Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy holidays

That last post is hard to scroll through but I hope some of you read it.

I decided to make a shorter post for easier access. This time just to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. Congratulations to the women on this board who are pregnant.

Happy holidays to all of you and your families.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My young son is quickly developing his own little fan club the way he smiles at the "older ladies" ;

Anonymous said...

And judging by the way he feeds, I think he's going be a tit man, for sure


Anonymous said...

How vulgar.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone consider breastfeeding vulgar?

Anonymous said...

Breastfeeding is not vulgar. Speculating about your infant son's future sexual preferences, however, is a rather creepy and squicks me out.

Anonymous said...

^Especially when you're gauging it by his desire to feed from his mom. Freud would have a field day.

kapunua said...

yeah, the idea of breastfeeding as a sexual preference squicks me, as well. I saw some baby clothes that say things like "Boob Guy" and stuff like that and I'm like, UGH, do we have to sexualize boobs constantly? Context!

I'll bet gay men were breastfed exactly the same as straight men, and I'd hardly call them "tit men."

kapunua said...

I remember what else.

JGL fans still around? Awesome interview. I haven't watched the whole thing b/c I never have patience for long videos, but around 5:30 is when Joe starts talking about feminism. He says a lot more than I’d previously heard about, specifically talking about his Mom and Dad, and his Mom’s reaction to objectification and representation of women. It’s really cool.

Also, apparently he has "womb envy" and wants to have a baby, LOL.

Anonymous said...

One of my closest friends is gay and lives with his partner and has been living with him all the time I have known him, which is about eight years.

I also know a few of their other (gay) friends so I am reasonably confident in saying your perception of how gay men think is generalizing, and based on what you think they all think.

Anonymous said...

Liking tits is not all about sexual attraction.

It can represent warmth and security.

kapunua said...

The phrase "tit man" is sexualization. It's gross to begin with, whether you're talking about gay or straight men. It's objectifying a woman's body, as usual.

When applied to an infant, it's still gross.

But hey, I mean, think of your own kids the way you want to think of them! No one's stopping you.

Anonymous said...

Think what you like Kapunua. I disagree.

Anonymous said...

To those that celebrate it Buona Pasqua.

Anonymous said...

Chiming in to say that I have to agree... saying a child is going to grow up to be "a tit man" because he nurses well is gross to me too. It's food, not sex. A child can have a good appetite and feel closeness to the mother, and feel nurtured, without feeling "sexy" towards breast when he or she grows up. I have a daughter and I'm not going to assign her a sexual identity or sexual preference. That's up to her. And I especially wouldn't do that to her based on feeding habits.

Anonymous said...

LOL is right. I think certain people come in here to say really stupid things just to get people to feel grossed out and react to it. Although in this world, it's hard to tell who's a troll and who really thinks in those ways.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You people are funny.

Kirk Lazarus said...

What do you mean, "You people"?

Anonymous said...

ewe people ;

Anonymous said...

Ya know...dropping names like, oh let me think?, The Chemical Bros doesn't make you impressive...

Anonymous said...

what do YOU mean, you people?

Anonymous said...

Today is April Fools' Day. Believe nothing and trust no one. Just like any other day.

Anonymous said...

raver! pfft

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! Happy Easter to you!
So, what do you say about the MCR break-up? REJOICE!!!
I'm sorry, I know that some here don't want to talk about them anymore, but I need a place to show my Schadenfreude because Schadenfreude ist die beste Freude, LOL!
Did you read Gerard's letter? He never fails to make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's letter was hilarious. Such poorly written, overly metaphor-laden, emo bullshit. It read like bad fanfic.

He should have just said the thrill is gone and left it at that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, wasn't this typically Gerard?! He takes himself so seriously it's too hilarious. It's not a band. It's an idea. Jesus Christ.

There was some really juicy gossip on ONTD. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I read that stuff on ONTD. About a month before the breakup (when all the stuff about Mikey's cheating came out), someone who claimed to be dating the band's tech, said, among other things, that the band was done. She said that Gerard was back on drugs, not showing up to recording sessions, and that the other guys were done with him. She also said that Gerard was a bad father and that his marriage with Lindsey was not all it seemed. Then she deleted the comments.

I'm thinking it was probably all true.

Anonymous said...

It does seem rather odd that Gerard never finished that Killjoys comic. Also, what happened with Lindsey's "art"? One show and then nothing.

Anonymous said...

I never really thought that he was clean/sober to begin with. I mean, what alcoholic can afford to have 'the occasional drink'? That's total bullshit.

When you realize what an insecure human being he appears to be, who desperately needs the adulation and most likely falls into deep black holes when his 'art' is not as appreciated as he thought it would be, having the occasional drink seems to be a euphemism for getting totally fucked up.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you again Siobhan. Does anyone have a link to the stuff on ONTD?

Anonymous said...

It does seem rather odd that Gerard never finished that Killjoys comic.

I think the Killjoys comic is coming out soon. I think June? But, the story is completely different now. Whatever GW and Shaun Simon dreamed up years ago on a tour bus, is no more, and instead GW is using the comic to continue the story of the Killjoys (band version), moving on from the two videos made (and the one that wasn't made cos they ran out of funding).

I think I'd be kinda pissed if, firstly, the Killjoys name was taken and used for a band idea instead of the original comic idea. And, secondly, the original comic idea was completely changed to continue on from the band that now are no more. Perhaps Becky Cloonan and Shaun Simon don't care, cos they think they are on to a good thing, but I'd be pissed. It seems GW is the boss and what he says goes. The more he says of late, the more you see what a fucked up guys he still is.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and hi Siobhan. Nice to see you around.

Anonymous said...

poor, poor teddy bear


Anonymous said...

personally i prefer Afro Ken

Anonymous said...

Hello Anons!!
Long time no see.

For the anon who asked for the link yesterday. The person who wrote all the gossip deleted his/her comments, though.

kapunua said...

Not gonna lie, I am rolling in Schadenfreude, too. I seriously hope that MSI goes next. I mean, no matter what, they're all still going to be gross sexists and racists, but at least maybe they'll be quieter about it.

1:16 said...

thank you Siobhan

kapunua said...

I just took a look at those ONTD comments. I have to say, I'm completely unsurprised. Is it rude of all of us to yell out "CALLED IT"?

Anonymous said...

It's human nature for people to build up iconic figures and then tear them down

Anonymous said...

"iconic figures"


Anonymous said...

Kay, so I don't usually go on Gerard's twitter, but one of my friends messaged me and told me to go look.

LMAO, this asshole is listening to old MCR records and talking about how great they are, one by one. Seriously, he's been doing that for hours--with running commentary like, "Wow, this bit in the end of Demo, the shredding outro in Vampires, etc."

I think he's doing some serious drugs.

Anonymous said...

Nah, I think it's just sucking-up.

Anonymous said...

Kapunua, I noticed on Great D's twitter he is giving a talk at the New York public library on the 19th April.

I would love to attend, but alas, I'm not in your country :/

Anonymous said...

What's with Lindsey's stupid letter? As if she'd ever dared to write something like that when MSI needed the support of MCR loonies so that at least 12 people would attend their crap fest of a concert and the band members could afford a beer or two at the bar afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I agree Siobhan

I am a bass player in a band that has been touring for over 13 years.

Firstly, a not very well practiced bass player, who relies on poses, panty shots and backing tracks to get her through.

Secondly, she has only been with MSI for 12 years, as she joined in 2001. Perhaps she is referring to the band itself? But I loathe exaggeration.

6 years ago I married a man in a band that is more successful than my own and 6 years ago the curse of @lusciousjckson settled over me like a fog.

Five and a half years. Just annoying with the exaggeration.

For 6 years there have been handfuls of people every night that come to my show hoping to see my husband. For 6 years handfuls of people come to my show to give me letters and gifts for my husband.

Five and a half years! And in that time she didn't tour with MSI for ages! Infact the only reason MSI are even touring now is because of Lindsey's relationship with Gerard. Funny how she can have dismissed this. Also, the people who came to see her band to meet Gerard (and give him gifts), were fans that would not have come otherwise. It was all money in MSI's pockets, which they wouldn't have got otherwise. A small price to pay, after all Jimmy Urine is all about getting money from the fans.

They are the minority- just like I was probably the only asshole with an agenda at your show. It stings none the less.
Six fucking years ladies, six fucking years.

I doubt they were the minority, but some fans are more shameless in their behaviour than others.

Fair enough, she admits she went to see this Luscious Jackson band only so she could meet the Beastie Boys. But what makes me laugh (still) is that she really does seem to be unaware that the MSI fan base doubled because she married Gerard. It's a fact. It benefited MSI. Tough shit if it stings, deal with it. You can't have your cake and eat it! She's an annoying person who is a little removed from the obvious reality of how people with eyes see things.

Anonymous said...


kapunua said...

Look at these dumbasses trying to stay relevant now that their meal ticket broke up.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you have said 2:17, but for me it is old news now. I was thinking the same things five years ago when she was moaning about being referred to as Mrs Gerard Way.

I don't think it's really sunk in for her. MSI always thought they were daring and risque, and hapily promoted their image that they didn't give a shit. I don't like them, and never will.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

for me it is old news now


And incredibly boring.

Anonymous said...

I mean, if you perpetually want to discuss people most of you a)don't really like b)don't respect, I suppose that is your prerogative.

I prefer to talk about people and topics I like and admire.

Anonymous said...

Don't laugh.

That's a fine attempt to manipulate and control.

Anonymous said...

In what way?

Anonymous said...

Are they your favorite people 6:40?

Must be.

Anonymous said...

What a dick!

Anonymous said...

I mean, if you perpetually want to discuss people most of you a)don't really like b)don't respect, I suppose that is your prerogative.

I prefer to talk about people and topics I like and admire.

Well, the internet has billions of sites on which you can talk about people and topics you like and admire. Why don't you just go there then?

It's not as if we were interrupting a discussion on here and after all we've discussed on this site concerning MCR, I think we have a right to celebrate their end on here as well, non?!

Anonymous said...

Well you have celebrated it already, so I think the subject is finalized. Oui?!

Anonymous said...

No, it's not! Desolée.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is...

Anonymous said...

merci bien!

kapunua said...

Well you have celebrated it already, so I think the subject is finalized. Oui?!

April 5, 2013 at 3:02 AM

Who are you to make that decision?

Sometimes we talk about these assheads, sometimes we talk about other things. Maybe you should, I don't know, spend your time talking about people you like and admire instead of talking about us?

Anonymous said...

It seems like someone's got a case of megalomania. Wanting to dictate people what topics they're allowed to talk about.

kapunua said...

Reading those comments on ONTD, that date back to January, it looks like that person was in the know. They said that the band had broken up even back then. Pretty much stands to reason that the other stuff they said was true, too (Gerard being on drugs, being a deadbeat Dad, etc.) And Mikey being a huge scuzz, well, that's obviously true.

Most of us were calling this years ago. It's just nice to blow raspberries at the people who were so obsessed with this band that they took these observations so personally as to flip their crap at people.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya guys, how are you all?

Hi Siobhan, long time no see, how have ya been?

Most of us were calling this years ago. It's just nice to blow raspberries at the people who were so obsessed with this band that they took these observations so personally as to flip their crap at people.

*looks wistful* Oh yes K, the memories.

I can't believe these celebrities put their lives online then are surprised when people actually see it. Can't help but have a smug smile when it all falls apart cos they brought it on themselves.

Anonymous said...

Most of us were calling this years ago. It's just nice to blow raspberries at the people who were so obsessed with this band that they took these observations so personally as to flip their crap at people.

I feel so vindicated. I wasn't one of the people at Mayo's, but I got so much crap from the fandom on LJ after making an observation regarding Gerard's behavior at Projekt Revolution, I had to delete my journal. Just because I said he acted like he was either drinking or on drugs again, which I'm convinced he was.

I haven't listened to MCR in years, but I am thoroughly enjoying this breakup, and I'll talk about it as long as it suits me to do so. People who don't like that can fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that some of you are every bit as emotionally vested as the "fans".

Just an observation.

Anonymous said...

It seems like someone's got a case of megalomania

You are funny at times *_~

kapunua said...

Hiya, Misty! And, yup, too right you are.

Anonymous said...

What kind of person revels in someone else's grief? What horrible lives you must all lead that you find pleasure from others' pain.

MCR changed the world. They touched so many people in so many ways. Not only did they save lives, they instilled a sense of community in their fans, inspired them to be creative, and set some of them on new and exciting paths.

They will be sorely missed, but they will not be forgotten. As for Gerard, I'm sure he has something big planned for his future. I don't think you've seen the last of him yet. :)

kapunua said...

What kind of person revels in someone else's grief? Hmm. How about racists, sexists, and transphobes? You know, like MCR?

Anonymous said...

MCR changed the world. They touched so many people in so many ways.

My God, are you deluded. What did they change? The way people applied their eyeliner or the big revelation that you can use Sharpies to write silly messages on yourself?

That's why nobody takes you lot seriously! That's why nobody took the band seriously! Because you take yourselves too seriously!

Not only did they save lives,

Whose lives did they save? Yours? What a pity that you people can't give yourselves credit for saving your own lives. What a pity that you seem to be dependent on some knight in shining armor to rescue you.
You're only projecting your own will to stay alive onto some band and a statement they once made to lure impressionable, vulnerable teenagers into buying their shit and make the band look as if they really care.
For an avid MCR fan, you don't seem to keep track on their interviews because if you would, then you would have read the interview in SPIN magazine in which he retracts that statement.

Gerard:"[Sobriety] became such a thing," he says. "It was so goddamn important to everyone but me. You start to feel like the two guys in the Smiths who wanted to eat cheeseburgers but had to pretend not to. I understand that kids look up to me, that some people might have gotten sober because of me. But it's not an important thing for me anymore."

SPIN: "You're no one's savior, you mean."

"Hell no." He pauses. "But that was a fun image to play with. Because even if you miss the mark, you're probably gonna be a pretty remarkable person. Shoot for savior, and end up being rad."

"Fun image to play with."






It was an image they gave themselves to sell records. And they found it funny. And to top it off, he even admits that it was not about the fans and saving them from whatever they needed or wanted to be saved from. It was about HIM being RAD!!!
To feel good about himself.
It's not about you and your silly little life!

It's not about you with Gerard Way. It never is about you. It's always about Gerard Way.
How stupid do you have to be to not see that???

they instilled a sense of community in their fans, inspired them to be creative, and set some of them on new and exciting paths

Yeah, being creative with their death threats.
That sense of community that makes you gang up on others and bully them on the internet. Force them to delete their accounts on social network sites. Spreading lies.

Yeah, you're right!!!


Anonymous said...

i'm standing here on the ground, the sky above won't fall down ♪

kapunua said...

"Fun image to play with."

WOW. Somehow I missed the douchiest of all of his quotes. SMH

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss T.!! How are you? I hope things are well? Lont time, no read :)

WOW. Somehow I missed the douchiest of all of his quotes. SMH

Unbelievable, right? That asshole doesn't even realize how he gives himself away in his interviews. That happens to liars.
They can't keep up with the shit they made up days, weeks, months or years ago.

I bet he still has a good laugh about all the kids who still believe this nonsense.

kapunua said...

"Let me just toy with your feelings for a while... Ahhh that was fun, thanks for the money! Suckers!"


Anonymous said...

What's really funny is that MCR loonies have started a petition to make them go on a 'farewell' tour.

Nobody even thinks about that Danger Days was a flop and that they might have been let go by Warner because of it. I mean, why would a record company agree with one of their cash cows breaking up if they could milk them some more? Apparently, they were of no use to them anymore.

And who would sponsor that farewell tour to begin with? The band doesn't have any money for that.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable, right? That asshole doesn't even realize how he gives himself away in his interviews. That happens to liars.
They can't keep up with the shit they made up days, weeks, months or years ago.

^This, a million times.

Anonymous said...

SPIN: "You're no one's savior, you mean."

"Hell no." He pauses. "But that was a fun image to play with. Because even if you miss the mark, you're probably gonna be a pretty remarkable person. Shoot for savior, and end up being rad."

I think you misread his meaning. What you don't seem to understand is that being a "savior" was such a burden on him. I don't think he was trying to say he made the whole thing up about saving lives, he was simply saying that he gave it his best shot but realized he was only human after all. He was being modest. And isn't modesty considered to be a desirable trait, especially coming from a rock superstar?

He thinks it's "rad" that his band could save so many lives and influence so many fans in such a positive way, but he felt so much empathy and so much pressure, he just couldn't keep it up. Why is it that people always keep wanting more?

He's only a man. A talented, well-intentioned, often misunderstood goofball of a man, and his true fans understand that.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to add silly 5:24 :)

Anonymous said...

Lol, someone has itchy fingers....

Anonymous said...

I thought Gerard's letter explaining the end of MCR was ridiculous. I think a lot of people knew MCR were over when DD came out. That record simply sucked ass.

"Because it is not a band-
it is an idea."

This line made me laugh. It was like something out of Batman Begins.

Anonymous said...

Or The Producers...

Anonymous said...

He could have ended it with

"The Castle Aaahhhgggg

Our quest is at an end.”

kapunua said...

He's only a man. A talented, well-intentioned, often misunderstood goofball of a man, and his true fans understand that.

*Dying laughing*

Yeah, those sexist, racist, transphobic people who tweet obscenities and voilent threats to little girls on Twitter, they are so well-intentioned!

He's a sociopath. And a stupid one at that. It's just a shame that so many people can't see how thick he is, and how ugly his intentions always were.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those sexist, racist, transphobic people who tweet obscenities and voilent threats to little girls on Twitter

Show me one instance where Gerard Way has said anything sexist, racist, or transphobic. You cannot.

On twitter, his so called "violent threat" was in response to a fan ceaselessly nagging him about his wife (you can't help falling in love, by the way, and you don't choose who it happens with) and accusing him of things he didn't do.

I take issue with his remarks on twitter being misconstrued as violent in the first place. How can you smash someone's face over the internet? It's not possible. It was a joke.

kapunua said...

Show me one instance where Gerard Way has said anything sexist, racist, or transphobic. You cannot.

Read this blog, dummy.

On twitter, his so called "violent threat" was in response to a fan ceaselessly nagging him about his wife

No it wasn't.

I take issue with his remarks on twitter being misconstrued as violent in the first place.

Sucks to be you.

How can you smash someone's face over the internet? It's not possible. It was a joke.

Which is how all misogynists defend their violent threats.

kapunua said...

By the way, this probably isn't the right blog for you. The people here aren't brean-dead fanpoodles. There's critical thinking going on here, and people being mindful of how women and minorities are treated. You're not going to sway anyone into thinking your idols are any sort of healthy, forward thinking people. You're just wasting your time and you'd probably be happier among more thoughtless people who are okay with their sort of behavior.

Anonymous said...

On twitter, his so called "violent threat" was in response to a fan ceaselessly nagging him about his wife (you can't help falling in love, by the way, and you don't choose who it happens with) and accusing him of things he didn't do.

Oh, now it's getting interesting here. Won't you tell me in detail what I allegedly said on Twitter????

Yes, I am that fan you're talking about! I didn't know that I was a fan until now. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I also didn't know that I was ceaselessly nagging him about his wife. That's new to me as well. But thanks for clearing that up for me.

I didn't know that I was accusing him of things he didn't do, either!! Tsass! There you go on Twitter and tell a sexist pig that he's a sexist pig and you have all the evidence and stuff, but it seems I just dreamt that and accused an innocent person of things he didn't do.
Life's weird!@~@

I take issue with his remarks on twitter being misconstrued as violent in the first place. How can you smash someone's face over the internet? It's not possible. It was a joke.

Misconstrued! Uh-huh! Interesting...

What you don't seem to get (and, obviously, you don't get of things)is that Gerard's death threat (and it doesn't matter if this person is able to actually carry out that plan) was also a cue for his fansheep to start bullying/harassing me on Twitter. His hash tag #dieslow was an indication for that. Because hash tags are made in hope that people will catch on and retweet those things. In case you didn't know!

Your idol is a sexist, painfully stupid bully who abuses his power to muzzle people who confront him with the truth. That's what you're admiring.

Start using your brain!

kapunua said...

^ And there you go, fansheep anon. And that is just on Twitter. That's not even counting the gross things Gerard has said to and about women during his live shows.

Anonymous said...

All those violent internet threats scared the living shit out of me. I threw out all of my diet Dr. pepper cans after that one threat of violence. I took it that seriously.

Anonymous said...

I'll smash your face in for 6 bucks and a diet dr. pepper

I wouldn't take that threat seriously if the person saying it were standing right in front of me.

That's like telling someone to go play in traffic or fuck off and die. No reasonable person would think that was a serious threat to their life.

kapunua said...

It's nice that you're okay with Gerard bullying people, anon. Run along.

Anonymous said...

On twitter, his so called "violent threat" was in response to a fan ceaselessly nagging him about his wife (you can't help falling in love, by the way, and you don't choose who it happens with) and accusing him of things he didn't do.

You really have your head in the clouds.

Anonymous said...

I take issue with his remarks on twitter being misconstrued as violent in the first place. How can you smash someone's face over the internet? It's not possible. It was a joke

Funny about that anon, as people who are not celebrities get in serious trouble with the authorities over similar type comments.

Anonymous said...

All those violent internet threats scared the living shit out of me. I threw out all of my diet Dr. pepper cans after that one threat of violence. I took it that seriously.

You are missing the point: the point is threatening anyone over the internet is unacceptable especially when you have the 12 -16 year old age group hanging off your every word and see you as some sort of a hero.

Anonymous said...

Start using your brain!

I'm afraid they missed the boat on that one.

Anonymous said...

He's only a man. A talented, well-intentioned, often misunderstood goofball of a man, and his true fans understand that

You got it all wrong! He was a young boy and his father to him into the city, to see a marching band:)

Anonymous said...

Then his father looked him in the eyes and asked him
son when you grow up will you be the saviour of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?

Anonymous said...

...and make some easy moolahs along the way ♩

Anonymous said...

RIP Margaret Thatcher.

Anonymous said...

Thatcher never gave a shit about the normal, working class people of Britain, and her party, the Tories, are exactly the same. They are kicking the shit out of us. So excuse me for not being too upset at her passing.

Anonymous said...

While I am not wanting to celebrate her death. 6.14 is absolutely correct. It was great that there was a woman in power, because having a woman in power was such a unique achievement in the late 70's. However, some of the decisions she made were devastating to the working classes. That won't ever be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

In other, non MCR related news, the BAFTA noms are out, and my baby Ben was nominated for Richard II.

I met him last week after seeing Peter and Alice, and he was so lovely, although he seemed so tired. The play was stunning, but so sad, and all the performances were amazing. I will be haunted by it for a while.

kapunua said...

4:29, that is so cool!

Anonymous said...

In other, non MCR related news

The best news, of course!

Anonymous said...

I'm green with envy, 4:29! Is he as shy and awkward as everyone says he is? from what I see on tumblr, he seems very willing to meet fans, take pictures with them, and sign autographs. I'm a little surprised by this since he has the reputation for being a socially awkward recluse.

People on tumblr seem to think he's too ~delicate, and that the pressures of having so many fans is going to send him into some kind of emotional meltdown. People on tumblr are crazy though. What's your take on that?

Anonymous said...

This blog is hilarious. You deluded fansheep with your white British male saviors. All of them from upper class backgrounds and reeking of privilege. You think your Tom Hardys and Bendydick Cummerbunds are perfect when they never had to struggle for anything. Unlike the Way brothers and Frank Iero, who come from working class backgrounds. Who gives two fucks about a stuffy old bafta. Nothing but privileged white guys patting themselves on the back for reciting Shakespeare in funny clothes. They are irrelevant in today's world.

Anonymous said...

Au contraire . Edward Thomas Hardy had to struggle through alcoholism, crack cocaine addiction and various arrests. One for stealing a Mercedes and taking it on a joy ride. Luckily his parents were well-to-do and bought his way out of some of those struggles for him.

I don't see the attraction of Benedict Cumberbatch. He's not that great of an actor and he looks like a less attractive version of a younger Dennis Quaid.

Anonymous said...

I realize you're a troll, 9:51, but you might want to get your "Bens" straight. The Ben nominated for a BAFTA is Whishaw -- Benjamin Whishaw, not Benedict Cumberbatch.

You're also wrong about him coming from a "privileged" background. His family was working class. No Eton or Cambridge for Ben Whishaw. He put himself through RADA (after community college) by doing commercials and other small acting gigs.

Also laughing pretty hard at your "reciting Shakespeare in funny clothes".

Anonymous said...

That 's correct. Hardy and Cumberbatch are the pompous ass thespians of British privilege. Both are overrated. Ben Whishaw is not. He's hot. So is Johnny Lee Miller. He's a much better actor than Cumberbatch could ever be. Even in funny clothes.

Anonymous said...

In the reason this blog was started news, did anyone get the MCR breakup issue of Kerrang? Thoughts. Opinions. Any?

Anonymous said...

Lol at you defending Tom Hardy by listing his addictions and scrapes with the law. Oh, the horror! The poor boy! How did he ever survive?

It sounds to me like he's a spoiled rotten brat who let his daddy fix his problems for him. I doubt he'll ever grow up and will be back on drugs just like you love to claim Gerard is.

Who even is this Ben Wishaw person.? I never even heard of him.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how anyone can call Tom Hardy overrated. I think he's an amazing actor. So is Benedict Cumberbatch, even though he is something of an overly privileged snob. He was still great in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

It's your loss that you haven't heard of Ben Whishaw, 12:13. He's one of the most talented actors I've seen. You should watch Richard II.

kapunua said...

The trolls aren't even trying very hard today, are they? :/ I'm disappointed, trolls.

Anonymous said...

How are you feeling Kapunua? It can only be about 5 or 6 weeks to go, yes?

Anonymous said...

We get some really lame trolls here. They're always so blatant. I think they should go to troll school and learn some subtlety. ;)

Anonymous said...

12:12 you read Kerrang? Lol.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about you 9:51, but I think the Tom Hardys and "Bendydick" Cummerbunds have more talent in their little pinkies than some American scruffy arsses in bands.

Anonymous said...

And...Shakespeare ROCKS

Anonymous said...

I think they should go to troll school and learn some subtlety. ;)

Maybe they flunked out ;

kapunua said...

Yup, about 5 weeks to go. :) Scary!

Anonymous said...

I remember feeling the same way Kapunua.

Anonymous said...

The last 2 weeks his head was so low it started giving me problems, and I was well over the whole pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

1:23 knows how most everyone feels about her almost everyday now. Empathy was today's lesson. Everyone failed. Sucks to be you.

Anonymous said...

Typical. Anyone who doesn't agree with the mob mentality here is a troll. Y'all are pathetic

kapunua said...

Yeah, I know the last month, really, is supposed to be pretty hard. Lately his noggin is headbutting my obturator nerve. Combine that with the relaxin hormone that is making my hips act all wonky, and it's just throbbing, shooting pains in the thighs, and that occasional "dead leg" that just goes out from under you. DDDD: That's not fun!

A few days ago, I got another check from HitRECord. Some of it was for my Dad's song. I made a video saying that I wanted to spend the dough on something artistic for the baby, to have that connection. Anyway, JGL left me a really nice comment with a little heart. ^_^ Aww, so sweet!

I'm trying to think of something meaningful I can buy for BB with the money. Maybe a musical toy or something.

Anonymous said...

I did the thing where my hips would just not work in the last couple of months of my pregnancy. I'd be walking along, and then all of a sudden it was like my hip wouldn't lock and my leg would just give way. It was really scary because you're afraid of falling anyway.

Are you having trouble sleeping at night because of the pressure on your hips? I kept having to change sides so many times during the night that I finally gave up and slept in a recliner.

Fun times. ;)

kapunua said...

Same thing! Walking along, and then BAM, like getting shot in the thigh. Instant pain and no muscle control.

It's starting to get to the point where it's hard to sleep. I can go for a few hours, but then I have to switch sides. Which is just as well, because usually by then I have to pee anyway. ^_^;;

Anonymous said...

I never got the hip thing, maybe I was lucky.

Though he was so low he felt like he was going to pop out, and eating, sleeping and even peeing was just downright uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

I love all the weird and wonderful people Great D takes on a ride with him!

Anonymous said...

Music for the night: Sasha Xpander

kapunua said...

I screencapped the comment that Joe left me. Aww he even put a little heart. So nice!

(Yes, I screencap all the comments he leaves for me. It's like getting a high-five from your boss. ^_^ )

Anonymous said...

Belly dancing

9 April 4:29 PM said...

kapunua said...
4:29, that is so cool!

Thank you. It was very cool. I go to the theatre often, but I rarely hang out at stage doors, as I'm not one to fawn over celebrities, and I can be socially awkward at times. I probably would have just gone on my way having gotten a glimpse of him, but I brought my courage that night. So glad I did.

On the subject of cool: the special comment you received from JGL was sub-zero! You must be over the moon. :D

Is he as shy and awkward as everyone says he is? from what I see on tumblr, he seems very willing to meet fans, take pictures with them, and sign autographs...People on tumblr seem to think he's too ~delicate, and that the pressures of having so many fans is going to send him into some kind of emotional meltdown. People on tumblr are crazy though. What's your take on that?

I wouldn't call it shyness, exactly. He's definitely not an extrovert, but I didn't see any of the awkwardness he sometimes displays in interviews.

He was patient and methodical with fans who lined up at the stage door to meet him, making time for every one of them. He's the sort who looks you directly in the eye and listens to what you have to say, and he seems genuinely moved by fans' appreciation. He is oddly ego-less; the comments he seemed to enjoy most were those relating to the play as a whole rather than just his performance.

I don't see him as being particularly delicate or frail - thin, yes, but sinewy. He was obviously tired and emotionally drained after the performance, but happy. There were no signs of an impending meltdown, so people on tumblr should calm down.

Who even is this Ben W(h)ishaw person.? I never even heard of him.

How sad for you. You don't know what you're missing.

Anonymous said...

Yup, about 5 weeks to go. :) Scary!

Yes it is scary, but also very, very exciting! I think it's good that us pregnant ladies feel so utterly uncomfortable and crap and sleep deprived at the end, because that is the pure fire and drive to make us think bring it on labour, you fucker! You really want to have the pain because you know it will be over and your beautiful baby will be here. Bring it on!

Oh, and all the shitty nights sleep leading up to baby arriving, is the body's natural preparation for shitty nights sleep to come! But those ones are better because you are fuelled by pure adrenaline, and love. For about 6 weeks. Then it runs out and you become a zombie! Haha!

You'll be great Kapunua. I wish you all the very best.

Anonymous said...

Anyone here ever watched Cosmos by Carl Sagan?

Having a space night tonight with all the pals cause we love Carl and the Vangelis so much!

Anonymous said...

Yes to what 2:58 has said and also bear in mind Kapunua, your body is preparing for birth, so all your ligaments are softening to allow for this.

Anonymous said...

Not all babies are poor sleepers!

Anonymous said...

Also love the Vangelis score to Blade Runner.

Music is like poetry...without the words :)

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kapunua said...


Thank you. It was very cool. I go to the theatre often, but I rarely hang out at stage doors, as I'm not one to fawn over celebrities, and I can be socially awkward at times. I probably would have just gone on my way having gotten a glimpse of him, but I brought my courage that night. So glad I did.

That's so neat. I wish we had some kind of theaterish thing out here in the sticks. I'm glad you were courageous and went up to him, too. I think that for fans who just want to share a moment to say "thank you, great performance," that can be very nice and chill. It's really kind of actors and actresses to take a moment to accept that thanks, as well. :)

On the subject of cool: the special comment you received from JGL was sub-zero! You must be over the moon. :D

He is just constantly oh-so-nice. It's funny, when I met him, I wasn't even waiting around to meet him. I was checking train schedules to figure out how the heck to get home, and I grabbed the first person I saw to ask for directions to Penn station and it happened to be Joe and his best friend Jared. Too funny. I'm so glad I got to chat with him and I'm always so happy that he's accessible to artists online, too.

Famous people don't have to be this nice and obliging. It's always a little extra into the deal when they are. ^_^

Currently Tom Hardy is filming in Brooklyn and so many of my friends have met him. I know I'd never last the 2 hour train ride to go and meet him, but man, I'd really like to. Everyone says he is the sweetest person.


Yes it is scary, but also very, very exciting! I think it's good that us pregnant ladies feel so utterly uncomfortable and crap and sleep deprived at the end, because that is the pure fire and drive to make us think bring it on labour, you fucker! You really want to have the pain because you know it will be over and your beautiful baby will be here. Bring it on!

That's what I was thinking! By the time it comes around, I'll just be like, "All right, let's get through this. I am so finished. I want my hips back, thank you."

I'm actually okay with waking in the middle of the night. I usually wake up a few times anyway to check on the dogs every time they make a single move or sound. Haku's seizures have gotten me used to this, because he tends to have him when he's asleep and I'm fast asleep too. So I can get up at 4 AM, take care of a seizuring dog, get him cleaned up and medicated, take him for a walk, and then go back to sleep. It's not the most pleasant reason to wake up, but I've done it a bunch of times. I guess it will be nicer to wake up to nothing more than a fussy, hungry baby. ^_^


Anyone here ever watched Cosmos by Carl Sagan?

Having a space night tonight with all the pals cause we love Carl and the Vangelis so much!

I haven't seen that series yet. I LOVE Carl Sagan. "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." That quote made my head explode when I heard it. If I ever got a quote tattooed on me, it would be that one.

Yes to what 2:58 has said and also bear in mind Kapunua, your body is preparing for birth, so all your ligaments are softening to allow for this.

This is true. I'm hypermobile to begin with, especially in my fingers, back and hips. In this instance, that's more of a curse than a blessing, because my sacrum is literally coming apart at the seams. O_O One little wrong move and it's twisted in opposite directions. Ugh!

Well hopefully soon, all will be well. :D

Anonymous said...


My website -

Anonymous said...

Kapunua if your are going to give yourself a gift, go get the box set of Cosmos and watch it.

Even though it may appear dated with some of the visuals, the science is still solid.

The way Carl explains the most complex science is astonishing. He really humanized science, made it interesting so you became curious, and also introduced the concept of our interconnectedness with the most abstract of things.

He was a great scientist and made he an iconic series.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the soundtrack is absolutely gorgeous, from classical pieces to ambient electronic it adds to the visual presentation.

kapunua said...

I might look that up. Actually, I might check if it's on Netflix. :D

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