AN IMPORTANT NOTE TO RACIST TROLLS AND ANONYMOUS PEOPLE. If you seriously think that by trolling this blog with the N word (just because MSI does it and you think that makes it OK) you will get me to shut down my blog you are sadly mistaken.
I have not installed a tracker but I have contacted Blogger, and their policy is that they DO NOT allow hate speech. If you want, I can install a tracker. This blog isn't so high traffic that I won't know who said what and when.
I have never deleted or censored posts, but I will report your ISP if this continues.
My other option is to take away anonymous comments but I would rather not do that. If you MCR/MSI defenders think you will make me close the blog down by using hate speech that they condone though, you are very wrong.
Now onto my original post which was this,
There are a few things I have to say. First of all someone came on here and said that you were not anonymous. As far as I know you all are anonymous. I don't have a tracker or anything, I never had and I never will. You can say whatever you want up to a point, which I will get to later. As for the person saying they knew who you are, or they know who I am, I can assure you they are lying. I don't even know who most of you are and I don't care, as long as you get to vent and say what's on your mind. Disagreeing is fine too. I don't delete comments. I know some people are still fans of MCR and MSI.
I am not one of Gerard's exes or friends, thank God. I am just like most of you, a disappointed ex-fan of MCR. Gerard wouldn't know me and I can assure you he doesn't care what I think. He has enough people paying his bills and paying his and his wife's extravagant LA lifestyle upkeep. Trust me, he doesn't care who I am or who you are or what we aren't buying anymore.
I also do not care who he marries or has sex with or cheats on or if he hooks up with groupies or whatever (although I do think that makes him a total loser but that is just one opinion).... It does show how he feels about women. I don't even really care about MCR or what they are doing these days. But it's fine if you guys still want to talk about it, like I said I don't censor or delete. I don't care if he has pink hair or brown boots. (Even though the pink hair made it even more obvious that he becomes the person he is hanging out with. There is no real Gerard.).
All I care about is the fact that he and his racist, sexist friends and wife are still having the nerve to talk about feminism and call themselves feminists. Gerard is still having the nerve to think of himself and proclaim himself as not bigoted or ignorant. I just wish that the two of them specifically would stop presenting themselves as something they are not because I think that sends a destructive message. If they want to be sexist and racist, that's their prerogative. But to be such a sexist pig and then to preach about feminism is wrong. It's like Sarah Palin calling herself a feminist. You can't redefine terms just because you feel like it. I don't care about LynZ flashing her crotch or what she wears. The only problem is her still calling herself a feminist when all she has done is flash her crotch and marry a rock star to get where she is.
That leads me up to the recent other nasty anonymous people I've had here. I deeply apologise for the anonymous people who are calling some of you racist terms. I don't read here as often as I used to but a friend who still comments here, also a few other people have emailed or messaged me to tell me. Some anonymous people have been calling some of you the N word. I deeply apologize. I don't like to delete comments but that is hate speech and harassment and if you want those comments deleted just tell me where they are and I'll do it. I can't have hate speech like that on this blog. I obviously don't condone it or I would be a fan of MSI.
This proves the point most of us have about MSI. Just because some person or some shitty band thinks it is alright to use hate speech and bigotry, DOES NOT MAKE IT OK. Just because one person or some shitty band thinks those words are funny or that they don't mean anything DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT. And just because some person or some shitty band thinks that you shouldn't be hurt and offended by hate speech DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE WRONG TO FEEL THAT WAY.
That is what MSI and Gerard do not understand. You can't redefine words or tell people that they should just deal with being called things or treated that way just because THEY think it is OK.
I am against censorship and MSI can say whatever they want. I don't have to listen to them and I don't. But, MCR and Gerard proclaim themselves anti bigotry and anti sexist and that is where the problem is. That was proven by the bigoted anonymous person on the last blog. I apologize for them.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 791 Newer› Newest»Night, Cupcake.
You haven't believed me about anything else, so why would you start now?
And what fucking reason would I have to "create" drama about Alicia? She has nothing to do with this blog.
Why bring it up here?
You haven't believed me about anything else, so why would you start now?
You certainly got that part right. :)
Goodnight CC
Yeah. Ok Katie Ann.
You go ahead and continue being the dumb ass that you are.
And Martha. I didn't bring her up. If memory serves me correctly, YOU are the one that posted her blog.
But I am not the one who brought up the past. i thought that was nice of her to do for her husband.
Yes, the defense of the defeated: start calling people names.
Keep it up. You aren't doing yourself any good here.
blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah
It's just the same thing with you. Over and over and over again.
Get a new shtick.
Why are you so wound up?
Thought so. Nice to see you again Europe anon.
That's schtick, by the way.
Learn to spell.
lol at you
I wish I was the European anon. They were pretty spot on with what they said in my eyes.
I'm not wound up. Just getting bored. I also think I'm getting sick. Hot and cold. boo on that.
Not according to Mozilla it's not. But thanks.
If you say so anon.
If you say so Martha.
Anon knows how to play the repete game.
*pas anon Head*
Very good anon would you like a cookie for that.
om nom nom nom
I'd prefer it if you were to PAT my head instead of pas it.
Well I think I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm feeling rather sick suddenly. Have no fear though, for I shall be back tomorrow!
I think I prefer pas
night anon
I suppose I should go to bed myself. Night, Martha, if you're still around.
night katie ann
Dear MJ, K, Kate, Katie Ann, Stephanie, Cupcake, Mari, BC, VV, Laura and SOME Anons (sorry if I forgot anyone). I'd just like to say that having read these 200 since I last visited, I'm so glad that you lot were able to fight against the disgusting people posting here and unlike them, you diplayed you thoughts intelligently and rationally. Well done to you all. It's nice to know that there are always decent people out there.
^Sorry for typos.
" all the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years..."
That and the other drivel you came out with that night. You just never stop.
Was that my name I see being taken in vain back there?!
Anyhoo, good news about the hatred on the new record - it may just be listenable then, especially since Ray remains a musical genius. As for the "I love my wife", whilst the intention may have been to seem quite sweet, I've found the only people who ever make that kind of direct statement are either:
a). Politicians fighting for survival after being caught with i). A live boy, or ii). A dead girl;
b). Closeted movie hunks, or
c). Celebrity couples 6 weeks from divorce.
But then I'm a cynic as you know!
Not sure why Alicia was brought up, but since I've never had to pay to sit through 40 minutes of her playing Guitar Hero because of whom she's married to, I'll have to confess to being completely ambivalent about her.
Hi Safe!
*end of lunch, is going now...*
"I really hate this, this all sucks I want you to burn in hell."
Oh babe, you're just sayin' that cause' you're so happy!
LOL Anon.
Hi Kass. I love the way you out things.
Did you guys hear his little rant about how everyone is still copying the BP? He sounded like a child.
I heard. He sounded full of shit. He needs to get over himself. But then, he's been sounding like that for a while now.
Frances' MySpace reads:
Barf! Subtle ain't she? Can anyone crack her cryptic code? /sarc.
Loved the "Gerard Way is an emo has been!" type comments on ONTD about TUA possibly being turned into a movie.
I never believe anything Gerard says until the project is actually in the can.
Getting a movie made isn't easy. Remember the American Idiot film? And how many times has there been talk of Preacher being turned into a movie? There was even the HBO mini-series that seemed like a done deal and then *poof* it disappeared.
Just because Universal has optioned the rights to TUA does not mean that the movie will ever see the light of day. It does however mean that they own the rights and no other company can make the film without buying the rights off of them. I predict they will sit on that film until the next MCR album is released and dependent on how well it does the movie may be made or trashed. I dont ever anticipate its arrival in a theater near you. G Way probably did get a hefty hunk of cash for it though, while his artistic credibility has crumbled.
The only thing I know about Alicia is who she dated in the past (i.e. Mr. Wentz, Mr. Watkins) so I have always been skeptical about her and Mikey. However Mikey has never shoved her down my throat either so her amayyyzingness eludes me, thank God.
I think this is a case of a movie studio grabbing up a comic that has some buzz about it before anyone else can. Just because they picked it doesn't mean they will be making a movie. They may sit on it for years before anything happens. The watchmen movie has been talked about for years and two different movie studios had the rights to it. Just a few months back one of them was suing to stop the release of the movie.
I don't think the movie will be made anytime soon. Thin about how long a lot of other comic books have been around and look how long it took for them to be made into movies.
TUA is to new and not well enough known out side of fans of MCR and comic books.
I just thought it was nice of her to ask people to go out and buy her husbands comic. When others can even seem to grabs that concept.
Just because Universal has optioned the rights to TUA does not mean that the movie will ever see the light of day.
Yeah, but to hear Gerard talk, it's going to happen, like, yesterday.
He gets way too carried away. Just like the Prison video. And the Mama video he was going to direct. At one point I think he even talked about making a video for every song on TBP. Of course, that was back when Warner reps were thinking TBP would sell 5-10 million copies. Lol.
He does talk the biggest load of crap. Do you think he ever really thinks about that he saying before he opens his mouth? I really don't think he does.
TUA - would anyone outside of the fanbase go and see that film if it was made? I doubt it.
I wouldn't go see it because I didn't like the story. To me the pace of the story was off I didn't have a connection to any of the characters and nothing in the was original to me. Even the whole taking comic cliches and doing something different wasn't new.
I really think that the movie will be made based on how well the next album does. Since so much of the fanbase has been fractured thanks to Gerard's behaviour over the last couple years I don't see there being much of a fanbase left. That movie will be logged away with the other novels, comics, and screenplays that are optioned and then put aside. No way Universal will put millions of dollars into a film when it will most probably be a box office bomb.
I'm actually curious, as I'm rather clueless to it, but how many records actually sell 5+ million copies nowadays? What with all the downloading/filesharing etc., I wouldn't think record sales would be held at the same calibur they were a decade ago.
I've heard the stats for TBP being around 2-3, maybe that's a lot for an album nowadays. But TBH I really do not know, I'm rather out of touch with the much industry. So if I'm mistaken someone please correct me. (;
Gerard talking about how he watches people on the internet at 34:41 in this video.
This must be the van that this rash of nasty anons came in!
Wearing this t shirt, too!
for the people who do not want to see the video, can you please summarize?
I'm pretty much of the opinion that TUA will only be released as a movie on the chance that MCR remains consistent in their fame, or becomes a "classic rock" band in the future.
Universal probably only bought it on the off chance that could happen (which is probably smart of them), but Gerard seems to be under the impression that it is going to be made soon (most likely that is what the Universal execs. told Gerard so that he would let them buy it).
So yeah, it's all just a money game that Gerard is not above, no matter how many times he tries to bullshit in interviews and say he isn't.
*he IS.
I meant to say he tries to say he IS above it, but ISN'T.
Oh, fuck. You know what I mean.
Imagine a room filled with MCR fans asking Gerard questions about his comic book. There is another comic artist who talks but I can't always understand what he is saying.
The part the anon was talking about is Gerard saying he likes to watch people on the Internet. They are watching him he is watching them. "It's creepy," his words.
And yet, he just recently claimed that he is completely ignorant about his fan base.
"Whut! I haz fans? Noes wayz!"
That's all I heard, anyways.
You would think he could go look at some of his interviews on line so he could keep things straight.
Oh, and actually, the scottish guy said something really funny before that.
He was talking about how reality is stranger than fiction, and how when people ask him about writing new material he says 'get into a new relationship and try to understand that first'. (or something similar)
Which created an awkward laugh and moment of weird silence on Gerard's behalf.
You would think he could go look at some of his interviews on line so he could keep things straight.
LOL. Seriously. His manager should suggest he invest some time in youtube before each of his PR outings.
^ Ha! Tell me about it!
The man has created so many damn stories about himself that he can't keep any of them straight.
And even if a panal or fans asked him questions about his comic book, he would probably bullshit through most of it.
It would be funny if Gerard actually read all of things that we are and did say on here. Not that it's going to change anything, but I wonder what his reaction would be like to know of all of this fan backlash.
Funny thing is, today I got encountered again with a dang mcrmy member who is in love with Lyn-Z and you can tell that he only loved her because she married Gerard. Honestly, I wanted to gag.
Can someone, actually this goes out to the MSI fans that adore Lyn-Z:
Can you guys explain to me how you can find a woman that is so revolting to be so "inspiring"? It just don't make any sense to me at all.
It wouldn't change a damn thing if he read what we wrote.
That man's head is shoved so far up his own ass he could give himself a colonoscopy.
cupcake said...
Oh, and actually, the scottish guy said something really funny before that.
He was talking about how reality is stranger than fiction, and how when people ask him about writing new material he says 'get into a new relationship and try to understand that first'. (or something similar)
Which created an awkward laugh and moment of weird silence on Gerard's behalf.
October 23, 2008 7:46 PM
^ Did it make Gerard uncomfortable because he thought the statement wasn't funny? Or because he knows deep down inside that statement does pretain to him?
Not that you, or anyone could defienatly know the answer but, eh, it's another one of those, "I'm so curious about this but it's never going to be answered" questions... :/
These are the same people who think the women who are on those reality shows where they compete for one man are inspirational.
That is funny CC. I guess he knows how his relationship looks.
Hello CC and mari
That man's head is shoved so far up his own ass he could give himself a colonoscopy.
That made my day and night worth while. Thank you cupcake.
& I know, but I would love to be a fly on the wall and see him read all of this. I wonder if it really eats him up inside, even though he hides his emotions through his horrible facade. Eh, whatever.
It's kind of late and I'm really tired, so sorry the stupid comments and questions that I'm leaving.
Hello Martha how are you doing today?
Don't worry about it mari
These are the same people who think the women who are on those reality shows where they compete for one man are inspirational.
Yeah, I believe you hit the nail on it's head.
But I still want a "good" answer from an MSI fan.
You're welcome, Mari :)
And hello to you too, Martha.
Thank you for your understanding Martha. :]
Either way, I need to run.
Very tired, I have school in the morning. So take care everyone!
Goodnight Mari
To answer the anon's question about record sales, you are right that hardly anyone sells more than 5 million records these days. Most of the ones who do are country artists and mainstream rock acts like Nickelback and Daughtry. (I know. Makes no sense to me either.)
Green Day's American Idiot sold more than 15 million copies as did Linkin Park's Meteora (although Minutes to Midnight didn't do nearly as well).
The thing about TBP is that Warner acted like they thought it might be the next American Idiot. They gave the album a huge publicity push in the beginning (as you can see in this article) and it didn't quite live up to expectations. Some of that was probably due to filesharing, but mostly I think TBP just didn't appeal to as wide an audience as they hoped.
OK mari. I'll try to give you a "good" answer.
I've been around the block with msi for awhile, before Gerard came into the picture. I've been on forums for awhile too. and I can't say I've seen much "inspiration" talk about her. at least before last summer.
she's really not "inspirational." I mean I guess I could see that she would encourage girls to get out there in a male-dominated area, but I've skimmed this post and kinda get you guys' position about that already, so no need to repeat yourselves any more. the "inspirational" shit started when mcr got involved, and all of their dilluded little teenieboppers latched on to msi. I know a thing or two about mcr, so I know they're all about life-saving and other bullshit like that. so the mcr teenies were used to calling mcr inspirational, so why not put that label on Lynz too? she's fucking the lead singer after all, so maybe some inspiration rubbed off on her.
and I saw that interview with her, where even she herself was talking about being inspiring. I think it's all gotten to her head. she's heard that she IS an inspiration so many times that she believes it. I don't think that ever really crossed her mind before this whole thing.
damn I'm tired of typing "inspiration."
if you're still around msi fan, how do most msi fans feel about mcr and gerard? and how do they feel about mcr fans joining msi's fanbase?
Nameless fan are you the one who came a while back and told us that most fans in msi just put up with her.
the general opinion is they (we) hate it. they liked it when msi was just a shitty band no one had heard of. now they're a shitty band that all these annoying little mcr fans are "in love" with. we hate that they're selling out to kerrang and rock sound and whatever magazine will give them the time of day. I mean they'd been in magazines before, but never this much in such a short amount of time. some guys want to attribute IF's mainstream success, if you can call it that. but it wouldn't have GOTTEN mainstream if it weren't for Gerard.
as far as Gerard and mcr as a band go, most msi fans loathe mcr and bands like them. there's a reason they listen to msi and not mcr in the first place.
now there are always some exceptions, who accept, or at least want to accept, the new mcr fans. maybe even give mcr a chance. as far as I'm concerned, more power to them. not worth my time. I mean I'm all for Lynz being happy, and Gerard too I guess, idc, I and a lot of other fans just hate the side effects of it.
and martha jones, no I'm not whoever that was. my first comment was tonight.
also, I'm sorry you guys got bombarded by those asshole msi "fans." most of the fans I've met are awesome and cool, but some are real pieces of shit.
Nameless yeah I get it there are some Asshole MCR fans out there as well. Who have done the same thing as those Msi fans.
You know most of my feelings about Lynz. And you know we hate the side effects it has had on MCR.
If they had just gotten together and left the bands out of it things would have been so much better.
By the way hello and no need to apologize for the others you can't control how others acts
no hard feelings.
so it can be concluded that there are about as many irritated msi fans as there are mcr fans. although, I think there are less "accepting" msi fans than mcr fans. idk just what I've seen.
and yes I agree, the bands should have been left separate. like I've never heard anything about gwen stefani and gavin rossdale collaborating or mixing. mcr and msi shouldn't have either. too different of styles.
A different set of ethics. But at least your front man isn't changing the history of his band to make his wife and her band look better.
I never got that either. I remember hearing about mt chemical romance opening for them when it happened. I'd never heard of them, and never heard anything other than that.
I mean sure he could've liked the band himself. I know a few people who are genuine fans of both bands. but msi giving them their first real break? nah. I've heard about thursday and the used being supportive when mcr was new. all msi did was have them open for them, once, to my knowledge.
The MCr fandom couldn't even figure out if they had ever played together at first. It went from they never played with each other to they played several shows together. Finally someone got the story straight.
I actually have a scan of the Irving Plaza show announcement somewhere on my computer. it was a 3-night stand, a different act opening each night. mcr opened the last night, I believe. I don't remember the other acts. other than that, I've never seen anything about touring or other shows with them together.
But according to Gerard now. They wouldn't be anywhere with msi. A lot of the fans go along with the lie.
or they simply don't know, and take his word as law. scary.
also. I can assure you that msi are not racist, or sexist. most of the fans are not, either. I don't want to ignite another flame war, but it's just a fact. I will not resort to name-calling, however.
Some of the people here haven't accused MSI of being racist or sexist and some of us don't blame MSI or LynZ for Gerard's behavior.
I actually admire Jimmy Urine's sense of humor at times, but I draw the line at thinking LynZ is in any way inspirational and definitely don't see her as a feminist.
Like you, I just wish the two bands would keep things separate.
If you say those word you are going to get put in that category. That's why a lot of people don't say them even if they think the word is meaning less. Other people don't and those words carry a lot of weight. So if you use them you shouldn't be surprise if that is what people are going to think of you.
Even if msi aren't racist/ bigots or sexist they do give off an image that are going to lead people to believe that about them.
Most rappers are thought to be sexist pigs by a lot of people that hear their music.
I wasn't referring to everyone here, just the ones who said that. I apologize if I came off as generalizing.
if you asked an msi fan a couple years ago, they wouldn't have said she was either. she was just Lynz before this.
and I agree.
^ that was to anonymous @ 10:12
Anonymous said...
Some of the people here haven't accused MSI of being racist or sexist and some of us don't blame MSI or Lynz for Gerard's behavior.
Gerard was acting like an ass on and off for a while. Msi and Lynz are responsible for him being as ass but I do believe that they have influenced they way he acts out now. Gerard conforms to what he thinks the people around him thinks is cool.
Don't worry about it nameless. We have been having a nice conversation so I didn't think it was to me.
so if mcr and msi didn't tour together, a lot of strife could've been avoided, on both sides. sure some mcr fans would still latch on to msi becaues of Gerard, but both at once for the europe tour opened them up too much.
That and Gerard making his relationship with her into part of the stage act. Him running around going on about how msi is his favorite band. When he never talked about them before. Him coping some of the the things Jimmy has done.
I think he thinks namedropping msi is giving him a more "hardcore" image, and perhaps even mentioning Lynz all the time will turn away the fangirls.
lmao @ him. msi is NOT hardcore. good god no. and I've seen fangirls, they'll only become even more determined to "make him theirs." yikes.
He needs to learn how to deal with the fan girls. Not by throwing his wife/girlfriend in their face.
I believe that most of the fan girls only go on and on about him and lynz because they can now talk about him being cute with out the older fans going after them for it.
I also think that him being bottle at the download festival is what brought on him wanting to seem more hardcore.
I guess you have gone to bed Nameless. It was nice talking to you. I hope you stop by again.
hello guys!
just wanted to say thank you to the nameless MSI fan who popped in to share his/her thoughts on the subject. it is interesting to hear things from a long term MSI fan's perspective, especially when it was done in a civilised way.
i wonder if Gerard actually regrets the decision to take MSI on tour with them last year? whether he has any regrets for his OTT behaviour at PR? I mean, once the euphoria of being so very much in love!! has died down do you think he looks back and cringes at his behaviour??!
Anyway so in conclusion...
if GW hadn't taken MSI on the road with them, bigged up the band connections, publically professed his undying love to their bass player (term used loosely) a hell of alot and turned PR into a bit of a Gerard Way is getting laid circus...
we would have all been quite content . MSI fans wouldn't have a whole load of teenie MCR fans ruining it for them and MCR fans wouldn't have to watch in amaaaaayzement at half of their fanbase suddenly finding Lynz so very inspirational!!
too late now!
MCR have 30% shipping taken off when you order those shitty masks.
Do you think they're get desperate?
Good God. 5000 masks and they haven't managed to sell them all yet?
that was some interesting reinterpreting going on last night.
msi are going to end up walking away from this with everyone thinking they have clean hands which is probably their plan.
Lol@ at that ~article~ talking about them "winning over Slayer fans who had initially bottled them" at Reading. ORLY?
Both they and Warner are full of shit. Just because they say something don't make it so.
msi are going to end up walking away from this with everyone thinking they have clean hands which is probably their plan.
MSI will always be viewed as a shit band who crawled out from under a rock by the majority of people out there. Not much is going to change that.
JU is just muppet fucker after all.
Good God. 5000 masks and they haven't managed to sell them all yet?
I know right? With the economy booming and all.
MSI will always be viewed as a shit band who crawled out from under a rock by the majority of people out there.
There's a difference between a shit band who crawled out from under a rock, and a shit band who crawled out from under a rock by taking advantage of more well known people who are are in the midst of a breakdown (fanba$e, pre$$)and befriending sixteen year old rock royalty making sure she's in your promotional videos and they get the band name in all the articles that trash her.
I know right? With the economy booming and all.
Traditionally the entertainment business doesn't suffer as much as other types of industries when the economy is bad. Besides, with all MCR's ~millions of fans~ all over the world, you'd think they could manage to unload five thousand lousy masks.
befriending sixteen year old rock royalty making sure she's in your promotional videos
She's in promotional videos?!
msi are going to end up walking away from this with everyone thinking they have clean hands which is probably their plan.
I don't think MSI is going to come out of this thing smelling like a rose. Most people will blame them and LynZ should MCR fall apart (which seems inevitable) whether it's their fault or not. And if Gerard and Lyn were to break up, they can kiss their teenie MCR crossover fans goodbye.
Rock royalty my ass.
msi are going to end up walking away from this with everyone thinking they have clean hands which is probably their plan.
October 24, 2008 5:01 AM
Whoa. You're giving them way too much credit. I don't think they are smart enough to have a "plan".
Chantal Claret hanging out with Frances Bean Cobain in Disneyland. Frances comes in at 5:28.
Thanks Anon.
Whoa. You're giving them way too much credit. I don't think they are smart enough to have a "plan".
Some of it's them working on the fly but they definitely know what they're doing.
Seems to me that Frances is trying to look like Lyn-Z.
Didn't she say that Lyn-Z was like her second mother? Ugh.
and thank you namlessmsifan for responding to my question, I really appriciate that. :D It's good to see how the MSI "world" works.
They hang out...with a sixteen year old...
Maybe they realize that is the closest they will ever get to a real musician - the daughter.
I'm kidding.
But seriously - sixteen
Yeah, I guess it's pretty odd. I'm 17 myself and first of all my parents wouldn't let me hang out with people who are in their mid 20's and beyond, no matter how mature they might think I am. I mean, if they were related it wouldn't matter. Actually, it would because I wouldn't send out my daughter to hang out with people like that. But then again, it's Frances Bean were talking about, the girl has seen and and probably been around people that she should have never been around in the first place, just because of her mother and how famous her father was.
Basically, it all adds up to horrible parenting. Just hope that she's not into drugs and none of that horrible stuff. But, realizing that she lives in the "hollywood California" world she probably does and her mother probably doesn't care since she's probably doing it herself.
I think it's odd how VV compared Gerard's story to Kurt Cobain's story in an early blog and stuff and now, Gerard, MSI, and MCR are corrilated to his daughter out of no where. It's just cracks me up. What a coincidence...
At least she's lost the pigtails. Maybe she finally realized she's too old for them.
^you mean "his" pigtails
Lindsey's one of the hottest dudes out there.
for the record it was Alicia who was FB's "fake mom".
I'll be honest with you all--I know this isn't a popular opinion--but I think Lindsey is very beautiful. I find her objectionable in every way and she seems about as sharp as a sack of wet mice, and god forbid me from ever painting my lipstick out of my lip line, heh, but yeah. She's a real pretty girl.
I agree. When she's off stage and not in her stage clothes, she looks very nice as well.
I think she actually looks really pretty in this photo:
They hang out...with a sixteen year old...
No, they hung out with a 15 year old who recently turned 16. It creeps me out too. But I think we all know why she's so popular with them.
Seems to me that Frances is trying to look like Lyn-Z.
Look like her, sound like her.
I agree, I think in some photos she can look beautiful and in others, not so much. I have a feeling she's just not very photogenic. I've heard she's very pretty in person.
6:43 - so i wasn't the only one who noticed that. i saw a video of her and chantal @ disneyland, and she even TALKS like her. it was wierd.
You know what, guys? This really isn't worth it. A year ago I was right there with all of you. I was disappointed as hell with Gerard and worried about him at the same time. Now it seems silly to be so concerned over him. MCR is just a band, Gerard is just some guy I don't know and even if I did know him I don't think I would like him very much.
Lindsey is just another bimbo who will use whatever sex appeal she has until it's gone and then she'll have to figure out something else to do. I don't envy her that. She can go around claiming to be a feminist and maybe some little girls will believer her, but the ones who have an iota of intelliegence and self-esteem will not fall for her b.s. or, if they do, they'll realize when they are older that they were being lied to, just like I realized that GW was full of shit. And the ones who do think she's an inspiration? If not her, they would be fawning over some other no talent bimbo. They are a dime a dozen.
I'm not saying you shouldn't come here to vent. I've ranted here a couple of times and it made me feel better. Now I just think it's time for me to forget about MCR. Out of sight, out of mind. I have other bands I enjoy listening to more than them now anyway. The less I know about what's going on with them the better, and I probably won't be visiting here again.
So, thanks for the venting place, Verita Venom and good luck to the rest of you.
I think a lot of us wish we were at that point. I wish it didn't but all the shit going on stills botheres me because mcr used to be such a great band with a great message and it sucks that they aren't that anymore and possibly never were. Someday I'll get over but as of now, this is a great place to share your opinions with people who understand.
1:44 i agree. its hard to let go.
Gerard talking about MSI on the MTV Rock the Deuce show that he did last year. MTV cut it out of the show.
lol that MTV cut it out.
I wonder why MTV cut it out. Now a days MTV loves to promote douches who have little to no talent. *CoughhillsCough*
Yes, but MTV are always very aware of their audience and what they are willing to watch.
They probably thought MSI was too obscure to be appropriate for their audience.
But, that had to be the worst shameless promotion of MSI I have seen Gerard do.
Hello Cupcake
Nameless I know you are an msi fan but I just couldn't help myself on that one.
Hello Martha
Oh, and am I the only one that thinks putting Siouxsie and the Banshees and MSI on the same list should be criminal?
Especially with THAT song by Siouxsie...
no you aren't
Oh don't worry, msi fans are as used to their band being called shitty as mcr fans are.
You know whats funny I don't come across that many people calling them shitty. On the radio and some podcast I listen people have made fun of them but they than say but I do like them they have some of their music. It wasn't until I went to the fan sites that I had people calling them shitty.
Hello Nameless
I hate MTV. Anyone outside the US wanting to see that video - don't even bother. It's restricted.
Not on YouTube either.
Can an American help us out please?
Eliza Cuts singing. she opened for Jeffree Star last Friday night.
LAME. What is she wearing?
Hey there VV.
Thanks for the new space (again).
Don't worry about apologising on behalf of those ignorant trolls who tried to take over the blog. You didn't force them to type what they did. These things happen on the Internet.
And most of us have worked out that you're just a disgruntled ex-fan (like most of us here) and we just tend to ignore the trolls who claim to "know VV personally"!
For any trolls out there:
Using any derogatory term is unacceptable and just shows how ignorant and childish you really are.
God knows what's around the corner for you. What if you were to have a mentally handicapped child? Would you take offence at the word "spastic" or "retard"? If your best friend turned out to be gay, would you drop them? If a black family moved into your area, would you shout abuse every time you saw them in the local stores? My heart actually goes out to you people because you are so ignorant of life, you will never know the joy that crossing barriers and defeating the odds brings.
Imagine how you feel the first time your 5-year-old walks unaided after being told they will NEVER walk. Imagine how black people felt when they were finally getting recognition in the world (ie when Halle Berry won an Oscar). Imagine how a gay person feels that it is now legal for them to marry and be with the person they love.
I lived through one of those situations (you can guess which one all you like) and let me tell you, it was the most wonderful day of my life.
Nameless MSI fan:
We realise not all MSI fans are stupid/racist/whatever. Most aren't. What we don't like is the whole "inspirational", "feminist" talk. It's a load of bull. Nice to see there are fans on the "other" side who feel the same way. Feel free to come back here, coz I guess this place isn't just for ex-MCR fans, but for people who are sick of the whole façade.
Well, that's about all I can think of right now, but I should be back sometime soon (Internet connection permitting).
Thanks again VV.
I just wasted 3:07 of my life that I will never get back watchinfg Eliza Cuts sing.
What was she singing about anyway?
Is Eliza writing her own songs? Maybe she should try finding a songwriter. Her voice isn't half bad...
I just wasted 3:07 of my life that I will never get back watchinfg Eliza Cuts sing.
You're a stronger woman then me. I gave up after 40 secs.
The girl had no presence.
i don't care about Eliza's singing at all. i just want to know what the lyrics are, because you know they're about Gerard.
Anonymous said...
I just wasted 3:07 of my life that I will never get back watchinfg Eliza Cuts sing.
You're a stronger woman then me. I gave up after 40 secs.
The girl had no presence.
October 26, 2008 10:22 AM
^ LMAO. I'm not stronger than you, I just like to over-analyze things and in this case I did and I believe I lost brain cells. Never again.
And yeah, I'm extremely curious about the lyrics as well. But at the same time she can write nonesense and most of us will think it's about Gerard when in reality it probably isn't. Our idea of her song writing is skewed now.
Eliza's "performance"...just another example of the kind of people that Gerard Way chooses to lets into his life.
But as bad as it was, I'd just as soon listen watch her onstage as I would to watch a performance by MSI.
And he took them on tour with him.
at least Eliza has a touch of class and isn't flashing her stanky crotch to everyone.
i think eliza is just poking fun at lynz and her inspirational bassist and performance artist bullshit.
she's not serious about this music thing or she wouldn't be onstage wearing a dress with a big clown's face on it.
I think it's another way for her to get attention. Running on the last connections that she has from Gerard Way.
She pathetic. Everything she does makes me feel like it's all for revenge, and it's revenge on Gerard obviously. I guess that's one thing that they both had in common. (Gerard and Eliza I meant)
Our idea of her song writing is skewed now.
October 26, 2008 10:47 AM
^ And yeah, about the statement up there that I said before, I'm not going to lie, her lyrics will probably be ALL about Gerard. Sad.
I think you are all childish and you really need to grow up.
Aw, Gerard looked so proud when he introduced the wifey's band on MTV. I bet he was really pissed off when MTV didn't play their video.
and Skanksey needs to keep her legs closed. the air we breathe is polluted enough.
Look - the answer is so simple even you bunch of dimwits can get it.
Don't want to see Lyn's underwear? Stop searching for her fucking pictures on buzznet.
Don't want your delicate ears exposed to MSI's lyrics? Stop googling them and don't watch the vids on youtube.
Hate Gerard Way's fucking guts? Think he ruined your precious MCR for you? Stop reading everything you can find about him on the internet. Stop buying the CDs and stop buying the magazines with his picture on them.
Problem fucking solved.
Look - don't want to read us trashing Lindsey and Gerard? Stop coming here and reading our comments.
Problem fucking solved
^Anon this blog is kind of meant for people who aren't ready to let go. As lame as it sounds it's like a halfway house for us. Many people who posted here in the beginning have done exactly what you have said. I personally haven't because, hey, I like to complain about stuff. And I feel justified complaining about this. People bash celebrities all the time. We've just chosen to bash these to particular 'celebs'.
Wow. I missed a lot. I'm really late on this, but I'd like to join everyone else in saying that racial slurs are horrible no matter how you 'say' it. Even if you don't mean it to be offensive it still is and they are words that you should not use. Ever. Same with other discriminatory words. I hope those anons never come on here again.
Also does anyone have a link to a picture of Gerard and his boots at the scream thing? Ugly fashion make me laugh.
As for Lynz telling Gerard that lyrics full of hate mean he's happy. What utter bullshit. That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Hate=Happiness. nuh-uh. It doesn't work that way.
^I meant that to 5:38 just so y'all know.
I don't know about anyone else, but at this point I just find it all really amusing.
I find Gerard and LynZ amusing and I always have. But then I'd pretty much decided Gerard was a prick before he and Lyn ever even hooked up.
I enjoyed watching him humiliate himself during PR and it doesn't look like he's going to stop anytime soon.
Jolly good entertainment if you ask me.
Gerard, Lindsey, Eliza, MCR, and MSI are better than any soap opera on TV.
Anon if you think what is going on here is so silly why do you come here? Don't give me that it amuse you bullshit because there are way funnier sites on the net than this one.
We come here because we paid money to see MCR and bought their CDs because they seemed to have the same set of beliefs that we share. But than that turned out to be a lie. So we should be allowed to talk about how we feel about the shit until the fucking cows come home.
Don't like it than you can go some place else.
As far as looking up pictures of these people if we don't like them to complain that is what most of America does. We have whole networks doing it right now to the two men running for president. Jay Leno gets paid millions of dollars to do it. South Parks is popular because they do it.
Other anon I find them funny as well sometimes.
It was just hilarious, Martha. Seriously. A grown man, in his thirties no less, acting like he's getting laid for the first time in his life. The sharpies, the unicorn shirts, the shared clothing, Gerard going on SURS and declaring to Steven that he'd met the person he was going to share his life with on that tour. I'm pretty sure it was all Steven could do to keep a straight face.
Then Eliza comes out with her story which makes him look like such a pathetic loser who can be manipulated so easily.
What a pitiful little excuse for a man he is.
But then I'd pretty much decided Gerard was a prick
What made you decide?
What made you decide?
The cheating. It was pretty well known to anyone who followed the band closely that Eliza had been his bit on the side for a while. I think the "I'm single for the first time in years ... it's nobody's fault ... blah, blah, blah" all the time he had been fucking Eliza for months was the final straw for me.
Yeah, mental illness and the exploitation of it, is hilarious.
I go between laughing and just felling so sorry for him sometimes.
I couldn't believe it when he wore the lynz shirt while doing the interview with Bon Jovi.
Here you have a chance to get your band out there to an older audiances and you were that. Something that most 15 old boys wouldn't be caught dead in.
He's not mentally ill. He's just a weenie and an asshole.
Anon you do know that when Britney was having her break down Gerard and Lynz thought that it was the greatest thing that had ever happened.
I don't think you should go after the other anon like that when GW was cheering on the break down of another person.
What makes you think he's mentally ill, 7:32?
The cheating. It was pretty well known to anyone who followed the band closely that Eliza had been his bit on the side for a while. I think the "I'm single for the first time in years ... it's nobody's fault ... blah, blah, blah" all the time he had been fucking Eliza for months was the final straw for me.
Honestly, if anything had happened before the stuff during the recording of TBP it would have been all over her revenge hit-piece story.
With public singleness part I think it was shitty but that it was a complicated situation. A lot of his asshole actions are because he was trying not to be an asshole.
Anon you do know that when Britney was having her break down Gerard and Lynz thought that it was the greatest thing that had ever happened.
I don't think you should go after the other anon like that when GW was cheering on the break down of another person.
Read those comments again. Lynz's comment was of the 'bitch is crazy isn't that awesome' popcorn eating variety. Gerard's was 'I understand where she's coming from and I get why she would act out and go crazy'. Lynz's comment was made well after she'd been hospitalized and it was clear she was mentally ill. Gerard's comment was made after she'd shaved her head and it wasn't clear what the cause of her acting out was.
Saint Gerard can do no wrong. Everything he does or says is dripping with empathy and love for his fellow human.
It was clear that Britney was sick. When she shaved her head. All the behavior she was exhibiting before that were things that people who are having break downs do. I have a family member who works with people who have are mentally ill.
But most people believe Britney was suffering from a form of postpartum depression.
Lynz comment may have come out publicly after shew went into the hospital but I am sure the interview where lynz said that was done before she went in.
Defending Lyn-z for once, Martha? How mature of you.
What makes you think he's mentally ill, 7:32?
Look up the manic part of bipolar, then read 7:24's comment about his behavior on PR. There have been a few comments around about him going through a pretty severe depressive episode after TBP was released. If you look at the history of the band you can see the cycling between manic, depressive and mixed episodes.
Where was I defending Lynz. I wasn't. And if calling lynz ( or anyone else) out on their shit behavior makes me immature than fine.
It just sounded like you were defending her, when you said that she may have made that statement before Britney was hospitalized, so therefore it wouldn't have been as tactless.
That wasn't my intention. I don't think I could ever defend her. She stands for a lot of thing I don't like. Even if she got up on stage and proved she could play I still wouldn't like her. Her comment about being bored by people with talent pissed me off.
I really do wish that everything Gerard has been doing is all because of some manic episode.
I actually find the way he makes a complete fool of himself on almost a weekly basis to be very amusing. But then I think about how it's glaringly obvious that the man has issues with mental illness, and I just pity him.
The difference now, is that he is almost in a state of denial where he thinks everything is going perfectly, oblivious to his own ridiculous behavior.
Which is pretty much the definition of a mental illness.
“I think that her shaving her head was awesome, that was one of my highlights of the year! I thought she looked great, and I totally got it. I have had a lot of moments where I can identify with her. Sometimes you just wanna shave your head and be covered in your own s*#t, running through the streets, being crazy. You wanna be f#*king locked up!”
This was published December 2007, so with the lead time it could have been made up to a couple of months earlier.
Britney was hospitalized in January 2008.
"I may be in love with her! Anything by her is great because is fucking nuts. To me, she is the ultimate entertainer. With no sense of irony, I think this record rules! It makes me dance and sing like crazy. In fact, I don't fell guilty at all."
Was published in July 2008, but it could have been made up to a couple of months earlier.
I really do wish that everything Gerard has been doing is all because of some manic episode.
I don't. Manic episodes can be far worse because it can cause a feeling of euphoria which leads the person to believe they are no longer unhealthy, while causing them to be irrational and unpredictable in their spontaneity.
It is the manic moments that stops people from getting the treatment they need.
The statements made by Gerard and LynZ about Britney hold completely different meanings.
Saint Gerard can do no wrong. Everything he does or says is dripping with empathy and love for his fellow human.
Nah, Britney shaved her head earlier than I thought she did, but I was mostly struck by the very different places Gerard's and Lynz's comments came from.
Cupcake I have to disagree. Knowing someone who has suffered this for years I can tell you manic episodes are far from euphoric.
Usually they lose all their sense of inhibition and are completely driven or compelled to do whatever it is that pops in their head.
And people often mistake severe anxiety with mania.
But everyone with manic depression experiences it differently. The levels which they shift between are not necessarily the same, and for some people, the manic phase can involve (a false sense of) extreme happiness.
Good point, though.
I really do wish that everything Gerard has been doing is all because of some manic episode.
I don't. Manic episodes can be far worse because it can cause a feeling of euphoria which leads the person to believe they are no longer unhealthy, while causing them to be irrational and unpredictable in their spontaneity.
Manic episodes end, though, and are mostly treatable (then he can work on the rest of his issues). It would also explain (not excuse) a lot of things.
Hello CC and anons.
Both Gerard and Lyn Z's comments make them seem like assholes imo. They may come from different places but they both seem to be taking pleasure in her fall.
Manic episode can be treated.
It would also explain (not excuse) a lot of things.
I was thinking that as well
I do agree that anyone who suffers these types of illnesses experiences it in their own unique way.
I'd like to point out even highly skilled practitioners find it hard to diagnose these conditions accurately.
Sometimes people just emotionally break down because the stress in their lives far exceeds their coping skills. And how it comes out is anyone's guess. It could happen to anyone of us. And it does not necessarily mean there is a mental illness.
I don't know, I think Gerard is saying he can understand the way Britney felt...that he realizes how someone can completely breakdown like that.
LynZ's, however, is much simpler than that, and seems a bit crueler in the sense that she doesn't seem very understanding of the condition.
The problem with manic episodes is that it ends, and a much darker episode usually replaces it.
Sorry everyone, I forgot a greeting. Hello.
And it does not necessarily mean there is a mental illness
We're not saying Gerard IS manic depressive for sure, we are just hypothesizing/analyzing/etc. It's what we do here.
I understand cupcake. Just offering another point of view :)
Oh, I know, anon :)
I'm just having a bit of a conversation with you. Nothing intense.
It doesn't seem that way to me.
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