"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"
It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.
(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).
did anyone here used to be a fan of the lynz and gerard relationship at first but over time they saw that something was up and they started to dislike lynz and the new gerard? am i the only one? im emberessed to say i used to be like some of the people you guys make fun of =[
I don't know about the others, but I was very sceptical about Gerard and Lindsey from the start.
For one, he had just gotten out of another engagement just weeks before. Secondly, he was behaving very erratically all throughout Projekt Revolution. Third, the marriage just seemed too rushed. I mean, why the hurry?
I never really disliked Lindsey and I'm not blaming her for Gerard's assholishness. I was and am concerned for his mental health, nothing more.
Regardless of why he's doing what he's doing, I'm still not buying anymore of MCR's records.
1:08, at the beginning, I thought Lynz was okay, she seemed like a good performer and a nice person. But then, I looked deeper into it and realized she was full of shit and a hyprocrite, much like Gerard. They both have a amazing way of making people believe they are good people on the surface, but if you really think about the things they say and do, you understand that they are not who they say they are. Too bad the fangirls are too obsessed to really look at the people they are idolizing.
Gerard has been doing a lot of interviews lately and no one has asked him about the fact that he's about to become a father. what's up with that? maybe Gerard has put a gag order on interviewers when it comes to the baby.
I don't really understand why interviewers wouldn't be allowed to ask about the baby when MSI was virtually shouting about it from the rooftops. Although, I suppose they did have to give fans a reason for Lindsey's absence.
It's possible that the type of interviews he's been doing as of late are just not focused on anything in his private life because most of them have been about TUA. I doubt the comic book crowd gives two shits whether he's having baby or not.
As far as the public women In Gerard's life go. I never liked Eliza from the first time I saw her I knew she was bad but Lindsey I didn't start to dis like her until i found out more about her and msi.
Some of the things she has to say in interviews I would a agree with like not having to be great at what you do. But she takes it to the extreme with the whole not even trying to become good at it. Most of the big name women in music today are shit and can't doing anything but stand there and shake their tits and ass. I look to women who can play an instrument. You can't fake that you can play or you GTFO the stage. Than comes Lindsey who can barely play but is called a great bass player. It is insulting to both the women and men who have worked hard to become average, good and great musicians.
She reminds me of Paris Hilton all flash but with nothing of substance underneath. Unlike Shirley Manson from Garbage. I remember her once saying her guitar playing was shit so she started to get lessons.
I don't blame her for Gerard being an ass. If you remember there was talk of him being an ass when he was with Eliza. I do think that if she hadn't of shown up he wouldn't have acting out in the way he did.
I'm like you MJ, in that I didn't dislike Lindsey in the beginning. I think it was the "real musicans bore me to tears" bit that turned me against her.
As a musician myself, I felt a bit outraged. Music is my life. I spent countless hours of my childhood practicing (when I could have been out playing with other kids) and my family had to sacrifice to pay for my lessons. Her words felt like a slap in the face to serious musicians everywhere.
I agree 4:39, being a guitar player myself, I felt really fucking disguted with that comment. She insinuated that just because someone is a good musician, they can't be a good performer, which really offended me.
Gerard and Lindsey are a match made in heaven. They both are assholes, they both draw, they both lie a lot and they're both deluded as to just how much talent they actually have.
MJ, some people just aren't in the position to play and instrument. Lynz should feel lucky that she had the opportunity to, yet she took it for granted and didn't put any effort into it, which is pretty sad imo.
I would have loved to have played an instrument. But my family wouldn't pay for it. Not I just don't have the money right now.
That's just the kind of thing that really ticks me off, MJ. Think of all the young people who would love the opportunity to learn an instrument if they only had one.
Here she has every opportunity and she just wants to do backbends.
When my nephew was about fifteen, he bought himself a crappy used bass at a pawn shop and taught himself how to play. He couldn't even afford an amp, but still, he practiced all of the time and he got quite good.
Now he's in a local band and he has a better instrument and a fairly decent amp. His band gets a lot of local gigs, but they still struggle.
I suppose instead of learning to play, my nephew should have learned to do a backbend and to set things on fire.
Yeah, it is irritating when someone who never really cared about playing, acting or what ever it is gets thrown in and worshiped especially if they still don't really care about it.
That quote bothers me because who in their right mind would say something like that. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is drink a beer.
What did you learn today? I learned nothin What did you do today? I did nothin What did you learn at school? I didn't go Why didn't you go to school? I don't know
I do worry about Gerard's sanity sometimes. He seems so unstable and so many of the things he does don't make any sense. And sometimes he seems to change from interview to interview. Sometimes he acts like a completely different person.
Q: Why is it that women in rock bands tend to play bass?
A: Bass neck is thinner so it fits nicely into women small hands. It is also an easy instrument to learn and play, so technically nobody needs a bass lesson to play simple rock songs. If Lyn-z can't play it, then she must be one hell of a poser musician.
Most people can "play" the bass after only a few weeks. But to be really good at it, you have to have an excellent sense of rhythm and an interesting technique.
I picked up the bass and could play about six songs in only a couple of days. That doesn't mean I'm ready to go out and be in a rock band, though.
On playing the bass I have talked to people who have played the guitar for 10+ years who can't play the bass. They said it was pretty easy but the way they had to place their fingers they found that to hard.
If you are just in a band to get drunk and party sure. But if you want to make a career out of it a long lasting career you may want to get good at it.
Before I have some anon come and try to rip me apart for what I am say. I am going to clear up what I am saying.
No one here is saying that you have to be perfect to play in a band. If you want to join a band just to have fun and fool around go ahead. Just don't expect to make money doing it.
Most of the bands who you see videos for worked hard for years to get where they are. They didn't almost set a room and person on fire and than two weeks later play in front of 4000 people.
Lindsy is a very lucky person not only do she get into an "established" band not knowing how to play. she married a person who was willing to hand over his fan base to her.
Most of the bands who you see videos for worked hard for years to get where they are. They didn't almost set a room and person on fire and than two weeks later play in front of 4000 people.
Neither did MSI. New band members start in weird situations all the time. Bob filmed a video with MCR before he'd played a show with them.
You get good at it by being in a band and playing. Not by sitting on sidelines wringing your hands over whether you know enough chords for other people to deem you worthy.
To force some forever identity on other people is stupid. Point out inconsistencies in their behaviour, explain how they are not 'truly what they say' because you saw them 'do this' one time... why? Because it is easier to deal with cardboard cut outs than real people, cuz a lot of us pretend like we're the center of the universe sometimes and everyone is just background extras to the movie we imagine we star in.
...no it's not happening without us, it is just plain not happening at all... it is going down to the gurgling sound of our own voices, reproducing the voices of our parents in a slightly altered way, the TV people... trying to dictate to each other what is and what isn't cool or revolutionary or true resistance, what is or isn't true in other people's lives...
You get good at it by being in a band and playing. Not by sitting on sidelines wringing your hands over whether you know enough chords for other people to deem you worthy.
Not everyone gets good by being in a band and playing. Case in point: Lindsey.
You get good at it by being in a band and playing. Not by sitting on sidelines wringing your hands over whether you know enough chords for other people to deem you worthy.
You get good by playing. You don't have to be in a band to play.
Anon this isn't about deeming someone worth. This is about a person boasting about their ability. I don't know what make believe world you live in where people can just run their mouth off about how great they at playing an instrument with out being expected to prove it.
If Mikey or Pete pulled that shit they would constantly have people calling them on that. Put up or shut up.
Neither did MSI. New band members start in weird situations all the time. Bob filmed a video with MCR before he'd played a show with them.
If I remember correctly Bob got the job because he proved that he was an good drummer. He didn't wear a silly costume and he didn't perform any acts that you would normally see in the circus. I think it was more than just filling in for the video that got him that job.
No most bands don't play in front of 4000 people their first time out. Lindsey brags about how she played in front of that many people with only two week of playing that is why it is brought up.
Gerard and MCR never had an identity forced upon them. Gerard was the one that cultivated the identity that he now appears to want to get rid of so badly.
Even when they changed their look for brief moment he continued with the I am a role model and I want to help my fans identity. that was the one thing that was constant.
People do grow and change but it is rare that a person drops their core beliefs.
MJ, just like I said before, neither Gerard nor Lindsey were trained giving interviews such as Britney Spears or other people in the music industry who had to maintain a certain image in order to sell albums and concert tickets. Of course, I know that both of them have a certain image in their mind they want to put across through their behavior and statements but it was never well-elaborated and drilled into them so that they easily forgot about the things they said the day before and made things up, added something to the older story or left things out. I think they never imagined their older statements to surface again and bite them in the ass. I do understand that people can change their minds on certain subjects due to newly gained experiences of life etc. but I also think that people should admit that. Otherwise, they shouldn't be surprised if they look like pathologic liars.
I don't know what make believe world you live in where people can just run their mouth off about how great they at playing an instrument with out being expected to prove it.
The real world where millions of dudes run their mouths all the time and you aren't rushing around demanding that they prove themselves.
Bob filmed a video with MCR before he'd played a show with them.
They offered him the job without having heard him play.
If bob played at the video shot before he played live with them than they heard him play. Had he not proven himself to be what they where looking for he wouldn't be in the band today. He would have just been a temporary until they could get someone they liked.
Also I do believe that they said they had a little bit of time to practice with him before playing their first show with him.
I don't know what make believe world you live in where people can just run their mouth off about how great they at playing an instrument with out being expected to prove it.
The real world where millions of dudes run their mouths all the time and you aren't rushing around demanding that they prove themselves.
January 1, 2009 7:35 AM
That is because this blog isn't about the other dudes. This blog is about MCR and msi and the things they say and do. Not Marilyn Mason and his over sized ego or who ever else.
You get good by playing. You don't have to be in a band to play.
A huge part of being a good player is learning how to play with other people and learning how to play in situations that only occur when your in a band.
Umm, as far as I read Bob was a sound tech who got to know MCR while doing the sound for other bands at some concerts. They didn't even know that he was a drummer. They didn't get to know him as a fill-in for Matt in a video.
A huge part of being a good player is learning how to play with other people and learning how to play in situations that only occur when your in a band.
A huge part of being a good player is knowing how to play the instrument. When you addition for a band they don't look at how you play with them at first. They want to see how well you play and what kind of sound you have. If you are what they are looking for they will practice with you so that you can play with the band.
the way I heard it was Bob was the sound guy for the used and they were told by others that not only was he a great sound guy but he could play the drums as well.
Happy new yearrrrrr!!!!! :o) to all of you. have a wonderful 09
we have to blame msi fans for accepting a bass player who can't even play the bass. if i liked a band and they got a new member and then i realized the new member has no idea what he/she is doing, i would feel disappointed. id feel even more disappointed at going to a concert and realizing they don't even play live and everything has been previously recorded. i mean wtf? msi fans don't care? 'cause if they don't care and are totally fine with that then they're the ones to blame.
All They have to do is get an idea of how well he plays what is ability is. Besides Bob has played the drums for years and is a sound guy, I am sure he could have figured out away of sounding decent with out a tuned drum set.
No, they didn't know it at first that he was a drummer let alone a good one but who cares. I just read an article and as far as I understood it they got rid off Matt during their Japan tour and flew Bob out for a test run which means to me that Bob must have practiced the drums for MCR's songs all alone before they even asked him to play for him so that he could fill in for Matt in Japan. I mean, they couldn't know that they were going to fire Matt, could they? I also don't think that you learn how to play the drums for a band only by practising at a sound check or even on a day off if you have never played their songs before. But perhaps I'm getting everything wrong again. ^_^
She said on the tasteit tv interview that she had told some guy she could play the bass, but she couldn't really, and then he told the manager for MSI about her. When she got called to the audition she went to get her friend to show her how to play the bass and she didn't even know what tabs were. In the interview she said it was her first audition and that she had never even thought about playing in a band, she just went to the audition so that she could tell her friends that she had done it and it would be a good story to tell people.
Matt was fired after they had finished the Japan gigs. I can't remember if it happened in Japan or once they got back to the US, but Bob wouldn't have filled in in Japan.
In am interview Lindsay said that she lied to msi manger about being able to play the bass. Not only that but she also said she had only played the bass for two weeks before her first show.
I never said that she didn't fit into msi. I am talking about her claims that no one can do what she does and that she can play bass in any other band. Msi don't appear to care what they sound like it is more about the image.
However, had she not proven herself to be what they where looking for she wouldn't be in the band today.
Yes, and what she proved to them was that she could set things on fire with Bacardi and a match. She said herself that she was not impressing them with her bass playing.
So, MSI was not looking for a bass player per se, they were looking for someone to get onstage and be outrageous.
When you addition for a band they don't look at how you play with them at first. They want to see how well you play and what kind of sound you have.
I think that depends on the band you'r auditioning for. If it's an unknown amateur band I think they most likely can't expect you to know their songs and play them. But an established act can! And I also think they would expect you to play some of their songs and maybe would also join in to see if there's a chemistry between the new person and the band.
"I went to New Jersey and we had one day when we practised together. The next day we flew out to shoot the 'I'm Not Okay' video and two days after that we went on tour." -- Bob Bryar, Rhythm Magazine December 2005
If Bob hadn't been able to play the drums well that day in New Jersey, but he pulled a vial of Bacardi out of his t-shirt and set the practice room on fire, do you think MCR still would have taken him out on tour with them?
She said on the tasteit tv interview that she had told some guy she could play the bass, but she couldn't really, and then he told the manager for MSI about her...In the interview she said it was her first audition
Not having auditioned before doesn't mean that she hasn't been in a band. She said she'd been in a band with some friends but her parts required playing only on the e-string.
I think that depends on the band you'r auditioning for. If it's an unknown amateur band I think they most likely can't expect you to know their songs and play them. But an established act can! And I also think they would expect you to play some of their songs and maybe would also join in to see if there's a chemistry between the new person and the band.
I was talking about a more well know band when I made that comment. I would think if it was a bunch of people who had never played before and wanted to start a band that it would be more important to play as a group. But we are talking about two bands that had been around for a bit and needed to replace members.
You see what the person can do and than you start playing with them if you like them
She said she'd been in a band with some friends but her parts required playing only on the e-string.
Yes, I believe she said she was in a punk Dolly Parton cover band. I'm sure that band was knee deep in gigs. Not.
Besides, it doesn't matter how many bands she's been in, the girl admitted herself she couldn't play the bass when she started with MSI. And if MSI's bass lines are any indication, she still can't play all that well.
Not having auditioned before doesn't mean that she hasn't been in a band. She said she'd been in a band with some friends but her parts required playing only on the e-string.
Yeah, but more because Gerard had been sober for less than a week, than anything else.
Um, no. I'm pretty sure they were looking for someone who could actually play the drums. From everything I read, the problem the guys (mostly Ray) had with Matt was that he messed up at gigs.
So, she said that she can't play the bass worth shit and then she said that nobody can do what she does and then she said...and then she said... What else is new? Can we talk about something else, please? Or is this a sign that we don't have anything else to discuss?
Doesn't Geraldine have a new blog entry that we can mock mercilessly? I have a cold and I'm bored as hell.
I did say she should prove her self but only because she bitches about people not respecting her ability to play.
Bitching at a journalist because people don't think you can play isn't going to do anything to make them stop thinking you can't play. You have to put up or shut up.
Nothing new has been done and we have an anon that is trying to show us the error of our ways. It kinda goes with the territory of what we are doing that we will be repeating ourselves.
I don't think WB will release the MCR video until they know the watchmen will be released.
I think Fox will be delaying the release of Watchmen because if will be going up against their Dragon ball movie. People have been saying that the DB movie looks like crap.
Any more news on the release of Watchmen? And if Fox delays it indefinitely, do you think MCR will go ahead and release the video?
January 1, 2009 9:12 AM
Thank God!!!!! Or in this case; thank you, anon!!!! ^_~
Are they allowed to release that video in the first place? I think as long as Fox and Warner didn't come to an agreement they will not be allowed to show a video which will maybe show some movie excerpts.
I don't think fox will do any thing to the movie. I think they just want money. Fox hasn't had to put a dime into making that movie So as long as they don't touch it they will make money on that film when and if it comes out.
I had some friends who used to be part of the real MCRmy, which is what their street team is called. But most of them were old-timers and don't really like MCR anymore.
What is/was the purpose of that MCRmy? Do they literally go on the streets to help promoting the band, or what? I always found that idea (although I never bothered to find out what a street team was really about) a bit boyband-ish.
As far as I know, people on street teams do things like hand out flyers and band stickers, put up gig posters, start fansites, bug their local radio stations to play a band's music, etc. They also try to recruit all of their friends to be members as well.
It's essentially a grass-roots marketing tool that works pretty well and since the people are mostly all volunteers, it doesn't cost the label anything.
They also try to recruit all of their friends to be members as well.
Does that only sound creepy to me? I mean, we see how serious fan girls take those things. I also think it sounds like exploitation. I know that on the official German MCR site they also tried to make fans work for the website and as moles..er, mods on the forum for free and they would maybe get the chance to meet the band or get some free merch. Sounds cool for a fan but I think the work they do is worth far more than a wet handshake from a band member who doesn't give a shit about meeting you.
I think that was the reason why I had fled BN. I talked to some other person about the whole BN and MCRmy situation reminding me of the book 'The Wave' from Morton Rhue and that the forum had a fascist atmosphere.
Exactly. People aren't allowed to say a single negative word about MCR on a lot of those places. It's like a totalitarian regime where nobody is allowed to have an opinion that doesn't meet with the fuhrer's approval. And all of the little sheep just follow along blindly.
I just can't imagine how a band would want their forums, no matter if offical or unofficial ones, to be managed like that. No wonder that nobody is taking them seriously. They all (the band) seem to be so afraid of other people criticizing them. They certainly have no self-confidence whatsoever.
Gerard seems to get really angry when he is criticised by anyone. He always retaliates with something heated and usually stupid. Like when he was criticised by Kasabian that time and he came back with something about other band's not having "the juice" to back up what they say. What? Juice?
Exactly. People aren't allowed to say a single negative word about MCR on a lot of those places. It's like a totalitarian regime where nobody is allowed to have an opinion that doesn't meet with the fuhrer's approval. And all of the little sheep just follow along blindly.
The trouble with hero worship is that it can make you blind.
I haven't found an opponent worthy enough yet. If you're gonna take me on, you'd better have the balls for it! If you're gonna talk shit about us, you'd better have the juice. And we haven't found anybody with the juice yet."
Yes, I'd like to ask Gerard about the "juice" comment. Seems an odd thing to say.
Does any one know who the mods are for BN are appart from Panasonic Dude. They were supposed to have music guides or some crap but they never friggin' do anything.
I think that's also one thing why Gerard appears to be a ridiculous person. He uses words or expressions which are actually used by people who belong to a different 'scene' than the one he so desperately wants to be a part of and therefore don't really apply.
Is anyone of you in a so-called 'Street Team'? Or were they in a MCR Street Team?
Siobhan-san, I was a member of that once. But then months later I got lazy, and almost immediately stopped promoting the band. It wasn't worth it.
----------------------- I haven't found an opponent worthy enough yet. If you're gonna take me on, you'd better have the balls for it! If you're gonna talk shit about us, you'd better have the juice. And we haven't found anybody with the juice yet."
I was laughing when I first read this because he was trying too hard to sound tough.
Hahaha, no. All I got was free stickers at first since I was a newbie. Being a member, you had to do these challenges, like post one of MCR's videos anywhere you can in order to gain points.
If you gained enough, you'd get free stuff or tickets or something.
I stopped caring about that after a while. It got boring.
I was technically a member of MCR's street team for a short time. But the only tasks you were ever asked to do were mundane. I guess if you can't hire a monkey to do it, get a bunch of teenage girls to do it for free.
What did you have to do to get a chance meeting the band? Tattoo their band logo on your forehead and try to get the attention of a camera team of a tv channel while running naked through the streets? hehe
RW when monkeys don't like what you have them doing they throw shit and get dangerous. They are hard to control.
Teenage girls on the other hand you can just flash a picture of their hero in front of them and say if you do this and that it is yours. See way easier to control than monkeys.
Have you seen the new pics on eliza's myspace? Let's just say it is very odd. She has a bloody knife, surrounded by bloody baby dolls. I wonder what she is trying to say with that pic? I would NOT let her babysit for you gerard or lynz...
I remember that one post on BN that was suppose to be from a bunch of guys she had blown. It was all from all the band on the warped tour she goes down really good. or something like that.
Remember when Frank told everyone about Gerard shaving his privates, because he heard it cuts down on the smell? Did he not know that soap and water is for that? Come on! Does a tour bus not have running water?
Remember when Frank told everyone about Gerard shaving his privates, because he heard it cuts down on the smell? Did he not know that soap and water is for that? Come on! Does a tour bus not have running water?
Eeeewwww! Damn it, anon! Hahahahha I would punch Frank in the face for telling such private things to a journalist. I don't want to imagine what their tour bus smelled like. Disgusting!
Haha! I just remembered when they were in Germany in 2005 and did an interview for a show on the German music tv channel VIVA. It was only Gerard and Ray and the host asked them where the others were and Gerard said that Frank couldn't come because he was ill and then the host said something like Oh, he's ill? So he can't play the show tonight? and Gerard was so confused and you could see how uncomfortable he felt because it was so obvious that Gerard realized that the host knew that Frank wasn't really ill but couldn't be arsed to come to the show. hahhahhaha I actually hate that host because he's a dumbass but I loved him for making the guys feel uncomfortable and look like assholes and liars. I wish more people would have the guts to behave like that when doing an interview with them. Simply calling them out on their lies.
Siobhan, there was another interviewer who did have the balls to confront Gerard, but when Lyn-Z came into the picture, she ended up being another ass-kisser.
Damn...he could not be still. He was licking his teeth and he was constantly digging in his hair and pulling at his collar. It's gotta be one of these things #1 speed #2 head lice #3 He was lying # He had to go to the bathroom something FIERCE!
He didn't feel the need to say anymore messages. He just wants to focus on being a rock band. If he was so hard core, why in the hell did he write Mama and prance around the stage like Liza ? Hell, he thought he was on broadway or something!
Hell, i would rather see the broadway Gerard, than him being something that he is not. I would rather see him wearing a boa, than making the audience moan for him.
I really loved the real video.They were always the underdogs and to me they were different than other bands. Now their a bunch of assholes. I really did not expect them to change the way they did.
Gerard's weight can yo-yo so quickly it's scary. I've seen him puff up in just a matter of weeks and lose it almost as fast, which doesn't seem healthy (or natural) to me.
I saw the change in them before TBP came out. I downloaded the My Chemical Romance Welcomes You to the Black Parade from iTunes and I remember thinking when Gerard was talking about the songs he sounded pretty over the top arrogant. I tried to tell myself he was just really excited about the album, but he'd never been quite so blatantly full of self-love up until then.
I remember thinking, Wow, this is not the same guy who did that WSOU interview.
He did sound full of himself. Back then I thought "They've made a great album. They have every right to be proud of it." Now I see that there was more to it them that.
It isn't just that his attitude has change his appearance has as well. He looks like he hasn't been bathing but the last time he did that he look completely different. It's almost as if he is trying to make himself look like JU now.
«Oldest ‹Older 4001 – 4200 of 4356 Newer› Newest»My comment was directed to 12:47.
did anyone here used to be a fan of the lynz and gerard relationship at first but over time they saw that something was up and they started to dislike lynz and the new gerard? am i the only one? im emberessed to say i used to be like some of the people you guys make fun of =[
I'm embarrassed to admit that i still listen to mcr but i dont like them in real life. It's like, liking a movie character but hates the actor.
I don't know about the others, but I was very sceptical about Gerard and Lindsey from the start.
For one, he had just gotten out of another engagement just weeks before. Secondly, he was behaving very erratically all throughout Projekt Revolution. Third, the marriage just seemed too rushed. I mean, why the hurry?
I never really disliked Lindsey and I'm not blaming her for Gerard's assholishness. I was and am concerned for his mental health, nothing more.
Regardless of why he's doing what he's doing, I'm still not buying anymore of MCR's records.
My opinion is that people should want to contribute for a good cause instead having some idiot begging them to do it.
It's kinda like having someone tell you that you have to jump off a bridge.
These tweens really amaze me that they can't think for themselves. It's scary.
1:08, at the beginning, I thought Lynz was okay, she seemed like a good performer and a nice person. But then, I looked deeper into it and realized she was full of shit and a hyprocrite, much like Gerard. They both have a amazing way of making people believe they are good people on the surface, but if you really think about the things they say and do, you understand that they are not who they say they are. Too bad the fangirls are too obsessed to really look at the people they are idolizing.
Gerard has been doing a lot of interviews lately and no one has asked him about the fact that he's about to become a father. what's up with that? maybe Gerard has put a gag order on interviewers when it comes to the baby.
I don't really understand why interviewers wouldn't be allowed to ask about the baby when MSI was virtually shouting about it from the rooftops. Although, I suppose they did have to give fans a reason for Lindsey's absence.
It's possible that the type of interviews he's been doing as of late are just not focused on anything in his private life because most of them have been about TUA. I doubt the comic book crowd gives two shits whether he's having baby or not.
As far as the public women In Gerard's life go. I never liked Eliza from the first time I saw her I knew she was bad but Lindsey I didn't start to dis like her until i found out more about her and msi.
Some of the things she has to say in interviews I would a agree with like not having to be great at what you do. But she takes it to the extreme with the whole not even trying to become good at it. Most of the big name women in music today are shit and can't doing anything but stand there and shake their tits and ass. I look to women who can play an instrument. You can't fake that you can play or you GTFO the stage. Than comes Lindsey who can barely play but is called a great bass player. It is insulting to both the women and men who have worked hard to become average, good and great musicians.
She reminds me of Paris Hilton all flash but with nothing of substance underneath. Unlike Shirley Manson from Garbage. I remember her once saying her guitar playing was shit so she started to get lessons.
I don't blame her for Gerard being an ass. If you remember there was talk of him being an ass when he was with Eliza. I do think that if she hadn't of shown up he wouldn't have acting out in the way he did.
I'm like you MJ, in that I didn't dislike Lindsey in the beginning. I think it was the "real musicans bore me to tears" bit that turned me against her.
As a musician myself, I felt a bit outraged. Music is my life. I spent countless hours of my childhood practicing (when I could have been out playing with other kids) and my family had to sacrifice to pay for my lessons. Her words felt like a slap in the face to serious musicians everywhere.
I agree 4:39, being a guitar player myself, I felt really fucking disguted with that comment. She insinuated that just because someone is a good musician, they can't be a good performer, which really offended me.
Gerard and Lindsey are a match made in heaven. They both are assholes, they both draw, they both lie a lot and they're both deluded as to just how much talent they actually have.
I would have loved to have played an instrument. But my family wouldn't pay for it. Not I just don't have the money right now.
MJ, some people just aren't in the position to play and instrument. Lynz should feel lucky that she had the opportunity to, yet she took it for granted and didn't put any effort into it, which is pretty sad imo.
I would have loved to have played an instrument. But my family wouldn't pay for it. Not I just don't have the money right now.
That's just the kind of thing that really ticks me off, MJ. Think of all the young people who would love the opportunity to learn an instrument if they only had one.
Here she has every opportunity and she just wants to do backbends.
When my nephew was about fifteen, he bought himself a crappy used bass at a pawn shop and taught himself how to play. He couldn't even afford an amp, but still, he practiced all of the time and he got quite good.
Now he's in a local band and he has a better instrument and a fairly decent amp. His band gets a lot of local gigs, but they still struggle.
I suppose instead of learning to play, my nephew should have learned to do a backbend and to set things on fire.
That should say now not, not.
Yeah, it is irritating when someone who never really cared about playing, acting or what ever it is gets thrown in and worshiped especially if they still don't really care about it.
i think the woman must have the knack of saying stupid things in public, just like her husband.
Either they really don't stop and think about what they are saying or they want the attention it gives them.
or maybe when you start your day out drinking it's kind of hard to make sense.
That quote bothers me because who in their right mind would say something like that. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is drink a beer.
whatever reason it's a sign of immaturity
it reminds me of these lyrics;
What did you learn today?
I learned nothin
What did you do today?
I did nothin
What did you learn at school?
I didn't go
Why didn't you go to school?
I don't know
It's cool to know nothin
When did it become okay to be like that. To not want to achieve anything. To be cool with using other people's talent and hard work as your own.
Kaiser Chiefs?!?!?
popular culture is so focused on image however i do believe anyone with true talent and creativity will have longevity.
Trick is not to wind up like Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Kobain, Jim Morrison, Janice Joplin, Layne Staley, etc.
Or to lose your mind like poor Syd Barrett. What a tragedy that was.
I do worry about Gerard's sanity sometimes. He seems so unstable and so many of the things he does don't make any sense. And sometimes he seems to change from interview to interview. Sometimes he acts like a completely different person.
He acts like whoever he's trying to impress that day.
Q: Why is it that women in rock bands tend to play bass?
A: Bass neck is thinner so it fits nicely into women small hands. It is also an easy instrument to learn and play, so technically nobody needs a bass lesson to play simple rock songs. If Lyn-z can't play it, then she must be one hell of a poser musician.
Most people can "play" the bass after only a few weeks. But to be really good at it, you have to have an excellent sense of rhythm and an interesting technique.
I picked up the bass and could play about six songs in only a couple of days. That doesn't mean I'm ready to go out and be in a rock band, though.
MSI bass lines are pretty easy.
But to be really good at it, you have to have an excellent sense of rhythm and an interesting technique.
But in Lyn-z's case, her "interesting technique" is the backbend.
Don't think the backbend does a lot for MSI's rhythm section. Oh wait... they have a pre-recorded backing track for that.
On playing the bass I have talked to people who have played the guitar for 10+ years who can't play the bass. They said it was pretty easy but the way they had to place their fingers they found that to hard.
For those of you in another time zone Happy New year!!!!
Happy New Year
I picked up the bass and could play about six songs in only a couple of days. That doesn't mean I'm ready to go out and be in a rock band, though.
Yes it does. Go and do it.
Have fun.
If you are just in a band to get drunk and party sure. But if you want to make a career out of it a long lasting career you may want to get good at it.
Before I have some anon come and try to rip me apart for what I am say. I am going to clear up what I am saying.
No one here is saying that you have to be perfect to play in a band. If you want to join a band just to have fun and fool around go ahead. Just don't expect to make money doing it.
Most of the bands who you see videos for worked hard for years to get where they are. They didn't almost set a room and person on fire and than two weeks later play in front of 4000 people.
Lindsy is a very lucky person not only do she get into an "established" band not knowing how to play. she married a person who was willing to hand over his fan base to her.
Most of the bands who you see videos for worked hard for years to get where they are. They didn't almost set a room and person on fire and than two weeks later play in front of 4000 people.
Neither did MSI.
New band members start in weird situations all the time. Bob filmed a video with MCR before he'd played a show with them.
And don't expect to make money from making music whether you are serious about it or not.
you may want to get good at it
You get good at it by being in a band and playing. Not by sitting on sidelines wringing your hands over whether you know enough chords for other people to deem you worthy.
To force some forever identity on other people is stupid. Point out inconsistencies in their behaviour, explain how they are not 'truly what they say' because you saw them 'do this' one time... why? Because it is easier to deal with cardboard cut outs than real people, cuz a lot of us pretend like we're the center of the universe sometimes and everyone is just background extras to the movie we imagine we star in.
...no it's not happening without us, it is just plain not happening at all... it is going down to the gurgling sound of our own voices, reproducing the voices of our parents in a slightly altered way, the TV people... trying to dictate to each other what is and what isn't cool or revolutionary or true resistance, what is or isn't true in other people's lives...
Pointing out inconsistency is one thing. Pointing out contradictions and outright lies is another.
You get good at it by being in a band and playing. Not by sitting on sidelines wringing your hands over whether you know enough chords for other people to deem you worthy.
Not everyone gets good by being in a band and playing. Case in point: Lindsey.
You get good at it by being in a band and playing. Not by sitting on sidelines wringing your hands over whether you know enough chords for other people to deem you worthy.
You get good by playing. You don't have to be in a band to play.
Anon this isn't about deeming someone worth. This is about a person boasting about their ability. I don't know what make believe world you live in where people can just run their mouth off about how great they at playing an instrument with out being expected to prove it.
If Mikey or Pete pulled that shit they would constantly have people calling them on that. Put up or shut up.
Neither did MSI.
New band members start in weird situations all the time. Bob filmed a video with MCR before he'd played a show with them.
If I remember correctly Bob got the job because he proved that he was an good drummer. He didn't wear a silly costume and he didn't perform any acts that you would normally see in the circus. I think it was more than just filling in for the video that got him that job.
No most bands don't play in front of 4000 people their first time out. Lindsey brags about how she played in front of that many people with only two week of playing that is why it is brought up.
Gerard and MCR never had an identity forced upon them. Gerard was the one that cultivated the identity that he now appears to want to get rid of so badly.
Even when they changed their look for brief moment he continued with the I am a role model and I want to help my fans identity. that was the one thing that was constant.
People do grow and change but it is rare that a person drops their core beliefs.
If I remember correctly Bob got the job because he proved that he was an good drummer.
They offered him the job without having heard him play.
I think they offered him the Im not Okay video gig, but then officially asked him to be in the band after that.
Hello everyone!
Happy New Year to all of you!
MJ, just like I said before, neither Gerard nor Lindsey were trained giving interviews such as Britney Spears or other people in the music industry who had to maintain a certain image in order to sell albums and concert tickets.
Of course, I know that both of them have a certain image in their mind they want to put across through their behavior and statements but it was never well-elaborated and drilled into them so that they easily forgot about the things they said the day before and made things up, added something to the older story or left things out.
I think they never imagined their older statements to surface again and bite them in the ass.
I do understand that people can change their minds on certain subjects due to newly gained experiences of life etc. but I also think that people should admit that. Otherwise, they shouldn't be surprised if they look like pathologic liars.
I don't know what make believe world you live in where people can just run their mouth off about how great they at playing an instrument with out being expected to prove it.
The real world where millions of dudes run their mouths all the time and you aren't rushing around demanding that they prove themselves.
Bob filmed a video with MCR before he'd played a show with them.
They offered him the job without having heard him play.
If bob played at the video shot before he played live with them than they heard him play. Had he not proven himself to be what they where looking for he wouldn't be in the band today. He would have just been a temporary until they could get someone they liked.
Also I do believe that they said they had a little bit of time to practice with him before playing their first show with him.
Happy New Year Everyone.
I'm off now, see you soon.
Fuck! I did it again. That was me.
Anonymous said...
I don't know what make believe world you live in where people can just run their mouth off about how great they at playing an instrument with out being expected to prove it.
The real world where millions of dudes run their mouths all the time and you aren't rushing around demanding that they prove themselves.
January 1, 2009 7:35 AM
That is because this blog isn't about the other dudes. This blog is about MCR and msi and the things they say and do. Not Marilyn Mason and his over sized ego or who ever else.
If bob played at the video shot before he played live with them than they heard him play.
You don't actually play when you're filming a video.
Had he not proven himself to be what they where looking for he wouldn't be in the band today.
How is that any different from Lindsey?
You get good by playing. You don't have to be in a band to play.
A huge part of being a good player is learning how to play with other people and learning how to play in situations that only occur when your in a band.
You don't actually play when you're filming a video. How is that any different from Lindsey?
Bob has played the drums for years. Lindsey picked up the bass for that audition. By her own admission she lied about being able to play the bass.
The guy is sitting at a drum set you don't think they aren't going to have him play a little in between filming.
Umm, as far as I read Bob was a sound tech who got to know MCR while doing the sound for other bands at some concerts. They didn't even know that he was a drummer.
They didn't get to know him as a fill-in for Matt in a video.
A huge part of being a good player is learning how to play with other people and learning how to play in situations that only occur when your in a band.
A huge part of being a good player is knowing how to play the instrument. When you addition for a band they don't look at how you play with them at first. They want to see how well you play and what kind of sound you have. If you are what they are looking for they will practice with you so that you can play with the band.
the way I heard it was Bob was the sound guy for the used and they were told by others that not only was he a great sound guy but he could play the drums as well.
The guy is sitting at a drum set you don't think they aren't going to have him play a little in between filming.
Yeah, they're going have the drum set properly set up and tuned (which can takes hours) so they can film the guy pretending to play the drums.
Happy new yearrrrrr!!!!! :o) to all of you. have a wonderful 09
we have to blame msi fans for accepting a bass player who can't even play the bass. if i liked a band and they got a new member and then i realized the new member has no idea what he/she is doing, i would feel disappointed. id feel even more disappointed at going to a concert and realizing they don't even play live and everything has been previously recorded.
i mean wtf?
msi fans don't care? 'cause if they don't care and are totally fine with that then they're the ones to blame.
All They have to do is get an idea of how well he plays what is ability is. Besides Bob has played the drums for years and is a sound guy, I am sure he could have figured out away of sounding decent with out a tuned drum set.
How is that any different from Lindsey?
Bob can actually play the drums.
Lindsey picked up the bass for that audition.
Uh, no, she'd played in bands before.
However, had she not proven herself to be what they where looking for she wouldn't be in the band today.
No, they didn't know it at first that he was a drummer let alone a good one but who cares.
I just read an article and as far as I understood it they got rid off Matt during their Japan tour and flew Bob out for a test run which means to me that Bob must have practiced the drums for MCR's songs all alone before they even asked him to play for him so that he could fill in for Matt in Japan. I mean, they couldn't know that they were going to fire Matt, could they?
I also don't think that you learn how to play the drums for a band only by practising at a sound check or even on a day off if you have never played their songs before.
But perhaps I'm getting everything wrong again. ^_^
Tiger lily i agree with what you said.
When you addition for a band they don't look at how you play with them at first. They want to see how well you play and what kind of sound you have.
Haha, no.
She said on the tasteit tv interview that she had told some guy she could play the bass, but she couldn't really, and then he told the manager for MSI about her. When she got called to the audition she went to get her friend to show her how to play the bass and she didn't even know what tabs were. In the interview she said it was her first audition and that she had never even thought about playing in a band, she just went to the audition so that she could tell her friends that she had done it and it would be a good story to tell people.
^ Sorry, the above was in response to anon 8.31
Matt was fired after they had finished the Japan gigs. I can't remember if it happened in Japan or once they got back to the US, but Bob wouldn't have filled in in Japan.
In am interview Lindsay said that she lied to msi manger about being able to play the bass. Not only that but she also said she had only played the bass for two weeks before her first show.
I never said that she didn't fit into msi. I am talking about her claims that no one can do what she does and that she can play bass in any other band. Msi don't appear to care what they sound like it is more about the image.
However, had she not proven herself to be what they where looking for she wouldn't be in the band today.
Yes, and what she proved to them was that she could set things on fire with Bacardi and a match. She said herself that she was not impressing them with her bass playing.
So, MSI was not looking for a bass player per se, they were looking for someone to get onstage and be outrageous.
When you addition for a band they don't look at how you play with them at first. They want to see how well you play and what kind of sound you have.
I think that depends on the band you'r auditioning for.
If it's an unknown amateur band I think they most likely can't expect you to know their songs and play them.
But an established act can! And I also think they would expect you to play some of their songs and maybe would also join in to see if there's a chemistry between the new person and the band.
"I went to New Jersey and we had one day when we practised together. The next day we flew out to shoot the 'I'm Not Okay' video and two days after that we went on tour."
-- Bob Bryar, Rhythm Magazine December 2005
If Bob hadn't been able to play the drums well that day in New Jersey, but he pulled a vial of Bacardi out of his t-shirt and set the practice room on fire, do you think MCR still would have taken him out on tour with them?
I kinda doubt it.
She said on the tasteit tv interview that she had told some guy she could play the bass, but she couldn't really, and then he told the manager for MSI about her...In the interview she said it was her first audition
Not having auditioned before doesn't mean that she hasn't been in a band.
She said she'd been in a band with some friends but her parts required playing only on the e-string.
I think that depends on the band you'r auditioning for.
If it's an unknown amateur band I think they most likely can't expect you to know their songs and play them.
But an established act can! And I also think they would expect you to play some of their songs and maybe would also join in to see if there's a chemistry between the new person and the band.
I was talking about a more well know band when I made that comment. I would think if it was a bunch of people who had never played before and wanted to start a band that it would be more important to play as a group. But we are talking about two bands that had been around for a bit and needed to replace members.
You see what the person can do and than you start playing with them if you like them
She said she'd been in a band with some friends but her parts required playing only on the e-string.
Yes, I believe she said she was in a punk Dolly Parton cover band. I'm sure that band was knee deep in gigs. Not.
Besides, it doesn't matter how many bands she's been in, the girl admitted herself she couldn't play the bass when she started with MSI. And if MSI's bass lines are any indication, she still can't play all that well.
I kinda doubt it.
Yeah, but more because Gerard had been sober for less than a week, than anything else.
Not having auditioned before doesn't mean that she hasn't been in a band.
She said she'd been in a band with some friends but her parts required playing only on the e-string.
If that is true than not much has changed
The real world where millions of dudes run their mouths all the time and you aren't rushing around demanding that they prove themselves.
Um, have you actually read any of the comments on this blog?
Gerard Way is a dude and we aren't exactly letting him off the hook here.
Besides, we aren't asking for Lindsey to prove herself. I think she's already proven what she's good at.
Yeah, but more because Gerard had been sober for less than a week, than anything else.
Um, no. I'm pretty sure they were looking for someone who could actually play the drums. From everything I read, the problem the guys (mostly Ray) had with Matt was that he messed up at gigs.
So, she said that she can't play the bass worth shit and then she said that nobody can do what she does and then she said...and then she said...
What else is new?
Can we talk about something else, please? Or is this a sign that we don't have anything else to discuss?
Doesn't Geraldine have a new blog entry that we can mock mercilessly?
I have a cold and I'm bored as hell.
You don't actually play when you're filming a video.
orly? you mean bob is not really hitting those drums with his drumsticks? sure looked like it to me.
I did say she should prove her self but only because she bitches about people not respecting her ability to play.
Bitching at a journalist because people don't think you can play isn't going to do anything to make them stop thinking you can't play. You have to put up or shut up.
Changing the subject...
Any more news on the release of Watchmen? And if Fox delays it indefinitely, do you think MCR will go ahead and release the video?
Nothing new has been done and we have an anon that is trying to show us the error of our ways. It kinda goes with the territory of what we are doing that we will be repeating ourselves.
I saw a post about Watchmen on ONTD a few days ago that contained some new footage of the film. It looked pretty awesome.
Don't know anything about the release date yet. We probably won't know until the actual trial later this month.
I don't think WB will release the MCR video until they know the watchmen will be released.
I think Fox will be delaying the release of Watchmen because if will be going up against their Dragon ball movie. People have been saying that the DB movie looks like crap.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Changing the subject...
Any more news on the release of Watchmen? And if Fox delays it indefinitely, do you think MCR will go ahead and release the video?
January 1, 2009 9:12 AM
Thank God!!!!! Or in this case; thank you, anon!!!! ^_~
Are they allowed to release that video in the first place?
I think as long as Fox and Warner didn't come to an agreement they will not be allowed to show a video which will maybe show some movie excerpts.
I'm afraid Fox is going to edit the film and shorten its length so it will get a PG-13 rating and will appeal to a wider audience.
If so, that will probably set the date back several months and it's going to ruin the integrity of the film.
Are they allowed to release that video in the first place?
Probably not. They'd more than likely have to do some re-shoots.
I don't think fox will do any thing to the movie. I think they just want money. Fox hasn't had to put a dime into making that movie So as long as they don't touch it they will make money on that film when and if it comes out.
Is anyone of you in a so-called 'Street Team'? Or were they in a MCR Street Team?
nope I once knew someone in the street team
I had some friends who used to be part of the real MCRmy, which is what their street team is called. But most of them were old-timers and don't really like MCR anymore.
It totally cracks me up when the BN fangirls go on about the MCRmy when they don't really even know what it is.
What is/was the purpose of that MCRmy? Do they literally go on the streets to help promoting the band, or what?
I always found that idea (although I never bothered to find out what a street team was really about) a bit boyband-ish.
Most of what the Bn people do is good for a laugh
As far as I know, people on street teams do things like hand out flyers and band stickers, put up gig posters, start fansites, bug their local radio stations to play a band's music, etc. They also try to recruit all of their friends to be members as well.
It's essentially a grass-roots marketing tool that works pretty well and since the people are mostly all volunteers, it doesn't cost the label anything.
They also try to recruit all of their friends to be members as well.
Does that only sound creepy to me?
I mean, we see how serious fan girls take those things.
I also think it sounds like exploitation. I know that on the official German MCR site they also tried to make fans work for the website and as moles..er, mods on the forum for free and they would maybe get the chance to meet the band or get some free merch.
Sounds cool for a fan but I think the work they do is worth far more than a wet handshake from a band member who doesn't give a shit about meeting you.
It is exploitation.
And it's also the reason certain posts don't get approved on communites or certain threads get deleted.
And as a thank you, these people get to shake hands with Gerard, who couldn't care less about them.
I think that was the reason why I had fled BN.
I talked to some other person about the whole BN and MCRmy situation reminding me of the book 'The Wave' from Morton Rhue and that the forum had a fascist atmosphere.
the forum had a fascist atmosphere.
Exactly. People aren't allowed to say a single negative word about MCR on a lot of those places. It's like a totalitarian regime where nobody is allowed to have an opinion that doesn't meet with the fuhrer's approval. And all of the little sheep just follow along blindly.
No wonder they call it an "army".
I just can't imagine how a band would want their forums, no matter if offical or unofficial ones, to be managed like that.
No wonder that nobody is taking them seriously.
They all (the band) seem to be so afraid of other people criticizing them. They certainly have no self-confidence whatsoever.
Gerard seems to get really angry when he is criticised by anyone. He always retaliates with something heated and usually stupid. Like when he was criticised by Kasabian that time and he came back with something about other band's not having "the juice" to back up what they say. What? Juice?
He's just too immature to handle criticism
Exactly. People aren't allowed to say a single negative word about MCR on a lot of those places. It's like a totalitarian regime where nobody is allowed to have an opinion that doesn't meet with the fuhrer's approval. And all of the little sheep just follow along blindly.
The trouble with hero worship is that it can make you blind.
Haha, yes, that was really funny!
I haven't found an opponent worthy enough yet. If you're gonna take me on, you'd better have the balls for it! If you're gonna talk shit about us, you'd better have the juice. And we haven't found anybody with the juice yet."
I have juice. It's currently in a can in my freezer waiting to be mixed with water.
Maybe Gerard was just thirsty.
Lol. That kind of sounded a little bit like, "I'm going to take my toys and go home!"
He should learn how to separate stage Gerard from real Gerard. If there is a real Gerard.
Well, I think he was looking for a different kind of 'juice', RW! ^_~
I think if Tom from Kasabian would step up to him Gerard would run for the hills screaming in hysterical falsetto.
That's the image I get as well.
Well, enough of Gerard. He's not worth it. I'm off to read.
Have a Happy New Year! :)
Bye, RW!
Happy New Year to you too!
Hallo Fisch,
Die Elfe ist krank.
Yes, I'd like to ask Gerard about the "juice" comment. Seems an odd thing to say.
Does any one know who the mods are for BN are appart from Panasonic Dude. They were supposed to have music guides or some crap but they never friggin' do anything.
Hallo Elfe!
Der Fisch ist auch krank!
No, apart from Fanatonic Tooth I don't know any of those weirdos.
Isn't there a link to the BN staff somewhere?
Not sure. Never reallt cared to look. Plus, the music guides weren't being paid.
Yes, I'd like to ask Gerard about the "juice" comment. Seems an odd thing to say.
I think he was channeling one of his favorite hip hop artists at that time.
LOL. Maybe he was channeling OJ Simpson.
Yes, or some of those dumbasses who are always talking about pimp juice.
I shudder to think what "pimp juice" is...
Disgusting, right?!
I think that's also one thing why Gerard appears to be a ridiculous person.
He uses words or expressions which are actually used by people who belong to a different 'scene' than the one he so desperately wants to be a part of and therefore don't really apply.
Is anyone of you in a so-called 'Street Team'? Or were they in a MCR Street Team?
Siobhan-san, I was a member of that once. But then months later I got lazy, and almost immediately stopped promoting the band. It wasn't worth it.
I haven't found an opponent worthy enough yet. If you're gonna take me on, you'd better have the balls for it! If you're gonna talk shit about us, you'd better have the juice. And we haven't found anybody with the juice yet."
I was laughing when I first read this because he was trying too hard to sound tough.
Siobhan-san, I was a member of that once. But then months later I got lazy, and almost immediately stopped promoting the band. It wasn't worth it.
Didn't you even get a free band t-shirt or concert ticket for your efforts?
Hahaha, no. All I got was free stickers at first since I was a newbie. Being a member, you had to do these challenges, like post one of MCR's videos anywhere you can in order to gain points.
If you gained enough, you'd get free stuff or tickets or something.
I stopped caring about that after a while. It got boring.
I was technically a member of MCR's street team for a short time. But the only tasks you were ever asked to do were mundane. I guess if you can't hire a monkey to do it, get a bunch of teenage girls to do it for free.
And we haven't found anybody with the juice yet."
He finally found the juice.....in his wife's bra
There were points you had to gain? hahhaha
What did you have to do to get a chance meeting the band?
Tattoo their band logo on your forehead and try to get the attention of a camera team of a tv channel while running naked through the streets?
RW when monkeys don't like what you have them doing they throw shit and get dangerous. They are hard to control.
Teenage girls on the other hand you can just flash a picture of their hero in front of them and say if you do this and that it is yours. See way easier to control than monkeys.
I heard if you kissed Elisa's ass, she would get you backstage passes.
Good point, MJ. Monkeys will only do something if they get something in return for it. Not so teenage girls, apparantly.
I heard if you kissed Elisa's ass, she would get you backstage passes.
But I bet she would only pick the fugly ones to get backstage. She couldn't take any risks.
LOL! That so true. You, the girl with no teeth, you can go back stage. LOL!
LOL! That so true. You, the girl with no teeth, you can go back stage. LOL!
HAHA! But I think that wouldn't be a good decision. You know what girls without teeth are good at, right?! ^_~
Have you seen the new pics on eliza's myspace? Let's just say it is very odd. She has a bloody knife, surrounded by bloody baby dolls. I wonder what she is trying to say with that pic? I would NOT let her babysit for you gerard or lynz...
HAHA! But I think that wouldn't be a good decision. You know what girls without teeth are good at, right?! ^_~
January 1, 2009 2:21 PM
They said eliza gave good blowjobs and they weren't talking about her blow dryer!!
Link, please!
*runs, tackles and squeezes RW* :)
Siobhan, pretty much.
Sorry i can't do links
^Ignore that. Apparantly i can't do a link either O_o
They said eliza gave good blowjobs and they weren't talking about her blow dryer!!
Maybe that was really what broke her neck in the end.
Can you imagine all the guitar or sound techs, and band members from other bands coming up to Gerard, patting him on the shoulder and congratulating him for his fiancées murder blowjob skills and that they know that because they once were in the lucky position to receive that favor too?
Eliza's MySpace
^Third time lucky. This one works.
Maybe that was really what broke her neck in the end.
Yea, you give enough of them, it is hard on the neck LOL!
Can you imagine all the guitar or sound techs, and band members from other bands coming up to Gerard, patting him on the shoulder and congratulating him for his fiancées murder blowjob skills and that they know that because they once were in the lucky position to receive that favor too?
But I thought Gerard liked dirty. Can't get much dirtier than that.
Back to my reading...
Have a good afternoon :)
I remember that one post on BN that was suppose to be from a bunch of guys she had blown. It was all from all the band on the warped tour she goes down really good. or something like that.
*squeezes BC on the way out*
I think he only likes it dirty if it is exclusively for and with him!
Thanks for the link, RW!
Am I the only one who noticed that her profile says that she loves kids but doesn't want any herself?
Yeeaaaaah! Riiiiiiiight! P-lease!
Remember when Frank told everyone about Gerard shaving his privates, because he heard it cuts down on the smell? Did he not know that soap and water is for that? Come on! Does a tour bus not have running water?
Later RW.
I don't think he understands how to use soap and water.
probably not 2:45, hehe.
But besides soap and water, why would he shave down there? Pubic hair is supposed to keep bacteria away from the genital area.
Remember when Frank told everyone about Gerard shaving his privates, because he heard it cuts down on the smell? Did he not know that soap and water is for that? Come on! Does a tour bus not have running water?
Eeeewwww! Damn it, anon!
I would punch Frank in the face for telling such private things to a journalist.
I don't want to imagine what their tour bus smelled like.
Bye, RW!
Maybe he wanted to be all nice and smooth. Who knows?
No, he wanted the stink out.
I wish Frank would spill more "juice"-y gossip like that.
Haha! I just remembered when they were in Germany in 2005 and did an interview for a show on the German music tv channel VIVA.
It was only Gerard and Ray and the host asked them where the others were and Gerard said that Frank couldn't come because he was ill and then the host said something like Oh, he's ill? So he can't play the show tonight? and Gerard was so confused and you could see how uncomfortable he felt because it was so obvious that Gerard realized that the host knew that Frank wasn't really ill but couldn't be arsed to come to the show. hahhahhaha
I actually hate that host because he's a dumbass but I loved him for making the guys feel uncomfortable and look like assholes and liars.
I wish more people would have the guts to behave like that when doing an interview with them. Simply calling them out on their lies.
Siobhan, there was another interviewer who did have the balls to confront Gerard, but when Lyn-Z came into the picture, she ended up being another ass-kisser.
Really? What interview was that, BC?
This one
Damn...he could not be still. He was licking his teeth and he was constantly digging in his hair and pulling at his collar. It's gotta be one of these things
#1 speed
#2 head lice
#3 He was lying
# He had to go to the bathroom something FIERCE!
I am sure she enjoyed having smoke blown in her face as well.
He didn't feel the need to say anymore messages. He just wants to focus on being a rock band. If he was so hard core, why in the hell did he write Mama and prance around the stage like Liza ? Hell, he thought he was on broadway or something!
Hell, i would rather see the broadway Gerard, than him being something that he is not. I would rather see him wearing a boa, than making the audience moan for him.
But he wasn't focusing on being a rock band. During the PR tour he was focusing on telling the world he was getting laid and acting like an ass.
Did anyone see the spoof SNL did of the black parade? That was when i still liked MCR, but it was so funny! I laughed until i cried!
It was madTV that did it. They had a fat guy playing Gerard.
Was that The Black Tirade or another one?
It looked like him ! That video was so funny!
Was that The Black Tirade or another one?
That was it! I bet gerard can throw a tirade.
can you link it here? I need a good laugh. I wonder if Siobhan has seen it.
The Black Tirade
It was The Black Tirade I don't know how to link sorry.
Thank you!
You're welcome.
I wonder if the mcr guys have seen this? Maybe that is why Gerard lost some weight.
All of them look freakily similar. The Bob one is the worst though.
I really loved the real video.They were always the underdogs and to me they were different than other bands. Now their a bunch of assholes. I really did not expect them to change the way they did.
Anonymous said...
I wonder if the mcr guys have seen this? Maybe that is why Gerard lost some weight.
January 1, 2009 5:17 PM
Gerard's always battled with his weight. I doubt a video gave him inspiration.
I really did not expect them to change the way they did.
Neither did I. They seemed so genuine.
Gerard's weight can yo-yo so quickly it's scary. I've seen him puff up in just a matter of weeks and lose it almost as fast, which doesn't seem healthy (or natural) to me.
Yeah. I think his weight going up and down the way it does says alot about his mental state.
I saw the change in them before TBP came out. I downloaded the My Chemical Romance Welcomes You to the Black Parade from iTunes and I remember thinking when Gerard was talking about the songs he sounded pretty over the top arrogant. I tried to tell myself he was just really excited about the album, but he'd never been quite so blatantly full of self-love up until then.
I remember thinking, Wow, this is not the same guy who did that WSOU interview.
I love that interview!
He did sound full of himself. Back then I thought "They've made a great album. They have every right to be proud of it." Now I see that there was more to it them that.
I actually listened to the WSOU interview the other night to see if I had imagined how nice and genuine they all seemed.
I didn't. God, I miss those guys.
WSOU interview? Link?
It isn't just that his attitude has change his appearance has as well. He looks like he hasn't been bathing but the last time he did that he look completely different. It's almost as if he is trying to make himself look like JU now.
You can probably still download the WSOU interview from TIP. It might take me a while to find it, but I'll look.
It's also on Youtube. Just search "WSOU chemical" or something.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
It's separated into 5 or so parts.
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