Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"

It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.

(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).


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Anonymous said...

I know that, but I mean he knows what it's like to take care of someone younger.

Anonymous said...

Like when they were both older.

Anonymous said...

I never said I was hoping it, but it is possible.
And it would be better than having a kid with a mental illness or something terrible that. And then there is also the possibility of the it not being taken care of, etc.

Anonymous said...

Miscarriage is often nature's way of correcting its mistakes, but that happens in the first trimester usually. A miscarriage at this point would be horrible for Lindsey.

I hope she is taking care of herself for the baby's sake.

Anonymous said...

As someone who had a miscarriage in the 14th week of pregnancy I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Not only is it physically one of the most painful expirences I've ever had (even more then the births of my two other children) but the emotional heartache is never ending.

While I have lost all respect for Gerard because of his behavior and such I hope he and Lindsey have a healthy baby. I agree though that marriage is tough enough and children make it harder. Because they are starting a family so soon into their marriage and didn't have that long "getting to know you" phase before they married I'd say the odds are stacked against them.

Still, they are having a baby and I hope the best for them. I do believe though that this baby will be the nail in the coffin so to speak on MCR. The guys haven't even begun the writing for the next album and live on opposite coasts. They apparantly spend most of their time watching reality TV and playing video games. Once this baby arrives GW will have no time for anything else. But honestly, maybe the end of MCR will be a good thing.

Anonymous said...


you quoted what i wrote the previous day.

i totally agree with what you said. i think the first child is an eye opening experience for anyone.

i also would tend to agree that men, no matter how much they anticipate the child, still find it very hard to adapt to not being the primary focus in the relationship with the mother.

it is also hard for a women to lose her independence, and place her needs second.

some people just have some fortitude make a decision to act responsibly, and make good choices for the sake of the child. that was the point i was trying to get across.

Anonymous said...


You are absolutely right. Some people do and I hope that Gerard and Lindsey are two of them. I do think the odds are against them, given their professions and lifestyle, the fact that they will have been together less than two years total (counting the courtship) when the baby is born (and a huge chunk of that time was spent apart from one another due to conflicting touring schedules) and Gerard's past history of depression, drug use, etc.

They could surprise us all and I hope for the child's sake they do.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but growing up with a sibling three years younger hardly = "taking care of them." I rather think their mom and dad did that. You know And in no way does having a sibling prepare you for having a child. In no way.

Gosh, let's not even think about the whole "m word" thing, it's too awful.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and we all know what a great job his mother did by letting the two watch horror movies with her when they were still small children and collecting those creepy dolls that almost made Gerard shit his pants. A little boy who drinks cough syrup before bedtime to be able to sleep certainly experienced the right environment to become a mentally healthy adult.

Anonymous said...

...and father!

Anonymous said...

Where'd you hear about the cough syrup, Fisch?

In Mama and Papa's defence - I watched horror films all the time when I was little and still do. I don't think it's effected me (or I hope not). The only film to have ever scared me was a brief moment in Stephen King's IT.

Anonymous said...

He said that in an interview, Elfe! It was an article in which he said that he had severe anxiety and couldn't sleep so he hid the cough syrup under his bed and drank it to numb himself. I think he was twelve at that time.
It wasn't only the horror movies. He said things about his childhood that made me feel very sorry for him and I wasn't surprised at all about his obsession with death. It made his mother look really irresponsible as a parent. I don't know if he realized that. At first I found it really hard to believe that someone would tell such private things about their family and their upbringing. Maybe he was high and only babbling away.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't think horror movies alone are enough to fuck up a kid. I think his parents tried the best they could. But other factor came into play that helped to shape who he was/is.

If money was on short supply it may have been more important to get food on the table and things like the cough medication would have gone unnoticed.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I don't know if the 'We were poor and therefore my parents couldn't take care of me'-excuse is always working. And I said it was more than just the horror movies but still I think its enough when a mother watches splatter and zombie movies and her 5-year-old kid sits right next to her and watches it too.

Anonymous said...

I am of the firm belief that Gerard lies about many things to make himself seem more the victim and / or more "edgy," regardless of how it makes others look.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that he would say such things about his mother in an interview? Just like I said it made her look really bad. Would he really sell out his mother to get publicity or to create a certain image of himself? If yes, then he's even more fucked up than I thought he would be.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Just like safe I watched a lot of horror movies. I think it has more to do with education and the environment you grow up in. What kind of people are around you.

Gerard said his neighborhood was a bad one. What does it matter if you see a horror movie on tv when you can walk to the park and find a dead body.

Anonymous said...

But he also said that he had to stay inside as a kid because of that dangerous neighborhood. But it seems as if it didn't really matter if he got outside or stayed inside; he got traumatized anyway.

And again it wasn't only the horror movies and we were discussing parenthood and even if it didn't affect Gerard watching those movies I think we can still agree that it wasn't a smart idea of his mother to let that happen.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No it wasn't a smart thing that she did. But I just think the horror movie thing isn't a good example because he could have just as earlier been traumatized by some freaky old man who lived near by.

And I did also say that it could have been the people that were in his live that cause more damage not just the parents.

Anonymous said...

I won't deny that there were also other criteria which influenced his childhood but his upbringing was a part of it.
Also, I don't want to say that you become batshit crazy by watching those movies in your childhood but I think this and other factors lead to make him feel insecure, scared and hopeless at that time.

Anonymous said...

Ray posted a msg about A CHristmas carol film. and his description of Alastair Sim reminded me of Gerard a bit :D
maybe he posted it hoping the same could happen to gerard.

"Alastair Sim gives an amazing portrayal of a man who realizes he's on the wrong path in life, and decides to make a change for the better"

Sorry my msg is totally off of topic, but I wanted to share it .

I don't know much about Gerard's childhood but maybe he counted with the advice from his parents. while watching horror movies and stuff...
Who knows.
His mum looks a bit creepy to me but maybe she is a good person deep inside.

Anonymous said...

"Alastair Sim gives an amazing portrayal of a man who realizes he's on the wrong path in life, and decides to make a change for the better"

with his choice in wife/mother, unsure. i do not think she would be the type that would try to assist him in his personal battles, and she appears very anxious herself.

hope for the baby's sake it doesn't turn out all pear-shaped.

Anonymous said...

Speaking for myself, it's not always the parent's fault if their kid turns out like shit.

My little brother (who is now 12) is fucked up, because he watches countless horror movies. I don't think this is actually my parent's fault- they always told him to shut it off, but whenever my older brother and sister came over (29 and 25) they always made him watch horror movies behind our parent's backs.

Perharps Gerard has great parents, perhaps not. But I'm pretty sure he had some outside help becoming a fuck up. And don't forget Gerard got bullied at school, making him obsessed with revenge.

Anonymous said...


i think he has well and truly progressed pass the "revenge" thing. however the bullying experience does stay with you. may come out as anger and mistrust.

i agree, parents cannot be blamed for everything, but it's highly difficult to shake off negative experiences that occurred as a child. it tends to influence the development of your personality.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we should blame horror films itself. someone here said it was about the environment you grow up with and other circumstances. not just the horror films. you can watch plenty of horror films but if you have your parents advice explaining you whats going on and stuff it doesn't has to affect you. it would be like saying that if you let your kid watch gay films then will turn him/her gay.

Anonymous said...

Apparently gerard is "enjoying reality tv less and less" Thank fuck. Now we can really start to enjoy those Jabba glob posts without Scream Queens and Real Chance of Love getting in the way.

Anonymous said...

I don't think horror movies are the issue here. I think it's just a general case of non-parenting. Parents need to be around to monitor what their kids are doing and to discuss things with them when the kids have questions. For example, when a kid watches a horror movie on tv with a parent, he can then talk to the parent about anything that might be confusing or upsetting about the film. When the kid is left on his own to draw his own conclusions before he's ready for that - that's when problems can occur.

Also, you have to consider genetic factors. Alcoholism and addiction problems tend to be inherited as are mental illnesses like Bipolar disorder and depression.

From what I've read of Gerard's family and his upbringing, the poor guy couldn't help but be fucked up.

Whether or not the cycle of addiction and mental illness can be broken with the new baby remains to be seen, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not worried about Baby Way.

Anonymous said...

if he and his wife enjoy living their banal existence, i suppose it's their choice

Anonymous said...

Gerard just proved that he has the mentality of a 15yr old by having Jabba The Hutt glob dolls sent to his house. i can't see how he is ready to be a father at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is actually my parent's fault- they always told him to shut it off, but whenever my older brother and sister came over (29 and 25) they always made him watch horror movies behind our parent's backs.

It's got more to do with what a kid can stand than what he or she is watching. I know kids who definitely shouldn't be watching horror movies. But my parents took me to see them since I was very small. I've been a horror fan for as long as I can remember. My folks never censored anything for me. None of it damaged me or anything because I could tell the difference between fiction and reality. It depends on the child.

And don't forget Gerard got bullied at school, making him obsessed with revenge.

A) Being bullied doesn't turn you into a douche. B) I don't believe that he was bullied, actually. I think that's just another part of his made up myth about himself which he used to seem more sympathetic.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's writing the Umbrella Academy. Will he be ripping off Family Guy this time?

Anonymous said...

I don't know Kapunua, based on those photos he sure looks like a kid that would get picked on alot. Not saying that is right, but just going off of what I saw when I went to school.

Anonymous said...

Being bullied doesn't turn you into a douche.

i agree with this comment. however i also believe that we all experience things differently. maybe our level of sensitivity to our surroundings effect this.

i also believe we cannot trivialize one person's experience just because we may not interpret it that way. he may have really felt bullied.

having said that, i also think we can choose how we behave. after all the anger and sadness, we can either retaliate or try to our best ability to act with dignity and class.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gerard said he was bullied but later on he said people just left him alone. Later he said that when the green day album came out that the jocks talked to him

Anonymous said...

Gerard just proved that he has the mentality of a 15yr old by having Jabba The Hutt glob dolls sent to his house. i can't see how he is ready to be a father at all.

December 8, 2008 6:42 PM

Nothing wrong with that at all. I know adults who still have toys and like to collect them and they're very good parents

Anonymous said...

i agree with 8:12, retaining some part of your "childlike" self, is not necessarily a bad thing. makes you less rigid and also helps in connecting to your children.

the trick is knowing when to be the adult and when to be childlike...

Anonymous said...

In older interviews he always said he got bullied alot.

But I distinctly remember one interview, sometime in '08 I believe, where he said that punk became popular when he was in high school so all the jocks started to accept him. He said something along the lines of suddenly being seen as cool because he was part of the "scene". I distinctly remember thinking "WTF?" at the time, because that had NEVER been his story before. He had always said he was the loner (drunk) art kid in high school before.

Just another thing he has contradicted himself on. Who knows what really happened.

Anonymous said...

Who knows what really happened.

exactly cupcake. that's why you should take most of what is said in rock interviews with a grain of salt.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Not everyone is full of shit and lies to their fans. It's just that the ones that do are the ones that people will remember.

Anonymous said...

...or the ones that just get caught out in it.

keep in mind, lots of people change or see things differently as they get older.

some people just play music and keep resist the pressure to say too much on many things.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Most people when they change don't revert to the mindset of a 15 year old.

Anonymous said...

It's really not that unusual for a rockstar to act like a 15 year old.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Most of the rock star i an very into are int their mid to late 40's so they got most of that out their system.

They have even gone through their second childhoods. Even the over sexed ones have a more adult mindset.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Most of the rock star i an very into are int their mid to late 40's so they got most of that out their system.

This is why I need to learn how to type and to remember to proofread.

Most of the rock star I am into are in their mid to late 40's. They rid themselves of that boy in an adult boy after their first marriages failed. If they are still on their first marriage than it was after their second childhood that they stopped act like 15 years.

Anonymous said...

It's okay, I understood what you meant.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think knowing who you are or who you want to be helps. if you are just wondering around looking for a role mode to copy you will end up acting like a 15 year old.

I also believe that if you want to have a long career in the music industry you have to grow up at some point. Otherwise you will keep making the same mistake and be eaten alive by all the shark

Martha Smith-Jones said...

model not mode

Anonymous said...

martha i understand what you are saying.

a lot of people do not mature until their mid to late thirties. there are the exceptions, and life experiences count for much.

i'm not making any excuses for "rockstars", they are quite pampered compared to your average joe.

but i think they find it hard to grow up because everyone around them won't let them. they start of young in an unrealistic world. unless they have someone close to ground them, it's really hard to get any real perspective.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 10:00. rawkstas are pampered little pricks

Anonymous said...

Gerard has all the hallmarks of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He thinks the truth is for other people. He makes up his reality to suit whatever image he wants to project at the time. He treats people as pawns (Eliza, Kat, Bert M, Matt P, etc) who have no feelings of their own. His only concern is how they fit into his world.

In the end, I doubt Lindsey and a baby will be any different.

Anonymous said...

^SOmbody needs to play him for a change. The little bastard.

Anonymous said...

4:04. lindsey' s touring days are over. he'll keep her barefoot and pregnant.

Anonymous said...

4.14 - I think he's being played by MSI and Lindsey.

I don't know if it was there before, but on the MCR site the word "FIERCE" is no in capital letters on their tags......that plus El Oh El and Just Sayin' makes me think we're being watched. Or am I being paranoid?

Anonymous said...

If they are watching only proves they do care what fans think.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if those pathetic losers have their moles who roam the internet and report them back on whatever people are talking about them. But I also think they would rather chop off their peens than showing us that they know. If there's one thing they're trying to avoid like hell it's giving us the feeling that they care about our opinions.

Anonymous said...

Gerard has all the hallmarks of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He thinks the truth is for other people. He makes up his reality to suit whatever image he wants to project at the time. He treats people as pawns (Eliza, Kat, Bert M, Matt P, etc) who have no feelings of their own. His only concern is how they fit into his world.

I still think that he had his first serious homosexual experience with Bert and that it freaked him out so much that he had to shut him out of his life to still being able to pretend to be a heterosexual rocksinger.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If they are watching only proves they do care what fans think.

December 9, 2008 4:36 AM

Or they are laughing at us? I find that more viable considering their recent actions.

Anonymous said...

4.14 - I think he's being played by MSI and Lindsey.

I think most people think that, but I totally disagree. For some reason people don't ever want to blame Gerard for anything and I think that's because he's so good at manipulating things to his advantage.

Examples: Nearly everyone blamed everything that happened between him and Eliza on her. I've see people say that Kat must not have been a good girlfriend (remember Meghan Mayhem?) or he wouldn't have dumped her. People talked shit about Bert when the two of them had their falling out. And was anybody ever on Matt Pelissier's side?

Now people act as though MSI and Lindsey are using Gerard when it seems to me that Gerard jumped headfirst into the MSI cesspool. But let things go sour between him and Lindsey and he'll find a way to come out smelling like a rose.

Anonymous said...

Even if they are laughing does it matter? Why are they watching in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Or they are laughing at us? I find that more viable considering their recent actions.

I think we'll have the last laugh, anon!!!

Anonymous said...

Or they are laughing at us? I find that more viable considering their recent actions.

I'm sure they are laughing at us, but they probably won't be laughing for too much longer. What goes around comes around and Gerard is due to get his any time now.

Anonymous said...

5:01 what makes you say this?

Anonymous said...

Just Karma, 5:02. That and the fact that luck eventually runs out.

MCR has lived a charmed life these past few years and now Gerard seems to be biting the hand that feeds him. With his attitude I can't see MCR's good fortune continuing much longer.

Anonymous said...

I think he's being played by MSI and Lindsey.

I don't think Lindsey has the brains to play anybody. She can't even play her instrument.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that they don't have much to laugh about reading all of our comments. I think they're rather considering the gauge of the rope they want to hang themselves with.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's just what he needs 5:07; a good kick up the ass.

Anonymous said...

One 'don't' too much, sorry!

Anonymous said...

5:10 you don't need brains to play a man.

Anonymous said...

4.14 - I think he's being played by MSI and Lindsey.

I think most people think that, but I totally disagree. For some reason people don't ever want to blame Gerard for anything and I think that's because he's so good at manipulating things to his advantage.

Sorry, I should have made that more clear. I think Gerard is using them for image and company and they are using him for publicity ect. I don't think GW's an angel by any stretch of the imaginations.

Anonymous said...

Even if they are laughing does it matter? Why are they watching in the first place?

Because we're a "hate" blog. More like a common sense blog.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not, 5:12, but it's pretty hard to play a player. And from the way Gerard has used people in the past I'd say he's a very experienced player.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think most people think that, but I totally disagree. For some reason people don't ever want to blame Gerard for anything and I think that's because he's so good at manipulating things to his advantage.

Examples: Nearly everyone blamed everything that happened between him and Eliza on her. I've see people say that Kat must not have been a good girlfriend (remember Meghan Mayhem?) or he wouldn't have dumped her. People talked shit about Bert when the two of them had their falling out. And was anybody ever on Matt Pelissier's side?

Now people act as though MSI and Lindsey are using Gerard when it seems to me that Gerard jumped headfirst into the MSI cesspool. But let things go sour between him and Lindsey and he'll find a way to come out smelling like a rose.

No one here is saying that Gerard is blame less in any of this. But you can't ignore the fact that he picks people to hang around with that seem like the type that would use people.
He isn't innocent but neither are the people he hangs around with.

I am sure they know about us. Not just because some anons come on saying he and his new friends are laughing at the things we say.

I find it hard to believe that you can laugh when people are saying you have no talent and are a liar.

Anonymous said...

Eventually all players meet their match.

Anonymous said...

No one here is saying that Gerard is blame less in any of this.

I don't think most of the people here think he's blameless, just the ones who defend him all the time and the idiots on fansites like BN.

Anonymous said...

Eventually all players meet their match.

True, and maybe that's JU, but I doubt it's Lindsey.

Anonymous said...

They are watching because the match has been lit.

Anonymous said...

I think they once should read the conversation we both had a few days ago, MJ. I think at least Skank-Z and Geraldine Fabulous would stop laughing immediately. hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

I'm curious whether JU ever thought it was a good idea for Lindsey to hook up with him.

Anonymous said...

Well, JU was pretty quick to jump on the "Gerard Way is my best friend," bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

5:20 you're forgetting JU is his "best friend" now.

Anonymous said...

True, 5.24. But, so was Bert McCracken and look how that turned out for him.

Anonymous said...

He is convenient to have as a "best friend".

Anonymous said...

Gerard and MCR needed Bert and The Used at the time, 5:26, but I don't see how he needs MSI.

Anonymous said...

Piss pot and his lot have gigs in Germany in February. What do you think how much gasoline it needs to set a club on fire?

Anonymous said...

Do you think anyone will come to MSI's gigs now that Mrs. Way isn't going to be "playing"?

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's his whole ploy 5:28, to get the fangirls off his back.

Anonymous said...

5.28 - to look "edgier". Gerard's superficial. It's all about image.

Anonymous said...
They are watching because the match has been lit.

December 9, 2008 5:20 AM

Huh? Is that a saying?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if they're announcing on their MySpace that they will be handing out free acid trips and crack rocks?

Anonymous said...

Siobhan said...
Piss pot and his lot have gigs in Germany in February. What do you think how much gasoline it needs to set a club on fire?

December 9, 2008 5:30 AM

Make sure they are in the building first. I joke.

Anonymous said...
Do you think anyone will come to MSI's gigs now that Mrs. Way isn't going to be "playing"?

December 9, 2008 5:32 AM

I can see the future and the future says "poor ticket sales and cancelled gigs".

Anonymous said...

Lol, Siobhan.

I read a review where some fan gave Jimmy a t-shirt to autograph and he blew his nose on it and handed it back to her. Now who could resist that?

Anonymous said...

Ever seen how a fire starts 5:34? Just a little flames here and there that spreads really quickly.

Anonymous said...

I can see the future for them, too. And the future says rehab and looney bin.

Anonymous said...

some fan gave Jimmy a t-shirt to autograph and he blew his nose on it and handed it back to her.

Maybe that's where Gerard got the inspiration to barf in a handkerchief and throw it out to the fans.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's where Gerard got the inspiration to barf in a handkerchief and throw it out to the fans.

December 9, 2008 5:40 AM

Ew ew ew. Gerard didn't really do that did he?

Anonymous said...

I read a review where some fan gave Jimmy a t-shirt to autograph and he blew his nose on it and handed it back to her. Now who could resist that?

I hope that girl didn't catch mad cow disease afterwards but then, if she's so stupid asking for an autograph from piss pot she deserves it. And the bird flu, too.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's where Gerard got the inspiration to barf in a handkerchief and throw it out to the fans.

Mad cow disease all over!

Anonymous said...

You're forgetting JU is nearly forty years old. If I were forty I want some success in what I do by then. What a better way to get to your goal faster.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If Ja is going to play the part of the asshole "rock star" he should really come up with his own material instead of doing the same shit other more talented people have done.

But than again most of his fans don't know much about music beyond him and Britney Spears.

Anonymous said...

Ew ew ew. Gerard didn't really do that did he?

No, he did not. That was just one of many lies told about Projekt Revolution when people were trying to make fans believe Gerard was back on drugs/drinking in order to discredit his relationship with Lindsey.

Don't believe the crap you read here.

Anonymous said...

Yes, go to buzznet and believe the crap there.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon There is video of him doing it. he got sick and throw up. He than wiped it in his bandana and throw it into the crowd. I wish I still had the link but when it happened that video was all over Bn. all the fans were talking about the fact he throw up.

Anonymous said...


Gerard did do that. i'll try to find the youtube video.

Anonymous said...

I saw that video too.

Anonymous said...

No, he did not. That was just one of many lies told about Projekt Revolution when people were trying to make fans believe Gerard was back on drugs/drinking in order to discredit his relationship with Lindsey.

Don't believe the crap you read here.

Um, no, There's a video of it. Don't ask me to find it. Anyway, MCR were playing in summer, in a Southern state and it was ridiculously hot. It was so hot it make Gerard vomit - he then throw it into the crowd. BN fans girls were freaking because he was sick. Someone at BN said they saw him afterwards - he said he was fine, just hot and was drink drink Betol Bismol (not American, don't know how to spell it).

Anonymous said...

He must be all about image, because he would stfu about Lindsey if he wasn't.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Everyone saw that video. it's like the Frank and Gerard getting into the fight on stage. Everyone saw it but the fansheep always try act like it never happen. The fight was stage or he never throw up. They are just as bad as Gerard when it comes to remember things.

Anonymous said...

5:45 let's see, everyone here is out to discredit his relationship with Lindsey because we all want to jump on his bones/sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the fight was staged.....hahahahahah! Lol.

Anonymous said...

I want to jump his bones - as in push him to the floor, jump on top of him and instead of pounding his dick, pound his face with my fist instead.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He was drinking Pediasure. There were pictures of him with Mikey and he was drinking it. Gerard even made a remark in the video about it being hot and that he needed to take a break.

I remember it well because Milli from Bn posted the picture and was talking about it.

Anonymous said...

Getting pretty aggressive there 6:00.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I want to jump Gerard's bones. I'm so into his fierceness I can barely stand it. I just love a man who can give me fashion tips. He's almost as hot as that Carson dude from Queer Eye.


Anonymous said...

I think he needs it 6.01. Might sort him out.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Yes, the fight was staged.....hahahahahah! Lol.

December 9, 2008 5:58 AM

I couldn't believe how brain washed the BN people were about that fight. Someone came on saying a friend of a friend who was at the show, 30 feet back from the stage. said it was stage and everyone believed it.

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that the band's management was actively doing damage control regarding that fight. Some of the people on lj who insisted the fight "wasn't that bad" or that the guys were "just playing" were people who had gotten meet and greet passes for doing things like shutting down threads about Eliza. The band has its little moles everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't think that's going to help 6:05.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the BN girls will shallow and rose tint everything.

Anonymous said...

6.09 - I'd still like to try.

Anonymous said...

They want to believe because otherwise their little world would fall apart and their masturbation fantasies abut 'Frerard' would be shattered.

Anonymous said...

Are you one of the band's little moles, anon @5:45 who told us not to believe what we read here?

Anonymous said...

You are a feisty one 6:10. If it were me, I'd just bite him.

Anonymous said...

6.08 - Figures. I wonder who their BN "moles" are....

Anonymous said...

You'd have to get a tenanus shot first, 6:12. After all, look at where he's been. D:

Anonymous said...

6:12, I'll try that too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good point 6.13.

Anonymous said...

Tetanus won't help. Try Clorox instead of Listerine.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Every time I think about Lynz I think about a The Cheap trick song Surrender.

Mother told me, yes, she told me I'd meet girls like you.
She also told me, "Stay away, you'll never know what you'll catch."
Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some Indonesian junk that's going round.

Anonymous said...

You do have a point there 6:13. Can't risk any infections.

Anonymous said...

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! That's so creepy, MJ! I just listened to that song and thought the same thing. *looks around and feels watched*

Anonymous said...

Siobhan, just wave to them

*waves to GW and co*

Martha Smith-Jones said...

LOL Siobhan.

Anonymous said...

Siobhan, just wave to them

*waves to GW and co*

Hahahahaha! *flips off all electrical devices which could contain cameras*

Anonymous said...

I see you always, Fisch.

*Waves to MCR and Reprise*

Kidding, I don't really think they're here.

Back to work.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I hear the line you never know what you'll catch it reminds me of our convo about the rotten oyster buffet. Do you remember? Bwahahaha

Anonymous said...

I always feel like somebody's watching meeeeeeeee

Now I know it's you, Elfe!;-D

Anonymous said...

Always, Fisch.

Nice top. Is it new?

Anonymous said...

Top? What top? I'm naked! Must be the wrong surveillance camera, Elfe. hehe

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Siobhan don't remind me I am about to eat and I don't need to think about that.

Anonymous said...

Ah! I was watching archieve footage. I do that when I'm not watching you live.

I like it when you're naked.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, MJ! :-(

Thank you very much, Elfe! Working out every other day pays off.

Anonymous said...

Somebody mentioned a Meghan Mayhem or something like that. What's the story behind that?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Siobhan From what I heard remember she was a part of WMHC. She sent an email to someone saying that kat wasn't a support girlfriend to Gerard and that Elia was better or something.

She was kicked out of WMHC I think and people were saying that the email about Kat wasn't really her.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I wonder how Gerard feels about all the drama that surrounds him. His life is being played out on the Internet like it is an episode of Gossip Girls. Wait I meant some crappy reality TV show you would see on MTV.

Does he really want to be taken seriously because the people her surrounds himself with cause him to look like he is the ring leader of some circus.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember that now. I read that e-mail. I wonder where she is now. I bet she'd have a lot to say.

Anonymous said...

It would be easy to forge if it was on MySpace.

Does anyone know where she sent it from?

Anonymous said...

She said she wouldn't talk or betray her "friends" like that.

Anonymous said...

He's more like the pet monkey of the circus director. And the director is exchangeable depending on what is stronger; his libido or his narcissism.

Anonymous said...

I think it was a private message on buzznet rather than an e-mail and she sent it to someone who asked her about those things. I don't think you can fake those because you see the nick and the profile pic as far as I remember.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No idea where it came from. I came in pretty late to the wmhc shit that is one of the reason I remember it.

I found it funny how the fangirls and some of the old fans go on and on about how it should only be about the music but they were the ones who were kissing the asses of the girlfriends or anyone who had a loose connection to MCr.

Anonymous said...

The most pathetic thing I remember was Eliza showing off her ring finger in a pic on which she had written the word 'taken'.
That woman is really in desperate need of attention. Pitiful!

Anonymous said...

Funny that WMHC died the day Gerard called the engagement off.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, anon!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

You know when I first found out about Elia I didn't like her. I just took one look and was like No she is trouble.

Lynz on the other hand I thought nothing of until I found out what she and msi were about. Than I was like. For real. You have got to be shitting me.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing that Meghan got kicked out of WMHC right after the "Kat" email went public. Makes me think it wasn't faked.

Having said that, I doubt Meghan knew anything about Kat apart from what Eliza told her.

Anonymous said...

The fangirls are kissing their asses because they think it will get them to something. A meeting with them or more private information about their idol. Also, they think if they can call one of their wives and/or girlfriends their friends or acquaintances it will make them special too.

Anonymous said...

The thing I found most ridiculous about the WMHC thing was that fangirls claimed Gerard didn't know anything at all about it.

Puh-lease. His fiancee and his brother's fiancee (later, wife) were both part of it, yet he had no idea it even existed. Just like he didn't know about Eliza's blogs.

What a load of shit.

Anonymous said...

What a load of shit.

Everything about Gerard is a load of shit.

Anonymous said...

I dislike both of them because they're both women who try to achieve something in their life by riding on the coat tail of their lover. They both want(ed) to climb the career ladder by screwing a rock singer.

Anonymous said...

...and since Gerard calls himself a feminist I never thought he would settle for this type of woman.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Bt because of people like Monica Lewinsky it is seen as something that is alright to do.

These women just do enough so that they can get noticed by a famous or powerful man.

Anonymous said...

Gerard doesn't know the meaning of feminism, any more than Lindsey does.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Siobhan.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

But in today's world a feminist is a women who has a job where she works with men. she doesn't have to be equal to them she just has to stand next to them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like a prostitute standing next to her trick waiting for him to put the rubber on his cock.

Anonymous said...

correct me if im wrong but didnt gerard & eliza engagement went off after someone posted the letter about eliza giving good heads to band guys?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it because she faked a pregnancy to make him marry her?

I don't think the feminist would mind her also giving head to others but him seeing that Skank-Z is sharing her crotch with her audience almost every night.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It happen around the time a lot of little things where happening. There was a person on BN saying a lot of stuff about her. That INO letter came out and the video of her calling a friend the N word ( but with an a at the end. Like that really makes a difference) came out as well. It was also around the time that MCR got bottled at that show.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember that video. She was with that scum Jeffree Star.

Anonymous said...

Eliza made him look bad, she had to go.

Anonymous said...

Then what does Lindsey do? Maybe the syphilis he catched from her already affected his brain? Now you must ask What brain?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And msi doesn't. Elia made silly videos and posted them on the net. Ju does the same thing.

Elia would name drop Ju is doing that wit France.

How the hell is Frances rock royalty? Her dad was well know but he never reached something like what the Beatles or Rolling stones have/had. Most kids today probably don't even know who Nirvana was. But they have at least heard of the Beatles.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has heard of Nirvana.

Anonymous said...

MSI make him look "edgier" or "more hardcore". Plus, more fangirls/magazines/festivals kiss Lindsey's ass then they ever did Eliza's.

Anonymous said...

7.57 - only because the frontman's dead.

Anonymous said...

7:58 - Does it matter HOW? No. My point is, everyone knows who Kurt Cobain was...his daughter is the closest you can get to Kurt Cobain without, you know, the actual Kurt Cobain.

Anonymous said...

I still think Nirvana are way too overrated and if that idiot hadn't shot himself in the head no one would probably talk about them anymore.

Also, I'm so fed up with people thinking that celebrity offsprings are special. Yeah, special in the head maybe. Look at those butt fugly daughters of the Rolling Stones or Rod Stewart. They're all models. I could laugh my ass off when I see their mugs on t.v. or in a magazine. Ridiculous! And that spoiled brat Frances... Don't get me started on her. I don't know how many people studying music journalism would kill for an internship at Rolling Stones and that little asshole got one at the age of 15 and I bet she didn't really do anything than sitting in a corner polishing her nails, writing textmessages to her friends and rolling her eyes at journalists. Little fuck!

Anonymous said...

8.01 - surely the people who actually KNEW him are the closest you can get to him. She was 2 years old when he did - she didn't know her dad.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Siobhan. They are overrated.

Anonymous said...

According to the National Equirier (not reliable, I know), Frances did nothing all the time she was there, when she turned up, IF she turned up.

Anonymous said...

I still think Nirvana are way too overrated and if that idiot hadn't shot himself in the head no one would probably talk about them anymore.

I disagree. I can understand if you think they are overrated, but please try to be respectful...he is a human being that died.

About celebrity kids, I agree with you. My point was, MCR is not well known enough or even respected enough (I believe) in the rock community to be able to get in good with any of the legends themselves. I could never see someone like Robert Plant or Keith Richards welcoming MCR, they wouldn't deal with their immature PR games. And association with Courtney Love herself would only ignite drug use rumors. It is much easier to weasel into a teenager's life, especially when said teenager stated in an interview only a year before that MCR were her favorite band.

I really doubt it was coincidence that MCR just happened to stumble into her life only a year later.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't know about everyone hearing about Nirvana. They weren't as big outside of the USA.

As far as msi making people look edger or hardcore only to 15 years IMO.

Msi isn't doing anything that a lot of other shock bands haven't done. It's just that they latched onto some people who had creditability.

Nothing will make Gerard look edgy or hardcore. It just doesn't have the face to be any of those things.

It is sad but the National Enquirer has become a reliable source over the years.

Anonymous said...

Msi isn't doing anything that a lot of other shock bands haven't done. It's just that they latched onto some people who had creditability.

Actually, MSI are doing very poorly as far as that genre goes. There have been other shock rock groups that became pretty big with that. It's not what the industry is promoting anymore.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't think Nirvana is overrated. A lot of people in the music industry thought they were great. But Because they were the first big band in their sense things got out of hand. People had to get their claws into them and make as much money of of them and their "image" as they could.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about everyone hearing about Nirvana. They weren't as big outside of the USA.

Ok, I can understand that, but Gerard and Co. are from the US and probably see Kurt Cobain as a very big deal.

Anonymous said...

Msi isn't doing anything that a lot of other shock bands haven't done. It's just that they latched onto some people who had creditability.

I think it's the other way round, MJ. MCR latched on MSI to gain rock credibility. I think many bands in that business see them as an emo boyband and nothing more. They're not rock, they're not hardcore. If the Slayer fans at the Reading festival bottled them I don't want to know what happened backstage when they actually met those bands. I bet no one wanted to be seen with them let alone interact. I wouldn't be surprised if they got treated like a leper by real hardcore bands.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Actually, MSI are doing very poorly as far as that genre goes. There have been other shock rock groups that became pretty big with that. It's not what the industry is promoting anymore.

i wasn't saying they were doing it well. Just that their have been others who have done it. also I know msi went out with the insane clown posse yet still couldn't get a big break.

You not only have to be shocking but you have to be good at it and original. Also you need to show some gratitude towards your fans.

Anonymous said...

Nirvana ARE big outside the US. In the UK, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is at the top of every rock list, especially with Kerrang.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think they did met slayer and they were cool with MCR. The thing about hard rock band's fans is they are usually assholes. while most of the guys in the hard rock bands were geeks that would get beat up by the kinds of guys that are their fans today.

If MCR wanted to look edgy/hardcore there are a lot of better punk bands that they could have latched onto. I think that msi where their way of trying to kill the emo thing. but you can't kill that label by hang out with a band like msi. You can't kill it by hanging out with other bands at all. You have to let your music do that.

You also have to let people call you emo because the more you fight it the more it will stick to you.

Anonymous said...

I think there were much better bands of that so-called Grunge genre back then. Alice in Chains for example. Layne Stayley was a deity. His voice divine. R.I.P.!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, let's not debate about the status of Nirvana anymore. We shouldn't discredit the work they did just because a few assholes are using his daughter years later.

P.S. Kurt Cobain was a REAL feminist.

Anonymous said...

Okay 8.31

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Nirvana ARE big outside the US. In the UK, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is at the top of every rock list, especially with Kerrang.

Is that the rock list of the readers or the rock list of the people who write the magazines. I don't consider Kerrang to be a credible magazine. It comes across as a teen magazine.

Anonymous said...

I don't consider Kerrang to be a credible magazine. It comes across as a teen magazine.

Exactly, MJ. But the anon is right. They were big in Europe as well. But just like I said, it was more the hype surrounding the band than the music itself.

Anonymous said...

Kerrang TV, Martha. It's also a music channel.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am in the US so all we get is the magazine. And as far as music channels go if they are anything like the ones we have I still wouldn't find them very credible. But I haven't seem the channel so I can't say for sure.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Also it is the anniversary of Nevermind coming out so that could be what is giving them a lot more media attention right now. And i am not trying to shit on them. Just that I don't think what Nirvana did and why they were consider a great band is understood by the kids of today.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who sees similarities between Kurt/Courtney and Gerard/Lindsey? I mean, I didn't know that Cobain was known for being a feminist but wasn't Courtney a stripper before she started making music? Why do all male 'feminists' settle for filthy skanks exposing themselves to an audience?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Cobain was known for being a feminist.

I believe he was a self-proclaimed feminist. He was good friends with Riot Grrl bands like Bikini Kill and L7 (all hardcore feminist female rockers).

But you don't need to know that to figure it out, his lyrics pretty much speak for themselves.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No your not Siobhan. And I heard Courtney was a stripper in Alaska

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