AN IMPORTANT NOTE TO RACIST TROLLS AND ANONYMOUS PEOPLE. If you seriously think that by trolling this blog with the N word (just because MSI does it and you think that makes it OK) you will get me to shut down my blog you are sadly mistaken.
I have not installed a tracker but I have contacted Blogger, and their policy is that they DO NOT allow hate speech. If you want, I can install a tracker. This blog isn't so high traffic that I won't know who said what and when.
I have never deleted or censored posts, but I will report your ISP if this continues.
My other option is to take away anonymous comments but I would rather not do that. If you MCR/MSI defenders think you will make me close the blog down by using hate speech that they condone though, you are very wrong.
Now onto my original post which was this,
There are a few things I have to say. First of all someone came on here and said that you were not anonymous. As far as I know you all are anonymous. I don't have a tracker or anything, I never had and I never will. You can say whatever you want up to a point, which I will get to later. As for the person saying they knew who you are, or they know who I am, I can assure you they are lying. I don't even know who most of you are and I don't care, as long as you get to vent and say what's on your mind. Disagreeing is fine too. I don't delete comments. I know some people are still fans of MCR and MSI.
I am not one of Gerard's exes or friends, thank God. I am just like most of you, a disappointed ex-fan of MCR. Gerard wouldn't know me and I can assure you he doesn't care what I think. He has enough people paying his bills and paying his and his wife's extravagant LA lifestyle upkeep. Trust me, he doesn't care who I am or who you are or what we aren't buying anymore.
I also do not care who he marries or has sex with or cheats on or if he hooks up with groupies or whatever (although I do think that makes him a total loser but that is just one opinion).... It does show how he feels about women. I don't even really care about MCR or what they are doing these days. But it's fine if you guys still want to talk about it, like I said I don't censor or delete. I don't care if he has pink hair or brown boots. (Even though the pink hair made it even more obvious that he becomes the person he is hanging out with. There is no real Gerard.).
All I care about is the fact that he and his racist, sexist friends and wife are still having the nerve to talk about feminism and call themselves feminists. Gerard is still having the nerve to think of himself and proclaim himself as not bigoted or ignorant. I just wish that the two of them specifically would stop presenting themselves as something they are not because I think that sends a destructive message. If they want to be sexist and racist, that's their prerogative. But to be such a sexist pig and then to preach about feminism is wrong. It's like Sarah Palin calling herself a feminist. You can't redefine terms just because you feel like it. I don't care about LynZ flashing her crotch or what she wears. The only problem is her still calling herself a feminist when all she has done is flash her crotch and marry a rock star to get where she is.
That leads me up to the recent other nasty anonymous people I've had here. I deeply apologise for the anonymous people who are calling some of you racist terms. I don't read here as often as I used to but a friend who still comments here, also a few other people have emailed or messaged me to tell me. Some anonymous people have been calling some of you the N word. I deeply apologize. I don't like to delete comments but that is hate speech and harassment and if you want those comments deleted just tell me where they are and I'll do it. I can't have hate speech like that on this blog. I obviously don't condone it or I would be a fan of MSI.
This proves the point most of us have about MSI. Just because some person or some shitty band thinks it is alright to use hate speech and bigotry, DOES NOT MAKE IT OK. Just because one person or some shitty band thinks those words are funny or that they don't mean anything DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT. And just because some person or some shitty band thinks that you shouldn't be hurt and offended by hate speech DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE WRONG TO FEEL THAT WAY.
That is what MSI and Gerard do not understand. You can't redefine words or tell people that they should just deal with being called things or treated that way just because THEY think it is OK.
I am against censorship and MSI can say whatever they want. I don't have to listen to them and I don't. But, MCR and Gerard proclaim themselves anti bigotry and anti sexist and that is where the problem is. That was proven by the bigoted anonymous person on the last blog. I apologize for them.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 791 Newer› Newest»About GW's comment.
Martha Jones, I wonder if he says things and later thinks wtf did I say that for? , but never admits it.
I understand where you're coming from Martha.
I'm usually pretty hard on Gerard for the things he says, it's just that in this case I can see where he's coming from.
I think he does when it comes back to haunt him.
I am hard on him to a lot of the time too. But that comment feels like he is saying that she is having fun.
How does being "covered in your own shit" and being "fucking locked up" sound like he thought she was having fun?
Did anyone else notice Eliza's hair? First, it was the "right" kind of pink, and then it was the orange-y red of Gerard before he dyed it back? Seems she's still copying his hair.
I do think Gerard was having a manic episode last year during Project Revolution. I have a close family member with Bipolar I disorder, which is characterised by extreme manic episodes that can last for several months. I can definitely assure you that during his bouts of mania, my relative is feeling so euphoric that he thinks he can do anything. He also enjoys the hell out of that feeling and insists there is nothing wrong with him during those times.
When he comes down, he'll spend months trying to fix the things he did when he was in his manic state, but often he'll try to justify the things he's done and try to make the best of them rather than admit to his mistakes.
I think that's where Gerard's "I love my wife," and "I'm so happy," pronouncements are coming from these days. He is too proud to admit that he royally screwed things up. Deep down he's probably somewhat ashamed of his behavior, and that's why he has isolated himself from other members of the band by moving to L.A. and becoming besties with JU.
I'm not saying that's for sure what's going on with him, but as someone who has seen extreme bipolar disorder up close, Gerard's behavior sure looks like it to me.
Mania is about desperately seeking to live life at a more passionate level, taking second and sometimes third helpings on food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and money, trying to live a whole life in one day.
Andy Behrman, Electro Boy: A Memoir of Mania 2002
if gerard's behavior and quick marriage was caused by bipolar disorder, then what was lindsey's excuse? and could she not tell that he was mentally unstable? why would somebody marry a person who is in the middle of an episode of crazy?
for beta-phi
"and could she not tell that he was mentally unstable? why would somebody marry a person who is in the middle of an episode of crazy?"
For her one and only desperate shot at fame. Who gives a shit who gets fucked over as long as you can get you band on a Kerrang poster?
horrible boots in that picture, but the thing i noticed first was his eyes. whoever said he had dead eyes was right.
I said that. He reminds me of the Burger King king with that smile and that look in his eyes.
His smile is so disconcerting anymore. It's nothing more than the voluntary stretching of the muscles around his mouth.
if gerard's behavior and quick marriage was caused by bipolar disorder, then what was lindsey's excuse? and could she not tell that he was mentally unstable? why would somebody marry a person who is in the middle of an episode of crazy?
I've heard that a lot people in this situation don't realize that anything is wrong at first but I can't imagine that someone didn't take her aside and explain things to her. So, given the other factors of the situation, I haven't been viewing her very kindly.
Anon did you read what he said. It sounded like he was celebrating her freedom. It came across like he believed she was doing that shit because it fun.
Eliza and Jeffree Star:
Just thought you wanted to see her outragious hair color, similar to Gerard's old red.
[sorry, I don't know how to make links on here.]
Anonymous said...
How does being "covered in your own shit" and being "fucking locked up" sound like he thought she was having fun?
October 27, 2008 2:37 AM
^ It's the idea of being wild and free having no inhibitions and simply not giving a fuck. That's what Gerard meant. I think he meant that in general with that comment. He just simply related to what was going on with her that's all. I really didn't see it as him celebrating her destruction, I don't even think that Gerard knew all about her issues when he said that statement. I just think he overlooked that and analyzed the act in itself.
Seems like I'm defending Gerard a lot today, but honestly I think the boots do look nice on him, but maybe he shouldn't have worn them like a girl and let his jeans or pants cover over them. It's called thinking before you dress.
I miss his combat boots though. :P
Mari's Link
^Hideous. I though she was supposed to know about hair?
Thanks for that anon. :D
Ha! Well I will say that at least it's dyed correctly unlike that mess that Gerard created on his head. I think she dyed Jeffree's hair as well.
I don't know why I know this and I why I care. >_<
mari, your comment @ 2:31
I think that's in the same vein as what Lyn-z said about real musicians boring her, which I saw was brought up again awhile ago. Like I don't think she meant it literally, but more like guys who have to go by the books and never go outside the boundaries bore her. It's just some tend to over-analyze what she says, as do some for Gerard.
I think you are mistaken tone or context as over-analyzing in this situation.
For Gerard's comment I didn't have either but because of the way he had been acting I took the context of what he was saying to be negative.
Lynz comment was just a piece from an interview. In which she said a lot of things that come across bad on her part IMO.
Sorry to change the subject back again, but I'm one of those fans who still worries a lot about Gerard and I don't know much about bipolar.
If he does have it and it isn't being treated or looked after what might happen? I know different people are different, but could it maybe go away on its own or something? I don't want him to keep getting used and I worry that he might go off the deep end completely one day.
As for the comment Lyn-Z made about real musicians boring her to tears, I took offence to that. I've studied music my whole life and I have a deep appreciation for classical, blues and jazz. My family had to sacrifice to pay for my instrument and music lessons and I am offended when somebody like her talks about pissing on an instrument and setting it on fire. It seemed to me like she was pissing all over serious musicians everywhere when she made that comment.
3:54 I can't play a musical instrument I wish I could. But I took offense to her comment as well. Here she is in a position that a lot of musicians work hard to try and get to and it seems as nothing more than a joke to her.
3:19 i disagree with you. I don't think anyone over analyzes her. I think she is basic, what she says is what she means. I think she was disrespectful with that comment and promoted mediocrity.
She and MSI do think music is a joke Martha, and it makes me so sad. It doesn't matter how many times I've heard Blind Willie Johnson's Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground, I can't help but be moved to tears each and every time. The same with certain classical pieces. Music is the most amazing thing on earth and it's not a joke.
But it isn't funny
Yeah anon 3:19 I agree. Although I still credit real musicians. But yes, she seems like the girl that enjoys thinking outside the box, and enjoys things that aren't so structed-ized, like I don't see her listening to lets say classical music and their preformers. Which is a shame, because I love that entirely too much and do comprehend were true musicians come from. I myself can't play an instrument, but I sing in a classical choir, so I do appriciate and understand the hard work that goes into making beautiful and inspiring music.
But at the same time, look at who is saying this statement? Not to judge but, she pretty pathetic in that field, she can't even play her own instrument. That's why, I don't think you guys should get offended by it, she's speaking out of ignorance, actually more like stupidity.
It's one thing not to like something, but bashing it is a different story.
what's wrong with you fuckers? gerard hasn't done anything to piss you off in the last 24 hours?
fucking amazing.
^I think that should be amaaaaayzing!
anon @ 12:49
So, you hate this blog, yet you sit around anxiously waiting for us to post?
what's wrong with you fuckers?
Personally I'm ill, so thanks for your concern.
gerard hasn't done anything to piss you off in the last 24 hours?
Well, Gerard himself hasn't. But those boot/red-hair pics and te teenies are still around somewhere so... *shrugs*
fucking amazing.
Anon @ 1:09 is right. It's pronounced "amaaaaayzing".
I haven't been around for a while, 12:49. I was surprised to see how many comments there have been here.
To answer your question, no, Gerard hasn't done anything to piss me off lately because he's been making himself pretty scarce since the Scream Awards. Give him time, though. I'm sure he'll be making an ass of himself soon enough. :)
for beta-phi
Thank you. Man, those boots are ugly as sin. As a rule black and brown don't generally match so well. Not too mention that they look a little old and moldy. Urgh.
Eliza's hair:
I personally like it. Despite whatever she does to piss people off, I think she does know her hair. It at least is evenly colored and doesn't look like it's fried her hair. I think it looks very retro. On the down side they have drawn on eyebrows in that pic, which makes me cringe.
Music is the most amazing thing on earth and it's not a joke.
It most definitely is. I love music so much and would give an arm an a leg for a chance relearn how to play the cello. Wether it be music or something else, I don't see how someone could not appreciate the effort and work that serious musicians or any other person who is serious about their profession do.
Also just because you are serious about something does not mean you strictly follow the rules and don't think outside the box. My dad is a celloist who does take himself rather seriously and he is always trying to think outside the box and come up with some new way of doing something that others haven't thought of yet. That's what real musicians do.
Thinking outside of the box is not the same as not being able to play. If you are someone who can play it is different.
In order to think outside the box, you kinda have to at least be familiar with the box itself. The "box" here being music, LynZ has never even seen the inside of it.
What Kapu said. See this is why I shouldn't try and comment and watch TV.
what's wrong with you fuckers? gerard hasn't done anything to piss you off in the last 24 hours?
fucking amazing.
People like you are always bitching at us to get a life. When we get lives and don't post for 24 hrs, you get pissed. And WE'RE the ones who need lives. Pfft!
it looks like some teenagers are seeing through the bull and speaking about it
Anonymous said...
Sorry to change the subject back again, but I'm one of those fans who still worries a lot about Gerard and I don't know much about bipolar.
If he does have it and it isn't being treated or looked after what might happen? I know different people are different, but could it maybe go away on its own or something? I don't want him to keep getting used and I worry that he might go off the deep end completely one day.
I'm not an expert or anything, but having been married to someone with Bipolar I for nearly twenty years, I can tell you that usually the episodes of mania become more frequent and more severe as time goes on. In my husband's case, he made things worse by self-medicating during the down periods with alcohol, antidepressants, diet pills, illicit drugs - you name it. During the manic periods he thought he was invincible. Eventually he got so bad he wound up throwing away everything: his career, our marriage and his relationship with his children. He was hospitalized on three separate occasions, twice after suicide attempts. On his third attempt to take his own life, he succeeded.
My husband's case was very extreme and I don't mean to scare anybody, but if GW is suffering from Bipolar I, I sincerely hope he is getting treatment.
^I'm sory for you loss and the hard times you had to struggle through.
I hope thing are brighter for you now.
Thanks for the link, 2:43. Good to see we're not the only people getting a bit sick of the charade. Although they seem to get their fair share of Lyn-Z supporters posting too...
Anon @ 6:02 I'm so sorry to hear that and I hope things look up for you. I wish you health and happiness for your future.
And just to venture off-topic again, any British/Irish people here (or anyone who has heard of her) feel Gerard's behaviour mirrors that of Kerry Katona - who actually does have bipolar?
Just a thought though.
Blink I'm a Brit and although I'm not fan of Kerry Katona, as soon as you said that I realised that you're right. He has been acting like that. Kerry has bi polar and she also abuses cocaine.
Very worrying.
^ That's why I mentioned it.
The behaviour, the history of alcohol and substance abuse, changing personality to suit their friends/partners...
It's too similar to be just a coincidence.
I hope for both their sakes that they get the help they need and find the right people to help them through it.
No matter how much a person has pissed me off, I wouldn't wish anything bad to happen to them.
If it doesn't require too much explanation...who is Kerry Katona?
Saturn - Wikipedia
Basically, she's a British "celebrity" who was in a girlband and married someone more famous than her (Brian McFadden from Westlife).
They had two kids and she appeared (and won) a reality TV show before their marriage broke up.
She has remarried since and had another two children, although friends fear her new husband is controlling and manipulating her, as well as rumours that he is a cheat, and fears that he will "run off with all her money" because he is now in control of all her finances.
She has admitted to having drugs and alcohol addictions in the past, and suffers from bipolar.
She has a contract with MTV for her own reality show, and MTV recently paid for her cosmetic surgery after she was made bankrupt this August.
If you youtube her, there's a video of her doing an interview on This Morning last week (I think) and her speech is very unclear. She blames it on prescription medication, but people are worried that she is becoming dependant on drugs or alcohol again.
It's rather sad, but I think there are similarities between her and Gerard in the way that they act.
They talked about her last week on TMZ.
And anon I am sorry to hear about your husband.
Oh, interesting. Thanks, Blink.
Thank you Safe, Blink, and Martha for your kind words and good wishes. I have moved on with my life and am doing well, although I don't suspect I'll ever marry again.
It is very difficult for me to see behavior similar to my husband's in other people, and as much as I hate to say it, Gerard's actions remind me of him very much. It's the most helpless feeling in the world, knowing there is absolutely nothing you can do but watch someone destroy his life.
I hope I am wrong about Gerard, but whenever I see behavior like his, I can't seem to help but think the worst.
6.02 I think we all feel that way. It is hard to watch anyone(even if you don't know them) fall apart.
you people are the ones who are crazy. you are so desperate to believe gerard and lyn's marriage is a mistake you're looking for reasons to say he's mentally ill.
P.S. attention whores go back to mayo's to whine about your nutjob husbands.
kthx. bai.
Anon GW admitted to having a mental illness. At one point not only was he on medications for it he was seeing two therapist.
Also the only crazy person I see here is the anon who couldn't wait for us to come back on so they could try and put us down.
6.02 is not an attention whore she was sharing something that had happened in her life with us.
Jesus, anon. Grow the fuck up. I don't care if you like MSI or not, that last comment was uncalled for. And this is coming from an MSI fan myself.
As for that link, of course there are defenders, it's BN. There is no middle ground for Gerard and Lyn-Z/MSI, it's either love or hate.
As an MSI fan myself, I obviously don't agree with a lot of that journal, but I do see some points. Like that the argument of they've known each other for years is weak, as they most likely didn't keep in touch.
Although, Lyn was indeed in the band when MCR played with them. And to my knowledge there is no song titled "Ultra Sex."
The author lost any and all credibility when she said she was jealous, though. I know she is being honest, but it's hard to take any of it seriously after that being said.
And just by skimming the comments it's obvious that the majority of them are half-literate fangirls. And that is ~totally~ not a generalization.
From my position, as much as I appreciate those few defenders, I'd rather they be correctly informed before making their case. Eliza did not cheat.
i haven't been posting here in a while, and i've been going here rarely, so i'm a happy i'm moving on.
oh, but before i leave i can't help telling you guys this:
reminding you i'm 14, at lunch i saw this girl (always see her) and she was wearing an mcr jacket (she's the only one who has their merch in the ha.) and she was doing a back bend...i laughed so hard.
When it comes to most people at BN defending msi, it really is more of I will defend them because lynz is fucking Gw. Not because they really like the music or the band.
Wearing MCR merch is like the kiss of death at my school.
I know one girl who has an MSI t-shirt, but she doesn't know anything about the band. She bought it because it had blue and pink in it and she thought it was pretty.
I couldn't do something like that. Wear a shirt for a band I know nothing about.
The author lost any and all credibility when she said she was jealous, though. I know she is being honest, but it's hard to take any of it seriously after that being said.
That's exactly what I thought when I read it.
Also, it seems like nearly all the fangirls on buzznet are relatively new to both bands because they're always getting their facts wrong. And obviously, they're all failing English.
And who wears a band t-shirt without knowing anything about the band? *shakes head*
I keep hearing about girls who are going to an anime convention. They find this really cute costume on line and wear it to the convention where they find out it is from some porn.
As for BN one of the people who works for them did an interview with Gw. The watchmen was brought up and the person from BN didn't know what it was. Didn't even bother to look it up.
If the people who work for BN can't look shit up why should anyone else.
Speaking of Watchmen, I know MCR is doing a cover for it, but I thought it was going to be Desolation Row. Then I read it was going to be All Along the Watchtower. Does anyone know which one it really is? Because I swear, nobody can touch Hendrix' version of All Along the Watchtower. He owns that song.
Having somebody else do that song just has FAIL written all over it.
^Even Dylan said that he has come to think of that song as belonging to Hendrix!
Desolation Row because they where singing it at their last concerts.
I hope you are right, Martha and this article is wrong. Maybe the writer just made a mistake. I'm not too keen on MCR covering Dylan anyway, but I think they would destroy All Along the Watchtower.
Maybe they changed it.
Here is where I found the story and they are saying Desolation Row
I swear I remember a video interview where Gerard himself says they are doing Desolation Row for the cover.
And about Buzznet,
That site is just a joke. What is even funnier is that the people who run it seriously think they are important because they control a bunch of 12 year old girls.
So, yeah. It's hard for me to take anything coming from there too seriously.
Bn is a place where if you are the friend of the friend of the aunt of someone famous they will kiss your ass.
Ain't that the truth.
Blogger Martha Jones said...
Anon GW admitted to having a mental illness. At one point not only was he on medications for it he was seeing two therapist.
Also the only crazy person I see here is the anon who couldn't wait for us to come back on so they could try and put us down.
6.02 is not an attention whore she was sharing something that had happened in her life with us.
October 29, 2008 5:27 PM
You mean like Kapu did when Dickweed attacked her MJ?
Anon 7:36 this is not the place for what you are talking about. Don't bring it here.
Why do people bring Mayo shit here? This isn't Mayo's and it's not DM's either. Take it elsewhere if you have a probelm.
Yes, anon, exactly like. And I appreciate your open eyes. However, I agree: I don't want that stuff dragged to Verita's. Or really even Mayo's. :)
And to my knowledge there is no song titled "Ultra Sex."
'Obviously those idiots mean "Faggot". There's a line in the song which goes "I've been denied all the best Ultra Sex". MCR teenies are always getting that wrong! Ugh!'
^Quoted from a girl in my class who is a major pre-marriage MSI fan. Fangirls keep coming up to her when she is wearing MSI shirts to ask her opinion on "Ger-Z" and ask how cute she thinks their babies will be 0__o
She is not impressed, but says why should she stop wearing band merch when she she likes the band "because of a few assholes who only care about MSI because of who Lyn-Z is f**king".
I just read Bob's blog on the band's website and my reaction was just sort of MEH.
I think I'm totally over MCR now. I don't care whether they come back or not.
A passage from Bob's message.
we are soon going to launch a new website. its going to be very simple and to the point. one of the new features will be us typing in on our phones straight to the site so everyone can tell you themselves what they are up to. now that we are coming out of MCR hibernation we want to keep everyone informed and to maybe have some fun.
Does anyone else think that this is damage control? They give the fans more insight into the band to make up for the shitty way Gerard has been acting towards us. I think they know a lot of have gone and are trying to win us back by making the band more personal to us.
I like your friend, 2:32. XD
6.18 I think it is damage control. I think they want people to think that the "old" MCr are back and I also think this is them saying GW isn't Mayo.
why do you think it's them trying to say GW isn't Mayo? i think they're just trying to get back any fans they have lost and keep the fans they still have. the guys used to blog all the time on the original MCR site.
Honestly, I don't even think that, that Bob message is real. There was something about it that seemed so odd, maybe it's the fact that he wrote down Gerard's home "address". Why would Bob do that?
I don't know, it seems strange.
Maybe MCR's MySpace got hacked again for the 500 millionth time.
I think what Bob has to say is real. But I just find it odd that now they are having them put messages up.
The whole Mayo= Gw thing won't go away and having GW send a message on their myspace is a good way to put it out their that he isn't without them bring up that blog.
Personally I don't think that reprise/wb like places like Mayo's or here. Fans and ex fans can talk about what they see going on with the band and no one can stop them or make them change them subject.
And that isn't good when a lot of your fan base is made up of teenagers who change what things they like based on what others think of it.
I think many of you overestimate the importance of "Mayo's". I've been a fan for years, belong to tons of MCR communities and know fans from all over the world and not a single one of them thinks Mayo is Gerard. Most serious fans think it's a joke.
Regarding the band actually blogging on their website, it's not like they haven't done that before, back when they didn't think they were too "big" to write their own messages to fans.
I think they realize they have lost some of their old grassroots fanbase and this is their way of trying to get them back.
What matters isn't who Mayo is or isn't but what people say there are over here. Most people don't think it is him. But he did allow us to say what we felt. I have been to many fansite and they are very controlling over what you can and can't say. That is what makes it important.
I know all about MCR leaving messages in the early days of the band. And I do think this s them trying to get it back. But I think that has a lot to do with Mayo's and here being around. Nothing is off limits here. So they have to counter that with the guys getting the word out straight from their mouths.
I really do hope that somebody either in the band, their management or WB/Reprise is reading here because they need to understand just how much Gerard's actions are affecting the fanbase. For every one person who posts here, there are probably dozens who have just quietly walked away from the band. I can think of about twenty people right off the top of my head who have stopped being fans over the last year and a half.
Hopefully they are beginning to understand that fans are tired of Gerard and his shit.
I really do hope that somebody either in the band, their management or WB/Reprise is reading here because they need to understand just how much Gerard's actions are affecting the fanbase. For every one person who posts here, there are probably dozens who have just quietly walked away from the band. I can think of about twenty people right off the top of my head who have stopped being fans over the last year and a half.
Hopefully they are beginning to understand that fans are tired of Gerard and his shit.
^Sorry for the double post. I don't know how that happened. :/
I don't think they have to read this place just look at how well TPBID sold. That should tell them everything they need to know.
Hopefully they are beginning to understand that fans are tired of Gerard and his shit.
I think the band, the management, the label and everyone else around Gerard already know he's messing things up. There just isn't anything they can do about it.
I think the band, the management, the label and everyone else around Gerard already know he's messing things up. There just isn't anything they can do about it.
i think you're right, but i wonder about lyn and msi, if they know gerard is alienating his fans, and if they do, do they even care.
Of course WB/Reprise knows about this place and Mayos. Remember the Monkeygate cover up?
MSI probably do care about what Gerard is doing to MCR. they need Gerard and MCR's fans to keep their own popularity going.
on MCR's website they have links to Buzznet on there, like Gerard at the Scream Awards and such. so management does look at sites like that. i just wish that the truth was told and not sugarcoated by all the teenies that post at BN.
MCR and Warner can do damage control until they are all blue in the face for all I care. I'll never forgive them for canceling in Maine -- not once, but twice, and then never even bothering to try and make it up.
Rumor had it Gerard just wanted to go on to Europe to be with Lindsey the last time they cancelled. Later the band's reps said it was because of Bob's wrist, but they were able to get a replacement for Bob at other shows. I didn't want to believe that Gerard would disappoint fans just to be with his wife, but now I do believe it. He's an asshole and a jerk and I hate him.
Gerard also cancelled a UK radio interview on Radio One in the UK so he could spend more time with LynZ. I know it's not as big as a gig, but this show is listened to by half of the UK so it was a big deal. Their rep said it was because MCR couldn't think of a song to cover but everyone knew the real reason. And this is in the country that MCR credit as the one of the first places to "get" them, along with Chicago. It was a lovely spit in the face to the one country that had supported them from the beginning and gave them their first #1 single and #2 album.
I just won't you to know that you people in Maine weren't the only ones cheated and let down because of Gerards dependancy on whoever he happens to be fucking at the time.
Did anyone read Mikey's comic? if ao, was it any good?
If it's possible can anyone give me a link to that, "Mayos" blog?
If you're new to Mayo, you're going to be hella confused. I'd stay away if I were you.
Conspiracy theories, mean anons, regulars who think they can control what people say...and no matter what they say, they don't like new people. In the beginning it was a place where people could speak their minds freely, but it's nothing like that now. Most of the people who still comment there are the biggest Gerard fangirls on the planet (with the exception of Martha Jones, Kapunua and Resurrected Wreck) and they'll jump on you if you criticise His Holiness.
So stick to VV's bb. It's much saner.
someone should email Eliza the link to Mayo's. i would love to see her craziness show up there.
I imagine Eliza already knows about Mayo. Everyone in the fandom knows, apparently. I've seen links everywhere. Most people have a couple of laughs over it and then forget it.
Can we please not have ANY craziness at Mayo's? Why would you want to do that? Eliza is the last thing that place needs. Used to be friends talking and venting about Gerard. Now it's just, yeah, what 1:49 said.
Paris Hilton is doing a GW. B Madden has had a crush on her for years.
Well thanks for the advice. I just wanted to go on there because I was curious about it and I heard you guys talk about it an awful lot. And honestly, it is rather confusing, I want to stick to what I know.
And whoever the writer of that blog is, they write exceptionally well. I doubt it's Gerard though, it just wouldn't make any sense. He doesn't even write half as well as the writer of Mayo, unless he's fooling us all. (Not saying that Gerard is incapable of writing in that way, but he has never showed the fans that he can write like that)
Anon 7:30
How are her and Gerard correlated?
Remember the Monkeygate cover up?
A tech guy with a blog and some sense deletes a post after being inundated with screeching teenies?
You are welcome, 7:50.
I think Mayo writes the way people would like to think Gerard writes. Mayo is the image many fans would like to project onto him, if that makes sense. Personally, I don't think the real Gerard is anything like Mayo.
It's like with fanfic. People rarely ever write Gerard realistically. They have him doing things like spending the entire day in the Louvre in Paris, gushing over famous works of art, because they know he went to art school or reading Shakespeare in his spare time. (One of many reasons to stay away from real person fic, IMO.) I can't visualise him doing either of those things.
A tech guy with a blog and some sense deletes a post after being inundated with screeching teenies?
If the tech had had any sense, he wouldn't have posted the pics in the first place. And he was inundated with screeching teenies? I don't remember that.
He's an asshole and a jerk and I hate him.
You sound like a whiny entitled 7 year old in need of a nap. Are you stamping your feet?
Later the band's reps said it was because of Bob's wrist, but they were able to get a replacement for Bob at other shows.
With the other shows they had more than 24 hours to find another drummer.
If I were Mayo. I would not want to be connected to GW in any shape or form. How embarrassing. Mayo appears eloquent. GW...well, enough said. I'm not adding to it.
I'm glad it's a joke within the fandom. The teenies can have their demi-god GW.
I think Mayo writes the way people would like to think Gerard writes. Mayo is the image many fans would like to project onto him, if that makes sense. Personally, I don't think the real Gerard is anything like Mayo.
It's like with fanfic. People rarely ever write Gerard realistically. They have him doing things like spending the entire day in the Louvre in Paris, gushing over famous works of art, because they know he went to art school or reading Shakespeare in his spare time. (One of many reasons to stay away from real person fic, IMO.) I can't visualise him doing either of those things.
November 1, 2008 8:59 PM
It wasn't about how Mayo writes that made people think it could have been him. Mayo was responding to love man. Loveman was saying all kinds of shit about Gerard. And Mayo responded back
i just had to post this. it's from an old interview, but it had me in tears all morning
Why are you so big on pushing those boundaries of sexuality? You're a married man now.
Well, that's more of a recent thing (laughs). My wife totally backs the way I am on stage, that's one of the amazing things about her. I have 120 per cent respect for her when I'm on stage, so there are definitely certain things I would never do. But she knows my sexuality, and I know mine, so there's no reason not to push those boundaries. It's with the most noble intentions -- it's to make certain people realise just because somebody is a performer or slightly effeminate, -- even that guy at work or that kid at school -- there's no reason to shove 'em around. So much testosterone has been in rock for so long -- that's why I'm so interested in pushing it. All it boils down to is treating women like second-class citizens, calling people faggots, being borderline racist, if not totally racist. A lot of things are ingrained in the stupidest rock 'n' roll we completely oppose. So one way we can push it is through our sexuality.
Your marriage to Lyn-Z was a bit of a shock. When you spoke to Hit in July, you had just broken off an engagement to another girl. Come September, you were married.
I know! It's one of those situations where you don't know how your life's gonna go, and the minute you actually stop looking for something is when you find it. When I met my wife I was at a point where I was completely OK with being alone for a very long time, free of lousy people. I was very content to spend time with my friends, to work on music, to work on my comics. I was about to pack everything up and move to Portland, Oregon. And literally out of nowhere someone who I'd met four years ago when the band was a baby band, opening for her band, comes back into my life. We just picked up where we left off. It's always when you're not looking for it -- I was totally fine, and then I get hit over the head! It was like getting hit by a truck.
Does marriage mean you're actually able to make a home now?
Completely. I turned basically into a functioning grown-up overnight. I came off tour and started to set up a life. I'm very excited about that -- I actually have a life now when I go home, and it's an amazing life. I love that I have a best friend I can share it with, who I can work with and hang out with.
the dude should be a comedian
With the other shows they had more than 24 hours to find another drummer.
Obviously, you don't remember the incident. The band was scheduled to play in Maine on October 27. They canceled the show on October 25. According to my calculations, that's more than 24 hours. Besides that, they played the show opening for Bon Jovi, with Bob, on October 26.
Finding a fill-in drummer isn't all that difficult. All he would have to do is keep a steady backbeat going and most fans wouldn't even notice the difference in the music. Yes, we would have missed Bob, but at least we would have seen the rest of the band.
You can call me a seven year old if you like, but the Maine show was the last one on the US tour before they went to Europe, Lindsey was already in Europe and the show just wasn't important enough for them to bother with trying to find a replacement, obviously.
The thing that convinced me Gerard just didn't want to do the show were statements he made during the EMA's about not wanting to be there because he would rather be with his wife.
so i guess Gerard's girlfriend of 6years was lousy too. he's such a fucking douche bag.
It wasn't about how Mayo writes that made people think it could have been him. Mayo was responding to love man. Loveman was saying all kinds of shit about Gerard. And Mayo responded back
Yes, I realise this. But the fact that Mayo was initially responding to Loveman doesn't prove he is Mayo. If anything, that makes it seem like Mayo is just a fan of Gerard's, especially considering that Loveman was just a some ridiculous little fangirl from INO.
You know, after reading that Gerard interview, if I could I would punch him in the face.
He just seems so fake about it all. Makes me want to gag. >_<
anon 6:32
The thing that convinced me Gerard just didn't want to do the show were statements he made during the EMA's about not wanting to be there because he would rather be with his wife.
November 2, 2008 6:32 AM
^^ Is there any footage of him saying that?
8.16, he said it in a printed interview. The lady asked why he looked so pissed off. He said he hated the fakeness of the ceremony and just wanted to be with his wife.
You looked a little pissed off at the 2007 MTV Europe Music Awards. Were you?
GERARD WAY: We didn’t really fit in with the whole celebrity thing. The only thing I was thinking about at the time was spending time with my wife. But, as always, we were there to put on one helluva rock show, which we did.
No, they were the lamest preformance there. Avril was better and she can't sing to save her life.
Actually, he didn't just look pissed off. If I remember correctly, he had a total diva rock star hissy fit and threw his mic to the ground.
"WAHHHH I dun wanna do my job! I wanna see my wiiiife!"
Such a douche.
Oh no but don't you see, he was angered by the degrading treatment of women at the EMA's. It's it -obvious-?
Actually, he didn't just look pissed off. If I remember correctly, he had a total diva rock star hissy fit and threw his mic to the ground.
"WAHHHH I dun wanna do my job! I wanna see my wiiiife!"
Lol. Gerard's the one who behaves like a whiny 7 year old in need of a nap.
Regarding the EMAs, Gerard might also have been pissed off because the Student Government Association at the Universtiy of Maine was suing them for breaking their contract. The band wound up having to fork over more than $20,0000.00 because they missed that performance.
Anonymous said...
Regarding the EMAs, Gerard might also have been pissed off because the Student Government Association at the University of Maine was suing them for breaking their contract. The band wound up having to fork over more than $20,0000.00 because they missed that performance.
November 2, 2008 2:57 PM
If Gerard hated the celebrity part of the show why was he hanging out with Jared Leto And Dave Grohl. I would be off in a corner some place on the phone with my wife.
Being sued was something they brought on themselves so he can't really be pissed about that.
Being sued was something they brought on themselves so he can't really be pissed about that.
Yes, and by caving in and settling that lawsuit so quickly, the band the same as admitted they were the ones who were at fault.
What else could they do. They didn't play that show but played another one the next day.
If they knew Bob was having problems they should have contacted someone as a back up asap
If Gerard hated the celebrity part of the show why was he hanging out with Jared Leto And Dave Grohl. I would be off in a corner some place on the phone with my wife.
And if he hates celebrities so much why did he move to LA and why is he such good buds with people like Courtney Love, for fucks sake?
Oh wait. I know.
He's full of shit.
A tech guy with a blog and some sense deletes a post after being inundated with screeching teenies?
If the tech had had any sense, he wouldn't have posted the pics in the first place. And he was inundated with screeching teenies? I don't remember that.
I don't remember it that way either. The screeching teenies were all on BN saying things like, "Oh, Gee got LinZ a monkey. Isn't that cute? That proves how much he loves her!"
I think the non-teens were the only ones concerned for the chimp's welfare.
5:27 fuck you. i am a teenager and i care about the monkey. just because all the lyn-z/gerard ass kissers are teenagers doesn't mean that, ever teenager is. STOP INSULTING PEOPLE BY AGE!
And he was inundated with screeching teenies? I don't remember that.
I don't remember it that way either. The screeching teenies were all on BN saying things like, "Oh, Gee got LinZ a monkey. Isn't that cute? That proves how much he loves her!"
You think that they weren't all contacting him for more details? And that the people who were *concerned* for the chimp's welfare weren't emailing him about contacting PETA?
I think the non-teens were the only ones concerned for the chimp's welfare.
Ha. OK.
Teen or not, non-grudgey people looked at that post, thought 'wow, I hope you checked that business out beforehand' but without any more information being available, realized that passing judgment would be ridiculous.
Calm down. No one was insulting you personally. "Teenie" is more of a reference to how someone ACTS about a band then it is about age.
There can be mature teenagers and immature adults.
Teen or not, non-grudgey people looked at that post, thought 'wow, I hope you checked that business out beforehand' but without any more information being available, realized that passing judgment would be ridiculous.
Do some research on the ethics of using great apes for entertainment purposes. There's plenty of information available. It shouldn't be done. Period.
Do some research on the ethics of using great apes for entertainment purposes. There's plenty of information available. It shouldn't be done. Period.
Plus, Buying animals for entertainment is classic apathetic-wealthy-class behavior...and something people haven't even really done for years. Basically, it is against everything that Gerard used to supposedly stand for.
And I didn't hear anything about anyone contacting someone about it. People were just expressing their anger.
Do some research on the ethics of using great apes for entertainment purposes. There's plenty of information available.
And that information makes a point of saying that most people aren't aware of the cruelty involved, it isn't obvious abuse and that many of the people involved are very deceptive about their practices. A lot of sanctuaries started from someone buying a chimp as a pet, learning more and it snowballing from there.
Basically, it is against everything that Gerard used to supposedly stand for.
Being against the mistreatment of animals doesn't mean that a person is suddenly aware of every single way that animals can be mistreated.
And I didn't hear anything about anyone contacting someone about it. People were just expressing their anger.
People posted the form letters they received in reply from PETA here and elsewhere.
Gerard did an interview with PETA so people assumed that he believed in animal rights.
PETA is well known for how they feel about the treatment of animals. I doubt he didn't know that renting a monkey was something that would cause some fans to get upset if they found out.
If Gerard hated the celebrity part of the show why was he hanging out with Jared Leto And Dave Grohl.
Having a couple of photos taken together =/= hanging out.
I would be off in a corner some place on the phone with my wife.
She had a show that night. Unless you wanted her to take the call onstage.
And if he hates celebrities so much why did he move to LA
Only celebrities live in LA?
In LA he's a small fish in a big pond and is left alone.
PETA is well known for how they feel about the treatment of animals.
Half of PETA's endorsements aren't endorsements of PETA itself so much as people saying that hurting puppies is bad.
If you claim to be a feminist, against racism or against the mistreatment of animals, do some research on PETA.
You do know that the part about calling his wife was meant as a joke. Poking fun at how pathetic he sounded.
GW is a little fish in a big pond. But I don't think he will be left alone completely. There are a lot of people in LA who will use who every they can as a stepping stone to become famous.
If you are going to make a statement about not liking the celebrities than why even take pictures with them . go out side and smoke or something. Don't go to the after party go see the last part of your wife's show
Anonymous said...
PETA is well known for how they feel about the treatment of animals.
Half of PETA's endorsements aren't endorsements of PETA itself so much as people saying that hurting puppies is bad.
If you claim to be a feminist, against racism or against the mistreatment of animals, do some research on PETA.
November 3, 2008 1:32 AM
Maybe the people doing the spots for PEta should do research on PETA before they do the spots. Because already know about PETa I have know people who belong to it for years.
I doubt he didn't know that renting a monkey was something that would cause some fans to get upset if they found out.
It has nothing to do with the fans finding out. Most people (probably including Gerard) are unaware that the use of chimps in entertainment involves their mistreatment.
Animal rights is nebulous term that can mean very different things to different people. PETA uses that fact to their own advantage.
It has nothing to do with the fans finding out. Most people (probably including Gerard) are unaware that the use of chimps in entertainment involves their mistreatment.
Animal rights is nebulous term that can mean very different things to different people. PETA uses that fact to their own advantage.
It is very well publicised that most animals not just monkeys that are used for entertainment are mistreated. Why do you think all those circus that don't use animals became popular.
If it had nothing to do with the fans than why was the blog taken down?
Maybe the people doing the spots for PEta should do research on PETA before they do the spots.
How many of them are aware they're doing a spot for PETA? Someone with a microphone walks up to them during Warped like a standard interview, and asks them what they think about the mistreatment of animals, and suddenly people think they agree with everything PETA's ever done.
If it had nothing to do with the fans than why was the blog taken down?
Because the guy wasn't initially aware of all the drama around the situation and probably didn't want the attention.
In the GW Peta spot he knew he was talking to PETA. He said their name.
AS far as having a microphone shoved in their face and not knowing who it is, that doesn't happen to often to famous people unless it's the paparazzo. And than most of the time they don't talk to them.
Because the guy wasn't initially aware of all the drama around the situation and probably didn't want the attention.
November 3, 2008 2:05 AM
He works for a rock band not a big one but a rock band. Everything you do can cause some kind of drama and it is best not to talk about thing that are going on with other bands.
and suddenly people think they agree with everything PETA's ever done.
That is why famous people don't endorse products the way they used to. Because once you put your name to it you are linked to it and everything that company does. That is why you only see a few well known people who do ads for PETA and most of them really believe in what they are saying.
It is very well publicised that most animals not just monkeys that are used for entertainment are mistreated. Why do you think all those circus that don't use animals became popular.
For most people the chimp in a movie isn't connected with a chimp at the circus. The publicity with circuses used images of abuse and neglect rather than the argument that the system is inherently cruel. Movies that use animals have to meet certain standards, so there aren't those images.
He works for a rock band not a big one but a rock band. Everything you do can cause some kind of drama and it is best not to talk about thing that are going on with other bands.
I meant the drama of anything MCR related on the internet. I also don't think he was aware of the backstory of their relationship and the fans' reaction to it. What he posted (husband buys wife wacky birthday present) wouldn't stir things up in normal circumstances.
I don't understand why the animal cruelty issue is being brought up again. This has all been covered before.
Does someone really have to go and find articles to post about how all chimps used for entertainment of any kind are ripped from their mothers at an early age, deprived of normal social interaction (which is very cruel to an animal as social as the chimp) so they will be "tame" enough to behave the way their trainer wants? Then there is the issue that chimps have long life spans, but become too large and strong to be used for entertainment once they reach maturity -- and then what? They can't be re-released into the wild because they have no social or self-survival skills. Zoos don't want them for the same reasons. They often wind up as attractions in road-side "zoos" where they live out the rest of their lives in miserable conditions.
Many people are opposed to the use of great apes in any type of entertainment, across the board. People boycotted Speed Racer for using a real chimp instead of a CG one. FOB received a lot of criticism over the video they made using great apes and some stations refused to play it.
There can be no question as to whether or not animal cruelty was involved here.
I think the issue is that people are assuming that because they know about the the mistreatment of chimps in entertainment, that of course Gerard knows about it and he was just being a callous asshole with his gift. All of the articles I've come across make a point of saying that most people don't know about this and don't realize the cruelty involved in training a chimp, and most people I've talked to don't know about it either.
Are there links to the FOB controversy because I haven't heard anything about that from the fandom.
If you are going to make a statement about not liking the celebrities than why even take pictures with them.
Other guys in bands who they know aren't celebrities, and it's part of his job. If he didn't want to be photographed you'd be bitching at him.
Don't go to the after party go see the last part of your wife's show
She was in a different country.
^ Europe isn't that big!
I've travelled it.
Wait, I elaborate.
She was too far away for him to make the end of the show, but close enough to get to her with in 6 hrs which isn't a lot.
I think the issue is that people are assuming that because they know about the the mistreatment of chimps in entertainment, that of course Gerard knows about it and he was just being a callous asshole with his gift.
Wouldn't a reasonably intelligent and empathetic individual do a little research before investing thousands of dollars in a "gift" which involves the rental of a living creature?
Or is it too much to expect Gerard Way to show a little common sense?
Or is it too much to expect Gerard Way to show a little common sense?
Apparently, it is.
Anonymous said...
If you are going to make a statement about not liking the celebrities than why even take pictures with them.
Other guys in bands who they know aren't celebrities, and it's part of his job. If he didn't want to be photographed you'd be bitching at him.
Jared Leto was an actor first. And the only reason we were talking about it was because he said he didn't want to be there. If he didn't say he didn't want to be there and wanted to be with his wife in the first place no one would be saying anything.
Don't go to the after party go see the last part of your wife's show
She was in a different country.
Like someone said it isn't that big. It doesn't matter if he made it to the show or not. I was just using that as what he could have try for because he didn't want to be at that show in the first place.
Anonymous said...
He works for a rock band not a big one but a rock band. Everything you do can cause some kind of drama and it is best not to talk about thing that are going on with other bands.
I meant the drama of anything MCR related on the internet. I also don't think he was aware of the backstory of their relationship and the fans' reaction to it. What he posted (husband buys wife wacky birthday present) wouldn't stir things up in normal circumstances.
I was also talking about the MCR drama. But it is always better to air on the side of caution when it comes to writing a blog talks about what some otherr band is doing it doesn't matter how small the band.
BEcause that shit will come back and bite you in the ass. As it did with
him. The internet and your blog are not private .
Everything else was address by others.
If it had nothing to do with the fans than why was the blog taken down?
i recall that the blog owner realized his pictures were being reposted without his knowledge (on buzznet) so he took it down. he was a roadie/tech for a band on their US spring tour (either The Birthday Massacre or London After Midnight i don't remember), and none of the 3 bands are very big, so he obviously didn't think it would get as much attention as it did.
this is the Monkeygate roadies blog.
huh. could've sworn he took it down. maybe once it died down he put it back up.
The pictures stayed up, he just altered the text when the shit hit the fan.
There was a paragraph that was said it was Lindsey's birthday and he was outside hanging around when Gerard, the monkey and the trainer turned up. He then said the the monkey began to "climb him like a tree" and that it had been rented for Lindsey's birthday.
It was there about 8.45 am (UK) and when it had been discussed around Mayo's and here about the cruelty, it was deleted about 9 am (UK).
The post was created on 25th May (I think that's her birthday), it was altered on the 10th June, Why change something over 15 days later? Because it was seen as cruel, WB/Reprise saw it was being discussed negatively and asked the guy to delete it from his blog.
The original post also included a picture of the monkey tied up with a chain around it's neck.
safe - is that fact, that the label actually told the guy to change it? idk, just seems kind of farfetched.
and saturn, I remember when that post first came up, and I don't recall anything showing chains or it being tied up.
her birthday is May 22, just to clarify.
lyn-z is about as qualified to play bass as sarah palin is to serve in public office
Sorry to change the subject but something came to my attention today since my cousin came over my house and he pursuaded me to watch the black parade is dead! dvd that he owned. so i watched it, not going to lie i thought it was spectacular, besides all of the hoopla that was attached to it and the negativity that was generated from the ex-fans, myself, etc and so forth. So we were watching the show in hoboken nj which was really fun but i'm not going to lie i did notice that Gerard's behaviour was a little be not typical, he either could have been really coked up during that show, or he was having a lot of fun. He just seemed to be doing incoherent things, but that wasn't the only thing that made me wonder or annoyed.
after the band preformed their song "stay" some people in the crowd asked, "what's the name of the song?" and gerard replied with a snappy comment about him not going to tell them, etc and so forth, his excuse was that they (the crowd and fans) were going to complain if they switch the title on the song later on anyways, and he was like... "you know it's true!" and then someone in the crowd said, "it's going to suck anyway!" or something to that level, and gerard turned to the persons direction and said, "it's going to be amazing." and I believe that person said something else and gerard said, "fuck you." quietly with a smirk, yet not facing the crowd (although you could naturally tell that it was directed to that person that did it), which seemed like a pansy act to me. another camara angle was taken after that and it was on frankie's face and gerard's, frank just shook his head, at the statement and at gerard's, he had an odd smirk as well.
So, I know this seems stupid, but the point is that it was uncalled for. I am not supporting the person that said that it was going suck anyway... Even though it is their opinion, theirs just things that you don't say, but I believe that Gerard should have been the bigger man and should have just kept his mouth shut and not say anything. Funny thing was that throughout the beginning of the show is vibe was alright, but than all of a sudden after "stay" it just became annoying. And I have a strong feeling that, that song is about his wife. The lyrics just reek with his "undying love" for her. And even before the confentration of sorts, some girl gave Gerard a pink boa while he was on stage and later on after "stay" randomly he picks and it up and says, "It's too hot for this..." He put it above the crowd, "sorry, somebody else wear this." Okay, that pissed me off too, just because you don't want to wear it doesn't mean that you just throw it away. Your fan spent money on you even if it was $5. It's just crazy and annoying. Me and my cousin were completely turned off by it after that, and we just shut it off. It's just annoying, the stupid things he seems to do ALL the time.
^^ That was my post, I forgot to place my name on it again.
safe - is that fact, that the label actually told the guy to change it? idk, just seems kind of farfetched.
Why else would he do it? He had no reason to and it wsa only when it hit places like this that it was altered. No, it's not farfetched imo.
and saturn, I remember when that post first came up, and I don't recall anything showing chains or it being tied up.
Nope, Saturn's right. There was a picture of the blogger with the monkey. There was a chain around it's next and it had a nappy (diaper) on.
Mari, I've seen it too. I thought like you did. He was being an arrogant, ungrateful little bastard. My sister and I were appauled at the way he acted. I don't think that was Red Bull either. The crowd member is right, it sucks.
Why else would he do it? He had no reason to and it wsa only when it hit places like this that it was altered. No, it's not farfetched imo.
I forgot to add that was no drama on his blog and do you really think he'd be reading Mayo's and VV's? The change happened to late after her brithday and to close to us finding out for me to believe it was just a coincident.
The Gerard I saw at PR was arrogant and ridiculously ungracious to the audience. He pranced about the stage like he thought he owned it. It felt like there was a wall between him and the people who were watching.
Maybe I wouldn't have noticed had I not seen MCR 3 times on the Revenge Tour and twice on Warped. I've seen falling down drunk Gerard on Warped 2004, totally sober Gerard and Gerard at PR. I don't think he was drunk at PR, but I'd bet money he was on something.
I keep hearing the argument that "people change" but I don't see how anyone can change as much as Gerard did to become such an arrogant bastard in so little time. He was sweet and down-to-earth and grateful mixed in with his old over-the-top performing style during the Revenge Tour. At PR he was just over the top in every way. Especially in the arrogant bastard department.
blah, blah, morons just say the same things over and over and over...
why don't you get a new interest. take up yoga. learn to arrange flowers. anything is more productive than this shit.
And you give a shit what we do here because?
5.22 - take your own advice. You lot all say the same thing too.
Mari, I've seen it too. I thought like you did. He was being an arrogant, ungrateful little bastard. My sister and I were appauled at the way he acted. I don't think that was Red Bull either. The crowd member is right, it sucks.
November 4, 2008 11:17 PM
^^ Yeah you are right and the dude was too, it did suck it was horrible. Maybe that's why Frankie smirked, he probably doesn't even like the song himself, he just preformed it because Gerard wanted too. Either way, I thought it wasn't red bull either, it actually looked like the color of the Heiniken, what the other guys were actually drinking and for a second I thought that one of those Heiniken's on the amps was his, but Ray actually picked his up later on in the show. Either way, that was a dumb assumption he wouldn't pour himself a beer in front of an audience. Either way, I think he's on coke. It just seems to evident. Well, at least he seemed to be on coke there. And I don't want to think that, but once the show started that's all that went through my mind.
Anonymous said...
blah, blah, morons just say the same things over and over and over...
why don't you get a new interest. take up yoga. learn to arrange flowers. anything is more productive than this shit.
November 5, 2008 5:22 AM
Why do you come here if we are morons wouldn't your time be better spent doing something more productive than coming on line to harass people you think are morons.
I became a fan of the wrong band I should have gone with FOB.
Up for Gay Rights(E! Online)
Los Angeles (E! Online) – Pete Wentz says voters were deceived into voting for Proposition 8, the ballot initiative seeking to overturn California's legalization of gay marriage.
"Many people were intimidated on this issue due to the scary misleading communications on the other side," Wentz said in a statement. "I believe that this is, and has always been, a civil rights issue. We should not allow inequality like this in America."
The race is so close on Prop 8 that state officials have yet to call it. There are an estimated 3 million absentee and other ballots to be counted.
Ellen DeGeneres has also been a vocal opponent to Prop 8.
DeGeneres, who married girlfriend Portia de Rossi shortly after the state's supreme court ruled in favor of same-sex unions, talked about Prop 8 on her show and with Jay Leno on The Tonight Show. She blogged on her official website to urge voters to reject it, and she even paid for her own public service announcements to run on television.
DeGeneres still has hope that the initiative ultimately will fail. Asked if she'd be making a statement, the talk-show host's rep said she's not talking "until all the absentees and early votes are in."
No word if any celeb supporters will be at tonight's No on 8 rally in West Hollywood.
I became a fan of the wrong band I should have gone with FOB.
Yeah, but their music is absolute shit, imo.
But, I must admit, he has always been very vocal about those issues, and that says a lot about his character.
So, yeah, off topic.
Well It is nice to see one "rock star" who hasn't sold out his ethics because of who her married.
As far as I can tell, he hasn't sold out his fan base either. And his is much bigger and teenie filled than Gerard's.
No excuse.
I still couldn't care less about him or his band, though. I'm just making a point.
I know. I do like FOB but it wasn't as much as MCR. There was just something about MCR's music that I liked better.
Prop 8 has effectively passed with, depressingly, 70% of African-Americans in California voting for a ban on gay marriage.
Put your Klan hoods on girls, because despite all the Civil Rights protests, apparently bigotry and discrimination IS a good thing!!
As long as the concept of marriage is still tied up with religion in this country, the majority of people will continue to be opposed to it. To them, homosexuality = sin, therefore it can't be "consecrated in Holy Matrimony".
Sucks, but change takes time. People who have influence over the developing attitudes of the younger generations (like Pete Wentz) are definitely having an impact. He has earned my respect by getting involved.
Hopefully, in the not too distant future, the tides will turn.
Hey VV's blog!
Mood: Irritable.
Yep, I agree with hopeful up there^^. Apparently the younger generation vote was skewed towards "No" (which gives hope for the future), but the older generation were more conservative on supposedly "religious grounds". Interestingly, there's nothing in the Bible against (or even about) gay marriage, and if you believe all the stuff about "not lying with a man as a woman" then shellfish, divorce and working on a Sunday are all punishable by eternity in Hell too!
I'm straight (and english) but I have gay friends so this proposition made me angry, especially all the propaganda from the Yes camp about homosexuality being taught in schools and turning all those pure-hearted little Christian kids into flaming queers. I guess in the end it IS important to protect the sacred institution of Britney's joke 55-hour nuptuals over a loving couple's lifetime commitment and all the gays & gayelles will have to be happy sipping from the civil union/commitment ceremony/second-class citizen fountain for the time being.
Rant over, and relax...
If you've never watched The West Wing, please view this clip. If only everyone was as intelligent and insightful as "President Bartlet".
go read Eliza's new myspace blog. i can't wait till she releases those songs tomorrow. i just hope i can make out what the lyrics are from her singing.
I doubt she'll reveal anything interesting and it she did it would probably be a lie.
That West Wing clip was amazing.
Wish we could show that to all of the ignorant people in this country, in this world.
& Yeah, it is a shame that Gerard isn't more like Pete Wentz.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Lets all stop dancing around it... you know who I’m talking about.
Here we are again. I guess it takes a special kind of person to rip pages out of a diary and sing about it. I guess it takes a special kind of person to share and give and give and give of a personal life to total strangers. I guess it takes a special kind of person to know that there is a huge elephant in the room and figures out a way to keep dancing but dance around it. I guess that it takes a special person to beat another to the punch. It takes a really special kind of person……. To get beaten to a bloody pulp in front of the world and to never….. miss….. one….single…. beat.
When I think about you, I think about a person that finds it impossible to make the correct decision in any given situation, and then one pops to mind…. Just one correct decision. Hey thanks! This has been a long time coming and I hope that you don't get your panties in to much of a twist, this is just the EP… you haven't even heard the whole record yet. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't all so true.
Maybe we will get some gossip.
Eliza knows her popularity comes from her past relationship with Gerard. She's just doing what anyone else would, using it to her advantage.
There's nothing wrong with that, but I'm not going to sit on the edge of my seat expecting anything juicy to come from her, just more of the same ambiguity.
I would have prefered she write a tell all book without using her "fake" characters. I really can't stand her voice and don't want to have to sit through her music just to get the juicy news. WRITE A BOOK! It'll sell more anyway.
Looks like Frank has been infected by MSI too. Oh noez :(
Why Frank, Why?
They're probably the only act they knew currently touring that wanted to give them a support slot and I expect just getting your music out there is more important than who you happen to share a bill with when you're starting out. It would be very amusing if half the audience walked out after the Leathermouth set though!
Interestingly, MSI's support in the UK is a band most famous for their lead singer being arrested for urinating on a female fan. There's definitely a theme going on there...
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