"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"
It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.
(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).
I understand Bob wanting people to vote for the shelter where he got his dogs, but it does seem to be a bit of a dick move for him to change the link from the original one he was sent and then post it on the band's website.
Maybe he should have just encouraged people to vote for their own local shelters?
Because his friend asked him for help with his shelter. It seems like Bob just took the idea and ran with it for his own shelter without a word to his friend. Yeah, a shelter gets money, but it was a crappy thing to do to the guy who originally asked him.
Can MCR not do anything right - they even screw up helping a charity out. From what I understand, someone e-mailed MCR telling them about the contest where one shelter will win $10,000 but instead of supporting the shelter that this guy was asking help for, Bob saw the shelter where he got his dog from was nominated and instead promoted that shelter without mentioning the original shelter the guy was asking help for. Is that right? He could have mentioned both shelters, or hell, even slipped his shelter some money himself.
This is what the guy said from the Nine Inch site if you don't want to click through.
"It's been a busy season for me and I haven't been online as much, but yesterday I got another email from my buddy on the topic. Long story short, he used to know the guys in My Chemical Romance before they got famous, and he asked one of them to maybe post his link on Twitter or something. So when they blogged about it on MCR's website, they changed the link to point to their local shelter.
Either way, really, an animal shelter's going to get a big boost and it's going to be really cool for them, but I think that was a dick move"
Yeah, it was a dick move. I mean, if I was the friend who had said, "Hey Bob, can you help me out with my charity?" and then he had gone and stolen all MY votes, I would be pretty hurt.
if I was the friend who had said, "Hey Bob, can you help me out with my charity?" and then he had gone and stolen all MY votes, I would be pretty hurt.
Yeah, and I imagine Bob's response to that would be something to the effect of, "Lighten up."
Wow, I actually thought Bob was being nice and proving that that he wasn't the sack of shit that some fans thought he was. Guess I was wrong.
I nearly voted for that place. It's a good cause after all. I filled in all the information but my postal code was rejected, probably because I'm a Brit.
I think the organisers of that contest should sift through all the votes with the names that look like they might be connected to the MCRmy and disqualifiy them. If I was that shelter, I'd be glad for the money, but I'd feel kind of shitty. They aren't winning because they are good at their job, but because mindless drones have been ordered to by Bob The Great and Powerful Troll God.
I didn't vote in that shelter contest because they wanted personal info (ie. email address) and I don't feel comfortable giving that out to sites I'm unfamiliar with.
I did, however, go to that particular shelter's site and donate directly. It was douchebaggy of Bob to snaffle his friend's idea, but that's not the shelter's fault.
I hadn't seen that particular one before, 12:30pm. Bob's "cunt art" also slipped in under my radar until quite recently. Shows how much I pay attention when I go there.
If you scroll down at the MM site it says this at the bottom
You will receive a weekly contest update email, and agree to the Contest Rules and Care2 terms of service. You must be 18 years of age or older to vote.
Maybe not, but they sure made themselves out to be at one point. May have just been baloney all along, but I bought into it. It's tough being that let down.
if you don't have expectations out of them, you'll be fine
they're not that special
No, they are not that special and I doubt any of us would have had any expectations had they not gone so out of their way to convince us just how special they are.
Trust me, the only thing I expect from them at this point is the worst.
No, they are not that special and I doubt any of us would have had any expectations had they not gone so out of their way to convince us just how special they are.
Trust me, the only thing I expect from them at this point is the worst.
" later on duke developed cancer. i started him on chemotherapy but he was too sick. when he eventually passed away mary and her daughter drove an hour to meet us at the vet. it meant a lot because i was a mess. they didnt have to do that, thats how much they care."
I wonder how these two women who selflessly helped Bob through losing his beloved pet would feel about his cunt art.
if someone is constantly blowing their trumpet do you believe them? i tend to watch how they behave.
actions always speak louder than words.
December 28, 2008 1:00 PM
Yes actions do speak louder than words but you also have to taken in to account what words were said. No one expected that they would lie about being for equal rights for women, gays and other races. Who the fuck lies about that.
No they aren't anymore special than anyone else in the world but they did seem like they were talented people who gave a fuck.
Although it is going through mods, one girl said her comment was deleted as it was inappropriate, so all that will get through is the ones saying how much they love them
Really? Guess I shouldn't have bothered then, as my message will definitely not get through.
Earlier today on the lj community chemicalromance, on the post talking about Bob's plea for votes for his shelter, someone posted a lind to the nin site with the "dick move" post. Now it's gone. Deleted. I wonder if a mod did that?
Oh well, at least it's for charity and not like when Alicia went on her myspace and begged MCR fans to vote for her in that Smashbox model competition. Of course she won the popular vote, but luckily, the company had the good sense to have judges pick the winner from the top three. Needless to say, they didn't pick Alicia.
I know one of the mods on that lj community and trust me, they deleted it.
Oddly, the mod I know has lost her faith in MCR just as much as we have, but she's just been into the fandom for so long she can't give it up. I've found that to be the case with the few long-term fans who are still hanging on. It's the community they're holding on to more so than the band.
I know one of the mods on that lj community and trust me, they deleted it.
I have to say I think the mods are completely insane for deleting a post like that or any post tha doesn't show the boys in a more positive light. It only leads to hero worship. Thinking that those boys are perfect and can do no wrong.
Before some ass comes on says that's what we were thinking that were perfect, it wasn't. We just thought that they were people who believed enough in something to stand up for it. We also thought they didn't care about having a rock image.
It also makes the fans look like crazy fan girls and would scare away any of the male rock fans that might like them. What male in their right mind would want to hang out with a bunch of girls who think that MCR are gods who walk the earth. No matter how good you think the music is.
Oddly, the mod I know has lost her faith in MCR just as much as we have, but she's just been into the fandom for so long she can't give it up. I've found that to be the case with the few long-term fans who are still hanging on. It's the community they're holding on to more so than the band.
It's hard to leave people you consider your friends behind. But I find it odd that she has lost faith in them but still deleted the post.
It isn't like the guy was rude about it. He just said it was a dick move on Bob's part. Bob could have mention the other shelter as well and he could have asked that they donate a few dollars to one and vote for the other.
They are the mcrmy after all and when they are called to duty they respond.
Like they don't already flip a shit about those guys. It would be good for them to see that it isn't only ex fans who have a problem with something they have done.
I can see them getting made and going to the NIN forum and telling them to STFU and take it back.
Sorry to change the subject, but something I've noticed lately in some recent interviews (such as this one) that Gerard seems to be really adamant about expressing that the new album is going to be very different from the Black Parade. He seems sort of embarrassed by it and probably wishes they made it differently, or that it atleast was recieved differently from people and didn't bring such an "emo"/fangirl following. I get the feeling this next record is going to be about breaking free from the image od TBP more than making good music, but I don't honestly know if it was ever about the music with them.
You may be right, 6:45pm. I happen to think TBP was a great album, but I appear to be in the minority on that. I don't think Gerard even believes that any more.
I thought it was good too, but it also brought a lot of the band a lot of shit, and I don't think Gerard is the kind of person that's equipped to deal with that.
I think TBP was a bad time for him in his personal life. Also TBP didn't do as well as they expected and it wasn't received well by the male rock fans.
Funny thing a lot of the fans girls on BN didn't like it they thought it was to commercial. Which means he is going to do some crappy under ground sounding bullshit CD this time.
I think he is going to find that TBP isn't as bad as he is feeling because I get the felling that the next CD is going to be him giving the finger to the fans he blames for the band not doing well. Why else would he hang out with a band who thinks treating their fans like shit is hxc
It is a good CD it just needs time for it to gain a following. If the boys hadn't decided to hang with msi I think the cd would have gone on to have a following.
But he aliented a lot of fans who liked them for more than just their pretty faces. And hooked up with a joke band.
I think the problem with TBP is the band was trying to do something "great" as opposed to just doing what they felt. Gerard talked a lot about how this was going to be their "big one" and how he didn't know how they were going to top it. I even remember him saying something like they felt like they were making their sixth record instead of their third.
One of my very good friends who stopped being a fan right after TBP used to always tell me that if they had just made their third record, she would probably still be a fan.
I think TBP was a really good stretch for MCR musically. I mean all of their albums sounded different from the previous which was one of the many reasons I fell in love with the music. The problem with TBP was that it had all this marketing attached to it. Gerard was suddenly a cropped blonde, matching outfits, a story line involving "the patient", and yada yada yada. It totally took away from the music and it was the marketing and the push to pop radio that brought in a new wave of fan girls.
Yes, what Bob did was a dick move but I have the hardest time seeing Bob as an ass just because he was so pleasant and nice to me when I met him in April. Same for Frank in August. I've always had good expierences when meeting anyone in the band, except of course for Gerard who started out nice but was a total prick by mid 2007.
I want so badly to just release this band from my life because the drama is just...ugggg. And yet here I am still reading about them and wondering what the new record will be and bla bla bla. Am I the only one left with lingering hope?
I think you re right anon MCR should have just made their 3rd CD and left it at that.
I keep thinking about no doubt and how with their CD Return to Saturn which was their 3rd they tried to make it this great Album. and it didn't do as well. Than with Rock Steady they went back to just making a CD and it did well.
They should stop trying to make a master piece that will attract non emo fan girls and just make music. Don't try to prove anything to anyone.
It seems to me like mid-way through Revenge, after the Helena video came out and the band actually started to see success, the band's whole philosophy kind of switched from being about the music to being about image and sales figures, etc. Of course, they would deny it. In fact, I don't think they even realized it themselves, but if you watch LOTMS, you can almost pinpoint exactly when it started to happen.
I think they lost their original vision for the band around that time and if they're going to ever be a real band again, they need to get it back.
I agree. I think that in the beginning it really was about music and friendship and not caring about success because they simply didn't have it. If they had of accepted success as a simple bonus and stayed focused on the music their career might of lasted a good long while because their original fanbase would have stuck around. Now that they are losing their die hard fans and are left with many fans who will move on with the next fad their success will be relatively short lived.
Somebody should sit them down and make them read all of their press and watch all of their interviews starting from 2002 to the present. I imagine they would be shocked to see the changes in themselves.
Somebody should sit them down and make them read all of their press and watch all of their interviews starting from 2002 to the present. I imagine they would be shocked to see the changes in themselves.
i don't think they would be shocked, more surprised about how naive they were.
Actually, she's not, I am just a lazy ass who doesn't want to bother with typing my name. Perhaps we just all share a similar mind frame which is why we are all here in the first place.
I think MJ is a lot of the anons here. It's funny how they both got the "felling" about something Gerard said.
December 28, 2008 8:00 PM
I go away for a bit and I come back to find that I am an anon. Except I am not. I know that some of you want to believe that there is no way anyone could not like you beloved mcr/msi but people don't like them.
As another person said writing felling instead of feeling is a very common think to do.
In retrospect I think they would all be shocked at just how much the band changed except for Gerard who would just chuck it up to getting older and growing as an artist. The same bullshit all his fansheep have been feeding us since people first started to call him out on his crap.
I don't think he would think he has grown as an artist. I think the Gerard now would just say this is who I am now and I am great and this band is the greatest band ever.
True, I think he thinks that about himself, but he is a bit delusional. I think he would try and fool himself into believing its "growth as a person and artist" as opposed to just becoming an arrogant douchebag.
I think MJ is a lot of the anons here. It's funny how they both got the "felling" about something Gerard said.
I don't got the "felling" about what gerard said. just im not a fangirl . i like to be objective. i can speak my mind here without having to worry about getting 53 comments from angry fans that think everything mcr do is perfect .i'd never go to a place like bn to post 'cause i know all my posts would be deleted. and im certainly not the type of fan who enjoys to post msgs about how hot gerard is bla blab la..
I like how everyone who calls one of you on something having nothing to do with MCR is an MCR fansheep.
I can't stand MCR just as much as any of you but when you all make the same stupid mistakes it makes you look bad. Some of you sound more stupid than the worst MCR fangirl who is average about 13 years old and never bothered to learn how to spell.
We're supposed to be better than that.
Don't go ASSuming that just because someone calls you on something they love or even like MCR. That's just a bad excuse.
Well don't assume that just because people are typing quickly and making common typos that we're all the same person. We're not here to win points for who has the best grammar and spelling, we're here to voice our concerns and vent our frustrations.
I like how everyone who calls one of you on something having nothing to do with MCR is an MCR fan sheep.
I can't stand MCR just as much as any of you but when you all make the same stupid mistakes it makes you look bad. Some of you sound more stupid than the worst MCR fan girl who is average about 13 years old and never bothered to learn how to spell.
We're supposed to be better than that.
Don't go ASSuming that just because someone calls you on something they love or even like MCR. That's just a bad excuse.
December 28, 2008 9:02 PM
As someone said we aren't here to win any points and I really don't care if I sound stupid.
If you don't want to get called a fan sheep than don't act like one. No one here cares about typos or bad grammar with the exception of mcr/msi fans who come here to harass us. Or saying that one person must be all of the anons.
We all pretty much feel the same way so when mistakes are made we still under stand what the person is trying to say. And that is what should matter
Pretty boys sing emo, hard rock, death rock and any other kind of outer music. Dress in all kinds of outfits. Nope couldn't do that here in America. Male rock fans would tear them apart.
However, the publishing company is really stringent, and there is no way in this world or the next that Gerard could have pitched his idea to Dark Horse and gotten a deal without being Gerard Way from MCR.
I'm so sorry that your manuscript was rejected by another publishing company.
I'm so sorry that your manuscript was rejected by another publishing company.
Do you know how many people have rejected manuscripts? I'm sure Gerard Way has a drawer full of them if he was trying to get into the comic book industry before MCR like he says (although who knows, the dude lies a lot).
Personal attacks are the one thing that is not welcome here.
No, you are not sorry. You are attempting to make one person's opinion less valid here by personalizing it, but you are only succeeding in making yourself seem petty and foolish.
This is not Mayo's. We won't rally behind you and allow you to crucify one of our own.
Personal attacks are the one thing that is not welcome here.
No, you are not sorry. You are attempting to make one person's opinion less valid here by personalizing it, but you are only succeeding in making yourself seem petty and foolish.
This is not Mayo's. We won't rally behind you and allow you to crucify one of our own.
Well said, 5:00.
Anonymous said... Is that black Sharpie on Courtney Love's stomach? Did Gerard copy that too?
Yeah it's the fangirls who are ignorant. Uh huh.
December 29, 2008 4:55 AM
Yes, fangirls are ignorant. Isn't everyone is someway?
Don't go ASSuming that just because someone calls you on something they love or even like MCR. That's just a bad excuse.
December 28, 2008 9:02 PM
And perhaps you shouldn't go ASSuming that just because an anon makes a typo similar to one that MJ has made, said anon is MJ.
Also, if you would stop nit-picking, you would notice that the grammatical correctness and spelling here is about 500 percent better than it is on your average MCR fansite. Also, the guys in the band make their share of typos on their own so-called professional blogs. So, I don't think we need to worry too much about a few typos making us look bad.
If you don't want to get called a fan sheep than don't act like one. No one here cares about typos or bad grammar with the exception of mcr/msi fans who come here to harass us.
To be honest, Martha, I don't guess that MCR/MSI fansheep care about that stuff either. O_o I don't tend to generalize and I try to avoid it as a rule, but from what I've seen of that lot, fansheep are not the brightest lights in the harbor and there's a lot of "MCR RULEZZZZzzzzz LOLZIES I LEIK TOTLY LUV DEM!!1111 I WUD DO LYNZ HAhahaa!11111 Her is seeeewww hottt!!11 THERE BAYBIES IS GUNNA B HOTT!!11eleventy!!!11"
That's my little fangirl impression. The point is that I really don't suspect that the typical fansheep cares how they spell things. Especially ones who listen to MSI. They're not exactly inspirational when it comes to getting an education.
I'm so sorry that your manuscript was rejected by another publishing company.
December 29, 2008 4:46 AM
Thanks, anon. I'm going to keep trying. The editor actually wrote me a letter and he suggested that I try to make it more "marketable." Kinda like with Twilight, I guess. The thing is, I don't think I can change the way I think. I can sure change my writing style, but my ideas were what inspired me to write books, and those are things I don't wish to change. So hopefully I'll find a niche market or an editor weird enough to go, "You know, this just might work."
You're someone from Mayo's, too, because that and my livejournal are the only two places I've talked about that. Nice to read you here! But I thought you guys mostly didn't come here?
5:00, thank you. It does get like a crazy place over there. Since my hometown and personal info got out I've felt kinda icky.
5:52 said:
Also, if you would stop nit-picking, you would notice that the grammatical correctness and spelling here is about 500 percent better than it is on your average MCR fansite.
This is true.
Kapunua is quite happy to get up on that cross and hammer in the nails herself, she doesn't need anyone's help with that.
December 29, 2008 7:13 AM
Yeah? Give me some examples, anon. Because even when someone there made sure I lost my job, I remained pretty cheerful. Heck, even when you're over here calling me "slum princess" because you all know I live in Riverhead, I'm still laughing about that, too.
Or, you know, you could keep your bitching about me at Mayo's where you usually do it. I mean, I take it you're one of the Gerard defenders (correct me if I'm wrong although I probably won't believe you anyway :D ) but aside from that, which one are you? You can tell me. I won't spread it around or anything. ;D
I really hate it when Anons come here from Mayo's just to take nasty swipes at MJ and K. If you simply must be nasty towards them then you should really keep it at Mayo's. Most of the people, like myself, don't give a fuck about the Mayo blog or the name calling and accusations that go on there.
They're not really anons. Think about it. They hate them so much they follow them from blog to blog. It's someone with a blue name who has grown a hatred for them.
" Yeah? Give me some examples, anon. Because even when someone there made sure I lost my job, I remained pretty cheerful. Heck, even when you're over here calling me "slum princess" because you all know I live in Riverhead, I'm still laughing about that, too. "
I don't know how "cheerful" I would be if I couldn't get a man after trying all this time. At least I have someone who wants to spend their life with me. I think with your attitude no one will ever want to spend their life with you.
^^Seriously, go away anon. This isn't the place to carry out your petty vendettas. I don't think I would want to spend my life with someone who posts snide little comments about someone annonymously as you are doing. And what makes you think that just because someone is single, that it's because they couldn't get anyone. You really need to grow up and go away. You're not welcome here.
Anon, you came out of your way to find me here and take shots at me about my silly manuscript and the fact that I'm (voluntarily*) single. What made you bring your raging hate-on here to stroke it off? Here's an idea for you. If you're that hung up on me--the things I say or the fact that I think a rock star you like is a douchebag--then why not go and make an "I hate Kapu" blog? Because as much as you wish to make it so, this blog is not about me. I mean, if you're that fixated, then, you know, go all out. Hell, give the others a place to vent about me. ^_^
*Yep, someone proposed marriage to me. I told him no because I wasn't in love with him. That's the choice I made and I'm glad I made it. ^_^
I don't know how "cheerful" I would be if I couldn't get a man after trying all this time. At least I have someone who wants to spend their life with me. I think with your attitude no one will ever want to spend their life with you.
What a stupid thing to say. Are we to believe that just because someone is with you it validates you as a wonderful human being. Sheesh.
Sounds like something that would come out of the mouth of some pretty boy rock star.
I don't know how "cheerful" I would be if I couldn't get a man after trying all this time.
What a sexist, naive little brain you have. Being with a guy is not every womans ultimate goal in life. There are some females, like myself, who feel sick at the very thought of becoming married with children.
Women don't need men to validate them or make them happy. Just like men don't need women either. Some people just are ment to marry.
We're ingrained to want to get married. Saying you don't is just lying to make it seem like you really COULD if you wanted to. That makes you kind of pathetic. And stop sticking up for yourself anonymously Kapunua.
We're ingrained to want to get married. Saying you don't is just lying to make it seem like you really COULD if you wanted to. That makes you kind of pathetic. And stop sticking up for yourself anonymously Kapunua.
Not Kapunua but thanks for ASSuming.
I was ingrained to want to get married. I grew up on Disney films where the Prince and Princess always had a happy ending, but real live in very different. I don't want to get married. In fact I have 2 sisters and a brother who pretty much feel the same way I do. If you grew in a loveless marriage where your parents screamed at each other nearly everyday and slept in different rooms then you'd be a bit more understanding of why I hate the thought of getting into that situation. No, I'm not playing the "poor me" card and I don't expect sympathy. I'm just explaining to why I don't believe that marriage is right for me. My parents are only sill together because of complacency and financial reasons. I can think of nothing worse.
Marriage is a legal contract that some people just don't want anything to do with. Feeling that way and not having someone in your life 24/7 isn't being pathetic.
I don't need another person to complete me or support me.
I've been on fansites where the people said they used fake postal codes to vote because they aren't from the US or Canada.
WTF? This is for an animal shelter. It isn't Kerrang's sexiest female contest. If I had any respect for Bob (which I do not) I would be losing it right now.
You know, I almost feel like I should thank Bob for his bonehead move on the MCR web site. It's making it much easier to get over this band. I had thought the douchebaggery was all Gerard's doing & the rest of the band were suffering in silence. Clearly they're not.
«Oldest ‹Older 3401 – 3600 of 4356 Newer› Newest»I agree with everything you said, 9:26. I'd say what Gerard turns in to Scott barely even resembles the final product.
9:03, I hear you loud and clear on that one. And yup, that's exactly when I was quit with them.
A warning about Blade, it is very gory and violent. But the art is tremendous and the story is totally out there. I'm so hooked on it.
Not surprising, but Bob is being a dick again. Check out this link to the Nine Inch Nails site and read what the guy says about Bob's "dick move".
I understand Bob wanting people to vote for the shelter where he got his dogs, but it does seem to be a bit of a dick move for him to change the link from the original one he was sent and then post it on the band's website.
Maybe he should have just encouraged people to vote for their own local shelters?
why is it a dick move for bob to ask people to vote so an animal shelter can get money? idgi.
why is it a dick move for bob to ask people to vote so an animal shelter can get money? idgi.
Because his friend asked him for help with his shelter. It seems like Bob just took the idea and ran with it for his own shelter without a word to his friend. Yeah, a shelter gets money, but it was a crappy thing to do to the guy who originally asked him.
Can MCR not do anything right - they even screw up helping a charity out. From what I understand, someone e-mailed MCR telling them about the contest where one shelter will win $10,000 but instead of supporting the shelter that this guy was asking help for, Bob saw the shelter where he got his dog from was nominated and instead promoted that shelter without mentioning the original shelter the guy was asking help for. Is that right? He could have mentioned both shelters, or hell, even slipped his shelter some money himself.
This is what the guy said from the Nine Inch site if you don't want to click through.
"It's been a busy season for me and I haven't been online as much, but yesterday I got another email from my buddy on the topic. Long story short, he used to know the guys in My Chemical Romance before they got famous, and he asked one of them to maybe post his link on Twitter or something. So when they blogged about it on MCR's website, they changed the link to point to their local shelter.
Either way, really, an animal shelter's going to get a big boost and it's going to be really cool for them, but I think that was a dick move"
Yeah, it was a dick move. I mean, if I was the friend who had said, "Hey Bob, can you help me out with my charity?" and then he had gone and stolen all MY votes, I would be pretty hurt.
if I was the friend who had said, "Hey Bob, can you help me out with my charity?" and then he had gone and stolen all MY votes, I would be pretty hurt.
Yeah, and I imagine Bob's response to that would be something to the effect of, "Lighten up."
Bob's an even bigger asshole than Gerard.
I have to say even I'm a little surprised.
Ugh...comments like, "I'm in the MCRmy and was called to duty. Simple as that," make me want to puke.
I'm going to have to stop clicking on links because I can't take the stupidity of this fanbase anymore.
11.23 I was thinking the same thing. Can't they just say because i heard a story from a person who adopted two dogs from there.
Why does it have to be Bob told me to. Do they not know how stupid that makes them look sound.
That must be such a power trip for a big, fugly, dork like Bob, that he can make a bunch of little girls jump through hoops for him.
Wow, I actually thought Bob was being nice and proving that that he wasn't the sack of shit that some fans thought he was. Guess I was wrong.
I nearly voted for that place. It's a good cause after all. I filled in all the information but my postal code was rejected, probably because I'm a Brit.
I think the organisers of that contest should sift through all the votes with the names that look like they might be connected to the MCRmy and disqualifiy them. If I was that shelter, I'd be glad for the money, but I'd feel kind of shitty. They aren't winning because they are good at their job, but because mindless drones have been ordered to by Bob The Great and Powerful Troll God.
I don't think it was a power trip for him. I think he honestly wanted to do something nice.
It's just to bad that some of the fans can't think before they write. That charity isn't the place to give MCR pr
I think they might have to disqualify them. Don't you have to be 18 to participate in the voting. How many of the mcrmy that vote do you think are 18.
I don't think the 18 rule applies Martha. Otherwise, they would have asked for DOB.
New subtitle at the MCR official site:
"You go save the world, I'll just be myself."
That's been there for a while RW.
There is a variety of silly ones.
I didn't vote in that shelter contest because they wanted personal info (ie. email address) and I don't feel comfortable giving that out to sites I'm unfamiliar with.
I did, however, go to that particular shelter's site and donate directly. It was douchebaggy of Bob to snaffle his friend's idea, but that's not the shelter's fault.
I hadn't seen that particular one before, 12:30pm. Bob's "cunt art" also slipped in under my radar until quite recently. Shows how much I pay attention when I go there.
it's not worth going there RW
I thought it was just Gerard, but it seems douchebaggery is infectious.
if you don't have expectations out of them, you'll be fine
they're not that special
If you scroll down at the MM site it says this at the bottom
You will receive a weekly contest update email, and agree to the Contest Rules and Care2 terms of service. You must be 18 years of age or older to vote.
Maybe not, but they sure made themselves out to be at one point. May have just been baloney all along, but I bought into it. It's tough being that let down.
if you don't have expectations out of them, you'll be fine
they're not that special
No, they are not that special and I doubt any of us would have had any expectations had they not gone so out of their way to convince us just how special they are.
Trust me, the only thing I expect from them at this point is the worst.
they're not that special
Wow, understatement much?
No, they are not that special and I doubt any of us would have had any expectations had they not gone so out of their way to convince us just how special they are.
Trust me, the only thing I expect from them at this point is the worst.
My feelings exactly.
if someone is constantly blowing their trumpet do you believe them? i tend to watch how they behave.
actions always speak louder than words.
^True words there.
Bob's a dick.
I know, "understatment".
Urgh! Why don't I proof read?
I still hold out hope for Frank. He seems a decent guy, even if he does post pics of his dog's vagina.
^That's a sentence I never thought I'd see myself typing.
when something appears to good to be true...it usually is
pretty packages can be empty inside
" later on duke developed cancer. i started him on chemotherapy but he was too sick. when he eventually passed away mary and her daughter drove an hour to meet us at the vet. it meant a lot because i was a mess. they didnt have to do that, thats how much they care."
I wonder how these two women who selflessly helped Bob through losing his beloved pet would feel about his cunt art.
Anonymous said...
if someone is constantly blowing their trumpet do you believe them? i tend to watch how they behave.
actions always speak louder than words.
December 28, 2008 1:00 PM
Yes actions do speak louder than words but you also have to taken in to account what words were said. No one expected that they would lie about being for equal rights for women, gays and other races. Who the fuck lies about that.
No they aren't anymore special than anyone else in the world but they did seem like they were talented people who gave a fuck.
Well said, MJ. I couldn't agree more.
Is that black Sharpie on Courtney Love's stomach? Did Gerard copy that too?
What's this about CL rw?
GW never does anything orignal so I'm not surprised.
Verita's got a pic of the Cobain family up the blog main page, MJ. Courtney's got "Family Values" written across her stomach in Sharpie.
I saw that i thought you had something new
Nope. Sorry. I hadn't seen that pic before, so it was new to me.
Courtney Love's stomach killed the blog.
I am downloading stuff so my computer is running slow.
Mine's running slow today too for some reason.
Although it is going through mods, one girl said her comment was deleted as it was inappropriate, so all that will get through is the ones saying how much they love them
Really? Guess I shouldn't have bothered then, as my message will definitely not get through.
Earlier today on the lj community chemicalromance, on the post talking about Bob's plea for votes for his shelter, someone posted a lind to the nin site with the "dick move" post. Now it's gone. Deleted. I wonder if a mod did that?
Scroll to the bottom where it says deleted post.
The fansheep can't risk making their boys look bad, can they?
I'm not surprised. The MCRmy have a knack for making things disappear. If threads were people then the MCRmy would be the mafia.
Oh well, at least it's for charity and not like when Alicia went on her myspace and begged MCR fans to vote for her in that Smashbox model competition. Of course she won the popular vote, but luckily, the company had the good sense to have judges pick the winner from the top three. Needless to say, they didn't pick Alicia.
Yeah, I remember the whole Smashbox thing, it was pretty pathetic. The Way brothers' tastes in women really concerns me.
Everything about the Way Brothers concerns me.....
I know one of the mods on that lj community and trust me, they deleted it.
Oddly, the mod I know has lost her faith in MCR just as much as we have, but she's just been into the fandom for so long she can't give it up. I've found that to be the case with the few long-term fans who are still hanging on. It's the community they're holding on to more so than the band.
*the few long-term fans I know who are still hanging on.
Sorry. I felt that was important
If threads were people then the MCRmy would be the mafia.
And Gerard's their don.
I knew he had to be some sort of mafia boss!
I am joking, and yet not laughing.
Anonymous said...
I know one of the mods on that lj community and trust me, they deleted it.
I have to say I think the mods are completely insane for deleting a post like that or any post tha doesn't show the boys in a more positive light. It only leads to hero worship. Thinking that those boys are perfect and can do no wrong.
Before some ass comes on says that's what we were thinking that were perfect, it wasn't. We just thought that they were people who believed enough in something to stand up for it. We also thought they didn't care about having a rock image.
It also makes the fans look like crazy fan girls and would scare away any of the male rock fans that might like them. What male in their right mind would want to hang out with a bunch of girls who think that MCR are gods who walk the earth. No matter how good you think the music is.
Oddly, the mod I know has lost her faith in MCR just as much as we have, but she's just been into the fandom for so long she can't give it up. I've found that to be the case with the few long-term fans who are still hanging on. It's the community they're holding on to more so than the band.
It's hard to leave people you consider your friends behind. But I find it odd that she has lost faith in them but still deleted the post.
"It's hard to leave people you consider your friends behind. But I find it odd that she has lost faith in them but still deleted the post."
I find that weird too. Maybe she didn't want all the drama it would bring.
It isn't like the guy was rude about it. He just said it was a dick move on Bob's part. Bob could have mention the other shelter as well and he could have asked that they donate a few dollars to one and vote for the other.
They are the mcrmy after all and when they are called to duty they respond.
The fangirls would have probably flipped a shit at the thought of someone calling out one of their ~*idols, no matter how nice the guy was about it.
They'll outgrow the MCRmy nonsense eventually.
Sooner rather than later would be my preference.
Like they don't already flip a shit about those guys. It would be good for them to see that it isn't only ex fans who have a problem with something they have done.
I can see them getting made and going to the NIN forum and telling them to STFU and take it back.
RW your still around?
Unfortunately, I can see that too.
Yup :) For a little while longer. I had to log off for a bit as my computer started running really slowly, and i had to have a bath anyway.
Sorry to change the subject, but something I've noticed lately in some recent interviews (such as this one) that Gerard seems to be really adamant about expressing that the new album is going to be very different from the Black Parade. He seems sort of embarrassed by it and probably wishes they made it differently, or that it atleast was recieved differently from people and didn't bring such an "emo"/fangirl following. I get the feeling this next record is going to be about breaking free from the image od TBP more than making good music, but I don't honestly know if it was ever about the music with them.
It is good to see you over here.
You may be right, 6:45pm. I happen to think TBP was a great album, but I appear to be in the minority on that. I don't think Gerard even believes that any more.
I was lurking around in here earlier, MJ, reading comments & so many of them were bang-on and funny to boot. Cheered me up no end.
Sorry, I don't think that was the interview I meant to post, but you still kind of get the felling from it.
I thought it was good too, but it also brought a lot of the band a lot of shit, and I don't think Gerard is the kind of person that's equipped to deal with that.
I think TBP was a bad time for him in his personal life. Also TBP didn't do as well as they expected and it wasn't received well by the male rock fans.
Funny thing a lot of the fans girls on BN didn't like it they thought it was to commercial. Which means he is going to do some crappy under ground sounding bullshit CD this time.
I think he is going to find that TBP isn't as bad as he is feeling because I get the felling that the next CD is going to be him giving the finger to the fans he blames for the band not doing well. Why else would he hang out with a band who thinks treating their fans like shit is hxc
The new album's going to be shitty, I can feel it. It's obvious that all they care about now is being MSI.
I dread the new album. To tell you the truth, I have a lot of trouble listening to TBP these days. Gerard's ruined it for me.
It is a good CD it just needs time for it to gain a following. If the boys hadn't decided to hang with msi I think the cd would have gone on to have a following.
But he aliented a lot of fans who liked them for more than just their pretty faces. And hooked up with a joke band.
I can't listen to any of it. Not even the piano and string versions of the songs.
I took them off of my ipod along with Linkin Park.
I still listen to the first two albums, but I haven't been able to listen to any of TBP in months.
Anyway, time for me to turn in. Have a good night, MJ & anons :)
I like TBP, but it got old fast. It never kept my attention like Revenge and Bullets, it wasn't as believable.
One thing about TBP, for all it's got good songs there isn't one on there that's as good as Helena. That song is something else.
Anyway, signing off...
'Night :)
True, Helena is one of a kind, probably because it came from such a personal place, that is, if Gerard wasn't lying about that too.
I think the problem with TBP is the band was trying to do something "great" as opposed to just doing what they felt. Gerard talked a lot about how this was going to be their "big one" and how he didn't know how they were going to top it. I even remember him saying something like they felt like they were making their sixth record instead of their third.
One of my very good friends who stopped being a fan right after TBP used to always tell me that if they had just made their third record, she would probably still be a fan.
I think TBP was a really good stretch for MCR musically. I mean all of their albums sounded different from the previous which was one of the many reasons I fell in love with the music. The problem with TBP was that it had all this marketing attached to it. Gerard was suddenly a cropped blonde, matching outfits, a story line involving "the patient", and yada yada yada. It totally took away from the music and it was the marketing and the push to pop radio that brought in a new wave of fan girls.
Yes, what Bob did was a dick move but I have the hardest time seeing Bob as an ass just because he was so pleasant and nice to me when I met him in April. Same for Frank in August. I've always had good expierences when meeting anyone in the band, except of course for Gerard who started out nice but was a total prick by mid 2007.
I want so badly to just release this band from my life because the drama is just...ugggg. And yet here I am still reading about them and wondering what the new record will be and bla bla bla. Am I the only one left with lingering hope?
Good night RW.
I think you re right anon MCR should have just made their 3rd CD and left it at that.
I keep thinking about no doubt and how with their CD Return to Saturn which was their 3rd they tried to make it this great Album. and it didn't do as well. Than with Rock Steady they went back to just making a CD and it did well.
They should stop trying to make a master piece that will attract non emo fan girls and just make music. Don't try to prove anything to anyone.
7.22 no you aren't. I know that the band will never be the same to me again but I can't stop thinking that maybe this is just a rebellious phase.
It seems to me like mid-way through Revenge, after the Helena video came out and the band actually started to see success, the band's whole philosophy kind of switched from being about the music to being about image and sales figures, etc. Of course, they would deny it. In fact, I don't think they even realized it themselves, but if you watch LOTMS, you can almost pinpoint exactly when it started to happen.
I think they lost their original vision for the band around that time and if they're going to ever be a real band again, they need to get it back.
I agree. I think that in the beginning it really was about music and friendship and not caring about success because they simply didn't have it. If they had of accepted success as a simple bonus and stayed focused on the music their career might of lasted a good long while because their original fanbase would have stuck around. Now that they are losing their die hard fans and are left with many fans who will move on with the next fad their success will be relatively short lived.
Somebody should sit them down and make them read all of their press and watch all of their interviews starting from 2002 to the present. I imagine they would be shocked to see the changes in themselves.
I think MJ is a lot of the anons here. It's funny how they both got the "felling" about something Gerard said.
I know that the band will never be the same to me again but I can't stop thinking that maybe this is just a rebellious phase.
or an identity phase, post infamy
I think MJ is a lot of the anons here. It's funny how they both got the "felling" about something Gerard said.
Oh, go away. That's a relatively common typo. There are lots of us. Get over it.
Somebody should sit them down and make them read all of their press and watch all of their interviews starting from 2002 to the present. I imagine they would be shocked to see the changes in themselves.
i don't think they would be shocked, more surprised about how naive they were.
Actually, she's not, I am just a lazy ass who doesn't want to bother with typing my name. Perhaps we just all share a similar mind frame which is why we are all here in the first place.
i don't think they would be shocked, more surprised about how naive they were.
And I suppose you think now that they're less naive and less likable they're better off?
People can lose their naivete without becoming a bunch of arrogant jackasses.
Anonymous said...
I think MJ is a lot of the anons here. It's funny how they both got the "felling" about something Gerard said.
December 28, 2008 8:00 PM
I go away for a bit and I come back to find that I am an anon. Except I am not. I know that some of you want to believe that there is no way anyone could not like you beloved mcr/msi but people don't like them.
As another person said writing felling instead of feeling is a very common think to do.
People can lose their naivete without becoming a bunch of arrogant jackasses.
true. i suppose that depends on who you hang around with
It depends on if you know who you are. If you will become a jerk or not.
It depends on if you know who you are.
not everyone does
No not everyone does and Gerard seems to be one of the people who doesn't
In retrospect I think they would all be shocked at just how much the band changed except for Gerard who would just chuck it up to getting older and growing as an artist. The same bullshit all his fansheep have been feeding us since people first started to call him out on his crap.
I don't think he would think he has grown as an artist. I think the Gerard now would just say this is who I am now and I am great and this band is the greatest band ever.
exactly martha i don't think they would be shocked at all.
they would only be shocked if they acknowledge their change as negative
True, I think he thinks that about himself, but he is a bit delusional. I think he would try and fool himself into believing its "growth as a person and artist" as opposed to just becoming an arrogant douchebag.
I think he would try and fool himself into believing its "growth as a person and artist" as opposed to just becoming an arrogant douchebag.
maybe the potential was always there
Anonymous said...
I think MJ is a lot of the anons here. It's funny how they both got the "felling" about something Gerard said.
I don't got the "felling" about what gerard said. just im not a fangirl . i like to be objective. i can speak my mind here without having to worry about getting 53 comments from angry fans that think everything mcr do is perfect .i'd never go to a place like bn to post 'cause i know all my posts would be deleted. and im certainly not the type of fan who enjoys to post msgs about how hot gerard is bla blab la..
Bn I so hate that place. Even when I was on there I hated it but it didn't seem as bad as the other places.
i think the "army" is sillier
I like how everyone who calls one of you on something having nothing to do with MCR is an MCR fansheep.
I can't stand MCR just as much as any of you but when you all make the same stupid mistakes it makes you look bad. Some of you sound more stupid than the worst MCR fangirl who is average about 13 years old and never bothered to learn how to spell.
We're supposed to be better than that.
Don't go ASSuming that just because someone calls you on something they love or even like MCR. That's just a bad excuse.
Well don't assume that just because people are typing quickly and making common typos that we're all the same person. We're not here to win points for who has the best grammar and spelling, we're here to voice our concerns and vent our frustrations.
Anonymous said...
I like how everyone who calls one of you on something having nothing to do with MCR is an MCR fan sheep.
I can't stand MCR just as much as any of you but when you all make the same stupid mistakes it makes you look bad. Some of you sound more stupid than the worst MCR fan girl who is average about 13 years old and never bothered to learn how to spell.
We're supposed to be better than that.
Don't go ASSuming that just because someone calls you on something they love or even like MCR. That's just a bad excuse.
December 28, 2008 9:02 PM
As someone said we aren't here to win any points and I really don't care if I sound stupid.
If you don't want to get called a fan sheep than don't act like one. No one here cares about typos or bad grammar with the exception of mcr/msi fans who come here to harass us. Or saying that one person must be all of the anons.
We all pretty much feel the same way so when mistakes are made we still under stand what the person is trying to say. And that is what should matter
martha i read your post about downloading j-rock
i'm posting the link here for you
there is this site (in french)
or this site, but you have to pay for the music
hope that helps
Thank you so much 9.32
you are most welcome martha
I hope you didn't have to go to a lot of trouble to get those links to me.
No, not at all
I'm an avid j-rock fan
I am becoming more of a J rock/pop fan. I have been disappointed by to many American bands.
With J rock/pop i only know a little bit about the band so if there is drama with them I won't know.
some unbelievable music is coming out of Japan. it's very exciting.
i think it's picked up a lot of attention
another thing i've noticed is that many of the male vocalists have incredible range
Yes I have noticed that about a lot of them as well.
I just hope that becoming popular in non America doesn't change them.
i don't how they will react seeing they come from a vastly different culture
at least we always have some good music to fall back on
Thank god for the different culture. There is no way an American act could do half the things they do.
very true
the visual kei movement is the japanese answer to glam rock, but slightly more outrageous.
Pretty boys sing emo, hard rock, death rock and any other kind of outer music. Dress in all kinds of outfits. Nope couldn't do that here in America. Male rock fans would tear them apart.
yes they would. but the funny thing is that j-rock has a huge american male following, and i'm not talking teenagers either.
they may dress like that in some japanese bands, but they still think of themselves as very masculine.
they're more like colorful peacocks
I can see how they would. I just don't think it would be the same if it became more main stream.
in my mind mainstream equals mass consumption.
and the masses like the familiar and not too unusual
Japanese punk/rock music is far from familiar. But than again Spanish speaking rappers are now a big thing so anything is possible.
anything is possible
it's the globalization of the market
musicians must have that in mind
each person that supports an alternative market may not support them
food for thought
Do you watch anime because I was wondering if you ever saw a show called Detroit Metal City it is about a visual death metal band.
i watch some, not that much
interesting anime ^_^
goodnight martha
Sorry about disappearing. I was cooking
However, the publishing company is really stringent, and there is no way in this world or the next that Gerard could have pitched his idea to Dark Horse and gotten a deal without being Gerard Way from MCR.
I'm so sorry that your manuscript was rejected by another publishing company.
Is that black Sharpie on Courtney Love's stomach? Did Gerard copy that too?
Yeah it's the fangirls who are ignorant. Uh huh.
I'm so sorry that your manuscript was rejected by another publishing company.
Do you know how many people have rejected manuscripts? I'm sure Gerard Way has a drawer full of them if he was trying to get into the comic book industry before MCR like he says (although who knows, the dude lies a lot).
Personal attacks are the one thing that is not welcome here.
No, you are not sorry. You are attempting to make one person's opinion less valid here by personalizing it, but you are only succeeding in making yourself seem petty and foolish.
This is not Mayo's. We won't rally behind you and allow you to crucify one of our own.
Personal attacks are the one thing that is not welcome here.
No, you are not sorry. You are attempting to make one person's opinion less valid here by personalizing it, but you are only succeeding in making yourself seem petty and foolish.
This is not Mayo's. We won't rally behind you and allow you to crucify one of our own.
Well said, 5:00.
Anonymous said...
Is that black Sharpie on Courtney Love's stomach? Did Gerard copy that too?
Yeah it's the fangirls who are ignorant. Uh huh.
December 29, 2008 4:55 AM
Yes, fangirls are ignorant. Isn't everyone is someway?
Don't go ASSuming that just because someone calls you on something they love or even like MCR. That's just a bad excuse.
December 28, 2008 9:02 PM
And perhaps you shouldn't go ASSuming that just because an anon makes a typo similar to one that MJ has made, said anon is MJ.
Also, if you would stop nit-picking, you would notice that the grammatical correctness and spelling here is about 500 percent better than it is on your average MCR fansite. Also, the guys in the band make their share of typos on their own so-called professional blogs. So, I don't think we need to worry too much about a few typos making us look bad.
martha you don't have a blog so i'm going to post this here.
in addition to the links i gave you i wanted to show you this great ballad.
it's very layered and complex, complete with double necked guitar, and wonderful guitar solo. this band is great example of visual kei
the gazette guren
others i recommend are
japan x - crucify my love
dir en grey - dozen green
mucc - gerbera
despairs ray - horizon
there's a lot of great music when you go looking
It doesn't invalidate someone's opinion to point out that there may be some bias in that opinion.
We won't rally behind you and allow you to crucify one of our own.
Kapunua is quite happy to get up on that cross and hammer in the nails herself, she doesn't need anyone's help with that.
"I think MJ is a lot of the anons here."
shocked, shocked i tell you.
If you don't want to get called a fan sheep than don't act like one. No one here cares about typos or bad grammar with the exception of mcr/msi fans who come here to harass us.
To be honest, Martha, I don't guess that MCR/MSI fansheep care about that stuff either. O_o I don't tend to generalize and I try to avoid it as a rule, but from what I've seen of that lot, fansheep are not the brightest lights in the harbor and there's a lot of "MCR RULEZZZZzzzzz LOLZIES I LEIK TOTLY LUV DEM!!1111 I WUD DO LYNZ HAhahaa!11111 Her is seeeewww hottt!!11 THERE BAYBIES IS GUNNA B HOTT!!11eleventy!!!11"
That's my little fangirl impression. The point is that I really don't suspect that the typical fansheep cares how they spell things. Especially ones who listen to MSI. They're not exactly inspirational when it comes to getting an education.
I'm so sorry that your manuscript was rejected by another publishing company.
December 29, 2008 4:46 AM
Thanks, anon. I'm going to keep trying. The editor actually wrote me a letter and he suggested that I try to make it more "marketable." Kinda like with Twilight, I guess. The thing is, I don't think I can change the way I think. I can sure change my writing style, but my ideas were what inspired me to write books, and those are things I don't wish to change. So hopefully I'll find a niche market or an editor weird enough to go, "You know, this just might work."
You're someone from Mayo's, too, because that and my livejournal are the only two places I've talked about that. Nice to read you here! But I thought you guys mostly didn't come here?
5:00, thank you. It does get like a crazy place over there. Since my hometown and personal info got out I've felt kinda icky.
5:52 said:
Also, if you would stop nit-picking, you would notice that the grammatical correctness and spelling here is about 500 percent better than it is on your average MCR fansite.
This is true.
Kapunua is quite happy to get up on that cross and hammer in the nails herself, she doesn't need anyone's help with that.
December 29, 2008 7:13 AM
Yeah? Give me some examples, anon. Because even when someone there made sure I lost my job, I remained pretty cheerful. Heck, even when you're over here calling me "slum princess" because you all know I live in Riverhead, I'm still laughing about that, too.
Or, you know, you could keep your bitching about me at Mayo's where you usually do it. I mean, I take it you're one of the Gerard defenders (correct me if I'm wrong although I probably won't believe you anyway :D ) but aside from that, which one are you? You can tell me. I won't spread it around or anything. ;D
I really hate it when Anons come here from Mayo's just to take nasty swipes at MJ and K. If you simply must be nasty towards them then you should really keep it at Mayo's. Most of the people, like myself, don't give a fuck about the Mayo blog or the name calling and accusations that go on there.
They're not really anons. Think about it. They hate them so much they follow them from blog to blog. It's someone with a blue name who has grown a hatred for them.
Such as?
Saying their names will only start more trouble.
December 28, 2008 9:32
Than you so much I will check them out. My blog is on break right now. I don't have anything I want to say on it.
On the anons it could be any number of people. Just because they lack the calling card spelling and grammar of the fans doesn't mean they aren't.
In the early days of the blog we had a visit from some of the older fans, Don't know if they even care about us any more so I can say if it is them.
And lets not forget my run in with an msi defender who wrote well bad still felt the need to call me a certain word. The fans can be well written.
Yeah? Give me some examples, anon. Because even when someone there made sure I lost my job, I remained pretty cheerful. Heck, even when you're over here calling me "slum princess" because you all know I live in Riverhead, I'm still laughing about that, too.
I don't know how "cheerful" I would be if I couldn't get a man after trying all this time. At least I have someone who wants to spend their life with me. I think with your attitude no one will ever want to spend their life with you.
What the hell is your problem?
^^Seriously, go away anon. This isn't the place to carry out your petty vendettas. I don't think I would want to spend my life with someone who posts snide little comments about someone annonymously as you are doing. And what makes you think that just because someone is single, that it's because they couldn't get anyone. You really need to grow up and go away. You're not welcome here.
Thank you guys.
Anon, you came out of your way to find me here and take shots at me about my silly manuscript and the fact that I'm (voluntarily*) single. What made you bring your raging hate-on here to stroke it off? Here's an idea for you. If you're that hung up on me--the things I say or the fact that I think a rock star you like is a douchebag--then why not go and make an "I hate Kapu" blog? Because as much as you wish to make it so, this blog is not about me. I mean, if you're that fixated, then, you know, go all out. Hell, give the others a place to vent about me. ^_^
*Yep, someone proposed marriage to me. I told him no because I wasn't in love with him. That's the choice I made and I'm glad I made it. ^_^
I don't know how "cheerful" I would be if I couldn't get a man after trying all this time. At least I have someone who wants to spend their life with me. I think with your attitude no one will ever want to spend their life with you.
What a stupid thing to say. Are we to believe that just because someone is with you it validates you as a wonderful human being. Sheesh.
Sounds like something that would come out of the mouth of some pretty boy rock star.
I don't know how "cheerful" I would be if I couldn't get a man after trying all this time.
What a sexist, naive little brain you have. Being with a guy is not every womans ultimate goal in life. There are some females, like myself, who feel sick at the very thought of becoming married with children.
Women don't need men to validate them or make them happy. Just like men don't need women either. Some people just are ment to marry.
We're ingrained to want to get married. Saying you don't is just lying to make it seem like you really COULD if you wanted to. That makes you kind of pathetic. And stop sticking up for yourself anonymously Kapunua.
ingrained to get married?
Hey, I'm definitely not Kapunua. What petty, silly nonsense.
You must have taken a leaf out of the GW handbook for relationships. I'm amazing I've got someone. Wowho!
Doesn't really matter who that someone is.
Go back to mayo's and stay there.
We're ingrained to want to get married. Saying you don't is just lying to make it seem like you really COULD if you wanted to. That makes you kind of pathetic. And stop sticking up for yourself anonymously Kapunua.
Not Kapunua but thanks for ASSuming.
I was ingrained to want to get married. I grew up on Disney films where the Prince and Princess always had a happy ending, but real live in very different. I don't want to get married. In fact I have 2 sisters and a brother who pretty much feel the same way I do. If you grew in a loveless marriage where your parents screamed at each other nearly everyday and slept in different rooms then you'd be a bit more understanding of why I hate the thought of getting into that situation. No, I'm not playing the "poor me" card and I don't expect sympathy. I'm just explaining to why I don't believe that marriage is right for me. My parents are only sill together because of complacency and financial reasons. I can think of nothing worse.
Marriage is a legal contract that some people just don't want anything to do with. Feeling that way and not having someone in your life 24/7 isn't being pathetic.
I don't need another person to complete me or support me.
Thank you Martha.
You are welcome
Bob is thanking the drones for voting. Only two more votes and they have the #1 spot.
Not right. That other shelter deserves it more.
Sorry, misread it. They are #1 but the other shelter is only two votes behind.
Hopefully NIN has more fans than MCR, which is why they're so close in votes. Only MCR has more crazy obsessed teen girls to keep voting nonstop.
WTF doses he mean he didn't know that creating fake emails was against the rule. Who the fuck doesn't know that
Not right. That other shelter deserves it more.
i think any shelter deserves something. whoever gets it, it is doing good to neglected animals.
don't forget that.
i think Bob is just really passionate about it cos he loves his dogs and has seen what this shelter has to offer.
i certainly would not bitch at him for that.
oh and that's me in and out! i have just had a bit of a catch up here! man you guys can chin wag for england!!
gotta go!
oh and stop bitching at Kapunua you strange and nasty anons!!
i know she doesn't give a shit but it's not necessary!
WTF doses he mean he didn't know that creating fake emails was against the rule. Who the fuck doesn't know that
Are you really surprised? Bob isn't exactly Mr. Ethics is he?
hi martha jones!!
really gotta go now!!
take care.
later fasc
It sad that the shelters will be the ones to suffer because of this
Wow, he's soooo hxc!! Not sure if its real though..
Bob's a bit of a tool. One that carves "cunt" out of wood, apparantly.
Hello RW. Bob bought the letter to spell out that word at some store.
I think that picture is real. I think it is from when he went blond.
Also thinks are not looking good for the Watchmen release.
I've been on fansites where the people said they used fake postal codes to vote because they aren't from the US or Canada.
WTF? This is for an animal shelter. It isn't Kerrang's sexiest female contest. If I had any respect for Bob (which I do not) I would be losing it right now.
I think someone said it was from the Desolation Row shoot, but that doesn;t really make sense. You're probably right MJ.
You mean it's not even his own home-made art, MJ? Deary me.
I think he bought those letters when he was in LA.
The picture of Gerard the way his hair looks makes me think he was going blond or back to black.
If you can vote than just go to pay pals and give then some money. No need to cheat.
Maybe it was even from his short-lived *~pink phase.
Don't think it was his pink phase. He looks chubbier in that pic than he did when his hair was pink.
So Fox is asking for a delay on the release of Watchmen, huh?
I wonder if Gerard is stomping his foot and pitching a hissy?
In other words, he looked like he was living on a diet of actual food than on nicotine and hopeful desperation.
I wonder if Gerard is stomping his foot and pitching a hissy?
I'd pay to see that. Oh wait, I have.
I wonder what will happen with their video for the movie.
If the dude acts like that in public, can you imagine the kind of diva fits he throws in private?
Two-year olds everwhere would be proud, 4:04pm
I wonder what will happen with their video for the movie.
Hopefully, it will be delayed indefinitely. The longer I go without having to hear from MCR the better.
You know, I almost feel like I should thank Bob for his bonehead move on the MCR web site. It's making it much easier to get over this band. I had thought the douchebaggery was all Gerard's doing & the rest of the band were suffering in silence. Clearly they're not.
It's a shame for Watchmen fans, though. I feel bad for Patrick Wilson because he seems so excited for it to come out.
They shouldn't have involved MCR. It seems as though delays follow them around.
I think maybe Bob's the biggest douchebag of them all.
No, wait. What was I thinking? Nobody can top Gerard in the douchebag department. Bob's a strong #2.
I think dick would be better because of the dick move he made.
Gerard's been public about his douchebaggery. Bob's been a closet dick.
it's always the quiet ones.
So, do you think they'll disqualify all the voters who made up emails or faked their zip codes?
I hope they do. I mean, it sucks for the shelter, but it seems unfair for them to win when people are cheating.
I wonder what doucheness the others have been up to that we don't know about yet.
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