"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"
It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.
(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).
And why would I go to your blog, so you can track me? Not everyone is as stupid as you. I saw what happened to others when they were told "go to my blog' by another person. Sorry but I don't want the whole world to know where I live. I'm not as dumb and naive as Kapu. Nice try.
about mayo's post - I can't really put it into words, but there was just an air about it that seemed odd. That, and the swearing ((I've never understood swearing on the internet, idk that's just me))
"Just wait, and watch your back."
it's weird but that line struck me as directed at these comments. like he'll do something that will go completely against everything people here think about him, maybe even something directed to here. I know it sounds stupid but that was just my initial reaction.
it sounds similar to something an anon said on here once. The just wait and watch your back. An anon said that VV wasn't who we thought and was collect info on us at LJ. And we were going to get into a lot of trouble.
And why would I go to your blog, so you can track me? Not everyone is as stupid as you. I saw what happened to others when they were told "go to my blog' by another person. Sorry but I don't want the whole world to know where I live. I'm not as dumb and naive as Kapu. Nice try.
BC when you lie about it you make the rest of us look bad. You are obviously a fangirl who really did think that Gerard was in love with you and that's why you are so pissed off.
Well most of us never felt that way towards Gerard, we are just disappointed to find out what a liar and ass he is.
So please just stop lying. Tell the truth. Otherwise you make the rest of us look bad.
10:07, you aren't making us look too good either. This blog isn't about attacking BC. It's about calling Gerard Way out. Come back when you have something relevant to say.
Which she has no right to do if she's going to lie too.
MOST of us aren't Gerard fangirls who thought we were going to marry him and then got pissed off when he married LynZ. BC IS. She admitted it many times a day when Mayo did the Miracle Whip blog fiasco.
So by lying about it she proves she is no better than Gerard. AND she is no better than the fangirls who just got mad because he got married.
I understand your frustration. No. She doesn't get it. There isn't much that she does get. BC is mentally not all there. Cut her some slack. Be patient with her. I know how hard it is but be patient with her.
She doesn't have the power to make the rest of us look bad, only we have the power to do that. She can only make herself look bad.
You are right 10:14, she's probably not worth getting frustrated over. I've seen other people try to talk to her. It is like talking to a dead cat. I don't know why I wasted my time.
Maybe railing by the door, and therefore window nearby? Ehh, kind of a stretch. There'd definitely be railing on a ferry, but not as likely on a train.
Maybe he just got it mixed up. Especially since he only said "train" in one instance, and the others were ferry. You'd think it'd be hard to mix up, being that he's spewed it so much.
Although the hangover theory sounds more likely, I still believe the ferry story. Or "tale" rather lol.
Though it is kind of a coincidence that the band formed shortly after the event. If the band had formed later and used 9/11 it'd sound fishy. Maybe there's someone out there with no reason to lie (i.e. no one in the band itself or relatives) who knows for sure.
Unless it really WAS just a coincidence, and the band really didn't have anything to do with it, but he / they just used 9/11 because it sounded good.
The band still could have formed in response to 9/11, whether Gerard actually witnessed the event or not. But it made a helluva good story and made the band seem more interesting, so I wouldn't put it past him to make it up, especially since he seems to have such a casual relationship with the truth.
maybe you just have to make up your own minds about what is true or not.
I think most of us have made up our minds about what is true and what isn't. It's just the 9/11 thing is something we are unsure of and I think most of us don't want to believe that he would lie about something like that.
On the last post an anon came on saying that they figured out who mayo was and that mayo was JU . I think they also asked for the blog to be shut down.
Regarding 9/11, if you go back and read interviews that were done around the time Revenge came out, they mention 9/11 as being the catalyst for the formation of My Chem, yet none of them mention Gerard seeing the towers fall.
A June 05 article in Spin says that on the day of the attack, Gerard "was coming into Manhattan, unaware of the tragedy."
But, if you listen to the infamous WSOU interview they did before Revenge came out, Gerard talks about how he wasn't getting anywhere with art, so he decided to form a band after having a "nervous breakdown", but he doesn't mention 9/11 at all.
Hmm. This is all beginning to look curiouser and curiouser.
I usually don't completely trust magazine articles that aren't an actual quote, as in the writer just paraphrases what they said, because they could get stuff wrong. But coming from his own mouth on audio recording is quite convincing. Hm.
11.55 if you don't want to talk about mayo don't but don't say it isn't relevant to here. We don't know what or who mayo is or who goes there.
Also if you pay attention to what has happened at Mayo's when anons attack you will know what they will do when they come here. The same people who hate mayo's hate this place as well.
Also I don't want this place to become like mayo's where only certain opinions are made to feel welcome. as long as no one is attacking another person a little side conversation shouldn't matter
Hmm...I see the bashing is over, therefore I won't address it any further.
I just read some old articles about MCR and I find it really interesting that in one article they say that Matt was the one who never drank that much compaired to the others and in another article they say he had to go because he was drinking too much. Huh?
I just went back and listened to that the interview on WSOU and it made me sad. Gerard seemed like a totally different person. He was so nice and so funny. What happened?
I don't think it was a fat kid mentality so much as an I love what I'm doing and am incredibly lucky to be doing it, but that doesn't make me better than everyone else mentality.
Now he seems to think he's above other people. Like he's acheived something so special it sets him apart and he deserves special treatment. And he seems to have forgotten the people who made his success possible.
"And he seems to have forgotten the people who made his success possible."
He hasn't forgotten who made his success possible, after all it was MSI who gave them their break back when they were a baby band - except thats a load of crap. In all the interview's MCR did prior to PR they had never, ever mentioned that gig they did openeing for MSI or MSI having any sort of influence on them. It was always that guy from Thursday that MCR mentioned. When MCR opened for MSI all those years ago Gerard wasn't some big rock star, they were this nobody band. MSI probably forgot all about them until they became big. I doubt Lynz even noticed Gerard back then or wouldn't even give him the time of day. If they got married 6 weeks after meeting at PR, I wonder how long it was before she was screwing him - I doubt they waited 6 weeks.
I'm thinking it was 08/06/07 when they started screwing because Gerard had that date sharpied on his neck on 8/07/07 - the day I saw Projekt Revolution in Atlanta. The day before, 8/6, had been a day off for the bands. It was also 13 days into PR. Less than a month after that, they got married.
My God, that is one fugly couple. Are there really people who think she's pretty? hahahahaha Shit, I think Eliza looks like a beauty queen compaired to her!!!! She looks like a crazy old witch with that wonky eye. And am I the only one who thinks they both look kinda old for their age? I mean, do you see Gerard's wrinkles? Man, the dude got old! And she should also start using moisturizer. Stat! Gerard was so handsome. How could that happen?
This isn't all of the red flags but I thing these are the important ones.
Relationship Red Flags:
He’s moving too quickly Be aware of someone who moves at the speed of light when trying to win you over.
Moving too quickly is usually a sign that he’s uncomfortable being by himself or he’s looking for a woman to help solve his problems.
He constantly talks bad about an ex He may not like his ex, but there’s no reason he should continue an ongoing verbal assault on her, no matter how sour the relationship went.
Not only is he offering too much information, but it makes him look tacky, resentful and unwilling to take responsibility for his shortcomings in the relationship.
Plus, if your relationship doesn’t work out, would you want him constantly talking bad about you later on?
Be aware of a guy who talks too freely about past relationships or exes in general, especially if it’s all negative. He may be dealing with a heavy load of unresolved anger from his past relationship.
He’s fresh out of a relationship Timing can be everything, but when you could potentially get involved in a rebound relationship, it may be time to move on.
While rebound relationships occasionally work out for the best, it’s usually one of the relationship red flags to be very cautious of.
If you’ve been through a break-up, you know that it takes a long time to completely recover.
Chances are if he’s fresh out of a relationship, he’s going through the recovery process, which leaves him little time to completely focus on you. He may also be using you to temporarily fill his loneliness, whether he realizes it or not.
Asking for intimacy or marriage too quickly or spilling loads of very personal information all point to desperation.
Besides it being unattractive, clinginess and bad judgment are not traits you want a future partner to have.
Siobhan Drinking and drugs is my guess. I post my last comment because I had always heard that couple who feel the need to dress like each other have problems in their relationships.
Everything is good in this relationship because we coordinate our outfits
I agree. That picture is more scarier than the GW Kerrang one. Pancake-Zilla, yes, there's people who think she's pretty. In my opinion, too much makeup doesn't count as beautiful.
Lol, it sounded like you were solving a math equation figuring that out.
in another article they say he had to go because he was drinking too much. Huh?
Wait. Who said that? I thought GW said that they kicked him out of the band because he wasn't fully participating in it when they were doing local shows?
It's not the makeup it's the face itself, BC. The nose, they eyes, the mouth, the FACE. hahhahaha But Gerard looks like ugly too. I don't know what happened to his face but he looks like Michael Jackson's twin brother.
Okay, okay, I'm sorry!!!!! I got that wrong! In an article they were talking about Gerard's substance abuse problem and that it was also a problem for the band and the article said that Matt was also a problem and reading it first it sounded to me that he was also drinking and taking drugs and therefore couldn't play properly anymore. Um, sorry!!! Meh!
Well, I happen to think that she's very beautiful. Just--like Gerard--a phony. And to me that's what makes them unattractive. But feature-wise I think she's lovely.
As far as Gerard goes, this is a dude who used to be nice-looking and who could have kept being nice-looking. But honestly I can't get past his creepy, dead-ass shark eyes.
I don't think she is pretty. It is partly because I don't find her "stage act" to be attractive. And she just isn't pretty in my eyes. But than I don't find most people who are consider to be pretty, pretty. They are either overly made up or go for the porn star make up. Either way it all looks fake.
11:56, see I think she is classically beautiful, but like you said: what does it matter, when in reality it comes down to who you are? And from what I've seen of her--the posturing, the insincerity, being proud of lack of talent, acting cheap towards your audience, riding on someone else's coat-tails--well that just takes it all away.
Martha, I don't think she's what most people would find typically "pretty" in this day and age, but she would have been fabulous back in the days of JW Waterhouse. Well, what I mean is that she would have been considered ideal back then, in terms of looks anyway.
12:25, just because some anonymous people say it doesn't make it true. If I see any similarity at all it's the dark hair and maybe the eyebrows. That's about it. There's no question she's way prettier than I am.
OTOH, I'd never marry up and use someone to further my career etc. and I'd sure as hell never fake playing an instrument, be anyone's window dressing, or deal with a band that thought "n*gger" and "f*ggot" and songs about child sexual abuse are hilarious.
12:27, but they don't need to function. They are rock stars. They have huge businesses to do their "functioning" for them.
Thanks 12:36, :) I just say what I see though, you know how it is. :)
I'm not sure how normal or abnormal a rock star's life is. But on the other hand, i guess it depends on the rock star. There are some, I'm sure, who handle their own business and function in the world. Then there are others that I guess just don't need to grow up. I think that one luxury that money and fame afford is the luxury of not having to deal with certain realities that the rest of us deal with. I'm sure there are ones out there who have people take care of stuff for them.
And when it comes down to Gerard, he's got so much adulation that I don't think he's ever been forced to grow up, like many others. You know what I mean?
In other words, things that other "normal" people have to struggle for just come to him. His "big dream" was to write a comic; he got handed a book deal. He wants so badly to fit in; his fame and money gave him a whole posse of HXC (LOL!) beffies.
Kapunua you put your appearance down far more than you should.
I don't agree with you. "Rock Stars" need to function too. They lead normal lives behind all the hype as well.
Most rock star are the people who were picked on. Most of them have a whole lot of demons that they rarely work on . As soon as they get a little fame and fortune they self destruct. A good amount of them keep it behind closed doors. but most of them are that way.
I have to agree with MJ about not seeing anything pretty about Lindsey. There is too much variation between the size of her upper and lower lips, the tip of her nose turns down and there isn't enough distance between her upper lip and her nose. Some might see this as nit-picking, but for me, the whole lip to nose ratio thing is very important to me.
this is the pic blown up in High Quality. Lindsey's does not know how to put on lipstick at all. also both of their hairlines are backed up like traffic. their foreheads look huge.
Okay, can we please stop the completely superficial "ugly" talk? Who cares what they look like? It's irrelevant and makes the people on this blog seem petty.
Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone but there's more to live then foreheads, noses, lips and manicures.
3:22 I don't think it's that irrelevant, seeing how they probably look like that due to dugs and alcohol, or atleast that's my guess. But I agree, just calling them ugly is kind of pointless.
I don't think Lindsey's or Gerard's looks are the issue here, but I do agree with Kapunua. Gerard's expression looks like it's frozen on his face. The smile does not reach his eyes. Something's not right with him.
Whatever it is, I hope he works it out for the baby's sake.
Yeah that's my guess, Martha. Thats probably why she never goes without lipstick, because in the one pic i ave seen with her without, they look really thin, but it could just be because I'm not used to seeing her without.
As an anon said looks do mean something. It is well know that drugs and alcohol affect your appearance. Meth is one of the drugs that will make people look bad if they use it.
No the ugly thing isn't right but if that is how people feel let them say it. No matter what we say or do people are going to think we are petty.
The problem with Lindsey's lips is that the lower one is really big, while the upper one is practically nonexistant. It's a symmetry thing, which really bothers some people but not others.
I think she is just holding a soda. Not as bad as alcohol but still not good. I haven't been keeping up has she been doing her impression of a bass player at any of the msi shows
Looks like Dr. Pepper to me. Caffeine = not good, but soda is better than coffee. Maybe she's trying to wean herself from coffee? And hopefully she's quit smoking.
First you speculate on when Gerard and Linds first started having sex. Then lo and behold, somebody has figured out the actual date? And then you all have the nerve to call Gerard and Lindsey tacky?
Now you are all having a go at Lin because her lipstick isn't perfect?
No one would be speculating on Gerard and Lindsey's relationship had they not made themselves HUMAN BILLBOARDS proclaiming their love on stages all over the US and Canada last summer.
Sorry, but when Gerard decided to advertise his great love via Sharpie to the world, he opened himself up to ridicule.
Speaking of pets, remember the hamster Gerard was going to get? And then when he was asked about it later, he said he decided not to get one because he wouldn't be able to take care of it properly because he would be out on the road so much?
How is it he can't take care of a hamster properly with his lifestyle, but he and Lindsey think they can raise a child properly out on the road?
other anons, it is pointless attacking the appearance of someone. we all have our own version of what we consider attractive, and she is by no means unattractive.
by focusing on someone's looks you are deflecting on what is truly important, the way a person conducts themselves, and treats others. being gifted with physical beauty does not translate to automatically being a wonderful person.
I don't think anyone was saying she was a wonderful person. I will also disagree with you on her being attractive.
I am not going to tell people that they can speaker her mind about how they feel even if it maybe harsh. I think a lot of people are sick of hearing about how great she is from the fan girls and this is there only place to let lose.
I just can't stand for someone who makes money off of demeaning others based on race or sexual orientation. If the members of msi can take having shit flung at them than they shouldn't fling shit at others what every the reason.
martha that was precisely the point i was making: some will see someone as attractive, others won't. everyone will see things differently, but going on and on about appearance serves no purpose.
and i think you also misinterpreted about the "wonderful" part. i never implied she was, could only make that judgment if i knew her. just mentioned the popular perception that looks equals a great person.
i understand what you are saying, and agree with the demeaning part.
I got the wonderful part. That people shouldn't be judge on how they look and beauty doesn't equal a great person.
In this case going on about her and his appearance might not be point less. If they are using their appearance will chance. Even mental problems will cause a persons appearance to change. Calling her ugly may not get that across but talking about her appearance may get other people to notice certain things.
martha that was precisely the point i was making: some will see someone as attractive, others won't. everyone will see things differently, but going on and on about appearance serves no purpose.
I find everything about here disgusting. That is the only reason I said I don't agree with her on her looks. I don't always like the things that are said about her being ugly either.
It just feels like she is getting an excuse for what she is doing because some people believe that she looks good.
I see her as ugly because of what she does not just the way she looks.
I don't think my last comment explain what I am trying to say either to well. I understood what you were saying I just don't always know what words or the right way to use them to get across what I am trying to say.
I am annoyed with this whole concept of if you treat a few people nice when you meant them, you maybe considered pretty or put on a good show it forgives everything else awful you may have done is forgiven.
no martha, you do not sound like a fangirl. they are the ones that justify all sorts of behavior. they lack real objectivity.
maybe you feel that you cannot articulate all your thoughts about this because you feel so strongly about it, but i do hear you, and i tend to agree; too many things are based on image and not substance.
first and foremost you must understand they are there to get your attention, and they certainly have.
other anons, it is pointless attacking the appearance of someone. we all have our own version of what we consider attractive, and she is by no means unattractive.
by focusing on someone's looks you are deflecting on what is truly important, the way a person conducts themselves, and treats others. being gifted with physical beauty does not translate to automatically being a wonderful person.
December 14, 2008 8:52 PM
THANK YOU!! This is the point I tried to make last night - but no one listened to me.
i'm genuinely curious why there is so much hostility regarding mayo. i haven't been around here for very long, so i apologize for my n00bness, but would anyone mind explaining?
People listen to you. They just still did what they wanted to. As I said last night I don't want this place to become like mayo's where only the people who have the nice things to say are allowed to speak.
People come here to vent and it isn't always going to be pretty or nice. Especial given the group of people we are venting about.
Mayo is a blog that some of us came from. It has been rumored to be Gerard's blogs. A bunch of us we vent our feelings over there like we do here. But at some point we all became friends even with mayo.
But like all things it went south and now most of the people there don't talk to each other.
thee is a lot of talk that because my talks to some people there that the blog is nothing more than them trying to get mayo's attention.
Also a lot of the people there are sit fans of MCR and don't like hearing the negative opinions. Some people think it is nothing more than an MCR fansite now.
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 4356 Newer› Newest»Mayo has nothing to do with this. If you think Mayo is Gerard, you are delusional.
"9:59, I'm not gonna lie about that."
YOU DID LIE ABOUT IT. That is the whole point.
And why would I go to your blog, so you can track me? Not everyone is as stupid as you. I saw what happened to others when they were told "go to my blog' by another person. Sorry but I don't want the whole world to know where I live. I'm not as dumb and naive as Kapu. Nice try.
Complain about it on my blog 10:03.
"Just wait, and watch your back."
i iz scared now
Anonymous said...
about mayo's post - I can't really put it into words, but there was just an air about it that seemed odd. That, and the swearing ((I've never understood swearing on the internet, idk that's just me))
"Just wait, and watch your back."
it's weird but that line struck me as directed at these comments. like he'll do something that will go completely against everything people here think about him, maybe even something directed to here. I know it sounds stupid but that was just my initial reaction.
it sounds similar to something an anon said on here once. The just wait and watch your back. An anon said that VV wasn't who we thought and was collect info on us at LJ. And we were going to get into a lot of trouble.
I'll repeat it since you obviously can't read.
And why would I go to your blog, so you can track me? Not everyone is as stupid as you. I saw what happened to others when they were told "go to my blog' by another person. Sorry but I don't want the whole world to know where I live. I'm not as dumb and naive as Kapu. Nice try.
I don't even have tracker on my blog. I don't believe in invading someone's personal privacy like that. It's wrong.
But why complain about me on someone's blog that isn't yours?
BC don't bother responding to them, they are just pulling you in. just GW fangirls.
Anons just leave BC alone alright. We are not here to talk about BC, Kapu or the OPs.
BC when you lie about it you make the rest of us look bad. You are obviously a fangirl who really did think that Gerard was in love with you and that's why you are so pissed off.
Well most of us never felt that way towards Gerard, we are just disappointed to find out what a liar and ass he is.
So please just stop lying. Tell the truth. Otherwise you make the rest of us look bad.
"But why complain about me on someone's blog that isn't yours?"
Because by lying about your feelings, you make the rest of us look bad.
And GOD. You just don't get it, do you?
10:07, you aren't making us look too good either. This blog isn't about attacking BC. It's about calling Gerard Way out. Come back when you have something relevant to say.
10:06, MJ, thanks.
"It's about calling Gerard Way out. "
Which she has no right to do if she's going to lie too.
MOST of us aren't Gerard fangirls who thought we were going to marry him and then got pissed off when he married LynZ. BC IS. She admitted it many times a day when Mayo did the Miracle Whip blog fiasco.
So by lying about it she proves she is no better than Gerard. AND she is no better than the fangirls who just got mad because he got married.
MOST of us are not like that.
Getting back to a more relevant subject:
What kind of railing do you suppose Gerard was in front of on the train? It made sense when he said he was on a ferry, but a train?
Does anybody here still think he witnessed the WTC fall?
you're welcome BC.
it's ok, BC. i fail to see how you are so "pissed off".
if i recall correctly, you were calling him out from the beginning. love or no love.
'And GOD. You just don't get it, do you?'
I understand your frustration. No. She doesn't get it. There isn't much that she does get. BC is mentally not all there. Cut her some slack. Be patient with her. I know how hard it is but be patient with her.
She doesn't have the power to make the rest of us look bad, only we have the power to do that. She can only make herself look bad.
I don't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth, 10:13. Not anymore.
You are right 10:14, she's probably not worth getting frustrated over. I've seen other people try to talk to her. It is like talking to a dead cat. I don't know why I wasted my time.
She's as dumb as a box of hammers. Just let her be. The Bible says not to cast pearls before swine.
why would you 10:14? a rawksta is there to sell music, not fix up your life
I think he probably was sleeping off a hangover in his parents basement.
10.13 like i said earlier i don't know what to think. I don't want to believe that he would use 9/11.
Maybe railing by the door, and therefore window nearby? Ehh, kind of a stretch. There'd definitely be railing on a ferry, but not as likely on a train.
Maybe he just got it mixed up. Especially since he only said "train" in one instance, and the others were ferry. You'd think it'd be hard to mix up, being that he's spewed it so much.
Although the hangover theory sounds more likely, I still believe the ferry story. Or "tale" rather lol.
9/11 was such a horrible tragedy. To think he would use it to sell records...to the point where he would even lie about it...that turns my stomach.
As much as I dislike him now, I hope he was at least telling the truth about that.
9/11 was such a horrible tragedy. To think he would use it to sell records...to the point where he would even lie about it...that turns my stomach.
As much as I dislike him now, I hope he was at least telling the truth about that.
It's easy to mix up your details when you're telling something you made up. Still, a ferry and a train? Two drastically different things.
Though it is kind of a coincidence that the band formed shortly after the event. If the band had formed later and used 9/11 it'd sound fishy. Maybe there's someone out there with no reason to lie (i.e. no one in the band itself or relatives) who knows for sure.
Unless it really WAS just a coincidence, and the band really didn't have anything to do with it, but he / they just used 9/11 because it sounded good.
maybe you just have to make up your own minds about what is true or not.
I'm curious - how was Mayo's blog even found?
The band still could have formed in response to 9/11, whether Gerard actually witnessed the event or not. But it made a helluva good story and made the band seem more interesting, so I wouldn't put it past him to make it up, especially since he seems to have such a casual relationship with the truth.
Mayo isn't relevant here.
what has mayo got to do with this place 10:32?
To answer the anons question most people found out about it from a link. Most where at MCR fansites.
10:40 sorry, but
a) this place has nothing to do with that place
b) that place is used only for socializing
c) it's boring
Mayo's actually started off like this place. But it changed.
I don't see any problem with people asking about mayo's as long as they keep the name calling that is done over there away from here.
didn't someone say mayo is JU?
Anonymous said...
maybe you just have to make up your own minds about what is true or not.
I think most of us have made up our minds about what is true and what isn't. It's just the 9/11 thing is something we are unsure of and I think most of us don't want to believe that he would lie about something like that.
First time I heard THAT one, anon.
Anonymous said...
didn't someone say mayo is JU?
December 13, 2008 10:48 PM
Yes but some people also think mayo is GW.
Anonymous said...
First time I heard THAT one, anon.
December 13, 2008 10:51
On the last post an anon came on saying that they figured out who mayo was and that mayo was JU . I think they also asked for the blog to be shut down.
mj if it were GW i think we would be getting not so subtle, blow by blow descriptions of you know who and the mrs.
i mean he impregnated her now. he's a mans, mans, man.
EW I need brain bleach now. Don't want to even think about those two like that. Siobhan already put a nasty image in my head about it.
10:55, i'm sure GW has far more important things to write about than creating cryptic mumbo-jumbo about nothing.
if he had a blog i think no one would know about it.
We a;ready know what he would write about on his blog. Is that shit or blood on that toilet.
yes martha, really pertinent things...
If you don't bathe for long periods of time it is.
That was Bob. Gerard would be much classier than that. He'd finally post that Planet of the Apes fanfic he wrote.
trying to entertain a mainly 15 and under audience must be frustrating for 30+ men
That was Gerard he asked Bob to take the picture.
i should hope so 11:15. i think that would be an entertaining read
Regarding 9/11, if you go back and read interviews that were done around the time Revenge came out, they mention 9/11 as being the catalyst for the formation of My Chem, yet none of them mention Gerard seeing the towers fall.
A June 05 article in Spin says that on the day of the attack, Gerard "was coming into Manhattan, unaware of the tragedy."
But, if you listen to the infamous WSOU interview they did before Revenge came out, Gerard talks about how he wasn't getting anywhere with art, so he decided to form a band after having a "nervous breakdown", but he doesn't mention 9/11 at all.
Hmm. This is all beginning to look curiouser and curiouser.
oh well, maybe you might hear from the band sooner, rather than later.
...he does have a wife and child to support in the future...
oh well, maybe you might hear from the band sooner, rather than later.
...he does have a wife and child to support in the future...
I won't be contributing any of my money.
I usually don't completely trust magazine articles that aren't an actual quote, as in the writer just paraphrases what they said, because they could get stuff wrong. But coming from his own mouth on audio recording is quite convincing. Hm.
He will need all the money he can get but i will not be giving any of mine
i'm sure the love of his wonderful wife is more than enough for him
when mayo first started posting was a bit too well-timed. when people first started to doubt Gerard, Mayo came.
Mayo Schmayo. Who gives a flying fuck? And even if it were Gerard, which I don't believe for a second it is, it still wouldn't be relevant here.
Love don't put food on the table or diapers on a baby.
that's right 11:55
who needs mayo anyway?
mj, i think they were being sarcastic
Than 11.55 don't talk about Mayo.
That was my point, Martha.
That was my first thought but for just in case i wrote that.
11.55 if you don't want to talk about mayo don't but don't say it isn't relevant to here. We don't know what or who mayo is or who goes there.
Also if you pay attention to what has happened at Mayo's when anons attack you will know what they will do when they come here. The same people who hate mayo's hate this place as well.
Also I don't want this place to become like mayo's where only certain opinions are made to feel welcome. as long as no one is attacking another person a little side conversation shouldn't matter
Thank you, Martha.
Hmm...I see the bashing is over, therefore I won't address it any further.
I just read some old articles about MCR and I find it really interesting that in one article they say that Matt was the one who never drank that much compaired to the others and in another article they say he had to go because he was drinking too much. Huh?
Yep. More contradictory lies from the MCR camp.
I just went back and listened to that the interview on WSOU and it made me sad. Gerard seemed like a totally different person. He was so nice and so funny. What happened?
He grew a big head and became an asshole.
I do like that interview though.
I think Gerard started believing his own press. Too bad most of it was generated by WB who was building them up to be the second coming of Queen.
He needs a wake-up call.
Yeah, if only he'd kept his fat kid mentality.
I don't think it was a fat kid mentality so much as an I love what I'm doing and am incredibly lucky to be doing it, but that doesn't make me better than everyone else mentality.
Now he seems to think he's above other people. Like he's acheived something so special it sets him apart and he deserves special treatment. And he seems to have forgotten the people who made his success possible.
"And he seems to have forgotten the people who made his success possible."
He hasn't forgotten who made his success possible, after all it was MSI who gave them their break back when they were a baby band - except thats a load of crap. In all the interview's MCR did prior to PR they had never, ever mentioned that gig they did openeing for MSI or MSI having any sort of influence on them. It was always that guy from Thursday that MCR mentioned. When MCR opened for MSI all those years ago Gerard wasn't some big rock star, they were this nobody band. MSI probably forgot all about them until they became big. I doubt Lynz even noticed Gerard back then or wouldn't even give him the time of day. If they got married 6 weeks after meeting at PR, I wonder how long it was before she was screwing him - I doubt they waited 6 weeks.
I am guess they didn't even have a first date before she was screwing him.
I think the attitude is his way of making himself look like a rock star. Because rock star treat their fans like shit and fuck groupies.
I'm thinking it was 08/06/07 when they started screwing because Gerard had that date sharpied on his neck on 8/07/07 - the day I saw Projekt Revolution in Atlanta. The day before, 8/6, had been a day off for the bands. It was also 13 days into PR. Less than a month after that, they got married.
Lol, Gerard told the world the exact date they started fucking?
How romantic of him. [Translation: how incredibly tacky.]
[Translation: how incredibly tacky.]
We're talking about Gerard and LynZ - tacky comes as standard.
Holy Fucking Crap! They're morphing into each other!
That's the creepiest picture I have ever seen.
My God, that is one fugly couple. Are there really people who think she's pretty? hahahahaha
Shit, I think Eliza looks like a beauty queen compaired to her!!!!
She looks like a crazy old witch with that wonky eye.
And am I the only one who thinks they both look kinda old for their age? I mean, do you see Gerard's wrinkles? Man, the dude got old! And she should also start using moisturizer. Stat!
Gerard was so handsome. How could that happen?
This isn't all of the red flags but I thing these are the important ones.
Relationship Red Flags:
He’s moving too quickly
Be aware of someone who moves at the speed of light when trying to win you over.
Moving too quickly is usually a sign that he’s uncomfortable being by himself or he’s looking for a woman to help solve his problems.
He constantly talks bad about an ex
He may not like his ex, but there’s no reason he should continue an ongoing verbal assault on her, no matter how sour the relationship went.
Not only is he offering too much information, but it makes him look tacky, resentful and unwilling to take responsibility for his shortcomings in the relationship.
Plus, if your relationship doesn’t work out, would you want him constantly talking bad about you later on?
Be aware of a guy who talks too freely about past relationships or exes in general, especially if it’s all negative. He may be dealing with a heavy load of unresolved anger from his past relationship.
He’s fresh out of a relationship
Timing can be everything, but when you could potentially get involved in a rebound relationship, it may be time to move on.
While rebound relationships occasionally work out for the best, it’s usually one of the relationship red flags to be very cautious of.
If you’ve been through a break-up, you know that it takes a long time to completely recover.
Chances are if he’s fresh out of a relationship, he’s going through the recovery process, which leaves him little time to completely focus on you. He may also be using you to temporarily fill his loneliness, whether he realizes it or not.
Asking for intimacy or marriage too quickly or spilling loads of very personal information all point to desperation.
Besides it being unattractive, clinginess and bad judgment are not traits you want a future partner to have.
Siobhan Drinking and drugs is my guess. I post my last comment because I had always heard that couple who feel the need to dress like each other have problems in their relationships.
Everything is good in this relationship because we coordinate our outfits
I agree. That picture is more scarier than the GW Kerrang one. Pancake-Zilla, yes, there's people who think she's pretty. In my opinion, too much makeup doesn't count as beautiful.
Lol, it sounded like you were solving a math equation figuring that out.
in another article they say he had to go because he was drinking too much. Huh?
Wait. Who said that? I thought GW said that they kicked him out of the band because he wasn't fully participating in it when they were doing local shows?
I thought they fired Matt because he was a shit drummer who couldn't keep the beat in live shows.
I heard it was because he was having problems with Ray. Ray wouldn't do something to give Matt a signal while playing and it pissed him off.
It's not the makeup it's the face itself, BC. The nose, they eyes, the mouth, the FACE. hahhahaha
But Gerard looks like ugly too. I don't know what happened to his face but he looks like Michael Jackson's twin brother.
Wait, I will look it up.
Okay, okay, I'm sorry!!!!!
I got that wrong! In an article they were talking about Gerard's substance abuse problem and that it was also a problem for the band and the article said that Matt was also a problem and reading it first it sounded to me that he was also drinking and taking drugs and therefore couldn't play properly anymore.
Um, sorry!!! Meh!
All the fangirls will says they look like they're so much in love. She looks very masculine in that photo.
She looks very masculine in every photo.
Siobhan, I think he's ugly now too. The more boyish or girlish he looks, the more "ugh" factor comes into play.
He's not attractive anymore. He looks too much like a little boy. Or a girl. Or whatever.
He is not ageing well.
he doesn't look like he smiles with his eyes anymore. almost like something has gone.
i would be flamed for this anywhere else, but i don't think he looks that happy.
i think in some of the pics his hair is starting to thin out as well
Neither do I. It looks forced (both of them). Gerard's lost his sparkle - it's like he's soul has been sucked dry.
Well, I happen to think that she's very beautiful. Just--like Gerard--a phony. And to me that's what makes them unattractive. But feature-wise I think she's lovely.
As far as Gerard goes, this is a dude who used to be nice-looking and who could have kept being nice-looking. But honestly I can't get past his creepy, dead-ass shark eyes.
I'm fond of her coat. However, when couples dress alike, or dress to match, I want to punch them both right in the vagina. What are we, ten?
Kapunua everyone has their own unique beauty and she has her own form of attractiveness, though a classic beauty she is not.
Nevertheless, that is not important. What is, is how you treat and make a person feel.
I don't think she is pretty. It is partly because I don't find her "stage act" to be attractive. And she just isn't pretty in my eyes. But than I don't find most people who are consider to be pretty, pretty. They are either overly made up or go for the porn star make up. Either way it all looks fake.
11:56, see I think she is classically beautiful, but like you said: what does it matter, when in reality it comes down to who you are? And from what I've seen of her--the posturing, the insincerity, being proud of lack of talent, acting cheap towards your audience, riding on someone else's coat-tails--well that just takes it all away.
Martha, I don't think she's what most people would find typically "pretty" in this day and age, but she would have been fabulous back in the days of JW Waterhouse. Well, what I mean is that she would have been considered ideal back then, in terms of looks anyway.
Kapu I just can't see it.
That's cool; everyone has different eyes for beauty.
But like I say, when I say "beauty" I mean just by looking at photographs. I'm not talking about true beauty.
I never noticed how huge his forehead is. Jeez. He just looks ugly these days.
And what the fuck is up with her bulging eyes. They look like theyre gonna explode
Kapu, I think he only reason you keep saying she's beautiful is because people think you look like her. you're full of shit, she is not pretty at all.
I have to agree with 11:40, it looks contrived.
I think it's silly to throw your affection about another person in everyone's face. Teenagers behave that way, not mature, functioning adults.
12:25, just because some anonymous people say it doesn't make it true. If I see any similarity at all it's the dark hair and maybe the eyebrows. That's about it. There's no question she's way prettier than I am.
OTOH, I'd never marry up and use someone to further my career etc. and I'd sure as hell never fake playing an instrument, be anyone's window dressing, or deal with a band that thought "n*gger" and "f*ggot" and songs about child sexual abuse are hilarious.
12:27, but they don't need to function. They are rock stars. They have huge businesses to do their "functioning" for them.
Kapunua you put your appearance down far more than you should.
I don't agree with you. "Rockstars" need to function too. They lead normal lives behind all the hype as well.
Thanks 12:36, :) I just say what I see though, you know how it is. :)
I'm not sure how normal or abnormal a rock star's life is. But on the other hand, i guess it depends on the rock star. There are some, I'm sure, who handle their own business and function in the world. Then there are others that I guess just don't need to grow up. I think that one luxury that money and fame afford is the luxury of not having to deal with certain realities that the rest of us deal with. I'm sure there are ones out there who have people take care of stuff for them.
And when it comes down to Gerard, he's got so much adulation that I don't think he's ever been forced to grow up, like many others. You know what I mean?
In other words, things that other "normal" people have to struggle for just come to him. His "big dream" was to write a comic; he got handed a book deal. He wants so badly to fit in; his fame and money gave him a whole posse of HXC (LOL!) beffies.
You know?
Skank-z ugly mug killed the blog! :-D
Anonymous said...
Kapunua you put your appearance down far more than you should.
I don't agree with you. "Rock Stars" need to function too. They lead normal lives behind all the hype as well.
Most rock star are the people who were picked on. Most of them have a whole lot of demons that they rarely work on . As soon as they get a little fame and fortune they self destruct. A good amount of them keep it behind closed doors. but most of them are that way.
you can tell that the smile on Gerard's face is completely forced and fake in that pic.
Skank-Z fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
that pic was taken last night at a Cure concert in LA.
you would think that him being at a concert for a band he likes, would make him smile. And not look so panicked.
Lindsey must still be in the first trimester because she doesn't even look pregnant.
I'm still guessing she got pregnant on or around their anniversary. Makes sense at least.
Anonymous said...
that pic was taken last night at a Cure concert in LA.
December 14, 2008 1:30 PM
I'd love to see The Cure live. Where did you read that?
Wow. I killed the blog.
^Thanks =)
I have to agree with MJ about not seeing anything pretty about Lindsey. There is too much variation between the size of her upper and lower lips, the tip of her nose turns down and there isn't enough distance between her upper lip and her nose. Some might see this as nit-picking, but for me, the whole lip to nose ratio thing is very important to me.
this is the pic blown up in High Quality. Lindsey's does not know how to put on lipstick at all. also both of their hairlines are backed up like traffic. their foreheads look huge.
^Lindsey not Lindsey's
Does anyone else find their handholding kind of awkward?
I think Lynz looks pretty at times, but she looks downright awful in that pic.
Lindsey has a manly hand and needs a manicure.
Okay, can we please stop the completely superficial "ugly" talk? Who cares what they look like? It's irrelevant and makes the people on this blog seem petty.
Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone but there's more to live then foreheads, noses, lips and manicures.
OMG in the blow up pic Lindsey's lipstick isn't even on her bottom lip. it's way underneath the side of her lip. lol
I think Lindsey is trying to make her lips appear bigger.
I don't think it's that irrelevant, seeing how they probably look like that due to dugs and alcohol, or atleast that's my guess. But I agree, just calling them ugly is kind of pointless.
I don't think Lindsey's or Gerard's looks are the issue here, but I do agree with Kapunua. Gerard's expression looks like it's frozen on his face. The smile does not reach his eyes. Something's not right with him.
Whatever it is, I hope he works it out for the baby's sake.
Yeah that's my guess, Martha. Thats probably why she never goes without lipstick, because in the one pic i ave seen with her without, they look really thin, but it could just be because I'm not used to seeing her without.
i think Lindsey's lip problem is that she doesn't use a lip liner pencil. she needs to line her lips then color them in with the lipstick.
As an anon said looks do mean something. It is well know that drugs and alcohol affect your appearance. Meth is one of the drugs that will make people look bad if they use it.
No the ugly thing isn't right but if that is how people feel let them
say it. No matter what we say or do people are going to think we are petty.
The problem with Lindsey's lips is that the lower one is really big, while the upper one is practically nonexistant. It's a symmetry thing, which really bothers some people but not others.
Link Anon you fucking rule.
She has a drink in her hand. Can anyone tell what it is?
Seeing that picture closeup is very freaky, you can see every flaw. Hell, I can see Gerard's nose hair, gross.
Anonymous said...
Link Anon you fucking rule.
December 14, 2008 3:37 PM
Why, thank you!!!! You too Anon
the lipstick below her lip on the side is driving me fucking crazy. how does she not notice that and fix it?
If I ever become the type of woman who puts on lipstick outside of the lip-line, shoot me.
Okay. That link should come with a warning.
Sure thing Kapuna.
Lol, I joke, I joke.
I think she is just holding a soda. Not as bad as alcohol but still not good. I haven't been keeping up has she been doing her impression of a bass player at any of the msi shows
Looks like Dr. Pepper to me. Caffeine = not good, but soda is better than coffee. Maybe she's trying to wean herself from coffee? And hopefully she's quit smoking.
I can hope, right?
Lindsey's lips and soda killed the blog.
Looks like they did
You people kill me. Really you do.
First you speculate on when Gerard and Linds first started having sex. Then lo and behold, somebody has figured out the actual date? And then you all have the nerve to call Gerard and Lindsey tacky?
Now you are all having a go at Lin because her lipstick isn't perfect?
You are all beyond pathetic.
^ And yet you're here reading it.
Anon if you don't like are conversations than go else where. go be with less pathetic people.
You are all beyond pathetic.
Gerard and Lindsey aren't just tacky, they look tacky too.
and anon if you don't like this kind of talk get off the net. It is filled with nothing but this and porn.
No one would be speculating on Gerard and Lindsey's relationship had they not made themselves HUMAN BILLBOARDS proclaiming their love on stages all over the US and Canada last summer.
Sorry, but when Gerard decided to advertise his great love via Sharpie to the world, he opened himself up to ridicule.
I bet our we are all beyond pathetic anon was one of the fan girls who used to call Eliza a lying whore all the time.
Eliza killed the blog
Lol. Eliza probably kills her pets.
Speaking of pets, remember the hamster Gerard was going to get? And then when he was asked about it later, he said he decided not to get one because he wouldn't be able to take care of it properly because he would be out on the road so much?
How is it he can't take care of a hamster properly with his lifestyle, but he and Lindsey think they can raise a child properly out on the road?
I think the kid has more to due with a lack of birth control than wanting one.
Gerard looks about as lifeless as one of the figures in Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in that picture.
I'm worried about his mental health. Something isn't right.
How is it he can't take care of a hamster properly with his lifestyle, but he and Lindsey think they can raise a child properly out on the road?
Easy peasy. They'll have Uncle Jimmy to help them take care of it.
Easy peasy. They'll have Uncle Jimmy to help them take care of it.
No child should be deprived the art of making a Muppet fucking youtube video.
i can picture Jimmy putting holes in Lindsey's diaphragm to make sure that MSI and MCR stay linked together forever.
They keep showing this one commercial on tv. In it they say something about an emo pinata I always think of Gerard.
Or him replacing her birth control pills with Claritin.
Anonymous said...
Or him replacing her birth control pills with Claritin.
Than she wouldn't be rubbing her nose because of her "allergies".
5:46 i agree, something doesn't look right.
other anons, it is pointless attacking the appearance of someone. we all have our own version of what we consider attractive, and she is by no means unattractive.
by focusing on someone's looks you are deflecting on what is truly important, the way a person conducts themselves, and treats others. being gifted with physical beauty does not translate to automatically being a wonderful person.
I don't think anyone was saying she was a wonderful person. I will also disagree with you on her being attractive.
I am not going to tell people that they can speaker her mind about how they feel even if it maybe harsh. I think a lot of people are sick of hearing about how great she is from the fan girls and this is there only place to let lose.
I just can't stand for someone who makes money off of demeaning others based on race or sexual orientation. If the members of msi can take having shit flung at them than they shouldn't fling shit at others what every the reason.
martha that was precisely the point i was making: some will see someone as attractive, others won't. everyone will see things differently, but going on and on about appearance serves no purpose.
and i think you also misinterpreted about the "wonderful" part. i never implied she was, could only make that judgment if i knew her. just mentioned the popular perception that looks equals a great person.
i understand what you are saying, and agree with the demeaning part.
I got the wonderful part. That people shouldn't be judge on how they look and beauty doesn't equal a great person.
In this case going on about her and his appearance might not be point less. If they are using their appearance will chance. Even mental problems will cause a persons appearance to change. Calling her ugly may not get that across but talking about her appearance may get other people to notice certain things.
martha that was precisely the point i was making: some will see someone as attractive, others won't. everyone will see things differently, but going on and on about appearance serves no purpose.
I find everything about here disgusting. That is the only reason I said I don't agree with her on her looks. I don't always like the things that are said about her being ugly either.
It just feels like she is getting an excuse for what she is doing because some people believe that she looks good.
I see her as ugly because of what she does not just the way she looks.
i agree martha, emotional anguish causes a lot of stress and can effect your appearance.
I don't think my last comment explain what I am trying to say either to well. I understood what you were saying I just don't always know what words or the right way to use them to get across what I am trying to say.
It just feels like she is getting an excuse for what she is doing because some people believe that she looks good.
I see her as ugly because of what she does not just the way she looks.
i hear you completely on this...looks are such a small part of the whole person.
I am sounding like a pissed off fan girl.
I am annoyed with this whole concept of if you treat a few people nice when you meant them, you maybe considered pretty or put on a good show it forgives everything else awful you may have done is forgiven.
no martha, you do not sound like a fangirl. they are the ones that justify all sorts of behavior. they lack real objectivity.
maybe you feel that you cannot articulate all your thoughts about this because you feel so strongly about it, but i do hear you, and i tend to agree; too many things are based on image and not substance.
first and foremost you must understand they are there to get your attention, and they certainly have.
first and foremost you must understand they are there to get your attention, and they certainly have.
But they got their attention for all the wrong reasons.
i really don't think that it matters to them whether it's right or wrong, they have it.
And that is sad that it doesn't matter to them how they got it. I can't wait for it to come back and bite them in the ass.
They will be forever known as the band that only made it because of who one of their members was fucking. If they are remembered at all.
Oh don't worry, I doubt they'll be remembered much at all.
I think they will go down in the rock and roll hand book of what not to do.
do you think they have really "made it"?
just because you get a lot of publicity only means you could be the flavor of the month, year, etc...
i think your music, how many it reaches and connects, gives real meaning to that term.
and looking at it from a performer's pov, it may mean a completely different thing.
No I don't think they made it.
I don't even think they are a flavor of the month. Even people who are flavor of the month did at least some of their own work.
other anons, it is pointless attacking the appearance of someone. we all have our own version of what we consider attractive, and she is by no means unattractive.
by focusing on someone's looks you are deflecting on what is truly important, the way a person conducts themselves, and treats others. being gifted with physical beauty does not translate to automatically being a wonderful person.
December 14, 2008 8:52 PM
THANK YOU!! This is the point I tried to make last night - but no one listened to me.
11.11 than don't engage the people who are doing what you don't like.
i'm genuinely curious why there is so much hostility regarding mayo. i haven't been around here for very long, so i apologize for my n00bness, but would anyone mind explaining?
People listen to you. They just still did what they wanted to. As I said last night I don't want this place to become like mayo's where only the people who have the nice things to say are allowed to speak.
People come here to vent and it isn't always going to be pretty or nice. Especial given the group of people we are venting about.
Mayo is a blog that some of us came from. It has been rumored to be Gerard's blogs. A bunch of us we vent our feelings over there like we do here. But at some point we all became friends even with mayo.
But like all things it went south and now most of the people there don't talk to each other.
thee is a lot of talk that because my talks to some people there that the blog is nothing more than them trying to get mayo's attention.
Also a lot of the people there are sit fans of MCR and don't like hearing the negative opinions. Some people think it is nothing more than an MCR fansite now.
okay. thanks martha.
but, how did it ever come up that mayo might possibley be gerard?
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