Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"

It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.

(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).


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Martha Smith-Jones said...

Also if she isn't suppose to travel she would be putting the baby's life at risk so it matters than too.

Anonymous said...

martha my comment was to 11:35

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Oh sorry about that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Got carried away and didn't know who I was talking to.

Anonymous said...

martha it's fine

you don't have to like the band

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Right should be write.

I don't like them anymore. I am pissed and disappointed at/in them.

Anonymous said...

confronting reality is always difficult

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I confronted that reality a while back. I should have know a rock band that had good intentions and cared. If it sounds to good to be true than it must be.

Anonymous said...

martha i still believe that there are some that still aspire to that in some form.

however i have come to the conclusion that the industry and it's objectives are incompatible with lofty aspirations

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Industry doesn't help but i you believe in what you say, you will find a way to use it to stay true to your beliefs. It won't be easy and you may get ridiculed

Anonymous said...

not everyone knows how to handle ridicule

sometimes people just change...you don't know why

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No, you don't know why. So you can either accept, walk away or fight about. the change. I am in the mood to fight because I spent money.

Anonymous said...

and that is your prerogative martha.

i respect that. i prefer fighters and those who are more objective, than the fangirling.

the ass kissing is deplorable.

Anonymous said...

so are they in hawaii right now? i thought it was only bob.
that pic he posted of "Gerard and the instructor having a good time"made me laugh big style.

that's not the real gerard is it? even if he is. the pic makes me laugh for a weird reason..

ok let's change the subject!

wasn't the fact of lindsey being hospitalized for a collapsed lung back in 05 put the baby's life on risk? i mean she is still smoking and stuff ... :S and she is not as young .

Anonymous said...

**oopss sorry it was in 2002

Anonymous said...

I don't think she smokes anymore.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you.

I don't know much about Lindsy before Gerard. But my guess would be any major health problem wouldn't be good for the baby

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Now that she is pregnant I hope not.

Anonymous said...

lets hope 1:04 is right and she is taking responsibility for both their health.

i know when it is my turn i will try to do the best for the my baby.

Anonymous said...

well if she had healthy problems before, and then all the smoking, (even if she doesn't do it anymore)and if there was drug abuse, age bla bla, i don't think all that would be good for the baby and i don't think it would be good for her to travel either. but well maybe now that they want to be seen as hardcore ppl they just don't care...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If that is the case than they are very sad people.

Anonymous said...

oh and let's not forget the fact of being around with ppl like jimmy urine & co. :-|

didn't gerard just say months ago, he wasn't ready to be a parent yet?

i think the notice took them by surprise. but there's no way back now..

Anonymous said...

well regardless she may be in the care of a good obstetrician who will look after her.

martha, you still around?

Martha Smith-Jones said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Even if she is in the care of a good doctor, it is still up to her to do what the doctor tells her.

Anonymous said...

well if you're fucking, there's always that possibility...

it could have been planned...you never know.

Anonymous said...

true martha, let's hope all the rumors are untrue and she is following the doctor's advice.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Unless she was looking for a way out of her band i don't think it was planned.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't hold out much hope

Anonymous said...

people can only speculate

only they truly know...

Anonymous said...

changing the subject...

i hear a rumor that dir en grey are a support act for them. is that true?

Anonymous said...

well if you're fucking, there's always that possibility...

it could have been planned...you never know.

there are ppl having sex who don't want a baby, and they still dont take any resposibilities or even bother wearing a condom,pills etc.. why?.. i have no idea.

well, maybe lindsey really wanted a baby, i'm just not so sure about gerard... but yeah...who knows!
Let's just hope the best for the baby.

nice cat/shark icon btw, martha.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

They aren't the only ones that know the true. Even if you speculate you have a 50/50 chance of being right.

Anonymous said...

changing the subject...

i hear a rumor that dir en grey are a support act for them. is that true?

For the kerrang tour.

Anonymous said...

omg martha!

even though i'm really not much into dir, they will kick their ass!

j-rock is so fresh and unique

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I forgot that I had put some water on to heat up for tea. I burnt a whole in the water kettle.

Anonymous said...

are you okay there martha? apart from the burnt kettle...hope nothing else is damaged.

Anonymous said...

haa it'd be fun to watch them being bottled :D i wonder how they would react like....

they'd probably say the audience was "jealous" of G/L new baby.

Anonymous said...

martha i really hope everything is okay with you.

TL, you appear very interested in this baby. i'm inclined to believe he wants the child as much as she does.

anyway, i have to go

oyasumi nasai/goodnight

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I had to restart my computer. Everything is well on my end. Thank you for asking. Goodnight to you anon.

TL I think that would be how they reacted to being bottled. But I think it hurt them more that people didn't even think enough of them to bottle them and only MCR fangirls for Lindsy paid them any attention.

Anonymous said...

TL, you appear very interested in this baby. i'm inclined to believe he wants the child as much as she does.

nope,i just thought i would bought up the subject after reading about if lindsey is allowed to travel or not,bla bla if that's ok?
i hope i didnt bother anyone with that

i guess we have had enough of baby talking

and on about the kerrang fest, yeah nothing hurts more than being ignored.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Didn't bother me. I must be off to bed


Anonymous said...

nighty night

Anonymous said...

I imagine hardcore rockstars sit around in seedy clubs drinking and smoking, writing new songs. MCR go to hawaii to go scuba diving and rock climbing. And they wonder why they will never be taken seriously by mainstream rock fans.

Anonymous said...

so that guy on the pic is it really gerard? :S

i know it says it is him but ,damn i thought it was a joke..

Anonymous said...

I think the photos that Bob posted are old.....

The one where Mikey's being attacked by a giant dog is funny.

Anonymous said...

YEAP, i like it when they post pics of their dogs.

Anonymous said...

If any rock music fan somehow magically finds their website to have a look what MCR are about, I think they will know it immediately in the moment they're reading the word FIERCE in capital letters among the other tags!
What's next? A cover of YMCA?

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone in the press is going to be concerned enough about Gerard and Lindsey's baby to want pictures, etc.

Lindsey isn't well known like Ashlee Simpson and for all of Gerard's fansheep, MCR isn't as popular as Fall Out Boy.

Pete Wentz has gotten his name out there via the famous girls he's dated, the crowd he hangs with, the parties he goes to, etc. The mainstream public has seen him and knows who he is. Gerard, not so much.

Besides, can you really see Lindsey with her arm cock on the cover of People Magazine?

I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

i love how Gerard keeps typing these posts about how he is so busy with work and the other guys keep throwing him under the bus by posting pics of him scuba diving in Hawaii and go kart racing...lol

Anonymous said...

wait...what happened to the portrait of bob's mother?

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to throw this out there about Lindsey not touring but still maybe/probably going to Hawaii. A pregnant woman can fly up into her last trimester, but it would most likely be unsafe for her to be touring and performing on stage. All that jumping around and flinging the bass wouldn't be the smartest idea for a pregnant woman entering her second trimester. Plus, she herself says she can't keep clean while on tour and personal hygeine is important when your pregnant.

I'm happy she isn't touring with MSI, and I hope that this baby brings about the end of that band. Without her the fangirls won't have any reason to be there and MSI can go back to being an underground band most people have never heard of. My feelings on MCR are so confusing I can't stand it. Gerard is a douche but my expierences with the other members makes me hold out hope that maybe the band will get back to where they were.

Anonymous said...

Of course, the alternative scenario is that, with an actual musician in Lyn-Z's place, MSI rise up to the forefront of electronic-art-pussy-punk-whatever and take over the world...

*wakes up screaming and sweating from nightmarish vision*


Anonymous said...

Gerard looks like Mr Potato Head with those goggles on in the scuba pic.

Anonymous said...

wait...what happened to the portrait of bob's mother?

December 23, 2008 6:22 AM


I think Bob put it off the wall and gave it to Gerard for the nursery.
Thereby the baby will immediately know from the start what to expect in the future and how it will be treated and seen by men.
Assuming that it will be a girl, of course.
And if it will be a boy he learns right at the beginnig of his life what to think of women and how they should be treated according to his father, his mother and all of their dear friends.

Anonymous said...

All the fangirls are in a flurry because there's a tag on Mikey's dog photo "my nieces gonna love this." I guess they don't know fans can add tags, too.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to throw this out there about Lindsey not touring but still maybe/probably going to Hawaii. A pregnant woman can fly up into her last trimester, but it would most likely be unsafe for her to be touring and performing on stage. All that jumping around and flinging the bass wouldn't be the smartest idea for a pregnant woman entering her second trimester. Plus, she herself says she can't keep clean while on tour and personal hygiene is important when your pregnant.

If she can still travel she can still get up there and do what ever it is she does on stage. It won't affect the baby.

Because Lucy Lawless and the woman who played her side kick on Xena both got pregnant during the filming and continued to perform. I am sure they had to do a lot more movement than Lindsey.

I was think that if she isn't playing with msi than she must have something like when the women re ordered on bed rest.

But these are theories seeing as I have no idea were the women is. All we know is that Gerard is/was/has been in Hawaii and it was assumed she was there to. Which to me would mean she isn't on tour with her band. If she is running around all over the place with Gerard why can't she do her performance art with the bass on tour with msi.

I think this is something all those fansheep who spent money to go see her on tour should be asking.

Anonymous said...

Women today work right up until the last few weeks of their pregnancies - if they want to keep their jobs, that is.

The Relentless Tour tickets went on sale way before the pregnancy was announced and I'm sure that lots of Ger-Z fangirls bought them with the expectations of seeing their "feminist hero."

If she was any kind of "performer" she would at least do that tour. After all, she doesn't have to crowd surf or do backbends while she pretends to play her bass. She could always do her other trademark: skip around the stage while she pretends to play her bass.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I just read a blind item that reminds me of Gerard.

Toothy Tile, we hardly knew ya. Last week it was signed confidentiality agreements with your male paramours (other than your main man); this week it's far, far, far worse: pretend, horrible sex with a member of the opposite sex, in hopes that your studly reputation will somehow be fixed. Ain't gonnna work—here's why:

Repeat Blind Vice offender Toothy has a former fling running her (yes, her) mouth around town about a drug-infested hookup with Mr. Tile. Do tell, babes! Apparently, T.T. banged said blabber to try to prove to himself—or more importantly, the powers that be (managers, publicists, the public) that he isn't gay. See, the more chicks he hooks, the farther back in the closet he goes; just how his handlers want it.

Eh, not really the best plan, as Tooth's last female "lover," if you could call her that, has been yapping away about her evening with the now A-list famous type. But it wasn't exactly candles and cuddles like you'd think.

Try tons of coke. Toothy would make this lady blow lines all over his tight bod until he was “numb,” bitched the gal who did the blowing. Then they could get down to business in what we're told were very "interesting" positions, i.e., painfully unnatural and not exactly enjoyable.

As disturbing as this news is, we must say we feel a bit sorry for our beloved Tooth (not to mention the used honey). This all took place, we're told, before Tile hooked up with his current beard, right when he was adamantly told not to come out, so it's no wonder he turned to drugs.

What's next? Meth with Morgan Mayhem? Pray not.

And It Ain't: All 3 Jonas Bros.

Anonymous said...

If Lindsey were a true musician she would be able to perform up until the third trimester when flying would become an issue.

But, seeing as how what she does is tantamount to what strippers do (only with a bass instead of a pole), it makes sense for her to quit now. After all, who wants to look at a stripper with a big belly?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If they had her up there with the big belly they would get a whole new class of fan. One that might scare of the ger-z fan girls.

Siobhan do you happen to know who they are talking about in those comments you posted.

Anonymous said...

They think it's Jakey Gyllenhaal.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you Siobhan.

I was over at ONTD! http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/

They are talking about the watchmen video . Scroll down you will find the story.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if the baby will do a back bend out of Lindsey's vag when she is giving birth.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

You think she will be able to give birth through her vag.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey will probably have a c section because there's too much cheese down there for the baby to to pass through.

Anonymous said...

LMAO, anon!

I think so too. It would have to crawl through the tunnel of Gerard's cum cheese and her rotten oyster pudding to see the light.
That's too much for a newborn.

Anonymous said...

God, what typical ONTD fare. The same three or four people commenting about how much they love MCR while nobody else gives a shit.

Anonymous said...

^ikr? i've known two of those girls since way back when and they eat, breathe, sleep and shit MCR. it's kind of sad because they've been doing it for a while now and it's time for them to fucking move on.

Anonymous said...

I respect the fact that many women work for extended periods of time before giving birth. I still think though that a touring enviroment would not be what's best for the baby. It really has nothing to do with Lindsey so much as what the late night gigs, 2nd hand smoke, cramped sleeping quarters ect would do to her physically and thus the affect this could pose an the unborn fetus. Don't think for a minute that I'm a Lindsey fangirl and this is a "defense" of her. I just think that her desicion to quit touring was the wisest for her child.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I hope that was her reason for not touring as well anon but I don't believe it. I have a very low opinion of her and so far she hasn't done anything to change my mind about her.

Anonymous said...

Let's just all be happy that we don't have to see her ugly mug.
I still have nightmares from the pic of that Cure concert.
She could be a great extra in a Supernatural episode about crazy witches, though.

Anonymous said...

Well Martha I don't know if that's why she did it either but for whatever reason she chose to stop touring it will benefit the baby. I can't help but worry for this baby because it would appear from past interviews and such that Lindsey & Gerard for that matter, don't always take care of themselves. I hope that maternal instinct has kicked in and her child is the priority for all future desicions she and Gerard make.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It will benefit the baby only if she is taking care of herself.

Anonymous said...

It's been my experience that people don't really change that much after they have kids. They usually start out with good intentions, but like they say, "The road to hell..." etc.

Anonymous said...

I think she only got pregnant to make sure that he can't get rid off her that easily anymore.
I doubt that she is the maternal kind.
Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean that she has to have feelings for the baby that's growing inside of her.
I think she just was more clever than Eliza.

If you only knew how many 'celebritiy' women get pregnant just because they think it will help them become (more) famous or stop her boyfriends/hubbys from dumping them.

I really don't think Gerard wanted the baby isn't looking forward to it. And if it the parenting and anything involving the marriage will be too much for him to take he will hit the road as fast as he can.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I get the feeling she will just do the right things while she is pregnant and than go right back to doing all that shit once it's out of her.

Anonymous said...

I'd bet money that Lindsey hasn't given up the cigs. She probably sneaks them when nobody's around.

Anonymous said...

lol @ the fansheep on ontd. about 50 of the comments are from the same 5 girls.

Anonymous said...

I find it hilarious that this is labeled and tagged Lynz. Almost all pictures that include other members of the band are labeled the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Martha, your icon is scaring the hell out of me! O_O

Anonymous said...

Does that really surprise you, anon?
If they knew that Geraldine was also fucking that piss pot they would add his name as a tag too!

Anonymous said...

No it doesn't surprise me, it just pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

Photos from MCR's new video (if you care)


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Kapu RW said the same thing

Anonymous said...

What the hell is up with Gerard's outfit and hair??

Anonymous said...

lol @ the dude with the mohawk...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I like the hair and the out fit. Don't know if I will like the video.

Why do I get the feeling that the video will be something along the lines of Duran Duran's Wild Boys video. Just with out the dancing and money behind it.

Anonymous said...

The fan girls are going to faint because yes can see some of his chest. They will then proclaim it the sexiest chest EVER!!!!!!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hahaha, OH MY GOD! The more I look at that photo the more I think West Side Story.

Anonymous said...

gerard way has to be the most ridiculous thing to happen to rock music in decades. someone should tell him that it is completely impossible for him to look punk. he looks more like elvis in that pic than johnny rotten.

[if elvis had been short, girly and had michael jackson's nose and wore doc martens.]

Anonymous said...

okay, i can't let this go either. the dumbass looks like he's wearing capri pants with the way he has them tucked into his boots.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I get the feeling that the reason rock fans don't like MCR isn't because of the teenage girl fans, the emo thing or the pretty boy label. It's because Gerard tries way to hard.

Anonymous said...

i think it's because he's just so damn ridiculous. he sounds ridiculous, his manner of dress is ridiculous and he's prone to saying ridiculous things on stage and making ridiculous faces in his videos. he writes ridiculous shit on his blogs. his wife is ridiculous and her band is ridiculous.

i could go on, but you get the idea.

Anonymous said...

oh, and mj, you are absolutely right. he does try too damn hard.

Anonymous said...

Is he wearing a knee pad?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think you said it better ridiculous. It was fine when he was humble but ones the ego came out it was to much.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think so. Like I said West Side Story but "punk".

Anonymous said...

Gerard should really give up trying to be punk, he sucks at it.

Anonymous said...

wow, you can really see Gerard's man boobs in the second pic.

Anonymous said...

is Gerard going for the retarded pirate look with that outfit?

Anonymous said...

i think he's just retarded.

Anonymous said...

He's not retarded, he's just "special".

Martha Smith-Jones said...

A punk break dancer

Anonymous said...

Ew, MSI are going to be coming to the HOB here in Chicago in March.

Anonymous said...

I think GWay is the only person in the world who is capable of making Doc Martens look lame.

Anonymous said...


I haven't seen anything this funny since Eliza in her mime outfit.

Anonymous said...

he looks homeless.

Anonymous said...

I'm not holding out much hope for Watchmen. After all the buildup I think it's going to be a huge disappointment.

Anonymous said...

at least Gerard dressed like a normal person when he was with Eliza.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

For every good band that plays there they have to have one shitty band.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

There is to much hype around watchmen and the trailers I've seen don't make it look good to me. If i see it will be off of netflixs.

Anonymous said...

There are too many douchebags associated with Watchmen for me. I probably would have boycotted it because of Billy Crudup alone, but now that GWay is associated...if I see it at all it will be a download.

Anonymous said...

okay, so i just went to find out what the big deal is about the ending of watchmen. i was thinking people were bitching about the mcr song, but it turns out that there's no squid?

zack snyder, you asshole. not only do you have my chem desecrating a bob dylan masterpiece, but no giant fucking squid?

i hate you zack snyder and i'll hate you til i die.

Anonymous said...

it surprised me to see those pics haven't been infected with millions of fangirl msgs yet. just 2 comments.one saying "oh that's hot" the other one saying gerard looks gay.(oh yeah in a good way)

hmmm bad sign.
i don't think the teen fans will like the new vid.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's a bad sign that the teen fans have left the building.

Anonymous said...

The fangirls are too busy leaving ten zillion comments for the band on twitter because they are deluded enough to think that their comment will be special enough to get Gerard's or Frank's or Mikey's (or whichever douchebag they fancy's) attention.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

But that isn't even a lot of people

Anonymous said...

is it me or is Gerard losing his crackhead look and getting chubby again?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Crackhead looks....I'll have chubby Gerard before crack skin. Actually I'll have neither.

Anonymous said...

Why do I get the feeling that the video will be something along the lines of Duran Duran's Wild Boys video. Just with out the dancing and money behind it.

i didn't click on the links.

i don't really want to see the pictures.

however, judging from your descriptions it may be interesting

martha, i am not familiar with the duran duran song so i you tubed it. very, very cheesy.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The Wild Boys video was directed by the guy who direct the Highlander movie. At the time it was one of the most expensive videos out there. It took Duran Duran a bunch of pretty men and tried to make them into mad max like boys.

And the song was about boys having sex with other boys.

Anonymous said...

This girl on livejournal:

Follow link to second post down

Claims that the "picture" of Gerard in "Hawaii" is bullshit

Scuba Website

What do you guys think?

Anonymous said...

Would've fooled me, that guy on the right really does look like Gerard.

Maybe that also explains the fro-less Mr. Toro.

Anonymous said...

Well, it clears up the "How the fuck were they in Hawaii when they just shot the Watchmen video in L.A.?" question I had.

I guess Bob wanted to see just how much of his shit the fangirls would buy - either that or it is an inside joke of theirs...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He has his face covered so how would we know. Also I just assumed ray had a helmet on and that is why we didn't see his hair.

Funny thing I was wondering when and if they would start fucking with the fans or doing something to get the ex fans going.

I wonder what Gerard will be dumping on people when he post again.

Anonymous said...

personally, I don't think the guy on the scuba pic is gerard. i think it was just a joke from bob

aaand i hate to admit it but it made me laugh.

it's funny to see the pic is now all over BN
i bet they just can't help joking with fans, the fangirls can be soo..... innocent? they'd believe everything.

kind of scary too. if Gerard & co. posted a msg saying the moon is made of cheese , i'm sure the fangirls would take it like it's a fact.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't think they were going after the fangirls

Anonymous said...

well maybe not, but it is still shocking to see how much influence their posts have on the fangirls.

Anonymous said...

Tbh, I barely looked at the photo once, so I didn't notice that it wasn't Gerard.

But, based on the comments I have seen of the pic, most of the fangirls actually did not fall for it and seemed to immediately call it out as fake.

I'm guessing that has something to do with the fact that they probably analyzed that pic to death.

Anonymous said...

the number of gerard followers on twitter has been growing. :-/
i thought they would be less after realizing he wasn't replying to fans. but nope

cupcake,i didn't read any comments but i saw the pic on bn claiming is was gerard on the pic so well maybe the fangirls are smarter than what i thought they would be. or more psycho! and just like you said, they spent hours analyzing the pic xD

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Well of course if you spend 10 hours a day kissing poster of someone while dress like his wife you would know a fake photo when you see it.

Anonymous said...

how old is this person martha?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That person was 24 from what people where saying.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...teenagers i understand

maybe it's like cosplay for them.

Anonymous said...

so all the hours spent kissing the posters were not in vain after all ah? :)

the lynz wannabe girl is actually more prettier than the real lynz. she could do much better,it's a pity

Martha Smith-Jones said...

But with cosplay don't you usually like the person you are dressed up as. People where saying when you see the pictures of the fans dressed up like Lindsey they are always surrounded by Gerard photos not Lindsey photos. They like Gerard not Lindsey they should be cosplaying as him

Anonymous said...

i see your point martha

perhaps she is under the illusion that being some rockstar's wife is glamorous.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Looks like it.

Anonymous said...

i think it's more the illusion of "if i look like lynz, gerard will like me"

Anonymous said...

well, the Lynzs of this world appear to be his type...

if i am not mistaken, he has been quite vocal about that

Anonymous said...

I think trashy and nasty best describes his type.

Anonymous said...

^ And good hygiene is not a priority either.

Anonymous said...

Once in an interview Gerard was describing his first kiss and he said something like the girl grabbed him and stuck her tongue down his throat. At first he thought it was gross (or "icky" or some equally juvenile word), but after a while he started to like it. Then he went on to say he liked it "dirty".

I remember thinking then that this guy was fucked up in the head with regards to sex. Since when is tongue kissing "dirty"? But then again, this girl might have been the type who doesn't bather either.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

While Siobhan's consistently homophobic and misogynistic comments are entertaining in their own right, at which point are any you brave warriors in the struggle against oppression going to stop going along with and agreeing with her?

Anonymous said...

Not all of us always agree with what everyone is saying here, Anon. Just take a look back - some of us have said something.

But I think we all have the interest of keeping in-fighting to a minimum here.

Anonymous said...

Examples 5.04am?

Anonymous said...

"While Siobhan's consistently homophobic and misogynistic comments are entertaining in their own right, at which point are any you brave warriors in the struggle against oppression going to stop going along with and agreeing with her?"

I have no idea what you're talking about anon, or what that has to go with MCR. If you have a personal problem with someone that has nothing to do with MCR, take it elsewhere.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

"While Siobhan's consistently homophobic and misogynistic comments are entertaining in their own right, at which point are any you brave warriors in the struggle against oppression going to stop going along with and agreeing with her?"

Thinking someone is gay isn't homophobic as for the misogynistic comments I am not sure what you are talking about. But as someone said if you got a problem with her take it else where.

This is a blog for venting and it isn't always going to be nice or pretty. Not everyone here likes what everyone says when that happens people usually skip over those comments.

Anonymous said...


Not everyone here has jumped on the "Lindsey is a whore" bandwagon.

However, if you think putting a woman down for having poor hygiene and not being very good at her job is misogynistic, then I suggest you go look up the meaning of that word.

Also, nobody here is using the terms "faggot" or "cunt". Why not take your complaints to one of the MSI or We love Lindsey communities to call them out on their use of those terms?

Anonymous said...

^or better yet, go bitch bob out for using the word cunt as a joke on the band's website.

oh yeah. he'll make fun of you and tell you to lighten up.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, what do you think of this?

Okay, so I have TONS of videos on my youtube, right? And I never bother to take old ones down or clean them out or anything. I had no idea that I still had the lol "trailer" for the MCR LOL "movie" that my friends and I were making up there.

With me so far?

Well I get a message in my inbox today telling me that one of them has been removed by a copyright owner; guess which one? My Chemical Romance had the video removed due to "copyright infringement!"

This was the message:

"A copyright owner has claimed it owns some or all of the audio content in your video Demolition Lovers Trailer 1. The audio content identified in your video is Interlude by My Chemical Romance. "

The beautiful irony of this is that I actually still have written permission to use their music if, indeed, I still wanted to. I halfway had a mind to point that out to them just to be a bitch, but then, two things: I'm glad they took the video down because I honestly forgot that crap was still up there , and 2: I wonder if that might have gotten Frankles in trouble. Like maybe he can't really pull that particular string, you know? Dude was just being nice; turning around and being like "BUT FRANK SAID I COULD" might just cause trouble for him.

Still, though. You guys, I wonder what's making MCR decide to get all crappy like that? I know it's been crappy with them for about a year, but they just keep hitting new lows.

Either way I'm glad that vid is gone. O_O

Anonymous said...

It's the entire Warner Bros. label from what I've heard. They're doing it for a lot, if not all their artists. And all their sub-labels I think too.

Anonymous said...

Btw, there are a ton more ridiculous photos of Gerard at Buzznet now.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think I put the story up here that I found a while back. But WB for some reason wants their videos off youtube.

It will only ended up hurting them because there isn't any places else where you can see the videos.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Gerard from the back in this picture look like Lynz.

I'm not sure if it's because he's so feminine or because she's so manly looking. I really can't wait to see this Watchman video, it's going to keep me amused for hours.

Anonymous said...

what was the point of Bob posting fake pics of Gerard scuba diving and Ray rock climbing? MCR does the dumbest shit sometimes.

Anonymous said...

It's odd though; all the other MCR videos are still up. O_O

Anonymous said...

Its Turning Into A Twisted Love Affair.

I'm not being fair, but in my defense, its really hard for me to be at this point. I think of myself as unbiased as its possible for someone so emotionally involved to be. And all this for a band?
Well thats really where it all began. My Chemical Romance was never just a band. Any fan of theirs can tell you that.
I can tell you my reasons. For the first time in my life, I felt like someone understood what its like to be me. And not only did they understand, they also wrote songs about it. Its one of those things where you feel it more than you can make sense of it in your head. And so I became a fan. Now the first time I heard them, I had no idea what any of them looked like. I just had the CD that my friend let me borrow(3 Cheers) and I loved them. I became curious and started to Google them online and I came across BN. This is where the problems began.
I found out a ton of information about them. I began to feel like they were my band. It was silly, but any attack on MCR became an attack against me. I enter the realms of MCR fandom as only a true fan can. The MCrmy is only a piece of the pie, boys and girls. I think we all know how ugly it can get. And quickly it did.
When the news about Eliza and Gerard's engagement was confirmed, I was in what I call the Crush on Gerard stage of my obsession. So of course, this was a low blow. I felt personally betrayed. Forget that Gerard may have been happy. All I could think about was, what about the guy who knew what it was like to be alone? I guess not. And there were a ton of I Hate Eliza sentiments going around. I refused to become a part of it. I realized how childish I was being and I was embarrassed that I had let it go that far. He has the right to a life, after all.
But soon the engagement was called off and all the fans seemed to breathe easier. Quickly, Eliza became a gold digging slut who was after Gerard's fame. And there were plenty of blogs and videos that seemingly proved it. Gerard was the victim after all. Thank goodness he came to his senses. But it didn't last forever.
Lyn-z entered the picture next. At first it was a joke. The hidden messages. The kiss in the parking lot that fans tried to prove was fake or forced. We all knew it wasn't deep down. It had only been a matter of time before this happened. And suddenly they were married. Spur of the moment, no ceremony, no family attending save for Mikey. And that weird lady who's in the picture with them. This time I didn't feel hurt or betrayed. I had learned my lesson the first time not to invest my emotions into Gerard Way. So I tried to be patient with fans who may have had their heart broken for the first time or again. Id been there. I didn't see the point in arguing. I don't know Lyn-z or Gerard. But I have to admit, I have a hard time believing that any of the guys or Gerard's family would've let him go this far with someone horrible. I don't think Lyn-z is that witch some fans make her out to be. I don't really care for her or her band, but every time I hear her insulted, I take it for jealousy. Which is what it is. The only things you could really argue is that she is a hypocrite or a crappy musician. But for the rest, its all just an insult. You don't know her, so why take the time to say shes fake, shes a gold digger, blah blah blah. It makes you sound jealous, that's all. Maybe she really is. Who knows? I just think its horrible to say when you really cant back it up.
Then comes the pregnancy news. It was to be expected right? First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage. So, I wasn't surprised. I thought it would've happened faster actually. But I reached my limit for another reason. Many fans reached their limit with Lyn-z, but I'm part of the group who's reached it with Gerard.
Through all of this, I felt he acted immature. He should know better. Since PR, I felt mocked. I didn't know why at first. But then I thought about. Who were the messages really for? He knew he would be photographed. If he wanted his privacy, then he would never have written on his neck a note for Lyn-z. I really lost respect for him. Then the quick marriage. This is what Id expect from a tabloid queen, not Gerard Way. I thought he was the type of person who would have wanted his family there with him. It seems like this whole relationship was a publicity stunt. Like he got a taste of it while he was with Eliza and now decided he wanted more. I don't know if I'm right or wrong. I am just tired sitting around caring about what Gerard does. I wish I could make myself not care at all. But it seems to come at a price. I can stop caring, but I will have to give up the band as well. It cant be just about the music anymore. Everything's intertwined. It makes me tired to think about all of this. I honestly hope I'm wrong. I want to go back and stay with the music and block out everything else. Back then, I had no idea a band could take over your life this way. I didn't know you could be so consumed by something that should be simple: Music. It reminds me of a lyric from an Eminem song. Music. Reality. Sometimes its hard to tell the difference. But we as entertainers have a responsibility to these kids. Without the "sike" part of course.
I'm sorry if I contradicted myself, which I probably did. This whole thing is emotionally draining for me and I'm only human, so Ive changed my mind a few times. I will continue to listen to My Chemical Romance, because its too much to give up right now. I want to change my mind about Gerard, but I don't know if that's going to happen at this point.

From BN (Sorry, I know its long)

Anonymous said...

Wow, who wrote that?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It maybe an insult but why should anyone be nice to a person who has made money off of insulting people based on their race or sexual orientation.

If Lindsey gets called a whore it is because that is the image she puts out for herself. If she gets called talentless she is the one who said she couldn't play the bass for shit. She gets called a gold digger well she is the one who went along with flaunting her relationship which lead to financial gain for .

If you don't agree with the name calling that is fine. I get that I wouldn't like to be called a name myself unless I am acting the name I am being called like a bitch or a whore. But calling me a name because of the color of my skin or because I sleep with the same sex is something that should never be done. Judge me based on who I am as a person. How I carry myself and treat others.

Unlike msi fans, Gerard or msi themselves I have no delusions that I am some how doing people a favor by calling them names or that this is some kind of satire. If you act like a duck and look like a duck I am going to call you a duck whore in this case.

And to the anon over at Mayo's asking why no one defends Lindsy. I think it has to do with her being in a band that has made money from other people's hard work, calling people slurs based on race, sexual orientations and that she has no talent. She even said this herself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually, I have to agree with part of the sentiment about Lindsey.

However, I don't believe that ALL of the hate on Lindsey is jealousy (all though there are those who are and you can usually spot those out), but I think it is due to the intense betrayal people feel from Gerard.

Honestly, I have gotten to a point where this whole farce called MCR is just very amusing to be. Sure, I used to be really pissed, and at that time, I really disliked Lindsey too. I was never jealous though because I was never physically attracted to Gerard, I am a lesbian afterall. But now, after that hate has worn off, I feel like an unbiased onlooker, and I can really see just how completely ridiculous MCR looks to the rest of the world - and why so many people have never taken them seriously.

I'll admit it though, that the sadistic pleasure in watching Karma kick Gerard's ass is partly why I have stuck around. And I think many of you can agree with me there - you feel hurt, so now you want to watch him burn. And yes, I do realize how terrible that sounds - I am not usually a vengeful person.

But, as far as Lindsey goes - hate on her because her band sucks, hate on her because she can't play bass and claims that that should make her an icon, hate on her because she doesn't know shit about the industry she is involved in and only joined because she thought it would be "cool" and not because she wanted to add anything new to the art, hate on her because she pulled a lame PR stunt to get attention at Proj. Rev...

But don't hate on her because you claim she presents herself as a "whore" and therefore deserves the punishment she gets - because if that isn't the definition of misogyny, then nothing is.

Anonymous said...

But I have to admit, I have a hard time believing that any of the guys or Gerard's family would've let him go this far with someone horrible.

Okay, see this is where I totally lose people who defend Gerard's hasty marriage.

Gerard is a grown man. He's been an alcoholic and a drug addict in the past. Back during those times, his family and the other band members had absolutely no control over him - so why are fans always so quick to assume that they have control over what he does now? If Gerard decided to quit the band, move to Africa and open up a Safari Guide business, nobody could do a damn thing about it. And if he decided to divorce Lindsey and marry Paris Hilton or Courntey Love, nobody could do anything about that either.

Also, I get really tired of people claiming that if you question the motives behind his hasty marriage, it has to be because you're jealous. Please. Most of us wouldn't touch Gerard Way with a ten foot pointy touching pole. We just felt that he was behaving irrationally during Projekt Revolution and that he probably wasn't in the right frame of mind to be making life-altering decisions.

Despite all this, I have to say that I'm just about past the point of caring. I don't agree with his drastic attitude change towards fans and towards women in general and I choose not to support the band in the future. That's where I stand right now and jealousy doesn't factor into that one tiny little bit.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

misogyny is the mistreatment and dislike of women as a whole. It is saying all women are whores because they are women. Not because of how they act.

My dislike for Lindsay is not only because of the whore image but because of the things you said as well.
I am just sick of this whole be a whore attitude because if you use sex you can get anything you want.

I don't want to punish Lindsey for her image I just wish people would see it for what it is.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

12.58 you have just said a lot of what i am feeling but better.

Anonymous said...

If Gerard decided to quit the band, move to Africa and open up a Safari Guide business, nobody could do a damn thing about it.

Lol. He could take people out on Gazelle Watch. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Thanks, but I think you express yourself very well, MJ.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

thank you 12.58 but I think I could do it better

Anonymous said...

misogyny is the mistreatment and dislike of women as a whole. It is saying all women are whores because they are women. Not because of how they act.


women are not whores for enjoying some sexual freedom. the connotation to the word really applies to a cheapening of one's values as a means to an end.

I don't want to punish Lindsey for her image I just wish people would see it for what it is.

we are all sexual beings, however using this to convey the impression that everything you can possibly achieve is based on manipulation of your sexuality is flawed and ultimately leaves you open to all kinds of attacks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Martha, but for centuries the way women act has been used by misogynists as an excuse for how they treat women.

"She's a whore. You see how she's dressed? Yeah, she fucking deserved it."

The whole virgin/whore dichotomy was started by misogynists centuries ago, so judging a women based on those characteristics is just continuing the sexism.

Now, I know what your trying to say, women shouldn't use sex to get ahead, and I agree (in the context of sexual manipulation - whether the manipulation be of themselves or others). I chose to rise above that, but some women choose to play along because they think it will get them further in life. And they're right, they will.

But you have to see, Martha, how stating that you don't like her because you believe she uses her body as a tool of sexual manipulation to get ahead in her career - is different from saying she is a whore and therefore I can say disgusting, disrespectful things about her. That is the kind of sentiment you get from frat boys at a keg party.

Now, I am not necessarily pointing at you, Martha, I am speaking generally. Some of the statements on this blog have been downright disgusting.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Than give me some other word one word that can say how I feel other than whore.

And I am old school on this one but if you are going to act the part of the whore you have just opened up yourself to the ridicule and treatment that go along with the image.

I am not going to give someone respect just because they are the same sex or race s me just because of a shared history of oppression. I think that causes why more problems than it fixes. It makes people think that there is nothing wrong with being that way. And I am not talking about enjoying sex. Women should be able to enjoy sex with out being labeled a whore. But now it has become you have to be a whore to enjoy sex and get what you want i this world.

Anonymous said...

Martha, how stating that you don't like her because you believe she uses her body as a tool of sexual manipulation to get ahead in her career - is different from saying she is a whore and therefore I can say disgusting, disrespectful things about her.

i thought that people are trying to say that using your body as a tool to get ahead is one of the lowest things one could do, which ultimately cheapens them and their gender.

generally when people are outraged they think emotively and say things.

That is the kind of sentiment you get from frat boys at a keg party.

i am highly educated and work and socialize with others in a professional field. i can tell you, that is untrue.

Anonymous said...

I am not going to give someone respect just because they are the same sex or race s me just because of a shared history of oppression.

No, I am not saying to be respectful because she is a woman, but because she is a human being. I know alot of people disagree with me on this, but I will say it again anyways - just because someone made life choices that we disagree with, doesn't give us the right to spit on them. We don't really know where she is coming from or who she is, we are outside observers looking in.

What I don't like about her attitude is that she is telling young impressionable children that it is okay to act that way. That is where her behavior becomes a problem. She is starting to affect and influence others. However, personally I don't care what she does.

And I am not talking about personal enjoyment of sex here, I am talking about it being used as a tool.

Now, I am not defending her, not at all. I was just saying that some of the comments have gone too far.

And why do you need one word to express your feelings anyways? Especially if it isn't appropriate.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you 1.52. Cupcake I didn't think you were going after me. You have a different opinion on this and I am cool with that

Anonymous said...

that using your body as a tool to get ahead is one of the lowest things one could do...when people are outraged they think emotively and say things.

True, and that was partly my point earlier. I understand the anger people have toward Gerard and that is why people have reacted so strongly to her. I know where the anger is coming from, but that doesn't mean that what they are saying in reaction to that anger is appropriate or right.

About my frat boy comment, you are completely right. I was trying to give off a certain image, but yes, there are people at all levels that contain this misogyny.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I need one word because it makes it easier than trying to write or say a group of words that explain how I feel every time we talk about this subject.

If she wants to be treated like a human being than maybe she should stop and take a look at how she treats others. And screw this we don't know her bull shit. She has given the public a certain image of herself and that is all that counts and that is all that should count. How you treat and act when you know you are out in public and being watched.

Yes, some of the comments do go to far but when you do things that are consider ugly you are going to get ugly right back.

Anonymous said...

Okay, to lighten the mood, here is my gift to you.

Another UA interview

Worst gift ever, I know, but there is a reason for this, I swear.

The funny part has to do with the first question. The question is about some characters, but in the question they state that one of them says the line, "We're already dead."

Very melodramatic Mr. Way, but...do you think you could actually come up with new material instead of, you know, using the same basic plot line over, and over, and over.....

Anonymous said...

I know where the anger is coming from, but that doesn't mean that what they are saying in reaction to that anger is appropriate or right.

when you react angrily there is no logic...that is the point, things you may consider inappropriate can be said.

the irony is that the band she plays in has no qualms in applying these "descriptive" labels. she appears to have no to objection to their use.

Anonymous said...

Okay Martha, for the most part I agree with you and I understand where you are coming from.

But on this subject our opinions just differ.

It was nice talking to you, though. So, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hello ladies!

Happy Christmas!
Well, it's already Christmas here in Germany but I know that you Americans will have to wait until tomorrow.
I just got back from my parent's home and I can tell you I'm stuffed.
So, I thought I could relax a bit with reading the new comments before I'd go to sleep and I can't believe what's going here!

Anon, I think you're some old, pissed off relic from my past at Mayo's, aren't you?
Please, go back and stay there. Forever!!!
Your attempt to try to make me look like a misogynistic homophobe is ridiculous and not working.

And for the record:
I never called Lindsey a whore!!!
I dislike her because I just don't like people who're trying distract from/hide their incompetence with their looks (or in this case, lack thereof)and think it is a smart move to disguise their idiocy and inhumanity by calling it art, satire and fun!
I also dislike her because she looks like she smells and she admitted it herself that she doesn't care about hygiene on tour!
For me, people who stink are the worst!!!
I don't know if she takes care of herself not being on the road but by looking at that Cure picture and seeing those white stains on her jacket I really doubt that!

I think she's ugly and I admit that this is not a very objective remark but then I didn't know that emotions were forbidden on this blog and I only pointed that out because it started to piss me off big time reading all of those ridiculous comments that she's like, so über-pretty, like, oh em gee!!!!!1!!!!1! Pffft!

I don't think that I have to explain myself any further!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

the irony is that the band she plays in has no qualms in applying these "descriptive" labels. she appears to have no to objection to their use.

that is the irony it is alright for her to do it because it is her "art" but don't let anyone call her on it or call her those things back because it is wrong than.

Cupcake Gerard doesn't seem to want to come up with new material right now. He took from south park so why not rip himself off while at it. It will also bring in more MCR fangirls.

Anonymous said...

i wonder sometimes if the pregnancy is her way of getting out of a two-bit band

Anonymous said...

Oh, but didn't you know if you say a woman is ugly, that's misongynistic? All women are beautiful in their own special way. All women should be treated as princesses and should never be held accountable for anything they do. A woman who stands on a street corner for a living should be given the same respect as one who studies for years to become a nuclear physicist. And a woman who stands onstage and pretend-plays the bass whilst backbending and showing the audience her underwear should be given the same amount of respect as one who spent years learning how to play her instrument and actually contributes to her band musically.

Or...not. Both men and women should be judged on their talents and abilities in this world. Women deserve no special treatment when it comes to sexuality. A man who sleeps his way to the top is a whore and so is a woman.

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

You know what upsets me about this whole think that we who have the negative opinion are always being made to explain ourselves.

You don't see this happening to the people who just fall in line and worship Lindsey because she is with Gerard. To me that is way worse than calling her a whore or being jealous.

At least than you are being honest instead of that bullshit brain dead crap the fan sheep do.

Anonymous said...

A man who sleeps his way to the top is a whore and so is a woman.


i do think that everyone should be accorded the same respect as human beings

it's the behavior and actions that are inappropriate. you call them out on that.

Accountability is truly the correct term.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

2.24 thank you for saying that. I wish I could have said it that way.

I just really hate this treat people the same no matter what they do bull shit. I don't what you are. If you are an asshole I will treat you accordingly. EVen if you have talent but are a jack ass you will get no respect from me.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, MJ!!!

And also, I thought they would laugh about us?!
Wasn't that 'insider' anon saying something along the lines of them wetting themselves reading our comments?
If that's true, it can't be that bad what we're writing here, right?

I think MSI, MCR and each of their band members in particular have long lost their right of being treated like delicate flowers.

Anonymous said...

Accountability is truly the correct term.


Anonymous said...

One day, cock of the walk. Next, a feather duster

Anonymous said...

Wow. Did anyone ever think there would come a day when this place managed to get more than 3000 comments? And in just under a month?

Anonymous said...

A man who sleeps his way to the top is a whore and so is a woman.

Thats not how the majority of the world sees it. A man is praised for sleeping around.

Anonymous said...

Thats not how the majority of the world sees it. A man is praised for sleeping around.

I think people are starting to change their minds about that, anon.
Nobody wants to be around, let alone be with someone, man or woman, who's bragging about their numerous conquests and sees it as an actual accomplishment and something to be proud of.

And someone who sleeps their way to the top was never someone who was looked up to.´No matter if it's a man or woman.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It isn't that he is praised it's what he is expected to do. Boys need to sow their wild oats.

Anonymous said...

Lynz has said how she went around calling people a slut in high school, so I think people calling her a whore now is kind of like karma.

Anonymous said...

i do think that everyone should be accorded the same respect as human beings
it's the behavior and actions that are inappropriate. you call them out on that.
Accountability is truly the correct term.

Yes, that has been/was my point before.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If anyone cares it is from ONTD it is pictures from the MCR video.


Anonymous said...

i don't associate the word "whore" with someone who necessarily sleeps around, although that is the basic usage.

for me, the connection is one who behaves without class, or respect for themselves

Anonymous said...

^And ALL the comments are negative.


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