Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years...

AN IMPORTANT NOTE TO RACIST TROLLS AND ANONYMOUS PEOPLE. If you seriously think that by trolling this blog with the N word (just because MSI does it and you think that makes it OK) you will get me to shut down my blog you are sadly mistaken.

I have not installed a tracker but I have contacted Blogger, and their policy is that they DO NOT allow hate speech. If you want, I can install a tracker. This blog isn't so high traffic that I won't know who said what and when.

I have never deleted or censored posts, but I will report your ISP if this continues.

My other option is to take away anonymous comments but I would rather not do that. If you MCR/MSI defenders think you will make me close the blog down by using hate speech that they condone though, you are very wrong.

Now onto my original post which was this,

There are a few things I have to say. First of all someone came on here and said that you were not anonymous. As far as I know you all are anonymous. I don't have a tracker or anything, I never had and I never will. You can say whatever you want up to a point, which I will get to later. As for the person saying they knew who you are, or they know who I am, I can assure you they are lying. I don't even know who most of you are and I don't care, as long as you get to vent and say what's on your mind. Disagreeing is fine too. I don't delete comments. I know some people are still fans of MCR and MSI.

I am not one of Gerard's exes or friends, thank God. I am just like most of you, a disappointed ex-fan of MCR. Gerard wouldn't know me and I can assure you he doesn't care what I think. He has enough people paying his bills and paying his and his wife's extravagant LA lifestyle upkeep. Trust me, he doesn't care who I am or who you are or what we aren't buying anymore.

I also do not care who he marries or has sex with or cheats on or if he hooks up with groupies or whatever (although I do think that makes him a total loser but that is just one opinion).... It does show how he feels about women. I don't even really care about MCR or what they are doing these days. But it's fine if you guys still want to talk about it, like I said I don't censor or delete. I don't care if he has pink hair or brown boots. (Even though the pink hair made it even more obvious that he becomes the person he is hanging out with. There is no real Gerard.).

All I care about is the fact that he and his racist, sexist friends and wife are still having the nerve to talk about feminism and call themselves feminists. Gerard is still having the nerve to think of himself and proclaim himself as not bigoted or ignorant. I just wish that the two of them specifically would stop presenting themselves as something they are not because I think that sends a destructive message. If they want to be sexist and racist, that's their prerogative. But to be such a sexist pig and then to preach about feminism is wrong. It's like Sarah Palin calling herself a feminist. You can't redefine terms just because you feel like it. I don't care about LynZ flashing her crotch or what she wears. The only problem is her still calling herself a feminist when all she has done is flash her crotch and marry a rock star to get where she is.

That leads me up to the recent other nasty anonymous people I've had here. I deeply apologise for the anonymous people who are calling some of you racist terms. I don't read here as often as I used to but a friend who still comments here, also a few other people have emailed or messaged me to tell me. Some anonymous people have been calling some of you the N word. I deeply apologize. I don't like to delete comments but that is hate speech and harassment and if you want those comments deleted just tell me where they are and I'll do it. I can't have hate speech like that on this blog. I obviously don't condone it or I would be a fan of MSI.

This proves the point most of us have about MSI. Just because some person or some shitty band thinks it is alright to use hate speech and bigotry, DOES NOT MAKE IT OK. Just because one person or some shitty band thinks those words are funny or that they don't mean anything DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT. And just because some person or some shitty band thinks that you shouldn't be hurt and offended by hate speech DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE WRONG TO FEEL THAT WAY.

That is what MSI and Gerard do not understand. You can't redefine words or tell people that they should just deal with being called things or treated that way just because THEY think it is OK.

I am against censorship and MSI can say whatever they want. I don't have to listen to them and I don't. But, MCR and Gerard proclaim themselves anti bigotry and anti sexist and that is where the problem is. That was proven by the bigoted anonymous person on the last blog. I apologize for them.


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Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello VV,

I just saw you at mayo's so i left a comment for you there as well. That comment should stay. It shows what kind of person that anon is. I t shows what kind of fans msi has.

But most of all I think it shows what kind of damage a band that is nothing more than a joke can do.

I find it disturbing that people think that calling a person a racist or homophobic slur some how funny. Just because you are on stage or you have added some music to it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Martha. Although calling MSI "music" is a stretch. ;D

Verita, thanks for the new post. Very well said. Although I don't think you should be apologizing since you aren't the one who said it.

I agree with Martha that it shows what kind of people we're dealing with here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update VV. I wish I didn't care about MCR like you.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

We could call it shit put to sound.

Anonymous said...

Uhm. I'm pretty sure when I called Martha the N-word it was not supposed to be taken as a put down or as a racist remark. I said it to prove a point, an by getting all in a tizzy about it, she prove my point.

And as for the people that say they know who all of you are, I'm sure they are just having a laugh at your expense. Just trying to get you all riled up, and it apparently worked.

Anonymous said...

Uhm. I'm pretty sure when I called Martha the N-word it was not supposed to be taken as a put down or as a racist remark.

Except that it is a put down and a racist remark, and you can't change it by saying that those things aren't true. I can sit here and tell you that the sky is orange and you should all believe me. It doesn't make it true.

And yes, racism does get me in a "tizzy" although "tizzy" is kind of a flimsy word for the rage I feel for bigots like yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh and as for in the other post. What Kass said was exactly what I was trying to say, sometimes I just don't have the right way with words. I'm sorry if you took offenses to me calling you the n-word, but if you read the very first sentence, you would see that I said do not take offense to this, and I did not mean that sarcastically.

That fact that you took it so offensively and had to cry about to everybody was the exact point that I was trying to make. You took offense to a word that should have no meaning to you and you should not let it get you down when some RANDOM stranger says it to you. Do you get upset when someone calls you fat,or ugly, or stupid, or anything else? Maybe a little, but you know it means nothing because the person that said it means nothing to you.

Anonymous said...

Oh and VV maybe you should actually READ through everything that went down and not just get your "friends" side of the story. I didn't call Martha that to be a bigot or a racist. But it's become apparent to me that you all are too stuck up in your old ways to let that word die out.

It's because of people like you that racism is still as big as it is. If you people would just let it go and show the racists that those words don't offend you, eventually they would learn that it didn't have the impact on you that they were aiming for.

And even if the racists didn't let it go. At least you would be smart and strong enough that it wouldn't bother you anymore. How anybody lets one little word, 6 little letters, 2 measly syllables, offend them so much is just beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Darn. Wish we could edit comments. I had so much more I wanted to say.

So, with that I say farewell to all of you. I don't plan on coming back, so don't bother responding.

You lot can continue hiding behind your racism. Hope you feel warm and safe there.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

VV like Kapu said you don't have to apologize. You were not the one who said it.

But I do feel I need to clarify somethings.

Anon(s) I know you will be back so before you try and twist my or anyone else words around I will make a few thinks clear for you.

I never said you were a racist or bigot because you aren't offended by the word you called me. Or the one some people might call you if you are gay. It is the fact that you would say it and how you used it. You disregarded the fact that I and other people here had a problem with the word and used in in order to put me down.

Which leads into the next topic.. You asked me if I believed everything that came out of a persons mouth. It isn't about believing what a person has said to be true or not it is about first impressions.

How you behave and what you say to a person when they first meet you are the impression that will stick with you. If the first thing you say to me when I meet you is "Hey n*&&er" I am not going to think highly of you. If I don't out right take you for a bigot or a racist I am going to think you are an ignorant asshole.

No one here ever said that Lynz flashed her bare privates at anyone. We all said how glad we are that she wears underwear. On numerous occasions. It is possible to flash your privates at someone and still have your underwear on. It's called a pantie shot. There are porn video made for people who like only that. There are even anime where the whole point of the show is to show you a pantie shot. I have called Lynz nothing more than a pantie shot character. You just thought you could twist what was said around.

Knowing where to find pictures of someone isn't being obsessed. Most of the people here are Mcr fans who came from Buzznet. Where once Gerard started dating Lynz we were treat to about 20 pictures of her every hour( usually flashing her underwear at the crowed). All I have to do Is type in lynz or msi at buzznet and I have pictures and interviews right there.

End rant

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Really anon? I am a racist. Wow your ignorance amazes me.

No I don't feel bad because some asshole calls me a name. Because I now they are an asshole. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to speak out against it.

Kass is opinion is what you were trying to say. Like I fucking believe you. I doubt that you would have even come up with that excuse if she hadn't said it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Last thing anon. I wasn't the one who contacted VV. I wanted your words to stay up there. So everyone cans see what kind of person you are. To see what kind of people listen to msi.

Anonymous said...

No I don't feel bad because some asshole calls me a name. Because I now they are an asshole.

QFT. And a bigot and an ignorant, cruel, assheaded rodeo clown who wants to foist his or her own "meanings" on other people and then when they object to it, try to make it their fault.

Martha, I guess this is all your fault because you are black. ;D But seriously, to bigots like that, their reasoning is that you must be "asking for it."

I was the one who emailed Verita right away because I thought she would want to know the kind of hate speech that was going on on her own blog. I'm glad she said what she said.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am glad she said what she said as well. And I am glad you emailed her to show your concern for the word. That anon needs to know that the people that you call the racist slur are the people of that race or sexual orientations aren't the only ones who find those words unacceptable.

Taking the meaning away from a word is the excuse used by people who get caught saying that word and don't want to look like they are racist are ignorant.

Anonymous said...


educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

^Troofax. Like with MSI, they use it to excuse hateful behavior that is really inexcusable. "I was just joking." "You shouldn't be upset." "You give racism power." "I was calling you names to prove a point."

Any excuse to continue being a bigoted douche.

Yet do you notice how they do not want to be called bigoted? What would they say if you said, "Oh, but when I call you that word, you shouldn't get upset. The fact that you do only proves my point."

Martha Smith-Jones said...


Yet do you notice how they do not want to be called bigoted? What would they say if you said, "Oh, but when I call you that word, you shouldn't get upset. The fact that you do only proves my point."

If words had no meaning or power over you than you would be the last person on earth to use them against someone because they would be meaning less to you.

But I am just a" sad ignorant racist." What do I know.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. If they were meaningless they could not prove any point.

"You're such a grackpuffle! I think I've made my point! Now what are you going to do, go cry about it?"

Real nice.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

LOL grackpuffle. I like that.

But I think what is the most telling thing about the anons is how face wit prove that not everyone felt the way s/he did.

Tiger wood got into some shit for saying spaz. "that never happened"

I provide the proof that it did not only did the anon refuse to read the news story but it ran away calling me a name.

That an was ignorant in so many ways. People and Europe and Asia don't get upset about words. How the fuck can you speak not only for two countries but a whole other race of people.

When you know there is no way in hell everyone feels the same about something.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way is a very happily married man. "I love my wife," he tells Popeater smiling on the red carpet of the 2008 Scream Awards. So does that mean the band's next album is going to be filled with love songs? Not a chance. "I had a discussion with Lindsay [his wife] about it

Wait when did Nz become a part of Mcr. Why should she have any voice in what that band does?

and I was like, 'Wow, all this stuff I'm writing is kind of full of hate. I don't know why that is,'" he says. "She's like, 'Cause you're happy.'"

If I am happy the last thing I write is something full of hate.

I wonder what kind of hate it is filled with. Hate for people because of the race, sexual orientation or gender?

Because that stuff is just one fucking big ass joke.

Anonymous said...

Gerard--like some anons--clearly needs no such things as "logic."

This is because they are "happy."

Anonymous said...

Okay, this goes out to that damn anon that just loves to prove her points about racism and bigotry by using words that are classified as racist and bigoted.

And I know that anon "left" but, I need to get this out of my system it's so so horrible.

First and foremost, how can you expect to go on the internet, go anywhere really now a days and say such hurtful words (and they are hurtful for various reasons) and not have peoeple overreact about it? It's just obsurd. You need to understand that there are certain words that are just not socially correct, theirs an invisiable code of ethics that needs to be followed! And if I sound like a prude, oh well! Those words are excessively hurtful, especially in the USA. I don't care if your from Europe or Asia, you obviously know that your on the internet and people from different parts of the world can and will come here to speak their minds. You have to know and a little thing and that makes a HUGE difference called, tolerance.

The major thing that annoys me about MSI fans, well some of them at least, is when they use the typical excuse, "It's all satire! Their doing this and saying things to prove a point! To make people understand what is going on."

Okay, wtf? Really, I didn't know that MSI was a renowned news station, like abc or something like that. And it's a shame because these kids listening to their so called "music" will want to act in that way, simulate their horrid ideas into the world. And it's not like if their albums come with warnings stating such things, that is all a joke. Honestly, some people just aren't smart enough to figure that their doing horrible things and corrupting young peoples minds and their own minds. Espacially those damn DEVOTED fans that simply don't think for themselves. It's horribly sickening. I can use the same example for those young kids that listen to "rap" music (placed in quotes because what they show on the tv rarely captures what rap music is) these kids are enamored with the thought of money, cars, girls, that's all the care about. They grow up thinking that it's okay to degrade women, to use racist words whenever they want. To not care about school or your education. It's just horrible and I see it everyday in my highschool, in my neighborhood. It's basically the same idea that MSI is portraying. "That it's okay to do whatever you fucking want! It doesn't matter if you offend anyone because your just kidding! We wanna see how fucking hardcore you are!" And that idoitic played out act of, "not giving a shit." it's just ridiculous.

Now, don't get me wrong I am far from perfect and I don't agree with sensorship but it bothers me that these things are going on. The fact that this stupid "band" is now corrilated with MCR because of Gerard's stupid antics angers the living shit out of me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^ Sorry that my last comment is full of typos. I got really angry.

and I was like, 'Wow, all this stuff I'm writing is kind of full of hate. I don't know why that is,'" he says. "She's like, 'Cause you're happy.'"

Okay, did you picture a blond bimbo saying that just now? LOL. Cause I sure fucking did!

Usually, when normal people write about hate their very, very angry Lyn-Z. Not joyus at all. Hate never comes from happiness. The equation never adds up.

I just think Gerard wanted to add the "Cause your happy!" quote in there to drill in his ex-girlfriend's and none believer's minds that he is happy, even though, I and most of clearly doubt that he TRULY is.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gives Mari a standing ovation.

Anonymous said...

"I had a discussion with Lindsay [his wife] about it and I was like, 'Wow, all this stuff I'm writing is kind of full of hate. I don't know why that is,'" he says. "She's like, 'Cause you're happy.'"

Okay, I don't know about the rest of you, but to me this reads a bit like insane troll logic*. WTF?

*and I'm speaking of the hairy, club-carrying, mountain-dwelling, hobbit-eating breed of troll -- not the hate-spewing, MSI-loving, frothing at the mouth with racist slurs variety that we had visiting this blog earlier.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Martha, but honestly, I give you more credit than anything when, considering that, that anon called you such a horrible name. I don't know how you kept your cool! :]

Hold on, wait, I know... Your one of those smart folks!

Anonymous said...

Katie ann,
You are NOT alone in that statement.

Anonymous said...

mari said...

Katie ann,
You are NOT alone in that statement.

Good to know. ^_^

Anonymous said...

So, do you consider Gerard a bigot or racist for supporting a band like MSI?

Just a random thought...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Mari I have been wondering about that myself. How can he stand by people who say that and still say he is against those things.

Anonymous said...

Thanks VV

MSI fans have confused being an asshole with rebellion. MSI is the definition of "rebel without a cause"

I understand K's point, but I don't agree that that is what the band is really about. Even if that is true, I still believe it is completely ignorant. Nobody from an outside group, with no true understanding of what pain the discrimination has caused them, has any right to tell that group what they should and should not be offended by.

And if there lyrics are meant to "raise awareness" on the evils of society by parodying it, then they have done quite the opposite, as shown by last night's anon.

I doubt either of those is the case though, seeing as they have said themselves they are anti-message, anti-talent, and anti-anything music was invented to stand for.

I want to shove some classic blues in their fans faces until they understand what real music is meant to be. And that is really what pisses me off about MSI, above anything else, is that they are desecrating a beautiful art form with their pathetic attempt at being "hardcore".

They are a bunch of aging rockers from the city who market to teens from suburbia and are just prime examples of why the world hates Americans.

/rant - sorry:)

Anonymous said...

They are a bunch of aging rockers from the city who market to teens from suburbia and are just prime examples of why the world hates Americans.

Don't know who you are, but I love you for that. :D

And yeah Martha, I mean I've also thought about it for a while. Either he is all that I just mentioned or just happens to not care about his wife's band that much and just wants to promote them because he's married to Lyn-Z. Or he believes what most MSI fans believe, that it is a all a joke, satire to poke fun at society. Or the most probable, he follows them because he think their "cool" and "interesting". When really all he wanted was a new look, someone else to simulate since he seems to be so tired of himself. I wonder why, he just simply can't deal with his inner demons.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and anon,

I'm sure if I met you face to face I could almost instantly come up with a few choice words that would deeply offend you.

So, cut the "I'm so hardcore I don't get offended by ANYTHING" bullshit. No one believes you.

My point being this: I never would say anything that hateful to you, despite how deeply we disagree, because I am a decent human being with sympathy towards other people's emotions. You probably think that is "funny" or "uncool", but I could care less. I prefer it that way and, really, I just pity you.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you Mari

Hello to Mari, Katie ann and cupcake.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, mari :)

And hello to you.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Mari when he did that taste it tv interview he was trying to say that it was their way of bringing attention to the ills of society.

I wish someone would go back and ask him that again. Now that Msi have said they just want your money and have no message.

I haven't began to completely hate Gerard just yet. But I just want to know is he of the same mind set as that anon.

Anonymous said...

Hey VV, thanks for the new post.

It sounds funny to me how that interview mentions GW is a "happily married" man, and yet, he looked somewhat dead in those pictures taken from the Scream 2008 awards.

I used to feel sorry for him, but it's becoming annoying that he has to still continue to convince everyone that he "loves" his "wife" and that he's very "happy" where his physical appearance proves otherwise.

Who he is still trying to fool? Eliza? "Kat"? Anyone with eyes can see past that fake exterior of his. There's no point in trying to convince others that you're "happy" unless deep down, you're not feeling that way.

Eventually, he's going to become a victim of his own lies.

And as far as the racist or degrading slurs goes, there's never a good excuse to use them for comical purposes. It' morally wrong, no matter what those jerkoffs in MSI says, or anyone else for that matter.

Anonymous said...

& Your welcome everyone. ^.^

And yes, that would be a fascinating question to ask Mr. Way, but who in the world would do that? That's what I hate about the media at times and their reguard to celebrities. There are certain questions that just need to be asked and that's one of them.

I want to find an interviewer that isn't afraid to ask such amazingly good questions.

Either way, Gerard will probably end up answering them with some bullshit that he pulled out of his ass!

Anonymous said...

^ I forgot to put my name down in the last post. LOL. Sorry.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello BC

Anonymous said...

Hello Mj. I'm sorry to read what happened to you.

Hello there mari. There was one interviewer who was pretty ballsy and confronted GW one time, but sadly, I think she became an ass kisser after when he got "married." That's what I heard.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you bc

Anonymous said...

Well of course I wouldn't go around calling random black people on the street niggers, or random Chinese people chinks, or anything like that. The general opinion is that those terms are the equivalent of shooting a puppy, and most people accept that without question. They won't, don't, and can't be bothered to actually, like, THINK about it, because as long as everyone around them thinks the same thing, it's all good, righ? Why bother forming your OWN opinion on a matter? Now that's just silly.

In a way, MCR fans, ~ex~ or otherwise, are like that. The majority are so used to being spoon-fed Gerard's old half-drunken preaching, which a good number of them weren't even around to hear firsthand.

Also, he never specified what the "hateful" lyrics were about. He never said he was writing "BLAARGH I HATE MY LIFE, BLAARGH I HATE MY WIFE, WAAA-WAAA." Maybe he was writing about how he hates other things. Like traffic jams. Or burnt toast. Or ignorant people who don't know what they're talking about.

So you agree that it's unfair that black people can call each other nigger, gay people can call each other faggot, but "outsiders" can't. And yet you're still making the argument that those words are lethal. That makes no sense.

I've never heard of 1 case of Jimmy or the band keeping people from their shows or telling them not to listen to or buy their stuff because they are black or whatever race/religion/orientation. I'm sure it would be pretty widespread if it did ever happen. I know that I would be appalled if any of them did that. Just because I am a fan does not mean I agree with every thing that they make or say or support *COUGH*Kerrangtour*COUGH*.

Also, what kind of sexist band HAS 2 WOMEN AS MEMBERS. Unless of course Steve and Jimmy are keeping Kitty and Lyn as hostages or slaves, and there are invisible leashes and harnesses on stage, so if Kitty says "I don't wanna play.." Jimmy'd be all "DRUM, WHORE. *whips*"

While I agree that many MSI fans just blindly follow the example of the band without thinking for themselves, their are some rare exceptions, who take some concepts and apply them to their own lives, but in a way that THEY have thought through to be best for them. And I'm sure there are some exceptions in [ex] MCR fans as well, who don't take everything at face value. But it doesn't seem like I've found any of those here.

I believe someone suggested it long ago in the last blog, but please go listen to Stupid Motherfucker. It's about you.

...So, in conclusion, I hope my above position clearly defines my inane racism and bigotry. There is not a tolerant or accepting bone in my hateful little body.

WHITE POWER!!! *burns cross*

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes he actually did say what he found to be hateful speech. Degrading women, blacks and gays. I never saved the video of what he said word for word but he did tell them if you were that kind of person they didn't want you as a fan.

As for the rest of what you had to say. I made an earlier post addressing some of those issue go read it.

I think StupidMotherFuck might be as much about you as you think it is about us.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, forgot something in my bigoted rage:

P.S. I hate fags, too.

Anonymous said...


You do realize that nothing you said made a whole hell of a lot of sense, right? I mean, in your scrambled brain, maybe it did, but to those of us who connect thoughts together in a logical manner... well, you just kind of lost us.

Seriously, you just rambled on about one thing after another and none of it seemed to be connected to anything else you said and none of it really pertained to anything that's been discussed here.

Does MSI have a song called Schizophrenic Mother Fucker? Because if so, I'm thinking that needs to be your theme song.

Anonymous said...

Should I talk slower like you're a retard?
Should I talk slower like you're retarded?

Anonymous said...

*pets troll*

No, sweetie. You just need to go take your meds.

And I think we should make you the blog mascot.

Anonymous said...

Not all gays are faggots.

Not all blacks are niggers

Some have just done something to earn that title.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I love how having an opinion that differs from yours makes you a troll. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Pretty please, a prescription?

Anonymous said...

And I suppose you think you are a "rebel" because you listen to MSI?

I suppose you think MSI are hardcore rebels? Opposing societal norms?

The only thing MSI has done is lower musical standards even further than they have already been set by the current music industry. Message or not, whether I agree or not, I dislike MSI because I think they are contributing to the wealth of awful music than has been appearing over the last several years.

Stupid Motherfucker has to be some of the most simplistic lyrics I have ever read/heard. Not to mention the same message has been said a million times before, and although it still holds truth, this interpretation has to be one of the simplest, most uncreative versions I have seen in any art form thus far. They have not said anything I new, and they are repeating it in the form of terrible electonica.

I may have taken their rhetoric into consideration if there was any indication they put more than two minutes of effort into each song.

I understand you are defending the band you like, so understand that I do not mean to express any kind of malice in my comment (although it may read as such, I am merely stating my opinion.

On the racism issue - my opinion has been well stated.

Anonymous said...

*anything new

Anonymous said...

Oh believe me. I used to loathe the song. I just thought it was their lowest common denominator song to attract the bottomfeeders (more so than they already do) because "LOLOLOL OMG DEY SED MUTHAFUKKAAAA!~!!!~!!~~!%^" I thought it was meaningless and cliché. But now I see what it really is. And the irnonic fact about it all is that most people who say it's their favorite song are who the song is about.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the irony in MSI's 'music' is that people actually pretend to like it. The band knows they're churning out worthless crap and stupid teenagers are eating it up.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Well little troll that really doesn't surprise me coming from you.

When it comes to Mcr fans believe what Gerard used to say, not much difference with you lot believing that it is all just a joke.

People want to believe what makes them feel better we believe they Gerard was a good guy you think that msi calling people slurs is a joke.

Do you really think that band that only wants your money is going to turn away people willing to pay them. Especially when they can call those people anything they want to their faces. What asshole wouldn't want that job.

Kitty seems to have talent but we all now lynz is nothing more than a pantie shot character.
Maybe they were the only other people willing to play for that shitty band. If you can't get a dude to play for you I guess you will have to settle for what every you can get.

I see a pattern msi fans can't or don't want to read what other people have to say.

So you agree that it's unfair that black people can call each other nigger, gay people can call each other faggot, but "outsiders" can't. And yet you're still making the argument that those words are lethal. That makes no sense.

Yeah because I don't think it is a word that anyone should use lightly. It makes people think that the word is alright to just walk around call people it.

Anonymous said...

Again. I repeat. Why does a person automatically get labeled a troll once their opinion differs from yours. That sounds kind of ignorant to me.

Oh and it's not only one person here defending the nigger/faggot thing. It's now spread to and there are at least 3 people.

So it looks like you guys have at least 3 "trolls."

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Oh and I love how having an opinion that differs from yours makes you a troll. Grow up.

October 22, 2008 5:40 PM

Nope what makes you a troll is the fact that you only come in to try and stir shit.

You have a different opinion than say it. But there is no need for you to add on insults to make your point.

Anonymous said...

Cupcake, I applaud you!
I honestly couldn't understand what heilhitler666ih8blackpeople, said neither.

Martha if you can find that video of Jimmy Urine saying those awful things, that would be awesome. I would personally be so offended if JU said those awful things at a show that I attended, I would have walked out. But then again, I don't ever see myself going to an MSI show.

& Yeah bleedingchaos, I heard of that interview, I believe I saw it too. Actually, I do remember Gerard getting rather uncomfortable in it. It gave me a much needed laugh. :]

It's sad most of the MSI fans that come on here always prove the same damn point. It's a shame.

Anonymous said...

Oh so stating a different opinion means we're trying to start things.

Oh I see how it is.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Again. I repeat. Why does a person automatically get labeled a troll once their opinion differs from yours. That sounds kind of ignorant to me.

Oh and it's not only one person here defending the nigger/faggot thing. It's now spread to and there are at least 3 people.

So it looks like you guys have at least 3 "trolls."

Lol. I rather doubt that. How odd that all 'three' of you would show up at once.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh so stating a different opinion means we're trying to start things.

Oh I see how it is.

^ No, it has nothing to do with that, it's the way that you express yourself.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The thing about the money Mari It was posted on here a while back. I can't remember if it was a video or print interview.

But He was with Lynz and he said we aren't here to save your lives we just want your money.

Anonymous said...

I just love this place bc I can release any and all tension and anger I have built up, and not worry about any consequences in the REAL WORLD.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to believe it. But it's true.

You've got the European, the hitler person, and me.

We didn't all just randomly show up. We've been here the whole time. I know me at least, I'm more of a lurker, but I saw a place to speak up and I did.

Anonymous said...

Alright, thanks Martha. I'll check it out now.

Anonymous said...

And how exactly do you know that the Hitler person and the European are not one and the same?

Could be because you're all three.

Anonymous said...

Lolol. It could be.

But I know it's not. How do I know that mari, cupcake, erika, etc. aren't all the same person? I mean really. Come on now. Don't be stupid.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Oh so stating a different opinion means we're trying to start things.

Oh I see how it is.

No but coming in and using the words that you now offend q people is starting shit.

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't care if you are three people, one person or one person with three split personalities.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I didn't do it. So don't go blaming that shit on me. It's a word. I think you just need to get over it. I don't get offended when people call me cracker. It's just a word. And I find the meaning behind cracker far worse than that behind nigger.

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

We don't even need to talk about what kind of people we think msi are there fans are doing a really good job of that.

Every time we say something they don't like they call us slurs.

Anonymous said...

Gerard Way is a faggot and Jimmy Urine is his nigger.

Anonymous said...

No, Gerard is Lyn's nigger. She's a dyke.

Anonymous said...

hate criminal. stop saying "faggot." I'll tape record it and send it to the police and have you arrested.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If words don't matter to you anons than why are you so upset that msi were called racist/ bigots.

It's only words why don't you get over it.

Anonymous said...

"I don't hate you because of your sexuality, race, religion, or socioeconomic status.

I hate you because you're a douche."


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Frank and Gerard are faggots and Lyn is a dyke. Gerard is Frank's buttboy.

Anonymous said...

Touché, Martha Jones. Touché.

Anonymous said...

And Ray is their beaner strawberry picker.

Anonymous said...

MCR's fans are all faggots.

Anonymous said...

Why don't the trolls just leave? You obviously are not going to ever agree with anybody on here so why keep trying? Why keep spewing shit just to hurt other's feelings? Why do you care som much about other people's opinions on a band so much that you have to keep littering some random blog with all your nonsense? My advice to you is to just leave. Contrary to what you may think, people from this blog really are smart and no matter what you throw at them, chances are they will come up with something that further proves their point on the matter. Why don't you just give the fuck up?

Anonymous said...

And MSI's fans are cross-burning nigger lynchers.

Anonymous said...

Kill all the fucking emos!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

hello Laura and to cupcake and I will say hello to all the anons.

Anonymous said...

Hiiiiiiii =D

Anonymous said...

Hi MJ =)

Anonymous said...

Oh believe me. I used to loathe the song. I just thought it was their lowest common denominator song to attract the bottomfeeders (more so than they already do) because "LOLOLOL OMG DEY SED MUTHAFUKKAAAA!~!!!~!!~~!%^" I thought it was meaningless and cliché. But now I see what it really is. And the irnonic fact about it all is that most people who say it's their favorite song are who the song is about.

I get what you mean, and I've got to say, I agree.

But if they make a living off the people they despise, if they put out crap (even if it's to prove a point), are they not still contributing to that which they supposedly hate?

Anonymous said...

Cupcake is a nigger lover.

Anonymous said...

Cupcake sucks Eliza's dick.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Having fun anons?

Anonymous said...

Gerard is a WOP.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Now not even I'm that immature. If I'm gonna state my feelings and opinions I'm going to do it. I'm not just going to randomly spout hate like this anon.


I know you're all going to think it's me, but it truthfully is not.

Anonymous said...

Gerard is a WOP.

At least he's not a nigger or a Jew.

Anonymous said...

See THAT anon is what we like to call, a troll.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Jimmy Urine a Jew?

Anonymous said...

I can totally understand why that would be labeled a troll. But that isn't what I or the others were doing. But then again, I don't know who this anon is. Because I know who the hitler person is and they've left for a while. And the European said they were leaving.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he's a Jew? Jews are white, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

They're only words.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Just because someone said they are leaving it isn't always true.

Anonymous said...

Hitler anon is a cracker.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but the European definitely didn't seem that crazy. I doubt he/she is the one that's doing this.

Anonymous said...

Shut up nigger.

Anonymous said...

This shit is freakin' unbelieveable.
You anons are really something, you know?

I wonder what you'll say about me now...

Actually, scratch that it's not unbelievable at all, that is how immature people, with immature minds argue. Unintelligently, and so very, very predicatable.

Anonymous said...

Where did the Eurotrash go? Europeans are all faggots.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you Mari.

Don't put us all in the same category. I AM NOT DOING THIS. I spoke up to share my opinion. Not to spout out like this new anon.

Anonymous said...

Ignore them, guys. They are looking for a reaction - don't give them one.

Anonymous said...

Americans are redneck trailer trash.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Keep it up anons. Because this little stunt you are pulling is just going to show people what kind of people you are.

Anonymous said...

Alright, excuse me anon for mistakingly placing you in such a horrid catagory.

& Thank you for your choice of words btw. It was really nice.

Again, my apologies.

Anonymous said...


Gerard's bit at Scream Awards

Shit quality. And I expected it to be longer.

Anonymous said...

No problem, Mari, you whore.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon if it isn't you shouldn't worry. We don't now who your so we aren't going to call you names just because you are an anon. Don't treat us like shit we don't treat you like shi

Anonymous said...

Yeah. See. I wouldn't stoop to calling you a whore. But fuck you is certainly logical. Again. Look at you guys taking offense to words.

Anonymous said...



not now


Anonymous said...

Learn to spell.

Anonymous said...

Haha, very nice anon.
I love how you assume that I'm a whore without even knowing me.

You know what? I take back my apology.
Since you MSI fans always make me change my mind about you.

Actually, scratch that it's not unbelievable at all, that is how immature people, with immature minds argue. Unintelligently, and so very, very predicatable.

^ I don't take back what I said because I still and always will condone it. :)

An intellgent person would try to prove me wrong, but I see your not catching my drift on things.

Anonymous said...

You're right I shouldn't worry. But I just don't want you guys to get all high and mighty thinking it's all the same person. Because it definitely has not been.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Cupcake they said he wore those brown boots of his bit in the award show. I didn't see anything that had to do with the boots

Anonymous said...

Whore is just a word. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

nobody is going to try and prove you wrong because you are an idiot.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's a typo anon. Why you getting your panties in a bunch over it. You've never made a typo are left out a letter.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean Martha,

I heard something about him coming out of a space pod, and that his boots matched...maybe it's just the bad quality (or maybe it's the thing he's standing in front of), but I don't seen anything like that.

Anonymous said...

You aren't gaining anything with attacking us like this, you know that right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe Gerard was trying to be all "Han Solo" with his pants tucked into his boots because of the George Lucas tribute at the end?

I'm just stabbing in the dark here.

Anonymous said...

I tuck my pants into my boots all the time...I can't really pick on him for the boots.

Then again, I'm no fashionista. So, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

thats because you're an idiot whore, Katie Ann.

Anonymous said...

You have no fashion sense, Cupcake.

Anonymous said...

OK rude troll. That's enough now. I think they've all gotten your point. You're a bad ass. Cool. We're all so impressed. It's time to go away now. You're giving the rest of us a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Actually, you are correct anon, I don't.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Katie ann

They looked like rain boots to me.

Anonymous said...

I think when people started to throw the word 'nigger' around is when the 'rest' of you started to get a bad name.

Anonymous said...

I thought they were leather.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

They are CC but they still look like rain boots to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see what you mean, Martha.

Maybe he did the space pod thing live, but they just edited it out for the program on air? Time restraints?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Martha, Cupcake and Mari.

What's with the new layout? Or is my computer just doing some kind of wig-out?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He was standing behind it. When he was talking but they didn't show his feet. But than the person who did the write up didn't now what the watchmen was.

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Blogger is doing something new. form what I have heard no one likes it .

Anonymous said...

Hello Katie Ann,

Are you talking about the comment box at the bottom? Because that is all that new that I see. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Yes, that and the black screen when you click on the comments, Cupcake. I like the white much better. This is giving me a headache.

veritavenom said...

I just added this to my post,

AN IMPORTANT NOTE TO RACIST TROLLS AND ANONYMOUS PEOPLE. If you seriously think that by trolling this blog with the N word (just because MSI does it and you think that makes it OK) you will get me to shut down my blog you are sadly mistaken.

I have not installed a tracker but I have contacted Blogger, and their policy is that they DO NOT allow hate speech. If you want, I can install a tracker. This blog isn't so high traffic that I won't know who said what and when.

I have never deleted or censored posts, but I will report your ISP if this continues.

My other option is to take away anonymous comments but I would rather not do that. If you MCR/MSI defenders think you will make me close the blog down by using hate speech that they condone though, you are very wrong.

Anonymous bigots, consider that a warning.

I don't like the new comment box. I'm sorry for that, too. I didn't do it, blogger did it.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear VV, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, VV.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading here a while, and commenting occasionally but I am a lazy ass and just posted as an anon because...well I'm lazy. But I'll put my name on this because it literally makes me sick to hear some of these people not only call other people racist slurs but then turn around and say that the words have no meaning any more.

Just because slavery happened hundreds of years ago doesn't mean that racism isn't still a very relevant issue today. Nor does it mean that homophobia is some made up thing that is only bothersome to the people who take the word “faggot” to heart. Tell that to the family of Matthew Shepherd who was beaten and then tied to a fence and left to die by two men who were angry because he was gay. Or to the family of James Byrd Jr. ; a black man who was murdered by three white men who chained him by the ankles to their pickup truck, stripped him, and dragged him for three miles. They slit his throat before they did all this. And this crime was all racially motivated.

Perhaps where you live it isn’t happening. Maybe you live in a cozy cottage in the woods and are oblivious to what happens outside your own world. Those words have huge meanings because they are a direct descendent of the beliefs they stem from. It wasn’t all that long ago that blacks were forced to sit at the back of the bus. Yes, things have changed, but they are far from being over. It is people’s ignorance that is one of the many reasons racism and bigotry still thrives in today’s society.

This is why so many people have such a hard time stomaching Gerard’s endorsement of MSI. Just because they may not mean the words they are singing, or are trying to be “ironic” doesn’t make what they are saying any less of a problem. When I was 9 years old my very best friend in the world was black. One day her brother took us to the mall and as we were walking through two men shouted at me “nigger lover!”. I am going to be 30 in two days and I still remember not only how much that hurt me, but also how much it hurt my friend and her family. That word is a very powerful word in any context. And for the record I don’t believe anyone should use it when describing someone else, even if you are a black person calling another black person it. The word is wrong period. And as long as people think in the way that some of these anons do then it won’t ever change. You have to stand up and say, “Hey, you know what, it is wrong and I won’t stand for it.”

As far as Gerard being happy and thriving in his marriage I find that to be simply left over giggles from the honeymoon period. Give it another year or two and then we’ll see how happy he is. I can’t even listen to MCR anymore. It’s just like everything Gerard said and the person he pretended to be were all very clever marketing tools and he’s no different then Marilyn Manson, or his new bff Jimmy Urine. When it comes down to it its all about the almighty buck and how many people they can doop into turning over their cold hard cash. Well I won’t be giving Mr. Way another penny, I’m just sad that the other band members will suffer because of his stupidity. I also found it interesting that the album might be all “live” material. Could this be because they cant stand to be in a room with each other for prolonged periods of time and therefore don’t have any other choice but to do a live album so they can fulfill their contractual obligation to the record company. Hmmm, makes me wonder. Perhaps it will be an album of covers.

Sorry for the wordy reply, I couldn’t help myself. Anon’s, I hope you all research the hate crimes that are committed every day in this country and others. Maybe then you’ll understand the damage one little word and its meanings can cause. The words are the seed and what grows from it is the problem.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone had the intention to get this shut down. And I'm pretty sure the anon that's spouting off the hate now is just doing it to get a reaction. And obviously they just got what they were looking for. Good job. I'm done arguing with you guys about this. I have my opinion, you have yours. I agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

I have a question though, why NOW?

This blog has been around for a while now, and although we have gotten people that disagree with us before, this is the first time so many people have come in with the blatant intent to destroy the blog.

Where did they come from, and how did they hear about it? It makes me think that someone must have posted a link to it on an MSI fansite somewhere.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

VV if you go to setting than comments you can turn it back to the old way

Anonymous said...

tl;dr 7:24

Anonymous said...

Nothing has been posted on an MSI fansite yet. We cold do that if you'd like though. Don't think it hasn't crossed our mind.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Stephanie.

I read what you wrote and I agree with everything you said. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing, Stephanie.

And welcome. Feel free to comment as often as you like.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

stephanie if there was one good thing that happened when you were called that is that your friend knew how much you cared for them.

Anonymous said...

Then where, anon, did you get the idea?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

stephanie hello

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon We already know of some msi fans who have come here. They were nice. They understood how we felt. They now about us. It just seems that they don't care

veritavenom said...

Thank you for helping me change it back.

Anonymous MSI fans, you can post a link to my blog anywhere you want. It doesn't intimidate me. I think it would be funny and the more people who read this blog the better it gets. To get the word out there. If it starts to get spammed I will just have to add security measures, that's all.

Good night bloggers, please speak your mind, vent whatever you need to do. But I do not condone hate speech.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you VV and have a goodnight

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And anon if you post post the link msi will find out all about this and so will GW and we will get answer to some things we have been wondering.

Anonymous said...

Lol at you for thinking they don't already know..

And lol at you for thinking they'd care about what a bunch of nobody's thinks of them.


Anonymous said...

Except, Gerard has stated clearly many times that he despises the internet. For obvious reason, I'm sure.

This blog would only serve to further that opinion, and make him even more private then he already is.

I don't think Gerard takes criticism very well, at all.

And thank you VV, for the restored comment box.

Anonymous said...

You think GW is private, cupcake? Have you not taken part in the events over the past year?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Current mood: stoked

Honestly, I could not be any more proud of my husband right now… and looking at him, and the smile on his face, I don’t think he could be much happier than he is right now.

I wish I could put into words for him how much this entire opportunity means… if you could see how many comics this boy has and/or reads on a daily basis you MIGHT begin to understand how cool this really is.

As bias as I may be, I think he did a fucking amazing job… and I know that I could not possibly be any more proud and happy for him.

He’s my best friend in the whole wide world, and an absolutely incredible husband, he means the entire world to me… and I would LOVE for you all to go check out his amazing work and let everyone know what you think!

Spread the word.

- Alicia via her Myspace Blog.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If they already know and think we are nobodies why are you here?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ohhh I see how it is.

You guys like Alicia even though she was a shit bass player, plasters everything all over the internet, and has awful rumors about her 9some of which are probably true). But you guys hate lynz for the exact same things.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

No anon. I thought it was nice that she was supporting her husband

Anonymous said...

I said even more private.

And Gerard flaunts alot, talks alot of bullshit - PR and repeating the same bits for press - but he doesn't truly go very deep into who he truly is or what is really going on in his life.

Don't get me wrong, I don't expect him to nor do I care, but I feel like is has gotten even more distant then usual.

Anonymous said...

what does Alicia have to do with the topic at hand?

Anonymous said...

I don't have any feelings one way or the other about Alicia because her relationship with Mikey hasn't blatantly affected the band or its image.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't now to much about Alicia except for the whole WMHC. I didn't like it.

But so far she doesn't seem to be anywhere as bad as other people but than I have had her husband or a bunch of fangirls running around posting about her every 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...


Are you seriously serious?

Her relationship hasn't affected the band? Where were you in 2006/2007? Please, tell me you were joking.

Anonymous said...

Alicia is never mentioned because this is largely a blog about how Gerard has affected the band.

I am neutral about her because I don't know anything about her.

Anonymous said...

This is seriously like bringing up politics or religion at a party. It should just be avoided.
Like it gets really intense with both sides firing back, usually repeating the same things over and over using different wording (I'm referring to both sides here), and the argument never really getting anywhere. Both sides believe they're right, and nothing the other side says will change that. This has been going on for months and all anyone's really done is mull over the same stuff again and again.

Anonymous said...

Are you insinuating that Mikey's "break" was because of Alicia? I think it has become pretty clear that it was due to Mikey's mental health issues.

Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously. There's a "K" in the word "know." I don't think that's a typo.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't even know the name of Alisha's band. I have never heard her play so I can't say if she is shitty at playing. Lynz was the one who let us know just how shitty her playing was we already knew it but she confirmed it.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me where anything I stated insinuated Mikey's break. Stop making up things that aren't there.

Alicia caused A LOT of problems for Mikey/MCR throughout 2005,2006, and even 2007.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

now know now now know. I forgot a letter. It happens.

Anonymous said...

Even though it's been repeatedly spelled ALICIA. You still insisted typing it Alisha. seriously?

She played bass temporarily for From First to Last.

Anonymous said...

And sorry to the other Kate who posts here. I keep forgetting and typing "kate" instead of "katie ann." I've done that a couple of other times, so I apologize for them as well.

Maybe I should get an account to avoid confusion.

Anonymous said...

And just for the record, my opinion on LynZ is neutral as well. Same with all the wives/girlfriends of MCR.

I have a strong opinion on MSI, but not on LynZ individually.

I am here for how Gerard's behavior is destroying the band.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

You don't like her why do you care how I spell her name.

Anonymous said...

Where did I state that I didn't like ALICIA. I love her. I think she's beautiful and funny.

Anonymous said...

If you're talking about some of the fanbase's reaction to Mikey and Alicia's relationship, I honestly don't see how that affected the band. Sure, some of the fans don't like her. Some don't like Jamia. But neither of those relationships seemed to have caused fans to question the integrity of the band.

Anonymous said...

You obviously weren't around when the Alicia drama was happening. She cause big big problems for them. It had nothing to do with the fans not liking her.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

There is an anon on here who got made because we don't hate her. I can't tell anons apart

Anonymous said...

I've been around since 2004. I know about the Alicia drama. It caused a bit of a stir on lj. Big whoop.

Like I said in my previous comment, it did not cause fans to question the integrity of the band.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I came in to the band at the beginning of revenge but for a long time I just watched videos of them on youtube.

Anonymous said...

Then obviously you don't know about the drama I'm talking about. And before you even ask, no, I am not going there. She has nothing to do with this blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm not asking you anything. Why would I? There's nothing to tell. You're still just trying to stir up trouble. Same old, same old.

Anonymous said...


Goodnight everyone.

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