Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bad taste and lack of class all around

Which is worse?

Gerard and Lindsey posing (embarrassingly badly) as JFK and Jackie O, with Gerard looking like, as someone once said "a druggie nodding off in someone's car" and Lindsey looking petulant and bored.... and otherwise totally blank? In an attempt to try to be "edgy" and apparently to sell Gerard's book they pulled this stunt and told people "suck it, it's art". I wonder if they would feel as "edgy" about "art" if it was someone making fun of one of their tragedies? Say someone posing as Gerard's deceased grandmother. (Oh wait, they already exploited that in Helena)...

OR, Frank Iero who always spoke out against hate speech, using the word "n*gga" and defending it. "In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context.[1] Presently, the word n*gga is used more liberally among younger members of all races and ethnicities in the United States, although its use by persons not of African descent is still widely viewed as unacceptable and hostile, even when used without intentional prejudice." Just think of the outcry when Eliza said that word? But you can bet the same people who turned against her will think Frank is just "being funny".

It's a shame because even for a while after Gerard turned into a walking douche bag I still personally thought maybe Frank wasn't one.

Oh well, I guess the whole band is pretty similar.


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Anonymous said...

He certainly doesn't believe in investing money in his clothes. He seems to wear the same thing all the time, on stage and off.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Gerard is so hardcore that he only has 5 jackets, 5 shirts and 2 pants.

Anonymous said...

i hope gerard loses his cars in the los angeles fires

Anonymous said...

8:53, we may not agree with his lifestyle choices, but I personally would not wish anything bad to happen to him or his possessions.

Anonymous said...

That's fucked up, anon.

Even still, he would likely just replace them. He's too hxc for fire.

Anonymous said...

Anon, if he lost his cars he'd probably lose his house too, unless he keeps them half a mile away. The baby lives there too. Please think before you post something like that. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but I'm sure none of us want him or any or them actually hurt. It just makes us sound like a bunch of would-be haters that want him dead because he disappointed us when people say stuff like that.

And Lindsey already said they're not in the path of the fires.

Anonymous said...

New Gerard interview. Part one.

I love the fact that he STILL doesn't acknowledge "On Raven's Wing".

Plus, I think you can actually see his head and ego swell when she refers to him as a "successful recording artist".

Anonymous said...

He'll never acknowledge ORW. Sad but true.

Lol, but he was a sucessful part of a band. Maybe that's close enough in his mind to an actual recording artist.

Is it on youtube or transcribed anywhere? The vid won't play on my laptop for some reason :(. Thanks for putting the link up though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Part two

Anonymous said...

Sorry Anon, it's not on YouYube yet.

Tbh, it isn't all that interesting anyway.

Anonymous said...

Lmao, not all that interesting :P. Thanks anyway, I'll probably check it out later somewhere. I figured it was probably too soon. You know it's funny though, people here always seeem to link stuff before the Lj lot do. I think it was a full day at least before I saw the JFK photo on the chemicalromance after seeing it here. Nobody was much showing it around. I guess that says something about what people thought of it really.

Anonymous said...

That's the only clothes he must own, or 10 versions of the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Thing is, I don't see how he can deny Raven's. I don't care if he did it either way, but maybe he just thinks people don't have copies or something and therefore can't read the Epitaphs page were Hart does his schtik about how people should read what he publishes.

Hart says that 'Garry Way' is only sixteen at the time.
Mentions him being in the audience of Sally Jessy...

If nothing else, we all know he was on that show, right? There's a still of it somewhere. Lol. Indesputable in itself.

Anonymous said...

Dark Horse as far as I'm aware cites UA as being Gerard's first published series. first published series is important because Raven's wing didn't make a full series. And comic stores, reputable ones, lol, rarely stock Boneyard Press stuff anyway, so technically, DH hasn't done anything wrong, but it's silly for Gerard to write it off like it never happened. Fisher does seem like someone wanting a little recognition for 'working with Gerard' though-jealousy more than greed, it's not like he's re-printing and trying to make money from it last I saw.

Anonymous said...

from Hart Fisher

I’m coming clean with it very, very publicly this week. I have video proof that anyone else could find… You know, the kid I knew as Garry was a smart, sensitive teenager who was overly concerned about what other people thought of him. He worried way too much about his appearance and his image. I do not know why he is lying. I remember being very sincere in my pride in his work for Boneyard Press. You can’t tell me he didn’t do store signings with all of his buddies at the local comic book store.

A fucking rock star who forgot just who was in his corner and encouraging him when NO ONE else was, when he was just another fat kid with a bowl haircut who got pushed around in school, who was building you up then Garry? Who went on the record and pumped you up in print for the world to see? Who was that guy on the other end of that phone when you needed him?

Why’d you do me like that Garry?

Why’d you do the Boneyard Crew who fought for you?

Tell your fans why you lied to them.

The guy may be bitter, but he has a point.

Anonymous said...

who was overly concerned about what other people thought of him. He worried way too much about his appearance and his image.

That hasn't changed.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how it makes Gerard feel to know that Pete Wentz has 1,356,961 followers on twitter, while he has a measly 72,703? That's more than 18 x as many.

Even Hayley Williams of Paramore has more than 3 and a half time more followers than Gerard at 268,398.

Maybe Frank is angry because he just has '45K' as he put it, so he's going to make it look like he's purposely driving people away.

Anonymous said...

Wow some peeps sure are touchy. I asked on lj (not a mychem site but where people would know) if anyone had the new songs' lyrics, and what people there were thinking about the weird actions of the band recently. Any goss from Summer Sonic/Roxy shows, y'know, nothing OTT. And I got this in reply:

wtf? recent weirdness? there's nothing disappointing about their new songs and their fans aren't turning against them. your opinions =/= everyone else's opinions. now stfd

Lol. Nice and civilised.

Anonymous said...

People on lj are known for being very defensive about MCR. Right before the fandom saw a huge decrease in the number of fans who posted on my chem sites, there was a lot of criticism of the band, which would always be followed by attacks by rabid fangirls.

If the band doesn't turn you against MCR, the remaining fans are sure to do it.

Anonymous said...

wtf? recent weirdness? there's nothing disappointing about their new songs and their fans aren't turning against them. your opinions =/= everyone else's opinions. now stfd

Sounds like the overreaction of a fan who subconsciously knows that MCR is on the way out and the next record is going to be a pile of shit.

Anonymous said...

Kiss the ring lyrics. Sorry for the bad formatting, it's how I found them. They're um, edgy? Lol, no. Interesting. Kind of. What the hell do they even mean?

Kill the girl, get the maid
and burn this whole damn room into the ass
Its that plain.
Is it hard?
To get clean

Well if you all start believing
Then what else do you believe in
In the will, Or as a team
Were the suicide cult
And if you'd all follow me Is it hard?
To stop me
Were gonna suprize this thing now
Bam bam And He's keeping her stuff

And if you all start believing
Then what else do you believe in

Well thats living large
What did you sleep in?
Now she's sleeping and I'm laughing about it
Grab a seat and watch eachother kill oneanother Dosen't matter if you're worse or meanern ok?

You gotta kiss the ring

Now the worlds gone lame
There aint a dry lap in this whole damn place
Is it hard? To stay clean?

Well if you all start believing
Then what else do you believe in?

When the world is having sex
Theres a shotgun shell in the middle of the day
Is it hard to stop the bleed
Oh yes we all give a damn now

Ha Ha

If you're seeing stars

Well if you all start believing
Then what else do you believe in

You better bring her round
Dont turn your back shout it sing it
It doesnt matter if the words don't mean a thing

You gotta kiss the ring
Uh Uh Uh
You gotta kiss the ring

Bang bang guns bringing them round
Bang Bang gonna kill them all

Ha ha he's kicking her ass
Bam Bam Bam he's kicking her ass
Well if you all start believing
Then what else do you believe in

He's gonna wrap around
Were all believeng,
Shout it sing it
Its the suicide summer chill warming up
It doesnt matter if the words dont mean a thing this will make them all red down to the knees

Notice the bolded part.
I'm kind of stunned and kind of loling around. Can't find the other one though-is it the drugs one where he says he's got the answer? Still can't not laugh about that. I wanna know if it's like meatloaf's anything for love, even thoug meatloaf did attempt to answer what he wouldn't do, wondering if Gerard says what he has the answer to.

Anonymous said...

Haha, exactly 6:37. Thank you. Found and posted the kiss the ring lyrics, btw.

Anonymous said...

Are those really the words or is someone just taking the piss?

And we thought The World is Ugly was bad...

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who was asking for them earlier, and that's what I've managed to find. They seem vaguely familiar to how I remember the song going so possibly they are right. But personally I'm not posting them for a joke. Unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Though, is 'meanern' even a word? Hmmm. Lol, I don't even care enough to look it up.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt matter if the words don't mean a thing

Is that a dig at fans who hate MSI?

Anonymous said...

A lot of the time Gerard's lyrics didn't make a whole lot of sense (GOY, anyone?), but they did contain some really beautiful and poetic phrases and imagery so people kind of overlooked that.

But this...there's no imagery at all. No meaning, no anything.

If there was more repetition this could be an MSI song.

Anonymous said...

could be an MSI song?

Bam Bam he's kicking her ass

I'd say MSI influenced. No lol.

Anonymous said...

They are sooooooo going down!

Anonymous said...

Lmao. As long as people can't hear what they're saying properly it might be okay. Until people start posting lyrics.


Anonymous said...

God, no wonder Frank is upset. He should take a clue from Brian and jump ship while he still can.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Now the comment Gerard made in his blog about this record ("But I think it's almost time to put this record to bed, though it doesn't sleep- it thrashes.") makes total sense.

It's a fucking nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Listened to the song. Some of them are wrong, some are right.

It's not 'get the maid' it's 'get paid'. And there are a few other little things but generally that's the gist. It's still crap :(

Anonymous said...

I tried to listen to the song with my earphones which are great for hearing lyrics, but I couldn't. It was just too awful.

Anonymous said...

Kill the girl, get paid
Put the whole damn room on the edge of a blade.

Anonymous said...

Kill the girl, get paid

Is Gerard still dreaming about being the supercool outlaw again?
I thought he outgrew that phase during the Revenge era?

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of Bonnie & Clyde-ish song on the album.
Because it's, like, so amaaaaaaaaazing to kill people and stuff and then, like, to die together, like, in a hail of bullets and, like, nobody will ever know, like, how much we love each other. We are, like, the only ones, who, like, ever experienced true love. Like, the other people, who, like, speak about love all the time, don't really know, like, what they are talking about. We are, like, soulmates.

The thing is that only teens who fell in love for the first time think like that and have those twisted romantic dreams about dying for each other in a dramatic scenario and Gerard and Lindsey are in their 30's.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't understand the romance in dying. Or killing. I know that everyone goes on and on about Bullets, but I was very disturbed when I first listened to Drowning Lessons. My first reaction was, "Dude, this is just wrong."

Am I the only one?

Anonymous said...

For me, Three Cheers was the best record because it came off as totally fictional. Bullets didn't. It seemed a bit more personal, like Gerard was actually consumed by the ideas of killing and dying and romanticizing them.

The lyrics to both Drowning Lessons and Early Sunsets Over Monroeville bothered me a little.

Anonymous said...

Everybody pay attention to me
I got the answer, I got the answer

They rock it to you with a capital G
So get your hands up, get your hands up

Everybody grab a shot tonight
Feelin' proud you're gonna get the best of me
And the DJ's gonna save my soul
'Cause I'll be rocking out to rock and roll

Don't believe it when they say somethingsomething
Shout this out so everybody knows

It's a party, get on the dancefloor
You wanna get down somethingsomething
You're doin' alright, we've got the answer
All the good times give you cancer
Alright you and me in
We'll be killing ourselves somethingsomething
With the lights down we do it again
Keep/with your cars and your drugs and your famous friends

Well, hey!

somethingsomething doesn't have any flair
So get your hands up get your hands up
somethingsomething once we kick out the jams
Throw your fists up, throw your fists up
And this party's gonna save my life
And this party's gonna get the best of me
and the future's gonna save me now
Let me see I'm gonna show you how
completely no idea what the next two lines are

It's a party, get on the dance floor
We're gonna get down,
You're doing alright, we've got the answer

I ca't even be bothered with the rest. Anything in italics I'm not sure on, but that should be obvious.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. Totally gives me chills and totally brings back memories of the first time I heard Born to Run.


Anonymous said...

*you wanna get down, but you can't go

Anonymous said...

Lol, it gives me chills that he could dare compare it to Born To Run.

Anonymous said...

Born to Run

In the day we sweat it out in the streets of a runaway american dream

At night we ride through mansions of glory in suicide machines

Sprung from cages out on highway 9,
Chrome wheeled, fuel injected and steppin out over the line

Baby this town rips the bones from your back
Its a death trap, its a suicide rap

We gotta get out while were young
`cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run

Wendy let me in I wanna be your friend
I want to guard your dreams and visions

Just wrap your legs round these velvet rims
And strap your hands across my engines

Together we could break this trap
Well run till we drop, baby well never go back

Will you walk with me out on the wire
`cause baby Im just a scared and lonely rider
But I gotta find out how it feels

I want to know if love is wild, girl I want to know if love is real

Beyond the palace hemi-powered drones scream down the boulevard

The girls comb their hair in rearview mirrors
And the boys try to look so hard

The amusement park rises bold and stark
Kids are huddled on the beach in a mist

wanna die with you wendy on the streets tonight
In an everlasting kiss

The highways jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive
Everybodys out on the run tonight but theres no place left to hide

Together wendy well live with the sadness
Ill love you with all the madness in my soul

Someday girl I dont know when were gonna get to that place
Where we really want to go and well walk in the sun

But till then tramps like us baby we were born to run

Sorry, Gerard. Not even fucking close.

Anonymous said...

Something tell me that Gerard doesn't even get Born to Run.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aww I haven't heard BTR or read the lyrics in forever. Love The Boss. Gerard's got NOTHING on him, at all. He probably came closer with something like Disenchanted. Christ he's so full of himself.

I think Sleep, by.the way, is probably a good description of his life now or how he wants to be seen.
I hate the ending myself but it started with an alright scene. Kind of...prophetic, in a way.

Anonymous said...

Poor MCR. They can't even do a decent imitation of MSI.

Anonymous said...

At the roxy, what the hell did he do to idly? It's like he forgot the words or tried to make it all poetic with the hand gestures. Mottsy.

Laura said...

"you know nothing about me or what I've done. You can keep your respect if you've based you're opinion of me on my Twitter posts"

Why shouldn't the fans base their opinions of him on his Twitter posts? He's putting himself out there knowing full well that his 45k followers are going to see what he writes and he writes hurtful things anyway. Why should people disregard what he twitters just because they don't "know" him? Frank, you're not really giving anyone a reason to want to know you these days.

Laura said...

Ugh, those lyrics!

A year ago I would have been dissapointed/offended by that shit, but now, I can't help but lol.

They make no sense.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what he means when he talks about 'what he's done.' Does he mean in his personal life or in his public one. Cuz, I'm pretty sure that the people following him on Twitter know all about Pencey Prep, MCR, Leathermouth, S//C, etc.

If he was talking about his personal life, what the hell does that have to do with his public Twitter?

Frankie, honey. Sense. You make none.

Anonymous said...

I don't think people should base their opinions of him on his twitters. He has one because he's in a band. Opinions therefore should be formed because of the music and what comes through of his personality from interviews etc. Twitter should add to that opinion, not be the sole reason for it. That's like saying 'oh there's this guy on twitter called frank lero, his posts are pretty shitty. What a douche. I've no idea who he is though'. It makes no sense. People see his twitter because of the band, so they should already have an opinion of him and take the twitters into consideration, not use them and them alone to base an opinion on.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure everyone knows about the charity and s//c stuff tbh. Before twitter came along and even after, he doesn't use mcr to self promote as much as Gee.

Anonymous said...

When he starts being mean to people who obviously worship him, I think that gives people a reason to judge him.

Some people have never met him. The only impression they have of him is from the music and seeing some interviews, which don't really give you much insight into how a person really is.

When a person is writing things on a blog and in twitter posts, and being a dick, you do get a pretty good sense of what kind of person they are.

Anonymous said...

To be perfectly honest, were it me someone had said that to, I'd have told them the same think Frank did. If that's what you think of me just because of twitter posts then I don't want your respect anyway.

What do people expect he should've done? Apologize and grovel for the respect back? How pathetic would we have all called him then?

'Oh, Frankie says please love me I'm sorry. Lol.'

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but the coat hanger comment was inexcusable. I think that people have every right to judge him based on that.

Anonymous said...

What do people expect he should've done? Apologize and grovel for the respect back? How pathetic would we have all called him then?

How about ignoring it? How about just not saying anything at all? How about realizing that he's been acting like an asshat on Twitter for the past few months and trying to be nicer?

He has a lot of options. IMO, he picked the worst one.

Anonymous said...

Oh god, please stop, my sides are hurting that's just too funny!

A twitter. 140 characters. A stupid boredom site where people post mainly shit. You think that gives more insight into a person, Frank, than all the interviews he's done? The things he's said at shows? The things he's done for charity?

Oh hell. Kill me now. Please.

I don't think his twitters show him to be very mature or considerate at times, but I'm not gonna write him off for them just yet. It's like he commited a crime or something. Gerard, I can understand. He's been mood-swingy and changed on stage and off and on twitter-everywhere, but Frank hasn't. Do what you want, I'm gonna cut him a bit of slack for now.

Anonymous said...

A twitter. 140 characters.

And yet Frank has managed to pack so much anger and hatefulness into those 140 characters.

The coat hanger comment seemed to fit quite nicely into that small amount of space.

Anonymous said...

However, I do agree about the coathanger comment. I've said that before. It was disgusting and thoughtless and insensitive. I've seen people try and excuse it but it doesn't make it ok, even though I'm the anon who posted the comments just now about judging him as a whole and jusy cos of the twitters. I have some perspective-the coathanger one was just. There was no need whatsoever for that.

Anonymous said...

*as a whole and not just cos of the twitters

Anonymous said...

A twitter. 140 characters.

When I post a tweet or send it to someone I really have to consider what words I chose to get my point across, which means that I cannot just blab away and then post it, I really have to think about what I write and how. I don't know, maybe it is a language thing in my case, but I think that Frank also has to think about how he frames his answers by only using 140 characters and when you do that the things you write are mostly not posted in a hurry (except, of course, if you only respond to a post with fuck you or fuck off or even BLOCKED!) but with consideration.
If he doesn't want to be judged by his tweets then he should delete his account and use a platform in which he can put his stupid remarks in context so that people might have the chance to notice why he posted them in the first place.
They always look for easy ways out and lame excuses for their retarded behavior and some people are always very eager to lap it up.

Anonymous said...

To my knowledge frank and co have not tried even bothering to get out of the things they've said. Personally I am not there waiting to lap it all up. You're talking to the wrong person if you're addressing me. Just because I'm not righting him off just yet doesn't make a fangirl sheep.

Anonymous said...

"you know nothing about me or what I've done. You can keep your respect if you've based you're opinion of me on my Twitter posts"

If that is no lame ass excuse then what is it? A quote from a schizophreniac, who doesn't realize that the multiple personalities he shows in public make people confused and are a total contradiction to each other?

The thing is that they still don't understand that what they do is their profession. It's their job.
If those are their public profiles as band members of the band My Chemical Romance and not as their private self then they should act accordingly, which means that they should only post tweets related to their work as band members of MCR and should respond to tweets just like they would do if a camera is focused on them while they're giving an interview in a show on national tv. I highly doubt that Frank would dare to make that 'coathanger' remark in one of his interviews as the guitar player of My Chemical Romance while a microphone is pointed towards him and by knowing that everyone can witness it just like they can do on Twitter.

You could think that they are just too fucking stupid to understand that they should seperate their personal life from their professional one, but I think the truth is that they are not able to seperate one from the other because they are so fucking afraid that if they do that they would have to realize that in their own private lives and in their own private space they're just the average Gerard, the average Frank, the average Mikey and the average Bob again. No rockstars, no unconditional fan love, no sucking-up. Just themselves!
And they're all shitting their pants at the mere thought of it.

Anonymous said...

I think the truth is that they are not able to seperate one from the other because they are so fucking afraid that if they do that they would have to realize that in their own private lives and in their own private space they're just the average Gerard, the average Frank, the average Mikey and the average Bob again. No rockstars, no unconditional fan love, no sucking-up. Just themselves!


Anonymous said...

Maybe Gerard is afraid of being 'average' Gerard, absolutely. Actually I think you're probably spot on with that. Maybe Mikey too. But I don't honestly think Frank, Bob or Ray could give less of a shit about being famous or un-average, with the exception that Frank obviously LOVES to perform.

This place is getting depressing again. I just wish those guys would man up and shut up, or sort themselves out and realize what they're doing to the people that care about them. Or used to I guess, as far as most here seem to say.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is, not all of frank's tweets have been mean. That's what I don't understand. In one tweet the other day he was encouraging a 16 yr old to wait a couple of years before getting a tattoo to see if she still wanted it. Then in another one he was joking around with a fan who asked about the 'she loves you' on bob's riser. Not excusing his other tweets at all, just confused by it.

Anonymous said...

I get you anon, I get you. Which is why I'm not giving up hope with Frank just yet. He's not a constant asshat, gives the impression that maybe he's really not all that well and hasn't been for a while.

Anonymous said...

He's not a constant asshat, gives the impression that maybe he's really not all that well and hasn't been for a while.

I think Gerard hasn't been that well either for quite some time now if you see it that way and since they're human it is understandable that they have good and bad times, BUT if you don't feel well and have mental issues or phsyical pain etc. and are the idol of many people out there you should consider staying away from the internet and refrain from posting rude and misgynistic comments just because you're not in the mood.

I guess that they get off by watching those stupid girls and women begging them to not block them just because they dared to be slightly critical.
For me this is some kind of mental abuse.
Instead of posting something along the lines of Hey, I didn't like your tweet, it really pissed me off and I already showed you that in my response, but for heaven's sake grow a backbone and stand by your opinion and don't take it back just because you're now pissing your panties in fear of getting blocked they most likely whip it out and rub it like there's no tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Just checked, and Gerard still isn't following Frances. Kind of a slap in the face.

Laura said...

Soooo in that interview that was posted Gerard talks about Doom Patrol being a big influence on him. Now Frances is raving about how awesome Doom Patrol is. I kind of feel bad for her.

Anonymous said...

Woah I didn't even notice that. If that's not obvious I don't know what is.

Anonymous said...

raytoro: Women shouldn't go number 2 in public restrooms...

Looks like even Ray wants to join in the misogyny trend.

Anonymous said...

Soooo in that interview that was posted Gerard talks about Doom Patrol being a big influence on him. Now Frances is raving about how awesome Doom Patrol is. I kind of feel bad for her.

HA! Thanks for that Laura, it made me laugh.

FrankleroOh shit I forgot to Twitter how much I loved inglorious basterds... I wanna go see it again put make sure I go pee during mike meyers scene

I finally agree with Frank on something. To bad it's superficial and not core values.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot. Why should women #2 in bathrooms? It's what they're there for! I know it makes the already ridiculously long line outside even longer, but we don't have the luxuary of peeing while standing so since we're sat down, we might as well take full advantage. When you gotta, you gotta go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Frank and Ray are now joining JU's piss club?

It appears MSI is a disease -and it is infesting and destroying all it encounters.

So long and goodnight, MCR.

Anonymous said...

It appears MSI is a disease -and it is infesting and destroying all it encounters.

I doubt that. How many other bands are influenced by these idiots? Zilch, except for yours truly.

Anonymous said...

What is this band's obsession with toilets? Seriously. I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

What is this band's obsession with toilets?

I think maybe they're giving us hints as to the direction their music is going.

Anonymous said...

raytoro: Women shouldn't go number 2 in public restrooms....

Is he considering to have a sex change and is already afraid of having to wait in line in the near future if he wants to take a piss? Otherwise I couldn't think of a decent reason why it should be Sideshow Bob's business what women do in a women's bathroom.

Anonymous said...

I think Ray was responding to Frank and forgot the @.
Both not funny however.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

^^Forget that. I read the timestamps wrong.

Anonymous said...

But there's nothing in Frank's pic about women. It was completely unnecessary.

Anonymous said...

gah. everything about these jerks is unnecessary. i don't think i'll be looking at their website or their twitters anymore.


Anonymous said...

I think Ray made his post and Frank did the gross toilet pic in reply.

I'm willing to believe maybe Ray's wife had a bad experience in a public bathroom. They can be kinda nasty afteral, maybe he just thinks the amount of time a number 2 may take would be an unhealthy amount of time for a woman to be sitting there. For hygeine purposes. Until someone asks and he says different, I'm going with that theory. I don't think he was being sexist tbh.

Anonymous said...

I think Ray made his post and Frank did the gross toilet pic in reply.

I'm willing to believe maybe Ray's wife had a bad experience in a public bathroom. They can be kinda nasty afteral, maybe he just thinks the amount of time a number 2 may take would be an unhealthy amount of time for a woman to be sitting there. For hygeine purposes. Until someone asks and he says different, I'm going with that theory. I don't think he was being sexist tbh

I'm just wondering what the purpose of such random and really stupid sounding posts are?
Is he concerned about the cleaning staff having to clean up the mess in a public women's restroom? Is he concerned about other women having to use that specific restroom and catching something?
Is he just plain bored? Does he think he comes across as very funny?

I don't understand? Does he expect people to reply to this? Does he want to know what experiences other girls and women had in public toilets and probably wants to write a hardcore punk-rock song about it?


Anonymous said...

I don't know, maybe I'm from a different era, but in my day, #2's weren't exactly something that one brought up in polite conversation. Nor did people care to look at pictures of bodily wastes (or vomit, whatever the case) in public toilets.

I don't care what the posts or the picture were referring to, it was disgusting, over the top and completely unnecessary. These boys need to be sent to (wannabe) Rawkstah Charm School to learn some social graces. God knows their parents didn't teach them any.

Anonymous said...

You can't be a rawkstarrrrr if you have charm and manners. musicians with charm and manners are called recording artists.

Rawkstarrrrrs never have charm, manners, decency etc.

Anonymous said...

frank: U can never go wrong with barbedwire or tribal RT @HaifaAlAlsheikh:@frank I wanna get a tatt but I have no idea of what any suggestions?
12 hours ago

mikey: @frank Tasmanian devil & tweety bird with backwards clothes and hats, on the skin forever
12 hours ago

frank: @mikey yes! Or you can get all of them! taz and tweety hangin out together in a barbedwire frame getting peed on by that rascally Calvin
12 hours ago

Well, I certainly hope this girl knows they're being sarcastic. Thing is, she tweeted back that it was a good idea. I hope she was being sarcastic as well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, everyone knows tribal and barbed wire tattoo is not cool.

Anonymous said...

I checked the girl's location and noticed that she's from Saudi Arabia. Well, I'm from Saudi Arabia too and tattoo is illegal here, so its kinda weird when she said she's going to get one.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm from Saudi Arabia too and tattoo is illegal here, so its kinda weird when she said she's going to get one.

Really? Just curious, but can you get like a 'black market tattoo?'

Anonymous said...

Frank has said in interviews before that he doesn't like women with tattoos. So, you know, if a girl asks him about it, she should probably expect some smart-ass answer.

Anonymous said...


i dont think there's such thing as black market tattoo parlor here.tattooing is not part of our culture and i've never seen anyone in this country have tattoo.some western expats have them (which was done in their home country) but they're not displaying the tats openly because they can go to jail if the police found out.

yes, we're extremely traditional over here. plus, the person asking frank is a girl - i think everyone knows about women's rights in our country, so tattooing is definitely out of the question for her.

Laura said...

"Frank has said in interviews before that he doesn't like women with tattoos."

So it's fine for him to be covered but he doesn't like it if a girl has them?

Anonymous said...

So it's fine for him to be covered but he doesn't like it if a girl has them?

Yeah, there was a video interview some time back where he said that he thought girls with tattoos looked "cheap" or something to that effect. I remember it very well, because he said he especially hated the "tramp stamp" (tattoo at the small of a girl's back) and Ray acted kind of offended because he said Krista had one and Frank was kind of like, "Whoops."

I'm sure it's still out there on youtube somewhere.

Anonymous said...

He must love lynz and Alicia then!

Laura said...

Frank always had a tendency to say stupid thing in interviews that offend people, like the whole "defeated" thing. I don't know if it's that he doesn't give a fuck, or he doesns't think before he speaks. I don't think his tweets are anything new, he's always been like this.

resurrected wreck said...

Shame he can't take it in the same way he dishes it out.

resurrected wreck said...

^I don't mean that in a bitchy way. I just think that if he's going to joke around that way with fans, then he shouldn't be surprised to get it back at him.

Lynn said...

from Eliza's twitter

@RyanSeacrest did i flirt with you infront of my dad?... yup sure did. i had fun today. hit me back and let me know what your up to tonight.
about 14 hours ago from web in reply to RyanSeacrest

I wonder if she made it during the judges round of American Idol?

Anonymous said...

of course she did and she wants the whole world to know that. =/

lazy Siobhan (nsi) said...

Did anyone of you already see this video? Skip to the 1:40 mark.

Anonymous said...

She didn't even sing.

Anonymous said...

from her tweet to ryan it looks like she made it to at least the tryout in front of simon cowell if not the televised competition.

Lynn said...

They had the 3rd round of auditions on aug 28th. The judges were supposed to judge this round. She isn't giving out any hints so to me that sounds like she didn't advance to the next round. I really aleast wanted her to make it to the rounds that are on T.V. You know, so that Gee and Lindsey could watch it. LOL!

Lynn said...

I hope you are right and she makes it on T.V.! I want her to dedicate her song to Fester...i mean Geetard! ^_~

Anonymous said...

well seacrest didn't 'hit her up' so....

Lynn said...

well seacrest didn't 'hit her up' so....

That's probably the smartest thing he has ever done.

Anonymous said...

I know right? Can you imagine her closing the deal with a guy worth $45 million?

Lynn said...

Plus he didn't fit her ideal man. Tall, dark haired, pale rockstar. Gerard might be pale and dark headed but tall and rockstar, not so much. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I think Eliza has come a long way since she was with Gerard in terms of how she both acts and looks. I hated her back then, but in the video at the Chicago auditions, she looked very pretty and she didn't seem obnoxious or overbearing like she used to.

I hope she's getting her life together and that she finds some happiness. God knows, after putting up with Stinky she deserves something. Everybody deserves a second chance.

Anonymous said...

Of all the people they interviewed in that video Eliza was definitely the most attractive.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately that will probably be one of the main things they judge on in a SINGING competition. Maybe that's why she's progressed as much as she has. I don't mean to sell her short on her singing abilities, but I'm sure her looks have something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

AI is more than just about singing. I think for a person to go on and have a successful music career after being on that show, they have to have more than just talent. They have to be a whole package.

The less attractive people from the show have traditionally had less successful careers.

That's not to say that Eliza has the whole package, although we don't really know what she sounds like when she's singing something other than her own awful songs. Who knows? Singing 80's pop tunes, she might actually be decent.

Laura said...

I know this is far fetched, but I think it would be a riot if Eliza became more famous than Gerard (even though that's nitthat hard to do).

On a more redundant note, Frances has made her Twitter private again.

Laura said...

Not that*

Lynn said...

God knows, after putting up with Stinky she deserves something. Everybody deserves a second chance.

I might make fun of her but i too believe she deserves a second chance. Alot of people called her an attention whore.She wanted people to know she was dating Gerard.I think she waited a long time to be acknowledged by him and he wanted to keep it a secret. Would that piss me off? Yes it would. I think Gerard is the bigger attention whore with all of the sharpie messages he wrote all over himself at PR. Will Eliza change for the better? Maybe, maybe not.

Lynn said...

I would like to see his face if Eliza won. It would probably look like this.

Lynn said...

Maybe this one will work.

Lynn said...

CRAP! I fail!

Anonymous said...


Tiger Lily said...

ok sorry guys this is totally off topic but
i was wondering, if anybody here likes or have heard of a swedish band called mando diao???

Anonymous said...

I'm betting that if Eliza does make it onto the TV portion of the show she or the producers will bring up her past relationship with Gerard. She can carry a tune but she's not of the caliber that Idol usually has progress to the last rounds of the show. They want ratings and Eliza's failed relationship with Gerard will bring in a whole set of kids who probably never watched Idol before. I hope she does advance just so I can imagine Gerard and LynZ at home cringing and hoping to God she doesn't divulge his "secrets."

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here think she's a plant? What I mean is that the producers will make sure she gets far. Maybe not win, but far enough to boost ratings and stir up gossip. I'm not a fan of Idol but I've heard there have been a couple of these plants in the show's past.

Anonymous said...

About Frank talking about tattoos. You're all miss-quoting him and ripping him for it.

You didn't know, so okay, but what happened was this: the girl asked him what he though of tattoos on women because she had a small one on her wrist and showed him he said it was nice, but it looks weird if a girl has like, one oddly placed tattoo on her bicep or something, and that there's a saying he heard that you should never date a girl with a lower back tattoo. Something about prostitutes.

The interviewer said, "we call call them butt antlers" they all laughed and asked Ray the same.

He apparently went a bit red and said he liked them, and the, very fast, said that his then girldiend had a lower back tattoo.

Then, Frank was all 'oops' or whatever.

Okay? What you're talking about is not a video, it's a written web interview, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Elena or whoever, I didn't see anyone "rip" Frank for that.

Anonymous said...

Eliza can't divulge any aspect of her relationship with Gerard.

One time deal. Not his fault it's all gone.

Anonymous said...

That's not how I remember the interview, but unless somebody can produce a video link or a print scan, I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree.

However, I would like to point out that it would be a bit unusual for a written interview to say that "apparently went a bit red and said he liked them, and the, very fast, said that his then girldiend had a lower back tattoo." That's a bit overly descriptive for a print interview. But whatever.

Regardless, I still think that it's chauvinistic for Frank to think that women can only have tattoos in certain places when his body is nearly completely covered with them. Double standard much?

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of sick of the fact that Frank seems to always get a free pass no matter what.

He gets rowdy and kicks Gerard in the balls during a show? Oh, silly Frank. He tackles Gerard and causes him to have a sprained ankle during the filming of FLW? No biggie. Frank uses the same 'racial slur' that Eliza gets crucified for? But, it's Frank. He didn't mean it that way. Frank makes a comment denigrating Germans? So what?

But let Gerard do or say anything wrong and everyone is all over his case about it. It makes no sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Eliza and AI, I doubt very seriously that they need to boost their ratings by bringing in Eliza to draw in MCR fans. Trust me, if every single MCR fan in the US watched it because of Eliza, it probably wouldn't boost their ratings by a single point. MCR is not that big, ffs.

Anonymous said...

iawtc 7:29. they are not relevant or anywhere near as important as some people seem to think.

6:32 said...

I am not Elena, anon, and I take great offense at you saying so. Stop jumping to conclusions just because you feel like it. Why does someone have to hate Frank in order not to be accused of being Elena, or any of the others often mentioned. Stop bringing that place up, no one called for it.

The interview, I have saved, they ask for it not to be reprinted so I am not going to-it's not a scan I said it was a web interview. As in like the blog, it is on a web page. Ie, not scannable. I will try to find the link the the site though. And I wasn't saying what I said was quoted or word-for-word, it wasn't a quote, quite obviously an interviewer would not say 'apparently he blushed'.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Eliza can't divulge any aspect of her relationship with Gerard.

One time deal. Not his fault it's all gone.

Yes. ^_~

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh. Oh icwydt. Hahaha. Oh Eliza.

6:32 said...

K, in what I have saved I can't see a link for the page I copied it from. Only to the general place the interviewer's from. So if anyone is a member (lol) of the, maybe you'll find a link to it there. Other than that, fuck it, this is anonymous so if anyone wants I'll just copy and paste the whole thing, or just that section about the tattoo.

Anonymous said...

someone gonna check that forum? I'm not a member their layout kills my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, cuz there are SO many people that use that: ^_~
Lol, you are not subtle. Give. It. Up.

Anonymous said...

Someone somewhere here once said they knew MCR was over when the imortality poject went down. Yeah. Anyway um, good news (ha), it's almost back. Hot off the press:

Sometime this month, to be precise :D I'm just negotiating a settlement now with months the site was down. Incidentally, that comes out to approximately $800, so if you feel the urge to donate, you can go to PayPal and Send Money to But whether I get donations or not, it will be taken care of, so fear not :)

I've been combing the internet (including this community, obv!) for all the latest MCR awesomeness, BUT if you happen to have anything you want to share (Videos Press Scans, MP3s, Screen Caps, Photos, anything!) I'd love to post them! Please Press Scans, MP3s, Screen Caps, Photos, anything!) I'd love to post them! Please just respond here or if the file is too big to upload send them to me a That's my temporary Email address until the server is back up.

Anyway, I'm sorry I let you guys down and hopefully you'll forgive me in time

<3 Anna

lazy Siobhan (nsi) said...

Regarding Eliza and AI, I doubt very seriously that they need to boost their ratings by bringing in Eliza to draw in MCR fans. Trust me, if every single MCR fan in the US watched it because of Eliza, it probably wouldn't boost their ratings by a single point. MCR is not that big, ffs.

Well, who says that it is all about MCR? Who knows how many skeletons Eliza has in the closet to provide for mildly scandalous moments on AI?
I mean until recently we didn't know about her embarrassing appearance in that dating show and there might be more to find out about her.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Eliza is interesting enough all on her own. She doesn't need her previous connection with an obscure rockstar to generate interest on AI.

I've said this before, but if she does get on AI and someone runs a news story about how she was once engaged to Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance, nine out of ten people reading it will go, "Gerald Who?"

Anonymous said...

Eliza's insane. She's fake retweeting Ryan Secrest.

Eliza has this on her page:

rt @ ryanseacrest chicago isnt the same without you. hahaha

But Ryan's page saates no such thing.

Oh, and Lindsey spent her 2nd anniversary in her studio, not with her husband.

@JessickaAddams i'm spending tomorrow in the studio. you coming?
about 15 hours ago from web in reply to JessickaAddams

Ah, those crazy kids are so romantic.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else think that Lindsey is dressing more and more like Gerard's mom?

Anonymous said...

Eliza is interesting enough on her own? Are you serious? How is she interesting? What has she ever done that's interesting?

If I was her, I'd be quite concerned about the rumors that she gave more than haircuts to most of the bands on Warped.

No smoke without fire.

Anonymous said...

OMG Eliza's fake retweets remind me of the fake Myspaces she made. One for her and one for Gerard. She would send herself romantic messages and then reply to them. The creepy thing was, this was BEFORE she was with him.

The plot. She has lost it.

Anonymous said...

Lol @all of you who still spend your time dissing Eliza and Lindsey and then swear that you don't have a thing for Gerard.

Why do you care what Eliza does on her twitter if you don't think she's interesting? Oh, yeah. She slept with the guy you'll never have.

Anonymous said...

I don't really see where all of the animosity towards Eliza comes from these days unless people still have a thing for Gerard. The whole 'she was an attention whore' thing was only viable back before people knew she was really with him. Turns out she was and he was trying to hide it. If he was ashamed of her, maybe he shouldn't have gotten with her in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Lol @all of you who still spend your time dissing Eliza and Lindsey and then swear that you don't have a thing for Gerard.

Why do you care what Eliza does on her twitter if you don't think she's interesting? Oh, yeah. She slept with the guy you'll never have

Okay, anon! I don't know how you found out, but you got me!



I won't hide it anymore. I can't hide it anymore!!!!!!!

I want to cover his Uncle Fester with kisses, grab his non-existant hot ass and stroke the sock in his pants.

Come on, sisters! Let it out! I know you want him too!!

Anonymous said...

"Lol @all of you who still spend your time dissing Eliza and Lindsey and then swear that you don't have a thing for Gerard.

Why do you care what Eliza does on her twitter if you don't think she's interesting? Oh, yeah. She slept with the guy you'll never have."

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Silly Billy.

Anonymous said...

Anon, you couldn't be more wrong, it's Eliza and Lindsey that I want to take to bed.


Anonymous said...

The reason I don't like eliza is because she pretended to be with gerard before she actually was. Just like she is trying to make ppl believe she is 'friends' with Seacrest by faking RTs. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I've read Eliza's earlier myspace entries and I don't think she was pretending to be with Gerard. I think she was genuinely with him but he was telling her to keep it quiet.

I also think the rt is a joke, obviously since she didn't even get his twitter name right and it isn't formatted correctly. She's not terribly bright and maybe she doesn't know how twitter works yet.

Anonymous said...

Lol. I don't think Eliza even knows what a retweet is. She's an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I've read Eliza's earlier myspace entries and I don't think she was pretending to be with Gerard. I think she was genuinely with him but he was telling her to keep it quiet.

I seem to remember some anon letter that got posted everywhere that was supposedly written by Miss E that said Eliza and Gerard were together since Warped 05.

There was so much shit circulating around that time it's hard to know what to believe. I just know that I don't believe anything Gerard says. So if he said they weren't together then, they probably were.

Anonymous said...

Um, no.

The two myspace accounts I'm talking about go way back to before she was with him. They were absolutely hilarious and read like bad fan fic. You have to be a little bit mental to create two accounts and then have conversations with yourself!

As for the Seacrest RT, I agree she's dim and doesn't know how Twitter works, which is why she once again makes herself look stupid and desperate by pretending he sent her a tweet. Even the first tweet she sent him could have been a load of crap, he has over 2 million followers tweeting them so he can't possibly read them all. I could tweet him and say I was looking forward to hanging out again soon and everyone would think I was his BFF when in reality he probably would never have even seen the tweet in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Um, no.

The two myspace accounts I'm talking about go way back to before she was with him. They were absolutely hilarious and read like bad fan fic. You have to be a little bit mental to create two accounts and then have conversations with yourself!

How did you happen upon this? Why would people have been reading Eliza's myspace before she was with Gerard? It's not like she was anybody that people would be looking her up.

Anonymous said...

When the myspaces surfaced miss e tried to do damage control and said they never existed. But eliza told a different lie, I can't remember exactly what she said now but I know it contradicted miss e cos I laughed my ass off about it, they looked pretty stupid by this point. Also, someone had screen caps of the convo's, does anyone else remember seeing them? I'm sure this was aeoun 2004.

Anonymous said...

I do remember seeing the screencaps. There was an account simply known as "G" and Eliza had conversations with him. He said things like, "It's a lovely night for a hearse (only hearse was misspelled) ride together with you" and he specifically told her he liked chatting with her on AIM and making fun of her followers' profiles.

But who knows if that was really Eliza's myspace? Maybe it was faked.

Anonymous said...

They surfaced much later, when people began to see her hanging around with the band and found out her name. The accounts came up when you did a google search for her, even though they weren't current and hadn't been touched in years, just sitting dormant waiting to come back and bite her in the future! Once they surfaced they were promptly deleted but not before screen caps were taken! Come on, who else remembers this?

Anonymous said...

Who's to say "G" wasn't Gerard? In 2004 it's not all that likely that people would have known who Eliza was and maybe Gerard made a myspace just to talk to her. He could always just deny it. After all, he denied her for years.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Alicia one of Eliza's friends on the old myspace where she had the convos with G? If so, why didn't Alicia call her out on it?

Anonymous said...

But who knows if that was really Eliza's myspace? Maybe it was faked.

Ah, that's it! Thank you, I remember now! I knew Eliza and Miss E contradicted each other. Miss E said the accounts never existed (before she knew we had screen caps) and Eliza claimed someone faked them, but at the time they were written it would have been impossible for someone to fake the accounts because nobody had even heard of eliza cuts at this time. These accounts were seriously old and hadn't been touched in a long time, obviously long forgotten by the time she actually did worm her way into the bands 'inner circle'

If eliza's timeline is to be believed, the first time she ever met him was when he stepped off the tour bus and then within a week she flew to LA to do his hair for the cover of Spin, these myspace accounts preceded all of that. That's when I first thought she was a bit pyscho. It basicly proved that she was sitting at home obsessing about being his gf just like thousands of other fangirls.

As for G really being gerard, no way. Anyone who read those accounts will be able to verify that both accounts were written by the same person. The same cadance, the same spelling mistakes (herse anyone?), the same writing style. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so the timeline for Eliza meeting Gerard was when? I thought they met in 2004. Eliza's old myspaces were from near the end of that year.

Anonymous said...

I have those screen caps! Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Me too! I just went back to have a look at 'G's' and lol'd at his profile pic!

Anonymous said...

I think we are talking about different myspaces, this one was before she met him and she just used it to him and 'G' just used his to talk to her *eyeroll*

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's so him and Lindsey. You know, without the calss.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For the people who haven't seen the LOL's

Anonymous said...

Scroll down to secret #10. It's dated December of 2004. She had already met him by that time.

Anonymous said...

I see what you mean. It does look like she wrote both sides of those convo's.

Anonymous said...

The timeline isn't off though. By all accounts I've heard, the two of them met during the Nintendo Fusion Tour which was in Sept or Oct of 2004. So she had at least met him before November and December of 04.

Anonymous said...

I love the way both eliza and this mysterious G both spell their as there. Classic.

Anonymous said...

But does Eliza know how to use quotation marks? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...who knows what was going on in her head. I think it's pretty clear that she is writing in both accounts.

Anonymous said...

WOW. This brings back memories. The girl aint right in the head.

Anonymous said...

Honestly? I don't think G sounds like Eliza at all. The only similarity I see is the misspelled "there" which is a very common misspelling. To me, the fact that this G person actually knew the correct way of using commas along with quotation marks proves that it was not, in fact, Eliza.

I'm not necessarily saying it was Gerard, but I don't think it can be automatically ruled out.

Anonymous said...

Jessica A & Lindsey have a very similar look. Lindsey appears to copy JA's style of makeup. They both look very southern Italian (which is not an ethic slur, just an observation).

Anonymous said...

Why do you care what Eliza does on her twitter if you don't think she's interesting? Oh, yeah. She slept with the guy you'll never have."

Nightmare city. Sleeping with GW bleh! Only LynZ could do that!

Anonymous said...

Or maybe jessica is copying lynz's makeup

Anonymous said...

Just noticed something odd. G only has one friend on my old screencap, a guy from Iowa. Isn't that where eliza is from? This guys account is still active and he is still using it and he has a shitload of friends. The mind boggles.

Anonymous said...

Kinda doubt that 1:47. There's nothing original about LynZ.

Anonymous said...

The timeline isn't off though. By all accounts I've heard, the two of them met during the Nintendo Fusion Tour which was in Sept or Oct of 2004.

I think they met Sept/Oct 2003. he was definitely drinking at the time.

Anonymous said...

1.49 I think Eliza is from Illinois.

Anonymous said...

No she is from Iowa.

Anonymous said...

Ok 2.21 my apologies. I just assumed. I'm not American.

Anonymous said...

No apology necessary, I didn't meant to sound snippy.

Lynn Way for EVA! said...

Why do you care what Eliza does on her twitter if you don't think she's interesting? Oh, yeah. She slept with the guy you'll never have."

Because i find it funny as hell. It is better than any reality T.V. show i have ever watched. Yes, you have found me out. I'm sitting here surrounded by my Gerard Way posters hanging on my wall. Most of them have lipstick stains on them where i have been making out with them from time to time. It's red lipstick because i'm also sitting here in my school girl outfit with my bass leaning against my wall. On some of my posters i had to use a black sharpie to fill in Gerards hair in the back so it wasn't so shiny! Everyone here goes to our secret blog where we write fanfic about what we want to do with our guys in the band. It gets pretty hot in there. ^_~

Anonymous said...

Lynn, adding Way next to your name is like being cursed! After looking at who they gave their family name to, it's forever tarnished.

Lynn said...

I think it might of been Gerard talking to Eliza on myspace. In the Emma drama Eliza said she wouldn't here fron Gerard for weeks then he would show up and e-mail her out of the blue. I think Gerard would get drunk then decide to talk to her and show her a little attention. I guess when he was feeling all emo he would give her a myspace booty call. LOL!

Not Lynn anymore said...

Lynn, adding Way next to your name is like being cursed! After looking at who they gave their family name to, it's forever tarnished

Shit! I didn't think of that. I will not go by Lynn ever again! LOL!

Lynn.... but drop the Way said...

That didn't help. Perhaps this. Better.

Anonymous said...

To be a "W" next to your name, the following requirements must be made.

i) dense

ii) heavily tattooed

iii) not very musically inclined

iiii) likes to draw bananas in men suits

iiiii) amazzzing in all the above


Lynn said...

I will never stoop so low and write a W by my name again! It must of been lack of sleep that made me do it! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Everybody assumed it was Eliza faking those myspaces back when we thought Gerard was halfway intelligent. We didn't think he would misspell hearse or use 'there' in place of 'their'. But that was before his twitters and blogs on the MCR website.

I think it really was him. I don't see any similarities between the writing between Eliza and 'G' at all. He probably only did it when he was drunk and/or feeling lonely and Eliza was just so desperate she didn't care how infrequent his messages to her were.

It seems to me like if she was going to fake messages from him she would have made them more frequent.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Ever notice how Gerard always signs his blog posts simply, "G"?

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