Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bad taste and lack of class all around

Which is worse?

Gerard and Lindsey posing (embarrassingly badly) as JFK and Jackie O, with Gerard looking like, as someone once said "a druggie nodding off in someone's car" and Lindsey looking petulant and bored.... and otherwise totally blank? In an attempt to try to be "edgy" and apparently to sell Gerard's book they pulled this stunt and told people "suck it, it's art". I wonder if they would feel as "edgy" about "art" if it was someone making fun of one of their tragedies? Say someone posing as Gerard's deceased grandmother. (Oh wait, they already exploited that in Helena)...

OR, Frank Iero who always spoke out against hate speech, using the word "n*gga" and defending it. "In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context.[1] Presently, the word n*gga is used more liberally among younger members of all races and ethnicities in the United States, although its use by persons not of African descent is still widely viewed as unacceptable and hostile, even when used without intentional prejudice." Just think of the outcry when Eliza said that word? But you can bet the same people who turned against her will think Frank is just "being funny".

It's a shame because even for a while after Gerard turned into a walking douche bag I still personally thought maybe Frank wasn't one.

Oh well, I guess the whole band is pretty similar.


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Anonymous said...

After the idiotic statement Frank made about the Germans and other stupid things he's said, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that he's a racist and nothing would surprise me about Gerard at this point.

It did strike me as a little strange that none of them came out about supporting anyone during the election at all. That kind of makes them seem racist. I mean, who were they going to support? The Black Guy or the Woman (Clinton) or Bush?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the case of Charles Tyson (??), a mayor in NJ who stepped down due to racist attacks?

NJ is the most racist place on earth, everyone in that state are like a fuckin' white supremacies.

Anonymous said...

Lol. I was just going through all of my old MCR pictures and deleting them when I came across this.

Apparently, Gerard doesn't have a problem with girls showing skin to skeezy ass rock dudes, so long as he can hang out with them.

Anonymous said...

It did strike me as a little strange that none of them came out about supporting anyone during the election at all. That kind of makes them seem racist. I mean, who were they going to support? The Black Guy or the Woman (Clinton) or Bush?

This makes me remember the twitter Ray sent to Bob and Gerard - "Obama will stomp on people like you" or something like that.And someone tweeted Frank asking his views on Obama and I cant remember what he said but it gives me a good idea that he doesn't like him.

Anonymous said...

He also likes taking pictures.

Anonymous said...

Billie Joe from Green Day was very vocal in his support for Obama. I guess back in the day when Gerard was emulating everything Billie Joe did, he would have come out in support for Obama as well.

Something tells me that the members of MSI don't even bother to vote. I guess that's who Gerard was emulating during the election.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think he's on drugs right now. Booze maybe. I think he truly doesn't give a fuck anymore how he comes off to fans. Maybe he thinks he and the band are so big that they'll still rake in the dough no matter how they act. I think the only opinions that matter to him anymore are Lynz's and his rawkstaaaa friends like Jimmy and Courtney Love.

Anonymous said...

I remember Chantal and Jimmy being very gung ho about Obama last year. Naturally Frances followed suit. At times it was so intense that it came off as just following the pro Obama trend.

Anonymous said...

Maybe GW and LW figured they shouldn't be near each other on their anniversary so as to avoid any more additions to the Way family.

Anonymous said...

look at me!
i'm lin................zzzzzzzzzz
if i like you it's for...........evvva
and i have to tweet about it
to prove i'm just soooooooooo nice
and clever!!!!!!!!

suck it!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 10:11, she sure likes to paint herself in a good light.

Anonymous said...

Strange way to paint herself in a good light by tweeting about doing art with a friend instead of being with her husband on their anniversary.

Anonymous said...

They're married not glued to the hip. And that's only pure speculation.

Anonymous said...

I understand that. I would be disturbed if they spent every waking moment together. But a wedding anniversary is kind of significant.

Anonymous said...

I understand that you guys are pissed about the comments Frank made, but please do not generalize about the entire state they are from because of them.

NJ is hardly "the most racist place on earth" and though its true it has problems, boiling the entire state down into racist rednecks is also a prejudiced statement and completely unnecessary for the subject matter here.

Anonymous said...

"I mean, who were they going to support? The Black Guy or the Woman (Clinton) or Bush"

um...Bush couldn't run, remember?

Anonymous said...

I wasn't the original poster of that comment but there was a lot of talk saying that McCain was basically Bush 2.0

Anonymous said...

"Did anybody ever ask Gerard what happened to the other two singles he said were going to come off of TBP and why they didn't let him make and direct a video for Mama?"

There was an interview where Frank was receiving fan questions and someone asked a similar question and Frank claimed that that was never planned and had no idea where the girl got the idea from that they were going to do that.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't the original poster of that comment but there was a lot of talk saying that McCain was basically Bush 2.0

Oh ok. I see.

Anonymous said...

There was an interview where Frank was receiving fan questions and someone asked a similar question and Frank claimed that that was never planned and had no idea where the girl got the idea from that they were going to do that.

Yeah, I remember that. People were confused because Gerard came right out and said there were going to be two more singles, two more videos and that he was going to direct. That was one of those times when I seriously questioned his mental state, because how could he make a mistake like that?

That was more than just talking out of his ass. To me it seemed like classic delusions of grandeur and I was worried for his mental health.

Anonymous said...

Does Lindsey really think it makes her seem special that she's kept friends since the 4th grade? Big whoop. Isn't that kind of normal?

Maybe she's comparing herself to her husband who drops people just as soon as they can no longer be of any service to him.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's the one that's going to wake up to the sight of that chicken forever. Such a lucky bastard.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Maybe that was Lindsey's way of telling the fangirls that she will never let Gerard go.

I say good on her. Keep the smelly little bastard. In another year or so, not even the most ardent xiheartgwayx fangirl is going to want him.

Anonymous said...

I don't think MCR are all that racist.

Mikey is friends with Sarah Dope who is Thai and Karrin who's apparently half Asian.

Ray apparently has a thing for Asian girls according to a really old interview with Gerard.

Howard from Killswitch Engage is in LOTMS, if someone had been racist to him, do you think he'd allow it? But they might be on the same label, IDK.

Lindsey and Gerard are friends with Burton LeVar - but that might be a "celebrity" thing.

Gerard's favourite country is Japan.

As for the pics posted above - I think he was trying to be hxc in front of Buckcherry and probably felt like a horny little geek boy in front of all those "rock" girls. I bet they supplied him with mental masturbation material for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Some people can be selectively racist. They can be okay with Asians or Puerto Ricans (Ray is Puerto Rican) but not with black people. Or, they can be okay with black people who act white (Levar Burton, anyone) or who are successful, but not your average black person on the street.

Also, just because one member of the group might be racist, that doesn't mean they all are.

I haven't seen or heard the dude from Killswitch Engage mention MCR in a long time. But then again, I haven't seen or heard any members from any band mention MCR in a while.

Anonymous said...

Re frank and Obama, frank definitely tweeted (or blogged, I can't remember which) his support for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Re frank and Obama, frank definitely tweeted (or blogged, I can't remember which) his support for Obama.


Lynn said...

From Frances's twitter.

mother, you're a bitch. ALRIGHT LADIES lets move for the 8th time in two years.whoopde-fuckin-doo
about 7 hours ago from web

Doesnt seem to happy. I can't really blame her. That's alot of moving around. I wonder where her mother is dragging her next.

Anonymous said...

"black people who act white (Levar Burton, anyone)"

Sorry, had to laugh at that.

And rumor has it Courtney is headed for England. It was hearsay so I'm not sure if it's true, but I remember her saying something a while ago about wanting to live there or that she was going to in the future.

Anonymous said...

Oh great, now we're going to have to put up with them.

resurrected wreck said...

I can understand if Frances is pissed. We moved three times from the time I was 12 til the time I was 18, and I thought that was too much. Parents often don't realize how much smaller their kid's world is, and that they often lose touch with friends-who-are-neighbours once they move away.

resurrected wreck said...

It also sucked to know you really have no say in the move. Makes you feel undervalued and totally helpless.

Anonymous said...

It's times like these that I feel bad for Frances. I'm sure the fact that she's been used as a publicity tool for Courtney since the day she was born has only intensified that feeling of helplessness that RW mentioned.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the anon that posted about frank and obama but I also remember it. I think it was a tweet. I don't have time right now but I will look and post it later, unless the first anon does it before I get back. :)

Anonymous said...

I saw a male MCR fan the other day! He wasn't even dressed like an emo! He was blonde and chubby and wearing a Dead! hoodie. I'd say he was about 12.

I also met a girl who admitted that she used to like MCR. She didn't really say why she stopped, I guess she must have grown out of them or something.

Kapunua said...

Hey all. I know I've been really out of touch and I know I'm barging on in here with nothing related to anything whatsoever.

But, my Dad's memorial is Saturday. Dad always asked Mom and I to play his music. He loved to share it because he knew what a gift his voice was, and his ability to create music.

Because of that and because I agree that music is a gift--one that my Dad was always so happy to share--I am posting a link to his music just about everywhere I can. I've uploaded a few of his songs at my LJ for anyone who wants to take a listen. No one has to, but if anyone is interested in music, please feel free.

I hope you guys are all doing well. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hi Kapunua! *waves*

Anonymous said...

Eek!!! She reads, or pretends to.

Anonymous said...

9.39, I take it you mean Lyn-Z?

Anonymous said...

I thought they meant Kapu.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen anything on Lyn's twitter to suggest she reads here.

Anonymous said...

I think 9.39 was referring to this.

Anonymous said...

gerard talking about dissecting animals??

Anonymous said...

lol, I found that ^^^ completely by accident but it was so randon it made me laugh!

Anonymous said...

*random, lol

Anonymous said...

resurrected wreck said...

What the hell's up with Bob?

Anonymous said...

How many 32 year old men wear pins of their dense wife? Then again, he's not really a man, more like a boy.

Anonymous said...

9:39 the woman is as thick as two short planks. She can quote all the books in the universe to try to clear up her image, I'm not buying any of it.

happyXamp said...

she's pissed

MissOscarWilde: 09/10/2009 12:12 AM

I need to vent right now. I don't want to start a fight or anything. You don't have to reply cause I'm not going to. I just want to get this off my chest once and for all and leave. Sorry for all the negative things I have to say, but I've felt this way for awhile and tonight was the final straw. And no this isn't about how MCR have changed and all that crap. Its about how they've made me feel for the entire time I've been a fan of the band.

First of all, the "MCR saved my life" thing. Well surprise, surprise, they did the exact opposite to me. Sure I had my own problems to begin with, but I never felt like killing myself until I really started listening to them. I'm not blaming them. I'm just saying that negative music can bring out negative thoughts. And you can't argue that MCR don't have negative songs, esp. on the first two albums. I have no idea why it was their music and not any other band cause I listen to a lot of negative, "emo" music. Maybe it was because I looked up to Gerard in a way and I reacted to the way he sang about his own depression. I have no idea. Point is, they made me feel worse but for some reason I loved their music and couldn't stop listening. And don't take this out of context...I'm not supporting the people who say that MCR makes people commit suicide.

The thing that pissed me off today....Well it was Frank and his twitter account. He blocked me...Now that wouldn't bother me normally but I haven't tweeted him in days and I did not say anything stupid, rude or in any way offensive. Yeah, its just his stupid twitter account and 'that's Frank'...but I wanted a reply from him more than anyone else in the band (now that Bob doesn't have an account). I feel a bit used tbh and I don't want to take it anymore. And as someone pointed out to me, how much does he not like the fans, that he would sit and scroll through his replies and block people? Maybe hes super bored; I don't know. I don't even care if I am by some chance overreacting because I was already having a bad day and this was the icing on the cake.

I don't hate them. I just don't want to be a fan anymore. I still love the guys even though I am annoyed with Frank. I hope in the future he uses twitter for something other than blocking fans and promoting music on his label. If you don't like me and by that I mean, what I have to say, then don't expect me to dig into my wallet for you.

On a last serious note, I hope that if Gerard or any of the guys read this they would understand how I feel. If they stand for the things I've always thought they stood for (speaking your mind, not giving up, etc.) then I hope that they wouldn't feel this was an attack on them but rather me speaking my mind in order to help myself.

I hope the people who I've become friends with keep in touch. Have fun waiting for their new album. I'll miss you guys.

P.S. I may be back around International Bob Bryar Day because Bob is that fucking awesome.

P.S.S. I lied. I'll probably come back to hear what you guys have to say.

P.S.S.S. Writing this was good practice for my English class. Rhetoric FTW!

P.S.S.S.S. If you think what I wrote is complete shit, then please refer to it as 'diarrhea' because I'll enjoy your reply a whole lot more. Even though my MCR world is over, I still have my sense of humor. Thank Freddie mother fucking Mercury! (Who's bday was a few days ago. Happy belated Birthday!) (And Happy Birthday to Mikey! I sincerely hope Gerard doesn't make a birthday speech for you. Even a bday toast would be horrible. Bring duct tape.)

P.S.S.S.S.S. (This is the last one, I swear.) As you can probably see, I'm upbeat about all of this. So if you disagree lets have a debate! Debate means we keep it civil though. All insults will be mocked.

happyXamp said...

i can't make the magic linky thing work

Anonymous said...

"P.S." stands for "post script" so you should make it P.P.P.P.S. and not P.S.S.S.S. Better yet, just make your thoughts more cohesive and don't bother with the post scripts at all.

By the way, Bob's a douchebag.

Lynn said...

Do they honestly think that they look tough holding those bats the way that they are dressed? LOL! Mikey! HaHaHaHaHa!

Lynn said...

Sorry it was so funny i forgot to post the link!

Anonymous said...

They all are.

Anonymous said...

The girl who wrote that may let the rest of the Buzznet sheep talk her into not blaming Frank, but she won't just be able to get past it. Once a fan feels like they've been betrayed by one of the members of MCR it's over.

I know this because I've been around this fandom for a long time and I've had friend after friend after friend drop out. Some because of the Eliza lies, some because of the way Gerard acted at PR, some because of the way they were treated by other members of the fandom. There's just so much negativity connected with this band.

Anonymous said...

Who's that person that worked in the record industry years past? She seems to know everything/ rolls eyes

Anonymous said...

And they're just so hxc here too!

Anonymous said...

Who's that person that worked in the record industry years past? She seems to know everything/ rolls eyes

I think she's full of shit. Why would somebody who's been in the music business for all those years be writing on a My Chem forum on Buzznet?

I nearly choked when I read that bullshit she wrote about her daughter's Uncle Joe (talking about the singer from Def Leppard). Who does she think she's kidding?

Lynn said...

And they're just so hxc here too!

What are they going to do? Bitch slap you with their fans? LOL!

happyXamp said...

i had a idiot moment... i thought it was actual bats.. like the animal.. so i was tinking WTF and they were baseball's late

Lynn said...

Who's that person that worked in the record industry years past? She seems to know everything/ rolls eyes

She probably had a friend that was a friend of a cousin that probably cleaned the stage for bands.I don't think she worked in in the "record" industry.

Lynn said...

i had a idiot moment... i thought it was actual bats.. like the animal.. so i was tinking WTF and they were baseball's late

Actual bats would have made more sense in that pic than baseball bats. Were they going to beat someone up or play baseball in those outfits? LOL!

Anonymous said...

They were trying to replicate a scene from A Clockwork Orange They look as silly as the gangs in the book.

Lynn said...

Maybe they were holding the bats so they wouldn't get beat up!

Lynn said...

I remember watching that movie when i was really young. I can't remember it,but i know we wasn't supposed to be watching it and we waited until our mom went to sleep and watched it. All i remember that it was very strange. What was it about? Now i want to watch it again!

Anonymous said...

Everyone and their grandma has done a photo shoot with a Clockwork Orange motif, but I think the MCR one is the lamest. They look ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

It was about a gang of violent rapists. Doesn't Gerard look the part?

Anonymous said...

Everyone and their grandma has done a photo shoot with a Clockwork Orange

*Laughs* so true!

Anonymous said...

It was about a gang of violent rapists. Doesn't Gerard look the part?

The book is very disturbing so say the least. They just look like Amerrykhan bedwetting types.

Lynn said...

It was about a gang of violent rapists. Doesn't Gerard look the part?

September 11, 2009 8:17 PM

LOL! Gerard looks like he might be the one that gets raped. HaHaHaHa!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't get over the fact that in those recent Japan pix Gerard looks like he did back when he was boozing up years ago.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Frances is public again.

@justacriminal that's not my job. I'm not his fan I'm his friend! U send it to him.about 3 hours ago from web in reply to justacriminal

Anonymous said...

Jeez. What a fucking bitch. The funny thing is, justacriminal was sending the link to a video for mikeys birthday to loads of mikeys famous friends asking politely if they would please send it to mikey to increase his chances of seeing the video. So frances totally missed the point of the request, and judging from mikeys Twitter, it looks like at least some of his famous friends forwarded it, because he watched it and loved it. The comment frances made has really pissed me off. You don't see mark hoppus or levar burton getting on their high horse and sneering that they aren't a fan of mikeys, they are a friend of his. I bet she felt really smug typing that reply and she is the biggest fan girl of them all!

Anonymous said...

I bet she felt really smug typing that reply and she is the biggest fan girl of them all!

The best way to make it obvious is to constantly deny it.

Anonymous said...

How horrible of Frances to say that. She could have watched the video to know what it was and then tell the girl that she will forward it on to Mikey just this once but not to ask her again.

I hope the MCRmyBR are cursing her out from her snobbishness.

Thankfully, Sarah Lewitten has a heart and doesn't look down on people.

Anonymous said...

I think Frances loves having power over people because she has so little power over her own life.
I bet she's an annoyed and really frustrated brat who loves to feel so important now that she befriended the lowlifes who are MCR and MSI.
She seems to see herself as some kind of doorman who decides which one is allowed to go into the club and which one doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Frances has a lot of growing up to do, in an emotional sense. Unlike the fakeasses she associates with.

Anonymous said...

Mikey looks sooo hawt in those dungarees!!


Anonymous said...





I think that was all of them.

Anonymous said...

Is that condoms in Bob's hand? Sorry, it's not a good picture so I can't quite make it out.

Anonymous said...

They look like complete idiots with those fans. Why is it that in Japan celebrities suddenly don't mind doing totally embarrassing things like participating in ridiculous commercials and posing for stupid pictures?

Anonymous said...

The band's pictures from Japan look photoshopped all to hell. The last pics I saw of Bob, the dark circles under his eyes had dark circles. And they've made Gerard look all pretty and girlie like he used to look back in the day. They look nothing like the pics of them from The Roxy just before that or at ComicCon where Gerard looked like some bum off the street who just showed up at ComicCon looking for a bed and a good meal.

Not to mention, since those pics surfaced the "OMG, Gerard is the real Benjamin Button!" comments are back again. I wanna smack those stupid girls. No, Honey, he's not Benjamin Button. More like an aging, paunchy, balding 30-something year old man in too tight pants who is well on his way to being on the site Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention, since those pics surfaced the "OMG, Gerard is the real Benjamin Button!" comments are back again.

The only thing magical about Gerard is his mysteriously disappearing nose. You practically need a magnifying glass to find it in those pictures from Japan.

lazy Siobhan (nsi) said...

who is well on his way to being on the site Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians.


I know that blog too! Let's all send this picture of Gerard to the blog owner and then one still of Frank in the making of Desolation Row.
God he looked like a hardcore dyke in this.

lazy Siobhan (nsi) said...

Click here and scroll to the 1:27 mark.


Anonymous said...

Lol @Frank the dyke in the making of DR.

Look at this picture of Gerard! LMAO. He looks like he should be a guest on Oprah, doing a show where he's giving make-up tips to other plus-size women. ^_~

Anonymous said...

I don't think Gerard has any testosterone at all. I'm amazed that he managed to get Lindsey pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you they both totally look like dykes.
We should spam the blog owner of 'Men who look like old lesbians' with those pictures and then when he adds them to the other pictures we should all spam Frank and Gerard's Twitter profiles with the link to it.

That would be a hoot!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We really should. There are some pictures out there where Gerard had the white Black Parade hair that would be perfect too. And a lot of pics from the early days where he looked like a young girl.

In fact, I think the first review I ever read of MCR was a show they did in NJ back in the Bullets days where the journalist said the lead singer "looked like Drew Barrymore in ET." LMFAO

Anonymous said...

Okay, those are the pics I will send to that blog owner.




Anonymous said...

We really should. There are some pictures out there where Gerard had the white Black Parade hair that would be perfect too. And a lot of pics from the early days where he looked like a young girl.

In fact, I think the first review I ever read of MCR was a show they did in NJ back in the Bullets days where the journalist said the lead singer "looked like Drew Barrymore in ET." LMFAO

There are numerous pictures of Gerard looking like a girl on the internet but the really funny thing is that on that blog the men really look like old women/lesbians.
So I think it should be a picture in which Gerard looks like a woman and not like a girl.
It's so hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree and the picture you picked was perfect. There are some where he doesn't even look like a lesbian. He just looks like a girl. Kind of pathetic really.

I like this picture because the first time I saw it I thought it should be captioned "Lesbians in Love."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they really look like scissor sisters in this.

Anonymous said...

That picture has always given me a Kurt & Courtney vibe.

Anonymous said...

They both look wild-eyed and scary in that picture. High on love...or cocaine?

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard must have some kind of circulatory disorder. Shirt, hoodie, jacket -- the only other person I've ever known who wears so many clothes at once was my Grandmother who used to turn on the heat in her apartment in August.

Anonymous said...

I think Gerard must have some kind of circulatory disorder. Shirt, hoodie, jacket -- the only other person I've ever known who wears so many clothes at once was my Grandmother who used to turn on the heat in her apartment in August.

Maybe he wants to avoid the stench under his armpits to reach other people's noses and that's why he wears as much layers as he can. ^_^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, hilarious.

Anonymous said...

They both look wild-eyed and scary in that picture. High on love...or cocaine?

My guess is love of cocaine.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe he just thinks he's badass that he doesn't care about heat exhaustion and dehydration like other rock dudes.

Anonymous said...

If he really was a badass, he'd be naked from the waist up and sporting a body full of tattoos and he'd be writing songs with names like "Crazy Bitch" like those dudes from Buckcherry that he posed with.

Those pictures crack me up because he's wearing more clothes than everyone else in the picture combined.

Anonymous said...

He can't go topless because of his manboobs and stretch marks.

Anonymous said...

He can't go topless because of his manboobs and stretch marks.

Kinda hard to be a badass when you have manboobs and stretchmarks.

Anonymous said...

Dont mention stretch marks, I got crucified on the last blog because I mentioned them!

Anonymous said...

Well, we'll all get them sooner or later. So what?

Apart from that, why should we always take the high road if they don't even care to consider that option?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, why should we be respectful of these guys when they aren't respectful of their fans? They go around blocking people for little or no reason and disrespect people who have differing opinions from them (it's art. suck it.), so why not say what we think?

Dude's got stretch marks and can't go shirtless. It's a fact. Suck it.
He also looks like an old lesbian. He can suck on that one too.

Anonymous said...

first time I saw it I thought it should be captioned "Lesbians in Love."

She looks like a man wearing lipstick.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Is there a Women Who Look Like Drag Queens blog?

Anonymous said...

That's a hideous pic of both of them. He looks hunched over and in a daze, she just looks weird.

Anonymous said...

Gerard definitely looks like he's on something in that picture. His expression seems so unnatural and his eyes look kind of wild. But then he also looked like that in their wedding picture. I thought Lindsey looked cute in the wedding picture, but she looks horrible here. Maybe being married to Gerard isn't good for her looks.

Anonymous said...

Gerard looks like he's leaning on Lindsey for support. He does look high, but Lindsey looks wild eyed too. Maybe it was the light?

Or you know, the cocaine?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah the "wedding" pic. She looked like the cat that ate the proverbial mouse to me.

Anonymous said...

This is the only picture I've ever seen of Lindsey where she looked even remotely natural. I think she looks kind of cute.

I thought maybe that she only wore the white foundation, red lipstick and black eyeliner onstage at the time, but every other picture I've ever seen of her proved me wrong.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just my impression but she appears kinda smug. Another thing I noticed is she never really likes to smile with an open mouth. She must be self-conscious about her teeth.

resurrected wreck said...

That justice of the peace still scares the hell out of me. I would have hater for that to be my wedding pic!

resurrected wreck said...


Anonymous said...

I hope they took better ones. I just didn't get the hurry to marry.

Anonymous said...

I think smug is just her natural expression. It's the closed mouth smile, most likely.

The only time I've ever seen her smile with teeth is when she does that stupid thing where she looks up and gestures with her hands like she's saying, "Oh my God! That's so amazing!" Lol. You guys have to know what I'm talking about. For some reason, that particular expression of hers annoys the hell out of me.

Anonymous said...

What I can't get is how they didn't even try to look decent for their wedding. It must have been pre-planned so they could have made some effort. Wonder what their daughter will think of the whole thing when she's older.

Anonymous said...

Think i'll go as a rabid emo MCR fan for Halloween. Complete with racoon eyeliner

Tiger Lily said...

wow all the pics of them in japan look sooo bad. all teenies will soon fade away.its just about time

they cant rely on anything now, new songs are horrible and they couldnt look worse .. there's nothing left for them now.its over

Anonymous said...

Is it true that KOL's label in the early days wanted them to look like poster boys, so they all grew their hair and tried to look as anti-teenie as possible? I think that was a good idea, they have so much respect now. Not for growing their hair, I mean for their music, but maybe if MCR had done things that way round and built up a fan base that didn't consist of thirteen year olds, maybe they would have that amount of respect.

They say looks aren't everything, but I suppose in the media, looks really are important.

I like that picture of Lyn-Z, she looks really wild eyed and scary. I also like their wedding picture, that scary woman sets it off a treat. Lyn-Z looks natural and pretty in that picture, without
the weird Jigsaw makeup.

Anonymous said...

The only time I've ever seen her smile with teeth is when she does that stupid thing where she looks up and gestures with her hands like she's saying, "Oh my God! That's so amazing!" Lol. You guys have to know what I'm talking about. For some reason, that particular expression of hers annoys the hell out of me.

I don't think I've seen that particular expression of hers, but now I really want to! LOL

seamusrabbit said...

She annoys the hell out of me full stop!

Anonymous said...

with teeth and she looks about eleven years old

Anonymous said...

tbh, they all look pretty stupid in that picture and like they all need a good bath.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that KOL's label in the early days wanted them to look like poster boys, so they all grew their hair and tried to look as anti-teenie as possible?

That is true. I've seen pictures of Nathan and Caleb when they were young and they were Back Street Boys All-American good-looking. The label wanted to capitalize on that but they were like, 'fuck that shit, we want to make music and we want to be in this for the long haul.'

Anonymous said...

I think they made the right move. I wouldn't call myself a KOL fan but I know people who are and their fan base does stretch across a wide range of ages. My uncle loves them and he's in his forties and I know guys at college and university who are fans. They're seen as a more serious band and not one that's package especially for young girls, like say, the Jonas Brothers. To me it seems like MCR wanted too much too soon. Maybe they should have stayed with Eyeball a little longer before signing to Warner.

I think MCR have had their moment and now they're on the long slide back into obscurity.

Anonymous said...

To me it seems like MCR wanted too much too soon. Maybe they should have stayed with Eyeball a little longer before signing to Warner

What I meant by that was they let themselves become the poster boys because they probably thought that would be the quick way to the money and more fans. That sort of audience is fickle, many kids grow out of bands really quickly and there's always someone 'cooler' who comes along.

Anonymous said...

Another thing KoL got right is they didn't come out and try to target a particular audience. They didn't try to preach any kind of message or anything to appeal to a particular group of people.

They do have an interesting backstory, and their struggle with the way they were raised vs. the wild life they led as rockstars comes through in their songs. They don't have to go on and on about it in interviews.

All of them used cocaine for a while and all of them quit, but they didn't use that to market their music. They might make an offhand comment about it in an interview, but they never get preachy or act like they're special because they quit (unlike you-know-who).

Anonymous said...

What I meant by that was they let themselves become the poster boys because they probably thought that would be the quick way to the money and more fans. That sort of audience is fickle, many kids grow out of bands really quickly and there's always someone 'cooler' who comes along.

Exactly. I think they've realized this, but now it's too late. It's just too hard to change horses mid-stream.

They already have a reputation as a band who appeals to teen girls and emos. It's going to be harder to ditch that image and appeal to a new type of fan than it would be if they were starting from scratch.

It almost makes you feel sorry for them.

Anonymous said...

I think it's odd that Green Day lasted as long as they did, because with Dookie they were labeled a youth oriented band, and while they weren't preachy like MCR they appealed to the same audience. Having a huge hit like Good Riddance probably helped. They seemed to be on the same path as MCR is now before they released American Idiot.

Anonymous said...

I think it's odd that Green Day lasted as long as they did, because with Dookie they were labeled a youth oriented band, and while they weren't preachy like MCR they appealed to the same audience.

There are many differences between MCR and Green Day, but one major one is that Green Day didn't just attract teenage girls. Their earlier work probably appealed to more guys than girls. They didn't really draw in lots of teenage girls until American Idiot, but by that time, they were already established as a very successful and critically acclaimed band.

They went through a slump with Warning, but, love it or hate it, American Idiot was an amazing record. It was a huge risk for them and it could have destroyed them, but they didn't really care at that point. I think the public could see that. They related to the genuine creativity and honesty.

Green Day has been accused of "selling out" twice now in their career, but they honestly just don't give a shit. They can do what they want because they've earned it.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people that liked 'old' Greenday don't like their new stuff, especially their latest album. I liked American Idiot but their new album to me seems like everything else that's being churned out these days.

I was quite annoyed around the time American Idiot was released because all these young kids started jumping on the bandwagon and all the girls thought BJ was hot and all the guys started dressing like him, which for me spoilt it. It's cool when a band gets new fans but sometimes the fangirls and fanboys ruin things by making them seem so tacky and childish.

I don't think MCR are ever going to get back what they had. They're going to have to bring out something completely mindblowing to attract any new fans.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous seamusrabbit said...

She annoys the hell out of me full stop!

September 13, 2009 7:04 AM

What is it that annoys you so much, seamusrabbit?
I'm just wondering because according to your same-named Twitter profile you are very much interested in Gerard and the other guys and converse with them in a very, very friendly manner.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to assume things but most of us here dislike her because of her hipocrisy as a faux feminist and her image as a braindead faux bass player in a superfluous band full of morons.
The thing is that neither of us can respect and tolerate Gerard and his lot in MCR anymore because of their connection to MSI.

My question is now, how can you hate Lindsey and still be so friendly with Gerard and the other airheads?

Anonymous said...

American Idiot stands up to repeated listening because I think the subject matter truly meant something to Billie Joe.

The Black Parade gets old fast because I think it was a just a bunch of pretentious bullshit that didn't really mean anything to Gerard. He was trying to be clever and artsy and although that might get people's attention, it rarely has any staying power.

I've said this before, but I don't think Gerard has a sincere bone in his body and I think that comes through in the music.

Anonymous said...

I bet if Billie Joe still had short hair and those wonky teeth the teenies wouldn't go so crazy over him.

Anonymous said...

I bet if Billie Joe still had short hair and those wonky teeth the teenies wouldn't go so crazy over him.

Lol. You're probably right.

I think the teenies were a temporary thing with Green Day though. They were just American Idiot bandwagon jumpers and they seem to have disappeared with this new record, at least here in the US.

I saw Green Day on this current tour and they're still one of the best live bands out there. The venue was packed and the fans were all ages, but there weren't a lot of teenies there. I also haven't seen Billie Joe on the covers of J-14 and other crap magazines like that this time around. The teenies in the US are too busy swooning over Rpattz and the JoBros to notice an old dude like Billie Joe.

Anonymous said...

The Black Parade gets old fast because I think it was a just a bunch of pretentious bullshit that didn't really mean anything to Gerard.

I agree, it got really boring after the second time I listened to it. I think the only song I liked on that album was Disenchanted. I've still got that song on my MP3 player but all their other songs I deleted. I threw out my MCR cds and LOTMS a while back. I normally get upset if I lose my CDs but I wasn't even that bothered when I threw those out. Hahaha.

To think, though, MCR have only released 3 studio albums and two live CDs. They're like babies compared to bands like Greenday.

Anonymous said...

The discography of Green Day, an American punk trio formed in 1987, consists of eight studio albums, six live albums, three compilation albums, three extended plays, two video albums and thirty singles.

LMAO!!! Poor Gerard, I bet that makes him feel so inferior.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Poor Gerard, I bet that makes him feel so inferior.

And Billie Joe is only, what? Five years older than Gerard?

Of course, Gerard has that amazing (?) comic, so maybe that makes him feel better.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. An amaaaayzing comic that's going to be an amaaaayzing movie (?!) and his amaaaaayzing wife and amaaaayzing daughter with the stupid name.

God, poor Billie, I bet he's the one that feels inferior now, lol.

Anonymous said...

The thing is that neither of us can respect and tolerate Gerard and his lot in MCR anymore because of their connection to MSI.

The MSI connection might have been the catalyst for a lot of us coming to dislike MCR, but I don't think it's the only reason.

I was seeing through Gerard's b.s. before Lindsey came along and since MSI came on the scene, it opened my eyes up even more to Gerard's contradictions and outright lies.

I could have handled him marrying into MSI if I felt he was still the same guy I thought he was in 2005-2006. But he's obviously not.

Anonymous said...

The MSI connection might have been the catalyst for a lot of us coming to dislike MCR, but I don't think it's the only reason.

I was seeing through Gerard's b.s. before Lindsey came along and since MSI came on the scene, it opened my eyes up even more to Gerard's contradictions and outright lies.

I could have handled him marrying into MSI if I felt he was still the same guy I thought he was in 2005-2006. But he's obviously not

I've seen through their bullshit the day Gerard behaved like a fan girl at the VMAs in 2005 towards those rappers. Since then I knew for a fact that all his feminist rants where never meant seriously.

What I meant here is that I find it weird that you can hate Lindsey without questioning Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. An amaaaayzing comic that's going to be an amaaaayzing movie (?!) and his amaaaaayzing wife and amaaaayzing daughter with the stupid name.

Lol. Yeah, I bet poor Billie Joe cries himself to sleep at night because his life isn't as amaaaaayzing as Gerard's. If only he had met Gerard's amaaaaaayzing wife before he met Adrienne. You know it's probably every rockstar's dream to marry a faux bass player who dresses like a little girl and wears Saw make-up.

Anonymous said...

What I meant here is that I find it weird that you can hate Lindsey without questioning Gerard.

You won't get any argument from me on that one. I don't see how anybody could not have gotten a clue as to what a fake Gerard was the day he decided to take the wifey's horrid band out on tour with MCR.

That was the end of MCR as far as I was concerned.

Anonymous said...

lol, I didn't even know Billie was married until I saw his wedding ring. There's loads of guys in bands that are married but don't bang on about it in every interview. I don't get why Gerard has to be so public about his private life. Announcing the birth of their baby and announcing that they got married would have been okay but he doesn't shut up about it.

I can't watch the Saw films now without thinking of Lyn-Z hahaha!

Anonymous said...

I don't see how anybody could not have gotten a clue as to what a fake Gerard was the day he decided to take the wifey's horrid band out on tour with MCR.

I was going to see MCR in November 2007, when they took MSI tour with them. I'm glad I didn't go now. I sold my ticket to guy who lived next door to my Nan, haha.

Anonymous said...

The way Gerard goes on and on about the wife makes me think he had some kind of agenda in getting married. He was trying to prove something. Either he wanted to keep the fangirls off him or prove he wasn't gay or both.

Anonymous said...

I liked the way Lyn-Z said on her Twitter that if she loves someone she doesn't let them go. Ever. That sounded like a hint to the fan girls to me, lol.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I thought the same thing when Lindsey said that on her twitter. It seemed kind of a bunny-boiler psycho thing to say.

resurrected wreck said...

Sounds creepy to me.

Anonymous said...

Gerard seems to go for the Psycho bunny boiler types.

Anonymous said...

I find it really hard to imagine that anybody over the age of 13 (who isn't mentally disturbed) would actually want Gerard.

seamusrabbit said...

What I dont like about Lindsey is her and her cronies in MSI, I have been a fan of MCR since 2004, and me and my daughter have seen them live 3 times. The last time was in 2007 when MSI were supporting them. I had never heard of them then, and I was appalled at what I saw and heard by MSI, we left and came back when MCR came on.
I am saddened by Gerard and his actions since he has met Lindsey, he has changed but it doesnt stop me from being a fan of him.
Does that make sense?
P.S. I'm not a middle aged fan who wants to bed him, I'm happily married with 2 grown up kids (and stretch marks!)

Anonymous said...

Fair enough, seamusrabbit. I was just curious.
And I've got stretchmarks too. HA!

Anonymous said...

The way Gerard goes on and on about the wife makes me think he had some kind of agenda in getting married. He was trying to prove something. Either he wanted to keep the fangirls off him or prove he wasn't gay or both.

Agreed. I think the whole thing is a scam.

Anonymous said...

I don't think MCR are ever going to get back what they had. They're going to have to bring out something completely mindblowing to attract any new fans.

Agreed, and they sure aren't going to be blowing anybody's minds with that Death Before Disco and Kiss the Ring garbage they played at their recent shows.

Born to Run, my ass.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, and they sure aren't going to be blowing anybody's minds with that Death Before Disco and Kiss the Ring garbage they played at their recent shows.

Born to Run, my ass.

Lol. Sounds like Geetard doesn't even try hard enough to make his music sound decent anymore.

Anonymous said...

What I said here a long while ago was that one of MCR's biggest problems is Gerard not being able to keep his mouth shut about his private life.
I compared him to Tom Cruise or even Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck back then.
Those celebrities overfed the public with their private lives so that the people weren't able to distinguish between their private or even public persona and the character they played in their movies.
If you listen to Gerard's lyrics which again seem to deal with his romanticizing of killing people and being an outlaw etc. it is really hard to get into the mood when you think of the singer being a fan of pegwarmers, Frankenberry cereals and is married with a baby.

It's completely impossible to listen to MCR anymore without being reminded of the verbal diarrhea Gerard is disgorging.

It will also become quite difficult for him to act like the crazy rawkstaa in front of the very young teenage fan crowd with wifey and baby at home.
They can give their babies as many unusual names and dress as punk-ish and messy as they want, but it won't change the teenies perception of them growing older and becoming the old pathetic farts teenagers don't want to deal with.

Anonymous said...

I think it's so funny that Gerard brought up Born to Run when he was talking about the new record. Brendan O'Brien has produced quite a few of Springsteen's recent albums.

Kind of like he wanted to be the next Green Day when Rob Cavallo was producing TBP.

Anonymous said...


4 kittens and a momma cat in the backyard. do i feed them? or is that ultimately a bad idea. my heart and my brain are battling.

turning into little edith beale is pretty much in the cards for me anyway. *going to buy cat food.

Ummm, what's she going to do when the cats start taking liberties and try to get into her house?! Her husband is allergic to them and they've been know to smoother babies in their sleep. She really has no brains whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

People have been telling her not to let them in her house or to "keep just one". Even her friend idecisean said that. I think she'd listen to him at least.

Anonymous said...

It only takes one cat to sufficate a baby.

Anonymous said...

I had one cat when I had my first child and she never bothered the baby at all. By the time my second child rolled around, I had two cats. Neither of them bothered him in the least.

I've known lots of people with babies and cats. I think the "cats suffocate babies" thing is a myth. Besides, all it takes to keep them apart is a closed nursery door.

Anonymous said...

This. And I don't think Lindsey is dumb enough to leave a cat, especially a wild one alone with a newborn.

Anonymous said...

Keeping feral cats isn't a good idea. Either you bring them in the house, tame them and get them neutered/spayed or you find someone who will. Five cats do turn into 20 cats in six months. In two years...well, you can do the math.

I understand her wanting to feed them and take care of them, but she probably needs to call in the local humane society unless she's willing to become an actual responsible pet owner. If Gerard is allergic that's not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

I think she's just trying to paint herself in a good light. "Oh look at me. I'm kind to animals. Aren't I just so amaaaayzing? Now you see why Gerard married me, right?"

I just find it hard to take anything that comes from these people on twitter as anything other than self-promotion.

Send a text. Write an email. Don't get the whole fandom involved in your kitty dilemma.

Anonymous said...

She'll probably have a bunch of girls offering to take the kittens off her hands. Imagine how thrilled you average fangirl would be to have a kitten who used to live at the Way house.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The cats might have fibers from the Way's carpets stuck in their fur! *gasp!

Anonymous said...

Who really gives a shit about some mangy cats in their garden?

IMO I think twitter is a bad idea. They say to kids 'don't give out any personal information on the internet', 'don't say what school you go to' and 'don't describe your school uniform to anyone' so that they're not at risk of being 'tracked down' by perverts. It's the same with twitter. If they give out too much personal info some psycho could put all these pieces together and know where they live and such.

I think GW has a picture of a car as his background on twitter. I hope that's not his real car as it looks like it's parked outside someone's house.

I mean, it's probably a little far fetched and over dramatic, but look what happened to John Lennon. Some 'fans' aren't right in the head and someone could go too far.

Anonymous said...

Sorry blogger won't let me make a link, but watch it just for the pic of mikey at the end. WTF?!? Lol, I've never seen that one before!

Anonymous said...

That picture caused quite a stir on lj when it first surfaced. Turns out it was made (photoshopped) by one of the mods on chemicalromance who used to (and maybe still is, I don't really know) be big into writing slashfic.

Anonymous said...

lol, I wondered if it was photoshopped.

Some people are really weird...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those girls who were always such a big fixture in the slash writing communities were/are the epitome of weird. I mean Waycest? Come on! Who gets turned on by the idea of two brothers together? I think that's the squickiest thing on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Urgh God I know! I think fanfic is weird anyway... I saw an interview where Gerard said he'd read a fanfic involving him and his bro and was pretty grossed out by it. I don't know what goes through people's heads sometimes, lol.

resurrected wreck said...

I've known lots of people with babies and cats. I think the "cats suffocate babies" thing is a myth. Besides, all it takes to keep them apart is a closed nursery door.

The cats-suffocating-babies myth comes from the fact that some cats do like to sleep across people's necks and faces (I've known more than one in my time). This isn't normally a problem in itself, until you take into account that babies don't have the strength to push anything off themselves. So it is possible for a cat to unwittingly suffocate a baby. Don't be too alarmed though, I don't think it's a personal thing cats have against little humans.

Anonymous said...

Cats suffocating a baby? Are you fucking joking? You have to be joking, or coming in here to try to make VV's look bad.

We are not that stupid. We know that cats don't suffocate babies. We really, really, really do know that.

That said, there is a HUGE difference between "stray cats" and "FERAL cats."

Look it up, please.

Anonymous said...

Cats do not kill babies, people.

I think Lindsey as as thick as whale blubber, but seriously. SERIOUSLY.

Anonymous said...

That said, there is a HUGE difference between "stray cats" and "FERAL cats."

Lindsey compared herself to Edith Beale who was known for having a home overrun with FERAL cats. Look it up, please.

Anonymous said...

While the American Humane Society's suggested method for controlling the feral cat population is to trap them, spay/neuter them and then return them into the wild, it is very possible to tame a feral cat.

A mother with babies might be an abandoned cat (and therefore classified as a stray) and open to being adopted. The babies, although technically feral (having been born in the wild) would be young enough to adopt.

I've known people who have managed to tame feral cats. It's not easy and I certainly wouldn't recommend it to a family with a very young infant, but it can be done.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Lyn-z isn't stupid enough to let bandit play with a stray/feral/flea ridden cat...

Anonymous said...

Is anybody else watching the live feed from the VMA Red Carpet? It's cracking me up, but so far I don't think I've seen anything as stupid as the year MCR arrived in a Brinks Truck. Precious Cargo, my ass.

Does anybody know if Kings of Leon is going to be there? I know they're nominated, but it doesn't seem like the kind of thing they would care about. Not that I would mind seeing them.

I know Muse is going to be on it, but they aren't actually there. They're doing their performance via satellite, I think. I guarantee it will be better than MCR's horrible performance back in 05.

Anonymous said...

lol, it makes me laugh when people say Gerard sounds awesome live. I think he sounds out of breath and screechy.

Anonymous said...

Gerard's awful live. I remember being so disappointed in that VMA performance. I remember people saying that he was upset that MCR didn't win anything and that's why the performance wasn't good.

I went on to spend the next year and a half listening to excuses for why his live performances always seemed to suck. Then I finally realized that he just isn't much of a singer.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, Kings of Leon are there. I saw Caleb's girlfriend in the audience. I guess they just didn't want to make a big splashy entrance on the red carpet. I love those boys.

Anonymous said...

^Lol, sorry. I know that wasn't related to anything. *embarrassed face*

happyXamp said...

my neighbor had a bunch of feral cats. Now i don't know about countries like Germany or the UK but here in America when we pcik up feral cats we have to watch out for Feline AIDS and Feline Lukemia it's killed 4 of the last 6 cats i've brought home.

Just thought i mention this but there's a qoute on a GD fanfic sullenriot about how he would read them occasionally but that was mor Tre's thing.

Also to whoever was joking aorund that BJ must have felt inferior... He just celebrated his 15th wedding aniversary... There's a interview that stands out in my mind.. it's on YouTube somewhere...

Someone from the audience asked them what they thought about people asking about their kids and home life and BJ answered that he'd rather not becuase he didn't want to embarass his kids. He's said that in a bunch of interviews actually

Anonymous said...

It was me that said he must feel inferior, I was being sarcastic, lol.

Most marriages don't last that long, let alone ones where one half of the couple is away for however many weeks of a year.

I wonder if GW and Lyn-Z are going to make it to fifteen years?

happyXamp said...

i didn't mean to chew you out... i just wanted to point that out

Lynn said...

Lindsey compared herself to Edith Beale who was known for having a home overrun with FERAL cats. Look it up, please.

I think Lindsey feeds those poor cats up to the house and skins them and uses them for Gerard's hair weave.

happyXamp said...

if that's true someone better call PETA although they might not care cause of GW going aginst what he said for them

Anonymous said...

If anybody ever doubts Green Day's validity as one of the best rock bands in the world, they should watch a video of their performance at the VMA's. It put MCR's pathetic performance to absolute shame.

Gerard is a fool. The day he thought his shitty ass band could compete with these guys is the day he totally lost his mind.

Anonymous said...

From Pink's Twitter:

Kanye west is the biggest piece of shit on earth. Quote me.

about 2 hours ago from UberTwitter

Everyone with a twitter needs to retweet this.

Anonymous said...

What did Kanye do THIS time???

"I think Lindsey feeds those poor cats up to the house and skins them and uses them for Gerard's hair weave."


Anonymous said...

It was horrible to watch. Taylor just stood there not knowing what to do afterwards. Later she was crying backstage.

Beyonce won the award for Best Music Video at the end of the night and she called Taylor back out and told her she could have her moment back.

I never cared for Beyonce up until tonight. She showed a lot of class.

Anonymous said...

I knew Gerard's head looked like my the mats my cat used to get.

Someone needs to report Lindsey to the ASPCA.

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