Monday, August 25, 2008

an emasculated, infantile complain-ee..

In the time since I posted last, Gerard rented a monkey for LynZ, totally forgetting his support of PETA and animal rights. Jimmy Urine declared Gerard his best friend. The Black Parade Is Dead came out and everyone in the band thanked everyone, except Gerard who thanked LynZ, and then his parents as an after thought. Gerard moved to LA where he was seen with his new "posse" of friends, meaning LynZ, Jimmy Urine and his wife. A few more interviews came and went where he promoted MSI. And recently he wrote a message to MySpace trying to say how everything was cool with the band, yet what it really comes down to is Frank is touring with his other band, Bob just got our of surgery, no mention of whta Mikey is working on, and he doesn't know where Ray is. He also hinted that he is going to go see an upcoming MSI show, which is funny because of all of LynZ's protests that she doesn't want fans to go to their show just to see Gerard.

I feel really bad for the rest of the band now that Jimmy Urine and LynZ are Gerard's best friends. Didn't his band see him through the worst times, when he was suicidal didn't they pull him up from rock bottom? Now they are tossed aside for "inspirational" MSI.

Have I forgotten anything? I think there was more but I can't remember it.

This is mostly just to give you all some new space to talk.

It's really good to know that there are people out there who see through their pathetic facade.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

None whatsoever.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If thinks don't work out for him the way he had wanted he will. But the question will be, will there be any fans around still.

Anonymous said...

And another good question would also be: How long will it take him to change? That can also affect how many fans he'll have in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

A therapist can only do so much. Besides, Gerard was out on the road for a very long time and the therapy was probably put on hold, which couldn't have been good for him. It did seem to me that the longer the band toured, the more morose Gerard became - until PR, when he suddenly turned into some other person that none of us recognized anymore.

He seemed to pull himself together a bit for that last tour in the spring, but things still weren't the same.

I suspect that now he's trying to substitute his 'new life' for therapy which he still desperately needs. More than likely his therapist is just another of the many people out there who are worried about him.

August 30, 2008 10:24 AM

I think your theory is completely correct. :)

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to psycho-analyze someone you do not know personally.

Each one of us reacts and perceives things in their own individual way.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to psycho-analyze someone you do not know personally.

Okay Mommy.

Anonymous said...

You know it doesn't really matter to me whether or not Gerard goes back to acting the way he used to because he can't undo the damage he's already done.

For me at least, there is no going back.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Stop trying to psycho-analyze someone you do not know personally.

Each one of us reacts and perceives things in their own individual way.

August 30, 2008 11:55 PM

I think your right maybe were not taking the best approach on this, but we just come up with ideas. We can't help but think what is really going on.

And to that other anon...
I understand that you can't undo things, but there is a chance that he can say sorry and change for the better. That is if he wants too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop trying to psycho-analyze someone you do not know personally.

Each one of us reacts and perceives things in their own individual way.

August 30, 2008 11:55 PM

Stop coming around here and telling people you don't know what to do.

Anonymous said...

Stop coming around here and telling people you don't know what to do.

You're doing the same thing, if that's what you believe it was.

9:33 seems to understand.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop trying to psycho-analyze someone you do not know personally.

Each one of us reacts and perceives things in their own individual way.

August 30, 2008 11:55 PM

Stop coming around here and telling people you don't know what to do.

August 31, 2008 9:37 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop coming around here and telling people you don't know what to do.

You're doing the same thing, if that's what you believe it was.

9:33 seems to understand.

August 31, 2008 1:33 PM

I think that person took you for a troll. I know I did when I read what you wrote.

Most of the people here are really sick Of GW's shit and they are trying to come up with away of explaining it to themselves and others who feel the same way they do.

If that is something you find off putting than this may not be the place for you because there is going to be a lot of psycho-analyze going on here.

And to that other anon...
I understand that you can't undo things, but there is a chance that he can say sorry and change for the better. That is if he wants too.

August 31, 2008 9:33 AM

It would be nice if that could be believed but given his pattern of behavior how can you believe that the apology or the change for the better is real.

GW likes to change who he is based on who he thinks is cool at the time. How do you believe what a person who does that says?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

^^ so he blows everyone off just to be with his fucking "wife"


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

the rumor out there now is that Lindsey's bus broke down. that's why Gerard left before the panel started.

August 31, 2008 9:50 PM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
^^ so he blows everyone off just to be with his fucking "wife"


August 31, 2008 6:39 PM

HA! That is so NOT suprising.

Anonymous said...

Old Gerard? Pffft.

How about shiny new Gerard with pink hair? lmfao.

Anonymous said...

^ What?!?

Anonymous said...

That is so messed up that Gerard would go to see his wife instead of following his duty. His fans were there to support him or at least meet him and he didn't care. And so what if Lyn-Z's bus broke down... Is Gerard going to fix it magically? I didn't know he was a mechanic. That's a stupid excuse he wanted to be with his wife, he needs to just admit it. Fucking disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone have a picture of him with the pink hair.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me what this pink hair business is?

Anonymous said...

Gerard has pink hair now!?

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Mr Way now has a nice pink do.

Anonymous said...

If that's true then its just another example of Gerard trying to be "hardcore"

Anonymous said...

^^ Oh geez. I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Well about the whole hardcore thing and the hair... You never know maybe he just got bored with the black?

But your idea is more probable.

Anonymous said...

^ That's true but I just figured with Gerard's track record of trying to be cool I figured that could be the reason but who knows, maybe he did just want a change.

Anonymous said...

Scott Allie rescheduled the TUA panel with Gerard for the next day and he didn't show up for that either. He made Scott look like an asshole not once but twice.

Anonymous said...

He really has no shame. ^

Anonymous said...

Didn't he wear pink MSI underwear once.

Wouldn't that make pink hair something for MSI

Anonymous said...

Was that the underwear he was wearing for that muchmusic interview?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Scott Allie rescheduled the TUA panel with Gerard for the next day and he didn't show up for that either. He made Scott look like an asshole not once but twice.

August 31, 2008 8:12 PM

^ What fools do when their in "love".

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that the underwear he was wearing for that muchmusic interview?

August 31, 2008 8:17 PM


Anonymous said...

the pink hair was probably Lindsey's idea. she loves to embarrass him, like the time she said she makes him sing "superstar" by the Carpenters to her. i bet she can't stop laughing at him behind his back.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Gerard needs Lindsey's help when it comes to embarrassing himself. He does a very good job of that all on his own.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't think Gerard needs Lindsey's help when it comes to embarrassing himself. He does a very good job of that all on his own.


Anonymous said...

scroll down

Anonymous said...

I know you people would rather believe that he dyed his hair pink in order to be "more hardcore", but the picture is totally photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

^ The poster above me is either Toujours, Elena or one of the stalker OPS from the other board. They are the biggest scariest fangirls of his.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I know you people would rather believe that he dyed his hair pink in order to be "more hardcore", but the picture is totally photoshopped.

August 31, 2008 9:58 PM

Prove that it is photoshopped. And I don't think he did it to be hardcore. I think he did because he is a fool

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I know you people would rather believe that he dyed his hair pink in order to be "more hardcore", but the picture is totally photoshopped.

August 31, 2008 9:58 PM

Because Gerard would never do anything stupid. Like dying his hair pink or marring someone he had only dated for two months.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Urine used to have pink hair.

Just sayin'.

He looks ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Like dying his hair pink or marring someone he had only dated for two months.

Yes, completely equivalent actions.

A lot of you need to get over thinking someone's actions are wrong because it's not something you would do.

Anonymous said...

Because Gerard would never do anything stupid. Like dying his hair pink or marring someone he had only dated for two months.

So true, though.

Gerard & Lyn-Z can both join the circus together ~ seeing as they both have the right "look" now.

Anonymous said...

'A lot of you need to get over thinking someone's actions are wrong because it's not something you would do.'

Not 'wrong', so much as 'not sensible'. Generally speaking, marrying 2 months after breaking off an engagement is unlikely to result in a lifetime of wedded bliss. The omens are not good, but they may be the exception to the rule, and good luck to them, plus they both behave like total idiots so they're, like, totally perfect for one another!

Anonymous said...

They, like, totally, like, are. Like, you know, like? Like, totally, like, perfect.

O_O I've been watching too many LynZ interviews.

Anonymous said...

Like dying his hair pink or marring someone he had only dated for two months.

Yes, completely equivalent actions.

Where excactly did someone say those were the same thing? I believe someone insinuated that they were both rather stupid, which is an opinion. Last time I looked this was a place for expressing opinions.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand Gerard dying his hair pink before Dragon Con. I mean, yeah, the fangirls will love it (or they'll pretend to anyway) but what about the comic book geeks?

My brothers, uncle and cousins are all a bunch of comic book addicts who hate MCR but grudgingly admit they liked TUA. Trust me though, if they saw Gerard at Dragon Con with pink hair, they won't react well. I'm not saying it's okay for them to act that way, I'm just saying that's how it is.

Anonymous said...

The pic is PHOTOSHOPPED, people. Not only that, but it's photoshopped badly.

Of course all of you believe what you want as long as it furthers your objective to tear Gerard down. I can't wait until real pictures surface to prove you wrong.

Anonymous said...

You make it sound like they're going to assault him (LOLzies), though I do think everyone's time would be better spent not giving a damn. Like a small child, Gerard just wants a reaction; the best thing to do is laugh or ignore him until he goes away.

If a). It's not a photoshop job, and b). It's supposed to be pink, then Jimmy Urine must be pissing himself laughing at how half-assed his colour turned out - "THIS is pink, Bitch!!"

...although I expect JU's laughed so long and so hard at Gerard Way's Single White Male shtick already that he's probably bored by now!

Anonymous said...

'The pic is PHOTOSHOPPED, people.'

Maybe, maybe not. But I'm still never buying anything MCR-related again, because you can't photoshop what a twat that man has become!

Anonymous said...

Like a small child, Gerard just wants a reaction

Yeah, maybe he's trying to revive Stafoo. ^_^

I doubt it will work, though. Too many of the old fans can't even be bothered to make fun of him anymore.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Gerard just wants attention. He loves it when people make a fuss over his hair. It's nothing new; he's been doing this for a long time now.

The band isn't recording a new cd right now. They aren't touring. No one is talking about TBPID anymore. The new TUA won't be out until November. The man has to do something to get people talking about him again.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

The pic is PHOTOSHOPPED, people. Not only that, but it's photoshopped badly.

Of course all of you believe what you want as long as it furthers your objective to tear Gerard down. I can't wait until real pictures surface to prove you wrong.

September 1, 2008 6:53 AM

And of course you will believe what ever you want as well.

GW would never dye his hair the color pink it has to be photo shopped.

If people want to tear him down, they don't need his new dye job to do it. His actions over the last year are more than enough.

Now if you want to go around saying it is a photoshop job than please give proof of this.

Like the original photo with out the pink hair. Something more than it's photo shopped because that's what you think (want to believe).

Anonymous said...

That is definately not bad photoshopping. If that is photoshopped (which I doubt) it's one of the best ever, and whoever did it is frickin' genius at making the high and lowlights through hair look very realistic...
Where can I track this person down to photoshop me with purple hair please? Anyone?

I can't wait until real pictures surface to prove you wrong.
Oh. My. God. Why the hell would photoshopped pics be surfacing before the real ones?
Jesus, someone give the fans a functioning brain...

... because you can't photoshop what a twat that man has become!
*bows and worships*
Never a truer word has been spoken.

Anonymous said...

Well if it's really dyed...
It's a BAD dye job.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does Gerard hair look kinda puffy on top? <-- In the pink hair picture.

Because if it is, maybe it isn't real... LOL. This man never fails to suprise me and if it's fake why pick the color pink?

Anonymous said...

Well if it's really dyed...
It's a BAD dye job.

Well Ol' Cutsie ain't around to do the 'do anymore so......

It was probably LynZ, we all know she's crap at everything else, I don't see why dying hair would be any different.

Anonymous said...

^^ Ha! Very true.
This is a case were his ex-girlfriend would have come in handy. At least she was good at what she did.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So do you think it's real (the dye job) or not?

I know it doesn't really matter but I'm curious on everyone's opinion. I personally don't know what to make of it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

This whole pink hair up roar reminds me of the comic book up roar.

When a lot of the fans where running around swearing up and down that Gw didn't write On Raven's Wings. We all know how that turned out.

Here are once again this time it is about a photo of him with pink hair. People are swearing up and down that it is photoshopped.

I don't think it is photoshopped. I think he has the pink hair. Is it for attention, did lynz have him do or did he do it so that people wouldn't recognize him. I don't know but I am sure we will find out soon enough

Anonymous said...

I'm more concerned about Gerard not showing up for a panel on TUA than I am his hair color.

Yeah, I know he wasn't on the official guest list, but fans were told he would be there twice and twice they were let down. I don't think he cares about fans anymore. He probably thinks he's so big now that he doesn't have to worry about little things. Like, you

Anonymous said...

So why wasn't he on the official quest list? Isn't TUA HIS comic book?

And I know, it is screwed up, I care more about that too. He promised he would be there, wheither he was on the list or not. I feel bad for the fans, and that just shows you how much of an ass he is.

Anonymous said...

& It's probably not photoshopped.
It's a bad bleach job that makes it look kind of puffy on top and obviously it's not as pink as it could be, since his hair is so dark. When he bleached it, it probably came out yellow-ish so that's why you have that pepto bismol color.

Anonymous said...

So why wasn't he on the official quest list? Isn't TUA HIS comic book?

Most of these comic book/sci-fi type conventions have surprise guests who aren't on the official guest list. It's a tradition at these things.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Most of these comic book/sci-fi type conventions have surprise guests who aren't on the official guest list. It's a tradition at these things.

September 1, 2008 11:56 AM

^^ Oh okay, LOL. It just seemed weird to me that he wasn't on the guestlist.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

September 1, 2008 11:57 AM

I swear when I first say the picture I thought he looked like Ronald McDonald. Okay, now I'm confused... Did they use Ronald McDonald's hair, made it lighter and placed it on GW head? LMAO.

Anonymous said...

That picture's so funny!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I'd say Gerard got what he wanted. Lots and lots of attention.

I guess he was tired of all the talk being about Leathermouth and Frank's new 'stache.

Anonymous said...

His new stache does look good. :)
It's better than Gerard's pink hair.

Anonymous said...

apparently it's real?

Anonymous said...

Didn't Eliza have pink hair?

Anonymous said...

What color hair hasn't Eliza had. And I am sure now that Gerard has pink hair she will dye her's some god awful color so people will talk about her.

Anonymous said...

So it's offical.


LOL. the entire MCR fan base is buzzing about it. He totally got what he wanted.

Anonymous said...

Seems like we're not the only ones whi think it looks ridiculous. On LJ everybody seems to hate it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i don't blame them, it looks terrible.

i guess it's more "hardcore" to make it look bad by not doing it right. :P

apparently it's pansy-ish to dye your hair correctly by a professional.

Anonymous said...

If the light was better and he had a different hair cut the color might not be that bad.

We just have to wait for better pictures to tell

Anonymous said...

the entire MCR fan base is buzzing about it. He totally got what he wanted.

Yeah, but nobody seems to like it. Apart from on girl on BN.

Anonymous said...

I never said that everyone liked it and I don't blame them, it looks bad. But I think that, that's what Gerard wanted. He probably dyed it pink and in a terrible way too so that everyone could be shocked (in a bad way). I think that this new scheme is simply following the others of his never ending quest: To make the teeny boppers stop loving him. I think it's rather stupid personally, I mean he can always dye it back. But that's how Gerard thinks.

Really random: But maybe he wants to be ugly to the world and just be "beautiful" to Lyn-Z?

Here I go again, psycho-analyzing him... :]

Anonymous said...

"I think that this new scheme is simply following the others of his never ending quest: To make the teeny boppers stop loving him."

Highly possible, but surely even HE can't be stupid enough not to realise by now that all his antics have had exactly the opposite effect - it's only the teenybopper fans left. The "real music fans" he craves respect musicians who have no need for attention-seeking stunts, and it's those "real musicians" who have the longevity and guaranteed record sales. I'd love to see MCR make another record, if only to see if anyone out there, besides the "Ger-Z Girls", actually gives a shit anymore!

Anonymous said...

It is really pink? *dies laughing*
Hey, so do you guys think we'll get an apology from all those teenies who swore it was photoshopped and couldn't wait to prove us wrong?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd love to see MCR make another record, if only to see if anyone out there, besides the "Ger-Z Girls", actually gives a shit anymore!

September 2, 2008 7:59 AM

^^ If that happens I will, R-O-F-T-L. :]
& your right, that fans that have really respected him and MCR have walked away or a lot of them at least are going too. I can't stand his stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ Sept 1st, 11:55 AM:

LOL. Are you referring to the cherry pepto bismol? I swear I thought I saw Ronald Mcdonald in the house after seeing that picture.

I'm thinking he probably dyed it because he got jealous that Frank and Leathermouth were getting more attention than he was. I wouldn't be surprised. And if that was his motive, the only thing I can say is that he seriously needs to grow the hell up.

Anonymous said...

I meant the original pepto bismol. LMAO. But I can see that it does look a little bit, cherry-ish.
& I totally thought of the same thing. HA! If all else fails, Gerard could become the next Ronald McDonald. :]

Anonymous said...

Gerard just uglied himself up because Lindsey's such a Hatchet Face.

Anonymous said...

Stop insulting Hatchet Face! She doesn't deserve this abuse.

Anonymous said...

At least Hatchet Face is less slutty than Lynz

Anonymous said...

we can call Lindsey

Mudflap Face

Anonymous said...

Lindsey's not even a Butter Face, she's a Butter Everything.

Anonymous said...

Even if Gerard was trying to get attention with this latest bit of stupidity, I think maybe it backfired on him.

Before, when he cut his hair for the Ghost of You video and when he bleached it out for The Black Parade, fans were saying things like "OH NO, WHY DID HE CHANGE HIS BEAUTIFUL HAIR?! I LIKED IT BETTER BEFORE!"

Now they're mostly just making fun of him.

Sorry, Geetard. Nobody can take your stupid ass seriously anymore.

Anonymous said...

Another pic of Geenold McDonald.

Anonymous said...

^ I think I just threw up a little bit.

Anonymous said...

And still no post on stafoo!

Just further proof that all the old fans have already jumped ship.

Anonymous said...

what exactly is stafoo?

Anonymous said...

Is today Ger-z's one year anniversary?

Anonymous said...

Stafoo is stfugerard - a community on livejournal that used to make jokes about Gerard. For the most part the people there were fans and the jokes were harmless.

A while back the community just sort of died. I said on an earlier post that Gerard has become such a joke in and of himself that there's really not much point in making fun of him anymore.

Still, the hair thing is pretty damn funny.

Anonymous said...

Ronald McDonald had that job locked down for years. he's gotta be fucking pissed.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people have hair that color. I see them at Hot Topic all the time.

Anonymous said...

...only most of them are about 15.

Anonymous said...

His (Frank's) new stache does look good. :)
It's better than Gerard's pink hair.

Everything about Frank is better than Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Woah, harsh^^ but probably accurate! Or Frank's capable of keeping his doucheness separate from the band. But then he does come across as a guy who's happy in himself and not pathetically desperate to be 'cool'.

It's a good thing Gerard SAYS he's happy with being uncool!

Anonymous said...

Gerard 'says' a lot of things. Too bad you can't believe any of them.

Anonymous said...

Ronald McDonald had that job locked down for years. he's gotta be fucking pissed.

Ronald McDonald > Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Ronald McDonald > Gerard

Anonymous said...

Gerard doesn't have the class or brains of Ronald McDonald. I think we'd all know who'd come first in a Mr. Sexy contest too? That's right, Ronald would win. Plus, would you leave your children under Gerards supervision?

Anonymous said...

Gerard was never sexy except to the fifteen and under set. To me he was always just this intelligent, interesting, quirky guy who had a unique set of morals and ideals. I wanted to get inside his mind, not his pants.


I realise now just how over him and MCR I am and I have come here to say goodbye.

In the words of Bert McCracken:

"Don't want a part of it
Don't want to be seen with a type like you
I know you were born equipped
Your eyes tell lies you mouth can never spill
Can we get on with it
We both need to go our separate ways
And never be seen again
Your eyes tell lies you mouth can never spill
Your eyes tell lies you mouth can never spill

So nice to meet you
I see right through that smile so in other words
So nice to meet you
I hope I never see your face again"

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Gerard will rent LynX for her birthday. Or maybe this time he'll get her some baby seals and he and MSI can club them to death in a parking lot. Then Jimmy Urine can brag about it onstage.

Anonymous said...

^Damnit, I meant their anniversary.

Anonymous said...

I knew what you ment.

I wonder if the seal blood will be used to make Lindsey's hair red, until she washes it.

If she ever washes.......

Anonymous said...

I wanted to get inside his mind, not his pants.

Exactly. I think that's how a lot of us felt. That's why we're so disappointed with the way Gerard has turned out.

It has nothing to do with being jealous of his marriage. We were just thrown for a loop when he suddenly morphed into a completely different person in order to fit in with his new crowd of friends.

Anonymous said...

"We were just thrown for a loop when he suddenly morphed into a completely different person in order to fit in with his new crowd of friends."

People change. Get over it. Nobody stays the same forever.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* there's more...

Anonymous said...

...and more

Anonymous said...

Major LOL's to the Ronald Mcdonald comments. I bet Ronald must be pissed that his job might become outsourced due to GW's cherry pepto bismol colored hair.

Anonymous said...

People change. Get over it. Nobody stays the same forever.

You're right. People do change. Unfortunately, Gerard changed into RONALD McDONALD! Lulz.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that's noticed that BEFORE the dye Gerard hid from sight and his fans, now his Mr McDonald he can't help but jump into every camera shot he can? It's like he goes hunting for fans.

I think someone is missing his previous attention and is trying to get noticed again.....

Anonymous said...

geenlynz 4eva said...
People change. Get over it. Nobody stays the same forever.
Please somebody tell me that was bad sarcasm.

Now: call me old-fashioned or whatever, but shouldn't ideals and morals be part of the foundation of who you are? Meaning you can't just turn them on and off like a light switch.
So either there's hypocrisy going on somewhere, or someone's been a little liar right fro the start.
I'm not gonna start pointing the finger though, I'm just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Gerard is such an Eliza.

Anonymous said...

People change. Get over it. Nobody stays the same forever.

Yes they do, you are absolutely right. But they don't change that much that quick without causing alot of fans to do a huge WTF?!

He did a 180 degree change over a summer! That's quite an achievement!

Anonymous said...

Now: call me old-fashioned or whatever, but shouldn't ideals and morals be part of the foundation of who you are? Meaning you can't just turn them on and off like a light switch.
So either there's hypocrisy going on somewhere, or someone's been a little liar right fro the start.

My vote goes with liar from the start. Either that or he's hella confused.

Anonymous said...

don't insult Eliza like that.

Anonymous said...

My vote goes with liar from the start. Either that or he's hella confused.

I am going with confused and very easily led?!

He did seem very very sincere at the beginning. I just think he got tired of doing that.

No excuse but that's my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

He did seem very very sincere at the beginning. I just think he got tired of doing that.

No excuse but that's my thoughts.

That's kinda my point though. If you are sincere and you do believe in something, nothing anybody says should change that belief.
Even if it does get you a free pass to hang out with the "cool" kids.

Anonymous said...

I know blink! i know!

He just seemed so jaded with everything!

I think he met them and saw how they behaved/lived and thought oh fuck it!!

MSI have basically the anti message to MCR. although in a jokey way it is pretty opposite.

I still worry about him. I am still disappointed. I can't stop worrying though. I think he is a needy person.I don't want him to get horribly hurt. I just think he might?

Anonymous said...

blink, that comment was in no way meant sarcastically btw.

Anonymous said...


Lol. Or he can be that chick from Wendy's.

Anonymous said...

Gerard is going through a midlife crisis at 31.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

genelynx 4eva said...

People change. Get over it. Nobody stays the same forever.

September 3, 2008 11:05 AM

I aqm sure you will be following your same advice of "Get over it" when someone you really care about changes into a douche bag.

So, I am going to give you some advice. Just because people or things change it doesn't mean you have to accept it. Especially if they turn into a douchebag. Some times a little kick in the pants or head is what they need to see what an ass they have become.

Anonymous said...


I don't mean this in any derogatory way, but why do you want to care so much for a person you don't personally know.

We all want to believe in the good in people, sometimes they shock us with the truth.

Anonymous said...

"Even if it does get you a free pass to hang out with the "cool" kids."

I love how when people refer to MSI now they always remember to put the inverted commas around the "cool", possibly because it's quicker that writing "in Gerard's mind, and Gerard's mind alone"!!

And now in recent issues, even Kerrang seem to be tiring of them.

Anonymous said...

I saw that too Kass. They seemed more interesed in the supporting band Fucked Up (who dominated more or less half the article) then they were MSI. No mention of Lindsey either, just a pic.

Anonymous said...

Tosser McTosspot's new hair made the Perez Hilton gossip website, reader comments split almost equally between "Awww, isn't he adorable!" and "Fat gay wanker". So if he did it for attention he got it!

Anonymous said...

Of course he did it for attention. He wanted the little girls to flip their shit.

All I have to say is that he's a pretty sad individual.

Anonymous said...

"Fat gay wanker".

I know it is wrong on alot of levels but I laughed out loud at that! Oh dear!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...


I don't mean this in any derogatory way, but why do you want to care so much for a person you don't personally know.

We all want to believe in the good in people, sometimes they shock us with the truth.

September 3, 2008 9:53 PM

Just because I don't know someone personally it doesn't mean that I want to see bad things happen to them. I am not sure if Gw really is a dick who pretended to be a good person or if he is a good person who is dazed and confused right now. But I don't want to see him end up dead in a gutter because of some rock and roll cliche he thought he need to live up to.

Anonymous said...

Well said Martha.

Anonymous said...

Martha I think the majority of people do not want to see others self-destruct.

He seems to have surrounded himself with people who don't have his best interests at heart, including the idiot wife.

I just don't see how the opinions of a group of strangers might have any influence on him, or even if he is aware of them. If anything he seems to be the type of personality who would do the exact opposite to prove a point.

Anonymous said...

If anything he seems to be the type of personality who would do the exact opposite to prove a point.

I agree with that. He reminds me of a little kid who does the exact opposite of what his parents tell him to do, just to see how much he can get away with. If he's aware of blogs like this I can actually see him being pleased that he managed to get such a huge rise out of people.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Martha I think the majority of people do not want to see others self-destruct.

He seems to have surrounded himself with people who don't have his best interests at heart, including the idiot wife.

I just don't see how the opinions of a group of strangers might have any influence on him, or even if he is aware of them. If anything he seems to be the type of personality who would do the exact opposite to prove a point.

September 4, 2008 3:24 PM

This isn't just for the benefit of GW. This is for the benefit of the fans or exfans who have no place else to go.

The majority of the MCR fansite either delete any thread where you think GW has changed. or you get harassed by people who don't like your opinion.

As far as GW knowing about this, some of the things he has said in interviews leads me to believe that he knows that the fans aren't happy. There was also one with jimmy urine that made it sound like he knows that not all is well with MCR fans because of him, lynz and his band.

I think he is the kind of person who would do the exact opposite to prove a point but I don't think that means the fans who are troubled by his behavior should just accept it. Even if he isn't aware of how the fans feel I am sure he will find out. TBPID didn't sell as well s they had hoped, with this place existing they will know why.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That entry is protected. Can you tell us what it was about?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I unjoined all the mcr comms on livejournal a while back. Maybe you can post it someplace else?

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry it was just a new red hair gerard picture with lynz in it this time, not really a big deal. Its all over buzznet if you want to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Oh god, so I've seen nothing has changed. I don't know why I keep hoping.


Anonymous said...

So is hair red now?
I don't feel like seeing the picture, what's the point of giving it more veiws. :]

Anonymous said...

So is hair red now?
I don't feel like seeing the picture, what's the point of giving it more veiws? :]

Anonymous said...

He seems to lack any taste when it comes to choosing women. He likes them dense & easy.

Anonymous said...

No, Lindsey's hair isn't red. I don't think she would do that to herself, especially since she's touring right now. She does look like she's bulked up quite a bit, though. She's much more muscular than Gerard.

Anonymous said...

I think the red hair is the final straw somehow although it doesn't really have to do with his hair at all. It's more the realization that Gerard is none of the things I once thought he was and all of the things I hoped he wasn't. It doesn't matter whether the band breaks up or not because in my mind they're already gone.

Anonymous said...

Gerard Way is a joke to most music fans everywhere. Let him go off and make a living writing comic books and following his butch ass wife all over the country.

I'd just as soon do without another over-produced, hype-fueled, underselling attempt to become the next Green Day anyhow. I'm actually praying for a break-up.

Anonymous said...

blink, that comment was in no way meant sarcastically btw.

Pity. I was kinda hoping. After all, the comment itself seemed a little too perfect (grammatically) for someone who was using "geenlynz 4eva" as a username...

And now in recent issues, even Kerrang seem to be tiring of them.
Thank God. I can finally buy music magazines again.

It's more the realization that Gerard is none of the things I once thought he was and all of the things I hoped he wasn't. It doesn't matter whether the band breaks up or not because in my mind they're already gone.
Sad, but true.
I think that's how most of us here feel - let down by someone who we were told knew better.
The band that we knew and loved back in the beginning is dead as far as I'm concerned.
Hopefully sales of the next record will just confirm what we know - the fangirls have found new "hot guys" to obsess over. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

Anonymous said...

"Let him go off and make a living writing comic books and following his butch ass wife all over the country."

Ah, but come on, it's fun to take the piss and I couldn't think of two more deserving targets - Mr.Pretty Boy Hypocrite and his rough-as-a-badger's-arse-talent-free-zone "missus". Rip him limb from limb (metaphorically!)and let him stand as a warning to the next tousle-haired boy idol who dares to pretend he gives a shit about anything other that units shifted!!

Still, TUA & TBP will definitely come in handy when I'm looking for kindling and coasters this Winter....

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough. I didn't know that changing your whole identity for someone constitutes love.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark

Anonymous said...

Come on, guys. Keep an open mind about LynX being an inspiration for girls and women. Why, I bet if she hadn't done that interview where she talked about not being afraid to suck at being a musician, Eliza would never have made her foray into music and we never would have had that lovely Konichiwa song!

Anonymous said...

I found it funny how when the red/pink/whatever hair pic first came out evveeerrrryybboodddyyy hated when they thought it was photoshopped, now that they know its real they're all like "OMG Gee you're like soooo hot, like OMG!!!"
(Well not all of them but a lot that I've seen)


Oh, and I love how that chick who came on here giving everyone crap about believing the hair was real and that she couldn't wait for the real pictures to surface to prove us wrong has been MIA ever since...

Anonymous said...

It makes me want to vomit that all four of the BN news caps to the right of the screen when you look at pictures and such is GERARD MUTHA FUCKIN' WAY! He's on a break dammit!

Anonymous said...


That is hilarious about the MIA chick, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

oh yeah^

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make if he dyed his hair? Its easy to dye it back. He dyed it for that dragoncomic thing where people dress up in wierd costumes. Did you see the other people in that picture? He looked more normal then they did. His hair will be black again before you know it.

Anonymous said...

Konichiwa is the jam of the year. that shit is the bomb. Eliza knows how to pop it off. fo real though!

Anonymous said...

Konichiwa is the jam of the year. that shit is the bomb. Eliza knows how to pop it off. fo real though!

Damn straight. That girl has a future in music!

Hey, if LynX can do it...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make if he dyed his hair? Its easy to dye it back. He dyed it for that dragon comic thing where people dress up in weird costumes. Did you see the other people in that picture? He looked more normal then they did. His hair will be black again before you know it.

September 5, 2008 5:57 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually form what I was told someone who talked to him at dragon con said he did it so he wouldn't get mobbed. It was posted at ino.

But I think the people here are talking about it because all the fan girls were going on about how it wasn't real and how they were going to laugh at us for thinking it was.

Anonymous said...

mobbed by who?

Anonymous said...

Great thinking Smart. An extreme color will never draw attention to you!

Anonymous said...

I guess he didn't want to get mobbed by the hardcore friends that he's planning on making next.


Anonymous said...

Gerard is so stupid. he thought no one would recognize him if he had pink hair. he should try changing his clothes. he's the only one who wears a jean jacket with LynZ pins on it in the summertime.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on pretty boy! He did the world a favor. Who else would have picked "muscles" as wife material?

Anonymous said...

So, Gerard went from wearing dark sunglasses all the time and hiding from fans during the last couple of tours to advertising that he was going to be at Dracon Con, taking off the sunglasses, dying his hair Ronald McDonald red and posing for pictures with anyone and everyone who asked him to.

Hmm...sounds to me like he got a bit of a rude awakening when TBPID didn't do as well as he expected.

Well, hope you can drum up some new fans doing that, Geetard, cuz the teenies are going to grow out of you while you're on break and you've alienated way too many of the pre-TBP fans. So good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

jw- Does anybody know exactly how many copies TBPID sold?

Anonymous said...

jw- Does anybody know exactly how many copies TBPID sold?

I don't have exact sales figures, but here is what I do know:

TBPID debuted at #22 on the Billboard 200, selling just under 23,000 copies the first week. It lasted a total of 3 weeks on the chart, dropping to #104 (selling nearly 7,000 more copies) the second week and #159 (selling just over 4,000 more) the third week, having sold just under 34,000 copies total before dropping off completely the following week. One can safely presume that subsequent weeks' sales were significantly less, optimistically placing the to date sales at around 50,000 or so (probably less).

Life on the Murder Scene didn't debut quite so highly, but from the figures I've seen, it sold at least 4 times more copies than TBPID, and it created considerably more buzz than TBPID among fans after its release. So, all in all, I'd say it was a major disappointment to both the band and the record label.

Anonymous said...

So, all in all, I'd say it was a major disappointment to both the band and the record label.

*it, being of course, TBPID.

That is what I get for not previewing and editing before hitting the 'publish your comment' button. :(

Anonymous said...

(after seeing MCR decked out in the Black Parade garb and make-up)

"One day fans of that band are going to look back and say, 'What was I thinking?' It will be like that guy's hair-do in Flock of Seagulls back in the '80's."

Anonymous said...

Gerard went from wearing dark sunglasses all the time and hiding from fans during the last couple of tours to advertising that he was going to be at Dracon Con, taking off the sunglasses, dying his hair Ronald McDonald red and posing for pictures with anyone and everyone who asked him to.

Hmm...sounds to me like he got a bit of a rude awakening when TBPID didn't do as well as he expected.

It doesn't matter to me what he does at this point. It's still going to be too little, too late.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I came in during revenge I went back and bought bullets. I loved both those CD and I even loved TBP. It wasn't them changing musical styles that pissed me off and made me change the way I see the band.

It was the fact that GW became everything that he said he didn't want to be. I don't believe the change had anything to do with TBP not selling well. I think it goes back to him being bottled at Reading. He really wanted to impress the rock fans. When he didn't he decided to become what he thought would make them like him.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It doesn't matter to me what he does at this point. It's still going to be too little, too late.

I feel that why as well. I also wonder if he is doing this to get rid of the fans that actually heard what he was saying back than.

Who needs fans who can think for themselves and comprehend what you are talking about, when you can have an army of mindless fans. Who will shell out mommy and daddy's money at the drop of a hat.

Anonymous said...

"One day fans of that band are going to look back and say, 'What was I thinking?'"

Your mom is right, I'm already thinking that and so are all of my friends. My best friend's sister had Merci pour le venin tatooed on her arm and she went and had it covered up with something else. If they let people under 18 get tatoos in my state I would probably have got an MCR one too. Thank God I didn't!

Anonymous said...

I understand about the whole tattoo thing, I wanted one too.

Anonymous said...

I have two MCR inspired tattoos and right now I can't afford to have them removed or covered up. :(

Anonymous said...

Poor 6.05. =(

What are they?

I nearly got an Anime version of Revenge MCR on my back. Thank fuck I didn't.

Anonymous said...

I have the circular Revenge gun logo tattooed on my arm and a rose with some lyrics from Demolition Lovers on my shoulder. I hate them. I don't really know what to cover them up with even if I had the cash right now. I just wish I'd never gotten them in the first place. My advice to anyone thinking about getting a tattoo, especially one inspired by a band is DON'T DO IT!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Too bad everythings gone to shit with MCR.

Anonymous said...

Nothing has gone to shit with MCR. Your all just a bunch of miserable people with no lives outside the internet and you think because a few of you get together to diss Gerard the band is over.

Well they are not. MCR will be back stronger than ever. You wait and see. They have an army, yes an army, of fans and we will be here waiting to welcome them with open arms. Then all you disbelievers can eat your hateful words and disappear back under the rock you crawled out from.

Anonymous said...

*crawls out from under rock, reads above comment from mcrarmy for life and collapses onto the ground in uncontrollable fit of laughter*

Anonymous said...

I think it goes back to him being bottled at Reading. He really wanted to impress the rock fans. When he didn't he decided to become what he thought would make them like him.

Not just Reading 2006 but also Download 2007. I think that one bothered him a heck lot more! That was the straw that broke the camel's back! so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Nothing has gone to shit with MCR. Your all just a bunch of miserable people with no lives outside the internet and you think because a few of you get together to diss Gerard the band is over.

Well I do have a life thanks very much! A job and a child and a significant other. I just think i would be lying to myself if i didn't admit that some serious shit has gone down with Gerard and the rest of MCR over the last year.

Anonymous said...

Nothing has gone to shit with MCR. Your all just a bunch of miserable people with no lives outside the internet and you think because a few of you get together to diss Gerard the band is over.

Well if you look closely I think there is alot of evidence of MCR going to shit. I think alot of the people in and close to the band have had just about enough of Gerard Way and his ego! James Dewees for one.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

mcrmy for life said...

Nothing has gone to shit with MCR. Your all just a bunch of miserable people with no lives outside the internet and you think because a few of you get together to diss Gerard the band is over.

Well they are not. MCR will be back stronger than ever. You wait and see. They have an army, yes an army, of fans and we will be here waiting to welcome them with open arms. Then all you disbelievers can eat your hateful words and disappear back under the rock you crawled out from.

September 7, 2008 1:27 PM

I highly doubt that you will still be into MCR when and if a new CD comes out. You will probably at Hannah Montana concert or the Jonas brothers.

Going on and on about how great they are. And how they changed your life.

Anyway you guys couldn't even tell that that picture of GW with red/pink hair was real. So why should I believe anything you have to say.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. Hey MJ! You say it all, as always.

Well if you look closely I think there is alot of evidence of MCR going to shit. I think alot of the people in and close to the band have had just about enough of Gerard Way and his ego! James Dewees for one.

September 7, 2008 2:01 PM

James? Source? What's this all about?

Although I would not be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Nothing has gone to shit with MCR.

You just keep telling yourself that. Maybe if you say it enough times, it will come true. I, however, prefer to live in reality.

Your all just a bunch of miserable people with no lives outside the internet

I think your getting us confused with yourself.

and you think because a few of you get together to diss Gerard the band is over.

The band isn't over because we are dissing Gerard, the band is over because Gerard is a shit-head. And maybe they will come out with another CD but for us it is over.

Well they are not. MCR will be back stronger than ever. You wait and see. They have an army, yes an army, of fans and we will be here waiting to welcome them with open arms. Then all you disbelievers can eat your hateful words and disappear back under the rock you crawled out from.

I'm going to try and understand your logic. We think Gerard is full of shit and that the only fans left are an army of mindless teenies,and because that is true we will eat our words? Sorry, but no.

PS - You fail at making sense.

Anonymous said...

"Not just Reading 2006 but also Download 2007. I think that one bothered him a heck lot more! That was the straw that broke the camel's back! so to speak."

I totally agree. I remember an interview he gave before my chem went on stage at Download and he said he wasn't nervous or something because he believed that the fest had evolved from a "metal" show to a "rock" show.
I guess all the Slayer fans disagreed.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened with James joining the band anyway? I remember there was a rumor going around a while ago that he was going to and I haven't heard anything since.

Anonymous said...

I don't think James and his keyboards fit in with Gerard's new image.

Keyboards ≠ hardcore.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, Gerard only wishes he was hardcore.

Someone on Mayo quoted James as saying that he could "be a dick and ask just the guys to take their shirts off" during the Reggie show in Pittsburgh. If that's true then wouldn't that mean James thinks Gerard is a dick? I know I do.

Anonymous said...

i think Gerard is letting LynZ and her shitty band burn every bridge that he has.

Anonymous said...

i think Gerard is letting LynZ and her shitty band burn every bridge that he has.

Lindsey and company might be adding fuel to the fire, but Gerard's the one who set it. He's the one who chose her and her band over his own.

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