Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"

It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.

(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).


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resurrected wreck said...

They're probably mostly all under 18 as well, 4:36pm. One of the contest rules is that voters be 18 or over. Not sure how they can check that one though, so they may get away with it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

This isn't a popularity contest. Well it is but it for a good cause giving an animal shelter money. Not some rockstar with an ego a title. In the real word I think they would take the votes away. I am surprised that they even let zip codes out side of the area count.

Anonymous said...

Mikey outdouched himself back when he and heychris pulled that April Fool's joke where they pretended to be gay lovers. And then there was the time right before he took his old mspace down when he wrote that angry blog to fans about getting lives, going to fly a kite, etc. - that was pretty douchey too.

resurrected wreck said...

I expect Mikey, as Gerard's brother, to be douchey by association, so anything he does wouldn't surprise me.

Didn't know about the fake gay lovers thing though. If he had said Pete Wentz instead of HeyChris I might have believed him.

Anonymous said...

It was epic. Chris posted a bunch of pics on his lj with him and Mikey staring deeply into each others' eyes and then he made some stupid confession about how he couldn't hide anymore.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And then there was the time right before he took his old mspace down when he wrote that angry blog to fans about getting lives, going to fly a kite, etc. - that was pretty douchey too.

December 29, 2008 4:41 PM

It is when things like that happen when I start to wonder have these guys never seen a behind the music or E true Hollywood story.

resurrected wreck said...

I think Mikey enjoys playing with the fans, and not in a nice way.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think Gerard does as well

resurrected wreck said...

Difference is that Gerard has, at least in the past, tried to put on a nice public face. I don't see that from Mikey.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think something in Mikey and Gerard's background must have really fucked them up. Also, they don't have enough class to know how to behave properly given what they've acheived.

What other famous people do you know whose girlfriends/fiances would have started a blog and called World's Most Hated Crew?

Anonymous said...

Hahah, leave it to MCR to get us to use the word "douche" about 792874593 times in one blog.

resurrected wreck said...

Douchebaggery is my new favourite word.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I took Mikey as being shy.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people thought of Mikey as being shy. But if you go back and read old articles and listen to what the band says, Mikey was very outgoing. Gerard actually met most of the other guys through Mikey.

Mikey was also a huge partier. During the time MCR was hitting it big, Mikey was in the middle of a pretty significant drug/alcohol problem and often he was too wasted to talk much during interviews and when he did talk, he said totally random things.

I think the perception of him as a shy nerdy type was kind of perpetrated by the I'm Not Okay video. Fans actually believed he was that guy, asthma inhaler and all.

resurrected wreck said...

We-ell... maybe.

Anonymous said...

perpetrated? I think I meant to say perpetuated. Anyway...

Mikey also went through a pretty bad spell of stage fright as well. There were times when he would just hang at the back of the stage and close his eyes and not look at the audience. I can't tell you how many shows I've seen where he did that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It was the glasses and the way he talked. It made him seem like he didn't know hoe to enter act with people.

Martha Smith-Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow - I did not know that Mikey did those things (the Chris and MySpace blog). Why was he pissed off at the fans?

Anonymous said...

the time right before he took his old mspace down when he wrote that angry blog to fans about getting lives, going to fly a kite, etc. - that was pretty douchey too.

Such a douchebag trying to defend his girlfriend.

resurrected wreck said...

I'm not a Mikey fan, but at least he hasn't spouted empty promises, or posted pics of inappropriate "art".

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Wow - I did not know that Mikey did those things (the Chris and MySpace blog). Why was he pissed off at the fans?

December 29, 2008 5:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the time right before he took his old mspace down when he wrote that angry blog to fans about getting lives, going to fly a kite, etc. - that was pretty douchey too.

Such a douchebag trying to defend his girlfriend.

December 29, 2008 5:22 PM

Defending you gf isn't bad but how you go about doing it. I don't think he would have had to defend her if she wasn't saying or doing things to upset people.

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken, Mikey was angry because a lot of fans didn't like it when he got with Alicia. There were "Alicia hate groups" like OIHA on lj.

Rather than ignore it, Mikey had a little bitch fit on his myspace. Which was taken down shortly thereafter.

Anonymous said...

Such a douchebag trying to defend his girlfriend.

Good for him for defend Sarah or Alicia (which ever it was at the time. Didn't see it)

But from what the other Anon said, he could have done it more tactfully.

Does anyone have the exact wording?

Anonymous said...


I don't think they were trying to say he was a douche bag for defending his girlfriend, just the way he did it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right, Martha. The way Mikey went about "defending" Alicia was pretty improper. It's not like the entire fanbase was hating on Alicia and Mikey's words were pretty harsh.

Besides, guys in rock bands have had to deal with fans hating on their wives/girlfriends ever since the inception of the rock band. Most of them just deal with it instead of telling fans off in a public blog.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Not everyone is going to like your girlfriend. You can either deal with that in a mature way or get mad.

But getting mad isn't going to do anything but make you look bad. Also didn't Alicia date pete wentz? Maybe a lot of the hate came from people knowing about her from than as well

Anonymous said...

v. hat·ed, hat·ing, hates
v. tr.
To feel hostility or animosity toward.
To detest.
To feel dislike or distaste for: hates washing dishes.

v. intr.
To feel hatred.

Intense animosity or dislike; hatred.
An object of detestation or hatred: My pet hate is tardiness.

this is probably the most hilarious thing that i have ever seen in my entire life. We definately go on and laugh at all the lies, half truths and other nonsense that people fill their heads with. I usually ignore shit talk on the internet. sticks and stones. For some reason this makes me furious. You guys don't even know her! How could you possibly hate somebody you dont even know?!?!?!?!? and if you did know her, you would probably be best friends. She is the most amazing and incredible girl on the planet, and the girl im going to marry. Please have some respect for us and yourselves. Get some hobbies while your at it. Fly a kite. do some crossword puzzles. learn to knit. get off the fucking internet.

Is this it?

Anonymous said...

Defending you gf isn't bad but how you go about doing it. I don't think he would have had to defend her if she wasn't saying or doing things to upset people.

I have to sort of agree. Alicia chose to flaunt her relationship with Mikey and just like Eliza, people didn't like it. The WMHC flaunted their connections with MCR, 30 STM and FOB too so I can see why people thought they were a bunch of name-dropping, gloating idiots.

Anonymous said...

I could probably find the exact wording if given time. From what I remember, though, he said that people needed to get off the internet and get lives. Then he gave examples of things they could do like read a book, etc., but the final thing he said was "or go fly a kite."

Anonymous said...

She's ammaaayyyyzzingg, didn't you know?

Anonymous said...

He then went on to say...


Well that solved nothing. All that really did was make some of you hate eachother, and that was never my intention. I really don't need to justify myself to anyone. I was sticking up for somebody I love and look out for. You can make fun of me or anyone on the internet until your little fingers fall off, be my guest. Don't "hate" anyone though. Think of that group as the equivalent of somebody making a "hate group" for one of your mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc etc. It would infuriate you to no end, don't lie. I have a platform to speak up, so I did. Get over it and grow up. The people who understood what i wrote, hats off. The people who didn't never understood anyway.

I'm oh so sorry that I'm happy and in love...didn't mean to rain on anyone's parade.

Mar 14, 2006

resurrected wreck said...

Terry Pratchett believes you can judge a persons mental instability by the amount of puncuation marks they put at the end of a sentence.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:33

She is the most amazing and incredible girl on the planet,
Where have I heard that before? *shudders*

resurrected wreck said...

Terry Pratchett is a comedy/fantasy writer. But still, he may be on to something there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, just like with Gerard, people thought fans were jealous. And some of them probably were. But others knew that Alicia was known as being a hard party girl who had been around the block a few times and some were worried about Mikey. I personally never cared until the WMHC thing showed up and it seemed like Alicia was using Mikey to get internet fame for herself. The Smashbox competition kind of cemented that.

resurrected wreck said...

"Learn to knit"

Anonymous said...

Haha. Yes. Knitting.

Anyway, Mikey got oiha shut down and MCR managed to get the first incarnation of stfu shut down.

resurrected wreck said...

and MCR managed to get the first incarnation of stfu shut down.

What's that, A BN group?

Anonymous said...

No, stfugerard is an lj community that was formed years ago to poke fun at Gerard. They actually came up with the name "Nigel" for Gerard's... well, Nigel.

The original one was shut down and then revived later on.

Anonymous said...

By shutting those places down, they are proving that they really do care what people think of them and their partners. Why would they shut them down if they were secure with themselves and their relationships.

Anonymous said...

I personally never cared until the WMHC thing showed up and it seemed like Alicia was using Mikey to get internet fame for herself. The Smashbox competition kind of cemented that.

I thought that too.

resurrected wreck said...

No, stfugerard is an lj community that was formed years ago to poke fun at Gerard. They actually came up with the name "Nigel" for Gerard's... well, Nigel.

The original one was shut down and then revived later on.

Interesting. I wonder why Mayo's has been allowed to go on for so long, then.

Anonymous said...

By shutting those places down, they are proving that they really do care what people think of them and their partners. Why would they shut them down if they were secure with themselves and their relationships.

Exactly. You don't see other bands doing things like that. They acted like a bunch of elementary school students running to the teacher.

Anonymous said...

By shutting those places down, they are proving that they really do care what people think of them and their partners. Why would they shut them down if they were secure with themselves and their relationships.

They probably got whisperings in their ears from members of a certain "crew" who wanted to be idols to little fangirls.

resurrected wreck said...

I remember some community names Gerard's privates as well (can't remember the name). When someone mentioned "Nigel" hear a few pages back I thought that must be it. Until they said that Nigel was still around, only smaller.

*cough cough*

Then I remembered that Nigel is the little red spot.

Anonymous said...

In the grand scheme of things, nobody really thinks Mayo is anything but some lunatic fan pretending to be Gerard. Nobody can connect it to the band at all and other than the people who go there, not many care.

resurrected wreck said...


Anonymous said...

Didn't someone say a couple of days ago that Gerard had a bitch fit when somebody mentioned Nigel in his presence?

resurrected wreck said...

Yeah, but why care about stfu, then?

resurrected wreck said...

Gerard needs to relax before he has an aneurysm.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The only other band I follow the way I do MCR is Duran Duran. Not as much anymore. I know from what other fans have said that they would get cease and desist orders sometimes but I don't think they shut down sites. But than again I don't think that their was to much hate for most of the Duran gfs/wives. Well most of them. I don't think anybody liked John's first wife and from what I have heard the fans of her current husband don't like her much either.

And John's first wife was friends with CL

resurrected wreck said...

John's former girlfriend, Janine Andrews, was not popular either. John sure knows how to pick 'em.

Anonymous said...

resurrected wreck said...
Yeah, but why care about stfu, then?

December 29, 2008 5:51 PM

The Great Gerard Way's words are gospel, don't you know? Insult his words and you insult a living God sent to save lives........intil he can't be bothered to pretend to be a nice guy anymore.

resurrected wreck said...

This whole band girlfriend/wife worship thing must be a new phenomenon. It was not around when I was a teen.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

RW Nigel is the red thing on his face. Starbuck is his dick or so I was told.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe someone made a "dead grandma" joke on stafoo, which upset Gerard. And from then on, he was upset with anything that came out of there, including Nigel.

I didn't really go on stafoo back then, because I thought Gerard was the shit and I didn't want to read about people making fun of him so my details might be a little off.

Needless to say, my feelings towards Gerard have changed.

Anonymous said...

There were rumors that Gerard actually spit at some fans who were carrying stfu signs at a show once.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

resurrected wreck said...

John's former girlfriend, Janine Andrews, was not popular either. John sure knows how to pick 'em.

December 29, 2008 5:55 PM

I remember her because he said he asked her to marry him because everyone else was getting married.

resurrected wreck said...

RW Nigel is the red thing on his face. Starbuck is his dick or so I was told.

I remembered about Nigel. I heard a different name for his privates. Can't remember what it is though.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe someone made a "dead grandma" joke on stafoo, which upset Gerard.

Then I understand him being pissed.

Anonymous said...

I remembered about Nigel. I heard a different name for his privates. Can't remember what it is though.


resurrected wreck said...

There were rumors that Gerard actually spit at some fans who were carrying stfu signs at a show once.

If I ever go to an MCR show again, I'm going to wear a t-shirt with "alienated" & it's dictionary definition on it. Bet the irony will be lost, though.

resurrected wreck said...

6:00pm: O_o

resurrected wreck said...

Is Andy still married to Tracy, MJ? I've lost track.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There were rumors that Gerard actually spit at some fans who were carrying stfu signs at a show once.

December 29, 2008 5:58 PM


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

I think maybe someone made a "dead grandma" joke on stafoo, which upset Gerard. And from then on, he was upset with anything that came out of there, including Nigel.

I didn't really go on stafoo back then, because I thought Gerard was the shit and I didn't want to read about people making fun of him so my details might be a little off.

Needless to say, my feelings towards Gerard have changed.

December 29, 2008 5:57 PM

I find it strange that you can't make fun of the band when they do stupid shit. My whole experience with DD fans came about because we would make fun of the stupid shit they did.

Those boys would do some of the dumbest shit and it was so fun to laugh about it.

resurrected wreck said...

I think maybe someone made a "dead grandma" joke on stafoo, which upset Gerard.

Then I understand him being pissed.

Totally. If that's true, it really sucks.

Anonymous said...

I understand Gerard being upset at the grandma thing too. But he has to understand that famous people get made fun of. And he did kind of run the grandma thing into the ground.

Look at Kathy Griffin. She makes a living making fun of celebrities who are much more famous and successful than Gerard. And pretty much nothing is off limits. You don't see those people trying to get her show shut down, do you?

resurrected wreck said...

My whole experience with DD fans came about because we would make fun of the stupid shit they did.

Those boys would do some of the dumbest shit and it was so fun to laugh about it.

I heard DD tried to get their official web site declared a nation. An actual nation. Which, actually, strikes me as a very DD thing to do. They were always a bit funny when it came to reality. That's what fame does to you, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Totally. If that's true, it really sucks.

I hope it's not true because that would be a really shitty, souless thing to say and do to another human.

Anonymous said...

Give me some examples, anon. Because even when someone there made sure I lost my job, I remained pretty cheerful. Heck, even when you're over here calling me "slum princess" because you all know I live in Riverhead, I'm still laughing about that, too.

Or, you know, you could keep your bitching about me at Mayo's where you usually do it. I mean, I take it you're one of the Gerard defenders (correct me if I'm wrong although I probably won't believe you anyway :D ) but aside from that, which one are you?

Thanks for saving me the work, but you forgot 'look at the noble sacrifices I go through for my mainstream, liberal opinions, oh the pain and suffering'. By the way, not from Mayo's, not a 'blue' and I'm replying to what you said here because you said it here. And saying that something you said is wrong, ill-informed or biased, says nothing about anyone's opinion on Gerard.

I don't know how "cheerful" I would be if I couldn't get a man after trying all this time. At least I have someone who wants to spend their life with me. I think with your attitude no one will ever want to spend their life with you.

Anon, you came out of your way to find me here and take shots at me about my silly manuscript and the fact that I'm (voluntarily*) single.

Wow, someone calls Kapunua on something said and suddenly 'anons' come in with ridiculous over the top straw-man attacks that are easily refuted? Then Kapunua comes in to tie the two together and claim that both were made by the same person? Now, just who could these 'anons' be?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think so RW. And Get read Andy is writing a tell all book.

Why punish a whole site for one person's carelessness. They could have just gotten that one person banded.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody notice an annoying gnat in here?

resurrected wreck said...

A tell-all bood on DD from Andy's point of view? Didn't he quit in a huff twice? That should be good!

resurrected wreck said...

Can't say that I did, 6:08pm.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody notice an annoying gnat in here?

Not me. I think it was just some hot air blowing.

resurrected wreck said...

*Um... "book"

Anonymous said...

Why punish a whole site for one person's carelessness. They could have just gotten that one person banded.

Exactly. Just because a few people took their humor too far, that doesn't mean everyone on the community agreed with it.

resurrected wreck said...

Well, time to shower and head to bed. I shall leave you all to it.

Have a good evening :)

Anonymous said...

Goodnight, RW. :)

resurrected wreck said...

One last thing:

Exactly. Just because a few people took their humor too far, that doesn't mean everyone on the community agreed with it.

I find it odd that someone threatened Bob on twitter if he didn't acknowledge them, and not only did he do so, but her comment was actually allowed through. Odd.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

RW yes Andy did.

The nation thing might have been that they are part of some online thing called nation something. They played a concert there for the fans. It is kinda like that sims game.

resurrected wreck said...

I prefer to think they've gone loopy, MJ. But thst's just my personal kink.

Okay going now... have a good one!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight rw

Anonymous said...

There were rumors that Gerard actually spit at some fans who were carrying stfu signs at a show once.


Why would he do that if it was true? A friend and I, last year at PR during their performance, she flipped him the bird and he had the heartbroken, stricken look on his face when she did that.

But anyways,

*pokes and squeezes RW*

I found you now, muhahaha!

Anonymous said...

Bob says sorry about the fake email thing!!! We, sort of. It's clearly a suit that did they wording.

Anonymous said...

At my PR, there was this really obnoxious, drunk Linkin Park fan who kept yelling for MCR to "Get off the fucking stage!" And this guy was LOUD.

Gerard looked really upset everytime the guy said it. I think it affected his performance.

Anonymous said...


Why would he be hurt about someone flipping him the bird? He gets people to do it all the time. Or maybe because he knew that the fans were pissed about his circus?

Anonymous said...

This whole band girlfriend/wife worship thing must be a new phenomenon. It was not around when I was a teen.

In my day, teenage girls were much more open about their misogyny. Good times.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Gerard was terrible at the PR I went to. I felt like flipping him off myself.

Actually, I think maybe I did.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bob, don't you know that your fangirls love the Jonas Brothers? He can't do anything right.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It sucks when people hate your performance but don't let it ruin it for the people who want to see you. The best why to deal with that kind of asshole is to put on a great show and blow LP out of the water.

You know Gerard blow his chance at winning over LP fans. If had just put on a kick ass show instead of look at me I'm getting fuck I think TBP would have gotten another big spike in sales.

Anonymous said...

6:17 - it might have been all the charlie and alcohol putting him off and not the loud drunk.

Anonymous said...

Just you wait, Bob. You'll probably fall off your riser the next time you go onstage.

And isn't he the guy who always hits himself in the head with his drumsticks? There should be a video of that on youtube.

Anonymous said...

And isn't he the guy who always hits himself in the head with his drumsticks? There should be a video of that on youtube.

Alas, no one would care.

Anonymous said...

You know Gerard blow his chance at winning over LP fans. If had just put on a kick ass show instead of look at me I'm getting fuck I think TBP would have gotten another big spike in sales.

I agree, Martha. But at my PR, Gerard pranced around like an idiot, talked about his "new jacket", had 867 sharpied on his neck and turned in the worst vocal performance I've ever heard from any band. And I go to a lot of concerts, so that's saying something.

The girls sitting next to me who were LP fans actually turned to me and said, "That guy really can't sing."

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

This whole band girlfriend/wife worship thing must be a new phenomenon. It was not around when I was a teen.

In my day, teenage girls were much more open about their misogyny. Good times.

December 29, 2008 6:20 PM

Back than it seemed to be alright to just not like the women. Now you have to be all grown up and kiss their asses.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Wow the Jonas Brothers suck.

Anonymous said...

They do. But the one who sings is damn cute. And young.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of cute, those brothers from Kings of Leon aren't too hard on the eyes either. ^_^

Anonymous said...


Even now I doubt he was sincerely affected by that, although I wish I could have seen the look on his face when my friend gave him the bird, but I was too busy pushing kids in the pit area.

MCR's PR performance was definitely the worst I have ever seen of them. No doubt.

Honestly, I would have had no problem telling them to get the fuck off the stage as well if I knew their performance was gonna suck.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I just don't see them as being cute. They look like they would be very hairy.

Anonymous said...

The fangirls have a whole new crop of younger, prettier boys to pick from these days.

I wonder how that will affect MCR?

Anonymous said...

I just don't see them as being cute. They look like they would be very hairy.

Haha. They do look hairy. But I think the middle one is cute. And there's always wax...

Anonymous said...

Did you stay for Linkin Park, BC?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

MCR's PR performance was definitely the worst I have ever seen of them. No doubt.

But Gerard thinks it was one of his best. It reminds me of that episode of family guy where Peter and Lois got high and thought they did a great job in the talent show. When in reality they just rolled around on the ground screaming.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Well, Gerard did do quite a lot of rolling around on the ground when he did Cancer at my show. I remember the girl next to me asking me what the hell he was doing.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I have to wonder if they go back and look at their old performances and think WTF. Was I high or something.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Gerard is capable of admitting that he did a bad show. I honestly believe he thinks everything he does is awesome.

Anonymous said...

MJ, gw can't seem to find anything negative in anything he does. He even managed to make getting bottled at Reading and Download sound poitive, so I doubt it, atleast on his part.

Anonymous said...

Actually, yeah, he probably was high.

Anonymous said...

He even managed to make getting bottled at Reading and Download sound poitive

God, was that not the most incredible bit of bullshit you've ever heard in your life? How he was all like, "We totally kicked ass and proved ourselves," or whatever it was he said.

I remember wondering if he was delusional.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Well, Gerard did do quite a lot of rolling around on the ground when he did Cancer at my show. I remember the girl next to me asking me what the hell he was doing.

trying to stop the itching

Anonymous said...

Hahha, yeah, I was rolling my eyes so hard throughout those interviews. "We totally won over the crowd!" Uhmm, no.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Well it could have been worse they could have been ignored like msi was.

Anonymous said...

trying to stop the itching

Haha. Yeah, from the STD he caught from Lindsey on 8 6 7.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Haha. Well, Gerard did do quite a lot of rolling around on the ground when he did Cancer at my show. I remember the girl next to me asking me what the hell he was doing.

trying to stop the itching

December 29, 2008 6:51 PM

More like to put out the burning he was feeling.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard would have much rather been ignored. I mean, those bottles could scratch his pretty face!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Pretty face it hasn't seemed pretty in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Nope, drugs and alcohol will do that to ya.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Yeah, from the STD he caught from Lindsey on 8 6 7.

sounds more like area 51 co-ordinates.

or maybe he was just trying to count down...8...7...6, got a bit confused

Anonymous said...

No, he just didn't have room for the zeros and dashes. 08-06-07. The show I went to was 08-07-07.

Anonymous said...

7:05 was she numerically challenged too?

Anonymous said...

I think 7:02 was joking

Anonymous said...

I didn't see MSI. It was too damned hot to go to the Revolution stage that day. But, I've heard from other people that she did have numbers written on her arm that day too.

Anonymous said...

I think 7:02 was joking

Sorry, my bad.

It's just that every other sharpie message Gerard wore that summer had something to do with Lindsey, so I assumed this one did too.

Anonymous said...

It's just that every other sharpie message Gerard wore that summer had something to do with Lindsey, so I assumed this one did too.

ohhh so it was a fashion statement...^_^

Anonymous said...

ohhh so it was a fashion statement...^_^

Maybe a deathwish?

At any rate, it was tacky as hell.

Anonymous said...


Nope. After when MCR's set was over, we just left. I only went to PR to see them and HIM, and that's about it.

MJ, I'm not surprised if GW thinks all of their performances were awesome. He's just an idiot who tries too hard to make a "sensitive" soul like him look like a bad ass "rock star."

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Every time he had something written on himself during that tour Lindsey did as well.

Anonymous said...

because they are so intuned with each other's minds martha

we must be just jealous

Anonymous said...

Maybe a deathwish?

the death of MCR, RIP

Anonymous said...

It's a shame you didn't see Linkin Park, BC. They were awesome. Mike Shinoda has the sweetest stage presence and Chester's voice was incredible.

I didn't really like them before PR, but I came away a fan.

Anonymous said...

I would like to take a sharpie and write "wash me" on both of them.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a deathwish?

the death of MCR, RIP

Unfortunately, I think you are correct. It was the beginning of the end.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That is so what I want in a mate. Someone who will right childish bull shit on their body with me.

Anonymous said...

I would like to take a sharpie and write "wash me" on both of them.

Lol! Or "kick me."

Martha Smith-Jones said...

"The smell might kill you if you get to close", is something I might write.

Anonymous said...

obviously he does martha

just hope they keep the sharpies away from the baby...he/she may inherent those genes

Anonymous said...

Do you think the sharpie gene is dominant or recessive? If it's dominant, the poor kid doesn't stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the sharpie gene is dominant or recessive? If it's dominant, the poor kid doesn't stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

^Damn blogger.

Anonymous said...


Yeah, it was too bad because honestly, standing through most of the acts I've seen on PR, none of them really standed out for me except maybe Julien K, and Chester was doing replacement vocals for that band. I thought they were pretty good.



Anonymous said...

hmmm...the sharpie writing gene

must be linked on the same dna strand as stupidity...

Anonymous said...

It may very well be linked to the gene for compulsive lying as well.

Egads! Things are not looking too well for Baby Way.

Anonymous said...

not true 7:39

genes are so complex, and recessive ones may be expressed

it may be an outstanding sunny personality, or the diametric opposite of it's parents

Martha Smith-Jones said...

baby way the next LiLo

Anonymous said...

I just hope they bathe it.

Anonymous said...

martha did you have a chance to look at the link i provided for you this morning?

Anonymous said...

Daddy gee better hide his collection of sharpies,or the baby might get into them and write all over the walls. Oh wait,he and the wife might like that...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes I did I just added that group to my ipod. Thank you

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Daddy gee better hide his collection of sharpies,or the baby might get into them and write all over the walls. Oh wait,he and the wife might like that...

December 29, 2008 7:52 PM

They will call it art. Uncle Bob can teach him how to make some really nice "art"

Anonymous said...

Uncle bob might hang his art in the babies room. O_O

Anonymous said...

7:52 they will be making "art"

martha the Gazette are phenomenal.

i like the added touch at the end of the clip, where he practically molests the mic...:)

gosh, imagine if an american prettyboy rockstar did that! that would whip up all the hordes of fangirls

Anonymous said...

Or his uncle jimmy can teach the baby some nice new words.

Anonymous said...

Surely they do realize that babies need to be bathed regularly, right? I mean, you can't really go 6 days without bathing a baby.

Oh and it's not just enough to go out there and have a baby. You actually have to work at raising it. I hope Lindsey takes being a mom more seriously than being a bass player.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I couldn't get the clip to play all the way. it kept stopping when ever i got 2 minutes in.

Anonymous said...

So true, standing there acting like you are really playing the bass or doing a backbend is not going to get the baby feed at 3:00 in the morning!

Anonymous said...

ohh you missed the bit...

suffice to say, there was licking going on...

if you ever manage to see the whole clip it's well worth it

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am going to try and watch it again later. Sometime youtube just hates me.

Anonymous said...

anons do you really believe she would not look after this child?

i am of the belief she really wanted to become pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Bleh, I don't envy them. The feeding every two hours. The lack of sleep. The colic.

The episiotomy. D:

Looking back, I don't know how I managed it.

Anonymous said...

i am of the belief she really wanted to become pregnant.

December 29, 2008 8:06 PM

And she really wanted to get married after a couple of months too...

Anonymous said...

8:08 i believe that...who else would marry someone after only a short period unless you really want to be married.

Anonymous said...

anons do you really believe she would not look after this child?

i am of the belief she really wanted to become pregnant.

I don't know her personally, so I can't make any judgements on her ability to care for a child.

I do know that it's a hell of a lot more work than people realize. It totally changes your life and takes away a lot of your freedom.

If you are having trouble with it, it's not like you can just reach into your bra, pull out a vial of Bacardi and set something on fire, you know?

Anonymous said...

LOL! I hope she is a little more patient than that!

Anonymous said...

i don't know her personally either however i do get the impression she will look after the child, despite as the silliness of her "stage" persona.

and I think her husband will make sure the child is well cared for.

Anonymous said...

Hahah 8:09

Anonymous said...

I don't think any couple is ever prepared for the way an infant takes over their life. Everything changes. You can't just come and go as you please. Babies have to have schedules. They get sick. They cry. A lot.

Don't get me wrong. It's totally worth it, but often marriages suffer. Jobs suffer. I know this from experience. And some people just aren't equipped to handle it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

anons do you really believe she would not look after this child?

i am of the belief she really wanted to become pregnant.

December 29, 2008 8:06

I doubt that she wanted it right now. Unless she wanted to get out of the band.

After all she gets up set up no one thinking she has talent because of Gerard why would she want a baby now when her career is at an all time high

Anonymous said...

Yes, the timing really doesn't quite seem right, does it, MJ?

After all, the two of them have barely had any time together since the marriage because of their conflicting touring schedules. And now they're going to be having a baby. It doesn't have a "planned" feeling to it at all.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

8:08 i believe that...who else would marry someone after only a short period unless you really want to be married.

December 29, 2008 8:09 PM

Money and to help your career. I was on a site earlier today and someone asked why do people still get married. One couple said because the woman lost her job and need to be put on his health care.

Anonymous said...

martha, what career?

i think if i was doing the same job for a long time i would be plain tired.

there's more to life than just crowd surfing...

i don't think this was accidental.

Anonymous said...

When I became pregnant with my daughter, my husband and I were both so happy about it. But after she was born, my husband's attitude changed. He didn't expect the baby to take up so much of my time. He was actually jealous of his own child.

It put a horrible strain on my marriage, and we had been married for three years before we had a child. I totally thought I knew my husband, but I had no clue he would react that way.

Anonymous said...

i think if i was doing the same job for a long time i would be plain tired.

there's more to life than just crowd surfing...

i don't think this was accidental.

So are you saying that all of the big talking Lindsey did in recent interviews about how all her hard work paid off, blah, blah was just so much b.s.? That she's ready to just chuck it all and become a stay at home mom?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Okay than her performance art. She may not have been able to play bit it is what she did. Being in a band isn't the same as working a desk job. It can be fun and exciting. I just don't see her wanting to give it up now that she is an inspirational bass player.

Anonymous said...

So are you saying that all of the big talking Lindsey did in recent interviews about how all her hard work paid off, blah, blah was just so much b.s.? That she's ready to just chuck it all and become a stay at home mom?

no, i'm sayin' some people change their minds as they get older and want a family as well as a job.

do you believe everything you read in an interview?

Anonymous said...

It can be fun and exciting.

like all jobs it can be monotonous as well

Anonymous said...

no, i'm sayin' some people change their minds as they get older and want a family as well as a job.

do you believe everything you read in an interview?

No, I don't believe anything Lindsey or Gerard ever said. But you seem to think they are lovely people, so I was wondering if you think Lindsey was blatantly lying. After all, these were direct quotes from her. And it was less than a year ago.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

It can be fun and exciting.

like all jobs it can be monotonous as well

December 29, 2008 8:32 PM

Yes like all jobs it can be come monotonous But I don't see her giving all her "hard work" to be a stay at home mom or what ever she moves on to.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if Lindsey was planning to quit MSI. Of course that would mean that she spewed a lot of bullshit not so very long ago, but that wouldn't surprise me either.

Anonymous said...

But you seem to think they are lovely people

i didn't say that

i am looking at this objectively

i'm guessing they say what they want you to know in interviews

nothing more

and i presume they get caught if they forgot what they said in the past.

Anonymous said...

i didn't say that

i am looking at this objectively

I don't really think you are looking at this objectively because you keep saying things like you think they will take good care of the child and that it was planned, etc.

I realize that I'm not being objective either, but that's not what I'm here for.

Anonymous said...

neither would i 8:37

Anonymous said...

I hope they do take care of this child and I hope that it is wanted. But we have no way of knowing that. Just like we have no way of knowing it isn't.

Anonymous said...

At any rate, it's late here on the east coast and I'm off to bed.

Night all.

Anonymous said...

8:40 i agree i am expressing an opinion when i indicated i thought the child will be taken care of, planned etc

but people's motives to start a family can differ

Martha Smith-Jones said...

i'm guessing they say what they want you to know in interviews

That is the case when it comes to why they got into the bands are what kind of people they are. But I doubt anyone want to hear her get mad at being called Mrs Gerard Way because it over shadowed her hard work. That also goes with her saying she can play in any band and no one can do what she does. That sounds more like ego and stupidity.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are right, 8:47 and that this baby will be well taken care of. I think we all hope for that.

It's just that Gerard and Lindsey do not present themselves as being terribly stable people and their lifestyle is anything but stable. It's hard for me to imagine a child growing up in an atmosphere like that.

Anonymous said...

I agree, MJ. With all the statements Lindsey has been throwing around about being so inspirational saying she can play bass in any band, etc., I would think it would be somewhat embarrassing to her to just up and quit.

She'd have to eat quite a bit of crow.

Anonymous said...

And I'm off to bed as well.

It was nice talking to you all.

Anonymous said...

i understand 8:52

goodnight :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Not saying that a woman can't go back to having her career after having a child. But I don't see Lindsay having a career at the same level it is now. Her and miss popularity are only because of Gerard and MCR. If MCR isn't popular or the fasheep stop kissing her ass she may not have anything to come back to.

No matter how dumb I may think she is I think she knows that is the case with her. I find it hard to believe that she would plan a kid. for right now. Unless she is planning on leaving the band. There is another reason but I won't go there.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Goodnight 8.52

Anonymous said...

martha i think i know what you mean

i agree, it's best not to speculate.

i hope they are both happy about this...for the child's sake

Martha Smith-Jones said...

speculate is what this place is about. It is all we have because MCR refuse to answer why they would take a band like msi out on tour when they don't share what their "beliefs".

All we have to go on is what they have said in the past and how they have acted. Just from my own personal experience even if they are happy to have the kid it doesn't mean that it will be well taken care of by them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for saving me the work, but you forgot 'look at the noble sacrifices I go through for my mainstream, liberal opinions, oh the pain and suffering'.

"Suffering?" I never even implied that. It's actually quite fun and I really like living that lifestyle. It makes me feel happy. I think you're yanking on your hate-on here and coming up dry.

Wow, someone calls Kapunua on something said and suddenly 'anons' come in with ridiculous over the top straw-man attacks that are easily refuted? Then Kapunua comes in to tie the two together and claim that both were made by the same person? Now, just who could these 'anons' be?

Anon, if I'm mixing you up with some other anon then I'm sorry. Sometimes you all sound alike to me.

So like I said: if you're this into me, why not go and start your own blog where you can talk all you like about how much you hate the things that I say? I mean, what's it got to do with this blog? It's not as if you're making any kind of sense; you're really just spouting off a lot of nonsense that seems to come from some deep anger towards me, and the stuff you're saying isn't true, so it's not as if you're going to change anything. If you are really that upset and you really want to say such things, why not go ahead and make your own space for it? This way, you can go there any time of the day and go "BLAH BLAH KAPUNUA SUCH A HUGE BITCH" etc. It might make you feel better. :D

A better anon said:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, MJ. With all the statements Lindsey has been throwing around about being so inspirational saying she can play bass in any band, etc., I would think it would be somewhat embarrassing to her to just up and quit.

She'd have to eat quite a bit of crow.

December 29, 2008 8:55 PM

Well, I'm not too sure. After all, she tends to redefine? What she thinks? Words mean? Like every day? Which is like? Weird and stuff? So like when she said? That she worked like really hard? And had to like? Inspire young girls? Go play in bands and stuff? Maybe the meaning of "inspire?" Is like, changing every day too? And obviously words like "play" and "bass?" You can like? Change the meanings of those words? Too? You know? Which is like also weird?

Anonymous said...

once it's done, never again will you have to listen to her talk like this? You know, where everything has a question mark at the end of it? With an upward inflection? At the end of every sentence?

Anonymous said...

I was rolling when I saw that episode. :D

Off to bed, good night! :)

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