In the time since I posted last, Gerard rented a monkey for LynZ, totally forgetting his support of PETA and animal rights. Jimmy Urine declared Gerard his best friend. The Black Parade Is Dead came out and everyone in the band thanked everyone, except Gerard who thanked LynZ, and then his parents as an after thought. Gerard moved to LA where he was seen with his new "posse" of friends, meaning LynZ, Jimmy Urine and his wife. A few more interviews came and went where he promoted MSI. And recently he wrote a message to MySpace trying to say how everything was cool with the band, yet what it really comes down to is Frank is touring with his other band, Bob just got our of surgery, no mention of whta Mikey is working on, and he doesn't know where Ray is. He also hinted that he is going to go see an upcoming MSI show, which is funny because of all of LynZ's protests that she doesn't want fans to go to their show just to see Gerard.
I feel really bad for the rest of the band now that Jimmy Urine and LynZ are Gerard's best friends. Didn't his band see him through the worst times, when he was suicidal didn't they pull him up from rock bottom? Now they are tossed aside for "inspirational" MSI.
Have I forgotten anything? I think there was more but I can't remember it.
This is mostly just to give you all some new space to talk.
It's really good to know that there are people out there who see through their pathetic facade.
Monday, August 25, 2008
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«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 2207 Newer› Newest»Gerard doesn't hear anything he doesn't want to. Too bad for him.
Changing the subject slightly, but does anybody know what the fuck that crazy bitch with the fugly nurse icon is on about in the latest mcrumorcontrol post? Something about how Donna can't stand Alicia because Alicia "spreads the love around" or something like that. Then talk about the list of medications Mikey is taking. IDK, makes no effin' sense to me but she's a member of zomgmcrrumors and those bitches act like they know shit the rest of us don't. Any info would be appreciated because I love Mikey and now I'm really worried about him.
I don't know much about Donna or Alicia but I did think "zOMG BURN!!" when the imfamous 'Mom' post appeared on the blogs, where their mother (alledgedly!) wrote that she hoped Lyn-Z would be "the daughter she never had", very obviously implyying that her first daughter-inlaw wasn't good enough. and if Lyn-Z is 'daughter matierial', fuck knows how much of a monster Alicia would have to be!!!
This one Anon?
I suppose you could read a few choice sentences as being a dig at her first daughter-in-law - "nicest and kindess(sic) girl", etc... suggesting Alicia ain't! - if you were in the mood for stirring up trouble.
Which I clearly am!
...although the use of the word "talented" would suggest she's suffered from some kind of early-onset dementia!
Or it's not her.
Do you really believe she wrote that rubbish?
Personally no, although there's a few who claim to know the lady who will swear on their grandmother's graves that it is.
It all harmless speculation for fun on a grey Thursday afternoon!
Oh, that mom post was so fucking fake. This is going to sound so mean, but even with all the misspellings and grammatical errors (which make the thing seem like it was written by a typical BN fan), from the looks of that scary old thing I doubt Donna Way can write that well.
You're right, you do sound mean. However, if I'm being completely honest I don't think that whole family is particularly well educated.
^wow, that was way harsh, although i've often thought that maybe the reason gerard and mikey chose such scary wives is because they're trying to find somebody just like dear old mom, so i really can't criticize you for it.
woopsie. was referring to 7:40, not 7:47.
If that youshouldveknown is to be believed it sounds like Alicia either gave Mikey herpes or some other STD, or she got him hooked on cocaine. I'm thinking the cocaine because of what saltyliquorice posted, which was a link showing how cocaine abuse can cause bipolar. D:
Salty's really the only one of those zomg people who is likely to have any inside info at all. You can't really believe what the others say. astra_mandie and shouldveknown are just skyline3way's buttgirls. Skyline probably dreamt up the 'fake pregnancy' rumour about Eliza and dispatched astra_mandie and youshouldveknown to spread it all over the fandom so people would think her stupid comm is 'in the know', because if I remember correctly, the first time I heard the fake pregnancy rumour it was from astra_mandie, who is from New fucking Zealand and wouldn't know shit if she wasn't being spoonfed by the other people on that comm.
My money's on the cocaine.
Ermmm... if it's anything I'd assume it's the coke; seriously, would Mikey tell his Mum - or indeed, anybody - that his missus gave him herpes?
Then again, if she's Pete Wentz's ex, and he's knobbed Paris Hilton then it's all perfectly possible.
I honestly believe that Donna Way will love whoever her sons bring home because what other choice does she have? These boys are her meal tickets. She fucking LOVED Eliza when she was with Gerard too. It's all about perception, and for her I think its about keeping those boys delluded in their own happiness so she can keep the money rolling in.
If she were any kind of real mother she would have slapped Gerard over the whole rushed marriage instead of embracing the new woman with open arms. She should have sat him down and tried to figure out what was wrong with him and then convinced him to wait on the marriage. She obviously didn't. She was at PR kissing Lyn Z's backbending ass as soon as she had the chance. I would love to be a fly on the wall at this family's Christmas events.
What about LynZ'z parents. Who the hell would just let their daughter run off and marry some guy they just met. I heard that her parents met him just days before the wedding.
If she were any kind of real mother she would have slapped Gerard over the whole rushed marriage instead of embracing the new woman with open arms. She should have sat him down and tried to figure out what was wrong with him and then convinced him to wait on the marriage. She obviously didn't. She was at PR kissing Lyn Z's backbending ass as soon as she had the chance. I would love to be a fly on the wall at this family's Christmas events.
September 18, 2008 9:27 AM
She might have. There are pictures of him and her seating on a golf cart. It looks like something is going on. Maybe she tried but he wouldn't listen.
I don't think she has been kissing LynZ's ass. I have never seen a picture of LynZ and Donna together have any of you?
i don't think Gerard's mother wrote that. his mother looks like the kind of mom that doesn't take any shit. she doesn't seem all lovey and chipper like that letter sounds.
guys don't you think the dissing of GW's mum is a little low?! i think that is definitely out of bounds. show a little respect.
re GW and lynz, at the end of the day they are in their 30's, their parents might still be their parents but they can't dictate anything to them, even if they had wanted to.
strikes me GW will do whatever he pleases anyway.
Btw, thank you for liking my poem 9:02. I wish he could hear it too, but it won't happen. He's too cluttered with this new found life he has.
& about the whole Donna Way, Lyn-Z and G thing. Honestly, 11:53 is correct. I bet you that Donna did try to talk to her son, but what can she do? He's 31 years old he isn't a child anymore, all that she can do is guide him and hope that he does the best for himself and he clearly isn't. Basically, she supports him, what else can she do? But at the same time, we don't know that.. Maybe she's totally against the marriage, but we don't live the Way household to know.
But really, if I were her and knew all of the awful things that Lyn-Z does/did, I wouldn't be supporting Gerard and his marriage. She's not good for him and he clearly needs help.
About Mikey doing coke:
I have nothing to say about that, since well theirs no proof. You can simply be Bi-Polar by being Bi-Polar. So if that's the excuse for saying he does drugs than that's idiotic. He's probably had that disorder for a while and didn't want anyone to know about it or he probably had it, but it barely broke out like it did when they were making the black parade.
"i don't think Gerard's mother wrote that. his mother looks like the kind of mom that doesn't take any shit. she doesn't seem all lovey and chipper like that letter sounds."
I believe there was a pic on bn of donna watching lynz play and taking pictures, Im not sure if I can find it but I can look for it if you want.
found it...
donna way is just as fucked up as her son.
Yes please 12.34. If you can.
I know LynZ once sharpied "Donna" on her arm.
As for Alicia - well I think there's sometihng really fucked about WMHC. I've heard the every (ex) member are poison.
"Spreading the love" to many internet account and kissing Mikey pictures. Maybe?
Thanks 12.34.
I wonder what Donald makes of it all.
She is taking pictures of LynZ. Aren't there any pictures of her and LynZ standing next to each other smiling? Or all they all of Donna standing in the back ground taking pictures of Lynz's back side.
I think the only ass kissing being done is from Lyn-z.
Lindsey's got some thick ass thighs in that pic.
Gerard's mother probably likes Lindsey because she's Italian like her. i know how NJ/NY Italian moms are.
I doubt LynZ's pure Italian.
1:10, LMAO!
Seriously, when you said that I totally thought you were some random "ganster". Sorry it made me laugh majorly.
& Yeah, don't even know what to say about the Way family, all of them are screwy.
& Your right about the NY/NJ Italian mom's thing. It's a terrible.
i hate the way Gerard tries to hide his NJ/NY accent. he tries to sound like he's from California.
I hate the way Gerard tries to hid who he is by becoming an asshole.
^that too.
Oh, I know, 1:56. That's a pretty recent development too. I especially noticed it in the TUA interviews at Comic Con.
Of course, since Lindsey speaks in in a fake Vally Girl accent it's just so typical of him to want to be just like her.
Wow! He's even changing his accent? What a new and not suprising development.
Before you know it Gerard is going be looking, or attempting to look like this:
With his fake Cali accent, and a rare blend of fake! What a great mash-up!
Gerard reminds me of me in middle school, when I was trying to fit in with the popular kids. Um, thank god I grew out of that. I realized that they didn't really care about me... The difference is, I was 13, Gerard is 31, and I had more than enough common sense to get out of those annoying relationships, unlike Gerard. :)
Yes, Gerard is one of the worst cases of arrested development I've ever seen. I remember being floored when I discovered he was 28 a few years back and still said things like, "I'm totally psyched," and "I think that rules,". Now he's 31 and getting worse instead of better.
My cousin has the same problem. He's forty-something and still acts like a fifteen year old. His doctor said it was caused by brain damage from drinking too much at an early age.
Trust me, when Gerard is forty-five and still acting like that it's not going to be pretty. D:
^ Like totally.
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Well shit. What do you expect from a dude who is married to a 32 year old woman who still wears pigtails?
There is nothing wrong with being forty something and saying those things.
But there is something wrong with a man who is thirty something and still doesn't know who the hell he is.
"oh, I think that so and so over there is cool. I think I will start acting like them now. Wait, that person over there is even more cool. I will be like them."
Speaking of fake accents, it cracked me up in that RockSound interview when LynZ channeled Madonna's fake British accent when she said 'Joan Jett'.
Maybe she and Gerard should invest some money in diction lessons if they're going to attempt to change the way they speak. Then maybe they wouldn't come off quite so stupid.
Oh wait. This is Gerard and LynZ I'm talking about. I don't think it's possible for them not to come off as stupid.
Maybe she and Gerard should invest some money in diction lessons if they're going to attempt to change the way they speak. Then maybe they wouldn't come off quite so stupid.
Why would they waste perfectly good money on learning something, when there are monkeys out there that they can rent.
Too true, 3:31.
Besides, I doubt they even know the meaning of the word "investment." Gerard once said he wasn't good at math and couldn't balance a checkbook. I bet Lindsey's no better at handling money than he is...unless she's spending it, of course.
Invest in diction lessons? Are you kidding? With the price of cocaine being what it is today?
I don't think they have to worry about the price of cocaine. I bet Jimmy can get them a good deal.
Surely the rumors of JU being a dealer are not true. I can't imagine he'd risk going to jail. He'd get fucking killed in prison. I'm serious. Fucking annihilated. There'd be nothing left of him but a spot of hair dye on the floor.
^Yea, if that's true, what if Gerard got arrested just by being with him? Oh god I can't even think about that. It would just be too awful.
I think that is what Gerard needs. To be arrested because of Jimmy and LynZ. Maybe it would scare him straight.
^Yea, but you know what they do to guys like him in prison.
OMG, I can't believe I went there. Sorry.
Going to jail would be good for Jimmy. It would knock him dawn to size and show him what it really means to be hardcore.
^ Your totally correct.
Than we an all sit back and laugh at the new Jimmy sex tape. The one where he plays the part of the muppet.
changing the subject but i noticed there are still tickets left for tomorrow nights MSI show.
i wonder if gerard will be there supporting wifey, even though he totally blew off frank and reggie.
Than we an all sit back and laugh at the new Jimmy sex tape. The one where he plays the part of the muppet.
Is it wrong that I lol'd?
Yea, I wonder how JU would feel if someone was calling him "bitch" and telling him to get down on his knees.
Anonymous said...
changing the subject but i noticed there are still tickets left for tomorrow nights MSI show.
i wonder if gerard will be there supporting wifey, even though he totally blew off frank and reggie.
September 18, 2008 3:57 PM
Has he written anymore Myspace letters to the fans, letting them know he will be in the same area as the MSI show.
^No, not that I'm aware of. They didn't sell out those shows either though. :)
^Yea, but you know what they do to guys like him in prison.
OMG, I can't believe I went there. Sorry.
I could see them doing that to Gee. But not JU. I don't think they would want JU's stds.
The whole fucking band is full of VD's!
So I wonder what would happen to Lyn-Z in jail? LOL.
She would be forced to take a shower.
i have a feeling she might be picking up the soap.
LynZ looks more like a prison matron (guard) than an inmate.
Gerard wouldn't have to worry about prison. All he would have to do is put up a picture of wifee-poo in his cell and everyone would stay the fuck away from him because
1) they'd be afraid of catching diseases after finding out he'd fucked that, and
2) they'd be be afraid that LynZ might go medieval on their asses if they touched her property.
Do you guys really think she looks that bulked up?
Because apparently every guy that sees her (well litterly, but most) think she's the hottest piece of ass around...
I beg to differ.
CNN should scroll an STD Alert for every city MSI goes to.
Anonymous said...
Do you guys really think she looks that bulked up?
Because apparently every guy that sees her (well litterly, but most) think she's the hottest piece of ass around...
I beg to differ.
When you are fifteen or have the mind of a fifteen year old. Any woman who flashes you or puts out at the drop of a hat, is hot.
For them it is all about quantity not quality.
I don't know any guys who think she's hot. I saw them in concert once and the guys around me were making fun of her makeup and saying she looked like a trannie and the joker from Batman.
the only people i've heard say lyn-z is hot are mcr fangirls who go on about how they'd "do" her. guys think she's too butch.
I've never heard anyone saying she was hot (who was male) but I have heard them say I'd do her.
she is hot...
as hot as an STD.
the only thing that's hot on Lindsey is the steam coming from her smelly crotch.
So I wonder what would happen to Lyn-Z in jail? LOL.
September 18, 2008 4:17 PM
Anonymous said...
She would be forced to take a shower.
September 18, 2008 4:24 PM
Oh my God. I laughed so fucking hard at this! They'd even de-louse her!
They could put her in solitary confinement. Where she will be force to breath in her own stink. Just like that poor Rocksound guy.
Just like that poor Rocksound guy.
That is one brave dude. He deserves combat pay for going into that interview.
yea, the rocksound guy didn't seem to think lyn-z was all that hot.
Combat pay, they need to give him time off with pay. That had to be very draining on him. With her spreading her legs everytime he said one word.
Just because Gerard is attracted to that stench coming from between your legs, it doesn't mean all men are.
I never really had a problem with Lyn Z. That is until she started doing interviews and crying about how hard it was to be married to a man more known then she was. It just floored me to think that MCR took a lot of shit so Gerard could have her come on tour, inflating MSI's fanbase and bank accounts so that she could in turn bitch about the effects. Never once have I heard her or MSI really, publicly thank MCR for that. Not thank Gerard, but thank the band!
According to her marrying Gerard has set her back because all her hard work has been erased. What hard work was that? If anyone works in that band its Jimmy since he's the one who does all the writing and programming. All she has to do is pretend to play along to a backing track. Kitty seems to be a genuinly talented drummer. If she was smart she'd jump ship now and form a band with other "real" musicians.
And its obvious that Mrs. Gerard Way thinks she's gorgeous. She's 32 years old and dresses like a Hot Topic mall rat. She is flirting her ass off in that Rock Sound interview to a guy who seems to try over and over to disappear into the side of the sofa with no luck. I agree, he should have recieved extra pay and possibly post traumatic stress theorapy once that interview was over.
'What about LynZ'z parents."
well they produced one of the most disgusting women to ever walk the Earth, so they're unlikely to be the type of people to gently question her motives when darling daughter brings a meal ticket home.
I agree wholeheartedly with the comment^^ above me. I couldn't care less about LynZ either until it became clear just how ungreatful she was for everything her husband had done - and then I paid attention and realised how slutty, sorry 'feminist', stupid and skanky she was. I know we should all be part of a big supportive Sisterhood and shouldn't use those names, but some women set us back so much and reinforce stereotypes for sexist jerks taht i just wish the magazines and the fan girls would wake up and ignore her until she goes away and we get the female role models that the kids so desperately need.
OK, Rant over!!!
y dont u give us a poster of gerard way n lynz together. they r like the most amazin couple in the world. gerard is so cute and she is so smokin hott and i luv them sooooo much.
^Makes me ashamed to have ever called myself a fan. :(
^It's the ones who say that Lyn-Z inspires them to wanna be just like her that make me ashamed to be female.
For Chrissakes even Paris Hilton is better - she may flash her katanga but at least she's had a wash!!!
So did the idiot who posted that comment on Kerrang's website not read the interview where Lindsey said she didn't want anything to do with the little girls who think Gerard is "OMG, so cute!"?
No wonder people make fun of me when they find out I listen(ed) to MCR.
Kerrang girl NEEDS to be shot - for the greater good of the human race.
Anonymous said...
Kerrang girl NEEDS to be shot - for the greater good of the human race.
September 19, 2008 10:00 AM
Kerrang girl needs to spend some quality time with her idol. I am sure that the stink coming from her will make Kerrang girl see the light.
Fangirls like Kerrang Girl make me wish I'd never heard of MCR.
LynZ makes me wish I'd never heard of MCR.
Gerard makes me wish I'd never heard of MCR.
Damn. I really wish I'd never heard of MCR. :(
I love MCR, I have loved the music ever since I first saw them play a Bullets show. I loved the fact that Gerard was a different kind of front man and that the band were genuinly about their fans. If you'd asked me then if I ever believed what's happened now was a possibility I would have laughed at you.
Now I know everyone is laughing at me. Thanks a lot Gerard. You single handedly destroyed this band.
You'd think she could at least backbend with her crotch away from the audience...(warning: this aint pretty)
Does Gerard really not mind this? This is your wife, man!
If you'd asked me then if I ever believed what's happened now was a possibility I would have laughed at you.
i remember so many interviews where gerard talked about how money and fame weren't important to the band. he said mcr wanted to make a difference in people's lives and it was all about the fans and the music.
now he's living in LA, spending all his time promoting the "anti-message band" who readily admit they're just in it for the money.
as one of the early fans, i can't help but feel betrayed. it's a fucking sucky-ass feeling and i don't like it one little bit.
Does Gerard really not mind this? This is your wife, man!
he probably thinks it's "cool" and "punk" and whatever the hell else has become important to him these days.
You'd think she could at least backbend with her crotch away from the audience...(warning: this aint pretty)
...what's sad is there are a lot more where that came from.
She sure does love to show that stanky thing off, doesn't she?
That ^ is really disgusting. She's just deliberately flashing the audience there, which is bad enough, but the dancer in me (ballet lessons since I was 4) is pretty damn appalled by the fact that she doesn't even bother to point her toes. And have you ever noticed how she just stomps around in those big boots? She couldn't even make it as an exotic dancer.
I guess flashing her not-so-privates really is her only talent.
but it wouldn't be "punk" if she pointed her toes. bitch is too "cool" to actually dance.
what is that spotted thing on her thigh?
^ I think it's a bruise.
...or a hickey.
...oh wait. It's a mark of love.
^ *vomits*
So what do you want to bet that Gerard was right there, supporting the wife's band in concert tonight even though he didn't manage to make any of the Reggie/LM shows?
I don't need to bet anything. He was there why wouldn't he. MSI aren't selling out their shows, he needs to be there to get all the fangirls to buy tickets.
You all do realize that Gerard, Lyn-Z, and possibly Jimmy, probably all read this blog and laugh their asses off at it, don't you. All your heartfelt 'goodbye MCR's', the 'Lyn is a slut, she doesn't wash and shows her kooch to the audience' and 'sigh, Gerard just isn't the same man he used to be', probably cracks them all up.
They don't care what you think. At the end of the day, if they've managed to squeeze enough money out of someone's mom and dad to finance their lifestyle, they are all perfectly happy. I'm sure if they could see you all in person right now, they would look you right in the eye and flip you all off.
i don't think gerard reads this blog, but if he does i don't really care how he feels about it. he can laugh at me if he wants to because i've been laughing at his idiot ass for a long time now. he might think he's on top of the world but it's a long fucking way down and the fall is likely to break him.
so if you are reading this, asshole, laugh it up. i'm pretty sure you won't be the one having the last laugh, though.
^ Your porbably right about all of that. But we need a place to vent and this is the place. So reguardless, I'm going to keep coming here, wheter they know about or not... It's not going to stop me.
so if you are reading this, asshole, laugh it up. i'm pretty sure you won't be the one having the last laugh, though.
September 20, 2008 8:45 AM
Do I care if Gerard reads my comments here? Hell no. I know it won't matter to him in the least. I've suspected that he thinks his fans are just stupid puppets that he can manipulate and then make fun of for a while now, even before Lindsey.
I'm just happy to see that other people are beginning to see through his sweet, sincere, caring facade. He can laugh all he wants, but like 8:45 said, I doubt he'll be laughing in the end.
Except neither MCR or MSI are doing that well. MSI are not selling out their shows and TBPID didn't sell like they had hoped.
Let them flip me off I will laugh right back at them. Because when everything is said and done they are the one who will have no money and will be the joke of the music world.
Gerard won't be laughing when Skanksey divorces him and gets the house, cars, and half of his money.
^Lol. That's Skank-Z.
Gerard won't be laughing when Skanksey divorces him and gets the house, cars, and half of his money.
i'm kinda betting that there won't be any money left. :(
^ Nah, I'm kind of betting that Gerard didn't even sign a prenupt.
Freakin' Dumbass.
So that person is right, she's probably get half of what he has, which is A LOT even if he doesn't flaunt it. I don't even think that the marriage is legit, he probably still has a stupid ceremony certificate, which isn't enough... Since the state has to recongnize you as a married couple first.
I'm pretty sure that Skank-Z is more likely to get half in California than she would be if the two of them lived in NJ.
Wonder whose idea it was to move to LA?
Come on, I think that one is a no brainer it was probably Lyn-Z.
think of all the money Gerard is saving being married to Skank-Z. he doesn't have to buy soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste and feminine hygiene products because she doesn't use any of that stuff.
^ Hahahahahahahhahaha!
good thing he doesn't use the stuff either. now they can put all their money to coke and booze.
I am not Lindsey's biggest fan and I don't like MSI, but I just don't get why it bothers all of you so much that Gerard is with her. So what if she's not the girl you would have chosen for him. So what if she's a little less than brainy and isn't the best musician. So what if she flashes her crotch onstage. This does not affect your lives in any way.
If she makes Gerard happy then I say good on her. If the marriage doesn't work out then I say too bad. My point is it's his life, not yours so why not just live and let live.
Skanksey looks like she's taking a dump in this pic.
I am not Lindsey's biggest fan and I don't like MSI, but I just don't get why it bothers all of you so much that Gerard is with her. So what if she's not the girl you would have chosen for him. So what if she's a little less than brainy and isn't the best musician. So what if she flashes her crotch onstage. This does not affect your lives in any way.
Au contraire. It does effect us. In that basically since he's been with her he's turned into a giant douchebag. He's become a complete hypocrite. Also it doesn't bother me that he's with her. She just bothers me. Period. My great dislike for her is totally separate from my dislike of Gerard.
If she makes Gerard happy then I say good on her. If the marriage doesn't work out then I say too bad. My point is it's his life, not yours so why not just live and let live.
Except that most of us extremely doubt that he is happy. Also again the fact that it's not just that he's married to her it's that he's become a whole different person and it's ruining something that we once loved. We don't like her because of the effect she has had on Gerard and all of MCR. If Gerard hadn't done a complete 180 concerning the morals and ethics that we presumed, and that he told us, he had we would have no problem.
5:44 you can see the underwear.
it sucks people are imitating her:
The pic is disgusting enough by itself but what bothers me the most is the comment! I can't believe fans of her find this endearing!
that is just vile. she's so fucking classless.
this is a pic from the PR tour. Skanksey has TAKEN written on her arm. it's an obvious slap in the face to Eliza who used to have "TAKEN FOR LIFE" on her myspace when she was with Gerard. Skanksey has no right taken shots at Eliza. although i'm sure Gerard wrote it on her arm. they're both pieces of garbage.
I wonder if Gerard enjoys looking at panty shot pics of Skank-Z on the internet.
God, Gerard ought to be so fucking embarassed
^tbh, the dumb fuck is probably too coked up to even care.
Nobody knows for sure if Lindsey is even using cocaine. Just because she wiped her nose a few time in that interview doesn't prove a thing. Even if she is using, that doesn't mean Gerard is using too. I don't think he would do that to his family and the band.
have you seen Gerard lately? he looks like absolute shit. i've never seen him look this bad.
How does he look bad? He's thin but maybe he's just been working out to stay fit for Lindsey.
can you find a pic of him looking like shit? a little proof?
it's not his body, it's his face.
I personally think it's both his body and his face. Just look here. His face is looking so skeletal he could almost be one of those Day of the Dead masks. And look how tiny he is. I don't think I've ever seen him that thin, even when he was on tour for months. I just don't think he looks healthy at all.
And I don't care how many fangirls say his hair looks cute, it's a fucking mess. Couldn't he at least run a brush through it?
you cannot tell me he looks good in this pic
Seriously, in both those pictures he looks so frail; that's not what a 31 year old man is supposed to look like. I'm not seeing muscle tone there, I'm seeing skin and bone. You could probably knock the guy over with a feather.
LynZ looks like she's on steroids in that pic.
Here's a screencap from the interview he did at Comic Con. The dude looks like he's about to keel over. :(
people can say what they want about Eliza, but at least Gerard didn't look sickly when he was with her.
He might not have looked sickly when he was with her, but he wasn't happy, during their engagement, either.
I haven't seen him looking happy and healthy since around the time TBP first came out.
in the comic con picture he looks like one of those bobble head dolls, and his eyes are huge like their about to pop out of his head. and his dark circles have dark circles.
now Gerard looks sickly and you can tell he's faking his happiness. he's way over dramatic about how in love and happy he is.
Gerard may have a smile on his face while with Lindsey. But it isn't real. Back before her you could tell when he was happy because he would joke around and make funny faces. He doesn't do that anymore.
He's looking pretty peaked here too. Seriously, doesn't he just look like he's about to pass out in that pic? And even though the lighting is washing his face out somewhat, you can still see telltale signs of dark circles.
His head does look too big for his body these days and his eyes look unnaturally big here as well.
now Gerard looks sickly and you can tell he's faking his happiness. he's way over dramatic about how in love and happy he is.
Agreed. Whenever he goes on and on about how happy he is it sounds like he's trying to convince himself.
Compare those pics to this one.
He sounds like Britney Spears. Back when she was married she was always going on about how amazing it was to be married.
I have heard that it isn't a good sign when couples dress like each. It usually means trouble.
Look at this one.
And how about this one.
There's a light in his eyes in those pictures that just hasn't been there in a long time.
He sounds like Britney Spears. Back when she was married she was always going on about how amazing it was to be married.
Doesn't he? It just seems to me like he so desperately wants it to be true, but the lie is just making him miserable.
omg, somebody said here once that he has dead eyes now and after looking at those old pics I totally see it.
i didn't want to believe he was back on drugs but now i really do think maybe he is.
Yes, looking at those older pictures upsets me more than it should. Probably because it makes me afraid for him. :(
Looking at old pictures. watching old interviews or watching their videos can be upsetting.
Funny how the blonde hair was supposed to make him look "sick" (like the patient) yet he looks much healthier AND happier than he does with that ridiculous red hair.
Gerard and Lyn can laugh it all up now but when the money stops rolling in because the fans have moved on for whatever reason they won't be laughing anymore. Lyn Z's success is in direct correlation to how well MCR do. Sure, Gerard has his comic but I don't see the second run doing anywhere near the sales the last did.
My problem with Lyn Z has nothing to do with her marriage to Gerard and everything to do with how she has used her marriage to fuel her own success. Yet she refuses to acknowledge this and continues to spout off about all her "hard work". She complains about the tag of being Mrs. Gerard Way but takes every opportunity she can to mention her "husband." She says she does what she does to be a role model to other females while admitting to having no bass talent and has no intentions to improve.
Her band has described themselves as the "anti-message" band and sing songs like "Pussy all Night", "Panty Shot," and "Dicks are My Friends," which lets face it could be pretty autobiographical at the moment. This is a woman who wants to role model for girls of the future? All you really have to do to succeed is wear a short skirt on stage and perfect the art of pretending to play a musical instrument while backbending with your crotch to the audience. Then marry an emotionally needy and unstable rockstar with an ex fiance to humiliate and you too can be playing arenas when before you could only fill clubs.
I just don't want her speaking for my gender in any way. And to answer someone up there who wanted to know how we could tell she was coked up just because she wiped her nose in that video. Well, first of all it wasn't a couple of times. It was LOTS of times. That alone isn't a big red coke flag, but combine that with her sudden loss of control the put the pieces together.
this is one of my favorite pics. he looks so young and healthy.
And how about this one.
There's a light in his eyes in those pictures that just hasn't been there in a long time.
I think beyond how much healthier he looks is how happy he looks. He really did used to give a shit about his fans.
Regarding that picture of LynZ with some other guy, I doubt very seriously that he's her ex like the caption says. From what I know about her, she was never shy about making physical contact with fans in general. Somebody probably told her to look sexy for the camera so she thought it would be perfectly appropriate to rub her lower body up against some random guy. It wouldn't matter who it was...giy or girl...Lyn has pretty much always just thrown it out there for anybody who wants some.
Exactly what I was thinking ^^^
When I saw that pic it made me think these lines from an old Gin Blossoms song:
All last summer in case you don't recall
I was yours and you were mine forget it all
Is there a line that I could write
Sad enough to make you cry
All the lines you wrote to me were lies
The months roll past the love that you struck dead
Did you love me only in my head?
Things you said and did to me
Seemed to come so easily
The love I thought I'd won you give for free
"The love I thought I'd won you give for free"
So true in this case
There's a light in his eyes in those pictures that just hasn't been there in a long time.
I think beyond how much healthier he looks is how happy he looks. He really did used to give a shit about his fans.
Gerard stopped seeming happy early in 07, which was around the same time he got engaged to Eliza. He also stopped wanting to interract with fans when he was engaged to her. Most fans think she tried to poison his mind against fans because she was jealous. I don't know whether that's true, but he did act different when he was with her.
I do know that when they broke up, nearly everyone in the fanbase seemed relieved and then along came Lindsey. Gerard was in such a vulnerable place and it seems to me like things went from bad to worse. He started acting unnaturally cocky and aggressive and suddenly he was openly talking about his personal life which he had never done before. I remember thinking it was either a manic episode or cocaine use. Most likely, manic episode brought on by cocaine use. Now the mania seems to have subsided, but he looks so horrible, which makes the cocaine theory seem even more likely.
People thought things would get better once the band was on break but now the other guys in the band aren't around to keep an eye on him and I am really worried.
Sorry for the tl;dr, but this has been eating at me for a while now.
Hey, Jasmine.
I think most all of us here are worried about Gerard, but a lot of us are also pretty pissed off at the guy. Yes, he's been used by the women in his life and yes, it's obvious that he's a pretty fucked up guy. Still, there comes a time when you have to start taking responsibility for yourself. He can't rely on the people around him to keep him in line. If he's going to get any better, he's going to have to learn to stand on his own two feet.
Maybe it's not too late for him. Just when I was at the point of giving up on the guy, somebody posted those old pictures where he seemed genuinely happy to be with fans. Who knows? Maybe that guy is still inside him somewhere and he'll find the strength to come out. We can only hope.
Who knows? Maybe that guy is still inside him somewhere and he'll find the strength to come out. We can only hope.
I really, really hope you're right, Kate. I've been praying for him and I know I'm not the only one. With God's help and a little luck maybe he'll come back to us.
I don't really know what to make of this when it comes to Gerard doing drugs or not. When I see the recent pictures, I just see a lot of tiredness. I just feel that he is genuinely tired. Probably of everything, maybe the fact that he has not getting enough sleep?
I also feel that he is faking his emotions like some of you said, but it's still not enough for me to believe that he is actually doing drugs again. Not saying that it's not possible, but I don't have enough proof.
If you don't mind, can you show me?
It is very saddening though, that in one picture of him and that fan, I almost started to cry. <--- I know, kind of pansy-ish, but I couldn't help myself, he seemed so happy to be there and I miss that so much. And like that one other person said, there was this amazing glow in his eyes, he seemed so happy, he was excited. So in comparison to the new pictures, I just think he's faking everything.
Maybe it's not too late for him. Just when I was at the point of giving up on the guy, somebody posted those old pictures where he seemed genuinely happy to be with fans. Who knows? Maybe that guy is still inside him somewhere and he'll find the strength to come out. We can only hope.
September 21, 2008 9:45 AM
^ I feel that same way too.
At this point, I think Lyn-Z is so irrevelvant. I just want to see him get better.
this is from last nights MSI show. how can Skank-Z say she's a great entertainer, she is barely playing the bass.
Does anyone remember that AOL interview a while back, I think it was during the revenge era, when the interview was asking them on the spot questions and one was New York or LA and Gerard picked New York? Funny how things change...
i just watched a few youtube videos of last nights MSI show and LynZ seemed like she didn't want anyone to see her face. she kept her hair in her face the whole time and in between songs, her back was to the audience. maybe she got into an argument with Gerard before the show.
ewwwww! fucking gross
^People don't go to MSI shows to see Lyn's face; they go to see her undercarriage. D:
LynZ usually has her hair in pigtails to expose her hatchet face.
I know this is a couple of months old but its still really ugh
Old GW interview
That last post was me. Here is another one.
maybe she got into an argument with Gerard before the show.
September 21, 2008 2:51 PM
How do you know that? Was Gerard at the show?
This was an interview by the tasteittv woman that did the solo LynZ interview, she was already kissing their asses here.
One thing I've often wondered about is the unevenness of Gerard's face when he talks. It seems worse in some interviews than others. Has anyone ever addressed this? Is it related to his previous drug use?
I'm asking this because it seems much less pronounced in that interview from 05 than it has in recent months.
i think Gerard said he has nerve damage in his lower lip.
I have heard so many stories regarding that tick of his that I don't know what to believe.
The tick seems to be more in his upper lip than the lower one. Also, it doesn't seem as pronounced when he's singing.
It reminds me of how my grandmother talked right after she had a stroke. The doctors said it was caused by restricted blood flow in her brain. It got better later on, but then she would have little 'mini-strokes' and it would come back.
I know that sometimes cocaine and other drugs can cause reactions in the brain similar to 'mini-strokes' so that's why it concerns me.
i just dont understand why gerard looks more tired now than he did when he was on tour. it just doesn't make sense to me at all.
Gerard has never really stopped touring. he goes on all of Skank-Z's tours. even though he's not performing, the constant traveling has got to take its toll on him.
I thought Gerard said he and the rest of the band were taking time off to have "real lives"? How exactly is touring with Skank-Z a "real life"? And how is he going to write songs with his bandmates when he's on tour with MSI?
I can't help but think this is going to effect the music in a very negative way.
Has anyone listened to the remix he worked on for The Cure's Sleep When I'm Dead? It sucks, plain and simple.
Guess what he did? Put in a bunch of electronics. This is not a good sign. :(
^i did hear that. my sister loves the cure and she downloaded it the day it came out. it sounds like a dance track. my sister hates it. i'm indifferent.
the fact that Gerard was the only member of MCR to not go and support Frank and James isn't a good sign for MCR either.
Did Gerard do vocals for the remix? I thought Julien-k was remixing and Gerard was doing vocals?
no, 6:30, it's not a good sign. i wouldn't be surprised if frank, ray and james don't get together and form a band of their own. i think they'd be great.
and no, gerard didn't do vocals for the remix. :/
what i meant to say is that i wouldn't be surprised if frank, ray and james DO get together and form a new band.
in fact, i wish they would.
I think the only members of MCR that aren't touring are Mikey and Bob.
Frank has Leathermouth and Ray has that tribute band. I don't know about Ray but Frank has gain weight. The complete opposite of Gerard.
what every is going on I don't have a good feeling about it. Even if a new album comes out.
i feel bad for Mikey. he's going to get caught in the middle of all the Gerard vs band drama.
i'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, mikey might be able to talk some sense into gerard's idiotic ass. although mikey's always seemed like the most unstable member of mcr, so it's kind of scary to think the future of the band might rest on his shoulders.
Anonymous said...
i'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, mikey might be able to talk some sense into gerard's idiotic ass. although mikey's always seemed like the most unstable member of mcr, so it's kind of scary to think the future of the band might rest on his shoulders.
September 21, 2008 6:52 PM
Mikey seems more willing to get help than Gerard. Mikey could be the voice of reason for Gerard.
Skank-Z has that "stop hugging me bitch" smirk on her face in this new pic.
I don't understand why people think she's attractive. I'm not saying she's ugly, but her features are uneven and she has a really big nose and she's already starting to get that smoker's face look about her. It's really evident when she smiles that she's getting big creases along the sides of her face. Plus she paints lipliner outside her lipline like old women do.
I know that looks aren't everything and if she had some talent or seemed like a genuinely good person I might understand why people like her and why Gerard married her. But I just don't see that she has much to offer except for, you know, the parts that she can't seem to help but show us every time she gets onstage.
Eliza is alot prettier than Skank-Z.
I agree. Dispite all of Eliza's leaking of information, at least she didn't look like haggered trash.
* Or flash her vagina lips on stage.
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