Chris Z performs spoken word with The World Is A Beautiful Place at the Webster Theatre in Hartford. This piece, entitled "Tyler's Big Day Out" is a response to the very negative and hate-speech laden online reactions to a workshop Chris ran in April, one specifically aimed at the use of the word "nigga" by a bunch of white people.
From his Tumblr:
This is April, i tried to hold a workshop in response to a white dude saying the words “get money nigga” at the end of one of his band’s songs. it didn’t go well. i was being “too pc” for people’s liking. they thought i was on a guilt tripping spree, trying to make them all feel racist. these people were defending the band’s right to say “nigga” so, i gotta say, they were being racist. i got called retarded, a retarded nigger, a faggot, a nigger faggot, etc etc. fuck seem to think that because you don’t/ wear a white hood & burn crosses/ that you aren’t racist./that your “black friends” and vaguely left-leaning political views pre-ordain you to a lifetime supply of good dude credits. in 2012 when a Black youth is 7 times more likely than a white youth to be punished for a comparable offense in school, we are colorblind right?[i]when college educated Black people make less than their high school educated white counterparts, they are just unlucky right[ii]? or maybe not trying hard enough.when white authority places no value on Black life (see police brutality convictions[iii], stop and frisk procedures, etc) it’s all wrong place wrong time right?in 2012 racism exists in a bubble. tiny pockets in the South, in Arizona, but not here. not you.if anything us here in the North East have become too PC right? because one night i decided to try and call racism by its name. because your friends think that word is archaic. it’s funny. no harm done.i did my research. a study in 2011 (archaic) conducted by Penn State found that Black people often exhibit what they called Racial Battle Fatigue, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/ the Poverty Clinic found that micro-transgressions against People of Color had not only psychological but also physical effects.Robert Carter, relooked at ‘Carson’s Conceptual Model for Trauma’ as it related to Race and the million tiny slights whites commit without thought.and there’s the Perilla Study (2002), Glenn Miller’s The Trauma of Insidious Racism, so on and so forthbut yet, when i tried to research the long-standing psychological damage of middle class white people being told to watch their fucking tongues… i was shocked to find none.but i guess what i forgot is: you are the expert right? cause people always call you…. oh wait. there isn’t a slur for you that denotes the 100’s of years of oppression,that indicates all the actions others commit that attempt to tell you that you aren’t even human, that triggers all the times your mother and grandparents ET ALL fought for the most basic rights and were continuously told they didn’t deserve those rights.that word doesn’t exist, does it?what i am getting at is, shut your fucking mouth you whiny goddamn overgrown babies and open your ears.because maybe you don’t wear a hood but defending the repeated saying of racist words under a guise not even as base as freedom of speech but that they aren’t harmful?well that’s fucking racism.
Someone tell Mindless Self Indulgence and My Chemical Romance.
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Cloud Atlas was brilliant. I loved it. It worked on every level.
It was heartbreaking, funny, suspenseful, meaningful... all the things a film should be.
Go see it.
I wanted to see that movie before it became too uncomfortable for me.
Maybe I have to wait till it's all over.
Agreed, October 27, 5:15 PM.
I loved the Sonmi-451 story arc, but my favorite part was the love story between Robert Frobisher (Whishaw) and Rufus Sixsmith (James D'Arcy). It was so heartbreaking; I cried like a child. I haven't seen anything so emotionally moving in years.
Also, where has James D'Arcy been all my life. He's gorgeous. :)
I've been trying to figure out a way to describe how I feel about Cloud Atlas. I'm torn. On so many levels, I loved it. On others, I'm not so sure. I'm going to have to go see it again.
The thing that bothers me so much is how the love story between Frobisher and Sixsmith gets so little mention. It was so tragic and yet so beautiful, and gorgeously acted, yet in all the reviews I've read, I've barely seen it mentioned.
Another standout was Doona Bae's performance. She was mesmerizing. I could not take my eyes of her any time she was on screen.
Everyone talks about Tom Hanks and Halle Berry. If they mention someone else, it's Hugo Weaving, Hugh Grant, or Jim Broadbent. I fucking hate Hollywood reporters.
Doona Bae and Ben Whishaw were the standouts in this film. James D'Arcy also turned in a fabulous performance. But unfortunately, Doona is a Korean woman, and Ben and James played two homosexuals in love. So of course nobody is going to focus on them. Cuz, you know. Tom Hanks.
I hate the world sometimes.
There is an excellent article about Cloud Atlas here. It goes into what the film was trying to accomplish and some of the problems of its ambition. It's excellent commentary.
I particularly liked this quote:
"Overall, Cloud Atlas was engaging enough, and frustrating enough, for me to share Robert Frobisher’s letter to his lover that “I believe there is another world, Sixsmith, a better world.” If we had a movie industry that was brave enough to make Doona Bae be a giant star, to let Halle Berry play crusading investigative journalists, where touching, passionately observed gay love stories like Frobisher’s and Sixsmith’s didn’t need independent funding to bring them to life, if even a few more directors and writers cared as much about cinematography, fluidity of identity, and the struggle for liberation as the Wachowskis do, going to the movies would be a much more exciting experience."
Hoping everyone in the path of the storm is doing okay.
Kapunua, I'm a little worried about your birds. Let us know you're okay when you can.
Cloud Atlas fucking rocks. Best movie and message of the year.
Past, present, future. It's all connected. We're all connected. There is meaning.
For all the expectant moms here awaiting joy . Congrats to you all. Recognize your blessings.
"i'm a woman in love and love what it's doing to me'
Lol, if any man sang that to me I'd think he'd lost his mind :)
But I suppose it the sentiment behind it...
lol Bitch whachoo talking about? Get u fax straight bout who fucked over who.
Celebrities and elitists are often way too clueless about what's really going on. They tend to go with their popular privileged status quo instead of grass roots, working class reality.
You would think that some of these millionaire elite celebrities would be smart enough to start questioning why the poorest states continue to vote republican. You would think that they would eventually get it. You would think that these celebrities would have the will and the means to do some research and discover the real facts about what party has helped whom the most. You would think intelligent people wouldn't pay the asking price for typical party bullshit. Especially democratic shit. Their party line is so old it's past the stinking, rotting, best when used by date.
Republicans are evil. Libertarians are evil. All third party candidates are evil. If you're not a member of my party or supporter of mine your are evil.
Bullshit and fuck you. That's why this election is so close. People are finally getting tired of all the elitists' bullshit. Parents are getting tired of paying taxes to support failing public schools while also paying tuition to send their kids to private school hoping they can get a proper education.
Hard working tax paying citizens are getting tired of paying hard earned money into programs they will never see a return on. Worse than that. Theyre getting tired of losing their hard earned money on programs that will never benefit them or their children.
Public education in most of the USA is so pathetic that most states graduate from high school students with a below 6th year reading, writing and basic math skills.
That is what Americans tax dollars are paying for. It's inexcusable.
^This and that
Lulz! Does Madonna really think anybody cares about what she has to say anymore? She's such a big bucks corporate slut. She can't possibly think that any working class person would take her seriously or vote for who she tells them to vote for. Who the fuck do these celibrities think they are? They think way too much of themselves and their own influence if you ask me. Like celebrity can sway the vote of any thoughtful, intelligent mind. Madonna was handed her tampon on a stick. let that be a lesson for any celebrity who tries to tell people who to vote for in any election.
I never thought I'd say this, but Kat and Joel are cute together. Capricorn and Pisces, good match.
Has anyone heard from Kapunua?
nope :[
Oh, not good :/
this is scary
I hope everyone on the East Coast is doing alright this morning. There's some very scary news and imagery coming out of there. It's hard to know there's nothing we can do to help from so far away. I hope you all make it through this safely with your loved ones.
Oh my goodness I just saw pictures of the devastation.
I'm really concerned for Kapunua.
If anyone has been in contact with her could you please let us know that she is okay.
I've been worrying about Kapunua since about 4:00 pm yesterday afternoon. She hasn't posted anything on her tumblr since yesterday.
According to her lj, she wasn't evacuating. Hopefully, she just lost power/internet access, and she's okay. I'm also hoping she didn't get any property damage.
Anyway, let's all send out positive thoughts. I hope she and her loved ones are all okay.
Lets hope so 1:59.
Has anyone read jk rowling's new book, "The Casual Vacancy"? There's a character in it named Samantha. She's a middle aged woman, frustrated and bitter. She falls in love with this teen-idol rock star and becomes obsessed with him. She has constant sexual fantasies about him, gets tickets to the band's concerts etc. The only person I can think of when reading about her is Elena. The only difference is, this haracter doesn't publish her sex fantasies about him on line. It is really creepy.
I saw Cloud Atlas yesterday, and it was worth it just for the Robert Frobisher story alone. Ben Wishaw was so amazing. I felt so much empathy for his character and for Sixsmith (sp?) too. I cried. :'(
I liked the Timothy Cavendish story too, but the others not so much. I didn't really understand why they had actors playing so many parts. It was distracting and a little confusing. It was still worth it for Wishaw and Sixsmith though.
a moment of love
a dream
a laugh
a kiss
a cry
our rights
our wrongs ♪
Hiya guys, how are you all?
I hope you are all ok after the storm.
Anonymous said...
It's not a lie Miss T, it is VERY comfy.
Maybe you just didn't get a pillow that catered specifically to your body :)
Mmmmm, now that kind of pillow does sound nice anon.
Welshie said...
for Miss T
It was sunny but cold here today Miss T. Walked up to the stone circle on top of the Berwyn Mountains. Freezing up there it was. Saw a Druid in the middle of the circle, as you do like. Had a pie and a pint on the way home.
Calling all Brits. Calling all Brits. Don't forget to turn the clock back tonight. Extra hour in bed. Yippee:)
Lovin the shaun the sheep pillow Welshie, that's brilliant. How,ve ya been? You are right, it's freezing now. LOL I'm glad that the druid got his pie and pint, well earned after spending time up on the windy hills, you too, I hope you got something warm inside you.
K, I hope you manage to sign in soon and let us know you are OK.
Haia Miss T petal. Oops, I missed the ‘I’ from my sentence, should’ve read, I had a pie and pint … No idea what the Druid had to eat, didn’t hang about to ask him. He seemed kinda creepy you know so I buggered off and left him to his chanting!
Anyway, today I made one hundred and ten fruit scones. Mad innit. Took me bloody hours to bake them. Why so many bloody scones you ask, well, see, tomorrow there’s a fundraising event to collect money for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. I’m hoping we’ll raise a bob or two to help out.
I hope you’re safe and well Kapunua. Hope to hear from you soon.
Don't forget the people of Haiti and Jamaica and Cuba.
They suffered intensely from the Hurricane as well.
Right you are 5:42. 69 deaths in the hard hit caribbean.
It looks like the Jersey shore, Staten Island and parts of Manhattan were the hardest hit in North America. Such devastation.
Man sues wife for giving birth to an ugly baby and he wins in court.
"so sure of his own good looks, so crushed by the wrinkly ugly mess that was handed to him in a swaddle, that he decided to sue his wife because the awful looking baby was totally her fault,"
"Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me." A judge agreed, and ordered the wife to fork over $120,000.
dancing Nijinsky style
dancing with the lost and found
dancing on rock 'n roll's grave(ha!) ♩
If 'Plan A' didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters! Stay cool.
a quarter of New Jersey and almost a tenth of New York remained in the dark, the Department of Energy said.
It's another Katrina aftermath where the aged and the poor are left to struggle and fend for themselves. There's no excuse for it especially after the lessons of Katrina. It's another monumental gov't failure.
Where's Kanye saying that President Obama hates poor black and white people. He and the media had no qualms about saying and suggesting that GW hated poor black people.
Same story. Different storm. Different coverage. Different agenda.
Same fucking bullshit being fed to the sheep who are dumb enough to eat it. It almost makes a thinking person think that they deserve to choke on the shit their being fed. Almost.
Did anybody really think that the Obama admin could or would handle a natural disaster any better than Bush's administration did? Obama already failed with the BP oil disaster. The lies about that can't be out done by any administration in the past or the foreseeable future. So much of the environment poisoned. So much soil rendered useless by the poison sprayed. So much wildlife and so many people suffering from the actions of an ill informed, unequipped administration.
The Bush admin was clueless for the aftermath of Katrina and the Obama admin was clueless for the aftermath of the BP oil disaster and for Sandy. You can't fault one without honestly faulting the other.
Change is needed. Any real change begins with you. At home. On a local level. Because guess what? The president of the USA doesn't really give a fuck about you or your family. Just ask the people on Staten Island and the Jersey Shore how much they think Obama cares about them and their families. He doesn't give a shit. He's too busy campaigning and taking photo ops to care about what's really going on in America's heartland and in the hearts of Americans.
Obama is too busy worrying about being the next Jimmy Carter and proving Steve Jobs to be a prophet than he is worrying about the poor, working class people on Staten Island and the Jersey Shore.
Mitt Romney is busy doing what any challenger does. Trying to convince voters why he is better than the other guy.
Lost in translation are the victims of hurricane Sandy.
It will be interesting to dissect this election. Who really holds the power? The poor, working class people who feel disenfranshised or the Hollywood elite?
Do the JayZ's, Beyounes, Oprah's and George Clooney's win or do struggling, hard working, middle class americans win?
Does Upper Manhattan, Hollywood, the Hamptons and NYC win or does Staten Island, Jersey Shore, Memphis and the Gulf Coast win?
Who really benefits from an Obama win other than the Hollywood elite? Who really benefits from a Romney win other than big oil? What region are you dependent on?
Fuck hollywood. I need oil and gas to live. Jay Z and George Clooney can kiss my gas. So can any other my shit don't stink self loving hollywood asshole. Don't tell me who the fuck to vote for you self important pricks. You take care of your own shit and I'll take care of mine. Fuck. I hope their sewage backs up all over their multi million dollar mansions from their own bullshit.
Try to sell that shit in this housing market.
^lol TRUTH
I hear you can buy a private island at 25 to 40% off now. That in and of itself should be reason to vote Obama. I'm looking at one off the Florida Keys.
Which candidate would make it illegal for a man to sue his wife for giving birth to an ugly baby like that man in China did? That's the one who'll get my vote. Like an ugly baby is the sole responsibility of the mother.
That could bring us to forced abortion laws for ugly women. Do we really want to go with China's reproductive laws? Do we really want to force ultrasounds and encourage abortions of female fetuses? Do we want to become a society that places the value of life on the sex of that life? God. I hope not.
Album for the night:
Leftism - Leftfield
be a movie star,
blah blah blah
go the whole hog,
be bigger than God ♪
i c u PJ's in blue ^_~
Who really benefits from an Obama win other than the Hollywood elite?
I do, dumbass. Because I'm a woman, and I'd like to keep my rights to my body. Because I'd like to keep my rights to fight for equal pay. Romney would "be delighted" to sign a bill overturning Roe v. Wade.
LGBT people do, dumbass. Because Romney and Ryan are at least honest about the fact that they think marriage should be defined as a man and a woman, and LGBT people don't even get the benefit of family visits if one is in the hospital. As Romney said to one gay woman he spoke to, "I didn't know you people had families."
Middle class people do, dumbass. It's' the rich who are going to get taxed under Obama. They lose money when he's in office. I get to keep a little of mine. And even if the Republican lies were true - let's pretend for a second that Romney was going to tax the rich and give me a break. (Hint: HE'S NOT.) However, even if that was true, I'd still vote for Obama, because it would be worth it to me to protect the rights of women, LGBT, minorities, Native peoples, and transgender peoples.
Everyone aside from rich, white men do, dumbass. Romney is clear about that.
If you're voting for Romney, or just not voting, you need to be able to look me in the eye and tell me that you think it's okay if I get paid less than a man for the same job. You need to look rape victims in the eye and tell them that if they're pregnant, they have to carry the fetus to term and the rapist is entitled to visitation rights. You need to look your gay friends in the eye and tell them you don't think they deserve equality and basic human rights. You should be able to look your sick friends with no health care in the eye and tell them it's okay by you that they can't afford coverage because of a pre-existing condition. That you don't mind if they die because of it. And look college students in the eye and tell them you're fine with them being in debt forever. So, vote for who you want, but just know that you need to still look people in the eye, and know that you voted against them.
If you're okay with that, then GTFO of my face, bigot.
Kapunua! Glad to see that you are ok and I totally agree with everything you just said regarding Romney.
Thank you, yes, we got really lucky. No flooding, even though we (me, Mom, cousin, and two other cousins and their kid) are surrounded by water. We had minor property damage and lost power for 4-5 days. So, we did really well and I know that a lot of people out there weren't so lucky.
Playing the guessing game 9:28?
I think someone is wayyyyyyyyyy off the track ^_^
I'm glad to read that you and your family are okay Kapunua.
Kapunua there's another storm coming your way, not as bad, but still, be safe.
I just got back from voting! I was lucky, my line was only about 10 minutes. But I would have stayed there all day if I had to.
Everybody else in the US, I hope you exercise your constitutional right today. Get out the vote, you guys!
Yes, we are not looking forward to this other storm at all! I couldn't bear to lose power again, ugh. ANd it is so dang cold here!
In my country voting is taken very seriously and is compulsory for everyone 18 and over, with penalties if you try to avoid it.
I don't understand why in a country as large and powerful as the United States why it's not mandatory there too.
Because in America voting is considered a privilege and not a duty. Punishing a person who doesn't vote would go against everything a democracy is supposed to stand for. If you don't care enough about your own future and you can't get your lazy ass out of bed or off the couch long enough to get out and vote than no law should be passed to make you pretend to care. Free will.
Sad to say that no American president in recent times has been elected by a true majority of eligible voters.
This election is predicting a 60% voter turnout. That means that whichever man wins the presidency will have been voted into office by 31% or less of all eligible voters. Less than 30% if the popular vote and the electoral vote don't mesh.
America might as well go back to being under a monarchy control because the presidential election hasn't reflected the real views of a majority of Americans since the Reagan years when RR won by a landslide.
The electoral college has got to go. It's an outdated, unfair system that should have been done away with last century.
There's no doubt, having nine states decide the president is patently absurd. The vast majority of the country has been virtually irrelevant to the process. Not only is that nonsensical and undemocratic, but it distorts public policy."
It's an undoubtably absurd way to elect a leader in this day and age.
" it's a genuine democratic ideal. It's brain-dead commonsensical."
" the first rule of a democracy is that every vote is equal."
Too bad there aren't enough people in America with enough common sense to insist on electing a president by popular vote. To insist on having every vote by every person who feels strongly enough about any policy to get out and vote in every state being equal.
I support helping the needy. I oppose funding the lazy.
From NBC
Romney winning the majority of men, married couples, seniors.
Obama winning the majority of single mothers and the young and stupid who don't know or care what medicare or social security is. They'll be eating generic cat food in 50 years. No one to blame but themselves.
Major networks getting nervous about Romney winning the popular vote. Already questioning early and absentee votes in Ohio and Florida.
Arizona just called for Romney. North Carolina and Virginia still too close to call. Ohio preparing for a late night maybe even a late week.
Govenorship counts. 30 republican. 20 democrat. A net gain of 2 for republicans. Republicans predicted to hold a majority in the house of reps. Democrats predicted to hold a majority in the senate.
Utah and Mississippi go to Romney. Iowa and Minnesota go to Obama.
At this point, from the Electoral College standpoint, I don't think Romney can win.
I don't think Obama even needs Florida or Ohio.
California and Washington go to Obama. Kansas, Wyoming and Montana go to Romney.
Twenty one more electoral votes to go.
Twenty one more electoral votes to go.
NBC just called Ohio for the President. That's it, folks. It's over.
Romney needs Florida and Ohio to win. Obama needs just one of them. The magic number is 270. The current electoral vote is Obama 243 and Romney 203.
Obama/Biden 2012. Hells yeah.
Now it heads to the supreme court.
Obama will carry Colorado and Nevada as well, which would have put him over without Ohio. So yeah. Nothing to contest. :)
Now nothing gets done for another 4 years. The republican controlled house of representative are going to be pissed that the man who so far has over 1 million more votes than Obama lost the presidency thanks to the electoral college. Way to go political machine.
Wrong 8:22. If Romney keeps his lead with the popular vote there will be a lot to contest and nothing to be done.
When do they start counting those hanging chads in Ohio?
Funny how Republicans weren't complaining when Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000.
When do they start counting those hanging chads in Ohio?
Doesn't matter. Obama would have won without Ohio.
The popular vote is narrowing as the results continue to come in. Obama always carries the west coast, which are still being counted. He could win the popular vote when all is said and done.
*The Democratic candidate
Nevada, Colorado, Florida and Virginia are all still being counted. So are absentee votes and votes from people who died 10 years ago.
Fewer than 200,000 votes separating the candidates in the popular vote with about 65% reported. Nevada and Colorado will put Obama over the electoral votes needed without Ohio or Florida.
It's really not in dispute. Obama will win, and only the Rush Limbaughs and Bill O'Reillys will try to argue.
It begins.
Lol. And the Ditto-heads. ;)
Most of California isn't in. It's projected that Obama will have a 1.5% edge in the popular vote.
Personally, I hate the electoral college because I live in the south. I voted for Obama, but I feel like my vote didn't count because Republicans always carry my state. I know other Democrats who don't vote because they feel like their votes don't count. I think there would be a more accurate measure if the popular vote was used because more people would vote.
If I was one of 47 million Rushs and Bill's I'd be looking forward to taking control of the senate next election.
Current popular vote with Ohio and Nevada included
Obama 47751747
Romney 47972501
Florida, Colorado and Virginia are still processing voting results. Obama currently leads Romney by approx 45,000 votes in Florida.
How much did Obama win the popular vote by in 2008? This has to hurt.
McCain Palin Republican 50+DC 59,934,814
Obama Biden Democratic 50+DC 69,456,897
Obama is now leading the popular vote, with 74% in.
Obama now ahead in the popular vote. Can he hold on to his lead?
Will Obama break out and get above 50% of the popular vote?
If I was one of 47 million Rushs and Bill's I'd be looking forward to taking control of the senate next election.
I don't agree with people who voted for Mitt Romney, but I wouldn't call all of them "Rush's" and "Bill's". Not all of them are crazy.
A Republican strategist on NBC (Mike Murphy) is saying that the Republicans made a mistake by going too far right. He criticized the party for meddling into a woman's right to choose. He also said the Republican party is going to have to rethink their platform to conform to the country the way it is today instead of the way it was in the 1980's.
Most of the vote still coming in is from California, so yes, Obama will hold on to his lead.
I don't agree with people who voted for Mitt Romney, but I wouldn't call all of them "Rush's" and "Bill's". Not all of them are crazy
I agree with you.
I can't believe that voter turnout was lower than it was 4 years ago.
There used to be moderate conservatives, what happened to those people?
The Tea Party happened. And pundits like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, who probably don't even believe the bullshit they spew -- they're just wanting to fire people up so they can make money off them.
There still are moderate conservatives Just like there are moderate liberals. I would be worried if I was a member of either the Republican or Democratic party. The percentage of the vote was evenly split.
Yes, there are still moderate conservatives, but the far right hi-jacked the primaries in this election.
I could maybe see myself voting for a moderate Republican (at one point, I supported Jon Huntsman), but after all of the "legitimate rape" and vaginal probe nonsense, I may never be able to vote Republican again.
Well done America.
This election was so important because of the Supreme Court. We have three justices who could retire in the next couple of years, and we simply could not afford to have a far right leaning President choose their replacements.
Yes, there are still moderate conservatives, but the far right hi-jacked the primaries in this election.
Unfortunately I think there is a possibility they might become more purist and rabid with this outcome.
So happy about Tammy Duckworth and Elizabeth Warren. Also, Claire McCaskill. This has been an amazing election.
Who controls the House? Because it might be more of the same gridlock and obstruction.
Did Allen West really say that Barrack Obama was a threat to the gene pool?
It's looking like Obama carried Virginia as well. And he's currently up by about 300,000 in the popular vote.
The Republicans retained control of the House, but the Dems gained a couple more seats in the Senate.
I think there will be some attempts at obstruction, but I think the members of the House will realize that they have to make some compromises.
Republicans control the house and state governors offices. It will be more of the same gridlock because neither party is willing to compromise enough and both parties candidate got 49 % of the vote. Gridlock.
Obama hasn't even given his acceptance speech yet and the talking heads on TV are already talking about who'll run for president time.
Looks like Allen West will lose his seat in the House. God, I hope so. I contributed money to his competitor, and I don't even live in Florida.
Wendy and Mya must be shitting their pants right now. Are you two?
Our President's speech was amazing. I'm so proud of him.
Seems like some parts of your country is embracing a more 21st century style of America.
Now all you need to do is convert to metrication, you're just about forty years behind :)
They should have voted.
10:51, your country needs a strong and effective alternative party for effective democracy. Your country needs the GOP, albeit a much more tolerant and moderate conservative party.
Chris Matthews: "I'm so glad we had that storm last week."
Chuck Norris is not gonna be a happy man.
At one point in his political career, Mitt Romney's ideology was probably not terribly different from Barack Obama's. The problem is, he had to move so far right to win over the extremists in his party to become the nominee, that made him un-electable to the general population, and his attempts to move back to center late in the game made him seem dishonest and untrustworthy.
Our country is not made up of straight, white, fundamentalist christian males. You can't win an election by pandering to one segment of the population. Maybe the GOP will have figured that out by the time the next election rolls around.
I gotta say that I love the look of the electoral map this morning. There Florida sits in light blue, the "official" results not in yet because of the obstructionism to voters in that state, yet the totals still read:
Obama - 303 Romney - 206
When they finally call Florida, it will be included in Obama's count, but this year it didn't matter.
his (Romney's) attempts to move back to center late in the game made him seem dishonest and untrustworthy.
That's because he is dishonest and untrustworthy.
I can't help but laugh at the folks who kept pointing to the Rasmussen poll. Maybe next time around, they'll take into account the fact that many Americans no longer have land lines.
SUPER amazing election, you guys! Not only with Obama, but with the Senate. I'm so happy with how this turned out! Akin and Mourdock OUT! YES.
Also I'm pregnant, yay!
(But I wasn't "Pregnant Anon" - who was that??)
I hope the people who were living inside the Faux News Bubble realize that they were getting misinformation about Romney's chances in this election. It was obvious from swing state polling that Obama was going to win, but so many people I know seem to be shocked.
I guess those studies saying that people who watch Fox are less informed than people who don't watch any news at all were correct.
OMG, your pregnant? For real? How far along?
Sorry, that's one of my pet peeves, but I got excited. :/
"This was a race between optimism and pessimism, between moving forward and going backward, between acceptance and exclusion. Thankfully, we chose a positive future for our country, and for everybody and not just a select few."
I stole this from a comment by user 2MTNTOP on HuffPo. I thought it summed up this election very, very well.
Kapunua, you can't just drop a bombshell like that and leave!
First of all, I'm so happy for you. Are you very far along? Do you know what you're having? I'm sorry if I'm being invasive, but I think this is so great.
Deets, when you feel like sharing them.
And congrats!
Kapunua that's fantastic news. Llongyfarchiadau fil i ti, (congratulations). I'm actually dancing a Welsh jig to celebrate:)
Call me a liar if you will but as soon as the pregnant anon appeared I thought, aha, Kapunua's pregnant. See, I remember a while back you saying, I'm really sick, or something similar. That's when I thought, oh oh, baby!! Maybe it's because of my sister's experience that I automatically think, sickness = pregnant.
I'm so, so happy for you. You take care of yourself now.
P.S. Nice one America. You chose well.
I wonder who the other pregnant anon is? Do I know you, have we spoken? can you drop a hint or leave a clue or something? please?:)
Forgive me, like I said before, I get stupidly excited where babies are concerned.
Congratulations Kapunua! That's fantastic news. I hope you are over any nausea. When is it due?
Great result in the election, America! Big sigh of relief.
Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!
Congratulations Kapunua! That's wonderful news. You must be so excited.
Thank you, all of you! I'm 12 weeks, have been sick as HELL and it's a boy. :) There's this brand new test where you can find out really soon now. I got so sick I lost a lot of weight, but it's bound to come back on DOUBLE soon enough. :D
I need to think of some good boy names but I can't think of any!
The nausea part is shocking :/
Boy names are hard to choose! I agree.
Maybe you can round it to a short list and decide once you see him as to what fits :)
How lovely Kapunua, a little boy! They are such loving little things, so full of hugs and love. I'm really happy for you.
Names are hard. Would you want to name him after your dad?
I'm thinking of using Dad's name as a middle name. There are a lot of boys with that name in this family - my brother is one of them. :)
^Yeah that makes sense. Well atleast you have a good 6 months to think on it!
Have you thought about a native Anmerican name? Or something associated with what you hold dear?
A boy? Awww, how wonderful. That's lovely that you want to use your dad's name. My niece Rhiannon was named after my mam. Here in Wales parents are choosing what we would class as old fashioned names, Caradog, Arthur, Gwilym, Llywelyn, Owain, Hywel. Names from the Mabinogi are still popular.
That's so great, Kapunua. I'm happy for you.
I hope the nausea passes soon. I had it with my first child, but not the second. I felt great in the second trimester though, so maybe you will too.
I like Old Testament names for boys, things like Ezekiel, Zachariah, Gabriel, etc. Not because I'm religious or anything (I'm totally not) but just because I like the way they sound. I love classic names for both boys and girls because they never seem trendy or dated.
Thanks, guys! I love Welsh names like crazy, and I love Native names too. I don't want to be appropriative so I'll have to be careful with that. I really like those Old Testament names too, but I don't like the Bible. Shame about those names, they are good!
Can't sleep. I've got out of bed cause I have baby names on the brain!
How about Bendigeidfran (literally "Blessed Raven")sometimes referred to as Brân (translates from Welsh as "Crow".) He was a giant and king of Britain in Welsh mythology.
or my favourite, Myrddin (Merlin)
or Taliesin, Rhydderch, Pryderi, Gwern, Gruffydd
Sorry, sorry, sorry. I'm taking over aren't I. I'll shut up now.
I'm quite delirious. Must sleep.
*hugs Kapunua* You'll be an amazing mum. so pleased for you.
So sleepy. G'nite:)
Thank you! Those are amazing names! Seriously, keep them coming, I love them!
Congratulations Kapunua! I am so happy for you!
Kapunua I'm still so excited for you.
Two people having babies, maybe there will be more in the future :)
And buy yourself a body pillow and some vitamin E oil.
I prefer camellia oil as it's high in oleic acid triglycerides
Brian Williams on Letterman "This wasn't 'The Natural.' This was 'Moneyball.' talking about the election.
Thank you guys! :D I had a u/s yesterday but couldn't see the face. He kept putting his hands in front of it. It was weird though, he was chomping on his fingers and it looked so creepy. Like the iron maidens in Resident Evil. I was like "OMG stop that!" O_O
I have a body pillow but I'll probably eventually need another. Also my bed is teeny tiny. :)
Yeah, gas rationing out here. It's not a good scene. People are acting crazy at gas stations.
Obama re elected, AND Kapunua pregnant. Wendy and Mya are probably having a stroke somewhere.
Hiya guys, how are you all?
Welshie said...
Haia Miss T petal. Oops, I missed the ‘I’ from my sentence, should’ve read, I had a pie and pint … No idea what the Druid had to eat, didn’t hang about to ask him. He seemed kinda creepy you know so I buggered off and left him to his chanting!
LOL Welshie, if he was that creepy, I'd have buggered off too.
I hope you raised some good money with your 110 fruit scones. I love a good scone but I prefer mine fruitless.
Anonymous said...
Man sues wife for giving birth to an ugly baby and he wins in court.
"so sure of his own good looks, so crushed by the wrinkly ugly mess that was handed to him in a swaddle, that he decided to sue his wife because the awful looking baby was totally her fault,"
"Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me." A judge agreed, and ordered the wife to fork over $120,000.
I saw this is the papers anon. Did you see her before picture? Makes you wonder just HOW ugly a baby can be before a bloke suspects his wife of not being the beauty she claimed to be.
Gotta laugh.
Great to see you back K. It must have been crappy to have no power for that long but sounds like you got off lighty otherwise which is good.
Congrats on the pregnancy, I hope the pukings not too bad now. It's soooooo exciting. You'll be a great mom. I have a picture in my head of you and your ickle guy in matching grass skirts shimmying around (but you don't have a nappy (sorry, daiper) on under yours).
That's a lovely idea to have your dad's name for a middle name. He'd be so proud.
Baby names
Kapunua in regards to names also consider the different ways of spelling for example: a name like Dorian, could Doran or Dorran or Doren.
Also ancient Rome and Greek mythology are good sources for names!
And SF and English Lit are equally inspiring.
Boy babies are gorgeous!
What this blog needs is some early early Detroit techno :)
And some Italo Nu Disco, YEAH!
Wow a $25,000 fireworks display. In this economic climate.
"they need food. They don't have anything to eat"
I wonder if someone needs to find a way to cope with their feelings of insecurity not through temper rages?
we honestly feel like we're in a concentration camp."
No one is allowed to go anywhere without showing their I.D. Even to use the bathroom, "you have to show your badge," said Amber Decamp, a 22-year-old whose rental was washed away in Seaside Heights, New Jersey.
Very sad.
I'm starting to have weird cravings mainly for salty foods. All my friends had girls and told me they craved mainly sweet things.
Has anyone else had these sort of cravings? I wonder if gender has anything to do with it?
Haia pregnant anon. How you feeling babe? Any better? When are you due sweetheart?
I've heard the same thing, sweet = girl, savoury = boy. No idea if there's any truth in it.
We collected £327 Miss T.
It's a glorious morning here. I'm off to the Remembrance ceremony at the Cenotaph to pay my respects. Must dash.
Ta ra for now.
Does anybody know when Cloud Atlas is getting released on DVD? I can't wait to see gifs on tumblr of that kiss between Frobisher and Sixsmith. That was one of the hottest things I've seen on film in a long time.
Also where's the fanfic? Damn.
There is some good Frobisher/Sixsmith fanfic on archive of our own. I suspect it will really take off eventually and become a cult thing. After all, both the actors were terribly good-looking and the chemistry between them was deliciously palpable. Much like Arthur/Eames, but with an actual romance in the source material.
I've never seen more fertile fanfic material. Frobisher is a composer; Sixsmith is a physicist. Frobisher is a slightly built, disinherited, upper class rogue of a bi-sexual who is hugely talented but not terribly principled. Sixsmith is 6'3" and gorgeous, but bookish, serious, and completely in love with Frobisher. It's a goldmine for slashfic.
I've read the maybe 3 fics that are up, and they're not very good. I don't want more letters, I want how the two met, how they fell in love, details about how Robert got disinherited, that kind of thing. It's frustrating. Honest to god, people need to go see the damn movie or read the book. I know there are some good fic writers out there who can make this work. Where are they?
^ Oh. And some sex scenes. :)
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