Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become"

It's great when rock stars who drink and have done drugs and maybe still drink, get together to create "rock royalty"..... Congratulations and good luck.

(It's funny how Frances did become that "death rocker" and who encourages her to be that way).


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Anonymous said...

It was not an attack.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

What ever it was lets not bring it here.

Anonymous said...

it amazes me what people say when you give them a platform

i would be very careful. words always have a habit of resurfacing, time and time again.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

What do you mean anon

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's dead

Anonymous said...

I'm not the same anon, but I think they were talking about Pete and all the shit he said. And with that they probably also meant Gerard, and just public figures in general. Their every wood and move is watched, and people will pick apart the most insignificant things to put the person in a certain light.

You know, kind of like this blog.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
it amazes me what people say when you give them a platform

i would be very careful. words always have a habit of resurfacing, time and time again.

December 17, 2008 9:48 PM

Someone should tell that to Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Their every word and move is watched, and people will pick apart the most insignificant things to put the person in a certain light.

just like reality tv

how real is that?

Anonymous said...

So according to the MCR website - Two day shipping is free at the MCR store for orders $50 or more until the 31st.
A good way to encourage the fans to spend a bit extra money, becuase its not as if anyone is having trouble finding money lately. Most places are offering discounts to try and get customers what with the economy the way it is, but not MCR. They still have the nerve to charge $29 for those crappy masks. Their new website seems like nothing more than a way to sell their merch and disguise it by having the band post the occasional message. Why else launch a website when they don't have a record to promote. I don't think they made the money they thought they would make from TBP so this time around their going to make as much as possible. We never did hear if they got their 10,000 texts.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to tell you that I googled MCR to find the German band website I used to visit now and then in the past and it's gone.
They have a 'new' website now and the forum is also not the forum I used to post.
There are hardly any fans posting threads let alone comments. There's nothing! The German website also doesn't mention that Gerard's becoming a father.

Not only have the German fans abandoned the forum but also the band itself.
There isn't even a popular German fanpage listed. The German band website used to be on top of the list on Google. Now it is the American one.

I think the German fans have already moved on!

Anonymous said...

Thoses Germans must be smart.

Anonymous said...

Their new website seems like nothing more than a way to sell their merch and disguise it by having the band post the occasional message.

Yes, it does. They haven't even bothered to post their Discography (the whole REASON for a band, no?) Just because Jeff posted a cat video doesn't make it less of a merch promotion. I think they know that people are pissed at the merch push, so the video was added.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if all of Lindsey's "fans" [translation: Gerard fangirls] who already bought tickets to the Relentless Tour are going to be pissed when she doesn't show up?

I suppose MSI's real fans will be relieved.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if all of Lindsey's "fans" [translation: Gerard fangirls] who already bought tickets to the Relentless Tour are going to be pissed when she doesn't show up?

I think there'll be a lot of tickets being sold on e-bay. Thoses girls are full of it. Kerrang and Relentless really should have chosen better act instead of putting all their eggs in the "Stupid MCR Fangirls Who Love LynZ" basket.

Anonymous said...

Oh well. There goes MSI's shot at the big time. Bad timing there, Geetard and LynX.

Anonymous said...

What's even more amusing is that the competition following the ad for the relentless energy tour on the Kerrang music channel over here in the UK, is name the bassplayer of MSI. They forget to mention that she will not even be performing.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anonymous said...

I'm not the same anon, but I think they were talking about Pete and all the shit he said. And with that they probably also meant Gerard, and just public figures in general. Their every wood and move is watched, and people will pick apart the most insignificant things to put the person in a certain light.

You know, kind of like this blog.

December 17, 2008 11:07 PM

I was thinking that. But that is nothing new. it is also the price you pay for being famous and putting your life out their. Don't talk about your private life in public and no one will have anything to say.

Also if you don't like this blog go else where. No one is forcing anyone to come here and read.

These same anons also need to stop with the bull shit threats and warnings. We know that are words are out on the net for people to see and that they can be copied and paste else where. Other than that what will happen. what MCr will make a CD where they make fun of us. Than they will be the ones that will look bad for let us get to them. The fangirls will plan a major attack on us. MCR will yet again look bad. They won't let us buy tickets to the next tour, wasn't going to anyway.

Even if they tried to stop us from speaking most of what we have to say is based on what they have said in interviews and the image they have put out there. Don't like the negative feed back, to bad.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Who else is playing on the Kerrang tour?

Anonymous said...

Black Tide
Bring Me The Horizon
In Case Of Fire

and of course

Mindless Self Indulgence.

Anonymous said...

Martha - Black Tide, Bring Me The Horizon, Dir En Grey and MSI are headlining.

New York-based art-punk-party-rockers Mindless Self Indulgence are a full-force electronic juggernaut of scream-along songs, big ideas and Day-Glo beatz. The Kerrang! 2009 headliners have been pestering the planet for over a decade now, thanks to the warp-speed creative energy of maniac frontdude Jimmy Urine and his cohorts in crime; Steve, Righ? (guitar), Kitty (drums) and the infamous back-bending Lyn-Z (bass). “We feel good!” Jimmy tells K!. “Kerrang! and Mindless Self Indulgence are together again, like Smokey and the Bandit, like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers! We really like that this year’s tour is such an eclectic bill. I like it when there’s a lot going on and people try to mix it up, that’s my favourite thing.” Love 'em or hate 'em, without a doubt Jimmy and co will deliver a serious poptastic gut-punch all across the country. “We’re coming for the food!” the singer laughs. “Oh man, I want me some bangers and mash and little marmite sandwich! I dunno why Kerrang! have entrusted us with running the ship!” he smiles. “The lunatics have taken over the asylum!”

This is from the Kerrang website. I agree that MSI have much in common - they both know fuck all about good music and only do it for the money.

Anonymous said...

Why are they headlining the tour? Are they really that big in the UK before lyn-z got married to gerard?

Anonymous said...

The bands in kerrang tour 2009 are crappy compared to the bands Kerrang had in 2008 - with coheed and cambria headlining, + madina lake, circa survive and fightstar.

Looks like Lyn-z finally has *something* to contribute to the band. Lucky for MSI that she's ready to fuck Gerard Way to get them where they are right now.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it embarrassing for someone in a band to only be known for their back-bending and not for their skills on their instrument?
I think they wouldn't even have to look for a replacement for her. They would only have to pick some MCR/MSI teen fangirl out of the crowd and let her do the work.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why are they headlining the tour? Are they really that big in the UK before lyn-z got married to gerard?

They are ONLY known in the UK because of the marriage - and even then real music fans couldn't give a shit about them. Kerrang kisses their asses because of the MCR connection and the money they get from publishing them. If it wasn't for the fans NO ONE in the UK would give a fuck about this shit band. Thoses fucking fangirl and Kerrang give Britian a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Kerrang seriously needs to let their readers know that Lindsey won't be playing that tour. Yeah, I know it serves the little moronic fangirls right to show up and be disappointed that they won't get to ogle the vagina that Gerard puts his dick in, but still. It seems like false advertising to me.

Anonymous said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

More like the talentless and stupid are running the tour.

Anonymous said...

New York-based art-punk-party-rockers


punky party rockers??



ps:i dont think the fact of pete wentz being drunk is like an excuse to go to a radio show and vent his sex life to the world. he's just an arse . always were always will

Anonymous said...

oh sorry , it was only punk not punky. my bad

like if that changed something
they're still nothing but a joke .( and a bad one!)

Anonymous said...

i listened to the Pete Wentz interview and he didn't sound drunk to me. he's just trying to make an excuse for his doucheness.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Didn't say he wasted as an excuse. It was a reason but apparently not. He just like most other males in his age group or even older who are rockers are asses.

Let me talk about how great my sex life is in detail. Because I will be cool.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Tiger Lily said...

New York-based art-punk-party-rockers


punky party rockers??

ART as in they have no talent so they throw a bunch of offensive material into their songs and shows to make up for it. Than when someone gets mad they scream it's art because they think it will get people to leave them alone.

Punk Party rockers. Most people believe that punks don't bathe and can only play one note on their instruments. Party: when you are known for doing drugs and drinking.

Rockers they are in band

sister midnite said...

The saddest thing to me is that Dir En Grey will be playing along with MSI on that tour, and I don't think DEG knows exactly how badly MSI blows.

As for LynZ, Gerard & Little Gee under the Christmas tree? DO. NOT. WANT. TO KNOW. EVER!

Pete Wentz = loser

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Just read that the first lady of Star trek died. I wonder if they will say anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Frank posted a picture of food with the tag "nom nom nom". I think we and mayos are certainly being watched.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I am sure we are. We have had anons tell us GW and his new friends are laughing at us and one who said we were being tricked by VV. someone one is watching I don't if it is just crazy fan girls or someone with the band.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I read that 'nom nom nom' phrase on different sites on the internet not connected to Mayo, MCR or anything else that's been discussed here.

And again, even if they know these places and read the comments, I really don't think that they have much to laugh about!!!

Anonymous said...

i doubt they would personally care about what people say here. they're just opinions after all.

i do think they care about the band's future direction, their image and their "business" in general.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No, they have no reason to be laughing but I don't think that would stop them.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be laughing too loud if I were them. They may think their success will hold out forever, but I'm sure a lot of bankrupt former teen idols felt the same way at one point.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

But they are to full of themselves to see that.

sister midnite said...

Anon @ 3:35 said...

i doubt they would personally care about what people say here. they're just opinions after all.

Yes, they are just opinions. But you have to admit, a large portion of their former fanbase share many of the same opinions. They may not care now, but when the next album tanks they probably will!

i do think they care about the band's future direction, their image and their "business" in general.

The band's future direction? Questionable.

Their image? Emo, in spite of how "punk" or "hardcore" they/Gerard tries to appear.

Their "business"? Right now it's all about reality TV and random pointless ways to keep themselves entertained. The only one who hasn't been talking out his ass lately seems to be Ray, and I don't have a lot of faith in how long that might last.

Anonymous said...

I know this has nothing to do with Gerard and all of that fun stuff, but where can you get that interview in which Pete talked so horribly of Ashlee?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It was on the Howard Stern show. Maybe it is on youtube or maybe on Howard's website.

There were some stories on ONTD! about it.

Anonymous said...

Its on Howardstern.com, look up Pete wentz and its in the archive.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused, did the rest of the band follow Gerard out to California, cause Frank was talking about how cold it is in California on Twitter, but I thought he was still living in NJ?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he visited him there... and thanks Martha for letting me know where to get it.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I think they are working on the mew album. Because they have been out there a lot lately.

And yes it is cold over here in California.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

and you are welcome good luck on finding it.

Anonymous said...

How cold has it been, Martha? It's been damn chilly here in Mass. We're upposed to get a snow storm tomorrow... damn you snow!

Anonymous said...

Frank posted this on twitter. bob looks like a lumberjack and Mikey has a fucking mullet.


Anonymous said...

Those guys better come up with some really good music on their next record because they aren't going to be dazzling anyone with their stunning good looks these days.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

Right now it is 50F up in Nor Cal were I am. It was 42F yesterday. I don't know what it is in LA

Anonymous said...

lol @mikey's mullet. why do guys think they can compensate for the hair they're losing on top by growing it long in the back? the only thing worse is the combover.

gerard will probably go for the combover.

Anonymous said...

on the MCR twits...I mean twitter,

mikey: Patiently waiting for the Kool Aid Man to burst through my wall...

Yeah, they are watching us and Mayo's.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He can buy a small monkey and let it live on his head. It will look like hair and keep the wife interested.

Anonymous said...

ya think?

well in that case:

hey bob. nice abstract artwork you posted a while back. it's an abstract of your mom, right?

Anonymous said...

He can buy a small monkey and let it live on his head. It will look like hair and keep the wife interested.

Lol. Good one.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Or they are watching family guy.

Anonymous said...

gerard's watching south park so he can come up with new material to steal for tua.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

8.17 hahaha

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gerard ripping off south park killed the blog.

Anonymous said...

now, why would grown men with perfect lives and ravishing wives watch this place or mayo's?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

^ haha grown men. and the wife one was good too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
it amazes me what people say when you give them a platform

i would be very careful. words always have a habit of resurfacing, time and time again.

December 17, 2008 9:48 PM

Why wouldn't they - we USED to pay their wages. Not anymore.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
now, why would grown men with perfect lives and ravishing wives watch this place or mayo's?

December 18, 2008 10:25 PM

None of them are grown men and only 4 out of 5 wives are "ravishing". I think we all know who the ugly dud is...... And I mean her personality, or lack of, is the thing that makes her ugly.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

The inside makes the outside ugly

Anonymous said...

i'm sure the papa to be must have more important things to do.

no more freedom soon. life will revolve around the little one. i'm sure that he and the women he loves, are getting ready for this.

not wasting time on blogs.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon Jabba Glob.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

And as far as blogs go what are they doing on their website. Writing blogs and playing with twitter.


Anonymous said...

Anon Jabba Glob.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be suprised if someone associated with the band was the one to target BC for the porcupine joke. Of course that is just theory. .

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Gerard wrote about three blogs about a star wars toy he bought. jabba glob.

If he has time to watch reality TV and buy jabba glob he should have time to run around the net.

Don't know if he comes here but I really wouldn't he is doing important things.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...don't know martha

maybe "jabba glob" is important for whatever reasons, to him

Anonymous said...

Oh but reality T.V is important!

I mean when you have a wife that's pregnant and all your fans are running away, screaming, reality T.V helps him get his mind of things, after all having fame and money just isn't good enough.

Poor Gerard >.<

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That and wanting to know if that was blood or shit on the toilet seat

Martha Smith-Jones said...

LOL Elegant Decay

Martha Smith-Jones said...

If it was I don't see how going after Bc will make this place go away.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

well...maybe he finds interest in things that others miss...*sly grin*

on a more serious note, anon don't feel sorry for Mr Way. he probably has been privy to so many things that others would never have the opportunity to experience.

i'm certain he is very excited about being a father

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It's some food one of them made. It might taste better than it looks

Anonymous said...

Attacking someone is always quite fun, possibly by making themselves look great infront of everyone and make BC look stupid?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

None of that changes the way we see him here. Just because a person has become or will become a parent it doesn't change what kind of person they are.

You don't become an adult over night because you get married or have a kid.

Anonymous said...

Look at Pete Wentz.

Anonymous said...

anon who are you suggesting made the comment?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Elegant Decay said...

Attacking someone is always quite fun, possibly by making themselves look great infront of everyone and make BC look stupid?

December 18, 2008 11:58 PM

I wonder if this explains why Pete gave out so much detail about his sex life.

Anonymous said...

I have just succeeded into making my best friend believe that Fall out Boy is shit after he has been a fan for many years.

Thanks you Pete for giving me insperation to do so.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Even if Ashlee was alright with that being said it still isn't something you should share with the public. It shows a lack of respect for the person who you say you love.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...i do wonder if she was alright with it

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I wouldn't think she would be.

Anonymous said...

neither do i. i would guess she would be very upset

i suppose it's kinda like someone talking about a previous relationship in public. like how they no one to miss and lousy people in their life. things of that nature.

Anonymous said...

i suppose it's kinda like someone talking about a previous relationship in public. like how they no one to miss and lousy people in their life. things of that nature.
Things of the Gerard nature....

Anonymous said...

i'm sure the papa to be must have more important things to do.

Like this?

This guy will never grow up.

Anonymous said...

maybe Pete should responded every question with i love my wife

it may have kept him in the good books...

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I must get some sleep


Anonymous said...

all boys must have their toys anon.

the unwritten rule of males

Anonymous said...

Is Gerard the one in the batman hoodie?

Anonymous said...

goodnight martha

Anonymous said...

Nevermind, I think that's Ray...Gerard is the one at the far right with the Brokeback Mountain jacket on.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
all boys must have their toys anon.

the unwritten rule of males

December 19, 2008 12:44 AM

Not very fair on Lindsey is it? Preparing for a child while her husband goes Go-Karting and spends the family money on Jabba Globs!

Anonymous said...

maybe Pete should responded every question with i love my wife

I think Gerard already has "my wife" copyrighted.

Anonymous said...

Gerard is the one at the far right with the Brokeback Mountain jacket on.

Priceless, anon!

Anonymous said...

Pancake-Zilla, what are you doing up so late? ^_^

Has anyone seen the cover for TUA? It looks...like Hillary Clinton, except in chimp form X_x

Anonymous said...

No, do you have a link to it, BC?

Anonymous said...

Anon, yep, I got it. BRB

Anonymous said...

Got the link!


It just made me go, "WTF?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doesn't work BC.

Anonymous said...

second try

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oops, sorry about that anon. I'll try again. give me a few minutes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^maybe that will work now

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks BC

Anonymous said...

That picture of them all at the race track is really weird. They're all stood there, but they're not touching each other, except Ray (I think its him) at the far left. They all have their hands either in front of them like Frank and Bob and Gerard has his in his pockets. Its like a group of strangers just stood next to one another.

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand what's the use in buying this comic?
It's not even Gerard who's doing the sketches, is it?

Anonymous said...

Gerard "writes" the comic. Which probably means that he describes what he wants to happen to some "editor" who then sits down and actually pens the dialogue.

Either that or Gerard turns in page after page of drivel and the editor weeds out the parts to actually put into the story.

Anonymous said...

Is Gerard shrinking? Cuz he totally looks like a midget in that photo Ray posted. Seriously, he's shorter than Frank. He must be doing some serious slumping.

Maybe his self-esteem is plummeting, or maybe his body is adjusting itself to match his inner age.

Anonymous said...

Okay, one more comment and I'm done for the day.

To the anon @8:17 p.m. last night,

Only two more pics and Bob's lovely abstract representation of his mother will no longer be on the front page of the website.


Anonymous said...

Gerard "writes" the comic. Which probably means that he describes what he wants to happen to some "editor" who then sits down and actually pens the dialogue.

Either that or Gerard turns in page after page of drivel and the editor weeds out the parts to actually put into the story.

So, in other words, he watches Southpark and reality t.v. and gets his 'inspiration' from those shows to make a 'story' out of it. He then sends it in to this Gabriel Bra guy and he makes the comic, right?

I think he doesn't do the sketches himself because it would take to long for him (or at least when he was on tour) to finish an issue. So they took someone else to be able to sell more issues in a shorter time.

Anonymous said...

Is Gerard shrinking? Cuz he totally looks like a midget in that photo Ray posted. Seriously, he's shorter than Frank. He must be doing some serious slumping.

OMG, he does look as short as Frank.

Anonymous said...

It's just strange how they are all stood next to each other without touching, Bob is so close to Mikey and yet he has his hands in front of him and Gerard is next to Frank but neither of them are touching. Their hands just look really awkward, like they didn't know what to do with them.

Anonymous said...


Crack Whore

Yuck! That fucking piece of shit jacket is back.

Anonymous said...

5.43 that pic looks old. Maybe from the MSG gig? When GW had his hair cut and it looked awful. But I don't know for sure?

He then sends it in to this Gabriel Bra guy and he makes the comic, right?

He sends it to his editor Scott Allie. Gabriel Ba does all the art but based on GW's original designs.

Anonymous said...

OK so I just checked at BN and it looks recent. Must be a odd angle which made his hair look shorter.

Here's a few more.



His hair does look shorter but i have no clue.

Anonymous said...

It's very common in the comic industry for an author to have an artist for their book. It's actually kind of rare for the author to draw the book as well.

Anonymous said...

Well, I can create storylines as well. I can find someone who does the drawing for me.
Am I a comic artist now?

Why are you showing us those pics, anon?
And who the fuck is Voltaire?
Is there a meaning behind your posts?

Anonymous said...

i don't know who the hell this 'voltaire' is, but i'm not impressed that he stole his name from the french philosopher who inspired the french and american revolutions.

goddamnit. these current 'celebrities' don't have respect for anything, do they?

Anonymous said...

*helped inspire

Anonymous said...

And who the fuck is Voltaire?
Sorry, the guy in the "Crack Whore" pic is Voltaire. I posted a like to his MySpace so people can see what a completed tool magnet GW is. I should have explained that.

Anonymous said...

I read something in a comment on that MySpace.
Could it be that Geraldine directed one of their videos or something like that?

Anonymous said...

^Not sure.....

Anonymous said...

it was rumored a long time ago that gerard's ex (aka 'kat') worked for voltaire. i'm surprised gerard is still hanging out with him if that's the case.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I like Voltaire, I had no idea he and douche bag knew each other. I'm going to have to rethink my taste in music.

Anonymous said...

This is from Voltaire's blog on myspace :

Director- Voltaire and My Chemical Romance front man, Gerard Way
make Creepy Christmas film for Glass Eye Pix.

MTV and SciFi Channel station I.D. veteran, Voltaire, known for his twisted, stop-motion animation, has made a spooky holiday short for the Creepy Christmas film festival. Masterminded by artist and animator Beck Underwood and hosted by Glass Eye Pix, the production company of Larry Fessenden (Wendigo, The Last Winter, Habit), the festival is a 25-day, on-line jaunt showcasing a new sinister short every day of December leading up to Christmas.

Voltaire's film, "X-mess Detritus" is a cautionary parable about the dangers of holiday gift-giving and the effect the resulting garbage has on the Earth. Voltaire wrote a poem to tell this tale and enlisted My Chemical Romance front man, Gerard Way to narrate his creepy Christmas short.

Says Voltaire, "My other two shorts are narrated by singers ("Rakthavira" is narrated by Deborah Harry of Blondie and "Transrexia" is narrated by Richard Butler of the Psychedelic Furs) so I wanted to keep that tradition. Plus I had been wanting to collaborate with Gerard on something for a while now so when the chance popped up, I jumped for it. He's super talented and a true professional. He brought so much to the film and is just amazingly easy to be around"

Can he get any further up Gerard's ass. I thought Voltaire was better than that.

Anonymous said...

I think if any of those numerous people who claim to have known his ex would actually say the truth they already would have posted at least one picture of her.
And that's what makes me curious about this whole girlfriend story.
Don't you think there would be at least one picture of that woman?
I think there wasn't just one girlfriend in the past if there ever really was one.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that Voltaire gave an interview once where he was bragging about "the girlfriend of Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance" working for him.

I'll probably never find it because it was rather old, but I know I didn't dream it.

Anonymous said...

Gerard was probably a virgin when he hooked up with Eliza.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that he was a virgin but maybe the girlfriend was a boyfriend. ^_~

Anonymous said...

in Eliza's Paul and Emma story she said that she met Gerard's girlfriend at the warped tour.

Anonymous said...

OK so this is said short film GW narrates on. He doesn't do a bad job actually.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

How recent is all of this? It would be interesting if after Gerard made that fit about Emo being shit, that he would help out with something so emo.

Anonymous said...

Pretty recent I think. This year anyway. It says it was filmed at SVA in NYC.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

How well know is that video. I don't go to sites like BN or INO unless someone links about something from them.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't consider this to be emo. I think its goth!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

True but most of the people that Gerard appears to want as fans wouldn't care they would see it as emo.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if Gerard really knows what he wants!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

He wants to be taken seriously and he wants to have the approval of rock fans.

Anonymous said...

Somebody posted a link to the film Gerard narrates on the lj comm chemicalromance. It has maybe 50 or so comments. I remember when anything Gerard related would generate at least three pages of comments on that comm, but those days are long gone.

I also remember the inteview the anon was talking about where Voltaire mentioned GW's girlfriend. He said she was one of his students at SVA, not that she worked for him. I've heard other people say in the past that Gerard's ex was a film student at SVA, so I suppose that makes sense.

Personally, I think 'Kat' (or whatever the hell her name is supposed to be) was just Gerard's Imaginary Girlfriend and his real friends just mentioned her periodically to make fans believe she actually existed.

Anonymous said...

Well, that train has left the station years ago!

Anonymous said...

The film was only aired for the first time yesterday.

Doesn't Voltaire look too young to be a lecturer? I mean he looks the same age as GW and I guess Kat is a similar age.

Oh well who knows.

Anonymous said...

I read some articles on TIP a few days ago and there is this article in which the writer mentions a pretty goth girl. Maybe he had girlfriends back then or affairs but I think that there wasn't that one girlfriend, the infamous Kat, because why would he hide her or why would she wanted to be hidden so well? There are so many pics of Gerard out there. Pics from the past etc. Why isn't there a pic in which she can be seen?
It just makes no sense!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't think you have to go through as much training to be a college teacher. You just have to prove you know something about the course.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

No it's doesn't but maybe she likes her privacy. Who really wants to be hounded by a bunch of fan girls screaming they love you because of who you are dating.

I think we have seen here we just don't know that we have seen her. I also think that the people who are closest to Gerard won't tell his personal shit the way others have.

When you really look at it how much do we really know about his past. Only the little things he has let out.

Anonymous said...

Elegant decay, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you have to go through as much training to be a college teacher. You just have to prove you know something about the course.

Maybe Martha, I don't really know.

Siobhan I remember that interview about the pretty goth girl and them leaving hand in hand.

I don't think we'll ever know about his past. He seemed pretty decent back then even if he was dependant on various substances to help him get by. Atleast he seemed true to himself.

I think Kat or whoever she is is best out of it.

Anonymous said...

I think I know more about him than about any other rock musician I read about, haha!
About the fan girls:
I think that's exactly the point. The fan girls came much later than their success.
And I find it odd to think of her as someone who would be afraid of being worshipped or hated by fans.
I mean, would you go to your boyfriend and say Hey dude! From now on I don't want to be seen in public with you anymore. I don't want to take pictures with you and visit you on tour because I don't want your future fans to see my face.?
How could she know that he will become so successful and that thousand of girls were suddenly lusting after her chubby, smelly and goofy Gerard?
What a predictive girl!

Anonymous said...

Here is a pic of Gerards so called Kat.


Anonymous said...

hahaha 12:29

Anonymous said...

Sorry BC, i couldn't help myself! LOL!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Every person who has a little fan has fangirls or boys. I don't think she said to him I don't want to be seen in public. But I think she did make an effort not to be linked with him. I remember a WMHC saying she wouldn't even hold hands with him on the street.

I have noticed that a lot of famous people are doing the thing where they don't act like a couple in front of the cameras.

If she was an art student maybe she wanted to become a famous artist or something. If that was the case and she could she her boyfriends popularity growing maybe she wanted to keep her self separate from him so that she wouldn't only be know as the girlfriend of that guy in that band. Unlike the current Mrs. Way.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he lost the only sane girlfriend her ever had.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

lol if that was kat I can see why they are being so secretive about it. :P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really funny, anon! ^_^

Could be true, MJ! I guess we will never know.
But if it's true that Gerard broke up with her in a very douchey way you got to hand it to her that she's not roaming the fan forums to get back at him.

Anonymous said...

Lol, it's okay anon :D


I would have to agree. And the way he just dumped her after TBP was really stupid and cowardly of him.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

You know what they say revenge is a dish best served cold.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

From what I understand he went to see here to tell her it was over. I also heard the cancer thing was a lie.

Anonymous said...

She is better off since her dumped her.He seemed to be a really cool guy before he became famous and turned into a asshole.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand he went to see here to tell her it was over.

Yea, seeing as he cheated with eliza already.He should of broke up with her before he sleep with google eyes.

Anonymous said...

I think it was ridiculously stupid that he just dumped her after writing some measly lyrics about "I am not afraid to walk this world alone."


I agree.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I have always wondered how to the other four guys deal with that situation. You know he has a girl friend and yet he is messing around with some other chick.

Anonymous said...

I think they thought "what in the fuck are you thinking"? I don't think that they liked Eliza.Mikey probably did because eliza and his wife were bffs.

Anonymous said...

i've heard gerard broke up with eliza around thanksgiving of 06 and tried to get kat to take him back so they could spend christmas together, but she would have none of it, and this is why he proposed to eliza after the new year.

some people think all the public displays with lindsey were aimed at kat and not eliza.

Anonymous said...

I think men are like pigs in such a situation. They stick together and pretend as if nothing happened.
Or do you really think they went up to him and told him that he's a cheating dumbass?
You can see them now how they all line up behind Gerard and can't get fast enough in his asshole concerning the whole MSI and Lyn-Z shit.
So why should they have cared for his ex' feelings in the first place?
They think they owe their brother/best friend more than some other person even if Gerard's decision are totally wrong.

Anonymous said...

MJ, he probably never told them about that. Otherwise, if he did, who knows what would have happened then.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem siobhan. It seems that if you confront GW with anything that you might find wrong with him, he may push you out of his life and not talk to you again.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I thought maybe both. Because he kept saying how he had never felt this way before.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

I don't think he could hide the fact that he was seeing another woman. Also I think Eliza was making it very clear what she had in mind.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that story too, 1:03. That would explain why Gerard seemed so bummed around the holidays that year and why he seemed so depressed after getting engaged to Eliza. He probably realized how bad he'd fucked things up and thought Eliza was the only option left to him.

Anonymous said...

Because he kept saying how he had never felt this way before.

About what?

Martha Smith-Jones said...

That he had never felt love the way he does with the Mrs.

Anonymous said...

That he had never felt love the way he does with the Mrs.

Those are the typical remarks from Gerard that make you realize that the man is either lying to others/himself to cover up his bad life choices or that he just doesn't know what love is.

Martha Smith-Jones said...


Martha Smith-Jones said...

WTH did I kill the blog

Anonymous said...

In the immortal words of Jack White:

"No, you don't know what love is... you just do as you're told!"

Anonymous said...

Whilst this must have been posted before:

[url="http://www.imnotokay.net/board/topic/33699/"]Blog Links and information[/url]

With the post that was supposedly from a band member or whatever, I'm thinking fangirl.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the link, everyone.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

So that is where the links to the blogs are. I would have thought they were gone by now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah MJ, the links were posted there since last year. I used to be a member of that board(I am ashamed of that) I remembered seeing that post.

I'm surprised they haven't deleted it yet. The kids there, basically if they see an opinion that doesn't worship the band, they'll immediately delete it.

Anonymous said...

^Well actually, they would ban you from the thread itself.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

It was like BN but with bigger assholes.

Anonymous said...

worship the band

isn't that what a "fan site" is? a place to do that?

Anonymous said...

It was, MJ. I even got banned myself after talking trash about the band members.

I thought it was really funny though.

Anonymous said...

Anon, yeah, but it was like going to BN, except that the MCR board was probably worse.

Just one little "bad" comment would have gotten you banned.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Anon I a fan site should be a place where you go to talk about the band good and bad. Not they are the best band ever and no one can say anything bad.

Anonymous said...

maybe the fan site is trying to maintain an image for them

Martha Smith-Jones said...

You can try to maintain an image but if you ban people and let them get attacked by overzealous fan girls you are not helping the band.

Anonymous said...

oh well it's all too complicated for me

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