Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community..."

This is something that someone linked to me out of interest in feminism and it sounded alot like it could be related to Gerard and how he has behaved on stage towards women. Synecdochic on Livejournal has written something that everyone with an interest in feminism should read. Even if you don't agree with it, it's a good read and an eye opener. She calls it "Don't be That Guy", and even without realizing it she explains the frustration that some of us have with Gerard over his recent treatment of the young girls and women in his audience. THE PERSON WHO WROTE THIS ENTRY IS NOT GIVING HER VIEWS ON MCR OR GERARD AT ALL. SHE PROBABLY DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT. I just got a link to the entry and thought it sounded like a message that needed to get out about how certain men who THINK they are treating women well when they are actually treating them like objects, acting like creeps and then just dismissing their concerns. It made me think of Gerard and what he owes to the fans who felt humiliated over his "moan for me" to the little girls and women in his audience. If I could say anything to Gerard, I would say a lot of things, but this would be at the top of the list.

I'm going to quote some of it because these are things that I wish Gerard understood about how some of us feel about his "moan for me" bit. And why explanations and excuses would not be enough.

Women -- in person and on the internet -- hear, day in and day out, implicitly and explicitly, that their experiences don't count. That they need a man to come along and Explain Things. (...)

If you are ever, ever in a conversation about anything relating to gender expression, sexism, male/female relations, etc, and you catch yourself thinking, "She doesn't understand, and I need to explain this to her," stop. Walk away from the discussion (if it's online) or shut your mouth (if it's in person), and ask yourself: is it really that "she doesn't understand"? Or is it that she's coming from a place so different than yours that you feel like she doesn't understand your position? Do you think she doesn't understand your position because she doesn't agree with your position?

In the case of clear-cut facts, there is an objective truth: you can reasonably expect to find the "right" answer. When it comes to personal perception of the world around you, there is no right answer. There's my right answer, and there's your right answer. Resist the urge to explain to women how "the world works". No, really. Women know how their world works. For us, it works kinda shitty at times, thanks.

And again, if you see another guy trying to explain to a woman that she's "wrong" because "that's not how the world works", pull him aside and say "dude, that's coming across as skeevy and patronizing. Here's why. Listen to what she's saying, okay? It's true for her, and she doesn't need you telling her how things 'really' are."

You hear that? We have the implicit right to be upset over it, and just because you don't agree that your behavior is upsetting does not mean that it is not. Gerard singled women out for that, he said, "just the ladies," those were his exact words. Well some of us "ladies" have feelings on those things and just because he has a different view does not make us wrong.

This relates even more to Gerard's behavior towards the women in his audience...

Having gotten this far, it's time to reiterate: You are going to fuck things up.

You are not bad or evil or wrong for fucking things up. You really aren't. The fail happens if you, when called on your fuckup, fail to recognize that your experience of the world is not the only experience -- if you say "that's not possible", or "but my (wife/girlfriend/best friend/sister/etc) doesn't think like that", or "but my (wife/girlfriend/etc) hasn't ever experienced that, so it must not exist". The fail happens when you take what people are saying to you and start coming up with arguments to counter and invalidate those experiences.

Everyone gets defensive. Everyone. But if you've said or done something to call down the dogpile, please stomp on the initial impulse to come out swinging, no matter how in-the-right you think you are -- because a basic fact of possessing privilege is that you have to be really careful to avoid anything that looks like you're trying to silence the people without that privilege. And just about any defense at this point is going to come across like you're trying to use your privilege to silence people.

It's okay to fuck up. I tell you three times. It's going to be a painful process for you, because you are probably going to get your skin torn off in the immediate reaction, but if you shut up, listen, and actually process and engage with the truth being conveyed by that dogpile, you will be able to ameliorate the damage caused your fuckup -- or at least not make it worse.

There are things you don't know. There are things you can never know. You can be told about them, and you can, as you start to open your eyes and observe and listen, start to see and hear them, but you can never experience them firsthand. It's okay if you don't immediately understand the true reality of women's experiences and perceptions about sexism, sexual assault, fear, history of being silenced, etc, etc. You're not going to viscerally get it when it's explained to you. You can start to understand, but it will never be your world the way it is for a woman. (Hell, it's not the same world for every woman, and that's an important point to remember too.)

You will learn to be able to see that truth, and you will learn to recognize it when it is spoken to you (even if it's whispered), and you will learn, slowly, that this is someone else's truth even if it isn't your own. But it's not going to happen overnight. When you fuck up, and accidentally behave in a way that invalidates or dismisses the perspective and experience and worldview of the women around you, apologize.

And then stop and listen to what is being said to you, and imagine, as hard as you can, that the world being described to you is your world, and work from there. Even if it's not your world. Even if it's not the world and the experiences of your wife/girlfriend/best friend/sister/etc. Don't be the guy who says "this can't be true, I would have noticed", because people are telling you -- loudly -- that it is true.
Work from the perspective of: this is not my experience, but it clearly is her experience, and her experience is just as valid for her as mine is for me. Too many times, women speak up to try to educate men, and men say "you must have misunderstood" or "you must be imagining things" or "that's not possible". She didn't misunderstand. She's not imagining things. It is possible. You just don't see it, because you have the privilege of ignoring it if you want to. Failing to recognize it makes you That Guy.

That really says a lot.

Now also recently Lyn Z gave an interview. She touches on "feminism" in the first part and gives her own views on it. (This could explain why Gerard changed his views on women, since he seems to have no mind of his own and only does the same thing as whoever he is with). She admits that she is a "shit bass player" in her own words. She says she is "horrible" and "OK with that". Those are her words, not mine. Then she says "but do a backbend while you're playing the bass, I dare you". What does that have to do with music and musicianship? Well nothing. Because in part two which I linked up there, she says that real musicians bore her. She says that doing something is better than being GOOD at doing something. (That's strange because over the summer I remember Gerard giving an interview and saying that it didn't matter what you did, as long as you tried to be the best at it).

Apparently really skilled musicians "bore her to tears", again her words and not mine. What does that mean she's saying about MCR? Gerard says that MSI supported MCR from the beginning when they were a "baby band", so is she saying that they are not skilled musicians, or that they bore her to tears? Either way it doesn't sound like support. I guess Ray Toro is just "noodling around" on his guitar.

This is Brigitte, the same interviewer who had Gerard by the short hairs in her interview with him and now she is kissing Lyn-Z's ass and saying straight out that if you are not a good musician and you're in a band, it doesn't really matter. She used to be a good interviewer but now she is kissing ass, why? Is it because she knows if she gets Mrs. Way angry that Gerard will never give her another interview? That could be.

There is one other thing I want to say here. A lot of people have accused me of hating the band and having something personal against them. Thisis not true. I don't follow MCR anymore, not since Gerard for all intents and purposes killed MCR for me. But I get a lot of messages every week from buzznet people asking me to address this or that. A lot of fans feel like they don't have a voice. Or even worse they are afraid to say it in public, especially on BuzzNet where they will be bullied for their concerns and opinions. I have no problem with people bullying me and calling me names so my blog is the voice of the disappointed fans. Whatever you read on my blog is all stuff that people have sent to me and asked me to write about. In the beginning three people were contributing to writing this. Then it was just me. Now it's hardly me at all. Now it is just the massive amounts of messages I get. so pretty much these aren't even my words, but the words of others that need a place to vent and to be heard. That's what this blog is, it's the voice of the disappointed fans.


Anonymous said...

VV, my dear friend, despite the constant bullying and hate mail you receive, I am really glad that you are still voicing your opinions and still doing this, despite the opposition.

I for one, am no longer a fan of mcr, but I respect you for sticking it out throughout all this time.

As for Lyn-Z, guess what? Talentless, hack "musicians" like her bore the shit out of me, and her views on feminism are total bullshit. She has no idea what the true definition of feminism is, and she will never have my respect. She gives true, hard-working musicians a bad name.

And I'm not sorry for saying that. And I for one, will never kiss her ass. Fuck that shit.

As for Gerard, I know its long past, but I really think he should have apologized for the shitty things he had done during the last year, but I know I won't expect to see that anytime soon.

Take care VV, and keep your head up.

P.S. I lost your email address. Where can I contact you?

Anonymous said...

eliza cuts (G's ex) posted a blog which is suppose to be 'fictional' but I think it explains her relationship with gerard to a T. take a look

Kassiopeia said...

Hmmm.... I understand what you're trying to say here but the first part of this particular post appears a bit redundant of late. Something may well have percolated through to Mr Way, since he seems to have been on his best behaviour for the past few months and I for one am happy to chalk up the verbal atrocities of last Summer/Autumn to a rather laughable attempt at being "Cool".

On the other hand, that Lyn-Z interview did annoy me; not because of what she said - if she's happy with flexible mediocrity that's fine - but because the fansheep lap it up and the veneration of stupidity really irritates me!

I shall take her advice though - if I ever stuff up at work I will do a backbend, and since my boss can't do one, he will be in no position to criticise me. LOLz.

Kass xx

sister midnite said...

LOLz, Kass! My turn to say QFT!!

Good to read you, VV.
The Buzznetter's might not appreciate you, but we sure as hell do.

Then again, our 'community' isn't exactly known for adoring & worshiping Lyn-Z and her amaaaaaaazing back-bend skillz.
If Lyn-Z is viewed as a teenage role model for being happy sucking, then the future is going to be a grim place indeed.

"Do a backbend - I dare you."
Try it when the police pull you over for speeding, honey -- they'll shoot your ass down in ten seconds flat.

I'll say it again -- at least with the cock-rock 80' bands, you knew what to expect. Musicians today need to quit bragging about having balls long enough to learn the true definition of the word.

(Tina Turner, anyone?)

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that Gerard said about LynZ,

There are things she does on stage that I don't agree with and there are things I do that she doesn't agree with.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:59,

where did you get that quote from?

Anonymous said...

Great stuff as usual. I was actually really getting into the lyn z interview until she said that part about musicians.

Bleeding chaos is right. She is a talentless hack. She should try actually playing her bass properly and rely on her 'talent' to get her through for once - I dare her!

These people seem to think that because they're in a band or because they have been given a mic their opinions matter. They're nothing but loudmouths and Lyn z came across as nothing more than an obnoxious moron.

VV, I totally agree with everything you said. Keep going, you have my support 100%

Anonymous said...

Verita, it looks like your comment has been deleted from BuzzNet.

Anonymous said...

That's what this blog is, it's the voice of the disappointed fans.

VV, thank you so much for creating a safe haven for us to vent our frustrations. It is so sad that 'free speech' is not allowed in other places when it is a topic they would prefer to ignore or overlook.

Anonymous said...

Bleeding chaos is right. She is a talentless hack. She should try actually playing her bass properly and rely on her 'talent' to get her through for once - I dare her!

Or, since she seems to be so into the 'performance' side of it with back bends and fire tricks, maybe she should join the circus. I mean hey, she's already got the makeup, lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes. This is true, anon 7:31

Safe on the Waves said...

If Lindsey's all about the 'performance' than she should be an actor not a 'musician'. I think that performance is a vital part of the gig but you should really leave it to the frontman/woman to do that, after all musicians as supposed to play music. I think Queen are an amazing example of what I think a band should be. Freddie did the showmanship (whan he wasn't playing the piano) and the rest of the band did what they did best.

As for only starting to play the bass when she started the band, well, so did D'Arcy Wretzky when she joined Smashing Pumpkins and you never saw her resorting to backbend to try and justify her position in the band. She worked hard and LEARNT to play the bass, why can't Lindsey do the same.

Anonymous said...

Screen shots or it didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

you all obviously have NO LIVES what so ever therefore you have alot of time on your hands to write such shit! may I suggest getting offline & living your own life instead of Gerards (which you have NO control over) and if you're trying to make MCRs fans dissappear its really not working. find a new hobby.

Anonymous said...

This is your worst post so far 'Verita Venom'. Or should I call you . . . ?

Anonymous said...

Touched a nerve have we stephanie?

And just so you know I DO actually have a life and a very good one at that.

We also don't need you to tell us how we ought to be spending our time thank you very much. I have every right to be here and every right to state my opinion just as you do.

We understand we have no control over Gerard's life nor do we want to despite what some of you think. But when you're in the spotlight your actions are going to be scrutinized. And that's something both he and the fan sheep are just going to have to deal with.

On a final note, please don't accuse us of having too much time on our hands when you actively seeked this blog out to leave your ignorant comment. Hypocrisy is not exactly an appealing trait.

If you want to bury your head in the sand then be my guest but please leave the rest of us to open our eyes to the truth in peace.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a rock star who sought to be a positive role model and kept his private life private. He was respected.

Alas, one day an evil wizard cast a spell on him and all the rock star could speak were lies designed to part middle-class 14 year-old girls from their parents money and wild pronouncements regarding whichever example of female stupidity happened to be sucking him off at the time.

And suddenly the people did lose their respect and could talk of nothing but his private life...

Anonymous said...

As one of many "disappointed fans," I would like to thank you, Verita, for giving me a place to vent some of my frustrations in the past.

Over the past several months, the band that once meant so much to me has become nothing but an embarrassment. If not for all the lovely people I have met through the band over the past five years, I might wish that I had never gotten involved in the first place. There was a time when people who followed this band believed in acceptance and tolerance of other's opinions. The fans were intelligent, creative people who had gone out of their way to seek this band out. It was as though we were connected by a common thread, we had one anothers' backs, and the MCR community was a great place to be. Sadly, most of those people are gone now, replaced by mindless fansheep who speak with one voice, think with one mind. The fanbase has become a joke to the outside world and to many of the people, like myself, who once considered themselves fans.

With his actions over the past year and a half, Gerard Way has contradicted nearly everything that attracted me to this band in the first place. All of his rhetoric about honesty, humility, striving to be the best at what you do, having empathy for others, not treating women as sexual objects, and his professed disdain for elitism all ring pretty hollow now. I don't know whether he changed along the way or whether it was just a clever marketing ploy that he no longer needs, but it doesn't matter. I'm done with him and consequently with the band.

I won't be commenting here again. I am ridding myself of the albatross around my neck and I have vowed to no longer care what becomes of this band, although I do wish nothing but the best for Frank, Ray and Bob.

Goodbye, Verita and goodbye to MCR.

Anonymous said...

"I do wish nothing but the best for Frank, Ray and Bob."


Safe on the Waves said...

Former MCR fan said...
" I do wish nothing but the best for Frank, Ray and Bob. "
What about Mikey?

Anonymous said...

Check EBAY maybe you can get a life there. losers.

Anonymous said...

To Stephanie:

There was a time when people who followed this band believed in acceptance and tolerance of other's opinions. The fans were intelligent, creative people who had gone out of their way to seek this band out. It was as though we were connected by a common thread, we had one anothers' backs, and the MCR community was a great place to be. Sadly, most of those people are gone now, replaced by mindless fansheep who speak with one voice, think with one mind.

Read the second part of that comment very carefully. I think it was written with people like you in mind.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie said...
Check EBAY maybe you can get a life there. losers.

Wow, Stephanie. What a witty comeback.


Anonymous said...

"What about Mikey?"

Mikey's a jerk. And a sub-par bassist, but then Gerard seems to really like them!

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, did you even read the comment I left for you?

Anonymous said...

What makes you say that Mikey is a jerk? Anon 1:37

Anonymous said...

Beatlesfan, your comment was eloquent and well thought-through. However, your opinion is completely invalid because any criticism of Gerard, MCR or Lyn-Z is entirely based on "JELLUUSSYY!!!111", because you want in a short, scruffy compulsive liar's pants more than oxygen, right?!

Anonymous said...

Yes I am so jealous of Lyn Z’s amazing bass playing it would make your teeth itch. And guys that tell fourteen year old girls to fuck themselves get me so hot, I can’t tell you. Yeah, I’d do him in a second. And yes this comment is meant to be sarcastic Stephanie…

Anonymous said...

I haven't checked this blog in MONTHS, and comparing how many comments you get now to how many you used to, it looks like that is the case for many people. But I guess you had your 15 minutes of fame.

I think you took a lot of this out of context. LynZ had only played bass for two weeks. She was just getting her shit together at this audition. She got into MSI not simply because of talent (though now she is definitely a pro at this too) but because of showmanship. Would MCR have made the same impact without the drama, the artwork, the costumes? A lot of that helped lure people in.

Really, it seems like anyone who disagrees with you is a teenie with their eyes ripped out the sockets and with no ability to think independently. Deny it all you want, but it is there.

Last week, I saw MSI at The Bamboozle. I moshed like my life depended on it, I sang along to every word, and screamed my lungs out. I love the music: it's like a catchy collage of punk and electronica, and the lyrics make me fall over laughing (see Issues). The music (in MY opinion only, though) was great, but MSI are known best for keeping an audience entertained. So really, backbends and such do matter since they make it special in more than one way.

Not only this, LynZ tried, and that was the point. That she didn't have to be John Entwistle to kick ass. There is a double standard, I think, for men and women. Pete Wentz rarely even plays his bass at concerts, and he gets away with that, yet LynZ can play bass at shows, and breathe a flaming Bacardi on Jimmy Urine, and that is someow anti-feminist.

I saw MCR at Madison Square Garden last night. Gerard managed not to be an alcoholic, love desperate asshole. He was very polite to the audience, looked perfectly healthy (he was sober-looking and slightly muscular), and yet STILL dedicated a song to his wife, who he still seems to love, despite claims last fall that a divorce was not long ahead on this very blog. Huh.

No wonder I probably won't check this site again until September.

Anonymous said...

Pete Wentz IS a shit bass player. When did anyone ever say he was good?! Are you aware of the meaning of the words "double standards"? Or are you babbling bullshit in Lindsey's defense, trying to look intelligent?

Anonymous said...

Duh, Anon @ 10.39pm! The point is Lyn-Z is happy with still being a shit bass player, not that she wasn't any good when she auditioned.

She also claims to be pro-female, yet happily rides her husband's coat-tails, which is the polar opposite of 'feminism'.

And she's still absolutely moronic - in the majority of MSI interviews she just sits there and giggles like the last few coke-addled neurones are struggling to spark. In the MSI gig I went to she did the same whenever the mike was shoved in her face.

Oh, and there's a reason 'skanks' and 'bimbos' ares looked down upon dumbass!

Anonymous said...

A few days ago, I had the privilege of seeing Radiohead in concert, playing to a packed house of about 19,000 people. Had Lindsey been there, I imagine she would have been bored to tears. After all, not a single one of the incredibly talented musicians on stage pissed on his instrument and set it on fire. Instead, they played for nearly three hours to an audience that was so completely enthralled that they demanded two encores.

A couple of nights later, MSI played in the same town at a venue that seats approximately 1,500. I don't know anyone who went to the show and I can't find a review of it anywhere. I do know that tickets were available two days before the show, whereas Radiohead sold out months in advance.

I suppose that having a bassist who does backbends can only get a band so far. After all, for people who want that kind of entertainment, they can always find a strip joint that is full of really bendy pole dancers. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the "fuck yourselves" stunt GW pulled.

But that doesn't mean he's a womanizer, a jerk, an anti-feminist, or any of those other claims you've made.

It. Was. One. Time.

For all you know, it could've been a backstage joke that he took too far.

As far as "giant bags of cocaine," that doesn't mean he's on drugs again any more than someone who tells "dead baby jokes" kills babies. Was it a good joke? I don't know. Are "dead baby jokes" tasteful? Maybe not. But it wasn't meant to be taken seriously (unless you think people who talk about dead babies in their garages seriously have dead babies in their garages).

I've lied, I've been conceited, I've said horrible things. I've loved, I've been compassionate, I've been kind.


Extend the same grace to Gerard. He's actually a human, too, not a vampire like a few too many people believe.

Anonymous said...

(Oh, and, yeah, I believe GW is capable of mistakes, being human and all. I don't hold him up on a pedestal, beautiful as he is.)

Anonymous said...

By the way, I'm also here to confirm that Gerard definitely seemed completely sober and drug-free on stage at Madison Square Garden. He dedicated one song to his wife: "To my wife, whom I love so very, very much!"

He was at a pretty healthy weight, definitely did look a bit muscular, and his voice didn't give out one time--he did NOT get tired--leading me to believe he might not even be smoking as much anymore.

He was pure energy. There were NO signs of influence whatsoever and NO behaviors like the ones he had back when he was drinking and doing drugs.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with GW's simulated orgasm, but I also realize that every preteen girl I have EVER heard talk about Gerard Way either says "I wish he would marry me, he's so sexy!" or even "FUCK ME, GERARD!"

Yes, they will yell "FUCK ME, GERARD!" at concerts. Gladly. And they do. I've heard it.

If he did say "only the ladies," he isn't saying "only the little girls." Totally different story. If he did only tell the girls to...duh. He gets enough guys trying to get in his pants; I doubt he wants to ENCOURAGE them. The fanboys are a hundred times scarier than the fangirls. Hands DOWN.

If parents are concerned about their preteens hearing something like "go fuck yourselves," I have NO IDEA why they'd EVER take their children to a concert with CDs that have "Explicit Content" warnings and where the lead singer says "motherfucker" every three or four words.

It's not like they were expecting the band Barney and the Happy Teletubbies.

They went to see a band that is KNOWN for violent, profane lyrics. It isn't fair to make Gerard think about each and every person in the audience and what their age might be. Then he wouldn't be swearing at ALL.

(In other words, should R-rated movies be devoid of sex and violence because kids might be watching? No.)

Anonymous said...

It's all very well and good to say that very young teens and pre-teens shouldn't be going to MCR shows knowing that Gerard is going to be swearing and telling the "ladies" to "fuck themselves." However, judging by the audiences I've seen at the MCR shows I've been to, if you took away those little girls you'd be taking away more than half the crowd. Then who would buy the merch? I don't know many college age people (or for that matter people over the age of 15) who would be caught Dead! in a Dead! hoodie.

The dude knows who makes up his audience. He might not like it (and I'm pretty sure he doesn't, judging from the way he pandered to the two guys who showed up at the last meet and greet I went to), but he knows.

Anonymous said...

Anon @7:07 said...

He gets enough guys trying to get in his pants; I doubt he wants to ENCOURAGE them.

That's why he was telling the guys in the audience at PR to take off their shirts and twirl them over their heads, right?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
(Oh, and, yeah, I believe GW is capable of mistakes, being human and all. I don't hold him up on a pedestal, beautiful as he is.)

Honestly, I do not get the fangirls who go on about how "beautiful" Gerard is. Yeah, he does have a pretty face, I suppose -- if you're attracted to girls. But personally, I like a little "man" in my man, if you know what I mean. And have you actually looked at the guy's body? He has a huge head, no neck to speak of, a humpy, wide back, a non-existent ass, and unless he loses so much weight that his face begins to look positively skeletal, he has the muffin top from hell. In fact, his body bears a striking resemblance to the Tasmanian Devil's (the Looney Tunes one, not the actual animal). So, yeah. Lyn-z can have him.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ muffin top from hell...and let us not forget the "manboobs and stretch marks" according to "Emma."

Anonymous said...

"It isn't fair to make Gerard think about each and every person in the audience and what their age might be. Then he wouldn't be swearing at ALL."

There's a difference between swearing, and swearing at people, treating them like objects and telling them to do disgusting things for you.

Also, these are Gerard's own words:

Unlike a good part of the artists, I think we have a very big responsibility, when it comes to the kids who listen to our music. Usually, people like to take refuge and say that all the responsibility, when it comes to raising kids, is up to the parents: honestly! When I was a kid, I didn’t listen to my father! The words that meant something to me were the ones from Billy Corgan and Glen Danzig!

if you took away those little girls you'd be taking away more than half the crowd. Then who would buy the merch?


Anonymous said...

Although I do think it's mean in general to take cheap shots at people's body types and the way they look.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, he does have a pretty face, I suppose -- if you're attracted to girls."

Nope, I'm not, and it's absolutely absurd and arrogant to say something like that, like you're The Know-All when it comes to attractions.

I think he's beautiful, from head to toe, and I'm allowed to. You are not a Know-All. But you DO sound like a *Know-It-All*.

"That's why he was telling the guys in the audience at PR to take off their shirts and twirl them over their heads, right?"

That's quite a bit different. He wasn't telling them to moan at him.

Kassiopeia said...

"In fact, his body bears a striking resemblance to the Tasmanian Devil's (the Looney Tunes one, not the actual animal)."

Harsh, but I laughed so I guess I'm going to Hell. My sympathy for Lyn-Z extends only to the moment when she has to deliver a child with his/her father's head!

FYI Anons, he did ask his audience to moan for him on more than one occasion - and it's not the same as asking a bunch of guys to remove their shirts. Apart from being essentially a non-sexual act anyway, men are his own gender - there's a huge difference between a black person or a white person using the word "n****r", just as there is between a straight man or gay man using "f****t".

It's all irrelevant now, of course, since the last US tour was such effective damage control, but I do wonder if he stopped saying it because he "wised up" or because he was ordered to!


Kass xx

Anonymous said...

You think HIS head is big, you've never seen mine. Same size as his, same proportions, except I'm a female, so I don't have wide shoulders to balance it out like he does. ;P

Anonymous said...

(Not that females can't have wide shoulders, before any of the wasps in this nest start to buzz.)

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Urine making the crowd moan for him two years ago:

and again:

and again: (Jimmy Urine gets the 99% 13 year old audience laid by doing an interactive sex exercise at the Pheonix on July 23, 2006.
At the end is a brief into to I hate Jimmy Page)

Anonymous said...

Poor Gerard.

I don't think he's ever had anything even resembling an original thought in his head.

I wonder how Jimmy feels about Gerard pinching his stage act?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever see where he was trying to do to a back bend on stage? LOL! Poor Gerard is right.

Maybe there is no Gerard, and it's just a robot that different people program at different times. I liked him better when "Kat" was programming him!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he thinks it's funny to copy that band. And...yeah, he has definitely had original thoughts. There are quite a few things about his shows that are unique. Take into account that he could find it extremely amusing to copy MSI and is doing it because he thinks it's funny, not because he thinks people might buy it.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever see where he was trying to do to a back bend on stage? LOL!

Now that was fucking funny! He bent backwards about three inches and his face got all red and he started flailing about and looking like he was going to die. OMG, I laughed so hard!

For his sake I hope he and the wifey leave the acrobatics out of the bedroom or dear old Gerard is going to wind up in traction.

Anonymous said...

RE: Anon
If parents are concerned about their preteens hearing something like "go fuck yourselves," I have NO IDEA why they'd EVER take their children to a concert with CDs that have "Explicit Content" warnings and where the lead singer says "motherfucker" every three or four words.

They went to see a band that is KNOWN for violent, profane lyrics. It isn't fair to make Gerard think about each and every person in the audience and what their age might be. Then he wouldn't be swearing at ALL.

Obviously there is going to be some swearing. But there's a huge difference between "Fuck you, motherfucker" and "I want to hear all you ladies FUCK YOURSELVES!"
Just to clear that up.

VV, keep the good work on your blog up. It's good that there is one voice of sanity in the seemingly endless tide of brainwashed sheep, sorry fans, of the band who encouraged originality once upon a time. Forget what the haters say. They're the pathetic ones for actively seeking out something that they hate.

Anonymous said...

"In fact, his body bears a striking resemblance to the Tasmanian Devil's (the Looney Tunes one, not the actual animal)."

They call me Mr. Taz!

Lol. Oh yeah. I'm going to hell, too.

Anonymous said...

Maybe there is no Gerard, and it's just a robot that different people program at different times. I liked him better when "Kat" was programming him!

Fuck, I miss her!

Anonymous said...

This is going too far!

It's one thing to be voicing your opinions on his behavior, but when it comes to taking pot shots about his body shape, well it's really making you all look less credible.

I do not condone his past actions, but this public stoning has taken an extreme tone. Almost the same indentation as the idolatry he receives.

And anon @ 1:55, "Kat" did not "program" him, and she is not perfect either. Just a normal girl trying to live her life.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure "Fuck, I miss her" is actually a positive comment to make about somebody - the 'program' comment in italics was made by another poster!

I know nothing about her (and you do I suppose?) and don't expect her to be perfect but the inescapable fact remains that prior to their break-up Gerard Way was not the disrespectful, hypocritical man he now appears to be. Is it somehow wrong to hypothesize that she was a better influence on him than either Eliza or Lyn-Z?

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 4.43am,

Yes, you are indeed right - taking potshots at someone's bodyshape is cruel and unnecessary, but then so is degrading your audience after doing a complete 180 on what that audience has been told they should expect from you. And lighten up about the 'Kat' thing - when have you ever seen a negative comment about her on this blog? Or Mayo, or Loveman?

Anonymous said...

"Kat" may have appeared as a far more positive influence, but you are disregarding the fact he is a grown man who makes his own choices, and chooses his own partners.

So please, leave "Kat" out of this discussion. She is no longer a part of his life.

1:55, you don't know her either, so how could you miss her?

Anonymous said...

I said I miss her because: Is it somehow wrong to hypothesize that she was a better influence on him than either Eliza or Lyn-Z?

I also miss her because she never allowed us to know anything about her and never used her boyfriend for attention or to further her career.

Whoever Gerard happens to be with now is irrelevant to whether or not you think someone was a positive influence on them. It's not like I'm saying 'dump the skank-ass ho and get back with your ex, retard!!' is it?

Kassiopeia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh, lighten up anon @4:43. People have been taking pot shots at Gerard's body shape ever since the teenies started up with all the OMGZ GERALD IZ SO HOTT!!1!!one!!!eleven!! bullshit years ago. Have you never heard of stfu_gerard, nigel, the "twinkie jokes", etc.?

The fact that the STAFOO-ers have found their way to this blog has nothing to do with its credibility. If anything, it just says that more and more people are becoming aware of its existance.

Anonymous said...

The fact that the STAFOO-ers have found their way to this blog has nothing to do with its credibility. If anything, it just says that more and more people are becoming aware of its existance.

Are there any Stafooians left out there? The last time I looked, that community was dead. It's like all the old fans (i.e. the ones who had an actual sense of humor) are gone. I miss the old days. :(

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Stafoo has been pretty dead recently and I'll tell you why. In the beginning, the fans were just trying to take the piss out of Gerard and it was funny. But for the past year and a half or so, what with the Eliza mess (are they or aren't they?), the RING, the ridiculous public break up/tantrum (I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair - WTF?), Projekt Revolution, the sharpies and the marks of love, the one month courtship (six weeks, whatever) with Lindsey, the backstage marriage, the taking MSI on tour, the telling little girls to fuck themselves and "moan for me"... well, let's just say that Gerard has become such a joke in and of himself there's no need to make fun of him anymore.

Anonymous said...

New Lyn z interview.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the interview that Lindsey did, when she says this:

"I get a lot of positive reactions, too — people saying that I have inspired them and that feels good. If that stuff wasn't in place, I'd probably throw it all away."

What do you suppose she's talking about throwing away? All her "hard work" (learning how to do backbends, I suppose, since she has admitted to being a shitty bass player) or her marriage? Either way, it doesn't make her sound terribly committed, does it?

Anonymous said...

"... well, let's just say that Gerard has become such a joke in and of himself there's no need to make fun of him anymore."

Quoted for truth.

And that Lyn-Z interview gave me the biggest laugh I've had in, like, forever.

Anonymous said...

You know, I might be a bit more sympathetic with LynZ's plight if it weren't for the following:

1)She and Gerard turned Projekt Revolution 2007 into a circus with their tacky sharpied messages to one another and their equally tasteless marks of love.

2)The last night of PR, she and Gerard were married backstage at the urgings of a radio station who broke the news on their website.

3)Immediately following the marriage, MCR took MSI on a major European tour with them.

Excuse me? Now she's bitching over the publicity she's getting for being Gerard Way's missus?

Okay, LynZ. Whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a lost cause, Verita. Gerard is perfect and can do no wrong. Even the girls who hang out on the Mayo blog fell so completely for his good boy routine on this last tour, all they can do is sing his praises.

Why not let it go?

Anonymous said...

Agreed about the Mayo blog. More fangirls with their head up Gerard's ass.

Kassiopeia said...

"Even the girls who hang out on the Mayo blog fell so completely for his good boy routine on this last tour, all they can do is sing his praises."

Not true - it's about equal parts ambivalence, veneration and "frickin' eejit"!

Although I do agree about the recent low-key gigs: "...the last US tour was such effective damage control, but I do wonder if he stopped saying [mindless crap] because he "wised up" or because he was ordered to!"

Personally, now he isn't pretty anymore I find ambivalence suits me best...

Kass xx

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the girls at Mayo's used to be the complete opposite of the fangirls at the other boards. Now, they act just like them sometimes and it's not really a place you can speak as freely at anymore which is sad. But at least we always have this blog, thank you verita!

As to GW's behavior on this last tour, I have to agree that he toned it down some but for me the damage has already been done and it may have been too little too late. I am glad they are taking a break though, they need it and so do I.

Anonymous said...

As to GW's behavior on this last tour, I have to agree that he toned it down some but for me the damage has already been done and it may have been too little too late.

Yes, that is the absolute truth. I know so many people who have dropped out of this fandom just in the past few months. Others are so completely disillusioned, they're hanging on by a thread.

While the band may be in dire need of a break, I wonder just what they'll come back to. The teenies will have grown up a bit and will probably have moved on. The new teenies won't care because, "Ew, my sister used to listen to them. They're lame." If they've driven away most of their original fanbase, will anyone even care?

Anonymous said...

So, Verita, are you just going to leave that Kerrang! interview out there with no rebuttal?

Anonymous said...

Hey anons who want to talk about what we were talking about at the other blog, I'm here if you still want to.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I offended you with the fangirl comment, Kapunua. It was not my intention.

I just know that when that interview came out, many of my friends and I lost a little of our faith in Frank. Perhaps that's wrong, but sometimes you can't help how you feel.

I was just trying to make the point that the band does go along with things even when you don't expect them to.

I really don't want to argue. I'm not one of the vultures. I'm just trying to figure out why the band I used to love has disappointed me so badly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the apology, I am sorry too for answering in like. That word offends me; I don't fangirl over anyone in this band. (I reserve that for fictional characters and Eddie Reyes.)

I wondered about that interview too.

I also thought about the people I used to work with, and some of the other people in my life. I had to, and sometimes still have to "play nice" with them, too. For years I pretended like I thought my boss had some redeeming qualities. "He's a hard worker, such a great surgeon" I'd tell any clients who asked. (He is a hard worker and great surgeon but that doesn't mean that I liked or respected him. But I had to, at the time, try to keep my job.)

So it's possible that Frank lied in the interview. I rather hope that he did, and for that, I can't fault him, or at least anymore than I fault myself.

Sometimes you have to sell out a little in the name of career and / or loyalty.

On the other hand, I still often wonder why no one stood up to Gerard when he wanted to take MSI on the road with them, or was that totally backed by the label, and they couldn't stand up to him?

It confused me more when Mikey started wearing the MSI T shirt.

Those are my thoughts, in brief, on that whole fiasco.

Anonymous said...

You and I are far more alike than we are different, Kapunua.

I have high standards that I try to live up to and I expect a lot from the people around me. But yes, I do pretend to like co-workers and clients sometimes just to keep peace.

I agree that it would be preferable to think Frank lied rather than to think he actually supports MSI.

I'd also like to believe that Gerard has more sense than to get mixed up with looney tunes like Eliza or a group of seeming degenerates like MSI, but that's pretty much been shot to hell this past year.

As for Mikey, who the fuck knows what goes on in his head? I suppose it's hereditary.

Maybe we'd all be a lot better off if we just stop trying to figure it out.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to talk to me.

Anonymous said...

No problem, I like to try to reason out things like this. I am very hard on myself when I sell out and I find that compromising things I really believe in is hard for me. I boycott a lot of stuff because of certain policies or mindsets. Triggers like racism, sexism, homophobia--all that stuff that MSI stands for--really set me off, badly.

What gets me the most is the lack of logic though. Lindsey's and Gerard's, what I call Bizarro World "Feminism" where MSI is for the benefit of--in Lindsey's world--women and girls. Gerard treating the women in his audience like dirt and then still claiming to me a feminist.

If they'd just admit that they were full of it, I swear I'd have much less of a problem with it. ;)

And on that note I really do need to get to bed, but I am always open to talking about this stuff, pretty much anywhere, most of the time.

Thanks again Anon.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though there is no place left for fans who want to express opinions that differ from that of the mainstream.

I can't in good conscience be a part of something that won't allow me to have my own opinions. Like so many others, I will quietly drop out and no longer support MCR.

While the band may be in dire need of a break, I wonder just what they'll come back to.

So do I but I can't be fucked to care anymore.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It seems as though there is no place left for fans who want to express opinions that differ from that of the mainstream.

I can't in good conscience be a part of something that won't allow me to have my own opinions. Like so many others, I will quietly drop out and no longer support MCR.

Hun, get a Buzznet account and join the group My Chemical Misfits. We're not a hate group that everyone thinks, we're a self expression group. You can say what you like as long as you don't fight or bully other members. They are our only rules. You don't even have to talk about MCR if you don't want too. We discuss everything in a friendly adult matter and all opinions are welcomed.

Anonymous said...

I don't really think that most, if any, of those quotes pertain to Gerard, honestly. He's not some womanizing, evil person. I'm not ranting or belly-aching here but merely voicing my opinion.

My real beef is, this: "Is it because she knows if she gets Mrs. Way angry that Gerard will never give her another interview?"

Simply because it seems like a mindless jab at Gerard. You don't have anything to back that up with, you know? I mean, show me an instance where Gerard didn't give someone an interview for being harsh to someone...She seemed like she was throughly interested in what LynZ had to say.

My other beef is that, honestly, I didn't really think that it was "OMFG, real musicians suck! Shitty ones are better!" I took it as, you can be the best musician ever and if you just stand around simply playing you're lacking something; I agree with her.

Example: I went to Projekt Revolution in CT and I wanted to shoot myself watching HIM perform. All they did was stand there and play, they had NO stage presence. The only thing Vallo did movement wise was walk to the drum stand to grab another cigarette a couple of times. It was boring.

I think that's what she's saying. I don't think that she was referring to MCR or MCR's style at all. I just don't because they have a great stage presence. When you go to one of their shows you're entertained and you feel like a part of the show, like you were supposed to be there, you don't feel like you're just watching and you aren't; you're included.

I'm not some raving LynZ fan nor do I like MSI at all but I don't think there was anything negative about what she said in that interview. That's my stand. And I don't think that Gerard or MCR should suffer for the way that they were acting a few months ago, you can say what you want and have your own opinions, that's cool but I just think that you're a little misinformed is all.

My opinion, there it stands.

(( At the risk of sounding uninformed, I'd like to the interview that you are talking about with Frank. Please and thank you with sugar on top. And sorry this is long..))

Anonymous said...

Example: I went to Projekt Revolution in CT and I wanted to shoot myself watching HIM perform. All they did was stand there and play, they had NO stage presence. The only thing Vallo did movement wise was walk to the drum stand to grab another cigarette a couple of times. It was boring

Your opinion, sweetie. If you can't appreciate the amazingness that is Ville Vallo's voice, then it's your loss. I don't think he hit one single bad note during HIM's performance at my PR (something I most definitely could not say about Gerard, unfortunately).

The beauty of music is capable of moving the soul. I can't listen to Jeff Buckley's vocals or recordings of Pablo Casals playing the cello without being moved to tears. I don't need to witness an extravagant stage act or shock tactics to feel like I've been entertained.

But, hey. Dif'rent Strokes and all that.

Anonymous said...

You're a musical snob then, and LinZ is not.

Anonymous said...

You're a musical snob then, and LinZ is not.

Lol. So Lyn-z is kind of like a reverse snob? Like, in her mind Good=Bad and Bad=Good or some fucked up ass equation like that?

Hmm. Maybe De-evolution exists after all.

Anonymous said...

"I mean, show me an instance where Gerard didn't give someone an interview for being harsh to someone"

The asian interview where the woman mentions Marilyn Manson - he just blanks her for the rest of the interview and doesn't even let Mikey answer her questions! There are also (admittedly unsubstatiated, but it is common practise) rumors that MCR hand potential interviewers a list of topics they're not allowed to touch on. I would love to know why Bridgit didn't ask Lyn-Z about the MCR tour when it's the biggest thing MSI have ever done. I suspect that if there support act had been chosen by the record label it would have been mentioned far sooner to get rid of all the accusations that Lyn-Z was fucking MSI to success. Silence only serves to suggest that Gee-Z is the reason they toured together which makes Lyn-Zs recent bitching in that magasine all the more laughable.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"You're a musical snob then, and LinZ is not."

There is a difference between appreciating the whole of the musical spectrum and saying that it's OK to be shit at your job as long as you can dance around a little and do a couple of gym moves. The only reason Lin-Z gets away with fucking up every other song (her words!) is because her bass line is almost completely obscured by the electronic backing track - if she played in any other band she'd have been history at the audition.

There is nothing wrong with 'trying' and 'winging it' initially, but if you want to be seen as a 'musician', eventually you're going to have to step up to the plate and actually learn to play your musical instrument.

Anonymous said...

If two years ago you told me he was going to end up with an unintelligible, superficial, cheap person like her, I would have laughed in your face.

What could possibly be going on in his head? She is not exactly what you would pride in a companion.

The true shock, is his apparent stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Or who you'd pick to be the potential mother of your children. That interview proves she's either retarded or a liar. Even after all the adulation maybe he's still the short fat kid in his head and he doesn't think he deserves any better. Still, I don't have to stick my dick in that so what do I care?

Kassiopeia said...

You guys are all, like, so harsh!

Lyn-Z is, like, a musical pioneer - she was, like, playing the occasional, like, note to an electronic, like, backing track for, like, FOUR YEARS before Guitar Hero ever, like, came out.

Anonymous said...

kassiopeia, you are like so like right! Lyn-Z is like an inspiration to like little girls like everywhere, that like no matter like how much you like suck like musically you can like still be in like a band as long as like you can hold your instrument as you like do a back bend or like something!

Anonymous said...

What could possibly be going on in his head? She is not exactly what you would pride in a companion.

But don't you see? He writes comic books and she looks like she just walked out of one. They're, like, perfect for each other.

Anonymous said...

What could possibly be going on in his head?

"Cocaine is a hell of a drug."

Anonymous said...

"Cocaine is a hell of a drug."

...and you know this for sure?

Anonymous said...

"But don't you see? He writes comic books and she looks like she just walked out of one. They're, like, perfect for each other."

Come to think of it she does look a little like she's been dipped in a vat of toxic waste.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of starting the first academy school for back bends. An educational faculty for real feminists.

You too can graduate and marry a rock star who appreciates women whose brains are filled with fluff.

Anonymous said...

"You too can graduate and marry a rock star who appreciates women whose brains are filled with fluff."

Unfortunately I doubt too many modern rockers are as stupid/undiscerning as Gerard Way!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I doubt too many modern rockers are as stupid/undiscerning as Gerard Way!

True, true. After all, this is the guy who was once engaged to Eliza. I remember reading a post somewhere by one of Breakfast Monkey Joey's friends where she quoted Joey as saying "Gerard likes stupid girls."

I guesss he needs them stupid so they can feed his ego by telling him how smart he is.

Anonymous said...

I remember an interview where Frank says that Gerard is 'emotionally smart' because he can 'read' people. Given the inference that he's not any-other-kind-of-smart that's a back-handed compliment if ever I heard one!

Anonymous said...

Gerard can read people?

So I suppose he read that Eliza was a really sweet, special girl underneath the raving lunatic exterior. Also, Jimmy Urine is a real swell guy beneath the 'obnoxious prick' facade.

Oh, and I, like, suppose that, like, Lyn-z is, like, really, really smart and, like, totally talented underneath the, like, brainless 'I'm like, sooo kewl cuz, I can, like, do backbends and stuff' image that she puts out there, huh?

Or mabye he loses those 'emotional smarts' when he's hitting the coke?

Kassiopeia said...


Yeah, little things do please little minds.

Maybe Gerard 'read' that Eliza & Lyn-Z were a bit intellectually limited but because "he needs them stupid so they can feed his ego by telling him how smart he is", he decided they were perfect for him?! I don't think you can predict insanity of the magnitude recently demonstrated by Miss Eliza "What price dignity?" Cuts.

Anyone else find it strange how GW seems to want to be more 'hardcore'/idiotic like JU, yet JU becomes more mainstream every day - MSI's latest album doesn't even have a 'Parental Advisory' sticker!

Kass xx

Anonymous said...

Or he needs them stupid so they will never check and see what he is up to.

He lulls them into a false sense of security.

Anonymous said...

I doubt too many modern rockers are as stupid/undiscerning as Gerard Way!
You'd be surprised...

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just has low self esteem and figures it's the best he can do?
I've been there, done that myself and if I wasn't so embarrassed about it I could tell you things about my last boyfriend that would make Lyn-Z and Eliza look like brain surgeons. True story.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just has low self esteem and figures it's the best he can do?

I think you're absolutely right and that is what's so sad after all he's achieved.

Anonymous said...

You can all pick him apart, but in the end you do not have his brain and do not know the way he reasons.

Only he knows why he chose her, and why he seems to like these types of women.

So the picture you had in your heads of him doesn't really apply any more. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Get over it?

Stop, like, taking this so seriously - he's a fucking idiot, she's, like, an even more, like, idiotic fucking idiot and they're so, like, fucking idiotic together that they're practically, like, begging to have the piss taken out of them!

Of course, the fucking, like, idiocy of the fangirls worshipping these, like, fucking idiots out-fucking-idiots these fucking idiots any day. Like.

Girl is so ripe for parody it's a, like, fucking gift from God or something.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, it's their fucking idiotic life, and if they want to be fucking idiots, they can.

How is this effecting your life? They don't live your life for you.

Anonymous said...

They want people to talk about their marriage, otherwise they wouldn't have made it the centerpiece of every concert and interview. We are only doing that which they have requested of us.

Why do you care what we discuss here anyway? And what is wrong with wishing better for someone - have you got no-one in your 'real' life who's settled for trash and you wish, hard, that they realise how much they were truly worth?

Anonymous said...

How is this effecting your life? They don't live your life for you.

Seems to me that 5:13 is having a laugh at Ger-Z's (oh, God, you gotta fucking love that) expense. Nothing more, nothing less. Like me, I doubt that (s)he takes it terribly seriously. Besides, if you have any sense of humor at all, you can't help but find them hilarious.

So, what's your deal? Why do you care so much?

Anonymous said...

5:57, you can wish all you like, you don't know them and it's not going to change things.

6:06, humor aside, I think all of you are taking this too seriously. I really don't give a damn about them, why would you care so much if they are making fools of themselves?

Anonymous said...

I really don't give a damn about them, why would you care so much if they are making fools of themselves?

Obviously, you do give a damn or you wouldn't be coming here, let alone defending them.

Here's a nove idea. Don't like it? Don't read it.

Anonymous said...

*novel, even

Anonymous said...

it's interesting that you consider this a form of defending them. this sort of thinking is in the same line as the fangirl mentality.

you guys have far more brains then this.

Anonymous said...

Thanx 6:06am!

Don't want it discussed? Don't put it out there - except, of course, to quote Stewie Griffin (regarding Brian's new dumb girlfriend), "It's like she's fucking five!!", and if she's going to be forced down my throat by a man I (previously) respected then I have the right to take the piss.

And that is the point - Gerard and Lyn-Z's behaviour has ruined MCR for not just me, but for a significant minority of fans who got into the band because they we're supposed to be above all this. From now on I'm voting with my wallet, ie. closing it, and if - and it's a big if - they make another record it's going to have to be mind-blowing before I can bring myself to give a shit about these guys. It's a shame because Gerard is not the band, but he's done a sterling job of fucking it up on the others' behalf.

Anonymous said...

They want people to talk about their marriage, otherwise they wouldn't have made it the centerpiece of every concert and interview. We are only doing that which they have requested of us.

True story.

Anonymous said...

I really don't give a damn about them, why would you care so much if they are making fools of themselves?

One could ask the same of you, why do you care so much about we discuss?

Anonymous said...

You know, when Gerard was acting like such an asshole during the last European leg of The Black Parade tour I was worried about him. Then, when he was so manic during PR, I was really worried about him.

Now, nearly a year later, I have come to realize that I have much better things to do with my time than worrying about some rock star that I don't even know. If he wants to get involved with women who have IQ's equal to their shoe size, so be it. If he wants to take bands like MSI out on tour, fine. If he wants to do a complete 180 and tell women and little girls to "moan for him" then let that be on his conscience. I simply can't be fucked to give a fuck.

But you know what? I also find that I don't give two fucks about the band anymore, either. Will I be shelling out 60 bucks for the special edition CD/DVD coming out? Hell, no. My days of supporting MCR are over.

Anonymous said...

When Gerard got with Lynz last year I remember thinking "well at least she's better than Eliza" but after watching that video and reading the article in Kerrang I don't think he did much better for himself.

*shrug* I guess the dude just likes em brainless.

Anonymous said...

brainless = non threatening

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Maybe De-evolution exists after all.

Let's hope for the sake of the species that the two of them don't procreate.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's comfortable with brainless women. Do you think the women in his family are geniuses? Or even his brother?

Anonymous said...

"To become "wife of" is without a doubt the most fucking heartbreaking thing that could ever happen."

"You can work your asses off for 10 years, and you can be amazing, but at the end of the day you simply will be who you are married to. Is this nineteen fucking fifty three?"

Lynz - Rocksound

Anonymous said...


Role: inspirational bassist and visual artist

Who do you miss most when on tour?

"My husband"


Anonymous said...

"You can work your asses off for 10 years, and you can be amazing, but at the end of the day you simply will be who you are married to. Is this nineteen fucking fifty three?"

That is complete and utter bullshit. It only applies in the entertainment industry when the husband is more successful than the wife and when the marriage gets tons of publicity. Is Gwen Stefani known as Mrs. Gavin Bush? I think not.

The woman really needs to shut the fuck up. She and the husband did everything they possible to publicize the marriage and now she gets interviews when she never did before.

You made your bed, Lyn-Z. Sleep in it and quit your bitching.

Anonymous said...

^Erm, obv, I meant Rossdale. ^

Anonymous said...

"You can work your asses off for 10 years, and you can be amazing, but at the end of the day you simply will be who you are married to. Is this nineteen fucking fifty three?"

Um...uh...Wow, Lindsey, thanks for that inspirational quote. Since life for us females is so fucking bad I think I might as well just go kill myself now...

Anonymous said...

Role: inspirational bassist and visual artist

So flashing your crotch is called visual art these days?

Anonymous said...

I love it how you all talk about feminism and still manage to make homophobic "jokes".
God, this is just pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Who's making 'homophobic jokes', anon @ 12:04?

*is confused*

Anonymous said...

The unedited version of Lyn-z's comment.

"To become, like, "wife of" is, like, without a doubt the most, like, fucking heartbreaking thing that could, like, ever happen."

"You can, like, work your asses off for, like, 10 years, and you can be, like, amazing, but at, like, the end of the day you simply will be, like, who you are, like, married to. Is this, like, nineteen fucking fifty three?"

Kassiopeia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kassiopeia said...

Anon @ 8:47am:
"But you know what? I also find that I don't give two f**ks about the band anymore, either. Will I be shelling out 60 bucks for the special edition CD/DVD coming out? Hell, no. My days of supporting MCR are over."

QFT but censored 'cos I'm like that.

I went to the O2 show and bought a T-shirt purely because I felt like I had to but I haven't worn it since because I'm too embarrassed to put this band's name on my chest anymore. I can't be bothered with the TBPID DVD either and like an earlier anon said, if they make a new record it will have to be amazing for me to even bother illegally downloading it.

Lynz, role: inspirational bassist and visual artist

Yep, I'm now inspired to flash my undercarriage on the toilet circuit in the hope of bagging me a dumb rockstar who will introduce my band to the limelight, then bear the brunt of my bitching about the attention I'll be getting on the back of his fame. Or maybe I'll stick to working my own way up the ladder and, yaknow, keep my self-respect...

Kass xx

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's a thought! My back bending academy will be the "inspirational" school for back bends

Anonymous said...

You "don't follow them anymore", yes, that's why you watch tons of interviews with them and seem to be obsessed with hating them. Sweetie, you "follow" them more than I do, and I'm a fan of theirs!

Anonymous said...

To the anon that said this:

"By the way, I'm also here to confirm that Gerard definitely seemed completely sober and drug-free on stage at Madison Square Garden. He dedicated one song to his wife: "To my wife, whom I love so very, very much!" He was at a pretty healthy weight, definitely did ook a bit muscular, and his voice didn't give out one time--he did NOT get tired--leading me to believe he might not even be smoking as much anymore He was pure energy. There were NO signs of nfluence whatsoever and NO behaviors like the ones he had back when he was drinking and drugs."

Do you even know what coke does to people? He didn't get tired? He was pure energy?

I'm not saying he was on drugs that night, but saying something like that really leaves you open to comments like this. And dedicating a song to your wife when you always used to preach about privacy? Just smacks of desperation to keep up a charade and make people believe you?re happy.