy? Jon Rivera: myspace.com/heartbreakcomics and www.heartbreakcomics.com
MJ how convenient. Poor Gerard, always treated badly by his girlfriends. One was not "supportive" and the other one was only out for fame. Thank god he met Lindsey.
The funny thing about it is, when it was Eliza, Gerard was very secretive about his personal life so all the fans hated her for bringing it onto the internet (because they were all under the impression that it was without Gerard's knowledge).
Now that it's Lyn-z, it's like the fans learned their lesson from the first time around and now you're not allowed to say a thing bad about her. The only difference is that this time Gerard did the promoting himself. So, maybe Gerard has just learned from his mistakes with Eliza...what do you guys think?
LOL anon. I don't think he learned anything. I feel that all his promoting of Lynz was to get back at Eliza. Either that or he became an obsessed fan girl for Lynz.
Anyway you can't make people love the person you "love" just by talking about them non stop. People have to find out what kind of person they are than decide.
That's an interesting remark, Martha. Have you seen the recent photos of them together? They are just like all the others - Gerard appears to be trying to pull Lyn-z in while Lyn-z appears to be pulling away, with a poorly faked smile on her face.
I think the fans really believe that Gerard knew nothing about what Eliza was doing. So she is the bad guy plain and simple. They think because use Lynz is in a band she has no reason to use him.
i think a lot of the "promoting" that Gerard did at PR was done to publicly humiliate Eliza. Lindsey was even mocking Eliza by sharpieing "taken" on her arm.
MJ a couple of the recent ones show him looking at her like a teenager with a school boy crush. She's not even looking at him, and her arms look like she is guarding herself.
Does anyone else find it odd that Gerard ran around talking endlessly about "my wife" and how amaaaaayyyzing! married life was, yet he hasn't said anything about the baby?
Honestly? I think Gerard was ashamed of Eliza. He obviously cheated on his other girlfriend with her and he was probably ashamed of himself as well.
I thought so too, and i'll tell you something else I noticed. He always has to justify who he's with, almost like he's justifying them to himself.
When he was with Eliza he did this interview where he said something to the effect of, "It doesn't matter what you do, just as long as you're the best at it."
I read that as being about Eliza. She was "just" a hairdresser but she promoted herself as being the NUMBER ONE HAIRDRESSER OF THE GODZZZZZ!!!111 When Gerard said that, it felt to me like he was ashamed of her for not amounting to much, but trying to justify it. "Yes, but she's the best there is."
But now that he's with Lindsey, who is proud of the fact that she's nowhere near the best at what she does, he's changed his tune. Now it's "It doesn't matter if you're good at what you do, as long as you're doing something cool."
On the whole fan topic. I don't think Gerard wanted toted to get rid of the fangirls. I think he wanted to get rid of any fan that didn't take everything he said as the gospel true. The ones that noticed and cared when he contradicted himself.
Fan sheep will shell out as much money as you tell them and be grateful for the chance to do it.
I find it odd that he hasn't said anything but i am also glad. I think someone told him to shut about about it. I don't see him deciding on his own to stop talking about her.
1.30 just because you see nothing wrong doesn't mean their isn't a problem. I remember the fan girls scream up and down about how happy he was with Eliza.
I think this was something to do with her "Hung" art exhibition tour apparently, and I'm not sure how long ago it was. Probably the last month? She doesn't look especially pregnant.
I get what you are saying re body language anon, but a photo can sometimes come across as appearing very different to real life.
that aside, i am still with you all on alot of your thoughts and theories.
They look normal to me in those pics. Normal douchebags. I think you can always interpret pictures as you please. Some would say they look as if they're totally in love, some would say she/he looks pissed off etc.
Anyway I must be off for a bit. I think it is about 11.47 where you are. So i will say goodnight to you because I don't think I will be back before you are gone.
If she found the comic geek attractive at all than he wouldn't have had to act like JU to impress her during the pr tour.
Is it just me or in the pic where Gerard is looking at Lindsey does his head look really big? Like, scary big? If the kid takes after him I wouldn't want to be delivering it. Not envying her that at all. :(
1:24 - I think maybe he learned his lesson from last year. With his non-stop Lindsey blabber, and the little pockets of backlash (i.e. here) and the OMG I MUST KILL HER GEE WILL BE MINE batshit crazy fangirls it riled up, perhaps he realized it wasn't such a good idea and laid off. Maybe he even realizes that talking about the baby might threaten its privacy (or life) in the future. If he's thinking that far, or that much at all. Maybe Lindsey herself even told him to knock it off, because of obnoxious MCR teenies at shows or threats (though I don't see why she'd take those seriously).
And yeah, he does have a rather large head. Has to be big to hold that ego of his.
I don't know, 4:34. Somehow I don't see Gerard as being the type of person who learns from his mistakes. He'd have to be willing to admit that he's capable of making them first and I don't see him doing that, unless he can use it to tell a story (as in the quitting drugs/drinking cold turkey story he was so fond of telling during the Revenge/LOTMS era).
I think just like with the sharpie messages someone told him to stop. I don't think anything else would make hm stop talking about how amazing lynz and being married is.
^I never believed that either. I also don't think Gerard would have admitted to having screwed up unless he knew he was going to get a ton of mileage out of that story. And he milked it for all it was worth.
Also, I would just like to say that I think Ray is the only member of MCR that I still like. From the posts on the website he seems to be the nicest and the most grounded. Also, he writes about awesome films and cool technical stuff instead of stupid shit like reality tv.
I'm still not going to support MCR anymore though. Sorry Ray.
I'll probably get flamed for psychoanalyzing again, but I'm going to throw something out there regarding Gerard's not talking about the pregnancy.
Often, major life changes such as the prospect of becoming a parent can throw a person with a history of depression or bipolar disorder into a major depressive episode. That may or may not be what's going on with him and of course we have no way of knowing. But, if so, I hope he's continuing with his therapy and getting all the help and support he needs. No matter how much I've come to dislike him, I hope he is healthy so he can be there for his child and his wife.
I believe all 5 of them have seen, or at least heard of this place. Maybe even James and some MSI people. I know for a fact that at least one member of MCR has posted an anon comment on here at some point. I do not know exactly when or on what entry though.
I think it was back when the MCRmy was telling VV she need to get raped. And we were having visited from named BN people. If that is true that a member of MCR posted here.
Safe an anon came on saying that Gerard, the wife piss face knew about this place and were laughing at things we wrote about the Mrs. It was right after the I haven't bathed for 6 days interview.
If the Anon was telling the truth, which I'm not sure they were. Why would anybody actively seek out negative comments about their wife/husband/friend?
It's a pretty well-known fact that Gerard used to troll Stafoo back in the day. Apparently, he had an lj sock and he even used to comment occasionally, both on Stafoo and chemicalromance. I've also heard he was rude to fans who were carrying signs or wearing t-shirts pertaining to Nigel (which was originally a Stafoo joke) at shows. Frank even joked once about reading Stafoo so he could rib Gerard about it.
Why would he go looking for negative comments about himself or the wifey? Simple. Ego. He wants to know that people are still talking about him and whether it is good or bad, it still feeds his ego. Have you ever read the things he says when MCR gets votes for Worst Band in Kerrang? He brags about that meaning they are ruffling feathers and being relevant.
Well 12:44 Gerard is hanging out with Frances whose mother is the active poster child for "any publicity is good publicity". Not to mention that he an ego maniac so reading anything about himself good or bad probably gives him a high.
I am under the impression that Reprise and MCR are well informed of the fan backlash and the sudden drop in merch sales ect and that some of this is because of Gerard himself. This is why there is the sudden change on the MCR site which is much more fan "friendly". Now they can give the impression that they are communicating with their fans and that they do really care. To me it just reads as truly desperate. Frank's "Gerard is a blogging god" post had me laughing. Someone should tell Reprise that its too late for damage control. Gerard alienated his fanbase because he was under the impression that the legion of screaming sheep would be enough to cover all the fans who had been there because of the music. He was obviously wrong because the screaming sheep have moved on. The Black Parade isn't the only thing dead, MCR have followed.
I think Gerard must be really self-destructive if he reads the comments here. I can't believe that those comments won't somehow affect his mood or self-confidence to the effect that he's starting to doubt himself and his actions. Nobody can be that hard-nosed that it wouldn't make them think about themselves or at least feel hurt or angry. I don't think he's laughing. It's most likely the opposite.
I don't think he's laughing. It's most likely the opposite. According to Lindsey's sister's friend who was on BN, Gerard knows what people say about Lindsey. He just dosen't care. Maybe if he does come (not that I think he does) then he might be laughing.
Do you really think he would be laughing about us calling his wife a talentless skank who only screwed and frenched herself to the 'top' and is as intelligent as a piece of wood? If yes, than he's more insane than I thought or he doesn't give a fuck about her.
Hmm... If he wouldn't care about other people's opinions he wouldn't be known here as a person who desperately tries to please others by copying their style and attitude. That's why I don't think that he himself comes to this blog or any other place on the internet where people don't flatter him and kiss his and MCR's ass but talk about him in a critical and very unflattering way. He may be desperate for attention but he's also desperate for acceptance. I mean, if there's one thing we know about Gerard it is him not being able to be criticized by people.
Did MCR get anything else on the Kerrang poll? How about MSI?
Also -
Why would he go looking for negative comments about himself or the wifey? Simple. Ego. He wants to know that people are still talking about him and whether it is good or bad, it still feeds his ego. Have you ever read the things he says when MCR gets votes for Worst Band in Kerrang? He brags about that meaning they are ruffling feathers and being relevant.
I agree with this. Just wait and he'll try and put some kind of positve spin on the Villain of the Year thing.
i think Gerard definitely lurks blogs like this. did anyone else notice how Gerard said on his "Jabba" post that he is enjoying reality tv less and less now? he probably read about everyone making fun of his posts about the shows he watches and got embarressed.
I think you're interpreting too much into his blabber. If he's embarrassed because he doesn't want us to think that he's a dull, brainless moron enjoying 'reality'-t.v. why doesn't he care about what we think of him concerning MSI and his life-lies?
Gerard thinks MSI is the greatest thing slice sliced bread and he's not going to admit to being a liar. Gerard did admit that watching reality tv kills a few brain cells and no one wants to be known as a dumbass.
Gerard did admit that watching reality tv kills a few brain cells and no one wants to be known as a dumbass.
Yes, but that doesn't have to mean that he's reading the blog! Perhaps he only read his entries again and had the feeling that it wasn't really smart to admit that he's watching so much reality t.v. and wanted to relativize his post? If I was Gerard and would read this blog I would either try to shut it down or write angry comments as an anon. I just don't think that he has the balls to come here himself and read what his ex-fans think of him.
i think if Gerard really cared about what people thought of him he would have never turned his "good guy" image into the prick that he is now. he could give two shits about what a few ex fans are saying about him. he probably is laughing at us.
Sexist Female - Hayley Williams. Lindsey was no.2. I'm glad Hayley won since Lindsey slagged her off. Gerard was also voted for Sexist Female but was disqualified.
I can't remember what else....But MSI nor MCR won anything. Slipknot dominated most of them. I'll try and have another look.
Yes, instead of worrying that the people here are the ones who can influence his future success (or rather demise) in the music and comic book industry, he's laughing at us. Sure!!!
Its sad that the whole purpose of mcr new blog is about selling their merch. The first link you can click on top of the page is directed to their store, and if one scrolled down to read the site content, again, they will be greeted with THREE more links to their store. And this doesn't include the latest blog entry by Jeff Watson that provides TWO more links to their money pot.
I can picture little fangirls everywhere begging for their parents credit cards to chase the xmas shipping date. -sighs-
How fugly must the women in the international rock music industry be that a frump like Lindsey almost wins the poll? Or were there only two contestants for that category?
do you really think he cares? the twenty people that post here over and over aren't going to make his Comic go under by them not buying it. he has plenty of teenage fans to keep his career going.
I agree and luckily those teenagers will grow up and start liking someone more hxc than gerard way.
And with the posh $1M+ mansion, wife with drugs and alcohol spending habit, money blew on toys and actions figures - it'll be a matter of time before he goes broke and starts living like a trashy Jersey dude he once was.
do you really think he cares? the twenty people that post here over and over aren't going to make his Comic go under by them not buying it. he has plenty of teenage fans to keep his career going.
Yes, I think so, anon. Teenage fans are fickle. You cannot rely on them buying your albums forever. There only has to appear another band with younger band members who aren't married or have children and provide the needed projection surface for their teenage fantasies and MCR are O-V-E-R. For good! MCR should settle for an audience who doesn't care that they're getting older and start their own families. This is the kind of audience that can asure them success for a long time (as long as they're making great music, of course). Unfortunately, this is the kind of audience they pissed off big time with their fucked up behavior.
MCR do have one thing going for them. A lot of the old fans who know the history have left. Fan sites have gone dead and the only fans still around are the one who think that anything bad that has happen or the lying was made up by us.
If the next album is any good they might get some new fans. But than everything will start over again because Gerard can't seem to keep from being an asshole and pissing off the fans.
MCR are doomed anyway. nobody is selling records. the record business is in the shitter big time. if they toured they could probably only sell out theatres. they only sold out MSG because it was a hometown gig. unless your a legend like Madonna and U2 etc.. you're fucked.
They also need to stop with the those limited edition Albums, CDs and comic books. Times are tight and parents don't have money to keep shelling out for that shit let alone for concert tickets.
I agree, anon! Times are tough and people are not willing to spend that much money anymore like they used to do. But that should be even more a reason to kiss their fans asses and not kicking them.
I think they sold out MSG because some of the fans thought it might be their last tour.
As far as the limited edition crap goes, I think maybe Warner is just trying to milk them for everything they can get because they know their days as teenie poster boys are almost up.
I think this goes to show that people are moving on and not caring about MCR anymore. They're in long "in". Wheather that's because they're on hiatus or not, I don't know.
MSI didn't get a look in at anything. Boo-hoo. It's all about Lindsey and tbh, I think she only reached #2 because there of MCR fangirls and the lack of women in mainstream rock. If there were more woman in bands, I think she'd be a lot lower.
I don't live in the UK so I don't know much about Kerrang. What exactly does it mean to be voted Villain of the Year, anyway? Is that a good thing or a bad?
Gerard is always getting voted Villain of the year. I don't live in the UK either but I have seen Kerrang. I think that title is like people saying you are overrated and ruining music.
They also need to stop with the those limited edition Albums, CDs and comic books.
MJ, I would have to agree. When the special edition of the Black Parade first came out, I shelled out $60 for it, but to be honest, it wasn't even worth the money. All it came was some stupid box, CD, and a booklet, and those photos. It was totally not worth it. I threw it away in the garbage.
I don't like to spend that kind of money unless the special edition of anything is actually worth spending money on.
He doesn't want to see his role in why people are so mad about this whole thing. It's their just jealous because I have something they don't. Or he does the msi attitude of we don't fucking care and if you don't like it you just don't get us.
I'm sure Gerard doesn't think he's done anything wrong. People like him never do. I'm sure he and Lindsey talk about how jealous we are of them and their "true love." Just like Eliza is convinced fans didn't like her because they were jealous and it didn't have anything to do with the fact that she was an obnoxious, nearly brain-dead attention whore who was nasty to fans and who did everything she could to exploit her relationship with MCR.
Yes, and *poof* suddenly he will talk about women's rights again and that homophobia in the rock scene is something he and the band are fighting against.
I clicked on the link to the kerrang poll on bn. and I find myself SHOCKED, by reading all the comments fans have left there."oh god he is so adorable, oh he can't be a villian bla bla" makes me sick. and then they wonder why he is mean to fans....
they have gave him all the power to be like that. just posting about how "adorable" he is
Some dumbass fangirl on Bob the flop's twitpic 'artwork' page said something quite similar. She said that people should stop fighting on that site (meaning me and the fansheep) because that was the reason they don't talk to the fans anymore. bwahahahahaha
They don't see it as giving power over to him. They see it as being a good fan. Don't question, don't critizie and don't think. Just scream and smile and go omgz they are cute. Than hand over all your or your parents money.
Okay. That worked. Even though there are comments from fansheep there aren't that many and the picture has been up for nine hours. There was a time when there would have been tons of comments by now.
For some reason he just doesn't look right in that picture and I can't put my finger on why. He just looks too feminine, unless it had his name by the picture I wouldn't have immediately recognised him. Maybe its because he's smiling in a really creepy way - no one really smiles like that, he's trying way to hard.
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 4356 Newer› Newest»Kurt dated one of the women from Bikini Kill.
Just because he dated a feminist doesn't have to mean he is one himself. And I'm not that interested in Nirvana to know their lyrics by heart. Would you kindly give examples, anon?
A man can claim to be a feminist, but I don't think most of them truly understand it.
I have known amazing feminists who are men. It is sexist to believe a man can not inherently be a feminist, and if anything, such a belief only prevents any possibility of equality in men and women.
Plus, why are we bashing Kurt Cobain, anyways? That isn't what this site is for.
A man can claim to be a feminist, but I don't think most of them truly understand it.
Quoted for truth, anon! They always claim to be for women's rights but when their little willy starts talking to them they forget all about it.
I for one think that there's no such thing as a male feminist. That term is a contradiction in itself.
Quoted from Kurt Cobain:
“Yeah, all Isms feed off one another but at the top of the food chain is still the white, corporate, macho, strong ox male. Not redeemable as far as I’m concerned. I mean, classism is determined by sexism because the male decides whether all other isms still exists. Its up to men. I’m just saying that people can’t deny any ism or think that some are more or less subordinate except for sexism… I still think that in order to expand on all other isms, sexism has to be blown wide open…but there are thousands of green minds, young gullable 15 year old boys out there just starting to fall into the grain of what they’ve been told of what a man is supposed to be and there are plenty of tools to use. The most effective tool is entertainment”
Men can be feminist just as women can be sexist. Also i don't think anyone is bashing Kurt. I think some people don't know a lot about him or just can see how a man who said he believe in equality for woman could be with someone who represents the opposite.
Have you guys actually seen the bands like Bikini Kill that were the hardcore feminists at the time? The opposite of wholesome. It was what the whole movement was about, and that was what Kurt and Courtney were part of. (She wasn't just a stripper, that was before she was in a band).
My point is, at that time, that was what the feminist movement WAS. You may not agree with it, but that doesn't change that that was how the people that participated in it acted. So, I don't think it really was a contradiction.
Men can be feminist just as women can be sexist.
I don't think that men can be feminists, at least heterosexual men because their sexuality always comes in their way.
I mean, where do you start to define feminism.
Many people/feminists see boys/men who watch porn and/or 'read' porn magazines as sexist. What about men who enjoy the objectification of women in general, whether it is in a movie, magazine or a music video, for their own sexual pleasure? Are they sexist, or not? Can they be feminists?
I don't think embracing the sexual objectification of women is feminist. Some people think by removing the stigma attached to such practice is "empowering" to women, but I disagree.
It does not promote equality between the sexes, it only divides them further.
I don't think that men can be feminists
Then, according to your own logic, equality for women is impossible because (heterosexual) men will never view women as their equal - feminism is futile.
Well, I listened to L7 back then and the girls kicked ass. I don't know about Bikini Kill. Also, I don't know what feminist movement you are talking about, anon?
Embracing a woman's sexuality is on thing. Defining her by it is another.
That's why I don't see how a woman who makes a living based on her sexuality (strippers, porn stars, or girls who parade onstage in a mini-skirt while pretending to play an instrument) can view herself as a feminist.
Some people think by removing the stigma attached to such practice is "empowering" to women, but I disagree.
I think it is meant to work the way blacks took back the N-word, or some gays have tried to take back "fag".
The idea behind it is that if you use it under your own terms, and use it with the knowledge of it's past and it's implications, that you can "retrain" society into seeing it in a different light. Therefore, loosing the stigma and changing the meaning.
But, that kind of thing takes generations because kids have to be taught differently.
Objectification will never be empowering to women. No matter what the perception of those who do it. It's not the same thing as calling a black person "nigga". It would be like thinking black people are only good for doing physical labor and playing basketball.
Siobhan - The riot grrl movement. The feminist movement bands like L7 were involved with.
It would be like thinking black people are only good for doing physical labor and playing basketball.
You can't compare that. Sexuality is an essential part of how we interact with people, so it is much more complicated than that.
Anonymous said...
Embracing a woman's sexuality is on thing. Defining her by it is another.
That's why I don't see how a woman who makes a living based on her sexuality (strippers, porn stars, or girls who parade onstage in a mini-skirt while pretending to play an instrument) can view herself as a feminist.
I wouldn't call that using their sexuality I would call that using sex. Sex ans asexuality are two different things. That people often confuse with each other.
As far as the hardcore feminist movement goes that wasn't what being a feminist was all about. That was a small portion of the movement an extreme one that came about because those women were dealing with the sexist ideology of the scene they were in. Unfortunately because of that there are a lot of people who thing that you are aggressive with sex and wear a short skirt it makes you a feminist.
You can't compare that. Sexuality is an essential part of how we interact with people, so it is much more complicated than that.
I'm not comparing sexuality with that. I'm comparing the sexual objectification of women with that. Two entirely different things.
Anonymous said...
Some people think by removing the stigma attached to such practice is "empowering" to women, but I disagree.
I think it is meant to work the way blacks took back the N-word, or some gays have tried to take back "fag".
The idea behind it is that if you use it under your own terms, and use it with the knowledge of it's past and it's implications, that you can "retrain" society into seeing it in a different light. Therefore, loosing the stigma and changing the meaning.
But, that kind of thing takes generations because kids have to be taught differently.
December 9, 2008 9:59 AM
The problem with doing that are the people who would use it to demean you can now freely say things and not be called out on it.
People to often think by making something negative image or word their own it will kill the negative part of it. But it doesn't because most people don't think about what it means to use the word or image. All it really does it set the fight for equality back a giant step.
That was a small portion of the movement an extreme one that came about because those women were dealing with the sexist ideology of the scene they were in. Unfortunately because of that there are a lot of people who thing that you are aggressive with sex and wear a short skirt it makes you a feminist.
Yes, that's true. But, if you look negatively upon a woman who is wearing a short skirt, than YOU are the one that is defining her by her sexuality. There are a thousand reasons for wearing a skirt, but YOU are the one focusing on the sexual. A women's worth should not be determined by something as shallow as what clothing she chooses to wear, no one's should. It is a person's actions that matter - how they treat the people around them and how they react to the world.
I don't agree with the sexual objectification of women anymore than you do - I'm just saying I don't think the two can compare.
Yes, that's true. But, if you look negatively upon a woman who is wearing a short skirt, than YOU are the one that is defining her by her sexuality. There are a thousand reasons for wearing a skirt, but YOU are the one focusing on the sexual. A women's worth should not be determined by something as shallow as what clothing she chooses to wear, no one's should. It is a person's actions that matter - how they treat the people around them and how they react to the world.
I don't simple base my reaction to a person based on the short skirt. I also watch how they carry themselves. But you also can not deny that what you wear does say a lot about who you are. People even unintentially pick cloths that will speak volumes about what kind of person they are. If you are emo you dress a certain way same for rappers, punks, business people and sluts.
Fuck, this is the kind of conversation that always make me reach my limit. I'm trying to write my comment here but it sounds plain crazy.
But anon, I think men and women can be equal but as long as the male sexuality counts more than the female one it's not going to happen.
But anon, I think men and women can be equal but as long as the male sexuality counts more than the female one it's not going to happen.
As long as women use sex to get in life women and men will never be seen a equals. For women it is far to easy to fall back on the whole slut/sex kitten image to get what they want.
It is the same with all groups of people who are treated like second class citizens. You have to prove that you are more than that stereotype.
get ahead in life
So, I'm just curious, how do you believe women SHOULD act regarding sexuality. (I'm speaking to anyone willing to answer me here)
Are you okay with them being sexual as long as they don't talk about it? Or show it? Where do you draw the line?
Women should not use their sexuality to get ahead in life but they also should not deny it. Female sexuality is quasi obsolete. Here in Germany you get to see naked women almost the whole day but if you want to see a dick you'll have to wait til after midnight. I don't mind a naked woman in a magazine or in a movie if I see a naked man next to her. Full frontal dick!
Siobhan - It isn't like that here in the US. You don't see naked men, but you don't see naked women either. Sexuality, along with the human body, is seen as a taboo here. Maybe that is why we differ in our opinions?
Anonymous said...
So, I'm just curious, how do you believe women SHOULD act regarding sexuality. (I'm speaking to anyone willing to answer me here)
Are you okay with them being sexual as long as they don't talk about it? Or show it? Where do you draw the line?
I am not saying women should be prudes who don't enjoy sex. I am also not saying they should be covered head to toe. But I also don't think there is a need for anyone male or female to run around screaming about who and how they had sex with.
There are no rally good examples for women on how to be sexy with out out running into the whore thing. You are either mother Teresa or the whore of Babylon and we have yet to find an in between place. Until that day all we can do is fight about the image you are giving off.
Personally, I love sex. I consider myself to be a very sexual person. I like men and they like me. I'm not above wearing a tight or low cut sweater or a short skirt when it's appropriate to do so.
However, I do not use my sexuality to get ahead in my job and I expect to be valued for my abilities in the workplace, not the way I look.
Here in Germany you get to see naked women almost the whole day but if you want to see a dick you'll have to wait til after midnight.
Same in England, Fisch. I hate going to the magazine self and gettin 50 pairs of breasts in my face.
You should be able to wear it tight and low but when that is all you are. when you act like noting more than a blow up doll and think that you have done something empowering or inspirational is where I have the problem.
It's because as a women all you have to do to get noticed is take your cloths off.
Exactly. I agree completely.
I think the problem or the fear is that if a woman behaves in a way that may be demeaning to women many men will think that all women are sluts.
You're not seen as an idividual by many men and many women know that. A woman's behavior concerning her sexuality mostly affects not only her but all women.
I think that's why women easily call others sluts and thereby want to disassociate themselves from them by saying that. I think it doesn't necessarily mean that they hate them but that they are afraid that their own sexuality will not be seen individually anymore.
Siobhan I was thinking of saying that i but I couldn't find the correct words.
I know that on several occasions when talking about sex with a male friend he told me that he knew I would do certain things in bed because his girlfriend had done them.
I experienced that too, MJ.
A few things about Kurt Cobain. There were a few famous men and "rock stars" who preached equality for women, and feminism. John Lennon was actually one of them. He was a flawed person like most of us are, and he did leave his first wife and never took care of his son Julian, but he was obviously hugely influential and used his influence to change the world. One of his most taboo songs is a fascinating and deeply feminist song.
All the things that Gerard said about racism and sexism, Kurt Cobain said first, almost word for word. I have no idea how Gerard ever thought that some of us wouldn't remember Kurt saying that, unless he knew from the start that his fanbase would be made up almost entirely of twelve year olds. However, there were a few of us adults who were music fans and were taken in by what he had to say. We are old enough to remember Kurt saying those things first.
Gerard, I think, thought he was going to be the Second Coming of Kurt Cobain.
The Riot Grrl movement was huge and Hole was NOT part of that movement, no matter how much they and Kurt wanted to convince themselves that they were. Kurt was very naive and he was a huge druggie. You should hear Dave Grohl talk about how Courtney Love tricked Kurt at the time. He pretty much loathed her on sight, because he got her, and Kurt didn't.
Kurt defied his feminist leanings by hooking up with such a piece of anti-feminist trash, but I don't think he realized it.
And the biggest difference between how I felt about Kurt and how I now feel about Gerard was that, to my knowledge, Kurt never sold out his female fanbase because of who he was banging. You would never in a million years have heard Kurt telling a crowd of a few thousand young girls to simulate an orgasm for him. Kurt and his fans had a touchy relationship at best, but he never once treated his female fanbase like whores.
And while I'm at it, here is a website you all might like. I linked to it a few days ago but I think there are more people now. Heartless Bitches.
Are you sick of people who have confused objectifying women as sex symbols with female "empowerment"?
Are you tired of the walking wounded moping around expecting that the world owes them something because they are victims?
Are you sick of lazy women who use emotional and sexual manipulation to get what they want instead of using their own brains and muscles?
Are you fed up with women who feel they HAVE to be in a "Relationship" in order to be whole, and will sacrifice their self-esteem and personal growth in order to avoid being on their own?
Are you tired of men and women who are emotional children, and won't accept responsibility for their actions or behavior?
Then you might like this web page. :)
I book marked from when you posted it at mayo's
However, I do not use my sexuality to get ahead in my job and I expect to be valued for my abilities in the workplace, not the way I look.
Exactly. This is the part the Lindseys and the Courtney Loves of the world don't get.
^Precisely. There was, in first and second-wave feminism, the idea that women should only work and should have equal rights to men.
Third Wave feminism--wherein a woman is allowed to be as sexual as she wants, in any way she chooses--is a backlash against that. It says that yes, women require equality in all aspects of life, with the added benefit of retaining her sexuality. However since it is a backlash, and the nature of backlashes is to go to the opposite extreme, Third Wave also asks that a woman be allowed to be any sort of creature she chooses. Which is a good thing. Some women, however, choose to be bimbos.
Many Third Wavers ask that bimbos be viewed just like non-bimbos, and that their choice to be a bimbo be respected. The way I see it is that there are two flaws with this. One: The rest of the world doesn't care if you believe you have the right to be a bimbo and still get respect. The rest of the world calls it like they see it. And two: Women who aren't bimbos might kind of resent being on the same level as bimbos.
I suspect that when Lindsey talks haltingly of "feminism," she's thinking of Third Wave Feminism; the "take back your sexuality" wave.
However, since she freely admits that she can't play her damn instrument, and it's obvious that her entire career sprouts from her husband's ever-flapping mouth, she needs to keep her yap shut about feminism, and just keep on doing her little backbends there.
I see what you're saying, Kapunua. I understand that a women who uses sex to get ahead won't be seen as a feminist, but I don't think that gives anyone the right to disrespect her, still.
entire career sprouts from her husband's ever-flapping mouth
you gotta hand it to him, he's so generous!
Are you serious 12:22? Have you heard the lyrics to the songs her band plays? They disrespect just about anything.
If you can't show respect for yourself and other people you do not deserve to be given any respect.
Respect is something that you earn and should not be given to people just because of their sex, age, religion or race.
I'm speaking generally, 12:27, no about Lyn-z specifically.
And about Lyn-z, I agree that MSI's lyrics are disgraceful and disrespectful, and I think her association with them is despicable. But that is judging Lyn-z based on her association with a talentless shock rock group. Which is perfectly okay, because that is judging her on her work (or lack thereof). Does that make sense?
It make sense we are all saying something of the same thing just we are coming from different points of view.
12:35 I understand what you are trying to say, but this is the real world. What we do and how we behave forms the basis of how others judge us.
Great views on everything here. Really interesting to read.
Just going back to The Worlds Most Hated Crew and GW denying his knowledge of it, which is ridiculous.
Here is an interview with Jonathan Rivera from April 2007. He went to art school with GW and is great friends with him and Mikey.
Anyway the interviewer is none other than Eliza Cuts!
And here's a snippet.
Eliza Cuts: So have you every heard of Worlds Most Hated?
Jon Rivera: I have. You're terrorists right?
Eliza Cuts: Which one of us do you hate the most?
Jon Rivera: I can't hate you because you're the only person who will dance with me. So...I hate Sarah Dope, because she is small. And I don't trust small people. They just always seem like they're up to something. She can also kill more zombies than me in Dead Rising.
Eliza Cuts: Well, thank you very much for the interview. It was a smashing good time. Hit me up with your myspace and web addy real quick.
Jon Rivera: Sorry, my internet crashed. My last answer was "running around at night...knocking things off the cupboard. Casting spells and such."
Eliza Cuts: Its okay. What’s the heartbreak myspace and web addy?
Jon Rivera: myspace.com/heartbreakcomics and www.heartbreakcomics.com
I realize that, but you don't have to just accept the norm.
Doesn't surprise me.
Topic jump like woah!
I didn't read the full interview, just the snippet you gave, but did anyone notice how he nicely avoided her self-promoting and ridiculous questions?
12:45 the majority always will. How else do you place trust in one?
Topic jump like woah!
Ha! Sorry about that 12.49!
Two months after that interview she was out of the picture and WMHC were no longer.
^ So much for all that self-promoting, then. LOL.
I t was fine when wmhc where just something the fans knew about but once it got back to his friends... it had to be taken care of.
Yes, and Gerard soon found another fierce self-promoter.
MJ how convenient. Poor Gerard, always treated badly by his girlfriends. One was not "supportive" and the other one was only out for fame. Thank god he met Lindsey.
The funny thing about it is, when it was Eliza, Gerard was very secretive about his personal life so all the fans hated her for bringing it onto the internet (because they were all under the impression that it was without Gerard's knowledge).
Now that it's Lyn-z, it's like the fans learned their lesson from the first time around and now you're not allowed to say a thing bad about her. The only difference is that this time Gerard did the promoting himself. So, maybe Gerard has just learned from his mistakes with Eliza...what do you guys think?
1:05 if that is true, I would say plan B has hit him in the face.
Well, I think he wanted to shake off alot of his fanbase. Only problem is, he got rid off the wrong ones.
LOL anon. I don't think he learned anything. I feel that all his promoting of Lynz was to get back at Eliza. Either that or he became an obsessed fan girl for Lynz.
Anyway you can't make people love the person you "love" just by talking about them non stop. People have to find out what kind of person they are than decide.
That's an interesting remark, Martha. Have you seen the recent photos of them together? They are just like all the others - Gerard appears to be trying to pull Lyn-z in while Lyn-z appears to be pulling away, with a poorly faked smile on her face.
Body language speaks volumes.
I think the fans really believe that Gerard knew nothing about what Eliza was doing. So she is the bad guy plain and simple. They think because use Lynz is in a band she has no reason to use him.
i think a lot of the "promoting" that Gerard did at PR was done to publicly humiliate Eliza. Lindsey was even mocking Eliza by sharpieing "taken" on her arm.
1:16 I noticed that too. It's almost like she doesn't want him to touch her, or she feels embarrassed. But wait, she's pregnant to him!
Honestly? I think Gerard was ashamed of Eliza. He obviously cheated on his other girlfriend with her and he was probably ashamed of himself as well.
No I haven seen any of the recent picture of Lynz I saw one of Gerard. He never seems happy.
I mean just happy. He either looks down or like he is about to jump out of his skin.
Then she is as big an idiot as he is 1:18.
MJ a couple of the recent ones show him looking at her like a teenager with a school boy crush. She's not even looking at him, and her arms look like she is guarding herself.
Does anyone else find it odd that Gerard ran around talking endlessly about "my wife" and how amaaaaayyyzing! married life was, yet he hasn't said anything about the baby?
Honestly? I think Gerard was ashamed of Eliza. He obviously cheated on his other girlfriend with her and he was probably ashamed of himself as well.
I thought so too, and i'll tell you something else I noticed. He always has to justify who he's with, almost like he's justifying them to himself.
When he was with Eliza he did this interview where he said something to the effect of, "It doesn't matter what you do, just as long as you're the best at it."
I read that as being about Eliza. She was "just" a hairdresser but she promoted herself as being the NUMBER ONE HAIRDRESSER OF THE GODZZZZZ!!!111 When Gerard said that, it felt to me like he was ashamed of her for not amounting to much, but trying to justify it. "Yes, but she's the best there is."
But now that he's with Lindsey, who is proud of the fact that she's nowhere near the best at what she does, he's changed his tune. Now it's "It doesn't matter if you're good at what you do, as long as you're doing something cool."
Odd, huh?
Gerard and Lindsey got together on the road when he was onstage every night, being a rockstar.
For the past several months, he's just been Gerard, the comic book geek.
Maybe for Lindsey, the magic has worn off.
i was just thinking the same thing. i thought that he would never shut up about it, but i guess i was wrong.
On the whole fan topic. I don't think Gerard wanted toted to get rid of the fangirls. I think he wanted to get rid of any fan that didn't take everything he said as the gospel true. The ones that noticed and cared when he contradicted himself.
Fan sheep will shell out as much money as you tell them and be grateful for the chance to do it.
Maybe for Lindsey, the magic has worn off.
If that's the case then I know just how she feels.
Picture one
Picture two.
I see nothing wrong with them....
Really. I might have to find one to look at at.
I find it odd that he hasn't said anything but i am also glad. I think someone told him to shut about about it. I don't see him deciding on his own to stop talking about her.
i think Gerard was just trying to be as "outrageous" as Jimmy Urine was at PR to impress him.
1.30 just because you see nothing wrong doesn't mean their isn't a problem. I remember the fan girls scream up and down about how happy he was with Eliza.
I know Martha but I was just saying that they look "normal" in that picture and I don't see anything that the other Anon did.
I think this was something to do with her "Hung" art exhibition tour apparently, and I'm not sure how long ago it was. Probably the last month? She doesn't look especially pregnant.
I get what you are saying re body language anon, but a photo can sometimes come across as appearing very different to real life.
that aside, i am still with you all on alot of your thoughts and theories.
The second one does look like he is more into her than she is into him.
They look normal to me in those pics. Normal douchebags. I think you can always interpret pictures as you please. Some would say they look as if they're totally in love, some would say she/he looks pissed off etc.
Sorry 1.30! In the time it took me to find the pics you had already posted them.
Photos can be interpreted in many ways. As with everything, we will probably never know. Until the shit hits the fan that is, if it does?!
Those are all MCR fan girls at that place right.
Check out the chick two over from Gerard in the second pic. She looks like she's gonna have a heart attack if the get any omggzz~cuter
Is the dude on the left their bodyguard?
And can it be that Lindsey is taller than Gerard?
I don't think they have a bodyguard unless they're either at a show or in another country. Besides, that dude doesn't look big enough.
And yes, Lindsey is taller than Gerard. She bends a lot or stands with her legs apart when they take photos together.
I think the guy is part of Lynz's art exhibition thing?
Lynz is 172cms and GW is 175cms, but GW always hunches and Lynz is wearing heels.
And I fucking hate that I know that worthless shit! Sorry everybody.
And yes, Lindsey is taller than Gerard. She bends a lot or stands with her legs apart when they take photos together.
Awww, how cute! She knows her place in the relationship well. 'Never outshine your mealticket or make him look less manly'. hahahaha
Aww, there goes my theory, anon. Thank you very much. But she looks taller although she's almost doing the splits in the second pic.
Siobhan said...
Aww, there goes my theory, anon. Thank you very much. But she looks taller although she's almost doing the splits in the second pic.
December 9, 2008 1:57 PM
I have a snarky comment in mind because of what you aid but I won't say it.
Why not?
I don't know. i feel sorry for her sometimes and i don't think the comment is that funny
Your comment or my comment?
And why do you feel sorry for her???
My comment
Sometimes my good nature surfaces and gets the better of me. but than I hear one of her band's songs and I come back to my senses.
Haha, MJ! Gotcha!
She is an easy an easy target so I feel bad sometimes.
They don't care at all about the people they hurt with their music and their behavior. Trust me, you don't have to feel bad!
When MCR die out who'll bet it's 'I didn't kill you, my gun did?'
As for Linsey's and Gerard's love collapsing or something because he's a comic book geek, who's to say Linsey doesn't find that attractive?
No they don't but sometime it really is to easy.
Anyway I must be off for a bit. I think it is about 11.47 where you are. So i will say goodnight to you because I don't think I will be back before you are gone.
If she found the comic geek attractive at all than he wouldn't have had to act like JU to impress her during the pr tour.
Lindsey has that when it comes to comics, that she's "not in to that shit." So I can't see her liking comic nerds either, imo.
Lindsey has that when it comes to comics, that she's "not in to that shit." So I can't see her liking comic nerds either, imo.
Is it just me or in the pic where Gerard is looking at Lindsey does his head look really big? Like, scary big? If the kid takes after him I wouldn't want to be delivering it. Not envying her that at all. :(
1:24 - I think maybe he learned his lesson from last year. With his non-stop Lindsey blabber, and the little pockets of backlash (i.e. here) and the OMG I MUST KILL HER GEE WILL BE MINE batshit crazy fangirls it riled up, perhaps he realized it wasn't such a good idea and laid off. Maybe he even realizes that talking about the baby might threaten its privacy (or life) in the future. If he's thinking that far, or that much at all. Maybe Lindsey herself even told him to knock it off, because of obnoxious MCR teenies at shows or threats (though I don't see why she'd take those seriously).
And yeah, he does have a rather large head. Has to be big to hold that ego of his.
I don't know, 4:34. Somehow I don't see Gerard as being the type of person who learns from his mistakes. He'd have to be willing to admit that he's capable of making them first and I don't see him doing that, unless he can use it to tell a story (as in the quitting drugs/drinking cold turkey story he was so fond of telling during the Revenge/LOTMS era).
I think just like with the sharpie messages someone told him to stop. I don't think anything else would make hm stop talking about how amazing lynz and being married is.
I've never believed he went cold turkey and never looked back.
^I never believed that either. I also don't think Gerard would have admitted to having screwed up unless he knew he was going to get a ton of mileage out of that story. And he milked it for all it was worth.
Also, I would just like to say that I think Ray is the only member of MCR that I still like. From the posts on the website he seems to be the nicest and the most grounded. Also, he writes about awesome films and cool technical stuff instead of stupid shit like reality tv.
I'm still not going to support MCR anymore though. Sorry Ray.
8:13 it's a life long struggle.
I'll probably get flamed for psychoanalyzing again, but I'm going to throw something out there regarding Gerard's not talking about the pregnancy.
Often, major life changes such as the prospect of becoming a parent can throw a person with a history of depression or bipolar disorder into a major depressive episode. That may or may not be what's going on with him and of course we have no way of knowing. But, if so, I hope he's continuing with his therapy and getting all the help and support he needs. No matter how much I've come to dislike him, I hope he is healthy so he can be there for his child and his wife.
^And of course, now that I've said that, he'll probably start babbling on like a maniac about the pregnancy.
If so, I'll be convinced that he's either reading or being told about this blog.
stress is the trigger to depression in sufferers, even good stress.
i agree with you 8:22, i hope you is coping or has the support that he needs to be there for his family.
i think this blog has attained a certain amount of infamy. who knows who reads it.
I believe all 5 of them have seen, or at least heard of this place. Maybe even James and some MSI people. I know for a fact that at least one member of MCR has posted an anon comment on here at some point. I do not know exactly when or on what entry though.
i thought they were laughing at the blog 8:40. why should they waste their time?
I think it was back when the MCRmy was telling VV she need to get raped. And we were having visited from named BN people. If that is true that a member of MCR posted here.
To fuel the fire. And their egos.
that's sad 8:55.
8.40 - What makes you say that?
8.46 - We did say they ARE laughing at us, but they'd PROBERLY laugh at us, it they ever came across this place.
^That was me, forgot to sign in.
Safe an anon came on saying that Gerard, the wife piss face knew about this place and were laughing at things we wrote about the Mrs. It was right after the I haven't bathed for 6 days interview.
Thanks MJ.
Let them laugh.
If the Anon was telling the truth, which I'm not sure they were. Why would anybody actively seek out negative comments about their wife/husband/friend?
It's a pretty well-known fact that Gerard used to troll Stafoo back in the day. Apparently, he had an lj sock and he even used to comment occasionally, both on Stafoo and chemicalromance. I've also heard he was rude to fans who were carrying signs or wearing t-shirts pertaining to Nigel (which was originally a Stafoo joke) at shows. Frank even joked once about reading Stafoo so he could rib Gerard about it.
Why would he go looking for negative comments about himself or the wifey? Simple. Ego. He wants to know that people are still talking about him and whether it is good or bad, it still feeds his ego. Have you ever read the things he says when MCR gets votes for Worst Band in Kerrang? He brags about that meaning they are ruffling feathers and being relevant.
I think he's nuts and apparently, I'm not alone.
Well 12:44 Gerard is hanging out with Frances whose mother is the active poster child for "any publicity is good publicity". Not to mention that he an ego maniac so reading anything about himself good or bad probably gives him a high.
I am under the impression that Reprise and MCR are well informed of the fan backlash and the sudden drop in merch sales ect and that some of this is because of Gerard himself. This is why there is the sudden change on the MCR site which is much more fan "friendly". Now they can give the impression that they are communicating with their fans and that they do really care. To me it just reads as truly desperate. Frank's "Gerard is a blogging god" post had me laughing. Someone should tell Reprise that its too late for damage control. Gerard alienated his fanbase because he was under the impression that the legion of screaming sheep would be enough to cover all the fans who had been there because of the music. He was obviously wrong because the screaming sheep have moved on. The Black Parade isn't the only thing dead, MCR have followed.
Gerard Way has been voted Kerrang Magazine's Villian Of The Year in the readers poll.
*Sarcastically wonders why*
I think Gerard must be really self-destructive if he reads the comments here. I can't believe that those comments won't somehow affect his mood or self-confidence to the effect that he's starting to doubt himself and his actions. Nobody can be that hard-nosed that it wouldn't make them think about themselves or at least feel hurt or angry.
I don't think he's laughing. It's most likely the opposite.
Kerrang Link
And what does that mean, now? Why is he a villain? Because he looks like a child molester in that pic or because he fucked over his fans?
I don't think he's laughing. It's most likely the opposite.
According to Lindsey's sister's friend who was on BN, Gerard knows what people say about Lindsey. He just dosen't care. Maybe if he does come (not that I think he does) then he might be laughing.
I think half is because he fucked over his fans and the other half is because people think he's a talentless pretty boy with shit music.
Do you really think he would be laughing about us calling his wife a talentless skank who only screwed and frenched herself to the 'top' and is as intelligent as a piece of wood? If yes, than he's more insane than I thought or he doesn't give a fuck about her.
So, they don't give any description whatsoever about their poll categories?
I think it's us and our opinions he doesn't give a fuck about, Fisch.
Hmm... If he wouldn't care about other people's opinions he wouldn't be known here as a person who desperately tries to please others by copying their style and attitude.
That's why I don't think that he himself comes to this blog or any other place on the internet where people don't flatter him and kiss his and MCR's ass but talk about him in a critical and very unflattering way. He may be desperate for attention but he's also desperate for acceptance.
I mean, if there's one thing we know about Gerard it is him not being able to be criticized by people.
Did MCR get anything else on the Kerrang poll? How about MSI?
Also -
Why would he go looking for negative comments about himself or the wifey? Simple. Ego. He wants to know that people are still talking about him and whether it is good or bad, it still feeds his ego. Have you ever read the things he says when MCR gets votes for Worst Band in Kerrang? He brags about that meaning they are ruffling feathers and being relevant.
I agree with this. Just wait and he'll try and put some kind of positve spin on the Villain of the Year thing.
i think Gerard definitely lurks blogs like this. did anyone else notice how Gerard said on his "Jabba" post that he is enjoying reality tv less and less now? he probably read about everyone making fun of his posts about the shows he watches and got embarressed.
I think you're interpreting too much into his blabber. If he's embarrassed because he doesn't want us to think that he's a dull, brainless moron enjoying 'reality'-t.v. why doesn't he care about what we think of him concerning MSI and his life-lies?
Gerard thinks MSI is the greatest thing slice sliced bread and he's not going to admit to being a liar. Gerard did admit that watching reality tv kills a few brain cells and no one wants to be known as a dumbass.
^since slice bread
all of Gerard's posts were about reality tv and now he's liking it less and less. i think his sudden change is definitely from people goofing on him.
Gerard did admit that watching reality tv kills a few brain cells and no one wants to be known as a dumbass.
Yes, but that doesn't have to mean that he's reading the blog! Perhaps he only read his entries again and had the feeling that it wasn't really smart to admit that he's watching so much reality t.v. and wanted to relativize his post?
If I was Gerard and would read this blog I would either try to shut it down or write angry comments as an anon.
I just don't think that he has the balls to come here himself and read what his ex-fans think of him.
i think if Gerard really cared about what people thought of him he would have never turned his "good guy" image into the prick that he is now. he could give two shits about what a few ex fans are saying about him. he probably is laughing at us.
IKerrang Poll:
Sexist Female - Hayley Williams. Lindsey was no.2. I'm glad Hayley won since Lindsey slagged her off. Gerard was also voted for Sexist Female but was disqualified.
I can't remember what else....But MSI nor MCR won anything. Slipknot dominated most of them. I'll try and have another look.
Yes, instead of worrying that the people here are the ones who can influence his future success (or rather demise) in the music and comic book industry, he's laughing at us. Sure!!!
Its sad that the whole purpose of mcr new blog is about selling their merch. The first link you can click on top of the page is directed to their store, and if one scrolled down to read the site content, again, they will be greeted with THREE more links to their store. And this doesn't include the latest blog entry by Jeff Watson that provides TWO more links to their money pot.
I can picture little fangirls everywhere begging for their parents credit cards to chase the xmas shipping date. -sighs-
How fugly must the women in the international rock music industry be that a frump like Lindsey almost wins the poll? Or were there only two contestants for that category?
do you really think he cares? the twenty people that post here over and over aren't going to make his Comic go under by them not buying it. he has plenty of teenage fans to keep his career going.
I'm sure if Lyn-z is not married to Mr.Douchebag she'll be down there at number infinity on Kerrang's Sexiest Female list.
if they have a girl i hope it looks like Gerard, so it would have a chance of looking like a woman.
Fisch, that's the power of the fangirl and the "OMG! I've seen Lyn-Z crotch so I'll have to have a wank" 12-year-old boys.
I think Lindsey's pretty - but the other girls on the list are, in my eyes, far prettier.
Anonymous said...
if they have a girl i hope it looks like Gerard, so it would have a chance of looking like a woman.
December 10, 2008 8:16 AM
Hate to sound like a bitch, but, I hope the kid gets Gerard's nose and cheek bones. Lindsey's are far to big.
8.09 am:
I agree and luckily those teenagers will grow up and start liking someone more hxc than gerard way.
And with the posh $1M+ mansion, wife with drugs and alcohol spending habit, money blew on toys and actions figures - it'll be a matter of time before he goes broke and starts living like a trashy Jersey dude he once was.
do you really think he cares? the twenty people that post here over and over aren't going to make his Comic go under by them not buying it. he has plenty of teenage fans to keep his career going.
Yes, I think so, anon. Teenage fans are fickle. You cannot rely on them buying your albums forever. There only has to appear another band with younger band members who aren't married or have children and provide the needed projection surface for their teenage fantasies and MCR are O-V-E-R. For good! MCR should settle for an audience who doesn't care that they're getting older and start their own families. This is the kind of audience that can asure them success for a long time (as long as they're making great music, of course). Unfortunately, this is the kind of audience they pissed off big time with their fucked up behavior.
Whoop, whoop!!
I agree Fisch
Agreed. And its too late to start getting new fans now. In short, mcr is doomed.
MCR do have one thing going for them. A lot of the old fans who know the history have left. Fan sites have gone dead and the only fans still around are the one who think that anything bad that has happen or the lying was made up by us.
If the next album is any good they might get some new fans. But than everything will start over again because Gerard can't seem to keep from being an asshole and pissing off the fans.
MCR are doomed anyway. nobody is selling records. the record business is in the shitter big time. if they toured they could probably only sell out theatres. they only sold out MSG because it was a hometown gig. unless your a legend like Madonna and U2 etc.. you're fucked.
They also need to stop with the those limited edition Albums, CDs and comic books. Times are tight and parents don't have money to keep shelling out for that shit let alone for concert tickets.
I agree, anon! Times are tough and people are not willing to spend that much money anymore like they used to do. But that should be even more a reason to kiss their fans asses and not kicking them.
I think they sold out MSG because some of the fans thought it might be their last tour.
As far as the limited edition crap goes, I think maybe Warner is just trying to milk them for everything they can get because they know their days as teenie poster boys are almost up.
I can't wait to see where 33 year old mom with stretch marks and baby fat LynZ will place next year in the sexiest female poll.
As promised, more on the Kerrang poll:
MCR are #3 on the Worst and Best Band lists.
Gerard is #5 in the Sexist Male catergory.
I think this goes to show that people are moving on and not caring about MCR anymore. They're in long "in". Wheather that's because they're on hiatus or not, I don't know.
MSI didn't get a look in at anything. Boo-hoo. It's all about Lindsey and tbh, I think she only reached #2 because there of MCR fangirls and the lack of women in mainstream rock. If there were more woman in bands, I think she'd be a lot lower.
Next year I doubt Lindsey will even be a blip on the radar screen. Out of sight out of mind and all that.
With a little luck, MCR will go away as well.
With a little luck, MCR will go away as well.
Let's all cross our fingers for that!!!
I don't live in the UK so I don't know much about Kerrang. What exactly does it mean to be voted Villain of the Year, anyway? Is that a good thing or a bad?
Gerard is always getting voted Villain of the year. I don't live in the UK either but I have seen Kerrang. I think that title is like people saying you are overrated and ruining music.
They also need to stop with the those limited edition Albums, CDs and comic books.
MJ, I would have to agree. When the special edition of the Black Parade first came out, I shelled out $60 for it, but to be honest, it wasn't even worth the money. All it came was some stupid box, CD, and a booklet, and those photos. It was totally not worth it. I threw it away in the garbage.
I don't like to spend that kind of money unless the special edition of anything is actually worth spending money on.
Damn, Gerard looks creepy in that Kerrang poll pic.
Gerard looks creepy because he is a creep.
I don't think creep is strong enough.
On the topic of why Gerard might read these comments I think it is so he can feel like a victim. Look the mean ex fans are making fun of me again.
He doesn't want to see his role in why people are so mad about this whole thing. It's their just jealous because I have something they don't. Or he does the msi attitude of we don't fucking care and if you don't like it you just don't get us.
I'm sure Gerard doesn't think he's done anything wrong. People like him never do. I'm sure he and Lindsey talk about how jealous we are of them and their "true love." Just like Eliza is convinced fans didn't like her because they were jealous and it didn't have anything to do with the fact that she was an obnoxious, nearly brain-dead attention whore who was nasty to fans and who did everything she could to exploit her relationship with MCR.
Or he does the msi attitude of we don't fucking care and if you don't like it you just don't get us.
I bet he'll care when the money starts to dry up.
I bet he'll care when the money starts to dry up.
Yes, and *poof* suddenly he will talk about women's rights again and that homophobia in the rock scene is something he and the band are fighting against.
No, he already played that one out. He'll come up with a new line of bullshit.
I clicked on the link to the kerrang poll on bn. and I find myself SHOCKED, by reading all the comments fans have left there."oh god he is so adorable, oh he can't be a villian bla bla" makes me sick. and then they wonder why he is mean to fans....
they have gave him all the power to be like that. just posting about how "adorable" he is
Some dumbass fangirl on Bob the flop's twitpic 'artwork' page said something quite similar. She said that people should stop fighting on that site (meaning me and the fansheep) because that was the reason they don't talk to the fans anymore. bwahahahahaha
They don't see it as giving power over to him. They see it as being a good fan. Don't question, don't critizie and don't think. Just scream and smile and go omgz they are cute. Than hand over all your or your parents money.
Lol @ this comment:
Omg Gerard Villan of da year hahahaha lol go gerard they should have a sexist male poll nd gerard way wud win
Sexist male? I'm sure the poor little girl meant to say "sexiest", but you gotta love that typo. :D
Besides, doesn't she know Kerrang does have a sexiest male and Gerard didn't win? She must be about 10.
I don't see that comment, 12:47.
How hard is it to ignore a person that doesn't like you on the net. Not very just delete their comment and in the cast of twitter have them blocked.
If Bob wanted to the others as well they would talk to the fans. They would even address the fact that some fans are upset.
Hmm. For some reason it doesn't show up when you click the link posted earlier. Try this link.
Okay. That worked. Even though there are comments from fansheep there aren't that many and the picture has been up for nine hours. There was a time when there would have been tons of comments by now.
Oh my god.
Gerard went and had his teeth done.
Yeah he sure doesn't care what he looks like.
Teeth, what? They look like the same old itty bitty teeth to me. Not that I care.
hahahahahah sexist male!
that made my day.
For some reason he just doesn't look right in that picture and I can't put my finger on why. He just looks too feminine, unless it had his name by the picture I wouldn't have immediately recognised him. Maybe its because he's smiling in a really creepy way - no one really smiles like that, he's trying way to hard.
Gerard looks like Natalie from The Facts of Life in that pic.
Lol. He totally does. ^__^
He had them whitened and he MIGHT have gotten his gums done.
It is LA and once you move there by law you must start having some kind of cosmetic surgery.
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