Monday, August 25, 2008

an emasculated, infantile complain-ee..

In the time since I posted last, Gerard rented a monkey for LynZ, totally forgetting his support of PETA and animal rights. Jimmy Urine declared Gerard his best friend. The Black Parade Is Dead came out and everyone in the band thanked everyone, except Gerard who thanked LynZ, and then his parents as an after thought. Gerard moved to LA where he was seen with his new "posse" of friends, meaning LynZ, Jimmy Urine and his wife. A few more interviews came and went where he promoted MSI. And recently he wrote a message to MySpace trying to say how everything was cool with the band, yet what it really comes down to is Frank is touring with his other band, Bob just got our of surgery, no mention of whta Mikey is working on, and he doesn't know where Ray is. He also hinted that he is going to go see an upcoming MSI show, which is funny because of all of LynZ's protests that she doesn't want fans to go to their show just to see Gerard.

I feel really bad for the rest of the band now that Jimmy Urine and LynZ are Gerard's best friends. Didn't his band see him through the worst times, when he was suicidal didn't they pull him up from rock bottom? Now they are tossed aside for "inspirational" MSI.

Have I forgotten anything? I think there was more but I can't remember it.

This is mostly just to give you all some new space to talk.

It's really good to know that there are people out there who see through their pathetic facade.


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Anonymous said...

Who, Miss E?

I really don't care. It could be Eliza or Lindsey or the fucking Pope.

And you, tbppreunion, are full of shit.

Anonymous said...

lol ok.

i love being full of shit. it's a satisfying feeling.

love you bbz.

Anonymous said...

Lulz. Go design some graphics, bb.

Anonymous said...

you people are no where near important enough for me to care about who exactly you are

Read: I am full of shit and actually have no way of figuring out where you are.

Come on, prove me wrong! I was clearly important enough to have an argument with.

Try me.

Anonymous said...


oh yes.

you've found me out

because it's absolutely not reasonable at all that SOMEONE on this blog actually tells the truth.

you can think i'm full of shit. honestly, i don't even begin to care. but read the tos over on lj and here. if you get down to the nitty gritty of it. what i'm saying is all true.

whether or not i'm telling the truth, none of you are anonymous. every time you post, your ip is logged.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Gerard actually threw his ring into the crowd. The only thing I remember from that show is he had on gloves and then he dramatically took them off and the ring was gone...then he launched into "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair".

It was kind of pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if our IP is logged? It doesn't mean much of anything, other than the owner of the blog has a stat counter.

Anonymous said...

My IP is not static. And I delete my cookies every time I log off.

Anonymous said...

tbppreunion, what the fuck are even talking about anymore?

You haven't actually said anything. All you have done is insult people and make empty threats. You have disclosed any "truths".

The only thing I'm getting from your comment is that you will not tell me who I am because you cannot.

Anonymous said...

*have NOT

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Lol. We were "important" enough for her to ~hack into~ the stat counter with her totes awesome computer knowledge (lmao), but not important enough for her to tell us who we are.

Anonymous said...

Poor thing. Obviously has her head jammed so far up Lindsey's ass she can't be bothered to actually make sense.

Anonymous said...

I never hacked anything. I wouldn't have to hack anything. The information is literally right there.

Anonymous said...

OH NOEZ! ThE IntErNeTZ CaN Be TrACkeD!?!


You seriously think that is new information to me? Is that seriously what this whole freak out from you has been about?

Oh, I'm so fucking scared. Is LynZ going to come kick my ass now?

Holy shit, you're funny.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we know you didn't hack into anything. And I've always known there was a stat counter on most of the sites I visit.

I also know that nobody can get any of my personal info from that unless my ISP provides that to them and they won't do that. It's illegal for them to.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Lindsey is going to do a Jay and Silent Bob on us.

I'm soooo scared.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but you've got to love the mystery of VV's identity:

Jilted ex-lover? Bitter roadie that got fired in a fiery shouting match? Or maybe that comic guy that threatened to sue Gerard?

Either way, I don't think anyone here would give a fuck.

Anonymous said...

Maybe VV is actually LynZ. She started this blog so she could find people out there who diss her. Then she can use her mob connections to put out hits on all of us.


Anonymous said...

You people need to watch how you talk to me! I can and WILL get you all shut down! Don't think for a second I don't know who you ALL ARE!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is no stat counter here. I checked.

Anonymous said...

Do it, bitch.

I double dare ya!

Anonymous said...

Are you laughing at ME?? You won't be laughing when you get your computer rights taken away!! because I know exactly who you all are. You can laugh now. It will turn to tears.

Anonymous said...

Like I said before. Do it if you think you can.

Anonymous said...

What it comes down to is jealousy. You are all very jealous of LynZ's beauty and I KNOW you are jealous of my knowledge.

Anonymous said...

i have memorized all your IPs. whose laughing now??

Anonymous said...

zomg, ur jus jelluzz!1!!11!

where have i heard that shit before?

Anonymous said...

the truth hurts. as it is hurting you.

Anonymous said...

*pets troll*

Well, this has been fun, but I'm going to say goodnight.

Have fun with you "knowledge" little troll. :D

Anonymous said...

i have VV's identity.

don't you all wish you knew?

go back to pretending that Gerard loves you. MCR will never fade away.

Anonymous said...

^you forgot to say MCRmy 4eva!11!!

Anonymous said...

MCRmy 4eva!11!!

Anonymous said...

Uhh lol. So it seems that someone is now pretending to be me. That's cute. But I don't really talk like that. You got the way I type down pretty well.

But yeah no. Not me guys.

Well shit. It's not like you're gonna believe me. But I haven't posted anything since i talked about not hacking anything.

Anonymous said...

I am Lindsey Ann Ballato Way. I am fondling my swollen testicles and throbbing member right this moment, and have been doing so for the past year, to all the wonderful things you've been saying about me.

I'm almost out of semen, so you won't have to worry about me and snookums spawning anytime soon, at least until we can get some of Kitty's swimmers and Mikey's eggs. Then you shall all pay.

sdk3kl 893w4587khj n, ,esg i8iowl

Ah shit. My keyboard just flipped its shit. Seems all my lovely man-juice seeping into the crevices is too much.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^That was completely unnecessary and you're not helping.

Anonymous said...

why you do me liek dat lynsee?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I see the trolls have moved over here from mayo's. With the same battle cry of I know who VV (Mayo) is. And It's Lynz, Gerard are Jimmy. Oh it's someone having a laugh at you.

We have heard and seen this before. People are still going to come here and say what they want. Your threats of we know your IP Address and we can shut you down are empty and hollow. You would have already have done it.

Proof are it isn't really

Anonymous said...

Anyone with half a brain can see tell that those comments didn't come from me.

Good job at proving my point, though.

Anonymous said...

Oh jesus you guys. I can't believe this is happening again. You got one person spouting foul lyrics. And then this person saying they're me. This is me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my god, you are all insane. i need popcorn next time i read here.

btw, who ever thought gerard way ever had any style? the man wears briefs with low-rise jeans. the boots shouldn't really have come as a surprise.

Anonymous said...

^Nope, but they helped prove to us that he wasn't gay.

Good to see you again Passerby.

Anonymous said...

"I was just letting you know that you are not anonymous."

Only if you happen to be an Internet Service Provider! You're a "graphics developer" so you're full of shit.

Anonymous said...

Some people access from more than one place and you can find and download FREE IP address scramblers on Google.

Just sayin'

Kassiopeia said...

Shock horror, someone's actually signed in!

"It's also pretty immature to make vag jokes about anyone, even LynZ. Just sayin'.

Yes, she does bring it upon herself a lot of the time, but at the end of the day she's the one doing something (however questionable some may find it) with her life, while everyone here is bitching about it on the internet.."

I don't know about anyone else here but I do have a life outside the Internet you know, and unlike a certain comedy band member, I didn't have to debase myself or screw my way up the career ladder. I expect most posters here are the same - we drive home in OUR cars, to OUR houses, filled with random stuff we don't need but bought with OUR money - all achieved off our own backs, not ON them.

Lyn-Z may have a nice house and may even have had a career pre-Gerard, but she's never had a career based on anything other than selling her sexuality. I'll take my self-respect over that any day...

Kass xx

P.S. My understanding of the whole "anonymous" issue is that comments can be traced, but only with a court order and not for comments that come under the umbrella of "freedom of speech". Since slander/libel by definition has to be untrue, calling the woman an skanky, s*** musician who's humped her way to greater notoriety is all nice and legal!

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna swear over the internet, just do it. No one's gonna hear, promise.

Safe on the Waves said...

Kass, you've inspired me.

Kassiopeia said...

Anonymous said...
"If you're gonna swear over the internet, just do it. No one's gonna hear, promise."

But I'll know! And we've all got our little quirks, haven't we?

Morning Safe,

I don't know about "inspired", I think I've listened to Destiny's Child's Independent Women one too many times!

Must go do what I'm paid for...


Kass xx

Anonymous said...

wow, it took me 20 minutes of my morning reading this crap. we need a new site. maybe this is a good reason for signing in because we will know who you really are.

and the tbppreunion: if you are soo mature then why would there be about 100 comments (on the previous page) with you talking random shit. even if you oppose this blog, at least have the maturity(!) to respect it. people in the past that opposed this blog have. THEY HAVE BEEN MATURE! To a degree. And if you don't like it you can stay off it.

Anonymous said...

Kass, I ment you inspired me to log in. It obvoiusly didn't last long.

I agree Erika. People are able to come here and speak their mind and I don't see why people come here and threaten us. We don't go to wheather they post to cause shit for them. This place has a reputation for being, and I use the words losely, a "hate group". Why would someone seek out a "hate group" and start talking shit about the members? Do they really think they are going bully and threaten us into changing our minds? Do they really think we are going to turn into Lindsey/MSI lovers because people threaten to take away our computer rights? LMFAO. Are we 12? Are you going to tell our Mummies we've been bad and then get banned from the computer for a week? Are we international terrorists? Do really think that The Powers That Be (or anyone for that matter) really give a flying fuck what we say? Nope. So I think were okay on that front.

Martha Smith-Jones said...


Where the fuck have you been. I miss you. I love your style of saying things.

I will say this. I always find it strange how all of a sudden we will get these people who have come to help us poor diluted souls.

They always know who VV really is or they are a passer by who just comes here to laugh at us. We are so insane, sad,lonely and jealous people. Because just like most people in the US or where ever they are from we make funny of the fact that someone with very little talent has made it.

It seems to be what half of the televised version of TMZ is about. If they cared about Gerard and Lynz they would probably call Gerard a douche and lynz a soulless whore. And get a pay check for.

Anonymous said...

Hey, tbppreunion! Nice to see a new troll. The old ones got scared away. Sad times.
Please come again though - I got a good laugh out of you.
Oh nooooo! I'm not anonymous?! On the Internet?! How could they let this happen?!
Course I'm not an anon, I have a name. I am... well that's classified information. MI5 and all that jazz. Y'know how it goes ;)
And that whole "who's laughing now?" speil?
We are of course.

At you and your complete BULLSHIT.

lulz lyk we jst totes pwnd u!111!!!exclamation-point!!1!!!!11

Take care sweetie.

Anonymous said...

But I'll know! And we've all got our little quirks, haven't we?

Okay, fair.

And I didn't think you guys considered MSI as "making it."

Anonymous said...

It was said that Gerard waited till the lights went down and throw the ring out. Don't know if it is true but given how childish he has been about Eliza I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Anonymous said...

There are now 3 different people playing the role of tbppreunion. Looks like I'll have to get a new sn.

Erika said...

I already got an account.

Fucking TEENIES!

Anonymous said...


Although most of you have probably already seen it...

Scream Interview

Gerard says he doesn't pay attention to his fan base or his sales or the internet.

L. O. L.

Anonymous said...

Ah, shit. That didn't work.

Here's the link:

Erika said...

He doesn't even need to make that statement. If he did he would of realized that:
1. He should not marry the skank
2. Snort it up
3. Wear the boots

Anonymous said...

Gerard seems so annoyed by the questions in every Scream Awards interview i've seen him in.

Anonymous said...

He was annoyed because they didn't ask about his amazing wife.

Anonymous said...

Let's just all have some giggles, shall we?

Anonymous said...

Oh why the hell not, here's another.

know1shome said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

so basically an arrogant shit bass player married someone in the music industry more famous than themselves?

Pete Wentz isn't worth 2075(6) comments, people.

Anonymous said...

Pete didn't marry a bass player. He married an Ashley. This is Gerard Way

Anonymous said...

I know. That's why I said it was the bass player who married someone else in the industry. LynZ = Pete (except without the second-rate poetry), and Gerard = Ashlee.

Anonymous said...

I think Pete has talent. Ashlee on the other hand. She is lucky her sister is Jessica.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you would put the wonderful pete wentz into the same category as Lyn-z. Pete writes the most amazing lyrics I've ever heard in my life. They've gotten me through so many tough times. He is a man among boys. He is a leader among followers. He is inspirational.

Anonymous said...

..........IN BED

Anonymous said...

Way to ruin my point. Way to be rude. I try to make a serious point and I just end up being mocked.

Pete Wentz has practically saved my life on multiple occasions. He is my hero. His lyrics are real and meaningful to thousands of girls. He speaks to me in ways that I never thought possible.

Anonymous said...

so inspirational~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

link 1

link 2

link 3

link 4

Anonymous said...

why did you feel the need to re-post those? they were not funny the first time you posted them. they are still not funny the second time.

Anonymous said...

VV and Mayo are the same person.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, and yet totally irrelevant - VV's and Mayo's simply provide a space to "play", depending on your desire to rant/write poetry. WHO the host is is unimportant!

Anonymous said...

it's been quite a long time since i first discovered your blog and i'm not at all surprised to see that you're still spewing bullshit.
they've been together over a year. the relationship, and all of the subsequent consequences you're so intent on finding, are not going away.
get over it.

Anonymous said...

Gee n' Lyn-Z could end up being married for 60 years, but it doesn't make THEM any less a pair of complete douchebags, HER any more talented, or HIM any less responsible for making the band almost unlistenable for a significant proportion of the old fanbase!

I have "got over it" and taken my cash with me.

Anonymous said...

why did you feel the need to re-post those? they were not funny the first time you posted them. they are still not funny the second time.

I did that because I hate putting ramdon URL's in my address bar. It gets rid of the ones I want to keep but aren't that important enough for me to save to my favourite/bookmark. I know I can delete favourites/bookmark before you say anything. I find it less irritating to create links plus it might help out others.

Sometimes I look at stuff while at work, so again, a link is made so the URL's don't appear on my address bar.

If you see random links with no explanation in the future posted by an Anon, just scroll by it. I will more than likely be me.

Interesting, and yet totally irrelevant - VV's and Mayo's simply provide a space to "play", depending on your desire to rant/write poetry. WHO the host is is unimportant!
Yep! This place is about having the freedom to say as we feel without an evil dictator shutting us down because we don't agree with the mainstream.

Gee n' Lyn-Z could end up being married for 60 years, but it doesn't make THEM any less a pair of complete douchebags, HER any more talented, or HIM any less responsible for making the band almost unlistenable for a significant proportion of the old fanbase!

I have "got over it" and taken my cash with me.

Exactly. We just love to laugh at them and their douchebagness. People do it to celebs all the time. Our attention just happens to be focus on these two assholes instead of Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus.

As for the Pete Wentz thing - Pete was famous in his own right. He had his own SUCCESSFUL career when he met Ashlee. LynZ didn't and she and MSI made sure that they rode the MCR/GW coattails as much as they could. Did you ever see a Ashlee Simpson concert with FOB being her support band? No. So LynZ and Pete might both be shit bassists, but Pete's career has a lot more intergrity to it because FOB accomplished everything on their own.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

to any and every guy i ever dated:

i am really sorry, i really am. i didnt fully understand but now i do. hahahaha

This is from Eliza's MySpace. She then goes on about how hard she's working on her music, so I think she's saying sorry to Gerard for never understand how hard his job is and thinking it was easy.

Anonymous said...

they've been together over a year. the relationship, and all of the subsequent consequences you're so intent on finding, are not going away.
get over it.

Oh yes, because once a couple has reached the ONE YEAR mark it means they will be together forever. How could we be so silly as to forget?

Do you realize that the first year is the easiest of any relationship? They were still in the honeymoon phase. That was the easy part.

And STOP talking about PETE WENTZ!

Anonymous said...

Damn straight Cupcake.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say thank you to random link anon. I hate having to put URLs in my address bar too. Plus the copy/paste function doesn't always work on blogger when the URL is more than one line long.

I really appreciate what you do!

Oh, and to Cupcake: I agree with everything you just said. Especially the NO MORE PETE WENTZ.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

it's been quite a long time since i first discovered your blog and i'm not at all surprised to see that you're still spewing bullshit.
they've been together over a year. the relationship, and all of the subsequent consequences you're so intent on finding, are not going away.
get over it.

October 21, 2008 3:43 AM

Britney and K-fed made it to two years and two children but that shit still blow up in her face. And everyone said it would. One year is nothing.

Anonymous said...

Pete Wentz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mikey says that the band has NOT been back in the studio as of yet. "We're taking a long break, so we can come back fully recharged," he explained, citing the only time the band has played together was when they recorded their cover of Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower" for next year's movie version of Watchmen. But apparently they haven't laid down anything for the follow up to The Black Parade, as Mikey says "...what it really boils down to is this band really needed some time off, and that's what we're doing right now. We're getting great time off."

However, just because the band hasn't been in the studio together doesn't mean they haven't been working on new stuff. Mikey says they're in a constant state of writing and of course there are the rumors that Gerard and MCR's musical genius Ray Toro have been working on demos for the album. An album which has apparently been titled since My Chemical Romance's small venue tour earlier this year, before their self-imposed hiatus began.

Anonymous said...

Peet Wents

Anonymous said...

Trolls Be Gone!

Anonymous said...

"All Along the Watchtower"?

I believe it was Desolation Row.

Anonymous said...

Soooooo you guys are miffed that Gerard mentions Lynz too often, making him obsessed, and that she doesn't mention him enough, making her uncaring?
If he started to bring her up less, you'd accuse him of losing interest in her and that their relationship was headed for disaster. And if she started to mention him more, you'd accuse her of whoring out his name for her own or her band's gain.
I also love the comment about Mindless "spewing hate" or whatever it was. Irony must not be your specialty, I reckon. I'm not even a fan of the band, but I understand what they're doing and respect it.
Any band that remained underground for as long as them prooooobably isn't after fame. But I don't blame them for jumping on the little scraps of publicity thrown their way the past year. Very few bands wouldn't, and Mindless isn't above it (not like they're above much to begin with.) That's usually the goal of most bands, to get their name out there, so people will listen to their stuff so they'll get more, you know, "fans." And I doubt many of you would either, if you were in their position.

That is all, for now.

Anonymous said...

They have no right to call themselves a punk band at all, if they are the kind of band that would use the fact that a member of their band is fucking someone more famous to get some more money or fans. Punk bands are against doing stuff like that. Msi has actually tour with some other famous bands. They weren't trying to be underground, they just suck.

If Gerard wanted to fuck Lynz til the cows come home that is fine. What I and most of the people here have a problem with is him selling out his bands ethics to get fucked.

He said that Mcr doesn't want to have anything to do with people who are racist, sexist and homophobic. He than turns around and starts selling msi, a band who not only calls blacks and gays degrading names but have songs about women needing to get down on their knees.

We have a problem with Lynz calling her self a feminist when the only work she has done for her fame is to get on her back or knees. She herself said she can't play the bass for shit and her only talent is back bending.

If the bands you like are the kind of people that only want some money and fame than you must listen to some really crappy artist. Because every band I have every listen to said they were in it because they liked to play music and they couldn't see themselves doing anything else. They worked to get the recognition they received.

Spewing hate, no one here has called Lynz a racial slur. Sorry but calling some one a bitch and a whore isn't hate speech by a long shot. Making fun of the fact that someone acts like they are on drugs, dosen't bathe and flashes her privates at you isn't hate speech either.

Because if it were a whole lot of shows on TV would be in trouble. You would see both J-lo and Britney suing TV networks for slander. I have heard a whole lot of people call J-lo a bitch and call Britney a whore. They also made fun of Britney countless time for not wearing any underwear and flashing people.

Not a fan of the band than why do you come here. What purpose does it service? Are you that bored?

Anonymous said...

By the way if Gerard would bring up Lynz less we would all be happy. And she isn't uncaring because she doesn't bring him up. She is uncaring because when she does talk about him she acts like he ruined her career.

Back during The Pr tour she flaunted the fact that she was with him. But once she became known as the Mrs. she became ungrateful about it. If she didn't want to be known as his wife than she shouldn't have told anyone and she shouldn't have gone on tour with him. The less famous person in those kinds of relationships are always know by the name of the person they are dating. It is the price you pay for putting your relationship out there.

Anonymous said...

MSI are a band.

Do you honestly think that they are racist, homophobic, women haters?

It's music. They aren't just playing music, they're telling a story. They're putting out their music to speak against racism, homophobia, and other things. And if you can't see that then you're just an idiot.

You don't hear people running around saying MSI saved my life do you? NO, you don't. Because MSI can see the humor in life. They're going to make fun of their fans because their fans let them and their fans enjoy it.

And please. The only place I've ever heard of Lyn-z flashing her bits is here. Somebody definitely made it up and you lot are running with it as if it's the bible.

Anonymous said...

zomg lol you guys


Anonymous said...

honestly at times i wonder if all this is worth it. i know that this place is made for us to vent and talk about all of the thing that annoy us about this situation but as of now, i just think it's completely pointless. nothing is going on so far at all, gerard seems the same, i mean theirs no point of going around and around worrying about this damn situation.

i've had a enough.

i'm in the "wait and see" mode and i think that ALL of you should do that. honestly.

Anonymous said...

Why is Pete Wentz constantly being mentioned here?

Anonymous said...

You are fucking kidding me. Go to Buzznet and look up Lynz you will see her flashing her (thank god underwear wearing) crotch at people.

Yes I do think they are racist, homophobic not necessary women hates but they don't have respect for women. At the very least they are bigots. That doesn't make me an idiot.

Anonymous said...

You don't hear people running around saying MSI saved my life do you? NO, you don't. Because MSI can see the humor in life. They're going to make fun of their fans because their fans let them and their fans enjoy it.

So it is funny to you to call a black person a n*&&er how about calling some one who is gay a F@&&et. That is what you call funny. Really. Than the next time you meet up with someone one who is black or gay why done you call them that to their face and than say it was a joke.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

honestly at times i wonder if all this is worth it. i know that this place is made for us to vent and talk about all of the thing that annoy us about this situation but as of now, i just think it's completely pointless. nothing is going on so far at all, gerard seems the same, i mean theirs no point of going around and around worrying about this damn situation.

i've had a enough.

i'm in the "wait and see" mode and i think that ALL of you should do that. honestly.

October 21, 2008 6:31 PM

Do what you feel is right.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Please tell me where I said that it was actually funny? I said they saw the humor in life.

You obviously don't get the point behind MSI, and that's totally fine. But that doesn't give you the right to degrade what they're passionate about.

As for the lady bits thing. I said find me proof of her actually flashing her lady bits. But you can't provide that because it has not happened. She flashes her underwear covered bits sure, but so do beyonce, katy perry, madonna. Shall I go on?

Anonymous said...

MSI are a band.

Do you honestly think that they are racist, homophobic, women haters?

It's music. They aren't just playing music, they're telling a story. They're putting out their music to speak against racism, homophobia, and other things. And if you can't see that then you're just an idiot.

No, hon: because we can't see that it means that we are discerning listeners.

Yes: they are the most disgustingly racist, homophobic, misogynistic piece of crap excuse for a "band" I have personally heard the misfortune of hearing in a long time.

They even said themselves that they are not doing it for shock value or irony. They are adamant that they're doing it all for money.

There is nothing positive about them, and hell, they don't even have talent to speak of.

All they do is spew hate in hopes that it makes them seem "edgy," and they certainly aren't "punk," as "punk" tends to be a state of mind, to mean something and to stand for something.

MSI doesn't even stand for nihilism. They're just kinda there. Like a used tampon you find on the floor of a public bathroom.

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't get the point behind MSI, and that's totally fine. But that doesn't give you the right to degrade what they're passionate about.

Actually, we do have that right. And MSI has said themselves that they aren't "passionate" about anything but hauling in some cash.

There's nothing to "get" and calling them "music" is in fact a stretch.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh I see. So you lot are the kind of people that actually believe everything that has ever come out of anybody's mouth. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...


I see underwear and a little bit of butt cheek. But keep trying.

You are apparently not at all obsessed with searching for pics of Lyn. No not at all.

Anonymous said...

Do you even read what we have said here are do you just skim to the parts that you thnk will allow you to win. You are still flashing someone even if you have underwear on. In fact on a nunmber of ocaassions we have thanked God that she had it on.

Most people when you say the word humor = funny.

So I will reword it.

Do you find humor in calling black people n*&&ers and gay people f@&&ots?

Because if you do why don't you go up to one of those people and call them that and she how much humor they find in it.

Anonymous said...

lol you guys~~~~


Anonymous said...

I've read through bits and pieces of it, and honestly, I've never laughed so hard in my entire life. I'm honestly kind of saddened for you lot.

I don't find the term nigger disrespectful. It's how the word is used that makes it disrespectful.

I'm not a fan of MSI, so I don't really care what they're about. I just find it odd that you guys spend so much time researching and lurking the people you hate. I mean, I asked you to find a picture for me, 5 minutes later I had one. Tell me that's not slightly odd. I don't spend my days searching about the people that I "hate."

Martha Smith-Jones said...

you are a person who finds humor in calling blacks and gays.

Anonymous said...

lol you guys~~~~PETE WENTZ

Ok, you can shut up now troll.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Didn't finish that sentence

But you are a person who finds humor in calling blacks and gays names.

By the way I am black so when some person says that word I take it seriously.

Anonymous said...

What now?

I find humour in calling blacks and gays? Like on the phone?

Anonymous said...

Oh and I'm pretty sure that MSI has plenty of black, gay, and black/gay fans.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am on the Internet all I have to do is Google her name. Or I can put her name in at Buzznet and get her pictures. I don't have to obsess over anything.

Given me another subject I can probably find something about it.

All if you aren't a fan than how can you say they are about having humor.

How can you stand up or fight against something if you don't know about it.

Anonymous said...

I don't find the term n***er disrespectful

Why don't you go up to a black person and see if they agree after you've called them that, huh?

You are either painfully ignorant, or are not from America and have a serious misunderstanding of the formation and use of the word.

That statement alone justifies my position that MSI is spreading pollution into the minds of the pre-teens that listen to them.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Back in the 80's there was a KKK member named David Duke who ran for office. He even had a small number of black supporters didn't mean he wasn't a racist.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm not a pre-teen, nor am I a teen at all. I've listened to MSI, I just wouldn't call myself a hardcore fan. Oh and apparently only America knows about racism and homophobia? That sounds kind of ignorant to me.

But why bother even wasting your time to google somebody that you hate?

And you guys keep telling me to go up to a gay/black person and call them either of the terms. Did you think that I didn't read it the first time? Because I did. It's played out now, find something new to say.

I am actually a homosexual and can find the humor in someone calling me a faggot. It doesn't bother me. So it's ok for black people to go around calling each other niggers, but it's not ok for other people to say it? I find that a little hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

you guys~~ whats with all the negative talk

lets talk about


Martha Smith-Jones said...

at now?

I find humour in calling blacks and gays? Like on the phone?

October 21, 2008 7:01 PM

Do you find humor in calling blacks or gays those words to their face? Would you just walk up to a black person or someone gay and call them those words and than say it just show that I see humor in that.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you must be the same anon who thought it would be funny to post that word about two days ago under my name.

It's pathetic how you are imitating the band you like in such a way - yelling obscenities and expecting no responsibility for it.

Even if you're not the same person, it still proves my point about MSI fans.

Anonymous said...

Oh and apparently only America knows about racism

No, because the term was originated in America.

If you knew anything about the history of the word (or even racism) you would know that, but clearly you are completely ignorant to the subject.

Anonymous said...

No. But I read a few of those comments from the other day. Kinda entertaining.

And you obviously have not been reading through my previous comments. I'm not really an MSI fan. I've listened to their music, but I'm not a hardcore fan. I just appreciate their music.

Obviously not being offended by two words makes me a racist.

Thinking that two words hold THAT much meaning to the entire world makes you ignorant.

Anonymous said...

So it's ok for black people to go around calling each other niggers, but it's not ok for other people to say it?


Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't find it alright for black people to call each other that. You were the one who brought what I said back. You said you didn't say it was funny so I changed it to what you did say. You than brought it back up because I left out some words. You don't want me to ask the question than why did you bring it back up.

You 're gay and you like msi not everyone can have taste.

It is called knowing the subject you are talking about.

You don't don't like what we are doing here yet you still come around. If you don't like us why are you here?

Anonymous said...

So not being offended by it means that I know nothing about the word? Seems to me that you're actually the one that's ignorant by assuming that.

And just because I'm not from America, does not mean that I'm not living there right now.

I know a lot about racism, the Underground Railroad, the KKK, the abolition of slavery, I could really go on and on, but what's the point. I know nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

Did I ever say I didn't like you lot? Please show me to my comment in which I said that.

I said I was amused and saddened by all of this.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't know if you are a racist but if you are willing to use those words than I will think you maybe one.

Anonymous said...

Thinking that two words hold THAT much meaning to the entire world makes you ignorant.

That has to be the most illogical thing you have said so far. It makes absolutely no sense.

You can call me ignorant all you want, but I think our statements speak for themselves.

You just keep digging the hole, honey. Every word you say is just proving my point more and more

Anonymous said...

I find Coon more disrespectful and racist than I will ever find nigger to be.

Anonymous said...

My statement is actually really smart and entirely true.

I said the whole WORLD, not just America. Most countries don't take words so offensively

Anonymous said...

If you do know about the subject, and still find the word to be alright to use, then yes, you are racist.

You don't have to be personally offended by it to recognize it's harmful use and realize it is NOT OKAY TO USE. If you know the pain it used to cause and still use it, then you are racist.

Anonymous said...

pete wentz

stop being mean to eachother


youre all wrong anyways

pEtE wEnTz

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I took it from your tone and your words that you didn't like us. Just because you don't say you don't like someone it doesn't mean that you don't feel that way.

Your whole point seems to be try and stop us from coming here and speaking our minds about this subject. People don't usually do that when something amuses them.

Anonymous said...

Only the fact that the people it "hurt" are long dead. It holds no real meaning anymore.


Anonymous said...

And no. Go ahead, keep talking here. I'm just having a little fun bantering back and forth with you lot.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

My statement is actually really smart and entirely true.

I said the whole WORLD, not just America. Most countries don't take words so offensively

October 21, 2008 7:23 PM

b I don't think so because I have watch many news story about people all over the world being up set about certain words.

Tiger Woods went to Britain and used the word spastic and people were upset with him.

Anonymous said...

It holds no real meaning anymore.

Yes, it does.

A word IS just a word, but words have been given meanings by the societies they come from and those meanings always hold certain connotations.

It is not alright to use a word that still holds deep painful meaning to a lot of people. If you think that racism was ended with slavery and the civil rights movement you have led a very protected life. And just because those experiences are over does NOT mean people still aren't pissed about it.

Anonymous said...

Well unfortunately you'd be wrong. It's not that big of deal in Europe or Asia. We've got bigger, more serious issues, to deal with.

Him using spastic probably only upset a few soccer moms with a mentally retarded child who have far too much time on their hands.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am not long dead and that words still has a lot of mean to people myself included.

Anonymous said...

Well guess what cupcake. People of this generation don't actually have the right to be upset about slavery because it has absolutely no effect on them what-so-ever. And if you think it does then you are just as sad.

It didn't happen to your grandma, it didn't happen to your great grandma, it didn't happen to your great great grandma, should I keep going.

That word will only affect the people that aren't strong enough to overcome that racism. Who cares if someone calls you that word? I mean honestly. If I were black, I'd have a good laugh about it and go on my merry way.

Anonymous said...

Dear Martha Jones:

If you are going to want me to continue taking you seriously. You might want to take a second and learn proper grammar and or spelling.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Well unfortunately you'd be wrong. It's not that big of deal in Europe or Asia. We've got bigger, more serious issues, to deal with.

Well, it is a really fucking big deal in America. And seeing as that is it's country of origin its use is automatically linked to that history and therefore to the connotations it derived from there.

Maybe you got away with saying it where you were from, but if you are living in America now, let me warn you honey, don't go around saying it.

Or you will receive a well deserved ass-kicking. (Not threatening you, just being realistic.)

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am look for the original story but he is someone blogging about it.

It did happen and people were upset.

Anonymous said...

Oh and cupcake. You need to learn your history on that word.

It did not originate in america.

It's a spanish/Portuguese word that was derived from a latin word.

Great try though.

Anonymous said...

People of this generation don't actually have the right to be upset about slavery because it has absolutely no effect on them what-so-ever.

You're fucking joking now, right?

Are you forgetting the fact that all those people were brought here against their will from another country? Are you forgetting that RACISM STILL EXISTS? Are you forgetting that blacks are still treated differently, paid less, receive worse education, etc. because of the racism that was built upon slavery?

And no, MY grandparents experienced nothing. They were from Russia. I am not black, but that doesn't mean I don't recognize racism when I see it.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I'm done now. I've had my fill of you ignorant people

Dear Martha Jones,

Please do not take offense to this, but you are a nigger.

Have a nice night.

learn to spell and use proper grammar. You are proving all the stereotypes to be true.

Anonymous said...

It's a spanish/Portuguese word that was derived from a latin word.

That became POPULAR for use as a racial slur against blacks in AMERICA.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Dear anon,

As long as you understand what I am saying there should be no problem. This is the Internet land of people having bad grammar and spelling. You may want to get off the Internet if you can't take it.

Tiger under fire

11/ 4/2006

TIGER Woods is facing outrage from disability groups after saying he putted like a "spaz" in blowing his Masters chances.

The squeaky clean golf superstar made his remarks live on the BBC after relinquishing his title and finishing joint third in Augusta.

US newspapers chose to help Woods gloss over the controversy. The LA Times changed the offending word to "wreck" while other prestigious publications did not mention his derogatory term.

A spokesman for SCOPE, the UK charity for cerebral palsy sufferers, formerly called the Spastic Society, said: "Although in the US the term 'spaz' may not be as offensive as in the UK, many people will have taken exception to linking a poor golf stroke to a spastic.

"The word 'spaz' as used in Woods' context is being used to attribute symptoms of spastic cerebral palsy to non-disabled people."

Woods, 30, who won '181,000 for finishing behind Phil Mickelson and Tim Clark has as yet refused to apologise, although BBC 5 Live commentator Iain Carter did.

Woods, who has suffered a dip in form, which he has partly attributed to his father and mentor Earl being seriously ill, has until this outburst been regarded as a perfect sporting role model.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon as you are proving all the stereotypes about racist people.

And unlike you I will not call you name. I may not have the best grammar and spelling but I am a far better person than you.

Anonymous said...

You go ahead and keep telling yourself that.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I always find it funny how some people bring up the spelling and grammar when they can't win the fight any other way.

Anonymous said...

Damn straight you're a better person, Martha.

Being unaccepting and foul-mouthed is "cool" because tolerance is for "faggots" according to MSI and all their followers.

Anonymous said...


You got your attention and laughs from us "uncool" people. Okay? So go away, because I will now be ignoring you.

Back to the fucking topic:

Mikey way on the album's future

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello Cupcake

I know I am. And Most of the people who will read this with think that way. That anon lost their credibility once they went and called me that name.

As you can see my spelling and grammar wasn't a problem until I proved them wrong with the Tiger Woods story.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I saw that cupcake. I still won't believe until I see the CD out in the stores.

I also wanted to say thank you to Kapu for coming on earlier.

Anonymous said...

Hello Martha,

That anon lost credibility when they admitted they thought that word was acceptable. I'm positive most readers here will recognize it.

I hope you didn't get too upset though, they are really not worth it.

If the anon is smart they will run away with their tale between their legs.

Anonymous said...



Martha Smith-Jones said...

No I didn't get upset. I was surprise that it would stoop that low. If you are trying to prove that you and msi aren't bigots are racists that isn't the way to go about it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Cupcake don't worry about it. We are typing and sometimes we type to fast and use the wrong spelling or grammar.

I know a number of people who are real hard asses about spelling and grammar but they are understanding when it comes to the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Well, the grammar thing was just the anon's last ditch effort to regain her pride because we both completely proved her wrong and she only succeeded in making herself look worse.

Good to hear it didn't get to you.

Anonymous said...

I like how as soon as I say I'm done you fools automatically think it's because I'm "running away with my tail between my legs." Sorry, but it was just because I got bored with all of this.

And if not being offended by the word nigger or faggot makes me a bigot or a racist, I think I can live with that.

And no, you did not prove me wrong about the Tiger Woods thing. I don't really care about that story, nor did I give it any thought as to being the reason why I called you a nigger. But go ahead and keep thinking that.

I called you a nigger to prove a point. And my point was proven.

Have a nice evening ladies.

Anonymous said...

I called you a nigger to prove a point. And my point was proven.

You can say that again. I just don't think it was the point you intended to prove.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

What point is that anon? You aren't a bigot or a racist because you aren't offended by the word but because of your willingness to use them.

Maybe you aren't those things but you run off and called me that name. That is going to make a lot of people think you fit into one of those two categories.

That word is going to make people look down on you a whole more than they look down on me for bad spelling and grammar.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hey and if you were "bored" than you could have just said that.

Anonymous said...

Oh god yes. Because I am just so damn worried about what people on this blog think about me.

You lot are really quite tragic.

Anonymous said...

I think the only thing this troll has proven is that MSI appeals to rather nasty people.

Yeah, I know you're going to come back with the "I'm not an MSI fan, I just think you lot are a laugh-a-minute" bullshit, but come on. You wouldn't spend half your night arguing here if that were really true. You just can't stand that we're on here talking shit about your idol.

Does the wittle twoll wanna be a bass pwayer just wike Wyn-Z when it gwows up?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon answer my question what was your point?

And just so you know I wasn't talking about just the people who post on this blog.

Their are a number of people who come around who don't post. Who might think we are silly as well.

You are going to make them form an opinion about Msi and the people that listen to them.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Hello katie

Anonymous said...

Hi, Martha.

I admire you very much for always staying true to what you believe in.

Anyone who would call you a name like that isn't worth our time.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Thank you.

It just shows what kind of person that anon is. And as I said it will have more of an affect on the way people see msi than it does on me.

You have a goodnight

Anonymous said...

Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz Pete Wentz

Anonymous said...

If the meaning is taken out of the word, it'll just be another couple of syllables. Kind of like how "fuck" doesn't really have much meaning anymore these days.

A word is only offensive if you take it as such. It's much easier and wiser not to.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If the meaning is taken out of the word, it'll just be another couple of syllables. Kind of like how "fuck" doesn't really have much meaning anymore these days.

A word is only offensive if you take it as such. It's much easier and wiser not to.

October 21, 2008 11:13 PM

I don't know where you are from but the word fuck still carries meaning behind it. You can't say it on network TV or on commercial radio. The government will fine the person and the station.

Anonymous said...

Woah, we've gained one truly idiotic anon here haven't we?! The word "n****r" still definitely flies here in the UK - just last year a girl was ejected from the Big Brother house for using it, even in a "friendly" way. Try that s*** down in Brixton, honey, and we'll have a sweepstake on how long you live!

"Any band that remained underground for as long as them prooooobably isn't after fame"

Umm....yeah!! Although I think you'll find it's got more to do with not actually being that good...

I don't despise MSI (although Lyn-Z gives me hives) - I actually quite like a small selection of their music and I find Jimmy to be quite "clever" and even charming in a bizarre sort of way, but a valuable tool in drawing society's attention to issues of discrimination they ain't. Nice to see you living up to the "MSI fan" stereotype and proving the naysayers right though!!

Anonymous said...

Don't blame all the racism banter on me. I left long ago. It seems you lot have another anon that has the same views as I.

Anonymous said...

90 comments. Wow.

All I can say is that I don't find the things that MSI "sing" about exceptable and I think they only do it to gain shock value and hype to make up for their lack of talent.

Words mean something and they really should be used appropriatly.

Anonymous said...

"I left long ago."

And yet still able to comment?!

Oh, I'm just jerkin' ya chain for the LOLzies...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Kass is that you?

Anonymous said...

Yep, but only whilst enduring the interminable wait for the postbag to come in.

I'm guessing - after wading through all the BS - the Anon was trying to make a valid point about political correctness and the whole "no-one can make you feel bad about yourself without your permission" issue surrounding discriminatory language, but there's still some places you shouldn't go out of basic respect for others. I have quite a number of gay friends who have no problem calling themselves "f****t" (the whole "reclaiming the word" thing), but if an outsider labelled them like that they'd be right browned off.

That said, it's quite hard to be truly offended by MSI because they're just a comedy pop band and you don't need a doctorate to see that the lyrics are a ploy to gain media attention and make dumber-than-normal teens think they're "edgy"!

Post is in, au revoir...

Martha Smith-Jones said...


I see what you are saying but I doubt that is what the anon had in mind. I don't think to many of the msi fans see msi as trying to make a valid point about political correctness and the whole "no-one can make you feel bad about yourself without your permission" issue surrounding discriminatory language.

I think for most of them it is about being "edgy". I would also think that the anon would have said that instead of calling me that word.

This wasn't about political correctness I think that anon was more about trying to push buttons and just be a troll.

Anonymous said...

Any band that remained underground for as long as them prooooobably isn't after fame

Fame, no, but they're on their last legs and they're cashing in. The teenies are giving them an awesome golden parachute from the music industry.

Anonymous said...

It seems rather odd that a band who wants to stay "underground" would put every single piece of press they've ever gotten on their website. I don't know of a single other band who does this. They are quite obviously scrambling for every little bit of attention they can get from the media.

These guys didn't go into the "music" (and I use that term very loosely) business because they love making music. If that were the case, they wouldn't be such shit at what they do.

Seeing one of their live performances is comparable to watching a troupe of comedians try to parody a "punk rock" act, only without the actual punk rock.

Spinal Tap was a hell of a lot funnier.

Anonymous said...

Gerard tells Popeater "I love my wife," at Scream Awards.

Popeater asks Gerard "So does that mean the band's next album is going to be filled with love songs?"

"I had a discussion with Lindsey about it and i was like, 'Wow, all this stuff i'm writing is kind of full of hate. l don't know why that is. "She's like, 'Cause you're happy."

if everything Gerard is writing is full of hate, he can't be that happy. Lindsey will tell him anything to keep the Gerard gravy train going. i can't believe he buys into her bullshit.

Anonymous said...

^Do you have a link to that?

Anonymous said...

Wow, wait, what?

"Cause you're happy"?

She told him he's writing songs filled with HATE because he's HAPPY.

In what world does that even begin to make sense?

Do you have the link to that interview? It would be very much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I love my wife

He actually fucking said it.

Anonymous said...

finally the truth has come out. he clearly is not as happy as he thinks he is. if i was married to Gerard and he told me everything he was writing was full of hate, i would be very concerned. i wouldn't tell him it's "Cause you're so happy". can Lindsey be anymore stupid than we already think she is?

Anonymous said...

I don't know about him being happy but we definitely should be - a new album full of odes to the lady love? DNW!!

Best possible news (in terms of MCR's music).

Anonymous said...

I absolutely cannot believe there's an anon in here who called Martha that racist word. And did so "to prove a point." Well, you ass headed, bigoted rodeo clown, you proved it. And you also proved the point about MSI as well.


No go eat a bag of crap, you scabby, nasty-hearted racist.

Anonymous said...

That's the second time he's referred to her by name. It's creepy, I was used to "my wife!!!" I think he might be starting to see her as more as a person and less of an object. Could be good. Could be bad.

I'm very thankful all the loveey dovey bullshit has been kicked out. Hopefully, The World Is Ugly and Stay will be left out of the album, because, quite frankly, they were shit.

Anonymous said...

*Bows in K's awesomeness* You go girl.

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