Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"

It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.

(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).


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Anonymous said...

I agree Martha. He probably had Nigel zapped too.

Anonymous said...

I thought Nigel 'left' a long time ago?

Anonymous said...

Nope. Nigel was spotted back in November. He's a bit smaller, but still there.

Anonymous said...

i hope they wash the baby's hair and bathe him/her more than once every five days.

Anonymous said...

I think it would just be cheaper to get some duct tape for that mouth of his.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1.36 - how do you know that? Link please. =)

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could be assed to care if his teeth all fell out.

Anonymous said...

I seriously hope that LynZ knows she has to start to wash herself now, especially considering how nasty her crotch must be when she goes without washing for so long. I hope she knows now that she's pregnant she can get infections.

Anonymous said...

Teeth done...I want pictures to see if he looks like a fake plasticated idiot!!!!

So vain. Not even people like Kirsten Dunst and Kate Winslet had had their teeth done - what does that say about his vainity.

He just soooooo rock!!

Anonymous said...

He wanted some FIERCE teeth!

Anonymous said...

About the teeth:

I think the other Anon was just saying that because in the Kerrang picture his teeth are really white - he has always had stained teeth before. That could just be Kerrang editing the picture though...

Anonymous said...

Gerard still had his yellow tic tac teeth at TUA signing.

Anonymous said...

Tic tac! LOL!

Anonymous said...

2:12 - Since she's off tour now, and for quite awhile to come, regular bathing will probably be more convenient. Considering MSI's tour bus probably doesn't have a shower or toilet in it. I'd imagine they could only afford some folding chairs and a microwave.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

She can grab a wash cloth, some soap. and some hot water and wash up. It isn't that hard. Our hot water was out and we had to wait a whole day before we could get Pg&e to come out and fix it.

I boiled myself some water went into the bathroom and washed up. If you go to the store you can find personal washcloths for when you can't get to the shower.

If you really want to get clean you will find away to get clean.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Most people in bands don't wash becasue they don't give a fuck or they are too lazy, traits that I doubt disapear when they are not touring.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

When you are high or drunk who cares what you smell like.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

People not bathing killed the blog

Anonymous said...

Gerard still had his yellow tic tac teeth at TUA signing.


I'm sorry, but that was hilarious. His teeth is indeed small.

Anonymous said...

Hayley Williams did a whole thing somewhere about staying clean on Tour. She said that even though it isn't easy you can still find ways to shower when you're on tour.

I think Lindsey just can't be fucked to give a fuck.

Anonymous said...

i hope Lindsey really is washing up because she won't be able to give birth with all that cheese in the way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the visual, 5:55.

Anonymous said...

I may not like Lindsey's band nor the fact that she likes to brag about her less than stellar personal hygiene habits when she's on tour, but I assume she's getting adequate medical care for herself and her baby and I am certain that her OB/GYN has told her what she needs to know about how to ensure she has a healthy baby.

What I'm worried about is after the baby comes and exactly what kind of conditions the tot will be exposed to when she goes back out with MSI on tour.

Anonymous said...

i think Gerard is going to turn to Mama Way to help him out with the baby. i wonder if Gerard and Lindsey are going to move back to the east coast or Mama Way is going to move out west.

Anonymous said...

The prospect of having Mama Way raise Gerard and Lindsey's baby doesn't make me feel a whole lot better. After all, her boys were drinking alcohol in their teens and Mikey was bootlegging Disney films to make money.

Besides, not all grandmas want to spend their lives raising their kids' kids.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Alicia will want to get her hands on the baby. She can play dress-up with it like she does her cats.

Anonymous said...

Mama Way is an Italian woman from Jersey, believe me she'll be in this baby's life big time.

Anonymous said...

"His teeth is indeed small.

December 10, 2008 5:32 PM"

And your grammar are indeed bad.

Anonymous said...

Aren't WE precious.

Anonymous said...

Mama Way is an Italian woman from Jersey, believe me she'll be in this baby's life big time.

Generalization much?

And even if she is, that's not necessarily a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I just hope they don't let the general public know what hospital they're having the baby at. I can see Eliza turning up in a nurse's uniform and trying to steal it.

Anonymous said...


you have to be from the NY/NJ area to understand what it's like.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...and italian woman from Jersey...Belleville at that. Does this mean she's a mafia moll? Cuz that's another common stereotype you know.

Anonymous said...

all i know is if this baby doesn't come out with a lot of dark hair, someone was living foul.

Anonymous said...

Blonde hair is recessive, so it could actually show up with two dark haired parents. Especially given that Gerard's dad isn't italian.

Anonymous said...


now you're being stupid. i'm from NY and almost all of the Italian people i grew up with have had their Grandparents living with them much like Gerard did.

Anonymous said...

I think Frank's the one with Mafia connections. Refrigerator business my ass.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but how many of the italian people you grew up with moved to LA? How many of them are in rock bands? How many of them married a girl in a rock band?

Gerard has always been about breaking stereotypes. Besides, I can't see Lindsey letting Mama Way move into her house and take over.

Anonymous said...


what does Gerard marrying a girl in a band have to do with it. believe me Mama Way is going to be involved and Lindsey is going to have to deal with it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martha Smith-Jones said...

Wrong blog

Anonymous said...

I just hope they don't let the general public know what hospital they're having the baby at. I can see Eliza turning up in a nurse's uniform and trying to steal it.

LMFAO! I wouldn't put it past her.

Anonymous said...

8:29 that's just nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I just hope they don't let the general public know what hospital they're having the baby at. I can see Eliza turning up in a nurse's uniform and trying to steal it.

And then blow the entire hospital to smithereens, a la the Joker in TDK.

Also, why does everyone seem to think Lindsey has a beef with Donna?

And LOL, the refrigerator business. That always gets me.

Anonymous said...

99% positive it'll be Cedars-Sinai though. I'd be surprised if it's not.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Mother in laws aren't suppose to have good relationships with the daughter in law. Even if they do moving in usually destroys it.

Anonymous said...

I did a little calculation and discovered that MCR retains only 19.39% of their fanbase.

Not a very good figure, eh Gerard?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

How did you come up with that number?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Speaking of MCR's fan base. I once came across this link at hotmail where you could find out how popular your favorite bands are. I looked up MCR they were 189 on the list I don't remember how many where on there. But what was funny was I looked up New Kids On the Block. They were 89

Anonymous said...

What if Gerard is a good little Italian boy and buys his mom her own house nearby?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Have you every seen Everybody loves Raymond. All American comedy gold will ensue.

I actually didn't find that show funny.

Anonymous said...

I am curious though - why is Donald Way never mentioned? Last time I heard him mentioned at all was LOTMS. Maybe he just doesn't want to be in the public eye. Though I sincerely hope he's all right..

Anonymous said...

Agree with Martha Jones, usually its the mother on the female side of the family that gets involved in childbirth etc.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think that is because people think his parents are divorced. And you also see Mama Way way more than Papa Way. He could be working or maybe he doesn't like fan girls.

Anonymous said...

I was always confused about that. Whenever it sounds like they are split, something comes up that says they aren't.

Anonymous said...

Its just a ROUGH calculation (not an exact figure) based on datas that are widely available. This doesn't include album sales, website hits, merch sales, etc but just a rough estimation on how big their current internet fanbase is.

Estimated number of current fans = Highest number of MCR follower on twitter (assuming everyone who goes to mcr.com follows them on twitter) ---> A

Estimated number of MCR ex+current fans = No. of fans in MCR largest fan board (in this case i choose INO because they've been around since 2005 when MCR gained MOST number of fans) ---> B

A= 10,835
B= 55,859

Estimated percentage of current MCR fanbase = A/B
= 19.39 %

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you FIERCE.

Anonymous said...

Damn FIERCE, you're.....fierce.

So I went to BN earlier. All the threads had been commented on by a username called "houseofwolves1". All his comments on all the thread said the same thing:


Do you think it was a MCR employee that did this ridulous premotion of limited addition Frank footware or Macbeth themselves? However it was, wasn't a fan. They created their account yesterday, so they're only there to sell. Are MCR that hard up for cash they've resorted to spamming BN threads? I think they aren't selling their merch and are getting desperate.

Anonymous said...

Why has Bob posted a picture of some random guy on their site? Is that guy known in the US or something?

Anonymous said...

I'd say your figures are about right, FIERCE. If you look on google trend search, you see that MCR's search volume index right now is at about the same place it was back this time in 2004, when people didn't really know who the hell MCR were.

They have two big spikes. The first started to gain momentum when the I'm Not Okay and Helena videos began getting airplay and peaked around the time of the VMA awards where they performed Helena. Then it goes briefly downward and peaks again when TBP was released (although the peak is just slightly above where the previous VMA peak was) and they've been losing momentum ever since.

I've also noticed an absence of long time fans on various lj sites. If you go way, way back to chemicalromance, there were actual male fans who used to post there in 2004 (and I'm not talking the gay ones who write slashfic and think Gerard is hot, but hetero guys), but now it's 99.9 per cent female.

I used to be an active member of chemicalromance and other MCR comms on lj, but haven't been since shortly after TBP came out and if I go on there now, I don't recognize a single person. All of my friends (and I had tons) left either right before or after I did. Even the slash communities are dead.

Heck, I haven't even seen Voluptuosity posting on BN in a long time. Not that that's a bad thing, although she did provide lots of LULZ.

Anonymous said...

It seems that all MCR are about nowadays are selling merch. Look how fast Dark House brought out Umbrella Academy mugs and other crap - I’ve never seen that before for a debut series, they usually have to build up a following and establish the series first. Didn’t Gerard once say that one of the reasons he didn’t continue with the Breakfast Monkey was that he didn’t want it to be turned into things like pillowcases and stuff. How is an umbrella or action figures any different from that. It also amuses me to see that those masks still haven’t sold out, despite us being told again and again that there were a ‘limited’ quantity made and we should order them fast. The only one that has gone is Gerard’s, they’re still trying to flog the rest. I think it’s good reflection of how the fan base have moved on from MCR. At one time those overpriced masks would have sold out within days, now they can’t shift them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw one of those Ltd. Edition Boxsets on e-bay with a Gerard mask. The seller wanted 195 dollars for it and nobody is having it. Frank's mask and I think the bid was maybe 60 dollars or something? They cost a hell of a lot more than that didn't they? There's a Ray one as well with no bids.

You meant to tell me that there isn't a 12 year old girl out there whose mommy is willing to shell out 195 bucks for her ickle sweetheart to get a pine box, an overdubbed "live" DVD and a plastic mask? What's the world coming to?

Anonymous said...

* Meant to say there is one with Frank's mask and the bid is 60 bucks. I left out words.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but laugh when I read that interview with Scott Allie where he talked about how he didn't back TUA because of who Gerard was, but because of the story. Then, in the next paragraph he talked about how in these tough economic times for comics, the company hoped to cash in on a new demographic with TUA - teenage girls.


Anonymous said...

Nearly £400 for a shitty mask. Fuck that!

Anonymous said...

the guy in the pic that Bob posted is Howard Stern's producer Gary Dell'Abate(Ba Ba Booey). it seems that Bob is a big fan of Howard's show.

Anonymous said...

it seems that Bob is a big fan of Howard's show.

Oh, well doesn't that just figure. Howard Stern is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Tic Tac teeth, haha! Although I didn't mind his tiny mouse teeth.

Anonymous said...

Nearly £400 for a shitty mask. Fuck that!

You can see what they think of their fans by looking at their merch.
They think they are so stupid and blinded by their adulation that they will buy any crap.

sister midnite said...

Hey everyone!

Those masks are not exactly must-haves, are they? ^_~
Diggin' the Chiclet-teeth, too...

As for the baby, it doesn't seem like anyone even remotely involved with either MCR or MSI lives in the real world. Taking the kid on tour is not only a bad idea, it's an example of just how detached from reality these two are. They don't even bother to find a way to wash themselves on the road, how in the hell are they going to keep a baby fed, clean & clothed?!?

I'm pretty sure they know about this blog. Whether they care or not, means absolutely zilch to me. I couldn't care less, really -- probably because I gave up on the idea that anyone could get through that thick skull of his quite awhile ago. It's still a good place to kick back & laugh at how naive these supposed 'adults' are.

Delusions 'R' Us, can't you see we're so in loooooove???

Anonymous said...

I find it disgusting that nobody in the MCR fanbase is even remotely concerned with the fact that this baby could spend it's entire life on the road.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they aren't planning to take the kid on the road. Maybe now with 2 members of MSI with new babies, they'll take a good long break, from touring at least. And you said it yourself, it doesn't seem that MCR will last much longer, so if they even get a new record out, a major tour would be quite surprising.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

2.59 Most of the fan base are teenage girls who think a baby is nothing more than a cute accessory. Like a small dog.
they don't realize that it cost money to take care of a child and that you might have to give up part of your life to take care of the child.

Anonymous said...

I doubt anyone is going to want to see either MSI or MCR in a few years, so maybe the poor kid won't have to spend its whole life on the road. Still, I feel for the poor little thing. It will probably feel like it's the parent and mommy and daddy are the children.

Anonymous said...

Frank Iero: "Fuck Cancer", Macbeth footwear

Anonymous said...

The problem with my MCR is that they become to be more like a boy band than a rock band . and it's well known boy bands have a short life.....

so i think the new cd is their last chance to redeem themselves and go back to the right way.

only if they really want to be seen as a rock band and to be taken serious by the industry and fans around the world.

Anonymous said...

According to Frank, all the members of MCR are planning to take kids out on the road eventually. One big family circus, he called it.

Obviously none of them have spent much time around small children. They aren't quite as self-sufficient as dogs -- you can't just lock them up on the bus while you're playing a set.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, that was Frank, not Gerard. Maybe in theory it sounded like a good idea, but when faced with the reality and in considering what would REALLY happen, maybe Gerard thinks differently.

Anonymous said...

Gerard thinks?

Is this a new development?

Anonymous said...

But as it was pointed out before, with both of its parents in bands and presumably touring, its either going to be on the road or missing its parents, ehich in this case may be a good thing, but the child probably wouldn't see it that way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But I was bringing up the possibility of both bands losing momentum by that point and NOT touring nonstop like they had been. Maybe a couple shows here and there, but how things are going, MCR and MSI will be ka-put by next summer.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gerard thinks just not with his head.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't think either band can afford to stop touring non stop that is how they make their money.

Anonymous said...

I agree, MJ, unless they call the band off for good, which I can't see them doing, (girls screaming for them to fuck them while they play is probably a huge ego boost),
I think MCR's record company atleast will want to milk them for all they're worth, even though at thi piont it is not nearly as much as it used to be,

Martha Smith-Jones said...

You know what I can't understand Why the record company would let them twitter or even blog. Look at most of the stuff they are writing. It makes the band look bad. And if any older people might think about becoming their fans I am sure that site would make them think twice.

Anonymous said...

I think it's because the kind of stuff they are writing is the kind of stuff the teenies find "cute" and they're the kind of ausience that will shell out the big bucks

Anonymous said...

I think they're resigned to ever becoming a respectable rock band and are just embracing the teenie boyband image. If you can't beat it (which they never will), join it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think they could have beat it. MCr where never in those Teen magazines as much as a lot of other people. But unfortunately Gerard had to change his image. Respect doesn't come over night. And people hate it when a person started acting a certain way in order to look cool. Gerard's image change has done far more damage to MCr than any group of screaming girls.

Even rock bands have girls that scream for them the difference is the band will fuck them and the girls will flash their tits to meet them.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. And because MCR are so ~adamant about being against that, they'll always be seen as pussies and gay by "real" rockers. They'll never win.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think Gerard also made a big mistake coming out and calling Emo shit. It was uncalled for. It made him sound like child. And most people saw right through it.

Anonymous said...

All the little emo gawth princesses were so hurt, they cried black tears of blood and ink and rose petals. And the rock guys knew he said it to try and sound tough and hxc. And it backfired miserably.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

One of the guys from FOB called him out on it.

Anonymous said...

really? link?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Trying to find it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I know I saw it. It was right after Gerard said the shit to. The guitarist came out and said some stuff about it. But I don't know what to put in the the search to find it. It just keeps coming back with FOB and MCr are emo or just the store about Gerard calling emo shit. Or some lame as fanfic. If anyone else knows where to find the story pleas link it.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember that article, but I do remember some of the girls on various fansites seemed to embrace being labeled "emo" before he made that comment. Whenever emo was portrayed negatively in the press (such as news stories warning parents about the dangers of emo - cutting, depression, suicide, etc.), girls would always rally in its defense (which to them represented their music tastes, style of dress, etc.). When Gerard made the comment about emo being "shit" I can only imagine how that must have hurt those girls' feelings. I don't see how he could be so not in touch with his own fans.

But yes, I can see a member of Fall Out Boy responding to that. After all, those boys are smart enough to know who is paying their bills. Dumbass Gerard is not.

Anonymous said...

I can understand Gerard not wanting MCR to be branded with the emo label because of its negative connotations. As a rule, bands who get labeled emo aren't taken seriously and Gerard was probably trying to avoid being lumped in with bands who are considered passing fads.

He could have used a bit more tact though.

Anonymous said...

Agreed 4.54.

Anonymous said...
Frank Iero: "Fuck Cancer", Macbeth footwear

December 11, 2008 3:25 PM

Well, I'm sure EVERYONE on this blog will line up to buy them.

houseofwolves1: 12/11/2008 1:53 PM
thats sooooo awesome. i cant wait. i think its with shirts for a cure or something

This is from BN posted on a thread about the Frank shoes. I serioulsy think houseofwolves1 is someone to do MCR/Macbeth - it's all they talk about and they seem to know more that the rest of us. However it was knew that the braindead teenies that inhabit BN would be lapping that shit up. Too bad their mummies and daddies want buy them either with the resession. Still, charity or not, I'd never buy them.

Anonymous said...

Some of the people on chemicalromance were saying things like, "Good cause, fugly shoes" because they're white. Although not that many people commented at all. That place has been kinda dead lately.

Anonymous said...

"Good cause, fugly shoes"

Lol. Why white? Did they ever in their wildest dreams think their fans would wear white shoes?

You should have gone with black, Frank.

Anonymous said...

You should have gone with black, Frank.
Yeah, he really should have. Only Chavs were white shoes and 12 year old Emo girls are beaten by Chavs so it's not a good association.

Anonymous said...

People should just give money to cancer research and forget about the shoes.

Anonymous said...

Yep, then ALL the money will go to charity. Not a small portion of it.

Anonymous said...

^ I agree.

"Fuck cancer" my ass. We all know MOST of the shoe profit will go to Frank and Macbeth.

Anonymous said...

It should be "Fuck Frank and Macbeth" not cancer.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard's emo shit instance was him trying yet again to ditch the fangirls. What he didn't think of at the time, however, was that they are the vast majority of his fanbase and main source of income for him and the rest of the band.

...unless he is so psychotic that he was trying to exact revenge over his own bandmates, trying to reduce their paychecks, and thinking that having TUA and him being the frontman he'll get enough interviews to make up for it.

ahaha nah that's a little too farfetchd even for Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Or is it?!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gerard isn't stupid. He knows that what every he says no matter how uncalled for the fangirls will support him.

As far Gerard saying he doesn't like being called emo in a nicer way he used to do that. He was just trying to impress his new friends who really don't like emo.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Frank Iero: "Fuck Cancer", Macbeth footwear

Is this a desperate try to look like a band who cares again?
I find it really funny that when they're trying to raise money for a charitable cause it is always with someone else involved. Be it H&M or in this case Macbeth.
I think it's because they themselves still get enough money out of it so that the 'charity' they do doesn't effect their own wallets.
Why don't they give a part from their album, ticket or merch sales to charity? Because it would mean that then they would see a lot less zeros written on their paychecks.

Anonymous said...

Yep. They only seem to be charitable when it means they get something out of it. It's false charity. Take that text thing - THEY didn't donate the money, the fans texting did. They're full of crap.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Did they get enough texts so that they would donate the money?

Anonymous said...

Not sure.

Anonymous said...

For what cause did they want to raise the money?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

IT was a charity to help prevent suicides. By a certain date if enough fans text ed to them they would give a $1000. It was on the front page of the old site but on the new one it is on the last page and they don't even talk about it.

You know they have those tags up there that change after a certain amount of time they could of said something about it there. Instead they put shit like,"you go save/change the world. I'll just be myself"

No one asked them to save/change the world they took that chore on themselves.

Anonymous said...

And did a piss poor job.

Anonymous said...

They would only give a fucking thousand dollars? You're kidding me! And what about that Prop 8 thing? I heard that FOB donated about 10.000 dollars to support the fight against Prop 8. What did MCR do? Wasn't it once Gerard's main concern to fight for gay rights? Is he afraid that piss pot will call him a faggot if he would support such a cause?

Anonymous said...

Piss Face probably calls him a faggot behind his back anyway.

All polical conviction in the band went out the window when someone started getting laid.....

MCR weren't giving the money anyway - it was the money that they would make off all the texts. So, it's a small amount of the fans money, not MCR's.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

As far as I know nothing. They said nothing about it. Even Slash from GnR came out and said something about it. After the fact but he still said something.

Anonymous said...

this video is Jimmy And Chantal talking about how they believe in gay marriage and they attend a Prop 8 rally.


Anonymous said...

Okay, because of that video, in my book, that makes them more than just assholes but also fucking hypocrites.

If I was gay, I wouldn't want their support with the way they behave/speak about gays.

Anonymous said...

I'm sory but I don't get this band. They say they're satire but somehow nobody but teenagers get the joke behing their lyrics. Am I too old or to stupid, or what? They call people faggots and niggers and sing from a pedophile's point of view. What's the satire behind that? Can somebody explain? If I didn't know the band's lyrics and would see afore-mentioned interview I would think they're nice people.

Btw, damn that Jimmy dude is one ugly guy.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I agree with 8.29. They have done way more public to make themselves look anti gay.

And Slash did his statement on his own time not while at a party. The only think JU and the wife has done on their own time is making muppet fucking videos and a video making fun of a PSA saying it isn't right to use the word gay in a negative way.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Siobhan even assholes can be nice. Most of the time it is when they want something. But asshole have been know to be nice.

Anonymous said...

Congrats - 8.20. Instead of helping their case, you've made them look even more ridiculous. If they ARE pro-gay, them it makes MSI look even more pathetic for using shitty shock tatics to attemped to hide their obscene lack of talent.

Anonymous said...

I just think if they want to be satirical it should be more obvious in their lyrics that they're making fun of the people who do discriminate against others and not make it look as if they're making fun of the people who smart from any form of discrimination.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Why do I get the feeling that the next time a video of Ju and the wife shows up it will be them talking about all the gay friends they have.

Look this is my gay friend Todd.

Anonymous said...

I think it would rather be:
Look, this is my gay friend Gerard.

Martha Smith-Jones said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I just checked and the deadline for the text to donate the $1000 for 12/01/08.

It has been over a week since it ended yet they have not said a thing about it. No thank you for for supporting the charity or who want the $30 prizes that they were giving away with it as well.

Anonymous said...

I seriously don't think they got any texts, well, maybe about 10.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Not when you can twitter with the guys and not one of them said anything about that thing.

Anonymous said...

So you were able to chat with them per twitter? Who says that it was the real Gerard or the real Frank etc. who texted back? I wouldn't be surprised if it was only some Warner dude who interacted with them. I think they were cruel enough to fuck their fans over like that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't know if it was live chat. But ti did seem like they were responding to things some of the fans had asked.

I wonder that as well, if it was really them.

Anonymous said...

I think it was them, but they got tired of it. Although, I didn't notice His Royal Holiness responding to anyone. Just Ray and Bob for the most part.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Martha Jones said...

I agree with 8.29. They have done way more public to make themselves look anti gay.

And Slash did his statement on his own time not while at a party. The only think JU and the wife has done on their own time is making Muppet fucking videos and a video making fun of a PSA saying it isn't right to use the word gay in a negative way.

I need to correct this statement. I misread prop 8 rally as prop 8 party. I also need to clear something up. I watched the video. When I say they didn't make the video on their own time I mean that I don't believe that they made it because they really feel that way. Msi I am sure have been getting a lot of shit about their lyric and that crappy little video they made about the PSA. So JU makes a video to make himself look not so bad.

I could be wrong about them. But I don't think that a person who feel strong enough about prop 8 being wrong to make a video about. Would also publicly make a video making funny of a gay cause. Even if in their mind they think they are helping. Because you aren't you are just making it easier for people who would use that word to demean people to use it.

Anonymous said...

JU is trying to put a favorable spin on himself and his band, just like the other members of MCR are trying to take the heat of GW.

Anonymous said...

I have a question for the girls living in the USA. Who is more popular ,MSI or morningwood??

I'm curious as , I have seen videos of morningwood but none of MSI ON MTV. but I thought MSI was more famous than MW.

oh and I just read a review on about leathermouth/ msi concert. and it seems mikey was there . I guess now lynz is away they have to keep the teens interested (someway somehow) so they still go to the concerts .

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I would say MW is more popular. I have heard them on the radio and one of their songs was used in a car commercial. They had press for a while as an up and coming band.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And MW played on Jimmy Kimbell Live. MCR have played that show.

Anonymous said...

Thanks MJ, yeap that's what I thought. I guess even MW music are better than MSI. (if we can call what MSI does music!)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

you're welcome

Anonymous said...

In the underground I think MSI is more popular, if only because they've been around longer. Morningwood are much more compatible with mainstream. MW have played Letterman several times, and I think MSI's only TV performance (in the US anyways) was on Carson Daly, during PR I think. But MW's song that was on the commercial was a while ago, and I personally haven't heard anything about them breaking out into the mainstream.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am going to sound like a bitch. But who cares about the "underground." Being underground has no meaning. Because you are either underground because you suck or you area good band but can't attract enough attention. There are few bands who are underground because they really want to be. The other thing that sucks about underground is as soon as you get a little play on the radio a good portion of our fans get pissed and leave. I don't want my band to become so famous that their egos become the size of the moon but I want them to have enough success so that they can keep playing and afford a house, car and kids.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I also haven't heard much about MW in awhile.

Anonymous said...

That's what I was saying, that whatever hype there was around MW is gone now.

Anonymous said...

Martha Jones said...
I am going to sound like a bitch. But who cares about the "underground." Being underground has no meaning. Because you are either underground because you suck or you area good band but can't attract enough attention. There are few bands who are underground because they really want to be. The other thing that sucks about underground is as soon as you get a little play on the radio a good portion of our fans get pissed and leave. I don't want my band to become so famous that their egos become the size of the moon but I want them to have enough success so that they can keep playing and afford a house, car and kids.

A bit like what happened to MCR,maybe?

I truly believe MSI has keep "underground" must because of the bad music they play than any other reason.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think it might have to do with the fact that the lead singe of MW spends more time making silly video with her husband and a 16 year than she does making music.

It is hard to sometimes know what angle a person is coming from on the net.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The fact that msi are popular in the underground is another reason why I don't think it is all it is cracked up to be. I can turn on MTV ( or where ever it is you go to watch music videos now a days) and see a whole lot of crappy music being played. Why would I want to go out of my way to look for it. I know so I can brag about how I heard of them first and than dropped them because they became to commercial.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the boys in the band got tired of their new website pretty quickly.

Anonymous said...

Trying to be cool and badass for the digital generation.

Good luck to them.

Anonymous said...

Trying to be cool and badass for the digital generation.

And failing. Miserably.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel too sorry for them 7:01.

After all, they have it all now...success, money to splash and hot wives.

Anonymous said...


I sincerely doubt it. With the econony the way it is, and not to mention illegal downloading, a lot of bands are struggling.

Anonymous said...

Yes BC, and to some success and image is everything.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of money; Does anyone know how Geraldine lives in L.A.? I remember an interview on MTV Germany in which he then said that he lives in a small apartment in New York because he wants to remain modest and keep his feet on the ground. Didn't someone mention a villa or a mansion here?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I did here that when he got married he rent a million dollar apartment. I don't believe it. I don't think he has the money to keep up with that ind of rent. I think in LA he may just live in a nice house. It isn't all mansions and villas in LA.

Anonymous said...

Bands like MCR don't make as much money as many people believe.

First of all, they share all of the songwriting credits among them. So, essentially, anything the band makes has to be divided five ways.

Secondly, they couldn't possibly have made a ton of cash off TBP because of all the publicity and promotion WB did on that record. All of that has to come out of the money generated by sales before the band even gets a cut. Same with videos. The record company pays for them initially and then has to be paid back before the band gets a cut. This is how bands like 30stm wound up not getting paid anything from A Beautiul Lie, but were in debt to their label to the tune of $3mil.

Bands make most of their money touring and from the merch they sell on those tours. MCR probably sold a decent amount of merch on the TBP tour, but word has it that with all the production costs, the tour barely broke even.

So the members of MCR probably are comfortable, but they aren't filthy fucking rich like a lot of people believe.

Anonymous said...

He did pay over a million for his house. Public records baby.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That was a waste of money. It probably isn't worth as much as he paid for it anymore

Anonymous said...

Got a link to them public records? I'm very curious.

Lucky Lindsey. One minutes she living in crime ridden Jersey City, the next she's living in a million dollar house. That God she "loves" him.

Anonymous said...

I don't care how much money they make but I think it's still too much regarding the way they're treating the people who make it possible for them to pay their bills and maintain a certain lifestyle they were never able to afford without their fans' (pocket)money.

Also, it all depends on how independent the band is and if they have a say in what songs are being released on the album or how the band is being promoted etc. The more they can exercise their right of veto the less money they get out of the result. Only puppets earn much money in the music industry. The record companies are the ones to decide what those 'artists' can or can't do.
They create their image etc. based on marketing research and therefore it is much more likely for them to make a lot of money with the product than with artists or bands who do their own thing and are more likely to fail and be unsuccessful.
MCR claims that their independence from the record company is very important to them and that they'd rather earn less money than being the record company's marionettes.
I can't really believe that because I think that Matt had to go because the record company said so and not because of anything else. Also, we talked a lot about their image and how most of us think that Gerard lied to us all the time when he talked about the band's message(s). I start to believe that the whole 'message' thing was something Reprise made up to help the band create a certain image at that time and when they realized that it doesn't give them enough attention anymore they had to change it to attract a different kind of fanbase adding to the fangirls who'll believe any crap and put up with any shit until something new comes along.

All of this reminded me of the rumor that MCR didn't really write TBP themselves.
Maybe there are more strings attached to them than they want us to see?

Anonymous said...

Gerard's house in LA isn't that big at all. the money he spent on that house could have bought him a huge house with a lot of land in Jersey.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I doubt that any record executive would look at msi and think that is they way to get MCr more fans. I also think that had the record label been the ones deciding the image you would see Gerard dancing around the stage like he was Britney.

I have always said that I think they did write TBP but I think that it was written when Gerard was still working on his issues so TBP isn't as emotional as the other two albums.

I think MCr has more control over their image and because they only had one album out on a small company before they went big I don't think they had time to find out who or what the band was.

Now they are running around trying to find an image that will sell and nothing is working.

Anonymous said...

I bet he now enjoys the hot sunny summers in L.A. Does anyone remember how he complained about getting a tan at Warped tour? Good ol' times.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's CA and houses here are very expensive for what you pay for them. Here where I am in CA it isn't unheard of to pay $2000- $5000 a month for a studio apartment. And I am not talking about some really great apartment either just your basic one.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever checked out the price of houses in LA? One million wouldn't buy a mansion, trust me. My house (in a small city in the southeastern US) cost $350,000 and is comparable to what a million dollars would buy in LA. It's nice. It's comfortable. It's roomy enough for me and my two kids, but it's nowhere near being a mansion.

Besides, a million bucks ain't what it used to be.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Reprise told them precisely to hang with MSI to attract another audience but I think they told them to become less of a boy band and more of a rock act again.
I also think that people not being in the music industry are too naive as to what's going on behind the scenes.
If their record company would see that their current behavior and attitude makes them piss off and lose their fans they would put a stop to it and not support it. After all, they're only interested in money.

Anonymous said...

Gerard could have gotten a real nice house in Jersey for the million and a half he spent in LA.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I would say with the way the economy is a million is pretty good. The way it works in CA is the close you want to live to lets say San francisco or LA the more you will pay and the less you will get. If you are willing to travel you can get a good deal. I have know people who spend just as much time in the cars as they do at work just to get to work.

Even in a bad neighborhood you could be looking at spending a lot more than you would expect. But now that most of the state is in foreclosure you can get a house for a good price.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Rock bands aren't doing well. Right now the people on top are all Disney bands Like the Jonas Brothers. I think Reprsie would have wanted them to be somewhere in between. But only because MCr were to old to be cute and innocent.

Anonymous said...

MCR is getting too old to appeal to the teen audience. At 28, Gerard was really kind of old when MCR first started hitting it big. Now, at nearly 32, he's practically a dinosaur.

I think the only way they can keep any kind of success going for them is to change their demographic. But latching onto a bunch of nobodies like MSI isn't going to get them the audience they need. Right now, bands like Coldplay and Radiohead are the ones (other than teenie bands) making money. Shock Rock is nothing more than a novelty.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Other than AC/DC I haven't heard good things about GNR and Metallica's latest CDs. I have heard about a lot of complains about sound quality and the style of music.

Anonymous said...

Metallica are dead. What have they done to themselves? Oh Lord!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think GnR are dead as well.

Anonymous said...

Axl Rose killed GNR a long time ago. He was the douche to end all douches.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, they died a long time ago! Thank the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Too bad he didn't really end all douches. Then we wouldn't be here posting on VV's blog.

Anonymous said...

Exactly 10.28. The house isn't that big. You can see it in the public records when it got sold. He bought it for her on Valentines day. It is a small shitty house on a crowded street.

But it's the status of living in LA they wanted.

Anonymous said...

Valentine's Day? Lol.

Didn't he and Eliza get engaged on Valentine's Day? That's when the ring (hers) first showed up, anyway.

Anonymous said...

My God, Geraldine really makes huge efforts to piss off Eliza, doesn't he?
Isn't she also living in L.A.?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

On Valentines Day. For real? Everything he does seems more like the this is what you do to prove to the world that you are in love hand book.

I really think love should be more than you bought me a house in LA, a big diamond ring, a $1500 handbag and rented me a monkey. and having a person's baby doesn't mean you love them either. Just means you didn't use birth control.

Anonymous said...

No, Eliza lives in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, a house shouldn't be a romantic gesture unless you're living in the fifties. It should be a huge step that a couple makes together and shouldn't be undertaken on a whim.

But everything about their "romance" seems as though it was done on a whim.

Anonymous said...

MCR should go get face lifts and botox to keep their teen fans from straying away to Jonas Bros.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Eliza was living in LA while they were together. I know this because a lot of the fangirls in the LA area bragged about how she did their hair.

Anonymous said...

yeah, and she charged the girl $75 for the stupid haircut.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I was hearing it was $100. I remember seeing pictures of two girls as they were leaving. She gave them the same hair cut. For that much money you better know how give me a hair cut that looks good on me not just what is easy for you to do.

Anonymous said...

whoa? $100? who the fuck does she think she is? vidal sassoon? :[

Martha Smith-Jones said...

There was a thread on BN where a girl was talking about getting it done by her. She ended up having to go out and get her hair cut all over again.

I remember people were getting after fro spending d=so much to get her hair done.

Anonymous said...

He bought her 1500$ bag? That must be a funny sight. An expensive bag on a cheap looking woman.

Anonymous said...

Eliza was staying with friends in LA at that time. And advertising her services out on Myspace. Then, Gerard broke up with her and she left town. Now she's in Chicago.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I hope it wasn't the $100 or even $75 for someone who doesn't have much of a name for herself.

No, Eliza lives in Chicago.

She is there now but when she was with Gerard she was in LA for a bit.

Nothing about his relationships with either of those two real seemed romantic.

Anonymous said...

I read that too, MJ. She took 100$ for a hair cut. And I can tell you she is not good at it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Gerard will buy Lindsey a little doggie to carry around in her $1500 handbag.

Oh, wait. She's having the ultimate celebrity accessory - a baby.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Gerard will buy Lindsey a little doggie to carry around in her $1500 handbag.

Oh, wait. She's having the ultimate celebrity accessory - a baby.

December 13, 2008 12:09 PM

Only if it was a mixed race baby or adopted from some 3rd world country. Just plain white babies aren't in.

Anonymous said...

I think it's so funny that someone who tries to appear as punk is interested in things only a preppy girl would like to have and which girls like Lindsey usually are making fun of.

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