That last post is hard to scroll through but I hope some of you read it.
I decided to make a shorter post for easier access. This time just to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. Congratulations to the women on this board who are pregnant.
Happy holidays to all of you and your families.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 950 Newer› Newest»Why were you artificially inseminated if you're not a lesbian?
I'm not 10:05 but it's OK with me as long as 2 loving parents are involved and a strong male and a strong female figure is involved in the life of the child.
I disagree. I know a lesbian couple who adopted a boy. They both lived far away from their families and it was just the two of them. He's on his way to college these days, couldn't be happier.
And one of my first Hula teachers married his long-term boyfriend. Two years ago, they adopted two boys. It's just Daddy and Papa and the two boys, and they are extremely happy.
Then there are people who get divorced, or whose spouse dies. Are they bad parents too?
And obviously, there are M/F couples who stay married for life, but are miserable, unhappy people who go on to raise miserable, unhappy children.
It has nothing to do with gender, or how many men or women are around the children. It has to do with how they are raised, whether that's by one person, two people, two women, two men, or LGBT couples. There are also Single Dads By Choice too!
Why were you artificially inseminated if you're not a lesbian?
I already answered that, but in case you missed it:
I had an offer for "fresh" sperm as it were, but in the end, it wasn't worth it to me because I didn't want that kind of commitment in my life. Also because with a donor, I know his exact medical history and his family's medical history. He's been tested for everything under the sun and then some, not just stds, but genetic diseases that most people don't even know they carry.
As well as many other reasons too. It was just the best decision for me and for the potential health of the future child.
I do understand that some women are artificially inseminated with their husbands or boyfriends sperm. But a stranger's sperm. That seems so creepy to me. To have a part of someone you've never met and don't care about inside of you. It's so fake. So cold. So artificial.
Well personally I think this is an interesting discussion and I am not going to judge any one person for deciding to have a child, I think it's beautiful. As long as the child is loved and cared for and cherished who cares what sex the person is who's bringing it into the world?? Many children can only wish for a parent who wants them so bad that they'll do anything to have them.
Plus I find this whole thing interesting.
I do understand that some women are artificially inseminated with their husbands or boyfriends sperm. But a stranger's sperm. That seems so creepy to me.
Your lack of apostrophes is creepy to me, so I guess we're even. :)
There is no love involved. No passion and no lust. No emotion. It's like a business decision. An acquisition of sperm. I can't get past that.
10:21, thanks. I have no problem discussing it because I think it's neat. I love what science can do, and I never want my kid to feel like there's anything wrong with how he came to be.
When he's old enough to understand it, it'll be his decision to talk about it or not. Because then it's not my story anymore, it's his.
10:23, it definitely wasn't the fun way. I had to drive over an hour to get to the place at 7 AM, too, so there was no "fun" involved in it. However, that has no bearing at all on the life of the child.
Also, I'm not overly concerned with what you can or can't get past.
Anyway... What DID you get for Christmas, Kapu? Did you get any baby stuff at all? I'd be annoyed if ALL I got was baby stuff.
What about adoption 10:23? Is there lust and passion in that, or is that a business transaction to you too?
10:31, oh man, let's see. I got a cozy sweater, a calendar, a painting of a girl with a Saluki, and some cute earrings. A candle holder, some tree ornaments, a book, and a onesie for the baby that says "the force is strong in this one." :)
I also got a onesie that says "I'm being raised by wolves." So cute.
The video game I actually got for my b'day. ^_^
And tomorrow I think I'm going to buy LOOPER for myself!
What did you get, anon?
I got a sweater too! Haha from Old Navy. And some jammies. Books, CDs, and a membership to a gym that I asked for. All in all good Christmas!
Mine is from Target, love it! In fact, it's this one only in charcoal. :)
JGL has a tight little body. Just an observation.
Pics of prezzies and Crimbo holidays in here. :)
Oh, I have to tell you. Boychild is so excited that there's going to be another baby. He got a little confused and started telling his schoolmates that he was having a baby brother, which made all the teachers look at my cousin like, "Uh... what?"
But now he's gathering up all of his clothes, and he's cleaning all the toys he doesn't play with anymore so he can give them to the baby. He says he's going to teach it all the important things, like how to play video games and how to paint. "Because babies don't know these things." He also says I should name it Link, "the best hero name ever," and is coming up with all different sizes it might be when it comes out. God, I hope he's wrong about that last one!
It's hilarious.
SHOOT, I'm sorry, I forgot I set that on private. I'll put prezzie pics up elsewhere one of these days. :)
Shutting down trolls with honesty logic and humor... since 2007. At the end of the day they have nothing. At the end of the day they ARE nothing.
LOL now I have "At The End Of The Day" from Les Mis stuck in my head. :)
I'm a single mom. Not by choice -- my husband died. But, I've raised my kids by myself and done a damn fine job of it, even if I do say so myself. My kids are happy and have never really wanted for anything.
My son asked me when he was about seven when he was going to get a "new dad", but I told him his mom would have to do the job of both. He was okay with that. Now he's a teenager and he's happy with just mom. I couldn't ask for a better son. He has never been in trouble and he gets all honors in school. My older daughter is in grad school.
So yeah. All your B.S. about a "strong male figure" is just that. B.S.
I'm buying Looper for myself too. I did get a copy of Lawless for Christmas. I also got a ton of Regal Cinema gift cards. I love movies. :D
Hear hear, 12:16. And I'm so sorry for your loss. They're not trying to hurt you--even though they are saying dumb, judgmental things--they're just trying to rile me. Brush them off and have a good laugh at them. That's what I do. :)
12:25, I got Lawless, too! I've watched it 3 times since I got the DVD already. :D
I think kids need someone in their corner who loves them. It doesn't matter if that person is male or female. They just need at least one strong parent and lots of love and they'll be okay.
Lawless is so good. The script is not without its flaws, but the performances are amazing. Tom Hardy and Jessica Chastain really impressed me. Of course Gary Oldman was terrific (as always), and Guy Pearce was really fucking creepy. I even thought Shia Labeouf was good, and I don't usually like him.
^ Same. There were parts of Lawless that irked me, as there are parts of every film that irk me. And I'll admit, I had to watch parts of it with my hands over my eyes, peeking to see when certain scenes were going to be over! O_O;; But it was really awesome. I can't wait to see Looper again, too!
Anyway, here are a ton of holiday pics, including a pic of my adorable new earrings (inspired by events at HitRECord, hehe) and also my last ultrasound pic is in the mix. (I say last because I don't want to have anymore. Just in case.)
It looks like you had a great holiday, Kapunua. Your family looks so happy. :)
I think your little boy will be very lucky to have such a strong mom, and such a loving family to grow up in.
Thanks, 1:34. That means a lot. ^_^
Children do need both male and female roll models in their lives.
I suppose the Pillsbury Dough Boy needed "roll models". Personally, I don't think dressing up like a roll and modeling would do my kids any good. ;)
Oh my God, why does tumblr have to spoil everything? I'm so pissed off right now.
JSYK, Cloud Atlas has leaked somewhere, and there are spoilery gifs everywhere you look. Fuck people. This always happens with films I haven't seen yet. :(
Oh no! That sucks, I hate that! Anon, I know it's too late, but I hope you'll get Tumblr Savior. I use it and I blacklist the name of anything I want spoiled. I also blacklist the word "spoilers."
Of course, that only works if people tag their spoilers. :/
Deeply moved by the works of James Turrell.
"Light-eaters". Absolutely.
Hiya guys, how are you all?
I hope you all had a great new years. I managed to break my toe with a vase a couple of mins after midnight so that was a great start to the year. No booze involved unfortunately, might have hurt less if there was.
K, it must be so reassuring to have had the sperm tested for so many things. You must have more peace of mind on health issues than people who get pregnant the traditional way. Do you find that the extra planning needed to do it this way makes you feel more reassured that everything has been considered and things are running to plan?
I've thought about what I'd do if I got broody and wasn't in a relationship. I've thought that I'd even go a step further and use a surrogate. I get scared about what could go wrong and I think I'd prefer for someone whos had a proven track record in safely carrying children to do the job. They do say that each one you have gets easier but I dunno if that's true. But if it is, I'd prefer someone who's had kids before to carry my child.
I know people who have kids say it's a wonderful feeling to have a life inside you. I'm not the maternal kind and I've always thought having something growing inside you was more like an alien film than wonderful.
I guess that's just me.
Misty, I would have LOVED to have someone else carry it for me. LOL! In fact, adoption was my first choice, but there was no way I could afford that.
It's been kicking me in the bladder on and off and that's pretty uncomfy and weird.
But yeah, it is really reassuring to have had all those tests done, on me and on him. :)
Welp, that's me at 21 weeks!
Kapunua, you look slimmer than me at my post Xmas binge weight! Good on you! Hope this pregnancy progresses smoothly and all goes well. It all looks very promising.
Carrying babies is tough, giving birth is tougher, albeit shorter! Raising kids is the toughest thing ever, but the most rewarding. You are in for a lot of wonderful times ahead.
Hope the toe mends soon Miss T. Which one did you break? I only stubbed mine badly, and it took atleast 3 months to be pain free. Good luck.
Happy New Year everyone.
Thank you, 2:31! Yeah, I guess that's true. I am in for some sleepless nights. Probably for the rest of my life. :)
Misty, I totally missed that you broke your toe. O_O OMG how breathtakingly painful. Owie.
complicating circulating new life new life, operating generating, new life new life ♪
Kapunua it was a similar experience for me. After months of chucking up I was rail thin up until the 6th month when everything started popping out.
Sounds about right! :)
Having now gone through all of it Kapunua, I would do it all over again :)
^I've heard that said a lot. :) Me, I'm already 40 and I don't want to take the chance again. Also, I've only got the one spare bedroom and not enough spare $$ to give two children a good life. One will have to do for me.
But that's fine, because my cousin's kid across the street is already thinking of this as his "baby brother." So he's already got a pal. :D
That's so sweet Kapunua!
I'm really happy for you.
At this time of the year I also reassess my financial goals and the contributions I make to varying institutions and I would encourage anyone here to consider making regular donations if possible and within your means, to organizations doing very important work such as Save the Children or UNICEF :)
^I've heard that said a lot. :) Me, I'm already 40 and I don't want to take the chance again. Also, I've only got the one spare bedroom and not enough spare $$ to give two children a good life. One will have to do for me.
Kapunua, one treasured baby is absolutely enough. (Obviously, it is great to have more, too, if the situation allows it). But, weighing up the pros and cons, to have just one is so damn fab! It is going to be so massively life altering in the best way possible.
It is hard to explain the feeling to people who have never had babies, what a feeling it is, when the baby is there and you are it's everything. But also, what people have never had, they have never missed. So I am sure childless adults, in that way, are OK with it (if it was their choice).
But, now that you are actually having a baby, I can genuinely say that this is going to be the best effing thing you have done EVER multiplied by infinity. And you won't realise that until it happens, you just can't. I guess that is the way the body works.
Good luck.
And cousins are great, they are like siblings. That's really lovely.
Giving birth certainly is a eye-opening experience, especially without major medical intervention!
You realize after just how strong and incredible our bodies actually are.
Anyone done natural? Because that's what I want to do. Not as any sort of rite of passage, but because it's hard for me to even take a pill if I feel sick. The less intervention for me, in general, the better.
Still, it doesn't look like much fun! LOL!
Cousins are the best. I grew up with mine and we are still the best of friends.
Anyone done natural?
I had minimal pain relief so it was pretty much so.
I must admit I'm pretty proud of myself for it, but I don't think any less of women who do have intervention because they might really need to, for their sake or the baby.
I agree. I know a lot of women who are 100% dead set against c-section and induction, and I sure don't want any of that, but if I'm in danger or the baby is, then you have to do what you have to do.
That's the best attitude to have Kapunua.
One thing I would recommend is to do pelvic floor exercises on a consistent basis.
They really do help :)
I was forty-one when I had my last child, and my doctor insisted on induction on the due date because of my age, despite the fact that I was healthy and there were no complications in my pregnancy. I think that happens a lot with older moms.
A word of warning -- if you do have labor induced, you probably will want to consider an epidural. The contractions are much harder and quicker, with little or no break in between. All the breathing and calming techniques I used with my earlier pregnancy flew out the window and I was basically just, "Oh my god, please do something to make this stop."
All things considered, the delivery was quick and uncomplicated, but painful as hell.
It's so hard to be your own advocate when doctors play the scare game. I can never tell when they're doing something for their convenience ("I don't want to deliver tomorrow, I have a golf tournament.") or when they're really concerned about something. I have a general mistrust of doctors.
But I'm more than willing to take steps I didn't want or plan on if there's no other safe way.
January 3, 2013 7:06 PM.....
Your lucky you had Cloud Atlas spoiled for you. I wish I had been spoiled before I went to see that stupid excuse of a movie and wasted 3 HOURS of my life I won't ever get back. It was Typical Hollywood Liberal Gay Agenda Crap. It even got in a jab at "big oil" but it never once mentions GOD. Only a lot of New Age Hooey. There is a reason that movie didn't do well. People don't want to spend there hard earned money on movies that push an agenda. Take my advice and don't see it. It's a waste of time and money.
It's so hard to be your own advocate when doctors play the scare game. I can never tell when they're doing something for their convenience ("I don't want to deliver tomorrow, I have a golf tournament.")
Exactly. I couldn't tell whether my doctor wanted to induce because of my age or just for his own convenience. Looking back, I think maybe it was the latter. I don't think maternal age is that big a deal if the mom is otherwise healthy, but doctors have so much power, and you feel like you have to follow their advice. It's frustrating when someone you don't completely trust has that kind of power over you. :/
I liked Cloud Atlas, and I don't see how it was pushing a gay agenda, and even if it were, so what? JFC. Films should have more gay characters, along with more people of color. Just my two cents.
I had a natural delivery, with no pain relief at all, it was pretty good. Obviously it was painful, and I was lucky to have a short labour. I found mentally focussing on something/anything worked really well. The mind is a strong place. But when you let go of that control you have lost, so it is really important to stay focussed. And the great thing was that I was out of hospital really quick, and driving as soon as I needed to. And honestly, I was fine to sit down after, slightly bruised, but nothing else. Amazing really.
Obviously, if medical intervention is needed, it is needed. I was happy that it didn't happen to me, but if it had then I would have had to deal with it.
A colleague of mine at work had a water birth, but in the hospital. That worked really well for her, as the pain is a bit dulled under water, but you aren't allowed any other pain relief at all if you are in the water. Also, I would be nervous about a water birth at home, or infact any birth at home, because shit does go wrong, and if it does help is needed ASAP.
I haven't seen Cloud Atlas yet, nor The Hobbit, nor Skyfall. But I will eventually.
Also I agree with 11:54 - pelvic floor exercises to the max!
Has anyone seen Amanda Palmer's blog on internet bullying? Well internet, and real life too. The comments are pretty inspiring also. HERE
God that video is so sad, the girl that killed herself. So sad.
I think my kids are the only ones on the planet who don't have a facebook. They can blame their "crazy mom" for it, but I don't care. No way I'm letting them put any of their personal information or pictures out there on the internet. The world is just too crazy and there are too many mean people out there.
I'm conflicted about a lot of things, but who knows how different the world will be when my own kid is old enough for FB? I don't use my real name anywhere and I wouldn't want my kid to, either.
I also like to tell myself that, when it comes to childbirth, I can deal with pain because I'll know it's not dangerous pain, and that it will end. But I've never felt it before, who knows? Maybe I'll totally flip out.
But maybe not. I like to think that just focusing on the fact that it will end at some point, and that it's not harming anything, might help.
Also, homophobic Cloud Atlas anon is a troll and should be laughed at as such and not taken seriously at all. :)
Kapunua I remember starting to get a tiny bit anxious as I was approaching my due date, and a good friend of mine told me to try not to tense up and practice breathing to release the tension.
She also told me not to fight the pain when it eventually happens but to "ride the wave" as much as I possibly could, as it releases your muscles and allows the baby to go down faster, not to mention minimizing any potential problems down there :)
Thomas Gibson arrested for drink driving. Isn't he friends with Gerard?
I don't know if he's friends with Gerard but he works with and is friends with Shemar Moore and Matthew Gray Gubler. What's your point?
It really is so disappointing about TG. :( Why do people never learn? It just kills me when people think they are awesome enough to get behind the wheel after they've been drinking. Like, they're just so cool it's totally okay for them to put other people in danger.
And like, I know homeboy has a couple of bucks in his pocket. Get a cab! Jesus. There's no excuse for that.
Yeah, I'm upset about Thomas Gibson's arrest too. Hasn't he got a bunch of kids? I don't know why people do things to endanger themselves and others like that, especially when they have families who depend on them. He needs to get his shit together.
don't be sad babycakes
Reading back a page, I'm sickened by the comments towards Kapunua.
I will say I'd rather think of a child being brought up by one smart as hell and responsible woman, than a child being brought up by two parents like Gerard and Lindsey, who have just proven themselves over and over to be ignorant assholes. Its not the amount of parents, it's the quality of them.
I'm sickened by your assumptions and comments about Gerard and Lyndsey Way. You don't know anything about their parenting skills. They've never done anything to call those skills into question and they've never come off as anything other than loving parents to their daughter.
Hiya guys, how are you all?
Aw bless K, look at you and your teeny weeny little belly. Your ickle acorn is just starting to bud.
Hope the toe mends soon Miss T. Which one did you break? I only stubbed mine badly, and it took atleast 3 months to be pain free. Good luck.
Thanks for the well wishes anon sweetie. It's the one next to my little toe. It's not purple anymore, it's turned gerish green, aren't bruises lovely.
When I went to the docs, I wouldn't let him touch it so I showed him a pic of it in all it's purply glory on my iphone LOL.
K, owie is the word, couldn't put it better myself LOL.
2:33 said...
And cousins are great, they are like siblings. That's really lovely.
You are so right, I have always thought of my cousins as brothers and sisters too.
Anon, my friend had a water birth for her second child. She said he popped out and floated to the top just like a cork.
Auwe, Misty, TY! <3 I'm up to the 5 month mark now. O_O Scary scary.
I had to laugh when you said that about your toe, because a client of mine broke his toe and did the same thing. Wouldn't let the doctor touch it, and wouldn't even let me look at it. He said "Just feeling someone's eyes on it is too painful!"
Heal up soon!
5:40, thank you. It is funny how it's okay for people to call my parenting skills into question, but not theirs.
It's true that I don't know anything about their personal lives. But I do know that in public they are bigots who have no problem saying sexist, racist things, and promoting violence towards women, laughing at LGBT stereotypes and other such really crappy things.
That is one thing I can promise I'll never do. My kid will be raised knowing that Mommy does not use, or laugh at, hate speech, oppression, or violence against women.
People assume a lot of things don't they 12:04?
People assume I wear extensions because my hair is so long and in good condition, when it's actually the real thing :)
And I'm on the same page as you 12:04, I think the criticism is unwarranted.
I also think what Kapunua is doing is wonderful, and wish her and her baby the best.
There really is no way around the fact that they use hate speech and find that hilarious.
Babies are just so gorgeous!
Kapunua you are going to love being a mother :)
I would love to have another one.
Let she who has never used hate speech cast the first stone. Be it mocking gender, race or religion. Hate speech is hate speech. Glass houses come crumbling down first.
I've witnessed a lot of hate speech here on this blog. I can hardly believe anyone is even trying to take the I'd never use hate speech road.
That shouldn't surprise you 12:39. It's often those who claim to be the most tolerant who are in actuality the least tolerant of different cultures, views and beliefs. I predict you and I will both be called trolls before the day is done.
Hunky Dory is the best album, next to Station to Station imo :)
Also discovered babies like to be rocked to sleep listening to Violator, of all albums!
the sweetest perfection to call my own ♫
There is a huge difference between "OMG u said a mean thing to me and u used the word idiot!!1111 WAHHH!" and actual, oppressive hate speech.
I've noticed that a lot of white people just love to pull the "BUT I'M OPPRESSED TOO! PPL SAY MEAN THINGS TO ME ALL THE TIME!!!111" card.
"Mean things" does not = "hate speech." You're not in an oppressed group. Being called an idiot or whatever on the internet (especially when, hello, you're acting like one by, I don't know, using hate speech, making fun of slavery, etc.) is not oppression.
And if what you're trying (and failing) to say is, "Hey, we've all made mistakes and learned to stop making them! Gerard and Lindsey have learned their lesson and will not be using hate speech or promoting violence against women anymore!" then I'd really like to ask where you learned this from? Because I haven't seen any apologies for either of them. Gerard for his godawful Twitter, which uses words against women and trans* people, and Lindsey for her long history of performing with a band whose sole source of LULZ seems to be hate speech.
And thank you, 6:09. :D That means a lot.
And thank you also, trolls. I'm making a video for HitRECord all about the road to motherhood and I'm including a section about how pregnant women (especially singles ones) get judged by ignorant people. So I've got lots of screencaps to add to my video now. :)
My, my goodness.
Imagine if you were trapped in a wall of flame and you had to protect your children, how would you react?
clea~en, you know what I mee~an ♪
♥ Dame Maggie Smith
Kapunua I'm giving you some handy advice as you are having a boy.
You need to learn to change that diaper really quickly - I mean really quick.
And have lots of wipe around!
LOL true! I know now they make these cloths you can put over them so you don't get sprayed. But when I was helping with my young cousin when he was a baby, we'd just use the front of the diaper to cover up any possible firehose activity while doing the rest of the cleanup quick. Not a bad idea! :D
Obama just signed the executive orders to reinstate the assault rifle ban, and also stricter gun control in general. It was pretty good. The rednecks are flipping out, which is also pretty good. ^_^
DId anyone else watch?
Obama just signed the executive orders to reinstate the assault rifle ban, and also stricter gun control in general.
Fantastic news, Kapunua!
There certainly is an art to it Kapunua, though it would help if my cheeky chops kept his legs still :)
Obama just signed the executive orders to reinstate the assault rifle ban, and also stricter gun control in general.
Fantastic news, Kapunua!
Obama didn't reinstate the assault rifle ban.
He doesn't have the power to do so. What he did do was ask congress to consider reinstating the assault rifle ban. They more likely than not won't. Too many congressmen on both sides of the aisle are gun owners and have gun owners as constituents.
Look at the map of all the gun owners in New York from the highly condemned New York Journal article.
Obama's executive order did cover
Issuing a presidential memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.
Addressing unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.
Improving incentives for states to share information with the background check system.
Directing the attorney general to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.
Proposing a rule making to give law enforcement authorities the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.
Publishing a letter from the A.T.F. to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.
Starting a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.
Reviewing safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
Issuing a presidential memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.
You can read more of what his executive order did and didn't do at
"Mr. Schroeder, known to all as Budd, has been a regular at pistol competitions in western New York for decades. He teaches gun safety and is a former board member of the National Rifle Association.
?Mr. Schroeder’s fellow gun enthusiasts at the pistol club, located near Buffalo, shared his outrage over the proposals, but were pessimistic about stopping them.
They said politicians needed to focus on keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill; making sure that people who have illegal guns and use them to commit crimes are properly punished; and improving security in schools. They said Mr. Cuomo’s proposal to ban more guns would not address the problem.
“It would outlaw most of the guns we shoot,” said Frank Bialy, a retired chemist who used to coach a high school rifle team. “What’s so frustrating is the people who are here obeying the law are the ones who pay all the prices when these crazy things happen.”
I didn't know that so many rednecks lived in New York. A high school rifle team? ^_~
"His plan calls on Congress to renew a prohibition on assault weapons sales that expired in 2004, require criminal background checks on all gun purchases, including closing a loophole for gun show sales, and pass a new federal gun trafficking law - long sought by big-city mayors to keep out-of-state guns off their streets.
He also announced 23 steps he intends to take immediately without congressional approval. These include improving the existing system for background checks, lifting the ban on federal research on gun violence, putting more counselors and "resource officers" in schools and better access to mental health services.
Unfortunately Congress won't reinstate the assault rifle ban. I've never understood why ordinary citizens would want one of those things in their homes. I do think that Congress will vote in favor of limiting the number of high capacity magazines that can be sold or bought in this country. That won't stop assault rifle owners from buying the magazines on Ebay , Amazon, or some other site.
The only few new things that the presidential executive order seems to do is give the government. FBI, and law enforcement more access to personal information including your medical records. Which I don't think is a good thing. It also promises more funding to research gun violence and mental health which i do think is a good thing.
In related news Ice-T tells President Obama "you'll have to pull my assault rifles from my cold dead hands." Dating game and Love Connection host agrees.
Obama just signed the executive orders to reinstate the assault rifle ban, and also stricter gun control in general. I Not.
Yes, I know it still has to pass congress, and I read the entire outline yesterday. I found it pretty ambitious. He did, however, sign the order to re-instate it. Whether or not it goes through is a different issue.
But I'm hopeful that it will pass. I know that there are a lot of rednecks, and they're noisy. But there is a lot of pressure this time around to tighten the laws and close the loopholes. I'm holding out hope that everyone will do the right thing this time.
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"My friends who hunt in Maine — virtually everyone uses a semi-automatic hunting rifle," King said, noting that he hasn't seen the president's proposal in writing. "I'd need to see how it's worded and how 'assault weapon' is defined. I think it's impossible to say yes or no until I know exactly what's on the table."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, said recently it's unlikely an assault weapons ban would actually pass the House of Representatives. Absent of action by Congress, all that remains are 23 executive orders Obama announced that apply only to the federal government, not local or state law enforcement.
Thanks for the further info, 2:40am.
Let's hope some of those proposals do come to fruition.
Hiya guys, how are you all?
He said "Just feeling someone's eyes on it is too painful!"
Oh god K, do I know that feeling. That sums it up perfectly.
I had to laugh though cos my friend came round on wednesday for a catch up and she's only just been able to get her shoes back on after breaking her toe at Christmas. We are all at it.
Woweeeee 5 month stage, over half way now, not long to go. Getting nervous yet?
My cousin who's waters broke super early had her baby a few days after Christmas and he's fine. They called him Aaron.
My uncle's girlfriend had his baby on Christmas eve and her hands are HUGE. I was telling my friend and she said her daughter had quite big hands and when she was a baby, one day they almost doubled in size overnight.
Babies are soooooooooooo weird.
Talking of nappy changing (I know you call them daipers), I was watching a tv show about reincarnation and there was this family where the child swore blind he was the reincarnation of his dad's dad, so he was his own granddad. His dad said one day he was changing his nappy when the kid says to him, "I remember when I used to change your nappy son".
OH MY GOD. You know, one of my clients was telling me about a TV show she watched where this toddler--TODDLER--who only just learned to speak, had suddenly picked up all of this knowledge of history out of nowhere. Like, not in school yet, can't read, hasn't watched The History Channel at all. And all of a sudden she knows all there is to know about a certain time period.
That kind of stuff freaks me right out. It's like, if there was reincarnation, what if somehow you didn't forget? Like in that movie with Robert Downey Jr., Chances Are. Anyone remember that one?
Nightmare journey, got stuck in a snow drift. Abandoned car and walked 4 miles through blizzards. Gonna have a cuppa char to recover.
Hi Miss T luv, you got snow?
Hi Kapunua, how are you feeling? Has the sickness stopped?
Pregnant anon, are you still about? You well petal?
Hullo to everyone else who happens to float by.
Toodle pip.
Jesus Welshie, that sucks! O_O Glad you're okay.
Yup, sickness is gone. Now, it's just having to pee every fifteen minutes, and some back aches at night. I am back up to my pre-pregnancy weight, too. :)
I know Miss T, nappy changing does sound icky but when it's your own son/daughter/little person you love, it's not too bad :)
Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen has sent my heart all aflutter with her suiting that resemble Ziggy Stardust circa 1973. Her art is simply magnificent.
Kapunua do you mind me asking if you are planning to breastfeed?
You don't have to respond if you don't want to :)
Anyone watching the Aus Open?
I am planning on it, 12:12. I know some women struggle with it, but I think it'll be okay. It's definitely my plan. :)
1:25, I saw that trending on Twitter yesterday and I kept thinking it said #AnusOpen and I was just like... what...?
^Lolz Kapunua!
I love watching the tennis.
Regarding breastfeeding, it's tough as hell. Some women are more able than others, and it has nothing to do with breast size. It is really down the individual firstly, but also some babies are way better at it than others. Strange as it sounds, it is the truth. And sometimes, even when you are established at it, some babies are just very, very greedy, and it's very demanding.
Anyway, good luck. And also, don't beat yourself up about it if it doesn't work for you. Mothers do, but they really shouldn't.
Thanks for the well wishes anon sweetie. It's the one next to my little toe. It's not purple anymore, it's turned gerish green, aren't bruises lovely.
Hi Miss T! That is the same one I stubbed! It does take a while to heal. Good luck (again) with that.
Nightmare journey, got stuck in a snow drift. Abandoned car and walked 4 miles through blizzards. Gonna have a cuppa char to recover.
I know Wales has been hit very hard with the snow, Welshie. Hope you are doing better?
The Aus Open is short for the Australian Open Tennis Championships Kapunua.
I love watching it!
Next week is the grand slam.
Should be a good one!
TY, 2:45! There is a lot of pressure to "get it right," and we all want to do the healthiest thing. But I know that for some women, it's just not something that works out, or the baby doesn't get enough and starts losing weight and so you have to try something else. I would be disappointed if that happened... but I know it does happen.
I remember Chances Are. That movie was so dumb, but RDJ was priceless in it.
Regarding the breastfeeding thing: I had two children and the first one had no trouble latching on, but the second one had so much trouble. He kept losing weight after I brought him home from the hospital and the pediatrician told me to pump the milk and feed him from a bottle. It was so much easier for him to drink from the bottle that he just wouldn't take the breast after that. It's funny because my first would refuse to drink from a bottle at all.
All babies are different.
I love the grand slam at Denny's.
Nothing says loving like it.
Mister Anderson
Wow! This blog takes me back! Hope you're all well :)
LOL hi! Just chatting you on Facebook! :D
We're chasing each other around the Internets, K!
Hello RW how are you?
Good, thanks @6:42. How are you?
Fan~tas~tic RW ^_~
I'm doing ok thank you for asking @ 2:59. Everywhere's still covered in snow and ice. Fell over twice and I've been walking around like a disorientated giraffe all day. Been driving around in my uncle's battered old Land Rover. It's bloody ace, feel as if I'm on the set of Rosemary and Thyme:) Drove up to the top fields to feed the horses, now that was an interesting journey :/
Hello RW luv, so good to see your name again. How are you?
Hi K, my sister's still breastfeeding Rhiannon (7 months old). First few weeks were a struggle and she nearly gave up, but she persevered. It's not easy.
Hullo Welshie :)I'm well, thanks, busy with work and trying to keep warm in the snow! How are you?
Hi RW, such a long time since we spoke. You have snow too? More snow for us tomorrow which will be a pain in the arse, but it is winter after all, so let's just get on with it! I'm so grateful that I still have electricity, half the village have been without for a couple of days. I've had family and friends calling for hot meals and showers. I've had the washer and dryer on all day doing other people's laundry! Silly fool that I am :D
Who's seen Beasts of the Southern Wild? IMO It was better than Life of Pi and Cloud Atlas. It's a stunning story and the movie is artfully shot and well acted. Quvenzhane Wallis isn't a superstar in the making. At 9 years old she's already there.
Hey RW, you should drop in and say hello more often!
Hiya Welshie, hiya everyone!
Yeah, we got hit with snow here too. We got about 5-6" here on the south fork. Looks like more is on the way, too!
Hi & thanks @11:22pm :)
Welshie: We have snow, but not a lot at the moment. We're supposed to be getting about 5cm of it tomorrow, but the temp is going up to +6C next week so I suspect it'll melt. I hear the UK has been getting quite a blast of winter. For us here (southwestern Ontario) that's normal, or at least it used to be. The past three winters have been very mild, and I'm totally okay with that!
Hiya guys, how are you all?
kapunua said...
OH MY GOD. You know, one of my clients was telling me about a TV show she watched where this toddler--TODDLER--who only just learned to speak, had suddenly picked up all of this knowledge of history out of nowhere. Like, not in school yet, can't read, hasn't watched The History Channel at all. And all of a sudden she knows all there is to know about a certain time period.
That kind of stuff freaks me right out. It's like, if there was reincarnation, what if somehow you didn't forget? Like in that movie with Robert Downey Jr., Chances Are. Anyone remember that one?
Spooky K, just spooky.
Welshie said...
Nightmare journey, got stuck in a snow drift. Abandoned car and walked 4 miles through blizzards. Gonna have a cuppa char to recover.
Hi Miss T luv, you got snow?
Blimey Welshie sweetie, get yourself a cuppa and get snuggled up in front of the fire. We were so covered in snow on Monday that I gave up any idea of trying to get to work and got another doctors note. My toe has felt the benefit of another week off work so I'm glad I did that. I'll try again this Monday.
Welshie, are you ready for tonight's snow? Gonna be a lot of it.
Anonymous said...
I know Miss T, nappy changing does sound icky but when it's your own son/daughter/little person you love, it's not too bad :)
I'm sure you are right anon sweetie. My friends know about my feelings of ickiness as far as kids are concerned. They freak me out with stories of being pregnant and taking a bath and looking down to see the babies elbow stuck out at an angle, all I can think is ALIEN *shudder*
Anonymous said...
Thanks for the well wishes anon sweetie. It's the one next to my little toe. It's not purple anymore, it's turned gerish green, aren't bruises lovely.
Hi Miss T! That is the same one I stubbed! It does take a while to heal. Good luck (again) with that.
LOL anon, I was trying to say greyish green. Don't know why I have such trouble typing that.
Thanks for the good luck wishes. I think I've turned the corner and healing has finally started. In the space of a month I've left the house once for about 30 mins to go to the doctors. The furthest I've hobbled is from my bedroom to the living room. Why are toes so easily stubbleable?
Hiya RW, great to see you here sweetie. You have snow too. Sounds like we all have it.
Well, I'm gonna snuggle under my quilt now and prepare for the snow.
The weather man said the snow was gonna be sticky and could stick to power lines and lead to outages.
I've never heard of sticky snow before.
Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great Chieftan o’ the Puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang’s my arm
^ Happy Rabbie Burns night 8:37!
Hiya RW, great to see you here sweetie. You have snow too. Sounds like we all have it.
Yep yep. No getting away from it, I'm afraid. And here I was at the end of summer so looking foward to the hot weather being over >_<
Soooooo I made a video about becoming a single Mom. I'd like to give a shoutout to the trolls and haters here (you know who you are, and so do I! ^_^ ) because a lot of your comments made it into my video. :)
Everyone else, thanks for being cool.
Ooooo! Gonna go watch it right now :)
Happy 20th
Tina Turner renounces U.S. citizenship
So what.
Do you have hot summers over there RW?
For some reason I always thought they were a lot milder over in your parts.
Kapunua, I would try to switch off from any negativity.
The last thing you need during pregnancy is negativity, my dear :)
Well, I just turn it into something funny and/or creative. :)
Do you have hot summers over there RW?
For some reason I always thought they were a lot milder over in your parts.
The weather has changed a lot even just in the 8 years I've been living here. Summers used to be milder, winters used to be colder. Now we mostly get mild-ish winters and hot summers. The heat just makes me feel drained.
Mikey, Mikey, Mikey...
Well, still don't let it get to you Kapunua.
Soon you will meet your little boy and realize all those jabs are meaningless :)
LOLZ. I hope this means the end of MCR but you know Gerard and Co will just steam on regardless. Alicia will be kicked to the side by Lindsey and the rest of the wives just like Eliza was once she was out of the fold.
10:16, you are too right.
This winter is going sooooo sloooooow... When will Spring be here? :D
So how long you think before Gerard is banging some 19 year old look-a-like of Mikey's current gf?
Never liked Alicia very much, but I always thought Mikey would cheat on her cuz he cheated on his other gf with Alicia.
Once a cheat, always a cheat.
He cheated on Eliza with Lyn Z too. So neither of them have any room at all to judge Mikey. Including Lyn Z.
I mean they are all really shitty people. Why is this a surprise?
Bob Bryer's tweet about it was hysterical though.
HOLY SHIT is this for real? Did Gerard say that about his brother?
Does someone want to sum up the whole dirty low down story for a non tumblr??
I think the Gerard tweet is fake. But apparently the Mikey cheating thing is real.
Bob's been getting in on it on his twitter though.
I'd feel bad for Alicia except she probably should have seen this coming.
Here's the lowdown on the Mikey scandal.
Life is messy and complex, and at times dirty, that's the reality.
Yeh, the GW tweet is fake. So far, all he has had to say about it on twitter is "Awww pickles..."! Perhaps he has known for a bit longer than the others, because Lindsey sounded livid, although she deleted most of her tweets about Mikey.
Bob, Pedicone and Matt Cortez have all been having snidey digs. Can't say I blame them.
Bob Bryar's tweets are fucking hilarious!
Bob rules.
I was never sure what went on with that Pedicone guy or Matt Cortez, I thought they parted on good terms?
Anyway this drama is really funny.
I feel some genuine hate behind the comments on twitter via Bob (mainly) and Pedicone and Matt. I always thought they would hate Gerard more. Or perhaps their digs at Mikey are in a way, a dig at Gerard also.
2:25, Pedicone was definitely an ugly separation. But I didn't realize Matt's was? But Matt is close to Bob still, so maybe it is a result of their treatment of Bob.
I do feel sorry for Alicia in all this. Being cheated on is really hurtful.
Where are those guy's twitters? I only see the Bryar one.
Looks like Mikey Way has had a midlife crisis. Hooked up with a young 'Alicia' again. This chick seems to like to party, I can see Mikey getting back to drinking a drugs again. Lyn-z tweeted something about him buying booze for a minor. Really sad behaviour by a 32 year old.
Link from 2.29
So this girl has a kid? It's not Mikey's is it?
When will they learn? First you get the divorce, then you tell the girlfriend it's ok to post pictures on instagram for the public to see and reblog. Mikey had to know that California is a community property state. He and the girlfriend have made Alicia's lawyer's job easy.
Err... wow. Fandom really flips out over things like this. I guess this is why I don't get "real person" fandoms.
I mean yeah, wow, totally scummy though.
He followed her on Instagram so he had to know that she was posting their kissy pictures. The picture of him at breakfast with her and her family is a real kick in the bucket. He couldn't not have known they would get back to Alicia. He must've wanted out at any cost.
Kapunua... you are in fandoms. Don't lie and act like you're above that.
I'm not in real person fandoms. I like fiction. Fandom includes stuff like art, fanfic, metas, things like that. And real person fiction makes my skin crawl.
This is why I now follow drag queens. They're much more reasonable people than rock stars.
Like Elena's fanfics Kapunu? Why does it always come back to her?
Any real person fic, 3:14. And it "always comes back to her" because you keep bringing it up.
All I'll say is this. Gerard idolizes Mikey to an almost co dependent degree. I wonder how it's going to sit with him that Lyn Z has turned against Mikey now.
Don't kid yourself RW. Drag queens are much worse than rock stars. They have a bigger pool to choose from.
I'd respond to that if I knew what you meant.
Wives of the world, check your husbands' iphone cases. Ask questions about the women on it.
Bandmember wives, never trust your husband with the merch girls.
Didn't Mikey cheat WITH Alicia? And didn't Gerard cheat on Eliza WITH Lyn Z?
If he cheat WITH you, he will cheat ON you. Why don't people understand that?
Mikey did cheat with Alicia. Gerard cheated on his pre-fame girlfried (Kat?) with Eliza. I think there's a genetic component in there. Anyway, Gerard seems to always be in competition with Mikey over things, so I expect he'll get a younger girlfriend before long.
I still don't believe there was a Kat, sorry.
Also, no, disagree that Gerard will go for a younger girl now. Mikey is in disgrace and Gerard has the opportunity to shine as "the good guy" now.
Mikey is in disgrace
He doesn't look like he feels disgraced. If he does it won't last long. Look at how fast Tiger Woods, Jude Law, David Duchovny, Bill Clinton and most of the other cheating men are forgiven. Most MCR fans are already putting all of the blame on the girlfriend calling her a homewrecking slut.
No it won't last. And yes the woman will get blamed and Mikey will be the victim and all will go on as usual. But Gerard wouldn't dare to do something like that at this point.
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