Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years...

AN IMPORTANT NOTE TO RACIST TROLLS AND ANONYMOUS PEOPLE. If you seriously think that by trolling this blog with the N word (just because MSI does it and you think that makes it OK) you will get me to shut down my blog you are sadly mistaken.

I have not installed a tracker but I have contacted Blogger, and their policy is that they DO NOT allow hate speech. If you want, I can install a tracker. This blog isn't so high traffic that I won't know who said what and when.

I have never deleted or censored posts, but I will report your ISP if this continues.

My other option is to take away anonymous comments but I would rather not do that. If you MCR/MSI defenders think you will make me close the blog down by using hate speech that they condone though, you are very wrong.

Now onto my original post which was this,

There are a few things I have to say. First of all someone came on here and said that you were not anonymous. As far as I know you all are anonymous. I don't have a tracker or anything, I never had and I never will. You can say whatever you want up to a point, which I will get to later. As for the person saying they knew who you are, or they know who I am, I can assure you they are lying. I don't even know who most of you are and I don't care, as long as you get to vent and say what's on your mind. Disagreeing is fine too. I don't delete comments. I know some people are still fans of MCR and MSI.

I am not one of Gerard's exes or friends, thank God. I am just like most of you, a disappointed ex-fan of MCR. Gerard wouldn't know me and I can assure you he doesn't care what I think. He has enough people paying his bills and paying his and his wife's extravagant LA lifestyle upkeep. Trust me, he doesn't care who I am or who you are or what we aren't buying anymore.

I also do not care who he marries or has sex with or cheats on or if he hooks up with groupies or whatever (although I do think that makes him a total loser but that is just one opinion).... It does show how he feels about women. I don't even really care about MCR or what they are doing these days. But it's fine if you guys still want to talk about it, like I said I don't censor or delete. I don't care if he has pink hair or brown boots. (Even though the pink hair made it even more obvious that he becomes the person he is hanging out with. There is no real Gerard.).

All I care about is the fact that he and his racist, sexist friends and wife are still having the nerve to talk about feminism and call themselves feminists. Gerard is still having the nerve to think of himself and proclaim himself as not bigoted or ignorant. I just wish that the two of them specifically would stop presenting themselves as something they are not because I think that sends a destructive message. If they want to be sexist and racist, that's their prerogative. But to be such a sexist pig and then to preach about feminism is wrong. It's like Sarah Palin calling herself a feminist. You can't redefine terms just because you feel like it. I don't care about LynZ flashing her crotch or what she wears. The only problem is her still calling herself a feminist when all she has done is flash her crotch and marry a rock star to get where she is.

That leads me up to the recent other nasty anonymous people I've had here. I deeply apologise for the anonymous people who are calling some of you racist terms. I don't read here as often as I used to but a friend who still comments here, also a few other people have emailed or messaged me to tell me. Some anonymous people have been calling some of you the N word. I deeply apologize. I don't like to delete comments but that is hate speech and harassment and if you want those comments deleted just tell me where they are and I'll do it. I can't have hate speech like that on this blog. I obviously don't condone it or I would be a fan of MSI.

This proves the point most of us have about MSI. Just because some person or some shitty band thinks it is alright to use hate speech and bigotry, DOES NOT MAKE IT OK. Just because one person or some shitty band thinks those words are funny or that they don't mean anything DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT. And just because some person or some shitty band thinks that you shouldn't be hurt and offended by hate speech DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE WRONG TO FEEL THAT WAY.

That is what MSI and Gerard do not understand. You can't redefine words or tell people that they should just deal with being called things or treated that way just because THEY think it is OK.

I am against censorship and MSI can say whatever they want. I don't have to listen to them and I don't. But, MCR and Gerard proclaim themselves anti bigotry and anti sexist and that is where the problem is. That was proven by the bigoted anonymous person on the last blog. I apologize for them.


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Anonymous said...

Urgh! Maybe all of MCR are shits who are good at hiding it. No one with a good conscience could support that "band"

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was the only way Frank could get Gerard to come see him play?

Poor Frank to have to stoop so low!

I am kidding. Business decision or not, it still stinks!

Anonymous said...

Leathermouth could have their own tour. They don't need the support of MSI.

Anonymous said...


i completely agree. Frank is the most famous person out of both of the bands. MSI needs him just like they need Gerard and Lindsey to stay together. all MSI care about is keeping MCR's fans coming to their shows so they can sell them out.

Anonymous said...

^Exactly. They've already done their own tour with Reggie. Why wouldn't they just do another one without thoses pieces of shit.

There's nothing about thins on the Leathermouth site though.Do you think it's a joke/a way to sell tickets or am I being too optimistic?

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am sure the msi fans will love this. Now there will be even more Mcr fangirls there.

Anonymous said...

But that doesn't make any fucking sense.

Frank seemed to want to keep Leathermouth under the radar (comparatively). But this decision would just put them right back into the MCR fanbase, which I had always thought he was deliberately trying to avoid with Leathermouth.

What the fuck, Frank?

Anonymous said...

Wow, the MSI fans are gonna love this.
More MCR fangirls to invade your shows and annoy the hell out of you, wooo. And not just the Gerard teenies this time!
I really pity the MSI fans now for having to put up with this crap.
Although so much for Lyn-Z hating teenies showing up at her show just because she's Mrs Way and coz MSI are associated with MCR.

Way to go Frank. You've succeeded in making Leathermouth the Joey to MCR's Friends - nothing more than a cheap shot cash-in gag.
I actually hope a bunch of teenies show up to those shows wearing MCR shirts and talking about how hawt more onstage "Frerard" and "Ger-Z" babies would be.
Some form of karma, y'know?

Anonymous said...

Kind of hilarious how quickly St. Iero has fallen in your eyes, tbh

Anonymous said...

thanks for the pity.

and lol 4:37, honestly. one false step and BAM disowned.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

Kind of hilarious how quickly St. Iero has fallen in your eyes, tbh

November 7, 2008 4:37 PM

Except that I am sure Frank knows how a lot of fans feel about the connection between these two bands.

And he was never a St. he was the one that we thought would stand by his word.

Anonymous said...

He hasn't been "disowned" by anyone. We are just expressing our confusion.

Well, at least I am.

I'm not going to jump into any accusations, I want to see how all this play out first.

Anonymous said...

So when is this all suppose to take place? The concert and all.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Someone at the top of the page linked to the page with the dates.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Frank would say that the way you're demonizing MCR, MSI, and now him is pure horseshit.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Frank would say that the way you're demonizing MCR, MSI, and now him is pure horseshit.

November 8, 2008 6:40 AM

Well they (Frank and MCR) should have thought about that before they hooked up with a band like msi.

MCR and Frank have said things in the pass that would lead people to believe that they would have had nothing to do with a band that sings about five year old pantie shots, women needing to get down on their knees and uses derogatory language. Frank and MCR brought it on themselves when they choice to support msi.

Anonymous said...

Frank never was a Saint. Personally, I'm just confused because he always seemed to distance himself from bands/people he didn't agree with or respect. Maybe there's a method to his madness, but I can't see it winning him any new fans.

Frank hasn't been disowned - I never owned him in the first place so logically you can't disown something that you've never owned.
But being serious, I don't listen to MCR anymore, simply because I can't support a band whose whole image is a sham and is based on lies and hypocracy.

Not demonising anyone. Honestly, I'm not. And I doubt anyone else here is doing that.
But to be blunt with you, I couldn't give two shits what MCR, MSI, WB/Reprise or anyone else would say, because they obviously don't care what a number of fans from both camps have to say.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Frank just did it to be closer to Gerard, to keep the peace. Maybe Frank decided that if MSI is going to be a part of Gerard's life,(and it looks like they are here to stay), then he'd just try to get along with them, for Gerard's sake.

If MSI asked LM to open for them, he wasn't really in a postion to say no. If LM had turned down MSI, there would have been a fight. I'm not talking record labels or anything like that. I mean it would get personal. Maybe Frank is just trying to be his usual kind agreeable self. It's not that he's throwing away all his ideals to open for a band he can't stand. Maybe he's opening for a band he can't stand in order to become closer to Gerard again? Maybe that was the only way that he could get Gerard to go see a Leathermouth show? (If that is true, that is indeed sad.)

I know I would walk to the ends of the earth for my best friend, would you? Maybe he sees opening for MSI as a necessary evil in order to get closer to his best friend again. I'm sure they haven't been on the best of terms since Gerard moved to LA, maybe Frank saw opening for MSI to be a way to bridge the gap that has grown between them. In which case, Frank is still the same kind, giving, loving, tolerant person he always was. Sometimes you make sacrifices for your friends. I still respect Frank.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree ^

Anonymous said...

OR what could have happened was

MSI: "Hi Frank. Fancy Leathermouth supporting us on a couple of gigs?"

FRANK:"Sorry, we're not looking to tour right now. We need a rest."

How would that have started a fight? Frank sold out, just like Gerard did. Did you see that MySpace message? "Our good friends MSI....." and "How could we say no? We couldn't."

I've given up on MCR for good.

Anonymous said...

if going trough MSI is the only way Frank can get close to Gerard, then Gerard needs to grow the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Gerard could have asked Frank himself to tour with his wife, And How could we say no? We couldn't Maybe he could say no To MSI but to his best friend?

Anonymous said...

we're all just projecting our feelings towards MSI onto Frank. maybe Frank really does like MSI.

Anonymous said...

I believe he saud in an interview once that he actually did like MSI

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Frank is not Gerard's best friend. When did they ever say they were best friends? Never.

Jimmy Urine is Gerard's best friend now.

Anonymous said...

Seems like either way you look at it I've come the conclusion that Frank likes MSI, espacially if they took the time to post a blog or whatever about the situation.
I personally don't care anymore, the whole situatation is completely annoying and so not fair but honestly what can you do?

I'm so done with caring about MCR's personal lives and who they want to tour with. I can't say I lost respect for them fully, since I don't know if all of them feel the same way but it's time to move on, at least for me. Hopefully the new album (if there is one) is amazing and that can get that shit back into place but it's not then I guess I'll move on to better things.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

3.02 If we are thinking of the same interview Frank never said he liked their music. He danced around that part and said things like they work hard but never said he liked the music.

Anonymous said...

lol at someone saying Frank is the most famous person in MCR.


Anonymous said...

I think they meant out of both MCR and LM.

Anonymous said...

Matha, you may be right, I remember watching the interview a long time ago and can't exactly remember what was said, just something about MSI and something about Frank liking them.

Anonymous said...

i meant that Frank is the most famous person out of both MSI and LM.

Anonymous said...

6.17 - it was a printed article. Or Frank said about them was they have good work ethics.

Although the word "ethics" was probably lost on Steve.

Anonymous said...

6:49 - what do you mean? Explain please.

Anonymous said...

From Kerrang! November, 2007

Kerrang: You've got Mindless Self Indulgence supporting you Frankie...

Frank Iero: "I love them! We had the pleasure of opening for them a few years back in NYC, and it's great to be back on the road with such a rad bunch of people years later. They are an extremely inventive band and really fun to watch live. There is no other band out there like them, and they've been at it on their own for years. Younger bands could learn a lot from their work ethic."

Frank "loves" MSI. Either that or he was outright lying.

Link if you want to read it for yourself.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

But he never said. I love their music or I think their music is great. That I love them seemed more like he loved the people. And the they are great live could be about the performance and not the music.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And to make things clear I read that interview when it first came out. I don't think Frank is going to say he thinks the band is a piece of shit when one of the members is sitting there with him.

On on Frank And Gerard not being best friends. Who the hello goes around calling out who their best friend is. Frank and Gerard were almost always together. You aren't going to do that with someone you aren't close to.

Anonymous said...

I think he probably meant the performance. you ask most Mindless fans, they'll most likely say it's more about the performance than the music itself.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy, Chantal, and Frances Bean making fun of the "That's So Gay" PSA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was so funny and well acted.


Anonymous said...

Jimmy is a 40yr old man hanging out with a 16yr old kid. that's a little fucking creepy if you ask me.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I have a request. Can people not post those 3 and their pathetic youtube cries for attention. If it is an interview or something like that fine.

Anonymous said...

These people already know how ridiculous they are being. They just don't care because it is giving them the attention they want, and yes, that includes us. MSI is one of those band that thrives on controversy.

They are like the kid that would pull on a girl's hair and make fun of her when they liked her.

So, instead of playing into their pathetic little game, I suggest we all just ignore them. Completely.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Completely ignoring a problem or a bunch of assholes will not make them go away. It will just make them try harder to get your attention. But if the y are doing shit like that video it is best just to ignore them.

Anonymous said...

You're right Martha Jones, ignoring a problem won't make it go away, but it will make an asshole go away. Especially an attention seeking asshole. And imo, MSI is definitely a bunch of assholes, but nothing I would consider a problem. I think that they are still too unknown and obscure despite all the desperate PR stunts to be considered a problem.

So, I do believe that they will go away if we ignore them. Eventually the teenies will move on to the next fad, and they will fade from memory. In the future I predict they will just be another case of "WTF were people thinking?!" in the history of music. If they make it there at all.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

^ Very true.

Anonymous said...

I love your blogs. Can I post them in my anti-msi group if you don't mind?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I can't answer for VV but I know she used to post them at BN but that mod the who's name starts with a p kept deleting them

Anonymous said...

About Leathermouth and MSI touring together:

Possibly Very Informative

Anonymous said...

Oh, and to Reena

I believe that VV has stated in the past that she is okay with anyone reposting any parts of her blog to other places.

Anonymous said...

I love how most of the comments on buzznet reguarding to that article are simple. Most people don't to see Leathermouth if they have anything to do with MSI. Honestly, it's pretty hilarious.

I know I won't be going and I would love to see LM but not with MSI at hand.

Either way, I'm not like the change that Frank is making. It's just odd. :/

Anonymous said...

not liking**
don't want**

Anonymous said...

Quite simply, MCR is trying to become something more than just a "teenie band". The new teenies are moving away from their particular type of music and going for more wholesome acts like the Jo-Bros or Miley Cyrus. Unless the band can ditch the teen idol image, a huge portion of their audience is going to outgrow them.

I think the "message" that MCR projected early on was something they were encouraged to do by their management or publicity people and it was never real. I also think it backfired on them because although the teen market can be lucrative, they never really wanted to be chased after by screaming girls and they didn't want to become pin-up boys. Now they are trying to distance themselves from it, Frank included.

I also think that when Gerard showed his true colors, people transferred their allegiance to Frank, thinking he was still carrying the torch, so to speak; they thought he still believed in the band's "message", when in reality, Frank doesn't want to be a role model any more than Gerard did. Playing with MSI is his way of saying "Fuck you," to all the people who are placing that burden on him.

I don't blame him at all. Just like I don't blame Gerard. People should be in it for the music and the music only.

Anonymous said...

^I already understand all that, but my confusion with Frank taking his band on tour with MSI is that it will only further associate him with MCR's teenie fanbase.

Since Gerard and Lynz hooked up, almost all of MSI's fanbase came from the MCR teenies - and that is still true. By frank touring with them, they are only further promoting the MCR-MSI alliance that only the teenies are eating up. Frank can say he doesn't want people to come to the show for the wrong reason (i.e. teenies, but that is going to be the case. And I find it hard to believe he doesn't know that.

There are plenty of bands Leathermouth could have toured with that would promote the style they want, but MSI is probably the WORST choice he could have made if he was looking to dissociate himself from MCR and teenies.

p.s. I'm sorry if there are many errors, I'm in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

10:41 I agree with you.
I don't know, as of now I don't even know what to believe, reguarding this situation.

I just hope that things change.

Anonymous said...

Gerard and Frank are the ones who always spoke out about their message. They are not puppets. They could say no to it so that is no excuse.

Anonymous said...

I just hope that things change.

I wouldn't be holding my breath if I were you.

Anonymous said...

I agree 12:02

Gerard made it clear from even the earliest of interviews that he wanted to be a star, to be famous, to be an idol/saviour/hero/etc. And I bet you that he thought having women everywhere swoon over him seemed like a damn good idea at the time as well. It was all probably a really nice ego boost in the beginning for a guy with low self esteem from being the token nerd in high school.

What he probably didn't expect, however, is that those swooning women who idolized him would end up being 13 year old, hormonal, fanfiction writing, girls.

Probably not so appealing once the novelty has worn off. So, he's backtracking. Completely. And it's understandable, it's predictable, but it's no excuse to demonize and insult your own fanbase. Or act like a pretentious dick.

So, boo-fucking-hoo, I'm not going to feel sorry for him when all he did was get what he wanted. It's all such a cliche.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't blame him at all. Just like I don't blame Gerard. People should be in it for the music and the music only.

MCR are the ones who made it about more than the music. They got (Gerard and Frank) were the ones who were very vocal about it. If you want to say it should only be about the music than you should go tell it to those two.

I don't believe that the message was some PR stunt that WB/reprise came up with. A lot more people dislike MCR for being preachy than ever liked them.

Anyway if WB/Reprise want to make them popular they would have made them appeal a lot more to the fangirls. They would have had Gerard dancing in the videos and a lot more pinups done.

If neither one of them wanted to be a role model they both should have kept their mouths shut and none of this would be happening right now.

Anonymous said...

*applauds 12:02 and cupcake's latest comments*

I completely agree with you cupcake - touring with MSI is only promoting the links with MCR further. It seems as if MSI and LM are using their ties to MCR to boost their popularity, even though they both claim they don't want or need MCR fans. Confusing.

And I don't feel sorry for any celebrity, nor will I ever.
If you don't want to be idolized by a bunch of fickle, hormonal kids who will drop you as soon as the next "hot" thing appears on the scene, then keep out of the damned limelight (as much as possible) and remember that there is a reason your private life is so called. Plenty of people who are much more famous than MCR will ever be can manage to live by these simple rules, so surely Way can too.
Oh and don't ever associate yourself with political statements or shock tactics, coz that's what people are going to remember you for - not your talent and hard work.

Anonymous said...

It's so cute when all your *informed opinions* reveal that you don't know what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps before the nuptials MSI would have been a great band for LM or MCR to tour with if their plan was to distance themselves from the teenies. However, it is pretty clear that MSI's fanbase now consists of primarialy teen girls who think MSI are great because Gerard said so. The LM show I went to in Austin consisted of very few MCR fans and most who were there to meet Frank would not admit to being MCR fans at all.

This is just another way to keep focus on MCR through MSI who are touring right now and are getting arguably more press then MCR. If MCR have any hope of releasing an album that will sell then they need to keep people's focus on them. I think that is why there have been messages from the band on their myspace and why Gerard more or less led fans to where he'd be when MSI were playing.

It's a business and Warner/Reprise knows that they have to keep people interested if they are going to make any money off the band. I find it very hard to believe that they don't want teenies going to concerts or buying up their albums and merch. That's where the money is and when it all comes down to it the green is the bottom line.

I think in the beginning MCR were all about the music but that's changed. In the end its going to come down to the almighty buck.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to what goes on behind the scenes with the members of MCR, 6:05 is absolutely right. I don't know a thing.

Here is what I do know: I did not like Gerard when I saw him at Projekt Revolution. I didn't know what was different about him (this was in early August, before the fans knew anything about Lindsey yet), but he didn't seem like the same person I had seen at previous shows or the person he presented himself as being in LOTMS and previous interviews. Also, he hasn't been the same since PR.

I also know that I won't be seeing them in concert again. I won't be buying their merch or their records, and I know several other people who feel the same way.

Venting here has been great. I think it has helped me get MCR out of my system and I don't regret anything I've said here, regardless of how "cute" anyone might think it sounds.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's so cute when all your *informed opinions* reveal that you don't know what you're talking about.

November 16, 2008 6:05 AM

At least we base our cute "informed opinion" on behavior traits and the things that have been said in the past. And not OMGZ GEE is so cute and Lynz is so cute they will have cute babies together.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Now that MTV has gotten Rid of TRL I wonder where MCR will go. I know there is Fuse but I don't think everyone has it. It took my cable company about 5 years to break down and add it to the line

Anonymous said...

One more time with feeling
Apparently C Love had her house keeper steal a bunch of clothes then she decided to go through and cronical all the missing clothing on her myspace blog... I think. She's been posting all day, I'll add them as she updates. I'm posting it as she writes it as I cant make any sense of it but I'll bold the things I think might be interesting.

Lanvin Spring 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

a jewel or nuetral collumm dress and the occassional POP of ne of Gallioanos safety net army. well im doing two things this year, im presenting on a major awards show not THE one butthe OTHER one, and im going with MJ FINALLY to the Met Ball. Ive always said No, im too lazy, well im doing it this year, i love MJ so much as a human.

11:26 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

"WHAT WERE THEY THINKING" "Worst Celeb Clothes of the Week"
Current mood: fabulous
Category: all in a feather kookoo dress Fashion, Style, Shopping

sometimes theyre right atthose tabs, wich arent allowed in my house ever, ( except Country Life, The Daily Mail, Guardian, NY Times, and HEAT,NOW< CLOSER once a month i orgy out on oodles of uk gossip and Grazia wich i love and UK IT FR Vogue and Collezion re textiles, and Couture) id wear this to Twilight Tomorrow. oh yeah, TWILIGHT!

11:24 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

see how longlasting alber is? this you could wear in ten years
Current mood: eccentric
Category: cos im typing in a hysteric ramones shirt and have Fashion, Style, Shopping

or 100, when in line to kissy kiss him i saved mine for last, he was flustered and sweet with all the accolades, he even said to me " i think of you every collection" wich made me BLUSH( then get me the Hiver boots!) i kissed him full on on the MOUTH, i was so enraptured( leonards on now)

11:20 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

this was the first t come out the runway
Current mood: gallant
Category: but i will still call a spade a spade Fashion, Style, Shopping

peoples eyes popped, ivebeeno enough fash shows, it was oneof THOSE moments where hardnosed glasses wearing editos buyers journalists, clapped hard spontaneously. with true emotion, the most hard battle axed kim gordons amongst them ( she shouldvebeen in the devil wears prada maybe? shes just MEAN, iknow MJ is nice to her, and wide eyed g

11:17 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Panos got this for me, i am a coward
Current mood: cold
Category: freezing numb Fashion, Style, Shopping

he went through hell to getthis for me at a fantastic %, but i couldnt wear it, thats one reason after the opulent decadent ballroom house ive deoicded that i need the ulimate fabu;ous workspoace to do graphics and write songs and sonetinmes i go in this room and its sad, its scanners and paper and 100,000 dicuments proving the theft.

11:10 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

you want SAFFRON!!!!exquisite!!!changed my LIFE!!!
Current mood: cooky/wacky
Category: kookoocherryo Fashion, Style, Shopping

then all these thought sdissapated in a BLAST of this dress, the first i bleiev was cherry tomato but they went by so fast , and wee gone faster than boo, i have fortunys if i wore them im la some idiot would say i looked "bizarre" like when i wore the rarest ossie/celia dress w noel. they need to trust me and relax, i havebetter taste

11:07 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

no alber is not armani
Current mood: who ville

as they go ivenever seen a taupe goddess dress with more edge and class and sexiness, but its never worked for me, i showed up at work to support shawn looking like a Chrustmas ornament, Luxury Jones dress, i tried a cuff by boudoir queen( omg Try VINTAGEOPULENCE on etsy for lingerie, dude youy will be ecstatic price and brilliinace)

11:05 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

the ultimate goddess dress ( bit not armani in the least)
Current mood: i could never wear this dress as lovely as it is
Category: i could never wear this dress as lovely as it is Fashion, Style, Shopping

i once had my house sort of armani ish( now our kid calls the Malibu House "Who Ville" theres bowls of german glass glitter and paint and glue and suatering irons and guitars and cassette players and poetry and taxidermy by Polly and Hirst butterflies and the ocean crytals altered books and altered paper, resin,ribbons, jet

11:03 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

kookoo feathers i wanted and still want!
Current mood: cha cha said the KRAZZY dress
Category: cha cha said the KRAZZY dress Fashion, Style, Shopping

so the shitstirring of Kim Gordon and i have apparently shit stirrers i cant even trust not onthe music side but on other sides of my life, it s become so that i am actually , i always have liked ben, but actually greatful beyond words for Ben Silverman as a partner, on the flm side of things, and Beinhorn ell hes a leader period,

10:59 AM - 0 Comments - 6 Kudos - Add Comment

Lanvin Spring 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on
Current mood: grey as me.

i wanted this putfit too, this was before the ecstasy of the night, it as all taupes greys and Chloe SEvigny who weve never been BFF at ALL, ( a guy thing way long ago) but shes so amazing on "Big LOve" i worship her work onthat show, Tripplehorn too, thewhole show, despite any bad blood also caused because Kim Gordon is a gossipshitstir

10:57 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

MAdley/showpony/Boudoir Queen?ClairelaFaye/LuxuryJOnesseaplane
Current mood: fascinated
Category: Portland and LA and France and New York Fashion, Style, Shopping

somehow its all a not very pretty geordian knot of ugliness,
Current mood: lovely grey dress pants coat tho.

theContigency Lawyer and the Pulitzer Journalist i keep away from some of the people around me in my life right now as they havent been able to keep secrets or be honest or positive, evenAxl Roses closest inner circle never make snarky comments about him in texts and emaILS. et alone total lies, or use him to get to a "powrful" older

10:55 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

paris meltdown/ mj and alber saved me/ meanwhile in lawe were yet againbeing raped
Current mood: di$$gu$$ted

how does one protect oneself when the banker was in on it? she was the one who is responsible for a conspracy according to these emails to reposess kim cobains home using a phony address, for the 12th time refinance, ( wendys that i "own" tjo its hers is on its 15th refi. i have never ever profited or done a refi!EVER!theres 48!

10:52 AM - 0 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment

continueing story of the sucidal mood and the lanvin /lv show
Current mood: why are people evil?
Category: why are people evil? Fashion, Style, Shopping

so in another country while 2.2 million in checks that i know of were being signed away by someone with a rescinded power of attorney, i even have the W statinary and fax, and the letter and email back from the Cal stae Bare confirning theyd informed the people mentioned, i was sitting on my ass watching this feeling sad in the beuitful

10:48 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

stolen by Miriam, ( this girl Kim Hendrix who came from Ashely paige stole an assload too)
Current mood: more sad sad stolen lanvin

i guess we were so "broke" due to the perjury/or stupididty of this trust fund illequipped to handle my money( they "lost" 2.1 million. uh, excuse me. thats called INSURANCE, oh wait, i have CONTIGENCY Attorney and shes NEVER LOST!) and my childs, look how sweet this dress was! Miriams a cow who is into black magic and took all she coul

10:44 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

she stole this in black /lapd refused to take a report/silk tulle
Current mood: sadfor humanity.

i called the lapd, and i guess an attorney told them to igniore me? thats what a Pulitzer prize winning Journalist has ( 3x) discovered, WHY? i rescinded all Powers Of ATtorney (theyre all forged, one was never meant for $ transactions but it was rescned by the california Bar in 2005december and i listed allthe phony people) yet//

10:41 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

she stole this in black from barneys in nyc, it was timeless
Current mood: numb

theres an even better one she stole from a nyc trip to look at houses, we found a fantastic house but have to get permission almost liek a co-op situation, so its a stiff raw silk black shell coat i loved it, Miriam stole this too, if i told her it was valueable or had a brand name on it she nailed it, out of 37 pieces dyed in brooklyn

10:38 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

lapd? what lapd? she stole this too...lanvin
Current mood: sad
Category: stealingfrom 13yearolds Fashion, Style, Shopping

is there a category called crime? evil? theft? Frances had when i got out of rehab one pair of flip flops and couldnt afford a pair of the then wildly popular True Religion jeans, i know alot of americans can relate to that, i know what Suze Orman says etc aout guilt and sucking it up, but really? when its YOUR money being stolenas iWRITE

10:34 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Miriam Torres my former housekeeper stole this...
Current mood: angry
Category: sad that people are fucking evil Fashion, Style, Shopping

she also ( or steves did according to his own datafaction/books) took out 1/3000 dollars every single day of the week, she stole every nice thing of Frances's who remember previosu to this we had NOTHING for 3 years while Steves lived off 27.9 million of MY Hole and Property illegal refinances forged accounts 62 at one bank alone dollars,

10:30 AM - 0 Comments - 8 Kudos - Add Comment

continuing adventures of how ebaz and mj dresses saved my life plus a dash of Christopher Baile
Current mood: pirate
Category: why sometimes lights music and fabric can save you Fashion, Style, Shopping

so after i sobbingly packed my skinny ass into that THAT dress i went to a fashion show fuck sounding shallow this is what happened Buddhist that i am, it was so stunningly beuatiful, that sitting with Katy we started holding hands, people clapping, cynical fashionpeople crying, In STyle editor and me girnning at each other, dada, circus

10:24 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Geminola if she ever calls BACK> and Gibbous who will
work out a cool deal with you should you happen to want to upcycle
your clothes with loads of stitching etc, a;so i was so in love with
3 as 4 whre did they go? that Fall 07 they did is one of the best
collections ive ever ever seen.RUN to seaplane503 girls, Madley 323

10:08 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

o loaned thi scollar to cory Madley last night
Current mood: never a loaner or borrower be
Category: never a loaner or borrower be Fashion, Style, Shopping

oh jesus, if you go to paris just go INSIDE Lanvin, its a house of
WORSHIP, male female fat skinny rich poor, yopu will not be upset
because you cant afford it ALL, even the newer perfumes are amazing,
i have four collars from my trip and Madley in LA has to be the
coolest store so i loaned this to cory last night.

10:04 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

poor panos had to put me inthis bowblouse when i was fat!
Current mood: genealogically obsessed.why can i be between 100

look at this! i was 198? ive been 100 and 200 a nd always think im
HOT in the mirror both ways, i have wierd tight mucles that dont
create cellulite, its a miracle, i have a majestic ass and great
shoulders, tits that defy gravity, i like 160 for rock, but that
leaves out samples, so fuck no, i thank my gnarly dna, cos theres bad
in the

10:02 AM - 0 Comments - 5 Kudos - Add Comment

the best white blouse in my closet.
Current mood: intense
Category: and now some show and tell Fashion, Style, Shopping

is this one, and i willshow you the LV ostrich plume lavnder dress
wich looked horrific alone but aha! Christopher Baileys MASSIVE
Burberry THAT season that no fashionista with good taste wll ever
forget,s [pikes and safety pins, and if i do not get somehow the
Burberry Feather MINI dress this season, i might have a heart attack,

9:55 AM - 0 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment

look at his sweet face? how could you want tp exit drunken angel
style if you saw this face?
Current mood: that LV dress with the purple plumes

i had the beuatiful ( a few seasons ago now LV sho with the Nurses
the only LV bag i ever wanted, with a horrid Borscht Belt joke about
women and money wich is true but scary it was so utterly subversive
afte rthe liife saving Lanvin show and kissing alber FULL On the
mouth for it, i went into a beuatifully genius jaded cynical tailspin

9:51 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Lanvin Fall 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on

this was LV after Lanvin and i couldnt what? "oops couldnt make it" i
already had the eternally loyal stella pissed at me because she
thought i skipped her show wich i didnt, i had a very real interview,
shes been so loyal to me i would never skip her show. LOYAL . we all
know what that means right? LOYAL means we fix it if we accidently

9:48 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

hw alber ebez and later marc saved my life one Paris night
Current mood: suicidal depression in the midst of opulence, yes

sancho( nammyohorengekyo just ONE time) and i was sobbong and heaving
and couldnt get any words out, the Ritz old ladies had to apply my
slapper, and i kept sobbing the mascara off, it was just malaise,
Hubby was in London, but the malaise was dark and evil demons, "jump"
said the balcony. "eat me" said 70 Lauderee macarrons"and throw me

9:46 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

alber ebez part II
Current mood: nammyohorengekyo

i could barely drag my ass into what Vogue US( wich i wont even read)
and UK ( wich i adore) and FR( wich i LOVE) and IT ( wich is genius
and endlessly amusing) called " the BEST DRESS OF THE DECADE" its
onybeen worn once, its black taffetta called the "punk Dress" with a
cross of crystals, thick with crytsals, i kept trying to say sanc

9:42 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

mabe shalpw. i dont care. alber ebez
Current mood: Krimping

how ADOREABLE is ALber Ebaz? you know ths fash double kissy? fuck
that,i had been so deathly depressed nefore lanvins show, i was lying
ona pile of gifted COUTURE gowns in a beuatiful salon at the Ritz
sobbing, suicidal, so there, you think impoverishment ( wichhas also
made me suicidal) is the only reason to be sad? no, that show made m

9:40 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

correction, this is my skirt
Current mood: why not the pencil skirt?
Category: why not the pencil skirt? Fashion, Style, Shopping

sorry THIS is the skirt i have, the other is far too bloody "edgy"
for the buyers, given thatits pencil, i understand i think why
westwood sticks it to us all ( that die and go crazy eveyshow and got
o the gold collection store and its never ever produced, its very
much like couture) but then go conduit st, its like Tokyo in there,

9:37 AM - 0 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment

chinchilla arm "warmer" rather lame , im a little ashamed
Current mood: chinchilla i cant do

i thinkthis is chinchilla, i have seen a chinchilla, theyre all cute living breathing beings and yes i feel GUILTY okay? particular MS Colberts Ocelot Muff because i believe Ocelot are basically extinct, i think women look selfish, mean and terrifying in chinchilla or any fur, with an old throwon of Joans i MEAN to look nasty,

9:34 AM - 0 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment

Lanvin Fall 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on
Current mood: buyersare boring!

see buyers didnt buy this? why dont we all run things! i see things MJ shows and then they arent produced cos Niemans thinks its stoo "edgy" and theyre my favourite things in his show, i am having a Harris Tweed Corset Waspie made on etsy. how is ths even "edgy" look at how hot this dress is on any woman?and Barneys youd think the buyer

9:28 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Lanvin Fall 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on
Current mood: fat!

(lucinda williams playing) i snt this top back, maybe im getting plump, everyones saying how proud they are of me for putting on weight, but i hate it, i know that size 4 isnt fat, i know thata t size 10 i was a sexbeast, but this top didnt hang off me at all, it was pedestrian on me, i guess the corpulence of my bastard dna is unriddable

9:25 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Lanvin Fall 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on

i have this skirt, but its nothing compared to Ricardo Toscis pants with teh ruching, I'm happy that Madge has hired him for her tour, ive also looked elswhere but i always will go back to him, to the point that when we move over the second the last note is sang, ill go to paris and sit with him as much as i can i love being "Muse" ,

9:23 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Lanvin Fall 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on
Current mood: needa techpack drawing expert
Category: needa techpack drawing expert Fashion, Style, Shopping

ahh alber, is this top too kookoo? you know the buyers stay on the safe side of everything, i hope panos and your sister spend our xmas break(xmas!) at Chat Bagnol w us, take apeeky, my sponsors have yet to write checks and i have yet to get my tech pack drawing person, illgo but just in case anyone here in la or even london

9:21 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Chloé Fall 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on
Current mood: whatsmydiscount?

why is s/he using so much FUR? illalwys be anti fur in principal, but not a passion that overdoes my passion for a piece of absouloutly genius history where the damage has been done, THIS is the other Chloe Pice on the street now that i am DYING for. who is designing it? its no GIvenchy but these two pieces are great, 12k? christ, baby

9:18 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Chloé Fall 2008 Ready-to-Wear Collection Slideshow on
Current mood: thisis BAD fur.
Category: thisis BAD fur. Fashion, Style, Shopping

eg THIS is exactly the fur i would never ever wear, i UNDERSTAND itsends the wrong message to young women, and nothing infuriated me more( oops loads has it pissed me off more) when madge went FendiFrur crazy on "Evita" wtf? she was a veg? Pamela i have already told. i feel ever so guilty but they are ancient, and they feel like loveitse

9:15 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment


veritavenom said...

Please don't. It has nothing to do with this and it eats up the whole page because it is so long. I won't delete it but please be considerate to other people who want to vent and read and don't post her updates here. Thank you

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It has been quiet here for a bit so it gave me something to read. while I killed the blogs.

Also this is one of the people that GW thinks is great company now.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap, Courtney Love's illiterate! Speaking of, I saw her home on a TV show last night. Very nice!! No wonder they all want to hang out with Frances if she has a pad like that to call home.

And now back to our usual programming......

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap, Courtney Love's illiterate!
Gerard Way, take note: Drug abuse makes you illiterate in later life and makes you talk crap all the time (but really nobody gives a damn what you say anymore coz it's all crazy anyway).

Actually on second thoughts, it may already be too late...

Anonymous said...

Next GW will claim his pregnant with Steve Coogan's love child.

Anonymous said...

If Courtney is Rock Royalty, then rock is in some serious ass trouble. :(

Anonymous said...

anon 12:47 AM - what was the show?

Anonymous said...

The Fabulous Life - Insane Celebrity Real Estate on VH1.

Anonymous said...

At least we base our cute "informed opinion" on behavior traits and the things that have been said in the past. And not OMGZ GEE is so cute and Lynz is so cute they will have cute babies together.

You think that anyone who knows you don't what you're talking about is a Ger-Z fangirl? nsm

You think you know what's going on behind the scenes, how celebrity works, how the music industry works but all you are doing is revealing that you don't have clue.

Anonymous said...

And you do 4.36?

Or are you bullshitting? I'm going with bullshitting, unless you prove it.

*This is the part where you say you don't have to prove yourself to us.*

Anonymous said...

What's nsm?

I'm not clued in internet jargon.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

At least we base our cute "informed opinion" on behavior traits and the things that have been said in the past. And not OMGZ GEE is so cute and Lynz is so cute they will have cute babies together.

You think that anyone who knows you don't what you're talking about is a Ger-Z fangirl? nsm

You think you know what's going on behind the scenes, how celebrity works, how the music industry works but all you are doing is revealing that you don't have clue.

November 18, 2008 4:36 AM

Yes I think I know how celebrity works cause I have been following it for a good while. And right now Gw is nothing more than a big stupid rock and roll cliche.

The music industry I can go and read and learn about it.

But in the end we must be hitting a nerve because why else would you feel the need to come here and tell us we are wrong or we know nothing.

Anonymous said...


you're a dick

Anonymous said...

Steve Righ's girlfriend Lucinda is pregnant. ewwwww MSI are breeding.

Anonymous said...

Where'd you hear this? I did a quick search on an active MSI board and didn't find anything.

Anonymous said...

And I thought they were married.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Steve and Lucinda. I just hope Baby Righ? doesn't start about along the same ilk of his dads. I hope the others in the band (except Kitty) don't get the urge to breed.

Plus, it's really sad that whoever wrote that journal know Lucindas Facebook.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how no MSI fans made a big deal out of Jimmy moving to CA from back east. Maybe because they don't over-analyze every microscopic detail and manifest non-existent conspiracies.

And 11:09, I honestly don't think it's THAT sad or creepy. Well, only if her Facebook is widely known in the fanbase and she's cool with it. I know that Chantal has a personal (more or less) Myspace that a lot of MW fans, and subsequently MSI fans, have friended. Of course if they actually stalked it out then that'd be a different story.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

4:14 no one in the msi camp cares because JU is already a douche bag. And will fit in nicely with the other douche bags.

Anonymous said...

now i get why Gerard moved out to LA. it's because all of MSI live out there now. what about being near your own band douche?

Anonymous said...

but ~omg~ Bob is still in Chicago, HE MUST NOT LOVE EVERY THE BAND AND WANTS TO QUIT. If he was TRULY devoted to MCR, he'd move to NJ and sleep in Ray's bed. Honestly.

And I thought the other two (Steve at least, idk about Kitty) were still back east.

Anonymous said...

^Um, you're pathetic and you don't make any sense.

Bob was born and rasied in Chicago - why would he want to move? He has a life with friends and family there. Gerard had none of those things in LA when he moved there. Do you see the difference?

As for Jimmy Piss moving - well, I suppose he couldn't let his meal ticket aka Gerard get to far away from him. Out of sight, out of mind ect.

Anonymous said...


Chicago is a lot closer to New Jersey than Los Angeles is. so your point is void.

Anonymous said...

lol at you guys taking 9:16 so seriously.

so sad.

I'm glad to see that this place is finally dying.

Anonymous said...

lol at you because you keep coming back to a blog you obviously don't like. what a dumbass. so sad.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon this place isn't dead. It's just having some down time.

Anonymous said...

i come back for the lulz. but sadly this time the only lulz you brought were by the fact that you took 9:16 so seriously.

down time=dying.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon if down time is = to dying than MCR so look out because a lot of their fan sites have been experiencing down time.

And if you are looking for laughs I suggest you find something else. May I suggest you take a good long look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...


oooooh good comeback. goin 3rd grade style are we?

oh so mature.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If we are going to talk about mature, tell me how mature is it to go on the internet and troll someone's blog?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to take a guess that the vast majority of you have never seen Gerard and Lindsey interact firsthand. You're just going by stories and your own little theories.

They just... flow. I don't know how else to describe their relationship, they just flow together. She's no siren that's enchanted him, he doesn't control her with money. They're not all over each other 24/7, but they don't avoid each other like the plague. It's been a year, and yes the honeymoon's over, and I'm not saying they'll definitely last forever, but they seem to have something that just fits with the other. And I'm not talking about genitalia. Though probably that, too.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I could care less about how those two interact with each other. My problem isn't with that he married her but how he changed himself and the way MCR feels when he got with her.

No one here thinks that she is being controlled, I don't know where you came up with that. If we think anyone is being controlled it is him.

We may sit here and make fun of that relationship but who the fuck wouldn't . It is our way of being able to get the frustration of believing in a load of bullshit out.

But all that is beside the point. MCR claimed to have a set of standards and ethics that a lot of us here have and believe in as well.

That isn't the case anymore you can't go out and promote a band like msi and say you still believe that racism, homophobia and sexism are things you find to be wrong. Msi may not be any of those things but that don't do anything to stop those things. What they do is use those issues to make their band look counter culture or hardcore.

That is what the biggest problem with the whole think for me is. MCR still want to act like they have those standards and ethics. They don't they gave that up when they started talking about how great msi was.

But on Lynx I would never like the kind of woman she portrays herself to be. I like people who work hard to get what they want. Who don't rely on using sex to get attention.

I also can't stand when people refuse to acknowledge that they wouldn't be where they are now with out the help of their more famous partner.

If lynz's really wants people to take her seriously than she needs to get up on stage and prove she can really play the bass and not just be a pantie shot character.

In the end Gw can go marry a Jackass for all I care.

Anonymous said...

All the power to ya Martha!

Anonymous said...

If you ever believed in MCR that much then I feel sad for you. Go out and get a real life.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't want nor do I need you to feel sad for me. No one here does. So you can't take it and shove it up your ass.

If anyone here should be felt sad about it is you. People who spend their time trolling blogs are the ones who need to go out and get a life.

Anonymous said...


you're posting here with us. so if you think we need to get a life, then so do you.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Can't read can you? I never said anything about just posting. I said if you spend your time being nothing more than a TROLL.

Anonymous said...

Martha, I think 6:08 was directing their comment to 9:12.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Oh I am sorry for the mistake than 6.08. It has been mostly trolls here with me lately so I just took it as that.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry 2:43, no one is here to interrupt the "flow" of their relationship.

Even if they are highly suited to each other it does not take away the fact many see her as untalented and riding on his fame.

Until she has the ability to disprove this, the perception will stick.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, the trolls are back. Hurrah.

I kinda wish they could just stay over at BN or wherever, talking about how MSI are their new favourite band and how they can't wait to see LM tour with MSI or whatever it is they talk about.
I'm not particularly interested, tbh.

But if we ignore the trolls, they will likely go away because they aren't getting a reaction. They're like three-year-olds who throw a tantrum because they can't have that shiny new toy. Rather amusing considering they tell us off for being "immature".
So if they want to be rude and ignorant, that's fine. But you can tell from the comments they make that they obviously have no morals, ethics, self-esteem, friends, family support, courage, social interaction or even conscience.

Make what you will of that, because I really don't care what you think of me.

Anonymous said...


How was the UA party?

Anonymous said...


That is some spectacular projecting.

Anonymous said...

Playing Devil's Advocate, are we?

Funny how when the blog starts to die down, "supporters" of Gerard, Lindsey, MSI, etc. appear and get people riled up again. Whoever these "trolls" are, they obviously like to see comments here.

Also, who are you, 2:43 that you have "seen Gerard and Lindsey interact firsthand"? If you're someone connected to the band, then obviously this blog is hitting a nerve. If you aren't, then you're just some fangirl who's full of shit and wants to appear to be "in the know". Like that hasn't happened before.

We don't like the changes in Gerard. We are no longer fans of the band. We like to have a place to come and talk. No one is going to change any of that. So get over it.

Anonymous said...


It was very nice. There were some younger girls there, though not nearly as many as I'd have thought, probably because it was only advertised one day. Bob showed up for a bit, which was cool. Wish I'd said something to him. I got to talk to Lyn for a good while, which was really nice. Gerard was kind of avoidant. He was talking a lot with people that looked important like they were in comics, but I didn't see much fan interaction. I got a handshake and a couple words, which was really all I wanted, or was expecting.

Hopefully that answers your question, 8:08.

Anonymous said...


did you take any pics?

Anonymous said...

No. Well not of anything really worthwhile at least.

Anonymous said...

10:34 you should go back to Buzznet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

maybe one day frank will do something noteworthy on guitar and not just be the crazy character.

Anonymous said...


Gerard and Bob were there so how can you say there was nothing worthwhile to take pics of. i'm not buying that you were even there. go back to Buzznet if you want to make up stories.

Anonymous said...

So I read mikeyway's comic today. It sucked to put it bluntly. Just as it looked like it was going somewhere it ended. And wasn't it supposed to be a batman comic? He was seriously in it for like 2 frames.

He at least deserves a pat on the back because he's like one of those kids that totally sucks at sports, but you still gave him a trophy just to make him feel better about himself.

He should definitely leave the comic writing to his brother.

Anonymous said...

No I mean I didn't get any pics of them. It'd have been really obvious and creepy if I tried to.

Anonymous said...


when you were talking to Lindsey, how many times did she say "like"? lol

Anonymous said...

Umm. I don't know, I wasn't keeping track. I probably said it a lot as well ahaha.

Anonymous said...

Gerard better start using some Rogaine before his hair starts to look like crop circles.

Anonymous said...

Why do you say that 10:24? Are there recent pictures where he looks like he is losing hair?

Anonymous said...

someone who was at the UA party the other night said that Gerard's face was full of zits and he had a bald spot on the top of his head.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well...I'm wouldn't believe that unless there was photo evidence.

His hair was fine at the scream awards just a month ago, hair loss doesn't happen that fast and he has always had such thick hair.

Does anyone know of any pictures that are out there from the UA party?
I would think someone must have taken some.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Gerard knocked up Lindsey.

Anonymous said...

Go away, troll anon.

No one here is going to believe you.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it maybe true. I hope Lindsey can lay off the drugs long enough for it to be alright.

Anonymous said...


go to it's on there. he has a link to the Associated Press story about it.

Anonymous said...

Eliza is gonna shit a brick. i hope she doesn't go into a deep depression over it. that would be sad.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well I apologize to the anon at 1:52, then.

Anonymous said...


hmmm. so it seems that not everything a "troll" says is false. So stop being a bitch to all of them.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I didn't expect a child to come along for quite a while.

He always seemed so...against it.

Oh, well. Quite a shocker, though. Poor kid, famous parents always make for messed up children.

Anonymous said...


Considering that there have been about a million and one false "LYNZ IS PREGNANT!" alarms, I think my mistake is understandable.

I already apologized to him/her, you weren't part of the conversation, so please get out of it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I guess this means she will have to learn to play the bass now.

Anonymous said...


i'd put my money on Lindsey leaving MSI probably for good. Gerard brings in enough money to support them and the baby. also it's like you said i don't think Lindsey is going to want to really learn how to play bass now that she can't do her backbends anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the new MCR official site is up.

The tag line is "We don't like you either."

LOL. I wonder how long it took them to come up with that one. Probably too long considering how childish it is.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

True anon.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and about Lynz quitting MSI, I really doubt that will happen.

Are MSI still touring and promoting? If so, I would expect a statement from her to the press pretty soon. I expect it will be somewhere along the lines of, "This won't let this affect my career and my place in the band".

Of course, I may be wrong, but I don't think so.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

They are touring again around Christmas that is all I know because of the Leather Mouth shows.

Anonymous said...

Woah, dude.

Okay, I just looked at their site again, and someone seems to be changing the tag line every few seconds, right now.

It's no longer "We don't like you either"

Anonymous said...


MSI start a European tour in the beginning of December. also MCR's new website is fucking ugly and boring.

Anonymous said...


Now it says, "Hates Blogs"

Excuse me for a minute...hahahahaha

You can't make this shit up.

Anonymous said...

MSI tour dates go from December 4th to the middle of February.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Matha, and anons,

I guess I should have known that (about MSI touring), considering the LM/MSI news.

Silly me.

Anonymous said...

Is Gerard sure it's his kid?

Anonymous said...

Ah, damn.

They took down the "hates blogs" tag, now.

That's no fun.

And 3:30 - don't go there. That's rude.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Don't worry about it Cupcake. So I went earlier and it said an American rock and roll band. Now It says for me we don't like you either.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, mine says that again, too.

Maybe it's a random generator from a list?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That is the best they could come up with. To copy the comments that a troll would say.

Anonymous said...

haha. no more back bends for lynz

Anonymous said...

Lindsey really shouldn't do anymore back bends because the baby my shoot out of her vag while she's bending back.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Marha.

Actually, it sounds like someone has been on Facebook waaaay too much.

MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE is still trying too hard

Ha. Lame. I hope they didn't pay someone for that.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if Gerard and Lindsey are going to move back to the east coast. Gerard's family is in Jersey and i think Lindsey's family is in Connecticut. plus we all know Mama Way is going to want to be around her first Grandchild a lot.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

LOL 3.48 I spit my drink out when I read that.

CC they are trying way to hard with those tags they have. I guess a nerve got hit.

Anonymous said...

Well, I must say, the new mcr site is ugly as hell.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I get the feeling their new songs will be a shot at all the ex fans. Lately when ever they have some new thing to put out they make sure to use the phrase loyal fans in it.

Anonymous said...

MCR using Twitter is fitting for them. they've been acting like a bunch of Twits lately.

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck does the retard keep changing the tag thingy under "My Chemical Romance" every 5 minutes?

hates blogs.
are on vacation.
don't like you either.
american rock and roll band.
has way more myspace firneds than you.

What the hell is the point of this? the guy gets paid for doing this all day?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

LOL. for real, it says all that. I guess when you have the mind of 15 year old that seems like a good come back.

Anonymous said...

You can take the girl away from the skank but you can't take the skank out of the girl. Ask Benji about he knows.

Anonymous said...

i hope they will both stop smoking now.

Anonymous said...

Eliza is probably singing "You keep coming up" right now.

Anonymous said...

not bald, but thinning. I think it has more to do with his recent dye job spree.

Anonymous said...

Gerard had a falling out with his hair. they don't get along.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering why on earth these two would get pregnant when she is about to start another leg of touring. I find it very hard to believe this was an "accident". I would think that the best time to start a family would have been when MSI was done with their tour. I mean somehow I don't see her out there on stage in her lil school girl skirt with a big ole' belly. And if she does take a break and they get a replacement what's that mean for MSI and their sudden "fame"? It's pretty safe to say that most of thier newly aquired fans are only there because Lyn Z is married to their idol.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon It will be win/win for msi fans. Their band will go back to being "underground" and they won't have any more screaming fan girls.

Anonymous said...

7:56, I see your point, but it's also likely that it was an accident, and that they now are trying to figure out the tour situation. i can't see anyone planning to have a baby at such a time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Fuck. Gerard's gunna be a father. Joy.

Anonymous said...


They actually kept changing that? A couple of times it only said American rock and roll band to me.

But still, that's fucking funny :D

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence, they make the announcement two days before he happens to have a new comic coming out. Do they really think that his fans are so stupid that they won’t see the connection. Why announce it now, why not wait until after its been released, surely its going to draw attention away from his comic. I really don’t want to think that he is capable of using his unborn child to generate publicity for himself, but with the timing - two days before his comic comes out, it looks very suspicious. I am truly disgusted right now.

Anonymous said...


and the baby news came out the same day as the new website was launched. they are so calculated that it's not even funny. there trying to get some buzz going for the band again because they know they lost a lot of fans.

Anonymous said...

Supposedly from MSI's people.

Anonymous said...

I guess congrats to them. I only hope she stops taking it up the nose and lays down the ciggies. Maybe Gerard was trying to beat out Mikey, Ray and Frank for the first to be a dad title. I predict baby fever now. Alicia will be the next one.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


and the baby news came out the same day as the new website was launched. they are so calculated that it's not even funny. there trying to get some buzz going for the band again because they know they lost a lot of fans.

November 25, 2008 5:38 AM

Don't forget about that anon who came on talking about how they flowed together.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t realise the website was launched at the same time as well. I honestly didn’t want to think that they could be so manipulative, using the press for their own means, but it’s too much for it to be just a coincidence that it all happens in the same week. I don’t think I am ever going to be able to go to a MCR concert again, there’s just no way I could stand there and listen to Gerard preach about tolerance and stuff without wanting to vomit.

Mindless have also announced it on their website, they say -

“No shows will be cancelled -- in fact, we will be adding more throughout North America and beyond in the coming weeks.”

Of course they will, to be taking advantage of all the attention they are going to receive

“Please stay tuned for more news and information, and check out the shows as tickets are going fast for those shows which've been announced already.”

And I’m sure they will go even faster now. As of just now, none of their upcoming shows have sold out, but I wonder how much their ticket sales just went up by since the announcement. They also say that Lynz isn’t leaving the band - of course they need her to stay so they can have all that free publicity after the baby is born.

Anonymous said...

MCR should put this up on their website where the saying keeps changing.

My Chemical Romance likes to play their fans for fools.

Anonymous said...

Gerard needs to stop writing those stupid blogs on the website too.

Anonymous said...

From Gerard on the new My Chem website -

"Trying to see if posting a photo works...looks like it does.
I would post a video but I seem to have misplaced the one where a dog takes a giant shit. Cuz that's what everyone wants- the gift of shit."

I think Gerard is full of sh*t

Anonymous said...

LOL 9:36

The teenies are eating it up already. Does Gerard actually think people care to know what coffee maker he has?

How do they expect to shake all those annoying teenie fans they pretend to hate so much when everything they do seems to be aimed directly at them?

Oh, right. Because they lost all the fans that actually cared about the music by being complete DICKS, and now have to play to the terms of the pathetic little group they call a "fanbase".

He must hate himself. Wonder if that's why he needs gallons of coffee to "deal with the world". Because it's such hard word getting paid millions for manipulating children, right?

End rant-that-is-not-nearly-as-angry-as-it-sounds

Anonymous said...


He sounds like he's full of shit. What he just said, is that something that everyone needs to know about? No.

Anon 2:02 am,

It they're having a baby, congrats to them, but I think that Gerard is also emotionally stunted. Look at the way he kept shoving his relationship with Lyn-Z to the world, just so he can prove to Eliza and his ex that he moved on and is doing just "fine."

A part of me thinks the pregnancy is being used so he can find a way to rub it in Eliza's face. But that's just me.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's so fucked up he probably planned the baby announcement for this week to ruin Eliza's Thanksgiving. it could be his way of trying to get back at her for the songs she released about him.

Anonymous said...

It was bad enough when Gerard and MSI were exploiting someone else's child (Frances Bean) to further their careers. Now they're exploiting their own child to get publicity two days before the release of Gerard's new comic.

Nothing he does would surprise me at this point. What a prick.

Anonymous said...

I really doubt the baby has anything to do with Eliza.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the baby has nothing to do with Eliza or any ex. But I do think that Gerard delights in the fact that he knows news like this will hurt those people. I know Eliza is crazy but I do feel sorry for her.

veritavenom said...

I made a new post for you guys to talk in.

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