Monday, August 25, 2008

an emasculated, infantile complain-ee..

In the time since I posted last, Gerard rented a monkey for LynZ, totally forgetting his support of PETA and animal rights. Jimmy Urine declared Gerard his best friend. The Black Parade Is Dead came out and everyone in the band thanked everyone, except Gerard who thanked LynZ, and then his parents as an after thought. Gerard moved to LA where he was seen with his new "posse" of friends, meaning LynZ, Jimmy Urine and his wife. A few more interviews came and went where he promoted MSI. And recently he wrote a message to MySpace trying to say how everything was cool with the band, yet what it really comes down to is Frank is touring with his other band, Bob just got our of surgery, no mention of whta Mikey is working on, and he doesn't know where Ray is. He also hinted that he is going to go see an upcoming MSI show, which is funny because of all of LynZ's protests that she doesn't want fans to go to their show just to see Gerard.

I feel really bad for the rest of the band now that Jimmy Urine and LynZ are Gerard's best friends. Didn't his band see him through the worst times, when he was suicidal didn't they pull him up from rock bottom? Now they are tossed aside for "inspirational" MSI.

Have I forgotten anything? I think there was more but I can't remember it.

This is mostly just to give you all some new space to talk.

It's really good to know that there are people out there who see through their pathetic facade.


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Anonymous said...

Eau de skank, eau de stank...take your pick. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe she doesn't do interviews with Jimmy because he might embarrass her when she says something really fucking stupid. Which is all the time, apparently.

Anonymous said...

did you notice in the first part of the interview with glen, even though it was supposed to be all about him and the sex pistols, lindsey spent about half the time talking about herself and how nervous she gets before going onstage?

poor stupid thing. she sure doesn't have a career in rock journalism waiting for her after her back gives out.

Anonymous said...

You're not kidding about her rubbing her leg all over that guy, are you. I didn't really notice it the first time because I was paying attention to her rubbing her nose but you're right, she was kind of all over him. He looked like he was trying hard to ignore it though, but I think it was getting on his nerves because the more she did it the more he concentrated on looking at Steve.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to go as far as calling Lynz a slut, but she is DEFINATELY a big flirt. Even fans of Lynz can't deny that. I mean, judging by the way she acted in that interview, some pictures I've seen of her and fans, and even the way she dresses, you can just tell she thinks she's hot shit.

Anonymous said...

^& that her shit apparently doesn't stink either...

Anonymous said...

Eau de skank, eau de stank...take your pick. :)

Gerard's punk essence is Eau de Stank and Linsey's is Eau de Skank. Look for them soon at a Hot Topic near you. ;P

Anonymous said...

Gerard's punk essence is Eau de Stank and Linsey's is Eau de Skank. Look for them soon at a Hot Topic near you. ;P

If that was true the fangirls would totally buy that shit. They'd shell out Mom and Dad's hard earned money so they could reek just like Gee and LynZ.

Anonymous said...

Gerard is so pussy whipped that LynZ could cheat on him and he wouldn't divorce her skank ass.

Anonymous said...

sad but true. how old is she anyway? she acts like she's 4.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if the reason Eliza was so happy in her blog was because she found out that LynZ was cheating on Gerard.

Anonymous said...

LynZ is 32

Anonymous said...

Bitch is 32 and starting to look about 40. The makeup and coke and cigs and constant touring aren't doing her looks any good at all.

Anonymous said...

I personally think Eliza found out some dirt on the band. Like that maybe some of the other guys aren't planning on coming back?

I'm really expecting a break-up, but not Ger-Z.

Anonymous said...

yea, you could be right. eliza is still in with heychris and the bands on pete wentz' label. she would probably find out before everybody else if there was something up with the band.

now i'm getting a little bit worried.

Anonymous said...

Eliza found out something big. i think she found out something personal on Gerard. i don't think she would feel that happy and vindicated over something to do with the band. i think whatever she found out could have repercussions on the band though.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Pete Wentz, didn't MSI make fun of Fall Out Boy in Rocksound just recently? Yeah, I know lots of people make fun of FOB, but they used to be friends with MCR. Pete and Mikey were really close at one time.

Are we going to see another Bert McCracken-burning-bridges, falling out episode? If this keeps up, Gerard won't have a single friend left in the music business.

Except for Jimmy Urine, of course.

Anonymous said...

If Eliza found out that the band is breaking up over MSI...I should think she would find that pretty effin' sweet.

Anonymous said...

i think she would find that sweet, but i think it's something personal. you can tell by the stuff Eliza was saying in that blog that it was something personal between her and Gerard. my thought is it was probably something he lied about or that he did to Eliza that has now been done to him.

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I'd like to see Eliza nail his ass to the wall? Because I so would.

Anonymous said...

If the Paul and Emma story has any truth to it, than the people in and around the band didn't like Eliza. If the band was breaking up I don't think she would be sad about it.

Anonymous said...


i agree.

i want to know so bad what Eliza got on him. it's so good that even her mother didn't think she should take it there and let it out.

Anonymous said...

She probably has either video of Lyn-z doing drugs or giving a bj to another guy. Or she has video footage of Gerard doing drugs.

Those are the only things I could think of that would be damaging to him.

Most people already believe him to be bi or gay.

Anonymous said...

Eliza is still friends with people that are in Gerard and MCR's inner circle. i wonder if they are spilling some of Gerard's dirty laundry to her.

Anonymous said...

Oh, she mentions dates. I be it does have to do with his so-called sobriety.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i just read her blog again. it's something she and her friends found out on the internet. what it could be i have no idea.

Anonymous said...

what about if someone linked her to Mayo's and she found out for real that it was Gerard. she said what they found was thoroughly checked. Mayo's posts could all be about thing that happened in her and Gerard's relationship and the dates of when they happened.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Mayo blog would do any damage to Gerard. It would bring on the fangirls if it was him. That would be annoying.

Anonymous said...

maybe Eliza found out that Gerard isn't legally married. i mean his marriage certificate isn't the complete truth. his mothers signature is on the certificate as a witness and she wasn't even there when he got married.

Anonymous said...

She found out LynZ is really a man.

He had a sex change six years ago.

Anonymous said...

i wonder how his mom feels about him. does she wish she left him in the street or something?

Anonymous said...


that's known already. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I was terribly late in checking in here and no one will probably read this, but I'll write it anyway. First off I will say this, I do not like Leathermouth's music. It's just not my cup of tea, but I do support Frank which is why I went to a show. I was lucky enough to meet him before and after and after we sat on a curb with his puppy, smoked a ciggie and talked for a bit. What I saw was a guy who seemed very happy to be away from the MCR bullshit that has accompanied the band the past year or so. Very few people were there to see Leathermouth but to see MC Chris and Reggie. For a man who has played a sold out show at Madison Square Garden and is a member of one of the biggest bands around, he is so very humble. I think that Frank is enjoying getting back to what MCR were in the beginning. Just a group of dudes in a bus enjoying music and the fans. Pervy Italian mustache aside he also looked great just a little tired.

As far as MSI go, I give Jimmy credit for being entertaining, but for a band who are so vocal about not giving a fuck what people think about them, why is it so hard for them to tell the truth? Why not just admit that they have gained sudden popularity because their talentless bass player is banging Gerard Way? I couldn't help but feel that Kerang! was poking fun at them when they put them on the cover with the question, "Why has it taken 10 years for this band to be noticed?" when the answer was staring right at the camera in her short skirt and dirty jacket. They say they don't care about being role models, or having a message. For them its all about the money. So just admit it if you really could give a shit what all of us think.

Gerard is gone. I truly do believe that the Gerard Way from Bullets days and Revenge was real, but I think he was overcome by the idea that he was bigger then life and no longer needed to be humble and grateful for what he has. Does anyone really believe that with MCR on hiatus Gerard or Mikey's future comic works will sale anywhere near what The Umbrella Academy did? The fangirls are already moving on to the next big thing.

But I do believe that Gerard wants to keep himself on the radar. Just when people were beginning to move on and the buzznet forums had died down he posts his lil update on the myspace page. And then he allows himself to be photographed with fans with that god awful red hair. Oh, of course he did it so he wouldn't be noticed, or the fangirls would like you to believe. Because a grown man walking around like a life sized Chucky doll isn't going to get a few head turns at all. PLEASE! He needs them to keep up with him if he has any chance at ever regaining the money flow he had before. Gotta keep the little woman's tatts all shiny and new after all.

I don't know what will happen with MCR now. I will ALWAYS be a fan of this band because Gerard Way isn't MCR for me. But I will not hold back on how I feel about Gerard and what he has done to his fans. When I watch the making of Helena and see him tear up about his fans I believe he meant it, he loved us and appreciated us all. That is until Pop radio made them pin up boys and a heard of mindless sheep jumped on the bandwagon with all their allowance money. By then we were all pretty expendable to him.

Anonymous said...

"As far as MSI go, I give Jimmy credit for being entertaining, but for a band who are so vocal about not giving a fuck what people think about them, why is it so hard for them to tell the truth?"

Jimmy knows it, Kitty knows it, Steve knows it. Lyn-Z, however, is probably so monumentally stupid that she genuinely believes she's this inspirational female channelling Hendrix up on stage every night, and since she's married to the reason for their new-found popularity they've decided to humour her by keeping schtum on the whole "you're talent-free window dressing and we put up with your douche husband and his 'single, white male'-act only as long as the filthy lucre keeps rolling in" issue!

Otherwise I agree with the rest of your comment completely.

Anonymous said...

Very well said 9.26am! And good point 1.20am.

In that Glen Matlock interview when asked what MSI are doing now, Steve said blah blah blah and then Reading and Leeds. Don't know how we got that?!

Oh fuck yeah you do!! Good Lord! Don't know how he managed to keep a straight face after he said that. I wanted Glen to say "Oh aint it because your bass player married Gerard Way? That's what I heard!" Lynz of course really seems to believe it is because of years of touring. Fucking hysterical! How deluded her and Mr Way are! They live in their own crazy made up world where everything is so amaaaaayzing! Course the illegal substances help that along just fine I am sure!

And when Glen said, re touring in the USA, "Definitely Maybe as some one once said." I wanted him to then point out that MSI think Oasis are shit!! But then Glen doesn't know that about MSI or the "I hate Jimmy Page" song because he couldn't in all honesty give two shits about MSI! And so arrogant of Steve Righ to even compare MSI with The Sex Pistols! How wrong is that?!

I am sort of speechless! But still giggling inwardly at how ridiculous they are!

Anonymous said...

That interview with Glen Matlock is the funniest thing I've seen all year! Between LynZ not knowing what to do with the microphone, taking up half the time talking about herself, and Glen making reference to two of the bands (Led Zeppelin and Oasis) that MSI continually makes fun of, it was totally priceless.

Honestly, when LynZ started talking about how something Glen had said to her changed her life, you could see on his face that he was thinking, "Who the hell are these people? I've never met them before in my life!" And then he proved he didn't know anything about them by bringing up Jimmy Page. Too fucking funny!

I'm also surprised that LynZ didn't attempt to namedrop Frances Bean and the fact they were going to be playing her sweet sixteen. Although, truth be told, she probably didn't know about it (Gerard was probably still trying to convince his bandmates to play at that time) yet or she would have brought it up. I can see Glen's reaction now. "You're playing private parties? Really?" (while thinking, "no wonder I don't have a clue who you are.")

When is MSI going to wise up and stop letting her speak?

Anonymous said...

what about if someone linked her to Mayo's and she found out for real that it was Gerard.

Oh puh-leese. Mayo is so not relevant to anything at all. I wish people would just stop bringing it up. It's a bunch of women going on about all the meaningless crap in their lives and about how they've found meaning in true friendship with one another. Then they come on anonymously and call each other cunts. It's considered a joke to everyone but the people who post there.

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh 5.34am. Mayo's was a good source of band info and I used to visit that blog pretty regularly for the first 5 months or so until the combination of anons bitching, the hagiography of poor, defenseless Gerard and the FUCKING POETRY became too much for me, but I got the feeling that most of the people there are well-intentioned if a little too old for this shit. It's funny how everyone either assumed Mayo was Gerard or assumed that the people who posted there thought Mayo was Gerard even though Mayo never once claimed to be Gerard!. If Mayo WAS Gerard his blog entries would be all about how amaaayzing Lyn-Z, marriage and his rampant heterosexuality were, because he's a self-obsessed douchebag..

My money is on the 'marriage' not being legal.

Anonymous said...


if Mayo started rambling on about LynZ he would be giving his identity away. he would never do that.

Anonymous said...

Mayo is GV. A trandgender woman in love with one of the women there. That's why s/he keeps the blog open. For her. GV came on as her 'other self' Katherine Invodina last night and pretty much she shouted the fact from the roof tops.

Anonymous said...

My money is on the 'marriage' not being legal.

If the marriage wasn't legal though they could easily do something about that. So maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal. It has to be something else, but what?

Anonymous said...


True, but Gerard and his coke-inflated ego wouldn't be able to help himself these days, just like he couldn't help stripping himself of all dignity by promoting MSI above all else, and just like he couldn't help talking about his private life in interviews where no-one could care less. Mayo at least has a couple of brain cells to spark off one another, whereas Gerard only briefly managed to look smart because the fans momentarily confused the garbage coming out of his mouth with true intelligence whilst distracted by his perfect emo fringe and sculpted cheekbones. Pretty boy + emotional bullshit mumbling = deep thinker! (in mind of teenage girl)

Anonymous said...

'If the marriage wasn't legal though they could easily do something about that. So maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal.'

if it were revealed to be a fake marriage it would cost him less to end then the 'real deal', but it would be a PR disaster -a couple 'of teenys might get excited but it would be seen as a attempt to squash the rumors about his sexuality and he'd lose the rest of his fanbase in a second.

Anonymous said...

Re: Mayo

For those of us who have been around long enough to remember the online updates the band members (mainly Gerard and Ray) used to write during the time they were recording Revenge (back before they were big enough for the record label to take over and edit/do promotional messages), the idea that Mayo is Gerard is just plain ridiculous. His writing is not grammatically correct, is riddled with run-on sentences and words like "awesome" and "psyched" (much the same as he talks) and is not the least bit poetic. Yes, he can turn a pretty phrase (if often nonsensical) when he's writing lyrics, but prose is something else altogether. Ray is actually a better writer than Gerard.

I also agree with the poster above me who pointed out that Gerard wouldn't be able to refrain from filling his blog with "ZOMG, married life is amaaaazing," at this point (whether that sentiment is fake or not), and he certainly wouldn't sit back and quietly allow people to criticize him and Lindsey the way some of the people on Mayo do - or rather, used to, before the Gerard Worshippers took over.

P.S. Loved your use of the term hagiography, anon318. :)

Anonymous said...

if it were revealed to be a fake marriage it would cost him less to end then the 'real deal', but it would be a PR disaster -a couple 'of teenys might get excited but it would be seen as a attempt to squash the rumors about his sexuality and he'd lose the rest of his fanbase in a second.

Oh I didn't think about it like that. Well it certainly wouldn't be the first time people have married for that very reason!

Anonymous said...

Oh I didn't think about it like that. Well it certainly wouldn't be the first time people have married for that very reason!

I don't know if Gerard has ever actually been able to address his sexuality with himself. This is me assuming he is bi/gay. (From the very first interview I saw of his I just assumed he was gay.) But I don't think he has been brave enough to ever admit it to himself. I really don't.

And that is just my opinion, I could be totally barking up the wrong tree.

sister midnite said...

So the people at Mayo's are "a little old for this shit". There's now an age limit for liking a band?
So in order to like music, you have to be in your teens or twenties?

Sorry, no offense intended towards whomever posted that, but that's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've heard all year. And given the whole GerZ/MSI crapshoot, that's saying something.

sister midnite said...

Back when Mayo first posted, those of us who were there did entertain the possibility that Mayo might be Gerard or someone involved with MCR - mostly because Mayo was a rebuttal to Love Man's blogs. As time went on, it became quite apparent that Love Man was insane, and that Mayo was just Mayo. There's drama there, yes, but no worse than BN or INO or even LJ. Wherever there are Gerard-worshippers, there will be drama. Surely we've all learned that by now!

Anonymous said...

So, according to a review of the Reggie/Leathermouth show in PA last night, Ray Toro was not only there, but played with LM and came up onstage with Reggie.

So, at least Frank is still in contact with Ray, even if Gerard isn't.

And Gerard was apparently too busy with the wife to go to any of the Reggie/LM shows.

Way to show your support for your friends/bandmates, Gerard.

Anonymous said...

First off, I would like to say "Sex Pistols, The Clash, Stiff Little Fingers, Buzzcocks... Now that's real punk."
So why, for the love of God, would Glen Matlock - of all people! - want to degrade himself by talking to idiots who wouldn't know what punk was if it danced naked in front of them shouting "Hey, assholes! Punk's over here. No, look this way!" ?
Punk is dead. End of discussion. All you wannabe "punk rock" bands killed the essence of good ol' fashioned punk and I hope you're damned well pleased with yourselves for being nothing more than sheep and following a trend set by every other Goddamned band.
Now crawl back into your hovels and let the kids be educated in real music: the Sex Pistols, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Motley Crue, etc (okay so they're not all punk bands, but you get the idea). Hell, even the Beatles were more original than MSI.

As for the whole not showering business - that's just plain disgusting.
Sure, you're on tour, but it's not hard to at least wash, or bring wipes with you to clean with. Jesus. Some people have no brain cells whatsover...

Anonymous said...

So newly married Ray and fresh-out-of-surgery Bob can manage to attend Leathermouth shows, but Gerard can't. Oh, but he can attend a sweet sixteen party for Frances Bean Cobain.

What a dick.

Anonymous said...

Punk is dead. End of discussion. All you wannabe "punk rock" bands killed the essence of good ol' fashioned punk and I hope you're damned well pleased with yourselves for being nothing more than sheep and following a trend set by every other Goddamned band.
Call me racist, but, I think only the Brits can pull of punk. Everyone else is just bastardising a UK art form.

Sorry if that offends, but that's the way I feel.

Anonymous said...

So newly married Ray and fresh-out-of-surgery Bob can manage to attend Leathermouth shows, but Gerard can't. Oh, but he can attend a sweet sixteen party for Frances Bean Cobain.

What a dick.

Not forgetting Mikey and Alicia attended the Jersey Leathermouth gig so it is only Gerard that didn't show his support for Frank and James. Hey and he would have been noticed with that hair wouldn't he?!

Anonymous said...

I do agree that punk was perfected in the UK, but I do think you have to give some credit to the Ramones...

Just sayin'.

Still, I do agree that punk is totally dead today. Bands like MSI are a frikin' joke when they claim to be punk.

Anonymous said...

Call me racist, but, I think only the Brits can pull of punk. Everyone else is just bastardising a UK art form.

Sorry if that offends, but that's the way I feel.

No offence taken at that.
Of course punk is a Brit thing, we only do the best over here haha.

Anonymous said...

but I do think you have to give some credit to the Ramones...
Haven;t heard much of their stuff, apart from Blitzkrieg Bop and I Wanna Be Sedated, obviously - but they are sure as shit more punk them MSI will ever dream of being let alone actualising.

Gerard hasn't seen Leathermouth yet? Maybe there is shit between him and Frankie.

Ray at Leathermouth one
Ray at Leathermouth two
Mikey and Alicia at Leathermouth

Does anyone know of any Bob pictures?

Anonymous said...

Gerard attending Frances's 16th birthday makes me giggle. For a guy who has always claimed not to want to be a part of the hollywood hoopla he sure has found his way in. Not only is he attending parties hosted by one of the most notable celebrities in the past decade or so, but he also moved to L.A. a place where a celeb can't piss without the paparazzi knowing what color it is. Me thinks I smell some bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I think that whoever posted this is completly correct and I'm right there with you:

I don't know what will happen with MCR now. I will ALWAYS be a fan of this band because Gerard Way isn't MCR for me. But I will not hold back on how I feel about Gerard and what he has done to his fans. When I watch the making of Helena and see him tear up about his fans I believe he meant it, he loved us and appreciated us all. That is until Pop radio made them pin up boys and a heard of mindless sheep jumped on the bandwagon with all their allowance money. By then we were all pretty expendable to him.

September 14, 2008 9:26 PM

I remember watching the making of Helena a couple of months ago, after I found out about all of this and I fully agree. I was almost tearing up myself and I believe that you can't fake that emotion, at least I don't think Gerard did... he seemed very geniune and it's terrible that all of that has gone to waste, for a new title of being, "hardcore".

& that's the thing with Gerard, unfortunately he believes that all of his fans are mindless teeny boppers which is so not true. They (meaning the teenies) in a sense ruined everything for the real fans. But Gerard needs to understand that even though most of the fans he sees might be very young and a little crazy, it doesn't mean that every single fan is like that.

& I could only imagine how happy Frank is, I'm really happy for him and his band.

& I agree with the Eliza thing, it really has to be something major that she has on Gerard, we know that he is simply her number one enemy. She makes it evident all the time, by writing constant blogs about him. I really hope she can pin he against the wall with ever she has to say about him.

Anonymous said...

I really hope she can pin he against the wall with ever she has to say about him.

September 15, 2008 2:38 PM

I meant:

I really hope that she can pin him against the wall with whatever she has on him.

Anonymous said...

From listening to Eliza talk on her radio show and on Chris's show coupled with her "fictional" stories and blogs Gerard hurt her in a big way. People gave her such a hard time for elluding to being in a relationship with him when all he wanted was his privacy, but I have never bought that. He wore the ring, he carted her on tour and he dumped her in a very public fashion. Lyn Z was nothing more then a tool designed to hurt an already emotionally unstable woman. He was very public about Lyn Z and very public about how much better she was then the people in his immediate past. Shame on Gerard. Eliza may have been annoying but I think deep down she just really wanted validation to her relationship and since Gerard wouldn't do that for her she used the internet.

Oh and according to her story Gerard was instigating a sexual relationship with her while still with "Kat". Upstanding gentleman my ass.

Anonymous said...

That last statement was no suprise. It's simple to figure that.

It seems to me that Gerard is never satisfied. You have a lot of strong points and I agree with most of them.

Anonymous said...

From about 5:26 on it is plainly obvious that this woman is high as a kite. If Gerard's sobriety ever really was a real deal sort of thing I have no doubt that marrying this woman flushed all of that down the toilet right along side his career and self respect.

Anonymous said...


i agree. also when Eliza was on Chris's show you can tell that she really loved Gerard. i don't by the fangirl shit of her using him to get more exposure as a hairstylist. Eliza started going after Gerard when MCR were barely known. Revenge wasn't even out at the time.

Anonymous said...

How about love with a hint of obsession?

Anonymous said...


that's true. Eliza is an intense person, but she was young at the time though too.

Anonymous said...

From about 5:26 on it is plainly obvious that this woman is high as a kite.

Not to mention she wipes her nose something like twenty times in a span of 8:52...and never mentions anything about having a cold, nor does she sound congested.

Allergies maybe?

Anonymous said...

Well wouldn't you get congested if you have allergies... Unless she has a skin allergy.

I will go as far to say that I think she does drugs, if not that she probably drinks a lot.

Anonymous said...

Well wouldn't you get congested if you have allergies...

I know I get congested when my allergies act up. I'm thinking there might be another reason for Mrs. Way's post-nasal drip.

Anonymous said...


Yeah, but something is not letting me trust the, "I have always loved Gerard Way" factor.
If you really loved the man you wouldn't go and basically stalk him during all that time. It's just creepy! & to me it seems like an obsession. If you really loved the man, you would wait, or let him go if he didn't feel like following your advances. You can't force the guy to love you. I still feel that she caught him at a very sensitive time in his life, although I do believe that Gerard probably did try to hook up with her while he was with Kat... For reasons, I guess for now, unknown.

To me, she still seems to have placed their relationship in public for an annoying while. I just don't trust the, "I love Gerard so much" motive. I bet you she did, but I still feel that she had alterior motives.

I am not justifying Gerard's antics, he was very immature about it too, well after the break up. This relationship just seems so screwy. These people need therapy. LOL. & I think I need some too after trying to analyze this and a whole bunch of other things referring to Gerard and MCR.

Anonymous said...

Both Gerard and Eliza carried out their relationship as if they were a couple of adolescents and I don't think either of them has done much growing up over the past year and a half.

I pity anyone stupid enough to get involved with either one of them.

Anonymous said...


I'm trying to figure it out too.

1)Either she has a really bad skin allergy or a nasal allergy, with I guess no congestion? Which I guess means that she's been taking medication for it... But why scratch your nose to often? But I doubt it cause wouldn't she have a rash if it's a skin allergy?

2) Maybe it was a caused by a sudden mosquito bite.

3) Or maybe it's the obvious, she's doing coke.

I wish I had proof of the 3rd one.

Anonymous said...


You've basically said what I've been trying to say, but simply couldn't put into words. :]

Anonymous said...

Lynz wiped her nose 16 times in nine minutes. what i think happened is she snorted something right before the interview and whatever she snorted kicked in a few minutes later.

Anonymous said...

Does she look gaunt or sweaty?
Is she jittery?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to choose option #3, Anon @5:22. Even though I have no proof, that's what my gut tells me. I'm also betting that choice #3 is the reason Gerard is looking so svelte these days, despite the fact that he usually tends to gain weight when he's not touring. :(

Anonymous said...


I was the anon that been talking to you about it and I really feel the same way too. I don't know about Gerard though, but I guess that, that could be a possiblity.

I can't believe Gerard married a woman like this. I always pictured him with someone that was at least stronger than him emotionally. Maybe someone that could take him out of such terrible depression and guide him into bettering himself, at least someone that could have helped stand on his own two feet and not become co-dependent from his end and his partners end. Someone that actually showed what real LOVE is.

But in this case, opposites do not attract and I doubt that they ever will.

Anonymous said...

*helped him

Anonymous said...

*and from his

Anonymous said...

I agree that Gerard made a mistake, 5:45. It just didn't seem right that he would jump into a marriage so soon after Kat and Eliza.

With everything he's been through over the past few years, the break-ups, MCR's sudden success, his drug abuse and subsequent sobriety - I just don't think he gave himself enough time to make a rational judgement. You know?

I realize that it's his life, but I just hate to see him get hurt.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Eliza did seem obsessed with Gerard when they were together, or not together...its so hard to keep up. But as I understand it he was the one encouraging her towards that. He asked her to meet him on various stops on the tour, had her in his hotel rooms for long chats while laying on a bed, and all the time maintained that he was in love with his girlfriend. Eliza has admitted to a past riddled with alcohol abuse, eating disorders and severe depression. All she needed was for him to give her the mere idea that he wanted her and she was consumed by it. I think she's doing better and proving that without Gerard she is a much more proactive person with her radio show and whatnot. The white flag movement she's instigated is comendable. However someone close to her (i.e. Chris) should steer her clear of music.

Anonymous said...


i totally agree. they both stalked each other equally.

Anonymous said...

Gerard obviously encouraged Eliza. If her story is true, he's the one who kept in touch with her. He's the one who asked for an email address and he used it. He's the one who arranged for her to do his hair for that cover shoot and he helped get her on Warped Tour, knowing he would be there as well. He was sending out mixed signals, which would be confusing for anyone, but for someone as fucked up as was downright cruel.

That's not to say Gerard isn't fucked up too, but I think he got some kind of sadistic pleasure playing with her feelings the way he did. Maybe he was trying to get back at the girls who hurt him when he was younger. Who knows? But for whatever reason he did it, there's still no excuse.

So she was stupid and he was cruel. Which is worse? I choose cruel.

Anonymous said...

Eliza was obnoxious and often times bitchy to fans. However since she was dumped in the worst possible way and then replaced with Lyn Z, she seems to have finally gotten her shit together. I say well done for her. I would love to read the book she should write and I for one encourage her to "tell all." I mean she said that she was told not to speak about her relationship with Gerard while they were together and "hidden" away. There are no rules now. Shout it loud and proud girl, I for one can't wait to laugh about it.

Anonymous said...

Eliza was obnoxious and often times bitchy to fans.

Yes, she was, but then most fans were not nice to her either. Since Gerard was always denying their relationship fans thought she was some kind of scheming liar. I know I did.

I hated her then but I just feel sorry for her now. If she'd had an ounce of self-respect she wouldn't have chased after Gerard the way she did and she wouldn't have allowed him to treat her so badly.

And if Gerard had an ounce of self-respect he wouldn't have gotten involved with someone he didn't really care for.

They're both fucked in the head.

Anonymous said...

Eliza needs to drop the bombshell she found out last week. it's driving me crazy trying to figure out what it is. LOL

Anonymous said...

You know what everyone?
This is coming from someone that detested Eliza, but I believe in her for some reason. The theories sound correct. Gerard really fucked her over and I too cannot wait for what she has to say.

I'll leave with a final piece of my mind:

"No matter what, the truth will always have a way of coming out..."

Anonymous said...

if Gerard doesn't go see Leathermouth on this tour, that is the last straw for me. Gerard can leave that thing he calls a wife for a day and go and support Frank.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the last show on the LM tour was last night. :(

Anonymous said...

yea, gerard just blew frank off so he could spend more time with that skanky wife and her pals. why go support your band mate when you can get high and hang out with courtney love?

Anonymous said...

Gerard thought that mentioning LM in his little "update" would be enough. But really, it's messed up when your so called, "best friend" won't even go to see you preform because he much rather spend the time with his beloved wife. Gerard doesn't care about Frank. Simple and to the point.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's "best friends" are Lyn and Jimmy now.

Anonymous said...

Nothing Eliza is doing right now tells me she has changed at all. She is still using the fact that she was with Gerard to get attention. And people are falling for it. If she was really trying to move on with her life would she still be going on about Gerard.

If I was in her position I would sit back and watch Gerard make a fool of himself with Lynx.

But she still constantly goes to places where the MCR fans are. She hints at knowing things about Gerard but won't tell anyone what she knows.

And just a few weeks ago she was claiming that she was married. The woman is still an obsessed stalker.

The only difference between Eliza and LynZ is that LynZ has less of a brain and is acknowledged by Gerard. And Eliza doesn't run around showing everyone her under pants.

Gerard didn't treat Eliza very good but why didn't she walk away.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's "best friends" are a muppet fucker and a filthy skank. nice going Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's "best friends" are a muppet fucker and a filthy skank. nice going Gerard.

OMG, I just spit my coffee all over my computer screen!

Anonymous said...

Because she was reaping the benefits of being with him.

Anonymous said...

Him meaning Gerard and I was referring to: 7:47

Anonymous said...

She didn't walk away because she didn't have any self-respect and because she was a dumbass.

Why did he stay with her when he obviously didn't really care for her?

Anonymous said...


i love what Eliza is doing. fuck Gerard. he should get a taste of his own medicine. an eye for an eye.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Because she was reaping the benefits of being with him.

September 15, 2008 7:52 PM

She still is

Anonymous said...

More importantly, why did he get engaged to her and call her "someone really special" in at least two interviews when he wasn't really that into her?

Anonymous said...

They are both dumb.
Period and to the point.
Let them both go at it or whatever.

Whatever happens, happens.
I am going to sit back, wait and finally see.

I'm really tired of discussing this, have fun guys! :D

Anonymous said...

fuck Gerard. he should get a taste of his own medicine.

Yeah, I agree. Fuck Gerard. And something tells me that he's going to get his from none other than his lovely skank-wife and her muppet fucking buddy.

Anonymous said...

She didn't walk away because Gerard Way was telling her he loved her and was going to marry her. Her best friend was married to Mikey, she was getting her own lil legion of "fans." I for one have stuck with a guy who treated me like shit because I was deluded enough to believe he loved me and things would change. Lucky for me I woke up and left his ass. Sadly for Eliza she didn't wake up until Gerard dumped her, publicly disgraced her and then married someone after 3 months when he kept her waiting for over 2 years.

If Eliza still uses Gerard I say she's earned it. She can say whatever she wants about him and we would all like to hear it. And if you don't then you're just a far better person then me.

Anonymous said...


Yep! No suprise there. Gerard leaves baggage wherever he goes and she's taking advantage of that.

& finally both of them are dumbasses.

Anonymous said...

i think Skanksey is using him more than Eliza ever has.

Anonymous said...

8:02 :

LMAO. Well that's a given.
"The ONLY punk rock, bass player, of the ONLY punk rock band still around" is practically filthy rich now, thanks to Gerard Motherfuckin' Way.


I should market that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

She didn't walk away because she didn't have any self-respect and because she was a dumbass.

Why did he stay with her when he obviously didn't really care for her?

September 15, 2008 7:53 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because he is a fucked up asshole who can't be alone.


i love what Eliza is doing. fuck Gerard. he should get a taste of his own medicine. an eye for an eye.

September 15, 2008 7:53 PM

Gerard is already making himself into a fool and losing any and all respect people had for him.

Eliza is going to end up get burn in this as well. She should just walk away. Fame and money isn't worth the shit she is putting herself through

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

fuck Gerard. he should get a taste of his own medicine.

Yeah, I agree. Fuck Gerard. And something tells me that he's going to get his from none other than his lovely skank-wife and her muppet fucking buddy.

September 15, 2008 7:57 PM

No I am not a better person than you. I just don't believe that Eliza really knows anything. I think she is using the fact that the fan base is upset with him.

I agree LynZ will be the one to put Gerard in his place. Eliza won't be able to do anything.

Anonymous said...

oh my god, is it really true that the reggie &leathermouth tour is over and gerard didn't go at all? how can that be? all gerard does is disappoint people. poor frank.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Gerard doesn't disappoint MSI. He's at their beck and call. He even learned how to be a bus mechanic for them, don't you know.

Anonymous said...

gerard is an idiot. i'm beginning to hate his breathing guts. no kidding.

Anonymous said...

Watching the Rock Sound interview it seems so obvious, for me anyway, that Lyn Z is high. I've had friends in the past who were coke addicts and they would do the exact same gestures she does. If you watch she continualy wipes at her nose and by the end of the interview has no control. Maybe I am wrong in my assumption but I don't think so. And the pictures of Gerard from Dragon Con he looks sooo unhealthy. It will take an act of God to bring MCR back to the place they were and to the fans who have supported them. Or at the very least a quickie divorce and a solid kick in the ass.

Anonymous said...

"The ONLY punk rock, bass player, of the ONLY punk rock band still around"

Hahahahahaha!!! I've seen MSI live (curiosity, and they were OK as a comedy act) and she SO believes this is what she really is. I hope you don't mind 8:04, but I think an Inspirational Poster is in order!

I hope the link works.

Anonymous said...

I've had friends in the past who were coke addicts and they would do the exact same gestures she does.

Agreed. Also, they don't respect others' boundaries and think it's okay to do stuff like constantly bumping their legs against yours if you're sitting next to them. They'll get fidgety right in the middle of a conversation and seemingly just fall the fuck apart in front of your eyes. They say stupid shit like "Joan Jet can play me in a movie but only if they photoshop her to look younger and hipper," and then deny they ever said it later.

And yeah. Gerard has never looked so thin, even when he was touring constantly. A year ago I was worried about him but now my patience is just wearing thin. If he wants to throw his life away doing drugs and hanging out with a bunch of losers, so fucking be it.

Anonymous said...

So which do we think is better: Gerard behaving like a dick because he's coked up to the eyeballs, or Gerard's clean and choosing to behave like a dick because he incorrectly thinks it'll make him credible?

Anonymous said...

A year ago I was worried about him but now my patience is just wearing thin. If he wants to throw his life away doing drugs and hanging out with a bunch of losers, so fucking be it.

Yes that's pretty much where I am right now also. It's sad, but fuck it. He doesn't want it to be different, he has taken the easy option. Stupid coward!

Anonymous said...

sister midnite-
"Mayo was a rebuttal to Love Man's blogs."
can you link love man, please?

Anonymous said...

I cant do the blue thing.. ignore the last few posts and know that Loveman used to screen the comments she allowed to appear.

its mostly garbage but also know that there is a photo out there that looks a lot like he stuffs his pants so she might have been right about one thing at least!!!

Anonymous said...

You can see from reading Loveman's blogs that she is completely insane. If this Mayo person felt the need to refute any of that shit (s)he is obviously not anyone connected to the band.

Obviously though, many of the regulars at Mayo don't want to let go of the fantasy that they have a special connection to Gerard and Frank (SS). Either that or it's turned into some role playing thing.

All in all, I think Mayo is pretty irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

So which do we think is better: Gerard behaving like a dick because he's coked up to the eyeballs, or Gerard's clean and choosing to behave like a dick because he incorrectly thinks it'll make him credible?

tbh i don't care anymore. either way he's a dick, a fuck up, and a liar.

Anonymous said...

Cocaine also makes you tend to forget your reponsiblities to your friends, loved ones and even your job.

A cokehead will do things like not show up to support a friend when he needs it, even though that friend has supported him in the past. He'll blow off little things like being a surprise guest at a panel on the comic he wrote (twice) over some lame excuse, even though he was at the event every day. Never mind that he promised his editor.

Combine Gerard's behavior and weight loss with Lindsey's embarrassing display in that Rock Sound interview and things aren't looking too good for Gerard's continued sobriety, are they?

Anonymous said...

How can all fo you just write Gerard off so easily, it's beyond me. He did so much for all us fans, he started the band to save lives and he helped so many people. Now when he needs our help you just want to turn your back on him. I will never give up on him ever. He is a good person and one day he will come back to us, but we as fans need to come together and offer support not find reasons to tear him down.

Everybody falls in with the wrong crowd sometimes and I blelieve Eliza pushed him into Lindsay's arms because she was so demanding and Lindsay is the opposite of her. I don't think Lindsay is good for him either but if all his fans desert him he will never leave her because she will be all he has.

Please leave him alone and let him work out his problems so MCR can come back stronger than ever.

sister midnite said...

Anon @ 6:17 AM, I agree that people there feel a connection, but I personally don't believe that Mayo is Gerard. (As for Frank being SS, I'm still on the fence about it.) But after a year, I can see how people could feel a connection to 'Mayo', whoever they are.

I don't hate Gerard, I just think it's time he grew up & started acting like a rational adult. He obviously needs a LOT of therapy, but I'm not willing to quit admiring the whole band just because their lead singer is acting like a dick. Yes, he made a bad choice with LynZ. But nothing is forever, and let's face it - the chances of that relationship working out are almost nil. Gerard won't be happy with anyone until he can be happy with himself, by himself. And that might be pretty fucking far into the future, if ever.

Anonymous said...


Gerard needs some tough love. if all the fans keep acting like nothing is going on then he will never wake up and see the light.

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be an ass or anything, sister midnite, but I just can't fathom how anyone could believe SS is Frank.

Frank's a sweet guy and I have no doubt that he's very intelligent and articulate, but I simply do not see him posting secret anagrams and speaking in Latin. Nor do I envision him taking the time to write out cheesy parables about animals and post them in a blog. That's a tactic used by motivational speakers and quite frankly, he's just not the type.

I've met him several times and he's a great guy who cares about fans, but he never, ever gets personal with them. He has also been adamant about never having a myspace and I think he would feel the same way about a blog.

Anonymous said...

Why does it mater what the people over at Mayo's think? That place is separate from this. Most of the people from Mayo's don't even come here. So can you please stop bring it up. If it is irreverent there is no need to continue talking about it.

sister midnite said...

No offense taken, Anon @ 10:36.
People believe what they want to believe, or don't believe. To each their own. :) But I do have to laugh at how so many people say, "Oh, Gerard hates the internet." Suuure he does - that's why he has a Sidekick. The guys not mingling online with fans, I get. The guys not going on the internet, I don't buy for a second.

Anon @ 10:48, the only reason I even mentioned Mayo's is that a couple of other people did. I'm totally cool with everything people want to say here, but trashing other blogs & their posters is something I'd rather leave to the fansheep. Is cool with you all?

Anonymous said...

I wasn't going after you Sister midnite. I have been to mayo blog. I have no problem with what the people there want to believe. They have their reasons for seeing the possibility of it being Frank or Gerard.

I am just sick of hearing how crazy they are for thinking that way. They aren't coming on to this blog and saying shit to us. Why do we need to say shit about them.

Anonymous said...

Gerard needs some tough love. if all the fans keep acting like nothing is going on then he will never wake up and see the light.

i hate to say this but i think it's too late. gerard is too far gone and nothing is going to change him.

Anonymous said...

As long as there is life, there is hope.

sister midnite said...

I am just sick of hearing how crazy they are for thinking that way. They aren't coming on to this blog and saying shit to us. Why do we need to say shit about them.

QFT! Let's bitch about Gerard instead. :D

Anonymous said...

As long as there is life, there is hope.

yea, tell that to kurt cobain.

Anonymous said...

9:09 it is good that you still have hope for Gerard. I don't. The man decided that getting his dick suck is more important than saving lives. Even if he does go back to being old Gerard how can you believe it is real. Gerard has no concept of reality. He changes who he is to fit in with who he thinks are the cool people.He will eve go as far as to change things in the past.

We all know that MSI didn't help MCR out one bit. I doubt that Gerard gave LynZ a second look when they first met. I don't even think that they met. Because he they had he would have changed every thing about MCR to fit in with her.

The person you really should be disappointed in is Gerard. He is the person who lied and change to fit in with a bunch of coke head assholes.

Anonymous said...

Kerrang! magazine has revealed the roster of bands earmarked for its 2008 compilation CD.

Kerrang! The Album 2008 hits the shelves on September 29th and features chart successes such as Kid Rock, Nickelback and Weezer alongside metal heavyweights such as Slipknot, Killswitch Engage and Atreyu.

Classic cuts from Green Day and My Chemical Romance are included, as well as new efforts from Funeral For A Friend, Kids In Glass Houses and You Me At Six.

"Green Day, Nickelback, My Chemical Romance and Linkin Park are the biggest bands of the decade," said Kerrang! editor Paul Brannigan.

"Kid Rock has scored the soundtrack to the summer. Rock is back? Nope, rock never went away actually!

"Kerrang! has driven the rock scene in the UK for the past 27 years and here's our state-of-the-rockin'-nation address for 2008."

He added: "Turn it up loud and prepare to have your mind blown by the hottest bands in the world."

The tracklisting is as follows:CD1

Kid Rock - All Summer Long
Nickelback - Rock Star
Weezer - Pork And Beans
Biffy Clyro - Saturday Superhouse
Good Charlotte - Keep Your Hands Off My Girl
Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
Slipknot - PsychoSocial
Enter Shikari - Sorry, You're Not A Winner
Linkin Park - Given Up
Serj Tankian - Empty Walls
Airbourne - Runnin' Wild
Black Tide - Warriors Of Time
Killswitch Engage - Holy Diver
Dillinger Escape Plan - Black Bubblegum
Scars On Broadway - They Say
Bullet For My Valentine - Waking The Demon
Slaves To Gravity - Mr Regulator
Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound
Nightmarchers - I Wanna Deadbeat You
Coheed And Cambria - Feathers
30 Seconds To Mars - The Kill


Green Day - American Idiot
My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade
Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
Elliot Minor - Parallel Worlds
Simple Plan - When I'm Gone
Panic At The Disco - Nine In The Afternoon
Alkaline Trio - Love Love Kiss Kiss
Blackout - Spread Legs, Not Lies
Funeral For A Friend - Waterfront Danceclub
Madina Lake - House Of Cards
You Me At Six - If I Were In Your Shoes
Billy Talent - Red Flag
Fighting With Wire - Everyone Needs A Nemesis
HIM - Wings Of A Butterfly
Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife
Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate
Atreyu - Falling Down
Kids In Glass Houses - Give Me What I Want
Kill Hannah - Lips Like Morphine
Cancer Bats - Hail Destroyer
Gallows - Orchestra Of Wolves

I am surprise Kerrang didn't put any songs on there by their new favorite band.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe MSI has worn out their 15 minutes of fame.

Why else is Jimmy resorting to putting out sextapes of him and a muppet?

Anonymous said...

I am surprise Kerrang didn't put any songs on there by their new favorite band.

Fuck for a minute there I honestly thought MSI were going to appear on that list and I was going to give up all hope!

OK the world hasn't ended! And looks like a great CD!

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

i guess MSI didn't play Q101 block party concert on Saturday. does anyone know why?

Anonymous said...

Avenged Sevenfold, who were the headliners of the Q101 Block Party, cancelled and apparently, from what I've been told, everyone wanted their money back.

Martha Smith-Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Somehow I can't imagine A7X fans liking MSI.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Let me try that again.

Did people want their money back because Avenged Sevenfold wouldn't be playing or because msi would be playing.

Anonymous said...

MSI hasn't exactly been selling out shows here in the US. I imagine most of the people bought tickets to see A7X and didn't even know who the hell MSI are.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I can't imagine A7X fans liking MSI.

I can't imagine anybody liking MSI.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

There was that msi fan who came here and said that their fandom is just as upset as we are.

Right now I think the only people going to msi shows are MCR fangirls.

Anonymous said...

Wiat, was the Bolck party cancelled or did msi just not play?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Okay, from what I understand, Q101's Block Party is a two day event that was scheduled Saturday, Sept 13 and Sunday, Sept 14. It featured two stages and several bands.

On Saturday, Avenged Sevenfold was slated to headline the main stage, with MSI opening right before them. However, because M.Shadows has been experiencing difficulty with his voice, A7X had to cancel. Instead of going ahead with the other bands (including MSI) who were slated to play on Saturday, the entire Saturday show was cancelled.

Sunday's show went off as scheduled, with Atreyu headlining the main stage. As far as I know, none of the bands who were scheduled to play Saturday played on Sunday, but I could be wrong about that.

Anonymous said...

i heard that msi was going to play but the saturday show got rained out, but i do know a lot of people wanted their money back because avenged sevenfold wasn't coming. i think that's the real reason satruday got canceled.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

From what I could find someone said that rain was the reason the Saturday concert was cancelled.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I find it funny that it was only rained out on the day msg was scheduled to play.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That should be msi not msg. But neither one is good for you.

Anonymous said...

That should be msi not msg. But neither one is good for you.

Haha. Too true, Martha. Too true. :D

Anonymous said...

To Miss Dissapointed I would like to clear some things up for you, from my personal opinion.

How can all fo you just write Gerard off so easily, it's beyond me.

This wasn’t something that happened over night. We didn’t just throw him aside because of a few stupid mistakes, and many of us are hopeful that some miracle will come along and bring MCR back to its original standing. This severe dissapointment and anger at Gerard has been building for a while. In the spring of 07 fans started to voice their sadness at how Gerard was treating fans at scheduled meet and greets. He would barely speak to them and then run off into a corner while the rest of the guys did their best to talk to everyone who was there. Even Mikey who was quietly preparing to leave the tour for an extended vaca. With all the stress he still managed to do his job. Then PR happened. No need to go into details on that one its all been said before. So you see, we didn’t just give up on him. HE gave up on us.

He did so much for all us fans, he started the band to save lives and he helped so many people. Now when he needs our help you just want to turn your back on him.

It would appear that Gerard doesn’t want anyone’s help. He probably doesn’t even think he has problems and issues that should be addressed. He’s married now to a woman who constantly reafirms his greatness and Jimmy Pissface is his new BFF. I find it very hard to believe that Jimmy or Lyn Z will ever sit him down and say, “Look, Gerard, we think you may have a problem.” Birds of a feather and all.

He is a good person and one day he will come back to us, but we as fans need to come together and offer support not find reasons to tear him down.

That’s great that you have so much faith in him. I have long since lost mine. How long do we have to wait for him to pull his head out of his ass and see what he’s done not only to himself but to his friends and bandmates who worked just as hard as he did only to watch him throw it all down the tubes. The record company isn’t going to wait around either. Just look at 30 Seconds to Mars. Virgin is suing them for millions of dollars because they have failed to write new material and record a new record. I have always found it funny that Gerard says this break will be as long as they (he) needs it to be. If you knew anything about the record industry you’d know that the band has contractual obligations. It will be Reprise who decides when Gerard’s rest period is up, not him.

Everybody falls in with the wrong crowd sometimes and I blelieve Eliza pushed him into Lindsay's arms because she was so demanding and Lindsay is the opposite of her.

Demanding how? Explain that to me because I’d really like to know. And yes Lyn Z and Eliza are total opposites. Eliza would most likely never go 6 days without showering and then shout it loud and proud while wearing a skirt and spreading her legs for the camera. *and I’m no fan of Eliza I just don’t see where she should shoulder the blame for Gerard not being able to stand being alone for longer then 60 seconds and shacking up with the nearest female available.*

Please leave him alone and let him work out his problems so MCR can come back stronger than ever.

But he doesn’t care what we think so what does it matter what we say? He’s sooooo amazingly happy right now. He doesn’t need us anymore he has the amazing wifey and her band.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

9:29 you said what I feel perfectly. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

9:29 you said what I feel perfectly. Thank you.

Your welcome hun. It's been building but I didn't have anywhere to let it loose. Then someone said I should come read these blogs. How refreshing to read intelligent points of views without all of the "OMG, Gerard is lyke so fucking great! You should all die."

Though you do have to realize that they are young, they don't realize that in two more years they won't remember who Gerard Way is and will have devoted themselves to some other band. Bless them.

Anonymous said...

Blackout - Spread Legs, Not Lies

There may be no MSI on that CD, but Lyn-Z is clearly there in spirit - maybe that's what she meant when she said she was "inspirational"?!!

"How can all fo you just write Gerard off so easily, it's beyond me. . Now when he needs our help you just want to turn your back on him."

Actually I just want to grab him by his shrivelled balls, rip his arm off and beat some sense into him with the wet end, but given the cost of flying the Atlantic these days, not giving a s*** seems like a more economical option!

Anonymous said...

shrivelled balls

yea, peanut sized by now

Anonymous said...

Lyn-Z and the other members of MSI do not do drugs. I met them unlike you lame pack of jealous wolves tat don't even know what you're even talking about and they are some of the nicest sweetest people ever. At the show I was at there were people drinking and one of the other bands asked them to come on their bus to get high with them and Jimmy flat turned them down.So quit spreading viscous rumors and lies. You are all retards and noone cares abour your stupid blog anyway, it might as well be in a black hole for all the attentions it gets from the fandom. I hope you all burn in hell fro spreading your evil lies.

Anonymous said...

Before anyone says anthing about drinking Lyn-Z wasn't drunk or even drinking like the other band either.

Anonymous said...

I want to add the whole fandom laughs at you because you are jealous fans who don't want Gerard to be happy with anyone but you, but face facts he's never going to even know your names and that makes syou so miserble you have to spread rumors about his wife who is the sweetest most beautiful woman in the world. She has more talent in her little fingers than you have in all of your whole bodies so stop saying she can't play her guitar. I have seen her so many times and the music sounds perfect every time. None of you have even been to MSI shows so you don't even know what you are talking about. Go be white flags with Eliza who you love so much and leave Lyn-Z alone.

Anonymous said...

I have seen her so many times and the music sounds perfect every time.

cos it's a pre recorded backing track.

Anonymous said...

"Leave Lyn-Z alooooone!!!"

Oh, hai, Chris Crocker!

Anonymous said...

So quit spreading viscous rumors and lies.

"You are all retards

"Viscous"? Oh, do you mean "vicious"? I suppose checking your adjectives before posting is a sure sign of retardation then! It's also nice to see the fangirls paying attention to the "MCR message" and refraining from bullying and childish name-calling!

"and noone cares abour your stupid blog anyway"

Erm... you obviously do!

"Before anyone says anthing about drinking Lyn-Z wasn't drunk or even drinking like the other band either."

Possibly not, but she is showing an quite a number of the signs of cocaine use!

"I want to add the whole fandom laughs at you"

Whilst not caring about our stupid blog?

*is confused*

"you are jealous fans who don't want Gerard to be happy with anyone but you"

We (or certainly I) don't want Gerard full stop. Mmmm... emotionally-stunted hypocrite with possible substance issues and a tedious desire to be seen as "cool" by the 'in' crowd that most of us grew out of as we left our teens behind - got to get me one of those!

"She has more talent in her little fingers than you have in all of your whole bodies so stop saying she can't play her guitar."

FYI, she is the one who admits she's not a particularly competent musician who messes up, like, at least once in every song (see her solo Kerrang! interview). We merely agree with her!

"None of you have even been to MSI shows so you don't even know what you are talking about."

Oh dear, you haven't been paying attention. I've seen them live, and I know of at least 3 other posters on this blog that have too - see the Anon comment at September 16, 2008 12:41 AM for example.

"Go be white flags with Eliza who you love so much and leave Lyn-Z alone."

No, you really haven't been paying attention, have you?! There's not much love for Eliza here, but some of us have expressed a certain amount of sympathy for the way that she was treated - behaviour which does reflect badly on Gerard Way.

"that makes syou so miserble you have to spread rumors about his wife."

It doesn't make us miserable, it's that some of us were brought up to believe that intelligence, class, basic hygiene, respect for others, genuine talent and hard work were actually positive attributes. Lyn-Z exemplifies none of those characteristics so it's unsurprising that we have little time for her!!

Anonymous said...

She has more talent in her little fingers than you have in all of your whole bodies so stop saying she can't play her guitar.

she says it herself. she says she's shit and doesn't want to improve. it's all about the back bends and crotch shots for her and her hardcore punk band!

Anonymous said...

but face facts he's never going to even know your names

i think he might know my name.

Anonymous said...

and mine.

Anonymous said...

mine also?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'crotch shots'

After 6 days without a shower? Excuse me, Mr Bush, we have uncovered disturbing evidence of a WMD!

Anonymous said...

"Oh, hai, Chris Crocker!"

Thank you Kate. That's exactly who (s)he reminds me of!

Anonymous said...


LOL, she really needs to keep her legs closed. no one wants to see her erie canal.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you feel sorry for the poor interviewer from Rocksound? He probably had to fumigate the room after she left.

Anonymous said...

Ew, and he probably got scabies or ringworm on his leg too!

Anonymous said...

the whole room probably smelt like fish and ass.

Anonymous said...

tiddywinks r srs bizness.

Anonymous said...

^um, what?

Anonymous said...

Fed up at 7:16,

I'm sure no one cares about this blog since apparently there's now 778 comments posted here. How about that for not caring.

Oh wait. You can now consider my comment #779.

Ah Kass, your comments are quite hilarious. I love reading them.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

fed up said...

Before anyone says anything about drinking Lyn-Z wasn't drunk or even drinking like the other band either.

September 17, 2008 7:21 AM

Go look at the pictures of the woman on Bn in half of them if she isn't spread eagle she has a drink in her hands.
Go watch the rock sound interview again where Steve said the only thing that may change is we will be drunker while on stage.

fed up said...

I want to add the whole fandom laughs at you because you are jealous fans who don't want Gerard to be happy with anyone but you, but face facts he's never going to even know your names and that makes you so miserable you have to spread rumors about his wife who is the sweetest most beautiful woman in the world. She has more talent in her little fingers than you have in all of your whole bodies so stop saying she can't play her guitar. I have seen her so many times and the music sounds perfect every time. None of you have even been to MSI shows so you don't even know what you are talking about. Go be white flags with Eliza who you love so much and leave Lyn-Z alone.

September 17, 2008 7:29 AM

I could give a shit if GW knows my name. If we are so funny to you and the other ans why are you being so serious? You should just keep laugh and remember this is a joke.

She doesn't play the guitar, she plays the bass guitar dumbass. And as everyone here has stated she was the one who said in the taste it TV interview that she couldn't play for shit but she can back bend like one else.

Anonymous said...

At the show I was at there were people drinking and one of the other bands asked them to come on their bus to get high with them and Jimmy flat turned them down
He probably didn't want to OD by adding to the stuff he'd taken before the gig.

You are all retards and noone cares abour your stupid blog anyway
If no one cares about us then why are you here? Please do tell. "Retards" would like to know.

Now who's the "retard."

I want to add the whole fandom laughs at you
Well, we laugh at them so it's only fair.

who don't want Gerard to be happy with anyone but you
That's the thing you don't seem to realise - we do want him to be happy. We just think LynZ won't make him happy in the long run and we don't see wshy he's wasting his time with a girl with obvious bad intentions.

She has more talent in her little fingers than you have in all of your whole bodies so stop saying she can't play her guitar.
Well, aren't you just LynZ's #1 fan. Firstly, LynZ "plays" the bass not guitar and secondly, LynZ herself has admitted to being a shit BASS player in interviews.

I have seen her so many times and the music sounds perfect every time.
Because it's all pre-recorded.

None of you have even been to MSI shows
Well I haven't. Thank fuck.

Go be white flags with Eliza
Fuck no!

leave Lyn-Z alone.
Fuck no! Again.

Anonymous said...

Isn't LynZ's bass hooked up to a synthesizer?

Anonymous said...

I doubt LynZ bass is hooked up to anything. It would be a waste of electricity and she might hit a few wrong notes while doing a backbend or flashing her minge.

Anonymous said...

leave LynZ alone.

you are all just jealous of her smelly body and filthy hair. you only wish you could not shower for six days and look as filthy as she does. none of you have the talent of flashing your stinky crotch like she does. she is a professional crotch flasher unlike you losers who act like ladies and keep your legs closed. LynZ has more talent in the stench that permeates off of her body than you haters will ever have in your lives. leave Skanksey alone.

Anonymous said...

To Miss Fed Up,

Lyn-Z and the other members of MSI do not do drugs.

And you know this for a fact how? Because Gerard claims sobriety and therefor his perfect wife could in no way be involved in illegal substances. Sorry hunny but that doesn’t fly. Lyn Z’s actions in the Rock Sound interview scream “high as a kite” to me. Perhaps it was all because she was so jazzed to be there but I doubt it. By the end of the interview she seems completely incoherent and the interviewer just looks disturbed. He was probably saddled with that interview because he lost a bet. Poor guy.

I met them unlike you lame pack of jealous wolves tat don't even know what you're even talking about and they are some of the nicest sweetest people ever.

I’ve met them too and I must say that they seemed under the influence then too. All except Kitty who seemed to be the only “normal” one out of the bunch. Not sure what that says though.

At the show I was at there were people drinking and one of the other bands asked them to come on their bus to get high with them and Jimmy flat turned them down.

Of course he did. I mean with all the impressionable GW fangirls around who memorize every gesture and every word that comes out of these people’s mouths he was being very careful. I’m sure after they all got back in their buses he began to rethink taking bands like that out on the road with them. Oh that Jimmy, he’s such an upstanding guy.

So quit spreading viscous rumors and lies. You are all retards and noone cares abour your stupid blog anyway, it might as well be in a black hole for all the attentions it gets from the fandom.

First of all no one is spreading anything, unlike a certain bass player who can’t seem to understand the concept of sitting ladylike. We’re simply stating our opinions of things we see, hear and read. And if none of the fandom give a shit about this insignificant blog then why did you bother to sit down and type a response. It would appear you care a lot more then you say.

I hope you all burn in hell fro spreading your evil lies. Before anyone says anthing about drinking Lyn-Z wasn't drunk or even drinking like the other band either.

Wow you wish us all eternal damnation because we don’t agree with your god and his goddess. I wonder what hell fro is like. Will Ray be there with us? And of course Lyn Z wasn’t drinking. It was apple cider right?

I want to add the whole fandom laughs at you because you are jealous fans who don't want Gerard to be happy with anyone but you, but face facts he's never going to even know your names and that makes syou so miserble you have to spread rumors about his wife who is the sweetest most beautiful woman in the world

Well at least we have something in common because this part of the fandom (the intelligent part that is) are laughing at the fangirls who believe GW and his new BFF’s can do no wrong. I would love for Gerard to be happy but it doesn’t seem that he’s on that road. And again no one is spreading rumors about the beautiful wife. It was she that said she didn’t shower, couldn’t play bass and flexibility was her greatest attribute to her band.

She has more talent in her little fingers than you have in all of your whole bodies so stop saying she can't play her guitar. I have seen her so many times and the music sounds perfect every time. None of you have even been to MSI shows so you don't even know what you are talking about.

Lyn Z is a lot of things but talented isn’t one of them. You don’t have to be a musical genius to figure out that she more or less has no clue what she’s doing. Though she has perfected the art of pretending to play an instrument while back bending and dancing around the stage at the same time. I’ll give her that. As I said I have been to MSI shows. The Birthday Massacre were the best part. MSI are the Ashley Simpson of today’s rock.

Go be white flags with Eliza who you love so much and leave Lyn-Z alone.

I don’t really have an opinion on Eliza one way or the other. I do think though that her white flag stuff is a far cry better then Lyn Z’s inspirational attitude. At the very least Eliza is encouraging people to not bully each other on the net and so on, as opposed to your beloved Lyn Z who wants you all to know that talent is second to marrying someone in a bigger band and being able to bend over backward while holding an instrument. Oh if only I could be just like her!

Anonymous said...

He was probably saddled with that interview because he lost a bet. Poor guy.

9.29 I did LOL at that! Yes I think perhaps he was. He didn't appear interested in Lyn-z at all and appeared to want to talk around her to Steve Righ? towards the end.

I hate that I know their fucking names!

Anonymous said...

someone on BN just said they heard that Gerard and LynZ were divorcing. it's probably not true but maybe that's the news Eliza found out that's making her so happy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lindsey met some other 'cool' guy at Reading or Leeds - you know, the kind with tatts who's more 'punk' than Gerard.

Or maybe the interviewer from Rocksound was so captivated by Linsey's 'aura' that he stole her away from Gerard.

Or, more likely, the person on BN is full of shit. :(

Anonymous said...

If they are divorcing there will be a lot of MCR and MSI Fans that will be happy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Eliza found out that LynZ cheated. The way she was flirting with the Rocksound guy makes me think she may not be very faithful.

Anonymous said...


i was thinking that too. Gerard didn't go on this mini tour of Europe they just had and he goes on every tour with her. maybe they really are having some problems in their marriage.

Anonymous said...

The problems with their marriage are probably pretty easy to figure out. They don't know each other. After a while the physical aspects wear off and your left staring at the person across the dinner table wondering who the hell they are. If they last another year I'll be really surprised.

Anonymous said...

Well if it's true I don't think any reasonible person would be suprised, I mean, who marries someone after knowing them for a couple months and expects it to last?


Anonymous said...

9:29, you are completly correct.
Maybe Gerard snapped out of it?

It's probably unlikely though.
& that person that came on here with the name "fed up" LMAO!

Just wanna say thank you, I haven't laughed this hard in the longest! This has to be my favorite part:

"but face facts he's never going to even know your names and that makes syou so miserble you have to spread rumors about his wife who is the sweetest most beautiful woman in the world. She has more talent in her little fingers than you have in all of your whole bodies so stop saying she can't play her guitar."

# 1 I frankly don't give two shits, actually not even one shit that Gerard will never know my name. If he did find out, I still wouldn't care. What the hell is he going to do anyway? Their's something in US of A ...this amazing country that I love called FREEDOM OF SPEECH! and I am simply excersing that right. :)

#2 No one on here is spreading rumors about Gerard or Lyn-Z or her shitty band! We are only talking about the things we actually see.

#3 How do you know that Lyn-Z is the sweetest person that you have ever seen? Just because you met her and she wasn't mean to you didn't mean anything. Unless you interact with her constantly you wouldn't actually know how she TRULY is.

#4 & she has no talent! and she does NOT have more talent then me. Thank you very much, because if I were in a band I would at least LEARN the goddamn instrument I'm playing. & trust me, from what she's showing the world.. I know that I have better qualities than she does. :) So that statement wasn't insulting.. It actually made me laugh and it proves my point that all MCR fan girls or guys are completley ignorant and don't have a mind of their own.

Take care "fed up"
because I am way fed up with the stupidity that some of these MCR "fans" condone.

Anonymous said...

"but face facts he's never going to even know your names and that makes you so miserable you have to spread rumors about his wife who is the sweetest most beautiful woman in the world. She has more talent in her little fingers than you have in all of your whole bodies so stop saying she can't play her guitar."

Lynx is a sweet person, just like how Gerard used to be a sweet person. Who cared about his fans and didn't want to end up like the other rock and roll assholes out there.

That was a lie and so is LynZ sweet act. It is all about money to them. Right now Gerard and Lynz need your money. That is the only reason they are being nice. Do you think if TBPID had sold well Gerard would even acknowledge you. MSI hasn't sold out any shows. Once they are back on top they will have no reason to be nice to you anymore.

And what rumors are we spreading? The only rumors I have seen are from you delusional fangirls. With your Lynz has left the band because she is pregnant.

Anonymous said...

All eyes turned up to the hero
Charismatic icon animal man
Lyrical visionary caught in the spotlight
The more you make, the more you get it right, right?

Nothing can stop you
No one can bring you down
Don't give a thought to tomorrow
You're the man right now

It doesn't matter what you say
Because they always find some meaning in it anyway
Make them feel like they're part of some big event
They'll be too busy cheering to wonder where your talent went

They really need you
They've got to have you
You're the only one who understands

Slender messiah, god with a song
Turned strung out wreck who stuck around too long
Tragic hero coming down hard
The joke's on you, you got played like a deck of cards

Paying the price of fame
Under the weight of the flames

Feel the backlash
Watch the tables turn
Now you need them
Feel the fire burn

All eyes turned up to the hero
Strung out self abusive circus freak
One thing that you might not know
There'll be another messiah right here next week

Anonymous said...

^ Don't know if it's a song, but whoever posted that... It's so amazing.


Anonymous said...

It's by Henry Rollins. A real Punk.

Anonymous said...

So you fooled us all with your intelligent talk.
Never closed minded... Always sure of what you are.

Trickster, coward. You had them at your feet, then finally gave them dirt to eat.

If you could only fess up to the much known truth, that you changed your ways for something that is far from what is really "cool".

Yearned, needed the nourishing attention, made a glamorous creation, changed our perceptions. Taking into stride, how you ruined this tonight.

Articulate words turned into simple trash. Ideology split, what a hit. The truth will always revive itself and actions will forever speak louder than words. Your reputation tarnished, your legacy completely rehearsed.

Anonymous said...

8:43, awesome.
Just wrote a poem about all of this, hope you guys like it...

It's post 8:53.

Anonymous said...

I like it 8:53. If only he could hear it.

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