Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"

It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.

(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).


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Anonymous said...

^ nvm

Anonymous said...

Link to the WSOU download, for those of you who would rather download it.

A word of warning, though. It might make you really sad to see how much they've changed (and not for the better).

Anonymous said...

It isn't just that his attitude has change his appearance has as well. He looks like he hasn't been bathing but the last time he did that he look completely different. It's almost as if he is trying to make himself look like JU now.

The dude must have been a chameleon in his previous life.

Anonymous said...

Frank interview in Jan. Kerrang!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any desire to even click the link. It will just be the same old, same old.

Bullshit is always bullshit, no matter how many times you look at it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I went and look at the interview. You got a love Kerrang sometimes. They seem to love to push buttons. Like calling Lindsey Mrs Gerard Way or calling MCR EMO heroes.

Anonymous said...


You never saw that interview? He was more than jittery. The interviewer was making him really nervous with some of the questions she was asking him.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I first became a fan of the band, and I would listen to interviews where the band were just happier I guess, in the most recent interviews it's just so much more depressing. Anon, you're right- it does make me sad to see how much they've changed.

However, seeing that interview makes you feel slightly less embarrassed about loving My chemical romance once.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Seeing that interview makes me want to go up to Gerard and ask what the fuck happen

Anonymous said...

I was actually almost concidering twittering them. Almost.

Seeing that interview just makes you want to tell them; Give it the fuck up. It's over, finished. The magic has gone, and you guys will never be as great as you were.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. Those guys are dead to me. Things will never be the same.

Anonymous said...


to the band we once knew, or at least thought we knew....


Anonymous said...

...or the band that never really existed at all

Anonymous said...

Please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock 'n Roll band
Who'll throw it all away

Anonymous said...

'I don't have any desire to even click the link. It will just be the same old, same old.'

Yep. Who gives a shit? I clicked, but really my interest in the new album has been reduced down to wanting to know how low the sales will be. It will have to be earth-shatteringly good for me to spend my hard-earned cash on. How things change.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I love your name. I remember hearing the story about the girl that name was given to.

Anonymous said...

Hello people!

Thanks for the interview link and that skit from the 'Black Tirade'.
Although I would have found it funnier if they had focused their ridicule on MCR themselves and not this Kramer guy.
I bet Gerard felt really flattered that they used their WPB video for this and didn't feel mocked at all.

About that interview:
I saw it too a while ago when people said that Gerard got asked uncomfortable questions and was going through all sorts of contortions.
I have to say I didn't see it that way and I still don't see it now.
For me it's just a typical interview with Gerard.
And wasn't it the same woman who also interviewed Lindsey in that car?

I took a look at the Kerrang article and I have to say that I find it ridiculous to already count MCR's album to the 50 albums that will rock 2009 although MCR themselves don't even know how it's going to be and how it's going to sound.
That is one of the reasons why you can't take Kerrang seriously. Other serious music magazines would rather chop their hands off then already praising an album that doesn't even exist yet.
Comedy gold, I can tell you!

I wonder how they manage to get interviews from rockbands? I would boycott them if I was a member of a band and would want to be taken seriously.
I'm sometimes asking myself if Kerrang gets payed by Warner to write Propaganda about MCR.
They're just another fanzine and nothing more!

Anonymous said...

Kerrang gives (especially up-and-coming) rock bands coverage that they couldn't get in any other magazine, and unless you're Bon Jovi or Metallica you can't afford to ignore the teen (high disposable income) demographic.

It's all about the filthy lucre.

Anonymous said...

Is MCR's record going to come out in 2009? They said a while back (not that you can believe anything they say) they were going to take a long break. I wouldn't consider a few months to be a "long" break. And during that time, they got together to record Desolation Row and then later to make a video, which cut into their "break".

Unless they've decided they can't wait much longer, lest they lose more of their fanbase.

Anonymous said...

Kerrang gives (especially up-and-coming) rock bands coverage that they couldn't get in any other magazine, and unless you're Bon Jovi or Metallica you can't afford to ignore the teen (high disposable income) demographic.

It's all about the filthy lucre.

Sure, at the beginning of their career Kerrang's interest in the band came in handy for them but now when all they care about is rock credibility and are (still unsuccessfully) trying to get rid of the teen demographic the dumbest thing to do is giving that mag any more interviews.
So, what's it gonna be now? Rock credibility or the pocket money of their odious teen fans? They can't have both.
Maybe they should release a memo in which they write something like Hey you, fangirl!
Please buy our merch and our albums. If you want to you can also buy concert tickets for our shows but please refrain from coming there and send your 25-year-old brother/boyfriend/cousin/friend instead and keep your embarrassing, pathetic teen fan girl ass away and stay at home. Please?
Thank you!

xoxo MCR

Anonymous said...

33 posts in the 24 hours from 9pm New Years Eve to 9 pm New Years Day.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I'm laughing so hard reading those 'stfu Gerard' posts.
(Yes, I'm easily entertained when I'm ill. I know!)
Didn't someone say it got deleted? Well, it didn't!
I just watched a video of Gerard getting kicked in the balls by Frank.
Golden moments of the MCR slapstick comedy routine!
What I realized is that Gerard's body language was really, um, feminine back then.

Anonymous said...

There were actually two stfu communities, if I remember correctly. The original one was shut down after the mod was badgered by various people close to the band, but then another one (the one in the link you posted) started up.

Then, sometime in 2006, the mod of the original stafoo (stufugerard, no underscore) opened back up, but the posts are only open to members.

That's why most of the posts on the other one stopped in 06.

Anonymous said...

i think you mean stfugerard. too many u's.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
33 posts in the 24 hours from 9pm New Years Eve to 9 pm New Years Day.

January 2, 2009 6:51 AM

If you're suggesting that the people here have no lives then I have news for you: Throughtout the world there are these things called Time Zones. Everywhere in the world is a different time. So, basically, that makes your theory a load of shit. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

33 posts in the 24 hours from 9pm New Years Eve to 9 pm New Years Day.

There were a lot more comments in that time period than 33. So what exactly were you talking about?

Or were you singling out one particular individual? If so, I think it's just a wee bit strange (and obsessive) that you're counting someone's comments.

Anonymous said...

Besides, not everyone celebrates NYE.

Some people do, but they don't drink so they are perfectly alert the next day to blog.

Really, people shouldn't ASSume that everyone is the same or goes with the majority.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Once your party for NYE one year you pretty much know what is going to happen the next year. Plus it was fucking cold outside.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
33 posts in the 24 hours from 9pm New Years Eve to 9 pm New Years Day.

January 2, 2009 6:51 AM

I find it safer to drink and blog than to drink and drive....

Anonymous said...

I find it safer to drink and blog than to drink and drive....

Good point. ^_^

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's also cheaper to blog and drink. Also you want get cold sores from kiss random people.

Anonymous said...

and if i had to much to drink,my bed is right there in the other room.:)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No lines for the bathroom

Anonymous said...

Nobody has to justify their blogging habits to anyone, whether it is NYE, NYD or any other fucking day!!!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No they don't but it is kinda fun talking about it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Siobhan and the anons

Anonymous said...

and i really like to talk with the people here. They are really funny and you can come over here and vent about things and you won't get bitched out for not kissing the ground Mcr walks on.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, MJ!
Hi anons!

Anonymous said...

Hi Siobhan!

Anonymous said...

and Martha!

Anonymous said...

Hell, I had friends over on NYE. We drank champagne at midnight and watched my neighbors' fireworks.

On New Years Day I took my kids to the movies and made a traditional New Year's dinner.

But I think I still managed to make about 10 or twelve comments here.

It's not like you have to be here every single second in order to keep up.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and hi, everyone!

Anonymous said...

I am ashamed to say it but....i fell asleep at 10:30 on new years eve. That damn job gets in the way of my life! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Lots of people go to bed before midnight on NYE. This year was the first one I've actually stayed up for in a few years.

I don't go in for the big parties. It's too dangerous out on the roads in the wee hours of New Year morning.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Lets see you could fall asleep or watch Ryan Seacrest. I think fall asleep was the better thing to do

Anonymous said...

I am ashamed to say it but....i fell asleep at 10:30 on new years eve. That damn job gets in the way of my life! LOL!

Haha, that also happened to me once!
But let's be honest; there isn't really something to miss that you can't have on any other day in the year!
You always go out with the feeling that NYE and NY and the time in-between is going to be even more fun and more special than the other nights.
But it's not!
You get drunk and get laid just as good/bad as in any other night!

Anonymous said...

I tried to watch that,but they didn't have anyone that i wanted to see.

Anonymous said...

You get drunk and get laid just as good/bad as in any other night!

You speak the truth. ^_^

Anonymous said...

You get drunk and get laid just as good/bad as in any other night!

True, you have 365 days in a year to do that!

Anonymous said...

Well, i managed to drink, but the other.....wasn't happening. I had a headache. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Subject change:
I just saw a pic of Ashlee Simpson.
She is a blonde again.
Isn't she breastfeeding?
I always wonder about those mothers who're still dying/bleaching their hair during their pregnancy just like Gwen Stefani etc. Don't they know that this isn't good for the baby? And even after they gave birth and are breastfeeding the baby they shouldn't dye it!

Anonymous said...

When I was pregnant the first time I didn't color my hair at all until after the baby was born and then I had some highlights put in (foils, where the color doesn't actually touch the scalp) while I was breastfeeding.

The second time I waited until I was well in the second trimester to have highlights, because I read that was safer.

As far as the medical community goes, they say it's "probably" safe to color your hair because there's no laboratory evidence to prove that hair dyes cause harm to unborn infants, but to forego the color in the first trimester, just in case.

Anonymous said...

Highlights I can understand but bleaching like Gwen...

Anonymous said...

I just read that Warner owns the rights to Watchmen now.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of hair dye, does anyone know if Lynz dyes her hair? Or is it naturally that color. She seems that the kind of person who would be ticked if she couldn't die her hair during the pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would be afraid of all that bleach. The fumes alone would be toxic, I would think.

Anonymous said...

She dyes it. But by seeing her eye and eyebrow color she most likely has darkbrown hair so that it wouldn't be that eye-catching if she woud stop dying it black.
Not as much as Gwen letting her natural darkbrown haircolor growing, haha!

Anonymous said...

I don't know for sure about Lindsey's hair, but I doubt that it's that black naturally. I have never met a caucasian person with hair that black. Very dark brown, but not black.

Anonymous said...

I doubt anybody would care if she stopped dying her hair, but like I said, she seems like the kind of person who focusses on how she looks, what with the clothes, makeup, ect., and wouldn't want to stop, but hopefully she's doing everything she can to keep the baby healthy.

Anonymous said...

I think you should really read this blog entry and the comments!
I didn't know Gerard was in rehab?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Siobhan where did you read that about the Watchmen. Because I haven't found anything saying that.

Last I heard Fox and WB couldn't come up with a deal so they are going to trial because the first judge right before Christmas was the one that said Fox still owned the rights to Watchmen.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing about this blog is that even Michael seems to have knowledge about it and even some dude calling himself j. samsonite wilcox is posting there saying he's the manager and road production coordinator of MCR, hahhahaha!
So funny!!!
I thought that Schechter guy is their manager?

Anonymous said...

Here, MJ!

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing so hard right now!!
*wipes away tears*

Anonymous said...

That Nick dude is a fucking idiot. I think he had too many drinks, and his grammar sucks. He keeps using the word 'like' in so many sentences.

What's funny is that he confused MCR with My Bloody Valentine, lol.

Anonymous said...

Read the comments, BC. You will understand.

Anonymous said...

siobhan i shouldn't be laughing, but that was clever!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I did a google search and so far that is the only person reporting that WB has the rights to Watchmen back. It isn't even on ONTD!.

Anonymous said...


I just wanted to chime in and say keep up the good work, soldiers of MCR.

We will win this battle."

This is why nobody in the mcr fanbase gets taken seriously.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Some body post the funny comments I got sick of reading the You didn't see MCR shit.

Anonymous said...

I think the comments are so revealing, aren't they?! Too funny!!

MJ, I don't know if it's true or not.
I just thought I post it here, hehe.

Anonymous said...

This sherade is over. As manager and road production coordinator for My Chemical Romance and Tapwater Productions LLC, I am officialy saying that they did not play any show–secret or announsed–at the Santa Monica Civic Palace. for the record the band would never play there because they have an exclusive contract with toyota. 2nd, they are on break recording their new album, which is going to be huge. its a consept album based on home alone 2. and c, if ANYTHING liek that hapened, i would definitley be told about it. so thats setting the record straight. now stop visiting this stupid blog and giving them free money.

-j. samsonite wilcox

Anonymous said...

who dances anymore nick? That shit is for little girls in tootoos. (tutus?) anyways i personally know the way brothers and I can say on good authority that that was in fact them. They’ve been playing secret shows for some time now to break in their new sound. As for your comment about letting himself go I’d like to see you come out of rehab looking half as good sir. Gerard is getting his life together and fighting the good fight and you should just get out of his way so he doesn’t bowl you over.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, like, what do you mean, My Bloody Valentine? Who the hell is that? I thought that was a movie. Whatever, if you’re getting confused about who My Chemical Romance is, you clearly don’t like good music.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Okay, Siobhan.

What I did read of the MCR review it was like being on BN with all the MCr would never treat they fans like shit.

But than again I remember reading accounts from people over there that Gerard had been treating fans like shit for a while. Especial girls. There were several people who went to a meet and greet where he acted like he had something way better to do

Anonymous said...

To all the MCR fans reading this:

If you had seen My Chem that night, you would have been pissed off too. I mean, I was kind of dancing around how I really felt in my post above, but thinking back on it, that concert SUCKED. I couldn’t wait for “I’m Okay (I Promise)” (which is like my favorite song) and then they never played it. I didn’t recognize a single song!

As for my misspelling of Frank’s last name, I’m sorry! “I” and “L” are right next to each other, and I totally didn’t even notice until I had put the post up. Which sucks cuz I’m like Frank’s biggest fan (big ups to Leathermouth)!

But anyway, yeah, I mean, I can understand all you guys’ shock and disappointment when I said that I felt like I had been betrayed, but I was, and so was everybody who paid the cost of a ticket to see My Chemical Romance play a good show. Instead it was like just NOISE and like stupid and like bad.

Anonymous said...

who dances anymore nick? That shit is for little girls in tootoos. (tutus?)


Martha Smith-Jones said...

its a consept album based on home alone 2

Don't give them any ideas people.

Anonymous said...

looks like joe the plumber visited that blog too!

Anonymous said...


lol lol lol

Anonymous said...


I don't think that there's any other rock band out there (apart from FOB, although I don't consider them a rock band, but you know what I mean) that gets mocked that much like MCR!

Anonymous said...



3:27 and 3:36,


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't think FOB get mocked any where near what MCR gets.

Anonymous said...


I bet they looooooooooooooooved that feather headband!
My God, is there anything douchier than that?

Anonymous said...

As offical Manager of My Bloody Valentinez and lead coordinator and intermediary with Sire and Creation records I will clear all fact from fictun. My Chemical Romance attempted to discredit MBV’s status by:

#1 Posing as the band at the Santa Monica Civic Center.
#2 With or Without intention infuriating those in attendance by playing a hurrible show.
#3 Cross dressing to make MBV members look ridiculous.
#4 Attempting to convert MBV fans into emo costume wearing wrist cutters.

I cannot opologize for MCR band members but i would like to thank and hold Nick in high esteem in bringing this travesty to light. We should all extend this topic and confront the MCR band n community with their immoral and unethical treatment of MBV. Those of the MCR community look at the facts they are displayed here here and here. click those links to confirm what you know is true in your black, broken, torn and bleeding hearts.

i think they are making fun of a certain fan base

Anonymous said...

I bet Gerard bought that feather headband. He probably wears it in the bedroom along with a merry widow and stockings.

Anonymous said...

I bet Gerard bought that feather headband. He probably wears it in the bedroom along with a merry widow and stockings.

AAARRRRRRRRRGH!!! Brain bleach, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I think he's really great to go shopping with. I bet he would pick the best things for you, although you maybe would have to share your purchases with him.
Okay, you'll get to wear that blue sequined tube top on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays and I can wear it on...

Anonymous said...

i wonder what nick will have to say about the next hurrible album about flexible girls in tootoos

Anonymous said...

"Okay, you'll get to wear that blue sequined tube top on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays and I can wear it on..."

Lol, that actually fits. Gerard and Lynz can't seem knock the habbit of swapping clothes.

Anonymous said...

siobhan blue is not his color

Anonymous said...

I don't think FOB get mocked any where near what MCR gets.

very true

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Pete on the other hand I think he alone gets mocked way more than MCR.

Anonymous said...

But isn't it funny what you can find on the internet about them?
I don't want to know what hilarious pictures, statements etc. of them are out there nobody or very few people have ever seen.
Well, actually I do, hehe!

Anonymous said...

he brings the attention on to himself martha.

much in the same way as gerard.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

somewhere on the net is the video of Gerard as Peter Pan.

Anonymous said...

I so would pay to see that, MJ!

Anonymous said...

I would too, Siobhan, but unfortunatly Gerard said in an onterview once that he hid the only tape of it. Hopefully someone will find it and put that shit on youtube, but knowing sissy pants Gerard, he will probably find a way to get it taken down.

Anonymous said...

I have to call it a night!
Bye MJ!
Bye people!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I bet they looooooooooooooooved that feather headband!
My God, is there anything douchier than that?

January 2, 2009 3:48 PM

ahhaha now that's one hell of an ugly headband!!!

i'd love to see that vid too

come on fangirls go get it for us!
i mean they stole gerard's driving card , sure they can manage it to get the peter pan vid

Martha Smith-Jones said...

night siobahn.

Hello tiger Lily and any new anons

Anonymous said...

unfortunately the mcr fangirls have a tendency to be highly possessive, a touch obsessive and lacking a distinct sense of humor when it comes to anyone criticizing their "heroes".

Anonymous said...

somewhere on the net is the video of Gerard as Peter Pan.

Unless of course, he made that up too. I mean, come on. You can't tell me there isn't a single parent out there in the audience who was videotaping or at least taking pictures. After all, Peter Pan isn't the only character in that play.

You would think Wendy or Captain Hook would have come out of the woodwork with pictures by now.

Anonymous said...

^Possible. If Gerard's high school, middle school and prom pictures leaked, you'd think this would have leaked as well.

Somebody even posted his driver's license photo, ffs.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I get the feeling that not to many of his classmates from his school days know what he is up to. That might explain why we don't see any other people's videos of it. Also didn't people pretty much ignore him. I doubt they even know they went to school with him.

Anonymous said...

from friends of the family

my silly contraversy

For those of you who haven’t noticed this little rumbling that’s going on about four posts underneath this one, you’re missing out. Last Wednesday, Nick, Greg and I all went to see My Bloody Valentine (MBV=seminal alternative rock band out of Ireland, extremely influential and acclaimed). We all posted extremely different reviews, I loved it, Greg hated it, and Nick thought he was there to see My Chemical Romance (MCR=American alternative/post-hardcore/emo quintet that formed in Jersey in 2001) and was very disappointed with the show. My Chem’s fans (haha My Chem) have come out in droves to support them, trying desperately to convince Nick that he didn’t actually see My Chemical Romance and that they would never disappoint their fans like that. YES.


Meanwhile, I’ve been all over the web an all the major MCR internet hubs letting the fans know about this travesty of a man who thought he saw MyChem what a retard ROFL XD. I’ve been to sites like “Gerard’s Way,” “Cemetary Drive Forums,” “I’m NOT Okay.net,” “Mensa.com,” “My Chemical Revenge,” and many more. My browser will never be the same.

The post got featured on mikeywayonline.net, which is the number one fansite for My Chem’s bassist (obvi!!), which seemingly brought more fans our way. But none interested enough to click ANYWHERE outside the post to find out that this is a COMEDY WEBSITE. Utterly perfect.

The best part about it to me is the really eloquent comments that really try to get through to Nick to explain to him that he was indeed mistaken and the reasons why My Chemical Romance would never put their fanbase through an experience like that.

On the last US tour, we got a special treat: the band performed “Desert Song”, a b-side from the “Life on the Murder Scene” DVD, which they’ve never played in the United States before. My Chemical Romance does NOT treat their fans like trash. - Johnnie, Mikeywayonline.net

Ahhhh, the internet.


Anonymous said...

no martha, his true friends would never do that

Anonymous said...

would never do what?

Anonymous said...

Also didn't people pretty much ignore him. I doubt they even know they went to school with him.

Yes, I think that was the latest version of the story -- at least until he became "cool" in high school because of the music he was into.

Anonymous said...

^post old photos/videos of him on the web, I'm assuming

Anonymous said...

So are you trying to say that everyone who went to elementary school with Gerard is his 'true friend'? Somehow I rather doubt that because he said he was in a new school and playing Peter Pan wasn't the best way to become popular.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the people who posted all that other stuff were not his true friends either.

Anonymous said...

I think the other anon was just trying to say that they don't care enough to go around searching for old (potentially embarassing) photos/videos of him.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the woman who supposedly originally posted the prom photos claimed to be an old girlfriend of his, although she didn't look like the girl in the photo and her posted age wasn't a match. I think she posted them on her myspace and she appeared to be extremely obsessed.

Anonymous said...

^how did she get them?

Anonymous said...

not everyone wants to take advantage of his infamy just because they may or may have known him

Anonymous said...

not everyone wants to take advantage of his infamy just because they may or may have known him

I suspect they would if there was money in it for them, but since nobody in the media really cares, that's a non-issue.

Anonymous said...

No clue, 6:49. She claimed that she used to know him. If I remember correctly, she wrote something about him being "her love" or wanting to "reconnect their love" or something similar.

Anonymous said...

not everyone thinks that way 6:53

Anonymous said...

6:58, no, not everyone does, but you would think out of an entire school, there would be someone who did, but like the anon said, it doesn't matter cause nobody would be willing to pay for them anyway.

Anonymous said...

not everyone thinks that way 6:53

No, not everyone. But the average person would be willing to turn over a photo from their childhood to make a quick buck, especially if the person in question was only an acquaintance. If you don't think so, then you're pretty naive.

Anonymous said...

night siobahn.

Hello tiger Lily and any new anons

January 2, 2009 4:49 PM

a belated hello to you too MJ. and to the other anons!!

Somebody even posted his driver's license photo, ffs.

January 2, 2009 5:42 PM

yeap that was pretty psycho!

MCR is not a band that is into the media business thing, paparazzi don't really care about them.but is well known mcr has reallyy crazy obsessed fans too so i wouldn't be surprised if the peter pan vid showed up out of nowhere

Anonymous said...

too obsessed. i don't blame them for wanting to shake them off.

Anonymous said...

too obsessed. i don't blame them for wanting to shake them off.

They haven't managed to shake off the loons, though. They're still out there marching in the MCRmy, blindly following like sheep.

Anonymous said...

It would be funny if that tape showed up and instead of playing peter pan, he played wendy instead.

Anonymous said...

well they have been educated to never question things...

what was conceived as a marketing dream turned out to be a bit of a nightmare.

Anonymous said...

They managed to shake off the normal fans!.

just the crazy obsessed are the ones following the band steps these days,twittering, buying merch, posting on BN , creating "how to be like lynz groups";D etc..

Anonymous said...

Don't go walking down a dark alley because the MCRmy might attack! That is the silliest thing i ever heard of. Maybe they should send our troops home and send the MCRmy!

Anonymous said...

1. religious fanatic
Someone who takes a perfectly good creed and assumes that because they pretend to follow it, they are allowed to do anything they want even if they don't really follow the creed at all. Usually insisting that if others do not follow their ways, they will be damned.


Anonymous said...

Lol, Tiger Lily. Did you know there is an lj community called gerardism?

A direct quote from the user info:

Welcome, my children. You have seen the light and found the Way to the religion of Gerardism. Here, we worship our Lord, Gerard Way and all of his teachings.

Anonymous said...

Some of that is probably meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but still... gerardism?

Oh, and they have 10 commandments as well.

Anonymous said...

really 7:29?

Anonymous said...

For real.

Anonymous said...

Apparently MSI is trying to get a twitter account. I wonder what stupid shit they will post on it, but they are going to have to be pretty damn original to out-supidize gerard.

Anonymous said...



MCRmy...Be afraid..be very afraid!


I remember a similar website, they even had their 10 commandments and stuff , only difference is that this one was in spanish.

Anonymous said...

gosh that's going to revolutionize twitter 7:33

Anonymous said...

Sure is, 7:37

Anonymous said...

Apparently MSI is trying to get a twitter account. I wonder what stupid shit they will post on it, but they are going to have to be pretty damn original to out-supidize gerard.

January 2, 2009 7:33 PM

OHH NOOO The end of the world is here!

all the fangirls will be twittering lindsey now, since gerard has been ignoring them all. the will see this like an opportunity to get closer to the way family.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and they have 10 commandments as well.

January 2, 2009 7:30 PM

# 1 I shalt not take a bath.

Anonymous said...

I'm sort of interested to see what Lynz will say and if she'll respond to fans or not. I mean, it wouldn't be very inspiational of her to ignore her "fans", now would it?

Anonymous said...

# 2 I shalt worship uncle jiggy 4ever

Anonymous said...

OmG, Gee and LynZ wil lykee beable to ConVerse wit EachothErs and StuffZ, thats SOO Cutezz!!!11

Anonymous said...

if she takes the time to groom herself with makeup and the like, she bathes.

that i think is a fallacy. although smoking and drinking due contribute to whiffiness if taken excessively.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What are they going to twitter about? Playing bingo?

Anonymous said...

wha 7:46? thou shalt worship the jiggly pieces 4 eva 0__o

Anonymous said...

I think 7:46 was just trying to do the impersonation of a fangirl.

well done anon!

we will be able to read their twitter conversations awwww. we're soooo lucky
can't wait..

Anonymous said...

i must hand it to "nick" & friends of the family.

they gave me the laugh i needed.

i hope they post more "reviews"

mensa.com *smiles*

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I just hope MCR doesn't read that F&F site and get idea.

Anonymous said...

"Blogger Bleeding Chaos said...

That Nick dude is a fucking idiot. I think he had too many drinks, and his grammar sucks."

BC, do you think his grammar is more betterer or more worser than yours's?

Anonymous said...

of what? cross-dressing? :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Cross dressing is just the tip of it. Moves based off of home alone 2. Gerard is already taking ideas from south park.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Fuck don't watch Law and order and try to type.

CDs based off of movies like home alone 2.

veritavenom said...

Hey all there is a new post. It was getting a lot of comments in here. Plus I was tired of looking at those pictures. I didn't really want to see Courtney Love's sharpie written flabbiness anyway.

Happy New Year to all of you...... Keep on being yourselves through 2009 and feel free to keep on venting.

SarahLund said...

One of Gerards most recent tweets says: "Blow. The. World. Up." . I was shocked as to why he would say that. That's not like him. Especially cos he hated the whole September 11th tragedy. That is hypocritical. Evil, somewhat.

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