Monday, June 2, 2008

"Courtney, I'll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney..."

If this post seems like it's all over the place I'm sorry. It is kind of pieced together from various different emails and buzznet messages I got.

Apparently LynZ is not happy with the attention she's getting from being Gerard's wife.

"It's f---ed up and totally offensive that my name has totally disappeared and I am now referred to as 'Mrs. Gerard Way,' " Lyn-Z – who married Way on September 3, 2007, following the final date of the Projkect Revolution tour – told Kerrang! It's f---ed up that little kids want to come to my show to see Gerard standing at the side of the stage. And I don't want to have anything to do with it."

ORLY? Then why did she and Gerard tour together and push their relationship on the public for months, if this was going to be such a problem. You can't believe that they didn't expect it. I will once again quote a friend of mine with permission,

But surely if she meant any of that, no one would have chosen to to the MSI/MCR tour--why go as an opening act if you don't want to be associated?--and definitely would not have used her body as a billboard for the fact that she was married to the singer of a hugely popular band? And if it's true that Gerard feels the same way, then he would not have chosen MSI to support MCR, he would not have spent an entire, what, nine months? talking them up, would not drop his marriage into every interview, and definitely there would not have been a summer of: sharpie references, product placement (the underwear,) showing off of hickies, onstage shout-outs, interviews about how MSI supported them from the beginning and the rest of that whole thing?

Actually, MCR has become product placement for MSI so this whole thing seems very insincere.

It makes me a little mad that I was late getting to this and other people already answered it better than I could answer it. ;)

LynZ said,
"One of the biggest reasons that I do what I do, is for other women and for other girls,

Wait, seriously? With lyrics like,

"5 Year Old Pantyshot
I Can See Between Her Legs
5 Year Old Pantyshot

5 Year Old Mother Fuckin Pantyshot Cant Complain
I Didnt Even Touch Her So I Cant Be Blamed
5 Year Old
Pantyshot In My Brain
My Life Has Meaning When She Spreads Her Legs"


"Back off you little shits
Gnawing at my fists
I see they breed you by the boatload

Back off you little whores
Get 'em on all fours"

Those aren't even just a fraction of the sexist, misogynist things they write in their songs and all of a sudden Lyn Z is saying that this is for women and other girls? Also, even after she admitted that she doesn't even bother to play her instrument, she just does backbends and dances, and that is for women and other girls? Just who is she trying to fool?

then suddenly, when I got married, that was taken away from me. I'm suddenly 'wife of blah blah blah.' I think it sends such a bad message to girls because it wipes out all the hard work that I did.

What hard work? She admitted herself that she can't play the bass and doesn't want to learn to improve. She admitted herself that her main talent was doing backbends.

And if she's so concerned about the messages she's sending to little girls, why is she in Mindless Self Indulgence with lyrics like

Every single one of you goddamn bitches ain't never gonna give me no love
I'm telling you every single one of you goddamn bitches ain't never gonna give me no love
Every little thing you do - rock my
Every little thing you do - fucking hole
Little teenage bitch

He [Way] doesn't want that for me either. The questions are neverending, and it's disgusting."

Then why the sharpie messages and the over the top public propaganda of their entire relationship? He pushed their relationship on the audience more than she even did, it was probably his decision to take them on tour, he wore their merchandise and made sure everyone knew it, he talked about MSI in interviews, he made up lies about how they "supported MCR from the beginning", he spent months talking about his wife and her band.

They must think their fans are so stupid. The sad thing is that many of the fans who can't htink for themselves are going to not even think about this.

Then later in Rock Sound she said,

To become "wife of" is without a doubt the most fucking heartbreaking thing that could ever happen. You can work your asses off for 10 years, and you can be amazing,

I hope she's not saying that she's amazing because in the last few interviews she admitted that she sucked and she was fine with that.

but at the end of the day you simply will be who you are married to. Is this nineteen fucking fifty three?

Whose fault is that? And if MSI is so upset that they are getting known for their association with MCR (yeah sure, we definitely believe that)! then why is Steve Righ? wearing a Mikey Fuckin Way t shirt to top it all off?

Role: inspirational bassist and visual artist

"Inspirational" now means "I can't be bothered to learn how to play"?

Now months ago I did
a post about Gerard just wanting to fit in with his new "hardcore" friends and that's why he was acting like such a douche on stage. I said that even before he did the "I want all the females to moan for me" act that he did. Some ex fans thought that Gerard was trying to be like Jimmy Urine. I thought so too but many didn't believe me.

Yet here is Jimmy Urine making the crowd moan for him two years ago.

And again.

and again. (Notice the description of, "Jimmy Urine gets the 99% 13 year old audience laid by doing an interactive sex exercise at the Pheonix on July 23, 2006.")

I guess I don't have to say anything more about that.

With that I leave you some of the lyrics of the "inspirational" Mindless Self Indulgence,

"Now tell me the truth. Be honest with me. Be honest with me. Do I look gay in
this outfit? Ok, fff. Thank God. I thought I looked like a faggot."

"This goes out to all my whores
This one goes out to my whores
Niggers and negros"

"I Suffer Again Because Me Want To Fuck And Touch
And Fuck And Touch The Children
Me Fucked For Life
Me Grow Old And Then They Dont Want Me But I Still Want Them
Dey Want Me Fucked Cuz I Be Da Monstar Getting Down In My Evil Ways "

Thank god they are out there doing this for women and little girls!

Sorry LynZ and Gerard, but you brought this on yourselves and if you say that you didn't expect this, then either you are completley stupid, and you are lying and you think that all the fans are completely stupid.


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Anonymous said...

I expect she bought that herself. After all she is a modern, independent woman who makes her own money, off her own back, and would never sink to flashing a misogynistic symbol of male ownership!
Well, the bitch/whore/slut (whatever she calls women) is a pure feminist.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care what Gerard and LynZ do anymore. They could both spontaneously combust and I don't think I'd bat an eyelash.

Maybe this is what it feels like to grow up. I just know I've lost part of my innocence along with my faith in MCR and that's probably a good thing.

It still feels kind of sad, but at least I didn't drop a hundred and fifty bucks on a DVD boxset and some cheap masks. That would have been a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

'I don't really care what Gerard and LynZ do anymore. They could both spontaneously combust and I don't think I'd bat an eyelash.'

It's a liberating feeling, isn't it? And if enough of us feel the same way it'll end up liberating them.

From their record deals.


Anonymous said...


Let us pray....

Anonymous said...

It still feels kind of sad, but at least I didn't drop a hundred and fifty bucks on a DVD boxset and some cheap masks. That would have been a tragedy.

For realz. I feel sorry for the suckers who did. :/

Anonymous said...

http://www. buzznet. com/musicnews/gerard-way-reveals-update-new-j2849051/

so what do you think about that guys, gerard says their's a new album in the making...

i personally feel that it matters but yet it doesn't. i mean really now, it's like putting a bandage over a wound, it's not really fixing the problem.

i need more than a new album to feel completly satisfied.

Anonymous said...

so what do you think about that guys, gerard says their's a new album in the making...

I get the sense that the new album is only just an idea in Gerard's head right now. TBH I just don't see it happening.

Besides, just because Gerard says it doesn't make it so. The man has a very casual relationship with the truth.

Anonymous said...

"Punk in its proto-sense"...what? Gerard Way is a fucking idiot. If I were Lindsey and I had to listen to him ramble on about stupid shit in that annoying nasal Jersey accent I think I'd have to cut a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Who says she listens? Or understands him if she does? She probably just wags her head. She doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed.

Or maybe he doesn't even bother talking to her.

Anonymous said...

If I were Gerard and I had to, like, listen to LynZ, like, ramble on in that annoying, like, faux-valley girl accent of hers, I, like, think I might have to, like, choke a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he is dumbing himself down so she won't look as bad.

Anonymous said...

"Punk in its proto-sense"...what?

ikr. what the hell does that even mean?

Anonymous said...

"It's hard to say at this point, but musically, how Black Parade tapped into the glam, classic rock of Queen and Ziggy Stardust, this taps into something different — not punk, but maybe in its proto sense. The aesthetic — it is extremely different, and it is more stripped-down too.

"Nah, I didn't say it was going to be a more punk-rock record, I just thought it would be more stripped of the bells and whistles," he explained. "But I think the concepts will always be progressive.

"It will be more direct, more about life, and have more social commentary in there," Way continued. "That's where it's kind of heading now. It won't be a 'boohoo' record about 'Oh, we got famous,' but a commentary on how the world is now."

I think he's been hitting the coke too hard because this shit makes no sense whatsoever.

What, does he think they're going to re-invent music or something? He really is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

"It won't be a 'boohoo' record about 'Oh, we got famous,' but a commentary on how the world is now."

Great. A whole album of wailing crap like that "World is Ugly" monstrosity they trotted out on tour in Hong Kong.

Thanks but no thanks, Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"It won't be a 'boohoo' record about 'Oh, we got famous,' but a commentary on how the world is now."

Great. A whole album of wailing crap like that "World is Ugly" monstrosity they trotted out on tour in Hong Kong.

Thanks but no thanks, Gerard.

August 15, 2008 9:14 PM

No it will be my fans hate me and don't like my wife.

Anonymous said...

No it will be my fans hate me and don't like my wife.

Somebody call the wahmbulance. The dude brought it on himself with his summer of sharpie love and his "my wife this, my wife that" b.s. I don't think his fans would have had a problem with his marriage if he hadn't turned into a completely different person during and after PR.

People have accused him of rubbing his relationship with Lindsey in his exes' faces, but I disagree. I think he was rubbing it in the fangirls' faces because he doesn't want to be idolized by teenaged girls; he wants to be seen as a "serious musician."

Yeah, Gerard. Flaunting your hickies and acting like a fifteen year-old boy who's getting laid for the first time is really going to get you respect. *rolls eyes*

Anonymous said...

The new album is going to be stripped-down-prog-concept-proto-punk.

El-oh-el. Pretentious much?

Anonymous said...

To all the people who said MCR is over, I guess the joke is on you. They do have a new record in the works so now all you can do is criticize the concept of it because your too stupid to understand it. Proto means the first so Gerard was talking about early punk. Duh.

Bunch of morons.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Told you so, I don't take anything Gerard has to say at face value until I see a CD that is. And as far as it being in the works Gerard said that all the guys are doing something else right now NOT MCR related. How can it be in the works if the other guys aren't involved. Right now all you have to go on is that GW has some ideas floating around in his head.

I do think there will be another CD. But by the time it comes out you and all the other fan girls will have moved on to the next big thing and will have forgotten all about Gerard because some new and hotter guy has come your way.

Anonymous said...

To all the people who said MCR is over, I guess the joke is on you. They do have a new record in the works so now all you can do is criticize the concept of it because your too stupid to understand it. Proto means the first so Gerard was talking about early punk. Duh.

Gerard has said that he thinking about it. That doesn't mean they are working on it right now, or that it will even happen. Gerard's word is not law. We know what it means, the fact that Gerard thinks he is some kind of revolution in the music world for 'tapping into that' is what has a rolling our eyes.

Bunch of morons.

Way to prove how superior you are to us. Really, I feel so happy that you've set me strait. Now that I know what a moron I am I can....Oh wait never mind, I'm not a moron. How about you stop making asinine comments about our intelligence level, because you're only making yourself look like and idiot.

Anonymous said...

Since when did Gerard Way's word become gospel, told you so? I'm guessing you're pretty new to the fanbase or you would still be anxiously awaiting that Prison video he promised back in 2005, along with the big-budget Revenge tour - you know, the one that was going to have an awesome light show and Helena-type dancers? You also must be on pins and needles waiting for the other two singles he promised us from TBP, especially the Mama video he's going to direct.


The thing is, Gerard always seems to have really big plans that don't always come to fruition. I'll believe there's going to be a new CD when it's actually in post-production and not one day before.

Anonymous said...

To all the people who said MCR is over, I guess the joke is on you.
Yeah, the joke's on us because MCR may or may not be making a new record. Right now, it's just an idea in GW's mind and nobody else seems to be involved in it at all.
I don't think most people here can see it happening though, to be honest.
They do have a new record in the works so now all you can do is criticize the concept of it because your too stupid to understand it.
Did I miss the memo that said everything that was reported in the media was fact?
And it's not the concept that's confusing - we're just laughing at how he thinks he can change the music industry with this new record and their ever-changing influences.
Proto means the first so Gerard was talking about early punk. Duh.
"not punk, but maybe in its proto sense"
So how can it be something, yet not be it at the same time?
Oh, I give up. You people are impossible!

Bunch of morons.
Yes, because we're the ones who take Gerard's word as gospel...

Anon @ 8:53 AM, you forgot emo. After all, this record is going to be "a commentary on how the world is now".

Anonymous said...

"I think he's been hitting the coke too hard because this shit makes no sense whatsoever.

What, does he think they're going to re-invent music or something? He really is an idiot."

You may have a point as he sounds just like Noel Gallagher did before Oasis released Be Here Now which was supposed to be their scene-altering magnum opus but, in fact, went down like the legendary 'lead zeppelin' and torpedoed their previously stellar careers.

Shortly afterwards he conceded that they'd been stuffing so much Bolivian Marching Powder up their noses at the time that they would have recorded anything and thought they were channelling Page and Lennon...

Anonymous said...

"It won't be a 'boohoo' record about 'Oh, we got famous,' but a commentary on how the world is now."

I am beginning to suspect that Gerard is like a chameleon who has no identity of his own.

After MCR toured with Green Day, Gerard adopted the same haircut, style and attitude as Billie Joe Armstrong for a few months. On TBP, he channeled Freddie Mercury and David Bowie. After hanging out with MSI, he went from telling girls to respect themselves (a very Billie Joe/Kurt Cobain type thing) to asking them to simuate masturbation at shows and "moan for him" (a la Jimmy Urine). Now, after doing the Dylan cover for Watchmen, he's suddenly into social commentary - Bob Dylan, anyone?

I almost feel sorry for him - almost, but not quite. Instead of traveling around the world with the wifey during the break I think he should be spending some serious couch time with his therapist. It would be nice to see the guy develop an actual identity of his own.

Anonymous said...

According to a recent concert review of MSI in an Amsterdam Newspaper dated 8/12/08, Jimmy Urine is quoted to have said that Gerard Way "is my best friend".

Anonymous said...

Lynz needs an identity of her own. If you see the pictures from the current tour she is wearing identical clothing worn by Gerard Way at comic con. White shirt, black vest and tie.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Urine is quoted to have said that Gerard Way "is my best friend".
I think they misinterpreted that....Gerard Way is Jimmy's best source of income, not his friend. Sad but true.

Well, not what I would define as a friend anyway.

Does anyone know if Gerard is on tour with MSI now?

Anonymous said...

Gerard Way is Jimmy's best source of income, not his friend.

Why can't he see this for himself? I bet inviting JU and the gang at the awards was her doing. That's sad.

Anonymous said...

I bet inviting JU and the gang at the awards was her doing.
Actually, I think he invited know, to have the "cool" gang around. A posse, an entourage.

Anonymous said...

"Cool"? That's the last word I would associate with MSI.

Anonymous said...

I agree. But he seems to think they're "cool" otherwise he wouldn't be promoting (and proberly SUPPORTING) them like he is. Something tells me, that in that group, he's the guy who nobody likes but is always willing to pay so they take him along and because of his clout he's able to get them in wherever the group wants to go. Another bonus of having him around.

Anonymous said...

'you know, to have the "cool" gang around.'

It always amuses me when actresses turn up to events looking like a dog's dinner because some highly paid stylist told them that a outfit, whilst truly hideous to the casual observer, was "fashionable".

Likewise, I'd love to know who was playing the practical joke when they told Gerard that MSI were "cool", especially given that they needed his teeny-bopper emo band to promote them in the first place!

And this from a man who claims to have made peace with being "uncool". I never thought of Mr Way as a natural comedian, but every time he plaintively cries that he has no interest in popularity I wet myself a little...

Anonymous said...

Woah, great minds think alike and all that!

Clearly, I'm an excruciatingly slow typer, though, as it took me a full 10 minutes to post my comment.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me, that in that group, he's the guy who nobody likes but is always willing to pay so they take him along and because of his clout he's able to get them in wherever the group wants to go.

As much as I think he has lost his credibility over this fiasco, there is something so tragically sad in that.

Anonymous said...

It's sad because he's being used, and no one likes to see that happen to a person because they've proberly had it done to themselves. It's extra sad considering he used to be well respected and liked by people.

but every time he plaintively cries that he has no interest in popularity I wet myself a little...
Again, true. He's obviously still trying to get over being "the Geek" he was in High School. Although it my eyes, the bigger the geek, the better.

Anonymous said...

If I were Jimmy Urine I'd be a little bit leary of my new "best friend." After all, look what happened to Bert McCracken.

Anonymous said...

I remember an interview not so long ago where Gerard was asked if fame had changed him. He went into this spiel about how he was the same person he always was and how he even had the same "three best friends" he'd had since art school (or something to that effect). I guess now that he's married to LynZ he dumped those old friends as well as his bandmates for the idiots in her band.

Obviously the man has no clue what the word loyalty means.

Anonymous said...

Or "friendship".

Anonymous said...

If I were Jimmy Urine I'd be a little bit leary of my new "best friend." After all, look what happened to Bert McCracken.

If you're going to make comparisons to what happened between Bert and Gerard, I think you've got that backwards. Gerard's the one who should be leery.

A lot of newer MCR fans don't realize that when Gerard became 'best friends' with Bert, The Used was regarded as 'the next big thing.' Their self-titled debut album generated an incredible amount of buzz. The Used was asked to play Ozzfest as well as on the main stage of Projekt Revolution, and Bert was dating Kelley Osborne. When Gerard and Bert hooked up, it gave MCR's career a huge boost.

Then came Revenge, the Helena video and success for MCR, while The Used's second record, Love and Death did not do as well as expected. The Used career was taking a downturn while MCR's was on the rise and suddenly Gerard dropped Bert like a hot potato.

Anyway, my point is that MSI seems to be using MCR the same way that MCR did The Used. They say what goes around comes around and if that's true, maybe this time Gerard will learn what it's like to be used and then discarded like an old shoe.

Anonymous said...

They say what goes around comes around
And now I have JT in my head.

Thankfully, MSI will never be as popular as MCR. They just don't have the talent.

Anonymous said...

notice how lynz doesn't say anything the entire interview. maybe she's finally realized that nobody takes anything that comes out of her mouth seriously and should stop trying.

Anonymous said...

I agree. But he seems to think they're "cool" otherwise he wouldn't be promoting (and proberly SUPPORTING) t

OH HAI SAFE ON THE WAVES!!! Why don't you sign in? You always misspell the exact same words in the exact same stupid way! I agree with some of what you're saying but you need to learn how to spell and you need to sign in.

Anonymous said...

maybe she's finally realized that nobody takes anything that comes out of her mouth seriously and should stop trying.
Could be..... or it could be that she's incapable of any thought whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

It's sad because he's being used, and no one likes to see that happen to a person because they've proberly had it done to themselves.


Anonymous said...

10.17 and 10.19...sorry, I'm not who you think I am. In fact I don't have an account here. Proberly.

Anonymous said...

How many people spell the same word wrong all the time. Proberly? That is Safe on the Waves. Safe never signs in either.

Anonymous said...

OH HAI SAFE ON THE WAVES!!! Why don't you sign in? You always misspell the exact same words in the exact same stupid way! I agree with some of what you're saying but you need to learn how to spell and you need to sign in.

What difference does it make whether or not the poster is Safe not signed in or how she spells the word probably? It doesn't change the meaning of what she says.

FYI, I have several friends from the UK who use the term "proberly" all the time. It's slang for them and I personally find it charming.

Really, if I were you I would lay off the personal attacks. You're only making yourself look petty and mean.

Anonymous said...

It is not a personal attack. Just a mere observation.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Anon, I don't take it as a personal attack....because I'm not Safe on the Waves. Besides, I think we're all aloud a few spelling mistakes here and there.

Thank you Kate! *Kisses*

Proberly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No problem! *hugs*

Proberly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

maybe this time Gerard will learn what it's like to be used and then discarded like an old shoe.

It makes me feel like a bad person for thinking this way, but I really, really hope that happens. Gerard needs a little comeuppance. Like my Grandma used to say, he's gotten a bit too big for his britches.

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to suspect that Gerard is like a chameleon who has no identity of his own.

I can't believe I'm going to go here, but...maybe Marilyn Manson had a point?

Anonymous said...

Besides, I think we're all aloud a few spelling mistakes here and there.

I think you mean allowed. Look I agree with most of what you say about Gerard and LynZ but please let's not prove the trolls right. We are the adults here. We can spell.

Proberly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"...maybe Marilyn Manson had a point?"

It looks like he may have. He did attack Gerard more than MCR itself.

Anonymous said...

I think you mean allowed. Look I agree with most of what you say about Gerard and LynZ but please let's not prove the trolls right. We are the adults here. We can spell.
well damn,i didn,t know to post here you had to be perfect at spelling.Did i do ok or did i spell something wrong?

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to sound like an idiot or anything but what exactly did Marilyn Manson say about Gerard?

Anonymous said...

This isn't what started it but this is some of what was said.

As previously reported Manson said his song 'Mutilation Is The Most Sincere Form Of Flattery' from his new album 'Eat Me, Drink Me' is about Gerard Way's band.

Manson elaborated on his attack on the band, saying, "I'm embarrassed to be me because these people are doing a really sad, pitiful, shallow version of what I've done.

"If they want to identify with me then here's a razor blade. Call me when you're done and we'll talk."

The lyrics from the song contain the lyrics: "Hey, there's no rules today/You steal instead of borrow/You take all the shapes that I make/ And you think that you thought/All the thoughts that I thought/Don't you?"

In response, Way told Rock Sound: "We still haven't found someone that has knocked us down that we need to take seriously. If Elvis Costello said we sucked we would think about it a bit but usually it is comments from someone with a new record to promote so the remarks ring hollow."

Anonymous said...

I think the whole thing with Manson started when MM accused Gerard of stealing his makeup (the Blade Runner bar across the eyes in 04) and doing it badly. MM also felt that the cover shot of Gerard on the May 2005 issue of Spin was an attempt to copy him (the one leather glove, the suit, the makeup.)

At first I thought Manson was being a bit silly, but looking back on things, it does seem that Gerard "borrows" most of his ideas.

Anonymous said...

^That is not to say that he borrows them just from Manson -- he borrows them from all over: BJ Armstrong, Freddie Mercury, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, etc.

Anonymous said...

MM maybe right that Gway barrows looks, attitudes, music styles and MM's huge ego.

But MM wasn't the first person to have that bar across the face, suit or the one glove thing.

Anonymous said...

MM maybe right that Gway barrows looks, attitudes, music styles and MM's huge ego.

I don't really see how he borrowed his music style. To me they sound nothing alike. Everything else yeah.

But MM wasn't the first person to have that bar across the face, suit or the one glove thing.


Anonymous said...

I think Marilyn Manson is an incredibly talented prick with an overinflated sense of self-importance. He is, however, extremely intelligent and articulate and he has never tried to appear as something he is not. His attitude is "take me or leave me", whereas GWay has spent a lot of years trying to please his fans by trying on different personnas.

I would have much more respect for GWay if he would just be himself and stop changing who he is depending on who he happens to be hanging out with at the time.

Anonymous said...

I would have much more respect for GWay if he would just be himself and stop changing who he is depending on who he happens to be hanging out with at the time.
As would I.

Anonymous said...

I would have much more respect for GWay if he would just be himself and stop changing who he is depending on who he happens to be hanging out with at the time.

Wouldn't we all? How long you think before the rest of the world figures out the dude is just a big fake?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I would have much more respect for GWay if he would just be himself and stop changing who he is depending on who he happens to be hanging out with at the time.

I think everyone feels that way. But I also think that what is pissing people off even more is that he changes the band to fit with his new personality as well.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone feels that way. But I also think that what is pissing people off even more is that he changes the band to fit with his new personality as well.

I agree with that so hard, Martha. But, what I really don't understand is why the other guys just go along with it. They have to be getting pretty sick of this by now and that's why I don't put much faith in what Gerard says about making a new record.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I agree with that so hard, Martha. But, what I really don't understand is why the other guys just go along with it. They have to be getting pretty sick of this by now and that's why I don't put much faith in what Gerard says about making a new record.

August 20, 2008 12:03 PM

Kate I think they just like performing so much that they will put up with a lot of shit. It could all be that they want him to get this shit out of his system.

But it is probably because they like him as a friend and don't want to lose the friendship

Anonymous said...

I am so afraid the other boys in the band have had enough of Gerard and will go off and do their own thing and then Lyn-Z will leave him and he'll have nothing.

I hope Martha is right and Gerard will get this MSI thing out of his system but I worry that it will be too late.

Anonymous said...

I would have much more respect for GWay if he would just be himself and stop changing who he is depending on who he happens to be hanging out with at the time.

Oh yeah, definitely. Even if he really is a huge ass hole if he never pretended to be a nice guy I wouldn't mind at all. That's really why people are getting so upset, not because he's acting like an asshole, but because he used to act really nice and sweet.

Anonymous said...

Even if he really is a huge ass hole if he never pretended to be a nice guy I wouldn't mind at all. That's really why people are getting so upset, not because he's acting like an asshole, but because he used to act really nice and sweet.

Yeah, exactly. Like with Bert McCracken -- he never pretended to be anyone other than a messed up rock dude.

Then you have Gerard who used to claim that he got into music to "make a difference" and to "save lives."

That's why I get so pissed at the fansheep who bleat on about how "it should be about the music, he's human, he doesn't belong on a pedestal, etc." because he is the one who put himself on that pedestal and lots of fans got into MCR because of the values we believed Gerard and the rest of the band represented.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel like I can support someone who has just outright lied to me and that's how I feel about Gerard.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Julie I hope I am right as well. But even if he does get it out of his system I don't think I could go back to being a fan.

Either GW lied or he just threw away his ethics and being a nice guy to be cool. Neither theory is any better than the other.

MCR didn't save my life or anything like that. But it was nice to have a decent person in the rock world. Someone who care about his fans and didn't want to become an over sexed asshole.

Anonymous said...

julie said...
I am so afraid the other boys in the band have had enough of Gerard and will go off and do their own thing and then Lyn-Z will leave him and he'll have nothing.

Honestly, at this point if the band and Lyn-Z left him maybe from then on he could finally realize what he has really been doing for quite a while now, which obviously damaging to the fans and his creditability.

Maybe he needs that in order to change for the better... but this can go both ways, he can either change or find other people that can/want to take his, for lack of a better word, crap.

& as harsh as this may sound I really hope that he gets some tough love from the people that he encounters or his loved ones. I don't think he even deserves to be placed in such a high pedastel anymore and it sucks that he was placed there in the first place, in fact he placed himself there by proclaiming that he wanted to save the world, help kids with the music that he created with the follow MCR members. Once you make such high ideals for yourself you have to continue in the same path, unless of course you don't care anymore... or you never really cared.

It's just really sickening how he can continue to be led so blindly, fuck! I even think that he wants to be led! Seriously he seems to be morphing into whoever walks by him, ever think of becoming your own person!? Being yourself? UGH!

I have a question:

Who is the REAL Gerard Way?

^^ I have a feeling that my question will never be answered... What does it matter anyway.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Lynz would never leave him. She is getting too much out of this whole marriage.

Anonymous said...

I think she'll get bored of him soon enough. Maybe even move onto a better, richer guy.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Lynz would never leave him. She is getting too much out of this whole marriage.

When the rest of the world no longer cares about Gerard Way (and trust me, that day will come), Lindsey will be gone so fast it will make his head spin.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to bet how much shit and bottles of piss MSI will have thrown at them when they play Reading on Sunday (for some unknown reason)?

Anonymous said...

Who wants to bet how much shit and bottles of piss MSI will have thrown at them when they play Reading on Sunday (for some unknown reason)?

Let there be video footage on YouTube and at least one direct hit. Hopefully Mrs Way. TBH, I think that's where most it's going to be aimed at.

Anonymous said...

MSI are unworthy of my piss and shit.

Anonymous said...

I think she'll get bored of him soon enough. Maybe even move onto a better, richer guy.

who else would be THAT stupid, apart from Gerard?

Anonymous said...

who else would be THAT stupid, apart from Gerard?
Something tells me there are no shortage of stupid men in the world.

Anonymous said...

who else would be THAT stupid, apart from Gerard?

Also, who besides Gerard is so classless that he would be attracted to a woman who has a rooster (i.e. cock) tattooed on her arm and who wears her lipstick outside of her lip line like old ladies do? Oh I'm sure there are literally ~tons~ of rich guys out there who find that attractive in a woman.

Anonymous said...

"Something tells me there are no shortage of stupid men in the world."

Yes, but stupid men on the hunt for a vacuous status symbol tend to go for your more conventionally attractive bleach-blonde bimbette. I actually think Lyn-Z's not physically unattractive without the stage get-up, but dumb as fuck, talentless and with a CHICKEN slut-sleeve - only Gerard Way could ever possibly consider her to be a trophy wife!!

Anonymous said...

There's no accounting for taste!

Anonymous said...

I actually think Lyn-Z's not physically unattractive without the stage get-up, but dumb as fuck, talentless and with a CHICKEN slut-sleeve

Yes and let's not forget that she's not exactly a spring chick, either. The woman is a not-so-young-looking 32 and what with her lifestyle she's probably going to look like hell by the time she's 40.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ CHICKEN slut-sleeve

I seem to remember reading that Frank doesn't like tattoos on women because he thinks it makes them look 'whorish'. I wonder what he thinks of Lyn-x.

Anonymous said...

I think Frank just ment tramp-stamps were a prostitue thing. I can't get on the the MCRF to see the quote.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me there are no shortage of stupid men in the world.

August 21, 2008 5:32 AM

But think about it. If you knew of MSI before MCR (and some of us did), you never heard of LynZ with a man before. No boyfriends, nothing.

Anonymous said...

I think Frank just ment tramp-stamps were a prostitue thing. I can't get on the the MCRF to see the quote.

Yeah, he did say the thing about the tramp-stamp (lower back tattoo) because I remember Ray got all defensive because his girlfriend had one.

Still, it seems like he did say he doesn't find tattoos on girls attractive in anther interview. Also, Jamia doesn't have them -- at least not any visible ones, anyway.

Anonymous said...

But think about it. If you knew of MSI before MCR (and some of us did), you never heard of LynZ with a man before. No boyfriends, nothing.

So are you saying this is because nobody else wanted her or the lesbian thing? I had heard of MSI before she and Gerard hooked up and I'd always heard she was gay.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when the rumours started about the two of them, everyone who knew about MSI said that there was no way LynZ was dating Gerard because she was gay.

Anonymous said...

^And liked to make out with all her female fans.

Anonymous said...

I heard that about her, too. When someone first posted that pic of her and Gerard kissing at PR I remember someone saying, "Oh, Lyn will kiss anything, especially if it's pretty," referring to the fact that Gerard looked like a girl.

Then came all the sharpie shit and the clothing exchange, bandanas, hickies, etc. and a lot of people said Gerard was using her as a beard to keep the fangirls off him.

You never know. Makes about as much sense as anything else.

Anonymous said...

Massive coverup? He's gay, she's gay, make the best of the situation?

yes, I was the one who posted about her not having boyfriends. It was because you always heard about her having girlfriends.

Anonymous said...

There were rumors about Eliza being a beard for Gerard too, and if you go back and look at the timing of their "engagement" it makes a lot of sense.

Eliza was hungry for fame. Gerard had just announced to the world that he has broken up with his six-year relationship (that some say was a guy, others say was fictitious) and fangirls were coming out of the woodwork claiming they were dating him. (Remember the photoshopped pictures of him and some random blonde chick and the crazy older asian woman, not to mention Lana Jade.) Also, there was a lot of talk about how no one ever really did see a picture of "Kat" (yes, we know about all the myspace "kats", but no one could prove they weren't fakes);there was just the one account in an old magazine interview of an attractive "goth girl" who could have been anyone (cousin, friend, etc.) posing as a girlfriend.

Eliza was convenient, but after the "N word" incident, she became a liability and he had to get rid of her. A month later he hooked up with Lindsey and a month after that, they were married.

The whole thing really does reek of a mutually beneficial arrangement. Gerard gets the fangirls to give him some breathing room and Lindey's band gets tons of free publicity.

Only problem is, I think the fans smell a rat and the whole thing is going to backfire in their faces.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Eliza was convenient, but after the "N word" incident, she became a liability and he had to get rid of her. A month later he hooked up with Lindsey and a month after that, they were married.

But msi have used the N word in before. And they call women bitches, gay people the F word and think that sing about a five year old pantie shot is okay.

Than there are the fan girls. Nothing is going to make them stop until they find a new guy to go crazy about.

Anonymous said...

But msi have used the N word in before. And they call women bitches, gay people the F word and think that sing about a five year old pantie shot is okay.

Yes, but for some strange reason, most of the world looks on MSI's use of those words as some kind of art, which makes it okay.

People were throwing shit fits over Eliza playfully calling her friend "nigga" in a video on youtube, writing letters to buzznet sponsors, having epic battles on mcr comms and on anonquestions, etc., but I've seen no such reaction about MSI's use of the word. Makes no sense to me.

Anonymous said...

^This is true. The mod of zomgmcrrumors was on an all out offensive against Eliza because of the N-word thing. I think she's an attorney of African American descent and she was giving out addresses of people to write to with complaints. The whole community rallied behind her.

But when Gerard hooked up with Lynz nobody in the community had a negative word to say about it. They were just happy it wasn't Eliza.

Anonymous said...

While all of that is very interesting it still doesn't explain why Gerard turned into a raging asshole.

But anyway I come bearing good news! MSI didn't win the Kerrang award for best album despite all MCR's product placement. Yay!

Also, MCR didn't win Best International Band this year either. They lost to 30STM. Maybe the fans are finally wising up to Gerard's bullshit.

Anonymous said...

How odd considering 30 Seconds to Mars hasn't released an album since 2005. Well Jared Leto is hot and he isn't married to a scary tattooed chick who looks like she could eat him for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

How odd considering 30 Seconds to Mars hasn't released an album since 2005. Well Jared Leto is hot and he isn't married to a scary tattooed chick who looks like she could eat him for breakfast.

LMAO! Most def'!
I couldn't help myself I had to laugh at that statement. But anyways, I think 30STM deserved it but I also think that a lot of the MCR-craziness is dying off... maybe that's why they didn't win?

Anonymous said...

RIP MCR, it was good while it lasted

Anonymous said...

RIddle me this.

Eliza stalked Gerard for years. Just read her story. She followed him everywhere. But she says she only thinks she saw "Kat" twice in that whole time. You don't stalk a guy, follow him around the country while he SAYS his "girlfriend" goes on tour with him and not ever see the girlfriend.

Kat was made up. Or was a friend of his that he told everyone was his girl friend.

But you are right. None of this explains why he turned into such a huge dick.

Anonymous said...

Well..... Unless you count that LynZ and the others got him back into drugs. Then it makes more sense.

Anonymous said...

According to Megan Mayhem, Kat was an unsupportive girlfriend. Maybe she was more of a booty call than a girlfriend.

Either that or they had a very strange relationship.

Speaking of Eliza story - there's a part where Paul tells Emma that he has to ring his girlfriend. He disappears and a member of the crew asks Emma where Paul is. She tells him he's on the phone with his girlfriend. The crew member then says something like "His girlfriend, yeah right!" which stuns Emma. Plus Emma says she only SAW his girlfriend twice, she never spoke to her. Might have bben some random girl who had nothing to do with Paul but had something to do with The Balck Pyjama Party or their lable.

Anonymous said...

"None of this explains why he turned into such a huge dick."

Oh, I wouldn't say "huge dick" - not after that photo where he looks like he's got a rolled-up football sock migrating half-way down his leg!!

Anonymous said...

That picture's hilarious. He should have been more careful when he stuffed.

Anonymous said...

The crew member then says something like "His girlfriend, yeah right!

sounds like he was on the phone to someone else, like cheating on her

Anonymous said...

According to Megan Mayhem, Kat was an unsupportive girlfriend. Maybe she was more of a booty call than a girlfriend.

Either that or they had a very strange relationship.

Maybe "unsupportive" was just Meghan's way of saying Kat didn't really exist? As much trouble as Meghan got into with fans and the "crew" after that little mishap, imagine if she'd blurted out Kat's real secret -- that she didn't exist!

I read some fansightings of Gerard in New York while MCR was on their break between the Revenge Tour and recording TPB and although he was supposed to be living with his "girlfriend" in Queens, not a single person saw them together. How in God's name can you have a relationship with a guy and never, ever go anywhere together?

Unless Kat is some really fucked up agoraphobic nutcase, I really don't think she exists.

Anonymous said...

Or Megan never met Kat either. Just a girl Gerard claimed to be Kat.

Anonymous said...

Kat was probably a man and Eliza and Lindsay are beards so the fangirls don't turn away in droves.

Ironically, if he wasn't such an ass about the whole E-Cuts/Lyn-Z thing and was open about it, he'd still have the fans who loved the music and didn't give a damn about his sexuality, instead of having to keep up this charade of heterosexuality for the rest of his career.

Anonymous said...

Gerard isn't gay. I know this because Amyranth on Mayo said so. He blushed when he met her because he wanted her so badly.

Anonymous said...

Gerard isn't gay. I know this because Amyranth on Mayo said so. He blushed when he met her because he wanted her so badly.

Can we just leave those delusional fanwomen out of this? Most of them (yes, there are a few exceptions) think they have some kind of special connection to Gerard and that blog has pretty much turned into INO for the older set.

Anonymous said...

Wow, if Eliza was a beard how come she was raving on about how "talented" Gerard was in bed on radio?

Anonymous said...

Wow, if Eliza was a beard how come she was raving on about how "talented" Gerard was in bed on radio?

You believe Eliza?

Anonymous said...

Um, I think it's already been established that Eliza wants people to be jealous of her. What better way than to tell them how great Gerard was in bed?

I don't believe a word she says about anything. The woman is nuts.

Anonymous said...

Can we just leave those delusional fanwomen out of this?
Amy's not a deluded fanwoman. She's a wonderful person with a big heart.

Anonymous said...

"Wow, if Eliza was a beard how come she was raving on about how "talented" Gerard was in bed on radio?"

I expect even Eliza is smart enough to know that trashing a man's sexual prowess is the fast-track to being dismissed as a bitter old hag; big him up, on the other hand, and people will regard your character more kindly and maybe even believe some of your insaner pronouncements.

Either that or he slipped her $50!

Anonymous said...

Look, I don't know anything about this 'Amy' person on Mayo. I do know that everyone on my lj f-list thinks that the Mayo blog is a joke. I also know about two dozen Gerard fangirls who claim that Gerard blushed, looked down, woudn't meet their eyes, stuttered, etc. when he met them. For some reason nearly all of them think that means he was in some way attracted to them, when in reality all it really proves is that he can be shy when he meets people. It has no bearing on his sexuality.

Anonymous said...

Either that or he slipped her $50!

Lol. Most definitely.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe a word she says about anything.
Especially since she has a habit of contradicting herself. She says she never reads fansites and bad thing about herself on the internet. My Ass!! When she first wrote that story, someone on Buzznet (Gerard Way forum) made a comment that she should have stayed "Mary Sue". The next day she changed her MySpace name to Mary Sue.

There have been lots different rumours about her on the internet in different place and dispite the fact she "doesn't see them" she still posts pictures on her MySpace depicting the rumours about her ie money burning, faking a pregnancy, cheating..... She also said on the radio show "I'm not a cheat". Even though cheating was never mentioned.

Back a Buzznet, a member of the MCR community posted a sorry letter to her on the MCR forum....she replied to in within an hour. It's now deleted, but if she didn't watch the forums how would she have seen the thread so quickly?

So you can see from this that she does watch the forum, yet despite the death of Hannah Bond being posted more than once at the MCR/GW forum in May, she claims that she never heard of it until recently and addressed the issue in a blog.

So, yeah, basically she's a liar.

Anonymous said...

Wow, if Eliza was a beard how come she was raving on about how "talented" Gerard was in bed on radio?

Maybe Eliza was talking about the gym sock Gerard used to stuff his pants with.

Anonymous said...

She didn't say he was good at sex, she said he was good in bed. He could be doing anything in bed, drawing perhaps?

Anonymous said...

^ Yeah, or telling lies because it seems that's what he does best.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Eliza just say he was a man "with many talents" in response to the question of whether or not he was good in bed? Maybe she meant that he was good at writing comic books and drawing, but not necessarily good in bed. It seemed more like an evasion of the question than anything else.

Anonymous said...

He could be doing anything in bed, drawing perhaps?

isn't that what he does with Lindsey, make art?

Anonymous said...

Maybe art is like sex to Gerard?

Anonymous said...

Sound Effects and Overdramatics
Lyrics by Bert McCracken

When the shirt came off, it was all in time
When a m-m-m-minute turned into a mile
And then I broke that grin, and I cut it out
And you got all turned on by the taste of your sin
When I mention blue, all you thought was color
When you mention drugs, all I thought was sober
When your pants came off and I turned you over
When you mention blue

Kill! Smile! Cut it out for me this time!
Smile, haven't seen him smile in a while

Keep the mask aligned
Get it up in time
There's a space between valleys
and try and catch a vibe
Make a circle square, a rectangle curve
Use a smile as a noun and I think like a verb
Run quick switch sides
Spill the filled up canister
And the room is shaking
Now you're changing places,
and I switched my pace,
and my breathing races when you mention blue

Kill! Smile! Cut it out for me this time!
Smile, haven't seen him smile in a while

Maybe someone should have asked Bert whether or not Gerard was good in bed. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should have asked Bert whether or not Gerard was good in bed. :)
Hell yeah, they should. Gerard did admit to seeing Bert naked....

Anonymous said...

Mama Way did give Bert a picture of him and Gerard and gloves for his brithday.

How many for your mums give your friends birthday presents? I know mine NEVER does.

How many of your mums give your partner/spouses birthday presents? My mum does that.

Anonymous said...

From the Kerrang Awards site


Mindless Self Indulgence cheer massively when My Chemical Romance appear on the screen

Anonymous said...

Well, at least they know what their meal ticket looks like!

Anonymous said...


Mindless Self Indulgence cheer massively when My Chemical Romance appear on the screen

What they left out:


Jimmy Urine sends LynZ out to give Jared Leto a congratulatory kiss (in order to try and con 30STM into taking MSI out on their next tour).


Jared Leto runs like hell.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wouldn't say "huge dick" - not after that photo where he looks like he's got a rolled-up football sock migrating half-way down his leg!!

Do you have a link? That sounds hilarious!

Anonymous said...

It's all gone to hell, hasn't it? Wow. It went quickly, too.

sister midnite said...

Hey Kapunua!
What's gone to hell?

Hi new peoples. I'm one of them 'crazy fanwomen' from Mayo's. Except that I'm not a fan-woman, or ever have been. Crazy? Maybe. ^_~

Oh, and whoever was talking about Amyranth? She's a fun lady, who would never say something like that if she thought it would be taken seriously.

I'd also like to clarify that many people feel a connection to MAYO, not Gerard. Mayo's been posting & hosting for almost a year now. Gerard's attention span could never handle the consistency.

I'm really bored at work, (for once it's not insane around here) so I'm blog-hopping and back-reading. Good to know that the "Gerard-Has-Turned-Into-A-DICK" klub is going strong! (misspelling intentional)

Anonymous said...

It's all gone to hell, hasn't it? Wow. It went quickly, too.
What went to Hell?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Look, I don't know anything about this 'Amy' person on Mayo. I do know that everyone on my lj f-list thinks that the Mayo blog is a joke. I also know about two dozen Gerard fangirls who claim that Gerard blushed, looked down, woudn't meet their eyes, stuttered, etc. when he met them. For some reason nearly all of them think that means he was in some way attracted to them, when in reality all it really proves is that he can be shy when he meets people. It has no bearing on his sexuality.

August 22, 2008 5:56 AM

exactly! he did say that he feels weird meeting fans, espacially after a performance. he's just awkward as hell! LOL. i doubt he's attracted to every female he sees...

so is it true than that eliza actually wrote a book on their previous relationship? LOL. seriously this woman is insane. but if you know the name of the book, let me know. i'm just curious. honestly, she's juicing the relationship for everything that it's worth.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you Sister. And you are right about Amyranth.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mindless Self Indulgence cheer massively when My Chemical Romance appear on the screen

What they left out:


Jimmy Urine sends LynZ out to give Jared Leto a congratulatory kiss (in order to try and con 30STM into taking MSI out on their next tour).


Jared Leto runs like hell.

LMAO! sorry if i sound stupid but is the second part true?
wow. i love jared leto for running the hell out of there. :)
that comment made me so happy.

Anonymous said...

10.36 - it wasn't a book it was a blog on MySpace that she's deleted.

Eliza does intent to write a book about her White Flag crap though.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sister! *hugs*

Hey guys. I meant that MCR went to hell. It's head-spinning how fast it happened. It's as if one night they were true, and the next they were falling apart. Madness.

Anonymous said...

It's as if one night they were true, and the next they were falling apart. Madness.

I personally blame Kerrang! for all the fallout.

Well, actually, I blame Gerard and Lindsey, but Kerrang! just kept rubbing MSI in everyone's faces to the point where fans started to reach Ger-Z overload. Does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

Yes Kate, that makes sense. And then other magazines started jumping on the band wagon, to make the kind of money that Kerrang were making by putting MSI on their covers.

As far MCR going to Hell, I agree. Where should we all point the finger of blame?

sister midnite said...

::*hugz* back to K::

Well, actually, I blame Gerard and Lindsey, but Kerrang! just kept rubbing MSI in everyone's faces to the point where fans started to reach Ger-Z overload. Does that make sense?

Damn straight, it does!

The MySpace stream was a year ago today. What's really sad, is that nothing's changed. How these guys would be able to make another album is beyond me.

At this point, I have to question how long it will be before the sex tape is 'leaked' onto the internet. Yeesh. >.<

Anonymous said...

At this point, I have to question how long it will be before the sex tape is 'leaked' onto the internet. Yeesh. >.<

^^Not long, I think they'll do anything to embaress themselves further. But the thought alone makes me want to cringe. UGH. *barfs*

Anonymous said...

The MySpace stream was a year ago today. What's really sad, is that nothing's changed. How these guys would be able to make another album is beyond me.

Oh, wow, that was a year ago today, wasn't it? As far as I'm concerned that was definitely the beginning of the end for me.

As far as them making a new record goes, I just don't see it. And if they do, things would have to change a helluva lot before I'd buy it.

Anonymous said...

At this point, I have to question how long it will be before the sex tape is 'leaked' onto the internet.

EEK!! Bad mental images. DNW, DNW!

sister midnite said...

As far as them making a new record goes, I just don't see it. And if they do, things would have to change a helluva lot before I'd buy it.

You could always download it. Seeing as how Gerard doesn't care and all. ;)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mama Way did give Bert a picture of him and Gerard and gloves for his brithday.

How many for your mums give your friends birthday presents? I know mine NEVER does.

How many of your mums give your partner/spouses birthday presents? My mum does that.

August 22, 2008 6:59 AM

^^ you do have a valid point.
but i guess we'll never know.
if anything i think Gerard is bi-sexual.

Anonymous said...

At this point, I have to question how long it will be before the sex tape is 'leaked' onto the internet. Yeesh. >.<

Thanks, dude, I just had to tea-tree-oil disinfect my brain.

sister midnite said...

Thanks, dude, I just had to tea-tree-oil disinfect my brain.

Sorry 'bout that. ^_~
Disgusting thought, isn't it?
But really, is the idea of a Ger-Z sex tape really all that unrealistic?

Anonymous said...

Well, looking back on the year I would have said that everything that's happened since the fight has been unrealistic and nobody would have predicted what has gone on. So as for the sex tape - no, it's not unrealistic at all.

^Does this make sense?

Anonymous said...

Urgh! This time next Sunday this place is going to be flooded with Ger-Z fans spouting:

"Happy One Year Anniversary Gerard and LynZ!"

"They've really proven you wrong!"

"All you naysayers didn't believe in their love and now they been married a year, which proves how much they love each other."

"I can't wait for GerZ babies."

*Rolls eyes* I can see it coming a mile away.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! Is nothing sacred to anymore? Why would somebody do this?

Anonymous said...

Ignore that link it doesn't work proberly.

sister midnite said...

Holy Crap! Is nothing sacred to anymore? Why would somebody do this?

Most likely the same reason there's a "Your worst/best Gerard fantasy ??" thread on BN. Because a lot of the people who post there have worship down to an art form.

The thread comes MUCH too close to bad fanfic. I'm still shuddering!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

lea said...

Burgh! This time next Sunday this place is going to be flooded with Ger-Z fans spouting:

"Happy One Year Anniversary Gerard and LynZ!"

"They've really proven you wrong!"

"All you naysayers didn't believe in their love and now they been married a year, which proves how much they love each other."

"I can't wait for GerZ babies."

*Rolls eyes* I can see it coming a mile away.

August 22, 2008 2:46 PM

I don't think we will get to many. Because most of them will be to busy baking a cake or making some other thing to celebrate the day.

I also wanted to ad that I think Kat was real. I think it would be hard to get everyone around you to lie about a girlfriend.

I also think that the reason wasn't seen was that she probably had a job so she couldn't go out with GW when every he want ed her to. Hell she could have still been in school.

As for eliza only seen her once or twice. Eliza was the other woman. I don't think Gw would really want them meeting.

I also think that eliza add that yeah right a girlfriend comment to feed the gay rumors about him. She may not have been outright mean in that story. but I am sure that she did put some things in there that were meant to be shots at him.

Anonymous said...

If I was G Way's girlfriend, and had half a brain about me, I would understand that some fangirls would do anything to get close to their idol. I also would understand that if they knew about my existence I would be stalked or have so much hatred directed against me or people close to me, I could not live a normal life. I would most likely choose to be invisible or non existent as I don't need the attention.

Anonymous said...

I'm still not entirely sure that Kat existed, but if she did, she was the only girl Gerard has been with who had a brain or who didn't want to use him to make herself more famous.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He did get with her before he was famous. I think she just wanted to keep her normal life. Not everyone needs to be in the spot light

Anonymous said...

Not everyone needs to be in the spot light


Anonymous said...

About the whole one year anniversary... It doesn't prove much. Their still newlyweds. Their not at each others throats yet, or so it seems... You never know they might be into that.

Let's wait until they have at least 5 years of marriage... and I don't even think it's going to last that long.

So let the fan girls rant and rave about it, it means nothing.

Anonymous said...

Another thing about the one year anniversary -- how much of that year have they actually spent together? Between conflicting tours they've only had a couple of weeks here, a couple of weeks there, unless you want to count the times Gerard was out on the road with MSI and I get the feeling Lyn spent all that time being pissed because the fangirls were there for Gerard and not her. She probably bitched at him the whole time.

Just wait until neither of them are touring and they have to spend all their time together. I give it six months.

Anonymous said...

From NME's website:

Mindless Self Indulgence insult Coldplay, Blur, Oasis at Leeds Festival

New York four-piece Mindless Self Indulgence opened the Main Stage at Leeds Festival today (August 22) with a confrontational performance.

Dressed in black, the electro-emo group's frontman Jimmy Urine took the opportunity to insult the audience, as well as Coldplay, Oasis and Blur.

Near the start of the band's 40-minute set, Urine joked: "We are Coldplay. Coldplay sing piano rock and fuck Gwyneth Paltrow."

Before performing 'Prescription', the singer goaded the crowd into calling the band "assholes", before he himself joked the audience were "stupid motherfuckers".

Referring to the infamous 1995 spat between Blur and Oasis, Urine said: "We had Tupac [Shakur] and Biggie [Smalls] fucking shooting at each other. What did you have? 'Ooh, Damon Albarn's so cute!'”

The group, which also features bassist Lyn-Z, wife of My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way, mostly performed tracks from their 2008 album 'If', including the aggressive 'Evening Wear', as well as older tracks, including 'Faggot'.

Before 'Bitches', the band asked the crowd to send their "voodoo" to heal Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison's broken ankle, which forced the metal band to pull out of today's line-up on the Main Stage.

God, I hate that band. I fucking really do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me what "mayo's blog" is? I'm probably really stupid for having to ask that but I'm hearing it everywhere and I have no clue what it is.

Anonymous said...

Just a bunch of older fangirls chatting all day. It's nothing important.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It is not a bunch of fan girls.
Myself Kapu and Sis midnight are all from there. Do we seem like fan girls to you. Also The own of this blog is one of the regulars there as well. She just doesn't come around as much anymore.

Anonymous said...

It's just a blog written by someone who wants people to think (s)he's Gerard. It started right about the time Gerard got married to Lindsey and it was supposed to be in response to the Loveman blog, which was just some idiot pretending to be on the "inside" with MCR. (Long story, don't ask, you're better off not knowing.)

For some unfathomable reason, people actually believed it was Gerard and in the beginning, fans who were worried about him went there to offer advice and support. Later, "Mayo" started to acknowledge the regular commenters and it turned into something altogether different - more of a "Mayo, Mayo, notice meee!" competition.

The people who comment there regularly will say they don't believe Mayo is Gerard, but about half of them really do. They claim they are there because they like the writing and because of the friendships they have formed.

Honestly, there can be no good to come from visiting the blog. The regulars don't like newcomers and are often very rude to them. Also, crazy anons who think the blog really is Gerard are always causing trouble.

The whole thing is just one more testament to the insanity that is the MCR fandom.

Sorry to the Mayo "lovelies". I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but this really is the way the outside world views you guys.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Some people see it that way.

Not everyone there is rude. But we have had a problem with anons in the pass so some people aren't very trusting.

Anonymous said...

It is not a bunch of fan girls.
Myself Kapu and Sis midnight are all from there. Do we seem like fan girls to you. Also The own of this blog is one of the regulars there as well. She just doesn't come around as much anymore.

Could you tell me where I could find it please?

Anonymous said...

Could you tell me where I could find it please?

My bad I didn't see the earlier comments

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The anon above posted the url. I try not to give it because the last time it was given out we had to deal with people harassing us.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's okay.

I know a lot of people think we are crazy but we are not. Like the anon said it was a place where we were able to talk about things that would get us kicked out of MCR fan sites.

It has changed we don't talk about the problems with MCR to much anymore.

Anonymous said...

This is a much better place, anon. Many of the people on Mayo don't like it when others "bash Gerard" so it has become more like other fansites than the people there realize. In fact, one of the regulars told people to come here if they had anything bad to say about him.

We should make an effort to get to know one another here or maybe even make our own blog where we can say how we feel about Gerard to our hearts content, no?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

anon I would tell you to just speak your mind. As long as you are not attacking anyone there.

Just say what you think and someone who agrees will usually join in.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I went to Mayo and I don't know what the fuss is about. It seemed to me like a club with a secret handshake or something. People talk a lot about their personal problems while waiting for some mysterious person named SS to show up and speak to them in code. When he does come round (and apparently he hasn't in a long, long time) only they know it. It felt like role playing with a side order of inane small talk and poetry/music lyrics for desert.

To the anon who said this place is better, I agree completely.


God, that felt good!

Anonymous said...

^dessert, obv.


Anonymous said...


We need to get t-shirts with that printed on them. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mindless Self Indulgence is irrelevant and they know it. Why else would they make such a point of dissing other bands who have made a name for themselves in music?

It doesn't matter whether you love or hate Oasis, Coldplay, Blur, or any of the dozens of other bands they've insulted, when all is said and done, people will remember those bands when MSI has long since been forgotten.

Anonymous said...

maybe at coldplay's next show chris martin will say, "we're mindless self indulgence. mindless self indulgence play jungle pussy punk and fuck gerard way."

oh wait. what was i thinking. coldplay's latest record sold about a gozillian copies so they don't have to resort to that kind of stupid shit.

Anonymous said...

"we're mindless self indulgence. we ... fuck gerard way."

There's so much truth in that statement it's not even funny. Too bad Gerard is too stupid to know when he's being fucked.

Anonymous said...

Aint it true^

Anonymous said...

LYN-Z ON ART (Rock Sound Magazine)

...But what does she make of husband Gerard Way's history in comic book illustration and recently releasing his own comic book series, The Umbrella Academy? "Jimmy is a huge comic book fan, but comics are kind of lost on me!" she laughs. "I like them, but I'm not a big fan of superheroes and all that shit!"

... So she basically thinks Gerard's comic is shit?

Anonymous said...

Whoah whoah whoah, hold the phone- another snippet from the same issue of rock sound

Steve, Righ?

What Topic Makes You Mad?: "Stupid people. I don't mean people that aren't book smart, just hypocritical people. I guess I have sort of a bullshit meter and it just drives me nuts when a person's reasoning or actions 'do not compute'. Like when someone says one thing and does another."

hmmmmm, interesting....

Anonymous said...

anyway this whole thing is just too good, I'll post the link

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if anyone here knows what kind of reception MSI got at the Leeds festival. I have friends who were there but they chose not to watch MSI perform. Obv, my friends have discriminating tastes.

Anonymous said...

"Stupid people. I don't mean people that aren't book smart, just hypocritical people. I guess I have sort of a bullshit meter and it just drives me nuts when a person's reasoning or actions 'do not compute'. Like when someone says one thing and does another."

It must be hell for poor Steve to have to be around Lyn-Z and Gerard so much because my bullshit meter goes apeshit whenever the two of them are mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, on the Q&A part of that Rock Sound interview, LynZ is is only one not asked if she's been arrested. Which makes me think she has and they've covered over it to make sure that she doesn't look anymore worse in the public eyes than she does. What ever it is, it must have been worse that what's Jimmy's done. I'm going with vice as her offence.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if anyone here knows what kind of reception MSI got at the Leeds festival.

I don't know anyone who saw them either but there are some videos up on youtube. From what I watched it looks like the crowd jsut wasn't into them. They didn't get bottled or anything it's more like nobody was interested or impressed. On one clip somebody commented how dead the crowd was. Jimmy kind of came off as a fool and for the most part Lynz just seemed to hang in the background.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy kind of came off as a fool

Wow, ya think?

Anonymous said...

i think maybe rocksound didn't ask lynz if she'd been arrested out of some misplaced kind of respect. she is "mrs. gerard way" and all that.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy kind of came off as a fool

yeah if he'd lived in the middle ages he would have been a court jester. ;P

Anonymous said...

"Mindless self Indulgence are the only punk rock band currently around"

Does she realize how stupid she sounds?

Anonymous said...

Who Do You Miss Most When On Tour?: "My husband."


Anonymous said...

Does anyone else find it kind of annoying how Lyn-z keeps trying to shove the fact that she's hardworking down our throats? I mean, it seems like whenever she gets the oppurtunity to say how hard she works she takes it

ex. "but I kept working non-stop."
"It erases all the hard work I've done" "Tjis band has worked their asses off for ten years"

Okay lyn, we get it

Anonymous said...

They didn't get bottled or anything it's more like nobody was interested or impressed.
So, they were so shit, that the crowd didn't even bother to throw crap at them. They must have been really unimpressive. I guess they weren't even worth presious piss and shit.

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