It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.
(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).
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«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 4356 Newer› Newest»furthermore 2:11, don't delude yourself into believing JU doesn't know this...quite sure he does. quite sure this is also his intention.
This needs to be said again
You have just got to be kidding me with that. Their name is "Mindless Self Indulgence," in case you've forgotten it, and not "Married To The Band Who Have A Reputation To Uphold."
I realize that lately, (read: since Gerard got involved with them,) they have been trying to pass themselves off as satire, but that is utter fail. Satire has a purpose. Satire uses intelligent, mostly mean-spirited, snarky humor to lampoon people, ideas, situations etc. that the satirist finds less than ideal. It is meant to point up the negative in an intelligent and funny way in order to show it to others, and perhaps even be a vehicle for change. Satire isn't about being a moralist, but it does often point out hypocrisy, stupidity, things that are wrong and often it points up, well, mindless self indulgence. Oh, and did you notice my repetition of the word "intelligent?"
I'm against censorship, so by all means, let MSI continue to exist and to spew their hate speech to a bunch of fourteen year old scene kids. But for gods sakes, let's not pretend that they're doing some kind of meaningful social commentary instead of a being bunch of mostly non-musicians who think that shock-words are TEH LULZIES, like some drooling first-grader who picks his nose and then wipes it on you and finds this to be the height of hilarity. They are a bunch of classless nobodies who would have remained nobodies of their bass "player" hadn't married her way into Kerrang magazine and some high profile tours.
By the way, I hate the re-definition of "feminism" as well, but we all know that.
They are a bunch of classless nobodies who would have remained nobodies of their bass "player" hadn't married her way into Kerrang magazine and some high profile tours.
Yes, and watch how quickly they go right back to being a bunch of nobodies while Lindsey is taking a year off to have her mealticket, er, husband's child.
Too right.
Thanks, Martha! I agreed with what you said, too. You always put it just right.
Kapu you have a better way with words. And are msi anon ran to mayo's. I posted your words their.
They are posting msi lyrics. Who in their right mind would think that shit is satire. All he says in the songs are fuck, balls, pussy, the f word and dick.
What the hell did he run up to a bunch of five years and ask them what words they thought were cool. Cause if that is satire than I am a master of satire.
Mealticket! Bwahahahahahahahaha
It's a child's way to try to piss people off, MJ! Ignore them.
2:40 i'm one of those people that do not entirely believe she married him solely to promote her band.
i think that she may have been genuinely attracted to him, and part of this attraction may have also included his status in her industry. how many women go for man with the ability to provide? a lot.
part of the payoff for this marriage may have been the increased profile. heck he probably wanted it too for her, after all, she is his family now. however there comes a time where a professional separation between bands needs to happen to preserve their identities.
she is a women in her thirties, it is normal to want to start a family in this age, maybe it was as simple as that. only proves they are not the rebellious, punk anti-traditional people so much promoted in the past.
they are bringing an innocent life into this world. it's time to step it up. i hope they both love, cherish and highly value this child. and also make the right decisions for its sake.
I think he feels attracted to her because he can be himself around her. That woman looks as if she doesn't mind guys burping and farting in her presence and telling sexist jokes and do other disgusting things.
Kapu stated it earlier if she hadn't been around he would have just gone after someone else.
maybe siobhan, or maybe that's only a surface impression.
he maybe a lot deeper than you think.
I think that too, MJ!
Just like I said once, the dude can't be alone.
If GW wanted to give his wife a helping hand he could have done it in a way that would not have made her look like someone who was using him for fame.
Also his involvement in long run would do nothing but hinder any actual work she did in the past because no one will she her as anything more than the Mrs.
Given the way he has been acting since 07 and the things he blogs about on the MCR site I don't think their is any depth to him.
I hope the best for the child as well, 2:53, but it seems to me that their intentions are to drag an infant around with them on tours where the band goes for days without taking a shower and the venues are smoky clubs. I wouldn't call that stepping it up and making mature decisions, now, would you?
A child is not like one of Frank's dogs. They can't just drag it along with you and expect it to fend for itself.
martha all of us behave in our own way to life experiences. it is a combination of emotional maturity and personality. how you react in one situation, i may react differently.
i'm not condoning his behavior by any means, but highlighting there is no such thing as a "perfect" reaction.
some just fuck up more than others, and just need to learn more. doesn't mean they are bad, crazy or assholes.
some people also need the "right" people around them to help.
maybe siobhan, or maybe that's only a surface impression.
he maybe a lot deeper than you think.
I know that Gerard is capable of being, or at least appearing as, an intelligent person but he only seems to use this ability to win people over at the beginning and then to fuck them over by showing his caveman personality after he got what he wanted.
3:06 i will say this; they might have that intention now. when the child in actually in their arms, they may completely change their minds.
that, and the reality and logistics of traveling with an infant, may determine their future choices.
i will say this; they might have that intention now. when the child in actually in their arms, they may completely change their minds.
Yes, because people always straighten themselves out when they have a new baby. Children are rarely neglected, abused, born addicted to drugs...
Oh wait.
If they're still together when the baby's born.
I have never said that anyone was perfect. I do agree with the first part of your comment. That some people fuck up more than others and that you make decision based on your live experience.
But there are people out there who are just assholes, crazy and just plain bad people.
Here in CA we are watching a story unfold about this husband and wife who had a 17 year old chained up in their house torturing him. Those are an example of people who are assholes, crazy and just plain bad.
Maybe GW isn't an asshole, crazy or just plain bad but I wouldn't at this point call him a good person either.
He isn't a monster he is just a dick.
siobhan, that is the impression we get from the outside looking in. we don't really know that.
3:16, unfortunately, that is true. however we are second guessing their reaction. we don't know.
from personal experiences, i have friends who i thought should never breed, yet fell so completely in love with their child after their birth, that have become exemplary parents.
in others words, you don't know until you are in the situation.
martha, being a dick doesn't mean you do not have a good heart...usually means you make selfish or stupid choices.
From personal experience I have know a lot of people who don't become exemplary parents.
We maybe outsiders looking in but what we are shown is the image that they want people to believe is them.
Anonymous said...
martha, being a dick doesn't mean you do not have a good heart...usually means you make selfish or stupid choices.
My experience has taught me otherwise.
martha, are you talking about celebrities?
i have real personal experiences. it is not an image.
I am talking about my own mother and a few other people I know.
martha, being a dick doesn't mean you do not have a good heart...usually means you make selfish or stupid choices.
Yes, and selfish people who make stupid choices always make such good parents.
martha, i am so deeply sorry that you had that experience with your mother.
i am not going to give you a Pollyanna interpretation of the world. i do not operate that way. yes there are people who are conceited, and treat others badly. with your life experiences i can appreciate your cynicism.
however what i am saying is that not everyone can be tarred with the same brush.
personnel observations is different to personally knowing someone. unfortunately many in the public eye fail to understand how valuable the perception of their integrity is. it seems to be all about controversy nowadays.
martha, being a dick doesn't mean you do not have a good heart...usually means you make selfish or stupid choices.
Anon, I'm sure that Gerard can be a very nice and sweet person and has good sides bla, bla, bla...
But we are disappointed in and feel betrayed by him because he lured us into believing that he actually wanted to make a difference with his band. He called out other rock bands and their sexist behavior and made us believe that he really cares about girls and women respecting themselves. Now, with their close alliance with MSI, and even before that, nobody can believe his then stated ethical code to be genuine.
He either fooled us from the beginning or he just forgot about his morals to be accepted by a bunch of filthy losers.
Can't you understand how disappointed we are? I don't know why you started to listen to MCR but for me it was one of the main reason why I supported the band.
3:35 you know, some people do rise above some of their poor choices.
not everyone stays locked in that cycle.
i totally understand siobhan. i too am disappointed...but i believe in the future.
unfortunately many in the public eye fail to understand how valuable the perception of their integrity is. it seems to be all about controversy nowadays.
I agree with that. But I also think that at some point who you really are will come out. I think now we are getting a taste of who Gerard really is.
But I also think that at some point who you really are will come out. I think now we are getting a taste of who Gerard really is.
maybe...maybe not
maybe he just might surprise us all
we might just have to wait and see
He would have to do something really big to make me believe anything positive he has to say is true. And even than I would still think it was nothing more than a PR stunt.
Oh, I totally forgot about his statements against homophobia. I bet the gay people who supported them for that are so pleased to see that he now endorses a band who uses the word faggot inflationary.
What Siobhan said:
Anon, I'm sure that Gerard can be a very nice and sweet person and has good sides bla, bla, bla...
But we are disappointed in and feel betrayed by him because he lured us into believing that he actually wanted to make a difference with his band. He called out other rock bands and their sexist behavior and made us believe that he really cares about girls and women respecting themselves. Now, with their close alliance with MSI, and even before that, nobody can believe his then stated ethical code to be genuine.
He either fooled us from the beginning or he just forgot about his morals to be accepted by a bunch of filthy losers.
Can't you understand how disappointed we are? I don't know why you started to listen to MCR but for me it was one of the main reason why I supported the band.
What do you mean with 'I believe in the future', anon? What do you think will happen?
He already managed to make many of us lose the confidence we put in him. Just like MJ said, whatever good he'll say or do in the future I will only believe it to be said and done for good publicity and nothing else. It's too late.
I guess the anon gave up
no. i haven't given up
it was a good discussion
i just try to see things from all angles
I was like that once anon. As you can see I am not anymore.
What Jimmy says in the beginning is verrryyy interesting.
i understand martha
your trust was broken
so was mine. i will not give up on hope, despite everything
Anon what does he say I don't want to watch that.
I have hope just not in MCR anymore.
"Don't you know, we are FAMOUS so now we can officially be ASSHOLES like every other band"
But they were assholes before they became "famous."
I know, but it eminds me of Gerard, once they became big, he became an ass...
Don't worry about misspelling or using the wrong word with me anon. I usually don't even notice. I will read it the way you meant it to be.
Gerard wouldn't admit to being an asshole.
The way JU and Chantal act in that video is disgusting, but that's expected.
I know he wouldn't admit to it, I just meant that it sounded as if he was talking about him, seeing as that very incident occurred with him.
I get ya anon.
Jimmy better enjoy his fame while he can because it's not going to last long.
I don't understand why people ever thought Gerard was anything other than a total douchebag. He always acted like a douche back in the days when he was a drunk. Even after he sobered up he could be a dick. I've seen interviews where he joked about kids getting "cracked in the skull" by giant hailstones at Warped. I've seen interviews where when asked if the band had any surprises in store for their fans (again, at Warped) he replied that they were going to kidnap one of them, tie them up and leave them someplace really dangerous. Then he laughed and said, "Surprise!"
"Good Gerard" didn't really come about until after the band toured with Green Day, when Gerard began copying some of Billie Joe's schtick. But when his goody-goody routine didn't sell a bazillion records (like Green Day) he went back to acting like a douche. End of story.
And I know most of you don't know all of this because you didn't get into the band until TBP, but it's true. He was never the great guy you all made him out to be.
I got into them with Revenge. I saw the interview with the surprise kidnap thing. that was a joke not a funny one.
Actually anon, alot of us on here got into the band before the black parade, that's why a lot of us are pissed at what tbp gerard showed us. I don't think old gerard was a saint, but i don't think he was as much of an asshole as he seeems to be now.
I think most people got their impressions of Gerard from LOTMS. The one who talked about hating sexism and getting sober. That guy was a total fabrication.
We can see that now
Anonymous said...
i understand martha
your trust was broken
so was mine. i will not give up on hope, despite everything
December 6, 2008 4:49 PM
I'm with you anon. I still have hope too...
I agree with 8.14pm
Too bad that i actually believed that that was the real Gerard.And if it wasn't for this blog, I'd probably still swimming in the "gerard/hero" sea.
i think this is the best way to get rid of your mcr action figure, lol.
Looks like MCR, thought the same as us that since LynZ isn't going to be there, ticket sales would most likely go down. "MSI and Leathermouth at Starland." Glad to see mikey is joining in on the sellout parade. Good for you.
agree with 4.56 am - mikey's latest twitter message is pathetic.
Are MCR now contracted to promote MSI every chance they get?
Mikey's lame!
I don't understand why people ever thought Gerard was anything other than a total douchebag. He always acted like a douche back in the days when he was a drunk. Even after he sobered up he could be a dick. I've seen interviews where he joked about kids getting "cracked in the skull" by giant hailstones at Warped. I've seen interviews where when asked if the band had any surprises in store for their fans (again, at Warped) he replied that they were going to kidnap one of them, tie them up and leave them someplace really dangerous. Then he laughed and said, "Surprise!"
Hmm... Well, I didn't see those interviews or I don't remember anymore but it's no secret that Gerard was always into violence or the macabre. Have you listened to his lyrics? But you are right!
I still remember that article in which he talked about his fascination for serial killers and that he would like to meet Charles Manson. It was one of the interviews which made me doubt his sanity while thinking of the heavily pregnant Sharon Tate (Roman Polanski's wife) who got slaughtered by Manson's disciples in the most bestial way. Maybe now, with his own wife pregnant with his first baby, he can finally empathize with Polanski and what he must have felt back then and most likely still now.
"Good Gerard" didn't really come about until after the band toured with Green Day, when Gerard began copying some of Billie Joe's schtick. But when his goody-goody routine didn't sell a bazillion records (like Green Day) he went back to acting like a douche. End of story.
This could be true. I was never a fan of Green Day's music. Everytime I have to listen to one of their songs I feel like I was hit with a tranquilizer dart, but that's just my opinion. I don't know anything about Green Day's message and that's why I can't say anything about Gerard trying to copy Billie Joe's ethical beliefs to sell albums and concert tickets. I believed his statements about women and gay people to be genuine because it's actually not the best and most intelligent idea or marketing strategy for a band in the rock music business to speak out about those issues. That's why I thought he would be honest about it.
And I know most of you don't know all of this because you didn't get into the band until TBP, but it's true. He was never the great guy you all made him out to be.
Er, wrong!!! I've known them since the beginning of 2004. And we all don't know why he's changed or if he's always been the fucker he's now but the good thing is that most of us here have learned their lesson well and will never ever spend a fucking dime to support those crappy assholes! The end!!!!!!!
I believed his statements about women and gay people to be genuine because it's actually not the best and most intelligent idea or marketing strategy for a band in the rock music business to speak out about those issues. That's why I thought he would be honest about it.
That was my belief as well. Being an actives for the rights of people and animals usually gets you labeled as no fun or crazy.
Look at some of the all msi video where they make fun of MCR and you can see that in the punk/rock sense that isn't something that will win you points.
I don't really remember Green Day being a band that spoke up about peoples right That seemed to be more of a Kurt Cobain thing.
Green Day never really had anything to "say" intil American Idiot, which was anit-war and anti-Bush. Before then, they were still making music, but they weren't selling as much as they where in the Dookie era. American Idiot brought it back to the Dookie level of sales. Maybe MCR and Gerard in particular saw that and thought a message would work for them too. Let's not forget that MCR were hanging with Green Day in 04/05 and they are both signed to Reprise and if a formula worked for one band, it could certainly work for another. I don't think either MCR or Reprise would object to making money by using the current trend that was selling.
The difference between MCR and Green Day is, that Green Day actually seem like decent guys.
The difference between MCR and Green Day is, that Green Day actually seem like decent guys.
The difference between Green Day and MCR is that when Green Day decide to speak out about something they really mean it.
^ That too!
I've never really listened too much to Green Day and honestly I don't know much about them. Are they really a decent sort? I hope so. It's nice to know there are still people like that in the public eye.
Green Day are very political. They spoke out about the war in Iraq on American Idiot, which was very anti-Bush. American Idiot was essentially social and political commentary which was told from the perspective of the disenfranchised youth of working class America.
Gerard said in interviews that Billie Joe advised him to make the most of having the ear of so many impressionable young kids and to use it for good. I can't remember exactly, but it was something like you can choose to lead and inspire these kids or to be just another rock star.
Gerard wholeheartedly embraced that advice, but like the other anon said, I think a lot of that was because he saw AI selling 15 million copies and he wanted that kind of success for his band.
Or maybe he got tired of being a goody-two-shoes and decided to throw his lot in with the likes of the "edgier" MSI.
I know that on AI they were very out spoken. I just didn't remember if they were out spoken before that.
In high school I knew a lot of people he would see green day when they were a local band. I didn't remember them saying that they were out spoken about anything.
Back to MCR I noticed it than and it is even more noticeable now but GW even changed his looks to look more like Billie Joe. His hair the way he did his make up.
Even with TBP it seemed like he was taking Billie Joe wearing a suit and tie to the next level when Gw was dressing up.
If he hadn't meant up with msi again I think he would still be trying to be Billie Joe.
Billie Joe was always outspoken about descrimination against homosexuality as well. I've even heard that he openly admitted to being bisexual himself, which couldn't have done him much good with the tradional "punk" audiences.
Also, many of Green Day's original followers were unhappy when they acheived so much mainstream success with Dookie. They accused them of selling out. Instead of letting that influence them to turning back to a more punk-type sound, they responded by becoming even more mainstream.
Green Day became the biggest band in the world (twice) and they did it on their own terms.
In the German interview I mentioned before Gerard said that he looks up to Green Day because they are from New Jersey just like them and their success impressed the young people there and encouraged them to pick up a guitar and it also made Gerard pick up a guitar. There was no mentioning of Green Day being their heroes because of them being outspoken about social and political issues. But the interview was given way before AI came out and Gerard then already talked about 'making a difference' with his band.
He saw Green Day as a role model for being normal dudes from Jersey who make it big in the music industry. That's all!
I remember Gd getting a lot of shit for becoming popular. My friend stopped liking them. She would tell me how she or other people she knew would run into them after they became big and they would treat (GD) like shit
I also remember bands like Sonic Youth giving them shit because kids who went to the mall started liking them. They said something like it was ruining punk because punk was underground.
I always disliked punk rock bands for saying shit like that. Maybe if they stopped trying to be underground we would have a lot of the shitty acts that are out right now in pop music.
Green Day isn't from NJ. They are from Berkeley CA. About an hour and 1/2 away from where I live.
Well, Gerard said that they're from NJ or at least Billie Joe.
Actually, Green Day was from California.
But yeah, Gerard did say that Billie Joe was his inspiration to be in a band.
The other stuff he said after MCR opened for Green Day in 05, if I remember correctly.
Anyway, here is an interview that illustrates the type of person Billie Joe is. Notice the difference in his views about what happened to Britney Spears. Here is somebody that actually has empathy and doesn't just talk about it.
Maybe the person doing the interview got it wrong.
No, MJ. The interview was with subtitles. If Green Day are from California I don't know why kids in NJ would want to pick up a guitar to be like Billie Joe? I mean, there are way better guitar players out there, right?
I've followed Green Day since the nineties, and trust me, they are from California.
Google them if you don't believe it.
She was a willing conspirator. She didn't say no.
very true
Dear anon, It's not that I don't believe it, I'm talking about Gerard saying that they're from Jersey.
Someone got it wrong because Green day are from CA.
I think the misfits are from NJ and I think they also influenced the people in MCR to play so maybe the person got the bands mixed up. It happens when green day first came out MTV kept saying they were from San Francisco.
Anonymous said...
She was a willing conspirator. She didn't say no.
very true
I don't if it was so much she was will as her parents ( in the beginning ) made it out to be the only important thing in life, to become famous. From what I heard Britney dropped out of the 9th grade to become a singer.
Look at her right now, She hasn't been well for very long but they already have her going out on tour.
What person are you talking about? Gerard was talking and nobody else. He talked about Green Day. In English. Unfortunately, I can't show you the interview because it's on VHS and I have no fucking clue how to put it on my computer. Sorry!
It's alright. But GW got it wrong. Green day are from CA. But I do know that Gw said Billie Joe is the person who made him pick up the guitar.
Wow, great interview with Billie Joe. He seems like he's got his head on straight. Thanks for the info, anon(s?)
I personally love this quote from that interview with BJ Armstrong from that interview:
Rolling Stone: How do you decide what your children can see on TV or the Internet? As a dad, even a punk-rock dad, that can make you conservative in your choices.
Billie Joe: I want to protect them from garbage. It's not necessarily the sex and drugs. It's bad drugs and bad sex, the violence you see on television and in the news. I want to protect them from being desensitized. I want them to realize this is real life, not a video game.
The main thing I want them to have is a good education, because that's something I never had. Get smart. Educate yourself as much as you can, and get as much out of it, even if the teacher is an asshole.
He wishes he were more educated and wants his kids to have what he didn't, whereas the members of MSI brag about being drop-outs. I wonder if Gerard and Lindsey will encourage their kid to drop out of school.
Gerard once said "if you don't go to school, you'll go to jail" or something like that. I'm sure he's changed his off-key tune since then.
I bet he over heard Billie Joe saying that and decide to say it as well.
education opens your mind, and frees you in a lot of respect
when people boast about dropping out it's usually because they didn't have those same opportunities themselves, and think in a very insular way. not all, so i'm not generalizing.
You're probably right about that, MJ.
So, Lindsey is a high school drop-out? How old is she anyway?
Lindsey dropped out of art school to "play" bass in MSI. She's 32.
JU says he's an art school drop out as well, but he's probably lying.
Plus, I've never heard a bad word said about BJ's wife, Adrienne.
What does that tell you about kind of people GD are to what kind of people MCR/MSI are?
This is why I love GD and have for years. There's not bullshit with them. What you see is what you get.
She looks a looooooot older than 32.
Smoking, drugs and alcohol will do that to you Anon.
Jeez, how old was Lindsey when she was in art school? Didn't she join the band in 2001 or so? that would make her, like, 25 when she dropped out?
She must have repeated several grades in high school.
^Lol. Maybe Lindsey was lying about going to art school too.
Anon I was going to say that as well
You're right, everyone loves Adrienne. She's like Jamia. What's not to love?
I am going to give Lindsey the benefit of the doubt here. Suppositly she is good at art. (the only picture I have seen look like drawings from the Sunday comics to me) I think she was trying to be an artist with out having any formal training and it wasn't working. She decided to go to art school so she could get somewhere.
Can anyone attend art school in Americ? Here in Germany you have to apply by sending in some of your drawings or whatever it is you want to study and then people decide if you have the talent and the required qualifications to attend art school in the first place.
no, you do have to send a portfolio, and they have to approve you or something like that.
One of Lynz's art pieces
I'm asking myself why all of MCR are suddenly so much into blogging? Is this a way of keeping the fans in line? I think they're afraid of being easily forgotten so that they're trying to constantly draw attentin to themselves. What do you think?
O_o Why is "make-out" hyphenated?
Well, I have to admit it's not bad. I even like her style more than Gerard's.
And apparently, this is what they do in their spare time:
More video blogging
Seriously, that has to be the most boring group of people on the planet. Bingo, reality tv, video games...
I don't think I could spend an hour with those people if my very life depended on it. How funny that I used to think Gerard would be interesting.
Who the fuck is Chantal Claret? Is she a stripper?
whoa they're calling people names... how mature x[
^ i was referring to the video.
She's the lead singer of the band 'Morningwood', a.k.a Jimmy Urine's wife.
Since when can animals get married to strippers?
I love Jamia. But I have seen some bitching about her. People calling her fat, saying that she cheated on Frank......I don't know where people get this crap from.
WOW!! The most boring video EVER. Plus, "this woman was a biatch"! Nice. But I pretty sure that Chantel was being the biatch not the woman minding her own businees.
Fisch - bingo reminds me of when we used to play German bingo to help us remember the numbers better.
I always lost.
IIRC Lindsey dropped out of art college awhile before she joined MSI, and the offer to join the band came a few years later. So she was probably late teens/early 20's when she dropped out. So [hopefully] she at least has a high school diploma.
And yes I agree, I like her style more than her other half's.
I didn't think Lindsay's art as any better or any worse than Gerard's. They were both average in my opinion.
I don't watch the video's that the people in or involved with msi do. Just like I didn't watch the video's that WMHC and Elia used to post.
It is funny how no matter who Gerard dates or befriends they all have no thing better to do than post videos of themselves on the Internet.
Aww, Elfe! Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier... hahaha ;-)
It's because he attracts attention seeking whores, MJ. And he's an idiot so he lets them take avantage, if he even minds at all. He probably likes the attention himself, hence the pathetic twitter crap.
I'll take them twittering over them making a podcast.
I think only the really insane Frank fangirls (i.e., the "no one is good enough for my ickle Frankie but me") hate on Jamia. The two of them have been together forever and they seem happy and well-suited for each other.
Re: Gerard and Lynz, I hope they never find themselves in the position where they have to make a living for themselves being on reality tv, because that would be one helluva boring ass show.
I thought mcr said that they needed (to live life) and experience new (things)in order to be able to record a new album.If video games and bingo and reality shows have are their way of living life, their new album is gonna suck something fierce!I borrowed the word fierce from GW.LOL!!
I still can't believe that a bunch of assholes was so presumptuous to call themselves 'World's Most Hated Crew'. That goggle-eyed hairdresser should have changed the name in 'World's Most Pathetic Cow' by now.
9:20, I have met Jamia once and she was sweet as pie. Also she is fully effing beautiful. And that's all I gotsta say about that.
Sorry Fisch, I thought you'd gone.
Gerard uses the word 'fierce'? You've got to be kidding me? Isn't that an expression only gay men use to describe something they like?
I still think he's a closeted homosexual.
2.41 - I'm sure their "fierce" new record will make them "the most dangerous band in rock!"
Fail Gerard. Fail.
LOL Siobhan
Nope, still here, Elfe! Sechs!
Fierce, Fab, and Ferosh
Hang on , i will go find where he says that.......I also think he is fiercly gay
Making people think he is gay is just another way for him to have people pay attention to him. It is like dying his hair but with out the hair loss
Ray's favorite iPhone apps
posted by Ray on Nov 26, 2008 6:54pm
Whether you're a Blackberry man or iPhone (wo)man, you gotta admit the App store is pretty rad. I've been using the iPhone for a good while now, and have come to rely on a few apps that make my daily life easier, keep me busy while driving (yeah I know its illegal, sue me), and suck up any remaining free time I might have left in a day.
Here's a short list of stuff you should check out if you're so inclined...
1. Pocketmoney ($9.99)
Not only does the app's icon make me think of delicious pork bacon, it also helps to keep your money straight. You can set up checking and savings account, and keep a running ledger of your spending so you don't have any more of those all-too familiar, embarrassing moments where you're trying to buy a bag of cheetos and a Quik but don't have any loot left on your card. Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking right now. "I have a perfectly good paper register the bank gave me when I signed up for my checking account, and that shit cost me $0.00." To that I say, "But your register doesn't have a sick ass pig icon!"
2. NetNewsWire (The world is going to end soon FREE as fuck!)
This program is great! You know when you're having an important conversation with your wife about what you're making for dinner that week, and she's trying to write out a shopping list, and all you can think about is the latest post on Gizmodo detailing what GHZ the new intel iCore7 processor tops out at after overclocking with Nitroglycerin? Yeah, that happens to me too...Well now instead of just thinking about it, you can take out your iPhone in mid-conversation, pissing off your wife in the process, and read all the latest RSS feeds that you can stand. It even works for our site too! Huzzah!
3. Super Monkey Ball (I paid $9.99 for this??? I'm a sucker)
Ok, I bought this because it was the #1 app for weeks straight. It had to be good right??? RIGHT? Well its not. I mean it has good graphics, but the controls suck. They really, really suck. Driving your dad's Nova after ingesting 10 beers at the college kegger, trying to balance a tall glass of Sunny D on your head while headbanging to Stone Cold Crazy is exponentially easier than controlling this mess. After maybe 5 tries playing the game proper, I decided it'd be much more fun to send Baby and Gongon repeatedly and utterly to their death. I hate this game. But it sure is a great time waster...
And there you have it. Three essential iPhone apps! Have fun, be safe, and Happy Thanksgiving!
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Heroes Of Style: Jarvis Cocker
posted by Gerard on Nov 26, 2008 12:38pm
I'm a huge Pulp fan, and Jarvis Cocker is one of my favorite front men of all time.
He is also one of the best dressed.
I think a good place to start with Pulp is "Different Class", though some Pulp purists will tell you to go even further back to "His And Hers" or "Masters Of The Universe".
But my favorite Pulp album is "This Is Hardcore", which, I feel, is a perfect example of a musical response to success, fame, drugs, and ridicule. The layout is also flawless.
So what's even better than old Jarvis Cocker?
New Jarvis Cocker.
He has somehow managed to dress even better than he used to, and his solo record, "Jarvis" is incredible.
Check out "Don't Let Him Waste Your Time"
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Something Grim
posted by Gerard on Nov 26, 2008 11:57am
I also asked for something grim.
This is grim.
Notice how the offer is only available for two days, yet clearly states "Tonight Only".
Taken in Texas.
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Posted in: driving with bob scavenger hunt
posted by Gerard on Nov 26, 2008 11:50am
This is what Bob ate for dinner. I have never had these...are they any good?
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Rattlesnake Ashtray
posted by Gerard on Nov 26, 2008 11:47am
Not exactly the resin skull ashtray I had asked for, but I have never seen one of these on the road.
And we see a lot of crap...
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Scavenger Hunt Continues...
posted by Gerard on Nov 26, 2008 11:45am
I woke up today to some wonderful pictures from Bob.
Here is one hell of a dreamcatcher...
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Posted in: dreamcatcher driving with bob scavenger hunt
Driving with Bob
posted by Gerard on Nov 25, 2008 9:55pm
Got this photo from Bob, as per my request for specific photos on his 2,000 mile drive home.
Sad thing is I know he will encounter worse on his journey.
My only question is:
Is that blood or shit?
More points if it's blood.
Bob has informed me this picture was taken at a TA truckstop in Flagstaff.
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Shit I Love: Mad Max
posted by Gerard on Nov 25, 2008 9:08pm
What's not to love?
Tupac loved it too.
This is Master Blaster, who, if you live under a rock and don't know, runs Barter Town.
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Heroes of Style: Wayne Coyne
posted by Gerard on Nov 25, 2008 8:47pm
Not only are The Flaming Lips an amazing band and super nice guys (we had the privilege of playing before them at Voodoo Fest), but Wayne Coyne knows how to fucking DRESS.
He's the only person I know that can rock a white suit, and the dude sets up his own stage.
While having a discussion about Duran Duran, sidestage before the Lips went on, I witnessed Wayne inflate no less than NINE large balloons, test the confetti blowers, and make sure the mics had the proper amount of day-glow gaff tape. Did I mention that, while preparing the stage, the guy's wardrobe was FIERCE?
I just got a copy of their movie, Christmas On Mars, which I have been excited to watch ever since I saw their biopic.
Rock on, Wayne. I only hope my hair is as silver as yours one day and I too can grow a beard.
Well, Beyonce calls her alter ego Sasha Fierce. Maybe we can expect Gerard's new stage persona to be Geraldine Fabulous.
Oh the hair loss will catch up with him soon enough.
sorry i copied and pasted to much of it :(
2.58 - why?
"Geraldine Fabulous."
Oh, Lord.
Ah, sorry. Fierce. I get it.
Well just look at eliza and lynz....they are a little manly. LOL!
Gerard can't even get along with his hair. they had a falling out.
Gute Nacht, Fisch.
Night MJ and the other Anons.
Remember, stay fierce!
I mean, come on! What heterosexual male likes musicals and is fan of Audrey Hepburn and Liza Minnelli? And do you remember the interview in which he said that he put his mother's lipstick on just out of curiousity? P-lease!!
Gute Nacht, meine Elfe! Träume süß and count some sheep. In German, of course! :D
I remember that.Come on, who wants to bet that gerard has put on one of lynz's skirts. O_O
out of curiousity
maybe Gerard and Lindsey are both gay and this is their way of having a biological child.
I remember that.Come on, who wants to bet that gerard has put on one of lynz's skirts. O_O
Didn't anyone say that he has manboobs? Maybe they're swapping bras too?
Goodnight safe
Eliza wrote a blog about it.I guess gerard was jealous because hers were bigger (.)(.)
stretch marks and man boobs
man boobs killed the blog.
So he really has moobs? Ewww! No wonder we never saw him shirtless. Fortunately!
He did say he went to art school dresses up in drag see if he was treated differently. WHATEVER!
Lindsey probably wears Gerard's skidded up underwear.
And gerard wears her crowd flashing panties!
Let's face it, the dude is gay! I bet everytime he looks at Lindsey he sees Brian Kinney!
He said he passed as a woman...I'm not sure I believe him.
Trying not to sound stupid, but...who is Brian Kenney?
Gerard's body is more feminine looking than Lindsey's.
You're not stupid. It's a character from an American t.v. show about gays. Queer as Folk. Does that sound familiar to you?
He said he passed as a woman...I'm not sure I believe him.
December 7, 2008 3:27 PM
He passed as a guy dressed up as a women.
Oh, okay. Thanks Siobhan.
I actually just googled it and Wiki told me that his best friend's name (with whom he has a child) is LINDSEY.
LOL. Perfect Siobhan.
Again, what heterosexual would do that unless it's halloween or he lost a bet?
I aim to please, anon. ;-D
Actually, Siobhan, you would be surprised at how many men (especially the overly masculine types - like athletes) jump at the chance for any excuse to wear women's clothing (usually under the guise of being for laughs, or you know, "art projects").
I can imagine that, anon, but they're all gay too.
So, Eliza said that Gerard had moobs and stretchmarks?
Eliza also said that Gerard's junk is big and that he's good in bed.
Gays and transvestites are two very different kinds of people. Some gays are transvestites but not all transvestites are gay. Many straight men are transvestites.
But I still think Gerard really is gay
Not directly. It was in one of her ambiguous blogs that anyone with a brain knew who she was really talking about.
Besides, I think it's always been obvious that Gerard is out of shape. It's why I always cringe whenever I hear some young girl going on about what a "sexy" body he has and how he should "take off his shirt". Because...really? Someone should show those girls what a man's body really looks like. Maybe they'll stop fainting over him then...
Well, maybe there's a language barrier but here in Germany transvestites are gay men who like to wear women's clothes and men who do travesty could also be straight men who wear women's clothes for fun. But they only wear those clothes on stage and nowhere else.
Gays and transvestites are two very different kinds of people.
That reminds me of when Gerard and Mikey were on Loveline with Dr. Drew. They got a call from a woman who caught her boyfriend (or husband, whatever, I'll say lover) wearing her clothes and underwear. Regularly.
Dr. Drew told the woman that he was sure that her lover had jerked off into her clothes, and that he definitely had issues with sex from a bad experience in his past.
Gerard started stumbling around on his words, kind of desperately asking Dr. Drew something like "isn't it possible that he just likes it." And Dr. Drew basically said that that was precisely his point.
Hahaha, anon. Is that on youtube? Can you give me the link or was it a radio show?
The full interview with them doesn't start until about 23 minutes in, and the section I quoted from is towards the end.
Oh, it's so long and you can't fast forward it but thanks for the link anyway, anon.
You're welcome. I'm not sure that is precisely what is said...I'm going by memory. But, I think you get the idea.
Yep, I do!
from personal experiences, i have friends who i thought should never breed, yet fell so completely in love with their child after their birth, that have become exemplary parents.
I'm sure you have, but I can tell you that I've also had friends who thought a baby would make their lives complete, but they were totally unprepared for the reality of dirty diapers, lost sleep and this little being who is completely helpless and who depends on its parents for everything. Not to mention colic, ear infections, the terrible twos, the even more terrible threes.
Then there's the whole getting used to having to share your significant other with this new little person. Many men don't deal with that at all. When the wife is suddenly putting the child above the husband's needs and is often to exhausted to do anything but fall asleep at bedtime. I've known men who were actually jealous of their own child. I've also known the occasionaly woman who doesn't put the child first, and then the child suffers.
Bottom line is, having a child is hard and it puts a strain on a marriage in the best of circumstances. I hope that doesn't happen with Gerard and Lindsey, but I don't think they have the slightest idea what they are in for.
Maybe there is a grandparent who they can pawn the child off on? Or maybe they can afford a nanny. Maybe they won't have to drag the poor little thing around on tours with them.
Maybe, but why bother to have a child if you aren't going to raise it yourself?
maybe she'll have a miscarriage, you know with the drugs and all.
i agree and Gerard hasn't been around a lot of kids. he didn't grow up with nephews and nieces being around all the time.
6:25 - >:(
6:45 - but he DID grow up with Mikey, taking care of him and protecting him etc.
Bite your tongue, 6:25. Never wish such a horrible thing on anyone, no matter how you feel about them.
Gerard's three years older than Mikey. I don't think Gerard was old enough to do much taking care when he was three.
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