That last post is hard to scroll through but I hope some of you read it.
I decided to make a shorter post for easier access. This time just to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. Congratulations to the women on this board who are pregnant.
Happy holidays to all of you and your families.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 950 Newer› Newest»I don't think Gerard wants to be a "good guy". That's why he hooked up with MSI in the first place.
Meh, before long, Alicia will be demonized. She will have cheated first, given Mikey a disease, become a drug addict... whatever fans come up with to justify his behavior.
The most painful part of this will probably be the laser procedure to remove their matching forever tattoos.
"I don't think Gerard wants to be a "good guy". That's why he hooked up with MSI in the first place."
Well... that is true... But Lyn Z has always been his "in" into the "tough douchebag" crowd and I can't see him giving that up.
I don't see why people are calling her a young Alicia lookalike. I don't think she looks anything like Alicia.
Wasn't Mikey in a committed relationship or engaged to another girl when he started messing around with Alicia? Alicia wore the other woman shoes herself. Now Alicia's fans are going to do to the new girl what the first girl's fans did to Alicia. Become haterz and blame it all on the girl.
Two things can come from this (1) Some of Alicia's young fans will learn from this and never want to be the other woman.
(2) Gerard, Frank and Toro fangirls will think that if it happened for Sarah it can happen for me and become more obsessed with their favorite rock stars in their favorite band. Sarah has given them hope like Eliza did before her.
even @elizasiep has put in her two cents now
these guys were in for a staggering amount of bad karma
What's Eliza two cents? I wonder if Alicia has reached out to her to ask for advice about what to do after being humiliated in public and dumped by a Way or if she's begging Eliza to take her back and be her BFF again.
Well... that is true... But Lyn Z has always been his "in" into the "tough douchebag" crowd and I can't see him giving that up.
Thing is, I don't think his relationship with that crowd has gotten him anywhere. It certainly didn't give him the 'cred' he was looking for. His band is more irrelevant now than ever.
People want to give Gerard more credit than he deserves. I don't think he cares about anyone but himself, and I think he's probably a little jealous of Mikey because he's shagging a really cute, young girl. The whole tatted-up punk chick with raccoon eyes and dyed black hair thing is very passe now, and it definitely dates Alicia and Lindsey. I think Gerard will succumb to temptation just the same way Mikey did. If not, good for him, but I have come to expect the worst from that asshole.
I expect the worst from him too. But in this case I really don't think he'll give up what he perceives as his "status" like that. I don't think he necessarily feels "love" for Lyn Z per se, because I think he's extremely emotionally stunted. But I also think he THINKS he feels something and probably wants to one-up Mikey by staying married to the same person.
BUT I can see him and Lyn Z lashing over what Mikey did.
Um why are you linking to Frank's site? Unless he has some hysterical drama to add to this, NO 1 CURR.
So, Frank did turn out to be F.T. Willz then. I did think he was back at the time. I quite like his style of writing. He sounds very angry though.
Regarding Gerard and Lindsey, I don't see him cheating on her. He needs that stability, and he has a family unit there. I don't think he is very comfortable with his body, I think he has issues. I think he is relieved he doesn't have to reveal it to anyone else again. I don't actually mean that nastily, I just genuinely think he has issues with his body, and himself.
Lindsey is very angry with Mikey looking at the tweets she has deleted. I do understand why. But Gerard loves his brother and will always stick by him. It is really difficult for the friends and family left behind when another family member ends a relationship and then starts a new one. Especially when it's not on very nice terms.
I am still pretty gobsmacked that Mikey has hooked up with a 19 year old (obsessive) fan. Seems crazy.
Rumor has it that the band broke up a while back, but have not announced it publicly. I've heard that Gerard canceled recording sessions and that his renewed interest in writing comics is a result of his disenchantment with the band, and that he was the one who wanted to end it.
Of course, that's all just rumor, but who knows? This could be the final nail in the coffin.
That wouldn't actually surprise me, 1:02.
Leave them alone.
It's their business to sort out. It happens in other families too.
Yes it does 1:28, all the time. I'm not actually bothering them by making a comment about the situation on a blog, though. I'm not tweeting them like some crazies are doing. I was just making a comment about the situation.
Tink, I like you. That is all.
Tink? Is she still around after all this time?
yep, still around. ♥ her
Go away, Tink. You're just another crazy, delusional fangirl.
I can't even remember if she was good/bad/crazy or whatever? Was she Loveman? I honestly cannot remember.
I am not Tink
She was the one who thought she was engaged to Gerard.
^that was Alie
Oh, God. Who cares about the delusional fools who used to hang about the fandom?
Also, to the person who said to leave Mikey alone? Are you serious? Have you been on ONTD? There are pages and pages of comments, most of them by people who aren't really even fans of the band anymore. If you expect the fans and ex-fans to leave them alone, you've got some serious disappointment ahead of you.
Ugh. I just wish we weren't talking about those douches here again.
Yes, Alie did, but Tink also thought she was engaged to Gerard. There were a few of them.
Alie also thought she had a twin sister, and she posted pics of herself next to a mirror.
MCR attracts the most delusional people.
No more than any of the other scene bands did.
So 3:44, your justification for continuous discussion is that everyone else is partaking in it?
Lol, you seem to be taking part in the discussion, 6:13. What's your justification?
It'll all blow over in a week and people will move on to the next scandal.
Meh. I like this place better when we talk about something interesting, like Kapunua's pregnancy, or movies.
It's not like we all didn't already know that the Way brothers were douchebags.
Look who's groping a young fan's boob
Countering you 6:48 does not maketh a discussion :)
7:03 I agree, those topics were far more interesting.
LOL the only interesting thing that happened to me today was that I became afraid to sneeze. ;D
I disagree with 7:03. Those topics are boring. This blog exploded with comments because of MCR/the Mikey Way scandal. It looks like more people are interested in talking about that.
Lol if you still want to talk about them all the time you must be fans of them.
"My Chemical Romance (Reprise Records) have confirmed that the twenty-eight songs the band scrapped before recording their latest release, Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, may still see the light of day.
Frank Iero (guitar) of My Chemical Romance mentioned that the idea of possibly releasing the songs when the band breaks up as a final album has been discussed.
That could explain why Frank's been so sad and angry. They did release some of those songs, Conventional Weapons1-5 and they haven't been working on any new material since last summer.
So, Frank did turn out to be F.T. Willz then. I did think he was back at the time. I quite like his style of writing.
A blind man can see it.
Lol if you still want to talk about them all the time you must be fans of them.
First of all, I don't want to talk about them all the time. I've made two comments here on the subject. Second, if I were a fan, I'd be on tumblr making excuses for him. As an non-fan (or ex-fan, as it were), I'm enjoying a bit of schadenfreude, as are many, many other ex-fans.
By continuing to bring the subject up, 6:13 & 7:51, you're just prolonging the discussion. But you probably knew that already. You don't care about Mikey, you just want to play holier than thou on this blog.
I just googled Sarah Cantergiani (the girl Mikey is involved with), and good grief, she's gorgeous! Seriously, how did Mikey manage to score that?
Definite UPGRADE.
She is a beautiful girl. Very feminine.
She is beautiful. Honestly, I don't know what she's doing with Mikey. I imagine once she grows up a bit, he'll be the one getting dumped.
She's followed MCR since she was 13. She's a fan and he's been her rock God for years. Right now she's just thinking about how all her dreams have come true. She got her the man of her dreams. They're engaged. The reality of relationships will sink in soon enough if it hasn't started to already with all the drama.
is there a baby Fro?
Who cares?
I don't have any "rock gods" however I do somewhat favor Pinky, and I'm quite partial to Inky as well ^_~
I'm partial to Clyde myself.
Hiya guys, how are you all?
Just watched your video K, very interesting. I have to agree that you do have fabulous hair ^_^
Can I ask, after this experience, do you think you'd do it again to give your boy a sibling or did you only ever plan for one?
Hiya, Misty! :) Aww thank you for watching! :D It was fun. ^_^
Honestly I don't think I could afford another. And then they'd have to share a room, and that wouldn't be fair once they were teens. Just in terms of logistics, I have to stop at one. :)
Have you chosen a name for him yet Kapunua?
I've got a couple that I'm throwing around, but I haven't really pinned one down yet. It might turn out that I need to see him before I decide. :)
I think that's a good idea.
Once you meet him, you'll know :)
And....William Gibson is making me breathless in anticipation for his new book.
I cannot wait!!
I'm so envious of you, Kapunua. I have two children (one planned, one not so planned :)), and I know I will never have another, which makes me a little bit sad. In truth, I don't really want another -- I couldn't imagine going through it all again. But, at the same time, I remember what it was like waiting for my little ones to come into the world, and a little part of me wishes I could repeat the experience.
It was so exciting to anticipate what they would be like. I even remember dreaming what they would look like a few weeks before they were born, and damned if they didn't come out looking just the way I saw them in my dreams. Both times.
Pregnancy is such a wondrously weird time, filled with anticipation and hope, but also tinged with fear. Then, when it's all over, it's really just the beginning. You'll have this amazing new little person in your life, and your life will never be the same.
I'm so happy for you. I think you are a strong, smart, brave woman, and I feel certain that you'll be a brilliant mom.
Thank you very much. <3
Everyone is saying "Pregnancy is over so soon; enjoy it while it lasts!" But time just seems to drag and I want to rush to May. To make sure everything is fine (although I realize we are never actually sure of that!) and to see what he's like. And of course, to have my body back!
I'm writing letters to Future Baby that he'll get to keep, explaining some of the choices I made, what I hope for him, etc. I'm going to print them and put them into a photo album along with pictures of his donor, ultrasound pics, and things like that.
I might also make a "welcome to the universe" video for him, so he could watch it when he's older. ^_^
That is so sweet Kapunua, I couldn't think of a better gift for a mother to leave for her child.
You could even do a time capsule to give to him when the turns of age, just to give him an idea of how things were in the year of his birth :)
^he turns
Pregnancy does seem to drag while you're going through it, but looking back, it seems like it flew by. I think we all develop a little bit of amnesia when it comes to the bad parts.
You will have your body back Kapunua, especially if you only gain baby weight.
I'm back to the normal slim me, apart from the new and improved(?) mega tits.
my goodness I haven't been here in forever. Congratulations Kapuna! I'm sure he'll be quite handsome when he's older!
Kapunua, have you seen the latest clothes for the young man on your life?
All kinds of AWESOME and designed to make you spend too much!!
Just sooo cute!!!
THanks, guys!
Oh man, I've bought (and gotten as gifts) such a bunch of cute onesies. Addams Family ones, Hawaiian ones, physics ones... :D Cafepress has been my downfall this month. So adorable.
The thing that's bugging me most is people making personal comments to me when they find out I'm pregnant. (And it's 6 months now. Where did it go??) One lady even told me, "Really? Hmm. Your baby is going to be very small."
OMG seriously. Now she's got me all worried and I'm going to ask my doctor on Monday. :/
Some people can be so unintentionally rude Kapunua.
As you have never been through this before it's easy to be concerned when someone says these things, however you may be carrying more in the back. I know girls who had small bellies yet had babies who weighed over 8lbs!
If your doctor is happy with his progression I would not pay too much attention to what others say to you.
I agree with 2:14, Kapunua. People said the same sort of thing to me when I was around 6 months along in my first pregnancy. It wasn't until the third trimester that I actually started to get big. Everything was fine, and my baby weighed in at 7lbs. 14 oz.
But if you're worried, it's always good to ask your doctor.
P.S. Six months, really? I'm getting so excited. :)
The Kawaii baby blankets from Cafe Press are gorgeous.
Thanks, everyone! Hey, now that you mention it, maybe having anterior placenta has something to do with it. Supposedly he is more toward the back. That could be it! I'll ask on Monday to be sure. (Provided we're not still snowed in, LOL.)
I just got some onesies from cafepress today. OMG, they're tiny. How can a human be small enough for those? O_O
They're small but big enough when you're giving birth :)
I've started to look at toddler boy clothing and it's just so ARHHHH.
Mini tweed caps, tweed jackets, preppy checked shirts, baggy jeans and teenie weenie bow ties.
So darn cute cute cute!!
Oh man, the blizzard up here is out of control! O_O
Hiya guys, how are you all?
Honestly I don't think I could afford another. And then they'd have to share a room, and that wouldn't be fair once they were teens. Just in terms of logistics, I have to stop at one. :)
Hiya K sweetie, I think you are brave even doing this once.
I think anyone who carries a child is incredibly brave. Motherhood is so important and hard work and should be held in higher esteem in our world but unfortunately our world seems to think things like celebrity is more important.
It might turn out that I need to see him before I decide. :)
Don't do that. You might name him what he looks like and babies look weird. you might end up with a son called moonface. When my cousin was born he was a bit yellow and jaundiced so I called him gangerene baby for the first few months of his life. You can tell I'm not maternal.
When my best friend had her first baby, she showed my a picture of the scan. The head was the same size as the body, it just looked like a shape with two rounded ends, I said "kerry, it looks like you are giving birth to a Monkey nut", she said "I know I've asked the doctor if my baby is normal" apparently he was.
Babies, just weird.
Anonymous said...
I've started to look at toddler boy clothing and it's just so ARHHHH.
Mini tweed caps, tweed jackets, preppy checked shirts, baggy jeans and teenie weenie bow ties.
I've seen them in mothercare. They even had mini smoking jackets.Too cute.
mini smoking jackets
Oh no, don't tell me that.
Now I want to get that too!
Kapunua kept warm and safe!
Dressing your little man like a grandpa from the 1930's must be in fashion ^_~
Anonymous said...
mini smoking jackets
Oh no, don't tell me that.
Now I want to get that too!
Anonymous said...
Dressing your little man like a grandpa from the 1930's must be in fashion ^_~
Can you picture it, smoking jacket, monocle in the eye, fake cigar in one hand and brandy glass full of baby formula in the other while sitting in the baby bouncer.
Hope the snow's not too bad K, we've got it coming too. It's gonna cover the uk on Sunday.
One of my friends suggested a pastel cotton jacket and pants.
Not really into the Miami Vice look.
Thanks, guys! here's hoping we don't lose power. *Fingers crossed*
LMAO Misty!
I've had a bit of a discussion about this with my friends and I'm still confused, but can someone explain the difference between an emo, I mean "punk" person, and a hipster apart from appearance thing as in my mind they're virtually alike.
From Three Cheers to you fooled them all to Three Women and a baby. Hip Hip Hooray. Could blog life get more boring?
If only she were having a baby the old fashioned way. Yaknow.. by actually getting fucked. At least we could speculate about the baby daddy. Science is boring. Sex is exciting. That's just a fact of life.
Oh but there's so much baby fashion to be discussed by the blog baby fashionistas. lulz
I don't see why any of them would have a problem with tweed, flannel or ill fitting plaid pants. Throw in some baby flip flops and a Ramones tshirt and their hipster look will be complete.
Family knows best.
All babies are magical. whether they come from the magic of love or the magic of science. Babies are beautiful.
I know she had a boyfriend but he left her. Instead of looking for someone else, she paniced and went to a sperm bank. Probably knew the next one would leave too. Would YOU stay around someone like that all your life? Think about it.
Women who make decisions like that are what's wrong with this country. Men and women are on the planet for a REASON. If you ignore that, you're going against nature.
1.20, please tell me you are a troll. I'd hate to think that is your actual opinion.
Of course, ANYONE who disagrees with any of Verita's regulars must be trolls. But that's what happens on a hate blog.
I just can't comprehend anyone being as backward in their opinions as 1.20. I'd like to hope they were a troll if the alternative is their real belief.
Science is boring. Sex is exciting
Science is exciting, too. You're missing out if you don't explore and learn from it. It is what the world is all about.
All babies are magical. whether they come from the magic of love or the magic of science. Babies are beautiful.
So true.
11:26 you just confirmed it for me. "Punk" and "hipster" are identical despite their surface appearance.
Just ignore them, they want attention for themselves.
Babies are beautiful and I am very excited for Kapunua.
Could blog life get more boring?
Actually the blog is far more exciting now ^_^
I wonder what the "sperm donor" looks like. What if the baby comes out looking nothing like her family? How do you explain that?
My philosophy, like color television, is all there in black and white.
(relevant to 11:26/31/50 1:20 & 3:07)
All credit to the Python's.
"Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Know what I mean?"
OMG baby duffle coats and two colour baseball jackets!!
Happy year of the snake everyone and Kapunua!
Yes! Xin Nian Kuai Le! :DDDDD Happy year of the snake! Let's hope it's a good one for everyone. ^_^
Me, I was supposed to be in Chinatown today, whooping it up and setting off confetti canons. But the LIRR is closed, as are all the major highways. Also, my car is still buried. So no Chinatown NY for me. :( Aww, suck.
Nasty anons: I am more than happy to answer questions about the donor, what he looks like, etc. if you were coming to me with honesty and kindness. But since you're not, you can bite me!
You don't need to tell them anything Kapunua.
It's none of their business.
I watched the dragon procession through our Chinatown.
It was fun!
Hey guys!
I know some of you are fans of Ben Whishaw because many of you watched the excellent The Hollow Crown adaptation of Shakespeare's Richard II.
I don't know how many of you watch BBC's The Hour, but if you don't you should really check it out. Anyhow, the show has been cancelled, somewhat prematurely, given that it is just now starting to take off here in the States. It's a brilliant drama, set in a newsroom in the 1950's. It has gorgeous period clothes and settings, a magnificent cast (including Ben Whishaw and Romola Garai), strong female characters, the most endearing potential romance (between Bel and Freddie, whose attraction is as cerebral as it is physical--something we don't often see in television), and plot lines that are intriguing and complex. And don't even get me started on how the final episode ended with a heartrending cliffhanger.
Please, please, please sign this petition to help us save The Hour, whether you're a current fan of the show or not. Drama this good deserves a second chance.
Signed. :)
Hi guys. For anyone who signed the petition to bring back The Hour, thank you. We are only about 900 votes away from 10,000. Amazing, right? People all over the world have signed, and the media is actually taking notice because that's a lot of signatures.
But we need still more. Even if we don't get another season, we can maybe get a special one off episode to tie up all the loose ends, much like the fans of Firefly did back in the day.
So, please. If you've ever watched the show, if you've ever thought about watching it, if you're a fan of Ben Whishaw or Romola Garai or Peter Capaldi or the amazing Anna Chancellor, please help us out. If you've ever had your favorite tv show cancelled without a proper resolution, or even if you just love great drama and think there's not enough of it on tv these days--if any of these things apply to you--please sign.
Or you know, just help out a fellow human being here, who, along with an entire fandom is kinda desperate. Sign the petition to save The Hour. It'll only take a minute of your time, and there are thousands of us out here who will be eternally grateful.
All this talk about Ben Wishaw has got me searching tumblr tags for him. He's cute. I don't know if I've seen him in anything though. I did run across an interview with him from some movie he was doing, and I don't know how any actor can be so socially awkward.
He seems really sweet and really uncomfortable in interviews.
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Ben Whishaw is gay and he looks like a twelve year old. No wonder nobody watches his show. I have nothing against gay people, but Hollywood needs to learn that people don't want to watch movies and tv shows about them.
Hiya guys, how are you all?
Anonymous said...
One of my friends suggested a pastel cotton jacket and pants.
Not really into the Miami Vice look.
Too funny.
K, you sooooo have to get some of those itty bitty ickle sneakers. I know I'm not maternal but I absolutely melt when I see stuff in miniature.
Hi troll @ 8.04 am.
And, just a reminder, it's not all about Hollywood. The world does not revolve around America.
2:13 is right. It revolves around the sun.
The Hour is a BBC production. What the hell does "Hollywood" have to do with anything?
Cutting The Hour before its third season makes you question what the BBC could really have been thinking? Why make such an alienating decision on a show that's not only domestically but internationally loved! It's almost as if they have never seen the thousands of fan-made videos of Freddie and Bel. But seriously, why? And on top of every other reason why it's so wonderful and rare, it has some of best female characters in television or film nowadays. They aren't always perfect but they're intelligent and strong, always staying true to who they are and not allowing anyone to mold them.
That last sentence says it all. God knows, we can't have shows that feature strong female characters with interesting careers and who come off as actual human beings instead of caricatures or window dressing.
"it's too late - to be late again"
I signed, nonnie. :) Hopefully I'll get to see it!
Did you see, Neil Gaiman tweeted about it, too?
Thanks so much for signing, Kapunua.
I bought both series from iTunes, but because they were on a delay over here in the US, I downloaded them from tumblr beforehand. I found the links here. They are good quality. I hope they still work.
If you want to preview before committing to a download, the episodes are posted in parts on youtube, and there are also clips and trailers. It's a crappy way to watch tv shows, I know, but it's better than nothing.
Thanks again, to you and anyone else who signed. :)
When it's hot little boys sure like to have their pee-pees free.
:) :)
Hmm.. I wonder who has been influenced by The Knife?
I was unaware that BBC had canceled The Hour, but it's not a shocker. It was a brilliant series, yet the BBC did next to nothing to promote it. Instead they spend all their money on nonsense like filming the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who in 3-D. If you ask me, they sould rid themselves of Moffat and his huge salary, and maybe then they would have more money to promote other endeavors.
Oh but the writer of The Hour is a woman, and the women of the series were actually interesting people who didn't follow male characters around hero worshiping them. I suppose that interferes with the natural order of things.
I'm unbelievably angry right now. Angrier than I should be. At any rate, I signed the petition.
“dance, when you're broken open dance if you've torn the bandage off dance in the middle of the fighting dance in your blood dance when you're perfectly free.”
Sorry 5:42 :/
Maybe it has to do with ratings. If something doesn't rate very well they usually pull the pin on it.
True, but if the show isn't promoted properly, the ratings will suffer. I heard about The Hour through word of mouth, and only after it was well into the second season. I'm in the States, but I watch BBC America all the time. I've also heard complaints about the lack of promotion from other fans in the UK.
Yeah, the BBC is on my shit list right now. First they fuck up Merlin and now this. And you're right, they so did not promote this show at all. I'm so sick of stupid Top Gear and Gordon Ramsey all the time. I imagine they cut The Hour so they could make more shows like those.
RIP Richard Briers
If you ask me, they sould rid themselves of Moffat and his huge salary, and maybe then they would have more money to promote other endeavors.
I agree. I LOVE Doctor Who, but Moffat has to go. It's sad, because some of his episodes have been really creepy and effective. But he clearly dislikes women (has said as much in interviews,) is openly sexist, and really messes up female characters. And is generally a douchebag.
First they fuck up Merlin
OH NO! I just started watching it, I'm on season 1. Am I going to hate it in a little while? >_<
I never had a problem with Merlin. I do know some people who didn't like the way they ended it, but that is likely to happen with any show that has been on for a very long time.
I hate Steven Moffat with a bloody passion. He's ruining the Doctor for me and so many other long time fans. He's a pox on the BBC and everything he touches turns to shit in my opinion.
So Merlin is actually over, then? I'm not surprised if it's sad. Most British TV shows are. ;D
Yeah, Moffat is completely un-good. Do you ever look at the Tumblr, "stfumoffat?" It's pretty great.
Merlin lasted 5 series, I think. And from what heard, the cast were OK for a change of job. No one wants to be typecast too much.
I remember Colin Morgan in that fab episode "Midnight" in Dr Who, with Donna and the 10th Doctor. A really, really clever episode. Who knew then that Colin Morgan was Northern Irish? I love actors that can change from a very strong accent to another without any trace (hey, David Tennant, also!)
So Merlin is actually over, then? I'm not surprised if it's sad. Most British TV shows are. ;D
Ha ha, we are a maudlin bunch of fuckers, for sure!
Merlin is great, you should follow the series through.
The Save The Hour petition has nearly 13,000 signatures now. We're asking other fandoms to help out, and people are really being great. (I'll love Neill Gaiman forever, btw. :D)
If any of you guys can reblog a Save The Hour post on your tumblrs, that would really help out.
Jeez, the guy helps us out, and I return the favor by misspelling his name. :/
But he clearly dislikes women (has said as much in interviews,) is openly sexist, and really messes up female characters. And is generally a douchebag.
This, so much.
Thing is, I love Matt so much. He's a great Doctor, but I just can't with Moffat and his misogyny.
Yes, I remember him from Midnight! That was the first thing I saw him in. That was a good episode.
I like Matt Smith, but I feel like this is a totally different show. Even when they switched from Nine to Ten, they kept on the other characters. With Ten to Eleven, you never hear anything about Rose, Donna, Martha, Jack, Mickey, or anyone from that arc. It really is like watching a totally different program.
And Moffat just gets more and more full of himself and more ridiculous with each season. He totally screwed up the Weeping Angels.
And Moffat just gets more and more full of himself and more ridiculous with each season. He totally screwed up the Weeping Angels.
Ye gods, you have no idea how much I agree with this comment. The man should be banned from television for that alone. I'll never forgive him.
Regarding The Hour, I hope the BBC will listen to fans and wrap up the story so we can know what happens to Freddie. Regardless, I am sure that we will see all of the wonderful actors from the series in other projects very, very soon.
There simply is not a better cast on television. Romola Garai is my current girl crush, and if you haven't seen her Cordelia in King Lear, you're missing something. Anna Chancellor is brilliant as always, but, in my opinion, the second series of The Hour would be worth seeing for Peter Capaldi's compelling OCD News Director alone. His performance is inspired.
Having said that, I have to comment on the amazingness that is Ben Whishaw. I've been lucky enough to see him onstage three times, and he is mesmerising. He has this presence that defies description. He pulls you in and makes you feel what his character is feeling, sometimes to excruciating effect. Moreover, he has the rare ability to do the same thing on film. In Brideshead Revisited, he made Sebastian's pain almost too much to bear. When Ben Coulter was brutalised in prison in Criminal Justice, I sometimes had to watch through my fingers. It seems something horrid always happens to his characters on film. There is an essay floating about on tumblr that explores this is great detail, and it makes good reading. If I can find it again, I'll post the link.
By the way, I'm seeing Peter and Alice with Judi Densch and Mr. Whishaw in April. Is anyone else?
I like Matt Smith, but I feel like this is a totally different show. Even when they switched from Nine to Ten, they kept on the other characters. With Ten to Eleven, you never hear anything about Rose, Donna, Martha, Jack, Mickey, or anyone from that arc. It really is like watching a totally different program.
Yes, I know what you mean. I really like Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor. I think he does a very good job. I have to admit I never warmed to Amy and Rory. Amy started to irritate a bit towards the last series. The shouty bits anyway. I dunno. I really like River. But I have never gotten over the fact that 10 loved Rose. So it was weird to think of The Doctor with River, even though it made sense.
I still find it a bit strange with the Rory, Amy and baby Melody. Just a bit weird. I think when it boils down to it, I still miss 10 really badly.
And I loved 9, I thought he was great. I would have been happy with 9 for a long time. BUT then David Tennant came along and played such a fabulous 10, well, for me anyway.
Nine was my favorite. Hands down. I really wish he had stayed at least one more season.
I liked 10, and I loved Rose, but I didn't like that they had to go and turn their relationship into a romance. To me, that just goes against everything the Doctor always was. I know that's an unpopular opinion, but that's how I feel.
1:49, I am so envious of you getting to see Peter and Alice. If I could find someone to come with me, I'd fly over to London to see it myself. I agree with what you said about his films. He always gets beaten up or he dies. It was good to see him play a part like Q in Skyfall where nothing bad happened. :)
To me, that just goes against everything the Doctor always was. I know that's an unpopular opinion, but that's how I feel.
No, that's a fair comment. I am just a sucker for romance, and I thought both 9 and 10 had a real chemistry with Rose.
I also loved Donna as a companion. She was brilliant. And, I didn't dislike Martha, it's just I preferred the other two. All three rank above Amy for me.
I have a condition that makes me eat when I can't sleep.
It's called Insom-nom-nom-nia.
Don't drop that bass too hard 1:40.
You might get a bad case of the harrrlem shakes
When Ben Coulter was brutalised in prison in Criminal Justice, I sometimes had to watch through my fingers.
Does Ben's character get raped in Criminal Justice? I've been afraid to watch it because I'm assuming that happens. I don't think I could deal, especially after what happened to JGL in Mysterious Skin. I still shudder just thinking about that.
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands.
Yeah, I can't deal with Mysterious Skin, I can't even really talk about it too much.
Oh my goodness. Just when I thought I couldn't find anything more to squee over, I have.
Infant neck cravats and tweed vests. Adorable!!
I only saw a few scenes of Mysterious Skin on youtube and then I had to turn it off. I'm not even sure if it's a good movie. I just know it's not worth it for me to watch if I have to get through scenes like that.
49 years old and better than ever.
Hiya guys, how are you all?
So guys, the big news is that my ickle sis is getting married next year. As dad died, I will be giving her away and as his best friend is a girl, he's gonna ask her to be best man so all the guy jobs are gonna be done by us girlies, cool eh?
Have a great week everyone xxx
There's something wrong with you if this movie didn't fuck you up.
Pretty good for his age 12:17. Then again, who is to say that you shouldn't be in good form at 49? You are not elderly yet.
The man, his mini-me and I are heading off for a beach stroll.
Love the water :)
I haven't seen Mysterious Skin (not interested) but I heard enough about it and I read up on some articles. It was about a young man raised by a single woman who had no male influence over him. That's why he didn't know how a real man should be. It's a warning.
What a lame attempt to get a dig in at Kapunua, 7:49. Where did you read your "articles", the American Family Association?
Mysterious Skin had two different characters who were molested by the same individual: one had was raised by a single parent, the other by a traditional two-parent family. Both boys suffered horrible consequences. In fact, the boy with the live-in father was rejected by his dad for not living up to his expectations. He couldn't even remember what happened to him, and he became almost psychotic because of it. He thought he had been abducted by aliens.
A bad male role model can be much more destructive than no male role model at all.
*had been
Does Ben's character get raped in Criminal Justice?
No, he doesn't, at least not onscreen, although there is a rather harrowing scene where he is stripped naked and humiliated by other prisoners, which is quite painful to watch. I've talked to other fans of the show who feel that Ben (the character's name is Ben) is probably coerced into a sexual relationship with the man who becomes his protector in prison, but that is only very slightly hinted at, and many don't see it at all. But, given the nature of such relationships in prison, the writers probably intended to imply it and let the audience figure it out for themselves.
7:49, what an utterly stupid statement for you to make. First of all, you should probably actually watch Mysterious Skin before making any judgements about it. Secondly, I agree that your sole purpose for making that comment was to insult Kapunua for her decision to have a child on her own. Why would you do that? It's really none of your business.
Kapunua is a grown woman who can do whatever the hell she pleases, and I'm sure that your opinion doesn't matter to her one bit. I think she is brave and strong to do what she is doing, and I have nothing but admiration for her. I feel certain her little boy will grow up happy and well adjusted, like many other little boys brought up by single mums.
Traditional households are only as functional as the people in them. The same goes for single parent households. I would rather bring up a child as a functional single parent than in a two-parent household in turmoil.
"Born in 1972 in Kansas, 8-year-old Neil McCormick and Brian Lackey are sexually abused by their baseball coach. Both boys are targets for abuse due to their dysfunctional families: Neil's single mother is neglectful and preoccupied with a string of boyfriends, "
"Neil, who has always realized that he is gay and whose single mother"
" The other boy, Neil (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, interestingly enough a former child actor), is utterly sexualized. Even by age eight, he says in voice-over (Brian also gets to narrate part of his own story), he had become comfortable with his desire for men, even to the point of having a preferred “type.” The only child of a single, mother (Elizabeth Shue), Neil is classically vulnerable to a predator like Heim. As he grows older, the effects of his molestation – and his own good looks – help turn him into a hustler constantly on the search for the very affection he ostensibly disdains."
"( after all, Mrs. M is a single mom who works as a cashier by day
she lacks parental care and attention)"
Keep on saying I'm making it up.
And statistics don't lie.
Lol talk about clutching at straws...
The only child of a single, mother (Elizabeth Shue), Neil is classically vulnerable to a predator like Heim.
Whoever wrote this article is a bigot. Why doesn't it say anything about the other boy being vulnerable? Probably because he comes from a two parent household.
Perhaps you should have read this review.
Eight-year-old Brian Lackey (played by George Webster), the nerdy worst player on the team, disappoints his father (Chris Mulkey), who tells him that he does not measure up to the requirements of being a man, while his mother (played by Lisa Long) overprotects him; in time, he abandons Brian and his mother.
Grr. I got sidetracked by the stupidity of 10:59 and forgot what I originally came here to ask.
10:51, how bad were the scenes in Criminal Justice? I want to watch it, but I honestly can't bear to see Ben Whishaw beaten to a bloody pulp or killed again.
4:05 that was not necessary.
Hmm.. I wonder who has been influenced by The Knife?
Was I right or was I right?
I was right oon
In the mood for some light
Music should always take you on a journey :)
No black for me, just painted my nails a holographic aqua.
Shimmers like the light that reflects on water :)
Cool! What brand, 6:27? :)
Layla hologram effect in mermaid spell 3:23.
JGl is going to be on the Oscar's tonight. Who's watching??
Suraj Sharma and Ezra Miller should have received Oscar nominations for best actor and best supporting actor, respectively. For that matter, Ben Whishaw should have been nominated too. It's too bad so much amazing talent gets overlooked.
Fuck the Oscars. They omitted Andy Griffith, Ben Gazzara, Sylvia Kristel, Gore Vidal, Richard Dawson and Larry Hagman from the in memoriam tribute.
How do you forget the beloved Andy Griffith? If he had done nothing before or after A Face In The Crowd he should have been recognized and remembered for that performance alone. Bad Oscar.
Oh wow. Thank you 6:27. It's really amazing! So shparkly and pretty. I wants!! :)
10:51, how bad were the scenes in Criminal Justice? I want to watch it, but I honestly can't bear to see Ben Whishaw beaten to a bloody pulp or killed again.
I'm not 10:51, but I've seen Criminal Justice. The character Ben plays (also named Ben) goes through some pretty harrowing shit, but most of it's emotional. It's not nearly as brutal as Mysterious Skin. He isn't raped, and although he gets roughed up, it's relatively mild when compared to some of Ben's other roles.
My Brother Tom is the one you shouldn't watch. D:
JGL was pretty amazing at the Oscars. :)
Do's and don'ts for first time parents. Helpful common sense advice.
A wonderfull bedtime story read by Samuel L Jackson
OMG those "DO / DON'T" things crack me up! And the Samuel L Jackson one - classic!
Welp, I watched the Oscars. I liked the addition of class from Joe and DanRad, but I was so disappointed in Seth MacFarlane's sexism. I really wanted him to be great. In Family Guy (which does rub me the wrong way sometimes,) usually they're satirizing people like Peter Griffin. At the Oscars, he just turned into Peter Griffin and made women and people of color the butt of his jokes. They all should have known better.
I think it'd be cool if Joe would host next year!
Oh, I missed Joseph Gordon Levitt at the Oscars. Boo. Maybe there are clips up online, yes?
Feb 23 @4:06, I'm sorry I didn't answer your question sooner. Ben Coulter is put through the wringer in Criminal Justice, but like the other anon said, it's not nearly as brutal as Neil in Mysterious Skin.
One thing that disturbs me greatly is how so many directors/filmmakers treat young, skinny male actors. Before Skyfall, it seemed as though Ben Whishaw's only reason for being an actor was to do nude scenes, get beaten, raped, and/or killed. I think the slightness of their bodies possibly represents the feminine side of the male, and that always has to be destroyed somehow, doesn't it? I think perhaps it's just another form of misogyny.
What do you guys think?
Is anyone going to watch Parade's End?
I love trippy, spacey muzik sooo much!!
I'll probably watch Parade's End. I don't like Benedict Cumberbatch as a person, but he's a good actor. Hate his asshole of a Sherlock though.
The reason directors get Ben Whishaw naked so much is probably just that he's willing to do nude scenes. I'm not complaining.
I like when Joel messes with his tekno :)
6:34, I'm waiting to see him in The Fifth Estate.
Should be interesting.
This is really worth watching :)
parenthood is no place for perfectionists
Very interesting and informative video 3:07. Some things just can't be fixed. Other things shouldn't be fixed.
Bob Woodward to the Obama admin,
Shut the fuck up. Don't threaten me. I brought down Nixon. I'll bring you down too.
A few days I said I would link this tumblr post about Ben Whishaw, but it took me a long time to find it. I don't know if anyone is interested in it as I think maybe there is only one other Ben fangirl on this blog, but I said I would post it and I did. I think the author raises some interesting questions.
There are some spoilers for Cloud Atlas in part two, but I think anyone who wants to see it has already seen it by now.
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