Monday, August 25, 2008

an emasculated, infantile complain-ee..

In the time since I posted last, Gerard rented a monkey for LynZ, totally forgetting his support of PETA and animal rights. Jimmy Urine declared Gerard his best friend. The Black Parade Is Dead came out and everyone in the band thanked everyone, except Gerard who thanked LynZ, and then his parents as an after thought. Gerard moved to LA where he was seen with his new "posse" of friends, meaning LynZ, Jimmy Urine and his wife. A few more interviews came and went where he promoted MSI. And recently he wrote a message to MySpace trying to say how everything was cool with the band, yet what it really comes down to is Frank is touring with his other band, Bob just got our of surgery, no mention of whta Mikey is working on, and he doesn't know where Ray is. He also hinted that he is going to go see an upcoming MSI show, which is funny because of all of LynZ's protests that she doesn't want fans to go to their show just to see Gerard.

I feel really bad for the rest of the band now that Jimmy Urine and LynZ are Gerard's best friends. Didn't his band see him through the worst times, when he was suicidal didn't they pull him up from rock bottom? Now they are tossed aside for "inspirational" MSI.

Have I forgotten anything? I think there was more but I can't remember it.

This is mostly just to give you all some new space to talk.

It's really good to know that there are people out there who see through their pathetic facade.


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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i think Gerard is letting LynZ and her shitty band burn every bridge that he has.

Lindsey and company might be adding fuel to the fire, but Gerard's the one who set it. He's the one who chose her and her band over his own.

September 7, 2008 8:27 PM

Who would you choose, your friends or a whore who will blow you at the drop of a hat

Anonymous said...

I never in a million years thought I'd say this, but...

I miss Eliza.

Anonymous said...

at least Eliza looks like a lady. Gerard was a better person when he was with Eliza.

Anonymous said...

James is right. Gerard is a dick.

Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to pick myself off the floor now the giggles have dispersed from MCRmy's comment - call us all "disbelievers", and WE are the overzealous brainwashed nutjobs?!!

I cleared out all my unwanted magazines this weekend for recycling and, damn, it felt good to get rid of all those NME's and Kerrang!s, and with it, anything MCR related. MCR used to represent 9 of the 25 most-played tracks on my iPod and they've been trimmed down to the bare bones too, whilst the T-shirts have been carefully bagged up and put in the loft for that time in about 20 years when the band become "ironic" and I have a teenage daughter (possibly!) to pass them on to. I feel strangely cleansed, like when I finally let go of my River Phoenix shrine as a heartbroken teen...

Anonymous said...

I think it goes back to him being bottled at Reading.

Try when his little brother had a complete breakdown during the recording of TBP.
Or when Eliza (such a lady) took advantage of his depression to get her claws in.
Or when the label still had the band doing promotion and gigs while Bob's leg turned green and his face was paralyzed.
Or take you pick from any of the emo death cult articles accusing them of encouraging kids to suicide or at least cut themselves. (I think the first Daily Mail article had a big effect.) Which then had kids showing up to gigs with fake cutting scars so they could 'fit in'.
Or when the 'rape me Frank' signs started showing up at shows.
Or when people interpreted 'We want to have a safe space for the kids at our shows' as 'Bring your nine year olds! They can go in the pit!'.
Or when he turned thirty shortly after both his little brother and Frank got married.
Or when his little brother had another breakdown and left the band for six months.
Or when he publicly announced his engagement because Eliza was 'pregnant'.
Or when he finally realized how badly Eliza (and the WMHC) had fucked over both him and the fans.
Or when he did interviews about how he had lost/was losing his inspiration and was desperately trying to keep it.
Or when fans were ringing Frank's dying grandmother in the middle of the night.
Or when fans sent death threats to the caterer after the food poisoning incident.
Or when the teen idol comments got to him.
Or when fans sent his new wife (manic episodes have some benefits) death threats.
Or when fans threw an animal heart on stage.
Or when fans contacted PETA over 'concern' about his wife's birthday present.
Or when fans sit outside the buses at three in the morning after MSI shows and chant for Gerard and the other bands make him go out so they will shut up and leave.
None of that will disillusion you, not at all, especially if you were fucked up to begin with. And we still have the moment when he realizes that his wife is using him and fucking him over, and his other methods of coping with the fucked situation are making it worse, to come.

Anonymous said...

Awww, diddums!

Doesn't explain why only Gerard is such a douche though. Or why other bands/singers manage to get through periods of fan-craziness/depression/artistic blocks/unsuitable women without selling out 99% of who they once proclaimed to be.

Fans will forgive a breakdown, a drug habit, a bad marriage, an ill-advised cruel birthday gift, but - as a previous poster once commented - "hypocrisy will get your ass nailed to the wall every time", and that is why Veritavenom's blog is still here.

Oh, and FYI - nothing forced him to announce his engagement; he CHOSE to wear the ring knowing full well that the fans would jump on his every bodily adornment.

Anonymous said...

'Or when he turned thirty shortly after both his little brother and Frank got married.'

I can't let this one go either - 'TURNED THIRTY?!!!' Fuck me, the man's suffering worse than all the troops coming back from Iraq without their legs or the street kids scratching a living off garbage dumps in the Phillippines. Well, now you have convinced me that Gerard has a tough life.

He's a grown man who CHOSE the spotlight, who CHOSE to date trash, who CHOSE to put himself on a teenybopper pedestal, who CHOSE to behave like a douche because he wanted to be 'cool'. Just like we're CHOOSING to laugh at him and his wife whilst not financially supporting them.

Anonymous said...

*cue the violins*

Poor Gerard. Nothing is ever his fault, is it? Let's blame every bad decision or action he's ever committed on his depression, his fans, Eliza and Lyn-Z. God forbid anyone should ever call him out on any of it because he's so 'delicate'.

Just like with Kurt Cobain.

Anonymous said...

I can't let this one go either - 'TURNED THIRTY?!!!'
Let's take one point out of the context of it happening at pretty much the same time as every other thing on the list, that makes you look good. You've never seen an otherwise together, stable person with a normal job and life, flip their shit when they turn thirty?

Doesn't explain why only Gerard is such a douche though.
That we know about? He's the lead singer, he's the one that most people are trying to find shit about in the first place.

Or why other bands/singers manage to get through periods of fan-craziness/depression/artistic blocks/unsuitable women without selling out 99% of who they once proclaimed to be.
That's because most bands don't make it through those periods intact or they don't proclaim to be shit in the first place. The bands who say the same stuff as MCR usually burn out well before they reach a major label, it's kind of startling that they got as far as they did without a major breakdown as a band.

Oh, and FYI - nothing forced him to announce his engagement; he CHOSE to wear the ring knowing full well that the fans would jump on his every bodily adornment.
Yeah, that's why he was wearing the ring for five months before he announced the engagement.

Just to add, I don't think things are perfect or right with the band or with Gerard at the moment or for the last two years really and some things will need to be at least explained to the fans (with a lot of stuff to be dealt with privately). However, I don't see this constant doucheness that you guys have built up, and some of you have reached the same level of ridiculousness as the fansheep (omg, dying his hair is another sign of his assholeishness/godhead; saying he misses his wife means he's a raging asshole/saint). Half of the 'proof' involves either claiming to know absolutely the intent of his words or actions or is based on limited information, but god forbid you acknowledge that because it may mean that Gerard isn't the antichrist/saviour.

And for fucks sake if you going to claim to be a feminist, don't attack women based on their clothes or makeup and don't call them Mudflaps.

Anonymous said...

You'll notice that none of us who claim to be feminists actually used those words, thanks.

The funny thing about the list that you describe up there is that much of it was stuff that happened to other people. OMG, Bob got gangrene. POOR GERARD! Mikey had a breakdown. POOR GERARD! People were calling Frank's ill grandmother. POOR GERARD!

Yeah, not so much.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And for fucks sake if you going to claim to be a feminist, don't attack women based on their clothes or makeup and don't call them Mudflaps.

September 8, 2008 11:46 AM

I don't remember anyone here saying they were a feminist. But if you are going to use that as a point maybe you should go to the msi web site and inform lynz of this as well. Because she is the only person I have heard call herself a feminist.

Most of the feminist I have known in my life don't go around wearing school girl clothes, spread eagle while back bending. Also they would not be in a band that calls women bitches.

Also a lot of the thing said here you have to take with a grain of salt. People are upset and disappointed. But there is also a lot of joking around done here. Most of it had to with GW's new hair color and the fact that he can't get through an interview with out mentioning his wife 50 fucking times. Even when he wasn't the one who was asked a question.

No one here was really all that surprised that GW dyed his hair. It was more of the fact that a person who claims they are trying to "lay low", usually doesn't dye their hair a color that can be seen from the space shuttle.

GW has never been my savior or an Antichrist to me. But he is a big disappointment. Much like a politician he said things that he couldn't live up to. Unlike a politician his reason for not living up to his own standards was the fact that he decided to turn his back on them.

Anonymous said...

I am a feminist and I will always own that. And I have never used those words against her.

Anonymous said...


No one here was really all that surprised that GW dyed his hair. It was more of the fact that a person who claims they are trying to "lay low", usually doesn't dye their hair a color that can be seen from the space shuttle.

I LOLed!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Sorry about that KapuI should have said that most of the people who have used that against her Have not called themselves feminist.

On that note I have known feminist who have used off color words to describe other women.

Sometime words like slut and whore are the only thing that will give a good enough description of someones behavior.

Anonymous said...


you use the word Bitches all the time and the way you throw around the word "Retard" at Mayo's could be offensive to some people.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I have to agree with Martha.

Lindsey does not represent an independent female. Her current popularity is all due to her husband.

I doubt there would have been any front covers for this band had there been no marriage.

Anonymous said...

it's so crazy ow Gerard has so much power over MSI's popularity. if he ever divorces LynZ more than half of their fans will instantly be gone along with all their magazine covers.

Anonymous said...

^how not ow

Anonymous said...

Yes it is funny 3:14. And I'm sure MSI would dispute that till the end, claiming they got where they are "through their Hard work".

If he is happy with her, then he is happy. We all have have different tastes and requirements. She would not be my choice were I a male, but whatever.

They have to learn to keep their private life private.

Anonymous said...

MSI Interview.

Anonymous said...

How is it that Lindsey hasn't showered in 6 days? Can't they fucking afford hotel rooms? Such bullshit.

I guess living in a bus gave her a runny nose, too.

Anonymous said...

people who have met Lindsey always say that she smells really bad. she probably doesn't shower when she's not on tour either. Gerard looks pretty smelly too. i think that's why they have lasted a full year, they both smell like shit together.

Anonymous said...

You know, I've read that cocaine use is usually accompanied by lack of interest in personal hygiene.

Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Steve Righ? once said Lindsey's school girl uniform smelled like it was "riddled with cat piss." Maybe they should bottle that. Eau de LynZ. MCR fans would eat that shit up.

Anonymous said...

I'm not offended by the word "bitches," anon. It takes a lot to offend me.

Anonymous said...

ever since Gerard hooked up with Lindsey he's looked like shit. it wouldn't surprise me if they are both cocaining it up.

Anonymous said...


that's you, other woman might take offense to that word.

Anonymous said...

Whoah, what up up with the look Lynz gave Steve on the beginning of that interview???

Anonymous said...


you can just tell she is a total bitch. he didn't do anything to make her roll her eyes like that. she's an asshole. i can only imagine the looks she gives to Gerard.

Anonymous said...

She seems very out of it torwards the end of the interview

Anonymous said...

What the hell was with the I haven't showered in six days. She was acting like it was some sorta of accomplishment. Look at me I haven't showered in six and I have no deodorant. That real isn't something to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm actually really surprised that they didn't drop that they were playing Frances Cobains 16th party.

She needs to shower and shut her legs.

Anonymous said...

'You've never seen an otherwise together, stable person with a normal job and life, flip their shit when they turn thirty?'

No I haven't seen a friend do an ethical 180 (and I'm in my early thirties). But then neither I, nor my social/professional circle have an 'army' of teenage girls making excuses for my every idiotic life choice and we're grown up enough to understand the concept of 'personal responsibility'.

"That we know about? He's the lead singer, he's the one that most people are trying to find shit about in the first place."

I will concede that I can't think of a single vocalist who's seen his band become huge/been scapegoated via emo/had a massive screaming teenie fanbase without selling out like Gerard Way has done. Oh, wait! Dave Grohl. Davey Havok. Hell, even Joe Jonas.

I'm intrigued to why you think he shouldn't be called out on bad decisions, lies and hypocrisy when everyone else expects to be!

Anonymous said...

"What the hell was with the I haven't showered in six days. She was acting like it was some sorta of accomplishment."

Don't you remember LOTMS where Gerard says that [tomorrow] he won't have showered in a week? 1 week - 1 day = 6 days.

Her bad personal hygeine is entirely coincidentally exactly as bad as his.
Her fat, art-kid high school years are entirely coincidentally exactly the same as his.
Her unextinguishable desire to be a positive role model is entirely coincidentally exactly the same as his.

His history is her history. Lap it up fangirls!!

Anonymous said...

His history is her history.
I thought that too. They seem to have morphed everything.

Anonymous said...

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow."

— Kahlil Gibran (The Prophet)

Still, who needs a healthy relationship and individual identity when you can have obsession, lies and emotional dependence? I think he's behaved like a jerk but when she finally realises that MCR are so passe that they can't help promote her band anymore and walks, I don't want him topping himself. The man definitely needs some help.

Anonymous said...

You knew I was a snake
when you let me in

...said the snake to the rabbit as he began to eat him

Anonymous said...

Or when he publicly announced his engagement because Eliza was 'pregnant'.

I'm interested to know exactly where this bit of info came from. Yes, I know it was being bandied about by a certain 1337 rumour comm on lj whose members like to pretend they have "connections" to the band - like, zomg, one of them has her hair cut by Quinn Allman's ex and knows somebody who works at Alternative Press, one is a party girl in NYC who has hung out at some of the same places as Mikey and Alicia, and another is a friend of a friend of CJ's (woot). I know they all despise Eliza and I suspect this rumour's origin was most likely just the voices in their heads.

So I was just wondering if anyone has actual evidence to back this up.

Anonymous said...

Her bad personal hygeine is entirely coincidentally exactly as bad as his.

I agree with you about the 'coincidences' but honestly, not having showered for a week just means you're in a touring band.

Anonymous said...

not having showered for a week just means you're in a touring band.

Only if you're traveling in a van or a really shitty bus and sleeping on it. Do you really think MSI can't afford hotels?

Anonymous said...

The "faked pregnancy" thing is just another fangirl attempt to exonerate Gerard from any and all blame in whatever happened between him and Eliza.

According to fangirls she coerced him into a relationship, cheated on him, gave blowjobs to every guy in any band who would let her, faked a pregnancy and God only knows what else.

I don't like Eliza either, but I think Gerard led her on, treated her like dirt and acted like a coward when he broke up with her. But since he's perfect the fangirls have to find a reason to blame all that on her.

Anonymous said...

^ I agree.

And about the showering thing, didn't Frank manage to stay relatively shiny in LOTMS? There's always a way to not be stanky. Always.

Anonymous said...

There's always a way to not be stanky.
Apparently LynZ finds it hard. I not sure if it's through lack of intelligence that she doens't know how to use a shower/bath or because she so naturally skanky that she see no point in washing anyway.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

not having showered for a week just means you're in a touring band.

This is hoe you stay somewhat clean while on tour.

1 Go to Wal-mart
2 buy a bucket it cost $1
3 buy some say. You can get a 3 pack of Ivory for $1
4 buy a sponge/ wash cloth that is about $4 or less.

Take the buck to the nearest bathroom that has hot water. Fill it with hot water stick soap and the sponge/cloth in the water. Get It nice and soap. AND WASH YOUR ASS. If you don't want to carry the bucket around just use the sink.
But you can always find away to clean your self if you really want to.

Anonymous said...

The "faked pregnancy" thing is just another fangirl attempt to exonerate Gerard from any and all blame in whatever happened between him and Eliza.

According to fangirls she coerced him into a relationship, cheated on him, gave blowjobs to every guy in any band who would let her, faked a pregnancy and God only knows what else.

I don't like Eliza either, but I think Gerard led her on, treated her like dirt and acted like a coward when he broke up with her. But since he's perfect the fangirls have to find a reason to blame all that on her.

September 9, 2008 9:33 AM

The only problem I have with this is that Eliza should have seen it coming. If it is true that he was leading her on for two years and that he kept breaking up with her.
Everything he did should have been assigned to her that he isn't in to you.

He would not acknowledge her publicly even when he told people he was engaged. She really should have seen that coming. As IF she really did fake a pregnancy to keep him than that really should have been a big red stop sign in the relationship.

I'm not trying to make excuses for GW but eliza should face up to certain things as well.

Anonymous said...


Gerard treated "Kat" the same way. no one ever knew what she looked or sounded like. what Gerard is doing with LynZ is just to put salt in "Kat" and Eliza's wounds.

Anonymous said...

1:55 Those relationships are old news. He has been married for a year now. He can carry on about the wife all he likes, I doubt it effects the ex's. Maybe he likes to think it does, so childish. And she's not exactly what someone would be envious of. If anything, to continue professing so much public devotion is pandering to the fangirls, and making him look more and more ridiculous each day.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard is still trying to prove his sexuality to everyone with all the "my wife this, my wife that" talk.

Methinks the lady(!) doth protest to much.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard is still trying to prove his sexuality to everyone with all the "my wife this, my wife that" talk.

You and a whole lot of other people.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard is still trying to prove his sexuality to everyone with all the "my wife this, my wife that" talk.

Yeah, when you get a zillion votes for Kerrang's "sexiest female" I suppose it's gotta be a blow to the old masculinity.

Although I think he got even more votes for that category the year after he married Lyn, so I don't think it's helping him in that respect. He should have gone for somebody a little less butch.

Anonymous said...

Gerard has a nice muffin ass.

Anonymous said...

Gerard has no ass at all.

Anonymous said...

i bet Lindsey's junk is bigger than Gerard's.

Anonymous said...

No, Gerard doesn't have much junk in his trunk. He used to have a nice little muffin top but alas, it is gone now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Gerard has a nice muffin ass.

Anonymous said...
Gerard has no ass at all.

Anonymous said...
i bet Lindsey's junk is bigger than Gerard's.

Anonymous said...
No, Gerard doesn't have much junk in his trunk. He used to have a nice little muffin top but alas, it is gone now.

While some of this may be very true, I fail to see what it has to do with this blog. Gerard has no control over his looks, just his actions.

Anonymous said...

According to fangirls she coerced him into a relationship

Well I have seen Eliza referred to as a fangirl, but I think manipulative groupie is more accurate. Her own 'story' admits this is what happened.

Anonymous said...

The only problem I have with this is that Eliza should have seen it coming. If it is true that he was leading her on for two years and that he kept breaking up with her.
Everything he did should have been assigned to her that he isn't in to you.

He would not acknowledge her publicly even when he told people he was engaged. She really should have seen that coming. As IF she really did fake a pregnancy to keep him than that really should have been a big red stop sign in the relationship.

I don't think anybody is foolish enough to think that Eliza is blameless in that fiasco of a relationship and break-up that she and Gerard had. But I don't think the blame is hers entirely. Gerard is a grown man. He could have just said no from the start and saved himself and her a lot of heartache.

Kassiopeia said...

"Awww, diddums!

Doesn't explain why only Gerard is such a douche though."

Well quite.

"I think Gerard is still trying to prove his sexuality to everyone with all the "my wife this, my wife that" talk.

Methinks the lady(!) doth protest to much."

Yep, that too!

"Gerard has no control over his looks, just his actions."

Ermmm.... it's called diet and exercise, and I suspect that if G-Way had done either of those as a teen he wouldn't have been the "fat kid" at high school, and would have been at a much lower risk of depression now. Fact!

I write from personal experience here, while a fifth of UK GPs also now prescribe "exercise therapy" as their first port of call for sufferers of depression.

Kass xx

P.S. My friend Vicks saw MSI live and in the photos she took it looks like they have a proper tourbus with all the amenities required for their personal ablutions - so no excuses not to wash!

Kassiopeia said...

^^GP = "General Practitioner", ie. family doctor, in case you didn't know!

Anonymous said...

Kass, whilst I agree that moderate physiological depression does benefit from exercise, the much more severe, biologically based clinical depression does not.

This is a far more complex condition (as you may be aware with your scientific background) and in many respects, overeating is merely a coping mechanism that needs to be addressed.

Kassiopeia said...

Sorry, I'm a bit of a convert to the old exercise therapy! I only meant to respond to the ludicrousness of the Anon's statement but got a bit evangelical. Still, amateur psychology is fun!

What you say is true Anon, but the man is clearly not a regular exerciser, as demonstrated by the fact that if he diets away the paunch his face becomes very drawn, and let's not forget that a lot of people feel depressed if they're not comfortable in their own bodies so the vicious cycle of bingeing/starving and inactivity continues. He says he never got to go out and play as a child (no cardio!), and I'm guessing Mama felt like she couldn't say no to a sweet or comforting snack, but while I'm not saying the man doesn't have problems above and beyond moderate depression, if he quit spending money on chimps and invested it in a personal trainer he'd feel so much better about himself, which is, what I guess, we're all here for.

I figure even if it doesn't lift the depression, once a successful combination of medication/counselling/cognitive therapy has been established, he'll have a shiny new body to be proud of, to go with his shiny new head.

And he won't feel the need to try and be "cool" anymore, because he could kick anyone's ass who says he wasn't...

Kass xx

P.S. I'll go back to work now so people can get back to what VV's is for - childish name-calling!

farawaysoclose said...

kass you are brill.

you know that right?!

Anonymous said...

Or when he publicly announced his engagement because Eliza was 'pregnant'.

I'm interested to know exactly where this bit of info came from...I was just wondering if anyone has actual evidence to back this up.

No? That's what I thought.

Anonymous said...

^So what are you, 4:21, a White Flag or something?


Anonymous said...

I am not a 'white flag' and I am no fan of Eliza's. Like most everyone here, I think it has been proven that she is an unstable fame-seeker who took full advantage of Gerard's emotional vulnerability in every way she could.

However, as it has been pointed out by others, Gerard is a grown man. Since he 'wasn't that into her', he should have acted like one and refused her attentions. It's not like she had him under an 'Imperious Curse' or anything.

Also, when they broke up, for whatever reason, it was childish, unprofessional, and completely unnecessary for him to publicly humiliate her the way he did.

The problem I have with the 'fake pregnancy' rumour is the fact that people are so willing to accept it as fact in order to use it to justify his bad behaviour. I don't think it's fair to lay all the blame on one person. Like most relationships that go sour, there's usually enough blame to go around.

Anonymous said...

It's not like she had him under an 'Imperious Curse' or anything.

Brilliant 4.21!

And you make good points also.

sister midnite said...

LOL - Gerard dyes his hair, and the entire fandom goes insane. Act like a dick, and not everyone notices. But add hair dye... wow.

Look at the bright side -- he had to actually *wash* his hair to get the dye out, no? That's a pretty radical concept right there for you. :)

Six days with no shower is just gross, especially how we know The Wife's proclivity for panty shots. Can I just say, eeeeeewwwww?!?!?

Anonymous said...

So MSI played (or is playing) Frances Bean's sweet sixteen? I guess Gerard couldn't get his bandmates to play so Frances had to settle for his best friends instead.

Anonymous said...

Happy 28th Birthday Mikey Way!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Or when he publicly announced his engagement because Eliza was 'pregnant'.

I'm interested to know exactly where this bit of info came from...I was just wondering if anyone has actual evidence to back this up.

No? That's what I thought.

September 10, 2008 4:21 AM

It originated from an 'insider' on the GW forum at BN. Of course there's no evidence.

Anonymous said...

Six days with no shower is just gross, especially how we know The Wife's proclivity for panty shots. Can I just say, eeeeeewwwww?!?!?
Yeah, if you were going to show off your vagina, you'd at least want it clean.

Anonymous said...

So MSI played (or is playing) Frances Bean's sweet sixteen? I guess Gerard couldn't get his bandmates to play so Frances had to settle for his best friends instead.

They've already played it. Call me crazy, but I'm really fucking proud/glad that someone stood up to him and said "no". I wonder who it was? I'm thinking Ray because he was on his honeymoon. But I might be wrong. I guess Gerards powers of persuation failed this time and they're wising up to him and standing up for themselves over his bullshit.

Must be nice for MSI to be THIRD choice (because Frances could get two of the other bands she wanted).

Anonymous said...

It would have been nice if Frances had a hissy fit and demanded that MSI be thrown out on the street .

Anonymous said...

Yeah right, she loves them.

Strange child.

Anonymous said...

Lynx is a water down version of her mother, so I guess she would love them.

Anonymous said...


Is that what she's calling herself?

Anonymous said...

some one please explain to me what frances has to do with msi?

sister midnite said...

Yeah, if you were going to show off your vagina, you'd at least want it clean.


Anonymous said...

Lynx should be LynZ I hit the wrong button.

Anonymous said...

some one please explain to me what frances has to do with msi?

September 10, 2008 2:01 PM

They played at her sweet 16 party. Thr rumor is that Gerard couldn't get the other guys from MCR to do it.

Anonymous said...

Gerard doesn't need his band mates he can just do what his wife and new best friends do. Use a backing track. He can keep all the glory and money for himself

Anonymous said...

True^^, until the time comes for a new album. I don't think he does that much actual *coughRayTorocough* songwriting.

Props to the other members for turning the sweet sixteen down (if they actually did so!), I'm just thinking - Smashing Pumpkins, MCR, MSI - is a pretty rapid downgrade. If MSI had turned them how shit would Courtney's 4th choice had to have been?!!

Anonymous said...

*turned them down.

Anonymous said...

I imagine Gerard could come up with an album full of 'Blood'-like, showtune-ish songs and some klunkers like that 'World is Ugly' monstrosity all by himself. Oh, and I suppose the wife and/or Mikey could play bass...

Oh dear. His solo career would be doomed from the start.

Anonymous said...

"some klunkers like that 'World is Ugly' monstrosity"

So it's not just me then! I remember commenting in similar spirit on Buzznet and the reaction was like I'd just kicked a baby of puppies to death. That's newborn puppies with leukaemia, so, unfortunately, it's perfectly conceivable that Blood, Part 2: Seriously I Don't Know Where All The Gay Rumours Are Coming From But If I Say "My Wife Is Amayyzzing" Enough Times, Even Though Any Sane Adult Can See Right Through Us, They'll Go Away" would sell enough copies to financially justify a follow-up.

Anonymous said...

"a bag of baby puppies."

My internal edit button doesn't work during the lunch hour!

Anonymous said...

They've already played it. Call me crazy, but I'm really fucking proud/glad that someone stood up to him and said "no". I wonder who it was? I'm thinking Ray because he was on his honeymoon.

I'd be willing to bet it was Frank (on tour with Leathermouth), Ray (on his honeymoon) and Bob (just had surgery). Gerard was a dumbass to try and commit the band to something like that anyway. After all, the other members of the band aren't into the 'LA scene' and probably could not care less about being accepted into 'rock royalty'.

What a cliche Gerard has become.

Anonymous said...

Gerard was a dumbass to try and commit the band to something like that anyway.
Dumb and probably desperate to fit in with that scene. It's realy sad/dispicable that he's weasling his way in through a 15/16 year old girl.

Anonymous said...

They played at her sweet 16 party. Thr rumor is that Gerard couldn't get the other guys from MCR to do it.

do you know when this was please? was gerard there too or was it just msi?

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows.....there are just pic on Frances' MySpace with MSI playing her party. I suspect G was there. MSI were there. Mikey and Alicia were probably there because Alicia is Frances' "Fake Mom". So I think he was there.

Anonymous said...

what does everyone think of Eliza's latest blog i'm sure it's about Gerard. i wonder what the fuck he did.

Anonymous said...

So where can you exactly read Eliza's blog... Just curious.

Anonymous said...

& What's with the specultation that Gerard Way doesn't write his own lyrics?

I still personally believe he does.

Medea said...

This is the blog from Eliza, note the reference to grandmothers. "some news is just to good....i had to take it there.

wow. finally. tears of joy stream down my face. i actually could not be any happier. everything that you said was a lie. you dug your own grave and i do not usually find joy in watching cities burn but tonight i get to sit down and play the violin and watch things play out the way i always thought that they should. i knew that one day the truth would set me free. thank you for all of the nights full of tears because it pushed me to fianlly do what we both know i should have been doing right along. i think about you everytime i make the next right move because i usually just do the opposite of what i know you would do. the best part is that you thought i was stupid, you thought that i wouldnt remember dates, you actually thought that the web people that work for me wouldnt check out things fully.... well guess what.... they did and i did. i know just what happened and so do you. i am going to spend the rest of my life proving you wrong and i am going to look darn good doing it. good luck to you my friend, i am not even sure if all of the prayers of all of the grandmothers in the world could have saved you. sometimes even the devil deserves a blog.

have a nice life,
I wonder what he has done?

Anonymous said...

Either she's insane or she has a point.

Ugh, I am so intrigued with this idiotic drama. From this blog, if I follow the theory that this is actually about Gerard... Than BOY! He must of done something really wrong.

Poor Eliza. But I am not on her team neither. She's done a lot of things that were totally wrong also.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that Gerard did something to her through the internet in an anonymous way?

Anonymous said...

Gerard must have done something pretty big to make Eliza this happy. damn it, i want to know.

Anonymous said...

do you think someone told Eliza about Mayo's blog and now she believes Mayo is Gerard?

Anonymous said...

"i am going to spend the rest of my life proving you wrong and i am going to look darn good doing it."

No love, you're going to look like a deranged, bitter old hag!

Don't stop on that account, though, as obviously we love watching you humiliate yourself as well as your ex.

Anonymous said...


fuck Gerard. he humiliated Eliza, why shoudn't he get a little back. he ended their engagement by email because he didn't have the balls to do it in person. he's a total douche and i don't blame Eliza for lashing out a little.

Anonymous said...

OK, so you misunderstood my comment and it's intended tone!Obviously he's a total douche, but instead of taking the dignified route, in trying to 'take him down' she's dragging herself down with him.

If she really wanted to hurt him she should show the world that he meant nothing to her - even if it isn't true - and get on with her life. Living well is the best revenge.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


fuck Gerard. he humiliated Eliza, why shoudn't he get a little back. he ended their engagement by email because he didn't have the balls to do it in person. he's a total douche and i don't blame Eliza for lashing out a little.

September 12, 2008 7:05 AM

They are both douches. She hurt him so he hurts her. Eliza was look good until she started to play his game.

Anonymous said...


how did Eliza hurt him? i know how he hurt her because he was so public about it. i think Gerard is the bigger douche. if you're gonna end an engagement have the balls to do it in person. he did it by email like the little punk bitch that he is.

Anonymous said...

i know how he hurt her because he was so public about it.

Like that would hurt her.

Anonymous said...

^Looks like Gerard'd got a new BFF

Anonymous said...

^Great. He'll be promoting Morningwood now. Get ready to see them in Kerrang and other magazine say how Gerard is her best friend.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, it doesn't really matter what Gerard does now. Let him promote Morningwood, let him promote MSI. In the end, the real music fans will decide whether or not they like the music. After all, there's only so much of listening to something that resembles the sound made by a dying calf in a hailstorm that the human ear can take.

In the end, Gerard will only hurt his own credibility. Especially since MCR's future music (if there is any) will probably be influenced by these crap bands. Soon, no one will care what Gerard Way listens to or who his 'besties' are.

Anonymous said...

He's wearing the shirt...

Anonymous said...

How sweet! His I LOVE A LESBIAN! Unicorn shirt and magenta hair.

Wow, Gerard. I haven't been so convinced of a guy's heterosexuality since JC Chasez!

Anonymous said...

JW if anybody here knows what's up with the comments on the Kerrang website regarding the new issue and Kerrang supposedly "not liking MSI" anymore? Did they do a shitty review of them an Leeds or Reading or something like that?

I'm an amurrican and I can't get Kerrang where I live.

Anonymous said...

where were all you crazy bitches back in 2006 when newly blond gerard surfaced in a picture where he himself was taking a picture of the band buckcherry and a bunch of half-naked women to promote that band's song and video "crazy bitch"? that shit didn't exactly fit in with his "feminist rhetoric" either.

the dude hasn't changed, he's always been full of shit. he's a rock star. what do you expect?

Anonymous said...

what do you expect?

Absolutely nothing, not anymore. I've learned a valuable lesson from Gerard Way: Don't trust celebrities not to lie to you.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

where were all you crazy bitches back in 2006 when newly blond gerard surfaced in a picture where he himself was taking a picture of the band buckcherry and a bunch of half-naked women to promote that band's song and video "crazy bitch"? that shit didn't exactly fit in with his "feminist rhetoric" either.

the dude hasn't changed, he's always been full of shit. he's a rock star. what do you expect?

September 13, 2008 10:00 AM

I was around when that picture can out. Here is the difference between than and now. GW didn't run out and get a bunch of tattoos, go shirtless and have a bunch of half naked women hanging on him. He also didn't promote buckcherry as if they were the greatest band to have ever walked the earth.

And when was buckcherry the opening act for MCR?

From what I was told Kerrange ignored msi in that issue and gave a great review to their opening band.

Anonymous said...

So apparently according to wiki Lynz left the band in August, but wiki can never be trusted. Anyway wasn't Dragoncon in September?

Anonymous said...

Nope, Dragoncon was Sept. 30.

I don't believe Lindsey left the band, but it would be hilarious if she did, what with all her talk of her "hard work" and being an "inspiration" to young girls to be in a band if she just up and left to become, what? A housewife?

Anonymous said...

^August 30.

Anonymous said...

msi has a gig tonight in chicago. i guess we'll find out then.

Anonymous said...

I guess we will, but I doubt she did, there probably would have been an announcement about it or something. And yes it would be hilarious...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Nope, Dragoncon was Sept. 30.

I don't believe Lindsey left the band, but it would be hilarious if she did, what with all her talk of her "hard work" and being an "inspiration" to young girls to be in a band if she just up and left to become, what? A housewife?

September 13, 2008 11:09 AM

More like a stripper.

Anonymous said...

Alicia and LynZ are going to co-author a book: How to Snag a Rockstar Husband by Learning to Pluck the E-string on Bass

After that, they'll open up a boutique in Hollywood that specializes in custom clothing for cats and chimps.

Anonymous said...

^ Is it terrible that for a second I actually believed you?

Anonymous said...

Alicia has a slut sleeve of tattoos like LynZ now. Mikey is doing a comic. it's so creepy how Gerard, Mikey, Alicia, and LynZ have morphed into each other.

Anonymous said...

That whole Way family is just a big ol' mess.

White trash. Pure and simple. The kind of people you'd expect to see on The Jerry Springer show.

Anonymous said...

LMAO. The white trash statement is a little harsh, although that person is right in saying that they happen to be morphing into each other, *gags* there is simply now originality left.

& according to wiki Morningwood opened for MSI a couple of times, so I'm guessing their friends with MSI and now Mr. GerardAssholeWay. :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Alicia and LynZ are going to co-author a book: How to Snag a Rockstar Husband by Learning to Pluck the E-string on Bass

After that, they'll open up a boutique in Hollywood that specializes in custom clothing for cats and chimps.

September 13, 2008 11:46 AM

^^ It's not terrible! LMAO. I totally believed that too. I'll laugh if it actually happens.

Anonymous said...

UGH! I just totally realized that the lead singer of Morningwood is Jimmy Urine's wife.

Big ol' happy family huh?

I have feeling that Gerard is going to promote MW like the next coming of MSI. >_<

I actually saw a video of theirs on TV (MW) and I totally thought that the guy that protrayed her boyfriend in the video looked a lot like Jimmy Urine.

I know... random.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Bob will show up at the MSI show in Chicago tonight.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure, but I don't think MSI is the opening act at the show in Chicaco. I think it was A7X, but they cancelled.

I don't know whether or not MSI is still playing, but I know if I were planning to see A7X and I got MSI instead, I'd be pretty fucking pissed.

Anonymous said...

To elaborate on Lynz leaving msi rumor apparently its "because she's pregnant". If it's true they are gonna have one fucked up kid.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why Lyn would have to leave the band just because she's pregnant. It's not like she has to stage dive or anything. She could just stand around and pretend to play bass and dance(?) around a little... not that I really believe the pregnancy thing anyway. I don't think she has enough estrogen for that, tbh.

Anonymous said...

haha harsh but true...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Why would lynz have to leave because she is pregnant. Madonna filmed Evita while pregnant and Gwen Stefani still toured while pregnant.

And Lucy Lawless who was Xena work on her show while pregnant. I don't think she stopped working until the baby was almost due.

Anyway I think this rumor was started by one of the mindless fan girls. For some reason they think a baby would be the greatest thing to happen.

The white trash comment was uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

The white trash comment was uncalled for.

Why was it uncalled for? If the Way brothers act like trash and marry trash then why not say so? I don't see you having a problem throwing around the word "whore". Or does it just bother you when the namecalling applies to Gerard?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I have called GW a dick so it has nothing to do with him being called a name. I think his family has problems but that does not make them trash.

Anonymous said...

if she is than that is going to be one stupid kid.

Martha Smith-Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You'll notice that none of us who claim to be feminists actually used those words, thanks.

No, you just go on about how pretty she is. While also ranting about you think pretty people are useless. You make sure everyone knows that you think you're ugly, but it's OK because you're meant to do than just be pretty. But you don't use those words.

Anonymous said...

meant to do more than just be pretty.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure when you think anyone here said that pretty people are useless.

Also, you're ridiculous. "zOMG U SAID SHE'S PRITTY, HOW CRULE!!!11 TAKE IT BACK!!!1"

Anonymous said...

i see where someone fixed wikipedia. lindsey ann ballato way is no longer listed as a former member. her bio is back along with a lovely pic of her standing with her legs apart as per usual.

i guess this means no drug-addiced babies, thank god.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand the comment above me. You can't trust wikipedia, anyone can edit anything there.

So are you saying that she's not in the band anymore and that she is not pregnant?

(I really hope she's not pregnant. WTF? Next Curt Cobain? Either way, I've never pictured Gerard as a father, he's too much of an asshole, and I've had this feeling for a while now, he just doesn't seem like a father-type. :/)

Anonymous said...

You're right about Wikipedia. It can't be trusted. But, if I understand the situation correctly, all the "LynZ is leaving the band! OMG, she must be pregnant!" nonsense started because someone had edited Wiki to say she left the band at the end of August. Therefore, it follows (in insane fangirl logic) that she must be pregnant.

Regardless, I agree with your statement about Gerard not being father material. He seems to be way too self-centered to be a good parent.

Anonymous said...

^^ Exactly, he just doesn't seem mentally capable.

How are you going to raise children when you can't even make good decisions for yourself?

& I agree the whole Lyn-Z is pregnant and she's leaving the band seems like a major rumor too.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but maybe we should all tone it down with the 'Gerard won't be a good father' talk. You know how he is, always doing the exact opposite of what people think he should do. So it follows that if people don't want him to have babies, he'll probably do his damnedest to have one. :/

Anonymous said...

Okay, you do have a point.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure when you think anyone here said that pretty people are useless.

Not anyone honey, you.

Anonymous said...

Well last time I checked she is included in "anyone", meaning EVERYONE that comes here and posts comments. :)

Anonymous said...

No, you just go on about how pretty she is. While also ranting about you think pretty people are useless.

I have never seen Kapunua nor anyone else here say that pretty people are useless, and I believe I've read this blog from beginning to end.

I can say from experience, however, that for people who are considered attractive to accomplish something in this world, they have to manage to pull themselves out from in front of the mirror and realize that "prettiness" isn't an accomplishment, it's a gift. For many of them, that's a hard thing to do.

That doesn't mean that lots of them haven't done that, though.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Urine having sex with a muppet Chantal.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Okay, you know what? I really can't take anymore of this shit. The last thing on this planet I wanted to see was that asshole simulating sex with anything, let alone a muppet version of his wife.

Honestly, nothing is sacred to these people.

Way to pick your best friends Gerard. Yeah, you are trash and you are dragging your bandmates down with you. You've single handedly killed what used to be my favorite band. Thanks, you asshole. I am so gone.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if that video wasn't supposed to get out. it's not on Chantal's youtube page.

Anonymous said...

We should all be happy MCR is on a break right now. Or else we would have to see the Ger-Z version of that video.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am sure JU intended for people to see that disgusting display alright. What a perverted little creep he is.

I agree with 12:05. I've had it. He's chosen these people over everyone else in his life and he is no better than they are. He's never going to change back and even if he did it would be too late.

Anonymous said...

The video was taken down.

Anonymous said...

We should all be happy MCR is on a break right now. Or else we would have to see the Ger-Z version of that video.

Of course it would be Muppet Gerard and real LynZ. Either that or Gerard with that damn jacket on. He'd never allow the world to see his manboobs and stretchmarks. I doubt LynZ has even seen him naked.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

We should all be happy MCR is on a break right now. Or else we would have to see the Ger-Z version of that video.

Of course it would be Muppet Gerard and real LynZ. Either that or Gerard with that damn jacket on. He'd never allow the world to see his manboobs and stretchmarks. I doubt LynZ has even seen him naked.

September 14, 2008 12:49 PM

Lyn-z would give a copy of the sex tape of her and Gerard to Jimmy. He would than post it all over the internet. And they would all have a good laugh about it.

Anonymous said...


the video is still up.

Anonymous said...

I can hear Jimmy now. "Oh, Chantal, honey, I don't got no clue how that shit wound up on Youtube. Somebody must have hacked my sidekick, Baby. You know I wouldn't do nothin' like that to you," as he tries to hold back a snicker.

Anonymous said...

They're probably hoping it will wind up on ohnotheydidnt. As if anyone would care.

Might find a home on anonquestions, though.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the video was a gift for Frances Bean's sweet sixteen.

Those idiots would probably consider that an appropriate gift for a sixteen year old kid. Even her mother would probably approve.

Rock royalty my ass.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I can hear Jimmy now. "Oh, Chantal, honey, I don't got no clue how that shit wound up on Youtube. Somebody must have hacked my sidekick, Baby. You know I wouldn't do nothin' like that to you," as he tries to hold back a snicker.

September 14, 2008 1:00 PM

Chantal was probably the one filming the thing.

Anonymous said...

Someone put the video back up because when I was there it was gone.

It wouldn't surprise me if Jimmy or his wife where the ones who where posting the link for that video.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't surprise me if Jimmy or his wife where the ones who where posting the link for that video.

You're probably right. It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that Jimmy comes here and reads what we all have to say about how mcuh Gerard has disappointed us an laughs his ass off. I'd say this blog would delight him to no end.

Anonymous said...

I doubt they have a problem with the video seeing as they basically have simulated the same thing on satge with eachother

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Jimmy and Chantal have no problem with posting the video all over the internet either.

Hopefully Gerard isn't too coked out to have a problem with Lindsey videotaping him doing something we'd all rather not see, because I don't think she'd have a problem with it either.

Anonymous said...

If a Ger-Z videotape does surface, Gerard won't be the one on top, if you get my meaning.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy didn't post the video, i did. i found it by accident when i was looking for video of MSI playing last nights show. i wanted to see if LynZ was still in MSI.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter who posted that video. I doubt you will hear Jimmy or Chantal complaining about it being public.

Anonymous said...

1.32 - where did you find it?

Medea said...

Has anyone seen the interview that LynZ and Steve did with Glen Matlock? it's on msi's myspace blog but my pc's not letting me watch it for some reason. I just wondered whether LynZ said anything stupid.

Anonymous said...

Glen Matlock? Is that Rock Sound?

Anonymous said...

I purely detest the fact that everytime I come here there is always something upsetting when it comes to Gerard and his new "friends".

It probably wouldn't be that bad if Gerard wasn't morphing into them, but honestly. This is so disgusting.

"Honestly, nothing is sacred to these people."

That person that posted that is completly right. I just know that if their is ANYTHING new that MCR wishes to throw out in the media, it better not be like the bullshit of Morningwood and MSI. I never pictured MCR to be "one of those bands" okay, it's fine to talk about sex and all of those things, but can you do it an educated manner please?

Everything is about the beat in the track, never about the lyrical content. I hope that Gerard doesn't plan on belittling himself when it comes to his lyrical content in the cd's to come, if there is any.

What a fucking disappointment.
I just wish that Gerard would suddenly pop up and say that this is all an act. But I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

LynZ did an interview with Glen Matlock from The Sex Pistols and told him that she was so nervous to meet him that she almost shit in her pants.

she's so classy.

September 14, 2008 4:28 PM

Anonymous said...

She does love to talk about her bodily functions, doesn't she? I remember reading about how she peed her pants the first show she did with MSI.

I hope she at least showered after that little incident, although I wouldn't be willing to bet money on it.

Anonymous said...

Why was she nervous? She's more "punk" then him anyhow, isn't she? She is in the "only punk band around."


Anonymous said...


it was basically an ass kissing fest. her and Steve doing some major lathering. she told Glen that she almost shit in her pants when she met him. she's so lady like.

Anonymous said...

^^ LMAO.
That was hilarious!

& I think that MSI is still stuck with the "I'm so punk rock, I'll urinate on stage and throw feces act you" act. Honestly, this isn't the seventies, you aren't as good as the Sex Pistols or any of those TRUE punk rock bands and they will never be. Be fucking original. They are so annoying.

I'm a so glad that when my friends pushed me to get into them 2 years ago, I didn't.

Anonymous said...

She is in the "only punk band around."

Lol. Until she tries to take that back and claim she never said it -- like she did about the Joan Jett quote.

It's on your Press Page, you dumb bitch. With quotation marks around it!

Anonymous said...

Gerard looks like shit and LynZ smells like shit.

they're a perfect match.

Anonymous said...

heres the link for whover wants it

Anonymous said...

Yeah, at first she said she never said the thing about Joan Jet and then Steve said that "someone" was joking about being photoshopped to look cooler.

Don't they tape record those things? I doubt that someone else's quote would have been attributed to LynZ. Kitty would have been the only other female in the room and Kitty doesn't sound anything like LynZ -- she's not nearly as stupid.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Steve is embarrassed that she is allowed to talk now. Every time she speaks she makes a fool out of herself and the band.

Anonymous said...

Everything about her seems so affected and so fake. Like she's trying way too hard to be cool. Like that stupid look she gave Steve at the beginning of the Rocksound interview and how she kept pulling at her hair. And did anybody else notice how she kept bumping her knee against the interviewer's leg, but he just ignored it? Probably because he's attracted to girls who don't smell like they just finished rolling around in a pig pen. lmao.

Anonymous said...

part 2

Anonymous said...

I noticed that leg bumping thing too! She must have touched his leg with hers about ten times during that interview. Then after she said the thing about not having showered for six days I was like, Ewww. Keep your legs shut, you skank!

Anonymous said...

^^ LMAO.
Yeah, that made my day.
She does try way to damn hard.
& why is that? Because she can't even play her on instrument!

I feel bad for the other people in Mindless Self Indulgence. Especially Kitty. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Don't you guys know it's totally punk to go for days without showering? And what's the point of not bathing if you don't open your legs and let your punk essence fill the room?

Anonymous said...

^^ LOL. You do have a point.

Anonymous said...

That Glen Matlock interview!

"I think if you just play and play it gets hard for people to ignore you."

Play what? With your husbands penis, so he can go on about you so much that it's hard to ignore you.

That's what I think she means. I still can't believe she thinks her success is down to her bands hard work. The "girl" needs a smack across her head to bring her down from the crazy dream world she's living in. Or trying to create.

Anonymous said...

Like a lot of people on the comment page for that rock sound interview, I believe Lynz had a bit too muck to drink that day

Anonymous said...

OMG! Dies laughting at Glen Matlock mentioning Jimmy Page coming to one of his shows on that interview! I guess he doesn't know that MSI did a song called "I Hate Jimmy Page"!

What a fucking slap in the face to MSI.

Anonymous said...

you mean a bit to much nose candy.

Anonymous said...

Oh and when Glen asked her what song she was most proud of writing she said "Anarchy in the UK"!!! What a fucking dumbass she is. And Steve says she takes credit for writing "I Want to Hold Your Hand" as well!!

Poor stupid thing. I almost feel sorry for her.


Anonymous said...

"OMG! Dies laughting at Glen Matlock mentioning Jimmy Page coming to one of his shows on that interview! I guess he doesn't know that MSI did a song called "I Hate Jimmy Page"!

What a fucking slap in the face to MSI."

I know! I love how they acted all impressed

Anonymous said...

yeah, nose candy for real. in the end when she starts to get all freaked out she's wiping her nose about every fifteen seconds or so.

the common cold? somehow i doubt it.

Anonymous said...

The interviewer seemed kind of annoyed with Lynz and more interested in what steve had to say. Also, I find it kind of weird that Steve and Lynz ALWAYS do interviews together, I mean I've seen atleast 3 this past month

Anonymous said...

^He did seem annoyed with her. Probably because she kept rubbing her leg against him and because everything that comes out of her mouth is so idiotic.

He was also probably not too thrilled with her "punk essence."

Anonymous said...

"punk essence", lmfao. you mean eau de skank?

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