For anyone who thinks that Gerard is the same to his fans that he ever was, this not so nice video proves that wrong. Watch it fast before it gets taken down. In case it does, here's what happens. In Curitiba on 2/16/08 Gerard is in the airport and a bunch of young girls are following him, saying hi, taking a picture, asking for his autograph etc. They are giggling and then a few of them ask him "can we take a picture Gerard!" And Gerard snaps "Can't you understand no! No!" Talking to them like they were a bunch of bad dogs.
Yes, like one friend of mine mentioned he was getting bothered in the airport, and that's not right, and that other people might have snapped like that too.
But ask yourself this. Can you imagine Frank Iero treating people like that? Can you imagine Gerard treating people that badly a few years ago? So whether or not he was in the right treating his fans like that (and they looked like mostly excited young girls), you know he wouldn't have acted like that years ago. And to this day none of the other people in the band would ever act out like that. And Frank gets as much of that kind of attention as Gerard does. He could have said, "I'm tired" or "I'm in a hurry, see you at the show." But instead he told off a bunch of little girls.
In fact you can see the other guys ARE there, and NONE of them act like Gerard did. They were all getting the same treatment and only Gerard mistreated his fans.
I wonder if Gerard is purposely trying to get rid of his young female fans by constantly insulting them. He really doesn't seem to like them anymore. I think this is because he wants to be considered more hardcore because of MSI. I was alerted to the fact that MCR changed their MySpace profile from "punk" to "metal". "Punk" usually means more like a state of mind, having a message and standing by your beliefs. What "metal" makes you think of is 1980's hair bands who were more worried about how their hair looked than the music, and about how much they were getting laid. That seems to be Gerard's aim these days. I think it's because of the MSI influence.
Even more alarming is a video where at the end of Mama, Gerard sings part of a Blondie song and then asks someone (I wonder who) to send him "giant bags of cocaine."
Even if he was joking, which I don't actually think he is, that's not something he would have joked about in the past. Now his addictions, which he used to talk abotu overcoming and tell his story to inspire other people who needed help....are a joke to him? I guess then so are the people he used to try to inspire.
Going back to MSI, Gerard can't seem to stop talking (lying) about how much MSI always supported them from the beginning.
If MSI supported MCR from the beginning, then what do you think of this video, where Jimmy Urine makes fun of MCR onstage and compares them to Hitler? There was also one interview where Jimmy Urine calls Gerard a fat panda while LynZ laughs. If anyone can find it post a link and I will edit the post to include it. I don't care what MSI thinks about Gerard, but Gerard constantly talks about how MSI has always supported them. He does nothing but lie anymore.
He knows he has more fans and money than he actually needs, so there's no chance of this behavior stopping anytime soon. I know a few of you agree with me when I say that I would rather have this band have broken up before turning into the joke that Gerard has made it into.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 236 of 236So. He's called himself a feminist. He's also said: "Like, mainly, I'm going to educate people and I'm going to challenge people's beliefs. I'm also there to make them angry if they think I'm there to entertain them, that's what the band's there for to." --Gerard Way
How honest do you think this band is?
"I think that the main thing you have to do is to keep all levels of communication open in the band, keep each other grounded. But also look out for each other. I think that's the same thing that we do with the fans in a way. We say things to piss them off to keep them grounded. They like to get a little aggravated sometimes by what we say, but then they'll go home and think about it. I think that's how you keep it honest. Keep it honest by being your own person and letting people call you on your shit. The only people that can call me on my shit is the band, ya know? And that's the only guys that I allow to call me on my shit or ever ground me. But, we keep it normal. We just let go. It wasn't a big deal to us, you know? It was but it wasn't, it was cool, it was like a second thought to us."
(Anybody who can identify that interview, please do so. I copied-pasted-saved it, so I have no idea what site I originally got it from.)
So this is the standard he has set for himself. To make people angry; to piss people off; to put his shit out there and let no one call him on except the guys he works with intimately. He's lived up to the words he has used to describe his intentions as a musician and artist.
So he's called himself a feminst, and took issue with a band that was taking pictures of fan tits. What he's done with the simulated orgasm is (pardon me for having a dissenting opinion here) different. He has asked a mob of girls in an audience to lend their performance to the show. He has not had a girl thrown out for refusing. He has not made a simulated orgasm a condition of being allowed in the building. He hasn't laid a hand on anybody. He hasn't raped a woman. He hasn't beaten a woman. He hasn't asked a girl in an audience to take her shirt off, and he hasn't asked a girl backstage to lift her shirt so he can take pictures of her tits.
He has, however, pissed people off; he's made people angry. He has challenged your beliefs about himself--namely your belief that as a feminist he has to be eternally, painfully, politically correct where women are concerned.
He has lived up to the standard he set for himself.
What about homophobic rappers calling for the murder of gay men, or those who seek to promote racist or religious intolerance through music or film?
The UK Government has refused entry visas to such artists in the past, but do you think bigotry is acceptable just as long as the originator can claim it comes under the umbrella of "art", or that the audience has the right to choose whether or not to pay attention?
Kass xx
I felt this needed to be addressed separately.
As painful as it is that there are artists or musicians who advocate those things, there's still the matter of free speech. "I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." The Piss Christ never impressed me (perhaps because I am neither Christian nor particularly rabid on the subject of religion in general), but the man had a right to make it and display it, even though it deeply offended many people.
But comparing Gerard Way to somebody advocating murder is internet escalation. Asking girls to moan en mass is different in degree, intent and effect. Claiming that it is the same in degree, intent and effect is designed to be inflammatory.
I find bigotry personally unacceptable; I do not choose bigots as friends. But I think even a bigot has a right to speak his piece. Otherwise, where do we draw the line between allowed speech and disallowed speech?
I also find it personally unacceptable to make feminism (or any -ism) into a rigid, inflexible, humorless, sacrosanct, damned-nearly-gospel dogma. I'm a feminist, but I still have a sense of humor (which I typoed as 'sense of human'). Rigidity limits us and denies us the right to be complex.
And I think sacred cows are delicious.
He has asked a mob of girls in an audience to lend their performance to the show.
Yes, he did. He asked them to simulate orgasm as part of his show, even though he was fully aware that at least half the female audience was underage. Couldn't that be interpreted as child pornography?
Say what you will, you cannot justify in any shape, form or fashion his asking underage girls to simulate sexual acts. The man crossed a line that should not have been crossed. End of story.
If Gerard Way is really saying that the fans enjoy being pissed off, and that he's taken it upon himself to make us "question feminism," then that ass has truly gone way off the deep end. Who the hell is he to treat women like dirt and then say "Well I'm a feminist and I'm just trying to make you think?" I guess it doesn't go the opposite way though. No one is allowed to piss him off to keep him grounded. Except for the band?
The only people that can call me on my shit is the band, ya know?
So he has the right to piss people off, but no one is allowed to call him on it. Besides, the fans like that.
He's an idiot. Once you put something out there in the public, anyone has the right to call you on it.
This guy really does think he's above everything and anything.
Thanks for proving my point: He's a pompous, sexist ass.
He is right about one thing though: the "fans" really do like it. He knows that he's got the power to basically piss on everyone and have them lick it all up.
So he's called himself a feminst, and took issue with a band that was taking pictures of fan tits. What he's done with the simulated orgasm is (pardon me for having a dissenting opinion here) different. He has asked a mob of girls in an audience to lend their performance to the show. He has not had a girl thrown out for refusing.
Neither did the bands that he always called out.
Anon, who are you trying to contact?
Say what you will, you cannot justify in any shape, form or fashion his asking underage girls to simulate sexual acts. The man crossed a line that should not have been crossed. End of story.
ANd it's so obvious that he's trying to impress his new crowd. There's nothing sincere about him. Everything he does is to seem "cool" to someone else.
"Think of the por innacint chilluns!!! The poor underage girl-babies!!!"
Realistically, most of these poor, underage, innocent girls you're so worried for would love a chance to sexually harass Mr. Way. I have no doubt many of them go home and "fuck" themselves while thinking about the man. And I have no doubt they know, say and laugh about some nasty, filthy, obscene things, with or without Gerard Way's behavior influencing them.
This is one of those things where there will never be any agreement between you and me. I've said what I wanted to say and can't think of anything else to add.
Nice to have talked to you all, though.
So what if I've been hoping that your interpretation or something along those lines is what he was intending, but that no matter what his intentions were it didn't play out like that on a couple of different levels, including the phrasing of the request and the immediate context of it being a rock concert with all the history and baggage associated with that, and as a result in practice it came across as incredibly anti female sexuality.
One thing that I think both 'sides' are ignoring is that this was probably not the rational, considered act that you both want to make it, it's pretty clear that both Gerard and the band haven't been on an even keel for the last year to eighteen months and the statement was made in a period of time that appeared to be especially fucked up. Also the cherry-picking of quotes is kind of dishonest.
Foxen I don't know if you conisder this to be explaining or apologizing, but I do think that if an artist makes a statement that in practice is, for example, racist then they should own up to it, regardless of what their intentions were, this applies even more so in situations where the intent was to be anti-racist.
Ok, so a wee bit more random than I intended, but you were all spared the spiel on authority figures and crowds.
Two further comments,
Foxen, I don't think the dogmatic feminist you describe would attend a MCR concert in the first place, so I'm not sure why Gerard would/should challenge that dogma on stage.
The 'don't show your tits' quote is actually 'don't show your tits for backstage passes', ie. don't commodify your body/sexuality, especially for something as stupid or insignificant as backstage passes.
Realistically, most of these poor, underage, innocent girls you're so worried for would love a chance to sexually harass Mr. Way. I have no doubt many of them go home and "fuck" themselves while thinking about the man. And I have no doubt they know, say and laugh about some nasty, filthy, obscene things, with or without Gerard Way's behavior influencing them.
Did you actually think about what you were saying here before you pushed the post button?
No, teenage girls in this day and age are not innocent and most of the ones at that concert probably loved everything that Gerard did onstage that night. So what? That doesn't change the fact that Gerard is supposed to be an adult and, therefore, the responsible party in this situation. But instead, he behaved like a spoiled adolescent himself. If he's keeping it honest and being himself when he asks young girls to simulate sexual acts as part of his show, then that begs the question: What the hell kind of person is Gerard Way?
If he's keeping it honest and being himself when he asks young girls to simulate sexual acts as part of his show, then that begs the question: What the hell kind of person is Gerard Way?
I believe Kapunua has already answered that question for you:
He's an idiot. Once you put something out there in the public, anyone has the right to call you on it.
This guy really does think he's above everything and anything.
Thanks for proving my point: He's a pompous, sexist ass.
Well said, Kapunua.
Realistically, most of these poor, underage, innocent girls you're so worried for would love a chance to sexually harass Mr. Way. I have no doubt many of them go home and "fuck" themselves while thinking about the man. And I have no doubt they know, say and laugh about some nasty, filthy, obscene things, with or without Gerard Way's behavior influencing them.
Sure. And Gerard used to say that he didn't want to be admired for those things. He wanted people to pay attention to his music and his message. But now he is clearly playing to the sexuality, showing that his focus has shifted. He's self serving, and like someone else pointed out, he probably always has been. The feminism was just a marketing ploy. This is his new one.
No, teenage girls in this day and age are not innocent and most of the ones at that concert probably loved everything that Gerard did onstage that night. So what? That doesn't change the fact that Gerard is supposed to be an adult and, therefore, the responsible party in this situation. But instead, he behaved like a spoiled adolescent himself. If he's keeping it honest and being himself when he asks young girls to simulate sexual acts as part of his show, then that begs the question: What the hell kind of person is Gerard Way?
Quoted and bolded for major truth.
Thanks, 7:05.
To add to that? As all of you defending him keep on pointing out: Gerard is a rock star.
It's just that, for a long time he preached against "rock stars."
reveals that "Kat" was a figment of his imagination
Kat does exist. I seen a profile of her(That was leaked by someone on INO not too long ago, and her profile was similar to a myspace one, and she had pictures of her posted on her profile)
What a charming video.
I wonder what happened to Mr Gerard Way? Most people get more mature as they get older, he just seems to be throwing his toys out of the pram and acting like a 5-year-old having a tantrum.
The man who once said, "If for one minute you think you're better than a sixteen year old girl in a Green Day t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn't know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about." is now completely ignoring not just his own words and advice, but the people who got him into the privileged position he is in today; the fans.
You would think he would remember what he had said all those years ago when he seemed to care about his fans and the band.
When did he get the right to start thinking he was better than those kids buying his band's merch and lining his pockets because they feel the band understand them?
If he can't be bothered to give autographs to the fans maybe he's in the wrong line of work.
Kapunua, I've been reading for awhile, and I have to say, you seem to have about three arguments that you keep bringing up, and they're all based solely on your own interpretations and opinions, not facts.
What did Gerard really do to you that you hate him so much?
the hitler comment was actually a song reference.
Mark David Chapman by MSI:
"Adolph fucking Hitler
With this swoopy emo-boy dreamy haircut
Dangling in our faces
Making us all indescribably indistinguishable from each other
Or maybe I'm just another megalomaniac..."
yes. and bands talk shit about each other all the time and don't really mean it.
This band meant it.
Verita, apparently a girl on MySpace was saying how MSI had a bad influence on MCR, etc... and the actual band MSI themselves hacked into her account and she had to get a new one. Here's here URL:
Look, a new comment!
foxen said...
"But comparing Gerard Way to somebody advocating murder is internet escalation."
I should clarify that I wasn't referring to Gerard Way, I was referring to the below which you posted as an aside:
"This doesn't really follow the above, but I wanted to add it. I don't believe in the artist as apologist. It's not his job to explain himself. It's not his job to avoid giving offense."
Just so you know!
Gerard has moved to LA.
He'll fit right in.
Before PR Gerard said, ""Los Angeles has quite a few places, but I don't know that I function too well out there. I'm not a very LA person."
"Yeah, but I should say I really do love LA. I get along pretty well there, but I think after a while it would stop making sense to me because I'm not someone looking for more attention. When you're in my situation, you're either part of the circus or you're not part of the circus and I'm not. It's just harder in Los Angeles not to be part of the circus."
So now he is moving to LA. Don't you think VV that this further proves how much he has changed for the worse? Would you make a blog about it?
And who are you 6:48?
We all know you are a regular under anon name, so who are you?
good lord! Gerard moving to LA doesn't mean he's changed for the worse. Maybe its only temporary, maybe it has to do with him working on his comic books. He's allowed to change his mind.
and is VV going to make a blog about this? of course she is!! she's going to write a long dragged out blog on what a bad bad man Gerard is for moving to LA.
I'm the one who posted at 6:48, what are you asking? I don't know Gerard, he said that in an interview!!
Anonymous said:
"She's going to write a long dragged out blog on what a bad bad man Gerard is for moving to LA."
Nope. She's probably going to write another blog about GW talking out of his ass again.
Honestly, someone (MCR, Riot, Reprise, his colorist) should sit him down with LOTMS and all his old interviews related to non-music issues and say, "Look, if you could remain consistent on, you know, just a couple of the issues you've previously discussed then that would be great because, you know, some of the fans who pay your mortgage are beginning to think that, you know, you're full of shit".
It's not the "moving to LA" it the "moving to LA after previously saying it wouldn't be good for him" that VV would object to!!
this just broke my heart.
I don't agree with GW's simulated orgasm, but I also realize that every preteen girl I have EVER heard talk about Gerard Way either says "I wish he would marry me, he's so sexy!" or even "FUCK ME, GERARD!"
Yes, they will yell "FUCK ME, GERARD!" at concerts. Gladly. And they do. I've heard it.
If he did say "only the ladies," he isn't saying "only the little girls." Totally different story. If he did only tell the girls to...duh. He gets enough guys trying to get in his pants; I doubt he wants to ENCOURAGE them. The fanboys are a hundred times scarier than the fangirls. Hands DOWN.
If parents are concerned about their preteens hearing something like "go fuck yourselves," I have NO IDEA why they'd EVER take their children to a concert with CDs that have "Explicit Content" warnings and where the lead singer says "motherfucker" every three or four words.
It's not like they were expecting the band Barney and the Happy Teletubbies.
They went to see a band that is KNOWN for violent, profane lyrics. It isn't fair to make Gerard think about each and every person in the audience and what their age might be. Then he wouldn't be swearing at ALL.
(In other words, should R-rated movies be devoid of sex and violence because kids might be watching? No.)
He moved to LA? Geez, that's weird. First I was gonna move to Portland, Oregon because I'd read about it. Then he was gonna move there. Then I had to go to LA to see my great-grandmother and totally fell in love with the place and I've been seriously considering moving there. Now he's there?
Well, anyway. LA is a pretty awesome place. LOTS going on, LOTS to do, and so many famous people (I met two in one day) that he has a better chance of living a fairly normal life.
ok, im sorry but i totally disagree about MSI not supporting MCR. You say Jimmy somewhat insulted Gerard but guess what, he insults everybody, thats just what MSI is; they insult themselves, fans, ect. Maybe they do support them nd are just having some fun. People take things too seriously
I must say, this really made me open my eyes.
I was a huge MCR fan, and I wouldn't dare question what Gerard Way would ever say. This band was like cocaine, it just takes one dose before you become hooked.
But then, tell me, what is the fallout out for the dosage?
After reading this blog I did some research. I watched videos titled "Gerard Way being rude" and read blogs that talked about his behavior. And I've come to realize what an ass Gerard Way actually is.
I even went so far as to look at "MCR Fun Facts". This blog had quotes from the band, and I have to say, Gerard's quotes were so much different then the rest of the bands. For example:
"I don't mean to be rude when I say this, but talking to you right now is crap" - Gerard Way
"There's less violence in the world when people are suing hula hoops." - Mikey Way
The difference between those quotes are astounding. Could you ever imagine Gerard saying that years ago?
My eyes are now open to all the bad he has done. I remember when he made an announcement at a show stating "If shitty ass rock dudes in shitty ass rock bands ask you to show them your tits for a backstage pass, I want you to spit right in their fucking face!"
Based on this I think it is clear to say we should all spit in his face.
Gerard used to be an inspiration to kids (and me, for that matter), telling us to never hurt ourselves or let anyone else hurt us.
Well what about that girl, Gerard? That girl you said you would "beat her face in for six bucks and a coke". She must feel awful. I would dare even said suicidal from all the internet bullying she has gotten from MCR's "fanbase".
There is a thin line between liking something and being a fan and going batshit crazy every time somewhere dares to questions that thing.
I am glad you eyes. I will say I was a huge fan of mcr (maybe I still am deep down inside). But he has change to a different person, as he doesn't care about the band anymore..
- p.s. sorry for a response to you month's later . I had to respond :)
Most of you are the worst people in the world. You try being in Gerard's Fucking shoes and see how it feels for once. Don't tell us that no one else in the band has ever done that before, because for a fucking fact you bitches would most likely act that way is you were on the road 24/7 and on a bus and then had to deal with thousands of fans asking for autographs. So shut the hell up or you can go to hell. And some of us were right. You bastards just automatically assume that it was Gerard talking. He could have been talking on the phone on an important call and the fans were interrupting and he would be right back, or it could have been one of the guards. So shut the fuck up. And if we didn't make ourselves crystal clear the first time around: SHUT THE FUCK UP. You are part of the reason that the band broke up and if you dislike them so fucking much, then maybe you should just pay no attention to them. An anonymous person and the MCRmy agree. you are a bully.Your fucking mean. so why don't all of you bastards go fuck off and pick on someone your own size and something your little tinny bird brains can comprehend.Oh, wait, we just insulted birds. You are a dumb downright mean bully. You need fucking help. It's people like us who defend MCR and if you have an issue with that, you can answer to us. Leave the band out of this. If it was Frank that did this to you what would you do? Oh, sorry, did we just render you speechless? Try going to school. Once again, FUCK OFF YOU BASTARDS, OR YOU CAN GO TO HELL AND SELL YOUR SOULS TO THE DEVIL WHILE YOUR AT IT SINNERS!
-The MCRmy
Shut the fuck up would you? I mean, you should go apologize to all the trees that have to work overtime so you can breathe, and then you go and waste it. Wow.
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