Saturday, February 23, 2008

"I'm too much of an erratic, moody baby!"

For anyone who thinks that Gerard is the same to his fans that he ever was, this not so nice video proves that wrong. Watch it fast before it gets taken down. In case it does, here's what happens. In Curitiba on 2/16/08 Gerard is in the airport and a bunch of young girls are following him, saying hi, taking a picture, asking for his autograph etc. They are giggling and then a few of them ask him "can we take a picture Gerard!" And Gerard snaps "Can't you understand no! No!" Talking to them like they were a bunch of bad dogs.

Yes, like one friend of mine mentioned he was getting bothered in the airport, and that's not right, and that other people might have snapped like that too.
But ask yourself this. Can you imagine Frank Iero treating people like that? Can you imagine Gerard treating people that badly a few years ago? So whether or not he was in the right treating his fans like that (and they looked like mostly excited young girls), you know he wouldn't have acted like that years ago. And to this day none of the other people in the band would ever act out like that. And Frank gets as much of that kind of attention as Gerard does. He could have said, "I'm tired" or "I'm in a hurry, see you at the show." But instead he told off a bunch of little girls.

In fact you can see the other guys ARE there, and NONE of them act like Gerard did. They were all getting the same treatment and only Gerard mistreated his fans.

I wonder if Gerard is purposely trying to get rid of his young female fans by constantly insulting them. He really doesn't seem to like them anymore. I think this is because he wants to be considered more hardcore because of MSI. I was alerted to the fact that MCR changed their MySpace profile from "punk" to "metal". "Punk" usually means more like a state of mind, having a message and standing by your beliefs. What "metal" makes you think of is 1980's hair bands who were more worried about how their hair looked than the music, and about how much they were getting laid. That seems to be Gerard's aim these days. I think it's because of the MSI influence.

Even more alarming is a video where at the end of Mama, Gerard sings part of a Blondie song and then asks someone (I wonder who) to send him "giant bags of cocaine."

Even if he was joking, which I don't actually think he is, that's not something he would have joked about in the past. Now his addictions, which he used to talk abotu overcoming and tell his story to inspire other people who needed help....are a joke to him? I guess then so are the people he used to try to inspire.

Going back to MSI, Gerard can't seem to stop talking (lying) about how much MSI always supported them from the beginning.

If MSI supported MCR from the beginning, then what do you think of this video, where Jimmy Urine makes fun of MCR onstage and compares them to Hitler? There was also one interview where Jimmy Urine calls Gerard a fat panda while LynZ laughs. If anyone can find it post a link and I will edit the post to include it. I don't care what MSI thinks about Gerard, but Gerard constantly talks about how MSI has always supported them. He does nothing but lie anymore.

He knows he has more fans and money than he actually needs, so there's no chance of this behavior stopping anytime soon. I know a few of you agree with me when I say that I would rather have this band have broken up before turning into the joke that Gerard has made it into.


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Anonymous said...

Title wins, hands down.

It's a shame I, personally, didn't listen to Bert McCracken sooner than I did.


And again, I need not say anything. You said it all perfectly.

I'm just tired. I want him to see.

Glad to have you back, Verita. It's been awhile. :)

Anonymous said...

Well done, and very sad.

I agree with Splash (Mustard) up there. Bert had this guy's number all along.

Anonymous said...

Also, it would rule if this entire Blog ever get back around to Gerard. Maybe it would make him do that one thing he hasn't done in so long: think.

Anonymous said...

Well, Verita, I am going to agree with the passage about Gerard deliberately pissing off his younger fans.

I absolutely believe he is indeed doing just that. It's just a feeling I've been having for a while, and I mentioned it a while back in Mayonaise's blog.

As for the "claims" that MSI had supported My Chem from the beginning...absolute bullshit. This is where his contradictory behavior comes into play.

His behavior since Projekt Revolution has been despicable, crass, and rude to the fans, and sometimes I wonder what the hell is going through his mind, but I suppose no one knows the answer to that.

I am just tired of having to question his behavior because I have already expressed my anger many times before. I rather wait until I can say it directly in his face. And I will. You better believe it.

Maybe that will be the wake up call when one fan will eventually address him concerning all of his chaotic behavior and mannerisms. He needs a good dose of reality check handed to him.

And hey, concerning which side to choose, Bert or Gerard, I am not going to get involved with such a ridiculous and childish thing as that. I think it's stupid, and unfair.

Anonymous said...

P.S. By the way, the title of your post and blog pretty much blends in with the current events. For the win!

VV, are you prepared for the "MCRmy attack" that might be heading in your direction?

I find it to be absolutely hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I already wondered at Mayo's why MCR didn't mention MSI in the credits of 'Revenge' and 'Bullets', if they were so close from the beginning.
They thanked everyone. Even the guy, who served them french fries at their local McDonald's (you know what I mean). Why forget MSI then?
Just asking!

Anonymous said...

i have to laugh every time gerard says he's always been an msi fan. he said he had their records for like nine years now. if he was such a huge fan, how come he never mentioned them in interviews. when people asked gerard who his favorite bands were, it was always iron maiden, smashing pumpkins, etc. never once was it msi, but he was always such a huge fan. yea right.

vv, i agree with everything you have written about gerard, especially this new post. you should post it on mcr's myspace everyday.

Anonymous said...

Anon, contradiction is the trait that Gerard does best.

Anonymous said...

Let's assume he listened to them:
Maybe he didn't mention them, because their 'style' didn't fit in with the anit-sexist, anti-racist and anti-homophobic attitude he sold the fans back then. He wanted to make money and he wanted to be different.
Other than that, they would have been just another rock band, who wants the girls to show them their tits and n***ers and f****ts to shut up and die!

Anonymous said...

When are you going to stop being a poisonous hater and shut the fuck up? Oh Gerad got married go CRAWL IN A CORNER AND CUT YOURSELF emo.

Anonymous said...

And Bert McKraken is a fag who is also mad that Gerard get married.

Anonymous said...

I agree with tha tcomment.

Anonymous said...

Verita I actually admire the way you post all of this stuff and then just sit back and watch the fallout. You don't defend yourself, you just.... wait. I like it.

Anonymous said...

I understand how angry you are that you can't have Gerard but you HAVE to get over it now Verita. The rest of you do too, who agree with her. Verita is slipping. She is losing her "fan" base. I'm going to enjoy watching you go down in flames.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Verita is losing the fight. THe fans are going to win this one.

Anonymous said...

And the ridiculous and mousy "MCRmy" base arrives.

You kids are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

BC you are a liar too. You lied about Gerard being on drugs and you never had any proof. So STFU.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are so right, anon.
The fans will win this fight.

The same fans, who will die with shame five years from now, when they'll finally realize how stupid they were to believe every single lie that guy told them.

And Gerard will cry laughing while swimming in your pocket money and tell his second wife Amy Crackhouse how stupid his fans were to believe all this crap.

Eliza Bennett37 said...

Siobhan said....

"And Gerard will cry laughing while swimming in your pocket money and tell his second wife Amy Crackhouse how stupid his fans were to believe all this crap".

Welcome back Siobhan, you are at your best I see. And, unfortunately, I think you will be proven right.

Anonymous said...

Siobhan-san, ha ha. Anon, I never implied that Gerard was on drugs. I was only saying that it was possible.

Anonymous said...

Hello there, Eliza!

It's a pleasure to meet you here!
How are you?

Anonymous said...

Pancake-Zilla, what are you doing here my dear? Although it's nice to see you here. I thought you were supposed to be destroying the town ;p

Anonymous said...

Lol, BC!
I did that already.
Oops, I hope VV doesn't mind small talk here.

Anonymous said...

I hope not either, but it looks like the "MCRamy kids" are invading Mayonaise's blog.

It's funny.

Anonymous said...

I watched that airport video and at the end it looks like Gerard has his hand up by his ear. Maybe he was talking on the phone and not to the kids?

MissTottenham said...

And Gerard will cry laughing while swimming in your pocket money and tell his second wife Amy Crackhouse how stupid his fans were to believe all this crap.

Siobhan, I've missed you on these blogs.

God I loved this comment. Keep it up sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I know this has nothing to do with your post VV but the MCRmy come here and shout at you well look at this. Someone who IS important on Buzznet states this about one of the MCRmy 'leaders' and I for one think he is SPOT ON!

MCRmy, please leave it be, This is VV blog and she is entitled to say her own opinions. If you do not like it then just press the X in the top right hand corner. DO NOT COME HERE AND START ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE IN THE WRONG IF YOU DO SO!.

Actually, I'll say it: Voluptuosity, you're a bully. You have been for a while, I've warned you about it, and you're even showing hints of it here.

You're mean. You're cruel. You lash out at people in ways that either say a lot about your actual character or support the idea that you're a different person on the internet than you are in real life. It really sucks to read these comments where you talk about how you've built this community. That's simply not true, and beyond that, you're part of why it's so divisive.

There's always going to be people in fan bases who know more than others. You're one of them. You love MCR and it's evident by how defensive you are of the band and the other dedicated fans. However, you step over the boundaries too often, lashing out on those who disagree with you, purporting yourself to be innocent of any wrongdoing, and using an attitude that leaves a sour mark on this forum.

I'm probably not ever going to get along with you and I'm ok with it. But not once in here did you ever apologize for your actions, which are real and which spawned the MCI community. I don't know if you're just oblivious to yourself or if it's something more sinister. I'd like to think you just haven't had this pointed out to you and you can change. You're a very smart woman, as is evident by the way you write, but your attitude is so nasty sometimes.

VV spot on post as usual, well don!

Anonymous said...

I don't agree. Bombarding the band at air ports is completely classless and downright creepy. I agree with Gerard snapping. I would have too. A few days ago on chemicalromance on lj a fan posted up a video were they stalked MCR in an air port and Frank had to run away from them and the dim wits chased after them. So yeah. THINK before you post stupid rants about common sense. Stalking MCR at air ports = creepy. Not everyone can be nice when they just got off a long flight. And PLEASE give up on the MSI stuff. You are beating a dead horse. Everyone has seemed to have gotten over it in the fandom but your sorry lot here and at buzznet.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Last anon if VV want to talk about MSI she can it is her threat on Bn and her blog.

And as far as people being over the ms thing. They aren't allowed to have an opinion other than msi is great because GW is fucking LynZ.

I will tell you this if you don't like what she has to say don't go near anything she has written.

As far as the fans being classless for wanting to see their favorite band than everyone in the fandom must be.

Their actions are no different from those of people who back in the day were fans of John Lennon.

What is classless is telling people how they should like a band and accept every thing they do with out question. Or sending death threats or wishes of rape because they dis agree with something they have said.

Anonymous said...

^ oh wow, please, remove your head from this bloggers ass.

People in bands have FEELINGS like HUMANS last time I checked. They are just like us, only they are well known. You want to know why Gerard changed? Cause some his fans are assholes who don't respect his personal space and ruin it for others. And don't say he signed up for this, nobody should get this shit thrown on them. How would you like it? It's not just Gerard either, you have failed to mention the other members get this shit too. Bob has had fans stalk his mother at her place of work and take pictures of his childhood home then show them to him so he can sign it. He flipped shit. Respectfully so. Frank has had fans call his grandmother in the middle of the night and one has even gotten in contact with his step mother. One fan has sexually harassed them to the point where she is no longer allowed to attend an MCR concert. Is this acceptable behavior? No. It's not. And because of it, measures must be drawn. So one fan looks the same as every fan. And that's why we can't have nice things like a nice Gerard.

Anonymous said...

um if you would really pay attention to the video it wasn't even Gerard who said that it was one of the guys surrounding him.

Anonymous said...

Gerard sexually harasses his whole female audience, you get what you give.

Anonymous said...

You made that Fat panda thing up so you could try to make sure this rumor got back to Gerard and hewould break up with her. You are PATHETC

Anonymous said...

And that's why we can't have nice things like a nice Gerard.

lol, i like how you put that. ^_^

Anonymous said...

You anons up there ^^.


and if you want it in your teenie or tranced language


so lets just confirm, the MCRmy has finally arrived?

well to be honest, you are just as bad as the people that disagree with gerard. you buly people for their own opinions. wasnt gerard bullied at school and said he didnt like anyone who bullied people. well that means HE DOESNT LIKE YOU THEN.

MCRmy is just another word for a group of people that bully and taunt people that have their own opinions and that voice their OWN opinions on their OWN blog.

just go away and spout your nonsense to people who follow your chants.

because honey's, there are people in this world that do not follow bullies and that stand up for what they believe in.

i wish you a good life, i really do because i hope that you will change your ways and let people say their own opinions.

hey here is a thought, instead of bulling people, how about talking to them in a civilized mannor and discuss your views. you know in a MATURE fashion.

good day!

Anonymous said...

reason, that was a wonderful speech, too bad the attackers won't listen to the advice.

Anonymous said...

You know what watching that video made me feel? Sad. The poor guy doesn't snap at anyone, you can hear it in his voice when he says "can't you understand no?" that the last thing he wants to do is come off as an asshole. Sure from the outside looking in one could say, "But these are his fans, the people who made him who he is and he owes them more." That argument has been used a hundred times. The band just added a slew of new dates for the US, most of these are venues that are super small and will provide the intimacy the early shows had. How fucking cool is that of them? I'll be seeing them play a BBQ joint in April. They didn't owe us another tour, let alone one like this, and yet they have given us one. Why? Because maybe they felt like they owed it to us.

It seems like you are holding on to some deep seeded dislike for Gerard Way, and it seems very personal. So he hasn't lived up to your expectations, why are you so hell bent on "outing" him to the entire world. This is about the music, and the message in my opinion still stands strong. The band has grown over the last six years, just like they have with every album since Bullets. Let the band change, let them grow, and let the fans that have stuck with them and love them make the desicion to follow or not. They don't need you playing some over achiever hell bent on making this one man out to be the antichrist of music. Your issues with Gerard are YOUR issues. You are desperate to make them everyones issues but they aren't.

As far as the MCRmy go, yeah it can seem a little hokey, but the idea behind it is wonderful. Meant to bring the fans together so that people can share in a common bond. If it wasn't for my local MCRmy chapter I doubt I would have met the guys as many times as I have. And on that note I would like to say that Gerard was pleasant at each meeting. Sure he was more outspoken in the beginning, but when everyone suddenly wants a piece of you your defenses go up. Maybe he's trying to protect himself from becoming Britney Spears. The man has to have some part of his life that is his and his alone, something he doesn't owe to anyone else. Why can't you let him? This goes for all the guys actually.

The MSI thing, its time to move on from that. He married someone, good for him! Was it too early, maybe. But who are we to decide that ? We don't have to live with Lyn Z and we didn't marry her. This mans personal life needs to be left alone! Everyone scrutinized his relationship with Eliza until it literally tore the fanbase apart, and one has to wonder if it was a factor to the termination of that relationship. In my opinion they seem like a great fit. Both artists, both in bands and able to understand those career demands. I wish them the best of luck. Marriage is hard to make work when your not having your relationship picked apart, add a thousand angry fan girls and I imagine its doubled in its intensity. Let them alone, let them try and be happy in what should be a great time in their lives. And Lyn Z is one of the sweetest, most honest people you will meet. She never denies fans anything. If you have a problem with her band, then don't listen to them. Why do you care what they said about MCR, MCR obviously don't. If people would just let all this personal business with Gerard go, things could go back like they were in the beginning. It's people like you who seem to want to destroy that.

That being said, I do respect anyone who speaks their mind, I only wish you would write these blogs and statements more as your personal opinions then cold hard facts. And before I get attacked for being an MCRmy memeber, I'm not a tweenie and well over the age of 18. I'm not here to "attack" anyone, just state an opinion like the rest of you.

Anonymous said...

Anon ^^

This is what it should be about. your point of view, the comment you wrote just then is the one that i wish to read instead of 'go die'

thank you for being mature and having your own opinion instead of ramming it down my neck in one comment. i liked reading your comment and where you stand so again thank you.

Anonymous said...

VV you are a spotty, pimple ridden fat teenie who is bitter and mad that you didn't get Gerard yourself. Get over it you stupid bitch.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon at 8:29 So because GW is fame is problems are more important than anyone Else's. I have had a stalker and I have people calling my house right now with death threats to some of my family members so I know a thing or two about that.

As far as GW is concerned yes he did sign up for this. This is what happens when you get famous people want a piece of you. And there are better ways of dealing with it than yelling at his fans and it was him. saying that.

If he didn't want to deal with possible fans than make a better plan so as to avoid them. Or have his bodyguards come out before he does and scare the fans away or tell them he is not up for pictures right now.

Other famous people have done that why can't he?

Anyway isn't this MCR first time in that country. So you can't really compare someone want a picture or an autograph to someone sexual harassing or calling a persons house. Hell people who aren't fans were doing that as well.

And as far as my head. It is firmly planted on my body.

Anon at 8:53 GW was the one who put his personal life out there. As far as him being with Lynz that is fine what I had a problem with is his need to shove her band in my face.

And yes he has disappointed me I believed his message. That he was for not treating woman the way other rock stars do. Than he goes and asks young girls to moan for him. Now how is that respecting woman.

Frankly I don't care if MCR cares what I say. I need to get it out. That is what this is about. Being able to do something that the rest of the fans don't like. Voicing my opinion at the disappointment I feel now for this band and person.

I have just as much of a right to voice my concerns and disappoint as the rest of the MCRmy has to kiss the bands asses.

For some of us we believed in the words that GW were saying. But now they are gone and the only thing left is the same old sexist rock and roll shit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*double applause*

Safe on the Waves

Anonymous said...

*Triple applause*

Anonymous said...

Hello Reason. How are you today?

Safe on the Waves.

Anonymous said...

Very well Safe on the Waves.

How are you?

Anonymous said...

I'm great. Are you from BN?


Anonymous said...

No, Safe on the Waves.

But I do see what it is like there. Unbelievable to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I know what you mean. How do you get here then?


Anonymous said...

Mayonaise, and I also see the thread on BN.

Have a nice day Safe on the Waves.

Good day

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Who are you at Mayo's, Reason? I like to think of Verita's blog as a place where "reason" is welcome and never shouted down. Well, it's shouted down, but by teenies and "UR JELLUS" fans, and those you can just laugh at, you know?

Anonymous said...

Hey Verita, Ok Go wrote a song about you. It's called Get Over It. Have a nice one.

Anonymous said...

Has usual VV as blown things out of proportion. Poor Gerard, the whole band actually. Those girls were scary and annoying, and Gerard didn't snap at them, He said what he said in a very calm manner. VV, its time to get over your hatered for Gerard and move on with your life already.

Anonymous said...

VV is just mad that Gerard got married. Like the rest of myayo's girls they are bitter and angry and wanting of Gerard, wanting what they can't have so they call him sexist.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No anon he is sexist because he is asking little girls to moan for him.

Which is no different than asking a woman to show you her tits.

You remember he used to fight that kind of thing.

As far as jealous. If she had some talent other than wearing share skirts and bending over. And was in a band that had more to offer than being a way for spoil suburban kids to scare their parents.

But than what do I expect for someone who has no idea of how to form their own opinion to say.

The fact is that if GW started dating Paris Hilton you all would bow at her feet because Gw likes her and that is all you need to make a person look good for you.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Gerard needs to tame some of the more agressive sexual antics if its going to be an all ages show, but isn't that something the parents should be involved in. When I was 13 I wasn't going to any concert that my mother wasn't at with me.

I don't think anyone, including Verita is jealous of Lyn Z and GErard's marriage. I think most everyone is smart enough to know that he wasn't ever going to be theirs. ANd I do understand the dissapointment. I just hate to see things so centralized. Take the video, she sees at him being "not so nice" and "snapping" at little girls. I don't see that all. I see a very tired man trying to get out of an airport to make another show. I see a man who very quietly, and with obvious distress tells these girls AGAIN, that no he won't be stopping for pictures and signing autographs. So that makes him an asshole? Everything has two sides, I see yours, I just don't agree.

I do hate that teenies who have no concept of debating an argument or discussing facts come in here and wish rape and murder on people who are just speaking their mind. That really doesn't help the argument at all, but hinders their point. I wish they would see that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Like I said he could have plain a head for the fans. It not like he couldn't have guess that they would be there.

In the end how hard is it to have your bodyguards go out before you and tell the fans that you are tired and won't be signing autographs or taking pictures.

Yes it is up to parents to decided. But given the fact that GW used to say things against such behavior I'm sure it did shock a lot of people for him to do that. It is out of character given the old message.

Anonymous said...

Noone can take you seriously Martha Jones b/c your spellling is AWFUL I think your a teenie too! ANd you really ARE made that Gee got married. That is your only reason, he is not asking YOU so show YOUR tit to him.

Fimble Star said...


hnedb hdhsdk hjsguys nsg shu hduygu byujhb ygytiu hsgtg hsgytgsiy hsgytv

did you get any of that, NO because i am the worst speller in the blogs. your friends gave me that title when they tried to bitchslap me with their 'words', so i aint gona give that title up for no-one. so back off and leave martha alone kapeesh.

ok so lets get this right. do you actually think you are going to be heard and taken seriously when you come in and leave a comment like that seriosuly look up the word mature. talk about your feelings and talk about why you think gerard and lynz are so perfect. talk about why you enjoy mcr and if you disagree with vv then talk about that. DO NOT COME AND SAY WORDS THAT DO NOT EVEN HOLD UP IN A MATURE ADULT CONVERSATION.

oh and if you are so bothered with anything that vv has said then why are you here. there is a thread on buzznet that you can talk about it with your fellow bullies. or you can stay and participate in a mature conversation. up to you

*sits waiting for you attempted bitchslap 'words' but doesnt give a flying f**k if you comment as a bully*

Fimble Star said...

oh and another thing anon at 6.25
you said

ANd you really ARE made that Gee got married.

i am sorry but i personally think that made should of been mad.
lets try and put MAD in the place ok

ANd you really ARE mad that Gee got married.

see, thats much better. please before you call someone on their spelling try and look like you are perfect at spelling yourself.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

We all make spelling mistakes sometime and some time spell check may change a word or two. But at least mine are not of the I spend most of my days texting people so that I can't write in English. A teen far from it.

GW isn't good enough to see my tits.

John Taylor maybe.

Now than if you really want me o take your insults seriously give yourself a name. Stop hiding behind anonymous.

Or are you to scared that GW might actually be watching and you don't want him to know what bullies you really are.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you FS.

Fimble Star said...

no problem martha, i wasnt about to let my title be taken away from me.

sorry i forgot i must act to my title

nku uhyu nhuh n ysu hyugkuy bysg yugfy b nuyugyfk kguygfjh byff yugyfghebh

is that better?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Well lately I have been giving you a run for you money.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one can take you seriously Martha Jones b/c your spelling is AWFUL I think your a teens too! And you really ARE made that Gee got married. That is your only reason, he is not asking YOU so show YOUR tit to him.

February 24, 2008 6:52 PM

Really little girl if I can't be taken seriously than why did you feel the need to single me out. What I'm saying must hit a nerve with you.

Anonymous said...

Alot of people owe Voluptuosity a HUGE apology for doubting her in the beginning. The people here are haters and now everyone agrees with Voluptuosity. She said so from the start LOL! She always knew what VV was up to and that was to be a hater, to rip this band down, and to speak out against the MCRmy!


Everyone needs to apologize to Voluptuousity at once for not believing her months ago. IT's apparent.

Vivienne said...

Nothing surprises me anymore.

Anonymous said...

If you think he is being a bad sex offender, then get him arrested and behind bars instead of bitching about it on the internet. Cause bitching about it on the internet does nothing but make you look like a turd. If you think it is a problem, please, take legal action. Help these poor little girls from the evil sex offender Gerard Way has become.

Anonymous said...

And bitching on the internet about what someone else is bitching about on the internet makes you pathetically sad.

Anonymous said...

Bitching on the Internet about what someone else is bitching about on the Internet is the backbone of the Internet.

Well, that, and free porn.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said he was a sex offender. But you must thing so if that is what You think I called him. I said having little girls moan for him is no better than all those other rock stars he used to speak out against. You know the ones that wanted to get a bunch of MCR fans to show their tits to them.

As far as Voluptuously is concerned She is nothing more than a bully. who has a bunch a children following her orders to go make death threats and wishes of rape on people who's opinions she doesn't like.

And if I am pathetic for voicing my opinion on the Internet what are you for reading it. Let alone writing something back. Come back when you can actually form an opinion. Other than you can't spell, you are pathetic, you are a bunch of haters it's getting old.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Oh yes anon at 12:15 if I were you I wouldn't go around telling people to take legal action. They just might do so.

You are probable to young to know about this. But there was a band called to live crew that got their album band and arrested because people didn't like their lyrics or their act.

Someone even called the police on Madonna at one of her concerts.

So if any parent who feels that upset by his act could very well do something about.

Look at what happened to TV and radio after the Janet Jackson incident.

In the early 80's there was the PMRC.

So yeah if someone wanted to they could probably take legal action.

Anonymous said...

But they shouldn't take legal action, because I have always thought and still do, that it is up to the parents to decide what to show their kids. For as much as Gerard always denied this and put responsibility in the hands of "rock stars," I disagreed with him.

And it is up to women to decide whether or not they want to go to a rock show where they're going to be degraded.

The issue that I have is that Gerard used to be against degrading women, and now he's a pro at it. And he still calls himself a feminist, which makes him a sexist ass and a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

every time someone calls gerard "gee" it gives me douche chills. his band mates call him that because they know him personally. i can't take it when fans call him that. i'm getting douche chills just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, you Anon's are seriously overdramatic. How the fuck does SEXIST lead to SEX OFFENDER? Please, if you're going to use a word then make sure you know what it means!

You stupid, narrow minded like shits have no idea what you talking about do you? Sexual crimes are a very serious offence and you shouldn't be using the term sex offender so flippantly.



Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys would not know sarcasm if it bit you in the ass. That anon was being SARCASTIC. And the way you are accusing him, you are making him out to look like a sex offender, no offense. Get your facts straight, if you are going to bash the man, get the balls to do it to his face. Don't hide behind computers and blogs. I think he'd like to hear what you have to say, that way he can properly tell you to go fuck yourselves.

I'm not in the "MCRmy" or whatever the fuck you accuse all of us melding anons of being in. I'm just a fan who is getting a little sick of the ego trips in this fandom who think they know a thing or two about a thing or two. They don't. Three cheers Vertia has fooled you all... again. It's starting to concern me cause I'd like to think that there are still some sane people in this fandom, but with people like the owner of this blog, I am starting to question the mental wellness of some of my fellow "fans". Really, VV, you aught to get some mental help, cause obsessing over stuff like this just isn't healthy. Get your head checked.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon I know sarcasm. But most of the anons on here just attack out right so when an anon says something it gets taken at face value.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And questioning another person's sanity because they have the opposite opinion than you doesn't do anything to help.

You don't like my or Vvs opinion fine. But the whole thing about one being insane because they took GW's words to be true and now they seem not be isn't right.

Anonymous said...

Anon said...
"Wow, you guys would not know sarcasm if it bit you in the ass. That anon was being SARCASTIC. And the way you are accusing him, you are making him out to look like a sex offender, no offense."

I get it, I just don't think it's the right kind of thing to be sarcastic about.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

If GW wants to tell me or anyone else to go fuck yourself he knows where to find me.

And a person who post as an anon should not talk about hiding behind a computer screen. I have a screen name and an email address that I can be reached at.

What does an anonymous have?

capture this void said...

Really, VV, you aught to get some mental help, cause obsessing over stuff like this just isn't healthy. Get your head checked.


If you're truly worried about the mental wellness of the people in this fandom, worry about those that worship the ground that Gerard walks on. I guess those are the genuine fans, right?

Apparently, the less you question Gerard, the truer the fan you are.

Fucking ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

You spelled "hurray" wrong. "Hooray" is also correct.

Anonymous said...

"Apparently, the less you question Gerard, the truer the fan you are.

Fucking ridiculous."

No it's not. Really, the less you care about the members of the band, the better off you are. I should have just stayed with the music. I got into this shit around the Eliza craziness and I just wished I had stayed the hell out cause it is just like a drug. Ignorance is bliss in this fandom. The less you know, the better off you are. No, I don't worship the ground Gerard walks on, cause unlike other fans, I don't put my life in his hands. It's not safe to put your life in the hands of a rock and roll band, they are just going to throw it all away. No matter how many times they tell you they want to save you, chances are they are going to disappoint you in some way. You are going to have to get use to them disappointing you in some way shape or forum. Also, I don't just listen to Gerard. Cause I found if you read one Gerard interview, the rest of the interviews for the next six months are going to be like the one before, cause most interviewers just ask the same questions and he has the same answerers. He's only human. There are four other guys who's voices are just as loud as Gerard's. All you have to do is listen. They aren't billed as Gerard Way and My Chemical Romance. If I am mad at Gerard, chances are I am mad at the whole band, cause it isn't just one member that makes up the whole band. Some people just fail to realize that and dump everything on the one they think matters the most, without realizing the other parts of the equation.

Attack me and flame me all you want. Tell me to get the fuck out and go back to the "rmy where I came from" or whatever sid remark your little fingers can think of. If you have the right to voice your views, I have every right to counter defend.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The reason I say the things about GW is because he is the most vocal in the band and the band was his baby. So the other guys their voices are not just as loud. And he was the one who was talking about the messages the most.

I am also upset with the other guys because they say nothing about any of this.

The way I see this whole thing is GW was actually sincere in the beginning but something has changed to make him this new way.

This band never saved my life. But they did make me feel that there were still People out there who cared and wanted to things differently.

Anon at 3:17 I think our points of view are more similar than you think.

I also got really into them during Eliza and went back to find out what I could about this band. And What I saw back than made me really love this band.

But it is getting to the point were I wish I had never heard of them at all.

At first it was just because of the way the fans treated each other. Always trying to claim they were better than this fan because of how long they had known about them. OR because they weren't a fangirl.

Than GW and his new and attitude.

But I'm still waiting to see if this is just a phase or the real deal.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Man, I don't give a toss what Gerard does with his personal life. But he's the one dragging his nonsense on stage. If he's going to make his stage show degrading to women, fine, let him. But he shouldn't do it under the flag of "feminism" when what he's doing is the exact opposite.

Hey, rock stars are rock stars. They've been degrading women and talking down to us for years. Gerard used to seem different though. he admits himself that he just wants it to be an ordinary rock show now, and well, it is.

And believe me, I'd love to say it to his face. A bunch of people out there are trying to get this blog more public so that it might be known to him. This way at least he will know that thinking people are onto him.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Kapu i think you scared 6:03 away.

Damn. Let me get you're just jealous because he didn't pick you. Or why don't you get out of his personal life.

Anonymous said...

Still kicking myself for not listening to Bert o'matic.

For shits and giggles, well, not really.

Because it was Bert's birthday, I was watching lots and lots of interviews with The Used and Bert today.

I watched this one that 97X did with Bert.


I should have listened.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Would it not have been hilarious if Bertie Boy did the finger snap with that?

I would laugh harder.

Anonymous said...

I love that man. ^_^

Kassiopeia said...

Wow VV, if you put half as much effort into something constructive as you do to this you could change the World. As it is, annoying fansheep is probably a fair enough starting point!

Oh, if only G-Way had stuck to his detestation of nu-metal and refused to tour with Linkin Park at Pro-Rev and it might still have been about MCR and the music, instead of "Ger-Z".

I do wish him all the marital happiness in the World, but from that moment on I realised that Gerard Way wanted it to be all about him and his personal life and that the purpose of MCR has been lost. By "purpose" I mean to make darn fine rock records - it must be incredibly hard for Frank, Ray, Mikey & Bob to be working their butts off and all the fandom does is argue about the validity of their singer's relationship. We already know that someone in the inner circle was sufficiently unhappy about this that words were exchanged about the Sharpie scrawlings.

I still believe there's a good person in there but it's been lost amongst all the "rockstar persona" crap he always claimed to decry. Hopefully after the tour they'll take a good long break, the realisation of some of his more embarrassing f*ckwittery will catch up with him and he'll stop trying to be "cool" because it doesn't suit him!

Before you ask, no, I don't want to marry Gerard Way - he's way too short, he smokes and if he's got a paunch at 30 then, frankly, there's no hope for him.

And just FYI:

Anonymous said...
"Alot of people owe Voluptuosity a HUGE apology for doubting her in the beginning. The people here are haters and now everyone agrees with Voluptuosity."

Interestingly I have in my possession an e-mail from one of the moderators at Buzznet that states that Voluptuosity is a "bully" and a "douche" that they're dying to get rid of, and the very second she breaks the "terms of engagement" she's history. Make sure to skip along and tell her. Jeebus, if I could choose to be anyone's underling I'd definitely pick her!!

Kass xx

Anonymous said...

Those girls were probably asked a hundred times to leave before Gerard 'snapped' at them. Jimmy Urine calling Gerard a fat panda: that is nothing more than a wild rumour. Some random commentor said that in a previous post and now you take it as fact?

Anonymous said...

You are becoming desperate Verita Venom. You are using silly little video clips to try and bring Gerard Way down. You are using rumours and labeling them as fact. Just know that whatever you do will never affect Gerard or MCR in any way whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

The band will continue to sell millions of cd's and Gerard will continue to be loved all around the world. All while you sit behind your little keyboard, writing to an audience not exceeding 100 people. Just let it go.

Anonymous said...

Reality check Anons:
MCR have sold 5 million albums worldwide, which is practically nothing for a "major rock band" and 99% of the populace couldn't care less whether Gerard Way lives or dies.

He doesn't live either in a multi-million dollar penthouse or rapturous ecstacy and whilst he certainly once deserved a private life, he himself has chosen to flaunt it and that makes him open to criticism.

Meanwhile, as long as people like you (Gee ee) continue to comment Veritavenom will have a reason to post!!

-The Hierophant

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon at 9:10 you can tell them that all you like. They will not listen.

You're dealing with people who will say things like I hate comic books but I love GW so I must buy his. Or call Hart D. Fisher a shit failure because he may have caught GW in a lie.

Or who thing it is cute to sign in a GEE to insult people.

I thank you for saying it.

Anonymous said...

i suggest u look at this video. Its of mikey and gerard getting mobbed by fans. a girl grabs onto mikey and the guard has to pry her off him. i do not blame gerard for not wanting to stop for a picture.

Anonymous said...

If you are referring to me, Martha Jones, I was not insulting anyone. You keep flaunting the word 'hate', yet you support a hate blog? Verita Venom, how are YOU today?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gee, this is not a hate blog. Those are your words.

When I said hate in my last comment it was about what a fan said.
Go to buzznet it is right there one fan says she has comic books but loves GW's because it is his. Any other time I may have said hate it was in reference. To being called a hater. By people

And I said that it was cute that you sign in as GEE to insult people.

And as I told one other anon stop putting words in my mouth

MCr are not the first people in the world to have fans get overzealous. That is why they have bodyguards.

No i don't think it is okay when they get overzealous but I do also find it wrong for people who bodyguards to get rude. Let the bodyguards do their jobs.

And I say that as someone who used to do security. I have had to deal with people who are out of control.
And Gerard could have dealt with that better. Not only in the way he reacted to the girls but in the he arrived at the airport. Other stars who know that they could have fans waiting and find ways of avoiding them out right. There are areas in the airports that regular people can't get into. He should have used them.

Anonymous said...

Gerard Way did not snap at those girls. In a tired and resigned voice, he nicely asked them whether they could not understand 'No'. The second 'no' sounds a bit mean, but listen to it again and you will recognise resignation in his voice. He simply was tired and did not want to have pictures taken. Gerard might not be perfect, but there are far worse people in this world. Verita Venom for example. :-) I ask you this: Have you EVER heard ANYTHING positive coming from this person?

Anonymous said...

Well deary, you are very difficult to understand. Can you please try to type in such a way that people don't have to pull out their decryptors?

Anonymous said...

My lord Martha, are you suggesting it is better to avoid your fans than to ask them (NICELY) to not bother you right now? May I remind you that the video on YouTube only tells part of the tale? Do you think the entire walk lasted only 1 minute and 30 seconds? Don't you think that those girls were asked many times to not bother the band because they are perhaps tired?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Yes I'm saying avoid your fans if you are in a bad mood. In the long run it is better that way. If you aren't going to stop and take picture or sign autographs why be bothered with them. The fans don't get hurt by the bodyguards or by thinking less of you. A lot of famous people do it. They even use decoys.

So I know that it only tells part of the story. What happen at that airport is really nothing new. And it's not just GW that I have a problem with when that happens to fans. I will and have said the same thing about other famous people.

They will send out a car ahead of time so most people will go after that. While they sneak out the back. Or have already left or will leave later.

On GW not snapping at the fans there are people over at Bn who will disagree with you and they are also ones who think those fans were in the wrong.

Funny how the only thing you could really find wrong with what I said is how I write it.

Anonymous said...

So it is better to trick your fans, to make fools out of them? I'm sorry but I don't see someone like Gerard doing that. You want him to act like a total diva? I am sorry if I offended you by referring to your grammar and spelling; it's just that I really do find it difficult to understand you.

Anonymous said...

You want him to act like a total diva?


The only thing I've retained from this is that I really should have listened to Bert.

Oh, well. There's still some hope in there. Maybe they'll get that giant ship turned around.

Hello everyone!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you for the apology. I do know that my grammar is off. But there are a lot of anons out there who that is their only way of arguing. By insulting. I am also sorry if I offended you earlier.

It is not tricking the fans. In a lot of cases it is for the safety of the artist and the fans. If the fans get to overzealous they can wind up not only hurting the artist but themselves and other fans.

And if you had the chance to meet your favorite artist would it be more upsetting to have him act like a jerk to you or not to see him at all.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Mib

Anonymous said...

And if you had the chance to meet your favorite artist would it be more upsetting to have him act like a jerk to you or not to see him at all.

I've been in the position where I met someone I deeply admired and was treated like I was dirt on their shoe and I really think it would have been better had I not met that person at all.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I'm sorry to hear that anon.

Anonymous said...


That's what she does. I've been posting to verita's shitty threads on BN for a long time. There are more! Buried in the forum. Here's my analysis...

This veritavenom, is another buzznet user. This is their alter account. They come here on veritas account to post shit like this and then take the topic off of their watch list. Why? So we can all dance to their tune. If verita were to return it could be under the non-suspicious account and no one would get what was coming to them. It's funny to hide under another alias and behave anyway you please and then to return disguised as a nonchalant party. In the start of verita's thread streaking I smelled hater on her. No one believed me. Whoever whole heartedly supported verita stayed on my suspect list. But those people don't dare comment here where we can scold them. And especially since verita has ceased to hide her non-hater feelings. No one who WAS a fan wants to be perceived as a hater. It's just people confused being a Gerard Way fan with being an Mcr fan. They flee to verita's hate blogs where you can comment as 'anonymous'. Cowardice evil assholes who get off on starting shit.

So who is veritavenom, really? Message me if you wanna know. ;)

Voluptuosity knows who you are Verita.

hint: she thinks you are part of WMHC.


Anonymous said...

message to buzznet: ban that dumbass already

Anonymous said...

I would very much like to know who Verita Venom is. Some of us could perhaps then start a blog analysing every aspect of her life.. Much like what she is doing to Gerard.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

But she isn't analyzing every aspect of his life. Just what he does in interviews and on stage. He is in the public eye now. Like it or not.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And before you say doesn't he a right to privacy. What you do out in public is free game that goes for famous and non famous people.

We are all being filmed when we got out of our house for what ever reason. So if you do something embracing out in public it is caught on tape and people are watching it.

There are shows. Caught on tape. So no one really has any privacy once they leave their home.

Martha Smith-Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kassiopeia said...

Anonymous said:
"They flee to verita's hate blogs where you can comment as 'anonymous'. Cowardice evil assholes who get off on starting shit."

Fabulous example of "irony" there methinks!!

You'll make sure to notice that I've signed in to post this, as have most of the "cowardice evil *ssholes" you're referring to. Take a look back through 119 comments and it's the "MCRmy" who post as Anons.

Also, in case you didn't know Gerard Way chose to sign to a major label, therefore Gerard Way chose fame and must be prepared to accept the negative aspects too. How hard is it to stand there whilst the people who keep you in Marlboro Reds take your picture anyway?!

BTW, I can easily believe VV is WMHC - it hurts to see one of your own treated the way she was.

Kass xx

sister midnite said...

Good to 'see' you, VV!
I'm really glad you posted, your comments are always entertaining, and I'm overdue for a few laughs.

I see that some of the more rabid members of The Cult of the MCRmy have once again made their way over to anonymously tell you HOW JELUSS all the Bloggers are. Oh, how these young ones make me laugh. It's to be expected, really -- if their self-proclaimed cult leader (Voluptuosity) asked them to try the new & improved MCR Kool-Aid©, they'd down it with no hesitation.

Children, let's get a few facts straight, shall we?

1) NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO SCREW GERARD WAY. In fact, there are more than a few of us who wouldn't touch him with someone else's genitalia, or any other body part for that matter.

2) Those of us who have been speaking out about Gerard's behavior DO NOT CARE that he married Lyn-Z. So she wears short skirts and can do backbends, Big freaking deal. The only conclusions we've drawn from their union is that a) the blogs started just after the marriage, and b) his behavior started changing around the same time they were both on the PR tour. Other than that, their marriage has less than nothing to do with any of the blogs. So let's move on, shall we?

3) You don't agree with Verita's opinions, so you feel wholly justified in braying out the usual "ZOMG, YUR JUST JELUS!!!11!!" defense. Have any of you Worshippers of The Almighty Lord Gerard "I'm-Just-A-Strange-Little-Man" Way ever stopped to wonder why it is that people laugh at your comments? Rest assured, no one here over the age of 12 takes anything you say the least bit seriously. Perhaps when you dream up something original, and at least partially thought-out, will people ask more of you than to run back to BN or INO.

Kass, MJ, Siobhan: I'm still clapping over what you've had to say.

I'm tired of people making excuses for this man. His band may have sold a few million albums, but he's nowhere near as 'famous' as people seem to think. It's exactly like one [of the few] anonymous commenters [that made sense] said: 95% of the world doesn't know who Gerard Way is, nor do they care. So much for the 'rock star' excuse.

Anonymous said...

Sister M Night Shamallama:


Have I told you lately that I love you?

You said that perfectly. I don't know how many times I've said that none of this opinion giving had anything to do with Lyn-Z. It's like there's a brick wall there that words can't pass. O_o

Anonymous said...

Oh, we're sharing videos? How about this one? I'd love to show you the one where a group of girls run screaming and crying after a taxi some of the band are in, banging on the windows and trying to chase it when it drives away - it's been taken down, unfortunately. There is this lovely article, though. And have a look at this one while you're at it! Someone summarized it as saying "Mikey said he really got surprised about the fans
what they think about the fans (chilean airport situation)
they said "sometimes is exciting but then become uncomfortable.
If someone is over you and yelling you, that would bother you.
with the time, the fansgirls have became more aggressive and we worry about fan's segurity"'
. The first article mentions that Gerard "termino en el suelo ante el acoso adolesente" - basically that he ended up on the floor because of fan. While obviously the girls in the video you posted aren't quite as manic as the ones in the video and articles I've linked, I think it should give you some indication of what they've experienced with fans there so far. It's a bit of a stretch even for you to say that whoever (and it's not even clear whether it's Gerard speaking) told the girls "no" is "snapping."

But ask yourself this. Can you imagine Frank Iero treating people like that? Can you imagine Gerard treating people that badly a few years ago?
Treating people like what? Saying "no" when he's being hounded for pictures? Frank is obviously well known for being sweet and accommodating towards fans, but it's ludicrous to compare every single action Gerard takes to St. Iero. If your opinion truly is an indication of how so many other fans feel I'll be on the lookout for "WWFD" shirts and bracelets.

I was alerted to the fact that MCR changed their MySpace profile from "punk" to "metal". "Punk" usually means more like a state of mind, having a message and standing by your beliefs. What "metal" makes you think of is 1980's hair bands who were more worried about how their hair looked than the music, and about how much they were getting laid. That seems to be Gerard's aim these days. I think it's because of the MSI influence.

I'm not entirely sure how to respond to this. Besides the well-known fact that none of the band members have anything to do with running the band's myspace page, it's ridiculous that you're trying to twist such an inane detail into yet another piece of "evidence" for the ongoing case of how Gerard is trying impress the cool kids in MSI. Ray's mentioned the metal bands he started listening to because of his brother many times, but I don't see anyone pointing him out as someone who's all about "hair" and "getting laid." Can you say grasping at straws, anyone?

The rest of this post is old meme, but I can't resist having a go at this:

Even more alarming is a video where at the end of Mama, Gerard sings part of a Blondie song and then asks someone (I wonder who) to send him "giant bags of cocaine."

Yes. Because if Gerard really wanted someone to send him giant bags of cocaine, he'd have no better way of doing it then yelling it out to them from the stage. He wouldn't be able to, say, call them on a cellphone or anything like that. (In case anyone's missed it, this is sarcasm.)

And about the MCRmy - I have no idea who this Voluptuosity you all keep mentioning is, nor do I care. There are many groups that go by the name "MCRmy," but the official street team (which is called, you guessed it, the MCRmy) has nothing to do with her or any of the anons running in here and misspelling death threats and accusations of jealousy for Gerard's marriage.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

So how does snapping at them stop the behavior? It doesn't. As I said in an earlier comment there are ways to avoid things like that happening.

The thing about the bags of cocaine I find offensive. Because I have had family member with serious drug problems. For me and others it is not something to be taken lightly.

AS far as the MCRmy thing they are using your name to make death threats. Regardless of how silly they are. If i were in your place I wouldn't like people using my groups name to do that.

And if you want to find out about those people go to Buzznet.

Anonymous said...

Besides the fact that "snapping at them" should be enough to stop the behavior - I'm honestly appalled that anyone can have that little respect for another person's privacy, regardless of who they are - I would think that there's only so much anyone can do to avoid the public areas in airports. As far as I'm aware MCR isn't quite at the level where they're flying in their own jet, so I'd think they'd have to exit into the terminal with the rest of the passengers when the plane landed. I agree that security issues could have been handled better, but we have no way of knowing how accommodating airport security was; they obviously didn't or couldn't do anything to stop that many people from mobbing the band.

It's perfectly within your rights to be sensitive to someone joking about drugs, but so is it perfectly within his rights to make those kind of jokes as someone who struggled with drug addiction himself. While I'm aware that the situations aren't entirely similar, I have a friend who suffers from an eating disorder and jokes about it occasionally. People make fun of their own problems; it doesn't automatically mean they're taking them lightly. I really doubt Gerard intended to offend people by saying that, and before anyone can get to it I'll be the first to admit that he just as likely wouldn't care if it did. I'm sure that for every 'scandalous' comment he makes onstage there's at least one person who's offended. Within reason, it's not his nor any performer's responsibility to bend over backwards trying not to offend any member of the audience. Shows would be a little boring if that was the case.

I know that they're using the MCRmy name to make stupid and childish threats. There's nothing I or anyone else can do about it. Obviously I don't like that they're doing it; it's unfortunate that people like that are giving people such as yourself a bad impression of the MCRmy but it's beyond our control.

You won't catch me anywhere near Buzznet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Got this from someone else's journal. Apparently, it's from Sugar Magazine in the UK.

We almost snapped our eyeliner in two when we heard Gerard Way had married girlfriend Lyn Z backstage at an MCR gig in September. So we quizzed Gerard on the big "L" and what it took to become Mrs Way. Just in case the position becomes vacant again...

You recently married Lyn-Z (from band Mindless Self Indulgence) How's that working out?

"Romance was always a non-issue to me as i'm so focused on creating things and making music. But I love being married. It boils down to finding the right person."

You were engaged to another girl a few months before...

"I know! When I met my wife I was at a point where I was fine with being alone. And out of nowhere, someone I met four years ago, when MCR was a baby band, comes back into my life. We just picked up where we left off. It's always when you're not looking for it... I was totally fine then I get hit over the head."

And now you're all domesticated?

"Yes! I came off tour and started to set up a life- and it's an amazing life. I love having a best friend I can share it with."

Is it easier to be with someone in the industry?

"Yes. A lot of people think they can handle fame, but it's difficult. If you know the difficulties, it's easier to understand."

How about someone who is super-famous like Britney?

"Her shaving her head was awesome! I've had times where I can identify with her. Sometimes you just wanna be crazy."

What makes a girl stand out to you?

"It doesn't matter what you look like, as long as you're a good person. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. You are. I'm quite into Christina Ricci. She looks like an alien, but she's beautiful"

Is it true you use to stalk her?

"Yeah, I was 17. We use to shop at the same record store and I was into her."

Can you remember your first snog?

"I was 15 and it was in the back seat of my friend's car. I didn't know what to do. The girl stuck her tongue down my throat and I was like, "What is this?" It was gross, but then I was like, "I guess it's kind of cool.""

You must get loads of attention. Did you ever go down the groupie route?

"No, I was in a relationship when the band started and I respected the person. aside from that, it didn't interest me. The band was born from a hard place emotionally. We didn't want drugs, chicks or money."

There have been loads of rumours about your sexuality. Is that weird?

"Touching on sexuality is a way to dare people. We try to push the envelope so fans might think differently if they see a gay kid in school. But there are people that didn't think I even had relationships. They thought I was an assexual weirdo!"

Either "Sugar Magazine" is just copying and pasting from past interviews, or Gerard's repeating the exact same answers.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:01

Many of the responses in that interview are recycled from other interviews/answers Gerard had done during the past year.

Anonymous said...

Scenes like this one in Chile is enough to piss anyone off

I can't really blame him for being wary of fans when shit like this happens

I wonder if at that moment when he was being tackled he thought of the end of the Teenagers video and how it was now coming true. How scared they must have been. And why in the hell wasn't security doing their job protecting the boys?

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys all know that Voluptuosity hit some kind of freaky all time low, accused everyone who doesn't love New Gerard of being "into porn fantasies about him," and of wanting Lyn Z to die.

She has since been put on temporary ban from BN.

At least some people see how crazy and angry she is.

Anonymous said...

^^ That is the best news that I have heard all day! ^_^

Anonymous said...

What would make it better is if it was permanent.

Anonymous said...

but you do realise she will get bored and go attack other innocent people.

if she cant bully in her own place then she will fin somewhere else to bully.

i think we will see her around here soon. shame

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It is not disrespect for his private life. With Kat and Eliza he did not talk about them keeping his private life closed to us. Than Lyn-Z comes in and he is talking about it every chance he gets. So he is the one now responsible for what has happen.

You want a private life keep your mouth shut.

As far as the airport goes I never said anything about private jets. Other celebrities who ride on normal public airplanes are able to do it when they think it is needed.

Given the fact that more and more fans are acting this way take the extra step So that people don't get hurt.

As far as people using you clubs name you can take legal action. Take them to small claims court.

I believe the first step is asking them nicely to stop using your name. Than you tell them you will take legal action if it continues. You may not have everyone's name who is involved but you have one person. You can than ask for damages. I think it has to be under $5000 for small claims.

DivineBlindSoul said...

Honestly, I think you are all pathetic (Well, most of you.) I think everyone just needs to ease up on Gerard, no one really has any proof as to him "bringing the band down".

I'm a female and I'm not offended at him telling girls to moan at a concert. He tells guys to take their shirts off but you don't see them pissing and moaning about it and neither are you. I'm for equality, and I'm also for having a bit of fun, that's what I think Gerard was doing on stage that night. If you think that he went too far, then message them on MySpace or something to that effect. Don't write about it on the internet where nothing can really be done about it but rally people to your not-really-a-cause cause.

I think that the 'Haters' of Gerard and the 'Haters' of the Haters need to just chill out, and probably hit preview before posting their comments, even if you're angry you should still revise your work.

StarryNights, I agree with everything that you said.

All of you people need to loosen your panties because I can see that they are in a bunch from here. Why don't you all practice what you preach and just listen to the music, and leave Gerard alone OR stop listening to them all together. Just stop bitching about him.

The true fans, or I should just say "decent people" will come out in the end, when Gerard has taken care of whatever he needs to take care of, you cannot be perfect all the time. People make mistakes.

As for people saying that he is airing his marrage and affections for his wife out for everyone to see, I don't really think that's true, I mean, why is it wrong to snag a kiss from your significant other before you go on stage? I don't really think that it is. I mean you don't see them on TMZ or some stupid thing like that naked on a balcony making sweet love to each other. You've seen them snagging a kiss or two. Get over it.

By the way, I think that you are all hypocrites. Your treatment of Voluptuosity, is exactly how you are telling people not to act towards your goddess W.

All you Gerard Haters are doing is taking the facts that you know will help your case and leaving out all of the rest (like the things that Anon 4:14 posted), you people are just like the media.

I would like to state for the record that I think expressing your opinion is a very important thing and I'm not knocking anyone for doing that but why is it okay to do it so maliciously? It's not.

Everyone just needs to chill out.

Oh and for the record. I had the balls to say this as myself, Abby Hutchinson. Send me hate mail if you like, just make sure to preview it first, I'm a bit of a grammar fairy! <--- Message me! <---That is my email, again, send me hate mail, I would love to hear it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I'm not talking about a private kiss. But if you put parts of your life out there for all to see you shouldn't get mad if people comment about it.

Also have to say I love how you say people should chill out and not be so malicious while calling the people you don't like haters and not true fans.

I think you may be just as much like the media as you think we are.

And I have no need to contact you outside of this place.

I unlike most of the "true fans" have no need to prove my point by sending hate mail.

I think you are in need in getting your panties unbunched as we are.

DivineBlindSoul said...

Oh and Moineau, thank you for your posts as well! I forgot to mention that! <3

DivineBlindSoul said...

If you didn't notice Martha, I put the term "Hater" in quotation marks. Hence, I don't want to call them haters, I think that everyone has the right to their opinion. They just don't need to abuse others for it, that goes both ways.

And if I am indeed like the media (which I don't really feel like I am), at least I am looking at the whole picture and not leaving parts out because they don't fit into my idea of the situation.

I understand that Gerard and MCR has changed a little but you cannot expect something to stay the same forever. Things need to evolve, that is the way of life.

I'm glad you don't feel the need to send me hate mail! I was just putting those things out there so everyone would know that I stand behind my ideas and don't have to go Anonymous to say them.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If I read it wrong than I am sorry. But there are some two faced people who come on here talking about how they understand us and don't feel that we are jealous or haters. Only to go else where and talk shit.

so I just respond to all who use those key word in the same way.

Anonymous said...

All you Gerard Haters are doing is taking the facts that you know will help your case and leaving out

No quotes around that haters and in fact it looks exactly like you are calling them haters.

And Divineblindsoul, I notice you say that no one should share an opinion maliciously? The only maliciousness I see around these parts are coming from people who call us haters and abuse people here for having an opinion different to their's.

I am also the anon who posted the Chile videos. I should have added that while I was horrified to watch those, the fans in the video VV posted were nothing like them. In fact in that video, that was the calmest group of people I have seen. There was no running and earsplitting screaming. And it seemed unfair how they were treated.

DivineBlindSoul said...

Look, I'm not saying that you are wrong to think that some of the things that Gerard has been doing lately, but to say that he's bringing down the band or that he's turning into some awful person is wrong in my opinion, you don't really know what he's going through, none of us are.

My action is to stand by him, I don't understand what ranting about him can do to help.

I don't remember if it was here or somewhere else, but someone mentioned next time they see him that they are going to bring up these issues, I think that that is a good idea, as long as it's done in a kind manner and with genuine concern.

Nothing gets accomplished if anger is involved. And another note there it that all of the angry people out there are really just hurt, that is where anger comes from. And if he's hurt you in some way then you have every right to bring it up with him if you get the chance.

But slander is not the key (I guess in this case it would be libel, but whatever).

And to Anon 10:22, sorry that I forgot them that time.

Anonymous said...

It is not disrespect for his private life. With Kat and Eliza he did not talk about them keeping his private life closed to us. Than Lyn-Z comes in and he is talking about it every chance he gets. So he is the one now responsible for what has happen. You want a private life keep your mouth shut.

But if you put parts of your life out there for all to see you shouldn't get mad if people comment about it.

Yes, Gerard has obviously chosen to mention his marriage in interviews, as well as how happy it's made him. I don't understand where you're coming from with this though - how is Gerard "getting mad" at people commenting on it? I'd hope that Gerard knows nothing about the things some people say about his marriage; he certainly hasn't said anything publicly addressing any kind of fan response to it.

As for 'keeping his mouth shut' if he wants people to respect his private life: the two have nothing to do with one another. He's the one who decides what details of his private life to make public. This doesn't negate anyone's responsibility to show him the same respect you would any other human being. Regardless of whether you think you're in love with him or you hate him from the very depths of your soul, the moment you start treating him as something more or less than an actual person, a stranger who you do not know, you're taking things way too far.

As far as people using you clubs name you can take legal action. Take them to small claims court.

If you weren't kidding about this, I think that's taking things a little far. It's only the internet for christ's sake.

In fact in that video, that was the calmest group of people I have seen. There was no running and earsplitting screaming. And it seemed unfair how they were treated. was unfair that they were told they couldn't take pictures with the band members? How is this 'unfair treatment?' The only thing fans have a right to expect from a band is the music. Shows and CDs. Anything more than that is bonus; this attitude of entitlement so many fans seem to have is ridiculous. Yes, it would have been nice if Gerard and the other band members had stopped to take photos with the girls, but we have no idea what the circumstances of the situation were, what kind of schedule they were on, etc. They were told "no," and while it certainly wasn't said in the kindest tone imaginable it's hardly as if they were being called names or assaulted physically. People are making way more of this video than it merits.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I never said anything about him being unhappy. And My comment was more for the people who keep getting upset about him not having a private life.

Hell he can fuck a poodle if it makes him happy. But you can't put parts of your life in the public eye and not expect people to talk. That goes for him and other fans.

Anonymous said...

My comment was more for the people who keep getting upset about him not having a private life.

He does have a private life. How much of his life do you honestly think we know about? Next to nothing. All we know are the very few facts he's revealed in interviews. I really doubt he's so naive as to think no one will talk about the things he reveals about his private life, but this doesn't in any way give you or anyone else the right to make completely unsubstantiated claims based on little or no evidence.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

My evidence is past experience. I have to live with people who have had or do have the same problems as
GW. He was act in a way that was similar to the way they act when they are in trouble.

As far as his private life you do notice that the only things we talk about are what we see. I know I don't see everything in his private life. Sometimes you don't have to to know something is wrong or just not right.
You brought up their lack of privacy. And I pointed out why.

Anonymous said...

DivineBlindSoul said...
"As for people saying that he is airing his marrage and affections for his wife out for everyone to see, I don't really think that's true, I mean, why is it wrong to snag a kiss from your significant other before you go on stage?"

You clearly missed the hickeys, matching unicorn T-shirts, cryptic messages scribbled on their persons with Sharpies and the all the shout-outs between songs at Projekt Revolution that made the tour all about Gerard, not the band. Don't believe me? Go to Buzznet (it's my daughter's thing more than mine!) and check out how many threads on the forum from that time refer to Gerard's private life and how many to the music. He also brought her on stage for a kiss in the middle of a concert in Mexico - how's that relevant to the show?! As a fan of My Chemical Romance it definitely put a dampener on seeing one of my favourite bands live, because their personal lives should be irrelevant, and they definitely shouldn't detract from the music!

-The Hierophant

Kassiopeia said...

Hi Verita V,

Since no-one else seems to have asked you directly, I'm wondering what your personal beef with Gerard Way is? Keep doing what you're doing if it amuses you, but no "regular" ex-fan would go to this much trouble - it seems more like either you, or someone you're close to, has been hurt by this man. Am I correct?

Kass xx

DivineBlindSoul said...

Hierophant, you mentioned hickeys, T-shirts, and messages on his neck.

The first two I could care less about, I mean, who doesn't have a few hickeys from time to time, the T-shirts, well...really who cares about that (I thought that it was cute). And as for the sharpie messages, he has been doing that for a while now, before Lyn-Z ever really came into the picture.

The only shout-outs that he did at the PR concert I went to were the ones that he was supposed to do at the end of the concert--in fact he had a girl from the audience do it for him and then added a couple of things at the end (I think she shit her pants when he asked her to). I don't see how kissing his wife on stage after a show is a bad thing, I mean really, newly-weds are always more lovey-dovey than your run of the mill married couple. What I'm saying is, if he had her come out on stage in the middle of their set just to have a little snog in front of the crowd, then I would say, "That's kind of not cool, man." But it was the end of the set. Who cares, I don't think it detracts from the show then.

No one had a problem when he was kissing Frank during the show, why can't he kiss his wife after the show? I'm sure the fans ate that shit up.

Oh, one last thing! I think when he talks about not wanting people budding into their personal lives, he's talking about not wanting people to be stalkerish, you know? Like the ways that--I can't find the name now but whatever, talked about. Just being creepy basically. I mean, who wants a stalker? That is how John Lennon died, you know?

Ooh, and Martha, I so would not bow down at Paris Hilton's feet if she was dating Gerard, I would be sitting at my computer asking "Why?" Because I don't really think that they have anything in common.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember if it was here or somewhere else, but someone mentioned next time they see him that they are going to bring up these issues, I think that that is a good idea, as long as it's done in a kind manner and with genuine concern.


That was me. I was thinking of maybe writing a letter but I'm not sure yet. Hopefully it'll work out.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't AFTER the show. It was DURING the show, right before Cancer. On the stage.

Anonymous said...

And wasn't that also the same show that during the concert he kept waving at her and singing to her?

Anonymous said...

^Have any kind of proof to back that up?

Anonymous said...

Wow, this blog has kind of shocked me. Telling ONLY the females in the audience to "fuck themselves" and then saying they'll be doing it for the rest of their lives is very dispespectful, in my opinion! I am female, and I would not have liked that comment! Also the comments about drugs - Gerard needs to realise that many of the people in an MCR audience are, like 8 years old, and so comments like that are totally inappropriate! I think that even though Gerard doesn't want to bring a "message" to his audience anymore, he is bringing a message anyway, through how he behaves and what he says. Thanks for expressing your thoughts and opinions VV - they have made me question being such a blind fan (though I'm still a fan).

Anonymous said...

moineau, here you go A review containing proof
There are more, but I am too lazy to go find them. I think they may be more links found in VV's earlier posts.

Anonymous said...

What exactly are you trying to say? That Gerard is not allowed to wave to his wife while on stage? That he is not allowed to bring her onstage?

Anonymous said...

Well, gee ee, the waving can be overlooked, but the majority of fans that spent a lot of money to see My Chemical Romance, did not pay to watch the Gerard and LynZ show. Why should LynZ be brought on stage? Last time I looked she was not a member of the band. So what if she is married to Gerard, during the MCR set, she should be off stage. Period. And I know some will go on about it's okay cause they are twu luv 4eva, but kissing his wife during a MCR show is unprofessional to nth degree. Billie Joe Armstrong loves his wife, but Adrienne never goes onstage with him. Jon Bon Jovi also loves his wife, but he's never paused during a concert to kiss Dorothea on stage. That is a part of their private lives and should be left off stage. I know I don't want to spend my money to watch the band members make out with their wives/girlfriends.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:32 AM. What on earth are you going on about? The fans pay money to see My Chemical Romance play songs. Did Gerard kissing his wife make them play less songs or did it degrade the quality of the songs? No it did not. What you are saying is outrageous. I believe that you dislike Lyndsey, and that is why you are complaining about something that absolutely has no bearing at all. I for one would not mind at all if I were to be at a MCR show and Gerard paused to kiss his wife.

Anonymous said...

Instead of us all fighting, lets go see some amazing MCR videos:

DivineBlindSoul said...

Anon 10:49, what the hell are you talking about? 8 year olds at an MCR concert? Are you kidding me?! "Many people in the audience are like, 8 years old." That is insane!

I'm sorry for freaking out, but seriously...8 years old. No way.

Anonymous said...

DivineBlindSoul said...
"Hierophant, you mentioned hickeys, T-shirts, and messages on his neck.

"The first two I could care less about, I mean, who doesn't have a few hickeys from time to time, the T-shirts, well...really who cares about that (I thought that it was cute). And as for the sharpie messages, he has been doing that for a while now, before Lyn-Z ever really came into the picture."

My point is not the Sharpies themselves, but that Gerard is NOT the band, and when one particular member tries to draw attention to themselves for their personal life (Pete Wentz anyone?) it cheapens the music and the other members input. None of those things I mentioned make for a more entertaining show, nor do they make an important point about acceptance as the "Frerard moments" did.

I'm happily married myself and I understand those private jokes and goofy moments; what I don't do is bring them into my workplace and I think we'll all be dead in the cold ground before we see Ray, Frank, Bob or Mikey doing similar!

Lyn-Z I don't know anything about except that her band seem to rely more on shock tactics than actual good music. You see, who Gerard married is irrelevant to me, as is how he behaves in his private life offstage; my point on this thread is that if he chooses to act in a way to promote himself above the band then he's only going to disproportionately increase the attention on himself at airports, signings, etc..., ergo he only has himself to blame if the pressure on him is increasing to the point where the fans feel let down.

-The Hierophant

Anonymous said...

Look gee ee, it's not about liking or not liking LynZ. Personally I don't give a rat's ass either way about her. But when he's doing PDA's on stage with her, I do have a problem with that, because I pay to see My Chemical Romance, not GerZ. In fact I think that I have said this before, when it first happened. Follow me on this, I have a fiancé who I love very much, but I don't bring him into my workplace and make out with him in front of my clients because that would be unprofessional (and I really don't think my clients would appreciate the PDA). The stage is Gerard's workplace and the same rules of conduct apply. Understand what I'm "going on about" now?
Probably not because you are most likely in love with LynZ and too young yet to understand that there is a time and place for things such as this, but the stage during a show is neither the time nor the place.

Anonymous said...

My point is not the Sharpies themselves, but that Gerard is NOT the band, and when one particular member tries to draw attention to themselves for their personal life (Pete Wentz anyone?) it cheapens the music and the other members input. None of those things I mentioned make for a more entertaining show, nor do they make an important point about acceptance as the "Frerard moments" did.

I'm happily married myself and I understand those private jokes and goofy moments; what I don't do is bring them into my workplace and I think we'll all be dead in the cold ground before we see Ray, Frank, Bob or Mikey doing similar!

Nicely said! ♥

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking to that review, anon. What I don't understand is why so many people are making such a huge deal of this. So he brought his wife out onstage and kissed her - once, twice? While I'm not going to argue that it was the most professional thing to do, it's hardly as if he was bringing her out every night and making speeches about their everlasting love. It was a brief occurrence that happened a handful of times at best, and I call bullshit on any argument you might try to make that it detracted from the show irrevocably.

Also the comments about drugs - Gerard needs to realise that many of the people in an MCR audience are, like 8 years old, and so comments like that are totally inappropriate!

Don't be ridiculous. MCR's music is much too mature for eight year olds, and any parents that bring children that young to one of their concerts only have themselves to blame if they're exposed to things they don't feel are appropriate.

my point on this thread is that if he chooses to act in a way to promote himself above the band then he's only going to disproportionately increase the attention on himself at airports, signings, etc..., ergo he only has himself to blame if the pressure on him is increasing to the point where the fans feel let down.

That's a little naive, Hierophant. Gerard is always going to garner the most attention from fans - he's the lead singer and frontman. That's the way things work. He maintains his popularity simply by standing at center stage and singing. That alone is enough to "promote himself above the band" as far as drawing fan attention to him goes. It's really stretching it to try and claim Gerard was asking to be mobbed by fans at airports by bringing his wife onstage a few times and kissing her.

DivineBlindSoul said...

God, Moineau, you got it all. Nice work. I don't really have anything to add at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that Lyn-Z is rank and now Gerard's gone there I wouldn't touch him with Valtrex-dusted rubber gloves.

Anonymous said...

"That's a little naive, Hierophant. Gerard is always going to garner the most attention from fans - he's the lead singer and frontman."

I am aware of that! I was trying to refer to the hypocrisy of seemingly screaming for even more attention, whilst simultaneously ignoring the fans when he got it. Bit childish if you ask me!


Anonymous said...

I actually met her before he PR tour and she IS rank, smell-wise. This was before a show, and she already smelled like stale sweat, dirty hair, beer and cigarettes. Well Gerard probably does too so I guess they're perfect together.

Anonymous said...

Voluptuosity is back and is threatening to get a petition to buzznet to delete VV's account there. Seriously who is the real psycho here?

Anonymous said...

I was trying to refer to the hypocrisy of seemingly screaming for even more attention, whilst simultaneously ignoring the fans when he got it.

If he really wanted "even more attention" I imagine he could've just groped Frank some more; watch any video where any "Frerard" happens and note the crowd's reaction. I still think it's ludicrous to imply that he was trying to gain more attention or make himself more popular with fans by kissing his wife once or twice on stage. You seem to be insinuating that this was some kind of calculated ploy on his part - capturing the fans' attention by bringing his wife on stage and then shunning them when they approach him. You can't honestly think those girls came to the airports in South America because he brought Lyn-z on stage a few times. They would have been there and acted the same way they did regardless; such a trivial event has literally no impact on his popularity with fans.

I actually met her before he PR tour and she IS rank, smell-wise. This was before a show, and she already smelled like stale sweat, dirty hair, beer and cigarettes. Well Gerard probably does too so I guess they're perfect together.

...seriously? Congratulations on descending to the level of petty personal insults. Oooh, Lyn-z smells! While I'm sure there's exceptions to the rule, from what I've heard in interviews and experienced in my own encounters with people in touring bands it's not exactly easy to keep up a high standard of hygiene while on tour.

Anonymous said...

I just dropped BN and I had to laugh at V. Over on the MCR community, she's all trying to say everyone should be welcomed and shouldn't feel the need to move somewhere more comfortable for voicing their opinions. Then over on the GW community, she's totally bashing VV and pissypot and wanting them gone. They made a big mistake by unbanning her. (Her comments about fans wanting LynZ dead and her comments about Keanu made me sick. Talk about disrespect. If that can't get you banned, I guess nothing can...)

Anonymous said...

I agree with moineau, I don't think him kissing LynZ on stage would be ploy for more attention. Not from the fans anyway. I believe it served another more personal purpose for him, and hopefully the phase has passed, at least for now from what I can see.

As for the video, I think that after what happened in Chile, (and probably other places, unfortunately) the crazy fans have made the rest of us normal fans look bad. When I watched the Chile video I was horrified and can only imagine how scary it was for them.
So I can totally understand why he is more stand-offish around the fans these days.

Anonymous said...

And we're still at it. Yawn.

I don't think the Pro-Rev shit was an attempt at grabbing more attention, I think it was an attempt to "get back" at an ex by trying to prove how "happy" he was. Not the actions of a pathetic, emotionally-stunted man in the least!

Anonymous said...

Not the actions of a pathetic, emotionally-stunted man in the least!

Pathetic indeed to have so many people theorizing on the motivations behind every action he takes in public...

Anonymous said...

All of the shit with Lyn Z was to get back at both of his exes. I wondre3 if she feels used. She should because he is using her like he uses everybody.

Anonymous said...

Yeah she's being used, but it's not like she's not using him right back. I mean look how many people are now talking about her and her shitty band all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how it feels to be stuck in a marriage based on spite.

Anonymous said...

hey can someone view buzznet if there banned???

Anonymous said...

"And we're still at it. Yawn."

Never a truer word spoken.

"hey can someone view buzznet if there banned???"

Yes, if the page or profile is public.

"Pathetic indeed to have so many people theorizing on the motivations behind every action he takes in public..."

Well, if he didn't act them out in public then the public couldn't theorise on them. Duh! How many people discussed his relationship with Katmandu, Moineau?

Anonymous said...

Well, if he didn't act them out in public then the public couldn't theorise on them. Duh! How many people discussed his relationship with Katmandu, Moineau?

I have no way of knowing how much discussion there was about his relationship with Kat when it was going on because I wasn't a fan then, but I've heard quite a few baseless rumors recently about Gerard abandoning her when she was dying in the hospital of cancer or some rubbish. Obviously the more open he is about his relationships the more gossip fodder people have; that doesn't excuse the behavior or attitudes of people who are unable to accept the fact that they know next to nothing about his private life.

Well, if he didn't act them out in public then the public couldn't theorise on them. Duh!

I'm well aware that people are going to attempt to explain what they imagine to be the causes or motivations behind whatever actions he makes in public; I've never said otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Everyone gossips about other people's lives whether they are celebrities or someone you know in real life. It's human nature. I admit to gossiping with my friends about other friends. Get over it.

Kassiopeia said...

"I've heard quite a few baseless rumors recently about Gerard abandoning her when she was dying in the hospital of cancer or some rubbish."

That was some random girl who claimed to be "Kat" and was dying from leukaemia. Unfortunately for her she forgot to do the maths and claims to be 23 - or 15 back when they [would have] started dating!!

If Gerard doesn't like the attention on him from fans he could just quit - public figures are automatically fair game and gossip is fun! Show me someone who claims they don't [gossip] and I'll show you a liar.

And now off to do something constructive...

Kass xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Kass, keep up on the times! She read a few people were saying she was too young to be Kat and she changed her age to 28. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Everyone gossips about other people's lives whether they are celebrities or someone you know in real life. It's human nature. I admit to gossiping with my friends about other friends. Get over it.

I don't have an issue with people gossiping. My problem is things like this blog, where people gather round to compile "evidence" about how Gerard is single-handedly ruining MCR.

Anonymous said...

I don't have an issue with people gossiping. My problem is things like this blog, where people gather round to compile "evidence" about how Gerard is single-handedly ruining MCR.

Then don't read this blog. Really people, it is that simple. You think this blog and the blog author is full of crap, then don't visit it and whine about what's written here. There are places on the internet where I don't like the topics, so I don't bother with them. I've never understood why someone would spend so much time reading a blog they hate and strongly disagree with, is it really worth it?

Anonymous said...

I've read some of this ... stuff. And you know what I keep thinking about Gerard's behavior in concert, and the things he's said to his audience? I keep thinking, "Well, it's a fucking rock concert, what did you expect?"

Is it really news to anybody that things may happen at a rock concert that aren't appropriate for kids? Or teenagers? Or ninety year olds? You buy your ticket, you take you chances, mmmkay? Iggy Pop cut himself on stage, David Bowie shocked (a more innocent world) committing guitar fellatio, Axl Rose cancelled shows at the last minute and caused riots in the streets, Jim Morrison exposed himself, and let's not forget Ozzie and the chicken (or was it a bat?) Rock isn't always about teh pretteh. You want Perfectly Nice, stick to straight, simple pop made by highly polished kids with capped teeth and a Disney resume. At least until they get tired of being perfect, inexplicably shave their heads and offer the paparazzi free crotch shots...and I don't blame her one damned bit.

As for a lot of the rest of your complaints, I keep wondering why you expect a guy in a band to be a saint? To be perfect every single moment of the day? Fuck's sake, get over it. These people are not saints, no matter what they say, what they'd like to be, no matter what you'd like them to be, no matter what you'd like to believe.

The only thing that sets the average musician apart from the rest of us is music. Take away the music and you've got a bunch of pretty average people, just as capable of tastelessness, bad manners, fuck-uppery and hypocrisy as the rest of us. No matter what they try to strive for, just like the rest of us, they're going to fall short, either deliberately, unconsciously or accidentally.

The real problem is taking it personally when your idol turns out to have feet of clay. Gerard Way isn't perfect. He's done things that turn me off. He's said things I thought were pretty stupid. But you know what? I still love the songs, even if they are sung by fuck-up.

And, by the way: "Right in the middle of a contradiction, that's the place to be."

Anonymous said...

"Well, it's a fucking rock concert, what did you expect?"

Well from listening to Gerard, who always talked about wanting their live shows to be more than a rock concert, and who always talked about being respectful and mindful of how people felt, and how much of an impact the words of musicians had on young people, one would expect the opposite of the things he does now.

I don't care how rock stars act on stage. But hypocrisy disappoints me.

Anonymous said...

Moineau, your the only person that makes sense around here.

Unknown said...

moineau, i wanna have your babies. <3

Anonymous said...

I've never understood why someone would spend so much time reading a blog they hate and strongly disagree with, is it really worth it?

While I don't think I'm going to change many people's minds, it's worth it to me to have some kind of counter argument available for people who wander in here with no previous opinion. A lot of the things in the blog are presented as fact when they're really nothing more than speculation or opinion, and I don't see the harm in making people aware of that.

And kudos anon @ 3:21. Well said.

Anonymous said...

3:12 anon here again.

"Well from listening to Gerard, who always talked about wanting their live shows to be more than a rock concert, and who always talked about being respectful and mindful of how people felt, and how much of an impact the words of musicians had on young people, one would expect the opposite of the things he does now."

Just how far is he supposed to go to be respectful of every single person in that audience? Is he supposed to pretend that sex doesn't exist, that he doesn't know that many of the girls in the audience fantasize about him, that he was never a drug addict? Is he supposed to pretend, now, that he doesn't have a morbid imagination and a black sense of humor?

Um. This guy writes about vengeful spirits, murder, blood and prison sex, right? But he's supposed to act like Mickey Mouse to please the easily offended?

He's playing games with the lust, sex and desire that often go hand-in-hand with band-fan connections. And you're taking it far too seriously. It's like a big in joke that you're ... well, not in on.

Thanks, moineau. *tips hat*

Anonymous said...

Just how far is he supposed to go to be respectful of every single person in that audience? Is he supposed to pretend that sex doesn't exist, that he doesn't know that many of the girls in the audience fantasize about him, that he was never a drug addict? Is he supposed to pretend, now, that he doesn't have a morbid imagination and a black sense of humor?

Um. This guy writes about vengeful spirits, murder, blood and prison sex, right? But he's supposed to act like Mickey Mouse to please the easily offended?

You know, some of you people act like Gerard has to act like this. Like if he didn't, he would be denying some essential thing, or--more frightening--that we are to expect it from him. I expect it from a lot of "artist" like for instance the Yin Yang Twins, how about. But he didn't used to degrade women like this, so to hear him do it now is not only out of place, but with the way he used to speak out against this exact thing, it's hypocritical. See, that's what you people never seem to get. I don't care what people say on stage; I can just as easily not go to the concert (and I never will again, actually.) But as a friend of mine said, so much better than I could have: "The public can sometimes forgive a moment of weakness, but hypocrisy will get your ass nailed to the wall -- and not in the fun way!"

It's like a big in joke that you're ... well, not in on.

You're right. He has turned MCR into a big joke. And I'd rather not be in on it, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Damn it, I swear to god, there's a song for everything.

Stay away from me
Build a fortress
And shield your beliefs
Touch the divine
As we fall in line

Can I believe
When I don't trust
All your theories
Turn to dust
I choose to hide
From the All Seeing Eye

Destroy this City of Delusion
Break these walls down
I will avenge
And justify my reasons
With your blood

You will not rest
Settle for less
Until you guzzle
And squander whats left
Do not deny
That you live and let die

Destroy this City of Delusion
Break these walls down
I will avenge
And justify my reasons
With your blood

Destroy this City of Delusion
Break these walls down
I will avenge
And justify my reasons
With your blood

Anonymous said...

Are you all mad because Gerard never asked YOU to moan for him? Thats what it is I'll bet becuase you know you'll never find someone like him, never be good enough. Cold sad FAKE people who don't know what it is like to be in love.

Anonymous said...

Ten (or possibly fewer) years from now, when GWay finally comes out of the closet and reveals that "Kat" was a figment of his imagination, Eliza was a beard that he suddenly had to rid himself of after the "N-word" brouhaha, and Lyn-Z was a convenient replacement, all of you are going to feel pretty foolish for caring a whit about his "credibilty."

The guy just makes up shit as he goes along. "Feminist Gerard" was something that sounded good to him at the time; the fans liked it, so he ran with it. Now he's tired of playing that game.

Face facts. The guy wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.

You're never going to get "old Gerard" back because he was a complete fabrication.

Anonymous said...

Anon, may I ask how you know all this?
Is it just something you made up or do you actually know Gerard or anyone close to him personally? Or perhaps you have something else to back up the things your claiming?

However, if what you said is true, I think it is sad how so many people, including me, believe or at least used to believe, in the things he said.

Foxen said...

You know, some of you people act like Gerard has to act like this. Like if he didn't, he would be denying some essential thing, or--more frightening--that we are to expect it from him.

Gerard has to act like Gerard. If he didn't, he would be denying something essential about himself. Even if that something places him in the middle of seeming contradiction.

But he didn't used to degrade women like this...

You have looked at this and decided to be offended, because you believe it's degrading. That's only one interpretation. I've thought about it; I think I know where you're coming from, though I don't agree with your interpretation. I think that whole thing was funny and ballsy, and I thought it was cool to see a male artist NOT sidestep female sexuality, but bring it right out there in a raunchy way, which is Gerard's style.

Much like addressing homophobia by sucking face with another guy on stage. You know, he could have stood around making nice little speeches about how we should be understanding, but he didn't. He shoved it in people's faces. He's done the same thing with female sexuality, and that's cool by me.

But I think I see where you're coming from. What I wanted to ask, you and everyone else in the offended camp (sorry, don't know what else to call it), have you thought about where we're coming from? Can you see how we non-offendeds viewed it, even if you don't agree with our interpretation?


This doesn't really follow the above, but I wanted to add it. I don't believe in the artist as apologist. It's not his job to explain himself. It's not his job to avoid giving offense. It's his job to put his shit out there and let his audience see what they can find in it. In fact, performers, artists, writers, etc., who go out of their way to avoid giving offense usually suck.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Ten (or possibly fewer) years from now, when GWay finally [comes out of the closet and] reveals that "Kat" was a figment of his imagination"

Mwahahaha - That's what I thought, but apparently she does really exist. No, really!!

Oh, if only he'd never said that MCR were the "anti-rock n' roll" or that asking girls to "show their t*ts" was degrading - no-one would give a toss if he were the next Vince Neil and we wouldn't be having this argument at all...

Kass xx

Anonymous said...

foxen said...
"This doesn't really follow the above, but I wanted to add it. I don't believe in the artist as apologist. It's not his job to explain himself. It's not his job to avoid giving offense."

What about homophobic rappers calling for the murder of gay men, or those who seek to promote racist or religious intolerance through music or film?

The UK Government has refused entry visas to such artists in the past, but do you think bigotry is acceptable just as long as the originator can claim it comes under the umbrella of "art", or that the audience has the right to choose whether or not to pay attention?

Kass xx

Anonymous said...

Oh, if only he'd never said that MCR were the "anti-rock n' roll" or that asking girls to "show their t*ts" was degrading - no-one would give a toss if he were the next Vince Neil and we wouldn't be having this argument at all...

Kass xx

Yes, exactly! And I also wish that since he obviously doesn't find asking the girls(predominantly underage, I might add) to moan for him as degrading anymore, he really would stop waving the feminism banner now. He created his tangled mess and it sucks because I feel like I got the old bait and switch treatment.

Anonymous said...

The guy just makes up shit as he goes along. "Feminist Gerard" was something that sounded good to him at the time; the fans liked it, so he ran with it. Now he's tired of playing that game.

Face facts. The guy wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.

You're never going to get "old Gerard" back because he was a complete fabrication.

AGREED. Sadly, agreed. I think he was making it up because he thought it would get him somewhere. It did, now he doesn't need it anymore.

Gerard has to act like Gerard. If he didn't, he would be denying something essential about himself.

It's weird, I don't think Gerard knows who Gerard is enough to "have to be himself." He just kind of goes along with what other people are doing. Right now he's trying to impress Jimmy Urine.

I think that whole thing was funny and ballsy, and I thought it was cool to see a male artist NOT sidestep female sexuality, but bring it right out there in a raunchy way, which is Gerard's style.

So do you agree then that it's all a matter of interpretation? And that perhaps all the other bands that Gerard used to call "degrading to women" were maybe just being funny and ballsy, and were trying to "NOT sidestep female sexuality?" Or is it only "a statement" when Gerard does it because you happen to like him?

Once again you are missing the point. We're just holding Gerard up to the standards he set. He bitched enough about other bands degrading women, but when he does it, that seems to be all right.

And of course he knows that the fansheep are going to eat it with a fork and spoon, so what does he have to lose?

Oh, if only he'd never said that MCR were the "anti-rock n' roll" or that asking girls to "show their t*ts" was degrading - no-one would give a toss if he were the next Vince Neil and we wouldn't be having this argument at all...

Exactly. Once again, The public can sometimes forgive a moment of weakness, but hypocrisy will get your ass nailed to the wall -- and not in the fun way!

And I also wish that since he obviously doesn't find asking the girls(predominantly underage, I might add) to moan for him as degrading anymore, he really would stop waving the feminism banner now.

THANK YOU. Sure, let him do what he wants. But he should have the balls to admit that he is not a feminist. Not only that, but to stop putting the idea out there that this is how a feminist behaves.

The rappers who go on about strippers, the dudes who ask girls in the audience to lift their shirts, well, at least they're honest.

Anonymous said...

is there any way we can contact you??

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