Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"

It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.

(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).


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Anonymous said...

Members of ONTD post things they get from other sources.

Thing is, the age of the average ONTDer is probably around 18-19 or so. Those people aren't big into MCR - too old.

They always laugh at Gerard and call him fug.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he is ugly!! Especially in that creepy gif!

Btw, Michael Jackson called! He wants his nose back!

Anonymous said...

They always laugh at Gerard and call him fug.

much like JU and company used to before their 'performance artist' backbender hooked up with him. lol.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He looks better in those pictures than he has in a while. I don't think he is ugly I think he is a douche bag.

Anonymous said...

He may not be ugly, but he sure aint' no Rpattz. ^__^

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't think Rpattz is good looking. I don't think JoBros are good looking or that musical high school guy.

Anonymous said...

I don't care for the JoBros or any of the HSM people and I'm not a Twilight fan, but I have to admit, I love me some Rpattz. He's pretty and funny and he has a great British accent. I've loved him since he was Cedric in The Goblet of Fire.

Anonymous said...

He's not good looking anymore. He's not aging well and he looks ill. He should gain more weight. But coke heads aren't hungry.

Anonymous said...

robert pattinson was the only reason to go see twilight, imo. i didn't want to like him but i couldn't help myself. he was just gorgeous in that film.

Anonymous said...

That Pattinson dude annoys me big time.
I don't think that he looked good in HP. Just a normal looking guy.
The hype around those boys is getting on my nerves. That Efron boy is gay and has bulimia.
They're all nutjobs.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gerard hasn't been looking well lately I agree.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit!! She's 25 years old! Look at her site, she's so deluded. All she does is dress like Lindsey.


Just...ewww, and what the fuck is wrong with her? And what's more eww is that I have that black and white Kerrang poster of GW. I only got it to get a poster of Devildriver.

I'm gonna go burn that poster on fire. Ugh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL at the girl in that pic! I bet it took a couple of people to get her in that position.Then she was like "hurry and get out of the picture, I'm gonna fall on my head!" HA HA!

Anonymous said...

After seeing that link, Clay Aiken looks even more like Chucky than ever. Just scary X_x

Anonymous said...

Rpattz- 708
Gway- 52

Anonymous said...

He is too old, married and becomes a dad. Is there anything more unattractive for teen girl fantasies than that?

Anonymous said...

You'd think so, but they seem to be eating all that up.

Anonymous said...

This may be a stupid question, but does anyone know if Lynz took Gerard's name or kept her own?

Anonymous said...

Maybe none of them have fathers themselves and are looking for someone older with a "cool" edge to look up to.

Anonymous said...


wait until he starts getting wrinkles and thinning hair. No one stays cute forever.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think that they are eating it up because a lot of the older fans given them shit about not liking the gfs/wives. They also think that you have to like the wife and that is the adult think to do. Gerard went out of his way to let us know he was with her so they think Gerard will like them more and interact with the fans more if they like her.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think they're only keeping at it to not look like a typical fangirl who loses interest immediately when their crush becomes unavailable.
They're only waiting for the next big thing to come and they're gone.
Another goth-looking guy with black hair and pale skin and they forget about him in a second.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

This may be a stupid question, but does anyone know if Lynz took Gerard's name or kept her own?

December 21, 2008 2:13 PM

When Courtney love said she had a girl crush on her they called her Lindsey Way.

Anonymous said...

When Courtney love said she had a girl crush on her they called her Lindsey Way.

Can these people become any more disgusting?

Anonymous said...

I think that something happened that made Gerard look for someone who doesn't mind to be seen with him in public. That ominous ex-girlfriend obviously wasn't fond of being seen with him.
Maybe the gay rumors took their toll and he wanted to put an end to it.

Anonymous said...

Courtney's latest girl crushes:
...- Mindless Self Indulgence bassist Lindsey Way: "She looks like a Rosetti, and plays bass like a motherfucker."

Plays bass like a motherfucker? Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Apparently motherfuckers can't play bass.

Anonymous said...

Courtney Love is a washed up mess and when it comes right down to it, nobody gives a shit what she thinks except to make fun of her. Poor little Frances is just an object of curiosity to a lot of people. In reality, nobody really gives a fuck about who Frances hangs out with or who her mom crushes on.

MSI is just too stupid to have figured that out yet.

Anonymous said...

I think it's well established that C Love is an off-her-face-crack-and-heroine-whore so I would take anything she says as substanial or significant.

Plus, being a "crush" of hers is probably the equivalent of being the lowest piece of scum on the Earth - we are talking about Courtney Love.

Anonymous said...

What's a Rosetti? In German, a 'Rosette' is another word to describe the anus.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ Courtney referencing art. You think she took art appreciation while she was in rehab?

Anonymous said...

I think she meant Rossetti? With two s's.

Either that, or she's talking about designer handbags - which would be more Courtney's style because I doubt the bitch knows anything about art.

Anonymous said...

Do Rosettis have their top lips painted on?

Anonymous said...

I think Lindsey looks more like a comic book character myself.

Anonymous said...

About Lyn-z Way

Seriously? She took his name, and then had the nerve to get pissed for people calling her MRS. WAY?

I was sure that she had at least kept her last name. I thought that was what her whole rant to Kerrang was about?

Anonymous said...

I was sure that she had at least kept her last name. I thought that was what her whole rant to Kerrang was about?


That was the funniest part of the interview. I couldn't stop with the LULZ :D

Fucking dumbass.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I doubt she would bite the hand that feeds her by not taking his name.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

( Warner Music Group ordered YouTube on Saturday to remove ALL music videos by its artists )

**JSYK, Warner Music Group includes the following labels: Elektra, Atlantic, Bad Boy, Lava, Roadrunner, Rhino, Asylum, East West, Maverick, Reprise, Sire, Warner Brothers, WBR Nashville, Word Records, WMI, Rykodisc, and Cordless Recordings.

I posted this here because that is a dumb move on WB. If MCR are getting ready to put out a new video where are people going to watch it. MTV?

Makes you think maybe WB was the one behind a lot of the stupid moves MCR made.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until the announcement that Lindsey won't return to MSI because she has decided to stay home to care for her child.

Then we can all have a really good laugh at that ridiculous Kerrang article.

Anonymous said...

They'll probably play the video on FUSE, although FUSE doesn't seem to be all up in MCR's shit like they used to be.

The last time I saw Gerard on SURS, Stephen was looking at him like he was from another planet or something.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Every time I go to watch fuse they are showing a movie. When I was still an MCR fan I really wanted FUSE because they had MCR on their all the time. Now that we have it, it is of no use to me.

Anonymous said...

Fuse really does suck now, doesn't it? There just aren't any music channels anymore. What the hell is going to become of the music business?

I bought a CD from a band at a show a couple of nights ago. Maybe that's what it will come down to. We'll see a new band opening for some other band at a show and we'll go watch their vids on myspace and buy their CDs directly from them. Record labels might just become a thing of the past.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And with digital technology the way it is bands can make videos themselves.

Anonymous said...

Where do you think MCR would be now if not for the videos for Helena and I'm Not Okay? Most of the MCR fans I know got into them because of those vids.

Granted, a lot of the teenies got into them after TBP, but those vids would never have gotten the airplay they did had it not been for Helena. Helena put them on the map.

Anonymous said...

tbh i wish i'd never heard of mcr in the first place. they have turned out to be such a disappointment to me.

Anonymous said...

I just watched that Voltaire film and I wasn't impressed. Gerard sounded like an older woman who smokes too much. Not only that, his timing was off and it was like he was trying too hard.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I had to go on line to see their videos, If it wasn't for Helena I would have never gotten into them.

They have become a big disappointment.

Anonymous said...

We'll see a new band opening for some other band at a show and we'll go watch their vids on myspace and buy their CDs directly from them


I wouldn't be surprised. It seems that nowadays many bands are doing their own self-promotion, which I think is actually pretty cool considering how many of the major record labels treat their artists these days.

It reminds me of a time where I went to a concert and one of the opening bands was performing. Right after their set was done, their front man tried to sell me one of their cd's, but I had to say no because a week after the show I was going to see mcr(This was a couple of years ago) but I felt kinda bad that I didn't buy it because they were pretty decent.

Anonymous said...

Even if Gerard is somewhat famous I don't get why that Voltaire person asked him to narrate his film. Gerard's voice ruined it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think the guy teaches at the art school Gerard went to. I liked it but I hated Gerard's comic. That sucked.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's got a hot muffin ass.

Anonymous said...

Gerard doesn't have a hot anything.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Maybe some burning and itching.

Anonymous said...

Gerard must leave his hot ass at home most of the time because I've never seen it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some burning and itching.

Lol. That's the std he caught from Lindsey.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's man boobs and belly fat are hot.

Anonymous said...

What, did he get a sunburn?

Anonymous said...

you just don't want to admit that Gerard has a sweet pudding ass.

Anonymous said...

Gerard has no ass. Seriously.

Humpy shoulders, yes. Moobs, yes. Ass? Nuh-uh.

Anonymous said...

you're just jealous because Gerard knows how to shake what his Mama gave him.

Anonymous said...

laugh all you want but Gerard can borrow my bra whenever his sexy bacon grease ass wants.

Anonymous said...

Gerard has no ass. It's so flat to be anything resembling an actual ass.

Anonymous said...

why are you discussing a portion of his anatomy?

who cares about his ass? apart from his wife i mean.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I would saw it is being made fun of not discussed.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

say not saw

Anonymous said...

please don't turn this place into another mayo's

that place is bad enough

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That won't happen

Anonymous said...

It looks like annoucning Lynz was pregnant just as his new comic book came out paid off. UA no.1 sold 36,784 coppies last month, it was ranked 50 overall - the highest ranking its ever had. Maybe they could announce the sex of the baby just as next month's one is released.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Mikey's new photos, Bob's "artwork" is now officially out of sight.

Anonymous said...

Did Gerard really say Bob's picture made EL OH EL?
Was he referring to that c-word pic?

Anonymous said...

I think he was reffering to a post on the next page with the Toro power cleaner

Anonymous said...

I hope so for him and his well-being!
Son of a worn-out leather handbag!!!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put it past Gerard and Lindsey to have her baby induced on the day before the final issue of this TUA series comes out.

Anonymous said...

It's all about the money! They want to get as much money as they can.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were whoring out that kid to make even more of it!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're being so silent now to make the future whoring of their child more beneficial.

UA no.1 sold 36,784 coppies last month, it was ranked 50 overall - the highest ranking its ever had.
WHY>! It's a shitty rip off of South Park.

Anonymous said...

I find it strange that none of the comic book reviews have mentioned the plot similarities with that South Park episode. I would have thought that by now someone would have mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they get paid to write good reviews.

Anonymous said...

I just found this article - I didn't see it before.


The guy mentions the similarities between the UA and the South Park episode, it's only a brief article but he's gets attacked in the comments for daring to suggest that it was a rip off of South Park.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Funny to read how those comic geeks get their panties in a twist discussing that comic.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Siobhan said...

Funny to read how those comic geeks get their panties in a twist discussing that comic.

December 22, 2008 8:42 AM

Just wait for the ones that agree that he ripped off south park to come.

This is the thing about comic people if they love something it is very hard for them to see any fault with it and they will defend it as if their life depended on it.

So goes if they hate it they will rip it apart.

Anonymous said...

someone has to put a link to that blog on Darkhorse's TUA messageboard. i would do it, but i'm not good at linking shit.

Anonymous said...

Okay, a little link lesson for you! ^_~

It's (a href="URL comes here")you can write whatever you like here(/a)

Instead of ( you use <
and instead of ) you use >

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

someone has to put a link to that blog on Darkhorse's TUA messageboard. i would do it, but i'm not good at linking shit.

December 22, 2008 10:29 AM

I don't think they would care. They printed the book after all and South Park is/was a popular show.

Anonymous said...

I never thought I would see the day when men instead of fangirls defend Gerard and his 'art'! haha

Anonymous said...


i think they would care if the story started to get a lot of exposure. the guys from South Park probably don't even know about it. it's too much of an underground story for people to notice it.

Anonymous said...

Me either Siobhan. Those guys are way too serious into their comics. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Is it me or is Ray the only one who writes good blogs?

Anonymous said...

No it's not just you 11.43.

Ray is the only one that writes good blogs.

Anonymous said...

The dude seems to be the only one who didn't let fame get to his head.
Must be his upbringing!

Anonymous said...

Anon,nope. I think Ray writes good blogs as well, and they're interesting to say the least :)

Anonymous said...

Ray seems really grounded and genuine. He is, no doubt, the member of MCR with the most talent also.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think it's fitting that the least-talented members of the two bands got together.

Anonymous said...

He does appear the most genuine. The Ways are the worst. Just look at the wives. It's all about image.

Anonymous said...

I think Ray is really only in it for the music and not like the others to compensate for things he did have in his life before he joined the band.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My New Year's Resolution is to stop caring about/following this band. They've brought me nothing but disappointment over the past year.

It's going to be good to be rid of them.

Anonymous said...

I so hope that 2009 will be a MCR-free year. I want to enjoy summer festivals without having to worry that a part of my ticket money is being used to support them.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Or the wife's band

Anonymous said...

Well, with Warner laying people off right and left, I imagine MCR won't get the media blitz they did for TBP should they decide to release a new record in 09. So, it may just be a lot easier to ignore them than you think.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

On the MCR free year I doubt it will be unless the new CD tanks. I think the Watchmen movie would have to tank as well because they are doing the song for it.

Anonymous said...

Other than the Watchmen thing, I think it will be pretty easy to ignore MCR this year. You really do have to go looking for them before you get any news on what they're doing.

I don't think they'll manage to come out with a new CD next year. I honestly don't think they'll be able to get themselves together enough to turn anything out. And, if they do, it will be rushed and it will be crap.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine why the people in charge of the Watchmen movie would ever pick MCR. With all the hype over that movie, I can just imagine MCR putting together some crap music video to accompany it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Because MCR are comic geeks. They know what the watchmen is and they love it.

Anonymous said...

I know, Martha, but the thought of MCR covering Bob Dylan makes me cringe inside.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope Gerard didn't direct it.

Probably the video will be brief performance shots of MCR interspersed with scenes from the film. But unless the band completely changes their style on the next CD, I doubt it will get many new MCR converts. Most of the people I know who love Watchmen are kind of pissed that MCR is involved because they see them as "emo".

Emo and Watchmen are kind of unmixy things.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that in all the years since I got into MCR, I've only met one or two of their fans who are into comics at all. And Gerard even said that Revenge came almost directly from Preacher and Sandman.

But, if you ask the typical MCR fangirl, maybe a few of them have heard of Sandman, but hardly any know about Preacher.

The only comic they know is TUA.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I remember a fan ship came on here and was upset because we were causing people not to like MCR. She had gone to some watchmen site or something and they were ripping on MCR.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't know much about comics in general or Watchmen itself. I'm coming from a more musical side of this. I'm just scared that MCR tried to "restyle" Desolation Row. And even if they tried to stay true to the song, I can't imagine them being able to pull it off.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I Haven't read either of those comics but I knew about them. I find it sad that the fangirls seem proud that the only comic they know is TUA.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I know they performed Desolation Row at some of the shows they did on the last tour. But I really couldn't make out what they were saying.

Anonymous said...

I think that their cover for Watchmen is truly MCR's last chance at redemption for the mainstream rock audience.

If they can pull it off, I think they would gain alot of respect from people who had blown them off before. However, I don't think they can.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anyone doing Desolation Row justice. I watched the MCR concert cover on youtube and it just sounded like a lot of noise.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Even if they do a good job a lot of people are going to give them shit just because they can. It's MCR it's okay to hate them even if you have never heard a song.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't think MCR will ever have a shot at the mainstream rock audience. As horrible as it sounds, guys take one look at Gerard's girly face with his Michael Jackson nose and they don't take him seriously. The reaction I always used to get from guys and older people when I would talk about MCR was "They look like a bunch of fags" or "They look like girls".

It doesn't help that they spent the first several years of their career playing that up.

Anonymous said...

^Yes and it also doesn't help that when Gerard got married he picked a girl who is about ten times more masculine than he is.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think that most people out side of the MCR/msi fan base see her and think groupie. I think she was also his way of getting respect by saying look I can get a rock chic. Who doesn't have any talent that any other groupie wouldn't have.He should have at least gotten someone who can play

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I see your points. Maybe their association with emo is too great for them to overcome at this point.

But for true rock fans I think it ultimately comes down to talent, the question is whether MCR actually contain that talent.

I don't think they do. I think we have seen more than enough of them to know what they are capable of and I don't see them pulling that kind of brilliance out of their asses any time soon.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on that, Cupcake. Their main talent seems to be in rehashing things that have already been done. No brilliance in that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think they do have the talent but with Gerard's ever changing personality and image no one will see it.

Gerard is the front man and no matter how much talent they have he is the person who people will look to for what the band is about. What is Gerard about, you have to ask his current best friends that question.

Anonymous said...

From forums I've been on, if rock fans give MCR a chance at all, they always praise Ray. Which he completely deserves. I've seen a lot say that they hope he starts or joins a good rock/metal band if (when) MCR breaks up, and I must agree with them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, if someone could just make Gerard shut the fuck up and sit in the corner...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gerard you see how Mikey just sits there and never talks, Why don't you try that.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard might spontaneously combust if he didn't get to run his mouth.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Turn his microphone off.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how a guy with Ray's talent can just keep quiet and let some jackass like Gerard stand in front of him. I wish he would get involved in a side project like Frank did, and maybe he would realize that he can do so much better than MCR.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

There is n interview with Ray and Gerard where Ray is the one doing all the talking. It is short and about the bus and game room they have. But Gerard still gets attention by acting goofy. It is one of the last interviews before I gave up on them. I liked the fact that Gerard was acting goofy and making faces.

Anonymous said...

Turn his microphone off.

Lol. That would be great, only he'd probably just steal someone else's.

I always crack up at the end of the Teenagers video when he just will not give up his mic, no matter what. It's the only good thing about that pitiful excuse for a video.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I went to youtube to see the comments on their cover, and about 90% of the responses on the video were very negative.

Many were similar to this:

i didn't think it was possible to make a song so beautiful, this awful.

This comment made me laugh so fucking hard:

I think it's important to remember that this cover is supposed to be an ironic interpretation of the original that relates to the Watchmen movie it's appearing in. I'm not a huge fan of MCR, but I think they've done a good job of capturing the dirty feel of early punk, which is kind of the joke. Turning a Bob Dylan song into a Sex Pistols-esque musical assault.

All I could think when I read this was that I doubt they are trying to be "ironic" here, they really are just that dense. It's funny how desperately she is trying to defend them. She would have a point if it wasn't so obvious from Gerard's comments about the cover that this was NOT his intentions at all.

She's got the "musical assault" part right, though.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Why did they do teenagers and not mama or Disenchanted. Dead would have been great with Blood as the opening part.

And IDLY should have been a track in America. It would have allowed people to see a different side of the band.

Anonymous said...

4:58 lol wooooow.

Anonymous said...

She's got the "musical assault" part right, though.

So true. It's just awful, isn't it?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Sex Pistols-esque musical assault.

More like the msi watered down version of the Sex Pistols. We all know that is who Ju wants to be with that attitude but he sucks at it. Now MCR are trying to do msi.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason they did Teenagers was because it would be such an easy and cheap video shoot. Warner probably didn't want to spend a lot of money on another video for the band, since WTTBP and FLW didn't generate as much sales as they'd hoped.

Teenagers was really terrible. Somebody somewhere said it was as though the band had "phoned it in" and I can't think of a better description.

Anonymous said...

Lol@ MCR trying to be like the Sex Pistols. They're about as hardcore punk as my grandma.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It was cheap. I wonder why the even wasted the time making a video for it. They could have just gotten some concert footage and mixed it in with sense of teenagers acting like themselves.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it cute how fangirls always drag "irony" into their arguments? Too bad most of them have no idea what the word means.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody seen the footage of The Used starting to sing Teenagers and then morphing it into Achy Breaky Heart?

Fucking hilarious. Now whenever Teenagers comes on the radio, I hear Achy Breaky Heart.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Has anybody seen the footage of The Used starting to sing Teenagers and then morphing it into Achy Breaky Heart?

Fucking hilarious. Now whenever Teenagers comes on the radio, I hear Achy Breaky Heart.

December 22, 2008 5:17 PM

I guess that means the way baby will be the next Hannah Montana

For my last comment that should be scenes

Anonymous said...

Teenagers was awful. But I didn't care for the video of IDLY either. I couldn't watch it without laughing at Gerard's ridiculous "emoting".

At least we don't have to worry about him ever trying to act.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Please. Acting will be next I don't think MCR and TUA will bring in enough money for their LA life style

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I liked the video for IDLY I like to see Gerard make faces.

Anonymous said...

God, the screencaps from IDLY were to die for. Gerard's faces were hysterical.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He does know how to make faces. He doesn't do that anymore. He is too hxc for that know.

Anonymous said...

Does he really think he can escape those screencaps? They will follow him until the end of time. No matter how much he tries to be hxc, those caps and the ones from Helena will always manage to pop up and shoot his hxc attempts to hell.


Anonymous said...

Maybe he was just making "ironic" faces in those vids.

Wow. He was being "ironically emo". How totally hardcore of him.

Martha Smith-Jones said...


It was nice talking to you I have step out for a bit later.

Anonymous said...

Later, Martha. Nice talking to you too. :)

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt 2009 will be an MCR/MSI-free year, with the Way baby. It's sometimes the case that not-so-famous celebs get more famous when they have kids. They'll get even more attention if they name their kid something ridiculous. Might even get on one of those VH1 shows.

I hope to God they name it something halfway normal, for the kid's sake. I want to strangle any those celebs who name their children stupid names. They only do it for attention or to be "artistic" but don't consider for a second what the child may have to go through later in life. It's so selfish I want to scream.

Anonymous said...

Here's a new interview about TUA:


I'm almost getting suspicious at his tight-lippedness on the baby, or even the wife.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Pete and Ashlee didn't get anymore attention for the baby. In fact no one cared because they couldn't sell the pictures. Maybe for the name but that died down.

I think he is tight lipped because people got after him about. And I like it that way.

Anonymous said...

I’ve said so many ridiculous things over the years.

hmmm...you don't say...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Looking at the way Pete is acting now I am glad Gerard just wouldn't shut the hell up about her. Because I don't want to know what they do in bed or what their breast milk taste like.

Anonymous said...

martha, for all his mouthing off (which is really dumb) at least they are being decent and not selling the baby pictures.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

They did try to sell the baby pictures no one wanted them

Anonymous said...

i find that hard to believe. i think i would have to retract what i said about decency if that's true.

if i were in their position, i would take the privacy of my child very seriously.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I couldn't find the story because it was on TMZ but this is what I dd find:

PETE WENTZ has taken to his blog to blast reports he and his wife ASHLEE SIMPSON-WENTZ are struggling to sell photos of their newborn baby to a magazine.
A report emerged on Thursday (11Dec08) that alleged the new parents, who welcomed son Bronx Mowgli in November (08), were desperate to show off their tot in a tabloid but had failed to secure a cover deal with a magazine.
Now Wentz is hitting back at the story, insisting he and his pop star partner have been offered "mounds and mounds of money by mags from here to Guam to pimp out the baby".
But the couple has decided not to pose for magazine photos with Bronx for the time being - despite the potentially dangerous situations their media restraint could put them in.
Wentz writes: "We have made the decision to not sell Bronx's baby pictures right now. We understand that, like other celebrities have said, 'there is a bounty on our heads' for these pictures.

I find it hard to believe they have a bounty on their heads for the pictures. Pete isn't that well know and Ashlee is just Jessica's little sister.

Anonymous said...

it would be smarter to never consider their sale, i wonder if they feel they need to compete with other celebrities.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Or they just see $$ and want the money.

Anonymous said...

7:55 i wouldn't hold my breath for too much longer

something is bound to escape those lips sooner or later

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I hope it is nothing like pete's

Anonymous said...

ha! but pete doesn't have an amazzzzing wife

Martha Smith-Jones said...


Anonymous said...

martha, is your kitty meant to be a shark or is it just REALLY happy!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am going to go with shark cause cats don't like the water.

Anonymous said...

okay ...a cat-shark

original to say the least :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Well catfish but I guess because cats have sharp teeth they used a shark's mouth. I found the picture while reading about OB tampons on a vegetarian forum.

Anonymous said...

too bad those twitter aficionados cannot find anything as interesting or unusual to blog about

posts about waste by-products just don't cut it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am learn a lot of stuff about animals today. Like the king cobra can grow to be 18.5 feet long and that there are catshaks. I didn't know this, I had heard of dogfish and catfish bit not catsharks.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

too bad those twitter aficionados cannot find anything as interesting or unusual to blog about

posts about waste by-products just don't cut it.

December 22, 2008 10:28 PM

Than the fansheep would have to actually think about what they write.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...it's sad to think that it's no longer desirable to make someone think

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing at the pic of Gerard scuba diving.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

hmmm.com's sad to think that it's no longer desirable to make someone think

December 22, 2008 10:37 PM

If you think you might regret what you just did and reality TV would be very boring if that happened.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing at the pic of Gerard scuba diving.

December 22, 2008 10:40 PM

WHAT!!!! Link please

Anonymous said...

Main website, Bob's new blogs.

Looks like Gerard let his biceps dwindle away.

Anonymous said...

why o why did i look...shakes head

the sunset was nice

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't know what to say. That is just odd

Anonymous said...

What biceps? I wasn't aware he really ever had any.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Another rumor started by the fangirls.

Anonymous said...

no comment :)

rocking climbing, scuba diving, what next? do you think they'll jump off a plane? *smirks*

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's like his life is coming to an end and he is trying to do as much as he can

Anonymous said...

i heard that rumor too Martha

wasn't it something about how the amazzzing wife made him a man? or something to that effect...

Anonymous said...

i bet it will be sword fighting next

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Someone once came to Mayo's and said his wife made him a mad. I told them he made her a man as well.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Maybe he will try to go to the moon like that guy from N'Sync

Martha Smith-Jones said...

mad should be man

Anonymous said...

Well in a sense his life will be over once the baby is born, a lot less free time for both of them.
I wonder if Lindsey went with them to Hawaii?

Anonymous said...

Is that Donald Way behind Mikey in that dog pic?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't see them changing their lives. They will keep doing the same shit as always.

Anonymous said...

i'm sure she is always close by 11:13

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't see them changing their lives. They will keep doing the same shit as always.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Isn't msi on tour. If she can travel with Gerard she can travel with the band. Shouldn't she be with the band.

No idea who that is in the picture with Mikey

Anonymous said...

Why would she be with the band if she isn't playing?

Martha Smith-Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martha Smith-Jones said...

She would be with the band because that is her job. The only reason I can think that she wouldn't be with them is because she can't travel because of the baby. If she can't travel because of the baby why would she be in Hawaii? If she can go there she can go out with the band.

Anonymous said...

does it really matter?

i'm they work out a way to be together

martha, mr toro has surprised me. i'm wondering if he will post something entertaining for the fans to read again.

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

If she wants to be known as a feminist I think it would matter. If she isn't leaving the band it would matter.

As far as the blogs go I usually don't go there unless someone has been talking about it to me. Even if what Ray rights is entertaining. I have pretty much given up on liking that band. but I do feel the need to vent and laugh so they come in handed for those things.

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