Monday, June 2, 2008

"Courtney, I'll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney..."

If this post seems like it's all over the place I'm sorry. It is kind of pieced together from various different emails and buzznet messages I got.

Apparently LynZ is not happy with the attention she's getting from being Gerard's wife.

"It's f---ed up and totally offensive that my name has totally disappeared and I am now referred to as 'Mrs. Gerard Way,' " Lyn-Z – who married Way on September 3, 2007, following the final date of the Projkect Revolution tour – told Kerrang! It's f---ed up that little kids want to come to my show to see Gerard standing at the side of the stage. And I don't want to have anything to do with it."

ORLY? Then why did she and Gerard tour together and push their relationship on the public for months, if this was going to be such a problem. You can't believe that they didn't expect it. I will once again quote a friend of mine with permission,

But surely if she meant any of that, no one would have chosen to to the MSI/MCR tour--why go as an opening act if you don't want to be associated?--and definitely would not have used her body as a billboard for the fact that she was married to the singer of a hugely popular band? And if it's true that Gerard feels the same way, then he would not have chosen MSI to support MCR, he would not have spent an entire, what, nine months? talking them up, would not drop his marriage into every interview, and definitely there would not have been a summer of: sharpie references, product placement (the underwear,) showing off of hickies, onstage shout-outs, interviews about how MSI supported them from the beginning and the rest of that whole thing?

Actually, MCR has become product placement for MSI so this whole thing seems very insincere.

It makes me a little mad that I was late getting to this and other people already answered it better than I could answer it. ;)

LynZ said,
"One of the biggest reasons that I do what I do, is for other women and for other girls,

Wait, seriously? With lyrics like,

"5 Year Old Pantyshot
I Can See Between Her Legs
5 Year Old Pantyshot

5 Year Old Mother Fuckin Pantyshot Cant Complain
I Didnt Even Touch Her So I Cant Be Blamed
5 Year Old
Pantyshot In My Brain
My Life Has Meaning When She Spreads Her Legs"


"Back off you little shits
Gnawing at my fists
I see they breed you by the boatload

Back off you little whores
Get 'em on all fours"

Those aren't even just a fraction of the sexist, misogynist things they write in their songs and all of a sudden Lyn Z is saying that this is for women and other girls? Also, even after she admitted that she doesn't even bother to play her instrument, she just does backbends and dances, and that is for women and other girls? Just who is she trying to fool?

then suddenly, when I got married, that was taken away from me. I'm suddenly 'wife of blah blah blah.' I think it sends such a bad message to girls because it wipes out all the hard work that I did.

What hard work? She admitted herself that she can't play the bass and doesn't want to learn to improve. She admitted herself that her main talent was doing backbends.

And if she's so concerned about the messages she's sending to little girls, why is she in Mindless Self Indulgence with lyrics like

Every single one of you goddamn bitches ain't never gonna give me no love
I'm telling you every single one of you goddamn bitches ain't never gonna give me no love
Every little thing you do - rock my
Every little thing you do - fucking hole
Little teenage bitch

He [Way] doesn't want that for me either. The questions are neverending, and it's disgusting."

Then why the sharpie messages and the over the top public propaganda of their entire relationship? He pushed their relationship on the audience more than she even did, it was probably his decision to take them on tour, he wore their merchandise and made sure everyone knew it, he talked about MSI in interviews, he made up lies about how they "supported MCR from the beginning", he spent months talking about his wife and her band.

They must think their fans are so stupid. The sad thing is that many of the fans who can't htink for themselves are going to not even think about this.

Then later in Rock Sound she said,

To become "wife of" is without a doubt the most fucking heartbreaking thing that could ever happen. You can work your asses off for 10 years, and you can be amazing,

I hope she's not saying that she's amazing because in the last few interviews she admitted that she sucked and she was fine with that.

but at the end of the day you simply will be who you are married to. Is this nineteen fucking fifty three?

Whose fault is that? And if MSI is so upset that they are getting known for their association with MCR (yeah sure, we definitely believe that)! then why is Steve Righ? wearing a Mikey Fuckin Way t shirt to top it all off?

Role: inspirational bassist and visual artist

"Inspirational" now means "I can't be bothered to learn how to play"?

Now months ago I did
a post about Gerard just wanting to fit in with his new "hardcore" friends and that's why he was acting like such a douche on stage. I said that even before he did the "I want all the females to moan for me" act that he did. Some ex fans thought that Gerard was trying to be like Jimmy Urine. I thought so too but many didn't believe me.

Yet here is Jimmy Urine making the crowd moan for him two years ago.

And again.

and again. (Notice the description of, "Jimmy Urine gets the 99% 13 year old audience laid by doing an interactive sex exercise at the Pheonix on July 23, 2006.")

I guess I don't have to say anything more about that.

With that I leave you some of the lyrics of the "inspirational" Mindless Self Indulgence,

"Now tell me the truth. Be honest with me. Be honest with me. Do I look gay in
this outfit? Ok, fff. Thank God. I thought I looked like a faggot."

"This goes out to all my whores
This one goes out to my whores
Niggers and negros"

"I Suffer Again Because Me Want To Fuck And Touch
And Fuck And Touch The Children
Me Fucked For Life
Me Grow Old And Then They Dont Want Me But I Still Want Them
Dey Want Me Fucked Cuz I Be Da Monstar Getting Down In My Evil Ways "

Thank god they are out there doing this for women and little girls!

Sorry LynZ and Gerard, but you brought this on yourselves and if you say that you didn't expect this, then either you are completley stupid, and you are lying and you think that all the fans are completely stupid.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So, they were so shit, that the crowd didn't even bother to throw crap at them. They must have been really unimpressive.

According to a friend of mine who went, this is true. She said there were a few really young girls* (MCR fans?) down front, screaming and making a lot of noise, but the rest of the crowd was kind of like, WTF? Anyway she and her friend left about 15 minutes into the set.

*Jesus, did they come with their parents or something? Aren't there age restrictions at Leeds?

Anonymous said...

Aren't there age restrictions at Leeds?

No under 18's without an accompanying adult.

Why MSI would play there is beyond me. Nobody over fourteen likes their 'music.'

Anonymous said...

^Correction. Nobody over fourteen, except Gerard, likes their 'music.'

Anonymous said...

No one over 14 who isn't a MCR fangirl.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know if Gerard is touring with msi now since my chem is on a break?

Anonymous said...

I don't know for sure whether or not Gerard is with MSI right now but since there have been no recent Gerard sightings, I'm thinking not. Maybe the wife told him to stay away so his fans wouldn't be coming to her shows. Although, from what I've heard about the show at Leeds, they probably would have appreciated any fans they could get.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, people. It's time we all move on to something else. MCR probably won't be back so lets all just go find another band to obsess over. The Black Parade sucked anyway.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Jesus, people. It's time we all move on to something else. MCR probably won't be back so lets all just go find another band to obsess over. The Black Parade sucked anyway.

August 24, 2008 8:11 PM

People come here to vent and talk to other people who feel the same way they do. If you don't like don't come here, no one is forcing you to be here.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to express this... even if it's been expressed before:

I FUCKING HATE MSI! Their just terrible. & I really hope that Lyn-Z says something really stupid, soon so I can crack the heck up, although, just looking at her makes me laugh. I can't believe Gerard could stoop this low and marry a woman like that. Actually, I can! It's a fucking shame.

Unknown said...


Hey guys,

Gerard here... I'm hanging out with Mikey in New Jersey, relaxing, drinking coffee, talking comics, and getting ready to take a drive down south tomorrow. I don't know what states I'm passing through but I know where I'm heading. Don't worry I've got a the Clockwork Orange audiobook, a Dr. Pepper air-freshener, and a GPS so I don't get lost. We figured b now everyone that's a fan of the band might be wondering what we're up to, what we're planning, so I thought I'd write this letter and fill you all in.

We're living, decompressing- The Black Parade took over two years to tour and six months to make so that's a lot of existing in a fictional world, and we're just extremely happy to live in a real one for a while. One thing I can let you know is that we're excited. Genuinely more excited then we have ever been to be in this band, make some new music. Genuinely more excited then we have ever been in this band, make some new music. And we have ALL been writing new material in our own separate worlds... I started a week after I got home, buying a good rig, an old Jag, and a bunch of pedals- just searching for the next sound.

Bob is recovering well from his recent wrist surgery- exceedingly well considering how risky the procedure can be. We're all really happy that when he picks up the sticks again he won't be in the intense pain he was in during the last year of touring. It's going to take him a while to rehabilitate but know him, he will most likely be playing the drums before the doctor says it's a good idea. He just loves playing, we all do. Franks on the road with Leathermouth and Reggie and The Full Effect so you should go see them and get spit on. I know Leathermouth doesn't have a record out yet, but Frank gave it to me in Mexico and I can easily say it's my favorite post-hardcore record of the year, so I know you will at least enjoy the songs if you don't know the words.

One of the best parts of the last five months was getting to see Ray get married and all of us be a part of the wedding. It was beautiful. I'm not sure where the happy couple is right now but I am sure wherever they are, they are really enjoying it. I have never seen him happier in my life. So we made plans to get together soon and make some demos, see where our heads are at, take it slow. If explosions happen in our heads right away who knows how soon we could have a record out, we aren't in any rush but we get just as anxious as you to find out what the next "thing is going to be.

So that about wraps it up... I'm glad I could stop by for a chat, I think I will do it more often. I'm writing more comics, writing more music, and missing my wife right now. Oh, and I heard a rumor that I died in a car accident.
I didn't.


Anonymous said...

Notice how Gerard never mentioned Leathermouth's album title "Your Friends Are Full Of Shit".

How the fuck can he not know where Ray's having his honeymoon?!?!

"Missing my wife" save that shit for when you drive South and meet up with her in North Carolina because I doubt anyone really wants to hear that lovey dovey bull.

Anonymous said...

OIC whut you did thur, Getard.

Trying to act like pre-Revenge Gerard, talking to fans, keeping them updated so they won't forget about you. You didn't feel the need to do that so much before making TBP -- you, know, back when fans couldn't shut up about LOTMS and practically all of them ran out and bought copies. Not feeling quite so confident seeing as how no one really wanted TBPID, huh?

Well, guess what? I don't give a shit what you're up to, Dude. In the words of Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder, "Go fuck yourself."

Anonymous said...

^ I think you're on to something there Anon.

Anonymous said...

^ I think you're on to something there Anon.

Anonymous said...


*hears Les Grossman in that funny little sing-song voice - "go fuck yourself."*

Anonymous said...

Don't look now, but I think Gerard might just be advertising that he's going to be at MSI's next few shows (which, not-so-coincidentally, are in the South).

For shame, Gerard. You know that Lindsey doesn't want any of your fans showing up there. She wants MSI to succeed purely on the strength of their own musical talent.

Yeah. Right.

Anonymous said...

I see a certain band selling a lot more tickets to their gigs.

I see 12 year old girls in MCR merch watching off stage instead of on stage.

Believe!!! And it might become true!

Anonymous said...

Don't look now, but I think Gerard might just be advertising that he's going to be at MSI's next few shows

Yeah, that probably was the whole reason for the update, because we already know he doesn't care about the fans.

He never told us what Mikey was doing. Forgetting little brother again, tut tut!! Unless Mikey has turned into professional coffee drinker.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Lol, I see Gw has been surfing the net. I love the shot he tries to take at the non fans

"We figured b now everyone that's a fan of the band"

And how All of them are writing.

Anonymous said...

The band don't need to see the internet....they have Reprise informants giving them feedback.

*Waves to Reprise informant*

Gerard's little PR letter failed. Sorry. Now, relay that back to him. Why not try a video blog next?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I heard a rumor that I died in a car accident.

Yeah, but what about that rumor that you turned into an asshole, Gerard?

Can't deny that one, can you?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

The band don't need to see the internet....they have Reprise informants giving them feedback.

*Waves to Reprise informant*

Gerard's little PR letter failed. Sorry. Now, relay that back to him. Why not try a video blog next?

August 25, 2008 11:29 AM

Whatever Reprise/WB is paying them is too much. If it took them this long to figure out that there might be a problem with the fans.

Anonymous said...

OK, I will formally say, thank you for the update Mr. Gerard Way, but can you explain to me why you always have to proclaim the fact that your married?


Shit! I understand you want to talk about the music and updates, but talking about your wife is completly unnecessary. No one asked, sooooooo... STFU! Ugh!

He really loves rubbing the fact that he's married in people's faces. Fuck the comics and the music, being married is his only priority. His head is up Lyn-Z's ass so far that it's not even funny.

And yeah, he probably will go on tour with MSI and Mikey too. I'm starting to not like Mikey either. I really couldn't respect him anymore if he starts to become buddy buddy with MSI. >_<

Anonymous said...

Oh, but he had to mention his wife. Don't you see? He mentions how she's not around and then the fans go look to see where MSI is playing. Then, they see she's going to be in NC and GA and then have a little EUREKA! moment.


After all, they have important things to pay for - monkey rental, smashed bass guitars, designer handbags, etc.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh, but he had to mention his wife. Don't you see? He mentions how she's not around and then the fans go look to see where MSI is playing. Then, they see she's going to be in NC and GA and then have a little EUREKA! moment.


After all, they have important things to pay for - monkey rental, smashed bass guitars, designer handbags, etc.

August 25, 2008 11:58 AM

^^ As harsh as this sounds I hope all the G Way lovers go to the damn show and piss off Lyn-z once again so she can get interviewed and say something stupid, so I can laugh and laugh and laugh again. Gerard has become MSI's #1 promoter, I think he's better than MSI's manager, if they can even afford one, but I think with all the money that they are generating because of the Gerard and Lyn-Z scenerio, they can actually get one... Hmm, and I think that the best canidate would be Gerard.

Besides, reguarding to that stupid letter and that he sent to the "fans" personally it doesn't change how I feel about him. He can write 500 letter for all I care.

He completly ruined it for me when he mentioned his wife. From then on I knew that he hasn't changed. It's all her and her. Last time I checked the letter was addressed to the fans and it's about updates. No one cares about how you currently felt (I mean in a sense we do, but you don't have to get all damn personal neither) and how much you missed your wife. I've never seen the other guys do that... He does it on purpose and it's pathetic. According to Gerard being married makes you better than everyone else.

Is it another hit to the teeny boppers to get away from him? Or is it a hit to his ex-girlfriends. Either way, it's dumb and he needs to grow up! Simple as that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Is it another hit to the teeny boppers to get away from him? Or is it a hit to his ex-girlfriends. Either way, it's dumb and he needs to grow up! Simple as that.

Neither band won anything at the Kerrange awards. I think that surprised him. And than msi didn't do so well at Reading so he need to get out there and remind the "fans" that they are still around.

Anonymous said...

Why, what went down at Reading?^^

Anonymous said...

Why, what went down at Reading?^^

Anonymous said...

It's kind of hilarious how everyone on mcr's myspace page is only commenting on his grammar

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Nothing happened at Reading. People ignored them. Couldn't even be bother to throw bottles of piss at them

Anonymous said...

haha, why the hell did they even play there?????

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's kind of hilarious how everyone on mcr's myspace page is only commenting on his grammar

August 25, 2008 12:37 PM

^^ Yeah because everyone is blinded by Gerard Way's glory.

Anonymous said...

Neither band won anything at the Kerrange awards. I think that surprised him. And than msi didn't do so well at Reading so he need to get out there and remind the "fans" that they are still around.

August 25, 2008 12:26 PM

^^ your probably right Martha, it's all about record sales too. I just can't take his, "Well, I love the fans and I'm going to write them a letter" act. It's been done before. It's all about how big his pay check is in his mailbox and now his wife's paycheck.

Shame, shame, shame on them.

Anonymous said...

If it took them this long to figure out that there might be a problem with the fans.

I agree Martha, but then there's informing someone of a problem and then there's someone taking actions to resolve it. I guess GW was so high on crack that it took him a while to get to it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
haha, why the hell did they even play there?????

August 25, 2008 12:44 PM

^^ Gerard Way's promotion? Lyn-Z and Gerard's love-a-ton in PR, which led to MSI getting constant heat in tons of media?

Yeah. I think that's why.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

If it took them this long to figure out that there might be a problem with the fans.

I agree Martha, but then there's informing someone of a problem and then there's someone taking actions to resolve it. I guess GW was so high on crack that it took him a while to get to it.

August 25, 2008 12:54 PM

I think he realized that the Jonas brothers might give him a run for hid money.

they are younger and better looking than he is and right now the majority of the fan base is made up of young girls. We all know how loyal young girls are when it comes to music groups.

Anonymous said...

I guess GW was so high on crack that it took him a while to get to it.
Or with everything that's happened recently, God Gerard might be in fear of his and wifey's career. He's might be starting to wake up to possibility that he's not as popular as he first was. Kerrang voted them best international band for, what, 3 years in a row? And now they were beat out by 30STM. Plus, Kerrang is voted by the public. Anyone could convey this in the the fans not loving them as much and walking away (which so many have). I fear it's too little too late. The fans have lost interest.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
haha, why the hell did they even play there?????

August 25, 2008 12:44 PM

^^ Gerard Way's promotion? Lyn-Z and Gerard's love-a-ton in PR, which led to MSI getting constant heat in tons of media?

Yeah. I think that's why.

August 25, 2008 12:54 PM

More like Lyn-Z got down on her knees enough times so that Gerard would promote MSI

Anonymous said...

I never thought of the Jonas Brother's concept. I'll completly give that to you because I think it's so true.

Seriously now. All I can do is laugh.

I love how teeny boppers are so fickle. LESS MONEY FOR MCR! YAY! :D

Anonymous said...

More like Lyn-Z got down on her knees enough times so that Gerard would promote MSI

August 25, 2008 1:06 PM
^^ LOL. Totally right. You just cut down to the chase. I just wanted to elaborate it more.

Thanks for keeping it real.

Anonymous said...

More like Lyn-Z got down on her knees enough times so that Gerard would promote MSI

August 25, 2008 1:06 PM
^^ LOL. Totally right. You just cut down to the chase. I just wanted to elaborate it more.

Thanks for keeping it real.

Anonymous said...


I wish Bob, Ray, Mikey and Frank all the money in the world. I feel fairly certain that the money they make isn't wasted on monkey rental.

Anonymous said...

Anyone could convey this in the the fans not loving them as much and walking away (which so many have). I fear it's too little too late. The fans have lost interest.

August 25, 2008 1:05 PM

^^ I doubt that all of them have. At least the blind ones and I have a feeling that the teeny boppers will eventually come back. >_<

The old ones and the new ones. CRAP!

Gerard has a way of making people think like how he wants them to think. I fell for that a couple of times before.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

So 30STM won, hasn't there CD been out for 3 years. I think that shook him up a bit

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I wish Bob, Ray, Mikey and Frank all the money in the world. I feel fairly certain that the money they make isn't wasted on monkey rental.

August 25, 2008 1:11 PM

^^ Alright I'll give you that. :)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Anyone could convey this in the the fans not loving them as much and walking away (which so many have). I fear it's too little too late. The fans have lost interest.

August 25, 2008 1:05 PM

^^ I doubt that all of them have. At least the blind ones and I have a feeling that the teeny boppers will eventually come back. >_<

The old ones and the new ones. CRAP!

Gerard has a way of making people think like how he wants them to think. I fell for that a couple of times before.

August 25, 2008 1:12 PM

But will enough of them come back?

Anonymous said...

Martha Jones said...
So 30STM won, hasn't there CD been out for 3 years. I think that shook him up a bit

August 25, 2008 1:13 PM

^^ Yeah, it has and I bet it shocked him too. But do you think he realized that in sense he brought all of this on himself and the rest of the band?

Ugh, I really doubt it.

Anonymous said...

But will enough of them come back?

August 25, 2008 1:15 PM

^^ Probably not, but as always there will be more, new ones coming in. So in a sense it replaces the old teenies. Their going to make lots of money either way... Unless their new album, that is supposedly in the making sucks.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that the teeny boppers will eventually come back

Really? I don't think that at all. MCR will be too "old" - Gerard and Ray will be 33, Mikey will be 30, Frank 29 and Bob 31. No way are teenagers going to give them a second look.

But then look at 30STM - they're "old" too. Well, Jared and Shannon are. But they seem not to age at all. That can't be said for any member of MCR.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Martha Jones said...
So 30STM won, hasn't there CD been out for 3 years. I think that shook him up a bit

August 25, 2008 1:13 PM

^^ Yeah, it has and I bet it shocked him too. But do you think he realized that in sense he brought all of this on himself and the rest of the band?

Ugh, I really doubt it.

August 25, 2008 1:17 PM

No he won't he will think it is because people are just jealous of him and lynz.

It is sad because I liked MCR. I thought I would have been a fan for a long time. But He had to go and become and ass and start promoting a band that has no redeeming qualities.

Unknown said...

Mmmm, how's that bitterness tasting?

You guys are priceless.

Peace, bitches. :D

Anonymous said...

And peace to you too Bitch!! :D

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that the teeny boppers will eventually come back

Really? I don't think that at all. MCR will be too "old" - Gerard and Ray will be 33, Mikey will be 30, Frank 29 and Bob 31. No way are teenagers going to give them a second look.

But then look at 30STM - they're "old" too. Well, Jared and Shannon are. But they seem not to age at all. That can't be said for any member of MCR.

August 25, 2008 1:20 PM

It's all about the attitude. 30STM to come out with a message of we are here to save your life and than turn their backs on it.

Anonymous said...

But will enough of them come back?

August 25, 2008 1:15 PM

^^ Probably not, but as always there will be more, new ones coming in. So in a sense it replaces the old teenies. Their going to make lots of money either way... Unless their new album, that is supposedly in the making sucks.

August 25, 2008 1:20 PM

I don't really think the next group of young people coming up will be into rock music. Most of them are into that High school musical stuff. So unless they have older siblings that like MCR I don't see to many new fans coming in.

Anonymous said...

Really? I don't think that at all. MCR will be too "old" - Gerard and Ray will be 33, Mikey will be 30, Frank 29 and Bob 31. No way are teenagers going to give them a second look.


Well Gerard, Mikey, Bob, and Frank look fairly young for their age. Theirs nothing like a simple make over to make them look better, they are still very attractive (not that Ray isn't, is just I doubt a lot of teenies see him as the "hot" one). & Btw, Gerard is aging rather well and so is Mikey, Frank, and Bob. I'm sorry to say this, but they look good.

And I know a lot of teenagers that still find them attractive. I'm not talking about age when I say teeny boppers, you can be a teeny bopper and be 40 years old. If you like the band for superficial reasons I think that makes you one. An example of a superficial reason is to like them for ONLY there looks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they're ageing well at all. Gerard was, but with the Comic Con pics......he looked like shit.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And I know a lot of teenagers that still find them attractive. I'm not talking about age when I say teeny boppers, you can be a teeny bopper and be 40 years old. If you like the band for superficial reasons I think that makes you one. An example of a superficial reason is to like them for ONLY there looks.

August 25, 2008 1:28 PM

But the older ones wouldn't have left. The older you are the more likely you are to still like them. Where as the younger ones will just move on.

Anonymous said...

I don't really think the next group of young people coming up will be into rock music. Most of them are into that High school musical stuff. So unless they have older siblings that like MCR I don't see to many new fans coming in.

August 25, 2008 1:27 PM

^^ I'll give you that, unless MCR has a way of over shadowing HSM and The Jonas Brothers. But you can also be into both... Hm..LOL.

We simply just don't know until the record comes out... At least I don't.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't think they're ageing well at all. Gerard was, but with the Comic Con pics......he looked like shit.

August 25, 2008 1:30 PM

^^ I guess it's preference.
& He probably looks like shit because he's been hanging around Lyn-Z and her band.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Some times GW looks rally good other times he doesn't. If he would stop drinking so much coffee, and get some sleep I don't think he would have to worry about his looks.

Anonymous said...

But the older ones wouldn't have left. The older you are the more likely you are to still like them. Where as the younger ones will just move on.

August 25, 2008 1:32 PM
^^ True, true.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't think they're ageing well at all. Gerard was, but with the Comic Con pics......he looked like shit.

August 25, 2008 1:30 PM

^^ I guess it's preference.
& He probably looks like shit because he's been hanging around Lyn-Z and her band.

August 25, 2008 1:36 PM

Frank gets married and he gains some weight but he still looks good.

GW gets married and he looks like death warmed over.

Anonymous said...


sister midnite said...

Gee, thanks, Laurel.
Peace back to you, and the little fuckwads just like you.

Meh. You're not worth it.

Cute letter. A for effort at sincerity. However, you'll forgive me if I don't really care.

As for Mayo's, I haven't been there much. When it started out, it was a lot of fun... not sue how it is now. But one thing I *can* say is that I wouldn't call the 'lovelies' fangirls. A lot of them are SO not - at least, most of the long-time commenters aren't. I also believe that most of the peoples there don't give a rat's ass how they're perceived. It's all been said & done before.

Mostly stopping in to say hi, Mondays blow!

Anonymous said...

Martha Jones said...
Some times GW looks rally good other times he doesn't. If he would stop drinking so much coffee, and get some sleep I don't think he would have to worry about his looks.

August 25, 2008 1:36 PM

^^ Yeah, in essence he is very attractive. By the whole Lyn-Z and MSI comment, I meant that it's the lifestyle that he's probably living with them. But at same time, he's always had prongs of looking a little be awful at times.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello sis m

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Martha Jones said...
Some times GW looks rally good other times he doesn't. If he would stop drinking so much coffee, and get some sleep I don't think he would have to worry about his looks.

August 25, 2008 1:36 PM

^^ Yeah, in essence he is very attractive. By the whole Lyn-Z and MSI comment, I meant that it's the lifestyle that he's probably living with them. But at same time, he's always had prongs of looking a little be awful at times.

August 25, 2008 1:40 PM

I get that. But I don't know if it is photo shop are he did the pictures a head of time for comic con. But one minute he would look god awful the next a little like his old self.

Anonymous said...

Laurel said...
Mmmm, how's that bitterness tasting?

You guys are priceless.

Peace, bitches. :D

August 25, 2008 1:23 PM

^^Wow is all have to say. I didn't even notice that comment. :P

That lovely letter doesn't change anything. I still feel the same way about G. Way and I think that most of us do too. But thanks again for giving us the letter. It really confirmed a lot of things darling.

Anonymous said...

I get that. But I don't know if it is photo shop are he did the pictures a head of time for comic con. But one minute he would look god awful the next a little like his old self.

August 25, 2008 1:44 PM

^^ Hmm, well to be honest I haven't seen the new pictures. But if it's taken at the con I really doubt that it's photoshopped, unless I fan took it and edited it.

Do you mean that his mood in the images changed? What made him look so awful?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I was watching some of the interviews. He looked awful in the G4 ones. But the ones for MTV he looked better. Than there are the photos. Some he looks awful other he doesn't look as bad.

Maybe he looks worse at certain times of the day.

Anonymous said...

Comic Con


Not photoshopped.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

A lot of those are the pictures I was thing thinking about.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I see what your talking about Martha, it just seems so weird. But I think this happens because, in the beginning of the comic con he's probably really exicted and then through out the day he gets so tired of people basically saying, "OMG! I LOVE YOU!" I personally think he's weirded out by the fans greatly. He's an awkward person to begin with. And as corny as it sounds what you feel in the inside reflects to the outside. And that goes with whatever emotional issues he's going through.

Anonymous said...

Oh and the fact that he smokes and never happens to sleep also adds to him not looking like the best that he can be.

Now I don't know if the whole "drugs" aligation is true but if it is then that would explain a lot.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

2:15 I think you are right.

But you know what I think the shy awkward GW is way better than the one we have know.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Oh and the fact that he smokes and never happens to sleep also adds to him not looking like the best that he can be.

Now I don't know if the whole "drugs" aligation is true but if it is then that would explain a lot.

August 25, 2008 2:19 PM

It is the weight loss that make s me think it might be true. He was getting a little chubby at the end of the tour and now he is skinny again.

Anonymous said...

But you know what I think the shy awkward GW is way better than the one we have know.

August 25, 2008 2:19 PM
^^ Yeah, your right. I miss that greatly. :D *reminisces*

It is the weight loss that make s me think it might be true. He was getting a little chubby at the end of the tour and now he is skinny again.

August 25, 2008 2:21 PM

^^ Yeah, same here, aside from his other antics but I also heard that cigarette smoking yo yo's your weight. So.. Who knows. The man is just weird all over. LOL.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He is an odd one. But odd is better than asshole hypster any day.

Anonymous said...

I think the weight loss/gain has more to do with his emotional state than anything else.

Anonymous said...

asshole hypster

What the insecure wife wants.

Anonymous said...

He is an odd one. But odd is better than asshole hypster any day.

August 25, 2008 2:30 PM

^^ Haha, yeah! It was the weird-ness about him that made us fall for him. Since most of us are pretty weird, we can totally relate. :D And odd is always better.

!!StupidHypsterpersonna!!! It ruined everything.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think the weight loss/gain has more to do with his emotional state than anything else.

August 25, 2008 2:31 PM
^^ Yeah, that too.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

What every is causing the weight loss it isn't healthy and can and will lead to problems later on.

He was this strange guy but that is what made him stand out. Normal people are a dime a dozen. but it takes some one who goes against the grain to speak up. Speaking up up the ills in the world around you won't make you popular.

Anonymous said...


Honestly, I wouln't have such a problem with this if there weren't sooooooo many pictures like this floating around. All the Lynz ass kissers say its an accident, she was putting on an act for the audience and accidentally flashed her goods. Ever heard of pants Lyn?
I feel like the only thing that's important to her looking sexy on stage, hence the skirt, boots, and school girl top. Real musicians could care less what they looked like on stage, but nobody ever said Lynz was a real musician

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Real musicians could care less what they looked like on stage, but nobody ever said Lynz was a real musician


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I wouln't have such a problem with this if there weren't sooooooo many pictures like this floating around. All the Lynz ass kissers say its an accident, she was putting on an act for the audience and accidentally flashed her goods. Ever heard of pants Lyn?
I feel like the only thing that's important to her looking sexy on stage, hence the skirt, boots, and school girl top. Real musicians could care less what they looked like on stage, but nobody ever said Lynz was a real musician

August 25, 2008 2:46 PM

^^ Yeah I completly understand you. I can't believe how anyone in their right mind can support this woman, she disqusting.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the LynZ picture should come with a fuckin' warning. I'm serious, please warn people before osting that shit! I nearly throw up my tea.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the LynZ picture should come with a fuckin' warning. I'm serious, please warn people before osting that shit! I nearly throw up my tea.

My sincerest appologies =)

Anonymous said...

Ah, mate! I want the picture of Lindsey as my MySpace profile pic. It's so nasty!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yeah, the LynZ picture should come with a fuckin' warning. I'm serious, please warn people before osting that shit! I nearly throw up my tea.
^^ I nearly pissed myself when you said that. I know.. Seriously now. LOL.

Anonymous said...


Have I introduced you to Lynz's panties? No?

Anonymous said...

I feel so evil for doing this, but...

If John Waters ever decides to remake Crybaby, Lindsey would be perfectly cast as Hatchet Face.

Anonymous said...

Oh my fucking God. That scared the shit out of me!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey is a fucking Hatchet Face. i like how Lindsey was the after thought in his "letter to fans".

it was Comics, Music, then old Hatchet Face.

Anonymous said...

oh hatchet face, you're such a fine source of entertainment

Anonymous said...

I don't think the mention of Lindsey was an afterthought. It's obvious that one of Gerard's main objectives was to let fans know he was headed down south to be with her on Wednesday. He's still obviously trying to promote MSI's shows and using MCR's myspace to do it.

Anonymous said...

the worst pic of Lindsey is on the MSI press page of their website.

Alternative(July 2008)

it's fucking vomit inducing.

Anonymous said...

This is really off topic but I need to get it off my chest...

What really fucking bugs me about this whole "Lynz is sooo inspirational" bullshit is she planted this notion in people's minds. I honestly can't remember anyone calling Lynz their role model before the whole interview where she said that most of the reason she does what she does is for other women and girls blablabla came out. It's like after that interview all the fangirls were like "oh yeah, I forgot, I like, totally look up to you and stuffz" GAG. If you have to tell someone you're an inspiration to them, YOU'RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT.

Anonymous said...


true, but he usually gushes over her and this time he mentioned her last.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

true, but he usually gushes over her and this time he mentioned her last.

August 25, 2008 6:28 PM

^^ Yeah, but I don't think he should have mentioned her either way. This is a letter to the fans and about their updates, reguarding music and their carrers. Did anyone ask him to talk about his personal life. & Yeah, I know that the Ray Toro tid bit is important it's a major thing that he got married, so it's fine that he mentioned it.

But seriously, it's been almost a year that he's been married to this woman. Who cares? Stop mentioning her. He wants MSI to get even more famous and that's that. I am so tired of hearing his wife's name and her band corrilated to him and MCR, mostly MCR. It makes me want to punch a wall. It's annoying.

Anonymous said...

Damn. VV, it amazes me to see how many comments and opinions increased since the last time I visited here.

More power to you sister. I'm glad this place is open for people to come here and vent about Gerard and his bullshit childish antics and whatever else with that caca MSI.

The evil side of me is happy that MSI didn't impress so many people during th Reading and Leeds festivals. I actually had a smile on my face when I read about it.

Evil, I know *waves to MJ*

Keep up the awesome work VV. Miss hearing from you. Take care.

Hello to all the anons out there.

veritavenom said...

What a coincidence Chaos! Nice to see you still come around here. I just did a new post. How are you?

veritavenom said...

Oh, to everyone, there is a new post. It's short because you have all summed up so much. But feel free to add anything to it. I'm glad you all are still around. This is a safe haven for people who can see through Gerard and LynZ's pathetic facade.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard and LynZ like fucking with fans. He says one thing, she says something contradictory.

If you look back, it was the same thing with Eliza during the are they, aren't they period. Gerard was telling the press he was single while Eliza was dropping every hint she could on her blogs that they were dating.

Now Gerard uses every opportunity he can to talk about "my wife" while LynZ bitches in the press about being referred to as "Mrs. Gerard Way." She complains about MCR fangirls coming to her shows looking for Gerard while he goes on his myspace to let them all know he'll be there and essentially inviting them to come and stalk him.

I think he's a seriously fucked up person who gets some kind of sick pleasure from sending out mixed signals and mind-fucking the little girls who worship him.

veritavenom said...

You could be on to something. COuld you repost that in my new post, anonymous? It's an interesting theory.

Anonymous said...

No problem. I was probably typing while you were posting.

Anonymous said...


Oh yeah, I totally went there.

Anonymous said...

I realize that it's been so long since you've written this but when/where did she admit she doesn't play her instrument?

Anonymous said...






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