If this post seems like it's all over the place I'm sorry. It is kind of pieced together from various different emails and buzznet messages I got.
Apparently LynZ is not happy with the attention she's getting from being Gerard's wife.
"It's f---ed up and totally offensive that my name has totally disappeared and I am now referred to as 'Mrs. Gerard Way,' " Lyn-Z – who married Way on September 3, 2007, following the final date of the Projkect Revolution tour – told Kerrang! It's f---ed up that little kids want to come to my show to see Gerard standing at the side of the stage. And I don't want to have anything to do with it."
ORLY? Then why did she and Gerard tour together and push their relationship on the public for months, if this was going to be such a problem. You can't believe that they didn't expect it. I will once again quote a friend of mine with permission,
But surely if she meant any of that, no one would have chosen to to the MSI/MCR tour--why go as an opening act if you don't want to be associated?--and definitely would not have used her body as a billboard for the fact that she was married to the singer of a hugely popular band? And if it's true that Gerard feels the same way, then he would not have chosen MSI to support MCR, he would not have spent an entire, what, nine months? talking them up, would not drop his marriage into every interview, and definitely there would not have been a summer of: sharpie references, product placement (the underwear,) showing off of hickies, onstage shout-outs, interviews about how MSI supported them from the beginning and the rest of that whole thing?
Actually, MCR has become product placement for MSI so this whole thing seems very insincere.
It makes me a little mad that I was late getting to this and other people already answered it better than I could answer it. ;)
LynZ said,
"One of the biggest reasons that I do what I do, is for other women and for other girls,
Wait, seriously? With lyrics like,
"5 Year Old Pantyshot
I Can See Between Her Legs
5 Year Old Pantyshot
5 Year Old Mother Fuckin Pantyshot Cant Complain
I Didnt Even Touch Her So I Cant Be Blamed
5 Year Old
Pantyshot In My Brain
My Life Has Meaning When She Spreads Her Legs"
"Back off you little shits
Gnawing at my fists
I see they breed you by the boatload
Back off you little whores
Get 'em on all fours"
Those aren't even just a fraction of the sexist, misogynist things they write in their songs and all of a sudden Lyn Z is saying that this is for women and other girls? Also, even after she admitted that she doesn't even bother to play her instrument, she just does backbends and dances, and that is for women and other girls? Just who is she trying to fool?
then suddenly, when I got married, that was taken away from me. I'm suddenly 'wife of blah blah blah.' I think it sends such a bad message to girls because it wipes out all the hard work that I did.
What hard work? She admitted herself that she can't play the bass and doesn't want to learn to improve. She admitted herself that her main talent was doing backbends.
And if she's so concerned about the messages she's sending to little girls, why is she in Mindless Self Indulgence with lyrics like
Every single one of you goddamn bitches ain't never gonna give me no love
I'm telling you every single one of you goddamn bitches ain't never gonna give me no love
Every little thing you do - rock my
Every little thing you do - fucking hole
Little teenage bitch
He [Way] doesn't want that for me either. The questions are neverending, and it's disgusting."
Then why the sharpie messages and the over the top public propaganda of their entire relationship? He pushed their relationship on the audience more than she even did, it was probably his decision to take them on tour, he wore their merchandise and made sure everyone knew it, he talked about MSI in interviews, he made up lies about how they "supported MCR from the beginning", he spent months talking about his wife and her band.
They must think their fans are so stupid. The sad thing is that many of the fans who can't htink for themselves are going to not even think about this.
Then later in Rock Sound she said,
To become "wife of" is without a doubt the most fucking heartbreaking thing that could ever happen. You can work your asses off for 10 years, and you can be amazing,
I hope she's not saying that she's amazing because in the last few interviews she admitted that she sucked and she was fine with that.
but at the end of the day you simply will be who you are married to. Is this nineteen fucking fifty three?
Whose fault is that? And if MSI is so upset that they are getting known for their association with MCR (yeah sure, we definitely believe that)! then why is Steve Righ? wearing a Mikey Fuckin Way t shirt to top it all off?
Role: inspirational bassist and visual artist
"Inspirational" now means "I can't be bothered to learn how to play"?
Now months ago I did
a post about Gerard just wanting to fit in with his new "hardcore" friends and that's why he was acting like such a douche on stage. I said that even before he did the "I want all the females to moan for me" act that he did. Some ex fans thought that Gerard was trying to be like Jimmy Urine. I thought so too but many didn't believe me.
Yet here is Jimmy Urine making the crowd moan for him two years ago.
And again.
and again. (Notice the description of, "Jimmy Urine gets the 99% 13 year old audience laid by doing an interactive sex exercise at the Pheonix on July 23, 2006.")
I guess I don't have to say anything more about that.
With that I leave you some of the lyrics of the "inspirational" Mindless Self Indulgence,
"Now tell me the truth. Be honest with me. Be honest with me. Do I look gay in
this outfit? Ok, fff. Thank God. I thought I looked like a faggot."
"This goes out to all my whores
This one goes out to my whores
Niggers and negros"
"I Suffer Again Because Me Want To Fuck And Touch
And Fuck And Touch The Children
Me Fucked For Life
Me Grow Old And Then They Dont Want Me But I Still Want Them
Dey Want Me Fucked Cuz I Be Da Monstar Getting Down In My Evil Ways "
Thank god they are out there doing this for women and little girls!
Sorry LynZ and Gerard, but you brought this on yourselves and if you say that you didn't expect this, then either you are completley stupid, and you are lying and you think that all the fans are completely stupid.
Monday, June 2, 2008
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1 – 200 of 910 Newer› Newest»I love you VV. You know that truth and you're not afraid to say it. Hugs to you, sister!
*the truth
Forgive my dumbass.
Once again, VV, you've said it better than I ever could have.
I am so fucking tired of hearing about her & her bullshit. I don't CARE that they got married! If he wants to share his life with a sleaze who figures she's a feminist, more power to him.
Frankly, I don't care if the man fucks Barney -- I just want them both to shut the fuck UP, already!!!
SO true. I for one think it's a publicity stunt. They've been trying TOO hard to get noticed. especially Gerard. And Lyn_Z just got a buttload more publicity by speaking outall of a sudden about the marriage.
SO true. I for one think it's a publicity stunt. They've been trying TOO hard to get noticed. especially Gerard. And Lyn_Z just got a buttload more publicity by speaking outall of a sudden about the marriage.
I'm an MCR fan but there are things that I disapprove about Gerard especially about the whole moaning thing. I feel really uncomfortable about that. Gerard always pulled it off as a "Yeah, we wanted to show people what we were made of." If that's what they're all about, then they would do that for EVERY show, so I don't buy it. The fact that Lyn-z has been gaining so much popularity is because of the messages they portray and show-off during stage and even off-stage. I remember when that paparazzi-like photo of them kissing, excuse me, it was more like Lyn-Z pulled Gerard in for the camera like she knew it was there; that gained her popularity. If she knows what's good for her, she'll leave the relationship private and so will Gerard. Gerard needs to be the musician he is and wants to be on the stage instead of mentioning Lyn-Z everywhere he goes. It's become more about Lyn-Z than the music/the band/and the fans put together. That's disheartening. Personally, I don't blame the band for this; I blame Gerard. It doesn't ALWAYS have to be about HIM. I mean we get that you're married Gerard, but so are the other 3 guys in the band! You don't see them bragging about it 24/7.
It doesn't ALWAYS have to be about HIM.
Exactly, but it seems that Gerard thinks he's the only one who matters. Like in the recent interview on SURS when Steven asked about married life and Gerard jumped in and started talking about how great it is - when Frank was actually the last one to get married. Did it ever occur to him that maybe people might be interested to hear about Frank's marriage?
I for one am so sick of Gerard's gigantic ego. Seriously, who the fuck goes around making statements like, "We're the best band in the world right now," or "Who's better than us?"
I remember when he used to seem so humble and gracious during interviews. What the hell happened to that guy?
I think you're right on both counts, Verita. Gerard and Lyn-z are stupid and the people who continue to buy into their bullshit are stupid.
Sorry LynZ and Gerard, but you brought this on yourselves and if you say that you didn't expect this, then either you are completley stupid, and you are lying and you think that all the fans are completely stupid.
Exactly VV. And guess what? I have NO sympathy for both of their stupid asses.
They should have thought about the consequences long before they decided to get hitch, but I'm guessing that they didn't think that far ahead to do so, since they were too busy shoving their "relationship" in other people's faces.
This man gave his heart to her, made himself look like a complete pillock on and off-stage for her, alienated a good portion of his fanbase (and possibly some of his own band members) for her & gave her band an amazing opportunity to tour arenas in Europe and then when she has the chance to publicly thank him in her first magazine interviews she bitches instead about an association she actively encouraged! The ingratitude this woman demonstrates almost makes me feel sorry for him.
Almost. Gerard Way had the ear of 3 million kids and, out of all the things he could choose to promote and for whatever reason, he chose "MSI" because "he was horny"!
I really can't believe two human beings can really be so dimwitted or blinkered not to realise what they look like now - I'm sure this is all just a big joke the pair of them have concocted to play on the fans and they're laughing at us now.
Whilst we and the magazines - Kerrang! put a pic of Gerard on the same cover as Lyn-Z - are laughing straight back at them.
K xx
And Kerrang have frequently referred to her as Mrs Gerard Way apart for one time.
I hope they're laughing at them!
"I really can't believe two human beings can really be so dimwitted or blinkered not to realise what they look like now"
I can. GWay has disappeared so far up his own ass of late I dont think he even knows what day of the week it is.
He might. Lindsay could have days of the week underpants.
What am I talking about?! If she did have them, we would have seen them by now.
LOL Safe!
Verita, thank you for this. Thank you for being the voice. Some of us have our eyes open. ^_^
Thank you, Verita. It's good to see that there is still some sanity left in the world when it comes to this band.
What with Special Limited Edition sets of The Black Parade is Dead going for 59.00 + 15.00 S&H on Warner Bros. website, books with titles like, This Band Will Save Your Life (Oh, please) available at Hot Topic, teenagers in Britain protesting that a TABLOID printed untruths (HOW SHOCKING!) about their 'favourite band'...
And now we get to listen to the lovely, multi-talented ("I'm, like, so amayzing cuz I can, like, do a backbend and hold a bass at, like, the same time") LynZ lecture us about feminism while actually bitching about being associated with her husband's band...
That same band whose frontman lost every shred of dignity he had when the two of them went out of their way to advertise their 'love' with sharpied messages and adolescent 'love bites' during Projekt Revolution...
That same band who raised eyebrows and risked alienating a significant number of their fanbase by taking her band with its questionable message out on tour with them.
How sad that the band so many of us used to believe in has just become one really bad, tasteless joke.
"And now we get to listen to ... Lyn-Z lecture us about feminism"
It is a little like taking marriage counselling from Pamela Anderson, isn't it?
No it isnt 1953 anymore Lynz- Most women today dont need their husbands to give them a job. Shame she doesnt realise the diference between saying your a feminist and being one, but then noone ever said she wasn't stupid.
No, Lyn-Z, it isn't 1953 anymore. Women who have actual talent and accomplishments in today's world are generally recognised for them.
However, if you want a reason to decry the sorry state of feminism in today's world, why not complain about how a woman who admits to having little musical talent can pretend to play bass to a pre-recorded track while doing acrobatics and flashing her crotch onstage and then be taken seriously enough to get interviews in major music magazines because she manages to snag a more famous and more talented husband?
"while doing acrobatics"
Acrobatics I'd actually be impressed by, but all she does is that one totally pointless backbend and dance around a bit. For the last SEVEN YEARS. Time to get a new routine I should think.
Time to get a new routine I should think.
I'd be happy if she just decided to wear trousers.
I hate you so very much Verita Venom. When are you going to stop using Mindless Self Indulgence to attack Gerard Way? Is this a Gerard Way or a Lyn Z blog? Stupid person you are.
Your blog can be about whatever you want it to be as long as it meets Blogger T&C's. If I want to make a blog about my greyhounds shit, then I could.
How can you hate someone you don't even know?
You have a greyhound, Safe? How utterly cool! I love sighthounds. I have a Saluki. ^_^
Why so full of hate, anon @10:51? I don't see anyone here (including Verita) hating Gerard or Lyn-z.
Hate is a very harmful emotion which could have a negative impact on your life. I doubt very seriously that Gerard Way is worth all that. He's just a guy in a band. He's human. He makes mistakes. Isn't that what all you fansheep keep bleating on about? And being human, he isn't above reproach. When he acts like an idiot, Verita (and anyone else) has the right to call him out on it.
12:23, You sound like a fucking hippie. You all are obsessed pieces of shit. You can keep claiming to be 'okay', but you are all fucked up. Look at 'safe' for example. You love VV hey? Well fuck you.
You have a greyhound, Safe? How utterly cool! I love sighthounds. I have a Saluki. ^_^
I have a Lurker that was abandoned because he could not longer run. Bastards!
He's gorgeous and smart (he fakes injuries to get more attention - it works everytime). He's breath stinks though not matter how many times I brush his teeth.
but you are all fucked up. Look at 'safe' for example.
Thank you, I needed a laugh and your right, I am fucked up. Who isn't?
You love VV
Yep. I love people who say what they think and have reasons to back up their opininon, even if I don't agree with it. I agree with this blog, but not some of the others the VV has posted and I stated why in a diplomatic, rational way.
Make love not war. We are stardust, we are golden. Peace out, Dude. Love is all you need.
Oh, and Have a Nice Day. :)
Ahhh, VV...
As a regular lurker and annonymous poster (Look! I now have a name! I'm on here so much, I might as well do), I would like to thank you for making me laugh until I fell out of my chair.
I think I know how those nodding dogs you see in the back of cars must feel, because my head has been bobbing up and down for so long reading this blog. Anyway.
Gerard and Lyn-Z brought this upon themselves.Sharpie love messages, completely OTT interviews, MSI being the support group for MCR? How could they not see this coming?!
They are both hypocrites and liars, which are two of the worst things people can be, in my opinion.
Lyn-Z does backbends on stage - wow, how unoriginal - and nothing else, and that is why she is referred to as Mrs Gerard Way. How else do you describe a woman who has done nothing with her life other than marry a "rockstar"?
And finally, if she does what she does "for other women and other girls", does that mean that all we females should aspire to in life is marrying a self-centered hypocritical liar and doing a few gymnastic moves to pay the bills? I mean, that's all she does.
...And when you look at it like that, are we all supposed to be poledancers at the Playboy mansion and marry some bloke we've known for around 2 months who has his head shoved at least a mile up his ass?
Thanks, but no thanks. Lyn-Z can keep her frankly unhealthy lifestyle and outlook on life; I plan to make something of myself, thank you.
To Anon @ 1:13:
12:23, You sound like a fucking hippie. You all are obsessed pieces of shit.
Thanks for letting us know.
Why are YOU here, then?
BN isn't busy enough for you?
You can keep claiming to be 'okay', but you are all fucked up.
Coming from someone who doesn't even have the balls to give themselves a name, this is a pretty lame put-down. Are all people your tender age so wise and knowledgeable?
Look at 'safe' for example.
Nice try. However, if you're going to pick on someone, there are a lot of real whackos out there who will suck on anything Gerard Way says to suck on.
You love VV hey? Well fuck you.
LOL! Very mature!!
You really told us, didn't you?
Run along and play, now -- your mommy will be calling you in for bedtime soon.
The thing that bugs the hell out of me about all this 'inspirational bassist roll model for women and little girls' bullshit is that it smacks of the same crap that WMHC used to push on their website.
They wanted to convince all us 'regular people' that we too could live out our dreams just like them.
What the hell is it with the girls who get involved with this band? Do they really think that the highest thing that a young girl can aspire to is to become a third rate bass player in a crap band or a tech whose ambition is to marry a rockstar and spend the rest of her life dressing up cats? Or that we really dream of giving haircuts to bandmembers so we can snag one as a husband?
Do you think it ever occurred to any of them that we actually want to pursue our education and have, you know, real careers?
"No, Lyn-Z, it isn't 1953 anymore. Women who have actual talent and accomplishments in today's world are generally recognised for them.
However, if you want a reason to decry the sorry state of feminism in today's world, why not complain about how a woman who admits to having little musical talent can pretend to play bass to a pre-recorded track while doing acrobatics and flashing her crotch onstage and then be taken seriously enough to get interviews in major music magazines because she manages to snag a more famous and more talented husband?"
"Gerard and Lyn-Z brought this upon themselves.Sharpie love messages, completely OTT interviews, MSI being the support group for MCR? How could they not see this coming?!
They are both hypocrites and liars, which are two of the worst things people can be, in my opinion.
Lyn-Z does backbends on stage - wow, how unoriginal - and nothing else, and that is why she is referred to as Mrs Gerard Way. How else do you describe a woman who has done nothing with her life other than marry a "rockstar"?
And finally, if she does what she does "for other women and other girls", does that mean that all we females should aspire to in life is marrying a self-centered hypocritical liar and doing a few gymnastic moves to pay the bills? I mean, that's all she does.
...And when you look at it like that, are we all supposed to be poledancers at the Playboy mansion and marry some bloke we've known for around 2 months who has his head shoved at least a mile up his ass?
Thanks, but no thanks. Lyn-Z can keep her frankly unhealthy lifestyle and outlook on life; I plan to make something of myself, thank you."
I love you both.
Ditto the above!
Anonymous said:
"When are you going to stop using Mindless Self Indulgence to attack Gerard Way?"
Errr... When Gerard Way quits with selling out his own band and their stated principles in order to promote Mindless Self Indulgence perhaps?
No more MCR merch for me from now on either!
No more MCR merch for me from now on either!
I made that vow too, but I caved. Bad Safe!! Stupid limited edition boxset.
Stupid limited edition boxset.
You realize that if you pre-ordered the boxset from Warner you're getting totally ripped off, right?
Back when TBP came out, I waited until the day before the release date and ordered my boxset from amazon -- for less than half the original price. Yeah, I had to wait a couple more days to get it, but whoop.
Of course, that was then and this is now... I've since sold the damn thing at a Used CD store and it will be a cold day in hell before MCR gets another dime of my money...
Kerrang!'s letter of the week:
Three things really pissed me off about your interview with Lyn-Z;
The first, that girls need to see a woman onstage to be able to believe that they could make it as a rock musician. I don't know about any other K! readers, but I never looked at Steve Harris or Tony Iommi and thought, "Damn it! I can never do that because he's a guy and I'm a gal". Clearly the woman believes she's a feminist, but she thinks like a sexist.
The second, that if girls need a good female role model (and they are good to have around) she's the one to be it. She admits to being a shitty bass player and yet think girls should look up to her just 'cos she's a female and onstage.
The third, that she thinks that people calling her 'Mrs Gerard Way' is sexism. It's not, it's because she married GERARD WAY. If she was already famous, or he was less famous, then she would have kept her name, but right now it's the thing she's most known for. Unfortunate yes, but NOT sexism.
RESH GIWA, via e-mail.
You realize that if you pre-ordered the boxset from Warner you're getting totally ripped off, right?
Back when TBP came out, I waited until the day before the release date and ordered my boxset from amazon -- for less than half the original price. Yeah, I had to wait a couple more days to get it, but whoop.
Bollocks! I did not realise that. Guess what I'll be cancelling - thanks for the info.
it will be a cold day in hell before MCR gets another dime of my money...
After this box set I will apply the same motto, I just have to see if I can stick to it.
Come on you guys. Cut Lynz a break. She's not going to be able to do those backbends forever. She's probably looking down the road to retirement. Gerard is probably, like, her 401k.
Funny, but hands up who had to Google '401k'?!
Spookily I'm also "looking down the road to [her] retirement"...
I'm praying for her retirement.
As teenies and braindead fans fail to get the point...
"MSI are a band with a message too,it's just that you dont take the lyrics for thier word,theire's hidden meaning.
You have to that it's irony,otherwise you're just gonna get the wrong idea,like VeritaVenom has just done.
Also,it's not that Lyn-Z doesn't want anything to do with Gerard,if that was the case she wouldn't have married him.
It's because she has worked her ass off for the 7 years she has been in MSI,only to be known because of her husband,not because of her band.
I'm sure she is more than happy to be with Gerard,it's just that she wants to be her own person.
She doesn't want to be know as "Lyn-Z - Wife of Gerard Way",she wants to be known as "Lyn-Z - bassist of MSI"
As for her being an inspiration.....she is an inspiration.
Not for her back bends,stage dives,outfits,etc. ,for her talent as a bassist.
I think it's bullshit the way she thinks she is a terrible bass player,she actually quite good...
If you listen to MSI songs and hear the bass,you can see she has a talent.
She may not be the best in the world but she is good.
She may have been shit at the start,like she said during the Taste It TV interview,but she's good now.
Aas for her outfits on stage,it's for the stage ONLY.
MSI are known to look crazy on stage.
So dont bitch that she is a slut for wearing a mini skirt on stage,she practically covers up completely off stage.
She is a performer,back bends and stages dives are appart of it.
I dont see anyone bitching that Frank does stuff like that,he's gone as far as practically molesting Gerard on stage.
She is an inspiration for me also,me and friends have started up an all girl punk band,even though i play guitar,not bass,she still is a huge inspiration for me as a performer.
Any more questions?
Would VV like to make another FAIL thread to prove me wrong?
First of all, calling us teenie or braindead only make YOU look like a braindead teenie. Not us. I'm not trying to bitch at you, but it does.
If she was such a talented bass player, they why doesn't she play live? Can you tell us? You seem to know a lot about the band.
Btw, she used a present tense on tasteittv, not a past one. "I know am a shitty bass player....."
I have to say, I hate the whole Ferard thing.
Good luck with your band! =)
To 10:26:
As someone with a bachelor's degree in English Literature, I think I know the definition of irony, thanks.
I do agree that music and literature can use irony to illustrate the horrors of perverse practices like child molestation. Take Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita, for example, which is a masterpiece and an enduring work of art which manages to illustrate just how soul-destroying such a violation is, not only to the victim but to the perpetrator as well. Not only that, but Nabokov's command of the English language is astounding and his prose is insanely beautiful.
I fail to see, however, any such merit in MSI's lyrics. Jimmy Urine seems to be making a joke of everything he does. And Lindsey's stage costume? What exactly is that supposed to represent? It is neither clever nor original and forgive me if I don't see irony in having a female member of your band flashing her privates onstage while the lead singer spouts out lyrics calling women "whores" and telling them to "get on all fours." If you think you can explain this to me, then by all means, go for it.
At any rate, I wish you the best of luck with your band. Rock needs more female musicians -- credible ones, that is.
^ Oh, I like you!
Uhhhh guys I was making the point that the person who wrote that is a teenie and is breandead. I didn't write that. I quoted it from buzznet.
Oh right. My misinterpretation. oxoxo
Sorry, 10:26!
I realized that you were probably quoting some fangirl at BN after noticing the quotation marks; unfortunately, that was after I'd already posted my comment.
So, I went to Buzznet (something I haven't done in months) and replied to the original poster. Amazingly enough, her response was rather civil, although it did nothing to change her mind -- not that I expected it to.
Anyway... sorry for the misunderstanding.
I vote lying AND completely stupid, because they'd have to be completely stupid not to realise what they look like!
Lindsey's stupid, not Gerard. I just think he doesn't care.
She must have read Feminism for Dummies. It does contain a chapter on back bends, you know.
safe said...
"Lindsey's stupid, not Gerard. I just think he doesn't care."
I dont know about this - a smart man would not have humiliated himself and risked his fans (and income) in the way that he has. Although, if he didnt care he wouldnt have backtracked and tried to convince everyone that MSI were so important to Mychem when they started. So maybe it's both!
She must have read Feminism for Dummies.
I think that would be too advanced for her. =P
I dont know about this - a smart man would not have humiliated himself and risked his fans (and income) in the way that he has. Although, if he didnt care he wouldnt have backtracked and tried to convince everyone that MSI were so important to Mychem when they started. So maybe it's both!
I think he's smart but when it comes to his emotions he's like a dumb puppy. He loves whoever just happens to be giving him attention and effection at the time and his brain takes a holiday.
(To Lindsey re: feminisim)
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
It's amazing how on the GW forum on BN they're mostly agreeing with you now VV. Could it be that LynZ and Gerard have finally become so stupid that even the fangirls can't deny it?
It's amazing how on the GW forum on BN they're mostly agreeing with you now VV. Could it be that LynZ and Gerard have finally become so stupid that even the fangirls can't deny it?
I really hope they're starting to open their eyes!!!
Ever notice how the people who agree with VV (both here and on Buzznet) seem to be the ones with actual brains who can spell and use punctuation, whereas the ones who praise Lyn-z for her 'feminism' are the ones who TYP LYK DIS?
Anonymous said...
Ever notice how the people who agree with VV (both here and on Buzznet) seem to be the ones with actual brains who can spell and use punctuation, whereas the ones who praise Lyn-z for her 'feminism' are the ones who TYP LYK DIS?
I've noticed. Coincidence?
This is typical of the MSI / Lynz defenders...
"are you serious? man, you've not got it at all and these kinda posts make me both angry and bored. I'm sick of people who doesn't get what MSI are about and are totally negative about Lyn-Z. She's awesome. MSI's awesome. End of period."
You got that right. End of period.
Don't worry people. The ones who defend them and defend her aren't the brightest bulbs on the string.
^ I read that on BN. That girl seriously failed to defend the band against the elder, more intellignet people there like Magicwords.
End of period.
Trust me to spell "intelligent" wrong.
But I've never claimed to smart! =P
End of period! That's priceless.
That girl seriously failed to defend the band against the elder, more intellignet people there like Magicwords.
The thing is, there is no defense for MSI. Everything is one big joke to them so, consequently, they are one big joke. When one of their members tries to talk about something serious, it all just comes off as bullshit.
Of course, the braindead teenies don't realize that because their "hero" (OMG, GERALD WAY, LYK, TOTES SAVED MAH LYF!1!!11!) is married to one of them.
I have no doubt that Gerard is coaching Lindsey to present herself as a role model. He'd be much better off if he'd just try to keep the bands as separate as possible, but I guess that got shot to hell when MCR took MSI out on the road with them.
I have no doubt that Gerard is coaching Lindsey to present herself as a role model.
Proberly. He's failed though, even some teenies are starting to see through their bullshit. It will only be a matter of time until they all do. You have to grow up and take your head out of the sand sometime.
I have no doubt that Gerard is coaching Lindsey to present herself as a role model.
You know that makes perfect sense. Why else would Lynz suddenly be doing what she does to "inspire little girls and women."
How weird that when Gerard and Lynz first got together it seemed like Gerard was trying to impress her by mimicking some of MSI's stage antics. Now that they've been married a while it seems like Gerard is trying to change Lynz.
I just wonder how Jimmy feels about Lynz's new status as a "role model"?
You want to know what really takes the fucking cake?
Go to MSI's website, to their press page and look at the number of magazine articles they have listed since September 2007. Then, look at the number of articles listed before that -- they've had more press coverage in the short time since LynZ married Gerard than in the entire seven years the band existed before the wedding!
Does LynZ honestly expect us to believe that MSI hasn't been riding MCR's coattails this past year?
Way to insult our intelligence, LynZ.
Way to insult our intelligence, LynZ.
You know, I don't think she's trying to insult our intelligence. I don't think she's smart enough to do that.
What I do think is that Gerard is coaching her to make her seem like a more suitable mate. Therefore, he's the one who's insulting our intelligence.
BTW, I forgot to point out that if you do go look at MSI's press page (which I did, thanks to anon @6:26), you'll also notice that Lindsey rarely spoke more that two sentences (and usually not at all) during earlier interviews. I think there's a reason for that. She was obviously hired for the physical attributes that she brings to the table -- not her talent or her brains. And you know what? Women and girls don't need any more role models like that, now do we?
Anonymous said:
"What I do think is that Gerard is coaching her to make her seem like a more suitable mate."
Yep, agreed. Just think that 9 short months ago 'intelligence', 'class', 'dignity' & 'a firm grasp on the reality of why she's famous' would just have been words to our Linds and look at her now!
The worst bit of it is that he's not only making himself look a fool, he's dragging his band down with him - a year ago I would already have had the TBPID special edition on pre-order at whatever inflated price Warner Brothers chose to charge me, now I'm so fed up with the Ger-Z crap I couldn't care less about it and I suspect I'm not the only one. Poor Bob, Ray, Mikey & Frank really should have duct-taped up his mouth while they had the chance because now they'll have to do without their however-many-cents in royalties.
Kass xx
My friend just sent me your blog-- and my god, you are my hero.
I agree with everything you just said.
& That's all I've got to say.
a year ago I would already have had the TBPID special edition on pre-order at whatever inflated price Warner Brothers chose to charge me, now I'm so fed up with the Ger-Z crap I couldn't care less about it and I suspect I'm not the only one. Poor Bob, Ray, Mikey & Frank really should have duct-taped up his mouth while they had the chance because now they'll have to do without their however-many-cents in royalties.
I cancelled mine too.
Oh God, now Gerard is renting chimpanzees for Lindsey's birthday? Has the dude never heard of PETA?
Not to mention, there's a video out there where Jimmy Urine says that MSI is like the "anti-message band" while Lindsey sits there and laughs.
You know what, this really is the last straw for me. Fuck Gerard and fuck MCR. They don't stand for anything anymore.
Bring on Leathermouth.
ya i know what interview ur talking about heres the link to it
Jimmy also says msi isn't here to save you towards the end. which i thought was kind of a stab at mcr since they were all about that message.
Has the dude never heard of PETA?
Yes, he has. In fact, he and Mike did an interview for the a couple of years ago.
But, like I said, that was a couple of years ago and he has morfed into a complete dick since then!
Harsh, but true.
Damn you, typo fairy!
Monkey for Lyn-Z?
Presumably so she wouldn't be the dumbest animal in the room.
'You know what, this really is the last straw for me. Fuck Gerard and fuck MCR. They don't stand for anything anymore.'
And it's 'Goodbye' from me too..
Okay, so she's ignorant, angry, a lousy musician, disses his band and isn't exactly trophy wife material.
Someone please tell me what her redeeming quality is!
Presumably so she wouldn't be the dumbest animal in the room.
Purr-lease. The monkey could proberly out smart her in a second. If you asked either them a question Lindsey would proberly reply with a backbend while the monkey would stare in amazment about how stupid she really is.
Okay, so she's ignorant, angry, a lousy musician, disses his band and isn't exactly trophy wife material.
Someone please tell me what her redeeming quality is!
If I ever find one, I'll let you know.
I'm sorry but I'm lost. Gerard ordered Lyn z a chimp?! How do you know this?
Okay, so she's ignorant, angry, a lousy musician, disses his band and isn't exactly trophy wife material.
Someone please tell me what her redeeming quality is!
Don't forget that she also dissed his comic book. Let's see redeeming quality...
Nope. I got nothing.
I found it. Here's the link.
From the LJ:
"An interview with Jimmy and Lyn-Z! They fantasize about Kitty singing into one of those earpiece mics like Phil Collins! They're art school dropouts! Jimmy has a PLAN for hiding his true identity when he has kids! (Which he has discussed with Lyn-Z. Who was the one to bring up kids)."
Don't forget that she also dissed his comic book.
What? When? What did she say?
I'm sorry but I'm lost. Gerard ordered Lyn z a chimp?! How do you know this?
Gerard rented a chimp for Lindsey's bithday. CRUEL!
(Which he has discussed with Lyn-Z. Who was the one to bring up kids)."
*Blood crudeling scream. Faints*
Why teach your daughter to play an instrument - or even read and write - when all she'll ever really need to now is how to bend over?
Backwards on stage.
Forwards to get onto a bigger stage.
Why teach your daughter to play an instrument - or even read and write - when all she'll ever really need to now is how to bend over?
Backwards on stage.
Forwards to get onto a bigger stage.
She also needs to be able to fuck a more famous dude to get it. It's not all down to backbends!
Hi VV,
The King of Buzznet has closed your thread there.
The King of Buzznet has closed your thread there.
He started closing down threads that related to Eliza's use of the "N" word too, because WMH was being featured as "buzz" at the time. I think MSI is one of their featured artists now.
But don't worry. Just wait until the PETA people get involved...
Safe @ 3:33
I wouldn't be surprised if she did made fun of his comic. A while back, in an interview posted on Youtube, she also made fun of his weight(This was when he was still chubby)
You know what, this really is the last straw for me. Fuck Gerard and fuck MCR. They don't stand for anything anymore.'
No they don't. They're nothing but a joke of a band nowadays, and my sympathy goes out to those who busted their asses to get this far: Frank, Mikey, Bob, and Ray. I feel sorry for them for having to put up with Gerard's bullshit.
He's human, but at the same time, I still get so sick and tired that people are still making excuses for his erratic behavior.
But nowadays, I don't consider myself a fan anymore, and I know that the band will never again get any of my money through merchandise, CD's, posters, etc.
The other day, I threw all of my MCR merch in the garbage as a matter of fact. The only thing I have left is the autograph poster they had signed for me when I met them two years ago.
I think that's the only thing I am not willing to throw away just yet.
I read that recent Lyn-Z interview in Kerrang magazine, and her complaining and bitching in the interview actually made me laugh.
I still can't believe how stupid she actually is.
And as I mentioned before, she is still a talentless hack. Always.
But don't worry. Just wait until the PETA people get involved...
Have PeTA been told? Because they've deleted 33% of the evidence.
I wouldn't be surprised if she did made fun of his comic. A while back, in an interview posted on Youtube, she also made fun of his weight(This was when he was still chubby)
Do you have a link BC?
...and fuck MCR.
Poor MCR. Fuck Gerard.
Call PETA down on Gerard. It might open his eyes!
At this point I don't think anything is going to open Gerard's eyes.
Face it guys. He's gone.
Panasonic Youth is a little pussy.
The guy you thought he was, does not exist.
You can blog away for another ten years and it's not going to change things.
The only thing you can do is not support them, like some have decided to do.
And do you think they care what you say about them? Probably not, I'd say they're laughing about it.
And if he stupid enough to marry someone like her, that's his problem. I'm sure no one else would have picked her as marriage material. He really settled for less.
Panasonic Youth is a little pussy.
Call PETA down on Gerard.
At this point I don't think anything is going to open Gerard's eyes.
No, I don't think he'll open his eyes either. Calling Peta will however, rain some almighty shit down on him and Lindsey causing more and more people to eventually see what this gruesome twosome are actually like. Plus, it would be really bad publicity for the bands - which is good! The more people associate bad things with them, the less interviews, merch, concerts ect. They'll eventually die out and fade back to the toilet circuit again. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
The only thing you can do is not support them, like some have decided to do.
Yep, hurting their careers, causing less money in their bank accounts, is proberly the only way to have effect them.
Does anyone think PETA will care if Gerard rented a monkey? Why is that cruel? idgi
You people are grapsing at straws. Why not get Linz a monkey if it makes her happy, I think it's sweet and shows how much he loves her. You can't stand that they are happy. Get. A. Life. Losers.
I don't understand something here. After the summer of sharpie love and hickeys and unicorn shirts complimented by a quickie backstage marriage, not too many people were disappointed in Gerard. Taking MSI on tour, not too many people were disappointed in Gerard. Telling girls to moan for him, again not too many people were upset with Gerard. The things he says in interviews that contradict everything he used to stand for, not too many people disappointed in Gerard.
The dude rents a monkey for his wife's birthday and suddenly it's too much?! The disappointments so bad that people want to notify PETA?! WTF?!? I don't get it.
I would be the first one to say that Gerard has disappointed me greatly over the last year or so, but the monkey story, well I personally think it was kind of sweet. (Then again I have always wanted a monkey myself and if my husband would rent one for my birthday I'd be over the moon about it.)
It is funny that this 'monkey business' might just throw a 'monkey wrench' into MCR's future. LOL! (I'm sorry I couldn't resist.)
"Does anyone think PETA will care if Gerard rented a monkey? Why is that cruel?"
Monkies are ripped out of the wild, beaten and abused by their trainer and are forced to live in cages.
Gerard renting the monkey means that he endorsed this cruelty. He gave the monkeys abuser MONEY.
"Hi. Here's $5000 for the rental of the monkey that you have be abusing since you caught the poor thing. I fully support your behaviour."
^That's basically what it was. There are a lot of animal lovers in the world, so can you blame them for being upset? No, I don't think you can. That monkey should never have been caged up.
"Why not get Linz a monkey if it makes her happy"
So, you support animal cruelty as long as it makes someone happy? Tut, tut. Shame on you. Plus, I'm sure there would be plenty of other things out there that would have made her happy apart from a monkey.
Yeah, anything she wants she gets. Pathetic and childish, to hire out a defenseless monkey for her entertainment.
Go on, rant on about how I'm a loser or jealous. So stupid.
Just as stupid as those two utter idiots.
Anonymous said:
The dude rents a monkey for his wife's birthday and suddenly it's too much?! The disappointments so bad that people want to notify PETA?! WTF?!? I don't get it."
It's called 'The straw that broke the camel's back'. But not for me - I've thought he was a jerk for ages...
"I think it's sweet and shows how much he loves her. You can't stand that they are happy. Get. A. Life. Losers."
Never once have you, or any other anons, said "She loves him" which is kinda essential to the equation of a happy marriage! I do hope it lasts - after all he's burnt so many bridges, lost a significant portion of his fanbase and made himself look a complete pillock just for her - I just want MCR to remain about the music.
I can't convince you what a waste this guy has made of so much promise, any more than you can convince me to fork out for MCR merch again, so can we please ditch the childish name-calling?
Kass xx
I should probably also congratulate you on getting closed on BN again. You must have touched a nerve!
Does anyone think PETA will care if Gerard rented a monkey? Why is that cruel? idgi
Not that I agree with all of PETAs ethics, but they would.
Especially sine the guy hiring the monkey was the same guy who did an interview for PETA a few years ago. Doesn't make them look good.
You people are grapsing at straws. Why not get Linz a monkey if it makes her happy, I think it's sweet and shows how much he loves her. You can't stand that they are happy. Get. A. Life. Losers.
No we're not grasping at straws. We're showing people how pathetic and fame-hungry they are. If you choose to close your eyes to it, fair enough. But lots of people have been getting pissed over the past year or so and this is just getting ridiculous now.
Well, I want a dolphin in my garden, that'd make me happy. Where's my dolphin?!
He might love her, but does she love him? Doubt it. She gets pissed when people refer to her as Mrs Gerard Way, so... to me that says she just wants to use him to further her own career.
If they're happy, good for them. But they can't treat the fans like s**t and that's why we're annoyed. Not coz they're "happy".
Oh, and I have a life thanks. It's lovely. Though I think maybe people who diss this blog should get a life. After all, you're the people actively seeking out something that's gonna piss you off just to bash people with a different opinion to yours...
'You can't stand that they are happy. Get. A. Life. Losers.'
what about the other 4 guys in the band? Do they deserve to be happy too and see their hard work pay off? or was their contribution to the band solely Gerards to throw away?
Bros before hos!
And do you think they care what you say about them? Probably not, I'd say they're laughing about it.
Warners have cut the limited ed. box price by $15. Coincidence? I expect the record label care.
Warners have cut the limited ed. box price by $15. Coincidence? I expect the record label care.
Maybe sales were shit because all the true fans are jumping ship. So, they lower the price to encourage more fans to buy it. $15 isn't a lot anyway. They should lower it even more - it's not the band need it. Afterall, one member just blew $5000 (£10,000 approx) on monkey rental alone, that's nearly a years wages for some people. Well, it for me anyway. Why should I give my hard to a dick like that so he can spend in on a monkey!
Sorry, WB and MCR - you won't see a single penny from me ever again.
It's called 'The straw that broke the camel's back'. But not for me - I've thought he was a jerk for ages...
That's just it for me too, Kass.
Good question about the monkey though, for those who don't get why it was so wrong, and I guess a lot of people don't. The same people who don't have a problem with the monkey itself--they aren't aware of the cruelty and arrogance it takes to do something like that--are still in fits over the fact that he did it. Why? Maybe because it is jus tso freaking weird and random that it bangs home the fact, finally, that the dude is long gone.
And also, perhaps it goes back to the defense that so many people were using: "He's a different person onstage," when they were defending his "moan for me" stuff, shoving Frank, the shout-outs, all of that stuff. Yeah, but this is off-stage and off-tour. Maybe that's part of it, too? I don't know for sure.
I guess Panasonic Youth and the MCRmy shut you down Veritavenom. No one cares that you hate Gerard and Lyn-z and no one gives a fuck about a stupid monkey.
Well they should! It's one thing not to give a damn about gerard and Lyn z but anyone who dosen't feel sorry for that chimp needs their head examined.
And yes it's a chimp, not a monkey, you dumb fuck!
anonymous @ 8:30 PM
Well... obviously you care that some people "hate" Gerard and Lyn-Z if you're coming here to bash VV for it.
I don't hate them personally - I don't even know them - just what they are doing, and how they're making a joke out of a band that I once respected and thought was different from the other stereotypical arsehole "rockstars".
But you're right. Nobody gives a fuck for the stupid monkey. Apart from Gerard. But he's welcome to her and her "talented" bass playing and backbends.
...Wait, she wasn't talking about Lyn-Z?!
Oh. My bad.
LynZ poster in Kerrang again this week.
Yeah, LynZ. We really believe all your bullshit about not wanting publicity for being Mrs. Gerard Way.
But you're right. Nobody gives a fuck for the stupid monkey. Apart from Gerard. But he's welcome to her and her "talented" bass playing and backbends.
...Wait, she wasn't talking about Lyn-Z?!
Oh. My bad.
I think I love you. :)
Maybe Gerard gave her a monkey as payback for what she's said publically. She said, " I hate being referred to as Mrs. Gerard Way", and said that she can't stand bands with actual musical talent. So, as a birthday gift, he rents a monkey for $5000 to show her that yes, a monkey can do the same thing she does and make even less than her.
"...and thought was different from the other stereotypical arsehole "rockstars"."
Don't forget that it was Gerard HIMSELF who told us he was better than other stereotypical arsehole rockstars. This isn't disappointed fans making an assumption, it's straight from the horses mouth and makes watching LOTMS now quite amusing; a kind of 'spot the bullshit' if you will!!
"LynZ poster in Kerrang again this week."
And, amusingly, on the front cover next to her picture, are the letters 'MCR'!
Spookily, the last time she made the cover, so did a pic of Gerard - methinks the mag are taking the piss...
Spookily, the last time she made the cover, so did a pic of Gerard - methinks the mag are taking the piss...
I agree with this. Honestly, Gerard's antics right before, during, and since Projekt Revolution can't have gone unnoticed by the press. I can't help but think that maybe he's ticked off some of them with his sudden change in persona and attitude (Brigitte from TasteiTTV notwithstanding).
I also can't help but notice that Kerrang! didn't interview anyone over 16 for their article on the Daily Mail Protest. Seems a bit biased towards portraying MCR's fanbase as a bunch of teenaged girls, which does make the band seem less credible to lots of rock fans.
Oh well. If that's the case, the dude brought it on himself.
I can't help but think that maybe he's ticked off some of them with his sudden change in persona and attitude (Brigitte from TasteiTTV notwithstanding).
Speaking of Brigitte, I find it interesting that she would give LynZ a solo interview. Do you think it was because she finds LynZ so inspiring? Wonder why she never interviewed her before?
I wonder why Tasteittv gave Lyn-Z a solo interview and didn't ask about the MCR tour, which was the biggest thing MSI have ever done so would have been a completely valid question.
Tad touchy about how you came to greater prominence then love?
"Oh well. If that's the case, the dude brought it on himself."
Ironically, I think Gerard wanted to keep the 'serious' rock fans and ditch the bands 'teenie' image, yet - because he and Linds are as thick as shit - his antics have achieved the exact opposite. It's the others in the band I feel sympathy for.
also can't help but notice that Kerrang! didn't interview anyone over 16 for their article on the Daily Mail Protest.
I thought that too. None were photographed either dispite there being quite a few adults there. One 40+ woman was interviewed by Kerrang and was never featured in mag and has even seemed to disappear from the group banner photo published in the magazine. It seems you had be below 16 and wear the sterotypical black clothing to get in the mag. I know this because I was there, for some reason. If I had know Monkeygate had happened a few days before the protest there's no fucking way I would have supported that asshole. When I went there I was only doing it for Bob, Ray, Mikey and Frank anyway.
It's the others in the band I feel sympathy for.
Me too, Anon.
"I think Gerard wanted to keep the 'serious' rock fans and ditch the bands 'teenie' image, yet ... his antics have achieved the exact opposite."
Confucius he say, "Man without brain best leave thinking alone at risk of alienating fanbase".
Well said Shinto.
Why would one hire a monkey,
when one's wife is already one?
To show wife monkey what she could aspire to if she really put her 'mind' to it - and look, she's smashing her bass at gigs now. Fuck, that's literally NEVER been done before!
and look, she's smashing her bass at gigs now
Pete Townshend from The Who made instrument smashing popular in the sixties when he accidentally smashed his guitar onstage and got a positive audience reaction from it. However, the practice came under criticism because of the obvious waste involved.
Today, bands like Green Day prefer to give instruments away at their shows. Since LynZ is so wealthy now that she views her instruments as expendable, why not consider giving them away to the "women and little girls" she's trying to inspire?
After all, even The Who discontinued the practice later on in their career. John Entwistle (the bassist for the band) was quoted as saying, "We decided that there were, you know, a lot of people in the audience were coming to see the guitar smashing part and not the music. And fortunately when we released Tommy there was no need to smash guitars because the actual stage act had a much better shape and it didn’t need a smashed guitar at the end."
Of course, John Entwistle could actually play his instrument.
I hate when people smash their instruments. It's not only wasteful, I find it kind of insulting to the people who would love the opportunity to own an instrument. Especially when the person doing the smashing isn't even interested in learning how to play it.
"Since LynZ is so wealthy now that she views her instruments as expendable, why not consider giving them away to the "women and little girls" she's trying to inspire?"
Did she actually say she wanted to inspire girls to play bass or just to get on stage, fuck their way up the ladder or do backbends for cash?
Obviously you guys don't understand the concept of performance art any more than you do satire.
MSI is over your heads. Gerard gets it because he's not a prudish tight ass like you.
You people are cruel.
Obviously you guys don't understand the concept of performance art any more than you do satire.
MSI is over your heads.
This has to be the funniest thing I've read all day! First off, the satire excuse doesn't work anymore:
From this interview with MSI
Romana: Ok.. so I found this written in one of the articles about you where you were called: ´Shocking rockers of this generation´.
Everyone goes silent for a moment.
Jimmy: Really?
Romana: Well I was just gonna ask you if that’s like the right thing for you, or you don’t really care what you are called.
Jimmy: I don’t know if that’s like totally correct. I mean we don’t necessarily…
Steve: We don’t go out of our way to shock anybody, or to get a title. I don’t think that’s necessarily accurate.
Jimmy: I mean it’s not surprising!
Steve: If it is, it’s unintentional. I don’t like bands that are intentionally shocking; I think that’s pretentious.
So, now you are going to try and say that smashing a guitar is performance 'art?' Um, no.
The best part of this comment though is saying that MSI is 'over our heads.' Good one.
You people are cruel.
Boo hoo :(
To 12:20
• noun 1 the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices.
I see nothing in this definition that relates to 'shock value,' so maybe you want to get your facts straight before you make a fool out of yourself again, eh?
And yes, destroying things is often part of performance art. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it doesn't have artistic merit.
• noun 1 the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices.
Thank you. MSI's lyrics are most certainly meant to be satirical. People either get it or they don't. You people don't get it. No big - until you start trying to use MSI against MCR.
Well guess what? A lot of MSI fans don't like MCR either but do you see them making a huge deal over the marriage? No.
Care to explain the satire evoked in "5 year old panty shot"
...lets see, the humor involved in the thoughts entertained by the pedophile or are they intimating that this whole subject is taken far too seriously?
As for criticizing the stupidity of people, the bassist is the prime example of stupidity, marriage or not. Her views are laughable to say the least, which, come to think about it, fits entirely with the band.
As for performance art, what a misnomer. Seems like you would call pissing in a jar "performance art". it's so easily to slap an "art" label on anything nowadays.
Stop throwing the satire/irony argument here. Think before you write.
Anon @10:52,
Your argument that MSI's act is intended as satire fails. Miserably.
To be classified as true satire MSI's lyrics would have at their heart the goal of changing society for the better. Do you really think that Panty Shot is intended to make pedophiles see the horrific nature of their actions and want to reform? I seriously doubt it, especially when you consider the age of the band's fanbase. There probably aren't a whole lot of child molesters downloading MSI songs on iTunes or attending MSI concerts.
Secondly, Jimmy Urine always takes things too far. Nothing is sacred or off limits as far as he's concerned. He's essentially a walking parody and therefore, everything he does comes off as one big joke. This is compounded by the fact that he has explicitly stated that MSI is the "anti-message" band and that he's in it for the money.
As for Lindsey, she embodies so many degrading female cliches I'm actually embarrassed to share my gender with her: a woman in a slutty schoolgirl outfit who proudly substitutes her physical attributes for talent and who manages to acheive fame - not for her accomplishments but because of the person she's fucking. Then she has the nerve to present herself as a role model for young girls? Please.
If you want to like MSI, then by all means, do so. However, don't come around here and tell people who don't that it's because they "dont get it."
"Well guess what? A lot of MSI fans don't like MCR either but do you see them making a huge deal over the marriage? No.
Over it. And over MCR because of it.
Lyn-Z has always been a joke, and thanks to their combined efforts so is Gerard.
Tell me I'm 'just jelluz!!!111'. Like I despise George W. Bush because I wanna bang Laura.
"As for Lindsey, she embodies so many degrading female cliches I'm actually embarrassed to share my gender with her: a woman in a slutty schoolgirl outfit who proudly substitutes her physical attributes for talent and who manages to acheive fame - not for her accomplishments but because of the person she's fucking. Then she has the nerve to present herself as a role model for young girls? Please."
Quoted for truth. But I doubt it's "nerve". I think she's genuinely so retarded that she actually believes she's a great example.
Just watch the clip where Jimmy mock's certain bands with a 'message' and she's giggling like an imbecile. Would anyone with half a brain not know how that reflects on her opinion of her husband and looks to the public eye?
"And yes, destroying things is often part of performance art. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it doesn't have artistic merit."
It lacks 'artistic merit', however, when it's been done before. Thousands of times before.
Too right, 2:21.
i may have found her redeeming quality: she probably gives great head.
love this site.
I suppose not having a brain allows for deeper pentration. Maybe thats her secret!
Quote from a 2004 issue of Kerrang!:
"They hang out ... in the club to find [some guy] to take home, and they're all wasted. And it's a big, gross, sexual VD swamp and cesspool. With a lot of violence and alcohol mixed in, and definitely some coke"
Gerard talking about the "Jersey Girls" he once found so repellent or the band he's gone to such great pains to promote?!
Wow, judgmental much? Oh well, it's just his opinion. You know, the same thing that gets fankiddies' bowels in an uproar if we have one of those about MSI?
"They hang out ... in the club to find [some guy] to take home, and they're all wasted. And it's a big, gross, sexual VD swamp and cesspool. With a lot of violence and alcohol mixed in, and definitely some coke"
Its a good thing Gerard took his own advice and married a real classy lady then!
Personally, I would like to thank you and applaud you for making this site VV. It is truly amazing, and you gave a voice to what I was predicting (When they first got married and all) and how I felt and feel.
Don't give up on voicing your opinion, especially when the unintelligent fans come on here and bash you for expressing how you feel, even if it might seem harsh. But like you said, it's poison but it's the truth.
It's just a shame that people will continue to fall for Gerard's idiotic antics.
Btw, read all your blogs and their exceptional too!! xD
Rock on V. Just rock the fuck on.
You people are cruel.
And you're a clone of every other MCR "fan" so you must know just how wonderful the band are and how they can do no wrong.
Baa baa,little sheep...
Go away, and only come back here when you have a valid arguement for why we should change our opinions.
Seriously, the people who don't agree with VV, yet still come here to bitch are complete assholes. An opinion is NOT fact, and besides, you don't see us going onto your fansites and saying how you're clearly blind for falling for everything to come out of Saint Gerard's mouth.
Are you gonna bash me now because I think Fall Out Boy are lousy musicians and all their songs sound alike?
*eye roll*
Saint Gerard.
That fucking kills me! I almost fell on the floor.
Awesome site! Keep on rocking!
But awww, Linds and Gee were both fat art nerds in high school and the thing they enjoy most when they're together is drawing in their studio at their house.
How can you hate on these two adorable creatures?
But awww, Linds and Gee were both fat art nerds in high school and the thing they enjoy most when they're together is drawing in their studio at their house.
Oh my god I am so going to puke now. How many times did we hear that fat art nerd crap from Gerard? Now he's coaching her to say the same thing.
Adorable creatures? No. Manipulative lying assholes? Yes.
'But awww, Linds and Gee were both fat art nerds in high school and the thing they enjoy most when they're together is drawing in their studio at their house.'
Well they're not going to be having sex seeing as they're both gay. I say that not as an insult, but because I'm insulted that he'd rather go through all this charade than be honest with himself and the fans. He tried to present himself as this open, positive role model, but he could do so much more good by finally coming out. It didn't do Rob Halford any harm and even his (supposedly homophobic) heavy metal fans just appreciated his honesty.
Just been handed the new Kerrang with MSI on the frontcover and the one thing Lyn-Z wants you to know about her is:
"I work really hard at everything I do"
No, really! What we are witnessing is the culmination of 7 years of hard graft.
Undeniably "worked really hard" at snagging that successful singer so you can leech off his fame; learning the bass, obviously not so much...
"Oh my god I am so going to puke now. How many times did we hear that fat art nerd crap from Gerard?"
Never stopped him getting a string of girlfriends from the tender age of 17, though, did it?! Methinks the boy doth protest too much about being the picked-on loner kid and now Lyn-Z's high school years were exactly the same. It may be a rather convenient coincidence but I certainly believe her!
Can someone please post a copy of the interview in Kerrang?
Is it true that Lindsey was ragging on Paramore in the new Kerrang?
If so, that really pisses me off, not because I'm a huge fan of Paramore or anything, but at least Hayley Williams can sing and she doesn't pretend-play an instrument to a pre-recorded track whilst flashing her crotch onstage.
You'd think after all the slagging off of MCR by other bands she'd be a bit more empathetic to other artists' feelings. I guess she and Gerard don't share that amazing empathy he's always on about though.
Yep, she bitched about not being able to tell the difference between Paramore and Miley Cyrus.
Hmmmm.... Miley "Daughter of Billy Ray" Cyrus. You'd NEVER catch Lyn-Z on stage in a short skirt dancing to an electronic backing track or exploiting a familial relationship for media coverage, now would you?!!
Every time she opens her mouth she just proves how utterly stupid and deluded she really is - you can see why they never used to let her speak in interviews!
"You'd think after all the slagging off of MCR by other bands she'd be a bit more empathetic to other artists' feelings."
You're forgetting the slagging off of MCR by her OWN band...
Now Lyn-Z is slagging off Paramore because, you know, it's so much more, like, creative to do backbends on stage while, like, holding onto a bass and pretending to, like, play it than it is to, like, be an amazing singer.
Every time she opens her mouth she just proves how utterly stupid and deluded she really is - you can see why they never used to let her speak in interviews!
Okay at the risk on sounding like a crazy conspiracy theorist I'd like to ask your opinions on some rumors I've been hearing.
1)Warner has been going around shutting down any and all evidence of monkeygate so as to prevent the general public (and PETA) from finding out about it.
2)Warner got Buzznet to hire Anna, the woman who used to maintain TIP so they could shut down the media site so people could not have quick access to past articles where Gerard has contradicted himself. TIP has been down forever, btw.
Before you tell me to go to mcrumorcontrol, I already tried that, but the mod refused to post either of these. It's got to make you wonder...
TIP? You're going to have to spell it out, sorry!
I'm not surprised about Monkeygate, but I think a couple of people saved/screencapped the pics - they could send a quick e-mail from an (essential anonymous) account to PETA. The powers that be obviously know what they did was wrong otherwise they wouldn't have tried to suppress it!
Warner have also reduced the price of the box set before release date which is unusual unless merchandise is not selling. I wouldn't be surprised if it was underperforming - it's the dedicated, older fans who are fed up with all the shit that would pay the extra money for the limited edition.
I just want to sit him down in front of LOTMS and say, "watch this, Motherfucker - THAT'S why you were a success, THAT's why you had such a loyal fanbase. Think before the next time you open your mouth or hire a chimpanzee."
I wonder if that "someone" who wrote THE letter to INO about how Eliza was splitting the fanbase is beginning to think that she may have been the lesser of 2 evils!
OK, so I sent a quick e-mail, I'll let you know what they say!
TIP - The Immortality Project. It had this great media section with virtually every interview MCR had ever done. Now it's gone. :/
The thing with conspiracy theories is that they are often proven to be correct.
Who would have thought that a year ago we'd be having this conversation or that VV's would even exist? One day he'll get his "Behind the Music" and it won't be pretty.
Before you tell me to go to mcrumorcontrol, I already tried that, but the mod refused to post either of these. It's got to make you wonder...
The mods at mcrumorcontrol have done that kind of thing before. Back during 'elizgate' one of them deleted whole posts and threads criticizing Gerard's behavior.
Spookily, the very same mod had backstage passes at the next MCR show.
I am no fan of either Hannah Montana or Paramore, but it bugs the shit out of me that a 32 year old self-confessed shit bass player and art school drop-out would slag off 16 year old Miley Cyrus and 19 year old Hayley Williams who have accomplished way more in their short lifetimes than Lindsey Ann Ballato Way ever will.
She sickens me.
From the Kerrang website:
Why has it taken MSI 10 years?
Simple. It's because it took 10 years for one of their members to snag a husband from a more popular band.
and another:
Why has it taken MSI 10 years?
How VERY DARE YOU!! Lyn-Z is an incredibly talented musician and the band's recent success has absolutely NOTHING to do with her fucking a man in a well known band.
Just read the article and you'll see how justified she is in mocking an artist like Disney tween Miley "daughter of Billy Ray" Cyrus - you'd never catch Lyn-Z dancing around in a short skirt to an electronic backing track or exploiting a famous relative for media attention!!
and another
i guarentee no one will no who they are in a few years time....
its not down to talent its down to that nob jockey gerrard way.
and as for that spaz lyn-z.... "everyone refers to me as mrs way"... silly wining twat... maybe its because thats who you are???????? obviously she has the intellect of roadkill and the i.q. of a golf ball.
and they keep on rolling:
Stupid bunch of twats; what a fucking waste. G Way has undone all his good work and for what, a blowjob from a talentless whore who looks like a trannie.
Come back Billie Joe, the UK needs you.
Mindless Self Indulgence are nothing but ignorant perverted fucks that cant sing jackshit even if there pity lives depended on it. I’m sorry but, I hate MSI. There disgusting, I mean come on “Panty Shot”.. what the hell? I don’t even think the music industry should have aloud that song to be on the record or better still, even be written!
As far as Lyn-Z and Gerard Way & MCR go..
I agree with what everyone is saying, My Chemical Romance has officially died, and I personally blame Gerard Way, he sold his own band mates for the so called ”LOVE” of Lyn-Z. And what was all that shit he said about “when the music doesn’t feel right, that’s when we’ll stop” – FUCKING BULLSHIT! The music isn’t right now! Its complete bullcrap, Revenge was the last REAL album they ever made. WTTBP IS SHIT, and I’m a fucking MCR fan, and I myself agree its utter crap.
2 years break?
No way man, MCR are over.
They’ve officially died, they might come out with new albums.. and there name’s scribbled on teeny t-shirts, but the MCR I new, and I fell in love with, died when they had there final ‘revenge’ (AKA. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge) ..That album said it all. They made there statement.
And you know what, now its time to make ours.
Gerard Way, you destroyed MCR. You’re a fucking sellout, you used to be my hero.. but you, your just a fucking disgrace who sold his soul for a petty blowjob, and mindless fuck.
The end.
Reply from PETA re: Monkeygate.
"Many thanks for taking the time to contact PETA with your concerns, and you can be sure that we are opposed to the training and use of chimpanzees and great apes for so-called entertainment.
PETA does not believe animals should be used for “entertainment.” What may be a few fleeting moments of distraction for humans means a lifetime of misery for animals.
Animals used in travelling venues like circuses and petting zoos are carted from one town to the next and are treated like nothing more than equipment. They have no control over any aspect of their lives. Their eating and sleeping schedules are dictated by handlers; they aren’t allowed to engage in their natural behaviors, such as socializing, roaming, and foraging. Many become listless, sick and depressed.
Illegal and neglectful conditions for animals are common among animal exhibitors who view their animals only as a means to a profit. It’s not only exotic species who suffer; domestic animals can and do experience stress and anxiety when hauled around in trucks and trailers and forced to participate in situations that are unfamiliar or frightening.
If you would like to find out more about this cruel industry please follow this link http://www.NoMoreMonkeyBusiness.com
I hope this has been of use to you."
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
I complained to PETA too and was told that the information had been passed on to 'the "appropriate staffers." I don't think there's much they can do about it at this point, though. Especially since it seems that the band's management is actively doing damage control.
But, judging from the online comments about Kerrang!'s latest issue with "Mrs. Gerard Way and Company" on the cover, those four other "monkeys" that Gerard has been hanging out with are already giving him all the bad publicity he needs.
fuck all you losers...you are all stupid. msi loves when ppl talks shit about them so you are just giving them what they want.
Really? Because Lyn-Z complained an awful lot about being criticised in that Tasteittv interview; although I suppose when you have no talent besides making women feel ashamed of their own gender you eventually have to get used to it.
Those of you who object to Lindsey's being continuously shoved down our throats by publications like Kerrang! should go here and let your opinions be heard.
Far too many people have left comments along the lines of "Lyn-z is a whore who only married Gerard for his money!" which really don't make our point terribly well. We need intelligent people to communicate our concerns - mainly the hypocrisy of taking full advantage of the publicity she got from her marriage and then complaining about it and more importantly, holding herself up to be a role model for young girls when she admits to being a shit bass player who is "bored to tears" by real musicians.
It would be helpful if all of MSI's detractors to sound like a bunch of immature teenies.
^If all of MSI's detractors didn't sound like a bunch of immature teenies.
Too true! I hate it when people call her a 'whore' when it demeans all women, makes the poster look stupid and there's myriad justifiable reasons for disliking her: exploitation of a sacred institution for media coverage; sexism, stupidity, misogyny, lack of talent, ingratitude, bitchiness, hypocrisy, the list goes on.
I was just on Kerrang's website and some asshole actually posted this:
Mark David Chapman
Jimmy Urine is a genius!
I'd bet money that he wrote Mark David Chapman with Gerard Way in mind.
How can people think that way? I just don't get it at all.
Mark David Chapman
- Mindless Self Indulgence
Indistinguishable from one another
No possible intention to even bother
It doesn't matter what is said or how we say it
Coincidentally, we all sound exactly the same
We all want to swindle kids out of their money
If you're still doing this 'cause you believe in it
You are so fucking lame!
When the world's overrun
With too many bands
Who is it time for
Mark Chapman
When they all seem absurd
He will thin out the herd
Ladies and gentleman
Mark Chapman
There is no heart
There is no fear
We all just cry
The same old tear
Don't look to me
I do not lead
I'm just in front
And they're all following
Some other motherfucker
Without the balls or cojones
To take a hold of the reins
And use them
Why is something so obvious so elusive?
There is nothing on the menu that will turn abusive
I am part of the problem
Not the solution
I'm just a prisoner
In the same prison as you
We wait for other shoes to fall into positions
Already obsolete
No one will miss us at all
[Jimmy's mom speaking Spanish]
When the world's overrun
With too many bands
Who is it time for
Mark Chapman
When they all seem absurd
He will thin out the herd
Ladies and gentleman
Mark Chapman
There is no awe
There is no fear
We all just cry
The same old tear
I can not tell
Is it just me
Or do we all
Look just like
Adolph fucking Hitler
With this swoopy emo-boy dreamy haircut
Dangling in our faces
Making us all indescribably indistinguishable from each other
Or maybe I'm just another megalomaniac...
Reginald, release the hounds
Yeah, Jimmy probably did have Gerard in mind. Didn't he do that Hitler salute thing whilst singing the lyrics to WTTBP?
And I suppose Lindsey just thinks it's all one big laugh riot.
I said this in response to the Mark David Chapman comment on Kerrang's website and I'll say it here.
JU probably did write Mark David Chapman with Gerard Way in mind, but most of MSI's fans are either too young or too thick to even know who Mark David Chapman is.
Hey Verita Venom!
first of all, I think the band believes they have something special that they don't want to get rid of. I have no doubt that they love what they do. But gerard keeps ruining it with his goddamn ego; this is something that needs to be fixed and NOW, or else, they'll have major problems on the next record. I don't think they realize how much lyn-z is poison for the band. Has gerard been respectful to the fans? NO. Have you seen his face when he signs an autograph for a fan? I'm sure you have, and it's not like he enjoys it either. It's like when a couple of fans want an autographs, he loses his effing mind over it. Do the other guys in the band act like that? NO. He needs to realize that he's in a band, he has to be careful about what he says, how he says it and how he treats his fans. THAT IS IT! Just because he's gerard fucking way and he's married, doesn't mean he has to treat people like shit or close to it.
How'd she bitch about him, huh?
Gee, considering you guys despise her, you sure know a lot about her.
I applaud you all on doing your "reasearch" you're all SO funny. :)"
Notice the girl who said this spelled research wrong! Living proof that the people that protect them are not that bright!
VV and everyone else, you might want to check this out. It's the "thank yous" from the DVD booklet.
Notice how they don't mention the fans.
And do I even need to hint what Gerard's is all about?
You've gotten love how the first person Gerard thanks is the person who's probably done the least to help and support him over the past 9+ months.
Wow, Gerard doesn't have much to say, does he? Thank you, Lindsey (for fucking me, I suppose) and thank you mom and dad (for bringing my holiness into this world).
I'm surprised he even bothered with that. The guy's a fucking megalomaniac. I can't believe I used to fall for his bullshit.
Also I'm disappointed that nobody bothered to thank Matt Cortez, unless you want to count him among 'the crew' that Ray says thanks to.
Maybe he didn't play at the two shows on the DVD, but the band owes him a hell of a lot. I hope during the break he goes out and gets into his own band where he will be appreciated.
damn, gerard didn't even thank mikey, when mikey DID. wtf?!
he can't even thank his own flesh and blood brother? what's the excuse? he 'forgot'? that's just wrong. he didn't even know lindsey half as much as he's known mikey. holy christ. =/
i think they consider the mcrmy as being ALL their fans?
No, the MCRmy is the official name for MCR's street team. They participate in activities to promote the band both on the internet and in their towns.
A bunch of BN noobs picked up the name and ran with it, thinking it meant any fan of MCR, but as usualy, they don't know what the fuck they were talking about.
Google it if you want more info.
For the past several months I've been steadily losing faith in MCR. I was hoping that when the DVD came out it would renew my belief in them, but as the release date approaches instead of being excited I just have this awful "meh" feeling. Right now it's looking like I'm not even going to buy it.
I hate that it has come to this, but I just justify giving any more of my money to support Gerard's monkey renting and God only knows what else. I feel bad for the other guys but you've got to draw the line somewhere.
The pic of the thank yous in the liner notes seems like a big joke. Are we sure this is official? Bob is the last person in the world I would ever expect to end something with smoooches! And Everyone is GWAY, or MWAY, BC Bryar and RTORO and then Frank's just Frank with the xo at the end. Oh and when did Ray have a kid? Did we miss something? Maybe they are that good at hiding secrets but something about that just made me think it was bullshit...if it isn't then I say FUCK YOU MCR! You wouldn't have a thing if it wasn't for us. And Gerard and his monkey renting for the wife that looks like a trannie is just way to Michael Jackson for me. I mean the dude already wears 4 layers of clothing in 110 heat which is a very Wacko Jacko thing to do. Or maybe I was the only one who thought wearing a black Slip Knot hoodie when its the middle of summer and over a 100 degrees outside is weird.
I mean the dude already wears 4 layers of clothing in 110 heat which is a very Wacko Jacko thing to do. Or maybe I was the only one who thought wearing a black Slip Knot hoodie when its the middle of summer and over a 100 degrees outside is weird.
I've hesitated to say this to anyone before now, but at the PR I went to it was well over 100 degrees and Gerard was wearing that long-sleeve jacket and a button up shirt with all the raging pyro behind him. It made me think of an interview he did on SURS during Warped 05 where he talked about how the summer before he had performed in a jacket and tie but since he quit drinking/doing drugs he couldn't stand the heat anymore.
I'm with the anon @4:46. I'm not buying the new dvd because the Gerard I loved, the one from LOTMS is just gone. He's fucking gone.
Yeah, MCR is so fucking full of shit now I just can't deal with it anymore.
Just go to the Kerrang! website and read the epic response that some "insider" made to my comment about how MCR never made mention of MSI before September 2007. Tell me that guy isn't a ringer brought in by someone connected with the band, spewing some bullshit about how much MSI helped MCR out so much when they were "just a baby band," as Gerard so stupidly put it. And according to him, MSI were so big in those days people flew in from other countries to see them.
There's only so much bullshit you can take. I'm fucking done.
Ahhh, Lyn-Z, you've just gone and shown us yet again how ignorant and disrespectful towards others you are.
I respect Hayley Williams from Paramore and - I can't believe I'm saying this - Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) because they have two things that you don't: 1)Talent and 2)some sort of morals.
In fact, specially for Lyn-Z, that I think I should quote a line from the TV show Father Ted - "Next time someone speaks to you, before you say anything, think about what you are going to say and then don't say it. And run away."
Seriously though, it's really sad that it's come to this - a band we used to love and respect being shattered beyond repair by two people who like to sprout bullshit whenever they open their mouths.
I remember when LOTMS was released, people were pre-booking it from HMV months before the release date just to make sure they got a copy. It was advertised at every possible opportunity online and in all the shop windows (not just in big nationwide places like HMV but in small local music shops too).
Now, there's no mention of this new DVD in any shop and it's not being talked about as much, not even on the fansites.
They aren't the same band as they were in the beginning.
We gotta face facts now, it's all over. As far as I'm concerned (and a lot of people here too, judging by what's been said) they died when TBP came out.
My Chemical Romance.
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