(It got cut off but it says "Every guy who is tired of hearing how cute and wonderful jgl is".)
I thought this was relevant to this blog's interests because "turning racist" (really misogynist) and/or getting involved with a racist band was obviously such a huge turning point, and was part of what created this blog and drawing everyone here. I also thought it was really funny.
But thank you JGL fans. For introducing me to a little movie called Brick. It was a masterpiece. I just watched Stop Loss recently and he was really good in that too.
Happy new year (sorry it's late) and I hope everyone is having a great year!
1 – 200 of 2256 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the post VV! I absolutely loved tht picture. I'm going to have to send it to my boyfriend
Thanks for the new post! Loved the picture and the caption.
I love coming here to talk about JGL. He's so much more interesting (and talented and funnier and cuter, etc.) than those dimwits in MCR.
Glad you liked Brick. It's definitely in my top ten. :)
YES, another Brick / JGL fan. Thanks VV! Hope you have a good NY too.
OT, but it looks like another of rock's perfect and happy couples just announced divorce. Ashlee Simpson is breaking up with Pete Wentz and trying to get custody of Bronx. I wonder if this is groupie-related or not? You just can't trust a cock star, sorry, I meant rock star, when he's on tour. They all think with their dicks.
sources say, no third party is involved. One source very familiar with the situation tells TMZ, "It's really all about Pete's erratic behavior." The source adds, "She really wanted out."
The divorce move is surprising -- just a few days ago they appeared to be one happy family during an outing in West Hollywood.
Pete Wentz: Ashlee and I Just Grew Apart
34 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Sources connected with Pete Wentz tell TMZ .... Ashlee Simpson's claim that Pete was just too erratic is b.s. -- and they simply grew apart.
We're told Pete agrees with Ashlee -- no third parties were involved. According to one connected source, "After Bronx was born Ashlee made a conscious decision to get out of the business, but Pete's heart was in music so he kept touring and that became a big issue in their relationship."
A conflict has already emerged, because sources tell TMZ Pete wants joint legal and physical custody of Bronx. In Ashlee's divorce papers, she's asking for primary physical custody.
For Bronx's sake I hope that divorce and custody battle doesn't turn too bitter and ugly.
But wasn't Ashlee Pete's "dream girl"? Kinda like, you know, Lindsey is the "only girl" for Gerard?
The split is sad, especially when a child is involved, but these celebrities should learn not to gush so much. It only makes the breakup seem worse.
Or they should marry because they love, not because they want to project an image of being in love.
I don't know. To me whenever a man calls his wife or significant other a "girl" it bugs me. They're women, not girls. To call them that is somewhat demeaning. I doubt they'd like it if their wives called them boys.
I really hope they keep it civil for the sake of Bronx. But, yeah, rock marriages never last, do they? Well, that's what it looks like to me. Can anyone name a "rock" couple that has lasted?
Ozzy and Sharon, but that's because Sharon had brains, her own career, and was able to keep Ozzy in check.
You know, I've never seen Sharon as Ozzy's wife, more like his carer. You know, like the person who made sure he never OD'd. I get the feeling he's so messed up after all the drugs he did, he doesn't know where he is half the time. I dunno, it's just my opinion.
I think she projects that because she was his band's manager for years before she became his wife. It's not just a professional responsibility, but a loving one too.
Glad you liked Brick. It's definitely in my top ten.
Brick is one of my favorites too.
i find the twitter part particularly relevant to many of the things we've said here.
Davey Havok is gonna take over the part of St. Jimmy in the American Idiot Play..
Mind = Blown.
Davey can act?
Why does she even associate with the Roid? My mind can't comprehend that. I still think she's light years more talented her.
Ozzy and Sharon are one of the most loving couples I've ever seen. Even though he was married when he and her Sharon first met. They were meant to be.
Did any of you see them on The View this week? She had tears in her eyes when he walked out. She loves that man and he loves her.
They both have a great sense of humor and I think it takes that to make it in any relationship.
Julie Chen to Ozzy: Where would you be without this woman *points to Sharon*
Ozzy: Very wealthy!
Ozzy and Sharon also don't like the term sellout. They want to know WTF that is because music is entertainment and entertainment is showbiz.
Ozzy is the voice of the deer in the new Disney Gnome movie.
^ facts
Mind = Blown.
Davey can act?
IMO Davey was born to act. That was made clearer with every video AFI made. The spotlight loves him.
I'm sure BJA saw the same thing when they toured together over the summer.
The term sellout is ridiculous when it comes to music. Music is a product just like everything else. People create it and sell it. Otherwise, they wouldn't make records at all. They would just play on the streets like minstrels.
Davey Havok is amazing.
100% agreement with 4:06, 4:08, Ozzy and Mrs. O. :)
4,06, I think most musicians come into the music industry with good intentions, but somewhere along the way they get corrupted by the money, lifestyle, girls/boys on offer, and lose their way.
Jessicka Addams comes across as a smart, classy woman. Why she associates with LynZ and co is beyond me. Opposites attract, maybe?
Jessicka Addams comes across as a smart, classy woman.
That's not my impression of her.
Opposites attract, maybe?
I think they are very similar.
LMAO turn racist and get fat! Not that I would call anyone fat, but basically the call to turn into a huge blundering ass - in other words, pull an MCR!
Nice one VV, thanks for the new post!
Forgive my ignorance but who is Jessicka Addams?
lol why does Gerard sound like Kermit the frog, lmao.
Gerard had just come home from touring and he was exhausted. Give the man a break. He was there for his wife and he consented to talk to that strange green/blue headed man for her. He probably needed to rest but he was there for Lindsey.
Also I think he was nervous. I think it's so sweet that he was nervous for her on her opening.
The man is in love. Why can't you people accept that?
Jessicka Addams (born Jessica Fodera on October 23, 1975) is an American singer and artist. Best known by her stage name Jessicka, she was the front woman of Florida based band Jack Off Jill and current front for the Los Angeles based band Scarling.
Early life
Jessicka grew up in the town of Sunrise, Florida. She was raised as an only child by her mother Nancy after her mother divorced her husband, Joseph. While attending elementary school Jessicka was placed in the school's gifted program, where she excelled in theatre, art, and creative writing.[1] After high school Jessicka had immersed herself in music, Goth-culture,[2] gay iconography, all things John Waters and feminist literature. At seventeen she decided that she wanted to start her own band.[3]
[edit] Music career
[edit] Jack Off Jill (1992–2000)
Main article: Jack Off Jill
Jessicka met Tenni Arslanyan while attending high school in Sunrise, Florida. They had begun writing songs, but had not yet formed a complete band when Robin Moulder and Michelle Oliver joined them to create the band Jack In Jill. In 1992, Jack In Jill got their start when they were asked to open for fellow Floridian and long time friend Marilyn Manson and his band, Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids at a Davie, Florida nightclub called The Plus 5 Lounge. Before advertisements for the show were printed, Manson suggested a name change to Jack Off Jill (JoJ), which the foursome accepted.[4][5] In 1993, JOJ released their first recording titled, "Children 5 And Up", produced by Marilyn Manson.[6] In early 1993, Jessicka performed with Manson's ephemeral side project, Mrs. Scabtree and shared vocal duties with then boyfriend Jeordie White.[7] White was given the Manson band member name Twiggy Ramirez, much of Twiggy's early look from the multi colored dreadlocks down to the dress style was taken directly from Gidget Gein and Jessicka.[1] In December 1993 while on tour, Jessicka spent a night in jail when she and Manson were arrested after a concert in Jacksonville, Florida, after being arrested for breaking the town's adult entertainment codes; they were charged with misdemeanors.[8]
More@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessicka
JGL would adore Jessicka.
Jessicka is also the woman Lyndsey did her art show with. They're friends.
Very talented woman.
Jessicka probably loves JGL. Nearly everyone does.
And so what if he liked her? I would probably like her too. Most of us here would probably like her.
I might even like Lindsey if she hadn't done that whole faux feminist spiel about being a role model.
The man is in love. Why can't you people accept that?
We can accept that is in in love with her. We can also accept he seemed to be slurring his words a litte.....from being "exhausted" ^_~
is in in = he is in
I'm slurring my word too. Sorry. I must be exhausted. LOL!
I slur my words when I'm exhausted from lifting a glass (or bottle) to my face too many times. ;p
Gerard had just come home from touring and he was exhausted.
Like when he toured TBP for what was it now? 10yrs?
Yes, that must of been a heavy bottle or a really big blunt! LOL!
AWWW Thank you for the pic VV. I love seeing his cute little face when I open this page.
Like when he toured TBP for what was it now? 10yrs?
By the time he's done telling that story, it probably will be 10 years.
I agree with 9:48. I wish every website I went to had JGL's face on the page. :)
came across this. The main article i wish to point out is that it says "A baby's name tells others the parents' values and tastes and often their dreams and ambitions for their child."
Hehe, YES, Verita, we incepted you! ^_^
The only reason someone would name their child "Bandit" can only be for attention. It's not even a name, it's another word for "outlaw". But, hey, they make their own rules, right?
I think Gerard and Lindsey want Bandit to be a rebel of some sort. They probably think they're going to be friends with her and that she'll regard them as "cool parents". What they don't seem to realize is that "cool parents" don't really exist, not really. Some parents are cooler than others, but their kids will never regard them as "cool" by their standards.
According to my mom, my dad was the epitome of cool back in the 70's, but now? Forget about it.
Courtney Love probably thinks she's a "cool parent". Look how well that worked out.
I have to admit the older i get the more my dad and i have in common... so the cooler he seems to me
I think my mom is great and we're best friends and all that. She's way cooler than any of my friends' moms, but she's still a mom.
I know people who have moms who think they're cool. Those moms are usually a huge embarrassment to their kids.
I think it'd be cool if Bandit grew up to be a lawyer, or maybe a doctor. Maybe a brain surgeon. That would probably piss Gerard off.
I think she'll probably change her name the minute she turns 18. I know I would.
yeah. that kid is going to get made fun of a lot unfortunately. for her name, for her parents, and then for crying.
kids are cruel. of all people you think princess gee would have remembered that.
Changing topics...
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Gaga's new track!!
If you listen closely, there's some Bowie there too. At the beginning.
I think it's a great dance anthem.
It left me cold, and I was disappointed. I so wanted to like it, given the sentiments, but it just wasn't that good.
That's okay 9:49, everyone has their own musical taste.
I really love it.
They have already started with the covers
ooo there ain't no other way
baby I was born this way
keep runnin'
I'm on the
I was born this way
Glee's version of Sing is way better than MCR's. You don't have to listen to Gerard's whiny voice in it.
I wish someone with a good voice would do a cover of Disenchanted. Such a good song, but Gerard ruins it.
Kills me how all the fans are like, "They should have only used the guy's voice. The girl ruins it." What do they have against girl singers?
I think the original is better, but it's funny how all the MCRmy ants are saying it sucks and how Glee have ruined it. They should be upset with MCR, the band. They are the ones who sold the rights to the show.
^This. MCR wanted to make money off the song and since they lost out on Twilight (see Muse and how much their popularity has soared in the US from that exposure), they probably felt they had to do something to recoup some of the money from that god-awful album and its lack of sales.
Although I don't agree that MCR's version of the song is better. I think the people from Glee managed to turn Sing into an anthem, which is what MCR meant for it to be -- but it just didn't work with Gerard's weak vocals and those lame backup singers. The people on Glee had the proper production quality and backup harmonies to make the song soar.
I still think Sing's lyrics are lame and derivative of other (better) songs, but the Glee version at least fulfilled the song's potential.
GW said that they turned down a shed load of money when they turned down doing a song for the Twilight sound track. Im sure they still got a shed load for the Glee song. GW said they turned down Twilight because he said Stephanie Meyer had ruined the vampire genre. Lol
I doubt they will get that much money from the Glee thing. Not nearly as much as they would have done from Twilight.
Thing is, if they had done Twilight, they would have been the ones singing it and the world would have heard MCR. With Glee, the world hears a Glee-ified version of Sing, which is not going to turn anyone onto the band. The people who watch Glee will just buy the Glee version and when they listen to MCR's version they'll be like, "What the hell?" I don't think the exposure is going to help. The only money they'll see is from the licensing thing, which can't be all that much for just the one song. And they have to divide that between all four of them.
I agree that Stephanie Meyer ruined the vampires in Twilight, but she didn't ruin vampires in general.
Spike, Angel, Lestat, Armand, Marius, Eli (Let the Right One In), Cassidy (Preacher) and Dracula still kick ass -- despite the existence of sparkly Emo Edward.
^Oh, and add Mitchell from Being Human to the kick-ass variety. :)
Gerard thinks he started the whole vampire thing. He said something to that effect in an interview. Delusional bastard.
Guess who got a tat?
I hate the whole sparkly vampire thing from twilight. I dont think stephanie meyer has ruined the vampire genre (let the right one in is one of my all time favourite books) but GW does seem to think he invented the vampire genre.
I think GW thought it would ruin his 'STREET CRED' if MCR wrote a song for twilight. The twilight soundtrack does have some awesome tracks on it though.
On the aknowledgements page in new moon SM thanks MCR as one of the bands who inspired some plotlines. She also thanks muse but i cant remember the others.
What 'street cred'?
6:14, please say it's not a chicken or something equally stupid.
its not a tat. its just that typical sharpie bullshit. the fansgirls just think its a tat cause theyre dumb.
Whhhhha-Pictures please?
lynzway: really miss my beautiful husband and have been thinking about him all day. guess i'm not the only one. I find this oddly comforting
26 minutes ago
A real vomit inducer.
Ugh, Twilight is probably the worst thing that happen, IMO. It just ruined it for the original badass classics. I have a friend that wrote a vampire novel but got turned down by the publisher saying it wouldn't be selling because of the whole Twatlight franchise. Her story was literally the best thing I ever read.
the thing i hate most about the roid saying shit like that is she could just go look up his performances on the web like any of the diehard fangirls.
if my husband was a rock star and i loved him even a little you can guarantee id be watching him sing that song he wrote about me every night he sang it.
but then again. the roid couldnt even watch him preform it when she was sitting less than ten feet from him for that crappy acoustic thing so yeah.
clearly shes not a fan. lol.
Why actual "miss" your husband when you can get attention just by pretending to miss him?
LOL "Beautiful"!
No one see Princess Gee as a man! Not even his wife!
^That's kind of a dumb observation. There are plenty of beautiful men. Why do you think the word should be gender specific? Unless you're a troll, I mean. Which you could be, one of those "let's say stupid things so that they all look dumb!" trolls. By the way, that never works.
Men can be and often are quite beautiful. Not Gerard, with his hate speech and puffy face, but others.
Jared Leto is beautiful. Henry Cavill is beautiful.
I also think some very young men are beautiful. Logan Lerman comes to mind. Leonardo DiCaprio when he was very young (circa The Basketball Diaries).
Gerard? LMAO. No.
I don't get why people go to Lindsey's twitter and repost the things she says here. I am not really interested in what she has to say, and if you think she's looking for attention - well, you're only giving her what she wants.
Cillian Murphy > Princess Gee.
Any fucking day,
Hell yeah, Cillian Murphy!
Logan Lerman is nice to look at, but he makes me feel like a pedo. Although, some of the pictures I've seen of him as D'Artagnan from the upcoming Three Musketeers film are swoon worthy. He's growing up quite nicely. :)
Lyndsey is a handsome woman.
It makes sense for a handsome woman to marry a beautiful man. It's logical.
Except Gerard isn't a beautiful man.
I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all, but to me Gerard is the furthest thing from beautiful.
He's humpy. He's built funny. He has a puffy face and tiny, weird little teeth. Top that off with his arrogance and stupidity and, imo, you go one ugly-ass motherfucker.
That...wasn't bad. Kinda reminded me of the old times. I was suprised he wasn't wasted for that preformance, I was kinda expecting it.
And about Lindsey twitter-Can't she fucking call him? Text him? Makes me believe even more that they're an act. Why put it on Twitter? Call him and tell him that, chicken-arm.
And about Lindsey twitter-Can't she fucking call him? Text him? Makes me believe even more that they're an act.
I've always believed they were an act.
Johnny Depp is beautiful. He gets better with age. Jared Leto is too. There are loads of "beautiful" men out there, not necessarily looks wise, but personality wise too. Way fails at both.
I cannot believe that Lindsey and Jessicka are so desperate for MCR fan acceptance that Jessicka has to publicly respond to fifteen year old girls that bitch about them.
I don't like or believe in the sincerity of both of them.
He's humpy. He's built funny. He has a puffy face and tiny, weird little teeth
Some people may consider all these little quirks attractive
Top that off with his arrogance and stupidity and, imo, you go one ugly-ass motherfucker.
If you say he has an ugly-ass I believe it ;).
Arrogance and stupidity usually go hand in hand as the arrogance has you in blinkers.
Sorta expected something like that coming from the Roid.
I got my Tiny Book of Tiny Stories today! (Well, I got it in yesterday's mail but I didn't check it until today.) It's so cute. I love it. :D
Page 51 FTW!
From Billie Joe Armstrongs twitter:
" However, cigarettes and valentines is about my Adrienne.♥ "
I thought this was adorable. What made it more adorable? It's real and not some kind of act for fans :p
Hypocrisy rules the day.
Why is adorable when BJA tweets about his wife but it has to be fake or done for publicity when Gerard or Frank or anyone associated with MCR does it?
Why is ok to criticize Gerard's puffy face bad posture, and call him an ugly ass but wrong to say some of you are ugly asses.
Why was it so horrible when Lyndsey called board kids a bunch of crisp eaters which most of said implied that she was calling them fat but sweet and wonderful for VV to post a funny pic of JGL with a caption that outright says they hope that people get FAT?
Pffft and puh-leaze.
Why was it so horrible when Lyndsey called board kids a bunch of crisp eaters which most of said implied that she was calling them fat but sweet and wonderful for VV to post a funny pic of JGL with a caption that outright says they hope that people get FAT?
You didn't get the caption did you? Nobody hopes JGL gets fat. LMAO.
It was supposedly written from the perspective a a guy whose girlfriend talks about how perfect JGL is all the time.
Gerard's personality is what makes him ugly. His bad posture and puffy face just keeps him from being "beautiful".
Why is adorable when BJA tweets about his wife but it has to be fake or done for publicity when Gerard or Frank or anyone associated with MCR does it?
I don't think it's particularly adorable when Billie Joe Armstrong or any other rock star tweets about his wife. I think that kind of thing should be private.
But people like Gerard and Pete Wentz go over the top, what with Gerard going on and on about how amaaaazing Lindsey is in every interview he does. It's just like how Pete used to go on and on about his and Ashlee's sex life and how hot her post-baby body was.
People don't need to hear that shit. From anyone.
Occasionally mentioning your wife is one thing. Doing it in every interview is another. Gerard seems as though he's trying too hard to convince the world that he loves Lindsey. Or maybe he's trying to convince himself. I agree that celebrities should keep their private lives private.
I have never found anything that anyone has said on twitter to be especially adorable. I think celebrity twitters are the worst idea since the polyester leisure suit.
And 'ya know, Billie Joe isn't a lying cheater like Gerard is. Billie has been with his wife since the begining. Gerard cheated on his girlfriend of many years with Eliza, then (I think) cheated on Eliza to be with the roid...so...
We don't know whether or Billie Joe is a cheater or not. We only know what he and his publicists let us know. But at least Billie Joe has kept any possible indiscretions private and he had the good sense not to get involved with a blabbermouth like Eliza.
I think some of you are just jealouz cause GW is prettier and more photogenic than most of you and he looks better in makeup. ;)
he had the good sense not to get involved with a blabbermouth like Eliza.
'I think some of you are just jealouz cause GW is prettier and more photogenic than most of you and he looks better in makeup. ;)'
You made me spite my cereal.
LMAO @3:23
You didn't get what I said did ya?
Odd how 4:02 and 4:17 both use "ya", when that term is so rarely used by the posters here.
I think we have another one of those trolls who comes around and says stupid things (e.g. how "adorable" it is when BJA tweets about his wife), then comes back to call us on it.
The caption on JGL's picture was meant to be sarcastic. Jeez, some people are thick.
yeah. thats fucked up. but im not surprised. the roid has always struck me as an evil person even back before she married gerard.
Read what her husband says. I guess Amy is pissed at lindsey.
3:12 I have to agree with the others, you really are thick.
If this is true, family squabbles aside, the person who is really disadvantaged in this situation is their daughter. She should be entitled to know both sides of the family.
I got my Tiny Book of Tiny Stories today! (Well, I got it in yesterday's mail but I didn't check it until today.) It's so cute. I love it. :D
Page 51 FTW!
February 13, 2011 2:15 PM
WOOOO, thank you! I love love love that book. It's adorbs. I'm definitely going to buy the next thing that HR releases, too. ^_^ There's going to be some great stuff on there.
Re: Beautiful men.
YES to Jared, OMG. Yes to Cillian Murphy, big time. His eyes, jesus. His cheekbones.
And hello, let's not forget my new husband, Tom Hardy. ^_^
Kapunua what happened with your submission?
Her sister and husband actually save lives, it's a difficult job and I respect them for that.
More than I can say about Gerard and his dopey wife.
One of Amy's friends asked if Lindsey still lives in New York and still doing tattoos. Hum.
It makes you wonder how Gerard is attracted to such idiots.
9:13, thank you for asking! The agent that I liked ultimately decided that the book wasn't for her. She did tell me that she thinks I'm a "wonderful writer" (her exact words!) and she's sure another agent will work out better if I keep querying. :D
I was pretty happy!
Right now I have another query letter out, and another agent taking a look at my first three chapters. This second guy, he's not offering representation because he's closed to clients. He's a HUGE literary agent. But he's also a friend of a friend of a friend and offered to give me some pointers as a favor. Which, OMFG. :)
So you know, you just keep on trying till you run out of cake! ^_^
You have nothing to lose Kapunua, just keep on trying :)
One day I hope to read you published!
I am seriously excited for you and pass on my best wishes for future literary career.
One of Amy's friends asked if Lindsey still lives in New York and still doing tattoos. Hum.
LynZ Von De. LOL.
Did she do Gerard's arm tat?
Seriously, I thought it was all a joke.
When did he get a tattoo?
its not a tattoo. he work something different on it last show.
I wonder what her friend Jessicka would think about her calling her sister crazy and fat?
I'm guessing she would probably pretend it never happened, as she appears to chastise others yet ignores or justifies what her friends do or say.
Did she really call her sister that? Is her celebrity status that important to her?
How can see treat her own family that way? I don't envy Gerard. She seems like a handful.
*she treat
Larger size.
I wonder why Lindsey never said anything about her doing tattoos?
10:09, that means a lot to me. Thank you! :D
I wonder what her friend Jessicka would think about her calling her sister crazy and fat?
Okay, wait. Where did you see that Linds called her sister crazy and fat? I think you are the ones who are crazy.
I'm guessing she would probably pretend it never happened, as she appears to chastise others yet ignores or justifies what her friends do or say.
You don't say.
What kind of people would do that?
Lyndsey was a tattoo artist?
Okay, wait. Where did you see that Linds called her sister crazy and fat? I think you are the ones who are crazy.
This is where Amy said Lindsey called her crazy and fat.
Why is that facebook in Spanish or Portuguese?
Seems fake to me.
If you look on amy's and her husbands real twitter, she is responding to what she did.
Why is that facebook in Spanish or Portuguese?
The person who made the screencap was from a Spanish speaking country, obviously. Duh.
Wonder how Lindsey calling her sister fat fits into Jessicka's anti-fatphobia stance?
Oh, you know that Lindey's sister just said those awful things about Lindsey because she wants to get with Gerard.
being the youngest of 6, part of me says that this is jut sibling rivalry. The other part thinks that LynZ has become one of those people who got the Rags to Riches and now wants nothing to do with the rags
If it's true that LynZ has shunned her sister and her family because they are not famous or rich then I feel sorry for Bandit. What wonderful morals she must be learning.
It also proves what I've been telling my friends all along-that her being nice all the time was simply an act.
Oh, you know that Lindey's sister just said those awful things about Lindsey because she wants to get with Gerard.
LOL! Someone responded that it was all a lie because there was no way a baby could walk at 11 months! Some people just can't accept that maybe Lindsey actually called her sister a loser and fat.
My first child walked when she was 9 months old.
One thing I will give Gerard is that he has never acted ashamed of his mother -- despite her scary bleached blonde trailer park hair and scary suntan booth enthusiast skin.
^That's not terribly kind, now is it?
Don't lets lower ourselves to Lindsey's level.
It also proves what I've been telling my friends all along-that her being nice all the time was simply an act.
I have always believed that from the beginning. I also think her friends are no different.
Why would you be ashamed of your family, unless you are really rejecting part of yourself and trying to fit in with your new found friends.
Please leave Gerard's mother out of this discussion.
Maybe Lindsey's family tried to tell her not to be a racist idiot and play in a band that sings song about child rape, and she didn't want to listen to them.
You don't say.
What kind of people would do that?
Obviously the people you idolize. Hmmm.
What kind of cruel person shuns her own family?
According to Amy's post, LynZ didn't bother telling her own mother Bandit was walking. Wow, what a way to treat the woman who raised you. LynZ really is an amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing woman.
I don't like Lindsey but I think her family appear to be good, decent people who want their niece in their lives.
I think Lindsey fails to understand how important family is to a child.
I wonder how Gerard feels about this.
What if Gerard dumps Lindsey and cuts her off financially like he did with Eliza? Then she'll need her family. He left Eliza with nothing after promising her everything. That's not a man I'd want to trust with my life to the point that I'd cut off ties with my blood.
^ Exactly. What happens if the relationship ends? What will LynZ do if she can't turn to her mom or sister for help? Sure she has friends, but nothing comes close to knowing you have family to lean on when the going gets tough. Distancing herself from her family is going to hurt her in the long run. She should make amends now.
It does make me wonder what Gerard is doing while all this is going on. If he's doing anything at all.
Who needs family when you can use the husband's credit card to hire a nanny?
I really don't think Gerard would be appreciating this sort of drama in his life.
I would like to believe he has his daughter's best interest at heart.
I imagine Gerard doesn't care what Lindsey does to her own family...just so long as his adoring public doesn't find out about it.
It was kind of that way with Eliza. He didn't care what kind of person she was when he decided to hook up with her and cheat on his girlfriend. He didn't care what kind of person she was when they got engaged. But after the whole fandom realized how batshit she was, he dropped her like a hot potato.
A lot of men actually prefer women who don't have much contact with their families. They like their wife or girlfriend to be in a position where she relies on him almost completely for emotional support.
I can kind of see Gerard being that sort of guy.
I would have thought the opposite. In the beginning it may seem appealing, but who wants someone who is totally emotionally dependent on them?
It's not healthy and not stable. Unless they only feel secure if they feel fully in control.
Eliza wasn't 'batshit', she was mentally ill.
It's not healthy and not stable. Unless they only feel secure if they feel fully in control.
Who ever said Gerard was healthy and stable? I think he likes to feel fully in control. After all, remember how he treated Eliza.
Eliza wasn't 'batshit', she was mentally ill.
Welcome to the internet? The two terms mean the same thing out here in cyberspace.
Who ever said Gerard was healthy and stable? I think he likes to feel fully in control. After all, remember how he treated Eliza.
No one really knows how he treated Eliza, you only have Eliza's perspective which may not have been entirely accurate given her propensity to exaggerate and be obsessive due to her emotional state, if indeed she does suffer from it.
We do know that Gerard broke up with Eliza either over the phone or by some other form of long distance communication. He was overseas when he did it.
We do know that Gerard made a show of breaking up with her by revealing his ringless hand onstage and singing I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair (a very obvious reference to Eliza's profession).
I think he treated Eliza badly. So does most of the fandom, even the people who hate her.
If he made a show of breaking up with her in front of people that follow him, I agree it was horrible and a very immature thing to do.
Although usually when people behave this way it's more a way to make the other person feel the hurt that they feel themselves.
We don't know what led to it, or how he treated her during their time together, to be fair.
Looks like Amy's friend is talking to that girl that hacked Amy's facebook account.
Although usually when people behave this way it's more a way to make the other person feel the hurt that they feel themselves.
Sometimes they do, but not always.
Some people are just downright mean. They do things to hurt people, just because they can. That's not to say that they don't have problems of their own that make them that way, but it doesn't excuse it.
I think Gerard is just as mentally unstable as Eliza. And from the way Lindsey treats her family, I'd say she's not all that stable herself.
Although usually when people behave this way it's more a way to make the other person feel the hurt that they feel themselves.
Have you ever considered that Lindsey behaved the way she did towards her sister and mom because they hurt her n some way? Maybe she comes from an extremely dysfunctional family who hurt her deeply when she was growing up. If so, who can blame her for acting the way she did?
One thing's for sure: these fangirls have no respect for privacy and hurt the people who don't deserve any of the vitriol.
Have you ever considered that Lindsey behaved the way she did towards her sister and mom because they hurt her n some way? Maybe she comes from an extremely dysfunctional family who hurt her deeply when she was growing up. If so, who can blame her for acting the way she did?
A possibility, though she is repeating the very same behavior to people aside from her own family.
It could also just be her own temperament: which appears to be rude and immature.
One thing's for sure: these fangirls have no respect for privacy and hurt the people who don't deserve any of the vitriol.
This. This. This.
I don't like Gerard. I don't like Lindsey. But I don't like this delving into their dirty family laundry. It's none of our business.
How many people would consider joining a band like MSI which is guaranteed to bring a lot of criticism towards you, a great idea?
I think the difference between most of us and those crazy fangirls is that all of their vitriol is directed towards Lindsey. They hate her and criticize every single thing she does, yet they think Gerard is completely blameless.
I don't understand why they care what Lindsey does. Even if she were out of Gerard's life, Gerard would still be an asshole. He chose her. He obviously loves her and has things in common with her. He obviously supports her in the way she treats her family.
Gerard is not someone to be idolized, any more than Lindsey is.
He obviously supports her in the way she treats her family.
Not defending him, but we don't know that.
He thinks she's amazing. So obviously, everything she does is fine with him.
Then he's thick
by the way Happy Valentines Day everyone!
When you're in the public eye, people will talk about your private life. It's the price you pay for being famous I guess.
2.25 link:
He needs to stop snorting coke.
^ And God, how awkward is 1.10mins.
Amy's husband has deleted his Twitter account. I don't blame him. The MCRmy ants must have been harassing him.
He should have just made his twitter private. Although I don't blame him for deleting it. The MCRmy is scary and I can't imagine having them all mad at me.
Love the term MCRmy ants, btw. That's exactly what they seem like -- an army of mindless insects.
Gerard looks wild-eyed in that video. He reminds me a lot of the guy in that interview done so long ago with him and Frank at the comic book store. You know, the one who was drinking and snorting coke every chance he got? He's just skinnier and has red hair now.
That's one messed up guy in that interview.
Those messed up guys end up with the LynZ's of this world.
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